SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 99
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:01 pm


Post by shrinker_s » Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:56 pm

This is a work of fiction. It contains shrinking, violence, nonconsensual sex, kidnapping, blah-blah-blay….you know the drill.

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Also, if this inspires any artists to produce the story graphicly .. that would be awesome.



"John, are you sure about this?" asked John's wife Sarah in a hushed tone.

John gave his wife a loving hub and chuckled, "Yes dear, I'm sure it alright, George from the club clued me into him and George is a standup guy. Plus, I looked the guy up online and he checks out as well.”

Sarah was John’s second wife, ten years younger than him and in her early thirties was still hotter than most woman in their twenty’s. She has blond hair, long legs, a tight ass, and full sized D-cup breasts that not only hadn’t been wrecked by breast feeding, but with a little surgery were probably remain round and firm for a long time.

Looking at his watch he saw that their guest was soon going to arrive, and he wanted to make sure that things went smoothly. “Honey, why don’t you gather up the others and I’ll get the living room ready for the doctors arrival.”

Sarah agreed and gave her husband a quick peck on the cheek. He responded by lightly slapping her ass as she left, eliciting a little yelp form the woman and a look that said he would pay for that later. He enjoyed watching his wife’s ass sway as she walked into the other room, her tight yoga pants showing just how tight her ass was. He smiled with anticipation of ‘paying’ for that slap.

John began to move the furniture in the living room off to the sides as instructed by the text from Dr. Rimbaldie. The explanation was straight forward, the doctors schedule was so tight that it was most efficient to have all the recipients of the treatment in one room together. He had sent several photos of himself, ID, and qualifications to ensure that he was a legitimate professional. John, at the doctors request, had sent photos and specifications of all the participants of the treatment. The doctor had also requested photos of the house layout so he could suggest the best place for the administration of the treatment and the living room was specified by the doctor as the best location.

John rechecked his watch to see only a few minutes had passed, he laughed at his nervousness. He looked to the table in the dining room. There was an envelope plump with cash. It was only $1000 cash per person for the shots so a bargain to protect his family.

Sounding like a gaggle of geese the women that had been driving him crazy, in a good way, walked into the living room. Sarah was gently moving seven women of various age into the living room. Leading the pack was John’s two daughters. There was Jennifer, twenty one; and Karen nineteen; to Johns pride they had grown into beautiful young women. Both girls had chestnut hair, his slim build, but still their mothers curvy shape top and bottom. Jennifer had a number of tattoos more as an expression of her artistic mind than rebellion. Karen had a more business mind and was finishing an internship with a fortune 100 company that looked like they were going to bring her on full time. Both girls joked how the size of their boobs were natural not bought like Sarah’s. Sarah would joke back that they would be knocking on Yinoshie’s, door then minute the perkiness started to fade.

Samantha was John’s ex-wife and had remarried a skilled plastic surgeon named Yinoshie. The two had twin daughters, Kimchi and Jinjia. The two girls had a striking beauty reflected by their Asian and Caucasian heritage. They had classic long straight black hair with bangs, and at fifteen, were developing the curves that had attracted John to Samantha initially. They both had just finished middle school on-line, but their spirits were high since they expected attending High School in person.

John joked with Samantha about having something that killed sperm with the ‘X’ chromosome that was why she had all girls. He also joked that she had MILF’ed out. John watched her helping Sara with the girls. She also had curves and large breasts, thanks to Yinoshie’s skills. She still looked several years younger than her years, but there still was that curvy look to her.

Finally, with the group was the Wilson girls, Zoe and Abigale. They went to the same school as Kimchi and Jinjia, at eighteen, they hadn’t been able to walk the stage for graduation. Their parents had been working with Doctors Without Borders when the outbreak happened. They had stayed where they were to help and had asked Samantha and Yinoshie to watch their daughters during their summer break. They were blonde like John’s daughters; however, they were both built as athletes and got academic\athletic scholarships to college. They had a bright future. John had seen them in their bikinis the past days by the pool. They had well sculpted bodies, plated stomachs, and firm B-cups. John had to acknowledge their attractiveness.

Dr. Rimbaldie had instructed them to wear loose fitting clothing and the girls all seemed to be wearing shorts to cover bikini bottoms, and tee-shirts to cover bikini tops, the mothers were wearing yoga pants and simple tops as well. The doorbell rang brining John to the present.

John opened the door and was greeted by Dr. Rimbaldie. He was a tall, young looking African American man. He had on a white lab coat with a shirt and tie underneath, typical of a doctor. John found himself comforted by the professional look of the man who obviously took his role as a doctor seriously. In his hand was a black bag. Dr. Rimbaldie smiled showing a confidence inspiring smile and held out his hand “Hello, I’m Dr. Rimbaldie, you must be Mr. Swansen.”

Dr. Rimbaldie spoke with a deep timber and slight English accent. The result of his origin and education listed on his resume.

“Please call me John.” Said John taking the proffered hand and escorting the man into the living room.

Introductions’ all around took place. The girls were obviously enthralled by this attractive, accented young man that was going to help them.

Completing the introductions John asked a question that was hanging at the back of his mind. “So, Dr. Rimbaldie how were you able to get your hands on some vaccine?”

Dr. Rimbaldie began to speak as he walked around the edge of the Living room. “Well, the producers of the vaccine knew there would be a market for those that felt the wait would put them at risk and were willing to ‘properly compensate’ to be placed closer to the front of the line.” John noticed that Dr. Rimbaldie moved a few of the pieces of furniture, that he was moving the furniture to block the exits of the living room didn’t register to John. “The manufacturer has actually spent a bit of time to the production of this version of the vaccine and we have found it nearly 100% effective with a single shot, providing the concerned citizens even more protection.” He said it with a tone that led John to understand he was speaking of more elite members of the populations.

John nodded, it made sense, and being part of a little rebellion made sense to him.

“O.K. so when do we start?” asked John.

