Here's story from the early 2000's

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Burgh Sasquatch
Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Here's story from the early 2000's

Post by Burgh Sasquatch » Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:10 am

China Doll By The Reducer...

A cell phone rings in the crowded Japanese marketplace of Moriya. A New England accent answers the phone after it is picked up. Yes, Cam. I know it is you because of the ring tone. No, I don?ft do it to avoid you. I do it so I know which mood to be in when I answer. Yes, the shipments of the collection the Dolby's wanted from here are on the way. Saw to it this morning myself. All the other things on the list for the shop were taken care of. I'll be leaving in three days or so. No, just following up on a rumor item that caught my fancy for my personal collection. Well, just make sure my pantry is full when I get to the store. I'll call when I hit San Fran so you can clear out all the partiers from the store and my living space. I know that but because I?fm the boss and away doesn't mean you can crash in my space in the upper levels. Ok. Check customs I would say in two and then find out how long it will take to clear once it arrives. Then..I know you've done this before but I'm the boss and have to remind you. Later.

Frank Davidson runs an antique/import business out of his residence, which happens to be a former warehouse. He bought it when it was cheap and renovated it to use it for his blossoming business. To save more money and keep a better eye on the collection he has in his gallery, he turned the two floors above the main 'sales' floor into his apartment. His reputation through out the antique world is above all others and his ability to find the pieces people have been looking for to add to their collection has made him a sought after man. He was in Japan on a business/vacation to help a client get a special vase and urn set that they heard was out there but couldn't find for themselves. While he was over there, he figured he would add some more to his own collection. However, a strange and very rare item caught his interest when he was driving through Hino earlier in the week. Parts of his collection were porcelain dolls that were first collected by his mother and handed down to him. They took a special place in his heart and were kept in his office space on the living area of his building. Wherever he goes in the world, he looks for another one or two rare porcelain dolls to add to the collection.

The rumors took him across the island to the outskirts of Moriya to look for a certain vendor there. His shop was whispered to have the most rarest dolls on Earth. Sachio Kodo kept glancing out the window of his shop. He was told that a wealthy American was in the area and might be interested in one of his dolls. His backroom was kept secret from the general public and none except certain few who acted like feelers for him knew or had knowledge of what he kept back there. When he saw a tall man wearing a baseball hat that fit the description of the man he was to look out for walked by he jumped off his stool and rounded his counter. Mr. Davidson? Yes? The tall man turned to look at him. I believe I have what you are looking for here. Akira told me to expect you today. At the mention of his contact, Frank turned and walked to the man. He bowed then extended his hand to shake. It is an honor to meet you. It is my honor to meet you. Akira told me all about you and described you to a 'T'. I hope you're not too disappointed then. He laughs and smiles. Akira told me you sell the rarest of dolls known to man?

Yes I do and you will be very surprised when you see them. Come let me close the shop and show you my dolls.?h Sachio goes to the store?fs door and locks it as he then shows Frank to the back of the shop. The area seems to be filled with the usual fare that Frank knows from his other trips to doll stores in the area but he continued more to the back through another area. The area is filled with cages, which would house small animals, and one cage covered with a silk cloth was on the table that seemed to dominate the center of this area. Mr. Kodo. This is where I keep the very rarest dolls you will find in the world. But these are cages. I mean I may not know what type of dolls you sell but I wouldn't be keeping them in cages. Oh but these dolls are very special. They are living dolls. Frank looked at the man as if he had lost his mind. Run that by me again? I have in these cages living dolls. Do you speak fluent Japanese, Mr. Davidson? Only enough to get me through customs and restraints. If I may be so bold to ask your sexual preference? Come on now. What does my idea for which will turn me on have to do with purchasing a doll? Honored sir, I want to make sure you are getting the right one for yourself. Some people would prefer the same sex over the opposite. Fine, I'm hetro if you must know and I don't swing in the other direction in the privacy of my bedroom. Very good. I believe I have chosen the correct one for you. Sachio opened the cage door to the cage on the table.

