Doc's World

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon May 06, 2024 10:26 am

A previously unexplored tiny island in the Caribbean was discovered to be inhabited by a race of tiny humans. The island was immediately placed "off limits" to everyone, and a small military base built there to protect the tiny inhabitants from exploitation. The military personnel were prohibited from fraternizing with the inhabitants, but like always, boys will be boys and girls will be girls and some of the more adventurous female inhabitants found a way to sneak onto the base at night and party with the guys in the bar built by the troops.



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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 07, 2024 1:20 am

Prior to the lab accident that left Lisa tiny, she had worked with a dog trainer. She especially liked the big breed dogs, such as St. Bernards, Dobermans, Great Danes and Mastiffs. Obviously, she could no longer work with these dogs and in addition to everything else, it made her very depressed. Her mother thought it might cheer her up, but Lisa was not too sure about the new addition to the family........


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Re: Doc's World

Post by eddiegiantman » Tue May 07, 2024 4:06 am

DocRick wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:51 am

Eddiegiantman, this one's for you. :D
Thanks, sucker for dollplay

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 07, 2024 2:15 pm

Bianca, a young up and coming model from Columbia, was hired for a photoshoot for a men's magazine. A few weeks after the shoot, she was invited to return for another shoot, to which she happily agreed. She met with the agency driver, who drove her to the airport and she boarded a private jet. While in flight, after consuming several drinks, she fell asleep.


She awoke to find herself shrunk to a mere 5 inches tall and in a cage. Having grown up in the streets of her town, Bianca had a fiery temper and strong will, but after two weeks of "training", she learned submission was a bit less unpleasant than the punishment she received for defiance.


She was then sold to a very wealthy man who had purchased her from the owner of the men's magazine where he saw her photoshoot. Bianca, though she didn't know it, had it much better than many of the models shrunk and sold by this magazine owner. She lived in a crystal fishbowl, slept on the finest linen money could purchase and was fed the same meals her owner ate, her portions prepared specially for her. Her owner loved to fondle her and use her as sex toy, but he always handled her gently, like one would handle a newborn kitten, and of course, always left her exhausted yet satisfied from multiple involuntary orgasms......that is, except for when he would light up a joint and smoke it while watching her in her bowl. When she saw that, she knew this session would be a little more intense than usual and the next day, she would be too sore to do much of anything.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 08, 2024 11:13 am

Cleanliness is very important when caring for your tiny lady.....even if they disagree and resist your efforts, it's for THEIR own good. :D


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 08, 2024 11:17 am

Since being shrunk in an accident at the university lab, life for Bonnie is a bit dull and monotonous. Her mother won't let her go out with her old friends and her boyfriend is not interested in her anymore. The one highlight of her week is when the pool boys come over to clean the pool. She always sneaks out of the house just before they arrive and her favorite "big" knows just where to find her.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 08, 2024 11:54 am

A newly obtained tiny woman will be quite fearful, particularly if not previously trained. While a nice cage and maybe a pretty collar may help with the transition, left alone to her thoughts for too long could have a very detrimental effect on her psyche. Frequent physical interaction and providing some.........sensory stimulation will go a long way with the bonding process between you and your new pet. 


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu May 09, 2024 11:45 am

Jessie and I have known each other for.......forever. We lived next door to each other for out entire lives. We were bestfriends for most of our lives but for some reason, we never seemed to have any romantic feelings for each other. Maybe because she was always such a tomboy, my young mind cemented the idea that she wasn't a "girl", more like a "buddy". Her mother really loved me and tried to get us together a few times, but the idea just seemed silly to us. (Okay, I have to admit that her mom was a MILF) I don't really know why. Maybe because I always saw Jessie as just another skinny kid. But we stayed friends all through school, then after graduation I went into the military, and she went to an out of state college. We wrote letters back and forth for a while, but we eventually began to slip apart. I only had one photograph of her, a skinny girl with a few pimples, wearing a baseball cap. I kept it inside my helmet but only took it out and looked at it a few times. I guess childhood friendships are just like everything else we have as children....eventually, they all fade away.

