That Portal

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

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That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:34 pm

A little story concept that rolled into my head and rested there a while. Let me know what you think. Hope you like it.


Chapter 01:Moral Missteps.

"What are we looking at?" Todd asked.

Marshall shrugged and answered his friend, "Well if my Uncle Balthazar's notes are correct it's a different dimension."

"So what, that's like a parallel Earth?" Todd inquired.

Marshall looked at the people walking past strange round shaped skyscrapers. Besides the long back swept ears they looked like ordinary humans. The cars were rounded like cars from the ones from the sixties but none resemble any of those familiar older designs. Rolling along on a round rubber coated shafts instead of tires. "I don't think it's Earth per say. More like a close alien planet." He explained to his friend.

"Can they see us?" Todd worried.

"No." Marshall answered. Clarifying, "Unless you move into the aura field around the projection."

"So, what, then they can see us?" Todd asked, stepping slightly closer.

"Yes. You could even step over. But you'd need one of these bracelets to step back." Marshall warned.

"Cool." Todd responded. Then he asked an important question, "So do they look so small because of distance or something?"

"No, according to Uncle Balthazar's notes the residents of this planet are about one twelve our size. So five to six inches tall per average." Marshall advised.

Todd gasped saying, "Oh wow, we'd be giants there."

"Yep, we could literally hold them in the palm of our hands." Marshall noted.

"Oh, have you tried grabbing one and bringing it over here?" Todd wondered.

"I, I, I don't know. Would that be alright?" Marshall asked.

"Well, no." Todd sighed.

"I'm glad you said that." Marshall noted. "I was getting tempted to do that." He nodded towards the dimensional projection, "The women look extra hot. I was thinking about grabbing one and keeping it like a pet."

Todd was a reasonable and good natured fellow. Marshall's best friend always saw right from wrong. Marshall was glad to have his advice to keep him out of trouble. Then Marshall looked at his friend's face. That was a curious expression. "They are sexy little things aren't they."

"Yes very. Seems health and fitness are a big focus on their planet." Marshall noted.

"There are a lot of them huh?" Todd said in a strange tone.

"Yeah, likely billions." Marshall agreed.

"So, if we grabbed like one each they wouldn't really notice?" Todd suggested.

"But, you said we shouldn't." Marshall reminded his friend.

"Yeah, no we shouldn't. But it would be nice. I mean, look how sexy they are. Bet you'd feel so powerful with one wiggling in your hand." Todd said, rubbing his hands together.

The females of this species wore form displaying outfits. Body hugging dresses with short light skirts, tight high cut shorts and loose crop tops. They walked on long shapely legs. Each step made their firm looking good sized breasts bounce just slightly. Their skin looked so smooth. Their torso tapered from bust to hips perfectly. Marshall had thought about holding one before. When he first activated his Uncle Balthazar's strange device. Marshall thought about more than just feeling one squirming in his grip, he thought about wrapping it along his penis. That would be a rush. But he thought it would be wrong to do that to a sentient being. He needed a way to re-enforce his morals. That was usually Todd.

Todd looked at him, "Do they all look like that?"

"Sexy and fit. For the most part yes. There are very few that are well chubby. And of course there are old or very young." Marshall stated what he had observed the last few days.

"No," Todd noted. "Do they all look white?"

"On this island yes. Different island states seem to have different races." Marshall explained.

"So, do they have like an Asian island?" Todd wondered.

"Yeah, did you want to observe that one?" Marshall wondered.

"Oh yes please." Todd practically begged.

Marshall moved the targeting array to the island that held the Asian looking form of this race. The focus became clear and Todd practically purred as the first group of leggy females with long silky black hair came walking past. They wore some sort of official looking uniform. Tight short navy blue skirt and a form hugging blazer. "Gah, they are so gorgeous." Todd gasped.

"They are all like that. It's like a whole race of fitness models." Marshall advised.

"Shut it off." Todd requested.

"What?" Marshall was surprised. "You don't want to see the island of black beauties?"

"No, the longer we look at them the more tempted we will be to grab one or more. That would be wrong." Todd said. And he was right. Marshall switched off the machine.

"Why did your Uncle Balthazar give you that thing?" Todd asked.

"He knew I was having a hard time. I think its suppose to cheer me up." Marshall guessed.

"It's such a temptation. Whenever he shows back up you should have him take it away." Todd advised him.

Marshall knew his friend was right. The siren call of being a mighty giant would be such a rush. He had watched that strange world enough to know he wouldn't be able to rampage completely. Those island nations had militaries. Heavily armed ones. But still, to wade into the middle of a city for an hour or so and tear open buildings and toss all the found pretty little women like females into a cage or bag would be such a rush. Why would his Uncle Balthazar tempt him like that?

He and his best friend Todd hung out for a little while longer. Todd couldn't stay all night, they had classes in the morning after all. Once he was gone Marshal readied for bed and laid down. The old building made settling noises. Marshall hated these nights. Nights of him being alone. His Uncle Balthazar, his only family was out somewhere. Ever since Marshall came to live with the eccentric man he would often be left home alone for days and even weeks at a time. Not that this was ever a danger. Marshall wasn't a popular person, no wild parties for him. Honestly it was only Todd that ever visited. Marshall's few other friends found the old house too creepy to hang out in.

Marshall turns. Sleep is eluding him. He rolls to his other side. Nothing. Marshall knows a way to relax. He get up and heads over to his computer. He sits down and is about to turn it on when he thinks he might be able to find another worldly beauty through the portal to watch while self satisfying himself.

The portal starts up. He switches to the island that held the tan skinned version of that elf-like race. He's scrolling through a city when something catches his eye. A female in just a short little robe walking past her apartment window. Carefully he scrolls the projector to slip the view into that apartment. Almost all the women of this race of creatures are beautiful but he finds this particular one is extra gorgeous.

He gasps happily as she is starting her shower. His hand starts slowly stroking his hardening penis. He gasps again as she just drops that barely covering robe off her frame. Her fit, perfectly toned curvy body is spectacular. She steps in and pulls down a garage-like door from the ceiling to keep the water in the shower area.

Carefully Marshall maneuvers the portal's view so he could watch her clean that body. He savors watching her hands run a cloth over those curves. The soapy bubbles gave that exotic little alien an extra level of erotic appeal. He loved watching her run shampoo through her long black hair. Her incredibly firm breasts bounce slightly each time she strokes her hands up and back over her long locks. She rinses that body slowly like she knows she's being observed and she likes it. She carefully rinses her hair to get every trace of that shampoo.

Then to unknowingly prolong her sexual display she starts using another product in her hair. They too had conditioner or at least a conditioner like product. It must have needed time to set as she finishes coating every last strained she begins rolling around in the steamy spray of water. She giggles as she begins dancing to unheard music. Wiggling those alluring hips and bouncing her ample breasts. She twirls about and Marshall hums as she's now shaking that tight firm round ass for his watching enjoyment. She rolls her body and positions her head under the spray and rinses the treatment out of her hair.

She bends and shuts off the water. She then tugs the door and it rolls up along the ceiling. She starts drying off and Marshall realizes his erotic show is ending. The little elf-like pretty would soon be getting dressed. But he wasn't done masturbating. He wanted to keep admiring her naked. He knew how he could do that, that and more. He could touch her as he long to. He just had to do something he knew was wrong. Literally steal her from her world. Kidnap her and enslave her as his plaything. Todd was right, that type of thing was wrong.

Todd wasn't here to re-enforce Marshall's moral standards. Marshall moves the view to follow the tan skinned beauty. He watches as his hand reaches towards the portal as the shapely being walks towards her bedroom. She yelps in shock as his hand wrapped around that desired body. She screams as he pulls her through the portal. Even if any one on that side of the portal heard it wouldn't matter. She was now in his world now.

Marshall didn't speak to the little female creature. Likely if he had planned this he might have tried to communicate with the sexy beauty. But he wasn't planning, he was reacting. He quickly steals its short little towel and gets an eyeful of her naked form. He's too aroused to admire that sight however.

It made helpless whimpering sounds as he forced it around his erection. Whatever it is trying to say isn't as important as his sexual desire. He starts stuttering out oh sounds as he begins using that spectacular body to masturbate with. Her warm curves feel amazing along his sensitive shaft. Her skin is like silk along his stretched penis. He's a giant and she's a helpless pixie beauty. It feels glorious in so many ways.

He quickly grabs some tissues and caps his penis before he sprays semen all over. The dominance of such a beauty combined with the sensations her erotic formed body has brought him to climax faster then he thought possible. Marshall was enjoying those duel enthralling rushes that even as his body is pumping hard he's still stroking her naked form along his ridged phallic.

Finished, he placed the tan beauty on the desk. She looks up at him and cowers to all fours. Submissively she bows to him over and over, whimpering out something in her strange alien language. Was she worshiping him or was she just begging for him not to hurt her?

Marshall felt awful. He assaulted this poor woman like creature. The very least he could do would be to put her back home. He couldn't get past how powerful and thrilling it felt to literally own a tiny living person-like being. Todd, Todd would help him do what's right.

He picks up his phone and types, "I've done something awful." He sent that to his moral friend and then a pick of the timid naked little beauty. He hopes Todd is still up. He would get him to do the right thing.

The response was disbelief, "Did you actually pull one of them through?"

"Yes, and used her personally." He confessed hoping his friend would forgive his transgression.

Todd questioned him, "What was it like?"

"It felt amazing. What should I do now?" He sent, waiting for Todd's resolve to push him to make some amends.

Todd's resolve wasn't awake, "If I come over tomorrow can we grab me one?"

"Shouldn't I put it back?" Marshall questioned.

"Maybe. Do you want to?" Wasn't the response he expected.

"No, I keep thinking I want to keep it." Marshall confessed.

"Can you get it clothes and such?" Todd asked.

"Easy." Marshall noted as the portal still showed the creature's apartment.

"Then do so. We'll get one for me tomorrow. We'll feel like gods." Todd advised.

Marshall did like that idea. Worshiped by gorgeous little elf beauties. Sexy pixies that he could pleasure himself with. "Yeah, we can take a few." He replied.

"OK, we'll head to your place after classes." Todd requests.

"We sure will." Marshall agrees.

"Night." Todd sends.

"Night." Marshall replies.

Marshall quickly turns to the portal. He reaches through and in one hand empties the creature's closet. Then grabs what he suspects is her dresser. Then her bed. Linings and towels next. Couch, chairs, bookshelves, and more. In minutes he's taking most of her things and piled them around her on the desk. The whole time she bows submissively towards him.

He walks over and grabs a clear storage container. He simply dumps it out and places his new pet and her things inside it. Tomorrow he'd find a better cage for her. Now he just needs her contained. It was late and he was tired. He places her on his desk and goes back to bed. He lays down. In the dim light he can see her pulling clothes from that dresser-like piece of furniture. He was happy she was dressing for bed. He actually hoped his new pet slept well in her new home. Dreams of picking beauties off of strange tall round buildings like ripe fruit fill his sleeping mind.

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CH 02: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Tue May 02, 2023 12:51 am

Hey, let me know what you think. Also, those that would like to you can support my writing at the link below. Green Status and higher members ger access to an ongoing story just for members. Well hope your enjoying my distraction writing.


Chapter 02: Marshall before classes

Marshall awoke with a rigid penis. Not an unusual happening. But instead of the usual idea of visiting an erotic website to find an engaging image a new idea struck him. His new pet could be used to quickly tame his aroused sexual organ. He sat up to slip out of bed to discover a new item in his room. A multi level cage near the portal device his Uncle Balthazar had given him.

He walked over to it to find a note taped to it. His Uncle's hand writing, "Hey kid, I see you're finally having fun with your gift. I thought you could use a place to keep the little playthings you plan on keeping. Remember to wear the bracer if you're going to step through and play evil giant. It'll allow you to see and access the projector on that side of the portal. But it will also warn you when their military forces are getting close. Their guns might not hurt that much but their missiles and the like will. Be careful. Love, Uncle B. PS: You should get your little cock worshiper a few hot little friends. You'll love their company."

Marshall looked over the cage marveling at its size and features. It looked to have rooms. Showers and washrooms in the bottom. Areas with food and water bottles. Even what could be considered a gym. It was so elaborate and massive. He wondered how his Uncle could have assembled it in one evening. More curious was how his uncle got it in and placed it without waking him. The man rearranged his book shelves with little to no noises to place this cage complex where he did. Marshall was always surprised by his Uncle Balthazar talents.

Well he could look at the cage in deeper detail later. He had classes today he had to get ready for. And before he did that he wanted to experience pleasuring himself with his little elf-like pet again. He stepped over to look down upon the clear storage container. There the tan beauty slept in her little bed. The thin blankets covering its sensual form draped in an appealing manner. Any blood lost from his erection was quickly returning.

He didn't mean to awaken it when he slowly slipped those sheets off her. She yelped and stared at him in terror. The button up top of her chosen pajamas hung alluringly off the ends of her ample firm breasts. She only buttoned a few of those buttons putting her smooth looking cleavage on display for him. The bottoms were tight buttocks hugging shorts that showed the female creatures shapely toned legs. He expected her to scream or attempt to run. She didn't. She rolled into a bent over kneeling position and started bowing, repeating a chain of sounds. Her round backside was up, making him long to fondle it.

He scooped her up and she gasped fearfully. He positioned his hand so she laid on her back along his palm. She continued that chant as she was posed in an erotic submissive position. The little tan elf was trembling like a leaf on a windy day. He reached down and stroked his finger along her cheek. The words became more timid but she didn't stop saying them. He slowly moved his touch to her displayed cleavage. The smooth silky skin felt amazing so he continued petting there. To his surprise she pulled her arms back pushing her bust out. Her expression told flatly she wasn't enjoying him touching her intimately yet she was aiding his access to her breasts. He moved his finger and thumb and began kneading the arousing mounds, she gasped in discomfort but didn't attempt to stop him. Or even to retract those tempting masses.

He slowly pulled his finger and thumb away. He wondered how he would expose those breasts. The buttons on that top were mere specs. The female creature said something, the phasing made it seem like a question. But what could it be asking? She spoke it again, moving her hands towards the top button. The idea she might be asking if he wanted to see her bosom naked made him smile. The little hand held elf whimpered something and began undoing buttons. Those marvelous round nipple topped beauties were now his to admire. She pulled the top off and dropped it out of his hand.

His fingers couldn't resist. They molested those mounds greedily. The female made helpless gasps and whimpers. But instead of attempting to pull away she reluctantly pushed her chest out towards his fondling touches. She started her chant again between her sharp intakes of air and whined sounds.

He wanted her naked. His finger and thumb stroked along her curvy sides. She arched her torso and he realized she was helping him strip those revealing shorts off her fine buttocks. It was very clear by her expression that she wasn't happy about him stripping her. But she was helping. Naked, she was clearly wanting to hide her exposed womanhood. But she kept timidly exposing her smooth vagina to his view.

