Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

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Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by Greenanon » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:35 pm

A/N: As a preface I usually write giantess stories, but I wrote this for an online friend and then was told that people here would really like it, so I figured I'd post it here.

Caroline growled in frustration as she looked at the empty lab, the only sound aside from the electric humming of the machines the slow pitter patter of the freezing rain against the building’s roof. The foul weather was to blame for the lack of spectators for her triumph, and even here in the center of the university’s lab building she could feel the slight chill of the wintery storm outside.

“I don’t think anyone’s coming Carol,” Adam called, walking into the lab with a shrug.

“Give them a few more minutes,” Caroline insisted, “And don’t call me Carol!”

Adam chuckled; happy he’d annoyed her. Her colleague on the project was a nepotism hire if there ever was one, while Adam certainly had the credentials to do the work, he’d attained his PhD the same year Caroline had, he’d never had the heart for research. No, Adam was the type who would go to university fundraisers, give five-minute blurbs about their work to news stations, and then go home to have dinner with his parents, who were some of the department’s top donors. Caroline was sure he spent more time in the gym than he did at a computer, and his square jaw and gleaming smile seemed to hypnotize everyone he encountered.

Everyone but me, she thought angrily, “I’m performing the test today, even if nobody comes!” Caroline insisted.

“Whatever,” Adam sighed, checking the time on his phone. “I’m pretty sure we’re the only people left in the building, probably on the whole campus. If we stay much longer, we’ll be stuck here overnight.”

“I’ll need about twenty minutes to power it up,” Caroline said, turning to the massive wall of switches and power supplies.

“Twenty minutes?” Adam balked, “Okay, have fun freezing in here, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Caroline scowled angrily, moving to block the door. The five-foot woman with the mousy looks and ruffled hair standing in front of her towering coworker was an almost comical sight, and she jabbed a finger into his chest angrily.

“I need you to help me with the calibrations!” she insisted, “try to make yourself useful for once!”

“Pass,” Adam said dismissively, “science can wait until tomorrow, Caroline,” he said, walking around her.

“Fine, go! But you won’t be in the history books!” she shouted after him.

“I’d rather be home in bed anyways!” Adam called, waving as he walked out the lab doors.

I don’t need him anyways, she told herself, he’s just the mascot for this. I can calibrate the machine myself.

She walked around a nearby desk, setting up the tripod camera she’d prepared to film the machine’s activation. She cleared her throat, taking a moment to fix her messy hair, and then removing her glasses.

“I-I am doctor Caroline Summers,” she stammered, “And this is the first activation of the tissue reduction beam.” She pointed the camera to a single apple, sitting on a sterile table within a large glass enclosure. A beep told her the machine was powered up, and with a grin she sprinted across the room, hitting the large red button with a flourish. Within the glass enclosure there was a flash.

Her heart pounded, and she slowly removed the camera from the tripod, carrying it to the glass box. Peering in the apple was just barely visible, reduced to the size of a grain of sand, a single red mark on the otherwise sterile white table.

“Success!” Caroline giggled, turning the camera back towards herself. “This technology can be used to shrink cancers, improve transportation, the possibilities are-“

A trio of beeps interrupted her, “Calibration Error,” a robotic voice rang out, “Excess Energy Discharge Imminent.”

Caroline’s eyes went wide, “W-Wait, that’s not possible, my calculations were perfect!”

“Calibration Error,” the voice repeated, almost mocking her, “Excess Energy Discharg-“

There was another flash inside the glass containment chamber, but this time instead of stopping at the glass walls, they cracked, the beams of light shooting out along the fissures and striking Caroline. She felt a strange buzzing feeling, as though a hundred ants were scurrying along her body, then she was screaming, falling naked through the air as massive tents of white fabric fell around her.

My labcoat, she realized wildly, that’s my labcoat!

Adam stared out the lab doors, sighing angrily as he saw the thick layer of ice that had materialized over the parking lot, with the pitter patter of sleet still coming down. His and Carolines cars were the only ones left in the parking lot, a pair of eerie glacial tombstones beneath the yellow sodium lighting of the streetlamps.

