SW Flash Fiction Anthology

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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by jeffrey-dallas » Thu Dec 02, 2021 3:13 am

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology
Post by FifteencentiKim » Thu May 28, 2020 4:43 pm

Magic interrupted
Is there still any chance that this will be continued? (grovel)

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by jeffrey-dallas » Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:23 pm

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology
Post by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 29, 2020 6:34 am
Bobascher wrote: ↑Fri May 29, 2020 1:29 am
Awww...we were so close that time too!
LOL! Well, I actually do have a longer short story with Emma Watson in mind, some time in the future!
Did anything come out of this little nugget? :D :ray_gun

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:21 pm

TheReducer wrote:
Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:24 pm
Very good stories.
Now I'm going to take a cold shower.
coldshower.jpg (87.69 KiB) Viewed 9320 times

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:10 pm

(A shout out to Bobascher for this inspiration)

Waiting on Aladdin

"Any day now, Bob will make a wish," the Djinn sang as Bob reached for the remote.

The Djinn (not Jeannie or Jean, but always Djinn, Bob had learned the hard way) didn't look old enough to know that old Ronnie Milsap song. Heck, that song had been an oldie in the youth of Bob's grandfather, and Bob only knew the song because his grandfather had raised him.

But the Djinn (who refused to give him a name, because "names had power," she told him) was at least twenty-five hundred years old, having been a mortal girl in the ancient city of Pasargadae before being cursed by a powerful wizard. That was the Djinn's story, anyway. But she could be lying. All the stories Bob had ever read about Djinns said that they were constantly trying to trick mortals. Of course, why would she lie about something like that?

When Bob had released the Djinn from the crystal container he had found, he couldn't quite believe his senses. A very beautiful if tiny woman appeared (only twenty centimeters tall, by Bob's estimate) had appeared, and offered to grant him three wishes, within certain parameters.

As the Djinn started listing off the restrictions, Bob just stared in wonder at her. Bob was sure he was being pranked by somebody, and that the Djinn was just some type of sophisticated doll being remotely piloted by somebody.

Then the Djinn started doing magic tricks. Small "freebies" to "verify her credentials," as she put it. The Djinn didn't seem to be put out by having to grant minor wishes gratis to prove she was a djinn. "You're a product of your age," she said with a shrug. "I've gotten used to it."

When the Djinn produced an incredibly rare playing card for his game deck, she announced, "Well, now that I've established my djinn-hood, what will your three wishes be?"

Bob almost rattled off three wishes then and there, but he stopped himself. The being in front of him wasn't the product of a high tech animation studio. She was an actually, living, breathing djinn. The stuff of myths and legends.

And from what Bob remembered of legends, djinns were creatures not to be trusted. They excelled at turning the wishes of mortals against them.

So instead, Bob stalled for time, asking the Djinn about herself and her race. Surprisingly, the djinn was very forthcoming.

When Bob asked the Djinn about the reputation of her Race, she shrugged and answered, "That's pretty much an exaggeration."

Bob noticed she didn't say it was untrue. Which meant he would have to be careful what he wished for.

Bob asked why the Djinn didn't become full-sized. She again gave a gallic shrug and answered, "It's a long story. But most Djinn will a physical oddity associated with the curse that made them djinn. Mine is my size."

Bob wanted to know more about this shrunken curse, but didn't push it. That was one of the restrictions put on him. He couldn't use one of his wishes to learn more about the djinn race than the Djinn was willing to share. Nor could he use any of his wishes to alter the djinn in any way, either physically or mentally. Which was a shame, Bob reflected. He was already having lascivious thoughts about the Djinn that he wouldn't mind exploring, either at her present size or her normal one.

So when Bob said he needed some time to think about his wishes, he expected the Djinn to disappear back into the crystal container he had found her in. Instead, she just nodded and began following him around, either walking, flying or even appearing/reappearing in a puff of smoke at different locations.

At least she had the decency not to follow him into the bathroom.

When Bob settled down on the couch to watch some television, the Djinn perched herself on his left knee. Bob thought about jostling his left knee to get the attractive tiny being to slide down on his crotch. The thought of the Djinn's tiny body "riding" his erection made his member grow hard. Unfortunately, the Djinn had already demonstrated the ability to do magic, even if it was unassociated with a wish. Bob shuddered to think what an irate Djinn would do if she were unceremoniously dumped on his hard-on.

So Bob tried to ignore the Djinn sitting on his knee as he watched television. The Djinn sang a little parody song about Bob finally making his wishes before settling down and watching the television herself.
BobAndTheDjinn.jpg (85.28 KiB) Viewed 9336 times

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by TheReducer » Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:24 pm

Very good stories.
Now I'm going to take a cold shower.

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by Bobascher » Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:24 pm

I’d be thinking “happy birthday to me!”

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:09 am

The Further Adventures of Marvel Boy

Unknown to me, my "adventure" started off with the Marvel Disappearance three years ago. Until I got my birthday present a week ago, I knew about as much as anyone did about the incident.

