Wabash School for Wayward Girls

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Wabash School for Wayward Girls

by shrinker_s » Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:43 pm

Note that these are works of fiction\fantasy.
Contains – SW, NC, Minors, Violence.

Danny pulled into the drive with his delivery car.

He was on his last few deliveries for the night. He was tired and looking forward to getting home and getting some sleep. He had been working double shifts with all the business the pizza place was getting with the Covid-19 lockdown.

He walked up to the front door. There was a sign by the door, “Wabash Home for girls”. Danny knew of the place, basically for girl juvenile delinquents from all over the country. The locals were not happy with the place being around, but it had been around for years. Now with the lockdown Danny had seen anyone of the students or faculty around for the past few weeks.

Well everyone, but Josh, he had been the assistant to the old grounds keeper. Danny had previously only seen him out front working as he drove past the school. Now, since the lockdown, Josh had been ordering pizzas and quite often.

Danny rang the doorbell and Josh answered the door. The two exchanged cash and pizza and Josh was about to close the door when Danny smiled and asked, “Don’t let those girls drive you crazy with the lockdown?”

Josh stood for a second and then smiled, “Do you want to see something cool?” he asked opening the door a little wider.

“Sure” answered Danny, walking in before even a thought.

He followed Josh down a hallway and into a large central room. There was a big screen t.v. with a couch and coffee table in front. What caught Danny’s eye was a small table off to the side with what looked to be a Hamster Cage.

“Nice t.v.” said Danny.

“That’s not why I brought you in.” smiled Josh. He waved his hand towards the cages “Take a look at what’s in the cage.”

Danny stepped up and looked into the cage and couldn’t believe his eyes. The cage held four naked mini women. They all looked to be various ages, he guessed ranging from fourteen and older.

“What the….” Whispered Danny leaning over. “Are those real people?”

“Well they use to be ‘real’ people,” Josh replied, “but now they’re Just minis.”

Danny noticed while almost all were hairless in the crotch, the size of their breasts ranged from D cups to just budding A’s. One girl was getting a drink of water from the hamster drip water feeder, the others were seated leaning against the back bars of the cage. Two looked to be sleeping, the other looked up at the two faces with a blank expression.

“Where did they come from?” asked Danny.

Josh replied, “They were the girls staying here, well most of them.”

“Why are they naked?” was Danny’s following question.

“Dude,” chuckled Josh “minis don’t wear clothes.”

“I don’t get it.” Said Danny.

Josh explained. “Interesting story, spring break starts, faculty leaves, but generally the girls have nowhere to go so they stay here. Typically, its only two weeks and the teachers come back. Well then the lockdown happens and it’s just ‘old man’ Johnson and me managing the facility for the duration.”

Josh moved his arm indicating the building the two boys were in. “Did you know he owns this place. The whole thing.”

Danny replied that he didn’t.

Josh continued. “Well then the ‘social distancing’ regulations came out. Turns out, he was one of the few private citizens with a licensed, and legal, ownership of a Matter Modification Devise, an MMD. He contacted the state, explained that he couldn’t meet the “Social distancing” requirements unless he used the MMD. He got approval almost instantly and we just walked room to room shrinking and collecting.”

“The girls just let you strip them down and put them in cages?” asked Danny.

“Oh no….” laughed Josh. “the ‘old man’ explained that they would only be minis till the crises was over. Each girl had a cage with water, wheel, all the toys. My job was to feed the minis, and collect their dirty clothes, was them, and return them to the owners. What a pain in the ass. When they took showers in the sink, I had to turn my head, they never gave me a peek.”

“But then about two weeks in; the old man starts to get sick. So, I’m taking care of this place, the girls, and the old man.” Josh looked a little sad, “They took him to the hospital, he’s in a coma.”

“Dude, I’m sorry.” Said Danny quietly.

Well, on the bright side, I’m the one here. I got the passwords to all the school accounts. Old guy had them written right next to the keyboard. The best thing is I have the MMD, and for now, the minis’.”

“And their clothes….” Danny spoke.

“Oh, I was sick of washing clothes, so I just went cage to cage and took them. It wasn’t like they could stop me. Especially when I threw some of the really fat ugly ones out the window to survive on their own. Having no clothes in the way makes it easier to do what I want with them.”

Danny looked at Josh, “Like what?” he asked.

Josh smiled. “Ever play with finger puppets?”

