And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:08 pm

I do not know who wrote this story. It's unfinished (or always seemed unfinished to me), and I cannot find it anywhere. But I enjoyed it, and I think it's worth preserving. If the author would like to claim it, I would love to hear from them.

I will post, after a little editing. (Small grammar and typo corrections.)


Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:48 pm

And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Chapter 1

April Watson closed her locker, just as Brad Michaels walked by. Her caramel-colored skin flushed at the sight of him, so much so it took effort to stand. She sighed and leaned against her locker door, watching him go. At 15, she knew she was viewing the most amazing and influential human of her young life.

"Y'know, if I thought he even noticed me for a second, I could die happy!" she lamented to her best friend.

Russell Farber pushed his glasses up with a frown. "April, I don't think you WANT a guy like that noticing you...really. He"s a Neanderthal!"

"You don't understand, Russ. He's… divine! Look at him! He's entirely perfect! To get noticed by perfection is tantamount to a religious experience!" She swept her dark hair off her shoulder with a wistful sigh. "I'm sure there are some girls who affect you the same way. Rosalie Swan, maybe?"

"Yeah, she's cute," he admitted. But Rosalie Swan couldn't hold a candle to April Watson. Not in Russell's eyes.

He kicked himself once again for not being able to say any of the things he wanted to. Not "I think you're the most gorgeous girl in the school," or "Doesn't years of living next door to you earn at least a longing look in MY direction?" All he could spit out was "You spend entirely too much time in this dream world of yours. You know that, don't you?"

April smiled at him and he lost all feeling in his legs. "Don't be mean, Russ! It's a dream, I know, but we've all got them, even you!" There was a stab in the heart, Russ thought; I'm LOOKING at MY dream. His dream continued to talk about her own fantasy. "Just a 'Yo, April' would be fine! If I were just a little cuter or something.... Bigger boobs, maybe?"

Russell forced a laugh. "Okay, WAY more info than I needed, Ape!"

"Whatever, Wuss!" she replied playfully, making fun of the nicknames they'd had as kids. "Come on, let's get to English."

The two strode down the hall, April walking high on her fantasy of having the school's most popular senior notice her, Russell agonizing in her wake. "Listen, Mom wants me home, right after rehearsal today, but she can't pick me up, and I know you're staying for chess club, soooo...can I bum a ride?"

"Sure!" he nearly choked, glad for any attention that he could call his own. He actually DIDN'T have to go to chess today, but if April needed a ride, he was ready to stay all night. "I'll just meet you after class, then!"

"Bonus!" she said, as they entered the class. She stopped in the door as she saw Brad again, talking to his friends in the back corner. "God, Russ...if I was just a LITTLE cuter...!"

"Yeah, a little," he murmured. He went to his side of the room, a seat away from the front door and she to hers...a back seat in front Brad "The Mack" Michaels. He watched her sit down with a blush on her face while Brad sat on his desk top, attempting to peer down Missy Haverwood's blouse next to him.

Next semester, he thought irritably, I'm changing seats - and taking karate as an elective!

Chapter 2

April sat ramrod straight in class, trying desperately to not look behind her and embarrass herself by gawking at Brad. She could hear her teacher droning on and on in the front of the room and noticed the abundance of people around her actually asleep. Was Brad out, too, or was he staring at the back of her neck? How do I look without being a complete dork?, she thought. She thought hard, then finally decided to drop her pencil.

The pencil clunked to the floor with an imperceptible sweep of her hand, and her heart rate sped up. Okay, she thought, this is it! I'm just gonna lean over to get it, and that's it. I'll just get a quick peek at him, and that's all. Okay? And he'll see me, think I'm cute and ask me out, but that's all! Maybe he'll reach for the pencil the same time I do, and it'll be like a meet cute.

She almost felt dizzy, her breathing was so fast.

Oh God, here I GO!

She turned slightly, about to bend over and decided to use the power of positive thinking. A LITTLE cuter, a LITTLE cuter, a LITTLE cuter, a LITTLE cuter, a LITTLE cuter...

Her head swan and suddenly, the pencil was the last thing on her mind...the room spun and whirled and she could feel herself collapsing, like a faint but so different. The room went dark...sort of...

It wasn't entirely dark...there was a cone of light just above her. What the hell?, she thought. This is the weirdest dream! She looked up and knew she had to be dreaming. Why else would Brad Michaels be looking down at her?

She smiled and waved to her dream man, thankful that she'd gotten to get some well deserved sleep in class. Yes, it was definitely a dream, because he was larger than life, just the way he seemed in her mind. A little shiver ran through her and she realized she hadn't a stitch on...SUCH a dream she was getting this time! She hoped it lasted.

He looked back down at her with a confused look, and then her vision was blocked by what looked like large pink logs... how strange! They felt warm and ridged, but fleshy all the same.

Something about the idea of huge flesh suddenly grabbed her attention, just as the pink logs curled around her body and moved her out of the darkness up through the light....

...and she could see EVERYTHING now. she was still in class and the class was still going, but she was no longer in her seat. Her seat was occupied by a puddle of her clothing that she was rapidly being drawn away from. She looked up to find the pink logs that supported her entire body attached to a giant hand, which connected to a massive arm, which rose into a huge shoulder and neck that supported the head and stunned face of Brad Michaels.

She hadn't even a second to scream before the hand lifted her at a dizzying rate up to the wall of his chest and dumped her rather unceremoniously into his massive shirt pocket. She slid into the bottom, screaming like the world was ending before she felt a heavy pressure force her against Brad's chest, dimming the already weak light that entered the space. She squirmed in a panic, terrified she'd be crushed, and felt a rumble of sound beneath her.

"Mrs. Jamison, can I go to the bathroom?" She couldn't hear the answer but the suddenly upward movement told her she was leaving the room in Brad's pocket. "Let me GOOOO! this...ugghhh!" April felt the pressure on her back even harder and fought to get air to speak, but couldn't...

Chapter 3

April felt herself being carried, all the while being clamped down on so hard, she could barely breath. Just as she began to see dizzy stars before her eyes, the pressure let up and she could move again. A quick peer up to the pocket opening gave her a clear view of his chin, nose and ears, plus the paper wad studded ceiling of what had to be the buys bathroom. She caught her breath quickly...what the hell had happened to her?

She heard a stall door shut and lock, then had her view blocked out again by his giant fingers. They encircled her tiny waist and she suddenly became VERY nervous. Dream guy, yes, but giant guy?


