The Goddess' Retreat

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Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:46 pm

CKent45 wrote:
Sat Aug 27, 2022 2:08 am
chocolatejr9 wrote:
Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:31 pm
Ooh, we getting shrunken Amazons soon?
Hmm.. Why do you ask? Is shrunken Amazons something you've been hankering for? I mean, sheesh, you wanted the story to have a constant SW protagonist, so I delivered, but you just keep raising the bar on me, don't you? ;)
Hey, if I could I'd have ALL the ladies shrunken and then some. But I'm not the one writing the story, so the best I can do is get my hopes out there...

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:43 pm

chocolatejr9 wrote:
Sat Aug 27, 2022 3:46 pm
Hey, if I could I'd have ALL the ladies shrunken and then some. But I'm not the one writing the story, so the best I can do is get my hopes out there...
I like your line of thinking. My motto is shrink 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Aug 28, 2022 3:42 am

The next morning, Valda awoke and sat up to find Maceo already awake and staring at the ceiling. She stood and walked over to him, smiling and greeted him good morning in the same condescending manner she had spoken to him most of the day prior. Maceo hardly appreciated it, however his rage was much less now as he carefully assessed her on an ongoing basis, content for the moment to simply lie still and let events unfold. She petted his chest and his hair, practically obsessing over him while Maceo simply closed his eyes and worked to control his breathing.

“I’m going to get something to eat and I’ll be back in a little while,” she told him gently with her face lingering just above his. She then leaned down and kissed his forehead before she went to the door to call on the nearest guard.

When the new Amazon entered, Valda explained to her that all that was required was to sit and watch over him in her absence and also warned her that if her new pet was made unhappy in any way while she was gone, the consequences would be dire. The Amazonian guard nodded in acknowledgement and sat staring coldly at Maceo while Valda took her leave.

When Valda made it to the surface, she looked around at the early morning streets, which were already bustling with activity as well as a general buzz of discussion. All around them was a soft, light blue mist that had an almost luminescent quality to it. The women there waved their hands through the air to see if the particles would move with the air they churned up, but the mist moved steadily, spreading regardless of whatever they did to alter it. It was highly peculiar, but it was also somewhat beautiful, and the air was serene making the event interesting, but not particularly threatening.

After a few minutes for Valda to take in the peculiar spectacle, she continued on her way back to her own cottage where she washed her body and freshened up and then stepped out to a common dining hall where she was able to get some breakfast. She ate and socialized, answered a number of excited questions from hulking women about the status of their new toy and explaining to them her plan for training him and where she felt she was in the process.

Once done, she gathered a few things to bring back with her for Maceo to eat, assuming he would be practically starving after not even eating a small amount since first being captured. Finally, she returned to her cottage and went to a cupboard where she pulled out a number of powders and potions along with a scroll that she had in her possession that contained much of what they had learned of magic since escaping the guild’s abusive hold centuries before. She studied and after a short while, she began preparing for a spell, which she then cast on herself and watched with satisfaction as her laughably small breasts began to swell beneath her tunic gradually, but steadily until they were a good handful.

She looked in a mirror at her altered figure and laughed nervously at herself, then went to a wardrobe cabinet and changed into a surprisingly lovely peplos that was loose enough that she could cover her newly enhanced assets or reveal them at her leisure.

She then returned to the dungeon, food in hand and relieved his guard, carefully sealing the door after the burly woman left them behind.

Finally alone, she tipped the slab he was on up and stepped in front of him, blushing but also smiling happily as she realized he was taking notice of her altered appearance. “Gombe,” she told him gently while petting his hair. “I have food for you,” she explained. “I’ll take your mask off and feed you, but only if you swear to me you will be good and not make a sound. This is very important, do you understand?” she asked, not even bothering to wait for confirmation from him. “Don’t try to talk to me Gombe. You’re not going to convince me of anything and if the others here you trying, it’s going to get you a lot of unwanted attention.”

Maceo scowled, but she smiled at him and tipped his chin up to make him stare at her. He was so cute to her like this, pouting like a small child.

“I do want to hear your voice, but we need to protect it, don’t you agree?” she asked, nodding toward him to encourage him. “I’m sure you’re practically starving, even though you’ve been very good and haven’t tried to complain even once. Wouldn’t you like some food?” Again, she didn’t’ seem to care about his answer one way or another as she reached up and began unfastening his muzzle.

“Remember: be quiet. I’ve already had arguments about why we haven’t already cut your vocal chords. I don’t want my perfect little man hurt,” she warned him.

It was all Maceo could do to keep from rolling his eyes right out of his head, but he continued to bite his tongue and waited patiently as she unfastened his muzzle, noting as he looked over her shoulder at the door as two of the nearby guards were peering in through the door slot at him and watching.

When she’d finally un-muzzled him, she grinned, infatuated with his face and tracing his strong jaw line with her fingertips. She touched his lips and cheeks, fascinated and highly amused by each of his masculine features until she reached his eyes again and noticed him focused over her shoulder and well behind her. Her smile faded and she stood upright, turning to face the onlookers, scowling back at them.

“Remember what I said,” she reiterated. “Not a sound,” she said looking back and down at him over her shoulder. She then marched forward and demanded they unlock the door so she could speak with them in person.

Maceo watched them carefully, listening in and observing every last detail of their interaction. Valda scolded them for distracting “Gombe,” and getting in the way and each time one would argue about Valda’s methods, she would point out in no uncertain terms that she had never seen either of them attain even close to the same level of success with any of their trainees, let alone one as strong in will or body as Maceo. She warned them one final time to leave her be and to stop getting in her way then slammed the door shut in their faces. Once she was certain they had full privacy, she turned back to Maceo, smiling generously and sauntered back, her hips swaying dare say almost seductively as she approached.

“Are you hungry?” she asked just above a whisper. Out of instinct, Maceo’s lips parted, but she was prepared and placed a finger over them and hushed him gently until he nodded in agreement with her. “I hope you like it,” she whispered gently to him, then gathered a spoonful of stew for him and carefully fed it to him like a mother nursing a sick child.

Maceo again found the entire thing degrading. Even when he’d nearly killed himself years prior fetching materials to produce a counter spell to Astravia’s shrinking, she hadn’t been even half as demeaning to him, despite the fact that he spent several days straight suckling from her tit like a newborn baby. Valda seemed completely oblivious to just how offensive her cooing and constant overly dramatized pantomimes to keep him eating steadily. She seemed to mean well enough, but it was more than a little tempting to slap the smugness right off of her face.

When the entire bowl was finished, she fed him a loaf of bread, one pinch at a time, praising him gleefully for every bite he took and not even allowing him a moment to even offer nonverbal cues to her signifying that her behavior was offensive. When nothing remained of the food she’d brought with her, she perked when she heard his stomach growl and chirped. “You’re still hungry?” she asked him, again not really caring about his response at all. “Well, if you keep behaving so well, I’ll make sure to bring you more soon,” she promised. “And you are definitely behaving well, my perfect little man. So very, very well!”

Valda immediately took the opportunity to indulge in her enthusiasm and leaned down, kissing him on his lips. Maceo’s eyes went wide and he almost gave in to the urge to fight back or make a noise, but given how much relied on his silence, he continued to ignore his better judgment, though he did successfully resist her when she attempted to force her tongue into his mouth.

Valda didn’t seem to notice however. It seemed as if she was used to forcing herself on others and not receiving much in terms of reciprocation. Of course, all of her sexual encounters were ones where she preyed upon her lovers, which might have had something to do with it. When she pulled back and was staring down at the man pinned against a vertical slab of granite who was still only roughly shoulder height to her. She swooned slightly, positively giddy. It seemed that even his passiveness under the duress he was enduring was a significant step up for her. She blushed heavily and grinned rather stupidly at him, then stepped back and found her chair again, sitting and staring at him with her legs crossed neatly.

This was also interesting. From what Maceo had seen so far of the women here, this wasn’t a particularly common pose. The hulking amazons of this cult seemed more brutish and quite frankly manly in their demeanor, often sitting with their legs spread as if trying to take as much space as possible on purpose. Truthfully, height and muscles aside, she actually looked quite feminine sitting there glowing while she stared up at him.

“Oh, I so want you to speak,” she whispered before immediately raising her finger up to her lips to hush him. “It’ll have to wait, though. I’m sorry. I’ll have to put your muzzle on again soon, but if you behave yourself for just a bit longer, I’ll wait a moment. How does that sound?” she asked him.

Maceo sighed and lowered his head, but as requested, he continued to bite his tongue. She noticed the frustration in his eyes and immediately was filled with empathy, leaning forward into his field of view.

“I’m sorry. I’ve had so many arguments already. Most of them won’t admit it, but they know how much stronger you are than any of us. I think they want an excuse to show you who is dominant. Do you understand what dominant means?”

Maceo looked up to meet her eyes again and raised an eyebrow, then offered a slight nod in a curt manner. Valda was genuinely surprised and even sat back a little.

“Well, that’s a surprise,” she admitted, which only felt even more offensive, though Maceo was working extra hard not to betray his emotions to his captor. “I wonder what other words you know,” she pondered. She continued to stare up at him, struggling to contain her grin and her eyes transfixed on his. Given his increased masculine scent thanks to the godly traits imbued upon him by Astravia, she was quite nearly under his spell and only a hare’s breath away from being hypnotized by him.

It was more than tempting for Maceo to attempt to use that route to liberate himself from this situation, but Astravia did say she had a plan and for him to wait. The fact that she hadn’t reached out to him mentally in all this time meant that whatever it was must have been taxing to say the least. There was also a drawback to using such means to subdue her. Over the many years since Astravia had shared her godly traits with him, he’d found that women responded to him quite readily and quickly, sometimes throwing themselves at his feet, even with Astravia present. He had grown accustomed to consciously suppressing his scent thanks to Astravia’s instruction, which Maceo had insisted on when he realized how strongly women were beginning to react to him.

Astravia had been amused and touched by his insistence once he realized that there was a means to suppress this trait he’d adopted, and quickly explained to him that gods did not suppress their scents. This was a behavior developed by goddesses, partially due to necessity because a goddess’ scent was so much stronger than a god’s. It was also done by the goddesses who didn’t want to be bothered by lesser creatures constantly throwing themselves at her feet (or other body parts). The gods, however, seemed to take immense pride in the effects their scents had on mortals, despite the fact that as already stated this particular ability for them was significantly less than the goddesses.

Of course, Maceo being Maceo insisted nonetheless and had spent years developing this skill to the point where it was perfectly natural for him. He’d also developed weak telepathy which generally required physical touch for Maceo to activate it, which Valda was providing in more than enough quantities and between the two abilities, Maceo could have easily put this woman, or any of them actually, under a hypnotic spell so long as he was able to placate them into thinking he wasn’t an immediate threat.

The downside to this tactic, however, was that Maceo knew full and well that their sexual appetites would be practically unquenchable and Maceo lacked the refined abilities that a full god possessed which would allow them to channel their lust into actions that suited their purposes. Valda’s sexual desire was high enough already that Maceo would not be attempting this particular tactic without quickly knocking her out due to the fact that she wouldn’t stop herself until she found some kind of sexual release with him.

Meanwhile, Valda seemed practically unable to sit still. She fell silent staring into his eyes and then stood and approached him. All Maceo needed to determine her purpose was the look in her eyes and the way she moved as she walked. She closed the distance between them and pressed her body against his, looking down at Maceo while he now looked up at her from her shoulder level. She sighed with frustration while sliding her chest against him, then leaned down and kissed him again, long and lingeringly.

“I’ll have to put your muzzle back on,” she whispered to him as she pulled her lips from his. She hesitated, apparently reluctant to break their physical connection, then reached down to the table beside her and picked up his muzzle again. She smiled at him sympathetically, then finally covered his mouth and fastened his muzzle back in place. “I think you have been so well behaved that you deserve a reward,” she whispered.

Maceo’s brow furrowed and he looked at her with questioning eyes right up until he felt her hand find his cock and squeeze it. His eyes went wide and he looked at her with shock while she only grinned at him as if she were handing him some kind of incredibly long desired gift. She cooed to him and grinned down at him for a few minutes until she realized that regardless of how sensually she rubbed him, she couldn’t bring him past half hard.

She then leaned back and gazed upon him with a wounded look in her eyes. “You do like women, don’t you?” she asked, but quickly shook the question out of her mind. “Of course you do. Males are just visual creatures,” she decided, then pulled on her loose clothing and disrobed in front of him to stand completely naked before him. She was nowhere near as beautiful as Astravia, but she was at least moderately attractive, though certainly not Maceo’s line of preferences in a woman. Her figure had a few appealing curves to it, but she lacked any of the softness that Astravia boasted. Her abdomen was rippled with clearly defined muscles and her thighs were similarly built, both thick and powerful looking, though not nearly as much so as some of her sisters. This was almost overshadowed by the waves of visible hair covering most of both of her legs. Not quite as thick as some men Maceo had seen, but close. Her arms were lined with thick, bulging biceps and triceps that took hardly any effort to flaunt at all, and her shoulders sloped steeply up to her neck in thick flesh.

The main qualities that really lent themselves to her womanhood were the most obvious ones. Her hips sported a thick but neatly trimmed forest of pubic hair that only offered a faint glimpse of her womanhood and she sported easily the largest breasts he’d seen of any of the women here and though Maceo hadn’t actually seen them before this moment, it was obvious that this was a recent change, which she didn’t quite seem comfortable with yet.

Maceo had noticed that the women here seemed to generally sport laughably small breasts that judging by the way they moved seemed surprisingly saggy for women who were so firm in every other visible way. Valda’s seemed to be much more full now that they were released and a reasonable handful each, though on a woman easily over seven feet tall, they still appeared small in comparison to the rest of her.

Valda modeled her body quite proudly, even turning around and bending forward with her legs shoulder width apart to offer Maceo a full view of her furry slit, already glistening with her juices. She adjusted poses repeatedly, generally flexing her muscles until she found a pose that was much less aggressive that Maceo unwillingly responded to. This immediately caused her face to light up with excitement and she bounded forward, grinding her hipbones against his while petting his hair.

“You DO like women,” she declared happily, then unceremoniously reached into his pants and grabbed his manhood, squeezing it firmly and petting it.

“I had a feeling adding to my breasts might excite you,” she shared, stroking him quicker and harder the more his manhood reacted to her. “I don’t understand why males are so hypnotized by those useless things, but… it was definitely worth filling them up like this,” she giggled and then cooed appreciatively as his dick swelled up past his belt line.

Valda then arched her back enough that one of her breasts was pressed into his face and she began rubbing her nipple against the tip of his nose while she continued stroking him more and more fervently. Maceo did resist, however calming himself after allowing himself to become aroused in the first place was surprisingly difficult, especially given the fact that Valda was proving to be surprisingly good at manipulating his cock with her fingers.

She quickly took her free hand and yanked his belt free, then yanked his pants down, freeing his dick entirely, then rose back up, rubbing his nose with her nipple while jerking him off even harder and faster until she felt his muscles tense against his will.

Maceo grunted, which Valda took as a sign of his impending climax while in truth it was his frustration and disgust with himself for allowing such a horrendous act to occur. When he finally felt the fur around her womanhood slide up against his shaft, his eyes went wide and he began pulling on his restraints, determined to end the charade once and for all until he noticed a pair of eyes peer in through the slot.

He immediately stopped, knowing full well that a single word from this voyeur would be enough to call out to collapse the dungeon and all inside, killing everyone except possibly Maceo, but even then, Maceo wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to hold his breath long enough to dig his way out of tens of feet of collapsed ground. He held fast and only looked back at his captor and abuser when he heard her begin to moan as she stroked her downy slit up and down his length, all the while stroking him with surprising speed and vigor until his body finally betrayed him and his seed exploded up between them, coating her all the way up almost to her collarbone.

She chirped with surprise and stepped back, amazed at the sheer volume Maceo had coated her with and when she turned enough that the voyeur looking in on them could see, she too chirped with surprise.

“By the goddess,” both whispered reverentially. “I’ve never seen a male make such a mess before,” Valda remarked, gulping almost as if intimidated.

The guard outside was no longer content to watch from afar and she unlocked the door and stepped inside, earning an angry scowl from Valda for being interrupted in what she desperately wanted to be a private moment. She turned and glared accusingly at the guard who removed her helmet, revealing another moderately attractive face.

“I told you that I wanted privacy,” Valda growled at the woman.

“You weren’t supposed to do anything like that so soon. The chief priestess told you so. I heard her myself,” she answered, though she was more focused on Maceo’s still hard cock that continued to reside in Valda’s firm grip.

“I’m just trying to see how effective positive reinforcement is,” Valda unconvincingly argued.

“I’ll keep my mouth shut if I can try too,” the other hulking Amazon offered, still fixated on his manhood.

“It’s too late for that,” Valda answered, almost regretfully. “He’ll need time to recharge, especially after such a huge load as that one.”

“Are you sure?” the guard asked, pointing down to his crotch. Valda cocked her head and gave her an inquisitive glance, but then looked down and her eyes went wide as she realized that Maceo was still rock hard and ready for more despite the fact that he was focusing intently on calming his body.

“By the goddess,” Valda exclaimed in disbelief.

“All of the sisters could have children by him if he’s this virulent,” the guard suggested.

“We can’t all be pregnant at the same time,” Valda corrected her.

“Well, don’t you want to find out if it really is that potent?” the guard asked. Valda paused and stared at her somewhat suspiciously. “If HE is really that potent?” the guard added with extra emphasis. Valda let a smirk slip across her lips and she appeared to be swayed by the validation of her unorthodox anthropomorphization of Maceo.

“Well, maybe a little bit of experimentation might be a good thing,” she agreed, looking over her comrade’s shoulder warily at the door. The guard immediately ran back and checked that the coast was clear, then closed the door just enough to block any unwanted views and then ran to a nearby table where she gabbed a jar while Valda wiped herself clean as best as she could, though she did lick a little of his seed and let an audible sound slip of approval at its taste.

Valda then turned and looked up at her comrade, who poured the entire jar over Maceo’s muzzle, drugging him. She raised a hand and grabbed her shoulder, calling out, “you don’t have to drug him!” though it was entirely too late. Maceo coughed heavily as the liquid filled his mask, breathing it in and quickly succumbing to the potion provided. “That wasn’t necessary,” Valda insisted.

“It’s not?” the guard asked, seemingly confused. “But I haven’t been able to turn one of them on without it since I was a teenager.”

“For some reason, most of them don’t seem to like the muscles on us,” Valda theorized. “Which is strange, because they seem to revere it among themselves.”

“Males are so strange,” the guard complained.

“Well, if he is as potent as we think he is, you might want to strip naked because otherwise I think you’ll be cleaning your armor for weeks.”

Her comrade laughed as quietly as she could, then checked over her shoulder nervously before shedding all of her coverings. This woman was significantly more muscular and thick than even Valda, with as expected laughably small breasts that were saggy and wrinkled as if they were balloons that had had the air released suddenly after being filled too far. Her pubic region was every bit as thick with fur as Valda, but not nearly as neatly trimmed.

They both surrounded Maceo, who was swooning from the drugs used on him and they both gasped in amazement as his cock swelled even harder for them without any stimulation.

“I’ve always wanted to try something,” the guard whispered to Valda.

“What’s that?” she whispered back, then watched as the hulking Amazon dropped to her knees and cupped Maceo’s balls while lowering her lips to meet his tip. “Are you going to..” she began to ask, then squeaked a little when the intently powerful looking woman dropped her entire mouth down around him and began sucking it, gagging slightly before she could fully swallow him whole. She licked and sucked, groaning slightly then drew back, popping him out of her mouth.

“It tastes surprisingly good,” she shared.

“Really?” Valda asked, dropping to her knees as well and following her comrade’s example. “Oh, he does!” she agreed.

A brief couple seconds later, both women were grabbing his hips and trying all manner of actions with their mouths on and around his dick, sometimes together, other times alternating between the two of them. They each struggled and pushed, trying their absolute best to take his entire length and girth into their mouths, but they both struggled and strained until Valda’s comrade’s eyes widened and she squeaked with shock as Maceo exploded in her mouth, instantly overwhelming its capacity and causing her to double over coughing as she attempted to cough free the semen that had slipped down her wind pipe.

“It’s VERY potent!” she reported while laughing after Valda helped pat her back to assist her sister in recovering. “He,” she immediately corrected. “He.”

Valda grinned at her comrade then was stunned when her comrade’s eyes went wide, staring ahead in shock once again. Valda turned to the source of her concern and covered her mouth, gasping.

“He’s still ready for more?” Valda asked.

“Could you imagine if he was able to have as many orgasms in a row as I could?” Valda’s comrade asked.

“Or more,” Valda suggested, causing both of them to giggle nearly uncontrollably.

The two women drew closer to his still ready penis, their mouths hanging open slightly in intimidated awe as Valda touched it with the tip of her finger as if to check that it were real. The confirmation of its reality was enough to startle her and she then turned to her comrade, grinning. “Shall we experiment some more?” she asked the bulkier Amazon.

“Yes!” she whispered excitedly.

Maceo’s body held out on autopilot for a total of four consecutive ejaculations with only the last one producing what they would consider a normal amount of seed. By the time they were finished with him, both of them were a hot, sticky mess having shifted from cooperative blow jobs to standing and pressing their massive bodies up against him sandwiching him and jerking him off with massive, powerful hands in concert with each other. Despite a session with him that lasted nearly an hour, they still couldn’t believe that he was still a two hander for their massive bodies and were clearly excited and greedy for what they were more than hopeful was to come with the captive man.

Ultimately, they were forced to give up on the blow jobs because their jaws became sore and they were also pressed into quitting altogether given the mess they’d created, with more than a little of his essence having gotten caught in their hair.

The guard cleaned up as best as she could, then pressed up against Maceo and kissed the top of his head. “Valda is right about you,” she praised Maceo. “We need to treat you so good! I can only imagine the daughters you could give me!” She then quickly departed, practically prancing as she ran back to her post.

Valda walked over to him, still wiping his seed from her body and attempting to work as much of him out of her hair as possible. “You are amazing,” she complimented him, then pulled his muzzle off to kiss him fully on the lips. Maceo continued to swoon from the effects of the drug he’d been given, only partially aware of what had just occurred while she wrapped herself around him and held his head so it rested on her shoulder. “I’m going to have to take a bath, though,” she decided, then pulled his pants up and fixed his belt before attempting to make herself at least somewhat presentable and dressing herself once more. As she adjusted her peplos, however, she paused and grabbed her bosom, staring at it in perplexment.

“They seem a little more full than before. I suppose I over did it with the potion,” she decided, then knocked on the door and called to be let out. Her comrade returned and then called for another and when the relief arrived, Valda explained that she had a few things she needed to take care of and needed someone to watch over “Gombe” while she was away. The other woman (who was still unaware of what had transpired only moments before) confidently agreed while insisting that the second comrade be rotated up to the upper level of the dungeon for a little fresh air.

Once this new Amazon was alone with Maceo, she let slip an evil grin as Maceo continued to swoon slightly from the drugs and then she slipped out of the room and retrieved a fourth Amazon, letting her into the room and walking up to Maceo, sneering as they looked down on the smaller man together.

“Do you believe the stories they told?” one asked the other.

“I don’t think it can be half as strong as they said it was,” she answered back.

“Let’s find out,” the first challenged, then bent over and grabbed his belt slipping it off and then pulling is pants down, leaving him naked from the waist down.

“What are you going to do?” the second Amazon asked.

“This!” she answered, winding her leg back and then kicking Maceo square in the nut sack so hard that his entire body was jolted upward against his restraints.

Maceo was suddenly alert and let loose a disheveled grunt that he almost immediately stifled the instant he realized what was happening and the threat involved. Despite being aware now, he was still quite groggy and dizzy, meaning the only thing that was keeping him upright was his restraints.

Both hulking women were taken aback and stared at each other. The first had just given him a perfectly aimed kick right to his nut sack and the largest reason he seemed to react at all was the fact that he’d been caught by surprise. “What the?” one asked the other, struggling to find sufficient words. The other growled and wound up again harder this time, striking his balls so hard that she stubbed her toe against the granite slab he rested against and she began hopping around comically while holding her foot and whimpering from the pain. Maceo on the other hand had lifted his head and was glaring groggily, but angrily back at them both with a drunken determination in his eyes.

Once the first Amazon recovered enough, she limped up to Maceo and pushed his head back against the slab, angrily glaring down at him.

“You don’t think it actually understands the consequences if it screams, do you?” the second hulking woman asked.

“I think it does,” the first one replied. “Not that it matters. No one would know the difference if we said it was down here making a scene.”

“Should I get a scalpel?” she asked her friend.

“No. I’m going to make it scream,” she determined. “I’m going to make sure everyone hears that Valda’s precious pet isn’t as well behaved as she claims it is.” She then stepped back and wound up for another solid kick to his groin.

Up above ground, Valda made her way quickly to her cottage where she poured a quick bath for herself and began scrubbing Maceo’s sticky mess from her skin and hair. She was nearly finished when there was a wrap at the door. “Just a minute!” she called out cheerfully, then scraped the last of his goo from her furry thigh and stood, wrapping a towel around herself. She proceeded to the door and opened it, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was completely naked.

“What are you doing?” a large, bulky woman asked her with an odd look.

“Oh, I just felt like I needed to freshen up a bit,” Valda answered her.

“Well, the chief priestess is looking for you. She wants a word,” the woman explained.

“Tell her that I’ll be there in just a minute,” Valda answered her, then shut the door and scowled with frustration before dashing back to her wardrobe and pulling a fresh peplos to wear.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 11:30 pm

Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:37 am

Valda was good to her word and rushed across town to a building that vaguely resembled the sanctuary in Astravia’s temple. The pillars were cobbled together from odd shaped and cracked stones cemented together compared to the ornate pillars in Astravia’s temple fashioned from whole slabs of marble. The lighting in this fascsimile had an ashen quality to it that quite nearly drained the occupants of their color compared to the warmth found in Astravia’s temple, but aside from this and the more humble materials this location was built with, it was clear what this sanctuary was modeled after. There she found a group of hulking Amazons, though most of them here were elderly with wiry, white hair that was cut short and leathery, deeply cracked skin.

“You summoned me, chief priestess?” Valda asked politely.

“Yes. We need to talk,” the chief priestess answered her, not bothering to hide her impatience.

“About the new male, I assume,” she said preemptively. “I don’t understand. You said that I’d at least have a chance to train it. I’ve only just started. Most males take weeks to fully train.”

“I know what I said Valda, but I feel like you’re constantly testing my patience.”

“Why? How? I’ve spent almost all of my time in the dungeon working on training.”

“Training? Just training? What are you training?” the chief priestess asked accusingly.

“I’m training the new male,” Valda answered with a polite smile. Unfortunately, the chief priestess only seemed to become more irritated by her answer.

“You’re going to a lot of trouble to avoid any kind of adjectives or pronouns,” one Amazon confronted angrily. The chief priestess stared closely at Valda, then looked her up and down suspiciously. The others watched the chief priestess for a moment and then she stormed forward and grabbed the pin holding the top of her peplos together, yanking it loose as well as yanking her clothing open, revealing her shockingly plump breasts that were slightly more than a handful. “What happened to your breasts?” she asked angrily. “What is this? They’re even bigger than a teenager’s!”

“I used some of our magic to reverse my breast reduction,” Valda answered her sheepishly.

“Why?” one angry woman on the periphery asked her.

“Did you do this for the male?” the chief priestess asked her.

“Males seem attracted to breasts. I think they might not like ours as much because we reduce them.”

“You altered your body FOR A MALE?” the chief priestess practically screamed, throwing her arms down and then stomping away in a huff around in circles. “We do not change our bodies FOR THEM! Why would you do this? WHY??”

“We all know how much stronger he is than us,” Valda explained while covering her breasts again and fastening her peplos once more, though she got an extremely nasty glare from the chief priestess for referring to Maceo as a “him.” “I can’t rely on brute strength with this one. I can’t overpower him. I need a gentler method that’s more distracting. And it works. It works pretty well.”

“Valda, look at them! They’re ridiculously huge!” she proclaimed, pointing at her now C cup breasts.

“That was an accident. I didn’t mean to expand them this much. I must have overdone the spell,” Valda insisted. She was now staring at her breasts as well, slightly disturbed at how much further they had swollen since the last time she’d checked on them. “I’m sure they won’t get any bigger though,” she determined with a positive smile.

“You changed your body FOR. A. MALE.”

“Only temporarily. I can reduce them again any time I want to. But he has definitely responded well to them,” she argued.

“This is what we’re worried about,” the chief priestess pressed, refusing to allow Valda any further opportunities to fabricate excuses for her behavior. “It’s a male, Valda. IT is a male! I thought maybe your little pet term for it was just a ruse to get it to lower its guard, but I’ve heard you myself referring to it as ‘he’ when you’re nowhere near its cell.”

“Just a force of habit,” Valda insisted nervously as she looked around at her elders who were now surrounding her.

“Habits take time to form,” the chief priestess added. “It’s only been here for a couple of days.”

“We’re very concerned by how attached you are getting to it.”

“Women need to become attached in order to train them. We have to form a bond for them in order for them to establish a desire to follow our orders. You’ve admitted to me yourself that you’ve grown attached to males before, chief priestess.” Her voice was steady and her words were calm, however, she was already beginning to sweat in front of them.

“Not like this!” the chief priestess exclaimed. “Why does it still have vocal chords?” she demanded.

“It wasn’t necessary to cut them out. There are other males that we allowed to keep theirs because they weren’t barking or causing a nuisance.”

“Because even a surgery that small can cause an infection,” another woman interrupted. “We don’t want them just dying off before we can cover the cost of capturing them. But we’ve never seen a male this resilient before. It’s already consumed a quarter of our sedatives trying to keep it docile! I think it’s safe to say that it’ll be fine if we cut its vocal chords.”

“I’d rather not provoke him,” Valda insisted cautiously.

“There you go again!” the chief priestess screamed in frustration, throwing her arms up and closing the distance between them. “It’s a male, Valda! They’re not people, they’re males!”

“Even Astravia didn’t treat them this way,” Valda suddenly pointed out, gathering a surprising amount of courage, despite how much her voice wavered. All of the women present stared at her in shock and disbelief, but none more than the chief priestess.

“They were ALL forbidden from the clergy,” the chief priestess demanded. “Even before she disappeared they were only rarely allowed in her presence.”

“But I’ve never seen any text that even suggested that she would cut their vocal chords or imprison them,” Valda answered her even more boldly now.

“You know that the foremothers had to reconstruct the texts completely from memory!” yet another woman screamed at her. “Just because they didn’t include it, doesn’t mean it wasn’t written!”

“Then why haven’t we ever sent a hunting party back to the temple to get a real copy of them?” Valda asked, gathering even more resolve. “We’ve been stronger than any male for generations now! And we have magic to cloak us! We’re followers of Astravia! They would have to let us in and we have the strength to ward off any males we need to and the skills to evade their sight along the journey there.”

“We thought we were stronger than any male, and then this one showed up and threw our sisters dozens of feet like it was tossing a stick!” the chief priestess exclaimed.

“What are you saying?” Valda asked, taken aback by the fear she saw in her elder’s eyes.

“We’re reconsidering deploying the rebalancing,” an Amazon answered after an awkward silence. “We don’t know how many more might be out there like that one.”

“But we’ve never seen one like that before.”

“Exactly!” the chief priestess exclaimed. “We’ve been gone from those lands for four and a half centuries, so who knows what they might be capable of? The clothing it’s wearing suggests it comes from the old lands. For all we know, there are entire civilizations of males like that one. All we’ve done for these last several hundred years is pick off the few stragglers that wandered near our lands. We have no idea what they’re capable of. We know that the males always engage in wars and needless conflicts. For all we know, they might have unwittingly bred themselves into monsters like this one is.”

“He’s not a monster,” Valda insisted with pleading eyes.

“It’s not a he!” the chief priestess exclaimed. “You are being too soft on it. I’ve heard more than one report of you treating it like… a person!”

“We’re not trying to attack you, Valda,” another elderly Amazon assured her after placing her hand on her shoulder. “We’ve all been tempted by a male at one time or another, but we live for our sisters. We cannot ever allow a male to get in between any of us.”

“You’re questioning my loyalty?” Valda asked, clearly offended.

“Tell me, Valda; when was the last time you took a male?” the chief priestess asked her coldly. Valda suddenly froze solid, sweating profusely now. “How long has it been? You’re looking rather willowy these days.” Valda gulped hard, but an answer wasn’t forthcoming. “Answer me,” she demanded.

“It will be three years soon,” she admitted. All around her there were gasps of astonishment. “I’ve been busy! I’ve been studying, and I’ve been helping with our town and I’ve been teaching Astravia’s word and I’ve been keeping the records for your office, and a thousand other things, all in Astravia’s name! You all know how hard I work for my sisters!”

“You’re tireless,” the chief priestess admitted unemotionally. “And that’s why you’re next in line. But I’m not getting any younger, Valda. It’s time you grew up. You should go on another hunt. You should go on one immediately.”

“But the new male…”

“Someone else can train it!”

“NO!” Valda screamed, stomping her foot so hard that the walls actually shook slightly. All of the women were immediately startled and stepped back.

“Three years? And you still have that much strength?” the chief priestess asked her.

“I haven’t let myself get lazy, sucking off the meat of the bones of the males we hunt,” she informed the chief priestess fiercely. “I don’t go running off to feed my body every time I’m feeling a little anemic. I hold on to what I’ve taken and I work to maintain what I have because I don’t have time to waste running off every time I need a bit of a boost. My sisters are that important to me.” She answered fiercely.

“But still… three years…”

“You said I would be allowed to train the new male. I demand you keep your word and allow me to finish what I have started. I am the one who can train a male this feral and stalwart. Not only can I do it, I know that I can reveal a great many things about the males that we’ve been ignoring and show why Astravia didn’t teach our ancient mothers to subdue them the way we have.”

“And if you can’t bring it to heel?” the chief priestess asked her, hardly budging in her stance.

“Then everything I’ve worked for is yours,” she offered, throwing her arms out. “All of it. I’ll step down as successor and one of my sisters can take my place.”

“You believe that strongly in this?” the chief priestess asked. Valda stood rigidly and nodded confidently back. There was a long pause as the chief priestess considered her arguments while the other elder women murmured among themselves. “Alright,” she agreed, releasing all of the held tension in her body. “Bring the new male to heel, and if you’re not going to bother removing its vocal chords, at least do something useful with them and seduce some useful words out of it. Like for instance where it came from and how many more there are like it.”

“Of course chief priestess,” Valda answered her.

“But as soon as it’s broken in, you WILL go on a hunt,” the chief priestess insisted. “I cannot have my successor withering away down to… what we once were.” she said. Valda happily smiled and agreed to her terms, declining to argue with her and her advisors any further, which seemed to disarm the situation. With the emergency resolved, Valda took the opportunity to excuse herself and turned for the exit, but before she could depart, the chief priestess called out again to her.

“What are you planning with it once it is broken in?” the chief priestess asked her. “Don’t tell me you’re planning on keeping it as a pet.”

“I would never hoard it all to myself. Of course I would share with my sisters,” she insisted.

“That’s not what I asked you, Valda,” the high priestess asked her, once again annoyed. “Would you please stop avoiding answering my questions?”

“I don’t know, chief priestess,” Valda answered as honestly as she could. “To be honest, I wouldn’t mind having some company at night when I come home. I guess it depends on how the new male reacts to me. If… it shows signs of bonding with me, I guess I had hoped I could work something out with you.”

“You know how concerned I am about having a creature that dangerous roaming free, even if you did keep it on a leash,” the chief priestess pointed out while rubbing her temples again to release her stress.

“I would never even consider asking unless I was absolutely certain it was safe.”

“How many times do I have to remind you, Valda? They are males. They will always be a danger. Why do you think we only keep a few for breeding?”

“You haven’t seen Gombe like I have,” Valda insisted. “Ask Indira. She’s been on guard while I’ve trained him. She can vouch for me. There is a strange gentleness about this one. In fact, I’m wondering once I finish his training what effect he’ll have on the other stock. I bet he emerges as a kind of alpha among them.”

“If I ever did agree to let you keep it, I guarantee you that they would all be separated permanently and only be allowed to be in each other’s company rarely and even then only for a few minutes at a time. I bet it would have an effect on the other males, but I’m extremely worried about what that effect would be. Use your head Valda. Even you have to admit that once you let them get together they develop a kind of pack mentality. Besides; if I let you keep one, I can’t just play favorites. I’d have to let others keep one too.”

“I admit that I’m getting ahead of myself,” Valda shared. “That’s why I didn’t bring it up. The most important thing is breaking Gombe in safely. After that? I don’t know. I do think that keeping him the way we have him right now though won’t work long term.”

“Alright, fine,” the chief priestess agreed, then waved her subordinate off.

“It does hurt that you questioned me like this, chief priestess. We may not always agree, but I’ve always produced for you, haven’t I?”

“I admit that I gave in to my advisors a little too easily. We’ll have a deep chat about questioning you so easily after you’ve left,” the priestess promised, then sent her on her way again.

Valda proceeded quickly back to the dungeon where Maceo was being held and hurried down to the lowest level at a healthy trot, though she stumbled slightly on the hem of her dress as she scurried down the steps once accidentally. She hurried through the dimly lit corridors, hardly paying any attention at the conspicuous lack of activity until she reached her destination: Maceo’s cell.