Kazumi, hai. From inside of the cage, out steps a foot tall oriental woman. She is fully dressed in a full red Chinese mandarin dress with yellow trim and matching red leather heels. Her hair is pulled back into a bun on the back of her head. She gracefully walks a small distance from the cage and then kneels down with her face down toward the table. Frank's jaw drops as he stares at what he sees. He shakes his head and looks between Sachio and the tiny woman on the counter. She is named Kazumi and she is eighteen years of age. She is also virgin. Frank starts to come out of his daze. You mean to tell me that this is a living breathing person. How did she get this small? She was born this way. For centuries, there has been a secret species of, I must classify them of human beings that have been bred to be this size. They have been pets and slaves to crowned royalty throughout the ages. My family is one of those breeders of these special ones. Frank still can't believe what he is hearing. But she is human. I would say more SUB-human than not. She and others like her have been bred for one purpose, to serve their owners in whatever way the owner wants. She has been trained since birth to be a servant to a person who buys her. She especially has been trained in the English language. Kazumi, meet Mr. Davidson. Her gaze never wavered from the tabletop.

Greetings, honorable Mr. Davidson. I hope I meet with your approval and hope to be able to serve you. She bows even lower. Her voice sounds tiny to Frank's ears but it seems to almost have a twinkle bell quality to it as her English has accent to it. Um, hello Kazumi. We'll see about the serving part. Sachio smiles as he stood there. She is a fine one. Never has caused any trouble and is a willing servant. But Kodo, it would be slavery if I buy her. Mr. Davidson, is it slavery when you buy a horse and expect it to carry you around on your ranch or farm? Is it slavery when you have a dog guard your home for you? No. She is nothing more than a pet.But she is human.A human pet. Sachio sighs as he sees that the morality that seems to be inbreeded into the American psyche would not allow this man to buy her. Come Kazumi. Back inside. The tiny woman bows and then stand to return to her home. Franks could almost see what looked like tears on her face as she turned to walk. Wait. What will happen to her if I don't buy her? Looks at Frank, Sachio sighs. She will be put back into the stock with the other females to be use for breeding. Her clothes that she has on now will be stripped away and she'll be return.

There are men this size? Yes but I thought you don't Swing that way? I don't but I was wonder how they mated. Of course. You don?ft think that we use normal sperm on them. It would ruin the pure bredness of this line. Noticing the look in Frank's eyes. No we do not use brothers and sisters for breeding. It would ruin the linage. We have studs like horse that are brought over for the mating. Frank sighs a bit. Ok. I'm sorry if I offended but I just never saw anything like her before. It is understandable. You're not use to this type of pet in the States. However, if you were to buy say her I would request that you bring her back for mating every three to four years. She is a thoroughbred of this line. I'm just amazed how you talk about a human, even though she is tiny, like she is an animal. He shakes his head. Mr. Davidson, please understand. Here their kind is nothing but pets. Or toys even. May I see her again? Kazumi. She returned to the spot she had left before to kneel again. Frank squat down to be almost level with her. May I touch her? Sachio nods. Frank reached out with a finger and touched her chin to lift her face to him. Kazumi gave an inaudible gasp as her eyes met his.

He looked her face over and smiled. Never before had she had a possible owner make her look in their face before she was bought. She remained calm as per her training but she could tell that this one would be a different owner. In her heart, she hopes that he would buy her. She is beautiful. He noticed a blush cross the minute face. How tall is she? About thirty cm. Frank nods as he lets her chin go and walks around looking her over. The gown shows some of her shape but hides other. Her ankles and feet are exposed enough where he can tell she is very delicate. Her hands rest on her folded legs and look so nice against the red. If she were a normal size woman, he would feel intimated by her beauty but still ask her to at least drink with him. She would fit in my collection of dolls. But if I were to buy her, how do I get her back home? Sachio reached under the table and pulls out a small case then opens it. It is lined with foam in the shape of a tiny human. You would transport her in this and give her this.? He takes out a green vial filled with a gel. This would make her immobile. Seem like a doll. And this, he placed a red vial next to the green, will revive her. I would send you some more when you bring her back here for mating. That's the other thing? Mating? I would split any fee I would get for her offsprings with you. It will be in our contract.?h Frank nods and considers the offer. But she is human even if she is doll size. But you would never again find a doll like this again.

