The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by shrinker_s » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:05 am

Hello all, just another story that came to me the other day. Feed back is welcome. Remember this is a work of fiction. A little shrunken woman, a little snuff, and Non-Con. Might take this a little further.

Chapter 1:

Jimmy made a call.

His friend Bobby saw the number on the phone, Bobby usually just texted so he had no idea why he called so Jimmy quickly answered, "Dude what's up."

The panic in his voice was heard by his friend "Dude, you need to get over here now. I can't say why, just get here."

Bobby didn't ask questions he basically said that he would be right over.

Bobby rode his bike over and still out of breath, knocked on the door.

Jimmy opened that door and brought his friend in.

"What's happening?" asked Bobby.

"I need you to see something,” he directed his friend into the kitchen. in the breakfast nook was a table with dishes of a typical Saturday morning breakfast. But what caught Bobby’s eye was on the table. Three dolls.

However, these dolls were moving. Bobby’s eyes widened as he walked up to the table. The dolls were not dolls at all, they looked to miniaturized versions of Jimmy's parents and older sister.

Bobby looked closer, “Are those dolls?” he asked already knowing the answer.

“No.” replied Jimmy quickly “Dude I’m so fucked.”

On the table, Jimmy’s mother and daughter held each other in each other’s arms, Jimmy’s father was standing and seemed to be yelling angrily at Bobby. The little man’s arms were flailing, but the sounds coming from the little man were not words, just non-understandable babble.

Bobby stepped back, “I don’t understand, how…”

“That gem we found a few days ago, remember?” Jimmy

“yeah….” Replied Bobby.


Bobby looked at what was in the hands of his friend. It looked to be a cobbled together thing of duct tape and wood. The Gem on one end of a piece of wood, a metal tube, which Bobby recognized as one of Jimmy’s low powered lasers, on the other. Jimmie pointed the devise at the wall of the kitchen and pressed a button on the tube. A gentle light came out of the tube passed through the Gem and created a pattern on the kitchen wall. The pattern just looked weird, but not really that interesting.

“Sooo…” asked Bobby.

“Well I made this, and thought it looked cool. I came in to show them,” Jimmie indicated his family on the table, “and when the pattern hit them. They shrunk.” Jimmy turned off the devise. “Dude, I’m screwed.”

Bobby thoughts passed quickly through his head. They were both fifteen, been friends for years, Jimmie was always the smart one, but Bobby was the practical, problem solver. Together they had won multiple science fairs because they worked so well together.

“Did you try turning the crystal around?” asked Bobby.

“Yes.” Answered Jimmy.

“How about the polarity of the laser? frequency, color,..” Bobby went through all the things that could potentially reverse what had happened. Jimmy had answered that he had to no success. Jimmy wasn’t upset with Bobby going down the list, it was how they worked.

“I’m screwed,” said Jimmy as he sat in a chair at the table. Looking at his parents and older sister. Jimmy’s father was still trying to speak to his son, again the words were gibberish. “Dad, I’m trying to fix this.” He said to the Ken sized man.

“Should we call someone?” asked Bobby.

Jimmy’s dad looked at Bobby and was nodding his head up and down in agreement. Extending his arms as if to implore that action taken.

“I want to, but who do I call?” Said Jimmy, “And what will they do? I’m fucked dude, royally fucked.” Jimmy placed his elbows on the table and place his face in his hands.

Bobby stepped up behind his friend and placed his hand on his shoulder. He looked down at the three Barbie doll sized people on the table. Jimmy’s mother and father looked to be dressed in white tennis outfits. Jimmy’s sister was in a bikini top and denim shorts, probably heading to the lake. She was back from college after all.

He came to a decision, “O.k dude, let’s do this.” Bobby explained the plan, Jimmy agreed.

Bobby went back to his house and grabbed his hamsters old cage from the garage. He yelled into his mom that he was grabbing his coat and going to a movie with Jimmy. It was normal for the two of them to hang out all Saturday.

