School Morning - Boys will be Boys

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

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Shrink Adept
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School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by shrinker_s » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:10 pm

Hello friends:
The following contains ... well you know.... blah blah blah.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Years ago, the shrinking virus struck the world. Spreading like a wildfire, it affected nearly 70% of the population. The source was never determined, but it was agreed that it had been artificially manufactured. No one knew if it had been released purposely, or not, but it sent the world into a whirlwind of chaos. Over time the mass shrinking was just referred to as “The Shrinking”.

The virus would infect it’s host, spread through the body and when the density of infection reached a certain percentage the host would shrink almost instantaneous.

The majority simply shrunk down to near Barbie doll size and had quickly become referred to as ‘minis’. A smaller percentage had shrunk down to about twenty percentage of their height and had been given the term ‘shorties’. Why the difference in size occurred had yet to be determined.

The ‘shorties’, even with their diminutive size, had been able to fend for themselves. The ‘minis’ did not have such luck, many were lost to accidents, animals, and some not having help nearby.

As expected, there where thousands of videos showing piles of clothes, and full sized people helping the shrunken person get help. However, there were other videos a little darker. Videos of shrunken woman and men getting pulled out of piles of clothes and carried away to meet some dark fate. Hundreds of videos showing horrible things getting done to minis flooded the dark web. People getting revenge for past deeds was common, bullies and ‘mean girls’ getting their ‘just deserts’ was common. Underground videos or ‘mini porn’ were rampant. Typically, the mini getting violated by common household objects was common, but mixed sized videos were also in demand. The darker videos showed minis and shorties engaging with animals of different sizes sometimes these videos escalated to full on snuff. Attempts to deal with the crimes the shear number, and the chaos of the world dealing with the virus, no one had yet to be charged with crimes against minis yet alone convicted.

Many first world countries were trying to develop mechanisms to protect minis and shorties. Markets for “appropriately sized” goods were developing and whole communities providing services and activities for shorties and minis were planned and being developed.

For the minis, “safe zones” and “mini communities” were being attempted, but stories of poaching and worse were rampant. More than one person, or group of persons, had been caught unlawfully entering a mini community for reasons nefarious.

Most of the legislation for more mini protection had stalled in even the most ‘progressive’ countries shorties had faired a bit better but not by much.

In many areas of the world the effort of protecting minis was seen as not worth the effort and minis were looked at more like vermin with no rights. The actual disregard for minis as a whole had even reached America, and enforcement of the mini protection laws had gradually been ignored and in some cases temporary protection laws were simply allowed to expire.

Unfortunately, in most areas, this disregard to the rights of minis transferred over to ignoring the rights of shorties as well. It was really just seen as one of those things that was too hard to enforce and deal with. The world was in the process of rebuilding from the loss of so much of the population that caring for the minis was ‘put on the back burner.”

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by shrinker_s » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:10 pm

Boys Will Be Boys

Principle Skinner was looking out his office window at the campus grounds of Persele Middle School. The student body were out on the school yard prior to the bell ringing them to class. The boys and girls were mingling together in various groups. He always smiled at this early blooming of attraction between the young folk. He understood that they knew way more about the “birds and bees” than he did at their age, he was fairly sure that some of them were already sexually active, but it still made him smile being part of their growth to adulthood.

As he scanned the interactions of different groups, he viewed a small car pull up outside the school gate. In a hurry, Mrs. Kinsdale stepped out of her car being dropped off by her husband. Skinner looked at his watch and frowned, she was five minutes late.

Mrs. Kinsdale was a shorty, she had been hired as one of the many teachers and administrators to provide shorty children an equal education to match the full sized children. It was all part of the Governors progressive agenda to incorporate shorties into the whole population. Skinner was irked by the waste of valuable resources on what he thought was no longer a valuable part of the population. He would never be heard publicly speaking out about the initiative, of course, he just thought they would be best kept to their designated areas. Yet the school board jumped at the idea of the additional money provided, and money talks.

