Holydays at the Office

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Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:47 am

I create, structure and wrote most of this story, but also used Chat GPT, with my alterations from me, to fill in some parts and descriptions

This image was kindly made available by - DocRick - specifically inspired on this story

Thank you


Holydays at the Office

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Bellhaven, there lived a woman named Victoria Mayfield. With her stunning looks and an air of elegance, Victoria was known as the epitome of success in the business world. She had a mane of lustrous chestnut hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves, framing her delicate face. Her eyes were a piercing emerald green, capable of mesmerizing anyone who dared to meet her gaze. Every step she took exuded confidence, and her perfectly tailored charcoal gray suit accentuated her curvaceous figure. Victoria was beautiful, but beneath her captivating exterior lurked a sinister heart.

In the heart of the city, within the confines of a towering office building, Victoria ruled as the CEO of a multinational corporation. Her employees feared her, and her rivals envied her ruthless tactics. However, Victoria's reign was about to take an unexpected turn when she encountered Mark, a young and devious janitor.

Mark, a mischievous fellow with a cunning smile, had always been intrigued by Victoria's beauty and power. In secret, he had concocted a plan to shrink her down to a mere six inches, leveling the playing field and exposing her true nature. Armed with a mysterious ray-gun, he waited for the opportune moment to put his plan into action.

One Friday evening, as Victoria was finalizing an important business deal in her spacious office, right before she went on short holydays. Mark seized his chance, pretending to enter only for a second, just to empty the trash bins at her premium office. Her small luggage was nearby, reminding him how everyone expected her to be 2 long weekend days out of sight, after taking today's late night flight to Cuba.

With a swift movement of courage an adrenaline rush, he wasted no time, shooting at the center of her elegant body mass, and within moments, Victoria began to shrink before her own eyes. Panic surged through her body as her surroundings loomed larger and larger, until she found herself at the mercy of Mark's devious scheme.

Now reduced to a minuscule size while standing on top of her previous luxury seat, Victoria's once towering presence was diminished. She trembled and looked at herself in disbelief, her tailored suit and shoes fortunately also shrunk along and perfectly fitted her tiny frame. But her hair, once a symbol of her power, now appeared disheveled and tangled. Victoria's green eyes darted frantically around, searching for an escape, but Mark's curiosity had other plans.

As Victoria shrank down to a mere six inches, her outfit underwent also that same remarkable transformation, adjusting in perfect proportion to her new size. Every detail of her attire seemed to adapt, ensuring a perfect fit, even on her diminutive frame.

Her charcoal gray suit clung to her petite form flawlessly. The jacket, with its structured shoulders, accentuated her shrunken waist, enhancing her hourglass figure. The sleeves, at their perfect length, framed her tiny arms with precision, emphasizing her elegant posture.

Beneath the suit jacket, Victoria's fitted white blouse transformed into a miniature marvel. The delicate ruffled collar appeared dainty, providing a touch of femininity to her power-dressing ensemble. The fabric contoured to her shrunken form, accentuating her curves in a way that mirrored her previous stature.

Her pencil skirt, rested perfectly at her reduced height, highlighting her petite frame with tailored precision. The charcoal gray fabric hugged her miniature waist, gliding over her hips and ending just above her tiny knees. It maintained its professional elegance.

Victoria's legs, wrapped in stockings that fit her smaller limbs perfectly. The fabric clung to her shrunken legs like a second skin, accentuating their delicate contours and giving the illusion of endless allure. The stockings, now in perfect proportion, enhanced her beauty even in her reduced state.

Completing her perfectly tailored ensemble were her black high-heeled pumps. These miniature works of art proportionally shrank with her, the glossy patent leather reflecting the dim lights of her office. The heels, now appropriately scaled, added a touch of sophistication and power to her diminished stature, reminding her of the authority she once commanded.

As Victoria's outfit adjusted to her shrunken size, it retained its elegance, tailored precision, and professional charm. The impeccable fit showcased her attention to detail and her unwavering commitment to maintaining an image of power and beauty, even in her reduced state.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:51 am

Chapter 2

As the young janitor extended his enormous hands toward her, Victoria's heart pounded in her chest. Each touch was an invasion of her conquered and much sacred personal space, and she felt a mix of revulsion and vulnerability.

Mark's fingertips gently brushed against Victoria's petite figure, making her shiver uncontrollably. The touch sent an icy tingle down her spine, awakening her senses to the grim reality of her situation.

His thumb pressed against her shoulder, applying a slight pressure that reminded her of her insignificance. She felt a surge of frustration, her pride wounded by the reminder of her newfound helplessness.