When he got back to Jimmy’s home they put the three minis into the cage. The three fought the move, but didn’t really have a choice. The three did scatter on the table so the boys had to grab the three and force them into the cage. Jimmy put his father and mom into the cage. Bobby grabbed Jimmy’s sister and put her in the cage. Jimmy gave a little scowl when it looked like his friend took a little extra time with his sister in his hands, but they got them into the cage.

Jimmy put the cage into his room, the boys placed the dishes into the dishwasher and started the cleaning. Then they left for the theater. A movie they had seen before was showing, so they bought tickets for the movie, got them riped and then went back to their home. They turned both of their phones off, they were in a movie, so if their phones were tracked they would be seen at the theater.

When they got back to Jimmy’s house they brought out the cage with his family, and the shrinking device he had put together. The began to work out the problem of trying to get his family back to normal.

They spent a better part of the day working the problem, but to no success. They even took a few hours to walk the area they had found the gem in hopes that there might be another. No luck.

As it go towards late in the afternoon they needed to face that there wasn’t anything they were going to get done. That was when Bobby brought up the next series of steps.

Bobby took the shrinking device and the cage with Jimmy’s parents’ home with him. Jimmy started to make calls.

The first people he called were they Johnson’s. His mom and dad had a tennis match with them that day. They informed Jimmy that they had been stood up by his parents, and when they tried to call, they got no answer. Jimmy replied that both of their phones were still in the house, as well as their rackets and car keys. Jimmy hung up the phone and then called one of his sisters friends looking for his sister. His sister’s friend also replied that she didn’t show up, he was on the phone when he went into his sister’s room finding her phone and other personal items that would have been taken if she had left the house. Jimmy hung up the phone and called 9-1-1.

The police arrived. They took Jimmy’s statement and searched the house, the surrounding area, and sent out an All-Points Bulletin. They checked his story with his friend Bobby, they had been at the movies and hanging out in his room. The cops looked at the phone GPS and basically were o.k. with the story. Bobby’s mom was more than willing to have Jimmy stay at their house as they worked through what had happened to Jimmy’s parents.

Bobby and Jimmy worked on solving the problem. The two worked together trying to reverse what had been done. The number of times they fired the device at Jimmy’s family was countless. Bobby did notice how his friend tended to keep his sister in his hands a little longer than is parents. His sister also noticed, and she reacted harshly as Bobby seemed to let his fingers wonder over all the parts of the mini girls body. They were getting frustrated, and that the three minis were continuously yelling in their weird gibberish didn’t help the two boys think. They actually started placing a cover over the cage after each test, just to give the two boys some quiet to work on the problem. As they worked it was becoming clear that they might not be able to solve the problem.

Five days later, Jimmy’s moms sister, Aunt Ann, came in from out of town to stay with her nephew while the search was still going on. Jimmy’s aunt was cool, she was ten years younger than his mom, and it was easy to see that they were sisters. Ann had the body of an exotic dancer, tight ass and thighs, with large double D breasts. She was divorced and had custody of the twins, Jackie, and Jenny. The girls were seniors just turned eighteen. Jimmy would see them whenever Aunt Ann came to visit, or they went to visit her. Jimmy didn’t really not like them, they just annoyed him. Especially since their initials were the same as his since Aunt Ann had switched her last name back and so did the girls. Fortunately, they hadn’t come with Aunt Ann.

So, he moved back to the house, he brought the cage with his shrunken family with him.

Aunt Ann had been in the house for three weeks as the search continued. Jimmy and Bobby didn’t mind that much. She worked out by the pool in the back yard, she also worked out in the back yard, and sunbathed in her bikini in the back yard. While Jimmy thought it was weird that he thought she was hot, Bobby had no problems taking peeks at the bikini clad MILF practicing yoga in a string thong. Bobby tended to linger even longer with Jimmy’s sister when Aunt Ann was sunbathing, Jimmy had stopped letting this bother him since he was starting to no longer look at his shrunken family as his family and more as an inconvenience to his life.
Last edited by shrinker_s on Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by shrinker_s » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:06 am

Chapter 2:

Jimmy was frustrated, and mad. Really mad to be honest.

