Doc's World

Post your pictures of shrunken or otherwise tiny women in here
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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:19 am

On a return shuttle flight from a military troop space transport, a shuttle containing a group of USO performers hit a wormhole and crash landed on a strange planet. With little food and water, the ship damaged, the pilot and co-pilot injured and the interspace radio not working, the girls thought the situation couldn't be worse. They would soon find out their problems are "bigger" than they ever imagined........



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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:27 pm

Miranda always had self-image issues and had bought "fat-shrinking" pills over the Internet. Not being satisfied with results, she started upping the dosage, even though the label warned to take only as directed.

During a break in a meeting at the advertising company she worked at, she was tidying up the conference room, making more coffee and preparing for the next client. She suddenly felt strange and noticed a bizarre glow to her skin. When the glow faded, she found herself miniaturized, only five inches tall. The door to the conference room abruptly opened and a stampede of giant feet entered the room. Fearing she would be trampled, she climbed into purse that was setting next to a chair. She huddled down in the purse for a couple hours while the meeting droned on and on. She thought once this meeting ended, she could climb out and find her best friend Juanita. She'll know what to do.....

A giant hand suddenly reached down and clasped the purse closed, trapping Miranda inside. She felt the purse being lifted and she was jostled around inside, banging off the makeup and other items whoever owned this purse had inside. She was barely able to dodge a giant hand as it reached into the purse and grabbed a set of car keys. Miranda recognized the fingernails of the hand. "Shit. I'm in Veronica's purse. She's hated me ever since the boss chose my idea for the new Gucci line of stiletto shoes over hers. I can't let her find me. I don't think she'll be very helpful."

She felt the purse being tossed onto the passenger seat of the car, a compact striking her in the head and knocking her unconscious. When she awoke, she looked upwards and saw the ceiling through the open purse. She cautiously climbed up and looked around. She was in the living room of Veronica's apartment. No sign of Veronica, Mirada saw a corded landline telephone on a table next to a couch. "If I can just climb up there, I could call Juanita for help."

She climbed down from the purse and began to make her way across the floor when Veronica came back into the living room. Miranda ducked down next to a box on the floor. Veronica began to undress. "What the hell?" Miranda thought. "I gotta find somewhere to hide until she leaves. I'll get inside this empty box. I'll be safe in there............"


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:31 am

It's been a few weeks since I rescued you from becoming that ferret's lunch. Cold, hungry and muddy, you don't resist as my fingers wrap around your tiny body and lift you into the air.


I took you back to my cabin and gave you a nice bath.


I made you a comfortable bed made from my former wife's jewelry box. Sleeping in a sterling silver bed lined with satin is not a thing most girls get to enjoy.


Some mornings you resist getting out of bed and I have to give you a .....hand.


This morning you got right up. I had promised you a special day.


I carry you out to the porch to watch the sunrise.


I whisper to you how cute you look in those pajamas and what I'm gonna do to you tonight. You blush in response.


But for now, we're going out to enjoy the day. After you get dressed, I carry you out the back of the cabin to a trail leading into the woods.


We stop at a small stream. You take off your dress since I instructed you to wear your bikini under it. "It's too cold" you protest as I dip you into the water.


I lift you out of the water but with a chuckle and a flick of my finger, you take a dive in the stream. You surface, sputtering and letting me have it with a stream of obscenities that would make a sailor blush.


I dry you off with the hem of my T-shirt. You smile as you know it's just an excuse to feel you up a little. Setting you down on a colorful mushroom, I take my camera out for a little photoshoot.


You slide off the mushroom and walk into a clump of wildflowers.


Then you tell me to close my eyes. When you say "open your eyes", I get quite an eyeful. :shock:


Reaching down, I move a flower to get a little closer look. "Tonight" is not gonna wait. Now go away. We would like a little privacy. 8-)


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 12, 2024 2:49 pm

Annie was one of a small race of humans, referred to in literature as a "borrower". She lived with her family in the walls and crawlspaces of a "bean" apartment building in an older section of a big city. One day while searching for items to "borrow", she was discovered after getting trapped in a large bucket, by a "bean" named Thomas who had recently rented one of the apartments after graduating from college and getting a job in the city.

