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Shrink Adept
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Post by DiminutionMan » Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:48 pm

Hello! This is my first attempt at writing a story, and I decided to post it here for some feedback. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Chapter 1
(M/f, NSFW)

"Ellie?" I heard Danny call from beyond the bedroom door. From the sound of it, he was in the kitchen, or maybe the living room.

"I said, just a minute!" I felt a pang of regret as the words sounded harsher than I had intended. I sighed inwardly, dropping my head back down to the mattress. I was laying face-up, watching the ceiling fan rotate in a sort of after-work decompression ritual. Work had been stressful lately, but I shouldn't make Danny feel like he's my stress outlet. I'd find a way to make it up to him later.

I kicked off my heels and lay there silently for several minutes, enjoying the feeling of stretching out on the mattress after a day spent on my feet. A stray lock of pale blonde hair tickled my nose, and I blew it away absently, my unfocused eyes looking through the ceiling. I stretched my arms out over my head, luxuriating in the small amount of alone-time that I would have for the day.

As if on cue, I heard a soft knock at the door. I closed my eyes, preparing myself to be pulled out of my reverie, then heard the door slide open over the carpet.

"I figured you could use a glass." I opened my eyes and looked over, seeing Danny holding a glass of wine in each hand. "I opened a bottle of your favorite," he said with a tentative smile.

"I thought we were saving those for special occasions," I said as I sat up and reached for a glass. He visibly relaxed as he reached out with a glass to meet my hand.

"Well, you seem like you could use it."

I let a thankful smile reach my lips as I studied his face for a moment. I decided that his concern was genuine, probably caused by my tone when I had called back to him. I reached out to his forehead, using two fingers to push back a curl of dirty-blond hair that was hanging down. He had grown it longer than he usually kept it, but I still thought that it would look better if he let it grow even longer.

"Look, I'm sorry if it sounded like I snapped at you earlier. I didn't mean it that way." I took a sip of my wine. I closed my eyes as I savored the taste. Mmm, he was right. I did need this.

"Don't worry," he said, as he sat next to me on the bed. He held his glass in is right hand as he slid his left around my waist and gave me a one-armed hug. "I know you've been stressed lately." I took a larger sip of wine as he turned slightly to look at me more squarely. "If you need anything," he said, "you can tell me. Even if it's time by yourself."

"It's not that I don't want to spend time with you. I do want to. It's just..." I searched for a delicate way to state this, the way that would be least likely to hurt his feelings. "Just that I relax best when I'm alone."

I took another large sip of my wine, suddenly realizing that I was already feeling its effects. I became very aware of his hand on my hip, touching my skin just above my skirt. I tilted my hips back, feeling an arousal awakening within me. I put my hand over his, guiding it back and forth in a slow caress.

"Oh, so now you want company?" He smiled gently as he leaned in to kiss my neck. He knew what I liked. He planted a pair of soft kisses before scraping his teeth gently on my earlobe. “I always thought that this was what relaxed you best,” he said softly in my ear. Touché.

I drank from my wine glass again, noting that there was only about a third of it left. I eyed the glass for a second, then downed the rest. I had something else on my mind now.

I stood up, leaving his embrace long enough to place my wine glass on my dresser. I turned around to see that Danny was on his feet, as well. He stepped toward me, raising a hand to my cheek. I closed my eyes in response, anticipating, then feeling the electricity of his fingers on my skin. That wine was having more impact than I expected.

I usually loved our coy foreplay, but just didn’t have the patience for it tonight. I lunged in to kiss him full on the lips, letting my hands roam around his body, and feeling his on mine in return. I intensified my kiss, noticing that I had involuntarily started rubbing my pelvis slowly up and down on his thigh. I felt his left hand slide down and firmly grip my butt, sending a surge of sexual energy through me.

I broke our kiss and pushed him back a step, gasping for breath after our ferocious kiss. God, I hadn't been this aroused in ages. In one practiced motion, I slid my top over my head, exposing my plain white bra. I tugged upwards on the bottom of his shirt, signaling for him to do the same. He grinned at me as he obliged, and I slid my skirt down off my hips while he did.

I watched his body undulate as he took off his shirt, admiring what I found. He wasn't muscular, but he was fit, and he had been working to get more definition for months now. It was finally starting to pay dividends. I looked into his deep brown eyes as I reached for his chest, sliding my palms slowly up over his shoulders before crossing them behind his neck. He reached around my waist, pulling my hips into him as we kissed again.

The touch of his skin on my stomach sent another surge through me, and made me aware of the cloth that prevented my breasts from also feeling his skin. It was a frustration that I quickly remedied, reaching behind me to undo the clasp and letting my bra fall to the floor. I immediately moved forward, squishing my breasts against his chest. I shivered involuntarily at the contact.

I leaned into Danny harder, feeling my arousal build still further. This was exactly what I needed. I planted small kisses on his shoulder as I felt his hands caress up and down my back. My kisses moved downward, across his chest, then down his stomach to his navel.

"Hmm, what are you looking for?" he asked teasingly, as if he didn't know exactly what I wanted. I looked up to see him smiling broadly at me. "Just looking for what belongs to me," I responded in an equally playful tone. I undid his jeans and pulled them down, along with his boxer briefs.

Danny was more aroused than I had realized, with his cock now standing nearly at full attention. I smiled, leaning in so that I could lick it lightly. It jumped upwards in response, making me smile with satisfaction. I was trying to make this erotic, but I wasn't sure whether I could restrain myself for much longer. I reached my right hand down to my panties, feeling that they were already soaked through. My left hand went to his cock, softly stroking it as I gently took the head in my mouth.

I slowly worked my tongue around his head, feeling a slight but noticeable stiffening as I did. I pressed my hand to my panty-covered clit, rubbing slowly in circular motions as my arousal built even higher. I whimpered around his cock as my hips involuntarily pushed my clit harder into my fingers.

Enough. I needed to be filled, and couldn't stand to wait any longer. Normally, I liked to draw out the foreplay, but tonight my need was too strong, too urgent. I slid my panties down as I stood up, grabbing his hard member and pulling him toward the bed. I turned into him, grabbing him with both hands as I leaned backwards onto the welcoming mattress. I pulled him between my legs, hoping that he didn't feel like teasing me tonight.

I was in luck. I felt his head slide up and down my nether lips twice, then slowly slide into my entrance. "Yes!" I gasped as I felt my pussy spread to accommodate him. I crossed my legs behind his back, trying to pull him in deeper. But I couldn't overpower him, and he was determined to take it slow. I worked my hips side to side in response, trying to draw him in deeper. "Please!" I moaned. He leaned into me, kissing my neck as he slowly pushed into me, causing a ripple of sensation that was somehow both amazing and not nearly enough. I bit my lip as I whimpered pathetically, willing him to move faster, relishing every instant but desperate for more. Then I moaned loudly as I felt his body touch my clit, signaling that he had penetrated me completely. I pulled hard with my legs, letting him know that I wanted to stay here for a moment, slowly moving my hips to rub my clit against him. I hadn't realized just how wet I was, but I could feel it dripping down my ass and onto the bed.

When I relaxed, he pulled back, increasing his speed slightly. Yes! The sensation sent me still higher, and I reached down with a hand to rub my clit. But he saw my intention, and lightly grabbed my wrist, preventing me from attending to my own need. "Nuh-uh, you can't do that yet." I groaned in frustration; I didn’t want to be teased this time. My hips moved of their own accord, searching for the contact that my clit demanded. Danny pressed down on my stomach with his other hand, stifling my attempts. He let me writhe in pleasure and agony for a few moments, taking his time, seemingly reveling in his control over me. Then he brushed my clit with a thumb, sending a powerful jolt through my body, my back arching and muscles tensing. I felt myself clamp down on Danny’s cock, and he took the opportunity to thrust himself deep inside me, up to the hilt. The sudden, perfectly-timed shock was more than I could bear, yet somehow still didn’t bring the orgasm that I sought.

My eyes met Danny’s, silently pleading, and I knew that he could see my desperate yearning. I anticipated his accelerated thrusts, welcoming my imminent climax. But instead, Danny withdrew, and I heard a wordless cry escape my throat as my impending orgasm began to recede. “Danny!” My voice was almost a whine. “Don’t stop....”

He turned me over expertly, and I rose to my hands and knees, one hand working its way toward my lower lips as I did so. But Danny was too quick, and grabbed my wrist before I could pleasure myself, pulling it behind my back. He then did the same with my other wrist, holding them both behind me with one strong hand, leaving my face buried in the blanket. I felt him stroke up and down my pussy with his cock, and I shuddered when it touched my clit, causing the heat inside me to rise suddenly once again. He lined up his head with my entrance, and buried himself inside me with a single hard thrust, causing my insides to liquefy with the sudden glorious invasion. I shrieked involuntarily, my thighs shaking.

"Sorry, I thought that's what you wanted."

"No, keep doing that!" He wasted no time, pulling back and slamming home again, even harder this time. His balls slapped against my clit, causing me to squeal again, the heat inside me turning incandescent. "Yes! Keep going!" I was so close to orgasm, I couldn't stand it. He thrust into me repeatedly, and I felt my toes curl as the sensations drove me over the edge.

"Fuck! Yes! Fuck!" Each thrust elicited an outburst from me, the pleasure spiraling higher and higher. "Yes! I'm coming! OH MY GO–” My voice gave out as my hips started to buck uncontrollably. My vision became useless and my legs gave out, leaving me held up only by Danny’s grasp. He kept his hips pressed against mine, preventing my inner muscles from pushing him out. My senses were all misfiring as my orgasm roared through me. The only outside sensations that came through were Danny's startled "Whoa!" and an increased pressure inside my pussy, feeling like I was being stretched more than usual.

I found myself gasping into the comforter as my senses began to return. The corner of my mouth was wet from a small pool of saliva that I had left, and my knees were dangling in the air as Danny held me up with both hands now, having let go of my wrists. Those were secondary concerns though, because I could feel that Danny's cock was definitely bigger inside me.

"I guess you liked that, did you?" I taunted at him, wiggling my hips gently, trembling slightly as the movement produced sparks inside of me. I felt like I was dangling in the air, no longer pressed to Danny’s hips, so I hooked my feet around his thighs for better stability. "God, I've never felt you this big." I started to push my shoulders up off the bed, but my arms weren't cooperating. I didn't mind all that much, given the circumstances. I was perfectly content to have my face in the mattress while Danny railed me with his newfound size.

I yelped as he started to pull backwards. Okay, maybe "railed" was a little ambitious. "Oooh! Go slooooow," I stretched out the last syllable as he reduced his speed, causing me to shiver. God, that was intense. "Yesss, like that. Just don't stop."

I felt a small moan escape my lips when he changed direction and started back in. Several more escaped on the way, then, just as I became sure that I’d never felt him this deep before, I felt him bottom out in my pussy. This was a new sensation, and one that I wasn't sure about, but the idea of him filling me so completely sent another wave of arousal through my body.

Danny increased his speed only slightly, but it was enough to drive me even higher. My knees were still in the air from the way he was holding my hips up, and I felt my wetness drip down my stomach. I knew I wouldn't last much longer before I had another massive orgasm. I reached down to my clit, and was shocked to find that there was hardly any space between my clit and his cock. What was going on there? He must've been HUGE!

The touch of my finger on my clit, combined with the idea of his now-enormous cock inside of me, sent me reeling over the edge again. I felt my knees fly back and forth in the air as my hips rocked uncontrollably, dimly aware that I was letting out an uneven, high-pitched wail. Every muscle in my body spasmed, and I felt my pussy try to push Danny out, but his massive girth was unyielding inside me. My hands clawed at the blankets uncontrollably, and my vision swam with indescribable colors.

Then my mind shattered.

All of my senses were still foggy when I felt a sharp, intense pain. It was inside my pussy, like I was being stretched even more – too far. I reflexively planted my feet on Danny's thighs and pushed myself away, then let the fog reclaim me.

I wasn’t sure how long I lay there, waiting for the pieces of my mind to fall back into place. As awareness started to return, I looked around for Danny, and saw his blurry shape off to my right. My vision was starting to clear, so I decided to take a look at his cock to find out exactly what it was I had felt during that orgasm. I recoiled at what I saw.

His cock was gargantuan! Still erect, it was longer than my forearm and hand together – it had to be almost two feet long! No wonder I had felt like I was bursting. What was going on with him? I chuckled as I imagined how ridiculous a cock this size would look on Danny's frame. I shifted my gaze to his thighs and stomach, and...it didn't look ridiculous. In fact, it looked exactly in proportion.

What the hell was going on? I pushed myself upright on my knees, looking across to find Danny's face, only to find myself looking directly at his navel. I looked up to see him towering above me, looking down with a bemused expression.

I rubbed my eyes and shook my head slightly. That was impossible. I looked again, but he was still a giant. This...couldn't be. He must’ve been 15 feet tall!

"What the fuck? What happened to you?" I stood up on the bed to get a better look. But the view wasn't much better; in fact, the ceiling still looked far away, even with me standing upright on the bed. I looked to the side, and saw that my eye level was below the top surface of my dresser.

No. Oh, no. I felt my stomach twist as the realization hit. He hadn't gotten bigger.

I had gotten smaller.

Chapter 2
(M/f, NSFW)

One foot, ten inches.

I was one foot and ten fucking inches tall.

Well, one foot and 9½ inches, according to Danny, but I was rounding up. I had demanded that he measure my height, a decision that I was coming to regret as I began to fixate on the numbers. I paced quickly back and forth on the bed, struggling to make sense of the situation. My normal height was five feet even, so now I was just over one-third of that. Danny always liked to say that I was actually 4’ 11½”, but that was horseshit. Not that I was sensitive about it or anything.

I stopped pacing when I felt my left hand on my clit again, my hips pushing forward of their own volition, a shockwave spreading instantly through my body. Wow, my button was hypersensitive tonight. I hadn't intended to touch myself, but I was finding myself to be insatiable, and my hands seemed to wander whenever I didn't actively keep them in place. How could I still be horny? That should have been the last thing on my mind, but it was a constant struggle to think of anything other than pleasuring myself. That, and one-foot-ten.

"Still? You're such a little minx." I heard Danny's amused voice from off to my right. I avoided looking at him, remembering the visceral shock that I still felt each time I did.

"I don't know why, I can't help it. I don't remember wine ever making me this horny before." My voice sounded infuriatingly petulant in my own ears.

"Don't worry, I have an idea." I looked sideways at Danny, who was kneeling next to the bed so that his face was at my level. I knew before I looked that I would feel a shock again from the wrongness of it, but I still had force myself not to step backward as my mind tried to reconcile his familiar face with its unfamiliar size.

"A way to get me back to normal?" I asked hopefully, knowing how unlikely it was, but still searching for a way out of this situation.

"Well, no.... But I think you'll like it anyway." He reached toward me with one hand, lifting me off the comforter before I could react. His massive fingers were long enough to reach around my back, and his thumb rested just below my right breast. His grip was gentler than I expected, but I still didn't like being handled without any warning. He pulled me toward him, then laid me down on my back at the edge of the bed.

"Danny, what are you doing? I think we should call a doctor or–” I cut off as he tilted my legs above me, leaning me backwards onto my shoulders, then spread my legs apart to expose my still-wet pussy. I tried to resist his motions, but it felt like trying to resist a locomotive, even though he only used a thumb and one finger to hold each of my ankles. He lowered his mouth between my legs, and I felt the blood rushing toward my nether region as his intentions became clear. But wait, the last time I shrank, it was during my–

I completely lost my train of thought when I felt his tongue brush against my lips. My response was explosive, and for a moment I thought that I would orgasm on the spot. My hips arched upward as a high-pitched gasp escaped my throat. I always loved Danny's tongue, but this was magical. Its surface was still soft and yielding, but I could also feel the unmistakable strength underneath. I heard the numbers in my head again: one-foot-ten. I couldn’t let myself orgasm, or I might become even smaller. I tried to pull away from Danny’s face, but it was a useless effort. He sucked gently on my lips, and the heat in my pussy became an inferno as my defenses crumbled away.

