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Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:36 am


"Can I get some privacy please?"

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed May 29, 2024 7:24 am

Micro Pride

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue May 28, 2024 6:39 am


Morning cup of joe

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue May 28, 2024 6:37 am


Just taking in the view during a little rest

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue May 28, 2024 6:35 am


Just another teacher who is shrunk after one of her students somehow gets ahold of an ancient, discarded piece of alien tech that has the ability to shrink things. You know, that old chestnut...

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue May 28, 2024 6:31 am


“What? Don’t look at me like that. It is well known that a common side effect of shrinking is a temporarily insatiable appetite…because of science n stuff. So, are you just going to stand there or you going to pour me a thimble of milk?”

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue May 28, 2024 6:29 am


When you’ve been shrunk to two inches in size and you’re out for revenge.
Nothing is going to stop you…not even the sprinklers.

Re: pics

by DocRick » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:48 am

Nice pics. You've been busy.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:13 am

When you get slipped a black market mini pill while out for drinks, so now its your daughter who chooses what you wear

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:07 am

Teensy Fever

Monica huffed as she struggled to climb up her son’s bed. The boy was really going to need to start making his own. Being a mother at this size was a real workout and now, even the mundane task of cleaning up after the kids had turned into a sweat induced workout.

It had been a month since the doctors told her that she contacted Teensy Fever. A cute name someone came up with for the shrinking virus. Luckily no one else in the family shrunk. They had all gotten the virus and while everyone had the flu like symptoms, it was only Monica that had started to dwindle in size. It wasn’t surprising that the kids didn’t shrink as that part of the virus rarely affected children. Though the young mother was hoping that she would be like the majority of the population and just get a mild fever. Instead she was going to need to buy a whole new wardrobe. She hadn’t had a spirt of shrinking in five days and her doctor told her that it was a good indication that the shrinking had come to its end. Monica was grateful for as humiliating as it was at her new size at least she was still larger than her kid’s toys.

After the immense struggle of making a kid’s bed, the little mom stood atop the bed and looked around the room, pretending for a moment that she wasn’t the size of a toddler. A warm, pleasurable, tingling sensation swept over her body and felt cool air hit her bare bottom. With a sense of dread, she knew that another shrinking spirt had just occurred. The few pairs of tailored clothes Monica had ordered on the internet would now need to be returned. Even the tiny thong she was wearing was starting to loosen as the room grew just a hit higher.

Of course, it was in that moment when her son walked through the door, home from school with a few of his buddies in tow. The boy and his “little” friends guffawed at the tiny woman mooning them from her son’s bed.

Monica could feel the heat rise in her cheeks as Greg walked up to her with a bemused smile. “Did you get another shrinking spell little lady” he said and tussled her hair like she was a little girl caught playing in her parents room.

Little lady, that was what her son had taken to calling her she started having to look up to him by the 8th or 9th shrinking spirt. Not mom or mommy, it was cute names he would think up like short cake or little britches, anything that reinforced that he was now the bigger one.

Monica had just hiked her oversized pants when Greg picked up the shrunken woman from under the arms. She let go of the jeans in surprise, grabbing his large hands.

“Wow, your all the more lighter now little britches.”

Monica heard Greg’s friends chortle at that. Seems a tiny pantless woman dangling helplessly in a boys arm is not the pinnacle of respect today’s youth look up to.

It baffled her how strong and imposing the kids were to her now. Even her youngest would now have no problem physically dominating her if the girl so pleased. Greg’s hands felt so large and strong that she didn’t bother with trying to resist.

Monica did her best to assert herself yet when speaking, she hated how little her voice sounded. Rather than the confidence voice that came from authority, she felt it sounded more like a subordinate meekly requesting an unreasonable favor from her boss. “Um Greg, honey? Would you mind putting me down?”

Instead of complying, Greg reached under her, cupping Monica’s bare bottom and bring her close. Her legs went to the sides of his waist and her cheeks flush at how she must look like some girl being picked up by daddy.

“See, I told you she’s gotten allot smaller since you guys last saw her.”

Greg presented her to his friends who goggled at her small form, not bothering with subtlety the only way kids could manage. The two boys, Trey and Matt looked impressed and jealous at the same time. Envious that Greg got to have a shrunken mother while theirs were still normal sized and lame.

The little woman wanted to bury her head in Greg’s neck, embarrassed at all the attention while he walked her to the door, patting her bottom reassuringly.

He set his mom down and she got the opportunity to stare up…way up from her new size. Though it was probably only 3 to 5 inches she just lost, the change in perspective felt significant. He squatted down as to better speak with her but still managed to be taller.

“Don’t worry about trying to make my bed mom, I can do that. But if you’re wanting something to do, why don’t you go get us a few juices from the fridge.” Giving Monica a wink, he pinched her cheek and gave her behind a firm pop with his hand, sending her on her way.