She was too frightened to even put up token resistance when the hand pulled her out, still making it impossible to see or move. The fingers opened and she could finally see properly again. She was sitting somewhat sprawled out on Brad's gigantic palm. From the way things looked, she was certain she wasn't much more than 4 or 5 inches and he...well, he was definitely noticing her at last. Somewhere in her mind, she remembered that this was a moment she'd always wanted, but this was definitely not how she'd planned for it to go.

He apparently hadn't planned on meeting her either. "Whoaaaaa!" he breathed. "This is SOOOO tight!" She could feel his warm breath on her as he spoke hit her in a way that made her tiny breasts leapt to attention.


She quickly drew her knees up tight, trying to keep herself covered while he eyed her, totally fascinated with her every movement. "Ariel, right?" he asked. He moved his pointer finger toward her as she finally got the courage to speak.

"Um, April...listen, Brad, I don't know how this happened,, what are you doing?" She looked up nervously at him and shivered as he let his giant finger run down her little back.

"Nothing, just checking you out a little," he replied, running his finger around the curve of her hip down her thigh. "What are you all hunkered up like that for? I can barely see you." He lifted her face up with a fingertip, able to score another sneak peek at her perfect little boobs before looking her directly in the eye. "You're not scared of me, are ya?"

"N-No!" she stammered. "I just...don't like being naked in front of the whole school!"

"Just me in here," he replied, slowly getting his cool back with a grin. "Me and you. I'm not gonna hurt ya, just relax!" His finger began probing her all over, not so much in a sexual way, but almost hesitant, exploratory. He ran the tip slowly across her arms, lifted her hair, rubbed her little kneecaps, ran a finger around her shoulders...all with the curiosity of a child, but the sex drive of the 18 year old he was. Here was undiscovered territory that he'd never once though about until now. He wasn't really into black chicks - or underclassmen. But this... this was something special. And he had it all to himself. After all, what was the chick gonna DO about it, really? And who gave a shit about a little girl from the projects?

She dodged him like a little animal might, jumping at his every touch, scooting away from his finger when it came close to her private areas. But the more she wriggled, the more interesting she became. Close up, her tiny boobs and cunt were as pretty and enticing as a full-size girl's. And she felt SO good on his hand... so warm and soft; it was like her whole body was a boob! And he could actually feel her slit touching his hand. He nudged her over a little to peek.

"Hey, quit it! I need help here! I'm not some little doll!" she protested, sitting up, but still trying to keep covered. "You've gotta get me back to class or to the principal or something...." He moved a finger, and the sudden shift in the slope of his palm made her flop back onto her butt again, flailing wildly, with a tiny squeak of fear, as she tried to hang on.

"Look, you keep moving like that, and you're gonna fall off," he said, sternly. He wrapped his thumb around her and she pushed at it, trying to sit up again. It didn't budge, and he could tell she was really trying. Man, imagine if I used my whole hand...!, he thought, absentmindedly closing it around her. She was entirely dwarfed by his hand, with only her feet and head sticking out, above and below his fingers. She really started to struggle then, and he could feel a wood building up. This was the coolest shit ever!

"Just lay back and relax. I said I wasn't gonna hurt ya." he reminded her, opening his hand back up, so she'd not panic but keeping his thumb in place, just under her breasts.

"What are you g-gonna do?" she said in a quivering voice, trying to wriggle out from under his thumb, as he touched her legs gently.

"Nothin', nothin', just mellow out a little," he replied, turning her over. He examined her little tush, peeking between the cheeks with a finger, as she yelped. He could see her little twat too, and she knew it.

"Okay, cut it out, and let me go already! What are you DOING to me?" she shrieked, kicking her little legs fetchingly against his palm.

This was a complete trip! He could tell she was really getting upset, though. His voice took on one of irritation. "Look, I'm just making sure you're real...can't be goin' to the principal with some kid's toy' saying it's a real girl. I'd get kicked off the soccer team."

This seem to partially satisfy her, as she finally shut up and let him look some more. His excuse for molesting her was transparent, but at least it would be over soon. Brad, however, had different plans. He couldn't believe this sophomore girl, he'd never paid half a mind to, was getting him ramrod hard and worked up more than any of the cheerleader sluts he'd been with. He turned her back over, lifting each of her breasts with the side of his knuckle, watching the rise and fall of her chest. He was just about to brush a finger across her little bush when he heard:

"I need to get big again! I mean, my clothes are lying in the room. Someone's gonna find them and think something's happened to me! My parents are gonna freak!"

On me, thought Brad. He couldn't afford any trouble here.... He was already on probation for sneaking into the girl's locker room, with half the soccer team and taking their clothes. He knew he had to make a quick choice. "Alright, Ariel, I'll help you get to the principal."


"Whatever, dude. Just get in my pocket and stay down, okay?" He tore off a piece of toilet tissue and handed it to her. "Wrap that around you, and you won't have to be all naked." He lifted her to his pocket again and saw the relief in her eyes.

"Thank GOD! For a minute there, I thought you were thinking about keeping me!" she smiled wanly, and he returned the smile, then tucked her in again.

He went back to class, which was just letting out and went to grab his bookbag. Her clothes, even her shoes, were still lying there at her seat, almost calling out to him. No one had even noticed her missing. Little, black, sophomore, he thought with a shrug. No one's going to miss her. He picked up his bag, starting to head to the office slowly, the guilt of his thoughts burning a hole in his pounding chest. (Or was that her heat radiating through the pocket?) He slowed to a halt at the doorway, looked up, rolled his eyes, adjusted his crotch...then turned, picked up her stuff and stuffed in all into his own bag.

"Fuck it," he muttered. "I already got my scholarship to Syracuse." He strode out into the hallways and headed for the locker room....

Chapter 4

Brad was moving quickly, April could tell. His heart was beating faster; she was right up against his chest, and the bounce of his warm body was speeding up. Actually, April thought, if she only understood how she'd gotten this small and knew how to change back, this might have been a cool experience. She couldn't deny that some of the touching he did had started to feel pretty good…

This was not the way she wanted things to happen. But maybe it wasn't so bad, either. Brad had really scared her earlier, and he shouldn't have molested her like that, but she didn't totally blame him. It's not every day you find a six-inch tall girl. And that was only for a few minutes, while he checked to see if she really was a six-inch tall girl. Hell, he was being really nice to her now. And after all of the crap Russell had tried to feed her about him being such a jerk… Maybe this would make him see how cool a guy Brad really was. And maybe, when he got her to the principal, and they got her big again, Brad might see how nice a girl she was and want to go out with her. Might not turn out to be such a bad thing after all, she shrugged, adjusting her large tissue dress a little more.