I planted my hands on either side of his nose, trying to get any leverage that I could as I squirmed against his searching tongue. He leaned me further backwards, then tilted his head, bringing his tongue into contact with the entire length of my slit. That was something I'd never felt before. I rocked my hips quickly back and forth, my breath coming in short whimpers as I furiously tried to bring myself to orgasm on his hot flesh, my earlier resistance now forgotten.

I didn't have to wait long. Danny let my hips down slightly before focusing on my clit, driving me even wilder. Then I felt an enormous finger at my slick entrance, and nervously looked up as I felt it slide inward. I heard my own low, ragged moan as my pussy adjusted and I felt myself nearing the precipice. His finger was now bigger than his dick normally was!

Danny's giant finger started to recede as he refocused his attention on my tiny clit. His massive tongue undulated faster than seemed possible for something of that size and strength. It was enough to send me over the edge, screaming in release. The outside world faded away as I was carried in a torrent, only vaguely aware that Danny had released his grip on me.

When awareness returned, I was curled in the fetal position, occasional aftershocks still wracking my body. I decided to just enjoy the afterglow for a while.

But then my eyes shot open as an urgent question entered my mind. When I shrank before, it was during an orgasm. Was I even smaller now?

I stood up shakily, trying to gauge the size of the room around me. I stood bent-over for a moment, waiting for the blood to come back to my head before standing fully upright. There wasn't anything nearby that would be useful as a reference. The bed stretched out uncannily far, but I couldn't tell if it was farther than before. The wall, door, and dresser were far enough away that I wasn't sure whether my eye level had changed.

Where was Danny? I looked frantically around for him, knowing that I could use his size to determine for sure whether I had changed again. I found him on the other side of the bed, looking down at a phone in his hand. I raced over as quickly as I could, clambering over the folds in the blanket. At least the mattress didn’t sink very much under my weight now.

I slowed as I neared Danny, my stomach starting to twist again as I saw his size. I was definitely smaller than before – his fingers were now longer than my arms. I sat down in frustration, feeling tears leak from my eyes as I slammed my fists futilely into the mattress. My frustration increased still further when I saw that the blanket barely even moved in response to my tantrum. After a few seconds, Danny’s sudden voice broke my venting session, and I looked up at him.

He was talking into his phone. “Hey Lana. We have a situation over here, and Ellie needs your help.”

Chapter 3 >>
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:09 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Ellie (New Story)

Post by Sumguy14 » Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:50 pm

this was very well written. I look forward to the continuation.

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i am insane
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Re: Ellie (New Story)

Post by i am insane » Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:37 pm

Well, that was hot. I'm looking forward to see how this new woman gets involved in all of this.
Power is choice.

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Re: Ellie (New Story)

Post by DiminutionMan » Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:41 pm

Thank you for the encouraging words, guys!

And i am insane, don't worry - Lana gets very involved in this story, as you'll see in the next chapter.

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Re: Ellie (New Story)

Post by DiminutionMan » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:59 am

Chapter 3
(M/F/f, non-consensual, NSFW)

Danny paused as he listened to Lana’s response on the phone. “What are you doing?” I yelled up at him. “Don’t call Lana!”

Lana and Steve were our neighbors, and Lana was my best friend. When they moved next door four years ago, we quickly discovered that our personalities were a perfect fit. Lana was perky and vivacious, but she needed someone who would restrain her impulses before she got herself into trouble. And I needed someone who would pull me away from my work and force me to let my hair down once in a while.

But Lana also had a mischievous streak, and often enjoyed giving people a hard time. If she heard about this, she might never let me live it down.

“Thanks. Don’t bother knocking, just come straight to the bedroom.”

I threw my hands up in the air as he let the phone drop to his side. “Why did you do that? What good is she going to do?”

“She’s your best friend,” he said, kneeling back down so that his eyes were at my level again. “I thought that in a situation like this, you’d want your husband and your best friend here to help you through it.”

It sounded reasonable, but it still didn’t sit right. I sat down, trying to think, but I felt my left hand nearing my clit again, and pushed it away angrily. This was getting ridiculous; I was sure that I’d never been this ravenous before in my life.

I heard the door slam shut downstairs. Lana was here already? She must have been running on the way over. I felt an increasing uneasiness as I heard her hurried footsteps on the stairs. The door burst open, and I heard Lana’s voice as she entered the bedroom. “El?”

Usually, I would be overjoyed to see Lana, but I didn’t really want anyone else to know about my predicament. I had also been sort of avoiding her for the last couple of weeks, because of an impulsive mistake that I still didn’t want to directly confront. I felt the familiar pang of envy when I saw her luminous mocha skin, reminding me that I never had been able to get a satisfactory suntan. If I glanced sideways at the sun, I would get a sunburn. If she stood in the sun’s reflection off of my skin, she’d end up with a perfect tan.

“Dan, really?!” She yelled as she raised her hand to cover her view of Danny’s genitals. Oh right, we were naked. I couldn’t help a small laugh, since it seemed like such an insignificant thing to worry about right now. I felt my hand nearing my clit yet again, and moved it around to the small of my back. What the fuck? I still couldn’t control this? Now, of all times?

“Lana, look!” He gestured toward me.

Lana’s face took on a puzzled expression as she looked at me. “Is that a doll?” She walked slowly closer, as if unsure what she was looking at. I shifted my weight to the other foot, and my movement caused her to stop in her tracks. She squinted at me. “It looks like...El?”

She walked closer, eyes wide, then knelt next to the bed. I walked toward her, seeing her eyes look over my face and body, trying to make sense of what she saw. “El? Is that you?”

“It’s me, Lana.” I felt a sudden rush of emotion, and fell to my knees. Tears came unbidden to my eyes as my voice broke. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Oh, sweetie.” I felt her hands enclose me, then pull me in to her shoulder. “It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.” She held me there until my sobs dissipated, then held me out in front of her. “How is this possible?”

I sniffed, my nose a bit runny from the tears. I shifted slightly in her hands, trying to sit on her fingers instead of being held up by my chest. “I don’t know. It seems like it happens whenever I orgasm. But it just started tonight. I don’t even know how tall I am now. I was one-foot-ten, but then I got even smaller, and–” My voice broke again, and I stifled another sob.

“Shh, shh, we’ll get this fixed.” She pulled me in again, and I felt her turn toward Danny.

“She’s right,” he said. “It happens when she cums. Three times so far. But, I think I know what’s causing it.” I lifted my head up. What? He knew how this happened?

I heard Lana’s voice. “You know what did this to her?”

He nodded. “I put something in her wine.” I felt a chill. What? Danny had done this to me? Why? And why would he tell us now, with Lana here, instead of when I was alone and helpless?

“What?!” Lana’s voice went up an octave as she set me back on the bed in a hurried motion, then turned back to Danny. “YOU did this to El? What the fuck?” I silently cheered her on, infuriated that my husband would intentionally do this to me.

“I’ll explain it all,” Danny continued. “But first, Ellie needs to come clean.” My blood ran suddenly cold. So that was why he had invited Lana over. How did he know? I felt my breasts heaving as my breathing rate increased, icy panic in my veins.

“El doesn’t need to do shit!” I heard Lana yell at him. She was still outraged on my behalf; maybe I wouldn’t have to say anything, after all.

Danny softened his voice. “You don’t want to know what she did to you?” he asked quietly.

It worked; I saw her outrage evaporate, and her posture changed completely as she turned back to me. “El? What is he talking about?”

I looked back and forth between Lana’s face and Danny’s, hers questioning and his accusatory. I wouldn’t find help with either of them. I felt my heartbeat racing; I had to find a way out of this. The alternative was too much to think about.

“I slept with Steve!” My eyes widened in shock at my own statement, and my hands leapt up to cover my mouth. I hadn’t meant to blurt that out. Danny’s eyes shifted to Lana, and I followed his gaze, bracing myself for her reaction. I saw her expression revert to one of anger, only this time it was directed at me.

“You WHAT?!” She took a step toward me, but Danny was there to restrain her. She had covered half the distance to me in an instant though, and I stepped back reflexively, my foot catching on a fold in the blanket and sending me tumbling backwards onto my butt. “You were my best friend! How could you fuck my husband?!”

I crawled up onto my knees and looked down dejectedly. I knew that I was one foot tall, but I couldn’t have looked any more pathetic than I felt at that moment.

Danny was trying to soothe Lana. “Look, you’re angry, I understand. Believe me, I get it. I’m pissed off, too,” he said. “But we have an opportunity here, one like I’ve never even heard of before. If you want to get payback, like I do, then let’s use this situation for it. Let’s really get payback.” I saw her eyes flicker to me, then go distant as she considered his words. The anger didn’t leave her face, but it was joined by something new. Her eyes narrowed slightly as the left corner of her mouth turned upward, leaving her with a small half-smile.

Uh oh.

I had seen that expression before. Usually, that smile signaled that she had something mischievous in mind. Usually, it meant that she and I were in for some good laughs.

Usually, I wasn’t her target.

“You’re right, Dan.” Lana’s tone had brightened considerably, setting off alarm bells in my head. She gave me a long look. “This is a unique opportunity, and we can’t let it go to waste.” I felt a renewed dread. I didn’t know what she had in mind, but it couldn’t be good for me.

Lana grabbed Danny’s shoulders and turned him away from the bed, then pushed him backwards. Danny, for his part, seemed perfectly willing to let Lana call the shots for the moment, falling backwards onto the bed as she pushed. The ground rocked frantically beneath my feet in response to his sudden weight, and I struggled to stay standing.

“El, you got to sample my husband, I think it’s only fair that I get to have some of yours.” She gave me a too-sweet smile as she knelt between Danny’s knees. I heard a short laugh from Danny in response, and saw his head lift off the bed to see my reaction. I tried not to give them the satisfaction. Before Danny had calmed her down, I thought that Lana might actually do me physical harm, so if all they did was force me to watch her give Danny a blowjob, then I would consider myself lucky.

I could feel both pairs of eyes on me as Lana wrapped a hand around Danny’s manhood, then raised her tongue to it. She gave it a small lick, and Danny’s head fell back to the mattress with a happy sigh.

“Wait, this won’t do at all.” I barely had time to react before Lana scooped me up in her free hand. My head swam as she swiftly moved me sideways, then I dropped onto a new surface. I looked around my feet, suddenly realizing that I was standing on Danny’s stomach. Lana’s voice was louder in my ears now: “You should have a front-row seat for this.”

I looked up, seeing Lana’s eyes locked on me. She reached out with one finger and softly pushed down on my head, prompting me to sit obediently, feeling strings of Danny’s sparse hair under me, the strands still thinner than I had expected. I was seated just above Danny’s navel, far enough away that I didn’t need to crane my neck backward to see Lana clearly, but close enough that I had a full view. And what a view. Danny’s huge member looked magnificent in front of me, rising higher than my eye level as Lana’s long lick pushed it gently upright. Lana’s eyes didn’t leave me, but they did join the corners of her mouth in a smile, telling me that she was genuinely enjoying this.

I felt heat rising in my loins, in spite of myself; this had to be an effect of whatever had been in my wine. I watched Lana’s tongue move smoothly across Danny’s mammoth head in a languid motion as she tilted her head sideways, her hair spilling to partly cover her face. Lana had told me that she loved to give blowjobs, but did she need to make it look so damn sexy? It took all my willpower not to give my pussy the attention that it was craving, and I leaned backward to prop myself up with my arms, so that my hands would be preoccupied. Another orgasm was the last thing I needed right now.

Lana’s eyes never left me as she let the underside of her tongue work its way back down Danny’s enormous manhood. I looked away, embarrassed, but Lana nudged my head back with a finger. She shook her head slightly as she moved back upward, her lips sandwiched around Danny this time. “Hmmm-mmmm.” This elicited a contented sigh from Danny behind me. Lana closed her eyes for the first time, moving her head back upright, then leaning it forward as she took Danny’s head into her lips.

I felt a surge of energy through my body, my lips parting slightly to allow my sharp intake of breath. My hips tilted forward as I felt the rush, causing my breasts to push out in front of me. I was thankful that I had leaned back on my hands, because I would never have been able to stop them from attending to my sudden urge. I tried to remind myself of what I was actually looking at – my best friend was forcing me to watch her suck my husband’s dick in an act of revenge. I should be feeling hurt, angry, humiliated, maybe even afraid. But if I was indeed feeling any of these, they were masked entirely by my arousal.

An unsteady, high-pitched moan quietly left my throat without my consent. But it didn’t escape Lana’s notice. She cracked open an eye to peer at me, moving her lips back up to Danny’s tip before letting it go with a small pop. She giggled shortly. “Enjoying the show?” she asked with a teasing grin. Then she raised her voice slightly. “Hey Dan, El is getting off from watching this! Did you know that your little wife was such a slut?”

I felt a spike of indignance rise up through my chest. “It’s not my fault!” I protested. “It’s that...poison in my wine, it made me super horny!” I had been about to call Danny out for poisoning me, but decided at the last moment that it wouldn’t be wise to antagonize either of them.

“Who are you trying to convince, El?” She nodded at me slightly with an expression of faux skepticism, as if she knew better than that. I sputtered, unable to find an adequate response in the moment. Lana resumed her slow ministrations, taking Danny full in her mouth this time, watching intently for my reaction. I tried not to give her one, struggling inwardly with the effort that it required. I felt the vibration of Danny’s appreciative moan beneath me when his tip reached her throat, and I bit my lip as I fought to restrain myself.

My shoulders were getting sore from this unfamiliar position, so I leaned forward and planted them on my knees, hoping that it would also help me control my now-gyrating hips. But my thumbs immediately moved of their own volition, caressing downward on my inner thighs. I groaned in frustration, and moved my hands around the other side of my legs, pinching them behind my knees. I held my knees tight to my chest and placed my chin on top as I slowly started rocking side-to-side. I had to keep this under control!

But Lana wasn’t going to let me. “Oh, looks like little Ellie is having some trouble!” she teased. “I think I’d better help her out.” What exactly did that mean? I looked at her hand pensively as it snaked around behind me, positioning her thumb and forefinger under my arms, which still held my knees closely. She lifted me effortlessly, moving me onto the blanket near Danny’s side. Did I really weigh so little now? Her fingers delicately moved me into the position that she desired, first lifting my arms away from my legs, then laying me flat on my back. I briefly considered resisting, but decided that compliance was better for now. I felt the ground move erratically as Danny repositioned himself, presumably for a better view, but I was too occupied to check.

“Are you jealous that Dan here is getting all the attention?” I felt her thumb and finger come to rest gently on my breasts before she softly pinched them together. I arched my back as I moaned in response, my hands flying up to hold her fingers to me. I heard a sound like a camera shutter, and looked to my left to see Danny holding up his phone. I yelped indignantly at this, but my attention was redirected when Lana gently massaged my breasts several more times, each one eliciting a slightly higher-pitched moan from me. I felt my control slipping away dangerously. My back arched anew each time, and my hands rubbed her fingers hard, trying to hold them tightly to me.

I felt myself lift off the ground as Lana tried to raise her finger and thumb away from me, but my tight grip on her was enough to hold me in place. I was surprised that it was so little effort – I guess my weight really was that small. I was lowered slowly back to the ground before Lana placed a finger from her other hand on my stomach to ensure that I stayed in position. I let her fingers go this time, feeling a small disappointment. I saw that Danny was still holding his phone up, but I hadn’t heard the shutter sound. Was he taking video instead?

