Those Who Wait

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Those Who Wait

Post by Zenra_Yade » Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:26 pm

Gerald met his wife, Susan, while they were both in college. After they graduated, they had a daughter. Tiffany turned eighteen last week. When the shrinking virus hit, the government rescinded mini rights. Tiffany developed a bit of a god complex. She didn’t care who they once were. Tiffany considered any mini she caught her plaything.

Susan's statuesque daughter lazed in bed in a tight, white t-shirt and some pink panties. Tiffany smiled as she snapped a little woman's neck with her thumb. "Hey, mom. What's up?"

As Tiffany tossed the mini in the trash like a used tissue, Susan sat down on the bed. "Why did you kill that poor woman?"

"It's just a mini. Don't stress, mom. Besides, Charlotte became a bitch after she shrank. I mean, she refused to paint my toenails. What's up with that? If you ask me, she deserved it."

"That is no reason to kill her."

"So, I'm supposed to take disrespect from an insignificant mini? If anything, I was merciful."

"Did you say, Charlotte? As in your best friend in the entire world, Charlotte? Charlotte, who you grew up with? Who you had sleepovers with, Charlotte?"

"Emphasis on was, Charlotte."

Susan's face turned pale as she saw the monster she raised. Tiffany reached into her top drawer and revealed another mini. Susan recognized the gaunt, naked five-inch-tall woman and almost fainted. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yep. It's my former math teacher, Mrs. Widdicombe. Say hi to my mom, bitch, or do I need to get the pencil again?"

The little woman squeaked out a greeting. Dried blood smeared down the little woman's inner thighs. "Good girl. You’ve earned the right to paint the rest of your goddess's toenails."

Mrs. Widdicombe landed hard on the mattress. She ran and unscrewed the lid of the nail polish Tiffany held between her goddess’s toes. Susan jumped from the bed and walked to the door. "I'll leave you to it."

Susan closed the door and strolled back to the living room. Panic set in as she thought about her daughter's cruelty.

As the family sat around the dinner table, Gerald rambled about his busy day at work. "... and that was when Richard in marketing told me about this Doctor Ian Blackstone, and I was like, oh, yeah. That was who you went to see the other day about- Oh, I mean, forget about it. It's nothing."

Susan kicked him. "Mom? What's going on? Are you all right? You're not dying, are you?"

"No, I am not dying. Forget about it."

"But you never go to a doctor unless something’s really wrong. What's up?"

Gerald leaned forward. "We were going to tell you weeks ago but we couldn't find the right time. I guess, now's as good a time as any. Your mother- ouch!" Susan kicked him again.

"A few weeks ago, the doctor diagnosed me with the shrinking virus. I have a week before I start shrinking. My projected final height is between nine and ten-inches-tall."

Tiffany embraced her mother. "Is that all? Don't worry, mom. I'll look after you. You have nothing to worry about."

"What about those minis you tortured in your room?"

"They mean nothing. They are nothing, but you’re my mom, and I’ll always love you." Susan wept, content in the fact that her cruel daughter might respect and treat her with dignity.

A few days later, Susan woke to find herself shorter. She measured herself against the chart she drew up in her bedroom, three-foot-eleven. Tiffany, who usually stood two inches taller than her, towered over her. Susan walked to the kitchen to fix a bowl of cereal. After a long struggle, Susan sat at the table. Her daughter sat beside her. "I might have to find you my old high-chair for tomorrow."

"Very funny."

"Or, you could sit on my lap and I could feed you like a baby?"

"You're a real comedian."

"Wait until tomorrow, mom. We'll see who laughs then."

The next morning, Tiffany loomed over Susan. "Morning, mom."

"Good morning, Tiff. What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd help you. I don't know if you'd noticed, but you're a lot smaller."

Tiffany lifted Susan out of her nightshirt and stood her up beside the height chart. "Just what I thought, a little over two-feet." Tiffany cradled Susan like a small child.

"How does a bath sound?"

"A bath sounds nice."

Tiffany smiled as she carried her mother into the bathroom and filled the tub. She poured bubble bath into the tub, removed her clothes, and tossed them in a heap on the floor. "Uh, what are you doing, Tiff?"

"What? You didn't think I could let my mini-mommy have a widdle bath all by herself?"

Susan stared up at her daughter's bald snatch as Tiffany stepped into the tub. Tiffany sat her mother on her lap and rubbed soap over the little woman's body. Her hand stopped as the soap passed over Susan's crotch. Susan tried to swat away Tiffany’s hand away but gave up. "This won't do, mommy. Don't worry, I have just the thing."

Tiffany opened a pot of cream and massaged the thick white paste over her mother’s nether regions. Once Tiffany finished, she grabbed the soap again. Susan reached for her crotch, but Tiffany slapped the back of her hand. "Let the cream work its magic, mom."

"What is it?"

"It's hair removal cream. God, you stress about the littlest things. Let’s wash your hair while it sits."

Susan relaxed as Tiffany bathed her. Tiffany lifted Susan out of the tub, dried off, and held her naked mother in front of the mirror. "What do you think?"

"Oh, it looks good."

"I thought you’d like it. Let's get you dressed."

Susan almost fell asleep as she listened to her daughter’s heartbeat. Tiffany tossed her mother on the bed, slipped on some fresh panties and a T-shirt, and hid some items behind her back. "I bought you some presents the other day, mom. You’re about the right size to appreciate them now. Ta-da!"

Tiffany revealed a pink T-shirt and a diaper. "You can't expect me to wear that?"

Susan tried to run away, but Tiffany caught her. Tiffany sat on the edge of the bed and bent Susan over her knee. "I don't like doing this, Susie, but you need to realize who is in control now."

Tiffany swatted her mother's bare ass five times. Afterward, Tiffany rubbed Susan’s reddened cheeks. She slipped a finger into Susan's bald, removed it, and licked her finger. "Do you understand, Susie? Tell me you understand?"

"I, I understand."

"Good girl. Now, can I dress you?" Susan nodded. “Will you run away again?” Susan shook her head. "That's my girl.” Tiffany set her mother back on the floor and stood to her feet. She walked over to the wardrobe once more and slipped on a short mini-skirt. “Now I know you’ll be good, how about we go shopping so I can show you off to my friends. I’ll bet they can’t wait to see you.” Susan knew her humiliation had just begun, but she realized life could be worse. At least Tiffany still loved her.

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