The echoed slamming of a locker door took her out of her reverie and into reality. Locker door? She blinked, trying to place the sound. Lockers in the hall and the…locker rooms? It had the hollow sound of the locker room…? They were in the opposite direction from the principal's office.

"Brad, where ARE we?" The pocket opening widened again to accommodate his hand, and she hung onto it, as he lifted her out, a little quicker than last time. She looked at his face and immediately knew he had lied, without even looking around. "The locker room? You promised me we were going to the principal!"

Brad looked around, cupping her with a hand so she couldn't be seen. "Look, don't go postal on me, school's out and I can't miss practice. I'll get you to the principal right after, I swear. Just chill here for a bit."

"Where, in your locker?" April gasped. "No way!"

"Look, I'll ditch practice and be back in like 10 minutes… I just gotta tell the coach where I'm at!" he said, looking more flustered.

She could feel him covering, but was hoping she didn't already know why. "Why do you have to ditch practice to…hey!"

He quickly lifted her to his top locker shelf and set her down. "Don't worry about that, I said I'd be right back. Just... trust me!" He slammed the locker shut, much to the dismay of her tiny ears, but even more upsetting to her mind. Oh, God, she thought. He's going to try and KEEP me!

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! HEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!"

Brad was wrong about no one missing the little sophomore. Russell leaned against the wall outside the auditorium, waiting for April to come out. He hadn't seen her come out of class after English, but he wasn't terribly worried…there were lots of times they passed in the hall and they hardly noticed each other.

Or SHE hardly notices ME, he thought wistfully. He shrugged it off and decided to sit in the auditorium to finish his homework. He found a seat in the back and sat down, briefly checking the stage for April. She wasn't on, but Russ knew her part was fairly small. The rehearsal hadn't really even started yet, so there was no reason to assume…

"Where the hell is Watson?" came the drama teacher's irritated voice. "People, I've told you time and time again that rehearsal starts PROMPTLY at 3:30! I will NOT continue to be ignored! We have…" The teacher had more to say, but Russ was missing every word. Where was April? The thought that he hadn't see her come out of English now seemed very odd indeed.

He left the auditorium and went back to the classroom, not sure what he was looking for until he found it. He wound his way through the desks back to April's spot and found her books laying on the desktop. He leaned over to pick them up and found something else that surprised him even more. Tucked almost out of sight under the bottom of the desk…was a pair of shoes.

Russ raised an eyebrow and picked them up. He knew they were hers before even seeing them closely…she wore these tan Keds just about everywhere, except wherever she was now, apparently. He tried to think of a reason she would miss her rehearsal and be somewhere in bare feet, but nothing came to him. April LOVED acting and was thrilled to be the only sophomore in this year's production, so why wouldn't she show up and why would she leave her shoes and why the HELL and he not noticed the girl of his fantasies since grade school leave a classroom???

Russ needed time to think. He wanted to check the spots she normally hung out in, but a nagging feeling told him that April really hadn't left this room. He was a sci-fi fan and had a few theories that he knew were crazy, but he had to sort through:

A: April was now invisible and had taken off her clothes to run around school. Unlikely, he thought. April would be bugging him right now or following Brad.

B: April had been abducted by aliens that left her shoes. Again unlikely, as that shouldn't have been the only thing left behind.

C: April had shrunk and was now trapped in her shoes. He checked carefully to make sure that hadn't happened, then laughed at himself. He'd actually thought about that happening before, but he knew his luck would never be that amazing. April as a shrunken girlfriend… as if THAT was ever a possibility! He couldn't get her at a normal height, let alone a doll height.

He sighed and stood up…this was getting him nowhere. His best bet, much as he dreaded it, was to see if anyone who sat near her was still around and ask them where she'd gone. Aside from Missy, who was at cheerleading, on the football field, the only person he knew that would still be here was Brad Michaels. Brad never really paid much attention to him normally, but he knew his reputation of cruelty to the lower grade students (except the prettier overdeveloped girls). He didn't relish the idea of talking to the guy, but it was his only lead. He sighed again and trudged down to the locker rooms…

Chapter 5

Back in the locker, April had screamed and banged herself hoarse and sore on the locker door. She had all but given up when it flew open again, Brad's face filling the opening. She jumped up to back away from him, but he was under no pretense of civility this time. He grabbed her swiftly and placed her in a side pouch of his bookbag, zipping it up before she had time to protest again. She hung on to the sides as they moved out of the locker room area then stopped suddenly with a jolt.

"Oh, sorry, man," came a familiar voice. "Uh, have you seen..."

Russell? Russell???

"No, I haven't seen her," was Brad's curt reply as he started to move again.

"RUUUUUUSS! RUSSELLLLLLLLL! Help me, Ru..." A sudden and violent shake of the bag made her gasp and lose her footing. By the time she got back to where she could scream again, she could feel sunshine on the bag. She heard him getting out his keys and began her cries anew, along with the beginnings of tears. What if he kept her forever? No one would know where she was! "Oh, no, no. BRAAAAAAD! You can't do this! Let me out! Let me OUT!!!"

"Dude, where ya going, we got practice!" she heard a guy's voice say.

"Not me, man, I'm out. I'll catch you guys later," he replied. April started to scream again and she heard a gasp.

"Dude, what the hell's that?" a different voice asked. A silence prevailed, only punctuated by April's pleas, then the zipper unzipped and she was bathed in bright light.

"Take a look at this kick ass doll I got," Brad's hand reached in and grabbed her, hauling her up for display. Her eyes adjusted and she found herself once again being inspected by two other guys, Dave McFarland and Jeff Stevens. "And check this out," Brad added, putting her on his palm and ripping the makeshift dress off her, "She's anatomically correct, too." He held her arms down, turned her upside down across his hand, and pulled her little butt cheeks aside, so they could get the full view of her slit. She screamed and kicked again, but if they cared, they showed no sign of it.

"Dude, that is the fucking SHIT, man!" said Dave, breathing right into her slit her was so close. "Does she get big and fuck your brains out or what?"

"No, dipshit, she stays this size, which means we can have a little fun. She does all the real chick shit, but she's a doll, you don't have to STOP!" Brad shrugged and met her horrified face with a grin, then he dropped her back into the bag, zipping her in. "You guys meet me up at the lake in about an hour. I'll bring the chick, uh, doll with me."

"Sweeeeet!" said Jeff. "We'll catch you up there after practice." Brad opened the car door, set the bag down and peeled out of the lot as fast as he could, her screams doing nothing but adding fuel to his fire.