She was surprised to see no guards posted outside and the door unlocked, so she slowed as she approached and then softened her steps as much as possible until she heard an unmistakable thud. Her eyes went wide with shock and then she barged in to see one of the guards just as she kicked Maceo square in the groin with all of her might and then hop around on one foot cradling the other after having stubbed her thoroughly bruised toe yet again. For his part, Maceo refused to allow them the dignity of showing his pain to his captors and instead was glaring defiantly with rage filled eyes and clenching his fists and muscles so tightly that it gave Valda a chill up her spine and a nagging, unimaginable fear that he might just simply snap free of his restraints at any second he chose to.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Valda screamed at them. Both hulking women turned and faced Valda with fear filled eyes. Without allowing her even a moment to answer, Valda lunged in, grabbed her arm and threw the hulking Amazon over her shoulder, face first into the floor. “How dare you interfere with my training?” she asked.

“You’re babying it,” the woman on the floor complained out the corner of her mouth that was now smashed into the ground.

“I call it positive reinforcement,” Valda hissed back, then turned up to look at the other woman who now chimed in.

“It at least needs to see there are consequences if it doesn’t make us happy,” she argued.

“You will not lay a hand on him again!” Valda screamed, kicking herself free of the downed hulking woman.

“We didn’t this time,” the second guard sneered, only to quickly find herself pinned to the ground as well.

“Go get the reserve squad and have them relieve you,” she ordered. “Then I want you to go directly to the chief priestess and tell her what you’ve done.” Valda then stood and walked to a nearby table and began scribbling on a piece of parchment. The two guards began to move, but Valda screamed for them to stay in place while she wrote her note. When she was finished, she folded and sealed it and handed it to the first guard. “Go ahead and tell your side of the story, but I expect a letter confirming that my report was delivered to the chief priestess,” Valda declared.

“We didn’t even hurt it!” the second screamed as she climbed to her feet.

“Do you see how angry he is?” Valda asked them back.

“So what? Why should we care?”

“You should care because there is no way of telling how far you’ve set me back!”

“You’re just upset because all you can think of is fucking it,” the first guard accused. “You’re babying it and I don’t want to suffer the consequences just because you’ve got a childish crush!”

“Get my report to the chief priestess and shut your ignorant mouth,” Valda ordered them angrily.

“All this for a male,” the second replied snidely. “Who cares if we roughed it up a little? How is it any worse than how they treated the foremothers?”

“It’s different because we are expected to be better than them!” Valda exclaimed. “Do not even THINK of touching him again. Now get out!” she screamed. The first guard looked to her comrade, both of them a little worse for wear after Valda’s tongue lashing and she climbed to her feet with her head lowered.

“And fix your armor,” Valda added for good measure. “You look like a slob.”

Both women looked at Valda, then at themselves with surprise as they realized their chest pieces and shin guards were noticeably askew following their tussle with the other Amazon. They quickly reset their armor and cocked their heads as they needed to further readjust and tighten its pieces, then took their leave, allowing Valda a moment of privacy.

She looked at the rage in Maceo’s eyes and her face immediately softened to one of overwhelming empathy and she approached him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her chin on the top of his head, which he was the absolute perfect height to do this with, if not just a tiny bit tall for such an embrace.

“I’m so sorry,” she whimpered to him. Her body was now shaking and tears were suddenly readily running down her cheeks. She cried like this over him for a few minutes before she realized she was crying and stepped back, wiping the tears from her cheeks and looking at them. “Why am I crying,” she asked, then looked at her shaking hands, trying to will them to stop. She paced around in a circle trying to calm her mind, as well as rotating the arm and shoulder she’d used to throw the first guard as though she had strained something from the effort.

When she finally had regained control of herself she returned to Maceo and smiled sadly and sympathetically to him. “You’ve been so good,” she commended him. “You haven’t just been good, you’ve been absolutely perfect,” she said. “And then we reward you for it like this,” she told him, struggling as tears began flowing again despite her best efforts. “I’m so sorry my perfect little man. I’m so sorry,” she repeated, petting his cheek.

Maceo continued to be angry, though his rage subsided somewhat given her obviously sincere apologies. “Oh, I don’t want you to learn the wrong thing from them,” she told him, leaning down and pressing her forehead against his. “I really don’t. I promise you, I swear I’ll take better care of you, my sweet little man. They’re just scared. I know how virile you are, and so do they and that can be a little scary, even for us. If you please just calm down and continue to behave I swear I’ll take better care of you. Please Gombe. I know there’s something special about you, otherwise I wouldn’t bother trying to explain it to you. I just know you’re smarter than the others. I know you can understand what I’m trying to say, I just need you to feel it inside of you,” she pleaded with him.

Maceo rolled his eyes and sighed with frustration and shook his head, choosing for the moment to forego action for a while longer. After all, he now knew what Astravia’s plan was and he was watching it unfold in front of him. Certainly he could break free, but there was still an incredible risk of having the dungeon collapsed on him if he did, trapping him along with the other captives. It was only a matter of time now, so a little more patience seemed perfectly in order.

“How can you be so perfect?” Valda asked him, tipping his chin up to look at her and crying tears of joy now. “I’ve never seen a male so reasonable before,” she remarked in awe.

Valda petted him, grinning almost stupidly at him, then looked down at his loose penis and dropped to her knees. She lifted tenderly in her hands and inspected it and his balls while Maceo tensed from the discomfort of a woman that was not his wife touching his most private of parts.

“How can it not be damaged?” she asked herself, utterly dumbstruck. As she held it loosely in her hands, she squirmed a little and began petting it, grinning when it began to respond, but then frowning when he seemed to will it back to it’s inactive state again. She looked at it and then him with confusion, but then shrugged it off and stood, shedding her dress once again and standing before him fully nude, modeling her body for him and grinning when she noticed the attention his eyes gave her, despite the fact that he seemed to be resisting it. She stood there this time blushing, however, and unable to quite pinpoint this inexplicable wave of uncertainty she was feeling.

She did see his penis stir at the sight of her body, albeit only slightly, and she was certain that her even more full breasts were appealing to him. They had to be, right?

She ran her hands down her body, forcing herself to maintain eye contact with him and stepping into his field of view whenever he would look away, and despite his best attentions to avoid her seduction, he couldn’t help but watch her form as she slid her hands over her hips, pausing only slightly as her hands curved outward a tiny bit more than she had expected, but ignoring it and continuing to focus on her desired lover, whose penis was still resisting her charms willfully.

“You’re just in a poor mood because of how badly they treated you,” Valda whispered, pressing her naked body against his and rubbing his cock against her thighs, which had a soft, light downy coating of hair running down them.

“I cannot believe how good you were while I was gone,” she complimented him. “So good,” she whispered in a sultry voice, filled with hunger. “I should reward you for how good you were. You’ve seen how cruel we can be, but you haven’t really seen how kind and loving we can be,” she whispered in his ear, licking his earlobe lustfully.

Maceo’s eyes widened, realizing exactly what she had in mind and he turned his head and pulled on his restraints, but unfortunately too late to escape his fate.

She’d already reached over to the table beside them and grabbed a fresh jar of the aphrodisiac drug they’d used earlier and before he could crack his arm free, the liquid was pouring down his mask, overwhelming him with it’s intense alcohol mixed with fruit smell and causing him to cough as he breathed in its vapors and accidentally drinking a little.

It only took a moment before he was feeling woozy and then panicked as he felt his dick rise against her thigh, but she poured more of the drug down a hole in his mask, ensuring he would succumb to her desires.

A moment later, Maceo was barely aware of his surroundings and Valda was looking down as if famished at his nearly fully engorged cock, which was angling up yearningly at her hot, wet womanhood. She stroked him with both hands to full attention and then rotated the slab down so that he was on his back before climbing on top of him and straddling his hips, stroking his cock within the thin, soft patch of fur lining her pubic region. Valda delighted in the groans of pleasure that betrayed Maceo, but she also found herself looking down at his rigid cock that impossibly seemed even larger in her hands than before and absolutely irresistible.

She lifted up onto her knees, needing to stretch to reach his tip and then lowered herself down on him, tensing and struggling as she surprisingly needed to struggle slightly to draw him inside of her and then she screamed lustfully as she lowered herself down his length all the way to the hilt.

“By the goddess!” she exclaimed, stuttering in word and breath as he filled her within.

She began riding him, resting the palm of her hand against his chest and bouncing up and down while grabbing her full breast with the other hand and squeezing it. She moaned passionately and with surprise at how pleasurable it was for her to fondle such full breasts.

“I wonder if it was a mistake to reduce them,” she asked herself aloud before shifting to grinding her naked hips against his and stroking her clitoris as she did so.

Time seemed to all but disappear as she rode him however she desired and she only grudgingly acknowledged its passage when she realized that he was beginning to emerge from the depths of the drug and she was forced to feed him more as he began to struggle against her.

This time it was Valda’s turn to experience orgasm after orgasm, cashing in on the debt she’d levied against him in their previous session. Each one drove her on faster and harder, with ever more desire as no matter how long she manipulated his manhood within her and thrust herself up and down atop him he seemed to always be filling her, no matter how much she relaxed in a bid to adapt to his impressive length and girth.

When she was finally exhausted, she forced herself through a final climax and then fell down on top of him and wrapped her arms around him. She sighed with previously unknown satisfaction and drifted off, half asleep to recover.

When Maceo began to emerge from the drug, she jerked back to a state of alert, and lifted herself up, smiling down on her lover.

“I know the drug is a little overwhelming, but I do hope you’re able to remember how amazing you felt inside of me,” she whispered to him. Maceo clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, frustrated and angered at having allowed himself to be violated again right up until she felt a pressure on either side of his face and opened his eyes to see Valda removing his muzzle. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could do so, her mouth was pressed against his, kissing him passionately.

“You’ve been beyond good,” she praised him, grinning down at him. She then put his muzzle back on and climbed down from the slab. She worked his pants back up and fixed his belt, properly covering him and singing joyfully to herself.

Once he was properly dressed, she rotated the slab up once more, grinning and stepped in front of him, staring directly ahead into his eyes.

“I am putting everything on the line for you,” she confided softly. “Absolutely everything. If I can’t train you in, I’ll lose my status as successor to the chief priestess and everything else I’ve worked so hard to earn for myself. I want you to know that because you are that important to me,” she said smiling and petting his hair. She seemed lost in his eyes until a thought unexpectedly occurred to her and she stepped back, looking down and confirming that his feet were only an inch or so from the ground. She looked ahead again and shivered with fear at the realization that she was indeed eye-to-eye with the man that a day before she’d towered over.

“Wait, why are you so tall?” she asked, then covered her mouth. “Oh no,” she gasped. “It’s never worn off this quickly before.” She hurried back to her discarded clothes and threw them back on, contorting her face by the degree to which she had to adjust her peplos in order to look half way appropriate. As she grabbed the pin to fasten it over her shoulder, she stopped and looked at her breasts, taking the opportunity to squeeze them and inspect them.

“They’re still swelling,” she remarked in disbelief. “I know I couldn’t have used that much potion, did I?” she asked. She shook her head and discarded the unthinkable thoughts then grabbed her sandals, needing to adjust them so that they didn’t flop around uselessly on her feet.

“I will be back very soon, I just need to fix something,” she informed him. “Please tell me, will you please behave yourself until I get back?” she asked almost passively. “Can you please do that for me?”

Her eyes lit up when Maceo nodded to her affirmatively, though she couldn’t see that behind the mask he was smirking.

“Oh, you are so precious!” she exclaimed, then ran over and kissed him on the cheek. “And I hate to admit it, positively dashing from this angle,” she giggled. “I’ll be right back!” she chirped then dashed out of the cell, locking it and taking the keys with her as she hurried along as quickly as possible up and out of the dungeon, holding a dress that was now too long for her in her hands in order to keep from tripping over it.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Tue Aug 30, 2022 3:28 am

Valda ran as quickly as she could down a near maze of twisting streets until she found herself at another cottage and dashed up to the door to knock loudly and urgently. She fidgeted as she waited with no response, and then looked around her nervously to see if she’d been discovered in this reduced state, but thankfully there was no one to be seen. After a long pause, she knocked again, this time with even more urgency, but once again was met with no answer. After the third round of knocks, she fidgeted and decided to go in anyways and remove herself from any onlookers that could happen by any second.

Once inside, she noticed there were a few candles lit, implying someone had been there very recently and she stepped into the center of the room.

“Ariadne?” Valda called out and despite there being no response, she couldn’t help the feeling that she wasn’t alone there. “Ariadne!” she added with great exigency evident in her voice.

“Go away!” finally came her answer.

“I can’t! I need your help!”

“Come back tomorrow!” she screamed. Valda looked into the darkness somewhat perplexed.

“I can’t Ariadne! I need your help right away!”

“Just… I thought you were busy with that new male!”

“I am! That’s why I can’t wait! Please Ariadne! I’m lucky he didn’t overreact as it was! It’s the extender, Ariadne! It’s already worn off!”

“What?” the distant voice now had an air of panic to it.

“Yes! And it’s even worse than the last time!” Valda stared into space while she struggled with the decision of whether to proceed further in search of aid for her sudden ailment. “Please Ariadne! If someone sees me like this they’ll report me to the chief priestess!”

Again there was silence and Valda waited still until she couldn’t take it any longer and she stepped forward just as she heard a light sound indicating movement somewhere in the cottage. A few seconds later, a figure appeared in the doorway to Valda’s left.

“Thank the goddess!” Valda exclaimed, then jumped backward with surprise. The woman there was about the same size as Valda was, covered in a baggy, bulky dress that was practically falling off of her. “Ariadne?”

“Yes,” Ariadne answered rather meekly.

“What happened to you?” Valda asked.

“The same thing that’s happening to you, obviously!”

“Happening?” Valda asked her.

“Yes, Valda. I’m still shrinking.”

“No. Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. I’ve been measuring myself regularly for a couple hours now. It’s very steady.”

“But I thought you stopped using the extender a year ago! You said you would just accept the hunts.”

“I did! I have no idea why this is happening, or why it’s happening so fast!”

“Well… can’t we just take the extender again and sort it out later? If it has to be this way, I guess I’ll just have to go on another hunt sooner than I planned.”

“What do you think I’ve been trying to do all evening?”

“What do you mean trying?” Valda asked her, practically stammering. The other woman waved her in and walked back to where she’d been holed up, accidentally tripping over her dress twice as she walked. A moment later, they walked into a make shift laboratory where it was obvious Ariadne had been hard at work for some time. “So what’s going on? Talk to me Ariadne!”

“I managed to make one batch earlier, but it was strange.”

“Strange how?”

“It only restored about half of the size I lost and then a few minutes later it suddenly wore off again and I was left exactly like you see me now. I could actually see everything growing around me it happened so fast. Well actually, I was at least two inches taller than I am now. But I haven’t been able to get a new batch to activate since then.”

“What? But how? It’s worked for years for us!”

“It has to be some kind of side effect I didn’t anticipate,” she reasoned.

“Well, then let me help you. We’ll make the concentrated dose,” she suggested. “And then… I guess we’ll just have to go out on another hunt right away.”

“Alright,” the other woman agreed, but there was no conviction in her voice. In fact, she seemed uncharacteristically indecisive for women of this cult.

They worked for the better part of an hour, shrinking slowly over that time until they were only barely over six feet tall. They worked in unison together and were well coordinated from years of practice together, but for some reason they found infusing the magical ingredients to be extremely difficult. When they finally had their medicines ready, they both downed the concoction and grabbed a pair of male pigs that Ariadne had brought in with her. As soon as they did, the pigs began shrinking while the mass began to pour into both Amazons, stopping just shy of seven feet tall.

Valda looked at her hands and arms and her now partially filled dressed and rubbed her temples. “Well, I suppose it’ll have to do,” she reasoned. “I suppose I can find a way to fake it for a while.”

“It seems to be holding this time,” Ariadne nodded, also looking her hands over. “Yeah, it’s better than nothing.”

“Maybe we should get another few pigs in here and use them to try and get us closer to normal?”

“Maybe,” Ariadne agreed tepidly. “My clothes are still loose, though.”

“Me too. Maybe we could adjust them so we’re not quite as obvious when we go out.”


They then proceeded back to Ariadne’s bedroom, a cramped little space filled mostly by a massive bed, capable of comfortably sleeping a well over seven foot tall woman, which both of them were still noticeably short of at the moment.

“I think maybe we’ll need more than just a couple more pigs,” Ariadne suggested while Valda removed her peplos and replaced it with something that she felt would fit a little better with some adjustment. She had just gotten the new garment on her surprisingly lithe body after seeing it unobstructed and was tying it around her waste when both of them felt a chill up their spines and gasped.

Then suddenly, as quickly as the lost inches had returned to them, they began to fade again, dwindling back down into their dresses, which deflated around them and lumped everywhere as they dwindled until they looked more like muscular children playing dress up in their mother’s clothes.

“What?” Valda stammered, shaking with terror as she watched her friend shrink before her eyes while her line of vision matched her trajectory perfectly.

“Oh no,” Ariadne whimpered, covering her face.

They ran back to her lab space, both of them tripping over their oversized clothes this time and went back to work for another hour until they stood, Valda almost exactly six feet tall now and Ariadne slightly under and looked at each other with defeat in their eyes. For some reason, the magic they wielded continually fizzled as they worked it, never lasting quite long enough to activate a new round of potion.

Both of them stood there, staring at each other, doing their utmost to not look around the room that was beginning to look uncomfortably large. “What do we do?” Ariadne whimpered, leaning into Valda’s arms for support. “I don’t even know how small I would be without all the mass I’ve absorbed.”

“I’m not sure? Noticeably smaller than any of the males we’ve captured in the past. I’m already smaller than Gombe. I was only barely taller than him when I ran out of there.” Valda paced around in circles, clumping her dress as best as she could in her hands to keep from stumbling over the now ridiculously loose fabric that was starting to feel more like a blanket than a dress. “If we go directly to the chief priestess before anyone else sees us, maybe we can explain ourselves. I already had to admit to her that I haven’t been on a hunt in years. She might understand. But we can’t wait until the morning,” Valda insisted. “If we do, we’ll be laughably small by the time we go and we won’t have even a prayer of not sticking out like jokes. The fact that it’s dark will help.”

“Okay,” Ariadne agreed, again indecisively, though she did seem to notice the waning conviction in Valda’s words.

The entire journey to the Chief Priestess’ home was a mad dash, resulting in each of them face planting more than once in their oversized clothes as they sprinted as hard as they could. Not only was it awkward, both seemed extraordinarily winded, and even for their size they seemed to be running slowly, though when Ariadne brought it up, Valda insisted they focus on other things for the moment. When they finally arrived at the chief priestess’ home, they were dripping with sweat and wheezing from the effort to get there, sprinting from one shadow to the next, but thankfully, they hadn’t encountered another soul the entire way.

Valda knocked on the door as hard as she could, then looked to Ariadne with panicked eyes as she realized the sound was painfully weak on the thick wood. She tried again, throwing her entire body into it, only with slightly better results and then they waited, but it was all for naught. There was no answer and both women couldn’t help but notice lamp light from each of the nearby homes, suggesting other neighboring women were still awake and a threat given their dwindling predicament.

Valda knocked again and when there was no answer, they decided to press forward, pushing the door open, and staring in disbelief at how heavy it felt in their hands. Once inside, they carefully closed it behind them, Valda missing the door handle on the first try, hitting low by a number of inches accidentally. They proceeded inside, finding silence and finally Valda called out, though she covered her mouth with both hands and stared at Ariadne in shock when she realized that her voice had risen in pitch dramatically from it’s normally husky tone.

Just as at Ariadne’s house, no one answered, until something seemed to occur to Valda. She took Ariadne’s hand and began to lead her forward and just as she did so, a scared, feminine voice screamed out, “NO!”

“We need to speak to you chief priestess! It’s urgent!” Valda called out, cringing by how high and almost lyrical her voice was compared to before.

“Not now! Not now!” the voice called back. “Come back tomorrow!”

Valda’s face went a ghostly pale as she looked to Ariadne and with some effort she managed to gulp hard. She took Ariadne’s hand and walked forward.

“I said no!” the voice screamed out. “I am the chief priestess for Astravia! Listen to me!”

Only a moment after her final begging commands, Valda found her elder huddled in a ball behind a wall near the main entrance. “Oh no,” Valda gasped.

Ariadne was speechless and could only stare as Valda bent at the waist, looking at a woman who was obviously at least as small as they were, curled up inside of her dress hiding from everything, including herself.

“It’s not just us,” Valda whined, her eyes starting to fill with tears. Suddenly, the chief priestess lifted her head and peaked out of the fabric. She also gasped, seeing that despite the dim light that her underlings were also covered in surprisingly loose fabric.

“No,” she gasped up at the two younger Amazons.

She finally allowed Valda to help her up and step into the light while the chief priestess looked away with immense shame. The results were dramatic. Not only had the chief priestess shrunken down to only a little more than five and a half feet tall, her once short trimmed hair was now nearly shoulder length. More interestingly was the fact that her wiry hair was now rather lustrous, though still rather white in appearance. As she stepped out into the light, her dress slipped, and before the chief priestess could quickly cover herself up, she revealed a breast that was almost as large compared to her body as Valda’s had been when her body alterations had been revealed much earlier. The cracks on her face had mostly faded and the leathery skin was softened dramatically as if twenty-five years of age had just been erased.

“Both of you too,” the chief priestess sighed sadly as she looked at them with sympathy as well as humiliation.

“What if it’s happening to everybody?” Valda asked the chief priestess, who nearly collapsed in a panic at the mere suggestion were it not for the help of her two underlings to prop her up. Still, though, Valda was absolutely shocked at how heavy the even smaller, older woman felt in her arms.

The chief priestess invited them in to discuss, sitting on chairs that were now too large for any of their feet to reach the ground. They discussed their findings for nearly an hour as well as confessing to the chief priestess the potions of extension each of them had used in order to put off the need to go on further hunts for as long as possible. When pressed on why they would do such things, both readily admitted it was because they couldn’t help but feel immense guilt every time they had taken a man and had been suffering from nightmares from engaging in such practices for years. The chief priestess was hardly happy, however the pressing concerns at hand were a much higher priority, especially since it was clear that as they had spoken, each of them had continued to shrink gradually in front of each other.

Once they had thoroughly vetted their feelings to each other, they climbed down from their seats and set out for the next elder’s home down the street and were saddened to discover the same results that Valda had encountered twice already before.

By the time they had gathered all of the chief priestess’ advisors, Valda measured herself to only be 5’10” tall, with each of her compatriots measuring in at similar heights. Their mood was somber and they each struggled to speak, let alone look at each other, but the consensus was clear. They were shrinking, all of them and they were each convinced that the empty streets, even where there should be guards patrolling was evidence to that end.

It was decided that they would sound the town bell, summoning every last woman of their society together to face their dire straights head on. Even ringing the town bell was becoming an immense task. In the past, one woman could do it with ease, but this time, three of them needed to heave together to strike the bell, ringing it over and over again despite how exhausting it was for them until women began to slowly emerge from their homes and trudge out, their heads hung low in abject shame until they each began to realize that everyone around them was in the exact same predicament.

Everywhere were hundreds of women, some drowning in dresses that hung on them like loose sacks, others still dressed in armor that swung around their dwindling bodies as they fought to keep these once status symbols of their warrior nature on their shrinking bodies as they had now become so large they were extremely cumbersome. Once they were certain all were present, the chief priestess called out, struggling and wincing each time she spoke with an uncomfortably high pitched voice compared to what she had always heard coming from her own mouth. She went from woman to woman, asking questions and the full story began to quickly emerge.

Most of the women had begun to notice their dwindling bodies not long before Valda had, though Valda wasn’t about to tell them why she had been so distracted. In response, they all began to withdraw and run off to try to work some kind of magic, any kind with their shared knowledge to stave off the effects of their steady dwindling, but their results were exactly the same as Ariadne and Valda’s.

The first couple of attempts worked slightly, but each following attempt grew weaker and weaker as every woman reported that their magic would fizzle nearly as fast as they would call upon it.

This wasn’t the only thing they all had in common. All of the elder women were experiencing symptoms that mirrored the chief priestess. Their white hair remained white, but was softening and becoming more lustrous by the hour as their cracked, aged skin softened as if erasing decades of their age as they dwindled.

Any woman who wore their hair short was finding their hair extending longer and longer the smaller they shrank and the women who wore somewhat longer hair found their own locks extending further and further as well, with one woman reporting that her hair had gone from extending down to her shoulder blades to now nearly waist length. Every woman was rapidly losing musculature. All of their muscles were fading quickly and their skin softening noticeably. Their rough, short nails were elongating and becoming shinier. The hair on their legs was fading as well and once one woman called it out, the entire cult of women checked and discovered that their pubic hair was receding as well, down into small, soft downy patches of thin fur that did absolutely nothing to obscure their womanhoods. Quite to the contrary, the change only seemed to accentuate their most private of parts.

All of their breasts were steadily swelling and expanding. By the time morning had come and the sun was up, the average woman stood around 5’7” with a full and pert C cup breast, which amazingly proved true for the elder women as well. Their nipples were becoming significantly more sensitive and prone to arousal and many of the women were developing round, puffy nipples developing from their once saggy bags that had before been reduced as far as their magic would allow them. Even the young girls who hadn’t even begun undergoing the transformative magic that had until now created a hulking Amazon out of every adult woman in the town was shrinking along with their mothers, though they seemed to be spared the other strange alterations to their bodies.

Those guarding the males that had been quarantined away from Maceo reported that when they noticed the changes beginning to occur in their bodies that the males were entirely unaffected by whatever malady was plaguing them, and Valda reported the same of Maceo before she had left him.

“We cannot let the males see us like this,” one woman proclaimed, wincing at the sound of her strangely soft voice.

“At this rate, it won’t be long before they’re stronger than us. What do we do then?”

“They’re already stronger than us,” Valda reported remorsefully. “And not by a small amount.”

This created a wave of near panic that swept through the crowd like a wild fire. The women scurried about, each of them nearly falling out of their clothes as they haphazardly searched for refuge aimlessly and it was some time before the chief priestess, who aside from her soft, white hair, was looking more like a woman in her thirties than the elderly woman she actually was, could calm them and begin herding them into the sanctuary.

The sanctuary was surprisingly roomy and the benches set out housed far more than they were accustomed to, with the side effect being that none of the slowly dwindling women could sit on one and still reach the floor with their feet any longer.

The fear in the crowd was contained, but only barely as women nervously talked among themselves while the chief priestess continued to do her best to get ahead of the emergency. By the time everyone was inside of the sanctuary and gathered together, they were constantly measuring each other and taking notes to chart their reduction in size, which was on average now 5’6” by the time the chief priestess managed to reach the planning stage of how to react to this disaster.

Immediately there were calls for a few to take what males they had on hand and there was a fervor of arguments over who warranted such a reprieve first until Ariadne pointed out that their ability to wield magic was waning so quickly there was no way they could possibly take another male. Upon that revelation, others began to report that none of them could conjure more than a dim flicker any longer.

Everything they had come to define themselves by was fading with shocking speed, though the changes were slow enough that they couldn’t actually simply watch them happen in real time. Still though, every last female here was on a slow and steady march to diminution while the few males present but currently out of sight were entirely immune.

“We have to kill them,” one soft maiden demanded, stomping her foot feebly and then wincing in pain from it. “We have to do it before we’re too small to do it any longer.”

“You realize that we’re almost as small to them now as they were to us before,” one barked out.

“They’ll notice how small we are instantly! They’re never going to respect us again! Even if we get our size back.”

“You mean the size we stole from them,” Valda muttered while staring down at her feet between exposed, plump d cup breasts. Ariadne immediately noticed her comment, which apparently had been meant to only be within her own mind and frowned with sympathy, but another woman on her other side turned and stared at Valda before stepping back and whispering in another woman’s ear.

“They don’t have to see us!” one insisted. “We’ll shoot them with bows!”

“Do any of us even have arms long enough to draw them?” another asked. A moment later, a pair of women rushed in carrying a large bow that stood taller than they did, nearly stumbling out of their dresses as they did so and even with four of them pulling together, they couldn’t manage to even partially draw the massive weapon.

“What about the aphrodisiac potions?” another asked. “Do they still work?”

“They might,” Ariadne responded somewhat hopefully. “They don’t rely on magic.”

“We can drug them into a sexual stupor!” one screamed.

“Kill them! Kill them before it’s too late!” a number began screaming.

“I don’t want to kill any more of them,” Valda whispered to Ariadne, her eyes filling with tears yet again.

“I don’t think we have a choice,” Ariadne whispered back. “But I don’t want to either.”

It wasn’t long after that when the women began struggling with hunger, which also wasn’t something they were accustomed to. Working the kitchens proved to be increasingly difficult, though, and by the time everyone was fed in the afternoon, the average height had dwindled down to 5’2” tall.

By now, the cult of women was almost inconsolable and the terrified calls to kill the males were becoming deafening.

“Not Gombe,” Valda whispered, crying openly now and balling her fists. Only Ariadne heard her, but several others between struggling to heave their heavy, oversized garments over their shoulders again did notice the tears.

Then one screamed out, “It’s her! It’s Valda and her pet!” while pointing at Valda. Valda suddenly stood up rigidly, all 5’1” of her and she looked out at the sea of petite women swimming in clothes made for women nearly twice their height. A wave of rage seemed to erupt from their faces and Valda froze in abject terror.

“This only started after her pet arrived here!”

“It can’t be a coincidence!”

“Everyone knows how soft on the males she is!”

“When was the last time you ever saw her even kill one?”

“She’s colluding with it!”

The cries continued to grow, despite the chief priestess screaming at her limit to try to calm them. The instant Valda stepped backward in fear, however, the crowd surged, stumbling over their enormous garments and tripping left and right. Valda immediately took advantage of the unintended pause and she turned and ran as fast and as hard as she could, running right out of her enormous dress and completely ignoring it in favor of preserving her life.

She bolted out a back entrance and surged with all of her petite might, screaming with frustration at how slowly her short, weakened legs carried her. She ran with every ounce of energy she had, spurred on by the high-pitched roars of rage behind her with her large, bare breasts bouncing so hard as she ran that they actually swayed her torso. She continued racing with all of her diminishing might and sobbing as she did so until she managed enough courage to turn and look over her shoulder only to find that all of the other women were running as weakly and feebly as she was, though their general consensus seemed to be keeping their clothes as a higher priority than it had been for Valda. Thankfully, this provided Valda an advantage that she was intent on using to its fullest.

She turned a sharp corner between two cottages, stumbling as her heavy breasts almost carried her on in the previous direction, though most of her pursuers faired much more poorly as they attempted to follow, creating a wave of chaos that further slowed the angry, slowly shrinking mob.

She ran as hard as she could, crying out with more and more frustration as she raced on, almost as if she could feel her legs growing shorter and weaker and her already large breasts growing larger and heavier as they swung all the more violently back and forth and up and down. She ran and managed to make it to Ariadne’s cottage and pried the door open and leapt inside, then leaned her back against the door and shoved it closed. Then with a primitive scream, she managed to topple whatever nearby furniture she could to block the door and then ran toward the bedroom.

When she reached the bedroom, she struggled and scrambled to pull herself onto the ridiculously high bed and found the keys that would let her into the dungeon again and turned back in desperate search of an exit.

Just as she did so, she could hear the front door drag open from the combined effort of dozens of petite stampeding women. With no other options available to her, she scrambled across the bed and climbed a curio, then leapt to a hanger and managed to reach the ceiling, which she frantically picked at until a whole opened and she was able to climb up onto the roof. Just as her little feet slipped through the small whole, she could hear a petite voice behind her scream, “she’s on the roof!”

Valda hurried and wasted no time, dashing for the edge of the roof and looking down at the far away ground, but only hesitated for a second before jumping and plummeting to the ground with a plop and a slap. She screamed in pain on a level she had never felt before, but was largely still in one piece and just enough aware of the precarious state of her safety that she jumped to her feet and raced off again at an agonizingly even slower pace than she had been managing up to this point as her bodycontinued to recede away from her once amazing athleticism just before the crowd caught up from around the corner.

Valda ran back and forth through the streets, sometimes gaining a lead and other times losing it for nearly an hour. In that time, her weakened body began to give way and she began sobbing as she realized more and more of her shrinking pursuers were discarding their burdensome clothing to close the distance between them and what was worse, it was working. It also didn’t help that while she would look over her shoulder at her pursuers, their shrinking bodies were also suffering at least as much as hers was and shrinking amazons could be seen dropping out of the chase and falling to their hands and knees drenched in sweat and panting uncontrollably. However, those who remained continued their pursuit as Valda became ever more exhausted while those among her pursuers caught their racing breaths and recovered just enough to beging their chase again, albeit ever so slightly smaller than when they had collapsed from exhaustion previously.

As she approached an hour of running for her life, her significantly shortened legs were struggling to even move her forward and the mob was now making headway as the petite and now buxom shrinking amazons roared after her in what almost appeared to be slow motion. By this point, they were all entirely naked, given the fact that even the lightest of their clothing was too large to carry any longer without tripping and falling over them constantly and their softened and rounded posteriors jiggled relentlessly while their now quite large breasts, especially given their reduced states, were bouncing so hard and swaying with such force that the shrinking Amazons were finding it increasingly difficult to even run in a straight line any longer.

Valda finally managed to make it to the dungeon as she wheezed desperately for air and collided with the main door, hopping on her tiptoes until she finally managed to unlock the main gate and slip inside, but before she could lock it shut again, a dozen petite hands reached in, pushing it open.

She turned and ran down the levels toward her single last hope, leaping down multiple stairs at a time and nearly falling over with each bound, but it was just enough to get to Maceo’s cell, unlock it, slip inside, shut the door and lock it once again a mere instant before small fists began pounding furiously, yet impotently behind her.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:22 am

Valda breathed the first sigh of relief she’d had in hours and clutched her chest and jumped to her feet, then stumbled, nearly falling over as she looked at Maceo, still bound and restrained and exactly as she had left him staring at her, though now he was an entirely different man.

Though Valda didn’t know it at the time, in her terror induced marathon she had shrunk now down to 4’11” tall and was looking up at a man that was now more than a foot and a half taller than her, more than fully reversing their previous roles.

“Oh dear goddess, your huge!” she gasped and dropped to her knees, her bountiful bosom jiggling enticingly as she did so.

Maceo, however, didn’t so much as flinch. He stared at her with the exact same eyes as before she had left him, apparently completely comfortable after being pinned in the same position for the better part of a day. When he didn’t seem to react at all to her shrunken state and the screams of fury behind her only increased in intensity, she crawled and then stumbled toward him.

“Please, Gombe! Please, please, please! You’re my only hope! They’re going to kill me!” she begged and sobbed. “Please, please, I’ll let you go. I’ll free you and you can go wherever you want, but please just take me with you!” she begged.

Maceo continued to stare at her unflinchingly. Perhaps there was an expression behind the muzzle, but she couldn’t see it despite her best efforts. “I’ll free you, I swear,” she promised him, climbing up onto a table beside him and fumbling with trembling hands over her keys and then she gasped and attempted to scream, but only a pathetic noise slipped out her mouth as she watched in horror as Maceo growled fiercely and tensed and suddenly his right arm ripped free of the slab he was pinned to.

His left leg followed, then his left arm and finally he pried his remaining leg free.

Now fully released, he snatched the keys from her trembling little hands and unlocked the shackles, ripped the restraints off and finally his muzzle.

“You could have done that the whole time?” she stammered and suddenly she could hear the mob behind them hush as if a wave of immense fear had washed over them.

“Yes,” Maceo answered unemotionally, stunning her with the very first word from his mouth that she had ever heard.

“Please, please, please, please, please!” she sobbed, falling forward into his chest and clinging to him. “I’ll do anything you want! Just please save me! I stood up for you! Please, you know I would do it for you!”

“Oh did you?” Maceo asked in a low, accusatory voice.

“Please!” Valda screamed, looking up into his eyes through overwhelming tears.

“I thought you said you were bigger so you were in charge,” Maceo replied coldly.

“I’m not any more! I’m not! I’m so tiny, Gombe! Please help me! I would do anything for you! Please don’t abandon me!”

“How the mighty have shrunk,” Maceo told her, then grabbed both of her shoulders and set her down on the table again.

“Will you help me?’ she beseeched.

Maceo sighed and rolled his eyes while tapping his foot impatiently. Valda could only cry even harder at his callousness until he shook his head and set her back on the table when she tried to fall into him again.

“I’ll help you,” he answered her. Valda nearly collapsed with relief she’d so desperately fought to find for so long now and there was a chorus of terrified gasps from behind the door and the scurrying of little bare feet. Again Maceo shook his head and approached the cell door. He looked through the slot and the hall was quickly emptying with only a few petite women remaining staring back at him apprehensively clutching to oversized dresses or pieces of armor that now dangled on them like anchors from the bow of a ship and only partially covered.