I was fifteen years old at the time when it happened. Like most of the world, I was looking forward to Avengers: Endgame coming out. The studio folk decide they were going to make the premiere a production that would border on being a spectacle. Everyone who had ever appeared in a television show or movie that was related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe was there. This included all the X-Men stars, everyone from previous Marvel based movies...you name it, if the studio could get them there, they were there. This included actors and actresses who were being considered for the New Warriors TV Show, which was at the time a "concept being considered," or something like that. Pam Anderson was there from that Stan Lee TV show from fifteen years back. David Hasselhoff was there, since he had played Nick Fury for a TV movie. I think they had even managed to fly in a few people who were the subject of episodes of Stan Lee's Superhumans.

Like I said, everyone was there.

So, as everyone knows, the Disappearance happened when all the actresses who were in "that scene" posed together in their various gowns and dresses. You know what scene I'm talking about. The scene that was supposed to be the "girl power" scene of the movie Avengers: Endgame, and ended up getting edited out because of the Disappearance. And which, of course, was almost immediately everywhere on the internet when the scene got edited out.

And, as everyone knows, at that very moment, all sorts of lights started flashing all over the place, and then everything went dark.

When the lights came back on, the first thing everyone noticed was that three of the women posing for the group shot had disappeared. Evangeline Lilly, Zoe Saldana and Pom Klementieff were gone.

And wherever they had disappeared to, they had left their clothing behind. All their clothing, including jewelry and underwear.

They weren't the only ones who had disappeared, but they were the three everyone immediately noticed.

Well, as everyone remembers, when people looked around and saw the woman they were talking to had disappeared, there was a general panic. Because bad things aren't supposed to happen to A-Listers at events like these.

So once they got everybody calmed down and patched up, they started trying to figure out who had disappeared. If everyone had remained calmed down, they would have known who had disappeared earlier. Not that it would have made any difference.

And as you probably remember, there was no rhyme or reason on who disappeared. The youngest were in their twenties, but one actress in her seventies disappeared as well. The only two things they had in common were the fact they were all women, and they all left their clothes and jewelry behind when they disappeared to wherever they disappeared to.

Well, three things actually. Every woman who disappeared had appeared in some Marvel production. It might have been a cameo role in a pilot that never aired, if the actress disappeared, she had been in a Marvel production.

Okay, it was mean, but I know me and my friends weren't the only ones making jokes about naked septuagenarians running around.

There were lots of rumors going around about how the women had been disappeared, and why they had disappeared. Sexual slavery was the most interesting theory, but me and my friends immediately discounted that possibility. Seriously, if you wanted sex slaves, why do you leave Elizabeth Olsen behind and kidnap a seventy year old woman, even if she had been a Playboy Playmate a half a century ago.

The how was even weirder. Everything from alien abductions to time stop technology was suggested, but nobody could figure out how it was done.

Three years later, no one was any closer to the truth.

Well, almost no one. Me, I found out the truth.

It was my eighteenth birthday, and I had a great time hanging out with my friends and family. Yep, I had a great time with my family. What can I say, I enjoy hanging out with my family. Anyway, I got a great bunch of presents and one really weird one from my Uncle Joe.

So, you know that uncle you always read about in stories like this, who is the black sheep in the family, but who's traveled all over the world and always gets you the coolest presents? That wasn't Uncle Joe. Don't get me wrong, Uncle Joe was a nice enough guy. He was a stage magician who was good, but not good enough to get beyond playing magic clubs and such. At least he wasn't having to do kids' parties.

Uncle Joe always gave interesting gifts, but not great ones. My room was wallpapered with vintage posters advertising magicians from the first half of the twentieth centuries. I have all sorts of ring tricks and other trinkets in my room as well. I mean, they're interesting and all, but they're not the sort of thing that you look forward to receiving on your birthday.

So when I got an envelope from Uncle Joe with a key to a storage closet at the local storage business, I politely said thank you and promised Uncle Joe I would go "open" my present alone.

Okay, listen, I do appreciate my Uncle, and I thought it was kind of cool, him trying to add an air of mystery to his birthday present to me, but I wasn't too overexcited. I knew it was just going to be another poster, or maybe some kind of low level illusionist trick, or something like that.

So that weekend, a gaming session I had planned with my friends fell through, and I decided to check out locker my uncle had given me a key to. When I got to the storage units, the guy in front told me that the key was to one of the smallest units in the complex, no bigger than a broom closet. In addition, I had to walk through a long labyrinth to get to it.

I just hoped whatever was in the closet wasn't going to have to be something I would have to drag all the way back outside.

So I got to the closet, opened it up, and found...

Another poster.

Insert dramatic sigh.

The poster was hanging on the far side of the closet. It was a faded brown, with a classic style magician depicted on it. The magician in question was waving his wand over a glass dome, under which were a small collection of tiny magician's assistants. You know the kind, the ones who are skimpily clad in sequined costumes that are meant to distract you while the magic trick is being pulled off.

With another dramatic sigh, I stepped in the closet to pull the poster down.

As soon as I touched the poster, the world around me disappeared.