He didn't notice top corner of his bag, where the tip of a bright orange t-shirt stuck out...but before he'd gotten in his car, someone else definitely had...

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:23 am

Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:48 pm

Chapter 6

Brad did Mach 3 all the way to Lake Macon (or Lake Make Out as everyone called it) and pulled into one of the campsites by the lakeside. He turned the car off and tried to think. Shit! He had just kidnapped a girl! If at any point he could have taken her back, that had passed the minute she knew he was lying to her. If he let her go now, she was sure to go to the police. They might not believe her, but if they DID, and he even had to go to a hearing or through any of that lawyer stuff… shit, again!

He sighed...there was no way. He'd have to keep her. He grinned a little bit, thinking of her, his new pet, and tried to decide where he was going to keep her, but he could hear April's faint sobs from inside his bag, which truly annoyed him. What was she whining about? He hadn't even really done anything to her, and here she was crying like a baby over it. He was going to have to set her straight on this deal right now. He unzipped the bag again and grabbed her up…roughly!

"Look, shut the hell up already! I haven't even DONE shit to you yet, and you're freaking on me!" She gasped and silenced herself, apparently really scared. Brad couldn't help but enjoy the look on her face. Damn, she was hot. And he had total control over her! He could feel the hard-on creeping up on him again, but he continued his little lecture. "Now, look… I can't take you back now, so you might as well get used to being with me, you're mine. I'll keep you fed and all that shit, so long as you do what I tell you to do. Now, don't START that shit again," he demanded, closing his grip tighter around her, causing her to squirm in pain. "Or I SWEAR I'll squish you like a bug, you got that, little girl?" She nodded, her face strained with pain and fear, and he let go, watching her gasp for air on his palm. Even he was a little scared at what he was saying, but it seemed so surreal...maybe it wasn't real. Either way, he thought, checking her out again, I better make use of her while I can.

He unzipped his pants and pulled his underwear down out of the way so his raging hard-on could breathe a bit. He reached over and touched her little breasts again, marveling at how they were so perfectly formed, like little chocolate chips. The thought made him smile a bit, then made him want a taste. Tentatively, he raised her to his lips and she screamed, not knowing what he meant to do.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," he whispered, holding her back a little. "Just relax..." he added, before leaning in quickly to take both breasts in his mouth.

She tasted like flowers, he thought, taking in the scent of her as she squirmed to get out from under him. He bent a finger behind her head so she couldn't slide up, then easily separated her tiny legs by sliding his thumb in between them. She froze suddenly, feeling the finger and tried not to move but he ran his tongue up and down her body from her breast to her bush and she moaned in despair. He could still feel her wriggling as he licked her every hot spot, and moved away to see her better. Her eyes were closed tightly and tears streamed down her face, but she was actually pushing herself against his finger and rubbing herself like crazy on it.

Shit, she's trying to get off on my FINGER!, he thought wildly, grinning like an idiot. Then he grabbed his penis and began stroking like mad, as he watched her. Suddenly, he had an even better plan. He looked from her to his dick, then slowly brought her down until she was resting on top of his cock so that she was tummy and tits down across it. The sensation of her little moist slit and her tiny arms and legs dangling around it was amazing. It was longer than she was but her head rested right on top of his, he noted with a huge grin.

April understood at this point that she was trapped, and that her life depended on what she did to keep Brad happy, but she was not ABOUT to enjoy it...until he started to suck and lick all over her. A sudden wave of pleasure had attacked her, pushing the guilt to the far recesses of her mind. She had no idea what possessed her, but she knew from a few dozen sleepless nights of dreaming about Brad, with a pillow between her knees, that she was right where she wanted to be. Things had gotten surreal to her, too.... Was she really here, or was this just part of some vivid dream? People don't shrink, she thought, the excitement muddling her mind - not in real life.... I HAVE to be dreaming, don't I?

The pleasure overwhelmed her, until it suddenly stopped. She felt a drop in the pit of her stomach, then felt herself being shifted. She looked up to find herself straddled across the length of Brad's huge cock with her chin nestled on top of the head. Surely he didn't expect to get inside her? She hadn't ever done it in real life, let alone this at this size!...She couldn't handle ANYone's size, now!

She sat up and turned to look at him in a panic, about to protest again but felt a huge finger against her back press her right back down against him. "Don't let me stop you," his voice boomed above her. "Finish up, so I can finish up!"

He bounced his cock a little, and she shrieked in panic, clutching it tightly with her hands and legs. He moaned with pleasure and pressed down on her a little harder, pushing her pussy into it. She gasped, suddenly remembering the sensation she had before. She tried to rub against him again, but found herself in no position to gain traction. It didn't matter because he slowly began to push her from behind with his finger, sliding her up and down his velvety skin. She gasped again, as his body kept hitting her little senses with pheromones it wasn't meant to handle, at such a diminutive size. She cried a little again, knowing how much she'd hate herself for this but knew she had no choice. Besides, the pleasure she felt was quickly overcoming any sense of guilt and fear.

April clung tightly to him, moaning with excitement, feeling first one, two, then three giant fingers pressing down on her. She felt it building in her, the orgasm of a lifetime. She screamed out, arching into him, her arms and legs flailing wildly in the throes of passion.

He rubbed until she went completely limp, every bit of her excitement pumped out to wet the cock beneath her. "No more...please..." she sighed, resting her head on his cockhead.

"WHAT?" he demanded. "Like hell, we're done! Look, you're too tiny to just be a prick tease, little girl. I'll let you know when I'M finished!"

She looked up, and her stomach tightened at the crazed determination on his face. She tried to sit up, but suddenly found herself engulfed in his huge hand. Her screams were immediately muffled, as he turned her to the underside of his penis. Then he grabbed her and himself even tighter and started stroking again. April's momentary fantasy was shattered as she found herself pinned between a hand and a hard place, with no room to move, barely room to breath, and her every struggle making her giant fantasy man squeeze her tighter and stroke even faster….

A sudden jolt...

A pause...

A muffled curse...

A quick release of pressure...and April took in a HUGE deep breath then another and another and...

She felt herself shift again, this time to an unstable standing position and opened her eyes just in time to see the white tarp stretching over her and blocking out the light. Another shift and she was in perfect darkness, too exhausted to scream as her world ROLLED…

Chapter 7

The sound of tires on gravel froze Brad's jerking quickly. "Shit!" he gasped, opening his hand. He had been so damn close, but the noise...he looked back and saw that Dave and Jeff were pulling up. He opened his hand to see if the girl was okay and then slipped her into his briefs and pulled his shorts up again. He didn't really want to look at her, didn't really want to know if she was okay... didn't want to see her all freaked out and scared.... He already had lost the beauty of hormone oblivion, and the thought of her face wasn't helping any. He sat for a moment, building up his cool again, as he went soft, then climbed gently out of the car to face his friends.