He argues with himself. Mr. Davidson, I need to know if you're interested? Looking at the little one on the table, he makes a decision. Yes I'll take her. I don't know why but I want to add her to my collection. Kazumi listen to the exchange by the giants. Her heart leaps when the American says she will be his. From watching others before her, she knew what was going to happen next. ?Excellent. Kazumi, hai. The doll woman stands and walks to Sachio. He takes out a tiny colorful piece of cloth. He places it around her throat. Once it is sealed, he takes out a larger version of it. May I have your right wrist? Why? This is the identifier between pet and owner. Notice that the color scheme match. It will allow me to identify her as yours when you come back. Frank offers up his wrist and the bracelet is placed on. Looks it over after it seems to bond with itself on his wrist. Sachio smiles. To finalize it, how do we settle for the payment? Frank takes out a blank cashier check and writes an amount on it. He slides it across to Sachio and smiles. I think this will be more than enough for all you given me. Sachio looks at the check and his jaw drops. Sir, this is more than I usually ask for.I felt you deserved more for having such little beauty like her and providing me a way to take her home. As you can see, the check is drawn from the Bank of Tokyo and I can allow you to call to verify that the check will be covered. No doubt sir but? No but. Before I change my mind. Sachio nods.

Kazumi. You now belong to Mr. Davidson. I hope you enjoy your new life as his doll and servant. The tiny woman stands and bows to Sachio. It was an honor to have been your servant and I am happy and proud of all that you have taught this one. I will serve with honor. Kazumi moved to the open case and lay down in the foam padding. She tried not to look into the eyes of her master. She knew now that her new life was going to be different from any that she trained for. Frank closed the case and snapped the clasps in place. Sachio gave him the two vials and reminded him which was what. The paperwork was exchanged and Sachio had a special one in case an American ever bought one of his dolls. This will show that what you have is a failed experiment from a phony company. It will all check out if the number is called. We know about the anti-slavery laws your country has so this will deems her a non-human in your laws eyes. Frank nods as he takes the paperwork. He shakes Sachio's hand and bows. It has been an honor to do business with you and we shall both return in the time frame you describe. After a few hours of driving back to his hotel in Tokyo, he arrives and unloads the packages on to the rack for the bellhop to take to his room but he personally carried the case holding Kazumi in. Frank rides the elevator up to his suite and thanks then pays the bellhop.

He calls down to have his car returned to the leasing company since he'll be leaving back home in another day or two. Once he settled his business, he turned to the case and swallowed. He opened it up and looked in. Kazumi laid there as if nothing bothered her at all. She quickly bowed her head to her new Master once her eyes adjusted to the bright lights. You may come out now, Kazumi. She climbed out and quickly assumed her prone position on her knees before her giant Master. How may I serve you this evening, Master? Now even owning anything alive that talked back to him in a language he understood, Frank stared at her for a moment. He knew she wouldn't move until he told her to. He has seen and experiences this lifestyle through friends who lived like this but never in his life did he imagine owning a person let alone one her size. Tell me what you would do to serve me? Kazumi had a strange look on her face that he couldn't see because her head was bowed to him.