Dr. Rimbaldie gave the room a look around and smiled with satisfaction. “I think we are about ready to start.” Dr. Rimbaldie had finished walking around the room and was standing next to the front door he had used when walking into the living room. “You have all removed jewelry, including rings, watches, cell phones, thinks such as that?”

John and the girls all nodded in acknowledgment indicating the card table in the room holding all the items mentioned.

Dr. Rimbaldie turned towards the door, reached into his bag, and pulled something out that was blocked by his body. He placed his hand on the lock of the front door and then turned the handle unlocking the door. He then turned to face the eight people in the room. In his hand was a devise that was in a shape close to a gun, and the working end of it was pointed towards John and his family.

“Man, this virus thing has made you white folk stupid.” Spoke Dr Rimbaldie. Only this time it wasn’t with the educated accent, but the voice of a street thug. A frown passed over John’s face at the change of voice, when two things happened.

The first was a beam of light left the devise and washed over the eight people in the living room. The beam enshrouded the people with a glow, seemed to freeze them in place, and then shrunk all eight down to a size comparable to that of barbie dolls.

The other was two other black men walked into the living room, both carrying cardboard boxes.

“It’s party time.” Said one of the men as all three walked up to the only now reorienting shrinking minis on the living room floor.

“Stay focused Terence,” said the one who had introduced himself as Dr. Rimbaldie, “gather them up and stay on task.”

“Chill out Wilk.” Replied the other young man, “We’ve got it handled.”

“I just don’t want to lose any like last time. Wilk looked at the other man “’G’, help collect the minis, I’m going to take a look around for anyone else.”.

“Will do Boss man.” Said Terence reaching down and grabbing Sarah. Feeling the giant fingers wrapping around her she panicked and started kicking and pounding her hands against the binding fingers. Terence ignored the woman and placed her in the box in his hand.

In a panic, Zoe sprinted in the direction of the kitchen. However, the path was blocked by the chair Wilk had placed there during his previous walk around the room.

“Get back here little one,” said Tarence who gathered the screaming girl up and place her into the box with the others.

When all nine had been collected, and Wilk returned from search the house he looked down at the panicked minis spoke. “Now calm down all of you. We are just here to get paid and we will be on our way. This shit will wear off in a few hours and we’ll be long gone so stay calm and everything will be o.k.” His voice had changed timber again and had a calming effect on the near hysterical folks in the cardboard prison.

Wilks stood up and looked at his two partners. “O.k., you know the drill. Search the rooms, get their phone pass codes, and get to work.” He reached into the box and wrapped his fingers around John picking him up out of the box. The fingers were applying just enough pressure to indicate Wilks could crush the man with no effort. Ignoring the mini man’s yells he looked to his crew, “I’m going to take Johnny boy into his office and start moving his money to our accounts, you guys cool?”

The two nodded and started searching the house for portable valuables.

Wilks quickly took the mini man into the back room where the family computer was kept. Wilks placed the miniaturized John on the desk next to the keyboard and turned on the computer. As the computer booted up Wilks pulled out a switch blade and looked at the man and hissed. “Listen here bitch, I don’t care a fuck about you or your family back there. I’m here for the money, so work with me….” Wilks clicked the switch blade open exposing a bald almost the size of John’s body. “…..or I’ll cut you and those whores back there into little bits….” He slammed the point of the blade into the desktop with enough force to cause John to fall to his knees, “….you got that?” John could only nod in response, fear had taken over most of his body.

“Great,” said Wilks in the Doctors accented voice, “let us start with your bank accounts first. I’ll need names, account codes, and passwords.”

With that, Wilks began the process of transferring as much of the liquid assets as he could over to private accounts, he had set up overseas.

As he typed, he internally laughed at how he got here. Wilkes was a genius, tested in high school he scored off the charts. He could have gotten a full ride scholarship to a PHd program at any university in the world. However, he was from a bad area of the city, and a few run-ins with the cops had resulted in a criminal record and all doors were closed. That was fine for him, he was a fast learner and had used the internet and free on-line lectures to get by eighteen what would take other people years to accomplish.

He had gotten a job as a custodian at a research facility, and that was where he spotted the shrinking matter devise. They called it the SMD. He saw the potential for both profit and revenge. He waited until they had finalized all the work on the device, he downloaded documentation on use, then when it was boxed for transport it was no problem for him to intercept the device and leave with it.

Wilks tested the device and found like the documentation had indicated, it nearly instantly shrank living tissue, and a small area around the object explaining the clothes being shrunk as well. That there was not way to reverse the shrinking didn’t bother him at all.

He had started thinking of how to profit from this device, actually thinking of becoming a hitman, when the COVID-19 lockdown occurred. To Wilks it was perfect, people locked in their houses, barley seeing each other, only communicating through text, chat, and video. He could shrink a person, and no one would notice the disappearance for days.

After that it was easy to get his two friends together and start making some money. The Dr. Rimbaldie scam was the best one so far. He had worked it on five families so far and this would be his sixth, and maybe his best.

When the work was done, he looked down at the man and said. “Thanks for your help, this cash is going to really help me get out of the dump I’m living in and maybe a nice house like this.”

“Are you going to leave now?” asked John

“Well we need to talk to your ex-wife.” Said Wilk picking up the man with a little less care this time. “I’m sure she has access to all that titty money her husbands’ been making. Then we will hit the road.”

Wilk walked into the living room. His men had been hard at work. They had a series of phones laid out on the table. It was easy to see that it was one for each mini. On each of the phones was a post-it with the owners name and unlock code for the phone.

There was a large amount of cash, separated in stacks by denomination as well as a pile of credit cards. The two men were currently going through a pile of jewelry that had been gathered from around the home. They were sorting out the fake and placed the stuff to be pawned later in a separate pile.

Wilk looked on with approval and as he placed the man back into the box with the other minis he asked “how’s it going.”

