Tiny nudist

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Tiny nudist

Post by beto333 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:27 pm

This is my first time writing in English. This is a gentle, but very erotic story with a willing to shrink female.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

If it catches your interest I will continue with more chapters.


Back from work

Melina has been working in New York, as the editor for the technology section in the New Wave web portal, she has held that position for three years now, but today was her last day at the office, as she will continue working remotely.
“Hey Senorita!… Will I meet you at the gym tonight?” asked Pauly, a Petite blonde girl with some serious curves. She was also Melina’s best friend and co-worker.
Melina looked at Pauly and gasped “Yeah, I guess… tonight will be our last day as gym pals” She started playing with her jet-black hair and said “After tomorrow, I don't think I will be able to help you out with your work outs anymore.” Melina took a serious tone and said, “And it's ‘Seññorita’, not ‘Senorita’… you need to work on your ñ…”.
“Bueno Señorrita” replied Pauly.
“Now you are overdoing your rr…“ said Melina rolling her eyes.
Pauly smiled and said, “Well from tomorrow I will have a native instructor in my purse, that will help me with my accent”.
Melina looked at Pauly’s purse and said, “You will need to make some space on that thing and get it clean if want your Spanish lessons.”
Pauly looked at her purse and noticed it was packed “I will clear some space but riding on my boobs is always an option” Said Pauly shacking her boobs comically.
“Not with those two big roommates, they take all the space.” Said Melina looking at Pauly's chest.
“Yeah, and they might get snuggly, you will love it in wintertime” said Pauly.
“You are probably right.” Said Melina while looking at her cleavage.
Both girls laughed.
“I can't believe you are going through with this - I mean - I did it for Tom once, and just for a week to spice things up, but it wouldn't cross my mind to make it permanent.” Pauly said. “Aren't you scared?” she asked quizzically.
“We have talked about this Pauly, I'm not scared, if something I'm excited! Also, you know it's not permanent.” Said Melina
“I couldn't believe you convinced the boss for the remote work, she is usually a bitch, but she immediately agreed with you when you told her it could be a great opportunity to experience tiny gadgets firsthand.” said Pauly.
“Yeah, it is a very convincing argument, that way I can do all my writing at home, I just need my phone.” Said Melina.
“Your phone? I thought you intended to use one of those micro computers.” Said Pauly confused.
“Not really, other than testing the gadgets, I am not really planning to use any of the conveniences made for the tiny, I want to use normal sized stuff and experience my smallness to the fullest.” Said Melina joyfully, she continued “Also, don't get to keep most of the gadgets, and they are very costly since the shrinking procedure is not that widespread yet…”
Pauly took Melina hands and said “But we are still going to hang out regularly… Right? Just the two of us?” Said Pauly seriously.
“Yeah, I think you will handle me just fine.” Said Melina doubtfully.
“You don't sound convinced.” Said Pauly “For your information I already read through all the ‘good practices for handling a tiny' booklet you gave me; your tiny ass will be safe with me.” Said Pauly firmly.
Melina half smiled “Don't worry about it too much, besides, I will become more resistant, so you don't even have to be so gentle. You will do it great.” she said grabbing Pauly's hands.
“So… tonight at eight?” said Pauly, holding Melina’s hands tighter not letting go.
“Yeah! I'll be there, now let go you freak!” Said Melina, pulling her hands away from Pauly.
“See you…” said Melina walking away.

In the bus

“So, this is it, my last metro ride alone, after today I won't be able to ride without someone” Melina thought.
Not that she liked riding the metro, or that she will miss it, she couldn't help but to think of all the changes that were about to occur in her life.

Getting home to David

“Hi Hun” said David.
“Hi pretty” said Melina and gave David a kiss. “Did the furniture people finish with all the gripping installations.” Asked Melina.
“Yeah, they did, you will be able to reach every corner of this house now. You can even access the fridge through a special mini door, you will have your own walk-in fridge now.” Said David comically. “Also, I installed a little button, you will be able to press with your foot and use the kitchen sink.” He said, as he her something he had in his hand “… and I even made you a tiny stove that works with regular sized candles. So, you can remember your “smallness” even when you cook. I know you don't want the tiny conveniences dear.” Said David smiling.
“That's my hubby, always thinking about little me.” Said Melina giving David another kiss.
“So… Are you prepared for a fun night?” Said David.
Melina looked at him in the eyes and said “Of course I am hun, but first I promised Pauly I would go to the gym with her.” Melina sighed “You know… she is all nostalgic about it, I have to go.”
“Ha! David snapped “Just give her time, she will join you in a month” David said laughing.
Melina looking at David said “Yeah, you are probably right… anyways I will change my clothes now, and head to the gym. Your better be prepared when I come back. I will fuck your brains off.”

In the gym

Melina jogged her way to the gym.
Pauly was already there. She and Melina joined the spinning class, as they always enjoyed working out while looking at the cute spinning instructor, by the end they were sweating like crazy.
“Wow! That was intense, I can't believe he made us sweat so much.” said Pauly.
The blonde's face was red and she was all sweaty.
“I know, I just want to go to the sauna and take a shower now.” gasped Melina, but she was not as tired as Pauly.
“Deal!” Said Pauly.

In the sauna

Both girls went for the locker rooms and got naked.
“Wow! You look amazing girl! those work outs are paying off. No wonder you barely broke a sweat today” Said Pauly.
“You think?” asked Melina while looking at her own nude figure.
“You look like a fitness model” said Pauly.
“I have been trying to get in shape, since I will need all of the strength I can muster from now on.” Said Melina grinning.
“So… How are you planning to stay fit, I don't think there is a gym with the all characteristics you will need” said Pauly quizzically.
Melina looked at her playfully and said “Are you kidding me? I wont need a gym to stay fit anymore, everything will take me a lot of effort, I will have to do climbing, trekking, and jumping just to get around. That way I will stay fit whether I like it or not.”
“Yeah… you are right, I lost some weight when I did it for Tom, it gets really is exhausting just getting around” Pauly said “And not to mention satisfying him, it took all my energy to make Tom cum when you weren't there” Pauly laughed.
“Yeah, I know… and at least you were Barbie sized!, it is going to be a lot harder for me, and I am not planning any days off. I will be riding David’s cock on a daily basis, and the riding part is quite literal.” Melina said smiling.
“That sounds fun, it will be like watching a mini rodeo.” Said Pauly.
“Yehaa!” Shouted Melina moving as if she was riding a bull.
“It almost makes me want to join you down there.” Said Pauly playfully.
“Sure! we can compete to see how quick we can make David cum.” Said Melina smiling. “And if you don't get small, I think your hand could be a worthy opponent.” Melina said laughing.
Pauly imagined for a moment both scenarios, then both girls looked at each other and laughed once again.
“I bet Tom would love that too! is good thing that we started swinging, that way you can be tiny for Tom too” Said Pauly.
“Well, you can be normal for David too.” Said Melina grinning.
They grabbed some towels, covered their lower halves and headed toward the sauna, it was empty except for them.
The two women seated and enjoyed the heat and scent from the sauna in silent for a moment.
Then Pauly thought of something and asked, “What are you going to do about your clothes?”
“I am going to give most of it to charity, if you want something, just say it.” Said Melina.
“Wow, you are really committed!” Said Pauly. “… but I didn't mean those clothes.”
“Ohh… I see what you mean…” said Melina, as she stood up, stretching her arms in the air, and letting slide the towel in her lower half “… the answer is: nothing” she said finally, revealing her nude figure in its full splendor.
Pauly saw Melina sweaty body.
She is so hot, she thought
“Oh my God! you are hot.” Said Pauly a bit irritated. “But what do you mean nothing?” she said confused.
“I won’t be wearing clothes.” Said Melina leaning towards Pauly arms akimbo.
“I know you are a nudist psyco, but you can't go naked in public.” said Pauly.
“Why not? No one will be able to distinguish anything from distance, you will have to look directly and very close at me to catch something.” Said Melina seriously.
“You will have to wear some clothes when we go out, I'm not bringing you naked to a restaurant” said Pauly seriously
“Gosh! You and David are the same. How boring! I will get something to wear when I go out with you. Ok?” Said Melina reluctantly “…but being nude 24/7 is half the fun you know?” she sighed.
“You can be naked the rest of the time, don't be whiny” said Pauly.
Melina grabbed her towel back and started putting it back on.
“I can always go tinier, you know?... I think ½ of an inch is the smallest I can go, that way people won't even notice me...” Said Melina.
“But neither will I, you tiny bug” said Pauly, looking at Melina and squinting “Don't be like that! I will let you use the cute Barbie dress Tom got for me” said Pauly smiling.
“I don’t think so, a Barbie dress will be waaay too big for me, even at my biggest size, maybe a dress for her little sister Kelly will be more fitting.” said Melina now seated again.
“Ok, as long as you cover that little ass” said Pauly while at Melina’s butt.
“Ohh! Shut up” said Melina slouching with her hand on her chin.
Both girls stayed in the sauna for a while more, then headed for the showers, got dressed, and left the gym.