Too Annie's surprise, Thomas was not like how she had been told the "beans" were towards "borrowers". He reached in and lifted her out of the bucket and set her down on the ground where she promptly ran off to hide from him. His kindness and gentleness intrigued her and a few days later, against all the rules of "borrower survival", she visited him in his apartment. A friendship developed and slowly, the awkwardness of the size disparity diminished, and a romance blossomed.

Sex between the two obviously had its complications, but they figured out how to enjoy each other's body without harming either of them. However, after a period of time, the novelty began to wear off and their romantic life began to sputter. Then Thomas came home from work and after greeting her with a kiss on top of her head, he held out his hand towards her. On his finger was a pink rubbery device. Annie asked him what it was, and he just said, "You'll find out.....just climb on and hang on.........." as he pressed the START button.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:06 am

Chocolate had an aphrodisiac affect on her, so her boyfriend made sure to get her a special present for her on Valentiny's Day.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:26 pm

Becky was a farmer's daughter that had a love of trucks, particularly, monster trucks. She and her boyfriend Bo, used to take his truck to all sorts of events, from car crushes to mud pits. One day, a storage container of growth hormone ruptured, and she was covered with the solution. The overdosing of the GH had the opposite effect on her, and she shrunk down to pocket size. She was crushed that she could no longer safely accompany her boyfriend to the rallies. Then on her birthday, her boyfriend presented her with a modified R/C monster truck, just her size, with working steering and gas pedal that she could drive as if it was a real truck. No longer crushing cars, she now plays in the hog's pen and crushes Bud Light beer cans for fun. She was so happy with the truck, her boyfriend also reaped the benefits of her newfound enthusiasm for life.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:03 am

Jessica and her friends Yvonne and Linn were snooping around in her father's lab when they accidentally exposed themselves to the shrinking gas. Her father, while working on the antidote, gave the three girls to Jessica's sister to care for and play with. The girls were not too enthused with the turn of events, especially having to wear doll clothing as their clothes, being rayon and other artificial materials, didn't shrink with them. Her sister was thrilled to have three living dolls to play with as she had outgrown her toy dolls and made them put on a fashion show for her and her friends.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:03 pm

During a swimsuit magazine photoshoot, Vanessa wasn't satisfied with just "shrinking the competitive field". She felt the need to humiliate her now diminished competitor.

"Now kiss my feet before I squash you like a bug."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:29 pm

With the guidance of a tiny lady on this forum, I'm taking a venture into the world of Hentai with a short pictograph story. After a discussion with the admins, I put it under the VSW Art section. Even though there is no vore, gore, blood or guts, some members might be offended by the sexual nature of Hentai. So, step over to the Dark Side if you wish and check it out.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by Prof Sai » Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:55 pm

Uh oh! Now we need a precise mathmatical definition of "Heantai" so I can decide whether or not to look.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 10:31 pm

Prof Sai wrote:
Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:55 pm
Uh oh! Now we need a precise mathmatical definition of "Heantai" so I can decide whether or not to look.
Bugs and other creepy critters having romantic liaisons with SW's.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:58 am

Following the Cosplay Convention, numerous reportings of missing participants were reported to the local authorities. As of yet, no leads have been uncovered. 