Rubbing her bottom while scurrying to the fridge, Monica considered, it was only a few weeks ago when it was she giving the orders. Always making sure the kids were in line with gentle but firm hand…but now? When it came to being a single mom, Monica was finding out that size in fact, does matter.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:02 am

When your trying to adjust your doll dress and your niece and nephew walk in.


Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:01 am

The Shrinking Flu

When you are having fun exploring the house at your new size, but forget that the kids only had a half day at school brought their friends over


Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:58 pm


When the alarm goes off and you groan at having to get up and go to work. Then remember you are now a mini and don’t have to worry about big people responsibilities before snuggling back into the covers.


Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:53 pm

"See, I can manage to bathe myself without any issue. So you don't have to keep treating me like a baby!"

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:52 pm

When the missing teacher is closer at hand that people thing.

It a wonder why James has been doing so well of late on his math test

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:51 pm

It had only been a month since Sarha Henerson had shrunk yet the authority dynamic of the household had been turned upside down. Just because the state deemed Sarah’s oldest son as her guardian now, the boy believed he was in charge. Of course, by all evidence that did seem to be the case. She had lost her clothing privileges for the weekend because of “talking back too much”. Tommy said he would consider letting her have underwear come Monday if she could show that she was a “good girl.” The boy really did love lauding his newfound authority over the tiny mom.

Amy was having a sleep over this weekend and as embarrassing as that would be in her current state, perhaps she could get her daughter or one of her friends to let her keep the doll dress that they would inevitably force her in.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:49 pm

A mysterious beam shoots through the window and strikes a teacher as she is finishing up for the day. The once 5'8 Ms. Henderson has become the next victim of the "Deviant Diminisher" that has been shrinking people at random across the state, leaving them vulnerable and at the mercy of whoever might find them. Of course what this criminal might not know is that Ms. Henderson has been dreaming of this as long as she can remember.


Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:47 pm

Penny Thompson sighed, leaning on the milk jug and enjoying the cold sensation spreading across her bottom. She watched her children run out the door to catch the bus. Such a chaotic trio who made more messes than she knew what to do with. There had always been a bit of chaos when it came to her family, but what was one to expect when she had become pregnant so young. Starting a family at 16 usually means there is going to be a little turbulence. And sure, a few months ago when she was normal sized the single mother could stay ahead of it, but what was she supposed to do now?

It wasn’t like they didn’t know how to pick things up. They were picking her up all the time. Even her youngest Samantha could carry her around like a baby and she did often. It was still hard to believe how much a 5-year-old could tower over her now. The tiny mother would also find herself on the hip of her 9-year-old middle child Cassie. While Samantha treated her mom like of her many babydolls, Cassie treated her more like a little sister. Often admonishing her for climbing up on things things, claiming that it was dangerous. Penny thought the girl was just enjoying feeling of authority over her smaller mom. More than once, Cassie had placed her Penny in timeout, confining her to Samantha's old mesh playpen. A formidable prison of towering soft walls to the diminished woman. At least she hadn’t been put over the knee…though both of her daughters had joked about it a time or two. The thought always sent a shiver down Penny’s spine.

Her oldest was Jake was at least helping keep his younger siblings from getting too rowdy. Cleaning aside the 11-year-old boy had done a good job of taking some of the parental responsibility…perhaps too good. The boy was not immune to treating his mother differently now that she was so changed. Before he would have to reach up on tip toes to kiss her cheek goodbye. Now he would pick her up and give the top of her head a peck, occasionally even a pinch on her bottom. Every time she tried to admonish him for it he would just say, “Then quit being so adorable.” Penny couldn’t help but blush at that. If anything good had come from the shrinking virus, it was that she had obtained a few adorable points to add to the stats.

After a few more musings she decided it was probably high time to get some help around the house. Perhaps the kid’s babysitter could step in and help with chores for extra pay. Hells she would give a dollar just for someone to pick her up off this dirty table.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:44 pm


“Good morning babe, are the kids up yet?”

Heavy thuds of feet hitting the floor and echoing yawns answered Rob for her.

Samantah smiled as she felt her husband. “Happy to see me love?”

Rob grinned as he continued to hold her tightly, “Always.’

Samantha playfully slapped his arm, “Stop it you little horn dog, the kids are getting up, the roof might be lifted at any moment.’

“Aww we have time, worst come to worse well just say we were play wrestling, that seemed to work well enough last time.’

Samantha rolled her eye, “Oh you’re the worst.”

Yet even as she insulted his single minded male brain, Samantha led him back to the bedroom of their re-furbished dollhouse they called home.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:33 pm


Cassidy Miller was a high-power executive at in one of America’s fortune 500 companies. The only thing she put before work was her kids, who she loved dearly. Too many times work had got in the way of spending time with her family, but that was all about to change.

The young mother contracted the shrinking virus while attending a business conference in Honk Kong. Her rated immunity had been so high that doctors had told her that if and when she contracted the virus, there would be nothing to worry about. A mild cold would be the worst symptoms to expect.