Josh lifted up the door at the top of the cage and reached in. He grabbed the girl that had been walking away from the water bottle and lifted her out. The mini didn’t struggle, obviously she had been picked up like this before.

Josh flipped the girl over on her back in his left hand. Josh used the fingers on his left hand and separated the girls legs with practiced ease. He took the pinky finger on his right hand and inserted it into the girls pussy. When reaching the first knuckle Josh lifted the woman up so that she was being impaled by the intruding digit. Josh wiggled his pinky finger back and forth moving the intruding digit deeper into the mini girls stomach. For her part, the mini girl grunted in pain, but tried to keep calm and breath till a point of stoppage occurred and the finger could go no deeper.

As the girl had seemed to reach a stopping point Josh continued. “The real cool part is that the state pays me $25 dollars a week storage fee to keep these mini girls here. I’m making some good coin.”

Danny looked at the cage, “You’ve spent more than $100 this week alone in pizza.”

“Oh, I make more than $100 dollars.” Smiled Josh. He held his left hand up with the mini girl impaled and in a falsetto voice said, “Follow the bouncing mini.” and led Danny to the next room.

Danny stopped; he couldn’t believe what he was looking at. The room was far bigger than the one he had been in. However, what caught his eye was several tables placed end to end, on each were cages.

“What the heck…” said Danny as he walked up to the closest cage. Sitting within the cage were three mini girls. All different ages and all naked.

Danny asked, “How many minis do you have here?”

As Josh pulled his finger from the mini, and casually dropped her into the cage. “Oh, it started with about forty girls, after getting rid of the ‘ugoes’ of course, but during the past weeks I started to add a few more.”

Danny held up his hand, “I’m lost, how is this legal.”

Josh talked as he walked down the row of cages casually giving each cage a little tap. Danny noticed that the girls in the cages all seemed to flinch a little as he tapped each cage.

“Mini law isn’t well known to the public, but pretty straight forward, ounce a person becomes a mini they have none of the rights of the human. In fact, there are more rights to cats and dogs then these little one.” He stopped and turned towards Danny “Basically all I do is shrink them, send some information to a small government agency in Washington, and they take care of the rest.

“What about family, friends, loved ones?” asked Danny.

“They are basically told to just deal with it.” Said Josh coldly. “And I they decide to do some investigation on their own…” Josh stopped in front of a cage and gave it a little harder tap. “That’s allowed me to add more minis to my collection.”

Danny look into the cage Josh In the cage were three minis. As all the others, they were naked, but didn’t have the ‘mind broken’ stare the other minis had. ‘Maybe they haven’t been here long enough’ thought Danny.

What Danny did notice is the well-developed breasts, and hips, indicating that they were older than the residents of the previous cages.

Josh smiled, “I sent out a few emails to selected teachers that they needed to return. Others are either showing up to check on their kid staying here, or the local hospital sends them over to get a room for the night.”

“The hospital?” asked Danny.

Josh spoke as he reached in a grabbed one of the minis. “Oh, I have a friend that works the desk there. She sends an occasional person out my way. In exchange she gets to swing by occasionally and bring a mini home to play with. Here, do you want to hold one?”

Danny took the offered mini in his hand. At first, he was gentle with the mini, but as the mini struggled in his hand it almost felt like holding a mouse or hamster. He felt the muscles and bones move under his fingers. He had to tighten his grip. He took his thumb and ran the tip over the mini’s body. He did stop at the nipples of the woman’s breast as he pressed and messaged the flesh, he could feel implants underneath, that explaining the size, and shape, of the breasts relative to the minis body size.

Josh saw the expression on Danny’s face and said, “yeah, it’s weird. The shrinking process only works on biological objects, and a small amount of area around the objects. The clothes, the implants, fillings, and anything else close or inside the flesh get shrunken down. However, I can shoot at a whole car and only the people inside get turned to minis, but the car stays the same size. Totally weird.”

“Go ahead,” smiled Josh, “give her a poke, it’s not like she could stop you.”

Danny’s exploration brought his thumb down the minis body to linger at the space between the woman’s legs. The expression on the mini’s face showed that she felt Danny’s finger on her most private area of her body. She was struggling even more so Danny had to tighten his grip. Almost accidently Danny’s thumb began to slide into the mini’s pussy. The face on the mini changed from anger to pain as the equivalent of a babys head was being pushed back up into her womb.