‘G’ was the first to answer, “really good my man, we’ve got the phones, cards, and cash sorted. We should be done with this shit in a bit.” He indicated the diminishing pile of jewelry.

“Good, good.” Replied Wilks. He reached in and wrapped his fingers around Samantha, John’s ex-wife, and lifted her out of the box. She had had her arms protectively wrapped around Kimchi and Jinjia and all three screamed as they were ripped away from each other. The movement of Samantha’s bones and muscles under his fingers did excite him in all the naughty places.

“What you going to do with that boss?” asked Terence indicating the mini he had picked up.

“This one is married to a rich ass doctor. So, I’m going to see what cash I can get from her. Take care of the credit cards and then start texting.” Wilks replied as he started to walk back to the computer room.

“How long are we staying?” Asked ‘G’

Wilks stopped and gave it some thought and answered, “I am thinking 2 to 3 hours should get us through the phones safely.”

Knowing what that meant the other two smiled at the back of the exiting Wilk.

Wilk smiled as he walked back into the office. He switched the woman in his hands back and forth letting his fingers get a good feel of the woman he held. She tried to block his probing fingers, but the transfer from hand to hand and Wilk spinning her upside down and back disoriented her and made it difficult to even try to move his fingers. Wilk rubbed his thumbs across the woman’s fear erect nipples, and more than ounce rubbed his finger between the woman’s legs hard enough that he could feel the panties she wore underneath.

These white MILFs really did do something for him. He almost thought of having a go at her first, but then thought better of it. He had some work to do, then he can play. Discipline was the key to any plan to work, and that was why the plan has worked so far.

He placed the hysterical woman on the desk near the keyboard. He made sure that she was standing on her feet before he let her go. The woman looked up to him with tear streaked cheeks.

“Please, don’t hurt my girls.” She pleaded.

“Like I said, no one is going to be hurt.” He said down at the woman with a slight sternness to his voice. “We are just here for the money and we will be on our way. This will wear off in a few hours, long enough for use to be far enough away so the cops can’t get us.”

She looked a little relieved.

“But right now.” Wilks placed his finger on the switchblade that was still embedded in the desk. He gently pulled the handle of the blade over a few inches and let it go letting it bounce back and forth with, what must have been to the mini woman, a threatening noise, “We need to start looking at some of your accounts.”

He started taping on the keyboard, “Let’s start with your bank accounts.”

Wilk was almost immediately frustrated. The dumb bitch couldn’t remember the passwords to her accounts, she had used the ‘remember me’ feature and couldn’t remember the passwords. That meant Wilk would need to go through each account and reset the password, for that he needed Samantha’s phone.

He picked up the shrunken samantha and pushed the wheeled chair to the doorway of the room, leaned into the hallway and yelled. “Hey ‘G’ bring me this bitches phone, will you?”

“Yeah boss, give me a sec.” came the reply.

Wilk returned to the desk and placed the woman on the desktop and stared at her with fire in his eyes. He sighed and whispered under his breath, ‘Fuck it”

Wilk pulled the knife out of the desktop and pointed the tip of the blade right at the face Samantha. The speed of the action froze Samantha with fear. She didn’t move when the blade almost touched her face between her eyes.

Wilk hissed, “O.k. little one. We are in a hurry here, so I need you to be quick with the answers. To let you know how serious I am, we are going to play a little game of strip questions. I think you better remain really still for what comes next.”

Wilk guided the tip of the knife down the face, throat, breasts, and torso to stop right at the bottom the Samantha’s shirt.

He hooked the tip of the knife and started to lift the bottom of the shirt up. As he lifted up the bottom of the shirt, Wilks made sure the tip of the knife dragged across the Samantha’s shaking body. He stopped when het tight belly was exposed, and the knife hadn’t lifted above the breasts that were moving up and down with the panicked breathing of the terrified woman. “lift up those arms bitch.” Hissed Wilks.

Samantha lifted her arms over her head, knowing why, and Wilk completed the removal of the woman’s shirt exposing her large breasts neatly enclosed in a black sports bra matching the color of her yoga pants.

Samantha almost immediately brought her arms down to cover her partially exposed breasts. Wilk quickly brought the point of the knife to the woman’s face again, “did I say you could cover up that shit bitch?” This time a bit of anger fell in his voice, “get those arms down so I can get a good look at those titties.”

Just as Samantha got her arms by her side there was a knock at the open door. It was ‘G’ bringing Samantha’s phone. He tossed the phone to his boss without so much as a look at the mini woman on the desk.

“Where we at?” asked Wilk.

“We are pretty much done with the cards, most were either maxed out, or not enough to get anything good. We did what we could.” The young man said,

“How about the phones?” Wilk followed up.

“We got a few bites, we told them to uber over, so no one knows what’s happening, then come in through the back.” ‘G’ smiled as he spoke, we are going to lay out a few towels and a few beer cans, it will look like a party is starting, we should get a few before we need to take off.”

“Good.” Said Wilk, “Get on it, I’m going to try again with little mrs. forgetful here and get what we can, then I’ll be out to join you.”

“Sure boss, take your time we got it under control.” Said ‘G’ with a smile.

“I know ‘G’” replied Wilk with a knowing smile, “just don’t get sloppy.” With the knife in one hand and Samantha’s phone in the other Wilk turned towards the woman standing on the desk. “Get back to work, but yell if anything happens.”

“Will do boss, take your time.” Replied ‘G’ as he turned to get back to the living room.

Wilk turned towards the mini woman who immediately asked, “Who’s coming over, I thought you were leaving soon?”

Wilk poked the woman with the tip of his knife in the girls belly, breaking skin slightly brining up a little blood. “You see, you just broke another rule, I’m asking questions you’re just there to answer.”

He pressed his knife point at the woman’s’ naval. “I am thinking those pants need to go.” Without thinking, Samantha stepped back several steps.