The ground rocked again, this time as Lana slid off the bed, then kneeled next to the edge as she slid me toward her. I felt Danny move as well, and looked upward to see his body circled around behind me, laying on his side. My attention was refocused as I felt a huge finger place itself gently between my breasts. When I looked, I saw that it was Lana’s pinky finger this time, nearly as long as my forearm, slowly sliding down and around my right breast, leaving a thin trail of saliva behind. My hands, without my guidance, positioned themselves on my breasts in an effort to replace the squeezing that Lana’s fingers had previously provided.

Lana’s intense gaze wasn’t helping my self-control at all. I had never thought of myself as tending toward exhibitionism, but every time looked toward her, I saw her lingering eyes fixated on me, and each time sent a small thrill down my spine. I closed my eyes again and tried to focus on calming my heavy breathing. Her giant pinky slid downward over my stomach, and I felt a sudden wet warmth on the calf of my right leg, an upward pressure lifting it higher into the air. My eyes opened in shock, and I looked down to see Lana’s tongue on my leg, slowly moving up to my ankle.

I felt Lana’s hot breath on the entire lower half of my body as she exhaled before planting a small kiss on the sole of my foot. But it was a cruel distraction – I shook involuntarily as I felt her slick pinky touch my pussy lips. “Please, don’t,” I moaned, gripping her finger with both hands and pushing away. I had intended to push her finger away, but pushed myself instead. A softly repositioned finger on my stomach locked me into place before I felt her touch on my lips again.

“Lana, no, no....” I trailed off, shaking my head, my soft “no”s becoming whispers, my hips and legs reacting reflexively to her every touch. Thankfully, she avoided my clit for now, sliding the tip of her finger up and down my slit, occasionally pausing to circle slowly at my entrance. With each circle, my hips moved forward, overriding my will and attempting to draw her inside. She moved slightly away each time, not letting my dripping pussy have what it wanted.

I became lost in a haze as this continued, feeling Lana’s touch on me, trying to keep at bay the fire inside of me. I was snapped back to reality when Lana didn’t pull her finger back from my hips, allowing me to slide my slick tunnel onto the tip of her pinky. “O-o-oh!” My moan was high and ragged as I felt a tide inside of me trying to carry me away to a new orgasm, and I dedicated every fiber of my will to preventing it.

I was successful, at least for the moment. Lana had left her finger in place, letting me regain control. My body was shaking uncontrollably, and my breathing was reduced to heavy gasps. Then I felt her finger slide out of me, and my hopes lifted. Maybe she was done with me for now. I pushed my legs to the ground, feeling the tightness in my overworked hip muscles as I straightened my legs. My breathing started to slow as I felt control returning.

“Stand up, El, we aren’t finished yet.” I closed my eyes in resignation for a moment before sitting up – it was too much to hope for. As I stood, Lana lay her hand on the bed in front of me, then turned it palm-up. She let all her fingers lay flat on the bed, then bent her pinky at the first knuckle so that it was pointing straight up into the air. I stared in confusion for a moment. She can’t mean–

But she did. I felt her other hand nudging me toward her pinky, and prayed silently that I could make it through this without cumming. I stepped forward, then lowered myself to my knees, straddling the first knuckle of her pinky, with one knee on her palm. I scooted backward until I the tip of her huge finger was wedged between my ass-cheeks, then leaned forward to move her fingertip up and down my lips, lubricating it with my juices. I silently thanked Lana for keeping her fingernails short.

I bit my lip as I guided her tip inside my wet tunnel, but I could still hear my muffled moan. Lana had slender fingers, but it still felt really big – not as huge as Danny was after the first time I shrank on his cock, but still bigger than I was used to. My inner fire leapt up again, and I despaired at my chances of making it through this without shrinking once more. I slowly inched down further on her, each fraction stoking my fires to new heights.

I stopped when I felt her finger suddenly widening, then looked down to see that I had reached her knuckle. Lana took the opportunity to chime in: “That’s quite a grip you have, little Ellie.” I looked up to see the two of them staring with rapt attention as I teetered on the edge of abandon. I closed my eyes, trying to push them from my mind as I slid up on her finger slightly, trying to let some of my wetness lubricate the sudden girth of her knuckle, then held my breath while I lowered myself back down again. I shivered as I felt her stretching me still further, feeling every tiny bump and dip in her joint as it passed through me. After an eternity, I felt her narrowing again, and I let my breath release – success! – then felt my chest heave as I gasped for oxygen.

As my breath steadied, I noticed that my heaving had lowered me still further on Lana’s pinky, and I moved my hips in a circular motion, trying to let my pussy adjust. I nearly lost my balance as I felt her finger move, then shrieked as it bent inside me, the fingertip touching my second-most erogenous spot. I splayed my knees farther apart, leaning forward to move her finger away from my sensitive area, and impaled myself on her as far as I could, trying to prevent her from being able to reach that spot again. I heard Lana and Danny chuckle at my desperate attempt to keep myself away from the edge.

I was leaning forward, my weight partly on my elbows, trying to calm myself again. I swallowed hard, then started inching back up just as I heard Lana say, “Don’t stop now, you’re putting on such a sexy little show!” I built a small rhythm, one that I felt like I could control, sliding upward to her knuckle, then back down again. My body was shaking with the effort of restraining my urges, and I noticed that I had a sheen of sweat that was starting to coalesce weirdly into large droplets. I used my hands to push myself backward, regaining a mostly-upright position as I began bouncing slowly on Lana’s digit. I felt it bend again on a downward stroke, barely missing my tender spot and causing me to lower myself suddenly with another shriek. I glared up at Lana, seeing only amusement on her face in return.

I couldn’t let her do that again, if I wanted to avoid becoming any smaller. I slid back upward on Lana, this time not stopping at her knuckle. I felt it stretching me again as I slid over it, prompting several small moans and more shaking in the process. Then I was past, and I could safely exhale again. Now she wouldn’t be able to reach it anymore.

“It looks like you really like that part, Ellie.” It was Danny’s voice this time; I had almost forgotten that he was still here. I felt another of Lana’s fingers on the top of my head, nudging me downward in agreement. I suppressed a sigh, realizing that I was about to lose my battle against my coming orgasm. I slid down again, the surface slicker this time with more of my juices. I inhaled sharply as I felt myself accommodate the wider part of her finger, then gasped again as I felt it suddenly narrow. Steeling myself against the sensations, I forced myself back upward, trying to hold my breath as it passed through, but unable to suppress the moans that were determined to escape from me.

I felt her finger twitch inside me, suddenly forcing itself upward. The unexpected thrust sent a jolt through my entire body, and I felt my self-control slip out of my grasp. I shoved my hips down quickly, then back up at the same speed, the consequences now distant from my mind. I fucked her pinky finger like a wild thing, not caring what sounds I was making anymore. I knew that I was on the precipice now, and I was fully prepared to throw myself over the edge.

One-foot-ten. The words came to my mind unbidden. I knew that I wasn’t that tall anymore, but it was a sudden reminder of what was at stake, and what I was allowing to happen. I summoned every scrap of sanity that I could muster, and tried with all my might to throw myself back away from the edge. I felt a sudden change in my pussy, and rolled to my side, vaguely realizing that this meant that Lana wasn’t inside me anymore. My body was spasming, but I hadn’t seen the colors, and I still felt energy pent-up inside me. Had I managed to keep it under control this time?

“Wow. That was...an impressive performance.” Lana’s tone sounded sincere, and I rolled again so that I could look at her. Her hand was to my side, and I felt a deep relief when I saw that it was still the same size as before.

“But you know that you’re going to shrink again, right?” I felt my stomach drop as I unsuccessfully searched her face for any indication that she wasn’t serious. My mind raced furiously. I had to stop this somehow. I needed to find a way to convince Lana that I was better at this size, that she would enjoy it more if I didn’t shrink again. I pushed myself to my hands and knees, pausing momentarily to stretch my muscles, hoping they would be steady for the performance I was about to give.

I started crawling on all fours toward Lana’s hand, trying to make it look sexy. “But if that happens,” I began, “your finger would be too big for me to take. Didn’t you like feeling my tight, tiny pussy wrapped around your fingertip?” Her hand was still palm-up on the bed, so her pinky was the first thing to come into my reach. I used both hands to pull it to my chest, snuggling it between my breasts and giving the fingertip a couple small licks. “Don’t you like being able to make me shake with the slightest little twitch of your finger?”

I reached for her ring finger, pulling it upright and wrapping my arms around it. I lifted my knee into the air, pressing it against her finger in what I hoped was an erotic pose, and I slid my entire body down the length of her finger. “Isn’t it hot that you can control me so well from the inside?” I turned to look at Lana’s face, my spirits lifting as she appeared to be swayed by my words. I continued, “If I shrink again, we can’t have that anymore.”

I saw Lana’s jaw set, and knew that I had made a misstep. “No,” she said, forcefully. “You’re going to get smaller, and I’m going to watch it happen. It’s the least you can do after fucking my husband.”

Shit. For a moment, I thought that I had beaten the odds. I felt my stomach drop, a feeling that I was having entirely too often tonight. I fell to my knees, allowing my hands to hang loosely at my sides.

“And I think I’ve waited long enough.” Her hand moved suddenly in front of me, pushing me onto my back, her other forefinger coming to rest again below my breasts. My legs were lifted off the ground, then I felt a finger between my calves. I knew from the slick wetness that it was the pinky I had been so intimate with. It slid down my legs, smoothly but quickly, skipping my clit again before coming to rest on my lips. I felt her fingertip work its way between my lips again, circling once more at my entrance before entering me slightly. I felt all of my pent-up energy come rushing back, the embers roaring back to life. My hands frantically grabbed at the blanket behind my head, but the material was too stiff now for me to grab. I whimpered as my hips tried to push her deeper inside, but she withdrew, then slid up and down the length of my slit once again.

I was bucking my hips against her finger, my self-control lost once more, my will evaporated. I hadn’t realized that I had grabbed her finger, but I felt myself pulling it toward me, striving for the instrument of my release. Lana obliged, sliding her finger up my lips, and decidedly not avoiding my clit this time. I cried out lustfully, using my arms to push her finger side-to-side over my clit. Instead, I moved myself underneath her finger, but the effect was the same. I tried to arch my hips into her finger, but it was unyielding, the pressure increasing on my clit to an unbearable level, then sliding suddenly away.

I felt my orgasm explode through me, releasing the energy in waves that washed away all sense of being. My body was lost to me for an eternity as I rode the surges, the familiar colors swirling again behind my eyes.

My next awareness was a groaning sound in my ears. It was some time later that I realized it was my own voice. I heard something else, farther away, but couldn’t focus on it. As my mind slowly pulled itself back together, I searched for something to anchor myself. I blinked my eyes, and saw Danny and Lana’s blurry faces looking at me, their smiling mouths moving. But something was off about them.... I felt a sudden jolt. One-foot-ten.

I finally realized that the other sounds were Lana and Danny excitedly talking to each other. Then Lana’s voice became louder, directed at me. “Whoa! That was amazing, El!”

I scrambled to my knees, panting unabashedly, searching my vicinity for anything that I could use as a size reference. Lana seemed to sense what I wanted, or perhaps wanted a reference for herself, and held her hand out to me. As it approached, I could immediately see that it had become larger, and that her longer fingers were now roughly the size of my legs. I held my arm out to her pinky, and aligned my elbow with its base. Then I straightened my fingers, seeing that they barely extended beyond her fingertip, and I let my arm drop back down in despair.

I heard the unmistakable sound of Danny’s tape measure behind me, and turned to see him place the end tab on the bed, not far away. I dutifully walked over, and stood up straight next to the tape, bracing myself for the news.

“Seven and three-quarters.”

Chapter 4 >>
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ellie

Post by Sumguy14 » Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:25 pm

wow and bravo!

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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:40 pm

Sumguy14 wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:25 pm
wow and bravo!
Thanks! It's been a long time since I've written anything creatively, so I'm happy that you enjoyed it.

I do have a specific request for feedback, for anyone who's willing to give their opinion: Lana calls Ellie "Elle" for short, but I'm wondering if "Elle" looks too similar to "Ellie." I do want them to be differentiated, because Lana starts using "Ellie" and "little Ellie" as a diminutive (for this reason, I had transcribed it as "El" for a while, but I've never seen anyone else write it that way, so I changed it).

So, I'm looking for opinions -- should I keep it as "Elle", or change it to "El" or maybe "Ell" for clarity?

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i am insane
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Re: Ellie

Post by i am insane » Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:17 pm

DiminutionMan wrote:
Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:40 pm
Sumguy14 wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:25 pm
wow and bravo!
Thanks! It's been a long time since I've written anything creatively, so I'm happy that you enjoyed it.

I do have a specific request for feedback, for anyone who's willing to give their opinion: Lana calls Ellie "Elle" for short, but I'm wondering if "Elle" looks too similar to "Ellie." I do want them to be differentiated, because Lana starts using "Ellie" and "little Ellie" as a diminutive (for this reason, I had transcribed it as "El" for a while, but I've never seen anyone else write it that way, so I changed it).

So, I'm looking for opinions -- should I keep it as "Elle", or change it to "El" or maybe "Ell" for clarity?
I think your problem here is the name itself: Ellie already sounds like a diminutive, so Elle isn't going to register as a change; if you're going to shorten it, I'd go with El, yeah.
Power is choice.

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Re: Ellie

Post by ensmallen » Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:02 am

Sumguy14 wrote:
Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:25 pm
wow and bravo!

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Re: Ellie

Post by frollo » Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:58 pm

Absolutely a beautiful story , with a wonderful twist with interesting characters !
Thank you for posting here .
To me couples always create a more intricate scenario, of erotica, power plays , and sub&dom interactions.

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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:59 am

i am insane wrote:
Sat Oct 31, 2020 4:17 pm
I think your problem here is the name itself: Ellie already sounds like a diminutive, so Elle isn't going to register as a change; if you're going to shorten it, I'd go with El, yeah.
Thanks for the feedback. I think you're right; having just gone through an editing pass on the next chapter, I kept having to double-check whether I had just read "Elle" or "Ellie." I think I'll switch it back to "El."

frollo wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:58 pm
Absolutely a beautiful story , with a wonderful twist with interesting characters !
Thank you for posting here .
To me couples always create a more intricate scenario, of erotica, power plays , and sub&dom interactions.
Thank you for the kind words! I'm happy that you think my story deserves such positive feedback!

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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Thu Nov 05, 2020 2:41 pm

Chapter 4
(M/F/f, non-consensual)

“So, tell me about this stuff you put in her wine.” Lana and Danny had been chatting in the background, lying on their sides facing each other, but my ears perked up at this. They had decided to give me a minute or two to recover before continuing “the fun,” as Lana had phrased it. My pussy was already aching for another release, treacherously bending my hands to its will, and I had to work again to keep myself under control.

“Well, after lunch the other day, Jeff – he’s a co-worker, I don’t remember if you’ve met – he took me to this shop downtown. It’s full of antique knick-knacks, like random old-timey junk. You know – well, Ellie knows how he’s into that kind of crap.

“Anyway, I’m looking through all this junk, trying to think of a way to convince Jeff to do something else with our lunch break, and I see this little bottle: ‘Old Aunt Gussie’s Miracle Retribution Libation.’ I call Jeff over, and we have a good laugh about how I should slip it to Ellie for cheating on me, but then the asshole wouldn’t let it go. I ended up buying the thing just to shut him up.”

“Hang on. ‘Aunt Gussie’s?’ You saw a bottle of something called ‘Aunt Gussie’s’, and thought it was a good idea to give that to your wife?” Lana sounded as appalled as I felt on hearing this.

Danny laughed shortly. “No, of course not. I got a mouse from a pet store, and fed it one drop of the stuff. Then it humped everything it could find, so I thought it was just an aphrodisiac. So I put half the bottle in Ellie’s wine, like the label said. I was as surprised as she was when this happened to her.” He gestured vaguely in my direction. He paused, seeing that my attention was on them. “Do you think she’s had enough time?”