God damn it Caroline, now we’re stuck here all night! With a frustrated sigh he turned to walk back to the lab, ready to give his colleague an earful.

“No, no no no nooooooooo!” Caroline howled, looking at the vast shining white plain of the tiled floor. Her clothing lay piled around her, rumpled mountain ranges of fabric. She shivered as she forced herself to stand up, covering her nakedness feebly with her arms as she looked around at the immensity of the lab.

How big am I? she wondered numbly. She quickly did some mental calculations, how small the apple was, how small she’d made it, how proportional it would be to a human body… Maybe 2 milimeters… I’m not even a bug!

There was a roar, and then a woosh of air that billowed her curls back over her shoulders. Far in the distance she saw the laboratory’s door open, and a second later the towering form of her coworker appeared, a walking mountain that shook the ground beneath her feet as he casually walked in.

“We’re iced in Carol,” he called angrily, “you just fucking had to do this today, didn’t you?” He paused, glancing around the lab, “Caroline?”

I’ve got to get his attention! She realized. She gulped, looking up at his immense form, the last thing she wanted was to run towards the gargantuan man, but she forced herself to, waving her arms and shouting as loud as she could.

“ADAM!” she screamed, her voice hoarse, “ADAM! DOWN HERE!”

Adam didn’t hear anything, and he frowned as he walked through the lab. For Caroline it was like an earthquake, and she squealed in horror as she tumbled over, grunting as her body hit the cold tile.

“Where is she?” Adam muttered.

A shadow fell over Caroline, and she rolled over, her eyes going wide as she saw a shoe sole bigger than the building’s parking lot rising over her.

“Wait, stop!” she whispered, too scared to scream. It can’t end like this, it can’t-

She felt an immense pressure as the stiff black rubber made contact with her body, then a sensation like popping a knuckle across her entire body as he pressed down, silencing her pleas.

Adam picked up Caroline’s labcoat, examining it, “Just decided to take off anyways?” he muttered to himself. “Typical, and she won’t even hang up her labcoat…” He sighed, walking over to put it on its hook.

Beneath him Caroline gasped like a diver coming up from the depths, both happy and amazed to be alive. She watched the giant hung up her labcoat in wonder, looking down at herself as she slowly forced her way to her feet.

“O-Okay, I’m too dense to get crushed… I guess,” she sighed, still feeling her heart pounding, “G-Good to know, will have to examine this effect further when I get back to full size.” She winced rolling her neck and feeling a small *crack,* while she was alive, she certainly still felt like she’d been stepped on. I’ll probably feel that tomorrow…

She shrieked in surprise as Adam walked by her again, his office building sized shoes slamming into the ground a few dozen feet from her as he looked over the lab a final time. With a frown he retrieved the tripod camera, then shrugged, placing it in the pocket of his own coat.

I need him to notice me! she thought again, he’s the only other person in the lab!

She sprinted towards the shoes, leaping at the lace that lay slightly on the ground, a consequence of a knot tied too loosely. She gripped the slick synthetic fibers, gritting her teeth and holding on tightly as the world lurched with each of Adam’s footsteps. Her sudden agility surprised her, as did the strength she had to hold on.

I’m more athletic at this size, she thought, stifling a mad giggle, that’s a plus!

“Welp, might as well make the best of this,” Adam sighed.

He casually walked through the lab, stopping by a vending machine. After a minute of browsing he selected a bag of chips, the bag crinkling in his grip as he tore it open.

“The dinner of champions,” he chuckled, reaching in for one.

He kept walking to his office, his keys jangling as he opened it. Below him the tiny woman gripped to his shoelace could only look on in wonder at the vast distances she’d traveled, it would have taken her days to get this far at her size, but for Adam it was no more than a few seconds down the hall.