“Mother fucker,” said Wilk, He reached with his free hand over the desktop and grabbed Samantha off the top. He brought the struggling woman up to his face. “You little bitch, all you had to do is stay still, but now you can stand still with all your whole ass hanging out.” He brought the knife up to Samantha and slipped the point down the front of the Samantha’s yoga pants. He pushed the blade down to where the point was just above Samantha’s knee. The flat side of the knifes blade pressed against her skin letting her know just how precarious her position was. With a quick flick of the knife the side of Samantha’s pants were sliced open. Wilk flipped the woman over and did the same movement with the other side of the pants resulting them falling to the desktop below her.

Yet it was obvious that Wilk wasn’t done. He used the same blade to cut the left and right sided of the woman’s panties where they fell joining the ruined pants. He finished by slicing Samantha’s sports bra up between her ample breasts. Wilk used the knife tip to complete the process. Fully nude, Samantha was place on the desktop and Wilk sat back, admiring his work.

“O.k. little missy let’s get back to work.” He unlocked the code to the phone bringing up the first text with a new unlock code. “If you behave, I’ll shrink some of your clothing down, so you’ll be able to cover up.” Now stand there, look pretty and naked, and let’s get to work.

With that he plunged the blade of the switch blade knife into the desktop and started working the keyboard. Samantha almost brought her hands up to cover her nakedness but caught herself before doing that and stood on the desk with as little movement as possible and answered the questions asked of her by Wilk.

While it took just over half an hour to get to all the accounts the mini woman had access to, there wasn’t much there to move over. It was obvious her husband kept a tight hold of the purse strings. Wilk almost thought of having the woman contact her husband, but thought better of it. Best to stick with the plan.

When the work was done Wilk stood up and stretched his body getting the kinks of sitting in the computer chair.

Samantha looked up at the black giant in front of her. “you got what you wanted, please take be back to my children.”

“Oh, I got your money, but I think there is more that I want.” Chuckled Wilk.

Samantha’s face took on a look of confusion. Thoughts of what more would this person want went through her head. “What do you mean?”

Wilk looked at the woman, “With that hot body I bet you’re a real charmer.” Wilk started to undo his pants.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 99
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2018 6:01 pm


Post by shrinker_s » Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:57 pm


“Charmer?” repeated Samantha seeing what was happening but not making the connection.

“Yeah baby,” he pulled out his engorged cock and dropped it on the table in front of Samantha, “A snake charmer.” The thud of the cock hitting the tabletop made the mini woman flinch “and here is a big black python for you to charm.”

Wilk stood watching the mini woman looking at the black cock in front of her. To her it was easily 2 feet across and easily 8 feet long. She saw the vertical slit looking like a wet mouth staring at her. Samantha was stunned into a frozen look of fear. She could see the pulses of blood filling the organ enlarging it to a full erect status.

“Looks like he likes you.” Wilk chuckled some more, “do you like him?”

Samantha just stared at the giant cock in front of her still unable to move.

Wilk gave a thrust with his hips hitting the small woman in the chest with his cock knocking her over. “Stand up you little bitch and tell me you like my black snake.”

Samantha slowly came to her feet and looked up at Wilk and whispered, “I like your black snake.”

“Good,” Wilk grabbed the hair on the Samantha’s head and pressed her face into his cock slit. “give the boy some kisses.”

The combination of the woman’s two hands trying to prevent being pressed into the oozing slit, and her muffled screams brought more blood, and pre-cum, to the top of Wilk’s cock. The combination of Samantha’s struggles, and the feeling of power was already getting Wilks close to the edge. He didn’t want to end to fast, so he let go of his grip of the now crying Samantha’s head and watched her suddenly fall back on her ass at the release of pressure.

Samantha was coughing and wiping at her face trying to get the pre-cum, and tears, off her face and out of her mouth.

“No,No,No baby you’re not going to make me cum that fast.” Said Wilk calming his breath. It took him only a few seconds to get back a little of his composure and he grabbed the mini woman’s leg and pulled her towards him.

Wilk used Samantha’s leg to spin her on her back. Wilk slid his cock between the woman’s legs placing it’s entire length over the woman’s nude body. The weight of the giant organ pinned Samantha to the desktop. Samantha tried to press it away, but no luck. Wilk started to rub his cock slowly up and down Samantha’s body. The pre-cum now adding a layer of ooze providing a bit of lubrication. This allowed Wilk to increase his pace. He leaned over and placed his hands on the desk and breathed faster as he pumped harder.

Samantha tried to keep her mouth closed each time the head of the beast on top of her passed over her face. Yet the pressure of the huge cock, and the pain from the continuous slamming of the penis head to her face caused her to yelp in pain, and that resulted in pre-cum entering her mouth and nose. She tried to use her hands to hold the large penis off of her, but her hands kept sliding on the penis and actually increased the amount of movement between Wilk’s cock and Samantha’s body.

Wilk’s body began to shudder, and Samantha’s face took on a look of fear as she knew what was about to happen. The giant penis began to shoot large streams of hot salty seamen on her face and body. To add to the humiliation, the giant rapist moved the head of his penis between her legs and pressed the still spurting organ up against her pussy. The overpressure forced the following ejaculations to push sperm deep into her uterus causing her belly to bloat out as her womb was filled.

Samantha was moaning from the pain of her distended stomach and the beating by the giant dick that had just occurred. She was coughing trying to get the sperm from her mouth and nose. She felt her lower half of her body start cramping up from the massive injection of sperm into her body.

Wilk left his cock on top of Samantha as he caught his breath. The weight of the member still held Samantha in place.

Finally, Wilk leaned back and looked down upon the nude mini coated head to toe with is cum. He smiled and laughed “look at you, you little cum slut. Don’t tell me you’re not enjoying yourself, all you white whores love it when a big black cock gives you a nice coating of spunk.”

Wilk stepped back sliding his slowly deflating cock along the sobbing woman’s body. He pulled some tissues from the container on the desktop and wiped his cock off before pulling up his pants. Samantha had pushed herself up into a seated position and looked up at the giant black man that had just violated her in a most unnatural way.