What would I do? What would I do? I've never been asked before. she thought. However, she responded in her training way. Anything my Master deems to his pleasing.Like? Once again, he offers her an option and she didn't know. What would I like? Your desires, Master.So if I told you to get my slippers, you would even though they are almost as long as you are tall? Yes, Master.If I told you to strip naked? Yes, Master. She thought, He is testing me. Seeing if I will be a proper servant to him.You would stand perfectly still until I told you to move no matter what? Yes, Master. Even if you had to.well, you know, relieve yourself? For the first time she was bought of her free will, she looked up at him. Please explain, relieve yourself? Go to the bathroom. Pee. Urinate. Ah This one understands now. Her head returned to her bowed position though she did find him very pleasant to look at. Compared to others who have come to the shop in the past to shop for a new toy, she had come into the possession of a man she would like to look at all the time. ?Yes, Master. I would until you told this one I could go even if it hurt. Amazing. It's just I've never come across anyone like you both in size and dedication to her Master and his pleasure. Do you know your history and how you come to be this size? Please tell me.Yes, Master. This one was born this way and has always been small. My race has always been small but the last Master who you bought me from had told this one the story about my race. Many centuries ago, a village was in the path of a great warlord and wizard. He demand that the village both bow to his will and serve him or he will take the land. The villagers refused and started to fight his soldiers. The great warlord saw that this was destroying the land, which he wanted the most. He pulled his troops back a great distance to a hill overlooking the village. He casted a mighty spell that shrunk the village, buildings and all who lived there, to the size of dolls. His troops captured the newly form dolls. Some were sold off and used for pleasure. However, one decided that these new toys would be a great item for profit if they were to breed for pet or toys. This has gone on for centuries.

My race has lived as dolls to the giants. You are one of the first from outside our land to purchase one of us. My former Master knew that soon one would be sold to what he called American so he trained this one in your tongue so I could understand you and speak to you. Frank took it all in and was amazed by the story. If it wasn't for the doll-sized woman knelling on the table he would never have believed it. Truly amazing. First of all, your English is almost perfect. Mr. Kodo did a fantastic job of training and teaching you English. Please, stand up for me. He reached into his little bag he kept for his gathering. Inside, he had cloth tape measures like the one would use for clothing making and other things so he can get information for his clients. He looked to see Kazumi standing perfectly straight except her head was stilled bowed to him. Remove your shoes and please look straight ahead. You have my permission to look at me. I'm not that ugly. He winked at her. She tried to stifle a giggle at the humor her new Master was making at his own expense. She has never seen this before and found it amusing. He smiled at her reaction as she removed her shoes and then stood barefoot looking ahead. He took her measurements of height and made notes. You know something. Mr. Kodo didn't sell me any clothes for you to wear except what you have on. Please undress so I can get some proper measurements of you. Kazumi undress in a quick manner as she was trained because she was told Master should not be kept waiting when they have order something. So she stood completely exposed to her new owner. Frank inhaled as he watched this tiny woman willingly strip for him with no questions asked. Once naked, he took in her beauty.

Never before had he seen such a delicate little thing. Even the most perfect doll that was handmade had look like this. He swallowed as he started to take measurements. He took her breasts, waist and hips. He did notice her shudder a bit when his fingertip brushed by her bare little sex. He remembered that she was a virgin and has may have never been touch there before. He quickly took notes and pulled out his cell phone. He pressed a few buttons. Cam? Frank, here. Yes, I know what time it is there. Listen take these notes for me and then call Jenna over at the Doll House. Yes, I picked up a new doll. I want to get a dollhouse for this one. It has to be sized for a 30 cm tall doll. I also would like to get me some clothes for this one. A female doll with these measurements. Yes, I took measurements. And what if I want to play dress up with it? It's my doll and I can do with it as I want. He gave Cam the measurements and told him to get a variety of clothing. No, I'll go down and get more when I get there. OOk, I?fll be leaving here tomorrow afternoon my time. Yes, I text the flight number and stuff when I get to the airport. Later. He closed his phone and turned around. When he looked at the table, Kazumi was still standing there in the same position as when he finished measuring her. Were you standing there the whole time? Kazumi nodded. Yes, Master. You haven't told this one what you wanted since. He smiled and shook his head. You have permission to move around if I get distracted by something like a phone call. Just don't get into any trouble, ok? She nodded and relaxed a little. It's getting late and I need a shower.Would Master like this one to help?