“I think so.” The ground moved under me again as Lana exited the bed, then stood up, stretching. “Come on, little Ellie, intermission’s over!” I let my head bow slightly as I closed my eyes, swallowing a groan. She must have seen my reaction. “I can’t speak for Danny, but I won’t force you to shrink any more. It was super hot, but I can always watch the replay!” I looked up at this, feeling a ray of hope lift my spirits slightly. I looked to Danny, and he shrugged, then nodded. Really? I was finally done! The shrinking was over! I nearly collapsed with relief.

I heard Lana’s voice again. “But I don’t think it’s fair that you’ve enjoyed yourself so much tonight, when you’re the one who cheated. I think that now,” she paused for effect, “you need to pleasure us. Starting with Danny.” She motioned for him to lay on his back once more, and he complied with a grin, his head angled forward so that he could watch me.

Me, pleasure them? In my current state? I didn’t know what she expected from me, but I knew that I had to make a reasonable effort, or they might revoke their decision to let me stay at this size. I walked slowly toward Danny, gauging the best way to climb up to his stomach. In the end, I decided for the direct approach, clambering up his side, his skin surprisingly firm under my small weight. I walked up to his cock, which was now limp and hanging unthreateningly to the right. I squatted down and embraced it with both arms, pulling it to my body as I stood upright. He was about seven inches when fully erect, which was probably at about the level of my nose. In its current state, he reached up to just beneath my breasts.

I sidled to my left, determining that Danny would prefer a profile view, then loosened my hug as I squatted deeply on his cock once more. I tightened my embrace as I lifted my body with my legs, stroking him upward as I stood. I was interrupted by a heavy mass of hot, thick liquid that dropped onto my head without warning, running over my shoulders and down my back. I looked up to see Lana’s face directly above me. “It looked like you could use some lube,” she said sweetly. Danny laughed, shaking the ground under me.

I stifled an angry outburst, instead bending down to rub the crown of my head on my subject, using my hands to transfer as much of Lana’s saliva as I could, then I resumed my stroking. The liquid did help, I admitted grudgingly, and I felt Danny start to respond, his meat starting to swell, making my work still easier as the skin became more taut. I felt a wet drip down my inner thigh, and was thankful that my hands were too occupied to give myself any attention. I deliberately kept my hips slightly out, avoiding the contact that would have threatened my self-control.

I continued, using my entire body to stroke Danny’s cock, able to stroke both upward and downward now that he had hardened. I punctuated each upstroke with kisses or licks on his colossal head, allowing myself to feel satisfaction that I was able to arouse Danny even when I was eight inches tall. I could feel his heartbeat through the hard flesh, and I began to put my ear to him on each downstroke so that I could listen, feeling a surprising intimacy.

I felt a sudden rush of hot liquid over my arms, and looked up to see Lana’s face again. She had provided more lubricant, giving it to Danny directly this time. I used my hands to spread it on his skin as I continued my motions, confident that I was doing well. But my right foot slipped on liquid during an upstroke, causing me to swing slightly to the right as I grabbed him for support, my clit sliding against his hardness. I felt an immediate surge of sparks radiate through my body, and yelped as I released my embrace and fell to the ground.

“It looks like you’re having some trouble there, El. Do you need some help?” I regained my footing and looked up at Lana, who had taken her shirt off and revealed a red bra. She was kneeling in front of me next to the bed, her breasts at roughly my eye level. She clearly had something in mind, and I hurried to resume my work, hoping to stall any escalation that she had planned. “What do you think, Dan?” she asked as she undid the clasp between her breasts. She pulled the cloth to each side, revealing herself, then turned toward him as she continued, “Does she need my help?”

The ground vibrated under my feet as Danny responded, “She absolutely does.” Horny bastard.

Lana’s breasts were only slightly larger than mine – a small C-cup – but I felt another small stab of jealousy when I saw that she didn’t have any tanlines. She motioned Danny toward her, and I felt the ground shake violently as he re-positioned himself. It was impossible to keep my footing, and I clung desperately to Danny’s manhood to avoid falling off of his body.

When the earthquake stopped, I hurried to my feet again, resuming my attention to Danny, desperately hoping to forestall whatever was coming. In the corner of my eye, I saw Lana approach from my left, watching me intently. She lowered her mouth down onto his tip, her cheek filling my vision as I tried to keep stroking Danny. My head brushed her cheek as I finished an upstroke, then her mouth followed me downward around his cock, her impossible lips as large as my arms. I felt the ground move upward slightly in response as it vibrated with an appreciative moan.

I follower her lips back up, and she paused at Danny’s tip to let saliva drip onto him. Her tongue moved around the head, spreading the liquid around as she let more fall out of her mouth. I used my hands and arms, trying to spread it evenly around the expanse of skin before me.

Then I yelped as I felt a large mass collide into me from behind, pressing me forcefully against Danny. It was soft, squishing around me as I tried to recapture my breath. I felt more hot liquid run over me, as Lana tried to deposit enough lubricant for this next phase. I tested my limbs gingerly, finding myself effectively pinned against Danny’s hard cock. Then the mass behind me began to move, forcing me downward with it. That much would have been tolerable, but my careful posture had been demolished, and my clit now rubbed roughly against the hard pillar in front of me.

I felt a torrent of pleasure pulse through me, threatening my grip on reality. I cried out, struggling frantically against the flesh all around me, not realizing that I had freed myself until I collapsed to the ground. I sat there, panting, sitting on the side of one thigh, with my hands planted on the ground so that they couldn’t betray me. My legs pressed themselves together, sliding against each other, trying to generate any sensation that could satisfy my hungry pussy. I spread my knees apart slightly, silently cursing my traitorous body.

I felt Lana’s finger nudge me. “Come on, El,” she said softly, encouragingly. “You can do this. Show Danny that you’re still a woman.” She wasn’t going to give me another option. My mind flashed back to my previous orgasm, brought on effortlessly by Lana’s pinky finger, and knew that she could shrink me anytime she wanted if I didn’t cooperate. I looked up at Danny, to my right, seeing that he was holding up his phone, recording the exchange. I wouldn’t find any help there. I sighed, determining that compliance was, once again, the best course of action, and prayed that I could prevent another climax.

I stood, turning to face the cock that required my attention, and resolved to win this time. I marched back to Danny, and embraced him once more. I felt a renewed flow of hot liquid, and didn’t bother to look this time. Danny had softened slightly, but responded quickly to my motions, my own arousal rising in tandem. I regained my rhythm, working down and back up, continuing to pepper his head with small licks and kisses, smiling at the occasional twitch that they provoked.

I was ready for Lana this time. I saw her coming, and moved swiftly to my right, positioning Danny between us. I knew that I—and therefore she—wasn’t big enough to surround him completely, so if I stayed on the opposite side, I would be safe. I felt her soft mounds press me slightly from either side, but not enough to break my posture this time. I heard Lana chuckle above me. “Smart girl.” Her giant breasts started moving, my arms trapped beneath them. I hadn’t considered that. I continued my movements, but my timing was now controlled by Lana.

I had the unshakable feeling that she wanted to shrink me again, but she could have simply pressed me against Danny with her hands, and I would be powerless to stop her from bringing me back to orgasm. Was she toying with me, making up rules for herself so that it would be more of a challenge?

I ducked reflexively as my train of thought was interrupted by Lana’s massive lips sliding down Danny’s shaft once again. I stepped back to give her enough room, then stepped forward as she passed, taking advantage of the lubricating liquid that she left behind. My clit brushed him in passing, and I pushed my hips backward in response to the fierce electric sensation that it caused inside me. I had to be careful.

I was suddenly pressed harshly into Danny again, the familiar squishiness all around me. Lana had approached from an angle, and I had been too distracted to notice. I slid sideways as she moved back to her original position, and I felt the sparks flying violently through me as my clit rubbed against the hard column. I struggled frantically, hoping that I could escape again, but my arms and legs were pinned too tightly. Liquid ran down my body once more, and I was dragged upward, waves of unbridled pleasure coursing through me.

“Lana, stop! Please, no!” I cried, hoping desperately for her sympathy. But her motion continued without interruption, smoothly transitioning to a downward motion. I felt my own wetness slick against my stomach as I slid down, my pussy leaking as it finally received the attention that I had denied it for so long. I felt my hips bucking and my toes curl up as I was pushed further and further from reality. “Please! Please, I can’t!” I didn’t know whether she could hear me through the soft, encompassing flesh.

And suddenly, the pressure lifted. I half-expected to hear a choir of angels as I inhaled deeply, excitedly releasing my arms and stepping away from Danny.

Except...I didn’t release him, and I didn’t step away. I willed my body to do so, but instead it still hugged him tightly, my hips undulating, pressing my clit hard against him in full revolt. I cried out in a horrible mixture of pleasure and anguish, riding the waves that were cresting inside of me. It only took three more strokes for the sensations to overwhelm me entirely, my every muscle straining as another climax coursed through every cell in my body. A long, solid wail escaped my throat as I felt the tide of color and electricity carry me out, cast adrift in a violent ocean of pleasure.

I wasn’t sure how long I drifted. When I started to return, the journey back felt longer this time. I felt the ground in front of me, making sure it was solid, tried to push myself up with my hands, then settled for pushing myself up onto my elbows instead. I looked around me, trying to focus. I saw something to my left, a large, pale shape rising toward the sky. I blinked repeatedly, trying to clear my vision, then gasped at what I saw.

I hurried to my feet, my momentary weakness forgotten. I stood in front of Danny’s monstrous cock, towering proudly over me. It was much larger than me now, a good eight feet tall when compared to my five feet. I sat back weakly, my mind refusing to acknowledge what I saw. I shook my head repeatedly, looking around for something, anything to pull me out of this insanity and back to the real world.

Chapter 5 >>
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ellie

Post by Sumguy14 » Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:31 pm

wonderful illustrations you conjure with your words. Well done.

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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:19 pm

Chapter 5
(M/F/f, non-consensual)

My mind was still racing, still refusing to accept the situation, grasping for some other explanation, when Lana’s voice derailed it. “Are you back with us, El?”

My eyes refocused, seeing Lana’s enormous face behind Danny, about twenty feet away from me. She leaned forward, suddenly halving the distance between us, and I raised an arm between us reflexively. I stood up, taking my time to make sure that I didn’t stumble, then glared up at her accusingly. “You said that you wouldn’t make me shrink any more!”

“Oh, El,” she responded, her voice soft and high-pitched, like she was talking to a child. “I didn’t make you cum. I just gave you a little nudge. You did the rest all on your own.” I grimaced to myself, knowing that what she said was technically true, but refusing to release her from responsibility. If I hadn’t lost control with that “nudge,” I was certain that she would have kept nudging, not stopping until...until this happened.

I saw Danny starting to tip, his hardness softening slightly, and looked over my shoulder to see his face. He was propped up on his elbows, his stomach and chest forming an impossibly long incline topped by.... I turned back quickly, unable to meet his gaze.

I looked down to the side of my feet, trying not to let my brain overload from its attempt to process this. I must have looked like I was pouting, because I felt Lana’s finger under my chin as I heard her voice. “It’s okay, little Ellie. But there’s still work to do.” Lana’s finger was almost six inches thick, pushing my chin so that I would look up. I angrily placed both hands on it and pushed myself away. After all this, she still wanted more from me?

She sat back, and the distance between us rapidly increased once more. Her hand went with her, held in the air near her face, and started gesturing at us in turn. “You’ve been pleasured tonight. And so has Danny.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as her half-smile returned, adding a bitter twist to her saccharine tone. “Now it’s time for me.”

I shivered as I felt a chill run down my spine. What did she expect me to do? She couldn’t expect me to...pleasure her directly? She knew that I’d never been sexual with another woman. Not even in college. And now, in my current state, the prospect was especially daunting.

But Lana was already working her hips free from her jeans, making her intentions clear. She stood back up straight, exposing a pair of red panties. I looked closer, noticing that they were the pair I had helped her pick out two months ago, the ones with the adorable little bow in front. Then those were on the floor too, revealing Lana in all her tanline-free glory, displaying a small dark triangle of close-trimmed pubic hair, as if to advertise the way for me.

Danny let out a low whistle behind me, prompting me to yell at him with annoyance. “HEY!” Lana just smiled at him seductively, ignoring me for the moment as she joined Danny on the bed, leaning in for a full kiss on his lips. I felt the indignation rising – I knew that I had fucked things up, and it would all be different between us now, but he didn’t even hesitate to meet her lips. He lifted a hand to caress her neck, turning his body in the process, and causing me to struggle to keep my footing on the suddenly-steep ground.

Then Lana pulled away, and reached slowly to scoop me from behind, her palm acting as a surprisingly comfortable chair. She brought me in front of her, then tilted her palm forward, letting me slide down the short distance and land softly on my feet, landing on the bed between her knees. The whole experience was gentler than I expected, and I looked up at Lana, wondering if another shoe was about to drop. In response, she simply gestured toward her pussy with two fingers.

I drew in a deep breath, contemplating the size of the task before me. Then I resolved to make the most of this – if Lana could control me so effectively from the inside, then I could certainly do the same to her. After all, my hands at this size were far more dextrous than her pinky. I smiled inwardly as I imagined it. By the time I was done with her, she would be begging me.

I was probably too small now to handle Danny’s cock, but I was still tall enough for this task – the top of Lana’s slit lay just below my eye level. I bent down, sliding my hands between her enormous folds near her tunnel entrance, then smoothly up the soft pink surface underneath. I felt the wall of flesh respond to my touch, rocking backward slightly as I neared her tennis-ball-sized clit. I gave it a long look before caressing it softly with both hands, and heard an appreciative coo from far away. I was immersed in her aroma, the air slightly humid as I began to feel an increased warmth beneath her skin.

“One second, El.” I paused, and the wall before me suddenly receded as Lana adjusted her position. She leaned her shoulders against the headboard, then grabbed her legs behind her knees, folding herself in half. “I need a better view for this.”

I paused to let the ground stabilize, noticing Danny off to the side, recording everything. I approached my target again, realizing suddenly that most of it was out of reach. Lana had her hips tilted back so that she could see herself, but the angle meant that she was sitting on her lower back instead of on her butt. I reached up, gripping a fold in each hand near the bottom of her slit, trying to ignore the other hole several feet below it. I planted my right foot on the wall to my side, pulling myself up with my hands before planting the other on my left. This was less effort than I had expected; I supposed there were silver linings in every situation.

Emboldened by my progress, I walked my hands and feet progressively higher until I could reach her folds with my feet. I initially tried placing both feet directly below me, but felt unsteady, so I placed each out to the side, under Lana’s outer lips, then moved my body around in the air to test my stability. Satisfied, I nodded to myself and reached back under her inner lips with one hand.

“Well, aren’t you the intrepid little adventurer?” Lana giggled mockingly. I felt my mouth turn down in a scowl, and focused on the task at hand. I told myself that she wouldn’t be using that tone for much longer.

I resumed where I left off, rubbing her clit roughly with my right hand, smiling at the soft, clipped “Oh!” I received in response. I slid my hand back downward, exploring with my fingers, reaching down almost to her opening, then working my way back up. I paused to adjust my left hand’s grip downward, then worked down again, my adjusted grip now allowing my right hand to reach her tunnel. I teased it, working my hand around the entrance, then left it to favor her clit once more. “Oh El, don’t stop!”

I alternated between Lana’s clit and her now-slick entrance, making sure that I explored every crevice of her folds. Lana’s moans and soft exclamations became a part of the background, and the landscape around me rocked and twitched according to my whims. My own clit and entrance were begging desperately for their own exploration, but I pushed through, thankful that my hands were occupied.