These were anything but the mighty warrior women he had seen before. They were significantly smaller and only hints remained of their vast muscles from when they had been bordering on giant. Their forms and figures were still somewhat athletic, but only barely and their masculine lines had all been replaced by luscious curves. Not a one of them was anything less than well endowed in regards to their breasts now and it was safe to say that these mannish brutes had each become titillating beauties in their own rights and their natures seemed to be at first glance almost reversed entirely from the grotesque, masculine hulks that only bared a handful of feminine features into caricatures of femininity whose beauty was only surpassed by Astravia’s.

Interestingly, the indescribable explosion in their femininity and beauty was conversely accompanied by a near total erosion of the characteristic confidence they had once had. Where they had been self assured before, they only appeared to be self conscious now and there was a battle raging in their eyes as he looked down on their slight forms. This new battle was of conflicting feelings. On the one hand those still remaining staring up at him were blushing and their eyes seemed to plead from his cold, callous expression for anything resembling validation of their appearances while the erasure of their confidence seemed to call for to them surrender to an insurmountable need to hide these newly minted bodies that were of unsurpassed beauty among mortal women.

It was ironic. As hulking Amazons, they were perfectly at ease with their bodies, not a hint of shame in a one of them. In fact, they had been so self-assured by their brutish appearances that there had been an arrogance behind their stares, as if to tell Maceo his eyes were not worthy of them. That confidence was contrasted by bodies that most men would find repugnant and require more than a fair amount of liquor or drug to attain arousal when faced with such monstrously muscular women. Now, however? Their beauty was approaching indescribable and each of them would easily be described as women that men would fight epic wars over merely for the opportunity to see her smile. It was strange seeing that such an increase in value of these women to the male mind had been contrasted with a near erasure of that former confidence.

As a test, Maceo smiled at them, and though only his eyes were visible to them, it was enough of a smile that they could see his pleasure in those eyes. A couple turned and scampered off, while the few that remained backed away slowly, blushing more and more deeply and even smiling ever so slightly bashfully back up at him. A couple even seemed to relax their hold on their oversized garments, allowing them to slip and reveal more of their significantly reduced forms, though it wasn’t clear whether this was intentional or a sign of their conflicted, distracted minds.

He watched them unwaveringly until they finally backed far enough away they felt they could turn and scamper off, their round hips swaying hypnotically beneath rivers of fabric but betraying their beauty nonetheless. Obviously not all men would desire these women. Maceo had met more than one man who desired tall, statuesque women above any other, though he was certain that even those men would have found their prior hulking forms that towered above even the tallest of men to be grotesque. These women were among the most petite he’d ever seen, again only surpassed by Astravia, though Maceo assumed that wouldn’t be the case for much longer. As a result, there were a reasonable number of men who would find their small size to be less than ideal, regardless of their sudden stunning beauty.

Still, though, the many changes that had come with their reduction in size and strength was doing nothing resembling harm to their ability to attract a mate. Whereas a day prior the lion’s share of these women would have been required to take one by force, they each now could wrap a man’s entire soul around her tiny, shrinking pinky finger as they fell over themselves to do whatever monumental tasks were required to earn her favor.

Of course, not a single one of these women would have even the slightest inclination of how to leverage such power.

Maceo couldn’t help but laugh as the last of the shrinking amazons scampered away with their clumps of clothing and garments threatening to fall free of them with each step. Astravia’s renown when it came to her curses obviously went without saying. This was something new to Maceo, however. In their decades together as lovers, Astravia had slowly opened up to him about the many and varied curses she’d levied on those that offended her with most of them being actions that she actually harbored a great deal of regret over.

Maceo agreed that a number of the curses she’d given had been unnecessarily cruel, but in general he chose to listen rather than judge her, especially since she didn’t seem to gain any kind of pleasure for the pain she had doled out. As a rule, he preferred to assume that she only engaged in such behaviors because she truly felt it necessary. He only really spoke up when she admitted cases where she had let her momentary rage get the better of her when acting on the misdeeds of mortals.

Of all the curses that Astravia had confided in him beyond those that were already written in her texts, though, he’d never heard mention of anything quite like this. In a simple (but clearly taxing given her conspicuous absence from the scene) inversion of the amazons’ sacrilegious distortions of their bodies, she had managed to rip everything that they held dear from their dwindling hands and dumped all that was their heritage as women back onto their shoulders like a ton of bricks. Everything they had been prior to this day was a clear and blatant rejection of their womanhood. Now, he watched them as they scurried into the shadows with their feminine traits exponentially multiplied to nearly ludicrous levels, were it not for the fact that even Maceo couldn’t help but feel the fire in his loins as he watched them.

He turned back to face his former jailer, forgetting to erase his smile and she stared back at him, her mouth agape and shivering nervously while trying to cover breasts too large for her delicate little hands, and nipples and areolas that were nearly as wide as her palms now. His gaze was simultaneously yearned for and dread for fear of the rejection it might bring, but the wildcard of this scenario was Maceo’s accidental grin, which caused Valda to blush over much of her naked body, staring bashfully ahead.

This was barely recognizable as the same brute from only a day prior despite her face being largely the same aside from now being immeasurably softer.

“Thank you!” she chirped at him, struggling even harder to cover herself. It was so strange given the flagrant displays of her body that she’d engaged in so readily before, especially considering that this new version of her was much more to his tastes. “Thank you Gombe!” she praised him.

“My name isn’t Gombe,” Maceo blurted back at her coldly and erased his smile immediately.

Surprisingly, Valda’s will seemed to crumble beneath his own now and she trembled with fear for having offended this massive god of a man.

“I-it’s not?” she asked him nervously. “O-oh, of course it’s n-not,” she quickly corrected. “I’m sorry,” she told him with surprising sincerity. “I didn’t know what to call you and…”

“You didn’t ask,” Maceo interrupted. She immediately fell silent. He didn’t even have to try with her. Her will seemed inexorably driven by his own now. “And you didn’t try to give me that name because you needed something to call me. You used it to try to break my will and train me,” Maceo confronted. He stepped forward and as he did so, she seemed to wilt before his eyes, deeply emotionally wounded that she had displeased him. It was difficult to tell whether this new set of behaviors was a part of the curse, or just simply a result of having been shrunk down so significantly and made so vulnerable so quickly. Only time or Astravia would tell.

“I-I-I-I-I…” she stammered, completely unable to form a full word, let alone a complete sentence.

“Stop,” Maceo ordered her unemotionally, but this time much more gently. She immediately perked up and obeyed, forcing a weakened smile across her lips as if in a bid to appease him. He stared at her for a long moment to consider their situation, then turned and headed to a farther table to peruse the contents, noting a large container that upon closer inspection turned out to be a larger supply of the aphrodisiac that had been used to drug him repeatedly.

“Does this only work on men?”

“M-men?” she asked in a confused voice.

“Yes, men,” Maceo answered back sternly. Once again she appeared to wither before his eyes for having displeased him. It was rather disturbing how submissive she was suddenly.

“I-I-I… what is.. men?” she asked him. Maceo turned to face her, disappointed in her and also somewhat in disbelief.

“Men is plural. Man is singular and I am a man,” he answered her.

“Is that why you’re so much stronger than other males? Y-you’re a… man?”

“I suppose there might be a difference, but just use the two interchangeably,” Maceo commanded her, showing just a bit of patience, which seemed to please her greatly.

“So… and the other males are?”


“Like.. woman?”

“Exactly,” Maceo replied. “How have you all completely forgotten the word man?”

“So… is it because you’re part woman, or from women?” she asked dumbly. Maceo shook his head, but managed to contain his frustration.

“Woman is derived from man, actually,” he answered.

“But how? Women were first. Women create all men,” she told him.”

“Actually, men are needed as much if not even more in a way than women to create a child. You’re probably just assuming this because Astravia gave rise to the civilizations on this world and not another god,” he explained. Her eyes widened like saucers and she nearly fell over herself.

“Y-you know of Astravia?” she asked him. “I’ve never met a man who believed in her.”

“And how would you know that when you cut a man’s vocal chords whenever you meet them?” Maceo demanded of her. Once again, she seemed to wilt. “It’s a long story, but yes, I know all about Astravia.”

“We’ve been waiting so long for her to return and bring us back. We were running out of hope. You’ve seen her? But you couldn’t have, you’re a male.”

“We’ll talk about that later,” Maceo commanded her and she suddenly zipped her lips and sat up pertly and obediently. This wasn’t even a minor challenge for him. “Back to my question: does this drink only work on men?”

“Yes,” she answered obediently.

“Because they’re men, or because you were so big before you could withstand the effects?”

“I-it was made specifically to use to seduce men. Our sisters who made it generations ago were careful to make sure we wouldn’t lose our wits when we…” she answered, but stopped, cringing before she could finish her statement.

“Yes, you already explained to me what you do with men.” He sighed and looked the container over, plugging his nose and being careful not to breath any in again. “It’ll take too long to try to change it to work on women too,” Maceo decided unhappily. “And I don’t think I have everything I need here anyways.”

“Wh-what do you mean? Y-you c-can make potions?”

“I’m not going to bother explaining all of the things I can make. You wouldn’t believe me anyways,” Maceo declared callously. Once again, Valda appeared to wilt and shrink in front of him in shame.

“W-what are y-you going to d-do with me?”

“Well, for now I need to leave this place. I’ll come back to clean this whole mess up later,” he responded firmly.

“B-but wh-what about m-me?” she asked. “If they catch m-me…”

“Well, then you’re coming with me too,” Maceo decided, though he hardly seemed happy about the idea.

“I don’t understand,” Valda said in a begging tone again. “Did I do something? Did I make you angry?” she pleaded to know.

“Did you do something?” Maceo asked, quite taken aback by her cluelessness. “You’re not serious.”

“I was good to you when I wasn’t… this,” she explained. “I was so good to you. I wanted you to be so happy!”

“You spoke to me like I was a child. Less than that actually. It doesn’t matter. I’ve wasted too much time down here. I assume you’ve all shrunk enough that I can walk out of here without worrying about your sisters collapsing the dungeon?”

“H-how did you know about that?” she asked.

“Just answer the question.”

“No. We had mallets to collapse the pillars that would have set off a cascade. I don’t think that even as a group we’re strong enough to lift the mallets, let alone smash those pillars anymore. We’re so weak. Wh-why Gomb… I..” she struggled.

“Maceo. My name is Maceo,” Maceo answered her. “Thanks for finally asking, sort of,” he said sarcastically.

Valda struggled and after several attempts, she managed to press on. “Do you know why this is happening to us? Did you do this?”

“No, I didn’t do this,” Maceo answered her bluntly.

“Can you… help us?”

“I think it’s safe to say the world is a safer place without undoing what’s happened to you,” Maceo replied. “But even if that wasn’t the case, no, I can’t undo it.”

“But it happened just after you arrived. Is that really just a coincidence?”

“I think what you’ve been up to finally caught up to you,” Maceo informed her. “I’m not exactly thrilled watching it take place. Now that’s enough. I’m leaving this place. You can follow me or you can stay behind. It’s your choice.”

“I’ll go with you!” Valda exclaimed. “I’ll go anywhere you ask!”

Maceo sighed and turned back to the door and paused, thinking carefully then he proceeded forward. He grabbed the handle and ripped it off, breaking it into pieces, then kicked through the door, splitting it apart, which caused Valda to scream and cover her face.

“Well, then we’re going,” Maceo told her and began his march back up to the surface. Valda jumped down from the table she was sitting on and stumbled left and right before falling over. Then she stood and ran after him, groaning with frustration under the feeling that she was even slower than when she’d run into this place.

Despite how exhausted she was, she trotted after him, doing her utmost to keep up with his long stride. Along the way they found a number of discarded pieces of Amazonian armor ranging from shin and forearm pieces to chest plates as well as swords that were now too large and heavy for the shrinking amazons to wield any longer. As they made their way up the final long stairway up toward sunlight ahead, Maceo found one of the massive mallets that she had mentioned and picked it up. Once ensuring that the dungeon was completely empty, he sent her ahead and smashed the pillars as the amazons had planned to do themselves, but Valda was so stunned she fell over backwards as she watched the pillars obliterated with far more force than she even thought was possible. As the cavernous structure collapsed behind them she stared up at him as he set off again in the opposite direction of where Valda was certain her former comrades had retreated to.

Sometime after they had left the border of the town and were approaching the edge of the barrier that concealed their cult like society, Valda, still stark naked, trotted up beside him and looked up at him, wincing as she realized he was even taller still compared to her. Her eyes were filled with tears and she had a sad stare that betrayed the fact that she could no longer bare the torment within her.

“Why are you mad at me? What did I do? I really tried my best to treat you well when I was the big one!”

“It boggles the mind that you’re so self absorbed you can’t even tell,” Maceo grumbled. Valda swallowed so hard that he could actually hear it, then he looked down at her with eyes that showed nothing of the answer she was begging for. “You raped me,” Maceo answered her coldly.

“But… no, I would have never… I can’t rape you,” she insisted feebly. “You’re a male. A man? Men can’t be raped.”

“You drugged me and had sex with me against my will,” Maceo snarled down at her with immense contempt.

“But you’re a male! Males want sex!”

“You really do think little of us, don’t you? And you aren’t even aware of how bigoted you are.” Maceo’s words were like a jagged knife through her heart, wounding her gravely. She was already shivering from the cold against her naked body and that was continuing to become more and more difficult for her as her body continued to slowly dwindle and the cold attained a greater and greater grip over her vanishing mass. Maceo’s cold words seemed to make her all the more frigid as she wrapped her arms around herself in a failed attempt to sooth her soul. It was obvious to Maceo as they continued walking that she still didn’t understand, so he decided to make his point as pointedly as he could. “I have a wife,” Maceo growled down to her.

“I don’t understand.”

“Don’t understand? I have a wife, Valda. You forced me to have sex with you by restraining me and drugging me and now I have to live with the fact that I broke my vows.”

“What vows? What is a wife?” she asked.

Maceo stopped suddenly and stared down at her. His face showed no emotion, but despite that it was clear he was dumbfounded by the impasse in their communication. “My wife is the woman I’m bound to,” Maceo answered back angrily. “I swore I would be faithful to her and her alone and you stole that from me.”

“Wh-what?” The look on her face was beyond befuddlement. What he had just stated to her seemed beyond comprehension. “But… all males desire is sex. One woman could never be enough for them.”

“My wife is more than I need and then some. I swore to be true to her and you took that from me.”

“So… I don’t understand. You’re saying you didn’t enjoy it?” she asked and then nearly fell over backwards following the rage filled glare he answered her with. “It didn’t feel good at all?”

“Just put yourself in my place. How would you feel if a man did that to you?”

“But you’re a male. It’s different!”

“Like I said, you really do think very little of us,” Maceo muttered coldly, then continued on his way.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:16 am

For the remainder of their walk away from the town, Valda remained silent and drowning in the realization that she had actually harmed Maceo, but still struggling to understand just how that could be the case given how giving and considerate she had been in their tryst together. Occasionally she would look back from where they came, noticing that the field of invisibility surrounding her home seemed to be weakening as she began to notice distortions where they had departed from. Just before they reached the edge of a forest, she turned and looked again to see that she could see the vague outline of buildings in the distance that were becoming more visible by the moment.

“What are we going to do? If the shroud fails, we’ll be completely helpless like this!” she lamented. Maceo paused and looked back, assessing her comments pragmatically.

“I suppose it makes sense that you’re terrified of others doing to you what you’ve done for centuries.”

“Do you think I enjoyed doing that? I haven’t taken a man in three years because I felt so badly about the ones I took.”

“And yet you did it anyways,” Maceo pointed out.

“But why? Why is this happening?” she asked, staring back at her home and unable to stop the tears yet again. “That’s our last defense!”

“Why don’t you tell me?” Maceo challenged her. “Why do you think your town is becoming visible?”

“It’s like our connection with magic is completely disappearing,” she answered Maceo while continuing to stare at the emergence of her home into the light.

“It is,” Maceo confirmed. “I can feel your connection with magic slipping with every inch you lose in height.”

“When will it stop? Will it ever wear off?”

“When a connection to magic is lost, it never comes back again,” Maceo answered her. “It seems that you’re paying the price for your sins. Now come on. Or don’t. Either way, I need to get moving,” Maceo ordered her, then began moving forward again at a more brisk pace than before.

They entered the forest and walked for several minutes until Maceo stopped and looked around while Valda watched him with no understanding of just what it was he was doing. He looked up into the trees and then he found a direction and became focused on it, walking slowly up to a specific tree.

“I’ll be right back,” he declared, then crouched low and leapt up high into the leaves and all but disappearing. He bounded up as far as he could and then climbed the remainder of the way until he found what he was looking for, Astravia collapsed in her transformed goddess state lying against a limb just large enough to support her two and a half foot tall body and drenched in sweat, gasping desperately for air.

“Oh my goddess,” Maceo whispered to her, brushing her shoulder with his fingertips. Astravia managed to pry her eyes open and glance in his general direction and smiled but only very slightly as she seemed so exhausted that even that was too much effort for her now. “Are you alright?” he asked with overwhelming concern. She could only gasp for air, but she did manage to nod slightly in response.

“I’ll… be… fine,” she gasped and wheezed.

“One of them followed me out here,” Maceo reported. She again opened her eyes and stared at him as he dropped down into her field of view. Again, she was too exhausted to talk, so she just nodded and closed her eyes. With immense effort, she concentrated, resulting in her shrinking back down into her normal fifteen-inch tall goddess form, but that was definitely the limit of what she was capable of doing at that point in time. With no other options, Maceo reached down and activated her pendant for her, doing the work of using it to transform her into her fairy form and then gathered her up into his hands. He then began jumping down from one limb to another, holding her close until he hit the ground and Valda ran up to satiate her curiosity over what was so important that Maceo had rushed out there to retrieve it.

She reached him just after he had reached the ground and ran up showing none of the athleticism she had once boasted with her large F cup breasts bouncing vigorously and freely as she closed the distance. Valda reached out and grabbed his hands while attempting to peer through them for a glance at his precious cargo, so Maceo opened them for him, revealing a tiny winged woman drenched in sweat and breathing heavily and somewhat erratically while lying limly in his hands.

“What is it?” Valda asked him.

“Her,” Maceo corrected immediately. “You’ve never seen a fairy?”

“No,” she answered, utterly captivated by this new and exotic creature. “Is this the thing that the others were talking about when they brought you in?”

“She’s not a thing,” Maceo lectured her. “And it looks like your friends really did a number on her.”

“She must be really fragile,” Valda whispered while doing her utmost to suppress her shivering from the cold.

“Thankfully, I don’t think there’s any permanent harm,” Maceo told her without taking his eyes off of his tiny fairy goddess wife.

“S-s-summon the airship,” Astravia whispered to Maceo in between gasps.

“What’s an air ship?” Valda asked, then fell backward onto her bottom with a scream as Maceo took Astravia in one hand and his other began glowing intensely. He raised it skyward and an intense beam of light exploded upward before disappearing.

“Come on,” Maceo ordered her. She watched him in disbelief as he simply stood and cradled the little winged woman in both hands and began walking again toward the other side of the forest they currently found themselves in. Valda followed, trotting along which helped her cope with the cool air on her naked skin, whimpering slightly as she realized that she was having even more difficulty keeping up and her line of sight was traveling even lower across his body than earlier. They walked on until they cleared the forest and Maceo came to a halt in the wide open as a stiff, cool breeze whipped over him.

Valda ran up, struggling from her extreme loss of strength and somewhat winded herself and repeated her question from earlier. Rather than answer, Maceo pointed westward into the sky. Valda stepped forward, wrapping her arms around herself to try to create any kind of barrier against the cool air and then she stopped cold and her jaw dropped as she could see far off in the distance the airship descending down from the cloud cover and headed directly for them.

“By the goddess!” she gasped, covering her mouth. Astravia opened her eyes at the sound of being called upon but didn’t move otherwise and after a moment to process she then closed them again, reserving what strength she had left to devote to recovering. “How does it just float like that?” Valda asked with wonder and more than a little fear. “Is it magic?”

“No,” Maceo answered her. “It works basically the same way as a boat, it’s just that instead of a surface that displaces water we use a gas that’s lighter than the rest of the air.”

“What’s gas?”

“Full of questions all of a sudden, aren’t you?” Maceo asked her. Valda lowered her head as if shamed until Maceo looked at her and shook his head, though he didn’t show any remorse for his callousness. “Wave your hand through the air as hard as you can,” Maceo told her and waited for her to comply. “Now, all you see is your own hand, but you felt something as your hand cut through the air, right? So you know something is there even if you can’t see it. The air is gas, but there’s more than one kind of thing in it. Some gases rise, like the smoke from a fire, others are heavy and sink below the rest. I took a kind of gas that’s lighter than the rest and captured it in the large capsule that’s the majority of the airship,” he explained as the airship drew nearer and nearer.

The closer it came, the more Valda was shocked, even wavering on her feet as she realized little by little just how monumental a beast this monstrosity was. When it finally descended to tree level, a line dropped from the control car and Maceo turned to his little companion and held Astravia out to her despite his wariness.

“Could you hold her for a minute while I secure the airship?” Maceo asked Valda. Valda cringed and held her hands out as if afraid to hold Astravia as Maceo set her in her hands but once she had the little fairy goddess in hand, her concerns seemed to ebb quickly while Maceo approached the airship and grabbed the dropped line. He climbed up remarkably quickly and into the control car, then used the spear guns to tether the ship to the ground and lower it until Maceo could lower a gangway and emerge once again.

Once Maceo had recollected the fairy goddess, he adjusted the spears tethering the ship to the ground and led Valda aboard where more wonders awaited her in the form of devices and instruments the likes of which she had never seen as well as human sized golems that were beginning to approach two feet taller than her.

Maceo retrieved the spears and then ascended the airship, leaving the navigation to his golems and ascended the stairs to the upper levels where he led Valda into their bedroom.

“What’s wrong with it… her?” Valda asked.

“Like I said; your friends really did a number on her,” Maceo complained. Valda looked away in shame, only to see through the window as the landscape dropped away from them impossibly. Maceo then set Astravia on their bed and petted her cheek gently with his fingertip until she opened her eyes and looked up at him. “Do you mind if I freshen you up a bit?” Maceo asked her. Astravia smiled and nodded appreciatively, then picked her up carefully and proceeded to the bathroom with Valda following not far behind.

Yet again, she was met with a strange room she couldn’t figure out and she looked around in wonder then her jaw dropped as Maceo set Astravia in the basin, which Valda would now require a step stool to use properly, and turned on the water, showering Astravia and rinsed off days worth of dirt and grime from her tiny, worn out body.

Valda watched in amazement as Maceo lathered her up and washed her from head to toe, taking extra care to sooth her with warm, massaging hands as he worked and when she was finally squeaky clean, he set her on a hand towel and wrapped it around her tiny fairy body.

“You should probably wash up too,” Maceo suggested to Valda.

“There’s no way I’ll fit in there,” Valda complained while looking to the sink basin, then cringed. “At least not yet. I’m still shrinking, Maceo.”

“Yes, I know.”

“When will it stop?”

“I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t focus too much on that at the moment,” he said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her over to the nearby shower stall. He turned the water on there and pushed her inside where she screamed with surprise as the water poured over her naked, grimy skin.

“It’s hot!”

“Too hot?” Maceo asked her.

“No. It actually feels amazing,” she said, managing the first smile she’d had since leaving Maceo behind when she discovered her ongoing shrinking.

“Alright. Soap is on the shelf next to you. Clean up as much as you can, then turn it off by turning the opposite way I just did. Use this to dry yourself off,” Maceo said and set a bath towel
just outside the shower stall for her. “You’ll find us in the kitchen on the other side of this floor when you’re done,” he told her coldly. Fear and alarm instantly washed over her and she leapt back out of the shower and grabbed his arm, hugging it to her bosom.

“Maceo no! Please don’t leave me alone in this shrunken state!” she begged. Maceo suddenly paused and looked at her both with surprise as well as an empathy that had suddenly been triggered as he recalled Astravia crying out in almost the same words when she was in the middle of dwindling down to her current state. His face softened and he stared at her, which was more than enough to ease Valda’s tormented heart as she seemed to melt around his arm.

“You’re going to be fine,” Maceo promised her. “I’m not actually going anywhere. There’s no one up here except for us, so wash yourself up and dry off and then find us on the other side of this floor. Take your time. You’re safe here.”

Valda was still not quite ready to let go, however this finally kind encouragement seemed to be a godsend for her. She hugged and squeezed his arm, rubbing her face against it over and over. Still, she didn’t resist much when he gently pried her free and guided her back to the shower and closed the curtain for her.

When she emerged several minutes later, soaking wet but thoroughly cleaned and smelling better than she ever had, she retrieved the towel left behind and wrapped it around herself after using it to dry off everything but her hair. She left the bathroom feeling refreshed and walked out, exploring the deck with all it’s marvels until she found a light from a room on the far side of the floor exactly as promised. When she entered, she found Maceo standing at some fixture that was creating intense heat that he was using to cook with and what was more, the cooking smelled delicious, causing her empty stomach to growl fiercely.

When she approached his side, she found Astravia lying wrapped in a soft hand towel and inside of a basket small enough to carry easily and passed out cold on the counter beside the stove Maceo was using to prepare a meal that was surprisingly massive, though Valda couldn’t be sure whether that was because he was that famished or because she was now that small that even an average meal for a man looked unfathomable.

She lifted onto her tiptoes to try to look around him, but as soon as she did, he turned and looked down at her, much more softly than he ever had, though it still couldn’t be said that he looked at her with any particular affection. As soon as she had his attention, he reached from his other side and handed her another fresh towel, this one completely dry.

“I’ve turned the heat on, but it’ll take some time for it to warm the airship up. I’m not going to bother making clothes for you that you’re just going to shrink out of again, so this will have to do,” Maceo told her.

She smiled and accepted it, then stepped back and removed her towel. Her boastful flaunting of her body was now completely gone and she subconsciously hid herself from his full view despite the fact that the look in her eyes clearly desired his gaze. She lingered like this, unsure of herself and wrapped the new towel around her body. The towel was quite soft to the touch and hardly modest in appearance for her, but thanks to her small and still slowly shrinking size, it was more than enough to comfortably cover her most private of parts.

They ate in silence at a table together where Valda squirmed the entire time. The food was mouth-watering, and the company left her constantly blushing, however she struggled with the fact that these chairs were obviously much smaller than what she normally used and still her feet were incapable of reaching the ground. Not only that, but she struggled with the fact that though it was very gradual and too slow to perceive as it happened, she could tell that the seat she sat on over time was continuing to sprawl out beneath her slowly in all directions and the level of the table was continuing to rise despite the fact that she already felt like a child at the grown ups’ table.

Maceo hardly paid her any attention. Instead, he was focused on the little fairy woman resting cozily in the basket he’d provided. She was out cold, but at least she wasn’t wheezing and gasping like she had been before this point.

“They told me they hit her,” Valda remarked numbly as her eyes finally shifted from this massive, mountain of a man to the object of his attention. “My sisters, that is.”

“Yeah,” Maceo agreed. “I’ve never seen her with a bruise before,” Maceo commented, looking sadly at the mark covering her shoulder. Valda gulped and watched the anger in his eyes begin to boil over again. It was fascinating to her to see a man in this state. Of course she had seen men angry in her life. This was to be expected. However this was somehow different. For one, he was virtually a giant to her now, rather than the cute, ineffectual looking little man she had once known. But there was more than that. His rage was highly focused and despite how terrified she was by it, it was clear that it was for a singular purpose and that purpose was the protection of this wronged tiny little creature.

“She can speak,” Valda whispered to him. “I-I didn’t believe my sisters when they said that she could, but she can. I heard her with my own ears.”

“She can speak far more eloquently than you can imagine,” Maceo informed her. Valda had little to say after that and instead watched Maceo as he cared for her, tending to her every need, even carefully prodding her to consciousness with nearly unlimited patience so that he could feed her a crumb or droplet at a time. She was fascinated by how he interacted with her, and apparently more than a little jealous as well. After nearly an hour at the table he finally adjourned and left the cleaning to the golems, which Valda also inquired about. He left with Valda following along, needing to jump down from the chair more than when she had climbed into it and needing to adjust the towel wrapped around her, which had become looser as they sat together.

“I should have let them kill me,” Valda remarked as she followed him back to their bedroom where Maceo applied some magical balm to Astravia’s shoulder using his fingertip. “I can’t live like this, so small and helpless.”

“Valda, stop feeling sorry for yourself,” Maceo lectured her.

“I don’t feel sorry for myself, but I can’t live like this Maceo! How could I? I can’t believe how weak I am, and I can feel it! I’m getting weaker and weaker by the hour!”

“You’ve abused your power. Now you’re paying the price and that power has been taken away.”

“I didn’t abuse my power! I was always as good as I could be to the males!” she insisted. “I didn’t have a choice!”

“Even if you were coerced to do it, that doesn’t absolve you of your sins,” Maceo answered her, petting Astravia’s soft blonde locks with his fingertip.

“I wish Astravia was here. She would understand. She would help me,” Valda proclaimed. Astravia again opened her eyes after hearing her name and stared ahead blankly. Valda hung her head and stared at the floor while Maceo sighed heavily and shook his head.

“Why don’t you come with me?” Maceo commanded more than asked. He picked up the basket Astravia was lying in and carried her out of the room as Valda ran after them and followed them up to the top deck in the airship, tripping over short little legs that she was struggling to get used to. Once at the top level, Maceo lead her to a study with shelves full of books and zeroed in on one in particular. Valda looked all around the room and spun around, desperately fighting to comprehend where she was. When she asked, Maceo responded, “these are books. They’re like scrolls but can store more text.” He then handed Valda a large book, picked the child-sized woman up with ease and set her on a chair.

“What is it?” she asked, fiddling with the cover.

“Astravia’s texts,” Maceo answered her. Valda jerked her head up at him and nearly fell out of both her chair and the towel. “The real ones. You’ve obviously never read them before.”

“But… how? Where could a male have found these?”

“Luck, I suppose,” Maceo answered her. “Why don’t you read those for a while,” he suggested. “We’ll be down a deck when you get tired,” he told her, then walked out of the room with Tiny Astravia in hand. He set a rune at the steps to warn him when she decided to head back down to join them again, then went to their bedroom and sealed the door. Now finally alone, Maceo lifted her up and lay her on the bed so he could deactivate her disguise and look at her as she really was.

As soon as she finished growing back to her fifteen-inch tall form, she opened her eyes and rolled over to her side, smiling weakly to him. “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he apologized.

“I will not last long,” she confided softly. “I have missed you so, my dearest Maceo,” she told him tearfully.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I’ve never seen you like this. I didn’t even know you could be bruised.”

“I have not been since the war with the titans. I would not have been now if I had not exerted myself so thoroughly. I have barely a flicker of magic left in me at this moment.”

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” Maceo asked in an impassioned plea.

“I am certain of it,” she smiled to him. “Can you hold me, my beloved?” she asked. Maceo sat on the bed and lifted her into his arms and cradled her, petting her while she settled limply there. “I have missed you so, my dearest Maceo,” she whispered. Despite how depleted she was, she seemed genuinely happy and content right up until she noticed the tension in his body and felt him swallow hard. “What is it?” she asked him, straining to look up at him. “Tell me, please.”

Maceo then explained the ordeals he had undergone and the shame he felt for having succumbed to the Amazon’s sexual advances. Astravia listened patiently and carefully, but her smile never wavered until he was completely finished.

“Do not blame yourself,” she commanded him with much more authority than he had been accustomed to in several decades. “I was fully aware of what they were capable of and what they wanted from you. If you wish to blame anyone, then blame me. I was the one who left you there with the knowledge of what they had in store for you.”

“I should have done more to resist them,” Maceo argued.

“You did exactly as I asked you to,” Astravia reassured him. “They will pay dearly for their pyrrhic victory,” she promised. “Do not wound yourself over this matter; I beg you. Instead, please forgive me for forsaking you to these monsters. When I recover, I will double my efforts to grow strong enough that I can pull you outside of time with me, despite how small I have become. That way, we will never have this problem again.”

“I am going to kill them. Every last one of them.” Maceo’s eyes were dead and cold as he uttered this threat.

“And the one you returned with? The one who actually violated you? What of her? Will you slaughter her as well?”

“Don’t you want me to? It was a mistake to bring her with. I should have left her there to face her fate.”

“If that is your wish, my dearest Maceo. I will not stand in your way or attempt to dissuade you. However, that was not my goal.”

“And what was your goal?”

“They will become what they despise most,” Astravia answered him. “They will look upon men and feel the fear and vulnerability they subjected their victims to for generations. The only defense and the only power they will have for all time is the very femininity they shunned and rejected. They will no longer be repugnant to the men which they choose any longer, quite the contrary. They will have no equals among your kind in regards to beauty and in time their descendants will be desired by all men. Their skin will be soft and supple for their entire lives. They will never know wrinkles or the slow erasure of their beauty to the men that desire them. Their breasts will always be round, full and pert and their bones will not become brittle with time or their bodies sag in old age. The only sign of their age will be in their hair, which will still lighten with time, but instead of grey or a wiry white, their locks will turn a silky and lustrous platinum, and will always settle at a long length that the men who desire them wish it to be. Their fertility will remain with them for double the time of the rest of your species, giving them ample opportunities to supply their husbands with strong sons, and beautiful, tiny and highly desired daughters. Their people will be forced to grow strong in order to defend their wives, sisters, mothers and daughters and they will give birth to strong, virile men whom they will be forced to rely on for all time. And all daughters to their line will live exactly as they will. What they are becoming will be the inheritance of all women born to them and their descendants. This trait will never be supplanted or become recessive. They have sealed this fate by their own hands.”

“How small will they get?” Maceo asked his shrunken wife.

“Not nearly as small as I would have desired,” Astravia answered him with a hint of regret. “They will be gifted with the size that I myself said would be a blessing I wished for my own. Only in their eyes they will find nothing but regret and bitterness in this blessing.”

“So a little less than three feet,” Maceo determined. Astravia nodded and took a deep breath to replenish her weakened lungs.

“Men will desire them so much so that they will accomplish any feat to attain them, and in this they will have power over all men. However they will be so small, timid and weak, they will never have the means to capitalize on that power. They will never be wanting, nor any of their daughters. They will attract wealth, resources and the finest men your world has to offer, but they will always be destined to watch this power from behind the curtain. They will never wield it themselves. The magic that granted them their strength and vitality has been turned in on itself and consumed, dissolving any connection they or their daughters will ever have to magic, so long as it lives in this world. They will be caricatures of femininity, and shining ones at that. And in their envy, no matter how hard their lovers strive to please them, they will always remain infuriatingly close to the power they crave so much, but never even containing the strength of will nor the self confidence to hold it in their own hands.”

“I’m impressed you managed a curse that intense,” Maceo mused with a satisfied smile.

“In truth, I did not have the power to do it myself. In my shrunken state, I was forced to become much more creative than I believe I ever have.”

Maceo leaned down to her and watched her, almost detecting a hint of pride in her smile as she lay there. After some more time for her to catch her breath, she opened her eyes again and looked up at him.

“May I take your silence as a decision to allow me the fruits of this curse?”

“Given how hard you worked for it, I would feel horrible trying to take it from you.”

Astravia grinned again and closed her eyes. Her remaining strength was fading again and she was slipping toward unconsciousness once more. “Then my dearest Maceo, I ask you to let go of your malice for them and leave them to their fates. I will not hold onto it any longer, and I will overlook how they abused my beloved. If you can find it in your heart, grant them the mercy you have shown so many others in our years together.”

She quickly drifted off to sleep again and left Maceo with his thoughts. He held her in silence until he sensed Valda passing the rune he had left behind and then used Astravia’s pendant to shrink her down to fairy size again and place her back in her basket. A moment later there was a knock at the door and Maceo answered to find Valda, now standing a mere four feet tall and still adjusting her towel, which was more of a dress to her now than ever. Valda was staring at the floor with a sad, vacant look in her eyes until Maceo knelt down and lifted her chin up.

“I’m still shrinking,” she admitted to him tearfully.

“I’m sure it’ll end soon,” he promised her while wiping the tears from her eyes.

“What if it doesn’t?”

“If I have to, I’ll find a way to stop it myself,” he promised her, which filled her with hope again, but not strength.

“The words in that… book. They’re all familiar, but they’re not the same as the texts I’ve read my entire life,” Valda admitted. “I never noticed it before, but I can actually feel the love in her words when I read them. It’s like a warmth that covers my whole body. I’ve never felt that before.”

“The words you’ve read in the past were written down and warped by the bitterness your ancestors carried with them,” Maceo told her. Maceo then lifted her up and cradled her in his arms, carrying her back to the bed. “I think you’ve had enough for one day. “Get some rest. I’ll be with you the entire time,” he promised.

“But I’ll keep shrinking through the whole night,” she complained. “Who knows how small I’ll be when I wake up?”

“Not that small. You’re not shrinking that fast. Just come with me and you’ll be safe,” he told her, then climbed into bed, lifting Astravia out of her basket with one hand and set her on his chest. He wrapped an arm around Valda, who melted in his embrace and softly cried herself to sleep.

Maceo watched over her as she drifted off to sleep, and then his eyes drifted back to Astravia. Concern and sadness over the recent ordeals faded and was replaced with relief and joy at the reunion with his lover and wife. He watched over her for some time as a crescent moon passed through the window off to their left as the airship banked to the right to circle the massive lake once again.