I mean everything disappeared. I don't know how long I was in the blackness, but when the light finally came back on, I knew I wasn't in the broom closet anymore.

I was in some really big underground room. I think it was underground, as the walls were rocky. The light emanating from the ceiling was coming from these pearly white fixtures, and looked like natural daylight.

But the big thing in the room was this really, really REALLY long table in the center of the room. There was this light blue arau over the table. Inside the aura were all these little model buildings. Like the ones you see scaled down for train sets and such. As I walked over to the table, I saw that the little model town had little model people walking around, all of them looking to be about fifteen centimeters tall.

Except these model people looked real. As if someone had taken real human beings and somehow shrunk them down. Which was impossible, of course. But that's sure what it looked like.

And there was something else about these tiny model people. They were all tiny female model people.

Tiny beautiful female model people.

Tiny nude beautiful female model people.

I just stared at all these beautiful tiny nude women walking around, talking with each other, doing other activities, as if they didn't have a care in the world. And without exception, all the women I could see were young, fit and with long hair reaching down to their waist. I didn't think about it at the time, but none of them had tattoos, and each one had a strip between their legs. Not a patch, or completely shaved, but a strip of shaped hair between their legs.

They seemed oblivious to my presence. Then one of them spotted me.

She started shouting (or at least I thought she was shouting) and pointing at me. Pretty soon, all the tiny women were looking up at me.

None of them seemed scared, though. They were all waving at me, and looked to be shouting something, but I couldn't tell what.

As I just stared (and drooled) at the crowd of beautiful tiny naked women, I spotted a face in the crowd I suddenly recognized: Milana Vayntrub.


In retrospect, there were probably other faces in the crowd I should have recognized. But in my defense, not all the ladies were there, not all of them were actresses I would have recognized, and I wasn't really looking at faces.

Anyway, I remembered Milana had been slated to play Squirrel Girl in a new Marvel television show, before she disappeared. I think she did other shows and movies, but I mainly recognized her from the commercials she did for a phone company. Or maybe it was an insurance company. I can't remember.

As soon as Milana noticed I was staring right at her, she started bouncing up and down (which definitely got my attention), then pointed at me.

I suddenly realized she was she wasn't pointing at me, but pointing behind me.

I turned around and saw what looked like three roulette wheels, a small one inside a medium one inside a large one.

I turned back and looked down at Milana, and pointed at the wheels. She grinned and nodded.

I turned back and stared at the wheels, wondering what in the hell I was supposed to do.

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:01 pm

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Sun May 31, 2020 11:50 am
Lacey Chabert was so cute when I first saw her as Penny in the Lost in Space movie. She was my choice to play the lead when they announced the Alita: Battle Angel movie SO many years ago (that obviously had to be dumped as the years went on... and on... and on). Lost in Space-aged Lacey would be on my list for a Land of the Giants movie if they decided to genderbend the Barry character.
SW Lost in Space. I'm going to have to give that some thought. I'll have to rewatch the Netflix Lost In Space. Judy and a giant robot?
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by jeffrey-dallas » Sun May 31, 2020 11:50 am

Lacey Chabert was so cute when I first saw her as Penny in the Lost in Space movie. She was my choice to play the lead when they announced the Alita: Battle Angel movie SO many years ago (that obviously had to be dumped as the years went on... and on... and on). Lost in Space-aged Lacey would be on my list for a Land of the Giants movie if they decided to genderbend the Barry character.

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Sun May 31, 2020 5:38 am

A Small Contest

"The rules are simple," the disembodied voice began.

"Wait, what rules," Lacey shouted out, not sure what was going on.

Just a few minutes ago, Lacey had finished a day of filming for her latest Christmas movie. It seemed that most of her movies these days were made-for-TV Christmas movies, though she was transitioning from romantic Christmas movies about princes in disguise to being the single mother being wooed by a one time flame. Lacey didn't mind, though. The work was good, and the movies made people feel good. Nothing wrong with that.

Lacey had gone back to her trailer, planning to take a little nap before heading home. When she woke up, she felt disoriented. Her first thought was that she had slept through the alarm, and the reason everything looked so dark was that it was night.

Then she looked down at herself and realized that wasn't the explanation.

Lacey recognized the "outfit" she was wearing was one she had worn when posing for a men's magazine more than a decade ago. She reached up and found her hair was longer than she was wearing it now. She somehow felt different as well. The little aches that were second nature to her, that she had accumulated over the years, had disappeared.

Before she could react, a voice sounded from the darkness talking about rules.

The voice responded to her protest by answering, "The rules are for the combatants, not the prize."

Suddenly, the lights came on, and Lacey found herself suspended over the ground inside a cage. She was hanging from a limb of a large oak tree. There was a clearing below, in the middle of what appeared to be an old growth forest. Inside the clearing were two huge men.

Of course, to someone of Lacey's stature, most people looked huge. She was only five foot three. The two men below, by comparison, were huge. Maybe it was the confusion and the fear that had started to creep in, but Lacey thought the men were six foot six, easily, and well muscled besides.