I held her lips with both hands now, sliding my right leg through her folds instead, and, caught up in the moment, I gave her clit a long, slow lick. It was smeared with her juices now, and as it slightly numbed my tongue I belatedly realized that I had just tasted another woman for the first time. I gave her button a gentle nibble, testing whether it would be too much sensation, and the left side of her wall suddenly sagged. I looked up, seeing that she had let go of her leg, her hand now occupied with kneading a breast. Her face was angled back and to one side, exposing her neck and spilling her hair, her lips slightly parted to allow her high-pitched moans into the air. Holy shit, I hoped that I looked half so sexy when I was in my throes.

I gave her clit one more nibble, watching her intently this time, feeling my own juices flowing in sympathy with hers. A shockwave went through the flesh around me, and I heard an uneven whimper escape as her shoulders arched back. I smiled, but I wasn’t ready to let her finish just yet. I worked my leg down her pussy, and began to slide my foot around her canal entrance, feeling her wetness flow over my toes. Lana’s breathing steadied, and her voice was lower than a few moments ago. “Oh, God! El, it’s so good!”

I switched sides, working my left leg through her folds now, then returned to her opening, teasing it once more, reveling in the effects that I was having on the landscape around me. I circled around, then felt my toenail scratch her surface, and heard a sharp gasp as the wall around me shook. I wasn’t sure whether it was from pain or pleasure, until I heard Lana’s voice. “Yes! Do that!” I swirled my foot again, deliberately using my big toe’s nail this time, trying to make it as gentle as I was able. Her moans increased in pitch and volume, so I continued, trying to vary my foot’s path on each revolution.

I was smiling at my success, enjoying myself despite the circumstances. My surroundings were thick and heavy with Lana’s scent, her arousal hanging in the air like a living thing. I made her moan and quiver with my every touch. I was proud that even at this size, I could have such an impact.

I reached forward with my mouth, and nibbled on Lana once more, anticipating her reaction. The walls reacted violently, tensing with effort as Lana moaned loudly, “Fuuck!” I had thought that I was prepared, but my left hand slipped, leaving me dangling from my right, with my right foot still wedged in her lips. The movement caused my left foot to slip from its circuit, falling ankle-deep into Lana.

I pulled it out quickly as Lana gasped sharply at the intrusion. “Oh, El! I need it.” To ensure her will, her free hand grabbed my leg and pushed it inside her opening, burying it up to my knee. I tried quickly to recover, sliding my calf out and back in, hoping that this was enough to appease her. It was, for now; I felt another shift as Lana’s hand pulled her leg back to her chest, reclaiming her initial position.

I steadily worked my lower leg in and out of her, adjusting my hands to allow for a better angle. I quickened my pace slightly, hoping to keep Lana happy while I thought of a way to get out of this. I worried that after having this much of me inside her, she would want more, and I had no desire to find out exactly how much more of me she would want.

I shifted my hands again, turning myself to face downward, then buried my leg in her deeper than before. This time, my knee was past her entrance, and I bent it, feeling her slick tunnel walls with my foot, sliding my thigh slowly in and out as I searched.

There! My foot brushed a patch of flesh with a different texture, and I felt a tremor pass through Lana as she yelped softly. I had concluded that my best chance of staying outside was to bring her to orgasm, but her clit was out of my reach. But now, I had found a spot that was almost as effective. I brushed it again with my foot, making Lana cry out.

I planted my right shin beside Lana’s opening, then paused for a moment, testing my grip. Satisfied, I pulled hard with my arms, bending my left knee and sliding my foot along her passage, ensuring that I made firm contact with the spot. I felt the world shake at my touch, but I was already pulling it back out, then orbiting her doorway with a toenail before sliding in once more.

I continued this pattern, varying the timing and force of my thrusts, until Lana’s outbursts became unintelligible. I chanced a look back at her face to see that she was biting a knuckle, her eyes tightly shut. Deciding that it was time, I forced my foot back in as hard as I could, planting my foot on her spot and rubbing it roughly, struggling to gain the maximum possible leverage from this awkward position. I rotated my hips for good measure, pressing my thigh against each side of her opening in a circular motion, hoping that the sum of these sensations would push her over the edge.

Lana’s high-pitched gasps became a single, trilled moan as the landscape shook and tilted, thrusting me violently backward, then high into the air before bucking up and down in an erratic rhythm. During the earthquake, I caught a glimpse of one massive hand working Lana’s clit, her mouth wide open in a picture of ecstasy. I held on tight, keeping my foot planted inside her, furiously oscillating on her spot.

The moan shifted once more, becoming an even higher-pitched keen, and I felt fluid flowing over my calf. Her hips carried me back down to the bed surface before instantly pushing me back up high in the air. Lana’s inner muscles pushed my leg almost entirely out of her, and I wedged it into a fold of skin to hold me in place more tightly.

I held myself firmly in position until the quakes slowed and became smaller, then turned my body so that I could slide a hand up and down her slit, keeping time with Lana’s waves, trying to help bring her from the jagged peaks of ecstasy back down to a placid river of contentment. I felt a shiver through the surface, then heard Lana’s throat clear, and decided that it was safe to jump to the ground.

I heard Danny approach Lana with an excited “Oh-ho-holy shit!” at the same time that Lana rolled her head back and forth, moaning contentedly, “Hmmmm...” I saw Danny lower his phone, pausing to make eye contact with Lana before reaching to push her hair from her face. She pulled Danny down to her, passionately kissing him, causing another spike of resentment inside me as I didn’t see even the slightest hesitation from him. Then Lana broke their kiss and sat up, quickly searching the blanket in front of her.

“El? Are you still okay?” I backed up so that she could see me better behind her pelvis and waved slowly. She thrust her head back onto the mattress, her torso rebounding back up slightly from the force. She giggled loudly. “I can’t believe you just did that!” She lifted one leg, bringing it over me, then rolled to her side and curled around, her lidded eyes fixated intently on me. “That was...seriously impressive.”

She paused, beaming at me. “I hope you’re up for a second round.”

Chapter 6 >>
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ellie

Post by Sumguy14 » Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:46 pm

*nodding and clapping*

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Re: Ellie

Post by i am insane » Wed Nov 18, 2020 1:52 am

I like where this is going. I like it a lot.
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Re: Ellie

Post by Bloodthirstybutcher » Wed Nov 18, 2020 10:48 pm

This is good stuff!
"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people, Jeremy."

-Super Hans, Peep Show

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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:21 pm

Chapter 6
(M/F/f, non-consensual, insertion)

I raised my hands protectively in front of me. “Wh-What?”

Lana stretched luxuriantly in front of me, not answering immediately. Then she turned back toward me, with a quick finger-flick in my direction. “You,” she said, with a dramatic pause, “were incredible. And I,” she continued, running her immense hands down the expanse of her body, “need more of that magic touch.”

I retreated a step, my mind racing, shaking my head quickly back and forth. I had hoped that bringing Lana to orgasm would end my ordeal, that it would all finally be over after expending so much effort. Before I could react, her hands enclosed me, bringing my face to her lips for a quick kiss, then deposited me on her stomach. I paused, letting my head steady from the rush of movement. Apparently she was ready for me now, already. Looking back over my shoulder, I searched Lana’s face for any sign that I could delay, and she nodded at me in response. I turned back, not bothering to stifle my sigh, and tried to prepare myself mentally for what lay ahead.

As I looked at the intimidating landscape around me, I suddenly realized just how tired I was. I stretched, pushing my stiff hips forward to try to release some of the tension that had accumulated there. My body was feeling the effects of working so hard on a vagina that was twenty times bigger than it had any right to be, not to mention the ridiculously intense orgasms that I’d been forced to endure tonight. I began to wonder when, or even if, this ordeal would ever end. I already felt sore, and tired, but my hyperactive libido was as insistent as ever, continually demanding my attention. Would it stop eventually? Or would I forever be caught in an orgasmic spiral, unable to control myself even after I shrank out of sight?

Lana nudged me with a finger, interrupting my thoughts, and I refocused on the present moment. I couldn’t stay up here indefinitely, since I had nothing to hold me in place, but I had no clear idea of how to fix that without making Lana impatient. I’d have to improvise. I sighed once more, then slowly walked down her stomach, stopping just beneath her triangle of short hair, then knelt and slid my body forward. I was moving for her clit, but my own sent a shock of pleasure through me as it rubbed her skin. I had to be careful here. I moved one knee forward, resting my weight on the shin to leave a gap between my pelvis and Lana’s. I reached for the top of her pussy, my hands dipping into her folds to find her smooth clit, and I heard Lana’s breath catch behind me.

I started with smooth, gentle motions, trying to gauge how sensitive it was after her previous workout. I glanced behind me to see Lana’s hands kneading her breasts, pressing them together as her head began to rock back. I watched as her right hand left her breast to slide toward me and caress her upper stomach, and decided that I needed to accelerate my attentions before she took matters into her own hands. I scooted myself forward, giving myself more leverage, and massaged Lana harder, working side-to-side. I heard her moan purposefully, and looked over my shoulder again to see her drawing Danny toward her, one hand guiding him to her mouth.

She took nearly his entire length in one smooth motion, moaning around his shaft, then backed away from it, pausing at the tip to press her lips tightly, forcing the head out to one side of her mouth. She then sandwiched him between her lips as she ran them down, then back up, the length of his manhood. This time, she was sucking him in the way that she enjoyed, not worried about making a show for me to watch. But that made it even sexier to watch, and I froze, transfixed, my task momentarily forgotten. A movement of her hand jolted me back to the present, and I turned back hurriedly to resume my efforts.

The ground beneath me began to move and tilt in time with my hands, and my own hips moved in concert with hers, my own pussy already begging for yet another release. One of my movements brought my clit into contact with the ground, sending an arc through me, and prompting me to change position, determined not to let my body betray me again. I began to rotate my legs around, hoping to turn so that I could position myself more securely, as I had last time. I maintained my efforts on Lana’s button, careful not to interrupt my attentions as I gripped a fold with one hand and let gravity pull my body down. As I began to slide, I acquired another grip with my other hand, using my tongue to work the massive clit in front of me while I moved. My feet swung down and around, and I pushed my feet outward under her folds to hold myself up. I relaxed slightly, momentarily basking in my small success.

I saw Lana’s massive hand inch toward me, and redoubled my efforts. I gave her clit a long, hard lick, then gently scraped my teeth on it, feeling a pair of rapid twitches roll through the landscape, and hearing a muffled gasp from far above. But this time, I didn’t feel satisfaction. The motions felt different than before, more frenetic, less constrained; I had the impression that her need was more urgent, more feral this time, and I worried at what it meant for my immediate future. I used my teeth once more, adding a firm squeeze with one hand. This caused another muffled cry, the pitch increased this time, followed by a low moan. I was hoping to send her over the edge quickly, determined not to let things spiral out of control.

But it was already too late. I felt an immense pressure on my back, pushing me hard to the surface, sliding me downward, then back up, my body accumulating Lana’s fluids on the journey. She slid me higher, positioning my chest on her clit before pushing me from one side to the other, alternately catching on her folds and sliding free. I yelled in protest, then pleaded for help, but my cries were overwhelmed by Lana’s moans.

This continued for an interminable time, my body forcefully slid up and down Lana’s huge slit, then attending to her clit in either circular or oscillating motions. I tried to push my way free, I tried to grab onto passing folds of skin, I tried to scream for help, but it was all futile. My own clit would occasionally spark as it rubbed on Lana’s surface, sending spasms through my body, forcing me to divide my attention between breaking free and preventing my own climax.

Then I was moved lower, sliding only up and down now, and I heard that the background moans had changed, no longer muffled by a mouthful of Danny. I didn’t have time to think about what this meant before Lana’s enormous fingers deftly slipped my feet into her entrance, burying me up to my thighs. I felt the tunnel contract around my legs as the ground changed angles, carrying me skyward. “Oh, El! Go deeper!” My feet struggled for traction, failing to find any as a giant finger gently pressed down on my head, sinking me slowly into Lana. I knew it was useless, but my legs redoubled their efforts, frantically trying to push me back up. I heard a distant pop, followed by a short moan that vibrated through the walls, then, “Oh, yes! Oh, El, keep doing that!”

Her finger pushed my hips inside, then my stomach, then lifted when my breasts reached the entrance. I started to work my way back out, pushing with my elbows and my feet, still finding no purchase on her slick insides. As my hips started to work free, I felt the entrance constrict around me, grasping to prevent my escape. I gyrated my hips aggressively, ignoring the movements I provoked, pushing harder with my arms, and finally broke free from Lana’s grasp. I grabbed the nearest fold I could reach to prevent myself from falling, and pushed my hips back so that I couldn’t easily slide back into Lana, pulling my knees out. The walls around me gyrated and tilted, straining to envelop me once more. “Uuh! Come back, El!” A huge finger was suddenly behind me, pressing my hips forward before sliding me inward.

“Oh, yes! Keep kicking!” I did, trying to conserve energy this time, determining that escape was no longer possible, and hoping to bring forward Lana’s inevitable climax. I wondered at her exclamation, recalling that my own entrance had always felt more sensitive than the deeper parts (with one notable exception). But I didn’t have time to reflect on it, so I decided to believe that it must be psychological as much as it was physical, that she was turned on by my ineffectual struggles. I started working myself back out again, trying to turn myself in the process so that I could reach her spot that I had previously used so effectively. But Lana had a different idea, and two giant fingers pressed my shoulders, forestalling my plan and pushing me deeper, up past my breasts this time.

I had a moment of panic as I slid farther inward, then managed to force it down when my inward movement stopped. The momenary panic did give me an idea, though. If it was actually psychological for Lana, then maybe I could use that.

I began to move my arms and legs more forcefully, more wildly, putting on an act of panic, trying not to expend too much energy as I did so. “No! Lana, please!” I screamed, trying to make my voice sound terrified. “I’m sorry! Please stop!” I felt the tight cavern around me quiver as her muscles contracted, with another vibration running underneath it, sending her moan through my body. She started pulling me outward slowly, her contractions becoming less rhythmic, and I moved my hands to her finger, clawing at it frantically, making sure to occasionally scrape with a toenail as I kicked. My own pussy was heating up as well, radiating electricity at the increased contact, causing involuntary spasms that hopefully made my act even more convincing. As I felt myself sliding deeper once more, I increased the pitch of my screams, noticing with satisfaction that Lana’s other hand had started working on her clit. I felt a spike of incongruous glee, proud of myself that even in this insane situation, I wasn’t completely helpless.

I felt the movements around me start to slow, then the world suddenly shifted again, and I had only an instant to wonder why before I felt a new pressure on the top of my head. I inclined my head back, trying to look upward, and saw Danny’s massive head nearly filling my vision, with Lana’s enormous hand gripping it a few feet up the shaft, trying to guide it toward me. I screamed, this time in genuine terror, and thrashed as I tried to pull myself out, feeling Lana tighten her grip around me in response. But they weren’t listening; I heard loud, distant voices as they talked to each other, and forcibly swallowed my panicked cries to hear them.

“But...Ellie,” I heard Danny say.

“Shh. She’ll be okay,” Lana replied in a loud whisper. There was a pause, and I felt as if something unspoken was passing between them. “I need you, Dan.”

It seemed that Danny didn’t move, but instead the world began to move toward him, overpowering my feeble efforts to stay outside. I moved my hands to push against his head, belatedly realizing that I now had even less leverage. “Danny! Danny, please!” But the steady motion continued uninterrupted, pushing me slowly inward, steadily deeper and deeper, until the light vanished. Lana pulsed all around me, filling my body with her rapid heartbeat, punctuating it with erratic contractions of her muscles. My pussy ached in time with Lana, trying to overwhelm my fear, feeding me an image of myself surrounded by more sex than anyone in history.

