
Post your pictures of shrunken or otherwise tiny women in here
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Re: pics

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:17 am

We should all be so lucky as to have our sink filled with sexy, naked, shrunken women. (or in my case to be one of the shrunken women in the sink) ;)
Too bad Cassie just isn't getting into the spirit of the game.
Kara :kiss:


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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Aug 21, 2021 6:35 pm

what hope does a teacher have against a boy with a shrinkray
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Re: pics

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat Sep 04, 2021 2:40 am

None, and that's a good thing!
Kara :kiss:

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:36 am

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Re: pics

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:24 am

Can't a little girl have a little privacy...?
Nice one!
Kara :kiss:

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:42 pm

Stacey couldn’t believe what she as hearing. Her brat of a stepson had barged into her room while she was taking…pics of a certain nature for her husband. Ever since her shrinking, the fire had dimmed between her and Stan and naughty pics of her tiny self was one of the ways she had hoped to spice things up. She knew that he at least found it amusing when she would struggle with the now giant size objects everyone else could handle with ease, so she would often send pics of herself climbing atop of toys or struggling with laundry all while being in the buck. They certainly were not for the young prying eyes of her stepson, yet he didn’t seem to care about her modesty in the least bit as he had simply plucked her off the ground completely ignoring her protest while her carried her to his bedroom.

Now she sat dumbfounded as Kyle laid down the new order and her role in it. Apparently, Stan had signed ownership of Stacey over to her stepson. The giant boy looking down on her was now in fact her new master. And her “master” was telling her that all the dirty pics she had been taking now belonged to him. Pics which he had the audacity of posting online to some site called Justfans. The boy was explaining how she was going to help him play for collage and then some. It would seem her pics where quite a hit on the web. Enough that more than a substantial amount of people were paying a monthly fee to see them. So now she was expected to continue providing content to subscribers while Kyle collected all the profits. He graciously said that if she was a “good girl” that he would provide her an allowance and indicated to a jar that currently held a $1.25 in quarters for a job well done on the services she had already provided.

She gaped speechless at latest turn of events as Kyle continued to explain how he would be moving her into his room.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:43 pm

Kathrine leaned into the floating toy at her back, enjoying the moments of peace she had. The kids had once again forgotten about her once their bath was done leaving her stranded in the giant tub. She used to be the one having to pick up after them, putting all their toys away, but now that she was treated as a toy herself, the chore would often be forgotten. She didn’t mind it, it was nice having some time to relax by herself. She wasn’t afforded that luxury much since the shrinking virus did its worst. It wouldn’t be long before the babysitter would inquire as to where the “doll mom” was and would come and rescue her from the tub. Till then she got to drift in the wonderful silence with the rest of the playthings.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:44 pm

Gabby tried once again to reason with her girlfriend even when they both knew the effort was futile. She was getting a thick diaper wrapped around a powdered bottom whether she wanted it or not.

Samantha had always been a giver. Someone who was affectionate and caring to a fault. It was one the reasons that Gabby had been so attracted to her in the first place. But seven months into their relationship Gabby had contracted the shrinking virus, something they both knew might happen after the doctors had informed her that she only had a B- level immunity. Within eight days Gabby stopped shrinking at 18”s tall.
The tiny young woman was concerned as to what this meant for her life and her relationship with Samantha, but of course the caring woman who used to be the shorter of the two promised she wasn’t going anywhere, something Gabby was grateful to the point of tears due to her lack of certainty regarding the future.