Mrs. Kinsdale was wearing a white blouse with a grey-silver jacket and matching dress that passed below her knees stopping just above her ankles. On her feet she wore a set of purple heels to add a ‘splash of color’ to the outfit. She had her long brunet hair tied in a bun with what looked to be pencils holding it together. The overall outfit was conservative, yet still made it obvious that there was a fully proportional woman under the clothing even though only a few feet high. Skinner had to admit she was an attractive woman, and at twenty three years of age she would have had a promising future in education if not for her reduced size.

Skinner watched Mrs. Kinsdale pull at the door to the entrance to the shorties entrance of the school. It did not open however, door was automatically locked at the same time each day, no exceptions. Skinner watched the woman pull at the handle several times more before realizing that the door wasn’t going to open. Skinner saw the woman’s head drop a little as she realized she wasn’t going to be able to use the door for entrance which meant she was going have to cross a schoolyard full of normal sized adolescent boys and girls.

She stood at the gate to enter the schoolyard. She took a deep breath, smoothed a wrinkle out of her dress, adjusted her pocketbook, and started to walk across the yard.

She didn’t make it a quarter of the way in when a group of five boys started to walk to intercept her path.

At the head of the group was Samuel Morris. Skinner’s opinion of the Morris boy, actually his whole family, was simple; ‘They were a bad lot’. The family initially consisted of his parents, his older brother and sister. According to his files, Samuel’s mother had shrunk to a mini when the virus first broke out. As required by law, the family had registered the shrunken woman with the authorities as a mini to avoid assumption of foul play. As to what happened to the mother after was not known. Last year, Samuel’s sister, a senior, had also fallen victim to the virus shrinking to a mini. Samuel’s brother, a sophomore at that time, had been caught letting his friends ‘play’ with his sister in the boys room. The boy had been suspended for a week and informed to get the girl registered and not do it again.

The five boys walked over to intercept the woman with the Morris boy in the lead. Mrs. Kinsdale hadn’t seen the boys walking towards her since she had her eyes down to present a more ‘intimidating’ walk. The lack of awareness resulted in her having to stop short when the Morris boy blocked her path.

As Skinner watched; Mrs. Kinsdale looked up at the boy and spoke some words towards him. The difference in size made her eyes line up to the boys chest so she needed to lift her gaze up. Whatever she said it produced a bit of a laugh from the Morris boy.

He casually reached down and grabbed one of the breasts of the short woman with his hand. His fingers dug in showing that he was letting himself get a good grip of the available flesh.

A look of shock came over the short woman’s face. She instinctively slapped the hand away. She then, almost out of automated anger, pushed the boy away using both hands with enough force to cause the Morris boy to step back a few steps.

“Not a good idea.” Whispered Skinner under his breath.

A look of anger came over Samuel Morris and the boy stepped towards Kinsdale and pushed the diminutive woman back. The force of the push sent the woman to fall back onto seat, and actually roll a bit onto her back. What looked to be a roar of laughter erupted from the crowd of boys.

The Morris boy picked up the woman’s purse from the ground. The Kinsdale woman stood up started to reach for her purse in the boys hands. The boy lifted the purse away from the reach of the woman as she jumped to reach her property brining more laughter from the boys.

One of the boys surrounding the woman said something and patted at the dirt on jumping woman’s behind in an action emulating “trying to help”. Kinsdale spun around towards the boy who had had the audacity to touch her butt and started to say something to the boy.

Seeing an opportunity, the Morris boy took the handle of the woman’s purse and looped over the front of the woman and bringing it down past her arms and then lifted his hands up. The strap of the purse stopped under her breasts and snuggled into the woman’s armpits. The Morris boy lifted up the straps resulting in Kingsdale’s feet lifting off the ground. The woman, in panic, kicked her feet reaching for the ground as she was lifted.