The odor of his stale socks hit her as he pulled his feet out of the shoes, causing her to grimace as he walked over and plopped himself in his desk chair. With a grunt he reached into the bottom drawer of his desk, withdrawing a small bottle of bourbon and setting it up on the wood with a *Thunk.* A small glass followed it a moment later.

Caroline slowly slid down the massive shoelace, leaping to the floor as she watched her mountainous coworker open up a streaming app on his computer, evidently planning to pass the wasted evening on television. She grimaced as she looked up at the man, realizing she’d need to find a way up to his desk. She slowly approached, weighing her options.

I’m definitely stronger now, she thought, looking at the sheer cliff face of the wood, but that’s out… maybe I could make my way up his pant leg? Adam shifted in his chair, crossing his legs. She grimaced, no, I could be climbing up him for hours and then he might just move and send me back to the floor…

Adam reached for his computer mouse, accidentally knocking his bag of chips to the floor. He cursed under his breath, bending down for them.

Caroline covered her head and yelped as the rain of potato chips crashed down around her like meteors, the rich sour cream and cheese odor permeating her senses as the crumbs slapped against her bare body like shrapnel from a grenade. Most of the chips had thankfully remained inside the bag, which now loomed in front of her like the mouth of some shimmery silver cave.

Recognizing her only chance, she bolted for it, panting and sprinting as fast as she could as she raced with all of her might against the slowly descending hand. With a leap she just barely made it inside before the material crinkled under Adam’s grip, rising upwards.

“YES!” the tiny woman cried excitedly, From the desk I can get his attention, I can- her world shifted as, instead of laying the bag on the desk as she’d hoped, Adam inverted it, preferring to snack directly from the bag.

Caroline’s triumph turned to horror as she tumbled into the trough of one of the ruffles on the chip. She squirmed against the cheesy grit, smearing it over her body as she tried to climb off of it, but it was too late. She saw the world again, revolving around her as Adam brought the chip up to his mouth.

“ADAM!” she shouted, “I’M HERE!” she stood up on shaking legs, desperately waving to the hill sized face above her as she drew closer to the black cavern. She felt her heart skip a beat as his lips curled back, ready to take a bite. The chip snapped in half just a few feet away from her as he bit it in half, rocking her world and causing the surface below her to crumble as she fell with a shriek of terror.

Adam paused, he thought he’d heard something, but just shrugged it off. He gently brushed the chip crumbs off his shirt, scattering them across his desk.

Caroline groaned as she looked at the towering crumbs around her. She was beginning to feel exhausted, even with the added strength and agility that being tiny evidently gave her, the journey was starting to take its toll. Her body ached as she sat up, and she looked down at her cheese dust smeared body with a grimace.

I can’t handle much more of this…

Above her the giant sighed, casually dusting his hands off, sending another rain of greasy crumbs down on her as she squealed and covered her head. With a scowl she forced herself to look up at him, starting to plan her next move.

“Waste of a night,” Adam muttered overhead, taking a small sip of the whiskey. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, sighing as he tossed the button up into the corner of his office. The way things were looking, he’d be sleeping in his chair.

Below him Caroline gulped as she looked up at her coworker, now clad only in his tank-top style undershirt. The well earned gym physique was plainly visible, and she couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter a bit as he leaned back, placing his arms behind his head.

I guess there’s nothing wrong with admitting he’s attractive, she thought to herself, blinking as she tried to clear her head.

Adam looked around, as if guilty about something, and then leaned forward, giving Caroline a better look at him as he started typing something on his computer. Caroline watched in an odd mix of fascination and horror, as he pulled up one of her social media pages. It was sparsely populated, she’d never really been the type to use it much, but there was one picture of her on the beach, from her vacation the year before.

“What!?” she shouted up at the unhearing giant, “What are you doing on there? Hey! Cut that out!”

“Damn Caroline,” he muttered, “you’re not a bad looking woman at all…”

Caroline frowned, Adam was always dating women he met at clubs, girls with bleached hair and much larger… assets, than hers, and he never stayed with one for very long. The idea that he was suddenly pining over her was… conflicting.