"Whassup, big DAAAAVE?" he grinned, high fiving him.

"Baaaaad Braaaaad the MAN!" Dave yodeled, mimicking a sportcaster as he slapped palms with him. "Whassup?'

"So, dude, what's up with this doll woman shit?" Jeff asked, half laughing. "Musta been something serious that you cut practice...Coach Murph is gonna have your NUTS tomorrow, man!"

Brad felt a shift just then and snickered almost hysterically, the minor thrill returning to him at the thought. "Yeah, well, the tiny chick's got my nuts right now, dude!"

"What?" Dave asked, laughing a little too, just watching him.

"She's hanging on to my fucking nuts right now, dude!" he spurted, unable to control the nervous laughter. "Seriously, man! I can feel her moving around right next to my dick!" He looked at Jeff and Dave, who had stopped laughing to look strangely at him, then turned his back on them. He reached into his underwear and pulled her out. He turned back around.

"That's that doll chick, man!?" Jeff winced. "You had her in your shorts!?"

"Dude! You are one sick fuck!" laughed Dave, taking the edge off the moment. "We would've BOUGHT you a rubber doll, man!'

"Shit! No, LOOK at her, you idiots!" He moved her up to eye level and blew on her hair. He was a little nervous before, but having his friends around brought back a little of the surreal quality of before. She was real, but they were...realer. "Hey, you awake?"

"And naked, too, you perverted...oh, SHIT, she MOVED, dude!" Dave screamed, nearly climbing up Jeff's arm in surprise, then moving in a little closer. "What the FUCK...!?"

All three boys leaned their heads in to look at her, as she moaned a little, weakly rolling with her eyes closed, then she turned toward them, looked up and screamed. Dave and Jeff jumped back a little, then looked back up at Brad, who quickly cupped a hand over her with a smug smile.

"Told ya."

"She's real?" Jeff asked, looking stunned.

"Yeah," came the reply. "She just, like, got small in front of me, so I picked her up. She freaks a little, once in awhile, but she can't really do anything to you.'

"Do we know her?" asked Dave, suddenly looking like a guilty child.

"Some sophomore chick, I don't know," Brad breezed, not wanting to attach a name to the face anymore. "Look, the point is, she's perfect! You know how all the cheerleader bitches are always prancing around flashin' their shit and then shoving you off right when you get going? Well, this little hottie doesn't do that! She'll ride your rod all fuckin" NIGHT and not say shit about it! It's like she's Jeannie and I'm the master, right?"

Dave and Jeff still looked a little wary, so he added, "Look, you guys; it's just a little fun, right? We'll let her go later, but who the fuck is she gonna tell? Who's gonna believe her over us, assuming she ever GETS big? Besides, I didn't make her this small, I SAVED her little ass from getting trampled on. She OWES me big and you're my boys, so…" He gestured to them, as if to show that what was his was theirs.

The other two exchanged glances, then Jeff nodded slightly. "Pull her out again, dude." Brad uncupped his hand and their eyes slowly widened, as their perspective adjusted. This wasn't a toy or doll; this was a girl. Dave reached out to touch her little breast, and she backed away again, but not far enough. A silly grin crossed his face, as he took her quickly from Brad's hands.

"Hey...'Brad started, but Dave held him back.

"Share, dude, come on, I just wanna see her!" He held her in his hand and poked her a little, making her squeal and move some, then smirked. "I know what'll get her moving...check this out!" He flipped her tummy side down in his hand, then with her little twat bared again, took a quick lick straight up her legs and up her slit. She screamed in panic and pleasure, and he grinned. "Tastes just like tuna!'

"Okay, my turn." Jeff grinned, grabbing her from Dave to lick her straight up the front. "Yeah, you're right...we gotta check out the sophomore meat more often!"

The boys cracked up as she kicked and screamed anew, all struggles simply providing more laughter and another reason to outdo each other.

"How "bout a finger fuck, baby?" Dave leered, pushing her legs apart and trying to worm a pinky up into her. She wailed in agony and fought him, but Jeff smacked him in the back of the head and pulled her away.

"Don't be a dipshit, Dave, look how small she is!" he demanded, holding her up backward again. "Shit!….Get a pencil or something.'

"Gimme her back for a sec," Brad grinned. He boldly yanked his rod out, then straddled her across it again. "Let her ride THIS python instead of a fucking pencil!" The other two rolled in laughter, barely able to breathe. Brad grinned, loving the attention, but knowing he needed one better than this to maintain his focus. He was nearly knocked over with his next idea. "Dudes," he almost whispered, "Let's put her on the hood of the car and bury her ass in cum!'

"Oh, SHIT yeah!" Dave yelled, following Brad to the car hood and fumbling out his cock. "This is for every little bitch that ever blue balled me!" He began stroking away at his cock like a madman.

"This is for all those little prick teases!" yelled Jeff, grabbing his cock and pulling.

"This is for all the girls to WE come!" Brad hollered, pinning April to the hood with one hand and jerking off with the other.

"Sooo, what is this, Boy Scout camp?" came another voice.

Chapter 8

All three fumbled their shorts back up, the carnality of the moment gone as they turned to look.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Brad asked the gangling kid that stood there.

"Russell Farber," he said, pushing his glasses up. "I get my turn first, right?"

"What makes you think you're invited, ya little prick?" said Dave, as he and Jeff became a wall of muscle.

"Well, because I know who she is, and I know you guys aren't interested in anyone finding out that you've got her. AND," he added quickly, "beating the shit out of me is NOT enough to keep me quiet about it. Any of you interested in dumping a body my size and hoping you don't get caught?"

The faces of the two looked strained, as their toy became a kidnapped girl, and the geek in front of them turned into their leader. The wall of muscle crumbled and Brad pushed his way past them, April on his hand and a strangely amiable smile on his face.

"Fine, little man! Wanna dick around with the big boys? Impress us!" Brad placed April on Russ's palm, then stood expectantly.

Russell looked down at April, who looked back up at him in terror. His heart fell...what the hell had they DONE to her? Was he too late? Russell nearly buckled just looking at her, but he knew she wasn't safe until they weren't here anymore. But with them all looking right at him, there was no hope of escaping them. Maybe they'd believe his threat, but still...maybe they'd finish what they started, seeing as how they were busted anyway. Russell's mind worked until he was at rock bottom...which left him only one option...