Heading home

“I guess next time I meet you I won’t be able to hug you.” Said Melina a bit nostalgic. And before she could continue Pauly hugged her and said “I will let you hug one of my fingers.”
Both girls giggled.
“Bye señorita.” Said Pauly as she started walking away.
“Oh! You got it perfect this time.” Melina said joyfully.
“I'm a natural” said Pauly walking away, as Melina started walking away too.

Last normal night with David

David was on his boxers when Melina arrived.
“Hey there little girl.” he said.
“Hey there” Said Melina whimsically.
“Is there something wrong hun?” said David
“It's nothing, I am just processing it all, that's all… it's unbelievable how things will change for me.” she said.
“But this is what you want baby, it’s our anniversary gift. Besides, it's not permanent, if you grow tired of it we can simply stop it.” Said David condescending.
“I know, but it will be a waste of money if we decide to end it.” Said Melina.
“Don't think like that honey, I know you we will both love it. You haven't been able to take it off your mind since we saw Pauly small for her anniversary with Tom. In all cases, we can spare that money, no problem.” Said David.
“You know we can't, but you saying it is sweet… That's why I married you.” Said Melina and give a little jump, putting her arms around David’s neck.
They went to the bedroom and made love like it was the last time, in some sense, it was, at least in this way.


Doctor's office

David and his wife Melina were waiting in a large office. This was Doctor Dan’s office, an specialist in the shrinking procedure.
The door opened and it was the doctor with the results of Melina’s tests in hand “Okay… Ms White, we had run all the test and I'm happy to announce that you are young healthy lady. We have all the green lights to continue with the procedure.” Said the doctor happily.
“Great!” Said Melina, her heart was racing with excitement.
“We need to confirm some data before we continue.” said the doctor.
He gave Melina a paper with her data.

Name: Melina White
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Hispanic (Caribbean)
Country of origin: Colombia
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazelnut
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 57,4 Kg
Body measurements: 86.36-60.96-88.9 cm

And so on…

“Oh! I think my weight is wrong, I lost some of it since we last met.” Said Melina proudly.
“You are right! I noticed you are also more muscular now.” The doctor said glancing at Melina’s body. “Great! that will help you a lot now.”
Doctor Dan grabbed a kit from one of the drawers beneath his desk and placed it on the table. The kit had Melina’s name written on it.
Melina, impacient and nervous, tried to grab the kit, but Doctor Dan hold it in place.
“Easy young lady” said the doctor happily “We should go over the instructions just one more time before I let you both go. Okay?” He said gazing at the couple.
They nodded.
The Doctor opened the kit and took out three plastic containers.”
“So… here you have the powders that will shrink Ms White… to the target size of… three inches.” The doctor said checking Melina’s file “The process will take around three hours in total” said as he started arranging the three containers colored green, yellow, and red. He looked towards David and said “During that time Mr. White will look over you Ms White, to check that everything goes smoothly and you reach the target your height safely.” He said looking at Melina. “The process is totally safe, and Mr. White will be with you for nothing more than your convenience so you can relax.” said doctor Dan calmly.
He continued, and started tapping the first container “The green powder has to be dissolved in the large bathtub, this one will start the process, you need to keep your head afloat above the solution at all times Ms. White. Once you get your body in the solution, it will start shrinking your body to around 1 foot tall. Then, Mr White will take you out.” The doctor now tapped the yellow powder container and said “Next, the yellow powder goes in the medium sized tub. Once you dip in, Ms White, it will shrink you to the target size of around… three inches.” said the doctor looking again at Melina’s file.
“Finally...” said the doctor, while tapping the red powder container, and looking at the couple “The red powder is not to shrink you any further, it is to stabilize your size at around 3 inches, you can end up between ½ of an inch and 4 inches, but we can correct that by playing with the red powder concentration.”
“Any questions?” asked the doctor.
They remained silent.
“Well then, if you please, follow me.” Said the doctor, standing up from the desk.
The doctor handed the powders to David, and he directed the couple to the room where the procedure takes place. He showed them the entrance but stayed outside. One the couple was inside, the doctor said joyfully “See you on the land of the giants Ms. White, and happy anniversary to both of you.
The shrinking
Melina and David heard the door closing behind them. A silence followed the door bang. In front of them there was three bath tubs, one regular size, another the size of a small laundry basket, and on the top of a large table tiny one just slightly bigger than a cup of tea. There was also a sink, gloves, a ruler and some other boxes with different items. They knew exactly what to do, they heard it all from Pauly, as she did it a few months back with her husband, but the doctor always insisted in reviewing the procedure, it was protocol.
“I will start dissolving the green powder. You go and get underssed while I am at it.” said David nervously.
Melina nodded and went to a corner where there were some hangers to organize her clothes.
As she was stripping her clothes off, she thought of the freedom of finally being able to be naked all the time. Coming from a family of nudists, Melina was not fond of clothes, back in Colombia her family owned a huge property, where she could roam naked as she grew up. Now, she will be able to do the same in her tiny New York apartment. She need no clothes, no matter what David or Pauly said, she will get it her way.
David was crouching next to the big tub, dissolving the green powder in the water. Once he finished, he turned his head to call Melina, just to find his wife standing next to him, his eyes directly pointing at her womanhood and the little bush that covered it.
“Eyes up here.” Said Melina playfully. He looked up and saw the face of her wife grinning.
“I don't think you will be able say that anymore, once we are done.” Said David with a jokingly.
Melina descended her head to kiss David in the lips, then reincorporated and proceeded towards the bathtub.

The shrinking starts

Melina dipped her right foot on the green solution, it was warm, and she felt how it tingled her skin. Immediately, she dipped her other foot and slowly laid down in the tub.
She was trembling a bit due to the excitement.
Her husband noticed it and asked puzzled. “Is it cold?”
“No, it's just fine. I'm just too excited, that's all”. Said Melina still trembling.
As the time went by, David saw how Melina’s body started to diminish, she had to constantly try different positions just to keep her head afloat.
“Honey, you should put the gloves on.” Said Melina, now smaller than a toddler “I think I might need you to hold me to keep my head afloat.”
David zoomed across the room, grabbed the gloves, and zoomed back with the gloves on.
“Relax I will hold you from now on.” Said David, as he held his wife’s dwindling body for the next 20 minutes, he admired her curves and perfectly toned abs as she diminished. For the last 10 minutes, Melina’s became small enough to stand up in the tub. David measured her placing a ruler next to her, until she reached 1 foot tall.
“...and… 1 foot! time to get you out hun.” Said David excited.
“Great!” said Melina’s on her tip toes already, struggling to keep her head afloat.
Melina put her hand in the air and David picked her up with both hands, as baby as if she was a baby, however she was way smaller than a baby now. Also, he found it unbelievable how weightless she had become, and they were nowhere near her target size.
David placed her wife in the floor and started to prepare the second bath for her. He took the medium sized bathtub, filled it with water and started dissolving the yellow powder.
Melina was silent, she was so aroused by the experience, everything was so enormous already, she was the same size Pauly was for her husband. Just the thought of going even further with the shrinkage made her lose her mind and made her pussy wet.