Tonight, at around 7 his two cousins had shown up at the door. Just like Aunt Ann they showed up in an Uber with their suitcases in hand. That was when Jimmy’s aunt explained to him that all the papers for the house and the insurance had been put into a trust under his name. He would be able to access the money at any time, but he was still to remain a custodian of his designated guardian. That meant her, and that meant she was selling the house and moving him back to her home.

Jimmy tried to explain that he didn’t want to leave. He had friends, and only two more years of school left. Aunt Ann wouldn’t hear any of it. She said that he would find new friends, and he would be able to spend time with his cousins. For their part they found the idea of Jimmy moving in with them just adorable. Jimmy was wondering how they managed to make to his house with the tight tee-shirts showing their C-cup boobs and their tight denim shorts showing almost nothing.

Jimmy didn’t really try to argue, he was too mad to construct a coherent sentence, so he went to his room and sulked.

So here it was 1 a.m. His aunt asleep in his parents’ bedroom. His cousins asleep in his sisters. He was tired, and frustrated. To make matters worse he had a raging hard-on that actually was starting to hurt.

Frustrated, he got out of bed, went to the bathroom connected to his room and tried to pee. His cock was too engorged to allow him to empty his bladder other than only a few squirts. His mind was clouded with lack of sleep, anger, and worse, he was horny. He looked over and saw the tiny clothes of his family hanging out to dry. Each night he would collect and rinse the clothes out and provided them back in the morning. His mind got even more clouded.

He walked to his closet and opened the door. When he flipped on the light his parents and sister blinked their eyes as their sleep was interrupted. Jimmy looked down at the three faces looking up. They were all dressed in make-shift night gowns that Jimmy had made for them to sleep in as their clothes were drying. They looked up confused, wondering why they were woken up. Jimmy’s dad started to speak loudly in the gibberish that they seemed to spew out. Jimmy’s anger flashed.

“Shut-up, Shut-up, just SHUT-UP!!!!” he hissed pounding the top of the cage. “It’s because of you fuckers I’m going to have to leave my friend, my home, my life. Why the fuck did you have to shrink, you mother fuckers.”

Jimmy’s dad stood at the front of the cage and started yelling at his son ounce again. Jimmy snapped. Without thinking he reached into the cage and grabbed his father. He wrapped his hands around the head and shoulders of the screaming mini man and wrapped the other around his waist and twisted. Jimmy felt the spine of the mini man snap and shatter. He also felt the bones crunch and he squeezed with the twist. Jimmy didn’t even look at the lifeless doll in his hands and tossed it into the trash can on the floor.

The two women stood stunned at the violence they just saw. Jimmy didn’t stop, he reached in and grabbed his mom next. As his fingers wrapped around her she screamed again, thinking that her fate was going to be the same. However, it wasn’t. Jimmy felt the struggle of the bones and muscles in his hands. Whatever blood remained in his brain, flushed down to his balls.

Jimmy grabbed the bottom of his mom’s nightgown and lifted it up and over her head. Any attempt to prevent this from happening was ignored. He ran his fingers over his moms body. Pressing down on her breasts, pussy, and ass. He was getting even more excited. “Don’t worry mom, I know you’ll miss dad’s dick, but I’ve got one that is waaaaayyyy bigger.”

Jimmy pulled down the front of his pajamas allowing his cock to spring out. His mother panicked even more when the intent of her son was seen. Jimmy took the hand holding his mom and placed his cock on top of his mother and began to stroke back and forth. Pre-cum already began to ooze out of his cockhead coating his mom’s face with lubricating fluid. To Jimmy it was the best feeling he had felt, ever. Each time he pulled his mother down his shaft the head of his cock hit his moms chin and face, as he pulled away from his body he felt the whole hole his mom fleshy goodness. For her part she had lifted her legs up and wide, her arm trying to push her sons cock away, but kept slipping as more pre-cum lubrication came out.