Marshall's animalistic longing was strong. He lowered the little elf-like beauty to his crotch and pressed that sensual form against where his penis was pushing against his pajama bottoms. Stroking her lustfully. She whimpered and whined as he used her. Still he could feel her spreading her limbs to make it easier to wrap her sexual body to his rigid sex organ.

He walked over and rolled onto his bed. Reluctantly he lifted her from that aroused perch and pulled his bottoms down to expose his erection. "OH!" He moaned as that naked sexy tiny elf woman was wrapped to his sensitive shaft. Her silky skin slipped along his hardened penis like that was her actual purpose. She again reached her limbs out from her confined body and actually hugged his stiff endowment. She began repeating a couple of sounds. Their whimpered submissive tone gave them an erotic appeal.

He was getting too hot. He stopped stroking to get his shirt off. Leaving his catch laying on his penis he began pulling the tee from his torso. He had it up about his head when he shuttered and moaned happily. That tan elf-like beauty squeezed herself tight to his erection. Then she began grinding her sensual curves back and forth along the top end of his penis. Her efforts were making her gasp alluringly. Then she did an act that made his eyes roll back into his head. A little warm moist tongue pressed along the very tip of his sex organ and made long slow strokes up along the curve of it.

He finished pulling his shirt off and just tossed it. There on his arousal hardened penis was a gorgeous little tan elf. She was using her entire miniature sexual body to pleasure him. Her alluring mouth was actually tasting his sex organ. Her actions were enthralling and thrilling. She was working herself vigorously along his upper length. From the glimpses of her expression told she was doing all this under duress. And yet her submitting to him, confessing she was helpless but to be his sexual plaything was invigorating.

Marshall had never had a girl touch him sexually before. Never did he consider such a sexual woman-like creature would ever work herself into such a glowing shine to pleasure him. The sounds she made, gasps and tasting hums, were too trilling. Those writhing curve dancing along his lust ridged penis were beyond what he could handle.

He grabbed the tan elf and eagerly began stroking her sweat glowing form along his painfully hard manhood. Her perspiration made her slide along his sensitive shaft even easier. She moaned out loudly helpless ah sounds that made him feel even more like a lust raged giant. Pleasure was all there was and that pleasure was too much for his mind and loins. He climaxed hard.

His instinct pulled his hand over his tip. His hips thrust with each burst of semen fired from his penis. His pet grunted an oh sound with each pelvic pump. This made him feel so powerful over his little sex elf.

The wave passed and he basically collapsed where he laid. His spent mind foggily worried about the little tanned elf. He peeled his hand back. His semen was oozing all over her pretty face. It was streaked through the front of her black hair. It flowed slowly over and between her firm breasts. There were strands of ejaculate between her sexual form and his sexual organ. He knew it was crude, but he had to admit he likes how his release looked covering the little creature's naked body.

The tan elf-like creature was clearly disgusted at being drenched in his pleasure overload. Then she caught him admiring his handy work and she shuttered fearfully. Then Marshall's eyes went large. She was staring at him as she slowly scooped a large glob of semen off her own breasts and with clear reluctance began drinking the thick fluid. She finished that load and as she collected the next she chanted the phase from earlier when she was bowing to him. Stopping only to force herself to ingest his lustful load.

Marshall could have stopped this. Moved the tan elf to the cage and got ready for his classes. But there was something hypnotic about watching her drink his semen. Watching her hand scoop it off her firm bosom. Watching it flow over those sensual lips. Seeing her throat roll as glob after glob was sucked down it into her stomach. Her fearful submissive expression as she stared at him. She was clearly doing this for his enjoyment. She clearly didn't like it but could tell he did. Again confessing she was helpless to be anything but his sexual plaything.

Marshall reluctantly peeled her off his softening penis. He slowly got up and walked over to the cage complex. He peeked down, not under his wanting gaze she had stopped force feeding herself his semen. He placed her in the cage and closed the door. She saw him looking down at her and she returned to that submissive bowing posture and began that chant again. He turned and walked to his washroom hearing that chant all the way there.

He showered and dressed. He walked past the cage to see his tan elf pet had showered as well. But she had no clothes to dress in so just wore a towel about her curvy body. She saw him looking and dropped to worship him again. The towel slipped down to expose her naked buttocks. He moved her bedroom furniture and clothes to a room chamber then placed her living room furniture in what looked like a shared area. That should make her feel more at home, he figured.

He also figured he had plenty of time for breakfast. He opened the cage then pulled his penis out and shoved it in. The sight of the submissive sexy elf as having a clear effect on his loins. He pulled her towel off and scooped her up and under his sexual shaft. His manhood twitched at the frightened yelp she made as he did this.

Silky elfin skin along his ridged penis. Those curves pressed tight. He was going to have a hard time not thinking of this gorgeous sexual plaything during his classes today. His hand worked that form quickly along his length. She sang out helpless ah sounds as he savored her entire body. She worshiped him like a god and she would soon get his lustful blessings.

He placed her down and stroked a couple more passes. Her actions brought him to climax as much as him touching himself did. She rolled onto her knees, pulled her shoulders and arms back. This pushed those firm breasts out for him to aim at. Her wet black hair was wild about her head. Then she lifted her lovely face up towards his urethra and parted those sensual full lips in a big hungry O shape.

Marshall blasted that upturned beautiful target. His semen filled that open mouth. His tan elf quickly closed her mouth and took another full stream all over her gorgeous face as she swallowed what was orally held. Then like a starving baby bird she opened her mouth wide for another gooey load. Marshall gasped as his scrotum delivered that all over her sensual lips. She swallowed again as he poured another white blast all over her face again. Now his lust released fluids were flowing down her sculpted neck and all over her firm breasts. She managed to open again as he spurted again. But as she swallowed this time his penis only managed to sprinkle her features with ejaculate. His manhood twitched in a vain attempt to smother her in more release but nothing flowed.

As he stood there recovering the little helpless elf-like creature rose up and braced herself on his tip. Her mouth opened and she lapped her tongue at his urethra like she was attempting to suckle more semen from his spent penis. Despite her expression clearly telling him she was only doing this in some desperate attempt to gain his mercy he still loved the sight. Likely it was seeing that gorgeous little face just sloppy with his semen licking at his giant penis submissively.

But his classes were calling. He took his spent penis from his new pet and closed her in her cage. He hoped she had a way to clean up the semen puddle he was leaving in the cage with her. He guessed he would find out this afternoon when he got back home. He freshened up and headed down to get breakfast. Then he was off to school.

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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Wed May 10, 2023 6:51 am

You are really on to something here!
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Wed May 10, 2023 3:02 pm

Glad your enjoying it. Will be posting the next chapter soon. Thanks for the comment, they really help encourage my writing.

Shameless plug, I have been previewing my latest chapters of things on my Coffee page, link below.


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CH 03: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Wed May 10, 2023 8:28 pm

Hope your enjoying this story. Let me know what you think. Also for those interested in supporting my writing please visit the link below for previews and a members only story. Thanks, now hope this entertains you.


Chapter 03: Todd Collects

M/f,f *2

Todd gasped and stated, "Wow, she's like really small." upon looking at the little tan elf Marshall had pulled from the other dimension. When they approached the miniature woman-like creature had collapsed to her bowing posture and was repeating the same sounds. Marshall found the fearful submissive tone to her chanting rather appealing. Too appealing to do the right thing and put her back. That's where Todd came in. His higher morality, always striving to do the right thing, should make him insist that Marshall put the poor beautiful mini maiden back in her own dimension.

Sadly Todd wasn't the help Marshall was hoping for, "So your uncle said you could pull more over?"

"Yes, that's the reason he provided that cage." Marshall pointed out the obvious.

"You know that area with the Asian looking ones?" Todd began hinting.

Marshall easily guessed what his usually upstanding friend was hinting towards, "You'd like to hold one from there?"

Todd sighed, here it comes Marshall thought. He'll consider what he's thinking and realize it's wrong and demand Marshall do the right thing via that curvy little beauty submissively bowing towards him. Again Todd's resolve failed Marshall, "If you don't mind."

Marshall didn't mind. Not just because Todd was his closest friend. But because there was a rush to what they had planned. A twisted delight at reaching through the vale and grabbing one of the many gorgeous female elf-like creatures to make his subservient little pet. Honestly if Todd hadn't come over Marshall likely would have collected another beauty anyways. In a perverse way Todd was helping him as Marshall couldn't decide which island of sculpted mini people he would visit for his next specimen anyways.

Marshall scooped up his first pet saying, "Certainly we can do that." He sat at the portal device and activated it. Having a fairly detailed mapping of that strange world from when he was visiting to just observe the gorgeous womanly creatures as they moved about. Or in many cases, did more personal activities, he knew what island to go to. There before their eyes was a park-like area filled with fit East Asian looking people. Happily talking, walking about, having picnics, completely unaware that they were being watched by two aroused giants looking to grab one for a sexual slave. Their near perfect forms clad in clothing seemingly designed to display those fit physics. Tight shirts, short skirts, tall heels, low neck blouses. Uniforms to recreational outfits clung about bodies like they wanted to advertise how gorgeous they were as a race.

"Oh, them. Can we get one of them?" Todd asked, pointing. Marshall followed that finger. Two uniformed females walked along on long sculpted legs. They matched their looks completely, long black hair up in playful high pigtails. Navy blue uniform blazer hugged around their torsos and seemed to lift their plump perky breasts. The white shirt under the blazer was tight across those mounds, buttons ended just past the end curve. The necks opened to show appealingly smooth cleavage. The little skirt was pleated in a red/green pattern. It was a light material as every other step or firm breeze fluttered them and winked the undersides of the buttocks. Those towering legs were clad in tight thigh high stockings which seem to stay up by sexual appeal alone. Thick heeled shiny black buckled shoes clicked on the paved path. Yes Marshall thought they could get one of those.

He started tracking along behind them. His free hand started fondling his first catch. As she did last night, she pulled her arms back submissively and made no attempt to hinder his examining her ample breasts. He stopped and looked at her. With a simple clear of his throat she understood what he wanted. Lovely yet fear filled deep brown eyes looked up at him as little tan hands undid the buttons on her soft pink blouse. She folded open the shirt exposing her breasts then pulled her arms out of the way submissively. Marshall wondered if their muscle structure was so different from humans that their women didn't feel the need to use a bra to hold up their plump firm mounds. She made a wonderful whimpered sound as he began molesting her chest again.

"Huh, I think they might be students." Todd suddenly announced distracting Marshall from his helpless tan plaything.

"Why do you say that?" Marshall said, returning his gaze to examine those Asian looking appealing elfish creatures.

"They have a patch on the right side of their jackets." Todd explained.

Sure enough. A little red shield shaped patch was on their blazers. He zoomed in to get a better look. The patch was broken into four squares one held an image of books and scrolls, another a protractor over a map, third held what looked like a javelin and ball, and the last held two podiums facing each other. He zoomed out and examined their stunning faces. They could be students or they could be in their thirties, with the way most females of this race looked it was hard to tell. They seem to have three age ranges, children, gorgeous, then lovely older women. "Did you want to find another target?" He asked.

"No, no they look, you know, not girlish." Todd said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself.

"You know which you want?" Marshall asked. Honestly he wanted them both as part of his collection. Beautiful Asian appearances with long toned legs and complementary bosom. Marshall was thinking greedily, imagining them both serving his erection. Todd will limit his baser tendencies he figured.

Again, he was wrong. "Oh man, I can't decide. I want them both."

They were headed into a tunnel that traveled under a busy road. It looked empty, the perfect time to grab one or both and not alert that world's authorities. "You could grab both." Marshall reasoned.

"Really, you think that would be OK?" Todd asked.

"Sure, I have plenty of room in the cage Uncle Balthazar got me." Marshall pointed out.

That was all Todd needed it seemed, as he approached the projected image. "So I just reach through and grab them?"

"Like reaching into a cabinet and grabbing a glass." Marshall confirmed.

Todd cautiously reached into the projected image and into that other world. Marshall watched the two Asians with long swept back ears walking and chatting cheerfully like they had been this whole time. Their four pigtails waving about with their head movements. Their short little skirts teasing a view of their little round rumps with each hip waving stride. Then Todd's hand wrapped them both, turning them towards each other and pressing them tightly together. They screamed at the sudden powerful entanglement. He lifted them off the ground. They turned to look at the massive hand now holding them. What must it be like for them Marshall wondered. To just suddenly be in a floating giant hand, the arm seemingly just disappearing into nothing. Then they were suddenly being pulled into that same unknown void.

Todd pulled them through. They looked from his mighty hand to his admiring expression. Then whimpered, one began repeating an unknown phrase. The second soon followed and they chanted up at Todd in appealing submissive tones. He sat in his chair just grinning ear to ear. "What do I do now?" He asked.

"What do you want to do?" Marshall asked.

Todd shrugged, then confessed, "I want them to worship my cock."

"Well, put them down and undo your pants." Marshall explained.

"Really, right here?" Todd wondered.

"Yes, I've seen you naked. Besides, I'm not sexually interested in seeing that. But I do want to see if they react like this one did." Marshall explained.

"OK." Todd accepted. He placed the toy sized female elves on his thigh. They bowed towards him immediately and continued chanting. Their buttocks up position gave Marshall a clear look at their white cotton panties and the perfectly round heart shaped rumps they covered. They gasped fearfully as Todd undid his slacks. Soon Todd's penis was towering before them.

Marshall watched the two Asian-like elves stop chanting and cringed. Then they looked at each other. Todd began to ask, "How do I get them." But stopped as the two miniature beauties began stripping off their uniforms. Not showy by any means, simple unbuttoning, peeling off, and piled together. It clearly didn't matter that they were not rolling or teasing as they made themselves naked, Todd's reaction told he was still enjoying it.

Naked now the two Asian elves stood and timidly walked over towards Todd trembling manhood. It was several times thicker than them and easily twice their height. Their expressions told that they were acting out of some understood requirement. Their slender figures pressed to Todd's erection and rolled their sexually alluring forms along it. Little mouths opened and they made themselves taste his skin. Reluctant or not they clearly were putting their all into pleasuring the giant whose lap they stood in. The sounds of their little gasps as they submitted to Todd just made it Marshall's ears. He found those sounds appealing and erotic.

Marshall looked at the tan skinned elf in his hand. She looked over at Todd's lap then back to him. She continued that bizarre chant as she reached under his feeling of her breasts and undid her tight little shorts. She then wiggled them off. He lifted his fingers and she slipped her blouse off. She then laid there submissively showing her naked form to him.

