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iRobot Commecial (somewhat SW + SM)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:39 am
by Mercurius
A new iRobot Roomba commercial that now has the Alexa integration.

Starts with a woman telling Alexa to tell the Roomba to clean under the kitchen table, we then see a zoom-in view into the Roomba, where a a "Star Trek bridge" of sorts sees men and women stationed, awaiting what Alexa's telling them. One of the people is Japanese. After that they strap in and prepare to move out. We get a projected screen like they're miniaturized in that person's home. Going back out, the Roomba bumps up onto the carpet, where we hear muffled screams from inside it, indicating that bump was a big one to them.

Here's the commercial on Youtube:

And the screenshots:





Re: iRobot Commecial (somewhat SW + SM)

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:34 am
by kira123
So now we got Alexa to play our Amazon Fire stuff, play our music, and do our floor cleaning. :D