A month into life at her new size and the shrinkee knew that she had misjudged the situation. Originally Gabby had thought Samantha was sticking around simply out of pity, that idea was quickly losing to another. It appeared Samantha did care about the disparity between their size, but not in a negative way. Sam had swaddled her tiny girlfriend with as much comfort and safety as she could provide, but with all that safety, Gabby realized that she was losing responsibility as well. No longer did she feel like an adult braving the world in a smaller body, but just a baby with above average communication skills. A week after shrinking she had an accident and wet the bed, something the doctors said could be a size effect of her shrinking. The next day gabby found her ass wrapped in a huggees diapers while Samantha beamed down at her exclaiming how adorable she looked. After that, it was all onesies, safety gate and highchairs. Gabby found that her reduction in size acted as an amplifier for Samantha’s caring personality. She often felt like her girlfriend’s baby as much as her lover.
The worst part was that she was getting used to it. When Samantha would have to go somewhere, the void that was left made Gabby anxious and uncertain. She now had come to at least tolerate the gaudy colorful clothes she was dressed in from Babygap. Even she had to admit her body did look adorable in shortalls despite the diaper bulge. Even now her protest at a diaper change were halfhearted. It was mostly so Samantha would blow raspberries on her stomach which always caused to her to erupt in uncontrollable laughter.

Soon Gabby found herself strapped with a thick diaper that would ensure her walk would now be a waddle and a plain white Tshirt with “mommy’s girl” printed across the front. Coming only to her hips, the shirt did nothing to hide her padded status symbol to the world. Samantha placed Gabby on the ground and towered above the smaller woman in a way that made the shrinkee feel intimidated and safe at the same time.
“Now are we ready to go to the movie?”
Gabby gaped up at Sam, terrified at the thought of leaving the house in just a diaper and T, “In just this!?”

“Oh of couse not silly, you still need to put on your bottoms.” Samantha held up what looked to be a pink and white polka dotted diaper cover with suspenders. “Isn’t it just adorable, it was what my niece wore for her Easter family pictures. She outgrew it of course but it has your name written all over it.”

“There is no way in hell I am wearing that in public.”

Thirty minutes later Gabby had her head buried in Samantha’s neck, face red with embarrassment as her giant girlfriend held her while they waited in line to get tickets. Sam’s huge hand patted her diapered bum that was covered in the gaudy diaper cover she had so resisted. It was like wearing beacon of humiliating cuteness. There was no end to the number of compliments from strangers on how adorable she looked in her little suspenders or how they wish they could adopt her. Gabby could feel the pride emanating from Samantha and couldn’t help feel a little bit elated despite herself at having caused that. Couldn’t help but admit that despite the fact that she was on verge of dying from humiliation…she wasn’t not liking the attention.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:45 pm

It was hard enough existing at her new size in the outside world, but things weren’t much better living with her sister’s family. Apparently being the smallest in the household meant that you were at the bottom of the totem pole. She couldn’t even expect the tiniest bit of respect in privacy. Heaven forbid she could just sit down on her potty in peace without her nieces or nephew come bargain in, as if knocking was some sort of thing only uncivilized people would do. Nope, come one come all and watch the tiny woman do her business on her little plastic throne!
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:45 pm

Silly mom thinks she is going to bathe herself in the sink. As if she isn’t going in the tub with the rest of the bath toys.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:46 pm

It had made sense, Haley’s best friend Erica was going on maternity leave after having her third child around the same time Haley had stopped shrinking. She was another unfortunate shrink victim and unlike Erica, Haley didn’t have any family to fall back on as she adjusted to her new size in the world. So, when Erica offered her shrunken friend to stay her house she didn’t hesitate in accepting the offer. At first things were going well. But as each day passed, Erica was bonding with her new child in that special way and some of it seemed to be rubbing off on Haley. It had only been a month and somehow Haley’s average apparel was now a diaper and baby T. She had always harbored a crush on her best friend but being breast fed wasn’t what she had in mind when becoming intimate with her now giant bestie.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:47 pm

It had been a year of change for little Loren. She knew that her chance of catching the shrinking virus was high given her low rated immunity but she had spent so long denying the fact that when it happened it was still a hell of a shock. Being a level 2 shrinkee in her state meant that she needed an assigned guardian. Seen how her husband was never around supposedly on business, he had decided to hand guardianship over to their oldest, Noah. Given that Noah was just starting middle school and going through that particular age, Loren approached her new circumstance with great apprehension. Her state of Colorado had the decency of saying guardian, but the label might as well have been “owner”. Having to obey her son was a large pill to swallow with her little mouth.