Jimmy looked down at his sister looking at the horror in front of her. She caught his eye’s looking at her, but Jimmy just smiled as the started to get closer to the edge. The speed of the stocking increased, he felt his ball begin the contract and suddenly a flood of white cum shot out of the top of his cock. Thick stings of cum fell upon his crying mom. Jimmy didn’t stop stoking, he actually increased the pace, the sheer violence of the movements forcing cum up his moms nose and into her mouth, forcing her to swallow mouthfuls of the stuff.

As he came to the end of the orgasm his eyes began to clear, and so did his mind. Jimmy looked down at his sister, and sort of chuckled.

“Oh, man.” He said down at his sister. “I’m in trouble now; aren’t I?” he placed his hand on the table to steady himself from the blood returning to his body. He was breathing heavy still. Not even noticing that he was still moving his mother back and forth with his cock smearing the cum over her body. “Well sis, what do you think I should do now?” His sister didn’t answer, she moved her eyes between her brother’s face and the still moving mother and cock action still going on. He saw his sister’s eye and looked down at the action. He laughed, “you know what sis, I know I’ve got another load in the chamber, but I need to take care of somethings first.” Jimmy stood up, rather than returning his mom to the cage as his sister thought he would, he simple tucked the woman and his cock back into his pajamas. “I’ll let mom come with me, especially since I already came on her.” He chuckled at the joke.

Jimmy reached to the shelf in his closet and pulled down the shrinking devise. “I guess I’m going to have to get you some roommates.” He said and started to leave the closet. He stopped right at the door and turned around. He put the shrinking devise down and reached into the cage and grabbed his sister. “Got to be fair sis, they’re going to be naked when I bring them in so you might as well be naked, so they don’t feel under dressed.” With that he lifted his sisters night gown up over her head just like he had done his mother.

He took a moment to look at his sisters body and whistled. “I think Bobby is going to like you.” He said. He placed his naked sister into the cage and left the closet with his device.

Less than a minute later he returned with his Aunt. Jimmy had found it easy, he simply snuck into his aunts room and fired. It took a second to find her in the covers, but when found he was delighted that his aunt was sleeping in just her panties. A quick yank on the material ripped it away from her body and he took her into his room to be added to the cage. She was screaming in the classic gibberish of the minis, it sounded like a combination of both fear of being in a giants hand, and anger with being stripped naked.

Jimmy placed his aunt into the cage with his sister and looked down at the two. His aunt and sister quickly went into each other’s arms. Jimmy just tapped the bars on the cage and said, “o.k. you two catch up, I’ll go get Jackie and Jenny and it will be a party. He left and quickly gathered up his two cousins. They were a little tricky cause they were wearing t-shirts and yoga shorts when the slept. But Jimmy sort of enjoyed the “peeling off” of the tight fitting pants exposing their nicely shaped asses, and cleanly waxed pussys.

He carried the two in and placed them in the cage with his sister and aunt. He looked down at the four naked, crying, and scared women in the cage and felt his cock getting hard. It had already been enjoying the attentions of his mother as she tried to move in her prison of hot flesh and cum. However, her son kept placing her face directly into the slit on the head of his cock as she attempted to get a clear breath of air. Her nose had started to bleed as some point so there was the coppery taste of her blood mixed with the cum that did still get into her mouth. Also, one of her eyes had started to swell shut from the impact of her sons cockhead against her face.

There was a pause in the movements of her son that would have been greeted as a respite from what was happening except she felt the heat of blood rushing into her sons cock as it began to re-expand in size and her back was pushed against the fabric of her sons underpants.

Jimmy pulled the waist band of his pants and underwear and looked down at his mother in her prison.

“How ‘ya doing down there mom?” he asked, no longer keeping his voice down. There wasn’t anyone to wake up.