After my deployment, I went home for a long leave. My unit had a bad time over there, so we survivors were given some extra time to recuperate. I looked up a couple of buddies and went out for some beers, but listening to them talking about what's going on in the world when they really have no clue as to what's going on in the world, had me excusing myself before I said something I might regret. I hung around the house with Mom and Dad for the next few days, Jessie really hadn't crossed my mind very much. I didn't see her out with her parents and little sister, so I figured she was at school.
My mom never brought her up. I thought she knew we had drifted apart and she thought it might be painful for me.

Then after a week or so, the phone rang. Jessie's mom asked if my mother was home. She wasn't. She was at work and wouldn't be home from her work as an ICU nurse until the morning. There was a long silence on the line, then she asked if I could come over. I didn't have any plans so I walked over and when I knocked she said to come in. She was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. She told me to sit down. She was acting a little weird, but I complied with her request. She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I need you to swear that what you are about to see, you will never tell ANYONE." Okay, a memory of seeing her in a string bikini once flashed through my mind, but I promised. She moved her hand and a doll walked out from behind her coffee cup....a.....doll.....walked......I blinked and rubbed my eyes. WTH? No, not a doll. It was a person. A girl. A really beautiful girl but only five inches tall. As I looked closer, assuring myself I wasn't dreaming or suffering from delusions, I looked at her face and though her expression was a little apprehensive and sad, I recognized that this tiny beautiful doll-sized girl was JESSIE.

Her mom told me the story how nearly two years ago, Jessie had been accidentally miniaturized in a lab accident at college. Since the experiments in miniaturization was a government project, no one outside her family (I later found out my mother was the only other person to know about Jessie) was permitted to know. After I recovered from my shock, Jessie walked over to me, put her hand on the nail of my little finger and shyly looked up at me and said "Hi". I felt a strange tingling when she touched me. And not an unpleasant sensation, either. Her mom said she had an emergency with her mother and Jessie's dad wouldn't be home from a business trip until the next day and she needed someone to stay with Jessie and her "little" sister. I said "Okay" and she grabbed her bag and left us alone at the table.


We talked for a while at the table. Jessie apologized for not writing me, but she couldn't tell me what happened and she didn't want to lie to me. After about an hour, her "little" sister woke up from her nap. The three of us played for a while (it seemed surreal that two weeks ago, I was in a firefight 3,000 miles away and now I'm playing dolls with a little girl and a real living doll) then watched a Disney movie, then had supper and watched another Disney move (ugh). During the first movie, Jessie laid on the floor with her sister. When we started the second movie, she asked if it would be okay for her to sit on my shoulder. Another not unpleasant tingle rumbled down my spine. I tried to sit as still as possible, but it was impossible not to feel her shifting her cute little ass around through my T-shirt as she tried to get comfortable and I could feel her hanging onto my hair, which had grown a bit longer than regulation length, as we watched the movie. After the second movie, it was time for her sister to go to bed, so I left Jessie on the couch and took her sister to the bathroom to wash up, brush her teeth and put her to bed. Returning to the couch, Jessie was sitting on the arm of the couch, on top of the remote. I sat down, kicked off my shoes and laid down on the couch. Reaching for the remote, I picked it up with Jessie still sitting on it. I laughed as she struggled to hang on as I brought the remote down to the couch cushion in front of my chest. She hopped of the remote than laid down on the cushion facing me. We talked for quite a while. She admitted that it was making her a little crazy being in "solitary confinement" at home. She hadn't been out of the house, except for visits to the lab for a checkup with the doctors working on the program, hadn't seen her friends or been on a date for over a year and a half. Nothing but playing with her sister and watching Hallmark movies on TV.


It was getting late. I suggested we call it a night and get some sleep. She asked if I could carry her to the bathroom. I laid my hand down on the couch cushion and she climbed onto my hand. I picked her up as gently as I could. The feel of her bare legs on my hand was exquisite. It was so difficult to keep in mind that this miniscule, but really hot, girl sitting in the palm of my hand was the skinny kid I grew up with. I carried her into the bathroom and turned on the water in the sink to get it to the proper temperature, then set a clean washrag on the sink, along with a small hand towel. When I thought I had everything ready for her (as dense as I am, I did realize that what I took for granted was a real challenge for a five-inch-tall girl) and I started to lower my hand to the sink when she suddenly ripped off her T-shirt, kicked off her shoes and started pulling off her shorts. Unable to not look at her perky grape-sized tits, her well-toned shapely legs and neatly groomed bush, I was just a little flabbergasted, and stuttered, "What are you doing?"