I pushed the image away, trying to focus on the moment, but as I did, my terror flooded back. Would I be crushed? Would I have enough air? Would I be forced into Lana’s womb? I tried to scale it back, focusing on steadying my breath as I tried to reassure myself. Danny was a good size, but it was unlikely that he would bottom out in Lana, so I didn’t have to worry about being crushed or...enwombed. As for air...well, some air had to come in during his thrusts. Right?

Danny was moving slowly, alternately pulling back before pushing in, a foot or two farther each time. I set my shoulder against him, my feet scrambling on the slippery floor, my efforts having no effect. The motion stopped, then the floor tilted, so that I was now pushing uphill, and Danny suddenly moved forward several feet, pushing me quickly enough that my momentum carried me away from him. My clit contacted the floor, making my insides sizzle at the touch, and my high desperate moan echoed oddly in the small space.

I felt Danny pull back, Lana’s walls constricting slightly as he withdrew, then he thrust forward, much more quickly this time, reaching more deeply than he had before the landscape shifted. As Danny slid alternately closer and farther, I felt him build a familiar rhythm, and waited for my chance. He would pause at the end of a thrust in one, maybe two more strokes. Okay, not this one… There! As Danny stopped, I jumped forward onto his head, wriggling my way up, and reaching my hands for the lip at the bottom of his head. He carried me back with him, briefly raising my hopes that I could ride him outward. But Lana pressed me hard against his head, bumping my hips against him and increasing the voltage that my clit sent through my body. My hips themselves pressed as well, trying to build the pressure and friction on my pelvis, and my vision filled with brightness as I felt myself begin to shake uncontrollably.

I released my grip, crying out uselessly as I fell back to the floor, sliding down several feet on the slick surface, trying to pull myself back together. My feet contacted something as I slid, and I assumed that it was Lana’s cervix; I hurriedly crawled forward and brought my knees in close, deciding that it was best to keep my distance. Huddled on all fours, I heard and felt Lana’s moaning through her flesh, vibrating through me at a distinctly higher frequency than before. I felt a rush of air pressure, combined with an expansion of Lana’s constricted tunnel as Danny stopped just short of me. He paused for a moment as I felt Lana clench, then he withdrew, only to reappear an instant later.

I lay motionless, trying to control my breath and forcibly calming myself. As my fear subsided, I thought of the way that an intense workout seems shorter when listening to music, and I concentrated on the rhythmic nature of everything, hoping to make the time pass more quickly. As I did, the sensations became almost hypnotic, and I felt as if the boundaries between us began to fade. I could feel her intense muscle spasms, her deep but rapid heartbeat, her gasping breaths, and the vibrations of her erratic vocals. I could feel Danny sliding through her, feel her hand furiously pressing on her clit, and feel her hips rock in both pleasure and anticipation. The totality of it was overpowering, and I struggled to control the rekindled heat inside me as it became burning, then searing, then molten. I felt nearly as one with Lana, and I felt her approaching climax, certain that she would carry me there with her.

It came suddenly, exactly when I knew it would, her muscles crushing me and pressing me forward into immovable Danny. Her ecstasy and her fluids both rushed over me, gripped tightly as I was carried in every direction. My pleasure rose with hers, the boundaries between us fallen away, no longer aware of which sensations were in her body and which were in mine.

I was carried back down slowly, and felt Lana’s giggle as she leaned upward briefly. I took inventory of myself – miraculously, nothing felt broken. Had I climaxed? Was I smaller now? I wasn’t quite sure, since Lana’s orgasm had overwhelmed everything about me. She felt more relaxed around me, but that could simply be because she was actually more relaxed. Danny was some distance away, but it was too dark to see him. I slid one hand toward my slit in a gentle caress, and felt a surge of relief as it leapt in anticipation.

I felt both the air and Lana shift as Danny started moving again. I crawled forward to follow, anticipating my exit, and was nearly flattened when he reappeared just inches in front of me. I still couldn’t see anything, but I felt it somehow, in the way that the air moved on my face. I backed away, startled, my knees slipping on Lana as I tried to reach a safe distance. She was responding to him, but not yet as intensely as before. I kept my distance, and returned to my huddling position, biding my time until this was over, again feeling everything that Lana felt. After a few more of Danny’s strokes, my eyes snapped open uselessly as I recognized his rhythm. They weren’t taking Lana to another climax; this was for Danny.

A new wave of trepidation flowed through me, my mind instantly leaping to the worst possible outcomes. With effort, I calmed myself, noting that drowning wasn’t a realistic possibility. I felt my pussy twitch, and my mind was flooded with a vision of myself, lying on my back with my hips arching in arousal, every inch of my skin covered with Danny’s cum, sexily working myself to orgasm in his fluids. I felt my wetness increase, liquid trickling once more down my thigh.

I reeled from the image – I had never liked the idea of cum on my skin. I had let Danny cum on my face once, and after seeing my reaction he had never asked for it again. But now, the idea was lodged irreplaceably in my mind, and even now I saw my vision-self turn to make eye contact with me, running a slender finger on her skin before bringing it to her lips, then licking the fluid from her finger in a sultry display. Even as I felt a new wave of arousal, I protested silently, knowing intellectually that this wasn’t me.

Through Lana, I felt Danny thrust deep inside, quivering, and heard a low groan as I raised a hand to protect my face. The first jet struck me in my shoulder, pushing me up off my hands and forcibly turning me to the right, the thick liquid splashing over my chest and neck. Another burst immediately followed, somewhat less impactful, this time just to the left of my navel, covering my stomach and running slowly down onto my pussy. I felt more releases, but by this time I was lost, my hands spreading Danny all over me, my mind caught in a feral spiral of imagining a man so overpowering that I literally bathed in his cum. I caressed my skin all over, reveling in the hot, thick liquid, savoring the taste where it had dripped into my mouth. My hands moved to my slit, working his fluid into my lips, my body arching, all consequences forgotten. I felt my skin electrify everywhere that Danny touched, and my body became caught in a cycle of endless convulsions as time crystallized, then shattered, severing my last connection to the universe.

Several eternities later, I felt something scrape the back of my head. I groaned weakly, trying to look up, but instead nothing happened. I realized that I was slowly sliding forward, pulled by gravity, then I felt the same something catch the back of my head, just above my neck, pulling me forward more quickly. I fell into brightness, tumbling onto my back as I landed on a firm surface.

A male voice. “Oh my God, you were right! She did have another orgasm.”

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:22 pm

Chapter 7
(M/F/f, non-consensual)

A female voice. A familiar voice. Lana’s voice. “Oh, the poor little thing! Look at her, she’s exhausted!” Mocking? I couldn’t tell.

I felt something gently clasp my left wrist, then I was pulled into the air, my legs dangling helplessly, my body still unresponsive. I was carried upward to an enormous eye, the pupil as large as my head. I had always thought that her dark brown eyes were one solid color, but I could now see filaments of light brown running radially outward in her iris, and other patterns spiraling in nearly concentric arcs.

I felt immense fingers scoop me from behind, my feet barely reaching past the lowest one, the smallest finger as thick as my waist. I was brought forward to a pair of colossal lips, my hands rebelling as I tried to raise them protectively. Lana planted a firm kiss directly on my midsection, then pulled me back with a wide smile. “That was amazing! Again.” She paused. “I really am glad that you’re okay.”

Then she licked her lips, clearing the traces of Danny that I had left behind. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” I was moved quickly toward Danny’s titanic body, laying face-up as he watched us. She turned to him with an impish grin. “Let’s get you cleaned up, too.” Lana lowered me, stopping about a foot above the ground, then turned her hand to let me land on my feet. I did so, stumbling, then my legs gave out, and I fell to my knees. I looked around me, trying for a moment to place my surroundings, then realized that I was on Danny’s enormous shaft. A chill ran through me as my mind processed what I saw. He was soft, and still at least twice my height.

Lana’s head moved to my left, tilting to one side as she lay her tongue on Danny, at his very base, and gave him a long lick in my direction. She stopped, smiling, watching me as I tried to back away from her. Her tongue darted out once more, sliding up Danny until it reached me, then pressed me against him, flattening my body as she ran her tongue over me in every direction, then continued her journey to Danny’s head. I looked up, seeing that Lana had pushed me several feet toward the head, and that Danny was holding his phone up once again. She was looking at his face now, circling his tip before taking it into her mouth, then closing her lips gently to push him back out. He closed his eyes, a low moan hanging in the air.

Danny stirred beneath me, and through the skin I could feel blood rushing to him. Lana was making a return trip now, sandwiching the column between her lips this time, stopping over me only briefly to flatten me with her tongue once more, then tracing him back down to the base. She barely paused this time, reversing direction, switching back to her tongue. I felt Danny tilt forward, and saw that Lana was pulling him to vertical with one hand. I tried to stay in position, but the slope became too steep, and I slid forward several feet on my butt before Lana’s tongue caught me, pushing me onto my back, then gently up the smooth incline and over the lip of Danny’s head, to his highest point.

She left me there for the moment, moving back downward, and I peered over the edge to see her dark, almond eyes looking up at me. Her tongue was out, attached to Danny’s shaft, but I saw her smile around it as she closed her eyes and licked her way back up. She stopped just in front of me, pulling her tongue back into her mouth as she opened her lips onto the surface at my feet, gently sucking on the skin. She continued in this vein, alternately licking and sucking, spiraling her way around Danny’s head and upper shaft, her face sometimes turning upside-down as she completed a full circuit, causing smooth ropes of hair to run over me.

The entire time, I was at the center of this sensual display, and my discomfort ratcheted upward continually, Lana’s predatory eyes rarely breaking contact as she moved. Then she licked up Danny’s head, reaching me at the tip, and her tongue pressed me down once more, her lips running over me and then continuing onward as Danny and I were engulfed in her steamy mouth. I could feel in the air that her lips traveled farther down on Danny, but in the darkness I couldn’t gauge just how far she went. Then she reversed course, the air around me moving upward before her tongue brushed me against her lip. She opened her mouth slightly to let me stay on Danny, her tongue running up the entire front of my body, and I reached out with a hand to feel her as she passed.

Lana retreated from me briefly, her smile sultry. “Enjoying your bath, Ellie?” Before I could respond, she was pouncing one more, barely stopping to lick Danny’s head before enclosing us again, going deep enough that my head bumped the roof, and I dropped to my knees, crouching to avoid any mishaps. This time, I was in the darkness for much longer, and I felt the air shift repeatedly as Lana moved her lips up and down Danny’s length. Then her tongue was all around me, softly swirling and pressing, electricity intermittently jolting through my body each time my nether regions felt her touch.

Lana continued for several more minutes, sometimes licking up and down Danny’s length, sometimes taking both of us in her mouth, sometimes favoring me with a tongue-bath, until she judged her work to be complete. I was kneeling on Danny’s precipice, legs folded under me, and Lana shifted one of her hands to hold Danny in place. She moved her body towards us, settling into a straddling position over Danny’s thighs, then she walked her knees forward as she brought Danny up to her stomach. My eyes widened as the expanse of naked skin quickly rushed toward me, stopping just a few feet away, and I marveled at her navel just in front of me, now the size of a kitchen sink.

The wall of skin tilted away from me, and I looked down to see the top of Lana’s slit making contact with Danny, sliding upward then back down with small strokes, her hand pressing him against her lips. Lana’s breathing became heavier, and her strokes lengthened, sliding herself up almost to Danny’s head before retreating.

“Mmmmm,” I heard her moan, far above me, her head angled back. Then she looked back down at me. “Hang on, little Ellie.” She moved towards me once more, tilting Danny toward his stomach, moving slowly enough that I could crawl to the underside of Danny’s shaft without falling. She slid forward on him, her lips parted around his column, and I turned to jump off before she could slide far enough to reach me. But a giant finger suddenly blocked my way.

“No, stay there.” Her finger slowly turned my head, and I let my body follow. Then she was moving once more, slowing as she approached me, and I closed my eyes, turning my head so that my nose wouldn’t take the force of her impact. But it was shockingly gentle, given the size of her body, her smooth skin pressing on my cheek and nudging my head back just a few inches. My eyes opened, and my vision was filled with the uniform color of Lana before she slowly withdrew, her kite-sized triangle just above my head. I watched her lips as she receded from me, transfixed and envious, my own pussy aching with a returned need that I desperately wished to fulfill.

Lana was moaning in earnest now, and a trail of fluid was left behind on Danny where she had traveled. Then she began the journey back toward me, pausing halfway with a whimper before continuing, barely brushing me once again as she stopped. She stayed longer this time, and I reached out to caress her unblemished skin with one hand. I looked up to see her gazing intently back from fifty feet overhead, her eyes lidded and lips slightly parted. “Oh, Ellie,” she said, reaching out with a finger. “So delicate.”

She departed once more, then increased her pace, traveling in shorter strokes so as not to jostle me from my perch. “Oh, Ellie! It’s so good!” She began to caress her undulating body, running one hand up from her flat stomach, between her breasts, and up to her neck. “Hands all over me, touching me everywhere, so smooth and sexy, driving me wild.” I narrowed my eyes, knowing exactly what she was trying to do, but it was still effective. “I want you to feel it with me, Ellie. Mmm, make that hot little body feel what I’m feeling.” I felt my elevated pulse throbbing in my ears, my breath panting and uneven as I fought to restrain myself. My hands were clenched in fists to my sides, my arms shaking with the effort. But my eyes never left Lana, mesmerized by the personification of desire.

She was still watching me, nearly as intently as I watched her, seductively gyrating her hips, my own rocking in tandem with hers. One hand piled her hair on top of her head, letting it drape carelessly as the other hand traced a route from her lips downward toward me, orbiting a breast and her navel before reaching her other lips, the journey’s end punctuated by a perfectly-pitched “Oh!” I bit my lip, imagining the same journey on my own body, the phantom hand trailing arcs of vicarious pleasure behind it, fueling the rising tide within me.

Please, Ellie! I need you with me!” Her hips were moving faster now, hands squeezing her breasts together as she threw her head back. She moaned loudly, then, “I know you need it. As much as I do! Ellie! Please!” The rest was unintelligible, trailing off into a mixture of moans, whimpers, and half-articulated words as the tide began to wash over her.

I felt it wash over me, too, joining my own tide, increasing the pressure on my precarious defenses. I had my hands trapped, but my body still betrayed me, my arms squeezing my breasts into each other, and my thighs pressed tightly together, trying to feed my pussy the sensations that it craved. I felt Lana’s orgasm rage through the air around me, and the release of energy forced the towering seductress to shake uncontrollably, electrifying the world around her. I was helpless in the force of such power, carried to heights despite my every effort, my own hips arching as every muscle within me locked in place.

Then it was gone, passed through me, leaving me hollowed out, just a shell of what I had felt a moment ago. No, not quite hollow—my own energy still lay trapped within, inconsequential in the face of what I had just witnessed. Lana laughed contentedly, and leaned forward, draping me in shadow. I heard familiar sounds behind me, and realized that she was kissing Danny as part of her recovery ritual. Then she was above me again, her eyes now discerning, noting that I was still locked in a struggle for control rather than sharing her post-orgasmic bliss.

“Aw, Ellie, why didn’t you join me?” she asked, her tone slightly teasing. “You’re trying so hard, wouldn’t it be easier, feel so much better, to just surrender?” It would be easier, and would certainly feel much better, but I couldn’t surrender. I knew the consequences, and had to fight at all costs. I couldn’t be more than three inches tall now, and the thought of becoming even smaller was terrifying. Lana reached down to me, lifting me effortlessly with two fingers, then placing me on Danny’s stomach. Oh, that’s right—I had forgotten that I was laying on his cock the entire time.