“I think you’re doing a great job.” He let the band snap back into place and looked back at the four girls. “Now you four be good, I’m going to go Jack-off again with mom. I’ll be back soon.”

With that, Jimmy left the closet turning off the light and closing the door.

Walking to his bed Jimmy took of his pajama bottoms. He wrapped his hand around the bulge in his underpants and jumped on his bed making himself comfortable. He pulled his underpants down just enough to expose his mother laying on top of his cock.

“Hi mom,” he smiled, “Shall we get started?”

His mom yelled something sounding almost like pleading, but he didn’t care. Jimmy leaned back and slowly wrapped his hand around the woman and cock and slowly began to stoke back and forth. This time is was slow and smooth, not the angry jerking of the first time. Bobby enjoyed the feel of the woman along his shaft, still feeling the contact of the woman’s face to his cock head. Even with the previous release, he didn’t need to wait long to begin to feel the end already approach. His pace only increased a little, but not by much. When the time came, he closed his eyes and allowed the cum to come out in the familiar pulses.

His mom had been able to avoid the burst of warm fluid coming out of his cock by lifting her head up and away. Jimmy looked down and chuckled “Don’t be rude mom, that stuff is good for you.” He used his thumb against the back of the mini woman’s head pressing his moms face into the warm fluid. She struggled to get a breath, bubbles could be seen as the woman choked and had to swallow the mix of hot and cold fluid to breath.

Jimmy caught his breath and smiled at the look of the mini woman struggling is his cum. He moved her around a little bit more spreading the fluid a bit more. Then he sighed and stood up carrying the mini woman as he walked into his bathroom. “We’ll get you cleaned up mom.” He whispered.

Jimmy ran the water in the faucet and washed his body fluids off the woman. He ran his fingers over the min body like before. He noticed the bruises that were forming on the woman’s body but didn’t really care. When the mini woman had been washed, he left her in the sink. The sides were smooth and steep enough to prevent her escaping, so he was able to take a shower and not worry about the woman running away.

When he got out of the shower Jimmy dried himself, ignoring his nakedness in front of his mini mom. When done he was about to pick up the woman when he noticed the drying clothes hanging on a makeshift drying line. “You know mom, I don’t think you and the girls need these anymore.” He grabbed the clothes and tossed them into the trash can. His mom watched to clothes fall into the can realizing what that action ment.

Jimmy finished drying himself and brought the woman back to the cage. He placed his mom in the cage with the other four mini women closing the cage.

“I’ll see you ladies tomorrow. I get the feeling we have some new changes to discuss.”

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by shrinker_s » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:06 am

Chapter 3:

The next day.

Bobby knocked on the door to his friend’s house. He heard is friend yell for him to come in and he was in the kitchen.

Bobby smelled pancakes as he walked into the house and headed towards the kitchen. Jimmy was sitting at the table, sipping on some orange juice, a plate of half-eaten pancakes in front of him. Over his friends shoulder he saw the cage they had kept Jimmy’s family, however there was an obvious change, there were still three miniaturized people, just that Jimmy’s father had been replaced by Jimmy’s aunt.

“Come on in dude.” Said Jimmy “Want some pancakes?” Jimmy tapped the plate in front of him. The noise brought Bobby’s eyes to the plate in front of his friend and say two other mini women. Even as Bobby sat down at the table, he knew that they were Jimmy’s twin cousins Jackie and Jenny. They sat on the table facing Jimmy, their asses on the edge of the table, their legs were pointing towards the center of the plate, knees pulled up giving Jimmy a clear view of their bodies from ass to tits.

Bobby switched his gaze between the plate, his friend, and the cage. He didn’t know what to say. Jimmy took another sip of juice and smiled.

“What’s a matter dude,” asked Jimmy, “you look confused.”

“Dude,” whispered Bobby, “Did you shrink your aunt and cousins?”

“Yup,” answered Jimmy.

“That’s fucked up.” Bobby still whispered, “Why?”