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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:31 pm

The shock of the shrink ray renders the target unconscious for a brief period of time. This makes them easier to collect without harming them as they don't try to run and hide or evade my grasping hand. I've also learned the sudden realization of their size and predicament, makes them blindly fight being held in my fist when they regain consciousness. Their tiny fists and heels beating impotently against my fingers and palm is actually quite ticklish.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:13 am

The next image may be offensive to some viewers. Your discretion is advised.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:22 am

When Rebecca Thorton, the daughter of the microbiophysiologist Professor Thorton, found out that her best friend was trying to seduce her boyfriend, she lost it. She stole the matter miniaturizer from his lab, stalked and found her best friend, alone and reading a book in the park. She walked up to her and said, "Bitch, you're finished trying to steal my boyfriend" and fired the matter miniaturizer at her, shrinking her to approximately 1/12 of her natural size or 5 inches. As the now tiny girl screamed, Rebecca reached down and grabbed her and dropped her in her purse.

Once at home, she stripped the shrunken girl, took off her own clothes, and proceeded to use her former best friend as a sex toy. "Now you're see how my boyfriend's cock feels when we fuck. Except, all of you is gonna feel it.......ALL of you."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:13 pm

"Billy, I'm supposed to be "sitting" you !! I don't know how you made me tiny, but you have to change me back before your parents get home or both of us are gonna be in trouble."---The perils of babysitting a scientist's kid.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:39 pm

Tiffany was the head of a clique of girls referred to as the Mean Girls. Throughout High School, they would harass new girls at the school, picking the socially awkward or shy ones, befriend them, then humiliate them. This continued on when she and her friends all attended the same college. She befriended one new girl named Gina, not knowing that she was the daughter of a scientist who was a microbiophysiologist. She has already befriended several of the girls who had been the target of the Mean Girls.

While being cultivated for the Mean Girls plan, she had asked Tiffany to come to her house. Tiffany did come over, but the other girls in Gina's plan were there too. They jumped her, dragged her into the lab and shrunk her with the father's matter miniaturizer. They spent the next several hours abusing her and taking pictures and videos of the abuse. When they were finished, they told her if she told anyone about this or if she and her girls abused another new girl at the college, they would release the pictures and videos online. No other new girls were ever harassed at the school and the Mean Girl clique dissolved with Gina and her geeky friends becoming the most popular group of girls for the next four years.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:50 pm

Virginia always thought her roommate's fascination with voodoo and witchcraft was a little weird, but she tolerated it. One day, curious, she picked up one of her books, turning it a bookmarked page. There was a strange paragraph with words she didn't recognize the language. She started reading the words out loud and just as she said the last word, she felt herself falling rapidly to the floor. Turned out she was not technically falling but shrinking. She found herself naked and five inches tall. While trying to figure out what happened and what to do, she heard a noise from the other room.......she forgot about the cat. Finding a place to hide, she could only wait for her roommate to come home before the cat got too curious.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:23 pm

Marie was one of Professor Thorton's first "volunteers" in his matter miniaturization experiments. Unfortunately for her, after shrinking her, the machine malfunctioned, and he was unable to restore her to normal size. Mrs. Thorton stepped in and did what she could to make her very unhappy "house guest" more comfortable during her stay with them....which was for about six months before the professor could repair the machine. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:50 pm

When the woman who had miniaturized and abducted her was on the telephone, Katelyn thought she could sneak away and get help. She had made it halfway across the table when a giant hand snapped out and grabbed her. All she could do now is give her captor her best "I was just kidding" look and hope for the best....


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:34 pm

Bianca was tired of her "little" brother always being bullied by the boy next door when they played "Little Green Army Men", so she "enlisted" in his army and the next time the boy came over, she brought out her "flamethrower" which sent him running home like a little bitch. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:38 pm

Rhonda had always been warned to stay on the public beach when she sunbathes, but she liked her privacy. Unfortunately for her, Professor Thornton, the famed microbiophysiologist, didn't like people being on his private section of beach. When she wakes up from the shock of being miniaturized, she gonna learn a lesson about respecting other people's property.....the hard way.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 21, 2024 2:24 pm

Mr. and Mrs. Kravitz were a high society couple. They were multimillionaires, active in the town's social activities and sponsored many charity events. Their house was a mansion, complete with an ornate metal fence and exquisite gardens. Then, Mr. Kravitz died unexpectantly at 51. Mrs. Kravitz became a recluse. She never left the house and allowed no one to enter. Her food was delivered and left at the side door. Her gardens were still tended by a landscaping company, but none of the landscapers ever saw her. She lived for forty more years, before she was found deceased on the side porch when the food deliverer found her. The house was secured, and no one permitted to enter while the legal beagles fought over the estate for the next four years.

