A small birthday present

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Mujer Encogida
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A small birthday present

Post by Mujer Encogida » Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:24 am

Cecily was an eighteen year old virgin.

You wouldn't know it by looking at her. The lightly tanned brunette had a body that seemed about five or ten more years more mature than a young girl who was barely an adult should have. And those curves, coupled with a waist one could wrap their hands around with fingertips touching, just seemed made for sex.

And yet Cecily was a virgin.

The reason that Cecily was a virgin was that the spell that transformed her into the hottie that she was required that she had to be a virgin. Before she was ensorcelled, Cecily had been a very pretty brunette on the verge of womanhood.

Now she was a creature of whom wert dreams were made from.

She was also now only seven inches tall.

It had all been voluntary, of course. That was part of the spell requirements. Cecily had to be a virgin. She had to volunteer to have the spell done to her. And she had to be pretty to start with. The spell couldn't make her hot and tiny unless it had something to work with.

Cecily had volunteered for the spell because her family needed the money very, very badly. Now, thanks to Cecily's sacrifice, her family would never be in need again.

Cecily was having doubts about her sacrifice.

Cecily had had doubts about her sacrifice even before she had the shrinking spell cast upon her. Now she was sitting in a gilded bird cage, wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini and a nervous smile. The cage had a bow attached to it, and a handwritten note.

Cecily had been assured that the spell would guarantee no harm would come to her, She was told the young man she was being given to was both gentle and shy. She was told that if the young man became too "exuberant" in his affections, that the spell would cancel itself and she would teleport back to her own home, safe and full sized.

Cecily had been told a lot of things. But all she knew was that she was seven inches tall, wearing a skimpy bikini, sitting in a bird cage, and about to be given as a gift to a perfect stranger.

The cage Cecily was in was sitting on the table in a foyer that looked as if it belonged to a very upscale house. The envelope attached to the cage contained the following note:

Dear Nephew,

Best wishes on your eighteenth birthday. I hope this small present will meet with your approval. Treat her well, and keep an eye open, and perhaps there will be more surprises to be discovered!

Your Uncle Wight
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Mujer Encogida
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Re: A small birthday present

Post by Mujer Encogida » Wed Jan 20, 2021 8:37 am

Jacque was an eighteen year old virgin and, unlike Cecily, it was very believable that he was a virgin. Not that Jacque was a bad looking kid. He wasn't. Oh, he was a little on the skinny side, and perhaps a little pale from spending too much time indoors. But at 5'10", with dark tousled hair and open green eyes, Jacque had the makings of an All-American Boy.

The families of both Jacque's mother and father were practitioners of magic. In an advanced technological society with laptops and wifi connected toasters, that meant that Jacque grew up in a well-to-do if socially off kilter family. This in turn generally isolated Jacque from his peers, who treated him as a potential genie who could grant them wishes, but could also run amok on them at any time.

At age eighteen, Jacque had his own house with a library, study and laboratory, as befitted a fledgling wizard just embarking on his studies. Unfortunately, this further isolated Jacque even further from his peers. Outside of those hours he spent apprenticing to his Uncle Wight, Jacque was alone.

On the occasion of his eighteenth birthday, Jacque's Uncle Wight gave him an unusual birthday present: a beautiful shrunken woman. Jacque's uncle also gave his nephew a two week holiday to thoroughly explore and enjoy his new present.

Jacque was both excited and terrified at the prospect. He had been sitting in his bedroom, reading, when he heard the "Whoosh" that signaled the magical arrival of his birthday present. Jacque was torn between the urge to run out and see what had arrived, and the urge to hide under his bed and hope the present would just go away on its own.

Finally, with no small amount of trepidation, Jacque stood up and made his way to the foyer and his birthday gift.

Mujer Encogida
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Re: A small birthday present

Post by Mujer Encogida » Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:54 am

Cecily forced herself to take deep breaths and remain calm as she felt the slightly rumbling and shaking that signalled the impending arrival of her new "master." She reminded herself that this would probably be an enjoyable experience and, at the very least, the spell would be cancelled if her new "owner" tried to hurt her anyway.

She tried to remind herself of these truths, and convince herself that they were truths, as her giant master appeared.

It took all of Cecily's willpower not to curl up in a ball when Jacque appeared at the far end of the foyer. Instead she stood straight, a nervous smile on her face, her scantily clad miniaturized clearly on display.

Mujer Encogida
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Re: A small birthday present

Post by Mujer Encogida » Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:14 am

As for Jacque, he couldn't believe the vision before him. Down at the end of the hall. a mere handful of meters away, stood a tiny woman, almost naked, who was more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen, much less met.

Part of Jacque's mind...a very small part...was remembering everything he had learned and read about the magical properties concerning of shrunken persons and how you how to interact with them.

A bigger part of Jacque's brain was telling him that that tiny little goddess was his to do with whatever he wanted. The part of his brain was telling him to get down there, take her out of the cage, rip that bikini off and get to know that tiny hot body of hers as much as possible.

But the biggest part of Jacque's brain was saying to stay put and not get any closer. That was a beautiful woman at the other end of the hall, and it was all Jacque could do not to give in to his instinct to flee. The fact that the beautiful woman in question was only seven inches tall and was locked in a bird cage perversely more terrifying.

Tiny woman and giant man just stared each other quietly as the minutes dragged by before Cecily said (in a voice that sounded as if it came from a regular sized person), "Hi. My name is Cecily. You're Jacque, right?"

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Re: A small birthday present

Post by Xinunar » Sun Feb 13, 2022 4:56 am

This showed promise.

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