He gasped, pointing. "Officer Hurley?'

All three boys turned, faces pale and Russell ran like he'd been in track for years, clutching April to his chest in cupped hands. The footsteps behind him started after he'd barely gotten 10 feet away, but fear motivated his feet to even greater feats of strength.

Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit...!, he thought, lungs screaming for air, as he tried to gently hold his cargo without damaging her. He ran out of the campsite through a thicket, then stumbled out next to his car on the side of the road, jumped in and started it with the door still open, then PEELED out with April huddled in his lap. He looked back at the boys running in his rearview and, even though he knew he could outdistance them, didn't breathe until they slowed down to a gasping halt in the dust he was kicking up.

Chapter 9

Russell panted in horror, relief and just plain lack of air, as the 3 biggest members of the soccer team vanished in a cloud of dust behind his 1980 Plymouth Champ - with their dicks hanging out. He'd never been happier to see his little VW rabbit knockoff of a car in his life, but his victory went back to its central focus. "April, are you okay? God, I'dve been here sooner, I swear, but I had to follow those guys at a distance, since I never came out to Lake Make Out before, and I had no idea which site Brad was at. I just knew something weird was up, but not THIS weird...April?"

A quick glance down told him she was out cold. He drove for a mile or two, taking back roads to head a less-traveled way home, taking frequent glances at her. Finally, he pulled over onto a side road, knowing he had lost the guys. He couldn't go home yet because he knew they'd be waiting. His best bet was to hide out here for a while until they cooled off. 'I should take her to the police, or to her parents,' he thought. But for some reason, he didn't. Not yet. It was all so weird, so scary. He wanted time to think, to sort things out.... to be with April.

His gaze traveled back down to the miniature girl in his lap. She was lying haphazardly on her back across both legs, her arms splayed out leaving a perfect view of her tiny breasts. She must have passed out, he thought. He tried unsuccessfully not to stare. This was his best friend, he's not supposed to stare, if she somehow winds up naked.... God, she's gorgeous, he thought, feeling a blush turn his face on fire. He couldn't believe how bad he wanted to touch her, even after all she might have been through thus far.... Tentatively, he extended a finger toward her. He thought again and pulled back, then reached a bit further, pulled back. Pervert!, he thought. But then again…when am I ever gonna get this chance again?

He reached again, hand shaking...and connected with outer edge of her upper thigh. I'll just touch non-erotic places, he thought. He swallowed hard, looking at the lump in his jeans, not far from her prone body Then held himself as steady as possible, letting the edge of his finger run up her thigh, up her side, around the curve of her breast.... Gasping suddenly, he yanked his finger away and tried to get the breath he'd been holding back to normal. He'd just touched more of his dream girl than he'd ever touched in his whole life, even as kids playing in his wading pool in the backyard.

She stirred slightly, then let her eyes flutter open uncertainly. The minute she saw him, she let out a scream that would easily have rivaled any tea kettle in town. She began backing away across his hand, still screaming, and he instinctively picked her up to protect her, causing her to shriek even more. "No, don't touch me, don't touch me, don't TOUCH MEEEEEEEEE!" she screamed, flailing violently against his fingers and palm.

He cupped her tiny body in both hands to keep her from jumping away from him and hurting herself and tried to calm her down. "April, wait, it's ME, Russell. It's okay, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna, hurt you...!" As he spoke, he moved her closer and closer to his face until at last, her hands reached his cheek, and his warm breath hit her body. The combination of such gentle contact and his words finally broke her fear in two, reducing her to tiny gasps, as tears of relief spilled down her face.

Russell peered into his cupped hands at her, heartbroken at not being able to hold her in his arms like she needed. He finally managed a strained, "Are you alright?" as her sobs began to weaken. She nodded, and he added, "Ape...what did they DO to you?"

She shook her head and sobbed out everything that had happened, up until the moment Russell had arrived. He sat listening, trying to curb his anger while comforting her, but wanting nothing more than to drive back and slam his car right into Brad's smug face. He barely heard her wail, "God, you were SO right about Brad, Russ. I... just had no idea he could be so... AWFUL to anyone. I mean..." April shook her head and paused, not sure what else to say. She knew she had allowed herself to enjoy some part of that, but she surely couldn't tell Russell that; he'd never understand. She didn't understand. And she felt bad enough as it was.

"And I can't go HOME like this!" she said. "What if somebody finds out, and some government guy comes to get me? I HAVE to change back, but I don't know how! What am I gonna DO, Russ?"

Russell sighed and very deliberately cleared his mind of everything involving her body. April couldn't stay this way, and she needed his help. He had to try. "Okay, let's think for a moment. What were you doing before you shrunk? Did anything weird happen? Overhead light blinking, magic words...did Brad touch you with something?"

She shook her head. "Nothing that I can think of. I can barely think, anyway." She shivered involuntarily, and Russell felt like an idiot.

"God, you must be freezing to death," he said, fumbling around in the back for his jacket. The moment he pulled it from the floor in the back behind him, he realized how silly this gesture was. They both looked at the giant coat and smiled wanly. He fumbled about again, trying to make the jacket into a sort of nest on the passenger side. "Well, I can set it down for you, on the seat and…"

"Not on the seat!" she protested, as his hand lowered her. "Can I just… just stay with you?" He looked at her, a bit desperately, not sure he needed more temptation. "Please?"

She looked almost as frightened as she had when he'd first seen her. He knew there was no way he'd argue this point with her now. He curled his jacket up on his lap, leaving a sleeve free, then gently set her in the middle of the cloth and draped the sleeve across her. "There. Now you can cover up a little more." A bolt of inspired thought hit him and leaned over to pop the glove compartment.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Hang on. Jenna always leaves her toys…yeah, here!" He moved the maps and registration papers aside to reveal a small Barbie-type doll in typical preteen wear.

"It's a Brat doll," he explained. "My sister Jenna always leaves her stuff lying around my car so she's got something to play with when I'm at the library, or taking her with me after school somewhere. These Brat dolls (here he held one up next to April) are shorter than Barbies…just your size now!"

"Russ, you're a genius!" April beamed, looking truly happy for the first time.

He blushed, concentrating on pulling the shiny jeans and half top off the plastic figure (trying NOT to imagine the same process on his diminutive best friend). "Knowing that your sister can't remember where she leaves half her stuff doesn't exactly qualify you for MENSA."