The Morris boy spoke to two of the boys who quickly stepped in and took each end of the purse strap and lifted up the small woman off the ground even higher. Kinsdale grabbed the top of the straps to help keep her secure in response to the increase in height. To the small woman it was far enough to cause harm is she was to fall. The boys laughed at the kicking movement of the woman’s legs as she hung for all the boys to see.

The Morris boy reached up and pulled the pencils out of the woman’s hair causing it to fall down to her shoulders. He took the eraser ends of the pencils and started to poke the woman in the boobs, belly, butt and other parts of her body bringing more laughter from the surrounding boys.

One of the boys stepped up and lifted the woman’s dress exposing a set of white panties. Kinsdale almost instinctively reached for the hem of her dress, but quickly went back to holding the straps to prevent falling. Her face reddened with embarrassment from the exposure of her lower half. The boy let the dress fall and all the boys jeered and laughed even more.

The Morris boy said something to the boys holding the woman’s straps as he stepped up to the hanging woman. He smiled and slid his hands up the woman’s dress; when the hands returned, they were holding the woman’s panties. The Morris boy showed the undergarment to the crowd of boys and handed them to the boy that had initially lifted up Kinsdale’s skirt. The Morris boy then held up a finger to have the boy stay where he was, the Morris boy grabbed the hem of the woman’s dress and pulled the dress down past her legs exposing the nude bottom half of the woman.

Skinner noted the woman’s privates were cleanly waxed. He huffed, “these shorties are born whores, she is probably enjoying what is happening to her.” This brought a smile to his. Just then there was a buzzing on his desk from the intercom. He pressed the button and spoke with a smile “Hello Miss Winfield, how can I help you?” Miss Winfield was the director of the faculty of the ‘shorty’ members of the faculty.

The voice came over the speaker, “Mr. Skinner, you need to get out on the school grounds and put a stop to what is happening out there.” The voice spoke with a combination of horror and anger.

“I’ve been at my desk this morning Miss Winfield.” Skinner lied with a smile, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“No Idea….” Sputtered the voice, “Then get off your ass and look at what your boys are doing to one of my teachers.”

“Let me take a look, please hold on a moment.” Skinner hit the mute button. He was seeing red at the tone the woman had taken with him. He turned and looked out the window to see where the interaction had developed.

Kinsdale was still hanging by the straps of her purse. At the time Skinner had been away, her shirt had been torn open and her bra opened as well. The clothing hung on the woman and a pair of shapely breasts had been exposed. Currently, the Morris boy was messaging the breasts with his fingers. By the look on Kinsdale’s face, the boy was not being gentle.

Skinner saw the Morris boy place the middle finger of one of his hands into his mouth while still holding the breast of the woman with the other. The Morris boy then removed the moistened finger and inserted the finger up into the woman’s exposed vagina. Skinner saw the woman’s face turn from pain to sheer horrific pain. The woman jerked her body and legs in response to the violation.

Skinner returned to the intercom on his disk and hit the unmute button. “Hello Miss Winfield, I’m seeing nothing that concerns me. It looks as if one of your teachers is giving an interactive class on female anatomy.”

“Female Anatomy?” Returned the voice, “They are abusing one of my teachers you son-of-a-bitch. If you don’t do…..”

“What I need to do is not up to you.” Interrupted Skinner. “Your teachers at your responsibility, not mine, if you want something done, I suggest you do it yourself.” Skinner smiled as he could almost see the woman’s face begin to sputter a reply. “You have a good day madam.” With that he pressed to disconnect button on the intercom.

Almost immediately it started to beep, he ignored the noise and turned to see what was happening on the grounds.

The Kinsdale woman had been lowered to the ground, but from what Skinner could see she had been stripped of the clothing the was remaining on her upper body. The now naked shorty woman was in front of the Morris boy. He currently had his hand on either side of the woman’s head and was currently pumping his penis in and out of the woman’s mouth.