She did catch a fever on the second day of the conference but never considered it might be SV. When she woke up the following morning, it took her a full 5 minutes to climb out her of giant pajamas bottoms and come to the realization that she had shrunk.

By the time Cassidy had been found and arrangements made for her trip back home, she was already behind schedule in attending her daughter’s birthday. She had promised her little girl that her mom would be there. Tiny or not she didn’t plan on breaking that promise

Cassidy did not know how her kids would take finding out their mom had been shrunk. The last thing she wanted to do was scare them. Thinking there was a way to make it a memorable birthday for her daughter, she called ahead to her maid Rosa to make arrangements as the toy sized woman was rushed back home.

The young mother had no doubt it had been a memorable birthday for her daughter. When the young girl opened up her first present, she found a doll size woman dressed as one of her favorite princess characters on the Nickelodeon show “The Tiara Squad.”

It caused a commotion to say the least. Her daughter cried, but at least by presenting herself as a toy rather than an unfortunate shrinking victim, they had been tears of happiness
It certainly was a learning experience for the doll woman. Turns out people don’t listen to you like they would normal sized, and despite protest Cassidy found herself passed around from child to child as her daughter’s friends all wanted to hold the once tall, imposing woman.

Luckily Rosa was there to keep things from getting too out of hand, and even though she had been endlessly poked and prodded by cake covered finger, Cassidy was glad she had been the cause of so much joy and excitement.

Cassidy was happy to have the joyous day with her kids, despite it being quite humiliating at moments. She wasn’t sure what the future held for her. Would she be able to continue working at her job? Would she still be considered a competent adult? The virus had brought up many legal questions across the country regarding care and responsibility.. There were even some cases in states where it was the kids of shrunken parents that became the legal guardians. She hoped that presenting herself as a gift to her daughter was in no way a foreshadowing of her future. Then again, perhaps it would be better than the government coming in and deciding who should care for her. Maybe her maid could take on more responsibility in raising the kids and she would be what? A toy mom?

These were questions for tomorrow. Today was a day of carefree fun and doll sized shenanigans for Cassidy Miller.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:39 pm


Ah boys will be boys. Tommy and Jason were certainly guilty of that. Always playing pranks and spending their fair share in timeout. But when playing at the local quarry, the pair find a random box of very expensive and highly regulated mini reduction pills produced by MinCorp.

What are a pair of young whipper snappers to do with such a unlikely yet amazing find.

Susan yelled at the boys to quite down while they played in her son’s room. The pair had been overly energetic today, even for them. Jason’s mom Tammy had come over to pick up her son and the two women were enjoying a much needed glass of wine while they shared in the latest neighborhood gossip.

Normally it took a few glasses for either woman to feel anything yet for some reason both had a pleasant flush to their cheeks within the first few sips.
After seeing each other struggle to keep their shoes on while their clothing continued to become increasingly baggier, they both understood that something was amiss and knew exactly who to blame.

By the time they had made it up the stairs both women were eye level with the discarded toys with only their panties wrapped around them like colorful togas.

The women were astonished and horrified that Tommy’s younger sister Heather hadn’t even seen the women as she stepped of her room sporting her ballet leotard and tiara before skipping down the hallway to play in some imaginative game of princess make believe. Both women were indignant after picking themselves back up from nearly being stepped on by the towering young giantess.

The now tiny mothers had been pounding on the giant door for 10 minutes straight before it swung inward causing them to fall flat on their faces.

Tommy looked down and saw what looked to be two doll sized bottoms wiggling in silky fabrics. Reaching down the boy collected his best friend’s toy sized mom as well as his own.

“Jason! You’re not going to believe this, it totally worked!”

Re: pics

by starslayer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:50 pm

these are always a treat

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:34 am


Gloria was one of many victims of the sizedroxy cut medication pushed out a few years ago. It was a pill that promised fast result for anyone looking to loose weight. Though it did end up having a 100 percent efficacy when it came to weight loss, there were some who lost more than just fat. Half a year after taking her first sizedroxy pill, the young mother could walk under her toddlers play table without having to duck her head. Even her youngest kid’s old clothes were laughable large on her. Though it was quite the change in perspective, Gloria couldn’t help but be happy that her midsection was noticeably slimmer and that the any extra padding she had been carrying had been burned away. Sure her own kids could put her over their knee and send her to timeout but at least she would look fit standing in her naughty corner.

Re: pics

by DocRick » Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:46 pm

McShrinker wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:39 pm

Please remember that SV has changed so much in our society that it is important to be aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. With the increase of SV victims misguidedly refusing assistants at government shrinkee shelters, many are creating communities in the wild. Understand that a simple camping trip for you might be quite the imposition to the smaller people underfoot.

Re: pics

by McShrinker » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:39 pm


Please remember that SV has changed so much in our society that it is important to be aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. With the increase of SV victims misguidedly refusing assistants at government shrinkee shelters, many are creating communities in the wild. Understand that a simple camping trip for you might be quite the imposition to the smaller people underfoot.