"Well, it rates in my book," she grinned, sticking a tiny arm out to take the clothing as it came off. "Gimme a sec." She buried herself underneath the sleeve and started to dress, wriggling about unseen across Russell's lap. He leaned back almost in agony, trying to stifle the moan of pleasure. How could someone that small feel that good?, he wondered. His composure snapped back as she peeked her head out again.

"I think I look stupid," she winced.

"Well, it's that or naked," he replied. She gave him a withering look and he grinned. "You probably look fine, let me see."


"Lemme SEE!"

"No, I really do look goofy!"

"You probably didn't even put it on."

"It's on right now!"

"Really? Lemme see, then." Before she could protest, he plucked the sleeve away, revealing her with a gasp. Stunned, he looked at her in surprise. She'd never been one to wear the Brittany Spears look, but here she was, midriff shirt, shiny flared jeans and little pink plastic wedge shoes to match. Her hair, he noticed, even had the little hair scrunchie the doll had been wearing. "Wow."

"See, I told you!" she fumed.

"No, no, you actually look…great!" he answered.

"Really?" she replied, looking back down at herself.

"VERY really. I mean, I know you hate the look, but you wear it well."

It was April's turn to be stunned. "Well…thanks."

"Sure." The awkward silence went for quite a few seconds, neither quite sure what to say or where to look without the moment being more awkward. Finally, Russell ventured, "I, uh, guess I better…get you home…then…"

"Um, yeah," she blushed. "My parents…they worry and…"

"Yeah, yeah, of course, they would…yeah. Okay, I have to move you for a sec, just to get the car started, okay?" Russell peered down at her and she nodded, considerably more relaxed than before. He slipped a hand beneath her and his jacket, blushing a bit more himself, as he made the slightest of contact with her jeans from below her. When he had set her down on the passenger seat, he reached for the keys and started to turn them in the ignition…then gasped in horror as a figure landed on the hood of his car, denting it in. It began to make the most horrifying noise, which Russ soon recognized as a Dave McFarland hyena laugh.

"Going somewhere, ya little prick?" came Brad Michaels' voice. A hand grabbed him by the front of the shirt and yanked him directly through his window before he could say another word to the stunned tiny girl on the seat…

Chapter 10


It was all Russell could do to maintain his cool, as Brad yelled at him. It was obvious that they hadn't seen tiny April on the seat, so Russell stalled, hoping she'd have more time to hide. Stammering only slightly, he answered, "I should ask you the same question, you s-sonuvabitch. She was scared to death."

Brad smiled, a look that was wholly unnerving. "Oh, well, I'm REAL sorry we scared your little girlfriend. Maybe we should start scaring YOU from now on…" He drew back a fist to hit, ready to smash Russell in the face with it.

"WAIT!" Russell yelled. "I let her go!"

All three jocks looked at him in complete disbelief. "You WHAT?"

"I let her go," he repeated, worming his way out of Brad's relaxing grip. "She, uh…she was freakin' out on me, talking about the cops and stuff, so I, uh…put her out, here in the woods. That's why I'm sitting here. I figured, when she realizes how scary the woods are, she'll come back to me."

Jeff groaned and Dave began to holler at him. "You FUCKIN" IDIOT! If that girl gets home and says we've been messing with her, we're TOAST!" He grabbed Russ himself, this time, and jacked him up against the side of the car with a solid punch in the gut. "I'll kick his ass my-SELF…"

"Well, let's go look for her, man," said Jeff. "She's barely the size of anything, so she can't get far." He yanked Russell to a standing position that he could barely maintain. "Which way did she go?"

"I'm not tellin' you sh…" Russell gasped out, as Jeff punctuated his sentence with a punch in the mouth.

"I'm sorry, what?" Brad asked, looking a lot calmer now. Russell gritted his teeth in pain. He hoped April was using this time to her advantage.

"I…she…over…over there," he said, shakily pointing back up the road.

"SHOW us," Brad demanded, as Jeff shoved him forward.

Russell stumbled to the ground, then got up again and started to walk slowly, as far away from his car as possible. He looked back to be sure the guys were following him, then veered off into the woods at the edge of the road. After going about 50 feet away, he looked back at them. "I saw her head over here somewhere…she's probably still in the bushes over here."

Almost immediately, Dave and Jeff fell to their knees searching the ground, but to Russell's horror, Brad wasn't with them.

He was no where to be seen.

April waited until the footsteps died away before slipping out from under the seat. She shivered, feeling terribly guilty about Russell's sacrifice for her, but not really knowing what else to do. She knew if those guys grabbed her again, in the state they were in, they'd be likely to do just about anything to her. Even worse was the fact that they'd do WORSE than anything to cover it up. 'Would they even feel any guilt about killing a girl my size, to keep from getting in trouble?' she wondered. The most likely answer was the one that was the most frightening.

"I've gotta figure out how to get back to normal," she sighed aloud.

"Why?" came a voice just above her. "I'm liking you just the way you are, little girl."

She whipped around, just in time to see the now familiar hand of Brad Michaels, reaching in the car window again. He reached down so far, he almost fell. She screamed and tried to run back under the seat, but couldn't escape his terrifying grasp. She felt her world rolling again and held on for dear life. She kept her eyes closed, even when she felt his hand reopen. "What's the matter? You don't want to finish your little lap dance for me?"

April was too afraid to even speak, even when he began to stroke her back ever so gently. "Oh, and don't worry," he added, the tone of his voice making her shiver again, "I don't plan to ever share you with anyone again."

Chapter 11

Russell looked up as Brad's voice called them back. He fairly ran back to where Brad stood, near the edge of the woods, waiting. His face was calmer, more like the Brad he knew from school, instead of the lust-filled wild man he'd seen at Lake Macon.

"Let's forget it, you guys. If we don't get home soon, my dad's gonna kick my ass. We don't need that little bitch, anyway. Let this little punk find her - if he can." Brad said coolly.

"But dude, what if she…" Dave began.

"I said, let's go!" Brad said, walking away. "Fuck that little bitch! Jeff, man, I need a lift back to my car."

Jeff and Dave exchanged glances, then shrugged and started to follow him. Dave shoved Russell just to prove he hadn't been forgotten, but didn't stop to do any more than that. Russell followed them at a distance, letting them get into Jeff's car before he did anything. He was certain Brad was up to something, but he hoped it wasn't what he thought. When he was sure they were far enough to not be paying attention, he flung open the car door and whispered, "April? You there?"

The little doll shoe lying haphazardly on the front seat was enough to confirm his worst fears. Brad had been hiding April and probably had her right now.