Marshall loved how that timid little creature looked naked. He undid his pants and brought out his own erection. His pet's chanting was interrupted briefly as she gasped fearfully at his exposure then continued her sounds. He lowered her down and draped her on the top of his penis. Silk covered limbs stretched out to hug the end of his sexual organ. Steady on her perch the little tan beauty began rolling her sensual figure in clear hopes to pleasure him. And to Marshall's delight she was. Her chanting was replaced by erotic gasps as she now licked along the curve of his tip.

Marshall watched his pet. Rolling in an erotic dance with the end of his manhood. Her suckling and licking was strangely incredibly pleasurable. Her toned legs hugged his shaft tight and stroked wonderfully. Her plump firm breasts nuzzled just under his tip, kneading rapture into him. Her face flashed under her hair and he could see she was forcing herself to worship his penis and that seemed to make this even more appealing for him.

Marshall looked over to Todd. His hand now wrapped his manhood trapping the two Asian elves at his tip. They continued to grind themselves sexually even held there. Their pigtails waved about as they licked and sucked at his tip. Marshall knew it was foolish but he was a bit jealous. Todd's penis had two elves slavishly attempting to pleasure him while Marshall who owned the means that brought them here only had one pleasure generating elf. He knew after Todd went home he would have access to all three if he wanted. But that wasn't now, and now he wanted to have his sexual organ sandwiched in tiny sexy bodies too.

Then it occurred to him, he could just grab another. Quickly he moved the device. The Asian's and the Tan elf all have black hair he would add a splash of color to his growing collection. He zoomed to the island of fair elves. Night there he wandered about looking for lights in buildings. Jackpot, a short haired blonde elf reading on her bed. Laying above her blankets her nightgown was a light material and laid along her every curve like fresh snow on rolling hills. Plump round hills. The material ended just past her groin and wonderful light skinned legs were displayed. Seemingly like the majority of that race they were well formed limbs. Todd advised looking up, "Oh you should grab her."

Marshall reached through the portal and snatched the pixy haired blonde from the safety of her own bed. She screamed till she was brought face to face with him. Seeing his giant eyes she broke into chanting with a clear pleading tone. Her chanting was different from the tan one's or the Asian ones' chanting. He reached for her with his other hand and she just cringed and showed she was willing to pull off her own nightgown. He nodded and she stripped.

Excited he lowered her towards his penis. She cringes, then to his surprise seemed to suddenly notice the tanned one and she snarled. The tan beauty looked up and saw the lighter skinned one and snarled too. Marshall thought that was interesting, but their world's racial interactions weren't what he wanted now. His free hand adjusted the tan one and then he wrapped them both to his tip. The glare over his tip at each other then they look up. Like they suddenly just remembered they were in the hand of a giant, they cringe and cowered. Forgetting their social rivalries they hugged his shaft tight and appealing wiggled those sculpted bodies against his sex organ. Two little soft mouths suckled at the sensitive tip and tasted their tongues along the curve.

Todd snickered and noted, "We could have an army of them."

The metal image of his penis crawling with little elf women of different ethnicities was greatly appealing to Marshall. "That does sound appealing." He confessed.

"Do you think they all worship giant cock? You know, like do the mini black girls rub themselves like these three do?" Todd wondered.

"I guess in time we'll find out if all their races do." Marshall sighed.

Todd made a purring sound then confessed, "I want more of these Asian ones, they feel amazing."

Marshall sighed and advised, "The race's skin does seem exceptionally silky."

Todd suddenly gasped. His grip adjusted around the two trapped women like creatures. He started pumping them along his erection mumbling with breathless gasps, "Oh they feel so good! Oh they feel so good!" Like perverse back-up singers the two Asian elves began moaning whimpered gasps of their own.

Todd suddenly stopped. He slipped one out of his grip and held it in the path of his coming release. His other hand adjusted again to spread the still trapped beauty along the underside of his erection. Liking her new postion he began stroking the whimpering thing again. The targeted one saw what was pointing at her and cringed then shifted to her knees, and like the tan one did for Marshall that morning, pulled her arms back to push out her well formed breasts. Her head tilted her face towards the end of the giant's penis and she tightly closed her eyes as she spread her mouth in a big round waiting target.

Todd's lust filled mind miss-interrupted this as he started gasping excitedly, "Oh she wants it! Look she wants it!" Clearly he was just choosing to ignore her fearful disturbed expression around her gaping mouth. Not that was visible soon after he began cheering. No, a thick glob of semen launched and spattered all over her gorgeous face making her tilt backward wildly and waving those long pigtails about. She struggled to swallow the first mouth full as Todd soaked her face again in his ejaculant. Her jerking from the force of the bursts of gooey liquid had swung one of her pigtails and it stuck wildly in the white ooze. Todd's body pumped a few more bursts onto the Asian elf coating the front of her from her belly button to the top of her head.

Todd leaned back in the chair and gasped, "Oh they feel so good. They feel so good." The whole while the semen spattered mini woman force fed herself his lustful residue. Todd sighed and after watching the white drenched Asian like creature devour a couple of handfuls sighed, "I should wash up."

"The cage Uncle Balthazar got me has showers for them if you want to just put them in." Marshall advised as he was finding his hand starting to slide the two beauties he held along his erection.

"Thanks, but I kind of want to watch the cum slowly get rinsed off this one." Todd noted as he walked towards the hall.

Alone Marshall's hand felt no need to use restraint. Stroking both exquisite forms along her aching erection. They both made arousing grunting sounds with his self pleasuring actions. The tan one's long black hair waved about wildly. He felt intensely powerful. Holding what were sentient women like beings and they couldn't resist this perverse action. Marshall enjoyed being a giant. He was so dominant in this situation.

He followed Todd's example and pulled the blonde from around his penis. He had seen the tan and the Asian versions of this species both pose to accept a giant's semen over their gorgeous faces and in those lovely mouths. For science he had to test to see if the fair haired ones awaited his release with spread lips and pushed out chest as well. He placed her on the edge of the desk and stood pointing his tip right at her. The short haired beauty saw the round end and also rolled on her knees. Arms pushed behind her back popped her desirable breasts towards him. Her sweet looking lips spread as her pretty face pointed toward his urethra. Then she closed her eyes waiting for his semen to smother her features.

Covering those lovely features in his release was Marshall's plan. But those soft looking lips called to a baser instinct in him. He pushed his tip forward as his free hand hooked a couple fingers along the satin blonde head and pressed her mouth over his urethra. The little sky blue eyes popped open in shock then to his surprise he could feel it attempting to adjust her tender lips to spread them over his spout better. He wasn't under any false impression she wanted this. No, her expression told this was a reluctant submission to his power. This knowledge just made it even more appealing for him.

Curvy tan silk skinned beauty stroked along his sensitive length while a gorgeous shapely pixy cut blonde was forced to suckling at his tip was just what he needed to climax. His penis pulsed with his first stream of semen. The little blonde's eyes went wide as her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk with a stash of nuts. He noticed her neck also thickened from him releasing directly down her throat. The over fill oozed out and drooled over her pouty bottom lip. He fired another hard burst. He could feel the little fair creature trying hard to swallow his semen down but he was spraying too much with each pump. It flowed freely out from around her lips and spattered appealingly over those plump mounds on her chest. He could see her little arms flinching, she clearly wanted so bad to try to struggle away from the thick flow. To escape drowning from his sexual liquid. Yet she knew he wanted to fill her with every drop he could stream down that shapely throat.

He let mercy dictate his actions and released the lovely blonde creature. It fell over and began coughing and gagging as a nearly drowned person would. His mercy only went so far however as his last few twitches rained his remaining release all over her exposed back. Allowing it to flow around and drip off her amazingly firm breasts.

He sat back down to catch his breath. Marshall then placed the tan lovely elf-like being beside the semen soaked blonde. He watched as the tan creature gave a very disgusted look at the white dripping beauty. His first thought was she was repulsed by his release. Then suddenly she was scooping a handful of white fluid off the desk and force feeding herself the goo while looking at him as if hoping to gain his mercy. It was the blonde she was more bothered by then the puddle of semen.

The blonde caught her breath and rolled to sit so he could see her also forcing more semen into her system. Yet she was angled and constantly flashed the tan one looks of suspicion. He didn't suspect they knew each other. No, they just seemed to hate each other from appearance alone.

He did up his pants and was about to start cleaning up when Todd returned carrying the two Asian elves in one fist. They were bowing best they could in his grip while chanting the same thing over and over to him. "Thank your Uncle Balthazar, these are the best. I love feeling them wiggle in my hand." Todd said. Marshall thought that was a touch selfish for his usually kind moral friend. Yet he had to agree, holding the helpless little beauties was a grand rush.

"Put them by these two." Marshall asked. He wanted to see something.

"Cool, you want them all to lick up your cum?" Todd asked. He could be crude sometimes.

He explained what he really wanted however. "No, the blonde and the tan ones seem to have an adverse reaction to the presence of the other. I was wondering if they all were like that."

Todd placed the two Asian elves down behind and between the two Marshall had enjoyed. Sure enough they all exchanged glares with each other. The two Asians sat back to back as if to help guard each other from an attack from either the blond or the tan elves. "Huh, you think they'll be safe together in the cage?" Todd wondered.

"I don't know. I hope so I don't have anywhere else to place them." Marshall confessed.

"Well I have to get home. See you in class tomorrow?" Todd asked.

"Yes, of course." Marshall confirmed getting up to walk his friend out.

"You sure? Home alone with a magic portal that allows you to grab as many pretty wingless fairies as you want, I could see myself calling in a day or two." Todd reasoned.

That was a fair point. Access to another smaller world was a sure temptation to bend the rules. "No, I have a project I can only work on between classes. I should get that done." He reasoned, but to Todd or himself he couldn't honestly say.

"Hey, that box has your name on it." Todd pointed to a strange new box in the front hall.

Marshall saw the letter taped to an unmarked cardboard box with his name attached. It was his Uncle's fancy writing. "I guess Uncle Balthazar had stopped in for a moment between trips."

"You don't think he saw us, you know, getting off with those fairy things do you?" Todd said, sounding guilty.

"Maybe, the note he left on the cage this morning seemed to indicate that's what he wanted me to do with them." Marshall noted.

"Oh, still. Creepy if he was peeping at us." Todd said his worry aloud.

"Uncle Balthazar's tastes don't include us." Marshall reassured his friend while realizing he didn't actually know his uncle's sexual preferences.

"Oh good. Mom and dad wouldn't let me hang out here if they thought he was queer." Todd noted. The use of that term made Marshall flinch. He found all forms of bigotry unsavory. But that word had been used as an attack on him by the less socially skilled that attended classes with him.

"Have a good night Todd." Marshall said mentally shaking off the memories awakened by his friend's poor choice of phrase.

"You too Mitch. Don't rub your cock raw tonight." Todd said as he left.

Marshall snickered at his friend’s crude tease. He would never select pain for a short moment of pleasure. Besides, the elf creatures' skin was so smooth and soft he didn't think he could cause enough friction along his penis while holding one to cause any damage.

He pulled the letter off the box and read it. "Hey kid, you'll likely want to catch those beauty in the wilds as it were. So I got you a supply of beds and such to dress up your cage. Clothes you'll have to find a way to get on your own. But you're creative so I have no worries about you figuring that out. See ya in a few. Love Uncle B."

He opened the box and could see several little boxes inside. He would likely have to assemble the miniature furniture. Marshall shrugged, that might be fun he thought. Then he remembered he had a semen puddle drying on his desk. Sighing about the one clear downside to this gift from Uncle Balthazar, the clean up of his aftermath. He walked to his room to deal with that and the contents of the box.

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Re: That Portal

Post by jogger » Fri May 12, 2023 1:20 pm

Yes please continue, I love this one.
I want to see full armies (they could literally be the army members of different races) worshipping them.
They could have different cages for different races, or professions, or perhaps a cage for celebrities of that world also. A cage for leaders?
The characters could force the groups to erotically combat for their mercy, et cetera.
My point is, there are countless ways to have fun with this.

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 12, 2023 10:23 pm

Thank you for your comment. I am grateful for your interest in my story. I have plans for future chapters so for now I will include this in my collection of continued stories. Hope they will entertain you as well.


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Re: That Portal

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat May 13, 2023 3:00 pm

Half way chapter 3, loving this, thank you o much
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Sat May 13, 2023 8:59 pm

Glad your enjoying it. I'll post another chapter later in the week.


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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Tue May 16, 2023 2:14 am

The delicious darkness of this one is captivating!
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Tue May 16, 2023 3:05 pm

Glad your enjoying it. The comments are encouraging me to continue I won't lie.


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CH 04: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu May 18, 2023 3:10 pm

Hey guys, next chapter. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think. If you'd like to help encourage my writing please donate at the link below. If you become a member of Green Status or higher you get access to a members only story. I also post preview of my on going stories there now. Including this one.

Chapter 04:Viewing their world

Marshall sat before his Uncle Balthazar gift looking about the blond elves island. His pants were folded open exposing his groin. Crawling tightly along his erection were the four elf maidens he had collected already. They were not happy to have to work his penis as a group. Seems racism was a heavy influence in their cultures. Not powerful enough to override their subservience to his comparatively giant form however. They put aside their distrust to grind their sensually shaped little bodies to his hardened sex organ while slavishly licking its skin. He savored those sensations as he satisfied his curiosity.

He zipped here and there through the waking island of yellow haired elves. He decided elves would be what he'd call them. The race's long swept back ears was a major factor in that choice. That's what kept coming to mind as he admired their fit well shaped bodies. Well that and erotic thoughts, but calling them Erotics just seemed silly to him.

After an hour or so he didn't find any other hair or skin colors among the blond island. They went from smooth milk white to perfectly natural tanned skin tones. He was slipping over to the next island when he hit a strange location, a busy port. Large slightly strange ships were being loaded and unloaded of cylinder containers of what he confirmed was cargo. But if they didn't trust any of the other races among their species how and why would there be so much shipping. Sure even on Earth there was trade between countries that didn't trust each other, but an American and a Chinese official wouldn't openly snarl at each other when passing in a building like these four were doing in their cage.

Marshall then noticed all the ships flew the same flag. It was the flag of the blond nation. He was certain they had a real name for their country, but he couldn't understand their language. He could have tried asking the blond sample he had if her shapely body didn't feel so good rolling snuggly against his penis. Shaking the distraction from his mind he continued his curious study of the planet his Uncle basically gave control over.

He zipped over to the next nation. Brunettes of amazing physics strutted about this nation. The whole planet seems to mostly produce forms that would have been seen as nearly perfect here on Earth. He was amused as he saw their fashion and tabloid magazines, the images on their covers told him their top draw celebrities and models were the few rotund and gangly members of their society. Likely scarcity gave them great appeal on that planet.