“Hey, asshole, this is creepy as hell!” she screamed, balling her fists helplessly as the giant looked through her other photos.

Adam looked at the glass of bourbon, took one final swig, and then set it on the table with a thunk that caused Caroline to stumble from the impact.

“Fuck it,” he declared, reaching down to unzip his pants.

“Oh no,” Caroline moaned, unheard, “What are you doing? This is so nasty Adam, this is…”

Her voice trailed off as she saw him pull his cock free. She gulped as she saw it rising, a massive pillar that would have been impressive enough at her normal size, but was now a monolith that drew her eyes almost hypnotically.

“Wow,” she mumbled, feeling herself stepping towards the edge of the desk, as if in a dream. She stopped at the edge, gazing at the head as the giant’s massive hand slid up and down the length. She could feel the heat from here, and she sank to her knees, inhaling the rich musk like a fine incense.

What’s wrong with me? She thought dreamily, This isn’t normal, I mean it’s a nice dick, but it’s ADAM’s dick, and it’s… it’s…

“Magnificent,” she whispered, seeing it complete its erection under the rhythmic strokes.

Caroline tried to shake her head and clear the haze, only partially being successful, I’m the size of a grain of sand, obviously everything has a bigger impact on me, she reasoned, human pheromones are a well-known biological reality, but have relatively little effect on… she gulped, NORMAL sized people…

Her body was growing hot, and she felt her hand sliding between her own legs, her fingers tracing over her curly pubic hair as she joined the godlike man before her. She let out a low mewling moan as she matched his speed, fingering herself in time with the giant’s motions.

“Oh fuck,” Adam called, nearing orgasm.

Caroline’s head shot up, the reality starting to dawn on her as she saw the bulbous head of his erection bobbing up and down before her. Part of her wanted to get up and flee, but another part of her was deep in the sensuous arms of entrancing scent, basking in the heat emanating off the pillar of his manhood. With a lustful sigh she stayed where she was, ignoring the rational part of her that screamed that she should run.

“Oh yeah,” Adam growled, feeling waves of bliss race up his spine as he came, stroking himself quickly as the thick white globs spurted out.

“AH!” Caroline screamed as her own orgasm hit at the same time as the first flood of gooey white liquid, washing the speck sized woman away in an ocean of the giant man’s seed. Any further cries of pleasure were silenced as she was carried along with the current as it spattered across the desk.

Adam shivered a final time, sighing as the post orgasm haze left him. With a disgusted scowl he looked down at the puddle of white goo on his desk, where most of his cum had landed. Cursing himself for not planning ahead, he reached for the box off tissues on his desk, wiping the whole of it up in one quick motion.

Caroline’s senses were returning, and she struggled for breath as her body was entombed in the sticky sea of cum. She had one chance to scream again as she was swept up into the tissue with it, and the soft fabric compressed around her, congealing the cum around her as Adam casually wadded it up. Without a care he tossed the used tissue into the wastebasket at the foot of his desk, making a note to empty it later before it started to smell.

Caroline shivered as the cum cooled around her, hardening like cement and entombing her in the center of the wadded up used tissue. She struggled, but her surroundings were becoming as solid as rock, and soon the congealed mess had solidified, rendering her immobile as she shouted futilely.

Adam yawned as the sun peaked through the windows of his office. Walking over to glance at the parking lot, he smiled as he saw that the university’s snow crew had managed to salt the pavement, meaning he’d finally be able to drive home. He frowned as he saw Caroline’s car was also still there.

That’s weird, he thought, I thought she ditched me last night…

He glanced at his labcoat, hanging on the wall with the bulge of the camcorder still in the pocket. He reached in for it, then watched the most recent footage. His mouth went dry as he saw Caroline activate the machine, then panic as the beams of energy breached the containment glass.

“Oh shit,” he muttered, looking down at the floor. She got hit, she’s probably the size of an ant or something… A horrible thought occurred to him, what if I stepped on her!?