Fuck me with your finger

As David finished dissolving the yellow powder Melina was exploring the room, comparing her tiny figure to everything around her.
Thinking of her smallness made her impossibly horny, she couldn't help it and started touching herself.
David finished with the solution, and was about to call Melina, but saw her laying on the floor in the other side of the room. He approached her, puzzled at his wife behavior he said “Honey, the next bath is ready. What are you doing?”
“I can't help it David, need you inside me before we continue.” Said Melina, rubbing her clit while her tiny body twitched.
“Baby, I think I'm too big for you now.” Said David confused.
“Use your finger!” Snapped Melina, biting her lower lip.
David took off the gloves and lifted his wife's body surrounding her hips from behind with his left hand, and with his right hand he started rubbing Melina diminutive pussy.
“Ahh!” Melina moaned. “Put it in” she shouted.
David tried with his index finger, but it was way too big for her.
“OH, please, put it in!” Melina repeated desperately.
David tried with her pinky finger instead, and it barely fitted.
For Melina, his pinky finger felt huge, and it was the thickest thing she had ever had in inside her.
David gently started fucking Melina, fearing his pinky was too big for her. However, Melina was gripping her little hands to his finger and trying to shove it deeper inside her tiny hole.
“Faster...”” she moaned.
David did it a bit faster until her wife exploded in a twitching orgasm.
Melina was lost in pleasure, she squirted like never before. David's shirt took the little huge burst of pussy juice.
“Wow! Honey, that was a lot of juice. If you weren't so small, I would be soaking” said David, excited.
Melina saw the little disaster she made on David shirt and smiled. She was still numbed by the experience, but managed to say, “I'm ready, take me to the next bath.”

Smaller than a Barbie

David placed her wife on the table and lifted the medium sized bathtub, that way he wouldn't have to clutch to keep an eye on her. He was putting the gloves back on to place Melina in the second bath, but when he finished Melina was already up and her right foot was already inside the yellow solution.
“Give me a hand.” She said “Or maybe just a finger” she said playfully.
David placed his finger so that Melina could hold to it and enter the bath safely.
Melina lied down, closed her eyes, and relaxed as the solution made her dwindle.
David saw once again as his wife started to get even smaller. Soon she was struggling again to keep her head afloat. He offered his finger for her to grab as the solution took her size away.
Melina was getting horny again thinking how powerful her husband has become to her. She was literally holding all of her weight with just one finger, and he wasn't even noticing it.
Once again Melina was small enough to stand on the tub with her head outside.
David got the ruler and placed beside Melina as she dwindled.
“3 inches!” announced David.
Melina was on her tip toes once again, and about to start swimming.
David took her out, lifting her by the hips with his two fingers.
Melina said something but she was way too small to be heard now, not without proper equipment.
David placed the tiny girl gently on the table and said “Later honey, let's finish this first.”
David took the final tub and dissolved the tiny amount of red powder on it. He saw that Melina was touching herself on the side of the table.
He approached her by poking her gently with his finger, she immediately grabs it, climbed on it, and started humping on David's gloved finger.
David transported her wife to the last bath dipping his finger with the tiny passenger on it. He didn't remove his finger, he just made sure Melina was totally covered by the solution, expect for her head. She let her enjoy his finger while the bath lasted.
The 3 inches female humped her husband gloved finger for good 20 minutes, then she relaxed into the bath.
David saw her wife stabilizing at around 2 inches during the whole hour on the red bath.
Melina with her eyes shut, was enjoying the bath. David poked her little cheek gently with his finger to let her know the process was over, but for Melina it was not gentle, the gentle poke rocked her whole body.
“Sorry Hun, you are just too small now.” Said David apologetically.
Melina stood up carefully and hugged her husband's finger, and he took her and out of the bath.
“Wow! His hand is bigger than before, I might be even smaller than his thumb.” She thought to herself. “I must be around two inches tall”.
David waited as Melina started to crawl towards his palm, until she reached the center of his palm. Then, she started heading for the skin, he opened the faucet just enough to create a stream of drops for Melina.
Melina stood up in her husband's hand. David arched his thumb si that Melina could use it as support. He placed her near the dripping water drops. She saw as the huge water drops fell, and then invaded her.
Water felt different at this scale, Melina found out, it sticked to her body.
David took a little drop of shampoo and body wash with his left hand and offered it to Melina, she took it and washed her hair, and body.
David saw Melina minuscule figure washing herself from the solutions that shrunk her.
She was so sexy, even at this size, he thought.
Melina noticed her husband looking at her in awe, and she decided to put a little show for him.
She throwed her head back and let the drops slide trough her boobs. The water felt amazing, the surface tension made the water drops engulf her boobs then continue, it felt like a massage.
David saw as her two barely distinguishable nipples got hard. Then, Melina started rubbing her left boob and with her other hand she pointed at David playfully, and immediately brought her hand to her womanhood, rubbing her now microscopic clit. David couldn't hear her now, so this was her way of saying that David aroused her.
Melina imagined David would be hard by know and fantasized how big his dick would be to her now, she played in her mind with all the ways she will have to invent to please her husband's now humongous cock. The images in her head made her wet.
Suddenly, the doctor knocked the door, and came in.


Done with the shrinkage

“Sorry to interrupt you, but I need to check how everything is going.” Said doctor Dan.
David was startled by the doctor entrance, and slightly moved his hand, but to Melina it was enough to make her fall to her knees.
“Sorry hun. Are you ok?” whispered David.
Melina unable to reply due to her tiny size, put her tiny thumb up to let David know she was ok.
“If you are done, I would like to take a look at Ms. White in my office” Said the doctor “I need to check everything went just right.” He is closing the door behind him he said “See you in a minute.”
David headed toward the table and placed his wife on the surface, he took an small microfiber cloth and hand it to Melina.
Melina took it, and immediately noticed how the water was absorbed instantly into it.
“Water is very different at this scale; it behaves and feels totally different.” She thought to herself.
She used the microfiber cloth on all her body and hair, she was dry quicker than she expected.
David handed her a very small gown made for patients that underwent the shrinkage.
Melina made a gesture of disapproval with her head waving it in an exaggerated manner.
“Common honey… the doctor is going to check on you thoroughly” David said irritated.
Melina sticked her tongue out and took the gown reluctantly.
She is like a little girl, David thought, well… she is the littlest girl I have ever seen. He half smiled.
David lowered her hand and waited for Melina to climb on it, and seat on the center before he started moving.
Now that Melina wasn’t so horny - she was still very horny - she noticed how warm and moist David’s palms were. She felt in her feet soles as the sweat from David’s hand evaporated constantly.
As David moved his hand Melina felt like if she was in an elevator. David placed his other hand on top, obscuring Melina’s view, he did this as protection.
She was amazed with every new sensation.