He ignored that reversal of ideas to find a port. He saw like the blond port before it that the brunettes had many cargo ships coming and going but not one from another nation. First he started figuring they just sailed the cargo from one part of their island to another. That seemed reasonable despite signs of an extensive built cargo train-like rail system. Then there were the ships just sailing straight out to sea. Zipping back to the blond island he found they had ships sailing into the ocean as well.

He arched his search for answers to the island of tan skinned black haired people. Little earlier in the day there. He joked he was surprised at how many of that spectacular race were up and exercising. He wondered why they worked so hard at being fit if cubby and skinny were the appealing forms to them. He wondered if it was some instinct, a need to do physical activities? He found his free hand rolling the sensual form of his tan sample about the end of his penis. He had to stop watching shapely forms stretch and jog about in skimpy tight workout clothes and get back on mission. Though evening the numbers of racial types in his cage were getting more and more tempting.

At the tan skinned port he again found only ships flying their nation's flag. He also observed they had ships headed out to sea as well. But where? He was fairly certain they were headed towards the same global location as the Blonds and Brunettes. But when his Tan and Blond elves attempted to pass in the washroom area they almost got into a physical fight. How could ship loads of them interact?

He wanted to investigate. To find where the ships go, he however was distracted. He could only have his penis massaged by four shapely mini women for so long before he just wanted sexual release. Looking down he admired their well curved forms hugging his manhood. How their toned firm rumps pumped appealingly as they rolled their fronts against his sensitive skin. The erotic gasp sounds they made as they licked his sexual organ. He was under no illusion that they were attempting to pleasure him due to some allure he had to them. No he clearly understood they rubbed and tasted him from fear of his comparable massive size. They bowed in submission in his presence, chanting in a pleading tone towards him. Surrendering access to their bodies so he could touch them as he would want. He was powerful to them and that forced them to succumb to be his mini sexual pets.

Marshall couldn't take any more. He grabbed one of the Asian elves and placed her on the desk. He was certain it was the one Todd hadn't ejaculated over earlier. If it was or not didn't matter when she smoothly curled onto her knees and sat up before him. Arms pulled back she pushed out her perky breasts for his visual enjoyment. Gorgeous face arched up with soft pink lips opened wide anticipating his manly fluids being fired into it. She made herself an arousing target.

One of his hands grabbed the blond elf and wrapped its wonderfully rounded form under his scrotum. His hand flexed to massage his testicles and from under his grip that light haired thing whimpered helplessly as her amazing figure stimulated him. He loved reminders of their subservient state.

His other hand wrapped to grab the tan and other Asian and press them against his shaft. Their animosity was so intense that they actually hissed at each other while confined in his grip. As he started stroking their fit appealing bodies along his manhood however they ignored each other and sang alluring submissive grunts. They squirmed to surrender more of their appealing bodies to his pleasure. Their womanly curves felt spectacular along his manhood. Their incredibly smooth silk-like skin was savored intensely traveling along his penis.

Marshall sat stroking his sexual length with two helpless gorgeous elves while a third was trapped and used under his scrotum. A fourth Asian-like beauty sat open mouthed for his coming release. The sight teased his aroused brain, making him imagine she was panting in hungered anticipation for his semen in that pretty mouth and all over her lovely face and well formed perky breasts. He knew better but allowed his mind to continue on their flight of lustful fancy as that was bringing him quickly to his addictive hormone release.

He didn't have to wait long for the dopamine flood. Raising to tower over his target he pointed the tip of his sexual organ directly at her face, but as he continued stroking her friend and the tan other along his penis' length it bobbed wildly. He squirted and it spattered up and down over her face and chest. He couldn't stop stroking and this smeared his semen in a chaotic pattern over her. She struggled hard to catch his release in her mouth. Seemingly knowing the giant before her would want to see her submissively swallow his ejaculate despite her clear dislike of its flavor.

Marshall rolled back into his seat still massaging his shaft with those two silky beauties. The semen soaked one saw him admiring his sloppy work and nodded meekly then began collecting and devouring the oozing fluid. It took Marshall a few minutes to catch his breath. Knowing these and other beauties of that miniature race would submissively work to pleasure him felt almost as good as that passing climax. Seeing them again and again helplessly capitulate to show him what they believe he would want to see was thrilling like its own sexually appealing sensation.

He gathered his elf slaves and placed them in their new home to clean themselves up. They began to hiss at each other till a firm growl from him made them cower, drop to their knees and then start their chanting bowing. As he moved away he watched them. Seems for the moment his harsh grumble was all that was needed to keep them from harming each other. They clearly still didn't want to be near each other. But were tolerant enough to go wash themselves up.

Marshall cleaned the portal desk and shut off the device. Wherever those cargo ships headed to would have to wait to be discovered tomorrow after classes. He cleaned up for bed with that secret and the shapely beauties associated with it tempting him back to his uncle's gift. He had issues getting to sleep as his mind danced ideas of what the destination of those ships would be. Even as he tamed his imagination he confessed internally it would be hard to wait till he got home the next afternoon to explore that magical planet more.

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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Fri May 19, 2023 5:16 am

Happy to feed the artist! This is just amazing! Please do continue!
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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 19, 2023 9:52 am

Thanks. I'm currently enjoying this one as well. So yes, more will be forth coming. In a week or so so I'm not hording the feeds top spot. I like to share, well mostly. 😁


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Re: That Portal

Post by jogger » Fri May 19, 2023 1:00 pm

Great stuff again! Can't wait for more

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 19, 2023 9:28 pm

Well, Thank you. That's really encouraging. I'll keep that in mind. 😁


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CH 05: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu May 25, 2023 1:03 am

Next chapter, hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.


Chapter 05: Shipping Discovery

Marshall woke with his alarm. He got up and should have started getting ready for his classes that day. But he couldn't. The mystery of where those cargo ships go on that strange planet of tiny elves had kept him up. Now he was focused on discovering where. He hoped he would also discover the why, but didn't expect he would. As none of those elves spoke anything like English so they couldn't tell him directly.

The first thing he had to figure out was how he would find where these ships went to. He thought he had found all the islands on this Earth-like world but couldn't remember one having a mix of other ethnicities walking about on them. Marshall reasoned he could just follow one of the cargo ships, but that could literally take days. There was the option of just following the heading a ship was on and hope they didn't intend to turn from that course at some point.

That second option Marshall figured would work better. He could zip his view of the elf world quickly so even if he missed where the ships went to he could wave the portal image back and forth over large sloths of the planet in no time. He switched on the gift from his Uncle Balthazar and it was looking out on the island of the tan skinned elves. Twirling the view he quickly found a cargo ship sailing out to sea. He aligned with the center and got ready to fly in that direction.

Marshall had to adjust himself. His penis was still a little stiff as was usual for him in the morning and that made his pajama bottoms uncomfortable at the moment. He considered masturbating the stiffness away. Then he spotted Uncle Balthazar's other gift. A cage to keep his collected elf samples. Those samples could entertain his manhood while he satisfied his curiosity.

But which ones? He thought as he walked over to the cage. The four lovely beauties all still slept despite his alarm going off. They all were extremely attractive with desirable shaped bodies. Sure they were five inches or so tall, but he was finding even that had its own strange appeal. He spotted the two Asians Todd requested to grab yesterday. They slept on the same bed cuddled together facing each other. They had donned their button blouses to sleep in. The tops were loose and displayed the tops of their smooth firm breasts drawing his eyes. They had on little white panties that hook high up on their hips showing their toned thighs and hugging their equally toned buttocks cheeks. He knew they felt good paired together against his sensitive endowment from last night. He wanted to feel that again this morning.

Marshall opened the cage and reached down grabbing the two Asian looking beauties. They screamed when awakened in such a way. They looked about wildly then seeing he held them they cringed and started their version of chanting. He wished he knew what they were saying as they physically bowed their heads in his direction. Were they worshiping him? Begging him to be gentail? Pleading to be sent home? Whatever it was he liked the submissive tone of their little voices.

He turned his hand and opened his fingers so they could sit on his bowled palm. He wondered how to tell them to strip when they started undoing the buttons on their blouses. They pulled the shirts off showing their fine perky breasts. This was returning the blood to his penis quickly. He watched as they dropped their shirts off his hand and reached down to slip off their little panties. Their expressions were worried and fearful. This wasn't an act they wanted to do that was clear. They got naked for his enjoyment not because they enjoyed pleasuring him. Once removed they dropped their panties off his hand and sat on his palm so their naked forms could be viewed by his intrigued eyes. They clearly wanted to cover themselves but also wanted to stay on this giant's good side.

He walked back to the desk. Slipped his bottoms down past his knees then sat in his chair. He held the hand holding the two Asian-like elves near his groin. They carefully climbed off his hand and hugged snuggly to his penis. Once they felt secure they began rubbing their bodies along his phallus. Their silky skin felt amazing and those sensual curves stimulated him wonderfully. Then he sighed as they opened their lovely mouths and began tasting his manhood with their soft little tongues. Yes this would make the search more enjoyable.

At first it was hard to focus. Having pretty black haired things dancing tightly to his penis was quite distracting. Marshall found their long back swept ears with their East Asian features gave them a strange extra erotic touch. He could watch them slave themselves to his pleasure for hours. But watching that enjoyable show wasn't answering the question that had him staying home this morning.

Forcing his focus on the open portal he re-aligned with that cargo ship then hoping he was targeted right started zipping along that similar yet strange planet's ocean. He flew at a pace likely few vehicles on that planet could match. Then to his surprise he found a seventh large island. Ports here were filled with ships from all over this world. Well, in a way. As each section of the port he was at hung different flags. In which ships flying the tan race's flag were only in the port featuring their flag. That port section was separated by a guarded fence as ships flying the flag of the blond nation were in the next section. But whose island was this?

The guards in the towers along the fences wore helmets but were fair skinned. He noticed there were trucks being loaded and assumed that only locals would be driving out of this port. Zooming down close to the cabin he discovered who lived on this island, redheads. The driver was a square jawed broad shouldered male. Marshall found it curious that even doing a job requiring long hours of sitting these elves still looked like athletes.

Discovering this opened up more questions. Why was the red haired version of this race the only one so far that the others would deal with? How did they become the middleman for the trading of the different races of elves? Did they have any other form of industry than shipping? He was finding the more he discovered about the elf planet the more he wanted to know.

Curiosity had him wandering about the port area. Large cranes moved flat topped cargo cylinders and placed them on the trailers of their strange roller wheeled trucks. Some trucks traveled deeper into the island while some simply left one loading yard and circled into another to be unloaded onto another elf race's ship. Seems the red hairs were trusted in comparison to any other elf race. Making him wonder what other races were like on mass.

Traveling about he found what he assumed was a staging building of some sort. People walked in and out in large numbers. Riding in little carts or as passengers in their versions of transport trucks. Nearby were cranes loading empty train cars with shipping cylinders. Their trains looked strange as he didn't see any wheels. Then one, finished being loaded, began to hover then zipped off with incredible speed.

He turned into the building and looked about. Many people were working at what looked like computer terminals on standing desks. Ladies in what resembled lab coats typed and tracked labeled boxes which Marshall assumed were the ships or possibly shipping containers coming and going. It looked like chaos to him but these beautiful redheads typed away while chatting openly with each other like they were gossiping over coffee.

He took a closer look at them. Shapley like most of the other elf race’s females. They almost all wore short skirts of one style or another allowing a clear view of their well formed legs. Each wore heeled shoes of many designs despite their job requiring them to stand all day. This helped in showing the appealing tone of their muscles. Their shirts were a mix of low necked or button up blouses. And of those that did button up none seem to button much past the tips of their firm silky skinned breasts. Their skin was mostly smooth and milk white with a few showing slight tanning. Many had delightful sprinkles of freckles across their cheekbones and/or bosom.

Then he spotted her. A red haired elf that drew his attention. She was clearly shorter than the others but still had those appealing legs of this race. Her hair was thick and tired out of her way in two puffy pigtails. Her skin was slightly darker, possibly tanned. She had an extra spattering of freckles that made her strangely extra appealing for Marshall. Her breasts were bountiful yet well fitting for her smaller stature. Drawing his attention more was another oddity, she wore glasses. He hardly saw an elf wearing glasses. She wore a light red button up blouse that showed her cleavage well and a soft looking blue white plaid style fuzzy skirt. Marshall decided then and there he had to have this pretty red haired elf.

He didn't consider where she was at. That she was surrounded by others of her race. He simply wanted her and reached through the portal image. His target's head shot up as one of her fellow workers screamed. She then screamed upon seeing his hand and cowered. Marshall could see past her and the security guard frozen in fear reaching for his gun. Marshall’s hand wrapped about the shorter red haired elf. Then he pulled her through. He watched the reaction through the portal image. The other people in the room bolted from there like that room was ablaze.

I could have followed and gathered more crimson haired little lovelies. But he had his desired target. She trembled in his grip. Upon looking at his face she started bowing and chanting at him. He stroked her face and she cringed fearfully. Positioning his hand so she wouldn't fall as he opened his fingers. She was about to sit up when Marshall started stroking that warm soft cleavage. He felt his tongue stroke along his lips and she cowered. He lifted his finger and was wondering how to communicate he wanted to see her breasts when she, like the others, guessed his desire and started undoing buttons. She untucked the shirt and pulled the material out of his way. Seems she like all the others so far wore no bra despite her bosom's size. His fingers returned now that he had full access to her chest. He delighted in rolling his touch over the tops of them. His newest elf sample gasped timidly as he stroked her nipples.

He had a craving he hadn't tried yet upon capture of one of these beautiful creatures. He moved his fingers and brought his new elf pet towards his lips. The red haired elf saw his lowering mouth and screamed before starting to ramble frantically. Marshall wondered if she thought he was going to eat her as he softly sucked both her breasts into his mouth. She was fearfully repeating her version of the chant till he started gently suckling and then worried gasps escaped her. His tongue pressed along those plump firm mounds. Ah sounds arousingly trickled from his newest catch's mouth. Her skin was so smooth to lick. Her nipples became raised and he enjoyed the little tickle of them pinging off the texture of his tongue. The more firm he tasted her the more alluring the sounds she made for him.

He lifted his kiss from his new pretties' chest. The little red haired elf looked fearfully up at him as she was catching her breath. Seeing Marshall looking down at her wantingly she knew what to do. She pulled off her blouse and long white coat. The red haired elf sat and unzipped her heeled shoe. Slipping it off the sliding her little black ankle sock off with it. She switched feet and took her other shoe and sock off. Laying back she reached behind her, appealingly pushing her chest out as she unhooked her skirt. He liked how her body rolled as she wiggled that skirt off. She wore lacey little black panties. She reached along her shapely body and rolled them down her thighs and sat up to get them off her feet. All the clothes removed Marshall held out a finger. The red haired nervously took off her glasses and handed them to him. He carefully placed them on the desk.