Of course, rumors abounded about the house. What was it like inside? Did she have a vast fortune stashed inside somewhere? Most of the neighbors had not lived there since Mr. Kravitz had passed, so imaginations ran wild. Some even thought she had become a witch.

Jesse was no different. One day, while walking home from her evening classes at the community college, she passed by the house and noticed a door open. Jesse had never been known for making wise decisions, so seeing no one around, she scaled the fence and entered the house. Astonished by the beauty of the antique furniture, rugs and artwork, she wandered through the house. She noticed two rooms were empty of furniture, but thinking a sole occupant of a house wouldn't need a houseful of furniture so maybe she had sold some of it. She found the master bedroom which was one of most resplendent rooms of the house. She looked through the closets, marveling at the beautiful dresses that haven't been worn in decades and the incredible jewelry, still displayed on her makeup table. Suddenly, she heard someone enter the house. Peeking out the door, she saw several scruffy looking men walk in and start towards the stairway. Jesse looked around for a place to hide and saw a large steamer trunk. She climbed inside and pulled the top down, leaving it open about an inch so she could look out. The men came into the master bedroom and began first to bag up her jewelry, then started carrying some of the furniture. One of the men who had walked behind her and was out of her vision, slammed the trunk lid shut and she was hit in the head and knocked unconscious.

When she came to, she was still in the trunk. She tried to push the lid open, but it seemed to be locked. She listened closely and heard a female voice, apparently talking on a telephone as she could only hear one voice. She started banging on the top of the trunk and yelling out for help. The female voice went silent, and she was relieved to believe that the woman heard her and would let her out. After a few moments had passed, she felt the trunk move and she lost her stomach as it seemed the trunk had just been lifted up quickly. She heard some scratching noises near where she knew the straps were located and then the lid was opened.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" said the woman, who was Mrs. Thorton, the wife of the famed microbiophysiolist, Professor Thorton, as she looked down at the tiny girl in her hand. Mrs. Thorton ran a very high-end dollhouse shop in town. People were amazed at the quality of the furniture and accessories she sold, which looked exactly like full size antique furniture, but in a 1/12 scale. She would purchase antique furniture and other furnishings and using her husband's matter miniaturizer, shrink the down to dollhouse size. These items actually sold for a higher price than the full-size furniture would. She had hired a crew of ruffians to clean out the Kravitz house before the estate was settled and the items sold off. The steamer trunk had been one of the items taken in this last haul and Jesse had been miniaturized along with it.

"They say curiosity killed the cat. You shouldn't have been snooping around where you don't belong. I can't have people knowing the secret about my products, so I can't trust you to keep your mouth shut. I won't be restoring you to your normal size. However, I do have a rather excentric collector that would pay a very high price for his dollhouse collection. He once joked that he hated dusting his dollhouses and he needed a tiny maid to do the housekeeping. I'm sure he's gonna love owning you."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:02 pm

A friend of mine told me about this librarian who works at our town library. She dressed a little frumpy, but obviously looked hot underneath her guise. She would follow a guy into the back, then start flirting with him. The guy, thinking he was about to have one of the Penthouse Forum fantasies, would get rudely shut down when he returned the advance. So, I thought I'd teach her lesson. When she pulled this stunt of me, I acted dumb like I didn't realize she was coming on to me until she got frustrated and really poured it on. Then, I pulled out the portable matter miniaturizer and shrunk her. I took her home and taught her a lesson in "customer service". :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:04 pm

Having a little fondue for desert is always a nice way to end a meal.


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