She gave me an impish grin and sitting bare-assed naked in my hand said, "Mom says to always wash up before wash me."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 10, 2024 4:07 pm

Mrs. Hightower was your typical old school mother. Talented in cooking as well as making clothing for her children, she kept herself busy from sunup to sundown every day. That was until her children grew up, married and moved far away, rarely coming back to visit on occasional holidays. Then her husband unexpectedly passed away. After that, she lost all motivation for any of the things that used to bring her joy. She just puttered around the house, reminiscing about her life.

And then, one day she happened to discover the myth regarding "borrowers" living among the "beans" was true. An accidental encounter with a "borrower", a young girl name Ivana, changed everything. "Borrowers", as you know, live off what they can scavenge from the "beans". They eat scraps of food from "beans" meals and make rough clothing from scraps of cloth they pull from the trash. While it took a while before Ivana trusted Mrs. Hightower, having spent her entire life listening to horror stories of "borrowers" being squished and even eaten by "beans", a friendship gradually developed. Mrs. Hightower began to make clothing for Ivana and her family from very fine materials, much more comfortable than the regular cloth the "borrowers" normally find and use. Ivana relished the feeling of satin and silk on her tiny body, so far from the denim, corduroy and canvas she was used to wearing. Her parents, also benefactors of the odd couple's friendship, took longer to come around, but they too began wearing the more comfortable clothing Mrs. Hightower made for them.

Some of her old friends and acquaintances, even her children on the rare times they came home to visit, began to wonder about Mrs. Hightower's recent improvement in her formerly sullen attitude. Some wondered if she had a new male in her life, others that she had finally lost her mind. But she didn't care. She kept the secret of her "housemates" until her death at a ripe old age, after many, many years of living among her tiny guests, making clothes for Ivana (eventually, her wedding dress which was the envy of the other "borrower" girls) and later, her children, then grandchildren.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat May 11, 2024 12:29 pm

Ayanna was a "borrower", a race of tiny humans living undetected among the normal size humans, known as "beans". Her family lived beneath the floorboards of a very wealthy family in the upscale part of town. Though they still lived off of what they could "borrow", they lived in a degree of luxury unknown to most borrowers. Until the day a freak thunderstorm hit the area, dumping 9 inches of rain in an hour. A basement window broke, and water poured in, submerging their living quarters. Ayanna was caught up in the flood and sucked into the floor drain. She managed to keep her head above water and rode the current though the city drainpipes and was finally dumped into a creek on the edge of town. She had no idea where she was or how to get home. Soaking wet and her meager clothing torn and ripped, she made her way to the only buildings she could see, a group of rundown brownstone rowhouses in the bottomlands of the town. She found a mousehole and climbed into the basement. It was dark, dingy and filthy. She made her way through the different apartments, the first had cats and the second had several children. The third one seemed to have only one occupant and no pets, so she found a small relatively clean section of wall space and settled in. She found a worn but clean washcloth, so she dragged it into her space and made a makeshift bed and tried to get some sleep. She lived there for several weeks. The occupant of the apartment was a man, middle twenties, she guessed and was not home very often, so she felt safe rummaging around during the day. She managed to find enough food to survive and got water from the condensation on a water pipe which dripped into a bottle cap she found. Far from her previous lifestyle, she tried to imagine attempting to find her way home, but she not only had no idea where that was, it was far too dangerous to wander around outside, too many beans out during the day and too many predatory animals during the night. One day, she was wandering around the apartment and was crossing the living room floor when the door abruptly swung open. The bean had come home early. She turned to run but caught her foot in a loose loop of carpeting and fell to the ground. The bean was walking straight towards her, carrying a large box and bag. She couldn't see his face and knew he couldn't see her. The monstrous feet came closer and closer. Unable to get up and run, she curled up in a fetal position and waited for the impending "squishing", the fate met by many borrowers, sometimes accidentally and sometimes intentionally, and screamed.