There the red haired laid naked in his hand. Appealingly she reclined in a submissive pose. Her sweet little voice weakly repeating her version of the elf chant towards him. Marshall reached his other hand up and held his new catch in both hands. His thumbs reach up and spread her lovely legs wide. Her vagina was smooth, were they naturally like that or did she choose to shave herself down there? Marshall didn't think about that long as he lifted the gorgeous little thing towards his mouth. Her weak chanting quickly changed to terror filled sounds and if he missed his guess she was frantically begging him about something. He scooped her round freckled rump into his mouth and felt her tense up and go silent. Slowly he stroked her exposed womanhood with his giant tongue. A shocked gasp escaped that red haired mini elf. He stroked again and she shuttered and arched in his hands.

Liking the new elf pet’s reactions Marshall began stroking along her smooth sensitive location eagerly. Firm steady laps along her miniature womanhood. Little oh sounds began pumping out of her. They were both gasps that sounded aroused and fearful, Marshall loved how they sounded. He wanted to hear more and dug his tip into those soft labia. She arched and then rolled appealingly in response to each of his laps. Confused yet clearly stimulated the red haired surrendered erotic sounds. Then an extra treat. The little beauty's sexual area started secreting a sweet liquid. Marshall had never performed oral on any woman before so wasn't sure if this flavor was natural. Then he was certain it was a feature to his elves as the liquid started tasting like cherry candies. He loved that favor and suckled as he licked and that helpless pretty rewarded him again with a long roar of subjugated pleasure.

He allowed the little thing to finish what must have been a climax. Once she seemed to be just catching her breath he started savoring her sensitive slit again. The red haired didn't seem to know how to react and gave him those worried ah sounds again. He unhooked his thumbs and reached them up to roll them over her plump firm breasts. She whimpered appealingly as he pressed and massaged her bosom with the pads of his thumbs. Her shapely legs hugged to his cheeks as he tasted her aroused womanhood. The more he heard and tasted the hungrier he got for her sensual reactions. Either instinct or being over stimulated his red haired reached her hands up and stroked his admiring thumbs. Her little hips began pushing her vaginal area against his licks. Those lovely legs stroked his cheeks in a manner he could have confused for affection if he wanted to. He looked down his nose and was enthralled by her gorgeous expression as her head rolled around in pleasure.

She climaxed again yet Marshall was too greedy for those sounds, sights, and that flavor. He continued suckling her aroused vaginal region. He massaged those firm mounds, delighted in their soft smooth texture and the tickle sensation of their alert nipples popping along the slight ridges of his thumb print. He didn't know if she wanted him to stop or not. Frankly even if she did he wouldn't have as she was helpless in his hands. He was the dominant being, a giant, an other worldly being and she was now his sexual living plaything. As if to confirm her helplessness before him she exploded into another heavy moaning climax. Still he suckled her. Over and over he tasted her to intense pleasure.

He relented after a while. She laid in his hands barely conscious and breathing so heavy he could hear her desperate heaving breaths. He first started to feel guilty, then reasoned he didn't hurt the red haired. In truth he just gave her the most intense sexual experience of her tiny life. He took a tissue out and laid her gently upon it. She looked to be fighting just to stay awake after being tasted by a giant for so long.

Now Marshall had a new question. Did they all taste like cherry candies or did the different races give off different flavors when licked into forced passion? He was hungry to find out and had other test elves to try. He wrapped his hand about the two Asian elves. He would taste them later, for now he needed those sensual forms stroking his ridged penis. Their silky skinned curves kept his sexual organ from aching from arousal. With them and his manhood well in hand he stood and approached his cage.

The tan and the blond saw him approaching. The tan was on her bed reading. She placed the book down and rolled to that appealing submissive position of bowing and fearful chanting. She wore what looked like very short cut off jeans and a little pink crop top with a low neck.

The blond was wandering about the gym equipment. She had her skimpy light fabric nightgown on. Likely the tan wasn't sharing her clothes with the other races. Marshall remembered his Uncle Balthazar note that came with the furniture, he would have to find a way to collect them clothes. But that search would happen later. The blond got on the floor and with that perky bum in the air as she started her own bowing and pleading in that strange language made her nightgown slip down and exposed her buttocks. Marshall was delighted to see that she wore no panties.

He tapped the bars on the cage. They looked up fearfully. He simply tugged at his shirt once and they understood. The blond pulled her nightgown off and laid it on the floor beside her. Her endowed chest popping out from under that thin material made his penis twitch so hard the Asian elves gave little gasps. The blond started her alluring submissive bowing and chanting again.

The tan beauty slipped her little top off making her own appealing plump breasts jiggle slightly. Left on the bed beside her she reached down and unbuckled her shorts. Saving him time she hooked her thumbs between her smooth skin and the clothes and slipped the shorts and her playful pink panties off that appealing rump. Placed them by the tiny shirt and resumed her own display of her helplessness.

He opened the cage and grabbed the tan one. She trembled, temporarily fumbling her chant. But was soon repeating her appealing sounds. He placed her beside the blond. They stopped chanting long enough to glare at each other then continued chanting and bowing in their respective languages. That stopped as he grabbed their calves between his fingers and lifted the two of them upside down and pulled them from the cage.

He walked back to his chair with them dangling helplessly. They made little whimpered sounds of discomfort that just reinforced Marshall's feeling of superiority over them all. He carefully placed them on the desk then sat down. They glared at each other then suddenly noticed the nearly unconscious red haired. They actually rushed over and on either side actually checked on the freckled beauty's condition.

Marshall might have watched that tender interaction if he wasn't so aroused to try the flavor of another elf race. He grabbed the tan one and quickly folded her open in his hands. He loved the submissive pose they took while held helpless in his grip. Long shapely legs held open she chanted that delightful chant. He licked his lips and she gave a clear sound of fear. Then as he raised her to his lips her chanting changed to frantic begging. Her arms raised like to ward off a harmful attack. To his surprise the blond looked up at the sounds, saw him bringing the tan to his mouth and saw her cringe sympathetically. Was that why they submitted and chanted, were they terrified he was going to eat them he wondered while he kissed over the tan's sensitive spot.

The tan's fearful pleading ended in a sudden loud and surprised "OH!" as his tongue tasted along her sexual slit. His next pass gave him an even more appealing growl, "OH-oh-oh!" He liked how the blond tilted her pretty head in confusion. He started striking his tongue to that smooth tan womanhood and heard the tan one being quick to accept she had to enjoy it. Maybe because she had been here longer as his sexual plaything she began purring arousing sounds with only a slight touch of fear in it. This made Marshall suckle firmer and deeper. The tan started chanting in aroused tones. Similar to the bowing chant yet different enough Marshall could tell it was not the same chant.

Soon Marshall tasted the tan's flavor. He often thought of her skin color as a shade of caramel which he found amusing as her sexual fluids have a distinct caramel taste to them. He unhooked her shapely legs and she stroked his cheeks with their toned length. His thumbs just hit her raised nipples when she arched in her first intense climax. He savored the flood of flavor as she rolled in pleasure overload. Then as she settled back to riding his lapping he started rolling her firm breasts under his thumbs like he had done with the red haired earlier. Little soft hands reached up and stroked his thumbs. From her gorgeous expression this was an enthralled affectionate response to his tasting her womanhood. She returned to chanting the new chant with an alluring growled tone.

Marshall took a look at the blond. Her focus was seemingly on the red haired. Stroking loose crimson hair with her hand. She looked over her shoulder at the cupped tan and Marshall swore she gave an envious expression before returning to nursing the sexually exhausted red haired.

Marshall went back to focusing on the tan cupped in his hands. Accepting his tasting of her was something she had no choice in, she started rolling her hips to get the most out of each of his licks. This arched her appealing body. Pressing her firm well formed breasts into his thumbs' touches. Her little hands stroked them in delirious affection as she rolled her head about in an alluring manor. She chanted in an arousing tone interrupted with intense climaxes that took her breath for a few minutes before she could return to her worship of his vast control of her. He wondered if she was going to be a more willing plaything after this. Possibly less fearful. Likely not as even this erotic reaction he felt was just her submitting to his enjoyment. She accepted the pleasure he was suckling into her because she had no other choice. The next time he reached for her she would again cower and cringe and he found he adored that idea.

Soon she was spent for his entertainment. He placed her on the tissue beside the red haired still resting there. They looked at each other and the tan rolled to curl along the red hair's appealing curves. This made him growl in arousal. Their sexy naked forms cuddled like that in the afterglow of his erotic toying with them. He wanted to grab the Asians and his manhood and cover them in his own pleasure release. But there was the blond bowing to him and chanting. She was naked, small, and helpless. Marshall needed to know her flavor.

He grabbed the blond and she yelped fearfully. She started her strange chanting right away like they knew their worried tone appealed to him. He posed her in his hand. Pressing her shoulders so her chest pressed into his palm and pulling her rump up to his view. He parted the legs just so as she nervously looked back at him with that submissive expression. He liked how her round toned backside looked up like that. He moved her towards his open mouth and she had trouble keeping her strange words flowing.

He hooked his mouth around her buttocks and slipped his tongue up between those sensually shaped thighs. The little beauty was practically hyperventilating in his lips. He claimed her slightly with a little lick. She tried to start her pretty voice chanting again. But another slurping stroke made her lose her place in her words. He could hear her stumbling to get her place again when licked deep into her. Her legs lifted her womanhood away from his touch. He didn't think she did that to foil him but just reacting to the touch of a powerful giant tongue digging into such a sensitive area. So now he cupped his free hand over her exquisite body to hold her in place. Thirsty to learn her sensual flavor he began licking firm and quick. Her labia opened and she repeated the same three word sounds from her chant as he devoured pleasure into her.

His holding hand hooked under her body and found her plump mounds ready to be admired. Her partial chant became more breathless with an appealing light hum sound at the beginning. He delighted as he felt her trying to push her womanhood deeper into his mouth. Candy lemon flavor like the sweet lemon drops his grandmother used to sneak him as a child trickled from her vaginal opening. He loved that tart sweet flavor and hungrily looked for more. She liked that rather she wanted to or not as soon she arched in his grip and howled a throaty moan.

He suckled his blond elf living treat greedily. Her words came out with an appealing sexy whimper to them. He could taste her pleasure and she had no way to resist this. He tilted his head back and she sat in his mouth with her shapely legs curled along the sides of his mouth. Her sexual flavor dripped freely into his mouth as he licked up tightly along her aroused womanhood. The hand she was laying on now held her tightly in place and was allowed full access to her aroused heaving breasts. Her arms grabbed the fingers rolling her firm bosom and he couldn't tell if that was for balance or to press them tighter to her endowed chest. She quickly screamed that he again conquered her resistance, what little she could muster.

His other hand freely traveled down to his groin. Pressing the two Asian elves tighter to his erection. His instinct was to quickly drag those silk cover curves along his penis. But he wanted to savor his moaning blond elf treat as long as he could. So with effort he only slowly slid them along his length. That was made harder as they whimpered their submissive chant. He longed to dominate them. To pleasure himself with their impossibly fit forms. But he resisted. Making himself understand the frightened tones as declaring his other worldly power over them too.

The blond sang and sang again. Her thighs and hips responded despite her shaking head. Marshall's only regret to this positioning was he couldn't see the blond's gorgeous face as she was suckled. Next time he would make her straddle his mouth looking up so he could see her struggling expression as he tasted her past her limits. He did like how her body's involuntary humping against his licks was grinding her plump bosom into his touch. But all things eventually came to an end and after a while the blond became more and more tired. Soon practically hanging against his admiring fingers.

He lifted the limp barely conscious blond elf from his lips. She softly tried to start chanting again. But she had no breath for words and had to stop to take big gasps of air. He gently laid her beside the red haired elf. Then encouraged her to snuggle along that beauties’ curves. Delightfully she snuggled her arousing shape to that freckled beauty. Only briefly snarling at the tan before her eyes fluttered but didn't close. It was an erotic sight to Marshall, three miniature beauties cuddling naked before him. So spent by his sexual fondling they could barely keep their eyes open.

Yet he was glad their eyes were open. He wanted them to see what was next. He stood holding the Asian elves to his penis. His hand started slipping those beauties and their silky smooth skin along his sexual organ. No longer needing to go slow as he was no longer savoring one of them in his mouth so he pumped them vigorously. The Oriental elves whimpered and gasped submissively as he felt great pleasure building inside him. His three nearly sleeping targets looked up with expressions of surrender. They knew even trying to shield themselves could arouse anger in this giant. Though Marshall confided to himself he was too far gone to stop to express any annoyance at this point.

He didn't take long. After the long period of arousal and hearing elf voices moan repeatedly in climax he was ready to unload. Thick semen launched from his tip and spattered the freckled chest of his newest gorgeous elf. He later figured he should have spread his bursts to cover them all but his own climax was too enjoyable to consider aiming at different targets as it was raging through him. It wasn't like the tan and blond were not soaked with his ejaculations. No, they were well spattered. Just he would have liked to have unloaded some of the sexual release over their lovely faces.

He finished firing his semen and collapsed into his chair. With his last bit of strength he placed the two Asian elves on the desk and snapped his fingers pointing at the three drenched in white gooey liquid. They cringed and nodded submissively. Crawling over they gave the closest other race elf a glare as the received one back. Then little pretty faces looked at him and shuttered. Soft chants started as the Asian's lowered their gorgeous faces into his released sticky pleasure and began sucking it off those sexy curves underneath.

Marshall watched for a while. Seeing the Asians suck globs into their mouths. Watching them force themselves to swallow. Their beautiful living plates cringing as they had to accept another race touching their naked bodies. The Asians flinched as the licked skin instead of his semen. Only the red haired was immune to such reactions. Laying there with an uncomfortable expression as she soaked in his oozing ejaculate. He figured he would have to spend time making the others touch each other. Make them make out or other more intimate interactions. So they would learn to stop being racist. Well, that and he would enjoy watching them all curled together naked while admiring each other's curves.

His stomach growled and they flinched fearfully. He snickered, if he didn't eat them clean why would he eat them now that they were glazed in his semen? No, he would have to get some food. He had been up for a while and never thought to get breakfast. He pulled up his bottoms then piled a couple tissues over them and scooped the group of them into his hand. He took them to the cage and placed them in.

As he went to wash up and eat he wondered where he should go next on their tiny planet. Find out what was on the other islands? Learn the flavor of the brunette race of elves? Gathering a supply of clothes would be good as four of his collection only had one outfit. He snickered as he could have gotten the blond's clothes after he grabbed her if he wasn't so eager to pleasure himself. He would never find her little apartment again to get them now. What to do, what to do he wondered as he headed to fill his belly and clean up for a day of elf research.

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Re: That Portal

Post by jogger » Thu May 25, 2023 8:31 pm

Great stuff again!