The sqeeking equvilant to a scream had Danny quickly pull the intruding digit out. The mini was crying at the violation that had happened. Danny almost felt bad for what he did. Almost.

Danny looked up to Josh, “So you just keep them around to play with?” he asked.

“Oh, there is more.” Said Josh with a smile. “I’ve discovered a huge underground market for minis, and since most of the MMDs are under government control minis for private purchase were pretty much non-existent.”

“So you sell them?” asked Danny.

“Not yet,” said Josh. “I’m still working out the details like shipping, payments, stuff like that. But yes, I think I’m going to start selling these little ones and make some real cash.” He chuckled, “I’ve even had offers from guys who want me to shrink their wives so they can remarry.” Josh laughed, “I could start a business ‘private mini maker’. Got someone causing you big problems? Give me a call and I will make them become small problems.”

The two laughed at the joke.

“Oh,” said Josh walking over to another cage, “I’ve even taught some of them to do tricks.”

Josh tapped the cage in front of him getting the attention of the occupants. The two minis must have known it was their que and they stood in the center of the cage.

The first was a mini looked to be a woman in her late thirties. She was very tall, even for a mini, long legs and a tight body. Danny thought he recognized her as one of the teachers, he had seen here teaching the girls volleyball that explained her height. Her breasts were not big, but still perky, typical of female athletes. Here long blond hair was bobbed at her shoulders, and her pussy had a nice clean look, typical of the repetitive waxing done by females the play sports requiring tight shorts or bikinis.

The second mini was much shorter because she was obviously much younger. Danny could not guess the age, but it had to be in the early teens. Her brunette hair was long, and looked to be slightly ratty, like having had multiple showers, but very little combing after. As she stood next to the other woman her budding breasts didn’t really move as she breathed, again another sign of her young age.

The two looked up towards the two giants looking down at them.

Josh smiled and spoke down to them. “Hey girls, show my friend here the trick I taught you.”

The younger girl broke out in tears as the older mini lowered her head in shame. Then the older mini turned towards the younger mini and placed her hands on her shoulders. She turned the younger mini to face her and whispered something Josh and Danny couldn’t hear. The older mini then placed her hands on the younger mini and pressed down causing the younger mini to her knees.

On her knees the younger mini’s forehead was directly at the older mini’s crotch. The older mini shuffled forward and the pressure of her pussy against the forehead of younger mini caused the younger minis head to turn upward resulting in the younger mini’s mouth to come up against the older mini’s pussy.

“See,” said Josh, “They fit perfectly. Took me a while to find two that did.” Even as he spoke Danny saw that the older mini had begun to gyrate her hips up against the younger mini’s face. For her part, the younger mini was working her jaw, and all its parts, into the older minis pussy.

As the two watched in silence the older mini grabbed the younger minis head and began to move her hips more aggressively. The sound of grunts from the older mini could be heard. The where not necessarily grunts of pleasure, but more grunts of working towards a goal. It reminded Josh of what you hear in a porn. The movements of the hips got more and more intense and then the woman’s body spasmed as a gush of fluid came out of the older minis pussy. The squirting fluid showered over the younger minis head, soaking down the younger minis’ hair.

When the older mini released the younger minis head, the younger mini fell down to her side coughing and spitting out the pussy fluid that had run up her nose, and down her throat. The older mini stood over the girl, she knew not to move until Josh walked away.

Danny noticed that in the excitement of the action he had reinserted his thumb into the pussy of the mini he was holding. He looked down and saw digit had gone up to the knuckle and the stomach of the mini was bulging out. Danny couldn’t remember if he heard any screams, but the mini looked to have passed out from the pain. Danny pulled his thumb out.

Danny looked at Josh, “So you are training them to do tricks?” he asked.

“Some,” said Josh, “But I don’t really have a lot of time. I always have new arrivals to break in.”

“New arrivals?” asked Danny.

“Like these two over here.” Josh guided Danny towards another cage. Inside the cage were two minis. Both had red hair, and freckles. It was clear that they were related, most likely sisters. The two were huddled into the corner of the cage, holding each other with obvious tears in their eyes and looks of fear on their faces. They had been stripped down to their bra and panties by Josh; since Danny was fairly sure that they didn’t arrive at the school that way.