Joe was a bean. Driven and ambitious, he had earned a scholarship to college, then Harvard Law School. Graduating first in his class, he was hired by a prestigious law firm that represented many very high-powered politicians. Very successful in his job, he soon had a large house and was engaged to a girl he met in college. Then came the day he came across some documents showing his firm was covering up many activities of some of politicians, many of these activities illegal and even treasonous. As a man of principles, he couldn't just close his eyes to this and took copies of the documents to the federal investigators. He was told to just keep quiet about it and they would handle it. Satisfied, he went back to work, and he and his fiancée planned their wedding and future. Two weeks later, he was arrested and charged with a number of serious crimes. Fired by the firm, he was soon broke from legal fees fighting the allegations against him, he lost his house, and his fiancée broke up with him. Unknown to the legal authorities, Joe had sent copies of the documents to a newspaper editor family friend, who ran the story. The political world was turned on its head and a few of the highest placed political leaders were arrested, charged and convicted of crimes against the country. Unfortunately, even though Joe was acquitted of all his indictments, he was disbarred and unable to find any work better than manager of a 7-11.  The only place to live he could afford was a rowhouse apartment in the older section of town. One day, after working several overtime shifts and getting a raise, he decided to splurge by buying a pizza and some beer. He brought his dinner, and managed to hold it all with one hand while he unlocked and opened the door with the other. He started into the apartment, walking towards the kitchen while carrying the food in both hands.

The "squishing" didn't happen. Ayanna felt a sudden warmth around her and slowly opened her eyes to see a wall of flesh all around her. The bean had heard her scream and stopped just short of mashing her into the dingy carpet. While surprised at seeing her, Joe immediately realized what she was. He had been told stories of borrowers by his great grandmother. While his adult mind had dismissed the stories as the rambling folklore of a senile old lady, his childmind secretly hoped they were real, and he would meet one someday. He slowly and gently brought his hands together beneath her and lifted her off of the ground. Too terrified to resist, Ayanna was carried to the kitchen table where Joe set her down on a folded dish towel. She knew she had no way to get to the ground as she was way too high to survive a fall. She could do nothing but sit on the towel while the bean put the pizza box down on the table and pulled out a couple pieces, placing them on a plate. He then took the "pizza saver", wiped it clean and set it down in front of Ayanna, placing a small piece of pizza on it. It was more food than she had eaten in a month, and it smelled so good, her empty stomach overtook her fear, and she dug in with her hands, greedily stuffing her face with the warm gooey delight. They didn't talk much while eating, though neither of them couldn't take their eyes off the other.....Joe in amazement and Ayanna still a little fearful. After dinner, Joe filled a bowl with hot soapy water, placed it on the table, using the empty pizza box as a privacy wall, allowed Ayanna to take a bath, the first she had had since the flood. After her bath, Joe wrapped her in a silk handkerchief, one of the few items of luxury he still had from his former life, and she curled up in the palm of his hand while he sat on the couch to watch some television. She slowly drifted off to sleep, against all the instincts of a borrower, this was the first time she truly felt safe since she was displaced. As Joe gazed at the tiny, beautiful girl dozing in his hand, for some reason he couldn't put a finger on, he felt a sense of happiness again as if his life had abruptly taken a turn for the better. Ayanna had moved out of her place inside the walls and into a small house Joe had made for her in a corner of the living room. As they shared their stories with each other, both of them would begin to formulate a thought in the far recesses of their minds.......they had both gone from a life of prosperity to a life of misery and found each other. Were they destined to meet? And why?

To be continued?


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 12, 2024 8:26 am

Angry about having to move away from his school and friends, Johnny ran away from home. The third night a bad thunderstorm rolled in and he took refuge in a barn. Sitting down in some hay, he heard a voice yelling "Hey, watch it". Looking around, he saw no one, then looking down, he saw her. A tiny female the size of a doll, half buried in the hay.