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu May 25, 2023 9:59 pm

Glad you enjoyed it. I have more written to add in the future.


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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Fri May 26, 2023 5:39 am

Oh yes, so very yes! The delicious redhead for sure!
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

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Re: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 26, 2023 12:15 pm

I'm glad you enjoyed that. So, like red heads do you? I'm mostly just curious. 😛

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Re: That Portal

Post by Nicodemus » Fri Jun 02, 2023 5:26 am

Soft red heads are a distinct weakness of mine. :twisted: I also greatly enjoyed her being taken in front of witnesses. :twisted:
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CH 06: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:16 pm

Well I'm glad you liked both those things Nicodemus. There will be more public collections and red haired elves in the future chapters. The biggest issue I'm having as I don't know how old I want to make Marshall and his friend. Are they immature college age guys or mature early high school boys? I keep jumping between those choices. How old do you guys think Marshall should be?

As always you can support my writing at the link below. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 06:Tests & Training

Marshall's breakfast was more of a lunch. He returned uncertain what to do next. He wanted to explore that strange world on the other side of the portal projected by his Uncle Balthazar's gift. Yet he also wanted to gather his caught little elves clothes to wear and watch them undress out of. He also wanted to test the limits of the seemingly inbred racism the different elf types seemed to have towards each other. No matter what he did there was one thing he wanted most, to feel one hugging its attractive naked little body to his erect penis and submitting to using that form to make him feel good.

He walked into his room and heard angry little sounds. He rushed over to the cage. In the center of his elves was his new red haired. She looked like she was attempting to hold apart the four others. The two Asian-like ones on one side while the tan and the blond formed more of a triangle about the crimson topped one. He didn't know if they could understand each other or not, they just seemed to be screaming in their different languages. The red holding her arms out with her palms flat like she could keep them apart with the gesture alone while the expression on her pretty face told she didn't think she could. Marshall still wondered why of the races why the red haired ones were the accepted middlemen.

The five saw him approaching and they dropped to that appealing submissive bowing posture. Five little voices began their respective language's version of a chant he had no understanding of. He found he enjoyed their race's seemingly agreement to wear skimpy revealing outfits on their sensually shaped bodies. Even fully dressed they looked like they dressed sexy for his visual enjoyment. Skirts teased round buttocks cheeks when their rumps were positioned up like that. Raising their torso's just to lower them before him gave his nice clear views of their well developed and well proportioned breasts. All those factors made him feel like some sort of other worldly god-like being. He noted mentally to them he likely was.

He was getting aroused watching them capitulate as they were. He clapped to attempt to keep his mind clear so he could consider his next actions. The five jumped at the sudden thunder made by his giant hands. They assumed it was a command sound and compiled as they thought was expected. They started quickly pulling their clothes off their bodies and piling them before themselves like offering to his glory. He hadn't intended that. Not that he had a way to tell them to stop since they didn't speak English. Nor did he have the want for them to stop stripping.

Lust made him think of only his pleasure. He opened the cage door seemingly placed purposely at crotch height and exposing himself he shoved his length inside. The five seeing his hardening sexual organ entering their prison cringed then jumped to their feet and practically fought to be the first to reach his manhood. He knew full well that this was an act of fearful little beings and not actions of wanting miniature lovers. Yet still for Marshall it was arousing. If he was honest it was more thrilling because of their scared submission to him.

The blond was first to reach his aroused penis. Hugging to the tip as the first pick at a phallic location. Grinding her firm breasts to his end while her little mouth opened to stroke a little soft tongue against the sensitive tip. Her expression was thrilling, worried and reluctant yet still vigorously attempting to cause him pleasure. Soon the red haired arrived and selected to her right on his manhood, Followed with an Asian going to just on the left. The second Asian moved to just past her friends while the tan went beside the red haired.

There he watched as five of the most beautiful women-like beings he had ever seen debased themselves in the hopes to appease him even a little. Plump firm breasts stroked his manhood, gorgeous faces licked moist little tongues and sucked with soft lips to his sensitive skin. Little hands massaged him as firmly as their little arms could muster. Their rolling forms flexed and popped their round buttocks appealingly. His sexual organ was practically being worshiped and he was relishing every sight and sensation.

Marshall realized too late he was letting himself get aroused to quickly. He would have preferred to savor their subservient admiration of his erection but his mind was screaming to feel his sexual release. His hand reached in along his shaft and turned the tan and one of the Asian's to be pressed along his length. Raising slightly to get easier access to his manhood he started stroking them.

The remaining three, uncertain what to do, turned and kneeled facing him. Perky breasts were pushed out while pretty mouths opened in anticipation of their required catching his spraying semen. He loved the sight but wanted one target. With a slight waving action he hoped they would realize he wanted them shoulder to shoulder. The red haired had no issue sliding beside the blond. But the blond and Asian remainder gave each other disgusted looks as if they would refuse his unspoken command. Marshall's lust was burning too hot and he growled viciously, "Move now!" He knew they didn't understand him. It wasn't the words, it was his annoyed tone that got the two to cower and comply.

Three sexy targets kneeled before him with breasts out and mouths waiting wide. Two curvy silky skinned beauties stimulated his aroused penis. Marshall wasn't resisting his body's want to release pleasure hormones. A grunted ah sound from him advised his targets of the forthcoming burst of semen. The blond took the full load to her face. It spattered and sprinkled white over the sides of the faces of the other two. He turned his aim slightly and the red hair's face was now soaked in oozing white fluid. As he moved his tip over the next spray spattered across the blonde's breasts. The next spurt gifted the Asian target with a flowing mask of his released pleasure. By this time he was too focused on the rush of dopamine in his system and just blindly slowly waved his tip back and forth across the three.

Gasping he slid his two pleasure assistants off his penis and placed them before the three drenched naked beauties. Little faces saw him looking down and shuttered. Then without command the semen covered ones reluctantly started gathering handfuls of the stuff and force feeding themselves the oozing sexual fluid. The tan and other Asian crawled over and picking a target acceptable to themselves started licking large globs of the gooey white substance off firm mounds. He liked how occasionally such gathering licks would end with a glob or sticky string of his semen connected to their lovely faces in some way.

He watched them force feed themselves for a few minutes. Savoring watching their submissive decision to ingest his semen. Then he wandered away to wash up after such erotic play. He returned and noticed his departure seemed to declare to the elves they could shower off. He didn't mind, he wanted them clean for whatever future urges he might have. Just, he found it amusing. Marshall wondered how long they would lick and devour the semen if he stayed. Till it was gone? Then what, return to bowing to him? Or would they just keep sucking and licking their selected partner's naked form. He considered testing that next time.

After washing up the red haired one carefully directed the others to clean up the remaining puddle with tiny mops and buckets Marshall hadn't even realized were supplied in the cage from his uncle. The red haired was using some sort of sign language to communicate with the other four and they looked to know and talk back to her in kind. Yet if they got too close to another, say the blond stepped too close to one of the Asians they just started yelling at each other in their own languages. Well, till the red haired stepped between them and pointed out Marshall was watching them from his desk. He wondered however if they all knew this sign language as they did why they didn't communicate directly with it to each other with it?

Marshall had a curious idea. He started up the portal device. Going to the blond island he simply grabbed a yellow haired male. He was a little disturbed that once through the portal it bowed and chanted at him like the females did. As he chastised himself for his own prejudices he zipped over to the tan island. Finding a park full of people enjoying a lovely day, or possibly early evening, he reached the blond male through. The crowd screamed at his giant floating hand. Some ran some cowered but he was certain they could see he was holding a fearful male blond. He then placed the male on the ground and removed his hand to see what they would do after seeing another worldly powerful being place a yellow haired among them.

All the tan skinned elves looked about seemingly curious where the giant hand went. The blond male however seemed to be begging at where Marshal's hand disappeared. Then suddenly seeing the hand was gone the tans all grabbed rocks and sticks. Men, women, and even children started throwing whatever they could get a hold of at the poor blond male. It tried to run but was surrounded as it was it got nowhere. And before Marshall could rescue his accidental victim the blond was lying in a puddle of his own blood, his skull clearly cracked open from a large boulder thrown by one of the tan elves. Then they just wandered away from the dying man like he was an unwanted bag of garbage.

Marshall wondered what he should do? Maybe he should recuse the bleeding man? Was he even still alive? Soon what looked like authorities arrived. Marshall guessed the police and fire department were likely there to help the wounded man. He watched as they dosed the unmoving body in some liquid and then shockingly just lit it on fire. Sticks and other burnable materials were thrown upon the corpse and a bonfire was soon ablaze and what looked like celebrating broke out. Booths with what were clearly treats opened and tans of some standing made what seemed like celebrating speeches on a nearby stage.

If he was to collect more elves he realized he would have to teach the ones he had that they had to get along. He wasn't going to have them celebrating the murder of their fellow cage residents. Now, he had to figure out how.

Marshall stood up and walked over to the cage. The group of them cowered in their different spots. He fought the strong urge to just gain pleasure from their arousingly shaped miniature bodies. He gathered them up one at a time. As they flinched or snarled at another of a different race he growled deep in his throat hoping they conveyed his disapproval of such actions. He then walked over to his desk and placed them there together. As they started to separate he pushed the blond and an Asian together and the tan to the other Asian. They cringed apart as best they could while staying where he moved them to.

He pointed at the blond then tugged his shirt. She reached for her night gown when he startled her with a snap of his fingers. She looked and he waved his finger in a fashion he hoped she would understand as no. She nodded, looking fearful and confused. Then he tugged his shirt again and pointed to the Asian. The Asian cowered and reached for the buttons on her blouse. He snapped again, making her jump. He then pointed to the blond, then to the Asian and then pulled at his shirt. For the first time he saw elves consider disobeying his desire. They made expressions of disgust and stepped apart. They started to move to their bowing posture likely to beg not to have to touch the other. A loud clap of his hands and a tug of his shirt made them all shutter. With two firm pointed actions he issued his unspoken command again.

They both looked like they were going to be sick. Then the blond reached for the Asian's blouse. The Asian stepped back then with great effort moved back into position. With even more discomfort shown then when they were being used to pleasure him the blond peeled clothes off the Asian. First she plucked the buttons open on the blouse. Then reluctantly untucked the shirt. She went to step behind the lovely black haired elf when he snapped and waved his finger. The blond and Asian elves nodded like they were getting the worst punishment ever. The blond pushed the shirt off the cringing Asian's shoulders and off her body. Then the blond looked at the pleated plaid skirt and gave an exasperated sigh. Hugging around the Asian while attempting not to touch her she unhooked the skirt and let it drop to the ground.

The blond saw the last piece of clothing and looked pleading up at Marshall. He simply nodded to the Asian. The blond swallowed and reached to pinch at hanging frilly parts on either side of the panties. Marshall snapped his fingers and when the blond looked at him he made a motion to slide her hands along those appealing tapered hips. The Asian closed her eyes like she expected pain as the blond fought to touch that flawless smooth skin. She then slipped those little hands along the Asian's curves and the panties tumbled part way down those appealing legs. The Asian quickly jumped and the panties were uncaught and fell to her ankles.

Just as they both thought the ordeal was over Marshall snapped his fingers. They looked and he pointed the Asian to the blond. They bowed as if they were exhausted then the Asian's little hands reluctantly reached for the bottom of the blonde's skimpy nightgown. The blond closed her eyes and raised her arms as the darker haired elf lifted the thin night dress off her shapely body. Then spotting the next challenge the Asian took a quick deep breath then slipped her hands along the light haired being's hips and pushed her little panties off.

He then looked at the tan and the other Asian. They looked at the naked pair then up at him. Then they both pointed to the red haired elf and he guessed they made the same offer. He snapped his fingers and pointed the tan to the other Asian. They clearly knew there was no arguing with the giant and sighed heavily. As Marshall watched little tan hands undo buttons on a little white shirt he wondered if he should give his sexy pets names. Tan and Blond worked while he had only a few but he already knew he wanted more variety of members from all the elf ethnicities on that planet. As he watched the tan hug her arms about the other Asian he had images of a half dozen or so attractive little tan beauties working themselves on his erection. As the skirt dropped he pictured a bowl of naked Asian treats waiting to be suckled unconscious by his giant tongue. Noting as that sexy tan slipped that gorgeous Asian's panties off he still had to find out what the aroused Asian tasted like.

The Asian was a smart little elf. Bracing herself she huffed and reached for the tan's little crop top. The tan flinched then remembered her place and raised her arms. Marshall wondered as that little shirt fell if all of one race tasted the same as another. As the Asian started undoing the tan's shorts he considered the first Asian's aroused fluids might taste differently then the seconds. He could have a whole planet of mystery flavor vagianal areas to sample. As the Asian's light skinned hands slid over the tan's hips and down her rump to push shorts and panties off her realized if that was the case then some elf pretties might have flavors he didn't enjoy. Future testing was required.

Now with the pairs naked he reached his hands out and pressed them together. They cringed at touching the other's skin. They looked at him and began chanting, likely expecting him to move them to his groin. The red haired was not held and just assumed her bowing posture and started her submissive chat towards him. He gave a gentle squeeze of the pairings to confirm he had their attention then gave a back and forth nod and made a kissing action towards them.

For the first time they made arguing sounds. Touching another elf race's body because his mighty hands forced them to touch was one thing. Being made to strip the other was a hard step. But actually kissing for his view enjoyment was a bridge too far they seem to be claiming. Likely if he paired one up with the red haired or the Asians together and they likely would have accepted that. But blond to Asian or Asian to tan was unacceptable. Well, till he let them go and slammed his fists down beside them.

Sensual naked little bodies jumped and pulled each other tight for fear of angering this giant more. Mouths opened and kissed like he wanted. But he wanted more than a little light making out. He wanted them to get used to being around each other. And what better way for them to get that then to touch each other with affection for his watching enjoyment. He snapped his fingers twice and gave the worried looking pairs a hurry up motion. The look they gave was like he asked them to knowingly drink poison. But slowly they were back to open mouth kisses and to his delight, shapely bodies rolled along each other as hands stroked firm round buttocks. Marshall purred happily at their performances and that seemed to ease their discomfort as they coiled tighter and made appear to start enjoying each other's closeness.

That was a good start to their lessons, now he wanted a reward for his cleverness. Tapping the groveling red haired on her shoulder he tugged his shirt as she looked up at him. As he watched her strip he noted that at some point he would have to teach them how he wanted them to remove their clothes. The speed had its advantages but right now he would have enjoyed more of a performance in the red's disrobing.

Naked he undid his pants and exposed himself. He lift the red haired beauty and placed her along his shaft. Reluctant she hugged him tightly and writhed in an appealing manner while a soft little tongue tickled his skin in an arousing manner.