Back to the doctor's office

David entered the doctor's office. He was busy typing on his computer, but he signaled David to come in and sit.
He finished typing and directed his attention towards David's hands.
“Can I see her?” The doctor asked David.
David felt like he needed to be overprotective with Melina now that she was like this.
Reluctantly, he opened his hands on the table and let Melina climb down to the desk.
She was so small that she needed to sit his hand's edge to go down on the desk.
She looked towards the doctor and back to David as she started walking towards Doctor Dan.
“Wow! She is not afraid, not even one bit.” The Doctor said amazed. “When patients get this small, they are usually afraid, and it takes a while for them to get used to it.” He said looking at David, and then back at the tiny figure approaching.
“Ok Ms. White. First, I need to check if everything shrunk correctly. Could you remove….” Before the doctor could finish the sentence Melina took off her gown and looked back at David sticking out her tongue again.
From that distance David only saw a red dot on her wife's face, but he knew what it was.
She is such a little brat, David tough.
“Well… that's what I call cooperation!” Laughed doctor Dan.
Melina was staring directly at the doctor eyes, with a power posture, arms akimbo.
For David the sight was ridiculous, his wife was an insignificant being posing with an attitude bigger than both his and the doctor's.
“I see your attitude didn't shrink Ms. White.” Said the doctor.
The doctor took out a series of instruments that will help him assess the health of the tiny woman.
“Okay Ms. White. First, I will need to communicate with you properly.” The doctor took out a very small box and placed it next to Melina.
“Please Ms. White open the box, you will find a microscopic microphone that you will stick in your neck. It should be very small, even for you”. Said the doctor.
Melina opened the box and saw a series of numbers from 1/4, ½, 1, ½, ask the way to 4.
“Please take the device under the label 2, I can guess that's your current height now is two inches, but we will measure that with precision later.”
Melina took the small device under the number 2, it was in fact very small device, and it was toned to her skin. Melina stuck it to her neck, she didn't even feel it anymore.
The doctor in the meanwhile handed out another small box to David.
“Open it and stick it near you ear canal, it will allow you to hear anyone using one of the devices near you” said Doctor Dan. “All right Ms. White try speaking now.”
“Testing, testing” said Melina, and both the doctor and David could hear as if she were normal size.
“Great! We can hear you. Is there anything you wish to say before we continue?” Asked the doctor.
“I would like to say to David that he is the most handsome giant I have seen, and I can wait to feel…” The doctor interrupted Melina “To much oversharing”.
“I know that you are eager to explore your new state Ms. White, and I promise you will, as soon as we get over the testing.” said the doctor.


The doctor placed a metal ring next to Melina.
“Please Ms. White I'll ask you to step inside the ring.” said the doctor.
Melina quickly climbed to the edge of the ring with one foot and then the other and glanced inside the ring, then directed her look at the doctor “What should I do Doc?, Asked Melina playfully.
“Since you are so small, I need to take the exact measurements of each part of your body. It's easier and safer for you if you are strapped to this device, and immobilized.” Said the doctor.
Melina inspected the device closely. The ring edge was thick, enough for her to climb, she could also stand on the edge. Considering that she was 2 inches tall now, she estimated the diameter of the ring to be at least 3,5 inches. Inside it had ropes with loop ends coming out of four holes in internal edge, each one, on the opposite side of another. She couldn't help but to compare it to BDSM bondage device.
Melina caught the idea, climbed down the edge, took one of the loops ends and inserted her right hand on it and secured it, the rope was loose, so she could move around and repeat it for her left hand. Then she did it with her feet, securing the strap to her ankles.
The doctor saw as Melina secured each of the straps to her limbs, he took a hex screwdriver.
Please Ms. White, you should lay down, as I adjust the tension.” said the doctor.
Melina looked nervously at him and nodded.
She laid down flat on the desk surface with her hand and feet closed together.
The doctor placed the screwdriver on a hex located bellow her feet in the ring outside edge, he started twisting.
Melina saw as the ropes retracted inside the holes in the edges, and soon forced her legs and arms to spread, then her entire body was suspended, just slightly from the floor, only her butt still making contact.
The doctor continued until Melina was firmly immobilized.
Melina was stretched like a star, she could feel little tension across her entire body, with her limbs spread across the ring, Melina felt a little self-conscious as her legs were forced in an open position.
Without notice the doctor's hand hovered above her, obscuring the lights, she saw as his fingers started closing from all directions towards her, until he reached the ring edges, as if it were a large coin. He lifted it, and Melina with it.
Melina felt that elevator sensation again, then she felt through the tension as the ring was being attached to another instrument.
The doctor attached the ring on two points into an instrument that resembled a big microscope. The ring was held at a 45-degree angle and could be rotated on the vertical axis. The doctor adjusted the rotation, to direct Melina’s face upwards Once she was in place, he attached a magnifying round glass on top of the instrument.
From Melina perspective the instrument looked like the metal structure of a construction site with a round glass on top.
“Please Ms. White remain clam as I measure your body and it's proportions”. Said the doctor.
“Ok doc” said Melina a bit nervous, as she was at his entire mercy, tiny, naked, and immobilized.
The doctor turned on a light inside the instrument to illuminate Melina’s figure.
Melina went blind for a moment, but then she saw as a giant eye loomed above the glass on top and started inspecting her. The hovering eye inspecting every milliliter of her body.
This was embarrassing, even for her.
He placed what it looked like an elongated measure caliper in her head, torso, waist, and hips.
With his finger, the doctor pulled on the edge of the ring, and span it, leaving Melina’s face towards the ground, so that he could inspect her back.
She felt as the points of the caliper touched her butt cheeks.
Melina felt a bit self-conscious again.
The doctor placed the device at different degrees of rotation as he took a series of small instruments to measure Melina, boobs, feet, and hands.
Finally, he took photographs of Melina in different angles.
Once finished, the doctor placed Melina’s face facing upwards once again, and he said with a smile “Your proportions are in order Ms. White, as always you are a perfect female specimen, just tinier”.
Melina grinned giant eye.
The doctor directed his attention towards David's now.
“Mr. White, I want to show you something that may have escaped your eyes” the doctor said as David stood up nervously.
The doctor told him to look through the magnifying glass.
Melina saw as David's giant eye loomed in the glass above, and started inspecting over her nude figure, being held with all her limbs spread like that, in front of her lover, was different from than being watched by the doctor Melina felt aroused.
She greeted the giant eye happily “Hi love!” she shouted cheerfully, and sent David a long kiss, as her head and face was the only thing she could still move.
David admired the minuscule figure of his wife, it was all in there just very tiny, it was surreal. Seeing her through the magnifying glass made him think just how small she was.
“What is it doctor,” said David.
“Take a closer look at your wife's vulva,” said the doctor.
David looked directly at her wife's pussy and saw Melina moving her head to the side and blushing again. With the magnifying glass it was possible to distinguish her features in detail.
Then he noticed it.
“She is totally shaved” he said in awe, “but she wasn't like that when we came here” said David confused.
“I'm not shaved honey. I'm hairless, it's the secondary effect of the baths, isn't that great!?” Said Melina giggling. “It made me hairless from neck to toes, and I don't need to shave as long as I'm tiny. Just how you like it, happy anniversary baby” said Melina happily looking at the giant eye hoovering over her.
“You can go ahead and feel her if you want” said the doctor.
Melina’s heart started to race as she saw her husband finger approaching her crotch, there was nothing she could do, as she was immobilized by the ring with her legs spreaded.
David placed his finger barely contacting Melina’s pussy, he felt her minuscule pussy lips, and felt she was starting to get wet.
I can feel each individual ridge on his digit as they pass through my clit. I bet he is not even aware of it, this is just the movement of his unsteady pulse, Melina tough to herself. That almost imperceptible movement is enough to drive me crazy. Melina couldn't help herself and let a small moan out.
David stopped as he saw his wife losing it, he slowly retreated his finger a few millimeters, letting a microscopic thread of cum connecting Melina’s minuscule pussy and his finger.
Melina looked at David's pole sized finger as he retreated it, she could not wait to get out of there and have her way with her husband.
“How did you know?” asked David as he retreated his hand completely, looking at his wife's juices in his digit.
“Know what, Hun?” said Melina barely gaining her composure back.
“That you will be hairless.” Said David quizzically as he cleaned his digit in his pants.
“I saw Pauly when she was small, and I know you love to see me totally shaved” said Melina, David blushed.
The doctor took out a device with a long cable connecting to a screen. On the end of the cable there was a little metal piece. It was a thermometer, and the metal ending was the bulb.
It was small, David thought, but it might be too big for Melina.
“Normally with patients this small we just take the infrared lecture for their temperature, but if your wife is willing, we can measure her temperature from the inside.” said the doctor, as he passed the bulb to David.
Melina saw the thermometer bulb between David's fingers, it looked small in his fingers, then again, she was also small in his fingers.
“To use it, you have to place it all the way into your wife's vagina” said the doctor.
David looked at Melina trough the magnifying glass with a quizzically fl expression.
Melina said nothing but nodded at David's giant eye while biting her lower lip.
David took the tiny bulb and gently placed it just outside Melina’s pussy, contacting her lips and clit.
It’s cold, thought Melina.
David gave a final glance at Melina’s face. She looked directly at his hovering eye, closed her eyes, and dropped her head backwards.
David inserted the tiny metal bulb slowly
For Melina it had the proportion of good-sized dick, thought David.
It's cold, Melina thought again, as the bulb went all the way inside her vagina, almost reaching her cervix.
David stopped and held the thermometer in place. Again, the movement of David's unsteady pulse, was driving Melina crazy.
After a while, the doctor got the lecture, and he asked David to remove the bulb “That would be all Mr. White, you can take it out.”
David took it out as he saw Melina diminutive figure twitching all that she could while strapped to the ring.
Doctor Dan gestured David to return to his seat.
Melina was running impatient with each test, being looked at, immobilized and stimulated but not enough to finish, it felt like torture, and made her hornier than ever. She could barely hold herself in front of the doctor.
“Now we need to weight you Ms. White”. Said the doctor.
“Okay, let me out of this thing”. Said Melina a bit impatient.
“No need, I know the weight of that ring I will just weight you with it”.
The doctor detached the ring from the instrument and held it like coin, like he did before. Once again Melina felt the elevator sensation.
I need to get used to this sensation, she thought to herself.
The doctor placed the ring on the scale with the tiny woman facing upwards.
She was totally flat on the scale surface, her butt touching the cold metal of the scale. All she could see in this position was the giant lights of the doctor office, hundreds of meters above. It all looks so alien at this scale, Melina thought.
“Everything in order.” Said the doctor finally “You weigh less than a eraser rubber” said joyfully. “Okay, time to get you out of that ring Ms. White so we can continue with the physical tests.”
The doctor pressed the ring by the edges, and that caused the tension and the straps to loosen up. Melina was free again. She accommodated her hair and started stretching and do warmups on top of the scale.
“Bring it on Doc” she said filled with energy.
David saw as the diminutive figure that was his wife as she stretched and threw punches in the air, the sight was otherworldly. His wife was definitely enjoying her smallness.