“These two showed up just this morning” said Josh. “Their parents got killed in a car accident last night. I guess they have an Aunt that had been contacted to collect them, but they could not stay at the hospital. My girl had the police bring them to stay here. I wonder what the Aunt will do when she’s told not to bother picking these two up. Maybe she’ll turn up looking for them. That will be fun.”

Josh looked at the mini in Danny’s hand and smiled. “Hey, do you want to borrow a few, I got some extra cages, you can take your pick.”

Danny looked around at the cages of naked mini women. He handed to mini in his hand to Josh. “I’d like to, but I got to get back to work.”

Josh smiled, “No problem dude, come by when your done with work and I’ll set you up.”

Danny looked again at the inventory available, “Is that even legal?”

“Dude,” laughed Josh guiding Danny towards the door. “They’re minis, we can do what we want with them.”

“Yeah, ok” said Danny “I’ll swing by after work.”

“Great, I’ll see you then.” Said Josh, then closed the door.

Danny walked down the driveway towards his car when another car pulled up.

Danny saw the Uber sticker as it came to a stop. Along with the driver three people stepped out. Danny had to cross paths with them as he walked to his car. One was a middle aged, yet still extremely attractive woman. The other two were obviously her teenage daughters. To Danny’s delight the daughters with not only extremely hot like their mom, but twins. The mom stepped up to Danny with a smile. She had chestnut hair that flowed down to her shoulders, a loose pair of pants, and a matching blouse. While the clothes she wore were loose, they fit to show that her body beneath was tight. Danny did notice that the woman looked a little tired, almost haggard.

For their part, the twin girls were looking down at their phones. Danny cold only guess at the age of the girls, but it was clear that they were just starting to enter true womanhood. Both had matching outfits of tight jeans, and tight t-shirts. The shirts fell short of the waist of the pants showing they both had belly button rings to bring attention to the firm waists.

“Excuse me, are you….” The woman looked down at a piece of paper in her hand “Josh?”

Danny smiled, “Oh no, I’m just the pizza delivery guy, Josh is inside.” He noticed that the Uber drive had pulled three suitcases from the trunk of the car and set them down.

“Oh I’m sorry.” Said the woman just realizing the Danny wore a pizza delivery uniform. “I’m a wreck, my husband is in the hospital under quarantine. The orderly mentioned me, and my daughters, may be able to get a room.”

Danny smiled and indicated the front door. “Josh is in the front room now, I’m sure he can find room for the three of you. He’s got lots of space.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Said the woman. “Come on girls let get settled in and we can visit your father later tonight.” The two girls looked up and they were definitely hotter than their mom. The girls picked up their suitcases and started up the walkway to the front door.

The mom smiled at Danny one more time “I just realize that we haven’t eaten for quite a while., I get the feeling we’re going to be ordering some pizza before heading back to the hospital.”

“Well then I guess I’ll be seeing you soon then.” Said Danny getting into his car.

Danny pretended to be working on something in his car as he watched the mom knock on the door. Josh opened the door, spoke a few words with a smile and ushered the women into the house. Before he closed the door, Danny caught Josh’s eye and waved. Josh looked back at the three new arrivals and a smile came over his face and he gave Danny a thumbs up then closed the door.

Later that day, after Danny finished his shift, he pulled back up to Josh’s house.

Josh met him at the door, didn’t even bother to invite him in. Josh handed Danny a hamster cage with three minis’ inside. One with long chestnut hair, the other two identical twins. Josh told Danny to have fun and just be sure to wash them off before he brought them back.

Danny laughed at the joke and started back to his car.

Josh did Danny and solid and left the clothes on the minis. The twins huddled together as Danny placed the cage in the passenger side seat of his car. The mother grabbed the bars of the cage and started to plead for help.

Danny just couldn’t resist to urge. He looked down at the minis and smiled. “I thought you and your girls were hungry? Well I’m about to take you three to café’ Danny. Where you will be dining on a high protein liquid diet for the next few days. It will get a little messy, so I’ll be removing your clothes, to keep them clean. Oh, and sense I don’t have any plates, knives, forks, or spoons your size I get the feeling you’ll be licking most of your food off of each other bodies.” Danny reached for the dial of his radio, “But those are details we can work out when we all get back to my place. Meanwhile, how about some music.”

Danny turned the music up to drown out the pleading and crying. He was pretty sure the next few days were going to be fun. He may even have to call in sick tomorrow.