He purred happily again as that red hair's curvy sensations were very pleasing. And to his delight the pairs actually stepped their actions up a pace. The blond one lowered herself and laid on his desk as her forced Asian partner laid upon her sculpted form and actually latched her lovely mouth over one of the blonde's nipples and greedily suckled there. The blonde's hands rolled through that long silk black hair and all over the Asian's smooth skinned back.

While that happened the tan and her Oriental partner lowered to their knees and wrestled for dominance as their smooth tan skin rolled along silk white flesh. Mouths looked to taste necks. Which seemed to be just staging grounds to attack the other's breasts. Whenever one did get to latch on to the other's their victim gasped arousingly till they freed their nipple and attempted their sensual revenge.

Marshall was surprised at how quickly they lost themselves to their arousing performances after how he saw their races react to an approaching other race. He honestly had the feeling they had forgotten how they got in their situations and were just going sexually wild. Why they were so eroticly charged didn't matter to him, just the spectacle that it was causing.

He noticed the Asian on the blond was slowly working her way down her selected partner. He realized suddenly she was pinning the blond down, they were actually in an erotic struggle. Then the Asian managed to position herself and quickly reach around the blonde's thighs. With a quick jerk she pulled the blonde's backside off the desk. Kneeling to gain greater leverage over the other elf, the lovely Asian elf gave a disturbing snarl and latched her mouth over the blonde's womanhood. At first he worried she was biting the blonde's sensitive area. The shapely blond struggled hard in the gorgeous Asian's hold. But soon gasps of unwanted pleasure barked from the restrained elf. Marshall watched as black hair waved about wildly as the Asian elf licked deep and targeted into the blonde's sensitive slit. Despite the blonde's attempts to struggle, the sensations being lapped into her body quickly took a toll. Then she climaxed wildly.

Marshall then caught on what was happening. They actually thought it was some sort of contest. A display of dominance. The tan was starting to gain advantage over what she seemingly saw as her sexual opposite when the blonde's partner dropped the spent and defeated blonde's bottom to the desk. The tan was suddenly sandwiched between two attentive beautiful Asian forms. Struggling as hard as she could, the tan couldn't compete with two attackers. The Asian that grabbed her from behind laid back pulling the tan down. The Asian now in top struggled to spread those shapely legs to gain access to that caramel flavored slit. The other slipped out from under the tan's back. Pushing the tan's arms over her head that Asian latched onto a darker brown nipple while the tan's assigned Asian braced her arms to spread those toned flexing legs and latched onto the tan's sexuality and began suckling in earnest. The second Asian rolled to use her body and arms to hold the tan's arms out of her way. Now she used both hands to fondle her plump firm breasts while that alluring mouth bounced eagerly from one raised nipple to the other. And under such an erotic assault the tan was soon climaxed into submission.

Not what Marshall wanted, yet it wasn't unwanted. The two Asians gave what looked like a celebrating tapping of forearms over the sprawled and panting tan. Then turned and bowed towards him and began their chanting. He would have to find another way to get them to work together. Now however he was too aroused. His hand had at some point during the contest before him began stroking the red hair's appealing body along his rigid penis. Thoughts of training them out of their raciest ways were lost with his urge to pleasure himself. He raised and pointed and to his delight the Asian's presented oral targets with submissive expressions. Soon those were lost in another spattering of his semen.

Marshall sat and gasped greedily for air. He looked at the semen dripping Asians and sighed. Should he punish them he wondered. Then, if he did, wouldn't he also have to punish the losers? He actually hoped to watch future such contests. That still left how to teach them to get along well enough that he didn't have to worry about them hurting each other. Maybe Todd would have some ideas he hoped.

Marshall placed the red haired by the two Asian's forcing themselves to slurp down his sexual fluids. He did up his pants as she joined the two black haired beauties in their perverse meal. He rose and went to freshen himself up before coming back to put the elves back in their cage and wipe up his desk. He was slightly nippish. Maybe a quick snack would help training ideas come to his mind he hoped as he went to the kitchen for an afternoon snack.

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CH 07: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:31 pm

Another chapter for this story. Hope you enjoy. Please let me know what you think. Also, want to support my writing, link below.


Chapter 07: Cross Portal Push

Marshall started his Uncle's gift and wandered his view about the island of tan skinned elves. They worked at jobs much like any person would here on Earth. Store clerks rang people in. Elves in offices answered phones and worked on computers. Doctors and nurses made rounds in hospitals. These elves seemed to have technology about the same level as was on Earth. The major differences were that race's population was almost universal physical perfection and how the uniforms and daily clothes were designed to show those appealing forms off. Store clerk's wore short skirts and a little low cut vest that barely contained their chest's mass. Office workers' suits were designed to hug along sculpted curves and display ample cleavage. The nurse and doctor uniforms were closer to what someone would find on a sexy costume site than a uniform store here. But they all acted like this was expected. None of the males stared at the teased breasts. None of the females lingered their gaze on clear thick bulges unhidden under tight pants. They were all extreme examples of sexual perfection and therefore the boring normal to each other.

He wasn't as able to avoid looking. At admiring and desiring. He was only human after all. Marshall considered grabbing a couple of his already caught elves and removing those lustful thoughts. Or possibly have them work to distract him some. He also thought about grabbing another tan beauty and evening the numbers of elf races in his cage. Longing was making him overly excited.

Then flowing through a building he found two pretty tan beauties in matching outfits were in a small room. They were looking over some large piece of office equipment. One was bent over it lifting her short dark green pleated skirt and showing how well her white panties hugged her toned buttocks cheeks. Her long legs were folded while wrapped to the knee in high socks that matched her skirt's green perfectly. The other was on the toes of her shiny thick heeled shoes while arching up to look over her friend. Her arms back were pushing her ample breasts out stretching her tight white shirt and making a little green tie with a patch in one corner dangle playfully between them. He got curious, they were out of sight from any others of their race.

Marshall adjusted the projected image to a location he would have things to balance on. Making sure the edge was aligned with the one door to their room. Then he stood to confirm he could look into the projection from any angle. The nearly top view of the two tan skinned pretty elves with their long almond hair was thrilling. Now he thought, for my test.

He stood by the projection and exposed his groin. His penis was already stiff from watching beauties in tight revealing clothes doing every day jobs. It was getting even more ridged from his plans with the two he was about to trap in the small room. He wondered if they were students. That would explain the outfits. So hard to tell with the elves, they all were leggy curvy beauties from some point in their development to some unknown time in old age. He dismissed that as it didn't matter to him really and shoved his manhood through the portal so it would block their access to their escape.

The two beauties jumped in terror as his aroused sexual organ flooded their chamber. They pressed their desirable bodies tight to the walls and stared wide eyed at his tip. To them it was larger than the machine they had been tinkering with. One spoke to the other. The other shook her pretty head and whimpered something back. The first whimpered a response. The second said something sounding defeated. Then to his growing arousal they began undoing those ties.

The ties fluttered to the floor as nimble fingers popped open blouse buttons showing another pair of elves that didn't need a bra to hold their well formed perky breasts aloft. They pulled off those shirts and allowed them to fall on the floor then unhooked their skirts and dropped them. Then in a thrilling roll of their tapered hips they slipped their panties down to their knees and allowed gravity to take them to their ankles. They stepped out of the pile still wearing their tall socks and shiny calf shaping shoes and took a deep breath.

"Ahh." Marshall sighed as they each hugged to each side of his tip. They massaged their perfect nymph bodies along his aroused penis. Firm breasts pressed and rubbed up and down. Little round buttocks flexed as they danced tightly to him. Little hands stroked in fear fueled devolution. Then sensual mouths opened and alluringly stroked tongues along his skin. Slavishly they worked to pleasure the giant penis suddenly trapping them in that room.

The sensations were so pleasurable. No matter how many times he had already experienced that type of action it was still incredibly thrilling for Marshall. His hand started stroking the base of his manhood while those two beauties pressed and grind tightly at his tip. He could hear them pant from their physical exertion and he was drunk with sexual stimulus.

Marshall was overwhelmed. He pushed one against the wall with his tip and pinned it there. Then his semen came flooding out against its alluring chest. The blasts spattered all through that room. The gorgeous trapped elf bounced with each powerful release. Getting completely drenched in his reproductive fluids. The other had rushed up to stay serving him as he climaxed and was showered in globs of the white spray.

Spent, he pulled his penis out and sat in his chair to recover. He watched the two in the room. They had watched his tip slip away and vanish. The elves staired where he had pushed through. The first spoke from under her semen dripping face. The other fearfully responded. Then suddenly the first scooped a glob off the wall and sucked his left semen down with a worried expression. The second grabbed the first's torso and started sucking his deposit off those perky plump mounds.

They were hardly started when a taller tan elf walked into the room and exclaimed something. This one was in a short red pencil skirt and a low cut black blouse. The first one pointed towards the wall and fearfully stated something. The new one looked around the room then behind her with terror. Then she tore off her shirt and grabbed the second's torso. She kept looking towards where the first one had pointed as she wrapped her arms about the second's torso and cupped those ample breasts. She pressed her own well formed mounds into the second's back as she made a show of licking the semen off the second's pretty face. The third's hands groping the second's breast in a clear attempt to display that act to the wall.

Soon another green skirted one walked in and with a statement was topless and sucking semen off the first's breasts. Then another green skirt followed, soon topless and rolling under the second to fearfully suckle his reproductive fluids off her breasts. Then another taller beauty in a slitted black skirt jumped in terror to their explanation and pulled her pink blouse off and divided the first's sculpted legs to lap the fluid that had drained down between those alluring thighs. There they rolled about in a clear panic generated orgy. They performed sexually as they expected a giant was watching. And they were right.

Marshall wished he wasn't so spent. This was an exciting development. But he wasn't sure how he could enjoy it. To get that semen glazed sexual pile he had to climax and if he just climaxed he wasn’t about to fully appreciate the mass of writing sexy beauties. Even as they made the first and then the second climax from their terror fueled debauchery. Even as the other's skirts were peeled off and panties were taken. He wasn't able to yet get as fully alert as the situation should have demanded. Though watching the first taller elf pull the panties off the fourth green skirt by sucking the crotch in her mouth and pulling did make his penis twitch some.

Suddenly authorities entered the room and the six naked beauties were taken out of the room. Marshall's weak arousal was crushed by his powerful curiosity. He followed to find them washed down in what looked like decontamination tents before they were given revealing scrubs and then taken to different rooms to be questioned. Not understanding the language he didn't know about what besides the incident he caused. Back to the room he found elves in contamination suits collecting what little of his semen that wasn't devoured in the sexual melee. Storing it in what looked like thermoses.

He wanted to watch more. To learn more. Would they test his semen and with what methods? Did they have other plans for it? What would happen to the two he started this experiment with? But his head was heavy. Multiple hard climaxes in the same day he reasoned. His body was tired. Not needing to clean up this time he simply shut off the portal device and staggered to his bed to take a short afternoon nap.

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CH 08: That Portal

Post by HHunter1 » Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:39 pm

Hey all, another chapter. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.
Reminder if you want to support my writing the link is below. I have also added Commissions if you are interested.


Chapter 08: Todd Stays Over

Marshall was awoken by someone ringing the doorbell. He shook the sleep from his brain then walked to the door. He looked through the door viewer to see Todd standing there looking annoyed. Marshall opened the door, "Hello Todd, are you alright?"

Todd huffed then growled, "Why weren't you in school today?" As he brushed past Marshall and into the mansion.

"I got curious about the Elf world." Marshall answered.

"Elf world?" Todd said, confused.

"The world on the other side of the portal. I named them elves due to their long back swept ears." Marshall explained.

"So instead of going to school you stayed home and jerked off all day?" Todd snapped.

"No, I was learning. Well, I did pleasure myself several times. But to be honest it is hard to resist such base actions when viewing their well formed bodies." Marshall confessed.

"Now you're bragging about it?" Todd snapped.

"I wasn't bragging?" Marshall replied confused then had a question of his own, "What are you really upset about?"

"You left me alone at school. You know what that means, I spent all day avoiding Stan and Joe." Todd explained his real distress.

Stan and Joe, lackluster students with higher than average need to pester more academically skilled ones. They were less likely to bother Todd and Marshall when they were both together at classes. Being alone made them highly tempting targets for the socially awkward boys. "Sorry my curiosity got the better of me. I hadn't considered their brutish instincts."

Todd was a good friend, he clearly accepted Marshall's apology by saying, "That's alright. I likely would have stayed home and played with sexy little elves too if I could. I managed to mostly avoid them. Just call me next time."

"I will promise." Marshall agreed starting towards his room.

"Is that one of those notes your uncle leaves you?" Todd asked, pointing to a folded paper on a nearby table.

Sure enough it was. It read, "Hey kid, I'll be out again tonight. But since you and Todd have no classes tomorrow he can stay over if he likes. Here is some money for pizza. I topped up the sodas while I was in. Have fun. Love Uncle B." Marshall looked at the bundle of cash that was tucked in the letter. Enough to order pizza for a small crowd, but his Uncle Balthazar was always spoiling him. Likely why he gave Marshall that interesting portal device.

Marshall looked at Todd and noted, "Uncle Balthazar is going to be out tonight. Would you like to stay over tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll let my parents know." Todd agreed, pulling out his phone. Marshall knew most times parents would be against their child staying at a friend's house without an adult home. But Todd's parents didn't like Uncle Balthazar. Found him off putting. So they would never let Todd spend the night if he was going to be home. They also were well aware of both his and Marshall's lack of social skills. That meant no wild parties were likely to break out. Just them playing games and hanging out. Though if they learned of the portal device and what it provided then Todd's days of visiting would likely end. "All cool. What do you want to do?" Todd asked after talking to his parents.

"Well, there are the game consoles, board games, we could try more partnered role play adventures." Marshall started listing off their usual activities.

Todd quickly reminded him of their new option, "Or maybe look over those elves of yours?"

"Right, that makes more sense." Marshall agreed.

In Marshall's bedroom Todd went straight over to the cage. The captured elves easily saw him approaching and dropped to bow towards him. All saying their different versions of their racial types chant. "Oh, she's new. Did you pick up that red head today?" Todd asked as he opened the cage.

"No, don't touch her." Marshall snapped. Then realized he was overreacting and apologized, "Sorry, I don't know what came over me."

Todd just snickered. "Well now we know you have a type. Sexy nerdy redheads. So she's off limits." Then in a longing tone he added, "I wish I had one that was off limits."

Marshall knew Todd could never take an elf maiden home. His overly conservative parents wouldn't even allow him to read the Harry Potter series. Them being too racy and suggestive. Having a miniature sexual slave was definitely out of the question. Though Marshall wished he could find a compromise. "Is that another note from your uncle?" Todd asked, pointing to Marshall's night stand.

"Uncle Balthazar must have left it while I was napping." Marshall guessed aloud as he lifted the folded paper.