Once the light from the crescent moon had vanished and left them in darkness, Maceo closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest as well.
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Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Fri Sep 02, 2022 3:38 am

When Valda awoke to the warmth of the sun on her cheeks, she immediately was met with the realization that the world around her was again noticeably larger than when she had drifted to slumber. It was difficult to determine exactly by how much, but she could feel that she had essentially deflated within the towel she was using as a make shift dress and that even a small shift in her posture threatened to slip her entire naked body from it. Maceo’s arm was still wrapped around her and had grown considerably thicker and heavier, almost as though it were another body curled around her.

She was surrounded by warmth and the weight of the man she was resting against was so heavy that she was faced with the daunting possibility that she was no longer large or strong enough even to pry his arm free of her, even if he didn’t resist.

She was essentially imprisoned by little more than the weight of his limbs and significantly more helpless than even just the night before when she had passed out and fallen asleep. It was disquieting to her to say the least. She didn’t drift awake or ease into it. Instead she was thrust into consciousness by the stark contrast that was immediately evident due to her changing size. Still though, she couldn’t help but retain a slight smile on her face despite the fact that she felt like little more than a toy to this man that surrounded her. She was warm and his muscular chest was firm and inviting. She could also feel her nipples swell and stiffen as she took a tactile inventory of how her breasts had swollen and expanded even further in her sleep, causing them to weigh even heavier against her skin. Surprisingly, however, as she shifted they moved much more in unison with her body than they had even when they were laughably small against her once muscle-bound physique.

She remained perfectly still against him immediately after she felt her breasts all but fall out of their loose cloth prison and she barely opened her eyes. She was content where she was despite the unnerving sensation that she was little more than a leaf on a breeze now. Somehow, she felt safe and it showed in her expression.

“Are you alright?” Maceo asked her gently, startling her. She turned and looked up at him and her body jerked suddenly as she realized that even lying down he looked noticeably larger than when she had last bothered to look.

“Yeah, why?” she answered rather bashfully. His eyes were softer now to her and his voice gentler. The resentment he had harbored previously seemed to have faded.

“You seem tense,” he remarked.

“How much more have I shrunk?” she asked him immediately.

“I’m sure not as much as it feels like to you,” Maceo assured her.

“But how much?”

“I’m not totally sure,” Maceo replied honestly. Valda looked over to the little fairy on the other side of his chest, noting how much larger she looked as well. Still a far cry from Valda’s size, but holding her in one hand would soon not be an easy proposition at the rate she was going.

“How is she?” Valda asked, then lifted herself up and leaned in for a closer look. In doing so, she slipped entirely out of her towel, exposing her breasts, which now that she looked at them were hanging down larger and heavier in proportion to her body even than the little fair woman in front of her. There was a heft to them, especially on her dwindling frame and she could feel them holding her back as she attempted to create any kind of momentum in any given direction. She stared at these swollen udders that swayed gently and hypnotically, several times larger than any she had ever seen before even when accounting for her small size.

It only took her a second before she realized how exposed she was and she could feel her skin increase in heat. She looked up to see that Maceo had indeed noticed and felt his eyes lingering on this soft little body of hers, so she dropped down and covered herself frantically.

It took her a good moment to recover from her embarrassment, but it took even longer for her to process the simple fact that she was embarrassed at all.

When she did finally recover, she pulled the towel up (with considerable effort) and then dragged herself forward to inspect the little fairy goddess. “Her bruise has already faded,” she remarked with wonder. Maceo merely smiled down at Astravia wordlessly and showed nothing but gratitude for the tiny woman’s presence. “Has she even woken up at all?” Valda asked him.

“She was awake earlier,” Maceo reported, petting Astravia with a single finger carefully. “She’s really been drained, though.”

“When we’re smaller than her, I wonder if she’ll get revenge on us,” Valda wondered aloud.

“I think your shrinking might be slowing down,” Maceo suggested. “I don’t think you’ll get as small as her.” Valda showed relief by his statement, but she still stared sadly and blankly ahead.

Maceo gave her a moment, but in the end he decided it was time to get up, so he gathered Astravia in his hand and carefully slid her into the basket from before. Valda got up and struggled with the heavy towel, but once she had it in place, she found much to her surprise that her huge, pert breasts were of great help by providing something for the cloth to hang on to.

Maceo suggested Valda take some more time to read up on Astravia’s texts while he showered for the first time in days and then departed with Astravia in hand to wash up. When she heard the shower activate, however, she found herself drawn back to the bathroom and bit down on her forefinger struggling to battle her urges. The battle was a short one and one she lost, which resulted in her tiptoeing forward to the door and carefully sliding it open, then slipping inside.

There, she found Astravia still in her basket sitting on the counter by the sink basin fast asleep and thankfully in not nearly as ragged of a state as the day before. She watched the little fairy woman warily and a tingle went up her spine as if to warn her that this harmless little winged woman was some sort of threat, but ultimately, Valda chose to ignore this too and crept forward until she reached the shower curtain and peeked in.

Maceo was shockingly massive, with the shrinking Amazon only standing waist high to him now. His cock, which had always been impressively large to her even at nearly seven and a half feet tall was hanging loose directly in front of her and a wave of fear washed over her as she realized that his massive python now might be more than she could handle even with both of her hands. His muscles were the same as ever, but hard and rippling as they were, they were terrifying now from this significantly smaller angle.

Before when she and her comrade had pleasured him with their mouths, they had been forced to crouch down nearly to a sitting position and even then they needed to stoop. Now, she could easily work with it without any need to bend at all. In fact, she might need to lift up onto her tiptoes in order to gain the necessary leverage.

She remained fixated on his naked body that towered far above her. She stared unendingly while he lathered himself thoroughly with soap and finally worked the results of days of no bathing off of his body. She couldn’t remove her eyes from him until she let out a yearnful sigh as she realized that her hand had slipped down between her legs without her noticing and was methodically rubbing her clitoris to fruition. Maceo paused as soon as he heard her noise and turned, staring down at the now dwarven sized woman with disappointment. Valda blushed heavily and pulled back, but Maceo followed her, drawing back the curtain and wrapped a towel around his waist to cover himself, though there was none of the shame in his eyes that she harbored in her own.

“Valda, I’ve already told you I’m married. This isn’t appropriate.”

“I just,” she stammered, stumbling over her words.

“Stop,” Maceo commanded her, though his tone was far softer than she would have expected. “I won’t betray my wife again,” he told her sternly. Valda stared back at him, nearly tearful and she gulped hard. His words weren’t nearly as cold as before, but they broke her heart just the same. She desired this man even more now than when she had been the larger of the two and her knees shook. In a moment of reckless abandon, she tugged on the huge fabric that wrapped around her little body and allowed it to fall to the floor, leaving her completely naked before his eyes.

“Don’t you find me even a little attractive?” she asked him. Maceo sighed and looked at her with surprising patience, then knelt down, placing his hand against her cheek. Even kneeling now he was taller than her. Still, though, she knew what the answer would ultimately lead to in regards to her query.

She looked down, averting his gaze and that was when she noticed how much her body had transformed. Her breasts were so large, round and plump that they blocked her feet from view. Still, though, they were incredibly pert, with succulent, round, puffy nipples that angled slightly upward as if begging the giant to suckle from them. She pulled them back and to the side to show that her rock hard, striated abdominal muscles were completely gone, replaced with a soft tummy that curved ever so slightly as if to suggest her womb was empty and asking to be filled. Further below, her once thick forest of pubic hair at the front of her hips had receded into a thin, downy trail of soft, gentle fur, tracing a clear path to an enticing slit that looked like soft, succulent lips, begging to be kissed. Even further beyond that, her once powerful, brawny legs had receded back to round, thick, but soft, supple skin that tapered down to her knees.

Everything about her body was screaming to her that it was in violation of all she had held dear her entire life, and yet there was a sense that there was something about this body that would ignite an uncontrollable blaze in a man’s heart, which sent a shiver up her spine.

“Of course I do,” Maceo finally answered, tipping her head back up. “There are very few women in this world as beautiful as you are like this, Valda. But I will not ever betray my wife again.”

“Like this? But what about before?”

“That body wasn’t really yours,” Maceo told her. “It was pieced together with what you stole from countless men. And men aren’t really beautiful.”

“This isn’t my body, though. It can’t be.

“It is,” Maceo assured her. “It’s just that everything that made that body beautiful has been magnified. Everything about what you’ve done to yourself has been completely reversed.”

“Do men desire this?” she whispered while swallowing hard and even a drop of sweat formed on her brow.

“Oh yes,” Maceo agreed.

“And I will be too weak to even try to refuse them.” The dread was palpable in her voice. “But how? How could they want this?” she asked frantically.

“Because you’re not what we are,” Maceo answered her. “Why does a man need a woman who looks and acts like a man? You’re different and that makes you valuable.”

“I don’t wanna be valuable! I want to be strong! How do I live like this?”

“Valda, you and your sisters have lived for centuries forcing your bodies to reject what makes you special. It never even occurred to you that your spells could backfire on you. We’ll talk more about this later. For now, I think you might be served well by reading a little more of the real words of your religion, not this brainwashing you’ve had dumped on you. Don’t keep fighting me for answers that you’re probably not going to accept anyways. Take them from a woman who knows them by heart.”

Valda gulped again and stared up into his eyes. Her hand trembled and she lifted it, placing it over his while he held her cheek. “How do you know so much about her?” she asked Maceo earnestly. “Men are forbidden.”

“Men are forbidden from serving in her presence for their own good,” Maceo answered her. “She is that beautiful and that alluring. They can barely contain themselves. Her priestesses are there to bridge that divide and share her love for all of us. Not lord over us with iron fists. Men have a place in Astravia’s world too.”

She turned and headed back up to the upper deck as requested, this time with Maceo watching to ensure she truly was gone. Once he felt it was safe, he turned back toward the shower and discarded his towel.

“You only rejected her because you were afraid I might wake up and find you,” she teased him.

“And you only forced yourself to stay awake so that you could catch me,” Maceo answered back with a mirthful grin. Astravia gasped with mock offense and twitched as if to throw something at him, but her strength immediately faded. Maceo laughed and approached, bending over and kissing the tiny, less than five-inch tall fairy woman. “I’ll never betray you again,” Maceo promised her. She smiled contentedly and leaned into his giant lips.

“I already spoke on this matter,” she answered him back. “You have not betrayed me. I have betrayed you.”

“I don’t like giving this thing to someone that isn’t you,” Maceo insisted, pointing down to his groin.

“That is good, because I am a greedy woman and desire it all for myself,” she teased back.

“You need to rest,” Maceo whispered to her.

“Do not leave me again, my dearest Maceo,” she begged him. “My heart could not take it. Please do not leave me behind.”

“My heart couldn’t take it either,” he answered her, and then petted her until she drifted off again.

Valda continued reading as commanded until she smelled the delicious odors of Maceo’s cooking and then set Astravia’s texts down and ventured forth to investigate, though she needed to adjust the towel again around her still shrinking frame and paused as she realized how far down her legs it fell.

She found Maceo in the kitchen and did as asked when he pointed her to a seat with a cushion on top of it to help account for her continued loss in height while sitting at the table. When they sat down to eat, Valda inquired about the airship, asking about where it had come from and how far it could travel. Maceo answered her questions while promising a proper tour now that they were fully settled in. “It can travel to anywhere in the world,” he finished. “But it can only carry so much gas and fuel before we need to stop and replenish. If I’m careful about usage, it can go for a few months before we need to do that.”

“Anywhere?” she asked wondrously. She had to shake herself to remind herself it wasn’t a dream when he nodded back to her. “So where will we go now?”

“I’m not done here yet,” Maceo answered her bluntly. “I still have to bring the airship back down and finish dealing with your sisters.”

“But they’ll kill me!”

“I have half a mind to kill them for what they did,” Maceo grumbled and nearly mangled his fork between his fingers in the process. “But, what’s happening to them is much more poetic, I think.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

“I guess it depends on what we find when we get back, which won’t be long from now.”

“What do you mean?” she asked nervously while wrapping her arms to hug herself.

“We changed course a while ago to return there. By now the veil around your town is completely gone and they’re completely vulnerable and as small as you are now. But, I said you would be safe with me, and whatever comes our way, I will keep you safe,” he promised.

This morning was much clearer than the previous day, with large, puffy white clouds filling the skies. When the airship descended down from within one over the huge lake, the Amazons rushed out to see the lumbering giant, watching with fear and trepidation as it gently but inevitably floated directly toward them. When it began to fill their field of view, they all turned and ran, gathering in the sanctuary and doing their feeble utmost to seal the doors, but all of the amazons, most of them shivering and naked and all in bodies exactly as Astravia had described, lacked the strength necessary to properly barricade the doors.

They could still lift their weapons, but their bows were beyond their abilities, let alone their draw now and their swords were so heavy in their tiny hands that they staggered and swooned trying to swing them. Still though, despite how crippled with fear they were, they intended to go out with a fight together.

The airship approached along the shoreline from the north and then slowed to a crawl above the town, hovering directly above like a lumbering monster. From there, Maceo used the aircraft to carry both Valda and Astravia down to the ground, landing just outside the gate on that side of the town. Maceo marched in, hardly noticing as Valda was forced to adjust her towel yet again, which was now more of a gown to her than a simple make shift dress. He marched in with determined eyes and they followed a direct path to the sanctuary until a little more than half way there when Maceo perked up and stood rigidly, looking back toward the lake.

“They came,” Astravia whispered up from his hand, still sighing with exhaustion. Maceo nodded and turned and headed up the street in that direction with Valda prancing unevenly behind him as she continued to try to adapt to her shrunken legs.

The entire walk, Valda continually asked who Astravia had been referring to until just before the edge of town they encountered a group of men, tattered and worn and obviously hungry, but even more filled with anger in their eyes.

“Good day,” Maceo called out to them. They slowed to a stopped and drew back, noting Maceo’s weapons first, then nearly falling over when they saw his miniature companion who was doing her best to hide behind him as much as possible. She remembered these men instantly as the ones that had managed an escape, though now they were terrifyingly large.

“What are you doing here?” one man demanded, while they all stared at the miniature Valda, struggling to understand why she looked so familiar to them.

“I’m here to clean up the aftermath,” Maceo answered them. “And yourselves?”

“When the veil around this place vanished, we decided to find out what had happened. Where are those monsters? Did they leave for some reason?” Maceo looked around the handful of men, noting that half of them sported ugly scars on their throats; leftovers from their vocal chords being removed.

“No, they’re all here. We were just on our way to them before I realized you were here,” Maceo answered.

“Who are you?” the leader of their group asked.

“I am Maceo.”

“And your friend?”

“Introduce yourself,” Maceo ordered her while looking down at her underneath his arm. She whimpered and attempted to pull back, but Maceo insisted, so she leaned out timidly.

“I am Valda,” she answered meekly. The men looked more closely at her, then at each other, muttering among themselves. The name was familiar, though they were having difficulty making the connection until one finally forced the dots to connect.

“It can’t be,” one said in a hushed tone. The others looked at him, and then at Valda and the realization finally dawned on them that impossibly, this tiny, timid creature was the hulking Amazon they had once known. “How? Is that really her?”

“Oh yes,” Maceo answered.

“But how? You did this? Are you going after the rest of them too?”

“I didn’t do this, no. And the others are already the same. All of them are like this now,” Maceo informed them. Shock spread through their small group, and shock gave way to disbelief. Then disbelief was replaced by uncontrollable laughter, even for those with no vocal chords to make a sound with. They doubled over and fell to the ground laughing hysterically at Valda, who could only hide behind Maceo’s hips, glowing red from shame.

When they could finally stand again, they ventured forward, still laughing loudly at Valda’s expense. When they finally reached Maceo, one reached forward, chiding, “seems the shoe is on the other foot now, eh?” Maceo, however, grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.

“You will not touch her,” Maceo declared.

The men were now deadly serious and faced Maceo as a unit. “Do you have any idea what she has done to us? What all of them have done to us?”

“The same thing they did to me,” Maceo answered directly.

“I don’t know you. I’ve never seen you before.”

“He must be new,” one of the few with a voice suggested, and was reassured when Maceo nodded in affirmation.

“Then you don’t know,” the leader of their group spat. “We’ve been their slaves for years. They’ve beaten us, humiliated us, degraded us and used us for years.”

“A few days of it was more than enough for me to get a good understanding,” Maceo answered back boldly. “And it doesn’t matter. You are not going to touch her.”

“What is that?’ one asked, pointing to the basket in Maceo’s other hand. “Is that a fairy?”

“Injured by one of their hunting parties, yes,” Maceo confirmed.

“You say they’re all like this?” the leader asked, then smirked evilly when Maceo nodded. “Time for some payback.”

“No,” Maceo answered them boldly. The other men drew nearer, ready to confront Maceo by force if need be. “I’ve had my fill of fighting,” Maceo warned them. “My patience is already razor thin after dealing with them these last several days. You don’t want to see what’s in store for you if you push me into a fight.”

“We don’t have to fight, but we’re not just going to let them get away with what they did to us. They have to pay.”

“How? By doing to them what they did to you?” Maceo asked back.

“YES!” those with voices replied in unison.

“This entire cult was created because men treated their ancestors the way they treated you. They were tortured and their minds were shattered by the violence they suffered and that created the monsters you knew before. Now you want to march in here and start that cycle all over gain, just after it was broken.”

“And what would you have us do?” one asked snidely.

“Break the cycle,” Maceo answered directly. “You think I haven’t thought about killing them for what they did? You think I don’t want to feel their hearts crushed in my hands as I squeeze the life out of them?” he asked, then stomped his foot so hard that the flagstone he was standing on shattered. “But it doesn’t matter, because you are not going to touch her.”

“And the rest of them?”

“Take a minute to think about this. Could you imagine that the magic that had created what you saw before would backfire this badly creating this?” Maceo asked. “Now ask yourself: what do you think would backfire on you if you decided to screw with that and how bad would it be?”

“What are you saying? That they’re protected?”

“Do you really want to find out? If these giants shrank this much, do you want to take the risk of how much you’d be reduced too? Or worse. What if it turned you into one of them?”

The men all gathered and discussed before finally coming to the conclusions Maceo wished them to. “Then what do we do?” one asked Maceo.

“Maybe give them what they refused to give you,” Maceo suggested. “Maybe start with mercy.” They all suddenly stopped and stared at him stunned and speechless. Astravia’s previous words echoed in their ears. “Show them what men really are.”

“They don’t deserve it,” one challenged.

“No, they don’t,” Maceo agreed readily. Valda looked up at him, terrified at his candidness. “But they already know how horribly power can be used. They’re completely helpless now. Even hundreds of them will put up barely any fight whatsoever. Why not show them how kindly power can be used?”

They all looked to each other, then back to Maceo and thought his words over carefully. “No promises,” he answered back, though the anger and disdain he’d shown before had subsided.

“As long as you don’t get in the way of what I came here to do,” Maceo informed him. “You don’t touch them, not a single hair on any of their heads,” Maceo commanded.

The next stop for the growing group was the sanctuary where the sounds of tiny whimpering women could be heard behind the massive, thick doors. Though Maceo and company hadn’t been particularly noisy on their way there, the shrunken women inside obviously knew they were coming.

Maceo waved the men back and walked the steps up and with a single kick, he broke the doors down to a sea of terrified, tiny screams.

Few of the shrunken amazons were clothed in any manner. Two continued to wear their armored chest pieces, but they did little to hide their womanly assets now that they hung so low and loosely and a few wrapped their dresses around them like blankets to hide in. The rest were stark naked and shivering cold huddled together for warmth, comfort and safety. The other men made no effort whatsoever to stop from laughing at them derisively, and one woman even peed herself out of sheer terror knowing full well now that absolutely nothing stopped the tormentors from being tormented.

Maceo stood long enough to make sure his presence was entirely known and then he handed the basket Astravia was resting in to Valda and marched in. Two women lifted swords sized for women more than seven feet tall up with strained roars and then surged ahead, but their stride was laughably short and they moved so slowly that even a child would find them comical. Maceo grabbed their wrists and plucked them with ease from the ground, showing no emotion as they kicked and flailed as hard as their weakened, shrunken bodies would allow. They held on for dear life for as long as they could, and then simply dropped and plopped to the ground after their strength was exhausted and they were no longer able to even hang on to their swords.

Maceo tossed the weapons outside and stepped further in to meet another miniature woman as she rushed in screaming in an undignified high-pitched voice and simply side stepped her and she stumbled by and lost her balance, bent over and grabbed her ankle. He then swept her up into the air and held her like that dangling there as her loose leg flailed feebly offering an unfettered view of her soft, inviting womanhood.

A few seconds later, she too began pissing herself as Maceo marched forward and the laughing men went silent and watched as the sea of women screamed and drew even further back in terror. While their bodies couldn’t offer even the most feeble of resistance, their voices were agonizingly resilient. They screamed and cried with fear and as the other men began filing in behind Maceo, the unmistakable scent of urine began to fill the building.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually feel sorry for them,” one man mentioned immediately behind Maceo, though nothing more was said.

Maceo simply stood there looking out across them as they screamed and cried pathetically until their voices faded from overuse and the women slowly came to grips that the invaders weren’t there to return the horrors they had dealt to every man they had encountered through out their entire lives. When the scene was finally silent, Maceo stepped forward and then stopped again as the screams returned, but this time not nearly as strongly and only lasted a few seconds before they were exhausted again.

Now that what little fight they had was gone, Maceo stood rigidly and pointed to the door. “Everyone out,” he ordered loudly. “Now.”

The women stared uncomprehendingly at him until he feigned jolting toward them and then they scrambled to their feet and filed out in a half chaotic line out into the street, barely even noticing Valda as they passed by her and the little fairy she held in a small basket. Once out in the street, Maceo lined them up into columns. For the better part of an hour, the men walked up and down the columns, carefully assessing the trembling miniaturized amazons and handed out any cloth that could be used to cover their little bodies and provide some kind of barrier to the cool air. As they finished the process, one man walked up to the leader who was standing with Maceo.

“Is it just me, or are they all smaller than when we got here?” he asked his leader.

“No, they’re still shrinking,” Maceo answered stoically.

“How small are they going to get?” he asked with surprising concern.

“They should be reaching the end of it now,” Maceo replied, then continued on with his business of creating some kind of order within the anarchy of half sized amazons.

By they time they had everything in order and they were ready to file the women off in groups to separate buildings and break the crowd up, the tallest of them stood only three feet, two inches tall and Valda was having increasing trouble keeping the bulky towel on her tiny, yet voluptuous frame.

Valda was completely compliant and followed Maceo’s orders to the letter, while the other women seemed so nearly paralyzed with fear that they struggled to even comprehend what he was commanding. Once they were all sorted and separated out into different groups, Maceo had Valda lead them to where the other men had been relocated to.

They found these men in a stable on the edge of town, all of them shackled and battered. It was immediately evident that the frustrations of the Amazons had been taken out on these men for a variety of incidents ranging from personal issues, to the escape of a group of men from their society to jealousy over Maceo and the favoritism that Valda had shown him. Many of them had broken bones, most had no voice whatsoever and a large portion of them were practically shattered emotionally and mentally. Their eyes were fixated on Valda and her shrunken state, though their faces were largely expressionless.

“The rage will come later,” Maceo warned her as she clung to his hip. “They’re too damaged right now.” The two men that had accompanied Maceo looked at each other with pained expressions while Maceo unchained them and helped them to gather what was needed so that they could depart the hellhole that had been their home for days. Out in the open, they squinted and covered their faces, struggling from not having seen sunlight for some unknown quantity of time.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:49 am

The next step was to see to the medical needs of the liberated men, while only a couple men patrolled, ensuring the shrunken amazons would stay where they had been placed. Food was prepared and as it neared readiness, Valda reluctantly shared that several of her sisters were still missing. They were women that had been on the hunting party to retrieve the men that now oversaw their entire society and they apparently had never returned. Maceo nodded and gathered the first group of men that had returned to the town together earlier and briefed them.

“I’m going to go retrieve the lost sheep,” Maceo informed them. “I’m taking Valda with me in case she can talk them down. I’d like to take one with me, but I need your word you won’t just keep your hands off of these women, you’ll protect them with your lives.”

“What?” one asked in shock.

“They’re our charge now, and you’re not going to get around that responsibility. If even one of them gets so much as a single scratch, I will cut the man who did it in half with my blade. If the wounded from the stables even tries to exact any revenge, I’ll kill every last one of them. Am I clear? If you don’t want this responsibility, fine. You can come with me to the gate and I’ll see you on your way. But if you stay here, you protect every last one of these women and girls with your own lives.”

The men all looked to each other and discussed amongst themselves, though it was a rather difficult decision given the years of misery and torture they had been subjected to before this point. In the end, the leader of that first group of men stepped forward.

“I’ll stay here. No one will lay even a finger on any of these women, you have my word,” he swore. “Seeing them the way they are now, I just don’t have the stomach to deal back what they dealt me.” Maceo nodded and then another man with no voice stepped forward to volunteer to accompany Maceo in retrieving the lost amazons. The wounded men were kept housed in a building where they could tend to their injuries while the women were kept under guard.

In the two hours of walking to find her lost sisters, Valda continued to slowly dwindle, eventually reaching just a hair above three feet in height with legs too little to keep up any longer with the giant men’s strides, especially while trying to keep her make shift clothing together. Maceo swept her up into his arms and carried her, while she carried Astravia’s basket and then the two men accelerated significantly, covering ground much more quickly.

They found the missing amazons not long after that huddled together in a thicket whimpering pathetically. Valda crawled in to meet them and explained the situation and after some gentle persuading, they crawled out as well, each of them covered in dust and mud and stark naked. As a group they were definitely an armful, but the two men were able to carry them all back to town without much trouble beyond that. Thankfully, the time spent cowering and huddling for safety as they shrank in the wilderness was enough to stunt any will that remained to fight and they were simply happy to be going home after giving up all hope prior to that.

Once everyone was back and accounted for and the wounded men were all stable, Maceo took further charge and began organizing for the next step in the process, though he did take breaks to stop and sit with Astravia when she would wake up from naps. That evening as the shrunken amazons sat in the town square around a massive bonfire, it was confirmed that the women had all finally stopped shrinking, ceasing at an average height of two feet, eleven and a half inches tall, though the tallest of them stood a towering three foot one.

There was no discussion, and there were no votes. Maceo described exactly how they would proceed forward.

With their dwindling finally halted, Maceo organized who would work on replacing their clothing, assigning leadership of that task to the former chief priestess, who had shrunken down into a spectacularly gorgeous and curvaceous half sized maiden that stood at 2’10” tall with waist length platinum hair that shown with such luster that it had a near mirror gloss.

Valda spent most of her hours studying Astravia’s texts while she unknowingly watched over Astravia herself in the form of a tiny fairy while she rested and recovered in a simple basket. The other women were broken up into parties to work together to clean the mess left behind during the chaos of what was coming to be known as the great dwindling.

The men were all housed in a single barracks that doubled as a hospital. They had a very simple choice to make. They could stay and rebuild this society from the ground up. Doing so meant that any man that remained must take on the role of provider and protector, regardless of what pain these shrunken amazons had once meted out to them in the past. The women were to be the center of their society and to be revered. Mistreatment of one would be punishable by as much as death depending on the level of the infraction, though that penalty didn’t require a particularly high bar.

In exchange, the men would be given uncontested dominion over the surrounding lands and their government. They would each be allowed to take as many wives as they wished and the women he chose were not afforded the luxury of denying any man that chose her. In order to balance this, no man would be allowed to take a woman as his wife without the express blessing of Maceo, Valda and the former chief priestess combined. The young girls had before this been raised centrally by the town as a whole. Now these girls would be reunited with their mothers and split out into family units where any man that took their mothers would raise these girls as his own. The town’s assets would be divided equally among the men with the only exceptions being specific sites of public accommodation such as the sanctuary and the town square.

Any man who did not agree and pledge himself and all he would be accepting as collateral was free to go on about his life as soon as he was able, with the expectation that he would never return to this place.

Maceo placed a magical mark on every man regardless of his choice that could be used to ensure that every man at least performed that much, but they all had time to recover from their tribulations before being sent on their way. Slowly, the women of this newly minted society were filtered into the dual barracks and hospital to clean and help tend to the wounded, but they were always let in only in small numbers for safety reasons given the many and deep emotional scars these men carried with them from their shared pasts.

The shrunken amazons, now completely stripped of all magic would be required to instruct the men in it’s use so that the veil that had once hidden this settlement could be resurrected. The actual texts from Astravia would be deposited at the sanctuary where they could be studied while the apocryphal distortions of her word handed down over centuries was burned before their eyes in the town square.

Despite the fact that Astravia was already considerably softened on the concept of male clergy, only the women would be allowed to act in such a role here and there would be absolutely no exceptions.

Obviously, this was actually quite a challenging set of demands for all involved. The men continued to harbor deep resentment for their perpetual abuse and some struggled to even rise above the training and brainwashing they had been subjected to. The leader of the men that had returned to the town, named Tharybis, quickly emerged as an administrator and readily accepted the terms provided. A number of the men remained in the hospital as they were unable to function mentally or emotionally any longer and if there ever was any hope of recovery, it would take years.

Two men decided to depart immediately, despite still harboring painful wounds that would not heal any time soon. Freedom had been denied to them for so long that they simply didn’t care about what was offered to them and they only wanted to leave this place and never see it again. Of those that remained, every man agreed handily to the conditions laid out for them, and their resolve didn’t waver even a little when Maceo explained to them explicitly and in detail exactly what duties were required in order to demonstrate their reverence for the women in their lives.

The shrunken amazons had a much more difficult task in adapting to the new order, however. The erasure of autonomy and the near complete dissolution of power and authority in their own society was heartbreaking to them. They fully understood when Maceo challenged them to answer how they expected to conduct matters they had once easily overseen before they had been reduced in stature and not a single one had anything resembling a response to his question. They were still well suited to study, but even tending to a home was now a challenge to them and was part of the reason that any man was afforded the decision of how many wives he wanted to take.

Still though, it was an extremely difficult pill to swallow. They were masters now turned all but slaves and their slaves were now the masters.

A few, however, seemed to be taking notice that the simple presence of their beauty was having remarkable effects on the men that were now charged with providing for them and protecting them. They couldn’t force even the smallest of matters, but a gentle mention left more than one man ready and willing to sacrifice deeply to offer her what would satiate her desires.

Astravia recovered quickly and within two days was full of more life and energy than even she could remember. She followed Maceo everywhere, always at his side watching and listening and only occasionally whispering into his ear a suggestion. Her wound completely vanished in less than a day and wherever she went, people who saw her couldn’t help but turn and look, sensing there was something more to this little fairy than met the eye.

In the weeks since recovering, Valda grew to know Astravia quite well and talk to her in depth on a great number of subjects, though the little fairy goddess always declined to discuss religion. Unbeknownst to Valda, the reason for this was quite simple: revealing her vast knowledge, wisdom and insight on such manners threatened to unveil her true nature, which she was still unwilling to do, despite what fast friends they had become.

After weeks of recovery efforts, Maceo took Tharybis and the first two wives he had taken along with them on a tour of the skies aboard the airship both to meet at length in private as well as avoid an approaching storm front that threatened to damage the airship if it remained tethered to the ground.

There high above the clouds, Valda sat with Astravia in the study on the upper level deck of the airship talking to Tharybis’ wives. The two shrunken amazons bared their souls to them, sharing the deep and profound depression they were experiencing following the abrupt and radical changes in their way of life. Tharybis was admittedly everything they could hope for in a husband. He treated them with respect and valued their opinions as if they were his own. He also was kind to them, despite the fact that both felt like they could still see the pain in his eyes from the torture the amazons had once doled out to him. In fact, one wife in particular was certain she could see it in his eyes, because she had once been one of the cruelest to him while he was in captivity.

They felt intense guilt under his care, knowing he treated them a mirror opposite of how he had been treated when their roles were reversed. They also sometimes broke down into tears while tending to their home together as they grappled with the reality that both of them had been (literally) reduced to mere house servants. One of the two had previously been an advisor to the former chief priestess and an administrator. She was reeling from the eradication of her authority and the downgrade of her societal status to half sized housewife. The other had dedicated her life to being a warrior and she found herself sobbing after watching men train with her own weapons under Maceo’s tutelage to become the protectors they had sworn to become.

Two decks below, Maceo and Tharybis were on the promenade overlooking the picture windows and the tumultuous clouds of the storm front below and enjoying a drink together. “So when are we going to meet this wife you are so dedicated to?” he challenged Maceo.

“That’s not in the cards right now,” Maceo answered numbly. “Sorry.”

Tharybis nodded and declined to push the issue any father and stared out at the night sky at the stars under a new moon. In a moment of recollection, he shared the strange appearance of a woman days before the shrinking of the Amazon cult and what she had said to them. He remarked at her beauty and the kindness they could literally feel off of her as well as her cryptic commands. Maceo of course knew exactly who he was referring to, but kept that knowledge to himself.

“Why did you come back, then? Why not take her advice and use it to evade the hunting party? Unless you didn’t trust her.”

“That’s the funny thing,” he remarked. “I can’t explain it, but the instant I first heard her voice, I trusted her completely. I believed her when she told us how to escape, and I didn’t really like the idea of hiding for days huddled up in a hole in the ground. There was just something in her voice, though. I thought she was promising us revenge, but what we found was anything but. To be honest, none of us are even sure she was real, or if she was just some kind of shared delusion.”

“What about your first wife? I heard that she was the most cruel of anyone to you when you were captive. I heard that she took a perverse pleasure in trying to drag a scream out of you to use as an excuse to cut your vocal chords. Why did you choose her as your first?”

“As an example,” Tharybis answered simply. “I figured that if we were going to do this, then I should show everyone how it’s done. You know, she broke my hipbone once when she raped me in that dungeon. The first time we made love after taking her as my wife, she broke down sobbing because I was so gentle with her. She cried the whole night. She begged me to punch her because she was so torn apart by how she had behaved. She wanted my vengeance over her even more than I ever did. It’s sick, but it’s almost heart breaking, really.”

“And her daughters?”

“They’re having a much harder time showing respect than their mothers. They hadn’t even gotten old enough to transform their bodies like the adult ones used to have, but shrinking down to only two feet tall is just like pure torture for them. They’re so angry. I’m starting to get through to one, though. None of them want to be property, though. Is all this really necessary?”

“I don’t think the scars that created them are ever going to go away,” Maceo answered him honestly. “They can’t wield power responsibly. They showed that, their mothers showed that, their grandmothers showed that, and on and on and on. It’s up to you to do it for them.”

“Is it just me, or do they all resent us for not treating them the way they treated us? I don’t think they see it as weakness, or at least not anymore, but they seem consumed with bitterness over it.”

“Revenge comes in all kinds of forms,” Maceo answered him. “Sometimes kindness and compassion are the most devastating weapons you can wield.” Tharybis laughed so hard he nearly dropped his drink over the railing and above them they heard the soft murmur of the women talking stop as they overheard his outburst. He corrected himself and looked at Maceo, thoroughly amused.

“What are you? Twenty years old? And yet you talk like an old man. I think my grandfather said something like that to me once,” he laughed.

“I guess I wanted to learn those lessons faster than a lot of people do,” Maceo answered him. “I had a mentor once who said similar things and he seemed to really mean them. I guess I just trusted him. It helps seeing his advice come to life like this, though.”

Tharybis smiled and looked out over the skyscape, hardly aware of the turbulent weather beneath the clouds below. “Are you leaving?” he asked Maceo pointedly.

“I have a life of my own,” Maceo answered him. “I came here to explore and see new things. I didn’t think there would be people out here. I definitely didn’t think I would find what I did.”

“Going back to that wife of yours?”

“Always and forever,” Maceo smiled serenely. “This was a good reminder, though. I don’t want to forget not to take her for granted.”

“So what’s she look like? Pretty I assume?”

“Oh, beautiful,” Maceo smiled. “Absolutely stunning.”

“Not as beautiful as my wives,” he joked back.

“Well, I think it would be childish for me to try to compare,” Maceo conceded.

“You know, I never liked short women. I always thought I wanted a tall woman. I think they broke me of that,” he shared thoughtfully. “But I’ll be damned if every time one of those half sized women crosses my path I don’t get hard no matter what’s on my mind.”

“They’re pretty distracting,” Maceo chuckled back. “Be careful, though. I think a few of them are starting to figure that out.”

“We really need your help. Some of the men will be laid up for years.” His tone was suddenly very serious again. “Those muscle bound bitches really beat it out of us.”

“You have crops, you have infrastructure, you have weapons and training, you have magic now and you even have the veil to hide you from the rest of the world. I think you’ll be just fine.”

“I need your help,” Tharybis admitted sullenly. “It’s a lot to try to take on. I’ve never had people looking to me before like this. You know, I actually had one of those shrunken ladies approach me the other day and ask if I would take her as my next wife.”

“We all have to step up to become leaders in one way or another. I have my own tasks I have to get back to in the west beyond the great mountain range. And I certainly can’t go taking any new wives without even asking the one I have. But, truth be told, she’s an awful lot to handle, so I’ll probably just stick with the one.”

“What about Valda?”

“She’s been talking to Avia about it. I think her place is here, though,” Maceo answered him.

“I think she might rather go with you and have a place with you,” Tharybis suggested.