Lysa was also a runaway. Tired of the restrictions she had to live as a borrower under in her home beneath the floorboards of a neighboring farmhouse, she too had run away. She had snuck into the barn to get out of the weather and was sleeping in the horse stall until rudely awakened by this lumbering hulk of a bean. She got up and started to walk away when Johnny said, "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. What's your name?"

Lysa stopped walking and turned around. She started walking back towards Johnny and replied, "Lysa. My name is Lysa as if it's any of your business. Now just leave me alone."

Johnny leaned back in the hay and said, "Okay, whatever. Mine's Johnny by the way."

Lysa turned and started walking away again, then turned and said "What are you doing here anyway. You don't live on this farm."

Johnny said, "I ran away from home."

Lysa took a few steps closer to him and said, "Me too."

The two teenagers started talking as the thunder echoed around them. As the night dragged on, Johnny pulled his last chocolate bar from his pocket and shaved off a couple slices and shared it with Lysa, who dug into the straw and pulled out a piece of handkerchief containing half a dozen blueberries. She munched on one and gave the rest to Johnny. As the thunderstorm faded, the cold front behind it settled in and the two teens felt the cold. Johnny found a blanket and wrapped it around him, burrowing a bit into the hay. He reached out and picked up the shivering Lysa and held her close to his chest for warmth. They fell asleep for a few hours until they were abruptly awakened by the farmer entering the barn. Johnny jumped up, carefully clutching Lysa to his chest and ran out of the barn into the morning sunshine.

Now walking down the country road, Lysa perched on Johnny's shoulder, they walked to who-knows-where, two angry teen runaways from totally different worlds who by some chance found each other on the road to somewhere.

Last edited by DocRick on Tue May 14, 2024 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 12, 2024 8:50 am

When I first saw her, I thought I was hallucinating. Feeding some nuts to the chipmunks living in my backyard, I had tossed one close to the patio and saw her run out from a hole under the concrete and grab it and run back into the hole. I tossed another nut a little closer and she grabbed it and retreated back into her hide. Okay, I'm not hallucinating. As I continued feeding the chipmunks, she came out and sat down at the entrance of hole. Totally naked, dirty and disheveled, she looked like a feral animal. If I reached towards her, she would disappear, only to reappear when I backed away. I didn't want to grab for her as I didn't want to scare or hurt her, so I put a couple nuts in the palm of my hand and holding my hand close to the ground, one of the chipmunks climbed onto my hand and started eating the nuts. I noticed her closely observing the chipmunk as it climbed on and off my hand, eating the nuts I was holding. She moved a little further from the hole as I tried to stay as motionless as possible, replacing the nuts the chipmunks were eating. If I keep this up, maybe she'll get confident enough to take one from my hand, maybe even climb on my hand. Then, what? Can she talk? Is she a human who was miniaturized or was she always this small? It would have to be dangerous for such a tiny girl living outside, exposed to the predators that would love to snatch up a tasty little morsal. But if I could catch her, would she act like a normal person, or like a wild animal in captivity? I guess, I'll just have to wait and see. She just moved a little closer to my hand. Patience, just have a little patience and see what happens.....


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 12, 2024 8:55 am

Their relationship, despite being forbidden by their parents, borrower Julie and bean Roman, continued as the two youngsters would see each other in private stolen moments, usually late at night when their parents were sleeping. Julie would sneak into the pantry through the passageways inside the walls of the house both families were living in and hide among the canned goods until Roman would arrive and pick her up, literally, for their date.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 12, 2024 9:10 am

After a fight with her boyfriend, Veronica had gone to the bar in the local hotel. She downed several glasses of wine and was beginning to feel a little tipsy when she noticed a very well-dressed man sitting at a table, watching her. She gave him a faint smile, then turned back to her drink. He got up and sat down at the bar next to her, ordering her and himself another drink. They began to chat and continued to drink until the bar closed at 2 a.m. The man purchased a bottle of expensive wine and invited her up to his suite to continue their conversation. When they went up to his room, he excused himself to use the bathroom. Glass of wine in hand, she looked around at the very extravagantly decorated hotel room, wondering how rich this guy was to afford to stay in such comfort. She heard him coming back into the living room. He had something that looked like a gun from a scfi movie in his hand. She started to step towards the door when a bright light emitted from the "gun". She felt a strange tingling on her skin, then a sensation of falling. When the light faded, she found herself naked, on her hands and knees, staring the pile of clothing that she was just wearing. Craning her neck upwards, she found herself looking up at a giant man, who was looking down at her with a smile on his face. Still trying to get her intoxicated mind to wrap around what was happening, she saw a giant hand reaching down towards her.........