“Please,” she pleaded. “you had your fun. Can you take me back to my daughters?”

Wilk looked down at the spunk covered Barbie in front of him and smiled. “Sure, thing babe.” He spoke with a smile. “I got to check in to the guys and see what they got going on.” Wilk grabbed the woman by one of her legs and lifted her up off the desk. “First, I got to rinse you off, don’t want to leave you a mess in case one of the others want to have a go at you. It’s the polite thing to do.”

With that Wilk walked into the bathroom across the hall and held Samantha under the faucet and washed her off in the cool running water. He held her spread legs up against the faucet head letting the pressure of the water flood into her womb. Wilk would then hold the woman upright and squeeze her stomach forcing the water out along with the sperm he had injected. Wilk knew that if his crew showed up with cum covered minis he would be in big trouble and wouldn’t get the cash he was expecting.

When the cleaning was to his liking Wilk held the woman in his hand and walked back into the living room.

He gazed over the living room and smiled at what he saw. The boxes had been replaced with a large high sided bowl that must have been taken from the kitchen. It now sat on the card table as a designated holding space for the minis and providing a good view of the folks stored within. In the bowl was Sarah and Jennifer, they were naked and by their matted hair and red toned skin had already seen used by Terrance and ‘G’. Wilk slid Samantha in the bowl and the three quickly hugged each other in mutual fear of their situation.

Wilk took a seat on the couch in front of the card table and looked over the current action.

His boys were working on the various cell phones of the girls. The buzz of responses sounded on several phones, and the two smiled as they typed in responses.

Wilk looked down at the tabletop action going on.

The two twins had been stripped except for their bikini tops. Currently the girls were in a sixty-nine position going to town on each other as if trying to see whom would be the first to get their tongue to reach the others cervix. Wilk was fairly sure that the inspiration for the action came from his crew, but he didn’t care, the show was a good distraction.

However, what really caught his eye was the father daughter action. Currently Jennifer, completely nude, was on her hands and knees. Her face was being driven into the tabletop by a hand belonging to her father. The man was kneeling behind her and rhythmically pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. Each thrust of the man elicited and little grunt from Jennifer as it seemed that each of the thrusts went a little deeper each time.

Wilk looked over a ‘G’ with a raised eyebrow.

“Looks like that daughter really does love his daughter” smiled “G”.

“I’m surprised that he was able to get hard enough to enjoy that pussy.” Said Wilk.

“Oh….” Smiled ‘G’ “Terrance found some Molly in one of these bitches purses.”

Wilk looked down at the father pounding away at his daughter. “So, he’s rolling on Molly.”

“Yup, he probably had no idea who’s pussy he’s in.” chuckeled ‘G’

Wilk shook his head with a smile. “How’s things going at your end? The texts working?”

“Oh yeah boss,” said Terence, “We’ve got a bunch coming over. We’re telling them to use an Uber and come around back.”

Wilk nodded; the plan was simple. Use the phones of the girls, invite a few friends over, shrink them and bring the whole collection of them back for the homies to party with. It was what allowed Wilk and his crew to lay low whenever the heat came by.

Wilk nodded and turned to the action happening on the table. Kimchi was on top of Jinjia, not that he cared. Right now, he was getting a great view of the young woman’s asshole as her sister ate up into her pussy. The combination of tears, saliva, and pussy juice had made Jinjia’s eye makeup start to run.

“What’s wrong little lady?” asked Wilk with a grin, “You not digging the taste of pussy? Well, you better get used to it ‘cuz some of our homegirls love using minis like you to rub one out, or even two.” He laughed at his joke and gave ‘G’ a high-five.

Wilk casually reached for a pen on the tabletop and placed his other hand over the two bodies. He enjoyed the fell of the movement of the two girls change as he placed the tip of the pen up against the pretty pick hole of Kimchi’s asshole. There was sudden tightness coming over the girl’s body from the touch of the cold metal of the point. The insertion of the point of the pen caused a whole other action from the mini. It was almost as if she had tried to stand up and run away from the intruding item. Wilk pressed down with his hand preventing her from leaving her current situation. He pressed the pen deeper into the girl till the conic tip disappeared into the girls bowels. Wilk could hear the scream form the girl coming out, it made him laugh. As he twisted the pen back and forth, he felt the body twitch even more.

Wilk was prepared to push deeper when he heard the sound of a horn honk out front. He looked at ‘G’ and Terrance and smiled “Looks like our first catch of the day.” He spoke.

“I got this one boss.” Said ‘G’ lifting the shrinking device from the table and walking towards the back of the house.

Wilk watched ‘G’ walk out of the room then looked down at the mini beneath his hand. He gave the pen an additional twist enjoying the feel of Kimchi’s body under his hand as she reacted to the pain shooting through her body.

In the other room Wilk heard a female voice shout from the back, “Hey girls looks like I’m the first one. Let’s get this party…..” The end of the sentence was truncated as the sound of the SMD. Wilk pulled the pen from Kimchi’s ass in anticipation to see what ‘G’ was going to bring in.

‘G’ walked into the room smiling. In his hand was a mini teen struggling against the encompassing fingers kicking her legs and pounding her arms against “G’s finger in shear panic. The girl was wearing a bikini top and denim shorts. “G’ held the mini girl up saying, “Looks like we got us a hot little Latina here.” ‘G’ spun the girl in his hands showing the round backside of the teen girl. “Look at this ass.” He said and gave the flesh a squeeze with is fingers.

“I bet that ass has been busted a few times” said Wilk.

“Ya’ know.” Said ‘G’ unbuckling the shorts on the mini girl and pulling them off. “There is only one way to find out.” He finished pulling the bikini bottoms off as he sat down on the couch in front of the card table.