A commotion brought the attention of the boys off to the side. Skinner looked over and saw a woman, a shorty, storming across the grounds towards the group. Skinner knew right away who it was, it was the Winfield woman. It seems that she was going to do something about what is going on. She was wearing a blue jacket, she had her blonde hair in a bun, a black dress, and red shoes. Her thick horn-rimmed glasses sat on her face and gave her a ‘school marm’ look, Skinner thought that she wore it more to appear older than her thirty five years.

She walked up to the group of boys. She passed between two of the boys and stepped up to the Morris boy who hadn’t stopped the aggressive mouth fucking he was giving Mrs. Kinsdale. The Winfield stood a few feet from Morris and started to scream. Morris pulled Kinsdale away from his cock and spun the woman around. It seemed that Kinsdale was coughing and trying to catch her breath and wasn’t reacting to being spun around and the hands that had clamped on her hips and started to pull her towards the boy that had been pressing his cock down her throat.

Winfield was walking forward with outstretched arms intending to grab the naked woman to pull her away from what was going on. Her movement was stopped when one of the boys she had marched past grabbed her hair and pulled her back with enough force to make her loose her footing. She would have fallen to the ground except the boy didn’t let his grip of Winfield’s hair go. The boy lifted the woman back to her feet with her hair. Winfield’s hands went to the hands gripping her hair and screamed in the pain being caused. The boy moved his hand back and forth shaking the woman causing her to scream more.

Skinner turned his eyes toward the Morris boy as who took advantage of the break in the action on him to pull Kinsdale to her feet and spin her around. With his hands on the woman’s hips, he began to thrust into the woman with an energetic enthusiasm of the youths age. The Kinsdale woman looked to have screamed at the insertion which brought many of the eyes of the group back to him. The Morris boy was now thrusting his hips back and forth behind the nude woman laughing at the struggles of the woman he was gripping.

The grip on the Winfield woman’s hair must have loosened and allowed her to spin towards the offending boy. She yelled at the boy, but her yelling was stopped by a hard slap across her face knocking the woman’s glasses off her face.

Winfield almost fell to the ground, but she staggered to keep her feet. The boy in front of her took advantage of that moment and with both of his hands the ripped open the woman’s blouse exposing the white bra underneath.

Like Kinsdale, Winfield brought her hands to her chest. The boy, or actually boys since some other joined in, weren’t having any of it. They soon ripped the clothing off of the shorty woman rendering her as naked as her co-worker.

One of the boys had unzipped his fly bringing out his cock. Seeing the organ Winfield saw the intention of the boy and tried to escape the grips of the boys. The boy spun the girl around and also lifted her waist to his organ to begin the action of breeding the struggling woman. Both of Winfield’s legs were straight with the pain of the insertion and thrusting taking place. Skinner actually wondered if the young man had hit the wrong hole. He internally shrugged since he was fairly sure that both of the woman would feel that pain anyway.

Almost as in in a competition the boys pumped away at the women. The Morris boy steadily increased his thrusting with the goal almost in sight. The Kinsdale woman, sensing what was approaching, reached back, and pressed one of her hands against the boys chest, trying to push him away before the inevitable conclusion took place. However, that little bit of struggle was just what was needed to make the Morris boy shudder from what was an obvious ball draining orgasm. Skinner could see the look of defeat on the face of the woman that felt the sperm of a young boy, to her a giant in size, pour his semen into her womb.

It almost looked like the Morris boy was going to just drop the woman to the ground, but another boy had already pulled out his hardened penis and indicated to ‘hand’ the woman off to him. With a smile the Morris boy did so, and the boy began thrusting into the woman. Skinner noticed that there had already been a ‘change of guard’ for the Winfield woman as well.

Skinner noticed that several more boys were approaching the action, many seemed to be adjusting their pants in a manner that clearly indicated their intention of having a go at one of the two women.

“Smart boys.” Thought Skinner, “why pass up an opportunity like this.”