At the mention of the prize, both men looked up at Lacey. One of the men was older looking, in his late forties, or early fifties, with a close shaved head and a receding hairline. His hair was silverish gray and he had the coldest gray eyes. He looked at Lacey once and then returned his attention back to the other man.

The other man stared at Lacey longer. He was a younger man, with long, dark stringy hair and a face that made Lacey's skin crawl just looking at it. And the way the younger man looked at her made Lacey want to wake up from what had to be a nightmare.

"As I said, the rules are simple. The first combatant to kill the other combatant wins the prize. In addition, he will win a chance at shelter. The combatant who wins the prize will also have the chance to win other prizes. He may do what he wishes with the prize, either when normal or enhanced."

"What do you mean by enhanced?" the older man asked.

As if to answer his question, there was a thunderclap, and both men began growing. Lacey watched in disbelief as each man and his clothing began expanding, until each man was at least twenty-five foot tall, if not taller. Lacey suddenly realized that each of these men was now eye level with her cage.

The younger, greasier man realized this too. He leered at her, grabbed his crotch and said, "I'll be with you shortly, sweetheart."

"Begin the fight," the disembodied voice announced.

The fight was over before it begun. The greasy younger man rushed the older man, who put him on the ground without blinking. There was an audible 'snap' as the older man tossed the younger man to the ground. The younger man laid on the ground, unmoving, his eyes empty.

"Which way to this shelter?" the older man asked.

A green arrow appeared in the clearing.

"Will I get answers when I get there?" the older man asked.

"If you can defeat the challenge," the disembodied voice answered.

With a nod, the older man began marching in the direction the green arrow pointed.

Lacey hadn't wanted to be anyone's prize, especially the younger man, but neither did she want to be left out in the middle of the woods all alone, stuck in a cage.

"Hey, wait, you can't leave me here," Lacey shouted.

The older man turned back, studied Lacey, then shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, but I'm going to carry you. I can't have you slowing me down. Unless you got something I can carry her in?" the older man asked the air.

A bag with a strap appeared. The older man put the strap over his right shoulder, then opened the cage holding Lacey. Without a word, he grabbed her around the waist, pulled her out of the cage, and unceremoniously tossed her in the bag.

"Be quiet until we get to this shelter," the giant instructed Lacey. "I need to concentrate until I get us into this shelter."

Lacey kept quiet, cowering down into the bag. She desperately wanted to wake up, but had a sneaking suspicion that she wasn't going to be able to.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Sat May 30, 2020 5:22 pm

(Another story inspired by a Bobascher creation! Thanks again!)

Milk bath

"Oh, you don't know how much I've been looking forward to this."

These normally wouldn't be the words you would expect to hear from a beautiful, scantily clad Latina who suddenly found herself only fifteen centimeters tall and standing in an oversized mug of warm milk. But the circumstances that brought Diane Guerrero into the oversized mug of warm milk weren't normal ones.

The giant looming over her merely bowed his head and answered, "We aim to please."

Diana reached for the hem of the wet top plastered on her torso then paused, giving the giant a coquettish smile.

"Shall I excuse myself?" the giant asked.

"No, I think this is going to be one of those weekends that I'm going to need your full support," Diana giggled, as she pulled the top over her head and off. Diana spun around, making her full, firm breasts bounce, while her dark nipples hardened from excitement and exposure. Diana then bent down and slid off her skimpy panties, allowing the giant to view her tight butt and the tiny strip of hair between her legs.

Diana was very happy to see the very noticeable lump form in the crotch of the giant's slacks as she handed him her clothes. The giant might be a professional, but Diana was always thrilled that she could affect him as a man.

"Have the rest of my clothes arrived, Joseph?" Diana asked as she sank down into the mug, resting on the built in seat along the mug's "wall."

"Of course, Diana," the giant responded. "Was there a particular outfit you wished once you're finished with your bath?"

"Just a towel," Diana answered. "You have the mint soap for my shower?"

"Of course, Diana," Joseph answered. "And, if you are of a mind, I have a salmon recipe I would like to try out on you. Served at the table on the beach."

"That sounds lovely, Joseph," Diana answered as she sank a little in the milk bath. "I do have you for the weekend, don't I?"

"You have me for as long as you need me," the giant replied.

"Good answer," Diana chuckled. "I won't need anything for the moment. Maybe just a little music. You know my mood."

"Of course," Joseph responded. A few minutes later, the strains of Isaac Albéniz's Op. 165: España for piano began drifting in. I really need to thank Laura again for introducing me to Joseph next time I see her, Diana thought to herself, before allowing all her thoughts and tensions to drift away.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 29, 2020 7:09 pm

(Although Tina Tempest did a superb job writing a short short that inspired the Bobascher picture below, I thought I'd give a swing at writing a little flash fiction for it as well).

A Small Trap

As soon as Kirk heard the click, he knew it was a trap.

He spun around, slamming his weight against the door that had locked behind him, but it was too late.

"Damn you, Harry Mudd!"