“Well, Dear Aunty Ann was going to make me move back with her, not going to happen.” Said Jimmy

“So, you shrunk them?” asked Bobby.

“Why not?” asked Jimmy.

“Well………” said Bobby.

“Look,” interrupted Jimmy, “The way I look at it it’s not like they can call the cops, the phone is almost as big as they are, and it’s not like the person on the other end is going to understand the gibberish coming out of it. So fuck’em. If this bitch hadn’t pissed me off wanting to move me away I might not have even gone down this path. Now it’s a done deal. Especially since I got rid my dad.”

“You did what?” spoke Bobby a little surprised.

“Yeah, he pissed me off and I really had no use for him. Just a quick twist, and the garbage disposal did the rest.”

Bobby’s eyes went to the sink and shivered a little. “What are you going to do?”

“Do?” asked Jimmy, “I don’t plan to do anything, I’m staying in my house.”

“What are you going to do with them?” asked Bobby indicating the minis.

“Anything I want.” Smiled Jimmy. He indicated the two girls on the table. “Tell them to do something.”

It was a surprising statement. The twins turned their heads to Bobby when indicated he should speak a command. Bobby stared down at the two girls. They were nude and covered from head to toe with syrup. He didn’t know what to do.

“Don’t be shy dude.” Laughed Jimmy, “They’re absolute whores, I’m planning and letting them work my junk for the rest of the day so go for it.

Bobby hesitated, and then said “Kiss each other”

The girls were about to start kissing when Jimmy let out a laugh, “Don’t be lame dude. Like I said, they’re both whores, real sluts.” He smiled a little, “let me show you.” He tapped the plate with the fork he was holding. This caused the girls to flinch, and for the first time Bobby saw that the girls had several sets of bruises remarkably similar to the pattern of the fork held by Jimmy. It was clear to Bobby that he must have used it on the two girls.

“Jenny, I think Jackie is hungry. Show my friend here that trick of feeding your sister pancakes I showed you.” Jenny said something to Bobby, but obviously he didn’t care. “Don’t sound like that, you know you love it.” He taped the fork again against the plate. Jackie said something to Jenny and both girls seemed to sigh in unison.

Jenny reached to the half-eaten stack of pancakes on the plate and grabbed a hand full of both pancake and syrup. She remained seated on her ass and pulled her heels up closer to the body and spread her legs a little wider. Jenny then proceeded to rub the pancake-syrup combination onto her pussy, actively pushing some of the food into her pussy. When the process seemed to have been done, she leaned back on her elbows and spoke something to her sister. Jackie seemed to take a breath and lowered her face into her sisters pussy and started to eat the breakfast food off of her sister’s holy-of-holy’s. Bobby couldn’t believe it as he watched the girls tongue not only lick the pancake from the girls pussy lips and thighs’, but also plunged deep inside her sisters pussy to pull out bits of pancake. As each morsel was collected, Jackie would swallow and continue. It was clear to Bobby that the girls had done this before and knew what to do to avoid another prod from the fork in Jimmy’s hands.

For his part Bobby was mesmerized by the scene. When Jimmy’s family was shrunk, that was the first time he had seen a naked woman. Now he was seeing a live lesbo show. Bobby felt his cock grow with the sight and without even realizing it, he had leaned forward to get a better view.

“I can’t believe they are actually doing it.” Said Bobby

“See,” said Jimmy, “They love this stuff, real whores.” He held up the fork in his hand, “Plus a little forking let them know I meant business.” Jimmy laughed at the pun, “I bet they never thought they’d be forked by a real fork.” He prodded Jackie with the prone of the fork on her ass, “get in deeper bitch, there’s probably some good stuff if you work a little harder.” The mini girl obeyed the order and pressed her mouth tighter to her sisters pussy plunging her tongue deeper.

Bobby shook his head and looked up to his friend. For the first time he realized that the look in Jimmy’s eyes had changed a little, so he asked a question. “Dude, what are you doing here? This isn’t legal, you can’t kill your dad, and shrink more people.”