“I don’t think that would work,” Maceo answered back abruptly.

“Why not? Where you come from they allow multiple wives too, don’t they?”

“It’s rare there,” Maceo answered him. “It’s more of something they tolerate when outsiders settle in the area.”

“Are you ever going to forgive her? Even I took in the woman who beat me harder than all the others. She took sadistic pleasure out of seeing me in pain.”

“I forgave her weeks ago,” Maceo answered with a tepid smile.

“Maceo, if I asked you a question, would you be up front with me?”

“I suppose it depends on the question.”

“What I want is a yes or a no.”

“You’re making me a little nervous talking like that,” Maceo teased.

“Is Avia the wife you are always talking about?” Maceo turned and stared at him, offering a remarkably good poker face that showed no indication of the answer.

“Is that the rumor?” Maceo asked him.

“No,” Tharybis replied. “But where I came from there was more than one fairy forest and I have met more than my share of fairies. Avia is no ordinary fairy.”

“Why do you say that?” Maceo asked.

“Why are you so worried about it?”

“Well, I guess I’m a little concerned that people would think I married a fairy.”

“The only person I heard any suspicions from was Valda. She doesn’t know anything about fairies. In fact only one other person down there other than me has even seen a fairy and that was from a distance. But I grew up with a mother that was fascinated by them and she traveled everywhere learning about them and working her way into their little groupings. I am telling you that she is no ordinary fairy, not suggesting.”

Maceo looked at him and opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated, carefully assessing exactly what to ask to lead him astray again, but Tharybis continued before Maceo could do so.

“Valda came to me a few days ago and pointed out how close you and Avia are and how you are always right by her side. She said it’s almost like she is the most important thing in the world to you and you’re protecting her.”

“Well, I am protecting her,” Maceo admitted. “But…”

“I talked her back from the idea, pointing out that fairies and humans can’t be together, though… I’m pretty sure that was a lie. At least it wasn’t entirely true. Anyways, I’ve had my suspicions for a while now, but if you’re going to have rumors swirling around, it’s going to start with Valda because she’s starting to search for answers. She came to me because I mentioned that I have a history with fairies. So, is Avia your wife?”

“Why are you prying so hard?”

“Consider it a favor,” Tharybis answered him. “Several weeks ago I was just a slave to mannish women that were bigger brutes than any bear I’ve ever seen. Now, I’m all but a king and that’s all thanks to you. But I can’t help you out if you’re constantly dodging the truth with me. You’re always a little skittish and evasive about your past and your life back in the old lands. If I don’t have at least some idea of what’s going on, I might end up steering rumors back where you don’t want them going. So, back to my original question: is Avia your wife?” he asked, this time even more quietly than the previous times.


“Is she really a fairy? She doesn’t act like one and she doesn’t talk like one. She’s careful about her words, but I have never met a fairy that speaks like a lifelong scholar before.”

“She’s not a fairy. That’s just a disguise,” Maceo confirmed. “I don’t want to go too deeply into it, though.”

“I can respect that,” Tharybis said with an affirmative nod. “So what do you want me to do about this? Valda already admitted she has been searching the library you have on board this thing for anything about fairies. She’s very suspicious about how close you two are.”

“We’ll just say that Avia was an extremely powerful magic user,” Maceo told him. “Most of what she had isn’t accessible to her these days, but she prefers to go incognito as much as possible.”

“A sorceress?”

“I’m only aware of one of those that are left anymore and she’s starting to get up there in years. The guild of sorcery is long gone now. Avia is something different. Something of a much older variety of magic and very rare. She doesn’t’ want to draw attention to herself.”

“And what’s less threatening than a fairy?” he joked. “She can actually transform herself into a fairy? She’s that powerful?”

“These days, I actually have her beat in that category, but like her, I don’t like to draw attention to myself either. But that being said, what she has left over let’s her do more to transform than I can.”

“You can transform…” Maceo stepped forward and made sure the door was closed, then turned and faced Tharybis, then Tharybis nearly fell over the railing when Maceo suddenly sprouted massive, full wings that extended across most of the room. “Do they work?” he asked, astounded.

“Oh yes,” Maceo answered. “Sometimes she and I go flying together. She loves the air, but she prefers to transform fully into a hawk.”

“I’ve never heard of even a sorceress that can do that. Or even just sprout wings.”

“I can also breath underwater when I want to,” Maceo offered casually. “And, I can do a certain amount of things to others as well.”

“She was the one that shrank them all, wasn’t she?”

“What happened to them resulted fully from the alterations they had made to themselves.”

“Uh huh,” he answered suspiciously.

“You don’t believe me?”

“I do, actually. I just think there’s more to the story.”

“Would you rather they go back to how they were?”

“Hell no! They may piss and moan about it, but I think they’re the most amazing things I’ve ever seen after this happened to them. I can’t even believe what great wives they make. It’s like it’s been bred into them suddenly.”

“Well, then maybe don’t look gift horses in the mouth. I have to admit, not many people see through us.”

“Ah, you’re giving me too much credit. Sure I noticed some peculiarities about her, but the wheels didn’t really start spinning until Valda started asking questions.”

“I see,” Maceo said with a nod, fully comprehending the problem now. “Well, to answer your question, Valda can’t be a part of us for a number of reasons. First is that keeping Avia’s abilities and what they once were a secret is the best thing we can do to make sure she’s safe. Maybe out here in the middle of nowhere people wouldn’t know what to do with her, but there are still magic users who could. Second is just like you said- there’s more to her than meets the eye. Valda couldn’t join us without making huge sacrifices. I had to make huge sacrifices myself, including leaving my family behind. Despite everything, I would like to see her find some happiness in life. I don’t think most of the rest of them will, but she just might. I can tell you honestly that doesn’t happen if she runs away with us. You likely won’t be seeing us again after this.”

“I’m really sorry to hear that.”

“We came out here to winter and enjoy the natural sights that are unique here. Maybe enjoy some hot springs. It was supposed to be uninhabited.”

“There are hot springs out here?” he asked excitedly.

“Oh yes,” Maceo commented. “To the north of town. It’s a bit of a trip, though.”

“So what now? What do you want me to do?”

“I’ll have to discuss it with Avia. She and I will decide. But I appreciate your honesty with me.”
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Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:52 am

Later that night, Tharybis kept the shrunken amazons busy up in front of the fake fireplace while Maceo excused himself down to the control car to see to the business of the airship. Astravia paid little mind until she realized he was taking longer than normal and reached out with her mind to him.

“Is everything alright, beloved?” she telepathically asked him.

“Yep! I was just waiting for you to reach out. I still can’t cover the distance mentally like you can.”

“A benefit of being a goddess. Why wait for me to reach out? Do you have something to discuss?”

“Yes,” Maceo replied.

Astravia looked around her, noting that the conversation was lively enough that she wouldn’t be missed immediately and in a flash, she zipped out of the room and down the flights to join Maceo in the control car.

“I would rather discuss in person,” she reported happily.

There, Maceo informed her of his earlier conversation with Tharybis and all the ramifications while Astravia sat perched politely in his hand listening intently. When he had brought her fully up to speed by a combination of verbal explanation and a sharing of their thoughts, Astravia crossed her legs and thought on the subject.

“Well, once again you were right. The longer we stay around a place, the more people start to pick at the holes in our stories.”

“It is not necessarily a matter of good cover stories,” Astravia reassured him. “Mortals actually have extraordinary intuition, they simply are not normally conscious of it. That is why I do not normally bother lying and simply bend the truth slightly to explain ourselves to the people we encounter. Lies tend to trigger a mortal’s intuition much more quickly, while relying on a truthful statement to slide an inconvenient fact by them works longer. In the end, however, once you trigger a mortal’s intuition, she will have a difficult time letting it go. The trouble comes in the fact that each mortal has a slightly different trigger point, so navigating them in a group can become rather hazardous.”

“We let her stay too close for too long. That’s my fault.”

“No, it is mine as well. I can share in this blame.”

“So what do we do?” he asked her.

“I believe I asked you to lead, husband. I am content offering my counsel, however there are reasons I wished to observe and follow your leadership.”

“And how’s that working for you?” Maceo asked her.

“Remarkably well, actually. You are a veritable fountain of interesting ideas. So, dear husband, what do you wish to do?”

“Aside from telling her your true identity, can we just tell her the truth?”

Astravia tapped her tiny knee, considering his request. “She very well might choose to forego our warnings and throw caution to the wind. You realize she is infatuated with you enough that she would petition you take her as your wife as well.”

“I can’t believe you were willing to take me while I was still aging. I don’t know that I’m ready to watch someone become frail and pass away like that in such an intimate relationship. Besides, I still only want one woman in particular.”

“Flatterer,” Astravia teased while her wings fluttered excitedly. “It is a difficult decision. I believe you are skilled enough to alter her memory if that would be easier. I could assist if you are concerned about it.”

“No. There’s only so far I like to go with deceiving people before it stops being fun.”

“That is most certainly not true. Remember that elderly couple on the northern shore of the southern continent?” she joked with him.

“They were rude and conceited,” Maceo instantly replied defensively. “Making fools of them was a completely different story.”

“Well, regardless, it is a risk. I will not have the means to undo her curse until after my shrinking wears off, I am certain of that. That is still a few decades away and though she will not show it, she will age considerably in that time. We also do not have enough of the elixir to grant her immortality such as we did with you and her small size will make the tasks to gather the ingredients far more dangerous for her than it was when we had Dela with us. Unless you want me to formulate a pendant for her.”

“You almost sound like that’s what you want?”

“I do enjoy her company,” Astravia admitted. “Though it is normally the lesser gods that indulge in such arrangements with multiple wives. In all honesty, I had at least hoped to have you to myself for a few millennia. If you choose honesty, as I said, she very well might choose the more uncertain option and ask to join us permanently. I assume she will remain consistent and insist on remaining close to you throughout the night again. We could speak to her this evening if you so choose.”

“We probably should rather than leave her to her own devices,” Maceo suggested. They both pondered for a moment until Astravia perked up in the palm of his hand again.

“Oh! Speak of Urisinus!” Astravia chirped. “She is on the move again. Likely in search of us.”

“Alright,” Maceo conceded. “Can we keep talking about it telepathically?”

“Oh my dearest Maceo! Of course we can!” she declared and then zipped away in a flash.

What remained of the evening was spent with Maceo and Tharybis discussing issues related to the governance of their new society. The three shrunken amazons sat and listened with melancholy expressions while staring at their feet, which hung off their seats dangling in the air. Astravia sat on Maceo’s shoulder listening carefully and occasionally whispering in Maceo’s ear. Each time she did this, Maceo would stop and listen and then take a good moment to consider her secret counsel until well into the conversation, Tharybis’ first wife noticed and interrupted.

“What does she keep interrupting you for?” she asked during a lull in the conversation. Maceo shifted and lifted his head, turning to look at the former Amazon.

“Oh, she’s giving me advice,” Maceo answered her.

“But… even if she’s a fairy, she’s a woman. Why are you putting up with that?”

“What do you mean? Of course I want her opinion. It’s important enough to me that I make it a point to follow it at least a set amount even if I disagree with her.”

“What? Why?” the second wife asked incredulously.

“What do you mean, why? Because she’s important to me. She’s not my slave. I want her to have as much of a say as possible. Don’t discourage her. She knows she’s supposed to speak up whenever she feels like it.”

“As long as I am not impolite,” Astravia added.

“You can do that?” the first wife asked.

“Listening isn’t their strong suit,” Tharybis chided, causing Maceo and Astravia to both chuckle, though the three shrunken amazons didn’t seem to appreciate jokes at their expense.

“Let me make myself clear,” Maceo said formally while readjusting himself. “I understand that you’re still adapting after losing so much, but we didn’t take all of these matters away from you to demean you or belittle you.”

“Please pardon the pun,” Astravia added jokingly.

“The simple fact is that you’re not big or strong enough anymore to make sure anything that’s planned can happen. That and, quite frankly, you’ve shown a lot of irresponsibility when it comes to the power you had over the men in your lives. You were cruel and abusive. If you want more power, it’s going to take time for you to earn trust again. That being said, we need you to speak up frequently. We need you to talk to us. What’s being built isn’t for us. It’s for you. Maybe we took this for granted, but for us men, it’s a near constant and it’s understood among us. The purpose of us having authority is always to provide. And we provide for you. This is the bargain we made with you and your sisters.”

“You are giving the wrong impression,” Astravia warned Maceo, who now stopped and looked at the little fairy goddess on his shoulder. “Your voices tend to be strident still,” she told the shrunken amazons. “Each one of the men among you now has been instructed in detail in regards to respecting all of you. The best I have seen from the rest of you, however, is pouting and sulking as you are now over your diminished roles. I still see your sisters frequently attempting to search for some way to assert their dominance, such as constantly interrupting the men in public. When have any of them interrupted you?”

The two wives looked to each other and then to Valda, who also was forced to consider Astravia’s observations.

“Alright. Well that’s enough of that,” Maceo decided, then leaned forward toward the three shrunken amazons. “You obviously have some thoughts about all of the changes that are being planned. Tell us about them.”

The three half sized women struggled at first to voice their concerns, but after a few moments, they were speaking again as if they were towering amazons, barking orders right up until Maceo sternly and sharply ordered them to stop, which suddenly brought the tiny ladies to tears. They then tried again with Astravia fluttering over to them and offering some advice from their laps as they discussed. Before long, the conversation became fruitful again, though not nearly as efficient as when Maceo and Tharybis had discussed solely between themselves. Several matters were decided on from their direct input, which was immensely helpful to the morale of the half sized women.

As they were preparing to end their evening together, Tharybis’ second wife stopped Maceo as he was leaving the room. “This was all fine and all, but what happens when you leave?” she asked him. Valda suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and stared down at her plump breasts, which were blocking the view to her feet. “You are leaving, right?”

“We stayed as long as we have to help get you back on your feet again,” Maceo answered her.

“So what happens then?” one of the shrunken amazons demanded to know.

“I suggest you learn to conduct yourself respectfully with your husband before that happens so that there is no longer any need to have anxiety over such trivial matters,” Astravia warned her.

“Fairy or not, you’re still a woman! How could you take their side over ours?” the first shrunken Amazon demanded of her.

“I am taking your side,” Astravia answered her with the poise and dignity of a queen. “And so are they,” she answered.

“You’re taking their side and throwing the rest of us women under the cart!” the second wife barked. You think you’re so high and mighty sitting up there on his shoulder all the time, but you’re still nothing but a little bug!” Valda stepped back at this point, not wanting to provoke her tiny friend, but Astravia only sighed and shook her head.

“Still looking for someone small enough to bully, I see,” she lamented.

“Come down here and say that to me!” the sexy half sized Amazon barked. Despite still being several times taller than Astravia, she still came off as more cute and comical than threatening.

Astravia smirked down at her and leaned forward. “Very well,” she said, then whispered in Maceo’s ear before hopping off of his shoulder and fluttering down to the three-foot tall women. Tharybis stepped forward, but Maceo put his hand out to stop him and then he began focusing intently and invoking magic openly as Astravia casually descended to them. She was at rib level to Maceo and still descending when both Amazons realized she wasn’t getting any closer to them. They both stared at her in confusion, but Valda leapt backward gasping and covering her mouth as she watched the two amazons dwindle even farther down to shoulder height to her and further on.

They were only nipple height to Valda when they looked to each other in confusion in search of what was happening when they saw that their clothing had become ridiculously baggy and was practically falling off of them already as they continued to shrink before everyone’s eyes.

They screamed in terror and frantically began pulling on their dresses to try to properly cover themselves as Astravia continued to descend and touched down to the ground just as the two shrunken amazons stopped shrinking in the middle of pools of cloth around their knees. Astravia now walked confidently up to them, staring them both directly in the eyes while they trembled surrounded by giants, including Valda who now could have picked them up with a single hand.

“Like I said, you haven’t really learned how to use power responsibly,” Maceo called down from shockingly high above.

“You did this?” one tiny naked woman asked of Maceo.

Maceo nodded and placed his hands on his hips as he stared down at them while Astravia stepped over the fallen dress and inside, directly up to the one that had threatened her. They were now almost equal height, with Astravia holding a slight edge on the other in that regard, while also sporting a physique that was far more athletic than the shrunken Amazon’s own now.

“As I was saying,” Astravia told her confidently, “You are still looking for someone small enough to bully, I see,” she repeated without even a hint of fear in her eyes. The now less than five-inch tall former Amazon stumbled back fearfully while falling over herself.

“You did this to us! I knew it! You did this to us!” the tiny Amazon screamed up to Maceo.

“No, I’m just doing this to you now. I can’t shrink more than one or two at a time. And I definitely don’t have the power to do the kinds of body changes you experienced, let alone at the same time,” he explained, while Astravia continued to follow the shrunken Amazon who was scrambling backwards in fear of the tiny fairy goddess.

“You can do that?” Tharybis asked with utter fascination as he bent over and plucked the other shrunken woman up by her ankle with his thumb and forefinger. She screamed and kicked and squirmed with her tiny breasts jiggling and bouncing frantically and baring her womanhood for both men.

“Maybe don’t embarrass her like that,” Maceo suggested.

“But she’s so cute like this!” he laughed.

“Embarrass? EMBARRASS?” the tiny dangling woman screamed. “Embarrassed is being shrunk down to a couple inches tall in public!”

“Don’t threaten Avia,” Maceo commanded her sternly. Both shrunken amazons blushed and quieted suddenly. “My point is that I don’t have to deal with your attitudes. I can make it so Avia can do it herself.”

His point thoroughly made, the one on the floor curled up in a ball and nodded emphatically. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she screamed out and then her eyes widened and she screamed again with fright as she realized she was growing once again rapidly. A couple moments later, she and the other were both back to their towering three-foot tall heights with the one on the floor clutching her dress to her for comfort and the other whimpering and crying as Tharybis cradled and comforted her. Meanwhile, Valda was tucked away in the corner hugging herself and a ghostly pale white.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do that anymore,” Maceo suggested to Astravia, who fluttered up to his shoulder again.

“Look how tiny I am!” Astravia pointed out. “Why should I be forced to stand up to them when they are giant compared to me?”

“I won’t do it again! I won’t do it again,” the one on the floor sobbed while rocking herself backward and forward.

“Avia?” Maceo asked aloud in a tone suggesting he was insisting on something from her.

“I am sorry,” she said to both half sized women. “I apologize. I let my frustration get the better of me and I should not have asked Maceo to further traumatize you.

Maceo knelt down and tipped the miniature Amazon up while helping her with her dress. “I won’t do that again, I promise,” he told her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t stop to think about how traumatic all of this already was for you. It was a mistake,” he told her. She sniffed and wiped her tear filled eyes and nodded to him while simply allowing Maceo to help dress her again. Once she was fully covered, he picked her up and carried her back to the guest room alongside Tharybis, who carried the other one.

They tucked both traumatized women into bed together, doing everything they could to comfort them. It took some effort, but they eventually cried themselves out and settled down. When Maceo finally took Valda’s hand and led her out the door, both women called out and apologized to Astravia for threatening her.

Once back in their own bedroom, Valda was still trembling slightly from the terrifying prospect of being shrunk even further than she already had been while Astravia sat down on her knee and watched with regret at the consequences of her glibness from earlier. Maceo did his best to console her, but it was still a struggle for her until Astravia finally looked up to Maceo.

“I made a mistake,” she admitted to him.

“It happens to the best of us,” Maceo reassured her, but Astravia rejected it.

“I believe you were correct. I would like to earn some of her trust back,” Astravia announced. Maceo looked down at her, as did Valda, who seemed to finally be distracted from her intense fear of further shrinking.

“Go ahead,” Maceo answered.

Astravia then lifted up and looked Valda directly in the eyes. “You have had many questions,” Astravia shared gently. “I apologize for my insensitivity. I did not consider how terrifying shrinking down so small can be when I have grown so accustomed to it.”

“What do you mean?” Valda asked while sniffling.

“I mean that I am not quite what I appear to be,” Astravia answered her. “I am essentially in disguise.”

“Avia is a very accomplished magic user,” Maceo added. “But she doesn’t have access to most of her magic any more, and that makes life dangerous for her. So she has disguises she can use to hide.”

“What kind of disguise?” Valda sniffled again. Astravia then flew backwards slowly and down to the floor, where she activated her pendant again and Valda gasped as she watched her steadily expand and her wings recede as she transformed into her blonde, mortal form again. Valda gasped and stared at this extremely tall 4’10” tall woman who now knelt down in front of her and took her hands.

“You see, I actually do understand your plight to a certain degree,” Astravia shared. “I should have remembered the first time I shrank as you have and how terrifying it was for me as well. I actually acted out far worse than your sisters did.”

“But… why hide as such a tiny creature? Why not just stay like you are?” Valda asked her. The fear seemed to be subsiding and she was fixated on Astravia now.

“Fairies are innately magical creatures, but they are nearly incapable of wielding anything but the tiny amount of magic that resides within them. In the condition I am in right now, I am vulnerable, and that disguise allows me to veil most of what remains of my power,” she explained. “I am quite vulnerable and there are those who would take great pleasure in seeing me suffer were they to chance upon me as I am now.”

“So this is all a secret?”

“One of my most closely held secrets,” Astravia replied. “I believed I was being clever by bringing your sisters down to my level. I cannot reveal this form where I am known as a fairy, despite how far from civilization we are. I must conceal my nature because even Maceo could not protect me if those who sought me discovered me like this. So, I often resort to being shrunken down to miniscule size,” she said, then suddenly she dwindled back down to a tiny fairy that was hovering right in front of the shrunken Amazon’s face.

“You actually choose to shrink yourself?”

“Of course. I forget how terrifying it once was for me. Some time ago, I was actually reduced against my will, though I must admit that I did bring it on myself. After that, I was forced to become accustomed to being a tiny stature and before too long I learned to adore it,” she explained. “Now, I almost wish I could live that way for all time, aside from the disparity between Maceo and I.”

“You are his wife, aren’t you?” she gasped.

“I am,” Astravia confirmed. “This is an incredibly valuable secret for me. Please swear to me you will keep it. I almost never reveal this about myself. But I have hurt you, so I will make myself vulnerable to you as a way to earn your trust again.”

Valda smiled earnestly for the first time in hours and pulled Astravia in, hugging her. All was forgiven and shortly after that, she fell asleep in Maceo’s arm while she held the tiny fairy goddess throughout her peaceful slumber.

The storm front lasted two days before they could descend beneath the clouds again back to the others. In that time, Valda came to understand Astravia quite a bit more. Moreover, she came to cherish her all the more because Astravia willingly chose a tiny size compared to Valda, which allowed her to not feel quite as small and insignificant as she otherwise would. Knowing that Astravia had the option of being far larger than her and yet chose to reside among them in a miniscule state was incredibly comforting to the shrunken Amazon.

With that knowledge to comfort her, Valda was a great help to the other two shrunken amazons aboard the airship in helping them with the trauma of being temporarily less than five inches tall. The women aboard the airship spent an inordinate amount of time together hashing out their fears and emotional pains and by the time they finally made port back in the Amazonian town, they were markedly healed compared to before boarding.

In fact, they were so much better that they were able to finally use their positions as wives to the de facto leader of their town to step forward as leaders in their own right among the scores of shrunken amazons.

Obviously, they remained saddened by their dramatic loss of stature, but in the remaining time above the clouds Valda and the other two Amazons began learning to work together to perform common chores. In isolation they were still capable, but it was an exhausting process. Together, however, they found it a much easier cross to bear. They even began consulting Astravia on her insights on what it was like to be tiny and how she coped with her “disability.”

They also began to focus intensely on Astravia’s texts. For Valda this had already become second nature. She was moved by the kindness and wisdom of the words written there and was immediately drawn to them despite a lifetime of indoctrination. The other two, however, struggled much more. The untainted texts countered so much of their worldview that they had difficulty absorbing them. The only things that helped them do so was Valda, who was able to point out the cognitive dissonance in their long held views. As luck would have it, this was a process that as it turned out Valda had already been struggling through for many years. Whereas the untainted texts stood in blatant defiance of the worldviews of the other two shrunken amazons, they were an unprecedented breakthrough for Valda.

Upon returning home, the three of these shrunken Amazons reopened the sanctuary and its business, starting with acts of good will rather than sermons based on Tharybis’ advice. His two wives encouraged him to take in the third shrunken Amazon that had previously approached him, offering him their blessing and they began preparations to have him joined in union to her as well. The turmoil of the reduction in size of these once mighty warrior women began to subside, but it was replaced by a longing and a sadness over what was lost and never to be found again.

Astravia watched it all, mostly from Maceo’s shoulder, but more and more frequently held in the arms of more than one miniaturized Amazon as more and more of them began to appreciate having someone even smaller than them to add to their company, rather than rely on her as a vessel to take out their frustrations. Maceo’s ability to further reduce any of the Amazons at will was not spoken of again, entirely because of the trauma it would cause.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:29 am

After another three weeks of recovery efforts, life began to become a new normal as more and more of the shrunken Amazons were married to what men existed in this community, though it was clear that there were nowhere near enough men to go around. Discussions began to take place regarding a new hunting party, comprised of men to seek out and recruit suitable men to add to their ranks so that the remaining miniaturized amazons could begin to attain what their already married sisters had. Gradually but steadily, Maceo’s role in the community shifted onto Tharybis’ shoulders, including as becoming the third voice in blessings for marriages. For all the power that had been shifted to the men living amongst them, the women began taking more and more active roles based on the examples that Valda and Tharybis’ first two wives were setting and the deep melancholy began to fade.

Finally, one evening, Maceo and Astravia strolled out to the lakeside in search of Valda who had been missing the entire day. They found her sitting on a boulder looking over the still waters under the stars, deep in thought. “Is everything alright?” Maceo asked her as he sat down on the ground beside her. She smiled pensively and lowered her head.

“I need to ask you something,” she told them both in a voice so soft that it bordered on a whisper.

“Well that sounds ominous,” Maceo teased, but Valda couldn’t quite muster a laugh.

“Would you have ever accepted me as one of your wives? Would Avia have ever accepted me?” Astravia lifted off of Maceo’s shoulder and she fluttered over to sit on Valda’s knee, staring at her and appraising her carefully.

“You know the sacrifices,” Astravia shared. “We have spoken of them. You know that much greater knowledge would await you on the other side of such a decision, but that the price would be your former life and those you held most dearly. There would be reward, but there would be even greater costs.”

“I know. But… can you just answer my question?”

Maceo looked to Astravia, who nodded to him. “We’ve talked about it quite a bit with each other. Yes. I did ask her to accept you and I would take you, if that was what you really wanted.”

“It is not what I had envisioned for our time moving forward together,” Astravia admitted. “I very much wanted Maceo to myself. Having him has refreshed me in so many ways, however I still have a great deal of my own healing to do. That being said, I am not blind. I can see how much you treasure him and also how limited your options are in your current state. You have grown considerably in the time we have known each other.”

“I wish,” Valda laughed, though her voice was slightly bitter and she needed to wipe a tear from her cheek.

“So the answer is yes,” Astravia concluded. Valda smiled and stared at her feet sadly. She took a deep breath and then set Astravia on her other knee so that she could look at them both simultaneously.

“You have no idea how much that means to me,” she told them genuinely. “I’ve had to think about this a lot. I think going with you I could see things I could never dream of. I think I could be truly happy, even stuck like this.” She paused and stared off into space while Maceo and Astravia patiently waited for her to conclude her thought. “I would give anything for my sisters,” she told them. “Absolutely anything. Including letting go of the only man I have ever truly loved,” she said, fighting to hold back her tears. “You can’t stay here?”

“We can’t,” Maceo answered. “We’ve gotten too close as it is. Some have already noticed some things. In time, people will begin to notice more. More things that won’t be easily explained away. For some time our path is to travel and explore. We can’t settle down anywhere but our own home, which currently is empty.”

“But why?”

“We have already told you all that we can. The knowledge you seek comes with a price,” Astravia warned her.

Valda nodded and stared off into space again. “Neither of you are quite what you appear to be, are you? Not just Avia.” They silently acknowledged her deduction and waited patiently. “I need to stay here,” she decided. “My place is with my sisters. We have so far to go to pay penance for what we were and what we’ve done. They’re better now, but they’re lost. I need to be here with them to help them find whatever redemption we can. If I have to choose one or the other, then I have to choose my sisters. They have always been my guiding light and my reason for life and I can’t just ignore that.”

“You’re sure?” Maceo asked her. “We’ve grown pretty attached to you,” he tempted.

“I have always said I would give anything for my sisters. Now it’s time for me to do just that. Can you at least tell me at least something about why you can’t stay? Or at least come back?”

Maceo looked to Astravia, who nodded in approval.

“Valda, I will be fifty-eight years old next spring,” Maceo told her point blank. Valda gasped, immediately believing him and Astravia nearly fell off of his knee when she faltered. Valda was so shaken she required Maceo to catch her.

“But you look… you can’t be… you look younger than I am!” she exclaimed.

“Before I had been robbed of my power, I could have masked this. But as I am now, we must cast our paths to the wind,” Astravia shared.

“Like we said, over time people will notice things,” Maceo reiterated. Valda nodded and lowered her head, now comprehending everything that she needed to.

“So, you would have just taken me with you, even though I would just grow old and die.”

“That would be a choice available to you,” Astravia answered her. “Or you could become like us and live as we do. But most do not believe what a curse that is in reality, or the burden it carries.”

Valda merely nodded and accepted reality.

Maceo and Astravia departed as fall fully took hold, foregoing the possibility of spending the winter there to watch the natural wonders they had originally come for. It was a tear filled departure, especially for Valda. Astravia even gave her means to signal them if she changed her mind, but Valda held true to her commitment to her sisters and her community, choosing a broken heart over abandoning them. As the airship lifted off and the waving crowd fell behind them too far to make out any longer, Maceo sat with Astravia as she released her disguise and grew back into her normal fifteen inch tall goddess form. They both watched as they left their new friends behind for good and Maceo seemed to be having the greater difficulty of the two of them.

“So what insight does a goddess with tens of millions of years behind her have to say about what will happen to them?”

“There are rich and rare resources available to them here. The lake sits on a chasm where two continental plates are slowly splitting apart. This creates an opening to resources that are normally concealed deep underground. In time they will discover these resources and it will make them wealthy. The men born to them will be very strong as I said when I first cursed them, but the women will remain weak, small and timid for all time. They will always be envious of the men that protect and lead them and even if their malevolent past is hidden from their descendants, there will always be an echo in every heart of every woman born of their line. An echo of what they once had and has vanished from there very fingers. They will always feel a remnant of the vast power that is now lost to them and will at best only be able to live it vicariously through the men in their lives.”

“But,” she continued, “Remorse and recompense such as we found with Valda is quite rare. Quite rare indeed. I am limited, but I have seeded measures in her blood that will allow her to see her dreams for her sisters come to fruition. There is hope for them. The path to the Amazons’ happiness is much more narrow now, but it is there nonetheless. They should not have swatted me like an annoying bug,” she concluded bitterly, causing Maceo to laugh uncontrollably.

“Are you alright? That whole ordeal took an immense toll on you.”

“I am… excellent,” Astravia answered with a wide smile. “I feel fulfilled. I have never had to exert myself so totally before, nor have I felt so fatigued and exhausted. But with it came this indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. I am truly grateful for what transpired here. I am also stronger than before. I can feel it. I am stronger now than I have been since before I finished shrinking. I wish to push my limits again! I wish to feel what it is like to embrace my limits and I wish to enjoy this wonderful sense of gratification I feel when I create something that is only barely within my grasp if I strain myself to my maximum. And I wish to do this as much as possible in the few decades that remain before I return to what I was. But even more than that, there is something else.”

“And what’s that?” Maceo was considerably cheered up by her response and eager to hear more.

“I am exhilarated to have my beloved husband and my dearest Maceo all to myself again FINALLY! And I am unbelievably aroused. I am going to fuck your brains out!” she declared hungrily.

“Not before I butter you up first and set the mood,” Maceo teased. “How does steak with grilled vegetables sound for dinner?”

“You are NOT saying you are going to make the queen of the gods wait to feel you within her!” Astravia declared in utter disbelief.

“You’re damn right I am,” Maceo teased back, snickering.

That evening after dinner, Astravia found herself in her mortal, 4’10” tall form atop Maceo in front of their faux fireplace naked, stroking his cock with both hands between her legs as she straddled him.

“You promised I could have my way this evening,” she said seductively to him when she touched him in just a manner that made him moan and reach out for her hips.

“You are such a tease,” he laughed, then moaned again as she slid herself up and down his length with him firmly pressed between her labia.

“It is the only power I have left,” she laughed back.

“You’ve never lost any of your power over me,” Maceo joked, then tensed and moaned again as she massaged the head of his dick with the palm of her hand between her labia.

“You are attempting to butter me up,” she giggled at him, making sure to grind her slippery womanhood up and down his length rapidly several times. She sighed with satisfaction herself and stared up at the ceiling, struggling to keep her momentum going after her body all but sputtered to a stop.

“Is it working?” Maceo asked her with a sly grin.

“Your sweet words have always worked on me, my dearest Maceo. Even long before I was forced to acknowledge my feelings for you. However, that will not be enough this evening,” she concluded.

With that final threat out of the way, Astravia began shrinking down, the length of his cock spreading up past her hips to her belly and her already tiny hands shrinking around its girth as his already huge dick expanded between her legs and in her hands, gradually becoming unwieldy for any woman aside from the queen of the gods. When his cock was large enough that it poked the undersides of her breasts, she lifted up onto her knees, still shrinking steadily down around his penis, using more of her body to caress it as she dwindled.

Down and down she dwindled around his cock. She never broke eye contact with him and never stopped grinning seductively as he expanded beneath her and in her grasp. When her hands were no longer large enough to manipulate his man flesh, she wrapped her arms around it. When she was so short that kneeling against his ever expanding penis that it pushed up past her chin, she planted a foot on his hip and pushed herself up while continuing to hug and stroke him with her entire body and struggling to wrap her magnificent breasts around him unsuccessfully.

When she finally stopped at fifteen inches tall and fully transformed into her normal state of being, she slid her entire body up and down him while crouched around his cock. She moaned and she ground her womanhood against the throbbing veins on his dick, moaning lustfully with every small movement and not even bothering to adjust her tiny voice as she threw caution to the wind and her body against his manhood.

She continued like this for several minutes until she realized he was near his limit and he reached out to grab her, but she slapped his giant fingers sharply as a warning to him not to interrupt her important work. Maceo obviously handled this like any man would: he laughed it off, though the tiny goddess quickly gained a firm command of the situation almost immediately, causing him to tense and lift his hips skyward. Thankfully for Astravia, she had his rigid cock to cling to, which she did quite faithfully. This also had the added benefit of forcing her to press her robust breasts around his shaft while licking and nibbling affectionately on his foreskin while she intentionally expanded her bust line for dramatic effect until they were just large enough to wrap around him.

It was rather impressive what a mere few decades of practice at this size had done for Astravia’s sexual prowess and mastery of her beloved husband. Though she was a far cry from the days when she stood fifteen feet tall instead of inches where she could take his manhood into her mouth and coax an ejaculation out of him in mere seconds, she now mastered his dick like an equestrian conquering a powerful stallion. No, she could no longer exhaust it in an instant, but it also never responded so obediently to her when she was twelve times taller.

She stroked his dick with her shrunken body until he began twitching uncontrollably, at which point she pulled back just enough to let the fog in his mind dissipate, then she stood fully and slid her womanhood along his length as she ascended.

Once as erect as her lover, she stepped forward, wrapping her legs and thighs around the cock that was almost perfectly hip height to her and pulled the head into her lower body with her tiny hands. She lifted up onto her tip toes and opened her thighs to accommodate the girth of the head and pulled him to her while she began grinding her tiny hips against the head vigorously and with much gusto, intentionally sliding her sopping wet pussy against his urethral orifice, using its ridges to stimulate her own.

“Oh beloved! I have waited so long patiently for you. Please, I want to drown in your seed!” she called up to the giant while her hips and thighs did all of the work manipulating his manhood. “Give it all to me! Will you please?”

Maceo uttered something entirely unintelligible, but nonetheless he conveyed his point to her, which pleased her to no end. “Tell me when you are ready,” she moaned up to him, wildly bucking her tiny, doll sized hips violently against the head of his cock. “I can barely contain myself! Please cum for me soon!” she begged.

Maceo groaned and stuttered vocally, then his body twitched, and the well-practiced shrunken goddess bit her lip, fully aware she had this brutish giant just where she wanted him. She relaxed and stopped fighting her own climax, which had washed over her almost as soon as she had begun and she screamed as the waves of pleasure coursed through her shrunken body. She basked in a long, intense orgasm, hardly noticing that Maceo was still trying to hold back despite the fact that her victory over him was certain now, and she was eagerly awaiting the spoils of her campaign against her rigid foe. He finally groaned loudly and erupted, spouting ropes of cum up around her hips and ejecting as high as her cheeks in one gush after another until he was fully spent and collapsed back onto the bed in a heap.

Astravia fell forward, dropping to her knees and leaning on his cock as it slowly softened and gently lowered her down to his abdomen, slathered in his juices and entirely content after months of resisting her overwhelming urges.

