Mini Market Mishap

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Mini Market Mishap

Post by Zenra_Yade » Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:50 am

Waves of gorgeous young women flooded the stage. My mother handed me a paddle as we sat in the front row. “Do any catch your eye?”

I stared at their silicone faces in wonder. “Not yet, but what do I do if I see one I like?”

“Raise your paddle, call the presenter, and make a bid.”

Mom loved minis, and mini market auctions like this proved a cheap way to spend the night with one. To celebrate my eighteenth birthday, she brought me along. My father passed away when I was young and left me a large inheritance. “Are you sure you don’t like them? Everyone in this wave is aged between eighteen and twenty. The next wave’s the last and will be much older.”

I nodded. “No. I’ll take my chances. Do you like any of them?”

“Maybe. Number three looks like she might be fun to break. Do you think I should get her?”

I looked at number three. “No. She’s too butch. The shaved head sends mixed messages. Is she supposed to look imposing or submissive?”

“Good eye. What about number seventeen?”

“Too plastic. Her eyes reveal too much about her. She’s excited and full of herself. She would enjoy herself too much which means, you’d grow bored. Try again.”

I hadn’t owned a mini before, nor had I spent the night with one, but I grew up around my mom’s minis. “You know, I’m impressed. How do you know all this?”

I smiled. “Must have got it from my mother. By the way, why do unwilling minis volunteer here? Don’t they know there’s a risk someone might not return them to normal?”

“I don’t know. They have to understand the risks.”

“Do you?”

As she looked at me, confusion spread across her face. The presenter marched the first group to the chamber, then walked over to us. “Hello, Misses Carter? I’m here to collect you for the next wave.”

Fear flashed across my mother’s face. “I didn’t sign up. I’m not selling myself.”

The obese woman pulled a registration card from her bra and held it up. “Are you telling me you aren’t Valerie Carter, and this isn’t your signature, photo, and blood sample?”

My mom stared at it in shock. She knew if she didn’t get on stage, they’d throw her in mini-jail. “Don’t worry, mom. I’ll buy you, and we’ll sort this out.”

Before the fat woman led her away, mom turned back. “Thanks, Phil.”

The other attendees left as the second wave walked on stage. While two dozen younger minis paraded in the first show, three stood there now, including my stunned mother. My paddle raised. The presenter smiled down at me. “A dollar for the lot.”

She laughed then shot me double-handed finger-guns. “You got it, kid.”

I followed her as she led them to the minimization chamber. “Phil! Tell her not to shrink me. Come on, this isn’t a joke. I’m serious. Please.”

Mom stopped calling out when I waved at her. As I watched them enter the white room through a double-sided window, the presenter walked over to me. “How big do you want them, dear?”

I shrugged. “This is my first time. What size do you think is best?”

She fiddled with the controls. “For first-timers, I’d start out at Barbie size. That makes them almost eleven inches tall. They’re big enough for you to see, yet small enough to dominate.”

“Sounds good.”


She pressed a button, and a thick fog obscured the chamber. “By the way, what time do I have to have them back tomorrow?”

The overweight woman sat down and grinned. “I shouldn’t tell you this, but don’t bother. Nobody wants the older ones. If they’re not here, fewer people will miss them. Now, if you want them resized-” She reached into her bra again and pulled out a business card. “Call me.” A green light shone on her console. “They’re done.”

She wheeled herself over and pulled out a drawer beneath the console. I looked down at her card and read her details. Pamela Greenblatt, minimizer/auctioneer. She passed me three one-foot-long canisters. “Thanks, Pamela. We’ll talk soon.”

Once I arrived home, I pulled the canisters out of my mother’s handbag and laid them out on my bed. Upon each one, a label reprinted their registration card details. I placed mom’s can in my underwear drawer and grabbed another. The label read Mary Browne, age forty-eight. When I twisted the lid off, a mini climbed out and stared up at me. “Hi, I’m Mary. Thanks for buying me. I’ve dreamed of becoming a mini since my kids grew up. I know I’m no spring chicken, but what I lack in youth, I’ll make up with-”

I tired of her practiced speech and grabbed her. The feel of her pudgy waist reminded me of a stress ball. “Shut up, Mary. I’m Phil, and we’ll talk later. Okay?”

I set her down in my lap and grabbed the other canister. “Okay, but do you want me to get naked or something? I mean-”

“Shut up means shut up, Mary.” The little brunette pouted and sat down. The second canister’s label read Hilda Kinski, age fifty-one. As I twisted off the lid, an anorexic-looking blonde stared up at me.



I tilted her into my hand and plopped her down beside Mary. “Can you believe someone finally bought us, Hilda? Oh, I feel so alive right now, don’t you? I can’t believe-”

I grabbed my mother’s canister, tossed Mary on top of my clean underwear, and closed the drawer. “Shut up, Mary.”

A strange warmth flowed through my face as I stared at my handwriting on the label. Valerie Carter, age forty-two. My hand neared the lid, but I stopped myself. I ran to my mom's room, placed Hilda inside a cage with my mom’s younger mini, Olga, and skipped back to my room. Excitement coursed through me. Olga grabbed the bars and peered up at me as I placed her cage on my bed and grabbed the canister. “Phil? What’s happening? Where’s Valerie?”

I put a finger to my lips and shook mom’s canister. Olga gasped and sat on her bed. Hilda sat beside her, and I noticed their height difference. Olga looked half her height. I twisted the lid off, and mom pointed up at me. The fear she showed before turned to an expression I didn’t recognize. “You planned this, didn’t you?” I nodded. “Why?”

I shrugged. “Why not?”

She chuckled. “You’re a dick.”

“I’ll show you a dick.” With the tip of my hand, she landed on the bed. I slid the cage to the ground, dropped my pants, and set my knees down either side of her. “Now, that’s a dick.”

She remained quiet as I grabbed her, dragged her past my crotch, and held her in front of me. In her eyes, I saw tears, but she wasn’t scared. “Phil. I never would have guessed.” She sounded proud. Her words confused me, but her body enthralled me. Valerie didn’t feel like Mary or Hilda. She felt sexy. Her facade dropped when I tore off her dress. That fear still lurked within. I smiled, she screamed. Happy birthday to me.

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Re: Mini Market Mishap

Post by Xinunar » Sun Dec 05, 2021 5:05 pm

Naughty son.

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Re: Mini Market Mishap

Post by Sumguy14 » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:16 pm

my third read-through, and I'm still loving it. I hope you opt to share more down the line.

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