Noah didn’t have any apprehension to the new order though. He implemented a new hierarchy with him at the top and his diminished mother at the bottom as if he had been planning the arrangement for a while. Of course, Loren had protested the treatment, but he was ready with disciplinary action that he had been studying up on for new shrinkees. Those damn parental blockers apparently didn’t stop him from going on to forums and reading up on how to turn shrinkees into obedient pets. Loren often found herself with a reddened bottom or a “loss of clothing privileges” as she acclimated to her new role as the family shrinkee. It was for this reason that more often than not she was forced to scamper around in nothing but tennis shoes to the giggles of her kids.

This week had started a new trend. Noah had found out that some had been making a bit of money from their shrinkees by posting pics of them online. As a result, not only was Loren having to prance around in the nude, but she was being photographed while doing. Today her son had ordered her to try and climb up in the swing set her youngest still liked to use. She knew that it would be hard to climb up there on her own and that was half the point. She was getting the feeling that the best pics were of ones of shrinkees struggling to do the simplest of task by regular sized people. Her attempt at an objection was swiftly ended with a sharp swat to her bottom, turning her moment of defiance into a hasty “yes sir”.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:48 pm

"The dress is lovey dear…its just that, if you’re intent on taking me to show and tell, perhaps I can have a dress that isn’t so…breezy?"
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:49 pm

Mary-Ann had been an aspiring model before she was reduced by the shrinking epidemic. Her goals hadn’t changed but the venue certainly had. Instead of modeling underwear like she had been used to, she was now showcasing the latest doll accessories. Today she found herself on the floor of her manager’s office practicing what would be her gig that week. Her job was to be on display with a set of toys that were being featured.
“No sir I think it’s a great idea, it’s just that… what’s to keep the kids from thinking I’m for sale?
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:55 pm

Cassie had left for college 5’5 and came back 1’7. She was the only one in the family that wasn’t immune, and her time was up in hiding from the size altering virus. Coming back home and greeting her younger and now giant stepsisters was quite the eye opener. Though it hadn’t been as bad as she had thought. She was the oldest and had always been in charge, yet there was no resentment between her and her siblings. They were very helpful and understanding, even excited about now having a pint size sister to dote on. The worst, or best depending on how she looked at it was her six year old stepsister Janey. She was the youngest and by far the most ecstatic that she was no longer the smallest one in the family. Janey took to caring for Cassie like one of her favorite baby dolls. Always carrying her around and making sure she had everything needed. Cassie thought this experience would have been humiliating and tiresome but to be honest it was nice having someone who was always willing to help her without complaint. Today though was a bit of a reality check. It turns out that Janey’s developing maternal instincts have a tough love aspect. It seems insisting the young girl turn off the cartoons and finish her homework is a step to far for a shrinkee to take. A bit of back and forth between the 20 year old shrinkee and a strong willed 6 year old ended with Cassie having her first bare bottom spanking over the knee of her youngest sibling. Now she was sulking in her, well Janey and her’s bedroom. Not because she had been ordered there by Janey, but because she had been planning on taking a nap anyways, on her stomach of course, with the fan on.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:55 pm

Kathy couldn’t believe that the housekeeper had allowed Conor to take her to class. She hadn’t even looked down at the shrunken mother as the boy explained that he would be taking her to class today. The complete lack of respect she had at this new size was infuriating. So, her day was spent being poked and prodded by kids before the teacher dropped her in a cage to share with that class pet.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:56 pm

“Honey, how many times have I told you not to play with your food?
And how many times have I told you not to play with you mother?
And now you are doing both at the same time, it’s almost impressive.”
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:57 pm

Helen ground her teeth as her ex-secretary pulled out yet another atrociously adorable outfit for her to wear. So much had changed over the past year. She had been a manager at a fortune 500 company but the world decided to throw a curveball. The shrinking epidemic had affected her directly by turning her into a class 2 shrinkee. While on sick leave the company had gone through a bit of controversy regarding in house corruption and backdoor dealing. The worst part is that someone of upper management decided to use her as a scapegoat, claiming she was one of the culprits as a way to pass the blame and get rid of a shrinkee employee at the same time. It was complete bullshit, but she found herself on house arrest while the case was pending her appeal.