She slid forward, still watching me, then slid back, one hand pulling Danny with her, letting him rise up to his full twelve-foot height. “Oh, Ellie. I just want you to feel as good as I do.” She had moved her feet to either side of Danny’s waist, allowing me a full view of her, and now pressed Danny against herself, working her lips up and down his length. “I know you need it, need it so badly, just like I do.” I writhed on the ground, struggling to contain myself, fighting a battle that I would certainly lose. My tide had risen again, whipped into a frothing fury by the nakedly sexual display unfolding before me. “Don’t you want to feel it, Ellie? Mmm, sliding up and down my pussy... Touching my sensitive little clit....” She moaned, her body arching backward as she brought her button down to let Danny caress it.

I felt a hand squeezing my right breast, somehow broken free, my left hand still clasped between my teeth. No! I panicked, struggling to bring it back under my control, but it was now unchained from my will. It moved to my other breast briefly, then began its journey downward, its path now free of obstruction. Reaching its destination, it began to match its movements to Lana’s, now sliding down between my lips, jolts of energy shaking my body. Now sliding back upward, as Danny slid up Lana, slowing tantalizingly before finally touching our clits as one, my lungs forcing out a long whimper as the raging tide within me began to spill over the walls that I had hastily constructed to contain it.

My body shook, every muscle straining, pressure still building as Lana now controlled me completely through my treacherous hand. I felt a second hand, this time squeezing my left breast, twisting my nipple gently, and I despaired as the last of my self-control slipped from me.

Lana, seeing that I had finally joined her, redoubled her encouragements. “Yes, Ellie! I can feel you with me! Oh, I’m so close! Already!” She moved Danny down, my hand moving in concert, trailing electricity behind it. “I need to feel it inside me! I can’t wait any more!” I felt her overpowering need too, my unblinking eyes fixed in anticipation. She held Danny at her entrance now, pausing for one more small stroke up and own before she slid onto him, enveloping his head as her body shook in a surely exaggerated display of pleasure. But her sincerity didn’t matter anymore; my fingers entered me simultaneously, sending a rapturous pair of twin convulsions through my body.

My hands were no longer waiting for Lana. My fingers thrust deep inside me, then frantically worked in and out of me before searching out my inner spot. My left hand joined it at my pussy, furiously oscillating on my desperate clit, forcing my entire body to flex in anticipation of my imminent explosion. I lost sight of Lana, rocking back my head, eyes closed as I eagerly tore down the walls, releasing all the energy that I had kept trapped within. The tide burst forth, finally free, an unstoppable force of pure and transparent ecstasy, cleansing my every fiber, and eroding my mind away completely until only whiteness remained.
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Ellie

Post by DiminutionMan » Thu Dec 03, 2020 2:43 pm

Chapter 8
(M/F/f, non-consensual)

The ground was moving. Why was the ground moving? I blinked, trying to bring the world into focus. I rolled onto my side, pushing myself up to a half-sitting position with my hands. Lana was there, towering over me -- oh.


That meant I was...how tall would I be now? I had guessed that I was maybe three inches tall last time, so now I would be, what? Two inches? One and a half?

“Welcome back, Ellie!” Lana was rocking slowly, and I saw that she was still straddling Danny, slowly riding him. Danny was doing his part, too, making the ground slowly roll beneath me. “You’re a naughty little thing!” she said, giggling. “I tried so hard to get you to come with me, but all it takes is watching your husband fuck your best friend, and you’re off to the races!”

I scowled, disagreeing with her interpretation of events, but she seemed to be in a good mood, and I didn’t want to risk changing that. Lana cooed softly, “Ooh, but Ellie. I didn’t know you were such a lucky girl. You could have this every night...” She slid up Danny’s length, exposing him in his colossal entirety. My eyes bulged, disbelieving. He must be twenty feet long now!

“Not anymore, I suppose.” Danny’s voice, from a hundred feet behind me. “I guess I’ll have to find some other girl to bring luck to.” My veins ran cold, anger mixed with trepidation. Lana had been teasing me through this entire ordeal, and sometimes openly mocking. But if Danny was joining in now.... I didn’t know what it meant, but I wasn’t optimistic.

“Try the nursing home!” I yelled. It was a cheap shot -- Danny’s grandmother lived there, and he volunteered once in a while -- but I still felt a little better.

“Ooh, she still has claws!” Lana cheered happily. She seemed genuinely excited that I had pushed back. “Did you hear that, Dan?” Apparently he hadn’t, because she repeated it to him, and I felt my skin flush humiliatingly. The obvious blush on my pale skin caused further embarrassment, and I looked around for something to punch. Finding nothing, and aware of how petulant it would have looked, I stalked to Danny’s navel and sat down in a huff.

For her part, Lana had resumed her slow ride, and Danny momentarily matched her movements. “Hey, I have an idea,” he volunteered, surprising me. Until now, he had seemed content to let Lana drive events. “What if Ellie decides this time?”

Lana looked at him, her face showing skepticism. He continued, “Well, within reason. I mean, I’m still going to fuck your brains out, but she could choose whether she watches, or is part of it, or maybe what positions we use.” She still didn’t look convinced. “If you prefer...” he said, “we don’t let her choose -- we make her choose.”

Lana chuckled, her face brightening a bit. “Well,” she said, “I suppose I did sort of take over everything. So if that’s what you want, then I guess it’s your turn to decide.” Then she looked down at me. “It is time, little Ellie,” she intoned with mock imperiousness, “to choose...your...fate!”

I looked up at her, then back at Danny, speechless. They wanted me to choose? What should I decide? What could I decide? Danny had already made it clear that I couldn’t decide for them not to have sex. If I simply chose to watch, they might think that wasn’t interesting enough, and keep throwing me into crazy situations. It was probably best to lean into the playfulness. Maybe if I chose something that was fun for them, they’d get enough enjoyment that this would finally end.

But I still needed an idea. What would I actually want to do, if I was this size willingly? My mind showed me an image of myself riding Danny’s cock like a bronco, causing heat to rise between my legs, but I was much too small for that now. A missed opportunity. Then I knew what I wanted to do. Or at least, I knew the first thing that I wanted to do. I could figure out the rest later.

“Okay!” I yelled up at Lana, and pointed at her face. “First, you and I are going to explore Danny’s body!” I really wanted to do it by myself, but it probably wouldn’t be wise to exclude her. And I hoped that she would bring her head lower as we explored, because I was already tired of yelling.

“Yes, ma’am!” She giggled, saluting. I smiled in spite of myself, imagining how I must look giving orders to someone forty times my height. She climbed off of Danny and lay on her stomach, holding his shaft in her hand, peppering it with kisses.

“His body! You can use your hand there, but not your mouth!”

Lana angled her head back and forth in a mock display of haughtiness. “Well! The boss-lady has spoken!” But she did as I had ordered, for now, continuing to stroke Danny gently with her left hand, her kisses moving to his thigh. I walked up Danny’s stomach, admiring the terrain. He really did have more definition recently. I dropped to all fours, and caressed an ab muscle appreciatively. I noticed Danny watching, so I crawled slowly toward him, still on my hands and knees. I heard Lana’s kisses approach from behind, then slowly pass me to the side.

“You won’t get anywhere like that,” she teased. I looked forward, considering. She was probably right. I saw Lana’s right hand flat on Danny’s stomach, caressing him more effectively than I ever could, and made a snap decision. Leaping to my feet, I ran over to Lana’s hand and straddled a two-foot-tall finger, and waited briefly for her attention. She stopped her parade of kisses, looking at me inquiringly.

I pointed forward confidently. “To the chest! Mush!” Lana laughed, a hearty, genuine laugh, her head bowing and hair spilling over before she tossed it back. Danny was laughing too, causing me to bounce on my steed. Lana waited for him to settle, then dutifully moved me forward, making childish motor sounds with her mouth, taking a scenic route to the other side of Danny’s stomach before bringing me back around to stop beside his left nipple.

I walked down a bit, to where his pec met his stomach, crouching down to trace the crease. I could feel each breath lifting me, rising at least a foot before settling back. I sat sideways in the nook, one ear to his chest, listening to his breathing and his heartbeat, feeling his warmth. This, right now, wasn’t so bad. I wanted to stay there, lulled by the sounds, but knew that I couldn’t. I wondered whether I could have this moment again, or if my bridges had all been burned.

I rose to a crouch, still feeling the landscape with my hands, working my way up toward the nipple. I heard Lana to my right, now mixing in small licks and nibbles with her kisses, moving up Danny’s bicep. Her left arm was reaching backward, and I glanced over to see that she was still slowly stroking Danny’s member. I turned my attention back to Danny, gauging that his nipple was about six inches across, still too small for me to straddle effectively. Instead, I lay on my stomach, angling myself to let Danny get the best view, squishing my breasts on the warm ground. I traced lazy spirals with my hands, attending to the nipple itself with firm licks and kisses, occasionally enlisting my hands for a gentle twist.

Lana was working her way back up Danny’s arm, nearing his shoulder now, and I decided that it was best to move onward. I wanted to take my time, savoring every inch of Danny’s body, but I dreaded what might happen if I bored them. I made my way to the shoulder, feeling at the firm muscles under the thick skin, then traced my way slowly along the collarbone, stopping near his neck.

“Up!” I commanded.

“Aww,” Danny replied, teasing. “Does someone need a little help?”

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat loudly. “I don’t need anything. I desire a lift, and you will provide it.”

“Oh-ho!” Danny chuckled. “As you command, My Diminutive Lady.” He brought a hand near, laying it palm-down so that I could climb aboard.

“Diminutive Majesty, thank you very much.”

It was time to entertain them. I walked across his upper lip, surveying the land, the day-and-a-half old stubble feeling odd under my feet. I could make this work.

“Danny, stick out your tongue.” He did, accompanied by a questioning grunt. I told him, “You might want to switch your phone to selfie mode if you want to watch.”

I approached his massive tongue, running both hands up and down before pressing my body to it. I glanced at Danny’s phone, moving myself so that he had a good angle, and began my flirtatious dance. This wasn’t really my style, but I tried to make it look sexy, using languid motions, wrapping my limbs around Danny and eyeing the camera with my best “come hither” face. I moved through a dozen various poses, wrapping a leg around, arching my back, squeezing my breasts between my biceps, letting my hair fall over my face before tossing it. I tried to be careful, not letting my sex touch anything, but I felt my heat rising anyway, becoming more and more insistent.

I was startled by a loud wolf-whistle, and looked up to see Lana reaching toward me with a giant something, held between two fingers. A moment later, I realized it was an enormous dollar bill, folded into one-fourth of its size, and I felt my face flush as I laughed. I turned my attention away from Danny, walking up and pinching the edge of the bill in between my breasts, lowering myself into a squat. Then I raised myself back up, looking directly at the camera with my lips pursed and eyes half-closed, sliding my stomach along the folded edge of ultra-thick paper, one hand trailing on the flat surface. At the peak, I leaned my head back, arching slightly, eyes closed and lips parted, letting my hair fall carelessly, raising one foot up off the ground. Then I pushed myself away, spinning my body with a flourish.

I heard clapping, and stood frozen for a moment before bowing graciously, unsure how else to respond, then decided to retake command before they ambushed me with any more surprises. I raised my hand high in the air, snapping my fingers to request service. I didn’t know if they could hear it, but Lana approached with a small giggle, reaching with a level hand to let me off of Danny.

“Okay,” I said. “Now it’s time for Lana.” I pointed at her. “Lay on your back.” She did, smiling, gently placing me on her stomach. “Not between her legs!” I yelled, pointing at Danny, who was already moving in that direction. “That’s for later!” He rolled his eyes at me, moving to her hip instead, and started working his way down one thigh.

I knew that things would have to escalate soon, one way or another. Besides, I felt like I had already explored Lana thoroughly enough -- with one exception, but I didn’t want to go straight there. First, I made a detour for her dark triangle of public hair, now the size of a card table, and noted the precision with which it was trimmed. I had guessed earlier that the hair was under a quarter-inch long, but now it reached to the middle of my shins. I reached down, brushing my hands against the stiff stalks, and the ground shivered briefly in response.

Danny was on his return voyage, now attending to Lana’s other leg, and I made my way toward my ultimate destination. I paused briefly at her navel, feeling a new insignificance as I realized that I could easily fit inside of it, then hurried onward. I walked up to her left breast, a half-globe ten feet tall. I climbing, but then thought better of it -- I would probably struggle, and didn’t want to break the persona that I had built. Instead, I slapped my hand on the surface in front of me.

Lana understood what I meant, moving one hand over for me to use. “Such a little slave driver,” she teased. I ignored her, instead examining the massive breast that I stood upon. At my weight, it was less squishy than I had hoped, but at least the skin still felt soft. I dropped down, caressing firmly with a full arm, my hand spread to increase the surface area. I saw movement in the corner of my eye, and looked to see that Danny was beginning to attend to the other breast. I looked toward Lana, who was eyeing us both lustily. Her shoulder was moving, and I glanced to see that she had moved a hand between her legs. Fine. I couldn’t expect to control their every move.

I walked up to Lana’s nipple, still contemplating the best way to handle this. I started with my hands, first caressing, then twisting and tugging, feeling it harden satisfactorily under my hands. I started adding in some nibbles, scraping my teeth gently on her. With Danny on the other side, it was harder to gauge Lana’s reactions, but it seemed like she enjoyed the nibbling. I let this continue for a couple minutes, until Lana seemed to grow more restless, then I stood up. I knew that things still needed to escalate, and I hoped to keep them from spiraling out of control.

“You!” I pointed at Danny as he looked my way. “There!” I pointed at the valley in between Lana’s breasts. He kissed the soft flesh of Lana’s breast, moving his mouth down toward where I had pointed. “No, no!” I yelled. I made sure he was looking again, and pointed at his crotch, then back to the ground.

I saw the lightbulb flicker on, and he brightened considerably. “You got it!”

I didn’t know whether Lana had seen the exchange, but she apparently agreed. “Mmm, finally, we’re getting to the good stuff!” Danny moved up, straddling Lana’s stomach and placing himself squarely between her breasts. She squeezed them together, taking care where she placed her left hand, and I watched carefully as giant fingers fell slowly to the ground on either side of me. There was something about this that didn’t sit right, though -- besides the obvious. I was certain that Lana wouldn’t allow me to simply spectate -- she would force me to participate in some way. It would be better if I chose how I participated, rather than taking a risk on what Lana would decide.

“Wait!” I waved my arms at Danny as he was beginning to move his hips.

He stopped. “What?” he asked, a note of irritation in his voice. I took a deep breath, unsure whether my idea was actually smart or not. I climbed down Lana’s enormous breast, sliding the last few feet as the hillside became too steep for walking. I climbed onto Danny -- now about five feet wide -- and walked to his head. I had seen enough of Lana for a while, so I decided to face Danny for this, folding my legs under me and pressing my feet snug to the lip of his head, leaning forward so that my hands could help hold me in place. I looked up at Danny, hoping he could hear me. “Not too fast!”

He grinned at me, and I heard Lana from behind, “That looks like a hell of a ride!”

Danny started to move, slowly and smoothly, jostling me as he changed direction, but not enough to risk falling. I stared in awe at my surroundings: the twenty-foot long cock under my feet, hard and strong; the massive twin globes that it moved through, squishing and deforming into walls as I passed between. Danny paused occasionally to add some lubricating saliva to the valley, taking care to wait until I was out of the line of fire. I smiled at him; I doubt Lana would have been so conscientious.

After a time, Danny started to increase his rhythm, and on one stroke I nearly slipped off of him. Okay, so this wasn’t the best idea, and I needed a new plan. I was still convinced that it was a bad idea to simply watch, though. I waved at him, motioning my hand downward repeatedly to signal for him to slow down. He did as I asked, but he was clearly not happy about it. I walked quickly to Danny’s base and gripped a few strands of hair in one hand. I looked up, making sure he was watching, and gave him a thumbs-up before quickly grabbing hold with that hand, as well. Hopefully this would be secure enough.