Physical tests

“If you would like, you can put you gown back Ms. White.” Said doctor Dan.
Melina looked back at David and said “it's okay doc, I think I can perform better without it” she gestured David a flying kiss. As he shrugged.
“Okay then Ms. White, you need to jog around the table for 5 minutes, the device in your neck is also a monitor, so it will monitor your vital signs while you are at it.
Melina started running, she instantly noticed she was more agile and faster, her legs moved without restriction. She felt like the flash, she was quick but due to her diminutive size she didn't cover that much distance, but it still felt amazing. The same with the other test, she could jump higher, and she didn't get tired easily.
David saw Melina zooming across the table, she looked like an Olympic athlete, a nude, and tiny Olympian.

Before you go

“Everything seems in order. It’s time for you to go princess Thumbelina!” Said the doctor jokingly.
“I think she has a few millimeters on me Doc” said Melina smiling.
The doctor smiled back and took out the shrink tech kit, and hand it to David.
“Just before you go I want to review with you how the technology works. To keep her small, she needs to bath in the red powder solution every day, if she doesn’t do that, she will start growing to her full size within a week.” Said the doctor.
“Don't worry Doc I will” said Melina seriously.
“Also, Ms. White size can range from ½ of an inch to four inches, depending on the concentration on the red powder. It's up to you to find the perfect concentration to keep her at 3 inches”. Said the doctor.
“Knowing her, she will try to go to ½ inches by the second week,” said David.
“And you know me well honey” said Melina joyfully.
“This is the reason shrinking is so costly, but keeping someone small is cheap, the red powder is not as expensive as the other two, and since Ms. White is already small, you only need a few grams.” said the doctor, as he placed his hand on the kit, and continued “with the amount you have here, you can keep Ms. White tiny for half a decade” said the doctor.
Melina imagined all that time spent like this; she was getting horny again.
“Finally...” said Doctor Dan “I want to remind you that there is a series of devices to protect Ms. White included in the kit, you can use them to carry her in your pockets, or anywhere you want for that matter. She is very resistant as she is now, but I still recommend you use them to keep her extra safe”
Melina was sitting at the edge of David's finger with her feet on the desk, she looked back and up at David and said “I'm sure David will take extra care of me, now that I'm his teeny tiny girl” she said grinning.
“I bet he will.” Said the doctor firmly. “I just need both your signatures and we are all done here,” said the doctor.
David took a pen from the desk and signed the paper, but Melina looked at the pen quizzically and spoke. “Do you have a smaller pen? I don't think I can lift the one David just used.”
“Oh! No Ms White… I' m sorry you will have to use your hands and feet imprints. Even if I had a pen, your signature would be too small now.” Said the doctor.
Doctor Dan took out an ink pad and said please put your hands and feet on it and then on your “signature” box on the paper.
Melina walked into the ink pad and pushed the pad to get her feet soles stained with ink, and then arched her body and touched the pad with her both hands staining them as well.
She reincorporated herself and was about to walk into the paper, but she saw no way to do it without staining it before she could reach the box that required her signature.
She looked back and up at David and spoke. “Honey use me as a stamp!”.
“What?!” David said.
“Common! I am small, but I'm not a fairy, I can't fly over the paper to the stamp my imprints” Melina said as she started arching her body again, touching the ink pad with her hands and feet. “Common honey grab me by the butt and place me over my signature box” like you would do with a stamp. “Just don't press too hard.” She giggled.
David lifted his tiny wife arched body with two fingers. She maintained her position as he lifted her in the air. Finally, he dropped her gently inside her signature box and let her put the imprints.
Melina froze there for a while. David could see her dot sized butthole and pussy from behind. Then, she talked. “I think is enough, she reincorporated and turned her torso and head back and up at David without moving her feet soles from the paper and said. “Okay honey, time for you to get your stamp back.” She said in a sexy voice.
She placed her hands in the air as her husband grabbed her by her tummy and and ass, forcing her to sit on his thumb.
She panicked a bit and touched David's finger, staining it, when she realized what she has done, she brought her hands to her face staining herself as well.
She was a mess, David decided it was already too late for her wife and his hands to be clean, so he let her stand on his palm staining them with her inked feet soles. She laughed, as she grabbed David's thumb for support, she looked up David eyes grinning, all her tiny body covered with of ink spots.
If anything, David found this very erotic.
After a hand wash for David and a shower for Melina, they were out of the Doctor's office.
Now with Melina on David's shirt pocket, he walked out of the office into the street, the noise from the street made Melina feel the true scale of her new world. She was guarded by one of the devices meant to protect her in David's pocket, a sort of cage that prevented the pocket from collapsing. The top of the cage was open, and she could use the structure to climb up.
Melina climbed stuck her head out. She awed at the now giant world. The view of giants the size of buildings made her feel her smallness. Being no bigger than a mouse, naked and in her husband's pocket, she felt so insignificant and vulnerable.
She looked up at David and only saw his jaw, he was not even noticing her. She loved it!


Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

Re: Tiny nudist

Post by Xinunar » Fri Nov 26, 2021 8:29 am

Very good start to a story.