Russell knew she was in more trouble than before. With the others knowing, there had been a chance that one of them might slip up and tell someone where she was, or just toy with her and leave her alone. But if Brad was keeping his finding her a secret from his two henchman, he had no intentions of ever letting her go. Quickly, Russell started his car and followed at a distance. He knew that he had officially become April's only chance.

April huddled uncertainly in Brad's lap, his hand blanketing her and pressing her against his crotch, in a loose but firm way that flaunted her inability to escape. She looked up in the darkness and could see the determined look on his face, one that suggested she was far from safe with him. Did he even realize she was a regular human anymore? "Br-Brad," she stammered. "Look, if you just let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone what happened. I just…"

He stopped her by tightening his pressure on her. "I'll take you home after you finish your little dance for me," he said, still not looking at her.

She winced painfully. The more excited he got, the more uncomfortable his pressure became. "Brad, please…you're hurting me…"

He looked down for a second, then, almost as an afterthought, eased up on his hold and began to stroke her head with a thumb. April began to shiver. Brad was starting to act like a man possessed…or possessive. Either way, her hope of him returning her to her family was non-existent. She'd have to hope she could find a way to escape on her own, or that Russell knew that leaving her shoe had been her way to make sure he knew she had been kidnapped again. 'I'm like Cinderella,' she thought. 'There's only one girl who fits that slipper.'

The car bumped over a slight curb and stopped. Brad took the keys out and looked down at her. "Where are we?" she asked.

"My house. Alright, I got no pockets, so you're riding sidesaddle again." He wrapped his fingers around her, then pulled his shorts and briefs waistbands out and laid her on his length again. "God, you look hot laying there. I think we'll take us a shower when we get inside."

Before she could protest, he'd closed the bands with a snap, trapping her. He shifted suddenly, and she could feel him getting out of the car, then watched in a panic, as his giant legs shifted on either side of her, carrying them both into his home - and her prison. She could hear Brad making excuses for his lateness to his father and mother, then the coolness of refrigerated air against the shorts as he got something from the fridge, and finally his footfalls on the stairs and a door closing. She felt him sit again, then the waistbands stretched open, letting in dim lighting.

His fingers pinched the back of her little doll shirt and hoisted her up to his eye level. She flinched involuntarily, as his other hand came up, but he only used it to set her on. "Where'd you get the little outfit?" he asked.


"Figures the little freak would play dress-up with you. "Well, let's get you out of that stuff. Take it off."

April glared angrily at him…what did she have to lose? He was obviously trying to keep her here. Maybe if she wasn't so easy to keep, she thought. "No," she said.

"Do it, or I take it off for you," he retorted.

She opened her mouth to protest, but his fingers returned, grasping her hands and pulling them above her head. She screamed and kicked at him, but he merely put his thumb and forefinger on her sides and rolled the tiny pants down until her could tug them off. That done, he began to stroke his index finger across her belly, pressing down a little anytime she got a good kick in. His finger slid upward a little more with each stroke, pushing the hem of her shirt up and up, until her breasts tumbled out. He let go of her hands, then held her between his thumb and forefinger again to roll the shirt up over her head.

"Oh, yeah," he whispered. "Naked is much better." Keeping her in the crushing grip of his two fingers, he began to gently twiddle both breasts at once. April screamed, yelled, balked and even began to cry, but the glazed look on his face told her he was lost in his fantasy. She closed her eyes, waiting for the roving finger to stop and didn't open them until she felt herself descending. Finding herself back on his penis again, she looked up and saw him shaking something in his hand.

"I figure we need to get dirty before we get clean, soooo…" The arm swept down, pointing a white plastic tip at her head. Suddenly, a hissing noise emitted, and foam shot down on her from the tip. She screamed, realizing she was being enveloped in whipped cream. She heard and felt his laugh. "Now lick that up and I'll work on you later," he said, as she cleared her eyes and mouth.

She folded her arms into a stubborn pout, but a quick flick on her rear with his finger sent her sprawling face-first against him. She stifled her tears and got up on her hands and knees on him. She slipped in the whipped cream and wound up with her arms and legs wrapped around the giant penis. She began to lick, praying with all her might that Russell would get here soon…
Last edited by Xinunar on Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:58 pm

And... that's where he left it, whoever the author was. I would love to hear from him or her.

I have often considered writing a continuation of this. I see basically three ways to go with it:
A: April is unique. She's basically a sylph, but she's the only sylph in this world.
B: April is a sylph. While all this is happening to her, similar things are happening all over the world because this is "The Day".
C: April can control her size, but it's largely involuntary - controlled by her emotions. As long as she's feeling small, small she will be.

It could make a good CHYOA.

Any suggestions?

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by i am insane » Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:25 pm

Way back when, Minimizer had a list of pics based off stories on his site, and I think I remember a pic to do with a story called 'and the geek shall inherit' in it. If that's right, and I'm remembering it right, this is by Azureeyes? And it's been lost since the passing of the Golden Age of SW, and part of the comments was asking if anyone has a copy of it.
Power is choice.

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:00 am

i am insane wrote:
Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:25 pm
... part of the comments was asking if anyone has a copy of it.
I'm glad I saved a copy.

BTW, Really enjoying Buy One Get Two. I haven't commented yet because only halfway through.

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by AB23 » Sat Dec 11, 2021 1:19 am

I like option B. Maybe one of the jocks shrinks down too? That or the popular girl they'd mentioned.

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:42 am

Way back when, Minimizer had a list of pics based off stories on his site, and I think I remember a pic to do with a story called 'and the geek shall inherit' in it. If that's right, and I'm remembering it right, this is by Azureeyes? And it's been lost since the passing of the Golden Age of SW, and part of the comments was asking if anyone has a copy of it.
The 'Wayback Machine' site has the author as "Crystal". Min drew up a tribute sketch:
"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Sat Dec 11, 2021 6:58 am

jeffrey-dallas wrote:
Sat Dec 11, 2021 4:42 am
The 'Wayback Machine' site has the author as "Crystal". Min drew up a tribute sketch:
Thank you! I had looked for it recently. But I couldn't find it.

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Crys » Thu Apr 14, 2022 4:59 am

Actually, I wrote this YEARS ago when I first got into SW stuff! I can’t believe it’s still around with folks reading it! Thanks, you guys! 🥰

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Re: And the Geek Shall Inherit the SW Earth

Post by Xinunar » Thu Apr 14, 2022 9:59 am

Wow. Great to hear from the original author. It was always one of my favorites.

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