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 12, 2024 9:40 am

Finding I had a talent for stock market investments, I went to college and got a degree in accounting and business management, then set myself up as broker in New York City. Success came quickly and I found myself living in a luxurious loft apartment with a home office where I did my work. However, it didn't take long before I grew tired of city life, the constant motion of the city's other inhabitants, the homeless loitering around everywhere, the stench of pot everywhere, the crime, the noise and the dirty air, so I sold everything and bought an old farmhouse in the country. Hell, I did most of my work online or on the telephone, so why not? After setting up my office, I started wanting to renovate the farmhouse, upgrading the electric wiring and the plumbing, the doors, the windows and everything else. Not only was I good with numbers, I found I was good with my hands too.

While tearing out one of the kitchen walls, I was shocked to find a tiny domicile between the walls and under the floor. Tiny roughly made furniture was buried under the plaster debris that had fallen as I ripped out the drywall. Then, under a large piece, I saw what I first thought was a doll....then I saw one of the doll's legs move.........

I had read stories about "borrowers" as a child, but I thought it was just stories. Now, looking at the tiny unconscious girl in the palm of my had, I realized that there were facts behind the fiction. She woke up and was terrified. I managed to calm her down, reassuring her that I was not going to "squish" her, or worse. Once she had cleaned herself from the dust of the shattered drywall, I apologized for destroying her home. Now, feeling bad for being a homewrecker, I decided to make her a new home, just a temporary one until I could make something better for my new roomie.

An antique breadbox on the kitchen counter seemed to be the perfect size. I made her a bed from a soft sponge, a chair and ottoman from beanbags, put an old iPhone in the corner so she could watch movies and the music videos she came to enjoy, dancing around to the music she had never before experienced. She even decorated it herself with the inserts of some of my classic rock CDs holders. She also developed a fondness for tequila. :shock:

I continued to work from home, only having to return the big city a couple days a month. After each day's work, my new friend and I would hang out on the couch, take walks (me walking and she riding on my shoulder) along the country roads surrounding my farmhouse. As the days turned to weeks, the weeks into months, her breadbox home was moved to the nightstand of my bedroom where we learned to enjoy each other's bodies, even though the size difference made "normal" sex impossible, we discovered ways of satisfying each other's needs.

I'm ending the story here......the rest is none of your business. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon May 13, 2024 12:01 am

When Rebecca Thorton was cleaning the house she and her girlfriend Samantha, shared, she stumbled across her diary and it "accidently" fell open. Her girlfriend had been cheating on her and was planning on moving out as soon as she saved up enough money. Rebecca was outraged. She drove to her father, the famed microbiophysiologist, Professor Thorton, and borrowed the prototype matter miniaturization device which he thought was safely secured in his lab, not knowing Rebecca had known the combination to the lock and had borrowed the device several times for "personal" reasons. :lol: She returned home and went about her daily routine, feeding her daughter, Jazmine from her first and last husband, and waited for Samantha to get home. 

When Samantha came in the house, acting like everything was perfectly normal. She walked into Rebecca's office and blew her a kiss. Rebecca responded with a blast from the matter miniaturizer, reducing Samantha to the size of a doll. Walking over to the tiny helpless girl, Rebecca resisted the urge to stomp her into a spot of jelly and decided she had better plans for her.