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:22 pm

Re: Tiny nudist

Post by beto333 » Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:09 pm


I'm not going back in your pocket

David saw Melina’s head was sticking out of his pocket. She noticed immediately that he was looking at her and lifted her gaze. She greeted him with a wide grin.
David, wanting to mock her a bit, gently pushed her head with his index finger, making the minuscule woman go back to the bottom of his pocket.
“Hey!” Melina complained “What was that for?” Asked Melina.
“No reason…” said David. “Just want you know, how powerful I have become, you can't even face a single finger.” Laughed David.
“That's because I was not prepared.” Said Melina.
“Yeah? And what can you do when you are prepared?” Said David playfully.
“Bring that finger again for round two and find out.” Said Melina seriously.
“That will have to wait.” Said David.
“Coward.” Said Melina.
David walked to a parking lot, where he left his car. Once inside the car he took out his phone and started checking his e-mails and schedule.
“Take me out!” Cried Melina
David placed his index finger in his shirt's pocket. And said, “Hold to it.”
Melina hugged his finger. Once he felt she had a good grip he took her out.
“What is it little mice?” David said, placing his finger vertically in front of his eye. Melina had her legs and arms tightly pressing around his finger”.
“Wow! The car is huge.” Said Melina in awe and looking around while still hanging tight.
“You are the small one.” Said David.
“You know what I mean” said Melina, now place me on the dash while you browse your phone.” Said Melina.
David carefully moved his hand and placed it just above the plastic surface.
“This is your stop ma'am” said David “don't go to far… we are leaving in a minute; I just need to check some stuff.”
Melina slowly climbed down and immediately felt that the plastic was a bit hot on the soles of her feet. David retrieved his hand and, his attention went back to his phone.
Melina saw through the windshield, the vastness of the world. Each car larger that cruisers. She walked towards the windshield until she felt the freezing air on her bare skin, coming from the holes below the windshield. Then she started walking the other way. Something captured her interest, a hula girl.
She walked towards the plastic doll, a gift she gave David years ago, she remembered as her former self was able to carry the doll in one hand. Now it was at least two and a half times taller. Melina stood next to the doll and couldn't help but to compare her tiny foot with the doll’s. As she looked at the doll, she noticed how wear down the plastic foot was, decolored and with creeks due to Sun exposure, she admired at the great detail she could get at this scale. Then, she looked back at her not much smaller foot.
David was done with his phone and started searching for Melina’s whereabouts in the dashboard. He saw her, next to the hula doll, she was looking down at the doll's foot.
“Don't worry Hun, she might be bigger, but I still think you are sexier, and I still prefer Latinas” Said David.
“Can you believe I was able to hold it in my hand?” She looked back at David “Now I am not even the size of a toddler compared to it.” Melinda laughed, looking all the way up to the doll’s face.
“Come on baby, get that little ass back in my pocket, we are leaving.” said David.
“I don't want to go back to that pocket”. Said Melina playfully, with her hands in her back and twitching her right foot against the plastic.
“You want to go in my pants pocket?” Asked David “You won't be able to see the road.”
“I don't want to see the road for now. I want to see one thing, but I won't find it in any of your pant’s pockets. But still, it is inside your pants” said Melina biting her lower lip.
“Got it.” He said unzipping his pants, he grabbed Melina, and placed her near his open zipper.
Melina looked up at him quizzically.
“Come in” he said, “that's all the help you get, you will have to find your way through my boxers.” finished David.
Melina stepped inside, once she reached the hole in David’s boxer she started crawling inside, fighting with the elastic.
David took off to the road, as he felt Melina’s finally reaching her objective.
It was dark for Melina, but she could feel her husband scent and flesh, she heard how David's blood was being pumped and how the inside of his boxers was getting crowded. She was amazed to find out that at this scale she could listen to her husband's erection, she felt like if she was in a cave with a dangerous growling beast.
She was going to tame it and claim the sweet juice inside it. She thought.
She suddenly felt a shake coming from everywhere, it was the car.
“Easy honey, don't kill us” said Melina.
“I won’t honey… go on…” said David struggling a bit. Melina’s tiny body felt amazing against his sex, nothing he could imagine prepared him for this. Her tiny hands, her precise touch, her struggling movements, it felt amazing ash she crawled her way to David's shaft.
This was a dream come true, and his life from now on.
The rest of the day Melina spent it in her husband's groin, as he moved around the city looking for materials for his workshop. David was a plastic artist and had his studio home.
The place where they lived was mid-size, but with all the space David needed for his art, it always felt a bit tight.
Melina was happy that with her actual size, the apartment will look bigger than a castle to her.