Skinner looked to his watch and saw that there was at least twenty minutes till the school bell calling the children to class. However, there seemed to be quite a large number of boys who obviously wanted a go at one of the two women. Skinner didn’t want to be a spoil sport, so he sat at his desk and hit the button on the intercom contacting his secretary.

His assistant answered the call right away and asked what was needed.

“Mrs. Smith,” said Skinner, “Do me a favor, have first bell delayed for thirty minutes. It’s a beautiful day outside and I think the children will enjoy some extra time in the fresh air, also inform the head custodian that he will be needed out in the yard after second bell.”

Skinner’s assistant confirmed that the tasks would be taken care of, and with a thank you he disconnected the intercom. From his desk he noticed that there was something attracting the attention of most of the children out on the yard. He had a good idea what it was, but he had some paperwork to finish and he mentally set the first bell as the goal to get it accomplished.

Skinner had just finished the last of the paperwork when the first bell rang. Skinner waited a minute tapping the papers together and placed them into his outbox. He then stood up and gave a look out on the schoolyard. The first bell called the children to class, there would be two more bells. Second bell was to let the children know that if they weren’t in class, they had better get a move on. When third bell rung and if the children weren’t in class they would be in trouble.

Skinner stood and went to the window to look out on the schoolyard, he saw the two shorty teachers laying on the ground. They were completely naked and coated in what looked to be mud, but Skinner guessed that rather than water it was cum mixed with the dirt. There was no scrap of clothing to be found on the ground around them. Most likely it had been taken by the boys as souvenirs.

Currently there were three girls looking at the two women. The girls were saying things to the women. Skinner had to assume that they were not flattering. Every now and then one of the girls would kick a bit mor dirt onto the woman adding to their filthiness.

Kinsdale rolled over to her back in response to one of the applications of dirt. Even from the distance of his window Skinner could see that the woman’s stomach was distended relative to the rest of her body. It was obvious that she had consumed a large quantity of something. Skinner knew full well it was most likely a large quantity of sperm from the, now missing, boys of the schoolyard. One of the girls also saw the bulging belling and used her foot to press down on the woman’s protruding stomach. The result was a large quantity of viscus fluid being vomited out of the Kinsdale’s mouth onto the surrounding dirt. The three girls looked to be squealing from either laughter or disgust at the sight.

Winfield tried to sit up in either protest, or just to change position from laying on the ground, however, one of the girls used her foot to push the woman back down. It looked as if the violence of the three girls was about the increase when Skinner saw the custodian approach the gathering, and the second bell rang causing the girls to run toward the school building to get to class.

The custodian approached the two filthy women as they lay in the dirt of the schoolyard. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of rubber gloves. He hit a button on his earpiece and proceeded to place the gloves on his hand.

The earpiece was connected to the custodians phone which rung Principles Skinners phone.

“Hello Mr. Jones.” Skinner answered into the phone.

“Looks like we got a bit of a mess with these two.” Said the man out on the yard. With gloved hands he reached down and grabbed the hair of each of the woman and pulled them both up to standing. They didn’t fight the grip on their hair, they only moved their hands up to the hand on their head and held on as they worked to get to standing.

“The boys had a bit of fun with these ones.” He chuckled.

“So, it would appear.” Answered Skinner.

“What do you want me to do with them?” asked the custodian.

Skinner gave only a small amount of thought. “I would like you to take them to the boys locker room. Have them clean themselves up and then tell them that they will need to spend the rest of the day cleaning the lock room as a gentle reminder of following orders.

The man holding the girls up looked down at the naked bodies and spoke, “What should be do about clothing?”

“Why should they get clothes from us?” answered Skinner. “We can’t keep giving every shorty that loses her panties a new set of clothing. That’s not fiscally responsible. It one of the boys wants to give them something to put on, that’s up them. Maybe they can do something to earn some clothes.”

Realizing what the principle had intended for the two shorty females made Mr. Jones smile. “Will do boss; clean them up and put them to work in the boys locker room.”