He rested like this for several minutes, before he lifted his head and looked down at her. She was grinning mischievously up to him, still hugging his dick like an oversized stuffed animal, and glistening with his thick seed, some of which was visibly stuck in her hair. “It’s so hot when you talk dirty to me,” he confided.

“Not as hot as your seed,” she answered back suggestively. He was still sluggish, but he picked her up in his hand, making her squeak with surprise as well as protest. “I’m sorry, but I’m just not done with you,” he informed her, then carried her to the bathroom where he carefully and tenderly washed her clean in the sink there. Once she was refreshed, he carried her back to the bed and tossed her down onto the mattress onto her back.

“Show me your transformed state. You know the one,” he ordered her.

She grinned and bit her lip, then her eyes shifted to blazing white stars on midnight black and she began expanding larger and larger until she maximized out at an impressive two and a half feet tall.

Maceo grabbed her and picked her up, flipping her mid air and then tossed her back down onto the bed face down and grabbed her hair in his hand. “How many more times can you climax?” Maceo asked her. Astravia lifted her head and looked back over her shoulder and ass that he was lifting up toward his already hard again dick. She stammered for a moment, but Maceo didn’t really bother to wait. “How about we set a new record?” he asked her.

“More than seventeen?” she asked, slack jawed. “Does the one I had a few minutes ago at least count?”

“No,” Maceo replied curtly. “Let’s go for twenty.”

“Seventeen was enough to make my legs numb!” Astravia called out, only to feel his powerful hand press down on her back, pinning her to the mattress.

“I’m going to be carrying you everywhere anyways,” he bantered back, then she screamed gutturally when he plunged himself deep inside of her without so much as a warning.

Astravia did hold back at first, but only because she was stunned and intimidated by the monumental undertaking Maceo had just heaped on and as well as within her, but that resistance only lasted a few short seconds when she began screaming nearly incessantly as her husband steadily built up his efforts until his thrusts were actually causing the entire airship to shift slightly on its course back to the temple. A short moment later, she buried her face into the mattress and gripped the sheets in her little fists as the first climax washed over her like a tsunami.

Maceo bunched her hair in his hand while petting her golden skin, then squeezed her ass and plunged in again, railing her furiously until she came again, this time leaking her fluids out over their mattress.

He now slid his arm underneath her chest and pulled her up, then hooked both of her knees with his arms and lifted her so she had her back against him, all while never even pulling out of her. She leaned back and reached up for his neck, tipping her head back and stretched her little body while he craned his neck down to kiss her with an open mouth and began thrusting in her like this, quickly overwhelming her with pleasure yet again due to the intense sensitivity her shrunken size brought her.

For another twenty minutes, Maceo overwhelmed her tiny womb before he finally switched positions and threw her face first onto the mattress where he continued assaulting her pussy like a man obsessed. Two more climaxes in, she gasped as she realized something was shifting within her as he pounded her mercilessly and she looked back to see that her golden skin was beginning to fade along with what little height she had as she began shrinking down to her fifteen inch height again while he overpowered her sexually. Maceo obviously saw what was happening as his wife shrank small enough that a single hand was enough to handle both of her hips, but he didn’t even bother to slow even slightly. He was far more interested in driving forward with his goals to attain an unthinkable level of sexual prowess, leaving Astravia no choice but to overcome her own weaknesses and arrest her shrinking on her own with nothing more than sheer will.

She barely managed to stop the shrinking process at around one and three quarters feet tall, slowing it gradually before she arrested it fully and despite the fact that she was so overwhelmed by his undeniable drive that she was drooling all over her chin and her sheets.

She screamed unevenly and her body twitched from the effort, but after much effort, she began expanding again and growing back up to the two and a half foot height she’d just left behind. Unfortunately for her, however, Maceo took this as nothing more than a challenge and he tripled the speed of his thrusts, causing her to scream so loudly that a nearby vase cracked and she began receding back down again, shrinking around his cock as it dominated her entirely.

At around two feet tall, she stopped her dwindling again out of sheer desperation and began transforming back up again into her golden form, only to feel Maceo reach down between her legs and press against her clitoris, almost immediately forcing her into yet another climax as her body began dwindling down yet again.

“S-s-s-s-sto-o-op-p-p-p shr-r-ri-inking me!” she screamed, forcing her will to stop the process at around one and a half feet tall and claw her way back up again only for it to begin again as she dwindled down to 24” and stop the process, then slip into another shrinking spurt and recede down to 1’8”, and then 2’3” and finally 1’6” before she finally let loose an impassioned, exhaustive moan, forcing herself to stop and begin to gradually increase in size again until she finally reached her fully transformed goddess state once more at two an a half feet in height.

She now pouring over with sweat and she made the mistake of allowing herself the briefest of pauses to recover only to gasp again as she felt his cock expanding inside of her once again as her body began decreasing in size yet again.

“Y-you’re do-o-ing thi-is on pu-urpose!” she accused before losing control and collapsing under his inescapable force. Sadly, this only had the effect of causing her shrinking to accelerate and for her to scream even louder, causing that same vase to fully shatter this time.

“And?” Maceo asked back dismissively.

Astravia clenched her jaw and gritted her teeth, grabbing the sheets as tightly as she could in her tiny, shrinking fists, and groaning with frustration as she felt the fabric begin to swell in her grip to unmanageable volume.

“You may ha-have your record only on the co-ondi-ition that you agree to allow me my way the enti-ire evening tomorrow,” she threatened. Maceo suddenly slowed and she could feel the intimidation build in his body as he audibly gulped. She let loose a couple strained laughs, then braced herself and looked over her shoulder. “It is non negotiable,” she declared.

“Twenty five then,” Maceo bargained, accelerating again with his thrusts.

Her head collapsed on the mattress again, bouncing as it did so, but she nodded in agreement while her legs began kicking out into the air uncontrollably and spastically.

“GIVE IT TO ME!” she bellowed, shaking the walls with her little voice.

Hours later, Astravia’s twenty-fifth climax was actually a challenge, as the goddess once again was met face to… pussy with her limitation as a shrunken goddess. For the first time since before she had begun shrinking decades before, she was forced to concentrate as her completely exhausted body betrayed her and she was in a near constant state of flux, wavering between one and a half feet tall and two and a half before Maceo finally lost control again and exploded inside of her, finally giving her the trigger she needed to follow suit in one final, spent orgasm that left her twitching and shrinking steadily down as Maceo leaned over her and braced himself above her on his elbows.

When she finally reached her destination of fifteen inches in height, he rolled over, at long last withdrawing from her and collapsing in a heap.

“Do not leave me, Maceo,” she whispered in between gasps and then she closed her eyes and smiled contentedly as she felt his hand wrap around her torso and pick her up to deposit on his chest.

The entire airship was finally silent, aside from the soft hum of the engines propelling them home again and a faint wisp of the winds against the hull. “I will never leave you,” Maceo told her, petting her gently and also doing his best to wipe her sweat soaked body dry. “Not for all eternity.”

“I love you so, my dearest Maceo.”

Shortly before dawn, Maceo rose again and took her to the bathroom so they could shower together and clean up. Then he dried them both as Astravia rested limply in his grasp and then he made the trip down to the control car without bothering to dress where he altered the course of the airship and retreated to the uppermost level where the faux fireplace sat.

There he reclined onto the sofa there and they relaxed in the warmth of the fire, awaiting the sunrise.

Some time later, Astravia let loose a heavy sigh, alerting Maceo to her concerns. “What’s wrong?”

“Must I go back to how I was?” she asked. “Can I not remain miniscule forever?”

“Well, I suppose…”

“That was a rhetorical question,” she answered. “There is no way I can face Zantharan like this. None. And I must face him at some point.”

“You’re much stronger than you once were. Do you think you might be able to take him?”

“You underestimate his power,” she informed him with deep resignation. “A goddess’ power lies in creation, a god’s power in raw force. However, a goddess’ true power to create is not unleashed without the complimentary power of a god. I will never come close to being able to match his raw force. It simply is not anything I will ever be capable of.”

“But you must have a plan. I haven’t even heard you hint of the end in years.”

“Do you wish to discuss it? Perhaps it is early yet, but yes, I have devised a plan. It will require further sacrifice on your part however.”

“This must be the only way you can see moving forward.”

“It is.”

“Then I’ll do it,” Maceo determined. “There’s no point in debating it. I will do it.”

“How did we forge a mortal so noble?” she asked while stroking his skin with the palm of her hand.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:31 am

Sixty-eight years, ten months and eleven days.

That was the amount of time that had passed since Maceo first slipped the shrinking elixir into Astravia’s drink that morning so very long ago.

There was nothing remarkable about that amount of time; nothing worth noting or celebrating. On that day, Maceo and Astravia were visiting a tiny, primitive village on a large island in the middle of a southern ocean, far to the west of the western continents and approaching the eastern continent again.

Generations of living here had resulted in the inhabitants of this island showing a reduction in stature as a sign of succumbing to insular dwarfism. The average male here stood around an unimpressive four and a half feet tall, while the women normally hovered at about four feet. On this trip, Astravia chose to don her mortal sized disguise, though she found herself constantly regretting towering over such small persons, especially the men. Maceo was so ridiculously large to them that he found himself the constant butt of their jokes and a continual source of amusement.

Aside from that quirk, the natives here were incredibly welcoming, kind and generous, despite the fact that they were living not just primitive, but exceedingly impoverished lives. Maceo and Astravia decided to take the opportunity to reward them for their kindheartedness by teaching them whatever these people were willing to learn to better their lives, mostly in the form of techniques to better acquire food or shelter.

They had spent a few months here among them and though they had offered to take some of the residents for a tour on their airship, none were brave enough to attempt rising above the clouds despite how safe Maceo and Astravia insisted it would be. The airship they had used to tour the world following their departure from Astraviantium still existed, however for a number of years it had sat dormant in its hangar with it’s bags fully deflated and the frame surrounding them disassembled. The main structure was largely as it had once been when it soared the skies, but now collected dust after decades of use and wear had brought it to the point where it would need to be completely refurbished to be of use any longer. It was simply easier to build a new one, and build one Maceo did, this time with much more knowledge and skill than the first one as well as much more quickly. They were only laid over in the temple for several months as Maceo commenced construction on the new craft, then set out on one final tour with their old airborne home only to return to complete the final stages of the new one’s construction.

The new Airship was even larger and capable of housing two aircraft, both of which were also replacements and advancements of their predecessors and one was even capable of landing on watery surfaces. This newer craft, now in it’s nineteenth year of operation, was even more lavish and sported even more grandiose features, such as a small observation post on the dorsal side of the craft that was in the shape of a twelve foot wide dome with views in every direction except directly beneath the feet of those enjoying that particular vantage point.

This observatory was complete with a telescope, curved sofas that would look either inward or outward depending on the desires of the user, as well as an actual flame source in the center of the room that fed on a separate, different gas from the rest of the ship that was easily contained and lit.

The new control car boasted a fully transparent floor through half of the car, as well as more advanced navigational equipment and even a small space for entertaining guests, while the remainder of the decks had more elaborate floor designs, better adorned rooms and a spiral staircase at each corner of the living module that would allow easy and less steep access to all four main levels. The views outside of the airship offered a wider range of view, and there was even a lift that traversed all four main decks for moving equipment or whatever else the residents of this floating mansion desired. All of this came at the price of the new airship not being able to move quite as quickly as it’s predecessor, though it wasn’t a significant drop in speed.

They had just finished constructing the last of a series of huts for each family in this primitive tribe to live in and Maceo and Astravia were enjoying time alone after a long night of feasting and laughing with these diminutive native people. Astravia deactivated her pendant and quickly dwindled down to doll size, then she stood and waited patiently for Maceo to pick her up and set her on him to go to bed together.

As soon as they were lying on the mat laid out for them to sleep on, Astravia began to stroll casually down to Maceo’s pants and opened them to reveal his waiting penis. She smirked seductively back at him as he lay there with the tiny woman standing atop him and she removed her dress, though she struggled to pry it free. She barely paid it any attention, though and then knelt over his still soft member and began rubbing it with the length of her body, quickly bringing it to full attention.

Then she stood as she was so used to doing and stepped forward, sensually wrapping her left leg around his shaft and pulling it closer to her until she noticed a change and stopped suddenly, staring down at his rigid cock.

“Maceo, am I taller?” she asked him. Maceo lifted his head, forgoing the physical bliss he had been enjoying from her full body massage of his sexual organ and he stared. Sure enough, just as she had implied, there was a noticeable difference in the size of her diminutive body in comparison to his penis. For six decades, she had spent that time with the head of his cock reaching hip level to her, but now she stood and it only reached the tops of her thighs. He was still more than large enough for her to ride while he was angled skyward and she standing around it, but it was noticeably less along her tiny body than it had been for decades.

She fretted and stared at his cock in her hands with a furrowed brow, hardly moving until Maceo sat up and took her to a bag in search of a tool to confirm her suspicions. Once she was properly measured, there was no doubt any longer: Astravia was now sixteen inches tall.

“It’s over,” she remarked as if defeated. “It came so soon. It is already over.”

“It’s not quite over yet,” Maceo assured her, but she shook her head at him as though it were the beginning of September and they were speaking of the end of summer.

“I am growing back,” she lamented.

Sadly, this revelation of the spell responsible for Astravia’s significantly diminished stature finally reaching its conclusion was too disruptive for her romantic mood to continue in their sexual games. She spent the rest of the night in his arms, constantly testing the difference in her size as well as diligently committing to memory the feelings that accompanied being so small and protected in her lover’s embrace.

They made arrangements over the next two days to conclude their business among the primitive tribe, though even that short amount of time was enough to gain attention from some of their hosts who noticed that Astravia did seem to be slightly taller than before.

They departed with haste and set course directly back to the temple where they could comfortably oversee Astravia’s restoration to her former glory, though Astravia remained nothing but melancholy regarding the entire affair. Seven days into the flight, and only one day out from their destination, Maceo found Astravia sitting at that upper level looking out over the sunset sulking at a positively bulky twenty four inches tall.

“You’re acting like it’s a funeral,” Maceo confronted as he sat beside her.

“It is,” she answered back defiantly. “It is the death of me, and the woman I should have always been.”

“You’re being overly dramatic. Seventy years ago you could barely stomach the idea of what was happening to you.”

“I was a fool,” Astravia complained. “Why must I go back? We have the materials on board. Why do you not simply create a fresh batch of the spell and shrink me down again? Seven decades is such a short amount of time. I have barely even been able to become accustomed to this size and enjoy it!”

“We don’t know what would happen if we were to apply a spell powerful enough to affect a goddess before it even wore off. What if it shrank you even smaller than before?”

“I would enjoy the opportunity,” Astravia answered back bitterly.

“Astravia, it was fun, but now it’s time to try something new for a little while,” Maceo ordered her. “Or now that’s you’re getting bigger again did you want to redefine our relationship again?”

“No!” Astravia interjected, leaping up onto his lap and gripping his shirt in her hands. “No! Absolutely not! This is exactly how I want our relationship to be! Why should I be forced to change it?”

“I think you know why,” Maceo pointed out while petting her hair. She lowered her head and nearly succumbed to tears. The name Zantharan hadn’t crossed either of their lips in nearly thirty years. He was nothing more than a memory now, though suddenly he threatened the fragile happiness that Astravia had earned for herself.

“I don’t want to,” she complained.

“We’ve talked about this. We’ve planned for decades now. The time has come.”

“I can shrink myself again!” she declared brightly. “We can repeat this at least twice before I must end my weekend. Perhaps three times!”

“We will see how you feel once you’re fully restored,” Maceo informed her gently. “But for now, let’s focus on happier matters?”

When they set down and docked the airship in its hangar, Astravia had just passed twenty five inches in height and they were confident based on their previous studies of the spell in question as well as with Astravia’s current rate of growth that they were looking at nearly an inch a day of restoration of the queen of the gods until she finally stopped back at her former fifteen foot glory. That evening, they ate on the patio of their shared home overlooking the pool, which they hadn’t enjoyed together in many years. Astravia remained rather melancholy, however Maceo’s constant probing of her tiny body eventually coaxed her libido to overshadow her sadness and she was reminded that despite the decreasing intensity of sensations and sensitivity, she was every bit as horny and sexually ravenous as she had ever been.

The growth back to her former stature took a little less than six months. Though Astravia’s apprehension never fully went away, she did quickly learn to enjoy herself again, though every single day reminded her of the goddess she was returning to, which she now apparently only wanted to leave behind.

The growth process played out exactly like the process of shrinking her down in size, with Astravia constantly craving constant sexual gratification, and Maceo eagerly providing it. When she reached slightly less than six feet tall, however, Astravia shrank down into her mortal form, refusing to spend any more time as tall as Maceo or taller than was absolutely necessary.

Ultimately, she would only return to her natural goddess state when she felt the need to measure herself. It took hardly any time, however, to determine that Astravia’s ascent up to her natural size was constant and linear, so she really only resorted to catalogueing her growth every couple of weeks or so and only because Maceo insisted that they document the results in order to add to the extensive research that Kytiscia had conducted.

Most of her time was spent in her much smaller mortal form where she preferred to continue to be carried around by her lover, whose large, strong arms were too tempting of a safe harbor for her to ignore. By the time her natural form had grown large enough that she felt the need to utilize smaller forms, she discovered that the fairy disguise her pendant allowed her was too large now to attain flight with her small wings in comparison to her growing body. Instead, she would resort to using her naturally equipped fairy form often for moving about which gave her an opportunity to kling desperately to a sense of still being miniscule, but as that form ascended upwards towards five inches in height, that too was becoming less and less satisfying.

When she finally reached her final size and they confirmed the end to her shrinking adventure, she sighed and shrank back down to her mortal form, wrapping her arms around Maceo’s arm and hugging it for comfort. They discussed and for a short time, they returned to their routine as they had once known it from before Maceo had laced her drink with a shrinking potion and Astravia taking the opportunity to show Maceo wonders of the universe no mortal could dream of, as well as return to his world’s moon to enjoy the stars bouncing in a fraction of normal gravity as well as basking among the stars instead of simply underneath them.

They discussed the possibility of shrinking her back down again, this time much more carefully than the first time and they had serious conversations regarding just how that reduction would play out. Would they simply repeat the last application of the spell on her, or would they modify to lengthen its effect, or bring her to her preferred size that was roughly half the height of a normal woman?

They also awakened the army of golems around the temple again and set them back on the task of restoring the temple, which would only take a few months at the rate things were progressing. They were sitting one morning over a cup of tea after enjoying the sunrise together when Astravia suddenly sat up rigidly in her seat across from Maceo mid sip.

“What is it?” Maceo asked her.

“A familiar feeling,” Astravia answered him, though she was having a touch of difficulty placing it. Then her mood lifted suddenly and she stood, taking his hand. “It is time!” she told him happily.

“Time? For what?” he asked, following her lead. She didn’t bother to explain at all to him. Instead she lead him out across the patio and down the empty street until they heard a distant noise and bustle.

Then, a voice rang out, beckoning, “AVIA!! AVIA!!”

Maceo pulled her close and they stood out in the open and a moment later, Dela zipped out from behind a building, looking here and there and everywhere in desperate search of her long lost friends. When she finally located both of them standing and waiting in welcome to her left, she burst forward in an explosion of fairy dust and collided directly into Astravia’s bosom.

“OH AVIA!” she cried with passion. “You said you would be right there when I went through.”

“Dela,” Astravia cooed down to the little fairy while petting her affectionately. “From your perspective you have been away from us for a mere forty seconds.”

“But I don’t live as long as you do!” she exclaimed.

“Oh hush,” Astravia whispered, kissing the top of her head. “I said that I would be waiting for you and here we are. Now, come! I have so much in store for you and there is much to do!” she informed the little fairy and then Astravia quickly dwindled down to fairy size and took Dela’s hand, bursting out in another explosion of fairy dust to round up the rest of her community and help them settle into their new home.

Another seven months passed until the fairies were fully situated and comfortable in their new home. Initially, many of the fairies took the open portal that Astravia had created for them back and forth between their old home and their new one, but over the course of months, they became more accustomed to this new home and the trips the fairies would take back to their old forest became quite rare. In that time, Astravia revealed her true identity to them, as well as her limitless powers, which they were amazed and astounded by. The fairies chose a specific garden to settle into, building little fairy homes for themselves with Astravia’s help and then became a constant feature of the temple, which was substantially more lively following their arrival than before.

At the end of those seven months, the fairies were sitting outside on the patio enjoying warm fires and food with Maceo and Astravia when Astravia noticed the distant look on Maceo’s face.

“What troubles you, my dearest Maceo?” she asked him.

“Oh, I’m just feeling a little nostalgic,” Maceo commented.

“About? We are here with old friends,” she told him cheerfully.

“I know, but old friends we met just after we left others behind.”

“Ah. The town,” Astravia deduced.

“The last time Rhona contacted us was more than twenty years ago,” Maceo pondered thoughtfully while Dela fluttered to and fro, working her hardest to understand the feeling of longing he was experiencing.

“Ah. I see,” Astravia said with understanding and slid up beside him to comfort him. “She was quite ill when last we spoke. She was not long for this world when we said our goodbyes. And beloved, she was among the oldest still there. None of them were built to live exceedingly long lives, even for a mortal.”

“I know. It’s just that the fairies remind me of everyone else we left behind.”

“May I make a suggestion, my husband?” she asked him politely. Maceo nodded and looked to her for her proposition. “We should go there tomorrow morning. We should travel and see the civilization that we helped seed for ourselves. Would you not enjoy seeing the fruits of our loved ones’ labors? To see the legacy they have created?”

“Yeah,” Maceo nodded, thoroughly satisfied with her suggestion.

The next day, traveling by horse drawn cart just the two of them again, Astravia was hanging from his arm, purring with affection, but also somewhat disquieted herself.

“I feel so bloated and fat like this,” she complained. “I wish I had not lost track of time before the fairies reemerged. I would have preferred to shrink myself again before they arrived.”

“You certainly don’t look fat or bloated,” Maceo assured her. “You look as beautiful as the day I met you.”

“Because I do not age, flatterer!” she teased and slapped his shoulder playfully.

The final leg of their journey was one that was intriguing to them both as they encountered a handful of pockets of homes along the road where decades before there had only been wilderness. The people they passed paid them little mind, and Maceo was impressed by how well developed their homes were, despite how separated they were from the community of Astraviantium.

Three hours after departing the temple, they pulled up to the gate to town, which was exactly as it had been the last time they had seen it. What was different, however, was that there were a number of businesses and homes sprawling out beyond the old boarders of the once little town, which was now bordering on a thriving city.

Decades before when they had departed from this place, the gate was well guarded, owing to the continued activity of the bandits and other trouble makers on and around the mountain. Now, however, the gate seemed to be largely ornamental. They rode up closer to the gate, looking around, and beyond the old walls they could see a beam of light to distant applause as the current generation of magicians thrilled an audience. Merchants approached them as they passed by, doing their best to pedal merchandise, but Maceo insisted they secure their steeds first. As they finally reached the gate, they passed by the home they had built and resided in together and then passed along to Gaeten. The home now seemed a little worn, but otherwise well taken care of with a handsome elderly woman casually watching Maceo and Astravia roll in while she tended to a flock of boisterous children.

As they entered the gate, they were forced to ask for directions so that they could find a place to harness their horses now that the old stable was gone in place of a cluster of small homes in a small city that was overflowing with people.

The old market was exactly where it had always been, however. The people were all different, their clothing had changed, leaving Maceo overhearing more than one comment regarding how dated their garments seemed. The faces were all new, but many of them bared vague resemblances to ones they had once known and cherished, though Maceo and Astravia were new to everyone here. When they finally saw to their horses and tied them up, they looked around the market, smiling to themselves at how it had developed. Where Gaeten’s tent had once sat, there was now a building with the crest of his family’s name inscribed on the door.

They entered and looked around, garnering a growing amount of attention as the magnetic godly traits they both possessed seemed to pull eyes toward them like gravity drew a falling apple.

They were looking over the clothes there and considering something for Astravia when suddenly they were interrupted by the voice of a man asking, “where in the world did you get that?” Maceo turned and looked at a man that held a faint resemblance to his old friend, obviously a descendant of Gaeten, overseeing the legacy he had left behind.

“Oh, this?” Maceo asked, touching his sword. The man confirmed his suspicion and Maceo unfastened it from his belt. “Honestly? I made it.”

“You’re a blacksmith?”

“Well, yes,” Maceo confirmed.

“Amazing! Where did you learn to forge something like this? I haven’t seen anything quite like this in this shop since I was a little boy.”

“I was very fortunate to be taken in by an extremely generous patron who allowed me to apprentice there,” Maceo said, smiling down to Astravia, who only smiled knowingly back.

“This is just amazing! You know what? I want to introduce you to the forge masters! This is fantastic! I wonder if you might be able to help them because we haven’t had anyone this skilled since my grandfather’s time.”

“Oh?” Maceo asked.

“Yes,’ the man answered sadly. “The old smiths are all gone now and their apprentices shirked their studies until it was too late. Our forge masters lost the skills to do anything like this a couple generations ago and we’ve been regretting it ever since.”

“I suppose I might be willing to talk to them, but we’re really just passing through.”

“Anything you’d be willing to say, I’d be grateful for. You know, my grandfather used to tell me how his father sold swords and knives like this when he was just a boy. We were able to draw business from half the known world. It would be great if we could get something like that from this part of the family business again.”

Maceo listened politely and consulted with the man, catching up on the town’s history in their absence and relishing in how his family’s story had developed, but also still sad that this was the closest he could get to seeing his old friend and mentor again.

After some discussion, Maceo took only the briefest of directions from the shopkeeper to the forge, which was exactly where he had left it and set out on foot. Meanwhile, Astravia suggested they part so she could get some food for them both and she would reconnect with him shortly.

The walk to the forge was hardly recognizable from the last time Maceo had made it. The street was crowded with pedestrians as well as carts that merchants used to peddle their wares and most of the buildings had either been replaced or added to significantly since the last time he had seen them. Again, despite looking, there was not a single face he knew, which was more than a little bittersweet.

He found the forge with little effort and as soon as he entered, his sword drew a crowd around him where the old masters were surrounded by young students, and all of them were interested in the source of such a magnificent example of steel. Again there was a conversation, explaining how Maceo had found himself there and they traded tips and secrets with a promise from Maceo to return later for a more proper demonstration of his skills. Through it all, Maceo remained slightly somber due to the fact that he was meeting strangers that had inherited one of the legacies he himself had left behind when he last set foot in this community.

So much here was familiar, so many things hung from the walls that he had created with his own hands and he could see beautiful tools all around him on workbenches or even just laying about that were a tool that either Maceo had fashioned himself or he recognized as the tools he had instructed his pupils in making. They were simple everyday objects now, whereas decades before they were held with reverence and pride by the then newfound fledgling fraternity of metalworkers. What was more, not a single soul here had even the slightest idea of who Maceo was or his role in this place so very long ago.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:15 pm

Awesome update! It's kind of sad to see their shrinking adventure coming to a close though :/

Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:50 pm

Knightstable wrote:
Wed Sep 07, 2022 2:15 pm
Awesome update! It's kind of sad to see their shrinking adventure coming to a close though :/
I agree, but for what it’s worth, we’re 1200 pages into this story. We’re down to the las few chapters now, and only 35 pages of text in word to post. I might do a few additional edits to add a little more detail, and I might split out what remains to help the remaining chapters keep within the character limits on the board, but regardless, there are less than a handful of chapters left now.

I’m proud that I have this whole story complete, but it’s very bittersweet to bring this tale to a close.

I was telling fuzzyduck on discord that there was a ton of research that went into this story and I went to a huge about of trouble for all of the size comparisons and size change descriptions. That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for Poser when I bought it, but I gotta admit, it did come in handy nonetheless.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:04 pm

Yeah damn this has been quite the story. 1200 pages is pretty crazy. I use DAZ studio myself for some size comparison and story stuff, it's pretty handy ha.

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 3:52 am

Upon reemerging from the forge, Maceo stood and took in the view of his former home, his eyes betraying the nostalgia in his heart while he awaited his wife. This place was still familiar, and yet so different from the home he had once made here. By all rights, Maceo was a man completely out of time, and he belonged there about as much as one of the giant lizards Astravia had shown him from this world’s distant prehistoric past that had gone extinct well before Maceo’s most distant ancestors ever took their first steps. Then while he pondered this world and the place he had once had in it, there was a weak voice that he could hear, though it was a little too difficult to make out what it was saying until he heard it repeat, “Maceo?”

Maceo perked upright as soon as he heard his name, which was enough for the frail voice to add, “No!”

Maceo turned and looked, thoroughly embarrassed at having so easily been flushed out and discovered by this relic of decades gone by. There before him stood a frail, withered elderly woman with thin white, wiry hair that clung unsteadily to a cane for stability. She was hunched over, and deep crevices around her face had long replaced wrinkles from years before.

“It can’t be,” she whispered in disbelief, stumbling slowly and feebly nearer while Maceo now could do little more than stand and decline to affirm her suspicions. “Maceo?” she asked again as if begging for him to confirm her suspicions. “But you haven’t aged a day!”

“Hello Elaheh,” Astravia greeted politely, approaching from her flank and entering into view. The old woman turned instantly as if pulled by a voice she could never forget and she faltered, nearly falling over and forcing Maceo to lunge in and catch her before the old woman could fall over.

“Avia?” she asked as her arms shook with uncertainty. Astravia merely smiled and approached her, touching her cheek gently.

“I had not expected to see you today,” Astravia greeted warmly.

“No,” she gasped, wavering again despite Maceo’s assistance. “Not Avia… you’re Astravia! There’s no one else you could be!”

“Come, sit with us,” Astravia urged her softly. “Be more careful. You are not as sturdy as you once were.” Both of them took her arms and guided her to a nearby bench where Astravia could sit with her and hold her hands. Even now, despite the many years and wear and tear on her body, as well as the severe degradation of her spine, Elaheh still stood taller than Astravia, but by nowhere near the same discrepancy she once had. “Please do not raise your voice. We would prefer to not draw undo attention to ourselves.”

“You are Astravia, aren’t you?’ Elaheh pressed. “How else could you… who else could you be?”

Astravia smiled sympathetically to her and caressed her cheek and drew a deep breath. Then her eyes shifted to bright shining stars on midnight black, confirming Elaheh’s suspicions once and for all and nearly causing her to tumble from her seat. “It is you!”

“And now you know the ultimate truth for why we had to leave you behind,” Astravia said to her patiently. “Our timelessness among you had become too conspicuous.”

“But why? Why? If you came back to us all those years ago, why hide? We need you so badly!”

“We shall discuss that,” Astravia promised her. “I have missed you,” she told her, immediately causing Elaheh to break down into tears. “But what about you? Why are you here, my dear Elaheh? Your body was not built to journey this world for this long. What have you been clinging to that has tethered you to this world? I am certain your loved ones are eagerly awaiting you already.”

Elaheh was still speechless and fixated on Astravia’s telltale eyes; eyes that she had only read about a lifetime before when she was young and beautiful. Astravia touched her fingertip to Elaheh’s forehead and drew the information she desired, nodding with understanding before turning to Maceo and allowing her eyes to shift back to their emerald green.

“It was a promise,” she informed Maceo. “A promise you made her.”

“Me?” Maceo asked, both shocked and awash with guilt.

“Yes, my dearest Maceo, you. You promised her subconscious before we parted we would find her again and we would be reunited. She has held on to that promise for all this time because she cherished it so.” Astravia then turned back to Elaheh and caressed her cheek. “Oh my dear Elaheh. He was referring to finding you in the next world,” she explained compassionately.

Elaheh struggled to fully comprehend, but found herself entirely overwhelmed, so Astravia petted her shoulder and simply sat with her to allow her the time she needed to process the world-shattering event in her life. Given her advanced age and withered body, it was more than a simple struggle. Elaheh clutched her chest in order to attempt to steady her pounding heart that was suddenly on the verge of failing. Astravia then reached forward and pressed against that hand, causing a soft, warm glow that soothed and calmed her.

Once Elaheh was steady again, Maceo crouched in front of her and petted her shriveled hands, then covered them given how cold they were. Of course he was overjoyed to see her again, but he was also saddened to see the state that had befallen her and how unrecognizable she was to when compared with the lovely woman they had left behind a lifetime ago.

“Grandma?” a voice called out. Both Astravia and Maceo turned to see a late middle-aged woman rushing out to meet her ancient relative. “Grandma, what are you doing out here?” she scolded. “You could catch your death of cold!” her tone was filled with concern, but also with disdain for the inconvenience she’d been handed.

“I’d appreciate you treat your elders with more respect than that,” Maceo answered her as she ran up and stared down at the frail ancient woman that was now Elaheh. Elaheh lowered her head as if in shame, which caused Astravia to frown. Even when they had last seen her, Elaheh was a pillar of this community, and now it was painfully evident that she was treated now as nothing but a burden.

“Oh that’s rich,” the woman mocked Maceo, placing her hands on her hips and intentionally talking down to him as he crouched beside his old friend. “Getting lectured on respecting my elders from a child? My own children are older than you.”

“The truth is the truth, regardless of where it comes from,” Maceo countered, hardly even acknowledging her. “I certainly hope your descendants treat you more kindly when you are struggling and your body begins to fail.”

“Who do you think you are talking to me like that?” she demanded, bending at the hips and shoving on his shoulder. “You don’t belong here. I’ve never seen you before and I know this entire town like the back of my hand.”

Maceo now stood and took his turn to look down on this older woman, towering over and staring coldly back at her in order to allow her the opportunity to feel the reversal of her perceptions in their entirety.

“We are Elaheh’s friends,” Maceo informed her. The woman stepped backward and was apparently surprised that Maceo was able to speak with such familiarity regarding her grandmother. “The last time I saw her, she wasn’t just the most kindhearted, compassionate woman I had ever met, she was also proud and self-assured. Seeing her afraid of her own progeny like this is sickening,” Maceo lectured her.

“And when did you ever have the chance to meet her, child?” she accused. She’s been all but bedridden for years.”

“Beloved, be gentle,” Astravia intervened softly, instantly diverting both of their attentions. “Sadly, this is sometimes how it goes in life. Our dear Elaheh is quite tired after so long seeding the future and this rapscallion is still in the midst of her labors. She has much to accomplish yet and she is merely lending voice to her frustrations. That does nothing to change that she is the fruit of our dear Elaheh’s toils and something that she cannot help but take immense pride in.”

Elaheh stared at Astravia, quickly moved to tears again, while leaning on her for support. Meanwhile, Elaheh’s granddaughter was flummoxed and jarred by the patience and wisdom displayed for her by a woman whose age she couldn’t quite place by looking at her, but certainly was in the flower of her youth.

“I’ll give her some grace,” Maceo reluctantly granted, “but my patience has its limits. I don’t tolerate people treating our friends like that. You should be thankful you can even count her as related to you,” he lectured.

“I’m fine, Tecmessa,” Elaheh spoke up, smiling with a refreshed grin at Astravia. “Can’t you let me catch up with my friends for a bit?”

“You’ll catch your death of cold!” she insisted.

“Oh hush,” Astravia dismissed the middle-aged woman. “She could not be in safer hands. Now run along,” she urged with a flick of her hand. “We have much to discuss.” The woman was thoroughly frustrated, but she did as requested, walking down the street to Elaheh’s childhood home, which was within view of their resting place where they could enjoy their dear old friend’s company. “She has her grandfather’s fire,” Astravia laughed.

“I thought you were gone forever,” Elaheh told Astravia with a begging voice.

“Of course not!” Astravia assured her. “You have given me so much, I certainly would have come to see you in the next world. I have simply been busy.”

“So if you’re Astravia, then you must really be…” Elaheh began to reason while looking toward Maceo, but Astravia cut her off before she could complete her thought.

“No, he is precisely who he has always said he was,” Astravia corrected.

“But… your husband… has always been… Your texts say…”

“It is a long story,” Astravia assured her. “Do you remember the first time we spoke so long ago? That day when you stumbled across me in the woods?” Elaheh nodded emphatically in response. “I held on to that marriage with everything I could. I remember when you asked why I was so faithful to Zantharan, and the answer was quite simple. I loved him. I loved him with all my heart and I would have done anything to bring him back, but by the time you and I had met that day, I had already long been forced to face the reality that he would never return to me and I would never be able to stand by his side again. I visited you that day because you were torn between my beloved Maceo and the man who would become your husband. I was struggling with something that I had never thought would happen to me, which was a new love that rivaled my love for the god whom I had thought I had married once eons ago. Regardless of whether I claimed a divorce or not, my marriage to that god was and is over. There is no going back, however, I found someone whom I could go forward with and you helped me see that.”

“But everything written about what you’ve said about faithfulness…”

“I will tell you the story in its entirety, however for now can you simply accept what I have just said to be true?”

“Of course!” Elaheh declared without hesitation. She then took a long, quivering breath and smiled to herself. “I didn’t have long left, I’m sure. It was wonderful to see you both again.”

“Hmm,” Astravia practically sang, “your soul is still not at rest. There is something else yet that your heart yearns to be fulfilled. Perhaps we can explore that together.”

“Rhona always said you both were happy and that I should be happy for you. She never questioned that. She seemed so sure of it, but I’ve worried for so long.”