A daily routine

Melina was about to enter in the red solution that keeps her tiny. David saw as the diminutive female tied her hair in a bun and immediately found her way inside the teacup. Now that she was three inches tall, she didn't need David's help to get in.
Melina and David tried with different concentrations of the red powder, and finally found a concentration that will keep her at three inches, it took several tries to figure it out, but now Melina achieved her target size.
Melina’s cup was placed at the left side of the table from David, and away from him since he was having breakfast as he listened to the news on his phone, placed across the table and not so far from Melina.
Melina only needed 5 minutes inside the red solution, once finished, she was ready to wash the solution from her body. David needed to fill another teacup with water for her to dip in.
She was out of the solution, but no cup at glance.
Melina needed to get her husband attention, she looked to the giant across the table. She was unable to talk to David as he was using earbuds, he didn't like how the speaker he used to listen to Melina felt in his ear when he used those earbuds.
Melina saw the speaker next to David's phone in a white napkin, he placed it there so that he wouldn't lose track of it. Melina decided that her best chance, as always, was to walk in front of the phone screen so that her husband will look directly at her.
She walked towards the phone; every time David moved his coffee cup it felt like a little tremor for Melina. She couldn't believe how tunneled David's vision was, she was just a few inches away from his phone. Either way, she was now in front of his phone.
David saw the dripping little woman, stained in the red solution, she was looking directly at him, arms akimbo. He knew exactly what she wanted.
“You could take a dip in my coffee Hun, I don't mind.” Said David jokingly, as he moved his cup of coffee next to the tiny figure.
Melina had no intention of changing her posture, but the cup landing next to her shook her ground, making her take a little step to keep her balance.
Immediately she took back her arms akimbo position again, waiting for David to bring the cup with water.
“Alright… as you please.” Said David. As he lifted the diminutive female and placed her in an empty cup. Immediately he took the glass of water he was drinking and filled the cup with Melina on it.
Melina was not prepared for this, in less than 10 second she found herself in a teacup, and before she realized a huge stream of cold water was pouring into it. She wanted to curse at David, but he was back with his attention directed to the phone.
David knew Melina might be hot headed now, but he knew that, overall, she liked to be reminded of her powerless condition. Forcing her to take a cold bath was just another chance to play with her.
Melina finished washing herself off quickly, and headed out of the cup, she took a napkin and started absorbing every single drop hanging from her body. The red solution had surfactant agent that broke the surface tension of the water, so that drops this big couldn't form.
She finished absorbing the drops in her legs and feet, she just needed to place the napkin near every drop, and the fabric sucked it completely. She just needed to quickly use the napkin around her body once, if any water remained in her body, it evaporated before she could even notice. Water simply worked differently at this scale.
Melina was dry now, and ready for some breakfast.
David was paying more attention to Melina this time. His wife went back in front of the phone screen, to make sure he saw her. Once Melina saw she had her husband attention she proceeded to get her breakfast.
The first days, David just cut tiny portions for her to eat. But it took too much time. Then they figured it out, it was better for her just to take whatever she wanted from David's food. In addition to that, she had a small plate where David placed disposable condiment portion cups with beverages, water was always there.
Melina started with water, the condiment container was bucked size to her, she could lift it easily, as she was stronger now, and could carry a lot more in relation to her body weight, but previous attempts taught her that it's difficult to chug from a bucket without spilling it all over you.
Melina on her knees, placed both her hands inside the water, and took out a drop in both her palms, she quickly brought it to her face and sucked it slowly, carefully and trying not to break the surface tension. Otherwise, the water would stick to her face.
Melina stood up and started approaching David plate, she set foot inside it and started gathering some big waffle crumbles placing them in a pile beside some honey puddle. Then, she knelt and dipped them in the honey.
David started cutting some more waffle for him, this caused Melina to lose her balance, she placed instinctively her hand directly in the honey puddle not to fall. She continued dipping and nibbling the crumbles.
They quickly found out that this was the most practical way. For Melina, every meal was going to be a mess. It was better to wash her after than to arrange her tiny portions. Also, since she was naked, there was no clothes to worry about.
David placed some fruit beside Melina, she took a strawberry, some kiwi and pineapple. She nibbled the fruit until she was satisfied. Davis took care of the rest.
David took the honey bottle, squeezed on top of the last portion of his waffles. He internally used a ton of it, just for it flood the plate with Melina on it.
Melina tried stand up, but before she could do anything the honey reached her legs. She stood up anyways and started walking with difficulty as her feet soles sticked to the plate.
David took the last portion of his waffles and lifted it towards his mouth, but he let it hover for a while above Melina, until more honey drops fell on her.
Melina stared at him angrily, with her hands crossed.
David caught Melina’s eyes and saw his minuscule wife looking angrily at him. If anything, she looked more beautiful, spots of honey all over her body. Her arms crossed below her boobs, pushing the tiny things upwards, just made it more erotic.
“You will be better after coffee.” Said David happily, and placed a condiment cup beside her, he used a teaspoon to transfer some of his coffee to the cup until it was almost full.
Melina, still annoyed, decided to take the coffee. She knelt again in the plate, covering her knees in honey.
David loved this part, Melina on all fours drank directly from the condiment cup.
The coffee was just a bit warm, for safety reasons they decided it was best for Melina not handle really hot drinks or food. This meant that she could dip her hands on it, as she did with water. However, she once explained David that coffee does not have the same surface tension as water, and it can slip through her hands.
David did not care for an explanation, he just loved seeing her drinking like an animal.
Melina took her head out of the cup and sat, covering her rear in honey as well. She cared no more about the honey in the plate. In fact, she wanted it all over her body now, as she knew she was next on David's breakfast.
Melina opened her legs, revealing her sex to David, she looked back at the giant, making sure he was watching. She gathered with her hands some of the honey surrounding her in the plate and started rubbing it against her boobs, her stomach, her legs, all the way to her feet.
She licked the honey from two of her fingers and started to rub her clit with them.
David took a spoon and placed it behind his wife. Melina caught the idea and placed her hand on the spoon lifting her ass as David passed the spoon bellow her, she quickly moved to the center of the spoon walking on her butt cheeks.
David lifted the spoon carefully and placed just in front of his mouth, Melina looked into one of the giant's eyes, biting her lower lip, expecting. She placed her feet soles on David's lip, then she passed her right foot though his lips, she felt her toes touching his teeth.
David did not open his mouth; Melina was started to feel the wind caused by the giant's breathing.
And just before she grew more desperate, he opened his mouth and shoved her in.
She looked at David’s mouth and suddenly her lower half slid inside the giant’s mouth, a primal instinct of fear triggered on her brain. For a moment she thought she was being eaten.
David heard a tiny squeak as he felt Melina’s legs slide into his mouth, she was sweet. He engulfed his lips around her hips, securing her. He gently put the spoon away, and let Melina’s upper body hang outside, as he savored her legs dipped in honey.
David placed his hand close to his face just in case Melina’s body slid out of his lips. Now, with all precautions in place he started revolving Melina’s legs with his tongue. He felt as she kicked, with ask her force. She was no match, he continued sucking and licking gently.
Melina couldn't help herself, she felt as her body melting inside David's mouth, she squirted inside his mouth. It was just too much.
I'm glad I decided to go small enough to fit in his mouth, this way I can experience this daily, I will never get over it, thought Melina to herself.
David's felt the change of flavor in his mouth, he savored what he knew was his wife's squirt mixed with honey and his own saliva. He felt as his wife tried to free herself from his mouth, hitting his lips and around his mouth, tiny squeaks of desperation.
He opened his mouth placing Melina inside it, she retreated pushing her body away with her legs, like a scared animal but she found herself cornered by the wall of fingers behind her.
David's mouth was coming close again, his tongue aiming for her boobs, she covered herself with her arms around, blocking the giants tongue. She also closed her legs as the tongue passed through her.
David savored the honey in Melina’s arm and pushed her with his tongue. Melina lost balance and had to open her legs and arms to stabilize herself, as she did that David's tongue reached her sex, she fought, but there was no way she could close her legs now, in an that strike struggle, she left her boobs unattended, and David bounded, his tongue went for her boobs now.
David felt the shape of Melina’s this in his tongue, he licked both of them at the time, he could feel his wife's erect nipples in his tongue, for him they were no more than tiny spiky points in her tits.
Melina in a last desperate attempt she turned her body, facing her body towards David's palm, keeping her boobs away from his tongue, she felt as another squirting orgasm was building inside her.
With her body against David's palm, she left her butt sticking towards David's tongue, he quickly started to lick inside her rack, reaching her pussy and butthole.
There was no stopping to this, she let go and opened her legs wider, letting her vagina in the open.
David's tongue found her sex and started licking her until she exploded again as he tasted the salty juice coming out of Melina.
He retreated his tongue and saw her wife now floppy body on his left hand. He saw her expression, she was frowning, and her face was totally red, her eyes shut, closed with force, her body contorting in agonizing pleasure, her legs twitching, with little convulsions in between.
He was never able to make her come near this level of orgasm when she was big. He thought.
He let her rest on his hand.
With his left hand he took the speaker from the napkin and put it his ear.
She heard her wife's voice, moaning and gasping.
“What a way to start a new day! huh baby?” He said happily.
No response… still just gasps. He saw as Melina thorax inflated and deflated, she looked so delicate.
“You can talk to me now hun, I can hear you.” Said David, thinking she didn't know he placed the speaker back.
“Just… ju… just give me a second.” Melina managed to say.
She started gaining the control of her body slowly.
She assumed a sitting position on David's hand, still exhausted.
“Let's go and get you clean you big dirty giant.” I will set the score with your dick in the shower.” She said deeply gasping and throwing body against David's hand again.