‘G’ grabbed Jennifer with his free hand and slid her into the bowl. John, her father, seemed to be looking around for something else to fuck. ‘G’ was happy to oblige. He took the Latina in his other hand and placed her in the same hands and knee position the Jennifer had been in. However, ‘G’ gave the ass of the man a tap and smiled “Need you to give that brown hole a poke little man.”

John, in a drug and lust induced haze was more than willing to do as instructed. He slid up to the offed ass and look careful aim with his cock. He paused with the tip of his cock to the mini girls sphincter. Realizing what was going to happen the Latina screamed in fear. John placed his hands on the girls hips and with a single thrust plunged his cock deep into the girls ass. The scream coming from the girl being painfully anal violated clearly demonstrated one thing. All three of the men looked at each other and said in unison, “Ass virgin!!!!”

They laughed and leaned back enjoying the cries and grunts coming from the couple as John thrusted deeper and deeper into the guts of the weeping girl.

Just then another honk was heard outside. Terence stood up, grabbed the SMD and gave a high-fived Wilk as he walked by, “I got this one, don’t worry boss man I think we are going to have plenty this time.” Wilk smiled and sat back on the couch and chuckled agreeing with what his friend had just said.

3 hours later:

Wilk was exhausted. Not physically, but his cock had been milked for all its worth these past few hours in the house.

The number of girls showing up had slowed down, but there had been a steady stream the past three hours. A mix of blondes, brunettes, and red heads showed up at the house and quickly found themselves shrunk, stripped, and depending on the mood of one of the three, either slid into the bowl or introduced to a cock as big as them. Along with the teens, they had been able to collect three additional MILFs.

They had texted Sarah to see if their daughters were at their place. Wilk had instructed ‘G’ and Terrence to invite the women over. They quickly came over and were shrunk just like their daughters. One had brought her toddler son, Wilk had shrunk the two, but didn’t care about the kid and had tossed him outside into the back yard. What happened didn’t matter, he did see a few crows flying around. The woman had lost her shit at losing her son and was in a hysterical state. Wilk had to place the woman down his pants where her frantic movements could be put to good use. It took almost half an hour and a face full of cum to get here to at least calm down to a catatonic state. Currently she was in the bowl sitting down with her knees pulled to her chest, crying with her daughters arms wrapped around her.

As for the bowl, there currently were close to twenty minis packed together. Sipping a beer looking at the table there was easily over ten naked minis offering an interesting mix of action.

Currently the three MILFS, Sarah and the other two, were sitting on the table leaning back on their elbows with their legs spread for the three men to see. However, the view was blocked by the head of each of their daughters currently eating their moms pussys. The girls were on their knees with their asses lifted high giving the three spectators a great view of the girls ‘assets’ so to speak.

Along with the mom\daughter lesbian sex act, six other girls were dancing to the beat of the music playing on the living room stereo. The naked girls were rubbing, and touching is suggestive ways, and every now and then one would take a turn to lower down and give the other girls private parts a good licking. The twelve females on the table were motivated by the view of a single girl in the middle of the table. She was on her side, moaning in pain due to the two pencils that had been inserted, eraser end, into her pussy and asshole. Terrance had pressed the pencils into the girl about forty minutes ago and the blood from the broken cherry was coating the tabletop as she moaned to the brutal violation she currently was experiencing. Wilk didn’t know why Terrance had done that to the girl, but he really didn’t care.

‘G’ handed Wilk the joint they had been passing around. Wilk took a drag and as the smoke filled his lungs, he decided that it was about time to wrap things up and head out. No need to push their luck much longer and they had plenty of mini bitches to keep the homies back home happy. They also been able to glean four more leads from John’s contact list. Yup, it was time to think about wrapping it up and get the hell out of Dodge.


All three of the men, and some of the minis, were surprised at the loud voice coming from the kitchen.

All three of the men started and saw a girl, the same age of many of the girls currently naked on the table, standing there.

The girl’s hair was jet black and straight falling down and bobbed below her ears with bangs. She had dark eye makeup and black lipstick which stood out against her white skin. She wore a horizontally striped mid-riff shirt that was tight enough to show a set of perky C-cups. She wore a classic “Asian schoolgirl” skirt with a black and white tartan pattern. Her long, and shapely, legs were covered in fishnet stockings that were tucked into calf high military style boots. All – in – all she was what one would call “Hot Goth”.

However, what caught the attention of the three full size men in the room was the pistol currently being held in the girls hands. Even more noticeable is that she held the gun in a classic ‘weaver stance’ clearly showing that she knew what she was doing.

‘G’ stood up on surprise at the seeing of the girl and spoke “Who the fuck are you?”

The girl lifted her gun to ‘G’ taking a more serious stance. “None of your business and just back off. Sit sit your ass back down.” She hissed.

‘G’ lifted his hands and sat down next to Wilk.

The girl then pointed her gun at Terrance, “You, get over on the couch next to you buddies over there.”

The girl held her gun as ‘G’ moved to the couch. She was standing at the end of the couch, so the three men were now lined up. If she shot at the first, Terrance, and missed the bullet had a good chance of hitting Wilk or ‘G’.

She walked in slow and stopped when what was on the card table was more visible.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed, “Those are real people.”

Several of the girls started to scream to be aided by the girl holding the gun.

“O.K., what’s going on?” she looked at the three, “how did you do this?”

The eyes of all three of the men went to the SMD sitting on the small table by the entrance to the kitchen area. They had just left it there for the next when walking to the back entrance. Now they regrated it as the girl picked up the SMD and gave it a quick look.

“Careful girl,” said Wilk, “That’s something way above your ability to use.”

The girl smirked, “Oh you mean this end which has a hand grip, and this big red button where my thumb fits perfectly?” said the girl in a smirking voice.

Before Wilk could say anything else, she pressed the button sending the beam over the three men and all shrunk to the size of ken dolls.

The Goth Girl ran up to the couch, “Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit THAT IS SO COOL!!!!”