“You have been selfish,” Astravia teased. “Rhona’s insight was genuine. Both Maceo and I took great care in assisting her in her recovery from the torture of her time in the guild of sorcery. As a result, she had a small piece of each of us within her and she visited each of us through her dreams until the day she died. We were not there in person when she passed, however we were indeed with her as she stepped from this world into the next and her conscious finally merged entirely with her subconscious. I am sad that she is gone, however it was a beautiful goodbye.”

“Why couldn’t I have had that too?” Elaheh asked her in a whining tone.

“Because your perception is too keen, Elaheh,” Astravia laughed. “I was not quite ready yet to reveal myself to this world. In fact, given the current state of events, I am uncertain revealing myself now would even be wise. Had I given to you what we gave to Rhona, you would have seen through our ruse, I am certain of it.”

“Well, we might as well have,” Maceo joked with Astravia. “She found us out in the end regardless.”

“You have always been such a tricky girl,” Astravia teased her. “I remember my bachelorette celebration where you very nearly saw through me then and there even while drunk as everyone around us remained completely oblivious. How do you feel getting one over on a goddess?” she asked with a bright smile. “I am only aware of one other of this world who has accomplished such a feat. You have always been such a special child.”

Elaheh stared and stared into Astravia’s eyes, overjoyed and practically speechless. The reality around her dreams finally being fulfilled at this twilight stage in her life was more than she could bare and all she could do was sit and listen to Astravia while Maceo retrieved something to drink for her.

They passed hours away like this with more members of Elaheh’s family checking in on her repeatedly, but each time Elaheh seemed to gain a touch of her former confidence and authority as a matriarch back until she was the one that was sending her descendants that doted on her back empty handed. It wasn’t until her grandson in law returned from a hard day’s work that he stopped in and watched from a distance that he stepped in, sharply warning his wife that given her age, they were likely never going to see her in such spirits again so they had better take advantage of it. He demanded they gather whatever they had and prepare a feast, then set out to speak with Elaheh himself and these previously unknown friends of hers that seemed to impossibly know her.

Now that they were finally met with a friendly and non-confrontational face, he was immediately accepted into the conversation, which now diverted away from the talk of Elaheh’s youth and toward the current generations of her family.

They feasted that night, though Elaheh found herself thoroughly exhausted at a significantly earlier hour than the last time they had celebrated each others’ company. However, as Maceo and Astravia personally escorted Elaheh to her bed and helped her settle in themselves, Astravia leaned in, petting the weathered and tattered remains of her once beautiful locks.

“Would you like to see it?” Astravia asked her softly.

“See what, Avia?” Elaheh asked. She was still calling her friend as she had been asked to for so many decades, but now knowing the truth, she was struggling with guilt, knowing she was using a mere nickname for the queen of the gods.

“The temple, my dear,” Astravia explained patiently. Once again, Elaheh was overcome with emotion and struggled to even speak at all. “It is your choice. Give he word, and we will bring you back with us. You will see all of the wonders you have read about, heard rumors regarding and those you never dreamed of. There is much there, and it has all been fully restored to a pristine condition.”

Elaheh trembled and shook, but she did manage a tearful and uneven nod accompanied with an enthusiastic “yes.”

With that decided, Maceo called out for a relative to attend to them and when her granddaughter and grandson in law arrived, Maceo informed them, “Elaheh has something to say to you.” they looked to her, and the overjoyed woman strained to sit up.

“I am going on a trip,” she explained.

“What? NO!” her granddaughter exclaimed. “That’s completely out of the question!” Astravia now stood and took her hand, causing it to glow warmly and against her will she began to relax and settle, sitting down facing her grandmother. Her husband watched with shock and turned to see Maceo standing immediately before him.

“You’re magic users?” he asked them, to which Maceo nodded.

“She will be more safe with us than she has been throughout her entire life,” Astravia promised them both. “I give you my word that she will return to you safe and sound with more than enough time to share her goodbyes with your family. If you resist, however, the opportunity which she wishes to see fulfilled will not be able to come to her again. She is our dear friend and we know more than any how she treasures her family above all else. She has dedicated more than nine decades sacrificing for and giving to her own blood. I am asking that now you give her the freedom to explore her own desires in this world just for once while there is still time.”

“She’s too frail,” the grandson in law cautioned.

“We’ll see to it,” Maceo promised them both. “We’ll return her to you when she’s ready with more than enough time to enjoy her family before she steps from this world into the next.” This man looked to the grandmother of his wife and watched her nod emphatically to him, then turned to his wife.

“When was the last time you saw her so full of life?” he asked her. “We have to let her.”

The next day, Elaheh’s family watched with trepidation as Maceo lifted the frail wisp of a woman up and set her in his cart surrounded by blankets and atop bails of hay for her to rest on and soften the ride. They waved goodbye as they rode out, departing the town, their eyes filled with worried tears despite the warm, overjoyed smile Elaheh herself wore. Once they were on the road and alone together, Astravia sat facing her old friend holding her hands.

“We will get to all of your questions soon enough,” she promised. “Now tell me everything. Share with me all the details of your life. All of the curses, blessings, laughter, tears and everything else that has touched you since we last met. We will have as much time as you require,” she promised.

Elaheh then spun her tale; starting from the day they last saw each other, surprisingly recalling it as if it were all fresh in her memory. She told them of the sad days where she struggled with the departure of two of her most valued friends and her frustration with her family, who seemed to brush it all off as if it were nothing important at all. She discussed her many conversations with Rhona over the matters that weighed on her soul and the many ways that Rhona tried to explain exactly what Astravia had come to tell her so many years later.

Elaheh’s family grew strong in the days following their last meeting together. Her grandmother died in the arms of her and her mother with a smile on her face one evening after attending a well-attended service in Astravia’s honor that she herself had helped officiate as much as her frail condition would allow.

Her mother then began to fill the shoes left empty and before long was appointed an elder of the town herself, gladly guiding the town back toward a golden age not seen since the days before the temple’s abandonment. Her children grew around her and they partially merged with Rhona’s own family as Rhona came to be as devout a follower as Elaheh over the years. When Elaheh’s mother passed away, Elaheh found herself in the same role that her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother before her held as an elder, though Elaheh herself held the role for longer than any of her predecessors. Elaheh’s husband was always faithful to her, though she was constantly frustrated by the near supernatural pull he held over women up until the day he died at the age of seventy-one.

It was a good life where she was never wanting. Her husband was never granted the same role as Elaheh was despite his success, but he did serve to lead the town very much in his own way. The difficulty only really seemed to come when Rhona died not long after her husband. After that, the loneliness from losing all those that had accompanied her up to that point weighed more and more heavily on her as she slowed down further and further in her old age until nine years before the current day, Elaheh was finally forced to step down as an elder.

From that time forward, her family cared for her more and more and she became less and less independent as she watched even her own children pass on from old age. Still, though, Elaheh continued to strive forward with the feeling that she still needed something more in her life, though she couldn’t quite articulate what it was. In the intermittent years, her role as a matriarch in her own family even waned and she watched as she became less and less relevant to her vast array of progeny.

Of course she was happy for them all. There was nothing that made her more filled with joy than to see how wide the family she had fostered had grown and how successful and loving they had all become, each in their own way. However, she described a sense of belonging that had slipped away from her and an emptiness as though she were merely a spirit lingering too long in a world that had long since moved on from her.

She shared her story both in words and in thought as Astravia took everything in and shared it with Maceo, documenting an entire life within them both for all time now. When they finally arrived at the temple, Elaheh gasped as she watched the tall and broad gates and the light tower, which was actually shining brightly for her as she approached in the afternoon sun. She hadn’t gone even this far since before her children had fully grown, and she was now proceeding further than she had ever dared to go.

A moment later, the gates opened of their own accord, revealing a beautiful, shining city with what could only be the sanctuary in the distance in the center rising up above the rest. There was life here as she watched familiar creatures fritter to and fro looking to see the strange newcomer before skittering off and at a pasture near the main gate there were horses that trotted out to observe this strange new visitor and observe her as well as greet their sisters who were returning to them.

The moment she passed through the gates Elaheh actually broke out into tears as she watched the walls approach and then fall behind her. She clutched her chest and made pathetic noises of joy and then looked ahead as she watched golems marching in any given direction, moving ahead on instructions from nothing more than Astravia’s will as they saw to the last portions of reconstruction and renovation of the temple.

Now fully surrounded by the temple itself, Astravia stood and hopped down from their horse drawn cart. “Would you care to walk with me?” Astravia asked politely. Elaheh grinned numbly at her, then reached forward.

“Of course, goddess. Would you give me a hand?” she asked.

“Oh, you still have not noticed?” Astravia asked her, neatly folding her hands in front of her hips. “The entire trip home your youth has been gradually restored to you,” she informed her. “You no longer require my hand.”

Elaheh was of course shaken and she looked at her hands, which seemed foreign to her. For so long, she was used to bony, frail hands, but these hands were soft and supple with skin that nearly glowed with youth. She sat up, very carefully at first, but when there was no pain in her joints and no creaking of her bones, she moved much less circumspectly. She slid off of the cart, still quite wary of her frail body, but none of her concerns held any warrant any longer. Elaheh was exactly as she had been the day that Maceo first met her, filled with vigor and beauty aside from how ill fitting her current clothes were on her fully restored tall, slender body.

She moved almost as if learning to walk again. She was disoriented from the complete removal of all of her physical limitations and she even stumbled on occasion as she wavered compensating for ailments that no longer were there.

“Come,” Astravia bid her. “Let us fit you something more comfortable to wear. Beloved, would you meet us at home when you are finished with the horses?”

“Of course,” Maceo called back to her, then set off to see to their transportation now that it was no longer needed.

Elaheh was even more flabbergasted by the building that Astravia and Maceo called home. The mansion they had left behind was already much more elaborate than any other in their community, but this one dwarfed that comparatively cozy spot. Not only that, but the level of miraculously elaborate features made even the airship she had once ridden aboard seem primitive.

The entire home was filled with natural lighting, but each room they walked into naturally lit all on its own as soon as she would enter. There was a beautiful fountain at the entrance with small streams that flowed out to other rooms of their home where the water could be enjoyed there as well in a variety of different ways from waterfalls that poured down the walls to elaborate and ornate patterns lined with jewels and gemstones that sparkled underneath the light. Despite the fact that it was a warm day out, the entire home was filled with a cool, gentle breeze, and these were merely the things she first noticed upon entering. Astravia led Elaheh up a spiral staircase to a bedroom that made her previous one back in town almost look like a closet. There they walked into a closet that was lined with hundreds of dresses all perfectly tailored for the petite goddess and Astravia turned and faced her guest.

“Pick any you like,” Astravia offered. “My home, is your home.”

Elaheh stepped forward and selected a dress that caught her eye, then pulled it from it’s hangar, noting how tight and small it was for a woman of her stature. “It’s too small for me,” she remarked, then snapped to look at Astravia when she could only laugh.

“Nearly all of these are made with the same fibers that comprise the clothes that all gods wear,” she told her jovially. “If you like it, put it on. It will reshape itself to fit you,” she promised.

Elaheh could hardly argue with the queen of the gods, so she took the dress and walked over to a mirror in the closet and stared at the familiar, yet unfamiliar face and body that stared back at her, one that had left her decades before. It was almost as if she were staring at someone else, despite it being someone viewing back at her that she was of course intimately familiar with, albeit distantly removed from this well known figure by many decades.

She stripped naked and blushed while looking at herself. She couldn’t believe her eyes- everything was exactly where she wanted it to be and none of the flaws time had deposited on her were present any longer. She reached out and touched the reflection in order to ensure what she was staring at was real, and then touched her own body, examining it carefully and reacquainting herself with it. She then took the borrowed dress and slipped it on only to find that to her amazement that Astravia had been entirely truthful and as she slipped it on it reformed to fit her nearly as perfectlyas Elaheh could imagine.

“A little off,” Astravia mused, “but then it was fitted for me and not for you. Regardless, you look lovely,” she complimented.

They found Maceo on the main level putting away some food items they had procured in town and he whistled suggestively to Elaheh as she entered, causing her to blush deeply.

“Behave yourself husband!” she scolded him with a giggle.

“I don’t mean to push,” Elaheh said apologetically, and Astravia stopped her dead in tracks, choosing to answer for her.

“Ah yes. I promised you answers to your questions. Would you care to start at my return to your world and events leading up to our first meeting?” Astravia asked. Elaheh agreed with a nod and Astravia took both her hand and Maceo’s and began walking toward the entrance of the house while the world around them began to take on a dull and faded tone.

“Do not take your hand from me,” Astravia explained to her. “We have moved outside of time. I ask that you stay close as you will be damaged seriously if you break contact with me in this state. I shall begin with the moments that led me to my decision to come here,” she explained and all around them an illusion began to take form as they walked, following behind a fifteen foot tall goddess Astravia who had her close friend and attendant Elphinsis in tow as she spirited away down a massive corridor in the most perturbed of states.

In front of her eyes, she watched as a domestic squabble between gods and goddesses unfolded and she watched with horror as Astravia was humiliated repeatedly and they traded blows both magical and physical. She watched as her attendant attempted to console her and she watched as Astravia made a random choice to visit this distant world to relax for a single weekend before facing the end of her existence head on. This illusion played out around her until they found themselves at the lobby area of her quarters there in the temple and she emerged, still giant and fifteen feet tall and confused and disturbed at finding a temple entirely deserted.

Astravia walked them through events, showing them to Elaheh first hand for the very first time and guided them on a walk after showing her solo adventures gallivanting about the temple fully nude and reveling in her freedom. Astravia walked them along the path she followed those many years ago throughout the temple frozen in time and out the side entrance and into the woods where Elaheh watched first hand her introduction to Maceo for the very first time.

Elaheh couldn’t help but laugh and almost cry at the sweetness of their initial meeting, especially in contrast with the horrific and brutal scene that had played out prior to Astravia’s arrival on this world and then she walked along following the giant goddess back to the temple where they had their first meal together.

Years passed here in this zone where time didn’t exist, though Elaheh found herself not hungry or thirsty, nor did she age so much as a millisecond and she enjoyed every last moment no matter how intimate that Maceo and Astravia had shared together, including her intensely embarrassing journey from tickled by this little mortal’s demeanor to full romantic attraction that came to a head with no less than Elaheh’s pursuit of Maceo herself.

She laughed and hugged Astravia over and over at the many touching and sometimes comical moments over the years and she cringed and hid behind Astravia when she watched her beat Maceo senseless when she first discovered she was shrinking.

Ultimately, Astravia shared with her nearly their entire life together, even their most private and intimate moments, leaving no stone unturned and no detail lost to her when time finally began moving again around them and she found herself standing near the main gate as the birds began chirping again and the horses in the distance began frolicking and playing together once more. She was speechless as she sat there, having now watched two other lives unfold in front of her, giving her the equivalent of three lifetimes of experience. Maceo and Astravia stood holding hands and waited for her to gather her thoughts and fully absorb all that had been shared with her without even a fraction of a second passing in the interim.

She was still neck deep in the flood of memories and emotions when she heard a chipper voice scream, “AVIA!” from a distance. Elaheh turned and chirped as suddenly a tiny winged woman burst forward, leaned forward and bent at the hips with her toes pointed groundward and her outstretched fingers pointed behind her. “You said you would be back yesterday!” she complained, despite her bright and welcoming smile.

“It was a single evening,” Astravia gently lectured her. “I am certain you were fine here with the others.”

“But I missed you!”

“And I missed you. However, we found something quite important while we were away and needed extra time.”

“What did you find?” Dela asked, bouncing mid air. Astravia then smirked and waved her arm to Elaheh, pointing out the new guest, the first to arrive since the fairies had. “You do remember her, yes? I know how flighty a fairy’s memory can be.”

Dela suddenly zipped over to directly in front of Elaheh’s face and she inspected her, fluttering left and right and up and down until the pieces finally locked into place in her fickle little mind. “ELAHEH!!” she screamed in a sudden burst of fairy dust and then she fell forward, hugging the giant woman’s face. “Where’s Rhona?” she asked enthusiastically as her wings fluttered uncontrollably.

“Rhona is gone,” Astravia explained gently. “Elaheh is all that is left of our friends from that time.”

“Awwww!” Dela complained, kicking her foot out into mid air as though she were stomping it. “But I loved her! Even if she was grumpy!”

“Well, this leaves all the more chance for you to dedicate to learning to know Elaheh,” Astravia suggested, which made Dela cheer exuberantly.

“She’s so precious,” Elaheh complimented as she cupped the little fairy in her hands.

“YOU’RE SO BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE YOUR PRETTY EYES!” Dela blurted back from Elaheh’s palms in an explosion of bashful fairy positivity.

“Would you like to introduce her to the others?” Astravia asked, but rather than answer, Dela zipped upward and began dancing in circles in the air.

“I have some work to see to,” Maceo informed Astravia, who nodded and took Elaheh’s hand.

“Well? Are you joining me, or did you wish to tag along with Maceo for a while?”

“With you!” Elaheh answered effortlessly.

“Brace yourself,” Astravia whispered tantalizingly and then Elaheh screamed as she suddenly felt the entire world growing and expanding out in all directions around her. Elaheh staggered and stumbled, then reached out to Maceo for support only to find that reaching out to her side for him, she was met with his hip, which was continuing to rise up higher and higher steadily above her as his legs became like tree trunks and further and further until she was standing at Maceo’s feet only a few inches tall staring down into the eyes of a fairy version of Astravia.

She looked behind her and was shocked to see delicate butterfly wings that spread out beyond her shoulders and that surprisingly moved whenever she willed them to. The fairy version of Elaheh was roughly five and three quarters of an inch tall, sporting shoulder length turqoise hair and bright golden eyes with soft, fair skin.

Elaheh looked over her transformed body, stunned and comparing it to the now gargantuan world around her and then Dela squealed with delight and zipped down, wrapping the little fairy Elaheh in her arms and squeezing her, carrying her into the air and hugging her with all her might as they twirled together and then crashed to the ground, bumping their heads together. Dela giggled profusely and pulled back just in time for Astravia to arrive and take her hand, helping her to her feet.

“Well?” Astravia coaxed. “I know that you’ve always dreamed of being smaller.”

As disoriented as Elaheh had been with her body when it had been restored to youth, this tiny fairy body was entirely foreign to her and she stumbled and struggled to even remain upright. Elaheh found herself unwittingly trying to fly and walk at the same time as her mind exerted itself to operate a body whose primary form of transportation was through the air using wings she’d never even dreamed of before.

Elaheh swooned and stumbled, then she actually fell over with both Astravia watching from the ground and Dela hovering from just above her and she screamed as she tumbled over only to find herself lying comfortably in Maceo’s palm and staring up at an impossibly large giant man that smiled down at her while she grasped worriedly onto fingers that were well over half as long as her body was suddenly. She blushed up at him, lost in his gaze until suddenly Dela was fluttering down between her and the giant and grinning ear to ear and pulling on both of Elaheh’s tiny hands and pulling her up to her feet.

Astravia then stepped up to them both and took one of Elaheh’s hands while Dela held on to the other and Elaheh finally managed to stand upright with both of their help while looking over her shoulder at her new wings, which were fluttering similarly to how her own legs would when she would adjust her stance.

Before she knew it, Elaheh was being dragged off into the air by both Dela and Astravia and zipping off into the distance as she received a crash course in flying, with an added emphasis on the crash.
Check out my SW story Please..:

Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Fri Sep 09, 2022 3:29 am

For two weeks, Elaheh delighted in the wonders and splendors of Astravia’s temple. She spent the majority of her time in her natural form, but she also found herself repeatedly transformed into a fairy or a mermaid as Astravia took her on a whirlwind tour of all there was to see in this splendid metropolis. A few days after arriving, Astravia took her to the sanctuary and transformed into her normal fifteen foot tall self, then knelt down in front of Elaheh in front of the alter with Maceo, Dela and a few other fairies there as witnesses.

“I have never particularly enjoyed pomp and circumstance for matters such as these, nor do I feel they to lend themselves particularly to ceremony. Such moments are too personal for me and I prefer to treat them as such.”

Elaheh simply stood, holding the finger of the giantess kneeling and looking down at her.

“I treasure your faith in me, and as with all with the gift I am about to bestow to you, your faith has also granted me faith in return. As a token of my gratitude, I bestow on you a tiny portion of myself, a small flicker of my flame. May it serve you well as the first high priestess this world has seen since your great grandmother left this world for the next,” Astravia told her. She then touched her finger to Elaheh’s chest and Elaheh watched breathlessly as a soft glow blossomed there and she felt the warmth the goddess granted her.

“It does not come with grandiose power, nor does it bestow any authority upon you that you have not already earned. Nonetheless, it is a token of my love for you, my dear Elaheh.”

“I do feel different, though,” Elaheh reported, placing her hand on her chest.

“It does grant you a few small enhancements,” Astravia informed her happily. “Mostly to your already keen insight and intuition.”

Over the course of those two weeks as Elaheh regained her lost confidence and adapted to the return of lost vigor, she showed something entirely unexpected, though also relatively predictable. Now that she had gained as much insight into Astravia’s last century’s worth of memories, she seemed more interested in milking more information out of Astravia rather than chatting Astravia’s ears off as she often had in years past before. During the time that she had with Astravia now, she seemed to be spending it to shrewdly coax Astravia into sharing details regarding the temple.

At first it was small things, such as statistics on how physically large it was and what roughly was the maximum occupation. She then asked more and more about the design of the temple, learning more about what the distribution of mortals within it was expected to look like.

She was surprised to learn that the poorest of the mortal population was intended to reside in the circles closest to the sanctuary and Astravia’s goddess quarters. The most wealthy were encouraged to reside near the walls, where the accommodations were much more lavish, but the views much less austere. Her reasoning was simple: she wanted the poor closest to her where she could more easily access them, speak to them and empower them, while the wealthy were further out along the edges with less access to her under the assumption that they needed less help.

This was actually one of the earlier signs in the slow decline of the temple. The wealthy within the city slowly displaced those with less in those districts, pushing the poor out to the fringes where the clergy knew the wealthy belonged. In the renovation of her temple. This was one of the first things that Astravia noted was changes to the infrastructure that hinted at this change, which Astravia wished converted back.

Elaheh then slowly worked her way up, carefully learning more and more about the temple’s operations and structures before the first hints of what she really wanted began to slip out.

“We’ve been having trouble with the population increases in Astraviantium,” she commented.

Both Maceo and Astravia immediately identified the sly tactic where Elaheh slipped that simple statement of a problem out in the middle of conversation without pressing any farther. It was a tactic Maceo had used more than once when speaking to the elders back in the day, and it was one that Gaeten had taught to him. Now it was rather amusing to have it turned back on them.

After that, similar comments slipped out a little more frequently, but again they were more along the lines of things said that gave the impression of a problem among their own community that were said in proximity to facts stated to her about the temple that would hypothetically solve the problem.

A few days of this was enough for Maceo to stop her over dinner laughing and simply called her out saying, “if you’re trying to lobby to have the temple reopened, you might do better just coming out and saying so.”

Elaheh was immediately embarrassed and this was only compounded when Astravia chimed in, “she has become rather shrewd in our absence, has she not?”

With her secret now out in the open, Elaheh turned a deep red and stared at her plate for several long seconds before finally blurting, “okay, then can we just reopen the temple and move everyone here?”

“YAY!” Dela squealed delightfully, though Maceo was quick to gently calm her, letting Elaheh know that they would discuss it in private. Dela could be only partially placated, however, and disappeared in a flash of fairy dust. Maceo smirked and shook his head while Elaheh smiled bashfully for a moment of silence until she realized that her neck was being lassoed by a small string from above and behind. She perked up and reached for her neck, but not before Dela was back again and fluttering just in front of her collarbone and activating the pendant she’d just dropped around Elaheh’s head.

Elaheh screamed again with fright and suddenly the entire world expanded around her once again as she sank down in her seat and the table rose up to eye level and well beyond until Elaheh was left sitting stunned in a seat that she could now furnish the same as a living room. She hardly had any time to recover from the shock of being shrunk down to less than six inches tall, however, when Dela exploded down from above, wrapping her arms around Elaheh and squeezing her with all her might as she actually managed to lift the tiny fairy Elaheh up into the air in her enthusiastic hug.

A second later, a fairy sized Astravia was fluttering beside them, laughing and pulling on the two to pull them both apart and allow Elaheh a moment to catch her breath.

“Dela, what did I say to you about shrinking others without their permission?” Astravia asked the mischievous little fairy.

“That… I… can you tell me again?” Dela struggled then asked innocently.

Later that evening after Dela had been sent back to spend time with her fairy friends, Maceo called on Elaheh and brought her to the main study to sit and discuss as promised.

“If I am being honest,” Astravia began with little lead in, “I am rather worn and tired in regards to the administrative matters. I am torn and drawn to the possibility of shrinking myself again. I cannot oversee followers while in such a state, not for seven decades. And a goddess depleted of her power is hardly worth worshipping.”

“My family has spent generations praying for the day when we could return to this place and serve you. Is shrinking away from all of your problems really that important to you?”

“I have limited time before I must confront my ex husband and I would prefer to enjoy what I have left. We do have a plan, however it is not a guarantee that either of us will survive. There is also the consideration that active prayers to my name from a temple recently reactivated might make this world appear somewhat conspicuous should I be destroyed. If I do die, my wish is that this wonderful world live on and prosper for as long as possible. I can feel the peace filling your soul now. I understand that you wish to leave a legacy of your own as you prepare to depart this world, however please consider there is more at stake in regards to your descendants’ futures than just this temple.”

Elaheh thought good and hard over her advice, hardly touching the drink that had been poured for her.

“I think you’re right. I feel like a teenager again, and yet I have never felt so comfortable with the end of my life as I do right now.”

“You have accomplished much in your life,” Astravia complimented. “You maintained a household that spread its influence across these lands and you mothered a large family that has prospered due in no small part to your example. You have obviously become a skilled leader in your own right and attained wisdom even few of your own age rarely gain. And now, you are reunited with beloved old friends who wish nothing more than your happiness. It makes sense that your life now finally feels complete.”

“But it’s not, is it? My body is young again.”

“I did not restore it with the intent of making you live your life over again. Nearly all those we loved in your youth are gone now and awaiting you on the other side.”

“But what if I had more that I had to accomplish?” Elaheh asked her.

“You’re referring to reopening the gates of the temple again,” Maceo interrupted, immediately stalling her again and confirming his suspicions.

“In the memories I shared with you, I shared with you that this temple is now Maceo’s domain. The temple may have my name, but it is his now to do as he pleases.”

“Then Maceo, reopen the gates and welcome the people back!” Elaheh begged. Maceo allowed the air to grow still again and then took a drink from his glass before bothering to respond.

“I’ve spent my entire life so far preparing this place to be inhabited again. Try to keep that in mind before you imply that I’m keeping this just to ourselves for selfish reasons alone.”

“No, I didn’t mean that,” she quickly backtracked.

“It may be time, Astravia,” Maceo suggested. “I know we discussed a couple hundred years before, but things have progressed so much faster than we anticipated.”

“Because you are obsessive, beloved. You refused to relent until your task was complete.

“I won’t agree to reopening the temple unless Astravia convinces me it’s what she wants,” Maceo told Elaheh point blank. “Everything she’s said tonight is absolutely true. There are consequences to reigniting the flame of faith here fully and I’m fine paying that price on my own, but I don’t want millions of others to as well.”

“I am sorry, Elaheh. I cannot stop this world from suffering Zantharan’s wrath, even if I do find a way to survive it myself.”

Elaheh sat and considered Astravia’s point of view, which was an exceedingly difficult task for her. After Maceo poured a drink to fill her glass again, she looked up into his eyes, noting how sad they seemed, then to Astravia.

“If you reopened the temple I would have a reason to live my life over again,” she decided. Both Maceo and Astravia looked at each other, for the first time really compelled that evening. “We lost decades with each other, even if I have seen nearly all of your memories between now and then. That was like watching a story unfold, but it wasn’t my story. It wasn’t ours. Yes, I miss my loved ones, but you’re my loved ones too. If you populate the temple again, I will help. You want to do it anyways. I realize how much you enjoyed shrinking yourself, but can’t you put it on hold for a few hundred years while I’m still here and I can be a part of breathing new life into this place again with you?”

“I am not interested in simply relocating the entire town,” Astravia informed Elaheh.

“This place was always somewhere built for people to live here willingly. I don’t want to just destroy what you’ve built just a few hours ride from here,” Maceo added.

“If we were to agree,” Astravia continued, “I would expect to utilize the town as a staging point to help regulate trade and commerce. We invested quite a bit at one point as well to the success of that town. I do not want to watch it simply vanish only after a few decades.”

Elaheh practically jumped at the suggestion, but Maceo held his hand up and cautioned her. “A second chance to regain what we lost with you is worth it to us, but not at the cost of this world. We’ll think about it, but could you tread a little more lightly for now?”

That night, Astravia was lying atop Maceo tracing his chest while he wrapped his arm around her. “Well? What would you rather have? A second chance with a friend or with shrinking yourself?”

“Shrinking,” Astravia answered without hesitation.

“Liar,” Maceo laughed.

“You underestimate just how invigorating being reduced in size like that is,” Astravia countered.

“It’s a second chance with Elaheh, Astravia. I understand why in the past keeping mortals sustained didn’t work, but this time there is a specific purpose.”

“Her soul will be extremely exhausted if she attempts this.”

“But it’s what she wants. And it’s what we’ve talked about with the temple.”

“Not this soon,” Astravia pointed out.

“We won’t get another chance. Urisinus will not let you retrieve her from his domain once she crosses into it. We will have an entire eternity to shrink you as many times as you like.”

“Or permanently. I am actually thinking I might prefer to abdicate the throne. I have had my fill of ruling. When the spell was active, that is the closest I have ever felt to what it is like to be one of your people. Are you truly prepared for the consequences?” Astravia asked. “And you know what I have already taken from you.”

“You didn’t take it, I gave it. It has the virtue of having never been tried before.”

“I had thought you might like to at least enjoy some time together before we attempted that path.”

“No one knows better than you that I don’t like to cower in front of fate.”

Astravia and Maceo carefully assessed their options for three more days before they made their final determination and sat with Elaheh in their den in front of a fire to discuss one of the very few things that had been withheld in sharing their story together with her.

“We are going on a journey,” Astravia explained. “A journey like no other to see one that has not been seen since before any race like yours was ever seeded. I do not think it a particularly dangerous journey, though there is a risk that if we are caught, it soon will be,” she explained.

“What can I do on a journey like this?” Elaheh asked. “I don’t have any magic or abilities. I’m not fast or strong, I’m not a goddess.”

“You can accompany us,” Astravia informed her. “And together we will discover whether we can have a future at all or not.”

They spent the next week preparing while the fairies danced and played around them begging for attention. When all was finally ready, Astravia dropped runes similar to the ones Maceo had once carried to manipulate time’s passage, though much larger and more advanced around the fairies’ central community and gathered them there, then she activated the runes, freezing them in time.

“They will panic if we are gone for too long,” Astravia explained to Elaheh.

“Dela will panic,” Maceo clarified. They then proceeded to Astravia’s old quarters where she activated a portal and waved them near to her.

“Stay close to me. Not all of the places we visit will have air, so you will not want to venture off for curiosity’s sake,” she warned them before they all stepped through, landing in the middle of a thick jungle that held only the vague ruins of a long lost civilization.

“Where are we?” Elaheh asked her.

“A world that was seeded hundreds of millions of years ago whose inhabitants are now long gone. Each successive world from here will be older than the last,” she explained, then opened another portal and led them through again. The next world was a desert landscape and almost entirely barren, while the one after that seemed to be devoid of atmosphere altogether.

The last time Astravia had employed this technique of travel, it was to throw off any sign of her trail back to the world she’d retreated to. This time, however, it was more akin to an elaborate labyrinth that needed to be navigated and solved.

“The history of the gods is filled with countless worlds we have seeded and watched rise and fall,” Astravia explained as they traveled from one world to the next, and just has she predicted, it became evident that each world they stepped into seemed to be growing gradually older than the last. Some were blasted free of any atmosphere either by an extra planetary catastrophe or some unimaginable weapon. Others were irradiated wastelands still recovering after hundreds of thousands of years following a world ending war. Still others still alive but with life forms that seemed worn and beaten down by the passage of time almost as if life itself had grown old in these places. Hours later when they stepped onto a planet whose sun was uncomfortably close and unbearably hot with a deep red corona, Astravia stopped to check her bearings.

“Yes, this is it,” she explained. “Life here ended around the time I came into existence. We will not have to travel to many further worlds.”

Each world after this was entirely dead, though if there had been any massive calamity that was the cause of it, any evidence was long gone at this point. The worlds simply seemed barren and the stars themselves seemed to have gone into the twilight of their existence. Finally, they found themselves on a world that was indistinguishable from the moon of the world Maceo and Elaheh were born on. There, Astravia looked skyward where they saw what looked like an extremely bright star.

“There it is,” she decided. “It has been quite some time,” she commented to herself. Then a bubble formed around them and they began lifting up from the ground they were on gradually at first but with ever increasing speed until the world they had stepped onto moments before fell behind them, showing itself to be nothing more than a barren, cracked rock floating in the cosmos.

“That world’s star was snuffed out in a war long, long ago,” Astravia explained as they continued to accelerate forward.

Some time later, the distant star they were headed toward began to look as if it were splitting apart until Maceo and Elaheh were able to see that it wasn’t one star, but six situated in the form of a ball of stars. They were white hot and as they drew nearer, the brightness became so intense that Elaheh was forced to try to shade her eyes, despite the fact that this group of stars were still light years away.

Then, as the stars filled the dark sky in front of them, Astravia drew to a complete stop and simply stood there, waiting.

“What are we doing here?” Elaheh asked after several minutes of silence.

“Waiting,” Maceo answered her cryptically.

“Waiting for what?” Elaheh asked, but was shushed quickly by Astravia. There was a momentary pause and the stars themselves seemed to tremble and then in an instant a giant whose skin was saturated in gold appeared before them standing at least fifty feet tall. His eyes were pure white and bolts of electricity erupting all around his body and coursing in orbit of it only to submerge again within it.

“Hello Chronstrus,” she greeted. “I hope you do not find me too forward or take me as condescending when I ask how you have been?”

The giant glared coldly at her. “Why do you not come closer and ask?” he finally grumbled in a deep, sub harmonic voice.

“You know that this is as far as I can go,” she answered him.

“Why, Astravia? Why do you disrespect me appearing before me in this pathetic mask?” he asked.

Astravia nodded and began transforming, first up to her normal form and then expanding up to thirty feet tall in her golden goddess form that matched his in appearance. “I meant no disrespect,” she answered apologetically. “I hope you are as well as you can be given the circumstances.”

“I have not seen a soul nor a god since I was deposited here. How do you think I am?” he asked her bitterly.

“I am sorry. I have been forbidden from coming here or offering you comfort. I am sure you know that your son will show no quarter on such matters.”

“Chronstrus?” Elaheh asked Maceo in a hushed tone. The giant now turned and glared directly at her, scrutinizing the tiny woman like one would an exotic beetle.

“Yes, his name is Chronstrus,” Astravia told them. “Maceo, Elaheh, you are gazing upon the progenitor and former ruler of all gods and goddesses. Please be sure to afford him your utmost respect.”

“Will he destroy us?” Elaheh asked nervously.

“No,” Astravia answered her immediately. “What you are witnessing is an illusion, a projection of the being trapped by the gravity and heat of the stars weighing down on him from all sides. This is the limit of his power, to reach out and speak to us, and my power will not allow me to proceed further without succumbing to the same prison he is entrapped in.”

“What are they?” Chronstrus asked, looking them over with curiosity, which seemed to be of great relief to Astravia.

“They are mortals,” she answered simply.

“Mortals,” he remarked with befuddlement. “Not of any kind I have ever seen. Are these.. crafted in your image?”

“They are,” Astravia answered.

“My son’s idea?” he remarked with disdain.

“Mine, actually,” she admitted freely, “though I cannot lay sole claim to the idea. Very few remained following the war with the titans, and upon reflecting on the cost of our war, we crafted mortals like this with a purpose, not simply out of vanity.”

“But you are vain,” he accused her. “Your entire generation is consumed by it.”

“Both of our generations seem to be addled with their respective vices,” Astravia admitted. “I have worked long and hard to contain that vanity, however.”

Chronstrus leaned now toward her, carefully inspecting her until Maceo caught his eye. He looked down at Maceo, nearly closely enough that his image nearly touched the bubble that contained the trio.

“What have you done to this one?” he asked, though his question seemed more of concern than curiosity.

“Do I take it then that you recognize what he is?”

“Yes,” Chronstrus answered bluntly. “Do you?”

“I have had my suspicions.”

“So this was not intentional?”

“No,” she answered.

“Why did you do it?” Chronstrus demanded of her. “Did you not trust me even slightly when I warned you over and over about your experiments on the mortals? Did you think I restrained you simply out of spite?”

“I did not understand why you did many of the things you did at that time. Over the eons, I believe I have deciphered some, including this one recently. You were often intentionally cryptic.” Chronstrus merely grunted with disapproval and shook his head.

“I know why you are here,” he said boldly to her.

“Then there is no need to discuss it further,” Astravia commented happily as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “We may now simply speak to each other as we always should have and knowing my request, you may decide for yourself on your own whether to honor it or not.”