He forced himself to calm down, racing to the lab, and watching his step for any bugs or specks. He burst in, once again watching his footsteps as his fingers danced along the research computer’s keyboard. With a grimace he grabbed one of the detection wands from the holster near the matter reduction chamber, the modified airport security devices would beep in the presence of anything impacted by the technology’s signature radiation.

“Caroline?” he called sheepishly, “If you’re down there… I don’t know, just stay still, okay?” he waved the wand over the lab, only getting a single beep from the shrunken apple inside the containment unit. He scowled as he ran a finger up the crack in the glass shielding, Why wouldn’t you just wait!? He wondered angrily.

He continued searching, almost ready to give up, when the wand beeped outside of his own office. He froze, slowly walking inside.

Was she… Was she in here last night? Memories of what he’d done, and who he’d been looking at pictures of while he’d done it, flooded back. His nervousness rising he slowly waved the wand over his desk, his heartbeat picking up as it beeped faster, finally emitting one long monotone over his wastebasket.

“No way,” he breathed, slowly bringing the wand down. The wand lit up red as it got closest to the crumpled up tissue, and with shaking hands he slowly withdrew it, unfurling the crusty edges.

Caroline blinked as the morning light stung her eyes. Entombed as she was in dried cum and tissue, she couldn’t move, and she felt helpless as Adam’s enormous stunned face looked in at her with awe. The pair were both silent for a moment, the mounting awkwardness as realization hit Adam causing him to open his mouth several times to begin speaking, then close it again.

“I’ll uh… I’ll get you grown back,” he managed finally, carrying the tissue, and his tiny coworker, back to their lab.

Caroline sighed in relief as she felt the tingling ants-on-your-skin feeling of the chamber’s energy on her skin. She smirked as she watched the tissue she’d been pried out of with a pair of tweezers go from house sized, to boulder sized, then stopping at knee height.

Wait, what? She frowned, looking at the pillar she was stuck on inside the chamber.

“Adam!” she called, “Keep going!”

There was a hiss as the chamber slid open, and she instinctively covered herself with her arms as Adam stepped in sheepishly.

“There’s a problem,” he explained, “You blew out the power cells when you didn’t calibrate it properly, I used up what we had left getting you to this size, but if you want to get any bigger we’ll need to repair it.”

“R-Repair it!?” Caroline stammered, “No, Adam please, there’s got to be a way!”

“The replacement parts can probably be here in a few months,” Adam said with a nervous smile.

Caroline’s horror turned to outrage, “Months!? I’m the size of a goddamn Barbie Adam! What do you expect me to do now!?”

“Technically you’re about half the size of a Barbie,” he pointed out, “they’re a full twelve inches Carol.”

“Ha, ha asshole,” she shouted, “We’ll see who’s laughing once I tell everyone I caught you jerking off to my vacation pictures!”

Adam scowled, “I said I was sorry! And by the way, you “caught” me because you went off and activated your shrinking machine by yourself, endangering both of us and damaging university property! Which one of us do you think will get into more trouble?”

Caroline’s face went white, “No! I’ll be ruined!”

“Relax, I’m not telling anyone,” he sighed, “Here’s what we’ll say happened… I made a mistake on the calibration, the machine broke, you got stuck at that size.”

She softened, “but won’t you get in trouble?”

He grinned and shrugged, “Maybe, but I’ve got friends who will probably stick up for me. Now come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Where are we going to- HEY WAIT!” she protested feebly as his fingers wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her sides as he almost casually slid her into his front pocket. She blushed, feeling the powerful digits withdraw, there was something oddly pleasant about being handled like that, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Don’t worry,” Adam said, patting her on the top of the head with one finger, “I know just what I need to take care of you!”

Caroline huffed angrily, crossing her arms as the pretty pink princess dress ruffled with each step across Adam’s kitchen table. Streamers trailed behind her, making her look disgustingly regal and cute as she looked up at the giant man, who was doing his best not to break into laughter.