She reached down and picked up Wilk and looked closer at the mini man in her hands. “Hi, my name is Gina little man, what’s yours?” Gina said with a smile. Then she laughed in Wilk’s face “I don’t care what your name is.” She dropped him onto the couch where his other two compatriots were. Gina smiled down on the three men, then gazed over at the table and continued to laugh.

“Well, will you look at all you tiny little bitches.” She leaned over to get a better view.

The girls on the tabletop had stopped their various perversions and were yelling up to Gina for help.

The cacophony of noise irritated Gina, still trying to wrap her head around what this was and what it meant.

“Shut the fuck up!” she yelled.

The girls quickly quieted, most because of what the three men had done to those that hadn’t followed their orders.

Gina saw the book that Wilk had been writing amounts and accounts in. She opened up the book and saw numbers, accounts, balance transfers, and phone numbers. She whistled at the amounts.

“Looks like quite a little scam you have going on here guys.” She looked at the three mini men. Gina thumbed through a few more pages and with a huff placed the book into the pouch she had hanging to her side.

She then scanned the table top a bit more and bent over to take a closer look at the mini women.

She seemed to notice one girl in the bowel and reached down to pick her up out of the mass of bodies.

Gina held the woman up close to her face and smiled. “Well hello Cindy, you little cunt, now don’t tell me this isn’t a great situation.” She brought the girls face closer to hers. “You know, my whole intention was to roll in here and blow your brains out.” She giggled a little. “How plans change, maybe stripping me down to just my bra and pushing me out into the dining center wasn’t such a good idea now is it?”

Cindy held up her hands in a pleading form “Cindy, I’m sorry for what I please help me. I’ll totally make it up to you.”

Gina gave an expression as if giving a bit of thought to the situation and smiled back down to the nude girl.

“No, I don’t think so.” She placed her foot up on the top of the card table in a position that her legs straddling the bowl giving the minis in the bowl a view up under her skirt.

Gina reached down and pulled the hem of the skirt up and with the same hand pulled the crotch of her panties aside, exposing the lips of her pussy surrounded by nicely trimmed blonde hairs. It seemed that the black color of here hair was artificial.

Gina smiled and slowly moved the mini Cindy’s headfirst towards the lips of her pussy. “Remember calling me a dyke?” she growled “Well, you’re right, I’m a bit of a lesbian, but I’ve had plenty of cock as well. Some bigger than you are right now.” She pressed Cindy’s head up against her pussy lips and began to rub Cindy’s head back and forth. Almost instantly a wetness began to show as Gina gave a little moan at the self-pleasuring going on.

Gina brought Cindy back up to face and smirked at the coughing and gaging of the mini girl. “Oh, come on Cindy, it’s not that bad.” She smirked. “Any way, you should be enjoying this ‘cause I’m thinking it will be the last sexual contact you’re going to have with another human. I’m thinking that my rat Theo is going to enjoy having you as a roommate.”

With that statement Gina moved Cindy back towards her pussy and inserted the girl headfirst up to her waist. Gina brought the crotch of the panties between Cindy’s legs and let go. Securing the girl in place with her legs kicking back and forth indicating her panicked movements.

Gina returned her foot to the floor and allowed the hem of her skirt to fall down to normal. She gave her hips a little wiggle and even pressed the top of her skirt in with the obvious action of readjusting the mini girl caught in her flesh prison.

“Oh, boy,” she purred a little. “This girl is hitting all the right places.” She gave her body and head another shake and then put her hands on her hips and surveyed the scene. “Let’s see, first we got to get all of you packed up and ready to go.”

Without another word Gina picked up the bowl containing the collected minis and placed it lip equal to the edge of the table. Then with a sweeping motion she collected all the minis on the table and shoveled them into the bowl. There were several bumps and bruises but no major damage. She did stop at the girl with the pencils from going in. She removed the intruding objects with a twisting pull. The girl yelped at the pain but felt a bit of relief at the removal. Then Gina placed her into the bowl as well. Gina sealed the cover to bowl, there were already a few holes in the top so she was sure they could get air.

Also left out was John, still spaced out on drugs, he wasn’t truly sure of what was happening. Gina picked him up in her hand. She then collected the three men on the couch. They had been trying to work together to lower themselves to the floor to escape, but Gina put a stop to that.

Gina didn’t really care that John was naked and the other three fully clothed. She spoke down to the men, three of which were struggling fruitlessly to escape, “Sorry boys, I’m not in a man phase right now, so I am just going to keep the ladies. That means I don’t really need you around.” As she spoke, she walked through the back door to the back yard of the house. She saw a few scraps of what looked like children’s clothes on the grass but didn’t make any connections. She did notice that there were a lot of crows in the trees eyeing her as she walked out. With a shrug she tossed the four mini men onto the grass and turned and reentered the house.

She closed the door to the exit. Picked up the container filled with mini women, confirmed the book was secure in her handbag, and left. She didn’t really know what the plan was, but she had a few ideas. She knew she would need to wargame some ideas, but for right now Cindy was really working it and making it hard for her to focus. She smiled at that and hopped in her car and drove off.

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Post by shrinker_s » Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:57 pm


2 Months Later:

Gina tapped a few keys on her computer keyboard and listened to the hum of the printer producing the necessary shipping documents. She placed the paperwork on the top of the sealed box and made sure the label was securely adhered to the top of the box. The courier specifically certified for the shipping of small live animals would soon be picking up the box. While there were holes in the box to provide ventilation, there was no way for the delivery people to see the contents inside.

The box contained the last three of the minis that she had collected what seemed like a year ago. She was shipping them out to an extraordinarily rich actor across the country, he wanted to give his son a present unlike anything a rich spoiled kid would think of getting. Gina basically told the girls that they were going to be the toys of a pubescent, horned up, boy. They should prepare to have all of their holes poked and prodded; and most likely spending a lot of time covered, and eating, cum. Needless to say, the girls were not happy about that prospect.