Frank was taken back a little bit at her willingness to climb into a shower with a giant. ?gNo but thanks for the offer.? He noticed that she looked a bit disappointed. Until I get use to you in a situation like that, we'll stick to a tub thing when we get back home. Sharing a tub will be better that a shower. Less distance for you to fall. But I think you'll get a bath in the sink while I shower. She nodded a bit and did look disappoint but really couldn't argue with his reasoning because she was never trained for a shower. He scooped her up and took her into the bathroom then placed her by the sink. He slowly filled the sink making sure the water was hot but not too hot as to burn her. Frank scooped a tiny chunk of soap then placed by the sink. Slide in there and enjoy.? He smiled as he watches her slide into the sink. She floated a little bit then took the soap off his finger when he offered to her. She watched as he turned and started to undress. She marvels at his body as he slowly took off his clothes. He turned on the shower and stepped in once he got the temperature he wanted. Once the door was closed, he washed, lathered and cleansed his body. Kazumi started to wash when she realized that his body brought wonder to her eyes. He stepped out once done and was drying his hair when he got close to the sink. His private parts were level with the sink and Kazumi gasped at the sight. It looked bigger and different from what she has been trained with. When she realized that, he was watching she blushed a bit and turned back to cleaning herself. He smiled then took a bit of shampoo on a finger. He got a bit of lather and proceeded to wash her long silky hair.

Never before has she been treated like this. She felt like she was the one in charge while a giant was her servant. He made sure he got all her hair clean then guided her to the faucet as he drained the sink. Frank held her loosely in his hand as he turned the faucet on to rinse her entire body. Once she was rinsed and the sink was drained, he reached with his other hand and took a face cloth off the rack. He wrapped her in it and proceeded to dry her off as he walked them both into the main room of their room. Frank smiled as he placed her on the table. How's that? Kazumi smiled and bow. Thank you, Master. This one has never had such treatment. Well, that's only the beginning. He grabbed a pillow off the bed and placed on the table once he cleared it off. He placed her clothes near the case.And there is your bed for the night. Tomorrow, we'll be going home so get some rest. He reached out and patted her on the head with a finger. Frank turned and crawled into bed then fell asleep after turning the light off. Kazumi crawled onto the pillow and tried to sleep but it was so different now.

The sounds, the loneliness of sleeping in a spot alone and the different ness of being owned caused her to be restless. She sat up and looked over at her owner. She needed closeness to feel comfortable enough to sleep. She made her mind up. She slide off the pillow and looked along the edge. The chair was close enough that she could slide off and get on it. So she did and then climbed down the chair. Once on the floor, she took in her surroundings then made her way to the bed, which contained her Master. At the edge of the blanket, she grasped it and pulled. Seeing that it wasn't going to give, she climbed upward until she crawled on to the top of the bed. She looked over at the large form of the man that owned her. She made her way near him and then kneeled. She took in his face and body in the little light that came in around the edge of the curtains. She reached out and touched his face. The roughness in areas was different and made her wonder what he had in mind for her when they got 'home'. Home. A word she thought she knew until now. A place she can called almost her own. Kazumi got up and got as close as she dared and lie down next to her Master and fell asleep taking in his scent. Frank felt something and opened an eye. He could see Kazumi near him as she lay down next to him. He smiled once she was settled in. When he could tell that she was asleep, he placed a hand across her body and went back to sleep himself. He felt he did the right thing now buying her to take her away from the old life she had.

Chapter 2

Frank woke a little bit earlier than usual to make sure he didn't dream last night. But the little woman lying on the bed next to him was proof it wasn't. He marveled at her tiny beauty and delicateness as she laid there sleeping. She rolled and stretched a little as she woke. When she looked to her side and saw that her new Master's hand was close to her than she remembered when she fell asleep & that he was looking down toward her, she scrambled to the position she was trained to be in when she would greet her Master when he was ready. ?gMorning, Kazumi.?h Kazumi bowed deeply to him. Good morning, Master. Please forgive this one for her boldness of climbing into bed with you without your permission. It's ok. I was surprised that you did that all by yourself. May I ask why? She was surprised that he was asking her permission to do something. But she pressed on. I was. Afraid. I have never been away from my. I believe the word is family before. I never knew I would miss the sights, sounds and smells of my home. Your old home. I understand, little one. You can do this anytime you want. But make sure you let me know somehow so I don't roll over on you. Well, today we go home to America.