“That’s a good man. I’ll let you see to the task.” Skinner had a thought come to mind, “Mr. Jones, hold on a minute.”

“Yes sir?” asked the custodian.

“I feel we need to be more conscientious about security. I’ll need you to lock the doors to the boys locker room right after the last class. If our little cleaners are stuck, well they can spend the following day picking up where they left off. We’ll think of it as a housing charge.”

The man had a grin visible from Skinners window, “How long do we need to keep that going sir.”

“Well,” Skinner gave pause, “As long as necessary to keep the grounds safe.”

“What will these little ones do for food?” asked Jones.

“I believe the boys will make sure they get all the protein they need. If the girls don’t mind a liquid diet.”

Skinner could see Jones laugh at the joke. “O.k. sir, consider it done.”

“Thank you, Mr. Jones, have a good day.” Said Skinner and he hung up the phone.

He watched as Jones said several things to Kinsdale and Winfield and began to walk back into the schoolhouse keeping a tight grip on the two naked woman’s hair.

When he saw the three disappear into the building, he sighed returned to his desk to get to work. Most people did not realize the paperwork involved in running a school, and a morning diversion was welcome, but work still needed to be done and that was his job.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by shrinker_s » Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:14 pm

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by ShrinkMaster » Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:51 pm

I love the concept of the prologue! :)
The interactions within the story are also very well described.

But don't get me wrong but FOR MY TASTE, a reduction of just 20% is too little to classify people differently.
That's where an average woman lands at 4'3" to 4'5" (1.30m to 1.35m). That's still much taller than "normal" midgets, who, after all, have no other rights than normal-sized people.

But that's just a silly thought that kept going around in my head. Of course, that was very appropriate for the image that inspired you. ;)
Nevertheless, your story was great, thanks for that!
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by shrinker_s » Thu Feb 11, 2021 4:41 am

Yes...I am more of a 'true mini" person. Barbie doll size and unable to really fight back. It was just the pic hit some of the right buttons so It reved my engin to bring 'pen to paper" -- which is really us typing but sounds better than 'finger to keyboard' sound kind of ickie.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by SciFiCrazy » Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:26 am

Enjoyed the story immensely. A little variety in shrinkage is always a nice detour from the norm.

I read the shrinkage different than shrinkmaster. It read to me as they shrunk down to 20% of the original height. So a person 5ft tall would become 1ft tall. If other way around a 5 foot person would become 4ft tall. So not sure the exact difference in Barbie doll mini size compared to shorty size. Maybe if you changed it to reduce them to between 40% or 50% of their original height, that would give them the range of heights you were referencing in story when you mention few feet tall or that her eyes came up to his chest. For example a 5ft tall person with a 40% to 50% percent reduction would have a height between 2ft and 2ft 6in.

Once again I really enjoy reading your stories and I can’t wait to see more. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by shrinker_s » Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:19 pm

Both inputs are valuable.

I was thinking that the 'shorties' where around 2.5 feet tall. Baically the height that they would barly be on their toes when bent over by the school boys. Also, their womanly frame would also be shrunk down so the relative size of the boys entering them would be larger then a typical male at full size.

My take away here is that when working with 'shorties' I need to be more descriptive. That feed back is great, it makes me a better writer.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by ShrinkMaster » Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:24 am

SciFiCrazy wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:26 am
I read the shrinkage different than shrinkmaster. It read to me as they shrunk down to 20% of the original height.
Haha, that's funny, because that's exactly how I first understood it! :D
Until the paragraph with the chest height and then I saw the picture at the end of the story.
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Tehleris » Fri Feb 12, 2021 10:35 pm

Love this pairing with the size of the adults, definitely want to see more of this sort! :)

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by SciFiCrazy » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:16 am

shrinker_s wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 6:19 pm
Both inputs are valuable.

I was thinking that the 'shorties' where around 2.5 feet tall. Baically the height that they would barly be on their toes when bent over by the school boys. Also, their womanly frame would also be shrunk down so the relative size of the boys entering them would be larger then a typical male at full size.