“Why not.” Leaned back Jimmy. “It’s not like they will escape, and if they did? They have no clothes and it isn’t like anyone will understand what they are saying. They can’t even write stuff down that makes sense.”

Bobby had to agree to that, they had tried ways of communication. Basically, the mini’s couldn’t speak or write in English, so the two way conversations were strictly yes and no. Now it looked like the conversations weren’t even that; just orders and threats if not followed.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Bobby.

“Well,” said Jimmy using his fork to move the girls into a sixty-nine position clearly, they had been there before, “I’m going to have some fun with my cousins.” Jimmy looked up at his friend and smiled, “I think we can stop trying to fix this and just go with it. That’s why I can’t hang with you today.”

Bobby nodded in a resigned agreement.

“Oh, don’t look so bummed.” Jimmy smiled. He then leaned back towards the cage holding his mom, sister, and aunt. He opened the cage door, reached in, and wrapped his hand around his sister. He pulled her out, ignoring her screams and offered the hand to his friend. “Here, you seemed to enjoy holding her with clothes on, I think you’ll like it when she’s naked. Hell, I’ll let you borrow her for a few days.”

Bobby took the mini girl from the offered hand and looked down at his friends older sister. It was true that he enjoyed holding her, and he did linger a bit when moving her from cage to floor and back again. Now his fingers were wrapped around her body, her arms were free and the pounded at his fingers as she screamed and struggled. Bobby felt her muscles and bones move as she struggled, it reminded him of when he held his pet rat, Willard, at home. He also felt the smooth skin, and suppleness of both the girls ass, and tits, his rat absolutely didn’t feel like that. He found himself already touching the mini with the fingers of his free hand. It was intoxicating, the power and the eroticism. He really wanted to do all sorts of things to this little one.

“Dude, I think my sister likes you.” Said Jimmy with a smile. “I think you and her become more acquainted.”

Bobby smiled as he rubbed his finger over the body of the girl. He pressed down on her boobs, she tried to push his fingers away, but to no avail.

“O.k. dude,” said Bobby still looking down at his friends hot sister, now the size of a barbie doll. “What are you going to do, how are you going to explain your missing aunt and cousins?”

Jimmy was still looking at his two cousins moving their bodies to entertain the giant boy looking over at them. “I’m not sure exactly, it was pretty easy to get my aunt on the computer at make her transfer all the accounts to my name.” He poked the top sister on the butt with his fork, hard enough to elicit a yelp of pain and forcing her to drive her pussy harder into the sisters face. “These two slits have phones full of friends that we could shrink up and play with.”

“Dude, we can’t just shrink people all over the place. That will attract to much attention.” Said Bobby. He had stopped pressing on the mini girls boobs and found that pressing between the girls legs brought an interesting reaction definitely a panicked look came on her face and the push against the fingers wrapped around her body were more desperate in the attempt to escape. “I think the cops would start getting suspicious if people were disappearing all over town, and their bank accounts were then drained into yours?”

Jimmy looked a little disappointed, it seemed so easy when he thought about it, but his friend was right. That’s why they made such a good team. “There has to be a way, I get the feeling that these five are going to get old after a while and we’re going to want some new minis.”

Bobby answered, “Let me think for a second.” As his thoughts moved, he looked down at Jimmy’s sister. She was clearly exhausted from her struggles and panic. She was still pushing against the fingers wrapped around her, but the energy had diminished. Curious, Bobby wetted the pinky finger of his free hand and then placed it at the entrance of the girls pussy. This got another immediate reaction as the girl felt the pressure being applied to the entrance. Any resistance didn’t last long as the digit passed through the lips and entered into the girls womb bringing forth a series of new screams and what sounded like pleas to stop. Jimmy twisted the penetrating digit back and forth to facilitate it going deeper into the screaming girl. He stopped when he felt something that felt a bit more solid, he didn’t push any harder he didn’t want to injure the little thing, not yet anyway.