“There, I put it on, happy?”

“You have no idea,” Adam said with a grin.

Her eyes widened as she saw him pull his phone from his pocket, “Don’t you dare Adam, I mean it! I’ll-“

The snap-click of the phone’s camera cut her off, forever immortalizing the moment.

“And what princess set would be complete without her dream castle?” Adam said, placing a large cardboard box on the table. Caroline’s heart sank as she saw the saccharine Pepto-Bismol pink of her new home’s décor, complete with a grinning princess wearing her outfit on the front, beckoning the viewer inward.

“Was this really the only dollhouse they had?” she asked in a tired voice.

“Next time shrink yourself a little further from Christmas,” Adam replied, “I had to fight a grandma for this one as it is.” He pointed to the box, “besides, it has a real working bathtub, that beats me scrubbing you down in the sink, right?”

“I guess,” she sighed. The smell of soft-soap from her earlier “shower” still clung to her skin.

Adam frowned, “Look, it’s not ideal, but I’m going to take real good care of you until the machine gets fixed, okay?”

His hand came down, sweeping her up and causing her to squeak as his fingers curled around her body. The world shifted as he plopped himself down on his couch, reaching for the small pink plastic doll’s brush that was laying on the nightstand. She shivered with anticipation as it met her scalp, brushing gently down it in a smooth motion that the doll-sized woman had come to enjoy at her size.

“I hate how good that feels,” she grumbled, closing her eyes.

“Just relax,” Adam chuckled, “dolls like doll things, it just makes sense.”

“I’m not a doll!” she retorted angrily.

“Sure,” Adam grinned, bringing the tiny brush down for another pass. “You know, when you’re relaxed, you’re almost nice to be around.”

“Is that why you were touching yourself to my bikini pictures?” she asked sweetly. She giggled at the way the giant started, before resuming the stroking motion of the brush.

“I uh… Well,” he stammered.

“I don’t get it at all,” she continued, “you’ve got a dozen women chasing you around wherever you go, but you’d rather skulk around my social media pages like some kind of pervert?”

“You’re not the kind of a girl a guy like me can usually get,” he said, a little too quickly.

Caroline raised an eyebrow, “But you do have me, I’m in your hands right now,” she said with a teasing giggle. “I didn’t say to stop brushing!” The plastic doll’s brush returned, causing her to sigh in pleasure as it went through her dark hair.

“I’m not sure what you’re getting at,” he said, his voice uncertain, “Are you just fucking with me, or-“

“We can figure out what we want to do when I’m big again,” she said with a smile, “Until then, let’s just enjoy this.”

Adam brushed her hair in silence for another moment, then a thought occurred to him, “How exactly did you end up in that tissue anyways? I mean, even at that size you probably had plenty of time to move…”

“I don’t know,” Caroline smirked, “Maybe we’ll try it again later and see if I can get out of the way this time.” She giggled as she felt his heartbeat pick up, his pulse racing along the fingers that held her tight.

“Sure thing,” he said, his voice low as he grinned down at her.

Caroline returned the smile, wondering if it was really so bad that she’d be In Adam’s care for the next few months.

Shrink Adept
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Re: Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by ensmallen » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:33 pm

This is great. Takes me back to when I read the-minimizer's, Sally's, and TheReducer's stories for the first time.

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Re: Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by Sumguy14 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:35 am

quite the gem. Thank you for sharing it.

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Re: Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by Firewall » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:24 am

This was quite the read. Well done!

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Re: Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by ROGU3_20 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:37 am

that story has potential to be a full serialization. its THAT good. you should do that.

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Re: Snowed in with an Experimental Shrink Ray

Post by Greenanon » Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:03 pm

ROGU3_20 wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:37 am
that story has potential to be a full serialization. its THAT good. you should do that.
Thank you! And thanks to everyone else who left feedback. I wrote this as a one shot for a friend, like I mentioned I usually write giant woman x small guy type stories or F/f, I'm not sure where else I'd take this one, but thanks for the interest!

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