He scooped her up and carried her to bathroom. He placed her on the sink while he filled the tub with hot water. He pours a little bit of the body soap he brings with him into the water so it will foam up just a little bit. Frank waited until it reached a certain height and then shut the water off. Stepping in then settling in, he reached up and took Kazumi in his hand. Do you know how to swim? Yes, Master. This one was shown how to swim. Good. You can swim around if you want while I soak a bit. I like to relax like this before I head to the airport for the flight home. Just let me know if the water is too hot for you. He lowers her in a bit at the time until she was submerged. She treads water a little bit and then took off in a full swim around her giant Master. This freedom she has found was never imagined while she was growing up. She enjoyed this and giggled as she swam into the edge of the tub because of the soap. She looked up at Frank as he smiled then shifted to almost laying back in the water. She started swimming around more and got lost in the water. She bumped into something and reached out to grab it.

After holding on, she wiped the soap and hair from her eyes then saw that she was grabbing onto her Master's member. She gasped at her boldness but was fascinated by it. She looked up at his face and saw him smiling so she decided to be even bolder. Her hands explored his member as she found her footing under the water. The silkiness of the skin to her touch and the blood rushing through the veins just under the skin were visible to her eyes. His moans as her hands explored told her that she was doing something right. She continues until he stiffened and he came. It pours down his shaft and onto her. Kazumi smiled knowing that she pleasured her Master. Frank looked down at her between his legs. That felt good, little one. I wasn't expecting that. He scooped her out of his seed and cleaned her up then he stood up. With his foot, he flipped the stopper so the tub would drain out of the dirty water and then placed her in the soap dish on the wall. He switches from tub to shower and proceeded to wash & rinse himself off. He reached for Kazumi then cleaned her off. She smiled enjoying the treatment.

After turning off the shower, Frank dried Kazumi then himself off as they went into the main room. He placed her near her clothes then dressed himself. He turned and saw her still standing there. Oh, get dress. We'll be going to the airport then home. Yes, Master. She took her outfit and dressed quickly knowing that soon she would have to take the formula. After packing and making sure he had everything, he took out the small bottle and went over to Kazumi. He opened the padded case. Ready? Kazumi nodded and got ready. She opened her mouth as he took out the dropper and gave her the correct amount of it. Frank resealed the bottle and watched her.

She started to stiffen up a bit and then stood rigid. Her skin took a shining sheen to it as she seemed to turn to a procieln doll. Before she could fall over, he took her in his hand and looked her over. If he didn't know that moments ago this was a living woman he would have swore that she was a doll. He placed her in the case and sealed it. Frank called room service and asked his baggage to be taken to the airport. He kept Kazumi's case with him and went down to the lobby to get his cab. The cab ride was uneventful as he took one last look around. He paid the cab driver and made his way through customs then to his airlines. His baggage was checked in as usual for him and then Kazumi's case was examined. I want to keep this with me because this is a very valuable doll I purchased here. The official nodded as he checks the rest of the case. His briefcase passed and he was allowed on the waiting area. Three hours later, the flight took off with Frank, his new doll and his hopes that he did the right thing for her and himself.

Chapter 3

His flight from Japan to Hawaii was uneventful and with his planned stopover there Frank decided to get more things for Kazumi. His urge to open the case and let her out were strong but he didn't want to subject her to taking the formula too soon together without knowing what it could do. So he went to the usual hotel he stays at when he stops over and had the case locked in the hotel safe. He stopped at new shops for himself and asked for doll size women fashions. The ladies behind the counter were surprised to see a man ask for things like that but began to show their wares. He looked over the lot and chosed some sarongs, bikinis and other things he thought Kazumi might like or he thought would look good on her. He asked that the purchase be Fed-Ex to his store on the mainland after he bought the lot and paid the little extra for the expres mail service. He returned to the hotel and retrieve Kazumi's case. In his room, he opened it to look at her and again marveled at her beauty and delicatness of herself. Am I falling for this small person?, he thought and then closed the case. He crawled into bed for a nap before his next flight home.


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