“O.k.,” finally Bobby said, “Maybe we can do something with bit coin on the dark net. Let me look into it.”

Jimmy smiled, “I’ll do some research too, we can talk about this Monday after school, o.k.”.

“Sounds good,” said Bobby smiling at his friend, “I’ll tell mom you and your Aunt are doing some sort of bonding thing, that’s why I came back.” Jimmy started to walk out the door. As he went to the door, he paused a moment, “Dude, we may have a goldmine here, we just have to be careful.”

Jimmy stood up and lifted the plate off the table with the two girls, “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” He replied.

“See you on Monday.” and with that Bobby left the house.

Jimmy looked down at the two girls on the plate he held. “Well girls, let’s wash you off and move this thing to the bedroom don’t you think?” The girls fear of being lifted on the plate, was replaced by the words spoken by Bobby. Either way, they knew their day was most likely entering another stage one they were not going to enjoy.
Last edited by shrinker_s on Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by ShrinkMaster » Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:10 pm

Great story that also invites to many more events!

It seems like you mixed up the names of the two guys at the end ;) :
Jimmy answered, “Let me think for a second.” As his thoughts moved, he looked down at Bobby’s sister. She was clearly exhausted from her struggles and panic. She was still pushing against the fingers wrapped around her, but the energy had diminished. Curious, Jimmy wetted the pinky finger of his free hand and then placed it at the entrance of the girls pussy. This got another immediate reaction as the girl felt the pressure being applied to the entrance. Any resistance didn’t last long as the digit passed through the lips and entered into the girls womb bringing forth a series of new screams and what sounded like pleas to stop. Jimmy twisted the penetrating digit back and forth to facilitate it going deeper into the screaming girl. He stopped when he felt something that felt a bit more solid, he didn’t push any harder he didn’t want to injure the little thing, not yet anyway.

“O.k.,” finally Jimmy said, “Maybe we can do something with bit coin on the dark net. Let me look into it.”

Bobby smiled, “I’ll do some research too, we can talk about this Monday after school, o.k.”.

“Sounds good,” said Jimmy smiling at his friend, “I’ll tell mom you and your Aunt are doing some sort of bonding thing, that’s why I came back.” Jimmy started to walk out the door. As he went to the door, he paused a moment, “Dude, we may have a goldmine here, we just have to be careful.”

Bobby stood up and lifted the plate off the table with the two girls, “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” He replied.

“See you on Monday.” and with that Jimmy left the house.

Bobby looked down at the two girls on the plate he held. “Well girls, let’s wash you off and move this thing to the bedroom don’t you think?” The girls fear of being lifted on the plate, was replaced by the words spoken by Bobby. Either way, they knew their day was most likely entering another stage one they were not going to enjoy.
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by shrinker_s » Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:29 pm

LOL....I went over a bunch of times and was like....Gosh, I hope I don't mess up with the names.

Too funny.... I'll fix it.

Also, looking forward to you posting some more of your stories, old and new.

Shrink Adept
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Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by SciFiCrazy » Fri Oct 02, 2020 5:45 pm

Another great story. Hope to see Bobby introduce Jimmy’s sister to his pet rat, if you are planning more chapters.

Also, as shrinkmaster pointed out already with the name mix up at end of chapter 3, you first did it at the end of chapter 1. So at least your consistent in your Seriously though, i appreciate your guys stories as I don’t have the kind of imagination that would allow me to be original and see things as you guys do. Thanks for sharing them with us.
shrinker_s wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:05 am

Bobby tended to linger even longer with Jimmy’s sister when Aunt Ann was sunbathing, Bobby had stopped letting this bother him since he was starting to no longer look at his shrunken family as his family and more as an inconvenience to his life.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 99
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:01 pm

Re: The Problem - SW, Non-Con, etc.....

Post by shrinker_s » Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:24 pm

I'm going to make a poster board with post-it notes and string to keep stuff in line. LOL

Thanks for the edits, it helps a lot and it is apreciated.

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