Marshall read, "Hey Kid, Just thought of this as I was about to leave. But if Todd wants, he could catch a couple of little beauties and keep them in a small cage I set up in the room he usually uses when he sleeps over. You know, so he can share in the fun. Love Uncle B. PS: If you two are feeling wild go ahead and sample from the liquor cabinet. I'll leave it unlocked for you."

"Uncle Balthazar has set up a small cage in your room." Marshall paraphrased the note.

"Man, your Uncle is so cool. I wish I had an uncle like him. Pizza all the time. Always sodas. Now this portal to the world of sexy little people. What's next, booze?" Todd praised.

"Now that you mention it. He did leave the liquor cabinet unlocked." Marshall thought that was uncanny.

"Really?" Todd gasped. "You think I could get something?"

"He said we could. But we should be careful. We don't know how well we can handle the effects of alcohol." Marshall advised.

They went to the parlor and made themselves simple drinks. Todd added rum to some cola while Marshall mixed vodka with orange juice then they went back to the room. Marshall went over to the device and turned it on asking, "You know what type of elf you want for your collection?"

"Marshall, do you think I could try looking around?" Todd asked.

"Certainly." Marshall agreed, surrendering the desk chair to his friend. He pulled that red haired elf from the cage and sat in a nearby chair. He looked down at the little thing chanting in a pleading tone. A clear of his throat and she started peeling her clothes off for him to admire her shapely body. His pet naked he allowed his fingers to admire her figure. Her silk like skin was pleasant under his finger tips. Her little whimpered gasps were arousing him deeply.

Todd selected one of the Asian styled elves and placed her before himself on the desk. "How do I get her to strip?" He asked.

"I found tugging at my shirt worked." Marshall advised.

Todd did so and the little pale skinned thing started quickly stripping. As clothes flew off her lovely formed body Todd grabbed the mouse and started zooming along that other planet's surface. As he grabbed the naked beauty he asked rhetorically, "I wonder what type of elf I should get?" As he was looking he flipped the helpless Asian-like thing over. Hooked his fingers around her long shapely legs and began grinding his thumb firmly against its rump. The little thing gasped an appealing ah sound with each pressing stroke. Todd noting, "Man they have such nice asses."

The description was correct if a touch vulgar for Marshall. He didn't see the need to pepper his speech with crude slang and swear words like other people. He knew Todd's use of swear words here was a way to rebel against his parent's rules without confronting them and risking punishment. Same reason he read the Harry Potter series here. Todd loved his parents but as Uncle Balthazar has said multiple times, sometimes people need to be allowed to break the rules.

Todd zoomed the view along Tan Elf Island. Then over Blonde Elf Island. Over to Brunette Elf Island. He clearly had too many options. Todd wanted one that was special like the glasses wearing red head was for him. But what kind for his first was the first tough decision.

Then Todd flew over to what Marshall had thought held elves of an African-American style. He had visited the island at night and only saw them in that limited light. Now it was bright morning light and both Todd and himself gasped at what they saw. This race of elves could easily be considered the black version. Their skin was like carved and softly polished obsidian. It even gave off a slight shine in the glowing sun shine. Marshall wondered if that was because of their lack of intermixing with the other races or just a strange effect of them living on that planet. He also questioned if he was a touch racest as while he admired those exotically skinned beauties he mentally noted how they seem to wear their hair in what his mind first thought of as urban styles. He chalked this up to lacking any real interactions with African-Americans and mentally chided himself that afros and the like weren't urban but their ethnic styles.

"Oh I'm going to grab one of those." Todd advised with a throaty growl.

"Yeah, I'm going to get one too." Marshall advised. He found himself licking his lips in curious hunger to taste one in its aroused state.

Todd slowly scrolled along a street. Their females, like all the other elf races, were fit well shaped beauties. Also like the other races they dressed in revealing styled clothing. Marshall was actually surprised at the muted colors of their clothes on this planet. Lots of solid grays or soft pastels. Not that he focused much on their clothes while well formed cleavage and long sculpted legs were on full display.

Todd turned and entered building. From the interior Marshall guessed they were offices. Cubicles filled the main area, though they were rounded at the top and not flat across. Slits for passing files were cut about head level. Many of this elf sub selection here were typing at keyboard-like devices while looking at their versions of monitors. What this business did wasn't clear. But that also wasn't why they were here.

"Oh look at her." Todd noted stopping to focus on a black elf. She was bent at the waist at her desk. This pushed her well formed round buttocks up in a very appealing position. Her short slate gray business skirt with a slit along half of one side showed her well toned long legs. Her blazer parted just under her quite large breasts and her soft purple blouse made no attempt to conceal her obsidian smooth cleavage. Her large mass of curly hair would have fit in perfectly in any old seventies movie. "I think she'll be my first personal elf." Todd sighed lustfully.

Marshall looked about the room quickly. Hoping to find one to taste repeatedly into climax. There by what had to be a water cooler was a long legged beauty. Marshall figured it was her pastel sky blue skirted business suit that first drew his eyes. So much lighter than the grays and black suits around her. The skirt was long compared to the other ones around her. Yet so tight it showed her amazing thighs. Her pink shirt made her small perky breasts so appealing. "Do you mind if I grab one as well?" He asked his friend as his hand greedily fondled his red haired plaything.

"No, go ahead." Todd mumbled as he reached for the portal. His hand poked through and he was grabbing completely around the bent one's waist before even she reacted. The males screeched in terror while many of the females, including Marshall's wanted target, fainted. It was thrilling, a strange power rush filled Marshall's body.

Todd pulled that very curvy haired beauty through the portal. It saw him fully and unlike the other races didn't start bowing. No she balled up as best she could while Todd's giant hand held her around her slender waist. She did chant however. Well she attempted to, her terrified tone and repeated sounds told Marshall she was stumbling over her words.

As he wondered what caused this reaction in the ebony elves he reached in and grabbed his sexy slender target. She hung limp in his fingers. He felt a rush of erotic delight at how her round little buttocks felt against his palm. He pulled her through then held his two hands before himself. He wanted to admire his new plaything yet he still held the red haired elf. Marshall had a dilemma of what to do.

"How do I get her naked?" Todd asked as he had turned his curvy beauty towards his leering face. His fingers were forcing her arms away from her gorgeous face.

"I found that tugging at my shirt worked with the others." Marshall advised again as he came up with a solution. While holding his two pets he started undoing his pants.

"OK, I'll try that." Todd said. He tugged at his shirt and the magically dark skinned beauty loudly yipped in terror. Then like the others started taking off her clothes. Her movements however were even more fear filled. Frankly she was in sheer panic in Todd's grip. She removed her blazer but when she went for her first button fumbled and suddenly just grabbed her blouse and tore it open launching the speck sized buttons. Her massive breasts were amazingly not supported by a bra. Her nipples were large dull black dots atop of shiny silk mounds. She pushed those out as she struggled with her skirt. That came loose and she was quickly pushing that off. A lacy black thong was all that was left and she rolled those off in a quick yet appealing roll of her sensual body. Then she returned to guarding her head with her arms.

Todd grabbed his pants and opened them almost as frantically as his catch had stripped herself. He pushed his pants and underwear off himself exposing his erection. He then placed the black skinned elf against his shaft. This triggered something in the curvaceous beauty. She looked up at his face and said something that sounded questioning. Then clearly understanding what the giant holding her wanted she stretched her body against his sexual organ and began wildly grinding that wonderfully rounded body against it. She pumped those curves with abandon. Her face pressed to his skin and her lips opened wide and sucked hard. The deep contrast of her alluring obsidian black skin against the pale skin of Todd's manhood was strangely erotic to Marshall. He knew his catch would have to dance like that many times in the coming future.

Speaking of, Marshall realized he had stopped opening his pants. He too exposed her aroused manhood to the room. He dangled his top prize along his excited penis and the red haired elf grabbed on. She now rolled her shapely body and he sighed. Then like a good little captured sexual pet she started tasting his tip. His hand free he then laid his other hand out so the unconscious black beauty would lay face up on it. He started stroking at her alluring face hoping that would awaken her.

"So, you said they all taste differently?" Todd asked, grabbing the scared naked Asian elf from where he left her on the desk.

"Yes, when you orally stimulate their sexual area they secrete different sweet flavors. Though I haven't tried the Asians yet." Marshall answered still attempting to rouse his new pet.

Todd rolled the Asian onto her back then folded her legs over her torso. "Mind if I try?" He asked, bringing the restrained frightened little female towards his mouth.

"Go ahead." Marshall said seeing his dark skinned catch was starting to come around.

Marshall watched from the corner of his eye as Todd forced the folded beauty into his mouth. His jaw started working and quickly the Asian elf realized she wasn't food but being played with in a way she couldn't resist enjoying. She moaned one repeated word rhythmically. Marshall assumed that was in time with the strokes of Todd's massive tongue. Todd suddenly hummed happily and must have started pressing deeper because his chosen sexual snack roared in aroused shock then just repeatedly growled an erotic sound.

Suddenly the black elf Marshall was holding screamed and rolled into a tight ball. She mumbled what he assumed was their version of the chant. His fingers easily pried her arms open. Her eyes flashed with terror looking up at his admiring face. He let her go to reach over to tug on his shirt but didn't have too. She started screaming her version of the chant and her hands started pulling off her suit jacket. That literally went flying as she throw it and in a flash she had her shirt untucked and her buttons open exposing her cute little perky breasts. She pulled the shirt off as she also reached behind for her skirt. She rolled that long tight wrapper off and he suddenly realized she was wearing hosiery. She didn't seem to know which to take off next, that hosiery and the garter belt holding them up her incredibly long legs or the black with red lace panties covering her womanhood. She decided both at once, and pushed the remanding coverings off so quickly they seemed to shoot off his hand.

He reached down and grabbed one of those toned legs. Skin was silky like the other elves. The muscle tone delighted his fingers as they played along their length. He particularly liked how her rump was petite like her breasts yet also protruded plumply from her body.

As much as he was enjoying admiring her his thirst to discover her race's flavor was screaming at him. He held her legs open wide as he brought her towards his mouth. She went from frantic loud chanting to outright terror screaming. Her legs attempted to kick free of his powerful grip and her arms swung wilding at his descending face. He laughed as her blows tickled more then dissuaded his oral scooping of her bubbled backside. His tongue snaked along her exposed womanhood and she stopped moving and just froze right where she was. Arms held at awkward mid stroke swings. Flailing legs hanging still along his cheeks. Marshall hummed in amusement and struck again. She seemed to realize his intentions were not to devour her and she gave off an appealing sigh of relief and arousal. He tasted again and she purred oh so warmly. Soon his licks brought out her pleasurable flavor. A deep berry bunch like flavor.

There Todd and he sat happily. Their groins exposed with an Elf maiden slavishly using their sensual little bodies to pleasure their aroused penises. While another beauty moaned in deep pleasure in their greedily savoring mouths. The absurdity of the situation hit them at the same time and they laughed around their orally held elf treats. Then Todd pulled his selected panting Asian elf from his mouth and appraised in a jolly tone, "She tastes like citrus drink." Then sucked her back into his mouth.

Marshall slipped the moaning black elf out and informed his friend, "She tastes like berry punch." Then returned her to his mouth.

Todd freed his mouth again to wonder aloud, "I wonder why they taste good?" Then flipped his treat over to orally attack her womanhood at a different angle.

Marshall took his new slave elf out and was amused by her glaring at him for a second before saying, "Maybe it's a defensive thing. They seem to know about giant otherworldly beings by how they react to us. Maybe they developed this as a way to entertain instead of being eaten." He then flipped his new submissive elf to press her cute little breasts into his palm before sucking her pushed up bottom back into his mouth.

They suckled their selected elves for a while. Their orally stimulated living playthings repeatedly burst in appealing climaxes. Flooding their giant tongue in their elves sweetened fluids. The whole time their penises were clung to and fearfully grinded to by another exquisite little elf. But all good things have to come to an end. Todd pulled his Asian elf treat out and it laid in his palm unconscious. "I think I overwhelmed her." He said in an animalistic tone.

Marshall's own lust flooded brain had a suggestion for his friend. Pulling his nearly exhausted new elf from his lips he said, "Maybe you should ejaculate all over her then."

Todd took this suggestion with a whole hearted, "Oh yeah." He placed the over sexed Asian elf on the desk then grabbed the black elf wrapped tight to his penis and started stroking her greedily as he stood up. Towering over the fainted Asian Elf he pointed his tip at her unmoving amazing body and quickened his pace. Growling a grunt sound with each dominating stroke. Then suddenly he arched and streams of semen started soaking the laying Asian elf. Despite the sudden gooey shower she didn't move.

Once Todd finished he collapsed back into the chair. Marshall suggested, "Put your new elf beside the soaked elf. Then snapped your fingers and point commandingly at the unconscious elf."

"OK." Todd said, pulling the tired looking Obsidian skinned elf up and placing her beside the porcelain skinned semen soaked elf. The exquisitely black elf flinched with racist disgust at the sight of the Oriental like elf. Then she jumped fearfully as Todd snapped loudly. She looked submissively at him then seeing him pointing with authority at the ejaculant soaked elf she sighed then took a deep breath before leaning over the prone form. As she sucked her first heavy mouthful off the fainted beauty Todd exclaimed, "Fuck yeah."

Marshall watched the arousing display for a few seconds. His body was raging to finish and the sight of the dark very curvy beauty suckling semen off that comely pale skinned beauty was the last straw. He placed his exhausted but still awake target down beside where Todd had his playings. Then he grabbed his Red haired penis attendant and began the vigorous procedure to complete his sexual pleasure. Standing he pointed his sexual organ at the dark skinned target. She sighed in submission and awaited his semen flooding her lovely body. This just fueled him. He loved the rush of power over her. His first glob spattered her chest. Gooey white coating her magical black perky breasts. Crude words slipped out, "Yes she's so good to cum on!" He targeted a shot onto her lovely helpless face then let the rest rain over her torso.

He staggered for the sudden loss of strength. Then he placed the red haired down beside his new pet and sat in his chair with a huffed breath out. He gave the red haired a firm look and was about to snap his fingers when she realized his twisted desire. The red haired elf rolled to hover over her living dark skinned plate and started suckling semen off those petite breasts. Like the others the black skinned elf didn't react negatively towards the crimson topped elf.

They sat there watching as their selected elves either had semen sucked off them or were the ones being forced to devoir the semen. They snickered occasionally at their power over their gorgeous little beings. It was clear that they didn't want to eat their reproductive fluids but didn't dare anger the giants enjoying watching them do so. Marshall loved having so much power.

As the elves were basically just licking the laying elves' chest he turned to Todd. "Think we should order pizza now?"

"Yeah, I'm starving." Todd said happily.

"OK," Marshall said, grabbing his phone. "I'll order."

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