"Now, now, me boyo, shouting isn't going to help the matter," a voice chuckled from the other side of the door. "You're just going to have to shuffle through to the other side. And trust me when I say, Kirk, you'll be happier, the Federation will be happier, and I'll certainly be happier with the handsome finder's fee the Iplautillins are paying me. Well, have to run!"

Kirk pounded the door once, but he knew Mudd was already gone, and any more shouting on his part would do no good, and would potentially harm the morale of the crewmembers with him.

"Carole, Uhura, there has to be maintenance access panels in this room. See if you can find him." The two officers nodded, taking opposite sides of the room and began running tricorders over every square centimeter.

"Captain, I may be able to help. I was initially trained as a communications tech before attending administrative and flag writing training," the remaining crewmember in the room offered.

"I would appreciated that Yeoman Rand," Kirk responded with a nod and what he hoped was an encouraging smile. The blonde yeoman smiled back before going to confer with the other two women. After a quick exchange, the blonde yeoman took a third wall and began examining it.

Kirk watch the yeoman, feeling guilty. Only two weeks ago, Starfleet Personnel had assigned Petty Officer First Class Janice Rand as his personal yeoman. Kirk thought that tradition had fallen to the wayside when Nero had attacked the Federation, and Starfleet was having problems filling even the bare essential positions.

Apparently, though, Starfleet felt the position was still needed, and the commanding officer of the Enterprise especially needed one. The usually cocksure James Kirk suddenly found himself uneasy with allowing Rand to take over what Kirk was used to doing for himself. The fact that the yeoman was just the sort of attractive young woman Kirk would have gone after if she weren't a member of his crew made it even worse.

Kirk had brought his Yeoman along on what he thought was going to be a fairly boring diplomatic mission with the newly contacted if somewhat mysterious Iplautillin Kingdom.

The meeting had been arranged by a merchant and trader named Harcourt "Harry" Mudd. Kirk had never met the man before, but Mudd had an unsavory reputation that preceded him. Somehow, though, Mudd had weaseled his way into the good graces of the Iplautillins, and the Federation needed Mudd's service. So Kirk had to put aside his uneasy feelings and work with Harry Mudd.

Things immediately went wrong when the away team arrived on Cufusble VI, an outpost world of the Iplautillin Kingdom. Although no direct contact have ever been made between the Federation and the Iplautillins, video transmissions showed that they bore a remarkable similarity to humans, and that their society was a matriarchy.

Kirk beamed down to the Cufusble VI with Uhura, Carole Marcus, Janice Rand, Harry Mudd and a small security team. Almost as the away team arrived, there was an explosion, and contact with the Enterprise was lost. Mudd was in contact with the Iplautillins, who advised a rebel faction had attacked the meeting, blocking all contact with the outside world. Fortunately, the Iplautillins were prepared, and had a prepared room where Kirk could contact his ship safely.

Another explosion separated the away team from its security personnel, and Harry started running. Kirk and the three women followed him, which is how they had landed in a trap.

As Kirk joined the search for some kind of escape, there was a bright light and the room shook. Kirk watched wide eyed as Janice Rand shrank while simultaneously being launched up and out of her clothes.

Instinctively, Kirk reached out to catch Janice as she began falling downward. He caught her without a problem. Except he found himself holding a nude Janice Rand and looking at her very shapely and very bare miniaturized bum, with his thumb planted squarely on her right butt cheek. The surprised look on Janice's face as she crossed her arms over her breasts showed that she knew precisely where her commanding officer's thumb was.

Kirk hurriedly put Janice down on top of her uniform on the floor. Janice immediately dove for cover under it. At the same time, Uhura and Carole crawled out from underneath their oversized uniforms, careful to use the material to cover their bodies.

"Captain, what---?" Uhura began, but before she could finish her question, a female voice filled the room.

"Greetings, Captain and crew of the USS Enterprise. Please be advised that we mean you no harm. We wish only friendship with the Federation. However, before we proceed, we need to see your captain's penis."

"You need to what?" Kirk responded, as the strange took a turn for the ludicrous.

"We will need to see all of your body, Captain Kirk," the voice advised. "But we definitely need to see your penis."
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Fri May 29, 2020 11:34 am

Bobascher wrote:
Fri May 29, 2020 6:29 am
Awww...we were so close that time too!
LOL! Well, I actually do have a longer short story with Emma Watson in mind, some time in the future!

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by Bobascher » Fri May 29, 2020 6:29 am

Awww...we were so close that time too!

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Thu May 28, 2020 9:43 pm

Magic interrupted

If Emma Watson had had a scene coming up, she wouldn't have risked it. But she had been told all the reshoots involving her were done. And since it was, Emma allowed herself to indulge in a cup of drinking chocolate.

As she watched the bustle of activity, she felt a bit bittersweetness creep in. If all the reshoots went well, today would be the last day of filming for the final installment of the Harry Potter franchise. It was literally the end of one part of her life. A part that she was going to miss, but also a part that had opened up a world of opportunities to her.

As Emma drank her chocolate and mused, her thoughts were interrupted by someone yelling out "Hey Emma!"