My take away here is that when working with 'shorties' I need to be more descriptive. That feed back is great, it makes me a better writer.
I’m very happy you found it helpful. Was a little worried it might come off as to critical. Just find that when people use percentages and numbers in their stories they can tend to not match up to what they envisioned. For example when using a virus, it can have different reactions within different people. Just like how in the real world not every virus affects everyone the same. It can be easier for a reader to not have to think of the numbers for the math if you were to just mention a descriptive terms, such as you did with near “Barbie Doll” size for example. Maybe mention they shrunk down to ‘Toddler’ size and were called “Shorties”. If you were to input that term in google it will give you a slightly varied range in height depending on months or year of a young child or toddler. But I think would allow wiggle room in the imagination of the reader and work with the rest of you story as it reads. Or as you stated you could just mention they shrunk down to around a specific height or height range as well.

I will say it again though. It was a magnificently written story and I enjoyed it immensely. I love reading your stories as well as Shrinkmasters. Please let me know if you feel I have overstepped or am being annoying at all. Thanks again for writing these great stories and sharing them with us.
Last edited by SciFiCrazy on Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by SciFiCrazy » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:31 am

ShrinkMaster wrote:
Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:24 am
SciFiCrazy wrote:
Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:26 am
I read the shrinkage different than shrinkmaster. It read to me as they shrunk down to 20% of the original height.
Haha, that's funny, because that's exactly how I first understood it! :D
Until the paragraph with the chest height and then I saw the picture at the end of the story.
It was the chest height comment in story that made me think about it too. Although the picture differed from the story slightly, I enjoyed getting to see the artwork that inspired the writers imagination.

Thanks to you as well Shrinkmaster for writing and sharing your wonderful stories with us readers as well.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Syndrea » Tue Mar 02, 2021 2:31 am

This was one of the best SW stories ever for me, I hope you plan to continue^^.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by polkqwerty » Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:30 pm

Created an account on this site just to say this was my favorite setting/story here and would really love more

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Hand-Holder » Sun Jul 04, 2021 10:30 am

shrinker_s wrote:
Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:10 pm
Hello friends:
The following contains ... well you know.... blah blah blah.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Loved it all

Specially liked that this prologue allows minis and shorties to show up fully dressed and not quickly shrunk naked, hate when people don't take their time to play around with minis clothes...

Your percentage is a bit off, I seams to me you meant shorties would be shrunken to about 50% of regular size, so around half a normal one, right ?

But please, now that you created this wonderful Indecent world, don't let it die out

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by polkqwerty » Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:30 pm

polkqwerty wrote:
Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:30 pm
Created an account on this site just to say this was my favorite setting/story here and would really love more
Still eager to more shorties and tinies abuse/molestation/forced sex/dehumanization/and darker in this scenario. I really like this setup and scene and check back every couple of weeks to see if there's any word on any more.

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Hand-Holder » Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:45 am

Me also, I hope we get more of these perfectly described abuses...

Love the size ratio and the fact they start fully dressed, more please...

Our lust just can't wait...
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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Syndrea » Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:18 am

Can someone pretty please continue this, it is amazing!!

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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:25 pm

Syndrea wrote:
Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:18 am
Can someone pretty please continue this, it is amazing!!
Yes it is, I loved it and would love to see it going on

The sizes are also very original
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Re: School Morning - Boys will be Boys

Post by frollo » Tue May 30, 2023 3:28 am

This is truly a Masterpiece in erotic kinky writing! Wow! Thank you it’s so inspiring. ( and especially since my wife is a teacher )

I love the setup, quick framing of the world. And the teacher / student / principal psychological interaction and dynamics.
It’s literally begs for a second chapter . ;) .
( haha the husbands come in their little car and try to pick them up in the locker room )

The dominance play is really beautifully written!

( As for the size, I did get the 20% as about 1/4 of full size. So about knee height of the original height . )

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