In the meantime she was staying with her Emma, a single mom who used to be her underling. Emma knew that Helen was innocent and given that her boss didn’t really have anyone to stay with offered her a place until she adjusted to her new size and the case was resolved.

It felt like the world was passing her by and she was just a tiny little observer now. The company offered Emma her old job, but the giantess mother graciously said that she would not get her own secretary so Helen could have a job when the dust settled. The audacity! Offering a secretarial job to her like she would be some sort of pint size assistant! As if to add to the sting, she said this while tucking Helen and her youngest into bed, one that they both shared. The damn eight year old girl seemed content on making her mom’s old boss a new teddy bear as each night the tiny woman found herself tight clutched to the giant kid as she tossed and turned.

As embarrassing as it might be, being a secretary to Emma would be leagues better than being her baby…
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:13 am

Listen kid, I’m not one of your treats. Some drunken bimbo who thought she was much funnier than she really is dropped me in your bucket. Now I need you to go get your parents so they can take me back to the party I am supposed to be at.
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Re: pics

Post by Hand-Holder » Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:15 pm

I hope the CEO starts showing up all dressed up neat and elegant, before being played with !!! Bring it Onnn
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:20 am

OMG MOM! Just because some mini’s don’t have to wear clothes doesn’t mean you have to be one of them! Jeez like my friends are coming over and there totally going to see butt jiggling all over the place. Can’t you like…where one of Katies old onesies or something?

Honey don’t be such a square. It wasn’t like I asked to be minned but here we are. There aren’t allot of perks to being this size but not having to burden oneself with clothes is an acceptable norm for mins and I’m taking advantage of it. I don’t want to wear baby clothes, at least ones that aren’t tailored. Besides, I’m sure your friends wont mind
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:16 am

Much of the class was jealous of Toby when he brought his mom to class. She had been minned. And though she claimed it wasn’t intentional, the result of whatever happened left her to be permanently minned as one of the smallest on record. After she was passed around and examined by the class, the students decided to put her in with Dudley to see how well the two pets got along.
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:35 pm

Jax had no regrets slipping the mini pills he had stolen into the drinks of his mom and babysitter. Now rather than being told what to do all day by each woman. It was they who had to come to him for permission, who had to concern themselves with being punished. His favorite was the no clothes punishment right behind a good old fashion spanking. Nope, no regrets. Well maybe that he had been able to shrink them even further, but that could always be arranged in the future
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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:35 pm

Was succumbing to the shrinking virus while in the middle of babysitting a bad thing? Sure. But Kayla was an optimist and the young girl who was now her captor was a gentle, sweet soul. Not sweet enough to free her new favorite toy…but Kalya had never been pampered so much in her life. Dealing with classes, work, and a crumby relationship now all seemed so distant and far away from her cozy little dollhouse. She had to admit, the lack of stress was wonderful. Her only duties now were being adorable and performing little tricks for her owner. Yesterday It was fetch, this morning it was sitting and rolling over. A complete cake walk for the wonderful reward of being coddled and given treats the size of basketballs. Could she try and escape? Well yeah…but her owner had already warned her what would happen if she were to do so and being swatted on the bum with a popsicle stick and kept in a hamster cage was not her idea of a good time. No, Kayla would just go with the flow for now and live the good life of a pet
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Re: pics

Post by jeffrey-dallas » Tue Nov 30, 2021 1:53 am

Kayla would just go with the flow for now and live the good life of a pet
o/~ Yo Ho, Yo Ho! A hamster's life for me o/~
"You're like, really tiny."
"Thanks. I had no idea."

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