Startled, she looked up to see one of the extras pointing his wand at her. As soon as he saw her looking, he grinned and shouted, "Parvula nudus!"


One moment, Emma was there, the next she was gone. Or rather, her body was gone. Her sweater, her pants, her underwear, everything she had been wearing, was in a pile where she had been standing.

Nearby, a security guard had watched the whole thing develop and had rushed the extra as soon as called out Emma's name, but it had been too late. The security guard tackled the extra and got the wand out of his hand before he bound the man's hands behind his wrists.

As other security personnel swarmed the area, the original guard ran over to where Emma's clothes were piled. Shaking his head, the guard produced a wand of his own and began muttering some words.


The world was a kaleidoscope of colors and a cacophony of sounds for Emma for what seemed forever, until everything came into focus again. But when it did, it still didn't make sense.

For one thing, she was completely nude. For another, everything was huge. Everything. Which included the twenty meter tall guy looking down at her grinning.

Emma belatedly realized why the guy was grinning. Her right arm crossed over her breasts while her left hand covered her crotch while she tried to squeeze in on herself.

"What? How?" she managed to ask the giant, who just continued grinning as he pulled his shirt over his head.

"Well, if you haven't figure it out yet, Miss Watson," the giant began, as he kicked off his shoes, revealing a pair of bare feet, "Magic is real. Magicians are real. Oh, there aren't whole magical societies existing in plain sight, as it were, but we're here." The giant unbuckled his belt, pulled it through the loops, and tossed it aside. "We have some rules and guidelines and such, but for the most part, the main rule is just to stay undetected. Nobody is strong enough to take over the world and enslave the non-magical populace, but nobody really wants to. We just want to have fun."

"And speaking of fun," the giant said, sliding his slacks and jockeys down and off, revealing a prodigious erection that Emma estimated must be as big or bigger than herself, "While you were still in the neighborhood, and since you're done filming, my brother and I decided we would have a little fun with you. He's the one who sent you back to our flat. He'll be back in a little bit. In the meantime," the nude giant said, reaching for a cringing Emma, "Let me offer you a ride on my Nimbus 2000. You're going to be riding it until you get a hold of the Golden Snitch."

The giant's fingers were brushing Emma's body when she disappeared. With a scream of frustration, the giant ran for his clothes, but froze in place when his door burst open, with a wand wielding woman leading the charge.

The world was pure chaos for another undetermined amount of time for Emma. When she reappeared she was still nude, but at least she was normal sized. She immediately realized that she was in her own dressing trailer, with a wand wielding security guard standing in front of her.

The guard immediately spun around, looking away. "Your clothes are on the couch. After you get dressed, we'll need to have a little talk."

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Wed May 27, 2020 3:25 pm

SirLurkALot wrote:
Wed May 27, 2020 4:10 am
This is some collection. Something for every taste.
It helps when you have different voices in your head waiting to tell their tales! :P

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by ensmallen » Wed May 27, 2020 4:10 am

This is some collection. Something for every taste.

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by Bobascher » Wed May 27, 2020 3:27 am

Beautiful and respectfully researched!

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Wed May 27, 2020 1:17 am

Tiny window of opportunity
(with thanks to Bobascher for providing yet another inspiration!)

"Now don't everyone press in at once," Dr. Wilson said, as she invited the students to look through the magnifying glass at the pozychalʹnyk. The tiny young woman who was the subject of the scrutiny preened as she turned around, displaying her homemade skirt. But the pozychalʹnyk were known for their bright and decoratively detailed clothes as well as producing the most beautiful pysanka (Ukrainian easter eggs) in the world. Legend even had it that Peter Carl Fabergé had a small entourage of pozychalʹnyk working for him at his jewelry firm.

Whether he did or not was a matter of conjecture. What is known that the only known community of pozychalʹnyk in the world had not left the village of Dzembronya in more than a century. And neither Nazi or Communist, Tsarist or Oligarch, had been able to bypass the protective magic around the Dzembronya pozychalʹnyk. The only reason that Zelyvateya had accompanied Dr. Wilson back to America was Zelyvateya was a naturally curious girl about the world around her, Dr. Wilson had spent more than two years among the Dzembronya pozychalʹnyk and had the trust of that community's leaders, and Boston University was known worldwide for its magical words and its thaumaturgy programs.

So even though the terrarium that Zelyvateya was currently dwelling in might look innocuous enough, it was filled with enough magical protection that would be the envy of the world's superpowers. This included enchanted gems that would detect those with less than savory thoughts about little Zelyvateya.

Which was why Hondo Tonekings was hanging back. Hondo didn't need Dr. Wilson's class, not even for his general requirements. But Hondo had always fantasized about the pozychalʹnyk. Fantasies that were definitely NC-17. And though Hondo knew he would never be able to realize his fantasies, even being this close to a pozychalʹnyk was enough to provide maturbatory fantasy material for years to come.

Hondo wasn't the only one hanging back. A second person had sinister aims toward tiny Zelyvateya as well. But where Hondo's fantasies would have disgusted Zelyvateya and her giant protector, the designs the second person had on Zelyvateya would have absolutely horrified them.