Gina returned to her PC and sent out an encrypted email to the client. She also took a quick look at her bank account to check on fund movements she had automatically set up to keep her money moving and making hard to track.

The missing family and a number of girls was still a mystery to local law enforcement. That all the possessions of the residence, and the guests, were found in the house. The phones, credit cards, and other items were found with fingerprints of well known gang members. There was a BOLO out for them, their pictures posted all over the internet. Gina was pretty sure they weren’t going to find them, but she applauded their efforts.

Getting this business going had been a little challenging. Gina needed to find the right people to contact. She had some of her more goth friends reach out to folks that were a little deeper into some weird shit that helped her out. The money that was in the accounts that belonged to Wilk had helped to grease many palms.

She gave a few of the girls away as “Free Samples” to a couple of higher ups, and she gave three of the girls to a local fraternity that had nationwide network, she figured that they would make a good source of muscle if needed. She laughed when they sent her pictures of the three girls covered in cum and obviously bleeding from their lower orifices. Almost as if she wanted to see them. She replied she didn’t care what was being done with the girls and assured them that if they broke any of the girls, she would replace the loss as soon as possible.

Shipping the girls was pretty easy when she found the small animal shipping service. The only time Gina had a problem was when she pulled one of the girls from her mom to ship the mini girl off to a medical lab someplace overseas. The mom lost her mind and proceeded to scream, cry, curse, and pull at the bars of the cage in near hysterics. It annoyed Gina so much that she inserted the mini woman up onto her pussy for several hours. She actually took some time on her bed to move the woman in and out like a dildo. Gina lost count of the number of orgasms she experienced, but she was completely satisfied when she pulled the barely conscious woman out and dropped her back into the cage. The woman basically became catatonic after that, one of the reasons she had no problem shipping off to the Frat house to replace one of the minis they had “broken”.

While the sales were slow in developing, what was surprising was the number of requests to shrink specific persons. Some were crime figures and others were political opponents. Gina stayed out of that. However, she did have her first appointment with a rather well-off businessman that asked her to help him with his wife and three step-daughters. The conditions she set was a specified amount of money wired to her encrypted bank account, and she got to keep the minis. The man agreed.

Gina thought it funny that he had asked her to ride a wave runner out to a yacht anchored off-shore. No helicopter, or boat, or anything, just the water vehicle tied up against the dock and a GPS location.

His wife and daughters were having a sleepover with a few of their friends on the boat. He would separate the targets from the pack and let her shrink and collect. She would leave and he would build a story around the disappearance.

Gina actually had other plans; she was not going to leave any person around that could link back to her. She would collect all the people on the boat, the wife, the daughters, the friends, crew members, and the man. She would ‘encourage’ the man to transfer even more money to her accounts and then dispose of him and sell the girls.

She sat back and actually felt a bit of disappointment that she didn’t have a mini to play with. She would have to remember to not ship all of her stock out and leave her with no minis for herself to play with.

Well, she did have one mini. She gave the bars of the cage on her desk a little tap and whistled towards the inhabitants. Theo, her pet rat, rustled a little knowing what may be coming. The mini head of Cindy also lifted up from under the woodchips knowing what was coming. Cindy looked awful; there were scars of healed scratches and bites, as well as a few fresh wounds. The girl had a blank stare in her eyes.

“Hey Cindy, it’s been a minute since you gave Theo a fuck, let’s see you put that ass to work.” She grinned.

The girl didn’t react to the statement, she knew resistance would be horrible and she would still get fucked. She crawled out to the middle of the cage on all fours and turned herself to present her ass to her rat roommate.

Theo, who had been basically trained to recognize the whistle, rushed to the center of the cage, and mounted the mini girl. The force that he hit the girl almost knocked her flat on her belly, but she was prepared and did a good job of remaining on her hands and knees. However, it didn’t stop the force at which the rodents enlarge member pressed itself into the girls womb.

Cindy’s face contorted in a grimace of pain. Gina smiled at the change of the girls face, and her moans as the rat pounded away. Theo had no idea of foreplay and just went to work. The result was a speedy insemination of the mini girl. Gina always felt Cindy would have enjoyed a much longer fucking. However, nature was nature and Theo shot his load in the typical speedy fashion and rolled off the mini girl.

Cindy stayed where she was in the center of the cage for a few minutes, most likely to collect her thoughts. She then crawled over to the water dispenser. She took a sip of water and attempted to wash her pussy as best she could. Then she crawled back into the corner.

Gina huffed in disappointment and thought of buying more rats to give Cindy and rat gangbang. She might enjoy that, but she changed her mind and decided to just accept Cindy would be a singleton.

Well, Gina sighed, she would be collecting a few more minis in two days. Gina turned off the computer and went out to catch a movie and some dinner. She left the box with the minis to be delivered on the porch outside her home and hoped in her car to head downtown and relax. As she sat in her car, she gave her handbag a gentle tap ensuring the SMD was with her. She never let it out of reach, and who knows what opportunities the evening might present.

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Post by SciFiCrazy » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:10 am

Another excellent mini story Shirnker_s. Really like the twist from criminals to angry beyond belief girl getting the drop on them. Can’t wait to read more of this or other stories of yours. Thanks for posting.

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Post by frollo » Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:56 pm

A jewel of a story . The pacing and plot .
Also lovely to see the interracial interaction .;) .
And the way the story end with her in power .

This is made for more , a HBO show .
Beautifully done . Thank you for posting .

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Post by shrinker_s » Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:26 pm

Thank you all for the kind words.
I was always thinking with all the Gore movies out there why no one has made a movie with shrinking people getting worked over.

Like a version of Hostile, or Saw -- but with minis.

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Post by ShrinkMaster » Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:23 pm

As to be expected from you, all I can say is that I enjoyed reading the story, thank you! ;)
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

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Post by anaio10 » Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:25 am

This story is great fun, thank you so much.

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