La vecindad

A month passed since Melina shrank. Tonight, was a night to be spend with Pauly. David met Pauly at Melina’s former office and handed her to Pauly.
“Take care Chiquita” said David as he let go of her wife, landing on Pauly's hand.
“Bye Honey! Enjoy working on your project” said Melina as David started walking away.
“Chiquita?” Asked Pauly “I know!” She snapped “it means little lady”.
“It does, you are getting good at it” said Melina happily.
“I know… Chiquita” said Pauly holding her hand in front of her face.
Melina saw as the giantess eyes squinted at her, then she used her other hand and poked her with a a finger in the stomach. Melina fell in Pauly’s palm.
“Easy…” said Melina.
“I will never get over on how cute you are.” Said Pauly. “Now, to the purse you go.” she finished.
“I noticed you are not naked for once, and you are actually using a cute dress, where did you get it?” asked Pauly as she placed Melina on her purse and started walking.
“This? It's just the gowns that come with the shrinking kit. David made improvements and also dyed some, I helped painting the designs as they were too little for David to do by himself” said Melina proudly.
“They look better than the doll clothes I got for you.” Said Pauly.
“Yeah, and I can actually move on these, the fabric is very fine, not like those used for doll clothes” said Pauly.
“What happened with naked all the time.” asked Pauly.
“Don’t tempt me.” Said Melina seriously
They both laughed.
Pauly reached her car went inside and took Melina out of the purse.
“Let me see that dress now that I can see you with the car’s light.” Said Pauly as she placed Melina on her open palm.
Melina immediately started modelling for her in an exaggerated manner.
Pauly saw the tiny girl, the dress was sleeveless with a pronounced cleavage, as she did the exaggerated moves, one of her breasts poked out.
“Ops.” Said Melina and tucked her boob back in.
Pauly continued looking, she had a belt made out of a single thread holding all in place and making the dress tight to Melina’s minuscule body. The dress extended just a few millimeters down her waist. She wasn't using any shoes.
“I hope you have a tiny thong inside.” Said Pauly.
“I'm going commando.” Said Melina “What are you thinking? It is me we are talking about” she said smiling.
“At least you are not naked.” She said rolling her eyes.
Melina lifted her dress flashing her diminutive sex at Pauly.
“You know you love it.” Said Melina.
“No, I don't… you lesbo” snapped Pauly.
Melina was no lesbian, but the experiences she's had with Pauly and her husband at her diminutive size were slowly changing that fact, and she thought it was the same from Pauly's side.
Pauly placed Melina back in her purse and drove all the way to the restaurant, both girls wanted some Mexican food, so they went to a restaurant called “La vecindad.”
Once there Pauly asked for a table for one, and she explained she had a tiny with her.
People were aware of the existence of tinies, but most of them have never seen them in person. Also, most restaurants did not offer any kind of accommodation for them, as was the case of “la vecindad”.
“We don't offer any accommodation for tinies just yet, but if you think we can help in any way, please just ask.” The waiter said politely, as Pauly sat on the table she was offered
“Thank you, I just need you to announce it to me before placing the plates on the table, or you might crush my friend.” Said Pauly seriously, as she took Melina out of her purse and placed her on the table.
“Madre de Dios!” the waiter let an exclamation out, just by seeing just how tiny Melina was. He has seen some tinies, toddler size, doll size, but never before someone as tiny as Melina. The girl was the size of a large bug.
“Welcome to la vecindad” he managed to say, recovering his thoughts, but still amazed at the tiny girl.
“Gracias!” Melina replied, “Por favor, no vaya a desmayarse señor.” said Melina, forgetting he could not hear her.
The waiter heard as the tiny woman squeaked.
He looked quizzically at Pauly.
“She said thank you.” Said Pauly, “but she said it in Spanish, she is Colombian” said Pauly finally, she was a bit nervous due to the waiter’s reaction and felt like oversharing.
Melina laughed and waved energetically with her hand at the waiter.
He waved back and said “I will come back for your orders” handing Pauly a menu, and not he was not sure how to handle it to Melina.
Pauly took it from him and said, “Thank you.” and smiled.
The waiter walked away, still in disbelief.
“I will never get over people's reaction” said Melina laughing.
Melina ordered “gorditas”, and Pauly got some tacos.
The waiter came with the orders announcing it to Pauly.
She took her friend in her hand as the waiter set the table.
“Buen provecho señoritas.” Said the waiter.
Melina back in the table vowed for the waiter, to let him know her gratitude.
The girls started with the chatter as they ate their food.
Pauly helped Melina by scattering away one of the gorditas so that she could handle the tiny food scraps.
Melina walked across the plate gathering the pieces of food she wanted and kneel down beside the pile of food she made.
“I think that will be too much for you.” Said Pauly.
“I don't think so, I eat like crazy these days, I think it has to do with my smallness. I'm constantly burning energy just to get around. I don't even need to measure consider if a food is too caloric these days, I burn it all.” She said smiling.
“That alone could be a convincing argument, I might join you down there for Christmas. Prices on the procedure are becoming more accessible” said Pauly. “… but I wouldn't go as small as you. I'm not that brave” finished Pauly.
“Great! That way you can still be a mini giantess for me.” said Melina. “I could even go ½ an inch, so you can still hold me in your hand.” Said Melina grinning.
“You tiny psyco, it's the second time you say that. I think you will find an excuse to go that tiny before any of that happens. It's just a matter of time with you.” Said Pauly.
“You know me well.” Melina and laughed nervously.
“Oh my God! You already did it, don't you?” Asked Pauly in disbelief.
“I don't know what you are talking about.” Said Melina putting a large piece of food in her mouth and looked away.
“I will get it out of you, don't you worry.” Said Pauly. “It's time we start drinking either anyways, how many drops of alcohol will it take to crack that tiny head of yours.” She smiled.
“Shut up! and give me some of that margarita.” Said Melina
Pauly took a small teaspoon and dipped on her Margarita, she then placed the spoon near her diminutive friend's face. She took it all, and some of it spilled on her dress.
“Easy there, I don't want to ruin your dress.” Said Pauly.
“You have very bad pulse.” Snapped Melina,
The liquid fell on her chest, the dress now wet, revealed the diminutive woman's boobs and the barely perceivable nipples.
Melina opened the upper part of the dress and lowered it, leaving her torso whole torso exposed, the dress upper part of her dress hanging on the string she used as belt.
“Here we go again.” Said Pauly.
“Hey! This is your fault, it will take a couple of minutes for it to dry, alcohol evaporates very quickly at my scale.” said Melina, looking at the giant above with a disapproval face. “Relax! No one will see, not with all the plates in here.” Said Melina.
Pauly accepted it reluctantly, the girls continued drinking, but Pauly asked Melina to sit just outside the plate, so she could use the dish's edge as a table to keep the spoon steady.
After a few cups for Pauly’s and the same amount of teaspoons for Melina. They found out a teaspoon was way more for Melina than a cup for Pauly.
Pauly received a message from her husband, Tom.
Melina was a little red on her face, she was not wasted, but she was beyond tipsy.
“Tom is staying for the night at the office, he had some trouble.” Said Pauly.
“Aww… are you staying by yourself tonight?” Askey Melina.
“I guess so…. it's normal, that’s how Tom's work is.” said Pauly.
“Tell you what! Let's finish this at your apartment.” Said Melina as she stood up with difficulty, her torso still exposed.
“Your dress is dry now; you should cover those little cherries.” said Pauly.
Melina brought her hands and grabbed her boobs, she smiled. “You are right.” She said “… but they are no way near the size of cherries.” she laughed, as she covered her upper torso.
“So… what say you?” Asked Melina “I can tell David I'm spending the night with you; he has to work in his project anyways, he won't be paying me any attention tonight”
“I guess we can go to my apartment then.” Said Pauly.
Melina gives a happy jump.
“Now get your little ass in my purse.” We are leaving.
Pauly opened her purse at the edge of the table, Melina ran across the table and jumped inside.


Pauly arrived at her apartment, it was still early 10 pm exactly as she entered the room.
“Home sweet home.” Said Pauly.
She placed her purse in the kitchen counter, faced sideways so that Melina could get out.
“You should organize that thing, you know?” Said Melina “If it wasn't for the plastic guard in there your make would have crushed me.” Finished Melina.
“Well… stay inside your little mouse cage, and nothing will happen.” Said Pauly as she took her heels off.
“I'm going to change into something more comfortable, don't go anywhere. I might crush by accident.” Said Pauly heading to her room.
Melina couldn’t go anywhere, Pauly’s house didn't have any grips she could use to move around, so she waited in the kitchen counter. The stone was cold on her feet, so she climbed on top of a wooden cup holder and waited for Pauly to come out.
The blonde went out of the room wearing just a small shirt that covered just half her torso, leaving her belly exposed, and a thong.
Melina saw as her friend walked in her direction. Melina couldn't explain it but seeing Pauly this gigantic triggered something in her brain. She was like a goddess, take away the “like”, she WAS a goddess to her.
This did not happen with either David or Tom, they were gigantic of course, even more so than the petite blonde. It had something to do with the female body. Seeing the enormity of Pauly’s boobs made Melina want to submit to herself and worship her.
She didn't do it of course, but she couldn't deny the thought was there since she first saw Pauly's gargantuan body naked.

On first swing night she experienced with the couple, she was riding Tom's cock while Pauly undressed herself.
Suddenly from behind a huge face emerged.
“Need some help?” Pauly asked playfully, picking Melina from Tom's cock.
“I'm sorry amiga, you know we are trying for a baby, need this load.” said Pauly placing Melina on the base of Tom's groin.
Pauly immediately took Tom's cock and shove it inside her pussy.
Melina saw as the building size figure blocked the light in the ceiling, her two massive tits in the sky, like an eclipse.
“You better run for the abs”. The giant told Melina.
Melina ran as the giantess brought down her body on David's cock, and started to fuck it, moving up and down, causing Melina to fall, she saw how Tom’s bus sized penis was devoured inside Pauly's vagina.
Then she leaned towards Tom and started to fuck him nonstop, Melina saw as Pauly’s massive mammaries swung above her. She couldn't help but to think her as a goddess, she decided to enjoy herself as the tiny being she was, in between Tom and the goddess, she rejoiced at the magnitude of the spectacle. She lost the count of the times she squirted on Tom’s abs.

Now back at the kitchen counter, Melina saw as that same goddess was coming her way.

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