But at present, Dr. Wilson and Zelyvateya were blissfully ignorant of the two, Instead, Dr. Wilson was focusing on translating "Californian" for a confused Zelyvateya as a Stanford transfer student peppered the pozychalʹnyk with questions.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 25, 2020 10:40 pm

Bobascher wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 4:34 pm
Excellent work Kim as always! Thank you for your support of the community!
The community supports me, so how could I do less? :)

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by Bobascher » Mon May 25, 2020 4:34 pm

Excellent work Kim as always! Thank you for your support of the community!

Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 25, 2020 2:12 pm

(The following is a story inspired by a creation by Josh The Cyborg. And I'd like to thank Josh and all the writers and artists on this site who show their love of the SW genre by creating stories, pictures and the like for the rest of us to enjoy)

Shrunk is the hunted

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" a booming voice sounded from far away.

Anna did nothing of the sort. But the owner of the booming voice didn't expect her to.

Anna still didn't know how it happened, but she was sure what would happen if Matt found her.

Six months ago, Anna Tanaka moved in with the Crandall family, to finish out her senior year at Eastbirch High School. Laura Crandall was her best friend and Laura's parents thoroughly approved of their friendship. When Anna's mother got a promotion that would require moving the family to the East Coast, Anna and Laura cooked up the scheme of Anna moving in with the Crandall family until Anna started college.

It was perfect. Well, it would have been perfect if it hadn't been for Laura's younger brother Matt.

Matt's parents called him Laura's Irish twin, and was one year behind Laura and Anna. Matt could have been okay if he wasn't so creepy. As soon as Anna moved into the Crandall home, he was always trying to get peeks at Anna when she was dressing or coming out of the shower. Of course, he was always careful enough to do so when no one else but Anna could catch him at it. And Anna was so embarrassed by Matt's attention, and was so grateful by the Crandalls opening up their home to her, that she never told anyone. She just worked hard at making sure she was never alone in the house with Matt.

It had worked fairly well until one Saturday morning, when the Crandalls were going to visit one set of grandparents for the weekend. Anna thought Matt would be gone as well, but at the last minute, he had faked a stomach ache to stay behind.

Anna hadn't known Matt was in the house when she woke up. She had taken a long, leisurely shower and had just changed into her underwear when it happened. In the blink of an eye, she found herself eighteen centimeters tall. And a booming voice on the outside of the bathroom door that Anna recognized as Matt said, "I'd ask you to unlock the door for me, Anna, but I know you can't reach it anymore. Don't worry, I'll be in to scoop you up in second."

Fortunately for Anna, the bathroom had two entry doors. Even more fortunate, she wasn't completely petrified by her new situation. So by the time Matt had opened one door, Anna had slid under the other and disappeared into the house.

And that was how Anna had found her way into Melissa Crandall's room, the Crandalls' nine year old daughter and youngest child. Anna was on a shelf, among Melissa's various dolls, when she heard Matt's voice call out. She froze in place until she heard him call out again. She sighed a sigh of relief as his voice indicated he was moving away from her. Looking around, Anna tried to decide where the best place to hide was.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 25, 2020 10:19 am

(And another Bobascher inspired story!)

A Small Birthday Present

The wizard Tim looked around the field, getting grumpier by the minute. He might be getting on in years, but he wasn't senile yet, not by a long stretch of decades. It was a simple enough spell, really, and she had to pop up in this vicinity, after all.

Still, he couldn't find her, and he was already late to his favorite grandnephew's eighteenth birthday party. Tim was so frustrated by his inability to find her that he almost resorted to a locator spell when he finally saw her. With a self-satisfied smile, he strode toward her.

A small part of Lisa's brain was screaming all sorts of warnings and alarms at her, but that part of her brain was so distant, and so wrapped up in fog and cotton, she didn't even hear it as a whisper. Instead, she was enjoying walking in a meadow full of giant wildflowers, loving the feeling of the sun and the wind on her skin. Her only concern was that she was wearing the wrong sort of shoes for this sort of walk. She was about to kick them off when the sun was suddenly blocked by a towering figure.

"Well, hello there," she called up at the giant elderly man looming over, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun to get a better look at him. "It's a beautiful day for a walk, don't you think?"

"It certainly is," Tim replied as he looked down and smiled at the sight of the tiny Latina in a purple sundress, standing only twenty-three centimeters tall. He had certainly picked the perfect choice of a woman to shrink down for his grandnephew's birthday present. Perhaps too perfect, he thought, as he admired the way the young Latina filled out her sundress.

Tim mentally shook his head, reminding himself that this was his grandnephew's day after all, and not his.

"Say," Tim said, continuing to smile at the tiny woman, who beamed back up at him, "I was wondering if you could help me out with a problem."

"I'd be delighted to," Lisa answered.

"I'm heading to the birthday party for my grandnephew -- it's his eighteenth birthday," Tim informed Lisa, "and I realized I have no birthday present for him."