Since Rebecca worked from home, there was no need for a babysitter. Her daughter would play in the room adjacent to her office. So now, Samantha spent her day as Jazmine's doll, then when Rebecca was finished with her work, she would retrieve Samantha from her daughter's playroom and play with Samantha, but in a much more adult way. ;)


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon May 13, 2024 5:20 pm

It had been a couple years since I brought my bride home from Lilliput. We've had a lot of good times, but she seemed lonely for one of her own kind/size sometimes. So, I took a trip back to Lilliput, leaving my bride with my mother, and found an old friend of hers from her school days who was willing to come back with me. I must say, I was a bit taken back by their "reunion", but I'm not the jealous type. In fact, this could be even more fun. :D


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Re: Doc's World

Post by ensmallen » Tue May 14, 2024 3:01 am

DocRick wrote:
Sun May 12, 2024 8:26 am
Angry about having to move away from his school and friends, Johnny ran away from home. The third night a bad thunderstorm rolled in and he took refuge in a barn. Sitting down in some hay, he heard a voice yelling "Hey, watch it". Looking around, he saw no one, then looking down, he saw her. A tiny female the size of a doll, half buried in the hay.

Lysa was also a runaway. Tired of the restrictions she had to live as a borrower under in her home beneath the floorboards of a neighboring farmhouse, she too had run away. She had snuck into the barn to get out of the weather and was sleeping in the horse stall until rudely awakening by this lumbering hulk of a bean. She got up and started to walk away when Johnny said, "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. What's your name?"

Lysa stopped walking and turned around. She started walking back towards Johnny and replied, "Lysa. My name is Lysa as if it's any of your business. Now just leave me alone."

Johnny leaned back in the hay and said, "Okay, whatever. Mine's Johnny by the way."

Lysa turned and started walking away again, then turned and said "What are you doing here anyway. You don't live on this farm."

Johnny said, "I ran away from home."

Lysa took a few steps closer to him and said, "Me too."

The two teenagers started talking as the thunder echoed around them. As the night dragged on, Johnny pulled his last chocolate bar from his pocket and shaved off a couple slices and shared it with Lysa, who dug into the straw and pulled out a piece of handkerchief containing half a dozen blueberries. She munched on one and gave the rest to Johnny. As the thunderstorm faded, the cold front behind it settled in and the two teens felt the cold. Johnny found a blanket and wrapped it around him, burrowing a bit into the hay. He reached out and picked up the shivering Lysa and held her close to his chest for warmth. They fell asleep for a few hours until they were abruptly awakened by the farmer entering the barn. Johnny jumped up, carefully clutching Lysa to his chest and ran out of the barn into the morning sunshine.

Now walking down the country road, Lysa perched on Johnny's shoulder, they walked to who-knows-where, two angry teen runaways from totally different worlds who by some chance found each other on the road to somewhere.
:( Really trying to get back to writing, DocRick, any advice?

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 14, 2024 10:06 am

ensmallen wrote:
Tue May 14, 2024 3:01 am

:( Really trying to get back to writing, DocRick, any advice?
Compared to some of the other writers on this forum, I'm just a rank amateur so I may not be the right person to ask, but I follow the advice of Mr. Mjyagi from "The Karate Kid". I close my eyes and make a "picture" in my mind, then open my eyes and put my "picture" into words. I usually just make a collage, then come up with a storyline to fit it. Make up a scenario and a couple characters, then put yourself in the eyes of one of the characters, imagine your story is actually happening then write how you feel. Then reread it and tweak it until you're happy with it. Be yourself and try to write to make the story flow so it's an easy read, not like some of the AI stories that bury you with an avalanche of adjectives and adverbs and make the readers brain hurt. The most important thing for me, is to write or collage to satisfy ME and not get hung up on trying to please someone else. If it reads like you enjoyed writing it, the reader will like it more than something that feels like it was dragged out of you.

Sometimes I get ideas from someone else's collage, story or something from another thread. The narrative you quoted was based on the "Little (grrl) Lost" book that was posted on another thread. If someone wanted to take one of my short stories and expound on it into a full story, I would be happy.