Danny restarted his motions, starting relatively slowly, presumably testing whether I would stay in place. My hold was secure; holding my body weight seemed much easier at this size. As he increased his pace, my feet started to swing forward each time Danny finished a thrust. I tried to entangle my feet in his hair, but to no avail. I heard him chuckle occasionally as I swung, and after a time, I became sure that he was intentionally swinging me higher and higher. My grip was secure, though, and after a time, I found that I was enjoying the ride.

I let this continue for a couple minutes, but then I could sense in their body language that it was time to move on. I waited for a pause in Danny’s motion, then waved an arm, trying to draw his attention. It worked the second time I tried. For the next act, I had them set me on top of the dresser, propping the phone up to record an area next to the wall, where I directed Danny and Lana to stand.

“No, come closer!” I didn’t want to have to yell, and I wanted them to be able to still hear me when there were other noises. They each took a half-step toward me, stopping about thirty feet away from me. “There! That’s good.” I could see that it was closer to the furniture than they liked, but they wouldn’t care about that for much longer.

“Okay. Lana, turn to your right.” She did, turning to face the wall, looking at me with an eyebrow raised. “Now, Danny, press her against the wall.” She moaned enticingly as her breasts were squished against the wall, and Danny also grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling her head back for good measure. Good, he could see where this was going.

“Yes! Be a little rough with her.” Danny did like to play rough sometimes, but this direction was more for me than for him. If I couldn’t stop them from having sex, then I could at least make Lana the subject of someone else’s whims. I couldn’t help smiling as he smacked her on the ass, eliciting a yelp. She moaned immediately afterward and stuck her butt out even more, apparently enjoying it herself, but it was still satisfying to watch.

He placed her right hand on her butt, making her spread herself for him, and slid a hand down her crack to her sex. I felt a hand slide down toward my own, and had to force it away; watching this was getting me hotter than I had imagined it would. Danny was working Lana with two fingers, and it sounded like she was already soaking. He knelt down and tongued her clit, causing her to squeal and arch upwards, then he stood and grabbed her hair, pressing her firmly back against the wall and probing her deeply with his fingers. I gave Danny the occasional direction, mostly to remind them that I was supposed to be making the choices, but he was essentially giving me everything that I wanted from this already. I expressly did not give Lana any instructions -- I wasn’t going to give her any agency in this scenario.

I could see that Lana was ready for the next step, and Danny’s nearly-hard cock told me that he wasn’t far behind. I eyed his member for a long moment, imagining things that I could do, and had to bite my fingers to keep myself in check. Instead, I gave Danny another command: “Make her beg for it!” I grinned; this should be entertaining.

He placed his cock in between her cheeks, sliding the shaft up and down a few times, asking her, “Is this what you want? Hmm?” He then slid it farther down to her pussy, then upwards between her legs before vibrating it on her clit, causing a small spasm to run through her. “Or maybe you want more?”

“Please,” she said quietly.

“What?” Danny’s shaft glided smoothly over her slit, and she was moaning incessantly now.

“Please!” she said, more loudly. Before I realized it, I had leaned myself against the wall, pressing my breasts and face into the hard surface, imagining Danny doing the same to me, his gentle but unyielding grip holding me in place, his teasing driving me wild with desire, only to leave my desires unfulfilled until I thought I would burst. This wasn’t the reason that I had directed Danny, but I couldn’t help myself. I felt my wetness drip down a thigh, and their voices became indistinct as I became lost in my fantasy.

I was brought back by a change in Lana’s inflection. “Dan, please! I need it!”

What do you need?” He was holding her wrists behind her back in his left hand, with his right hand using his meat to tease her.

“I need you to fuck me! I need you to give me that dick!” There it is, I thought, smiling inwardly. Yes, Lana, show us your inner slut.

Danny teased her clit one last time, making Lana shiver and moan, then slid his cock halfway into her. I bit my lip, imagining that invader in my own tunnel. Lana’s words mirrored my thoughts, “Oh God, yes! Make me take it! Make me take every inch of that rock-hard dick!” I felt my heat again, and struggled to maintain control of myself. I realized just how absurd it was to be aroused by the sight of my husband and my best friend, but my mind somehow took the forbidden nature of the situation and twisted it into even greater arousal. It wasn’t me, I told myself, it was that...stuff, whatever it was that Danny had given me. There’s no other way I would be aroused by watching this. By watching Danny’s hard cock filling her, making her squeal, giving her everything that she desired and more.

I didn’t realize just how much control I had lost until I felt a finger enter my pussy, moving to match Danny’s motions. I imagined the feeling of him after the first time I had shrunk, when I still had him inside me, gloriously overfilled. The air, already filled with Lana’s moans, became oversaturated as my own sounds began to slip out. Oh, yes! Danny, give it to me! Just like that! Oh God, I needed this!

Wait, no! Don’t take it away from me! Danny, please, I need it! I feel so empty without you! Can’t you see how my legs are quivering with need? Please, give it back to me!

I begged silently as Lana did the same vocally, and Danny made us wait for a few more interminable seconds before finally giving us what we craved. I closed my eyes, letting the intensity of sensation run through me. When I opened them again, I saw that Danny’s cadence had changed, a subtle change that I instantly recognized. Yes, give me that cum! Make me climax with you! And then...no! No, not that! Not again! Desperate to regain control of myself, I pushed myself away from the wall, letting my body fall backward. It surprisingly didn’t hurt when I fell onto the hard surface, but the shock of it was enough to snap me out of whatever trancelike state the poison had induced in me. Trembling, I pulled myself up onto my knees and looked up at Danny and Lana, seeing that Danny was steadily racing toward the finish. I paused, steadying my breath, then decided to give Danny some help.

“Lana, squeeze!” She didn’t react, not outwardly at least, but I knew from Danny’s reaction that she had heard me. He moaned loudly, then, after two more thrusts, “God damn, girl! You’re going to make me cum!”

“Cum in her ass!” I yelled.

Lana’s head instantly whipped toward me, her eyes wide. “WHAT?!” The look on her face was absolutely priceless, and I doubled over with laughter, unable to respond. Oh, I couldn’t wait to watch that replay!

She laughed in spite of herself. “God, you little whore! I hate you!”

Recovering from my fit of laughter, I realized that Danny was already crossing the finish line, and I had already missed most of it. He was buried to the hilt in Lana, shooting himself deep within her. From the expression on Lana’s face, I guessed that she had been distracted, too, and she wasn’t thrilled about it.

“Whew!” Danny pulled out of Lana, and started backing unsteadily toward the bed. “Holy shit! You two are something else!” He fell backward onto the mattress with a loud sigh, his feet still hanging over the edge. I judged that he was pretty much done for tonight.

I watched Danny for a moment, then I began to turn to see what Lana was doing, but I was startled by a sudden, huge lateral movement. My head swam, and I could feel the enormous fingers pinched around my torso, meaning that Lana must have picked me up and was moving me to somewhere else. After a moment, my speed decreased enough that my vision cleared, and I looked around quickly, trying to determine where I was. Lana was still shifting herself, lying on her back next to the dresser. I looked behind me to see that her hips were slightly up on the wall.

Lana was looking at me through narrowed eyes, a small smile on her lips. “You,” she said, jabbing a massive index finger at me, “have an evil little mind.” I was taken aback by the suddenness of her movements; it didn’t feel right when things so large moved that quickly. “You know, I almost came too, before your little stunt. So, now you owe me one orgasm.” I felt my heart sink. God damn it, Ellie. It had seemed to be going so well, but you just had to poke the bear, didn’t you?

I was suddenly moved to the ground and folded into a straddling position, surprised by how efficiently Lana was able to orient my body with a single hand. Before I could regain my bearings, she slid me rapidly forward on the wet, folded ground, and I knew more from the feel than from the sight that she had placed me at the top of her slit. Underneath me, I could feel the folded skin slide by, her clit poking out, now the size of a volleyball. I was shocked for a moment -- last time I had seen her clit, it had been about one-third of its current width.

My own pussy flared to life at the first touch, hot with jealousy from our earlier voyeurism of Danny and Lana, refusing to be denied this time. Lana pressed my shins to the ground, moving me back and forth over her folds, using my body on herself like a pleasure toy, each movement intensifying my own desire despite the ignominious state of affairs. Or maybe partly because of it -- my lust had been uncannily twisted tonight. I gritted my teeth, praying that I could contain myself until Lana was done. Concentrating, I could hear that her loud, distant moans were already filling the air. Maybe there was some hope.

Then she let go of me. “Ride me, Ellie! Show me what a sexy little cowgirl you are!” My mind worked frantically, looking for a way to get through this without another orgasm. I quickly decided to pretend to ride Lana’s clit, but use my hands on her instead, sparing myself from the unwanted contact. But my body had its own plan, and was already doing as Lana had commanded, and another arc of pleasure surged through my body as my clit slid against Lana’s. No! Fuck! I had to keep it under control.

But it was too late. My hips worked crazily, and my torso angled forward to maximize the pressure on my button. I could hear Lana’s distant moans as we descended together into our desires. “Oh God! Oh, Ellie, don’t stop! Rub me harder!” I tried to do just that, grabbing nearby folds to pull myself down, increasing the pressure on my clit and hers. “Yes! More!” I pulled still harder, sending myself deeper into a carnal spiral. But it wasn’t enough for Lana, and I felt her massive fingertip on my head. I knew what she was about to do, and sat up straight so that I wouldn’t be flattened by the pressure. Then she pushed down, hard, and I bucked my hips to pleasure us both, now eager for the imminent crescendo. Lana’s cries increased in pitch, mirroring my own as I rode her into oblivion.

No! I had to stop this! The thought forced its way through the swirl of sensations, and I suddenly remembered what was at stake. I begged my unresponsive body to obey, pleading with myself for some sanity in this unreal situation. I heard my cries increase in pitch as the intensity escalated still further, defying my silent pleas. No! I had to... I pushed my hips to the side, and felt Lana’s finger slide off of my head as the supporting frame was broken. I rolled to my back, twitching uncontrollably, my thighs locked in position from the tension remaining in my hips. But I felt myself edging back from the brink of the abyss, and I let myself enjoy my momentary success.

“Ellie! No, you can’t stop!” Lana’s cry was almost a whine, signaling her own desperation. I tried to move away, the futility of it obvious, but I couldn’t simply give up. I was immediately lifted by Lana’s giant finger and thumb, then pressed heavily to her enormous clit, and my body was suddenly her little sex toy once again. She rubbed me back and forth on herself, far more forcefully than I ever could, and my body was wracked by rapturous waves with each motion. I tried to beat my fist against her in anger and despair, but instead my hand was pressed to my own breast, massaging it roughly, desperate to add to the sensations. The abyss suddenly loomed large before me once again, drawing closer with every stroke. My cries stopped having any coherence as another torrent rushed through my body, pushing me over the edge that I no longer realized existed, as all thought became lost in the turbulence. Violent brightness encompassed me, then became colors that swam and merged, mirroring the chaos that had overpowered my mind. I dimly heard Lana as I faded: “Yes! Oh! You tiny, sexy bitch!”

A lifetime later, I was shaking. No, I was being shaken. Being shaken erratically, almost convulsively. A sound broke through my awareness, confusing me for a moment before I realized that it was a person’s voice. Not talking, or even shouting, but something more visceral. More elemental. I tried to open my eyes before realizing that they were already open. As the world started to shakily resolve itself, I saw a face to my left, looking in a random direction. Lana. The source of the sound. Lana. That meant... I turned my attention to myself, and saw that I was being held by gigantic fingers. Still. I had been gone for an eternity, and returned to exactly where I had left. Although...it wasn’t quite exactly. The fingers were larger now, and Lana’s face was farther away. I knew that was important.

The ground beneath me shuddered violently as I was pressed down with an unbearable amount of force. Another shudder, then it settled into a rapid shaking, and I began to move slower and more smoothly. My mind now partially reassembled, I finally realized that Lana had just had her own climax. I slapped my hand on her finger, hoping to get her attention, then continued for about ten more seconds until her eyes shifted to me.

Then her eyes widened. “El! You’re even smaller! What happened?” She brought me closer to her face, and I traveled a hundred feet in an instant. I scowled as I realized that my cataclysmic orgasm had gone entirely unnoticed. Lana saw my expression, but her contented smile didn’t change. “Oh, don’t be so sour. It looks like you enjoyed it just as much as I did!”

I was moved quickly around again as Lana shifted. When my vision righted itself, Lana had her feet underneath her and was standing up. I looked down, saw just how high in the air I was, then quickly looked in any other direction.

“Lana,” I said. “Put me down, please.” There must have been something in my tone, because Lana’s smile vanished as she looked at me, then placed me gently back on the dresser. I sat down, feeling a deep exhaustion. And cold. I hugged my legs to my chest, realizing that my persistent sexual arousal was finally gone. I should have felt elated, but I only felt tired, and sore, and cold. If the effects were wearing off, did that mean that I would grow back to my normal size? I looked at Danny’s phone for a size reference, not seeing any change yet. The phone was still recording an empty area of the room, having been forgotten in all the fervor.

I reached a finger gingerly toward my slit, then jerked it back as soon as it made contact. Holy shit, I was sore! I guessed that it had been masked by that drink, along with my fatigue, until now. But now that it seemed to be wearing off, what would happen to me? Was this situation permanent, or temporary? Would I grow back to my normal size at some point, or be stuck like this forever?

I studied the phone, and my weariness receded as I began to truly realize the precariousness of my situation. Even on its side it was still twice my height. I approached it and held out a hand, horrified when I saw that my spread fingers would barely cover half of the home button. If, God forbid, the effects really were permanent, was it only my size that was changed? My stomach turned as I considered the possibility that it might start all over again the next time I had an orgasm.

I ventured a look over the edge of the dresser, not looking directly down this time. I didn’t think I’d be able to make it down on my own, even if I somehow worked up the courage to try. I tried to think of the things that I would be able to do without help at this size, and felt a new despair. I wouldn’t be able to get down from here, or get food or water, find something to use as clothing, find a place to use for a bathroom, or do much of anything, for that matter. Even if I made it to the floor, I wouldn’t be able to reach anything, and Danny and Lana might not even notice me as they walked around, unknowingly threatening my life.

I sat down, then lay back in defeat as I resigned myself to the fact that I was completely and utterly dependent on them, at least until something changed. On a surface level, I had known all evening what had been happening to me, but this was the first time that I truly felt it, deeply and viscerally. Until now, I hadn’t really accepted what was happening to me, and my mind kept interpreting events as if Danny and Lana had grown. But now, I felt sick at how helpless I had become. So powerless. So inconsequential. So...tiny. I felt tears rising in my eyes, and squeezed them shut, trying to fight off the despondence and find some way to mentally reassure myself. But I couldn’t find any comforting thoughts at the moment.

“You’re not sleeping, are you?” My eyes snapped open, my heart leaping for a worried instant before I saw that Lana was talking to Danny.

“What? No. I was just...resting.”

“Oh, right. I guess I’m not interesting enough to keep your attention?” She turned away from him, then made a show of bending over to pick a piece of clothing off the floor. I felt a rush of anger, no longer masked by my forced arousal.

Lana was still facing away, toying with the piece of underwear that she had picked up. “You still have the other half of that stuff?” she asked innocently. I felt a new chill at the possible implications.

“Yeah. Why? You have something in mind?” Danny responded.

Lana turned to look at him over her shoulder, wearing only her trademark half-smile.

The End
(for now)
Last edited by DiminutionMan on Thu Jan 14, 2021 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ellie

Post by Bloodthirstybutcher » Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:04 pm

Fantastic story!
"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people, Jeremy."

-Super Hans, Peep Show

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Re: Ellie

Post by potyzeff » Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:16 pm

another great read!

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Re: Ellie

Post by Xinunar » Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:37 pm


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