"That's terrible!" Lisa exclaimed. "Especially on his eighteenth birthday. That's an important birthday, you know."

"I know," Tim agreed. "So I was wondering if you would help me out by being my birthday present to him."

"Oh, I'd love to be a birthday present," Lisa said happily. Then a frown crossed her face, "Although I'd get claustrophobic covered in wrapping paper for a long time."

"Not to worry," Tim answered. A colorful box appeared in Tim's hand, with a number of small holes visible around it's side. "You'll be in this very roomy box. It has air holes and padding, and you'll only be in for fifteen minutes at the most. A half hour, tops."

"Well, that's all right then," Lisa smiled. When Tim reached down to pick her up, Lisa didn't resist, but rather stepped into his grasp, giggling as Tim lifted her up.

At the feel of Lisa's ample bosom pressing into his palm, Tim once again had second thoughts about giving her away to his grandnephew. Unfortunately, the spell was such that Lisa could only be bound to one person, so Tim had to forgo any "dalliance" with Lisa, to ensure she "connected" with his grandnephew and not him.

Tim hurriedly put Lisa in the box, and caused a ribbon to magically appear and wrap itself around the box.

Tim practically ran to the birthday party, wanting to make sure he didn't lose his resolve and keep Lisa for himself.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by FifteencentiKim » Mon May 25, 2020 8:43 am

The Girl of His Dreams

He tried to ignore her. Not because she wasn't desirable. She was that and more. It was because it always ended the same way.

But somehow he could never turn away from her. And things always ended the same.

She sat there, suspended in space, just within reach. She wore only a small little bikini bottom and a winsome smile and nothing else. And Will knew that if he could only reach out fast enough, he'd have that little sun kissed beauty in the palm of his hand. Literally. She was only sixteen centimeters tall. How he knew that exact measurement, Will didn't know. But he knew.

Just as he knew that, even though she was curled in such away that both hid and expose her beauty, she would gladly unbend to his eye and touch. His desire would be tempered by gentleness, and Will knew that she knew this.

But everytime he reached for her, some force would pull her away, and that winsome smile would be filled with panic and fear as she shouted for him to rescue her. Will would scream and reach for her, but she would always be out of his reach as she disappeared. And there would be a look that was equal parts despair and betrayal on her tiny face before she disappeared.

So Will tried to ignore. But her never could. And the same thing would happen again and again, before he woke up, panting and covered with sweat.


The year was 1954, and William Douglas Bryce was an eighteen year old farm boy in Washington who lived on his family's cherry orchard in the shadow of Mount Rainier. Up until a year ago, the closest Will had ever come to a beautiful, almost nude woman was in the hidden cache of his Uncle Rick's collection of pinup girls from the Second World War. None of the girls in his small high school had given Will a second look. Will had been worried that he'd never even get to kiss a girl, much less ever to get to see one actually naked.

And as far as Hispanic women were concerned, the only ones Will had ever seen were in the movies (and the only one he would recognize on sight was Lina Romay from the Senor Droopy cartoon).

And then the nightmares begun. They started off as what Will thought was going to be the type of illicit dream that would result with him either waking up with an erection or a sticky mess in his bedsheets. But then, just as he reached for the tiny, desirable Latina, some unseen force would pull the tiny, near nude woman away.

Will told no one about the dreams, but his parents knew that his sleep was being interrupted for some reason. Will's father suspected that Will was being bullied at high school. So Will's father decided it was time to make a man out of Will. To that end, Will's father enrolled Will into a boxing gym in the nearby small town of Reginar.

After the end of the Second World War, Edward Siswern, a recently retired British officer decided to move to Reginar and set up a boxing gym. The man was eccentric but quickly established a reputation as an unequalled pugilist after a few bar brawl, which helped him at his gym. Edward and Will's uncle Rick were old friends from the war, so Edward was happy to take Will under his wing. Edward even allowed Will to join the Historical Swordplay Class he gave for the drama department once a week for drama students at the University of Washington, then gave one on one advanced classes when Will showed an aptitude for the blade.

Will found that if he dedicated himself to his new training, the nightmares also disappeared. And if Will went out on a date, the nightmare appeared almost as soon as he closed his eyes after coming home from the date. So for his senior year of high school, Will lived the life of a warrior monk. None of his classmates teased him about it more than once. The important thing to Will, though, was that it almost stopped the nightmares.


At least once every two or three weeks, he'd have the nightmare. In the nightmare, he always tried to ignore the tiny woman. But invariably he tried to grab her, and she was always pulled out of his reach, with the look of abandonment and forlorn on her face before she disappeared.

Finally, graduation came, and Will had to decide what to do with his life. Edward thought Will had potential as a professional fighter, once he did his mandatory service. His Uncle Rick thought he ought to join the Air Force and get some technical training so he could move to the city afterwards. His Dad thought he ought to stay on the farm, no matter what branch he enlisted in.

Will himself had no idea what he should do.

That is, until the day the Door appeared.
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Re: SW Flash Fiction Anthology

by Bobascher » Sun May 24, 2020 8:38 am

Lol that’s great Kim!