My assistant also likes to give me ideas for collages or storylines and of course, she likes to act out the stories, so if you'll excuse us for a few....... ;)


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 14, 2024 12:39 pm

Becky had been shrunk and kidnapped by her lab partner who had an unrequited crush on her. She managed to escape from the cage he put her in and hide from him, although she was unable to get out of his apartment. So, while waiting for an opportunity to get away and find help, when he was out of the apartment, she would screw with him by moving or hiding things, using some of the things she had found around the apartment as climbing gear to gain access to the shelves and other higher places in the apartment, which his OCD would make him crazy. She also knew his favorite snack was M&M's so she would steal them for herself and laugh at him from one of her hides while he tried to remember where he had left them.

Last edited by DocRick on Tue May 14, 2024 1:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 14, 2024 12:50 pm

Even though it was against her better judgement, Remy, a borrower who lived within the walls of a family's home, couldn't resist the single strawberry left on the kitchen counter. After ascending to the top of the counter with her climbing gear, she was about to put the strawberry in her rucksack, when the kitchen lights suddenly turned on. She turned to run, but the hand of the teenage bean boy who was always searching for one of the borrowers, slammed down in front of her, blocking her escape. As she nervously turned to face her captor, she could only try to suppress the thoughts of what his intentions might be to do with, or to, her......


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue May 14, 2024 12:55 pm

Katy, shrunk in an accident in the university lab, learned not to squeal on her once little, now very BIG sister. Mom was not always around and her retributions were never very pleasant for Katy.

"Come on. I'm sorry. Let me out."

"Ha, ha. I don't think so."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 15, 2024 11:11 am

I had tried to keep my girlfriend from participating in that lab experiment, but she had always been stubborn and did it anyway. So, now it's been six months since she was miniaturized. Even though it wasn't my fault, she occasionally threw a tantrum and I of course, was the target of her tirade since I didn't try "hard enough" to dissuade her. I would just let her carry on until she got tired and then I got the silent treatment. I would wait about thirty minutes or so, then make a peace offering with her favorite snacks. It wouldn't take too long for her to lighten up. But cheese curls are messy, and she only has a few decent outfits, so she would strip out of her clothes before starting in on them and since I never offered her a napkin, she would soon be covered in greasy cheese dust.......and that would make cleaning her up afterwards the best part of making up. ;)


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu May 16, 2024 12:06 pm

Toni had just arrived at Cal Tech to begin her Master's Degree studies in microbiology. Walking through the campus park, she was suddenly hit with a wave of vertigo and nausea, dropping her to her knees. As she recovered, she found that she had been somehow miniaturized, shrinking right out of clothes. Now, naked and only 5 inches tall, her first instinct was to hide from the other students walking in the park. Then she saw the only student she had actually talked to, her lab partner in the Microbiophysiology class. As he approached, she stepped out of her cover and tried to get his attention. Fortunately, he had stopped as was looking at her pile of clothing in the grass. He looked down and saw her, kneeling down on the grass in front of her. He said, "OMG, what happened?" Toni replied that she didn't know, it just happened and asked him to help her. Of course, he said he would and picked up all her clothing and shoes and put them in his backpack, which Toni didn't notice had been nearly empty. He then placed his hand on the ground, palm up, and Toni crawled onto it. He lifted her up carefully, using his other hand to steady her. As he started walking, she noticed, with a rising feeling of intrepidation, that instead of going to the lab, he was walking towards his car.......


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 17, 2024 11:36 am

An accidental discovery at MIT, created the ability to transport matter like in the old Star Trek television series. People can now teleport directly from one place to another, they had only been able to teleport a short distance. However. it was still considered experimental, and more testing had to be done before the college was permitted to build another unit so they can attempt to transport over a distance.

Suzie signed up for the experiments as she needed some extra credit to graduate on schedule. She arrived at the lab and was set up on one of the teleporter chambers. The professor activated the teleporter, her body began to glow, then vanish. But she didn't seem to appear in the other chamber. Rushing over to the chamber, the professor discovered an error had occurred. It seems a laboratory mouse had gotten loose from its cage and was in the teleporter chamber when Suzie was teleported. The mouse was now the size of a large rat and Suzie....was the size of a mouse.

Suzie: "What happened to me?"

Professor: "It would appear that your genes somehow got transferred between you and the mouse and you got, in layman's terms, the mouses "size" gene and it got yours."

Suzie: "Can you fix me?"

Professor: .......crickets chirping........ 


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