“You are not going to attempt to convince me?”

“I believe the fact that you have confirmed my suspicions and that I am still here asking for your help while knowing the ramifications would speak for itself.”

“Then you do understand what you are asking of me. Why? What could tempt you to take such extreme measures?”

“Your son Urisinus sends his regards,” Astravia answered him while insisting on changing subjects. “His regards and his regrets for siding with his brother over you.”

“That is of small comfort,” Chronstrus answered bitterly.

“I agree. However, I believed small comfort was better than no comfort at all. Will you sit and speak with me? Regardless of your decision, I wish to make amends for leaving you to suffer for so long. You were never so cruel to us, nor certainly never to me to warrant such a lack of even a shred of mercy. I do regret not demanding even offering some comfort to you. It was rather cowardly of me.”

Chronstrus was taken aback yet again and stared at her with his jaw hanging open. “Where… did you learn humility?”

“From these mortals,” she answered, waving over them both. “Are they not wonderful? But also from your son. He took a personal role in meting out such lessons.”

“How full of himself has he gotten?”

“Enough to throw me away in favor of a lesser goddess.”

“Who he will also discard when it suits him, I am certain.” Chronstrus’ attention was now fully on Astravia again, a titanness herself, but only half his height. “And if I give you what you seek? What then?”

“You know I cannot free you from this prison despite my belief that you have more than served your sentence. I do not have the power. Even your son pushed himself to the breaking point in order to place you here. However, regardless of your decision, I have made my own decision. I am now free of your son’s demands, whether he likes it or not. So long as I still exist, I will return to you and offer you what comfort I can, his wishes be damned.”

“He intends to kill his own wife,” Chronstrus asked stoically. There was not so much as a hint of anger or disapproval in his voice, however.

“Our last spat was one where I returned his lack of respect in kind. He was quite displeased with me.”

“And when was that?”

“Only a little more than a century ago,” she answered him.

“You left him, then?” Chronstrus remarked, almost as though he were impressed. “I always worried he would not be able to keep you. This was why I refused to offer my blessings regarding your marriage, despite how lovely I personally think you are.”

“You honor me with your compliments, as you always have. I did not wish to allow myself to understand the meaning behind why you withheld your blessing, but even then I did not hold it against you. So then tell me, Titan King of the Gods, what comfort may I offer you?”

“So long as you continue to exist you say?” Chronstrus asked the open space between them. “Well, very well then. I have grown tired of my own voice, and yours was always so pleasant and euphonious. Lend it to me, would you and spin yarns of the tales of the universe since I was banished from it?”

“Of course, Chronstrus,” she answered with a polite curtsey. “And if I may be so bold, perhaps you might also enjoy some conversation with my two companions? This is why I brought them along, after all.”

“Perhaps the female, but the other you wished to display. You are rather proud of that one. That and… well, I suppose it is fitting my son has been replaced by such a lowly creature given his own proclivities.”

“Do you not wish to hear their own thoughts and tales, then?” Astravia asked him kindly.

“To think I have grown so desperate as to rely on mortals for amusement,” Chronstrus muttered complainingly to himself. “Very well then. How about you, little man? Do you think you are up to the task of entertaining me?”

“I can do much more than simply entertain you,” Maceo answered back without so much as a ripple of wavering in his voice. Chronstrus raised an eyebrow and looked at Maceo more closely yet again.

“Yes, I remember those eyes,” Chronstrus told the three of them while focusing intently on Maceo, who continued to stare ahead back into his gaze, matching its resolve. “I remember them quite well. Perhaps you are correct. Perhaps I might learn something from this conversation,” he mused, then settled in for Maceo to weave a tale for him.
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:06 am

In all, the journey to speak with the last titan took nearly an entire year, despite Astravia’s manipulation of time throughout their prolonged discussion with Chronstrus. As promised, Astravia spent all of her time and energy focused on her audience and providing him the much-needed company he had desired for so many countless millions of years. When they finally parted company, he seemed genuinely grateful and even wished Elaheh well, knowing that this was certainly the last time he would be speaking to the tiny mortal woman.

Upon returning to the temple, Astravia set the fairies in motion again and not even Dela seemed to be aware of the passage of time as by the time they returned, the world was in the same season once again.

Maceo and Astravia then set out to return Elaheh to her family after a couple more weeks to rest and recover, mostly at the baths in the hot, soothing waters there. Interestingly enough, nearly all of that time was spent with both Astravia and Elaheh shrunken down to half mortal size at Elaheh’s request while they floated in the giant baths that were now swimming pools to them. Maceo’s presence there was mostly for Astravia and Elaheh to use as a raft of sorts while both of them basked and relaxed after a rather fruitful yet exhausting year.

They also spent almost all of that time accompanied by both Dela and Qiana, who were thrilled to have such unfettered time with the larger women, but they did a fair amount of pouting that both Astravia and Elaheh had only gone to the trouble of a half measure, merely shrinking themselves partially along the way to fairy size.

Of course, Astravia did offer more than once to expand the little fairies up to match their less than three foot heights. Dela did agree, given her many successful adventures already at larger sizes than her five inch self, however Qiana could only manage a couple hours in total at three feet in height before she whimpered and begged Astravia to shrink her down to her five inch height again.

Once they were rested and recuperated from their journey, Astravia ascended up into her 4’10” mortal form and Dela back down to her tiny five inch tall fairy form while Elaheh clung to Maceo curled in a ball on his lap and whimpering about not wanting to give up her smaller size after nearly two weeks shrunken to three feet in height.

“If you’re gonna be little, why can’t you be little with me?” Dela challenged Elaheh after perching on Maceo’s forearm to plead her case with the half sized Elaheh.

“Because we are not fairies,” Astravia answered Dela patiently, however her eyes remained fixated jealously on Elaheh, who continue to soak up Maceo’s affections at Astravia’s favorite size. “Now Elaheh, unhand him and grow up,” she complained to Elaheh.

“But Avia, I was born to be little!”

“My real height is fifteen feet, Elaheh. You have always been little compared to me,” Astravia informed her, who was now becoming quite frustrated.

“Except for that time you lived with us for a decade shrunk down smaller than me,” Elaheh spouted back with an uncharacteristic amount of sass.

Astravia’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the little mortal’s impertinence. “Elaheh, unhand my beloved this instant or I shall grow you to eight feet in height permanently!” Astravia fired back, showing her patience was exhausted.

“Eep!” Elaheh squeaked in panic, then leapt up to her feet again and stepped off of Maceo’s lap while kissing him sweetly on his cheek. Astravia then growled with frustration and snapped her fingers, causing Elaheh to explode up to her normal height in a single burst. The sudden change in size and mass was entirely unexpected for Elaheh, who screamed as she expanded and then she fell off of the bench she had been standing on and crashed down to the ground.

An instant later, Dela was fluttering just above the ground fluttering in front of Elaheh’s face and giggling while Astravia smirked down from above.

“I can’t believe a goddess is still jealous of little old me,” Elaheh chided Astravia, who did her utmost to continue to show disdain for Elaheh’s impertinence, however, she only lasted a short moment before she too found herself snickering over their shared banter.

Now that they were fully rested, Maceo saw to setting normal operations of the temple back into motion again while Astravia and Elaheh packed and prepared for the journey back to town. Early the next morning, the fairies all saw the travelers off at the gate, however Dela was so perturbed by the prospect of being left alone again that Astravia was forced once again to freeze the community of fairies in time once more so that Dela wouldn’t be deprived of their company any longer than was absolutely necessary.

Upon entering the town once again, the town’s people looked toward them, again nearly all not recognizing them except a few that Maceo and Astravia had made an impression on. When they arrived at the door to Elaheh’s ancestral home, she merely turned the handle and walked in, causing quite a commotion as the inhabitants screamed at this apparent stranger for simply walking into someone else’s home.

“Didn’t I teach you better than that, baby bunny?” Elaheh asked her granddaughter, who suddenly paused and looked at this beautiful young woman, recognizing something familiar in the tone of her voice. She stared directly into her eyes until she noticed Maceo and Astravia standing outside the door together watching with warm smiles.

“Grandmother?” she asked, shaken to the core to be looking at an elder she knew so well who now appeared less than half her own age. “We thought you had died,” she remarked as her knees began to buckle.

“I told you I would be back,” Elaheh reassured her softly, then stepped forward and hugged her granddaughter.

“What happened? How could you be so young?”

“There’s so much to talk about,” Elaheh hushed her, “but for now, I just want to hear how my family has been while I’ve been gone. The rest will be announced publically at the sanctuary tonight. I haven’t done a service in so long, I’m really looking forward to it.”

That evening, after a strained conversation with her own descendant and one of Rhona’s regarding a rejuvenated Elaheh retaking the reigns of worship she’d long ago handed off, Elaheh stood in light ceremonial robes she’d acquired from the temple and stepped up to the altar to begin.

For Elaheh, it was a bit like riding a bike. She was a little wobbly at first, but once the old habits and skills of public speaking began to steady her again, she was leading a rousing worship ceremony were it not for the fact that there was near constant murmuring as to who this strange young woman was that was lording over them. Finally when one stood and asked her just that, Elaheh simply turned to him and smiled, saying, “I am the one who helped build this sanctuary.”

This caused a great deal of confusion in the crowd, which Elaheh patiently allowed until another stepped forward, insisting again, “who are you?”

“I am Elaheh, daughter of Achaia, and granddaughter to Usha,” she answered back pleasantly. A number of the younger people in attendance were merely confused, while those with longer memories among them began whispering urgently amongst themselves. “Come!” Elaheh laughed. “Iaera,” she called out to one elderly woman, “don’t you remember me?”

As the elderly began to realize what she was saying to be true as they searched their distant memories for a woman who matched her appearance, they began gasping and dropping back down to their seats. Then the generation of followers behind them took note of their elders and began to follow suit until finally there was a consensus that Elaheh was who she claimed to be. She then continued on with the ceremony until she reached the middle of the agenda and stepped out into the open with her arms and welcoming.

“In lieu of a sermon tonight, I want to share with you something very special I have dreamed my entire life of,” she said. There was a sudden silence that fell over them and Astravia began walking down the aisle with her hands clasped and dressed in one of her finer dresses. When she reached Elaheh, Elaheh bent forward and Astravia kissed her cheek then turned to face her followers for the first time in centuries. She smiled to herself, and even struggled with a tear or two as she looked out over the crowd. It was nowhere near as large as the last one she had seen in the temple, but it was nonetheless satisfying to see a full room there specifically in her honor. She waited for absolute silence and then her eyes shifted to bright, shining stars on a backdrop of midnight black and then she began growing before their eyes, up and up and up.

The crowd gasped with fear and astonishment until a fifteen-foot tall woman of indescribable beauty stood before them, looking out around the crowd.

“I am Astravia, queen of the gods,” she introduced herself, and then laughed softly as the crowd pulsed with fear and reverence. “More than six centuries ago, I was forced to leave this world in a rush to attend to matters far beyond the scope of this world and its inhabitants. In my absence, my precious mortals struggled and strived. Some took advantage of this absence and used it to foment power and sow discord among the many lands. Others persevered, and when I met my most dear Elaheh, I was warmed to my core to see her personally take a hand in fanning the flames of faith in my name back into a roaring fire after centuries of protecting it as a mere candlelight. My exodus from your world has ended,” she said, and as she said so, a bright light from far, far away pierced the night sky above them, beaming out into the distance and panning across the skies.

“My temple is open again to all who wish to share my company and follow my path. And it is my wish that this humble town become a waypoint for trade and those in need as they travel further up the mountain. The troubles of this community are at an end, I have seen to this, however I have greater riches awaiting the people of this community, whether you choose to join me in my home or stay here. Thank you for your faith, and thank you for your lives.”

The crowd was stunned beyond measure and a larger crowd was gathering outside, leaning in following the rumors that were spreading like a wildfire.

The repopulation of the temple began almost immediately. Elaheh finally said goodbye to her ancestral home to take residence with Maceo and Astravia for the remainder of her time on this world. Nearly half of her family followed her, along with more than half of Rhona’s descendants. In all, almost a third of the town began relocating toward the temple, whose light beacon shined the way for all and within a few months, the descendants of the other preservers of the banished temple inhabitants began appearing as well and were relieved to find themselves forgiven without question for the actions of their ancestors.

Dela lived to the ripe old age of forty-two years, which was quite impressive for a fairy. In the middle of that year, it only took days for her youthful appearance to fade and the hands of time catch up to her delicate little body. As she slowed considerably and her vigor waned almost so quickly to be seen by the naked eye, she showed another interesting trait of her kind. The aches and pains of old age slowed her dramatically, but she only seemed to be grateful for them and smiled to herself each time she felt her old bones creak and strain. Astravia, Maceo and Elaheh spent every last moment of her final days with her in one of the little fairy settlements in Astravia’s gardens surrounded by all of Dela’s other tiny friends and family.

Her bright laughter was no more, but her smile was constant and warm as though a comforting light was washing over her. The other fairies danced and played around her happily, frequently zipping in to check on her, but their cheerful moods unaltered as Dela stepped onto death’s door. She spent her final moments laughing softly with Elaheh and Astravia who were attending to her at fairy size while she rested in Maceo’s palm, absentmindedly rubbing her head against his skin as if she were laying in the most comfortable bed she’d ever experienced as her eyes faded, trading one compliment after another with her loved ones until she managed to get one last compliment out directed at Astravia, who stood there leaning over the tiny fairy.

“I never knew how happy I could be until I met you,” she confided in Astravia. Neither Maceo nor Elaheh were able to contain their tears despite their best efforts any longer and even Astravia found herself choked up and at a loss for words as she struggled to lobby a response and finally Dela faded for the final time, smiling blissfully even as life left her tiny, delicate body.

Twenty years passed as Astravia became far more available in her mortal form than in her goddess form, though access to her old quarters and her new shared home with Maceo was tightly controlled. In that time, Elaheh worked directly with Maceo on administering the temple as well as tending to the faithful and in that single generation, the temple swelled to nearly seventy thousand while the smaller town further down the path easily recouped it’s lost numbers.

It was at this point as Elaheh’s granddaughter was beginning to look more like her grandmother had before she had chanced upon Maceo and Astravia visiting her quaint little home that Elaheh began to slow considerably in her duties despite how obviously youthful she remained in body and in appearance.

One night over a dinner with her two dear friends overlooking the pool, Astravia set her meal aside and asked, “You have grown quite tired, have you not?”

“It’s hard to explain, but yes,” Elaheh admitted.

“The souls of your loved ones are calling to you and their song is lulling you,” Astravia answered her. “Your soul has found its peace and without new tasks to accomplish, there is little to stave off its song.”

“Am I dying?” Elaheh asked Astravia.

“That is your choice to make,” Astravia answered her. “I will sustain you so long as you wish to stay. However, I know there are those you wish to see again.”

“My mother and grandmother,” Elaheh recalled. “And my father. My children and my husband. But it’s only been forty years. Are you sure you don’t want me here longer?”

“I want you at my side for eternity, my dear Elaheh,” Astravia answered while taking her hands. “But I refuse to be so selfish with one I love so dearly.”

That conversation spurred Elaheh on to keep up her work dutifully and enjoy herself to the fullest, but a little less than five years later, she sat opposite Astravia in her study and looked as if she were ready to fall asleep there and then. Nearby, two of Dela’s descendants zipped in through a window and twirled while clasping each other’s hands and singing to the high priestess to shrink herself down and come play with them.

Elaheh hardly even reacted to their presence and it wasn’t until Astravia reached forward and grabbed her hand firmly that Elaheh finally sat up, forcing herself to become alert. Astravia smiled patiently and pointed out how tired her mortal friend looked, which Elaheh was hesitant to respond to. When she admitted as much, Astravia again put the ball in her court.

“I can assist you with your soul’s fatigue, but it is to you to decide.”

“I’ll never see Maceo again,” she considered aloud.

“No. I am afraid not. This is the weight he has chosen to carry for my sake.”

“He never complains even a little. Doesn’t he feel it too? I never thought immortality could weigh so much.”

“Yes, he feels it,” Astravia answered her understandingly. “For him it is even heavier. He carries it with a purpose, however.”

Elaheh finally decided to cross over to the next world alongside her last remaining granddaughter. As she said her goodbyes to Astravia and her loved ones and her final goodbyes to Maceo, her entire clan was on hand in and around the home of Astravia and Maceo to watch as both Elaheh and her granddaughter held hands together and drifted peacefully to sleep, then their bodies faded into nothingness leaving only their clothes behind. When they were gone, Astravia transformed into her normal state and stepped through a portal she had waiting so she could spirit herself away to Urisinus’ domain and escort them personally to their loved ones.

Truthfully, Elaheh and Dela were the first beings that Astravia had allowed to occupy so much of her heart since she was young and fresh to the universe, before she hardened to the horrors of war against the titans. Even among the gods, she had been forced to keep a safe distance from her emotions after losing so many that were dear to her, both mortal and immortal. The opportunity to add decades to their existence alongside Elaheh had been a blessing for them both, but especially for Astravia, who finally healed her long scarred heart.

Dela’s loss had been a surprise to Astravia, causing her much more agony than she’d expected, but Elaheh’s departure from that world was one she openly admitted to Maceo that she feared. The grieving process for them both was difficult to say the least, as Elaheh had meant so much to them from the very beginning of their blossoming love for each other, but it was especially so for Astravia. She found herself frequently needing to excuse herself from regular duties as a goddess to search out Maceo and cry in his arms for months, and it was years after that where she still found herself absentmindedly commenting on sharing one thing or another with her dearly departed friend only to realize with embarrassment that it was no longer possible in the manner she wished it to be.

Ten years after that, both Maceo and Astravia were able to finally finish mourning the loss of their last remaining friend from the birth of their marriage and a familiar portal ignited in the depths of the celestial palace. Astravia then stepped through in her mortal form holding Maceo’s hand with a smile and a determined look in her eyes.

They marched along down the massive corridors until the familiar face of the giant Elphinsis emerged from a room they had just passed and ran after them. “Mistress?” she asked, sliding up to them on her knees and looking down at them.

“Yes Elphinsis, it is me,” she answered while continuing on her way.

“What are you… is that a mortal?” she asked, utterly dumbfounded.

“He was. Once,” Astravia replied knowingly.

“Zantharan has already noticed you were gone! He…”

“You may alert him that he may find me in the throne room,” Astravia answered her calmly and confidently. “This will not take long. You may wish to hurry, however.”

Elphinsis stared down at her, looking down at her mistress while on her hands and knees and thoroughly confused as her eyes flitted between both her and Maceo. “Mistress, you did not… you could not have…”

“Indeed I have,” Astravia answered her without slowing even in the slightest in her march on tiny little legs. “Now go. But before you do?” she added while Elphinsis crawled after the two little mortal looking creatures she could have easily picked up in each of her hands. “Elphinsis, you are my oldest and dearest friend. You have not always been my attendant. In the ensuing chaos, should you wish to return to how we once were, I would welcome you with open arms. Always.”

Zantharan managed to beat Astravia to the throne room but only by mere seconds and he wasn’t even seated when the doors opened of their own accord and Astravia marched in alongside Maceo at less than knee height and then released his hand and marched ahead of him, the smile fading from her lips, only leaving ever more determined eyes.

Word had spread rapidly through the palace and nearly every god and goddess was already in attendance after rushing with all haste to savor the new, even greater drama Astravia brought with her so quickly after the last squabble.

“What is this?” Zantharan demanded while Chanderi stood behind him with both hands on his shoulder. “You cannot even face me as you are instead of cowering behind this facsimile of a form?”

“I am done cowering,” Astravia answered, now growing back into her fifteen-foot tall self, which was still noticeably shorter than nearly all in attendance.

“Oh, are you, you frumpy, flatulent little sow?” he asked her viciously. “What is that? Did you actually bring a mortal into our home? Under what authority?”

“Under the authority of the queen of the gods!” Astravia bellowed back. “I will remind you and all others here and now that this throne, this kingdom of gods was forged under the bond of one god and one goddess. The only thing that separates our authority is your willingness to abuse and humiliate me! No authority supersedes mine, not even yours, just as no authority supersedes your authority, not even mine!”

“What is that MORTAL doing here? TELL ME!! Do not even think of revealing to me that you had the audacity and the lack of civility to lie with some filthy mortal!”

Any other sapient being would have relished in the hypocrisy of his statement given his long and storied history of bewitching, seducing and impregnating mortal women. Perhaps it could be argued that a goddess laying with a mortal man was not the same as a god lying with a mortal woman, but the sheer volume and disregard with which Zantharan had violated their covenant certainly left any such argument moot in this case. Astravia, however seemed to have no interest whatsoever in that bait and she continued on into the center of the throne room as well as attention.

Maceo slowed his march and came to a halt on the outskirts not far from several gods and goddesses gathered there as spectators. Most of them sneered and looked down at the less than knee tall man with disdain, but one goddess did seem to find something interesting about him and slid her leg free of her dress to make herself as appealing as possible to him. She quickly found that she was furrowing her brow and sulking when he didn’t so much as acknowledge her, which was unheard of for mortals.

“It is public knowledge that you, Zantharan, were seen by multiple witnesses fornicating with the goddess Chanderi,” Astravia bellowed. “Those who did not witness it with their eyes heard it with their ears and felt it in their bones as you made your depravity as public a display as possible. Our laws clearly state that no god nor no goddess shall engage in acts of any sexual nature against the will of whom he or she is bonded with in matrimony. Such infidelity is recognized as a forfeiture of the covenant and the aggrieved spouse is entitled to dissolution of that bond. These are the laws you yourself wrote for all to be bound by, no matter their station,” she accused.

Zantharan’s blood was already boiling with rage and before she could utter even another syllable, the entire throne room was enveloped in lightning, all of which poured directly through both Astravia and Maceo. When the dust cleared, Astravia and Maceo were still standing exactly where they had been untouched despite the deep scars and burn marks all around them.

Zantharan’s eyes widened and he stepped forward, leaning aggressively toward Astravia. “An illusion,” he declared.

“You did not think I would set foot in body here, did you?” Astravia asked with a smug sneer.


“It is not cowardess knowing full well you would let your temper reign and that you would violently assault me the way you did just a short time ago,” Astravia answered back boldly. “But I care not for your opinions and assessments. I claim what is rightfully mine! Our bond of matrimony was dissolved the first time you took another woman to bed with you, though if you wish to focus on the moment I stepped in while you were despoiling your harlot consort Chanderi, so be it. Our matrimony is no more, and I have taken another,” she declared loudly and boldly while lifting her arm and pulling her sleeve back revealing her wedding bracelet which gifted to her and Maceo by Elaheh’s family.

The entire throne room was awash with gasps of shock and horror with most of their eyes shifting now down to the pedestrian looking little mortal who was staring directly and defiantly up at Zantharan with eyes filled with an indescribable self assurance, which only served to make his blood boil all the more.

“Should the throne remain following the chaos you have brought on yourself, by all means sit on it, however I refused to abdicate my throne,” Astravia added. “Either dissolve the entire legal structure of this kingdom or live with the reality of a king and queen who are divorced of each other. Either way, I bid you good century,” she said and then the images of Maceo and Astravia vanished.

The entire throne room was filled with yelling and screaming as magic began to spill out of the bodies of gods and goddesses and Zantharan trembled with rage. The entire scene was filled with drama the likes of which the universe hadn’t seen in eons and Zantharan’s consort withdrew, stepping backward with no sense whatsoever as to how to capitalize on the anarchy already pouring out while gods and goddesses all around them began raising their voices in opposition for the very first time.

Meanwhile, just outside the entrance tucked tightly behind the door stood Elphinsis covering her mouth with both hands and doing everything in her vast, limitless power to stop herself from laughing uncontrollably.

Thus Ended The Goddess’ Retreat
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:17 pm

:P :D
Last edited by Knightstable on Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by Knightstable » Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:18 pm

:D Wow tremendous work on this! It’s been a joy reading this every night. These were some really fun characters that you could really root for. Thanks again for sharing!

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:04 pm

And so, it comes to an end. Not gonna lie, not how I expected it to end, but it was a fun read all the same.

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:45 pm

chocolatejr9 wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:04 pm
And so, it comes to an end. Not gonna lie, not how I expected it to end, but it was a fun read all the same.
Hmm. How exactly did you think the goddess' retreat was going to end?
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:50 am

CKent45 wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:45 pm
chocolatejr9 wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:04 pm
And so, it comes to an end. Not gonna lie, not how I expected it to end, but it was a fun read all the same.
Hmm. How exactly did you think the goddess' retreat was going to end?
Um, I'm not sure how I'd describe it, but I guess I was expecting something less... abrupt? Like, I know Astravia wanted to just be done with Zantharan by that point, but it felt like it was handled rather quickly. Then again, that was probably the point, wasn't it?

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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:40 am

chocolatejr9 wrote:
Sun Sep 11, 2022 12:50 am
CKent45 wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:45 pm
chocolatejr9 wrote:
Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:04 pm
And so, it comes to an end. Not gonna lie, not how I expected it to end, but it was a fun read all the same.
Hmm. How exactly did you think the goddess' retreat was going to end?
Um, I'm not sure how I'd describe it, but I guess I was expecting something less... abrupt? Like, I know Astravia wanted to just be done with Zantharan by that point, but it felt like it was handled rather quickly. Then again, that was probably the point, wasn't it?
I suppose I can understand how you would feel that way, but what more was there to tell about her retreat? The Amazons were put in their place and cut down several pegs, the guild of sorcery was stopped and the havoc they'd caused was dealt with and repaired, Elaheh was given a second chance to spend a lifetime with Astravia and Maceo and Astravia's relationship was cemented.

I could have told more of her adventures of shrinking Elaheh to explore the wonders she'd shown Maceo earlier in the story, but that's a bit repetitive, isn't it? The world she'd retreated to was now entering into a new golden age after all their adventures, not leaving much in terms of conflict to explore.

Ultimately, her retreat was merely to give her a short breather to recover from the humiliation and degradation she'd suffered under Zantharan before she met her fate. She met that goal and then some.

That being said...
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Re: The Goddess' Retreat

Post by CKent45 » Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:41 am


It was a warm, sunny day on the southern side of a city lined with cobblestone streets and marble lined structures supported by tall, ornate pillars. This side of the city overlooked a vast sea whose waters alternated between a deep blue green to a soft turquoise and lush, dark green leaves covered clusters of trees that dotted the landscape. The terrain was rugged and rocky with lightly colored stone visible from just about anywhere. Near the top of a steep hill sat an amphitheater large enough to seat several thousand with a common enough looking street covered in dust just outside of its walls where carts were lining it and their owners selling goods and services to any passersby.

A group of children sang and laughed as they played a rudimentary game with a primitive ball formed from a pig’s skin while an elderly couple sat on a stone bench opposite watching with contented smiles.

A street merchant near the children waved his arms threateningly when the ball hit the side of his cart, but otherwise did nothing to lecture the children who were only partially impacted by his angry ranting. Nearby, a small cadre of men worked hauling props and fixtures into the amphitheater for an event set to play that evening while a group of young women gathered together chatting and laughing as they washed clothes together. Horses and oxen trotted down the street bringing supplies for additional construction projects nearby and one kindly merchant offered one of the young boys playing a taste of a sweet candy he’d brought with him.

Of course, this land had seen its share of strife and warfare, as evidenced by the collection of wooden sailing ships moored together in rows and columns down the hill at the shore not far from there, but there was none of that here and now. Life was happy, as it had been for years.

Then, without any warning whatsoever, the sky cracked open, revealing a dark aperture riddled with bolts of lightning and fire and a giant man of nearly twenty feet tall plummeted down from its center, landing down the street and down hill from the happy scene that suddenly stopped cold. The giant crouched there in a ball, enveloped with bright yellow bolts of electricity, and then he stood, looking left and right as the small mortals stood stunned and fearful of the giant man standing in the crater he’d created from his fall.

Zantharan took a step forward, stomping so hard the entire city shook violently and a pair of buildings toppled in the distance as a result. Up the street, the elderly man looked to the children who were frozen with fear and held his wife close in his frail, wrinkled arms. “Run!” he called to them in a hushed tone, then took his wife’s hand and followed the children as they dashed for a nearby alleyway for cover.

Zantharan roared with rage and stomped the other direction, looking left and right at his feet, quickly and easily bridging the gap between him and any nearby mortals and kicking them like scurrying animals as he thundered through, shattering their bones as they crashed into nearby buildings or simply tumbled down to the ground from tens of feet. He screamed with frustration again and a massive bolt of lightning erupted from the sky into the center of the city miles away, creating an explosion of dust and debris and vaporizing everything for hundreds of yards in any direction. Then he called on another bolt, devastating a large section of the bronze aged city to his right and stomped again, causing even more buildings nearby to begin to crumble from the quakes he caused.

Then as the walls of the alleyway that the children had sought refuge in began to crumble, something caught Zantharan’s eye and he looked directly at them.

“THERE YOU ARE!” he bellowed with a voice so powerful it cracked like a thunderstorm.

They all ran for their lives and screamed, but Zantharan’s stomps shook them all from their feet as they fled. They scampered behind another wall that was still mostly intact, but to no avail as Zantharan punched through it as though it were tissue paper, pounding the elderly man that had originally warned them with the stones that comprised the wall into the rubble of the building next to them that had already collapsed.

The children screamed and crawled backward, staring up at Zantharan, but he was in no mood for mercy and his giant hand swept in directly toward them, collapsing the remainder of the wall and grasping closed. They all closed their eyes and screamed as several were crushed by falling boulders and then there was a relative silence and they looked up as Zantharan squeezed the elderly woman in his grasp, growling fiercely at her. “Did you think your stupid illusions would fool me after what you just pulled?” Zantharan roared to her as he brought her up to his face.

“That was three hundred sixty years ago!” the elderly woman screamed as she kicked impotently into the air and pounded at his fingers with her fists.

“Enough of your disguises,” Zantharan growled to her and reached up, grabbing a small pendant around her neck with his thumb and forefinger.

“NO!” she screamed. “Zantharan these clothes are not…” she begged, but it was too late. The necklace was already snapped and the stone it held crushed into powder and the woman suddenly began to grow and expand in his grasp in all directions. Her wrinkly, grayed skin softened and her white hair turned gold as she ripped through her clothes and fell from his hand, growing to an incomparably beautiful fifteen foot tall woman who was lying in the dust of the rubble Zantharan had created completely naked and struggling to cover enormous, round, full breasts and an inviting, supple vagina that had been bared for all to see.

“You think I care about your so called modesty, you filthy whore?” he screamed, then punched her in her jaw, rumbling the entire city with thunder. She recoiled from the violent act and then he grabbed her ankle and began dragging her forward toward a portal that was beginning to materialize down the street. “I am going to put an end to this civil conflict once and for all and I am going to use you as my example,” he declared.

“HEY YOU! ASSHOLE!” then came a lone voice from behind.

Zantharan turned and looked over his shoulder with bloodshot, rage filled eyes at the puny mortal that dared call out to him in such a disgraceful manner. There stood the elderly man, battered and bruised, but still standing in the middle of the street and glaring up with familiar self assured, defiant eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going you ignorant, foul breathed, two faced, inbred, pusillanimous sack of turkey shit?” he roared up at the giant.

Zantharan was stunned and shaken. He couldn’t believe his ears that someone; anyone had spoken to him in such a distasteful manner, especially not a mortal.

“You,” he growled, his hands shaking with wrath. “It seems the frail little man got lucky.”

“Come here and say that, you narcissistic bog troll,” the elderly man challenged.

“Gladly,” Zantharan answered, turning and dropping his toppled, giantess naked wife.

“You had better come at me with everything you have,” the old man threatened, again stunning Zantharan with his impudence. He was shaken by his ignorant defiance, but not stopped and then he laughed, squaring his stance.

“You know what, little man? Just for you, I think I will oblige,” he declared and quickly ascended into his ultimate god form, rippling with muscle and blue lightning and clad in rich, golden skin.

“Come and get it,” the elderly man sneered and dug his heels in.

Zantharan instantly struck with the force of an asteroid crashing from the stars. He hit with all his might in a single strike directly at the tiny man and a swath of obliteration exploded in a wide cone traveling back miles and he laughed to himself with satisfaction over the mortal’s demise right up until he realized something wasn’t quite right.

He had certainly hit his target square on, and the devastation spoke for itself, however now that his punch was finished, he found himself aiming slightly upward instead of that spot where the mortal had stood on the ground at his feet. He pulled on his hand, which was still in the midst of the smoke and dust from his attack, but it didn’t budge. He shook his head and stared in disbelief until the smoke began to clear and he realized there was something else there behind the dust and destruction.

As the smoke dissipated, Astravia sat up and rubbed her jaw, no longer bothering to attempt to retain her modesty. She grinned sadistically and folded her legs as Maceo emerged from the blast zone, stepping forward and pushing the giant golden god back regardless of how hard Zantharan resisted. Only this was not the Maceo he had encountered at the celestial palace. This Maceo was over eighty feet tall and slowly rising to his feet as the forty-foot god stared in shock and horror. Maceo’s skin was bright white like the surface of a blazing white star, but black bolts of lightning and flame coursed out from around and into his body like coronal activity on a celestial body.

“Wh-wh-what are you?” Zantharan asked, but in answer Maceo gripped his fist, stood fully upright and plucked him from the ground. As the outmatched god dangled feebly from Maceo’s fist, Maceo squeezed tightly, and there was a loud crack of bones in Zantharan’s hand as Maceo crushed it. Then he wound back and punched Zantharan with a force that jarred the entire world violently as if he had nearly shaken it from its orbit.

Zantharan plummeted to the ground again in a heap, crashing into the side of a rocky hill and cried out as he felt his arm crack. An instant later, Maceo was there again and grabbed him by his arms and legs, then drop slammed him onto his bent knee, nearly shattering the king of the gods.

“How’s that cursed little dick of yours?” Maceo taunted. “Has it grown back yet, or are you still parading that facsimile around?” he mocked.

Zantharan merely coughed with blood and attempted to crawl away, but Maceo stomped on his back, cracking his ribs in the process as well as tearing asunder the ground in all directions for hundreds of yards.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Maceo growled at the puny god, then stomped on his legs, snapping them like twigs. “I think you’ll find your wounds won’t heal as easily from my hits,” Maceo informed him angrily.

Zantharan could barely whimper or move and he struggled desperately to drag himself away from the unimaginable onslaught raining down on him. Maceo then grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up, tossing him over his knee and he began spanking the king of the gods exactly as Zantharan had once done to Astravia for all to see. When Zantharan’s pants were completely torn away from the power of Maceo’s powerful slaps, Maceo tossed him to the side in a heap and Astravia walked up and hugged Maceo’s calf, hiding her naked body behind it.

“Do not concern yourself, my EX husband,” Astravia gloated. “You will be allowed to recover and we do not intend to kill you. My dearest Maceo, would you care to explain to him?” Maceo nodded and knelt down over the god while scooping Astravia up into his hand and allowing her to use his fingers to cover her exposed skin.

“The age of the destroyer has returned,” Maceo announced to the shattered king of the gods. “You may rule your little kingdom because it suits my purposes, however you will not ever touch my wife again, is that clear?” he asked threateningly. Zantharan nodded fearfully and cowered before the kneeling giant. “Live your little life however you want. Keep your whore of a consort but if you ever cross me again, you will find out just how hard I can actually hit,” he threatened. “And one more thing: the mortals are under my protection. Do not tread on my territory.”

Maceo then grabbed Zantharan by the leg and lifted him up, tossing him limply across the distance into the portal he had opened, which then closed as he tumbled through it and Maceo turned toward the horizon and outside of the town and walked off cradling the tiny goddess in his arms.

“Did he break yours as well?” she asked her giant lover. Maceo grunted unhappily and nodded his head. “So inconsiderate! Those disguises took me an entire century to craft! It is so difficult creating something that will contain your power! And inconvenient!”

“You didn’t have to insist I not kill him,” Maceo answered her. “Short lives or not, they were not his to take.”

“Will you allow me to at least create a mortal sized frame for you to walk in, my dearest Maceo? I would at least like to see if we can help these poor people recover.”

“Of course, my goddess,” Maceo answered her as he continued to walk on. “You know, I’m wondering if they’re more trouble than they’re worth. We could always create more of Kytiscia’s spell and slip it into their supply of wine along with a strong enough aphrodisiac. It would serve them right to screw themselves tiny, don’t you think?”

“Why would I bless him with such a wonderful gift?” Astravia asked back. “I wish to keep that lovely bequest to myself, do you not think? And perhaps a few other goddesses who carry my favor.”

“Maybe we should find a way to contain this power a bit better before we worry about shrinking you again,” Maceo suggested.

“But it has been more than four centuries, my dearest Maceo! You promised me that you would shrink me again!” Astravia whined.

“Oh hush,” Maceo laughed while pinching her bare bottom and causing her to chirp. “Let’s clean up the mess that moron left us and then go home for a couple centuries. I want to see how the temple is coming along.”

“And then?”

“I’ll shrink you first chance we get,” Maceo promised tenderly. Astravia curled up in his hands and snuggled against his chest, practically purring up to him.

“I love you, my dearest Maceo,” she whispered sweetly up to her giant lover as she nuzzled his chest.
Check out my SW story Please..:

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