Mark's palm engulfed her entire body, completely encasing her in his warm, calloused hand. Victoria squirmed, feeling the pressure of his grip and realizing how fragile she truly was.

His fingers curled around her torso, exerting a gentle squeeze. The sensation of being restrained triggered a deep sense of claustrophobia, amplifying her fear.

The young janitor's index finger traced the contours of Victoria's face, exploring every delicate feature. She winced as his touch moved across her lips, reminding her of her inability to speak out or assert her dominance.

With his thumb and forefinger, Mark pinched Victoria's arm ever so lightly. The sensation was akin to being pricked by rugged giant clamp, emphasizing her powerlessness in the face of his whims.

He lifted her close to his eyes, examining her miniature form with intense curiosity. Victoria felt a mix of embarrassment and exposure, stripped of the glamour and facade she had once relied upon.

Mark's fingers prodded at her legs, feeling the delicate skin beneath his touch. Victoria's muscles tensed as she was acutely aware of his exploring fingertips, each one a reminder of her vulnerability. She felt a strange mixture of discomfort and tingling sensations, as if her body had become an object of scientific scrutiny.

Gently, Mark ran his finger along the curve of Victoria's back, tracing the contours of her shrunken form. The sensation sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel violated by his examination. The loss of control over her own body intensified her anger, fueling her desire for revenge.

Finally, Mark's thumb brushed against Victoria's skirt, right where her discrete well shaped ass was hiding safely, his touch gentle yet possessive. As he stared at her, his eyes filled with a twisted fascination, Victoria felt a strange mix of fear and determination. She refused to be a pawn in his game, vowing to reclaim her power and bring him down.

With each examination, Victoria's emotions oscillated between fear, anger, and a simmering desire for vengeance. The touch of Mark's giant hands revealed the fragility of her existence and shattered the illusion of her invincibility. In those moments, she knew she had to find a way to escape and regain her former stature, ensuring that her beautiful but wicked persona would once again reign supreme.

Victoria, seething with anger and determination, protested vehemently against Mark's invasive attitude. Despite her reduced size, she refused to be treated as a helpless victim. With a fiery glare, she confronted him, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and authority.

"How dare you treat me like some kind of specimen to be examined!" she snapped, her voice laced with indignation. "I may be small, but I will not tolerate your disrespect!"

Victoria's tiny fists clenched in defiance as she stood her ground, determined to assert her power even in her shrunken state. Her eyes bore into Mark's, challenging him to recognize her strength and resilience.

"You may think you have the upper hand, but I will not be diminished by your actions," she continued, her voice steady and filled with a commanding presence. "Release me this instant, or you will face the consequences."

With each word, Victoria attempted to put Mark back in his place, reminding him that despite her size, she still possessed a formidable will and an unwavering determination to regain control.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 12:20 pm

Chapter 3

Mark, his expression filled with a sadistic smirk, decided to remind Victoria of her new reality as her captor. He leaned in close, his voice laced with a chilling confidence.

"Ah, Victoria," he sneered, "how the tables have turned. You may have been my boss once, but now, you are at my mercy. I hold your fate in my hands, and I can end your existence at any time."

His words struck Victoria like a blow, her anger and defiance momentarily overshadowed by a profound sense of helplessness. The realization that she was at the mercy of a devious janitor, capable of erasing her presence without a trace, left her feeling vulnerable and trapped.

A twisted smile played on Mark's lips as he continued, relishing in his newfound power. "You see, my dear former CEO, I've planned everything meticulously. I have the whole office closed for the weekend, a perfectly crafted alibi, and you... well, you will be experiencing the holidays you truly deserve."

Victoria's heart sank as Mark's words sank in. A feeling of dread washed over her, and she braced herself for the torment that awaited her during the seemingly endless weekend. The thought of being trapped in her own office, isolated from the outside world, sent shivers down her spine.

"Enjoy your 'holidays,' Victoria," Mark taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic satisfaction. "Consider it my gift to you, an opportunity for reflection on the consequences of your wicked actions. I assure you, it won't be a pleasant experience."

With a final, sinister chuckle, Mark just stood still, his giant excited eyes filling her whole field of views, her mind racing with fear, anger, and an overwhelming sense of dread. She tried to brace for the perspective of torments that she may have to endure during those long, agonizing days, but a complete uncertainty blinded her ability to preview them, yet they would come, but in ways she would never be able to imagine.

Mark, reveling in his sadistic game, approached Victoria with a glider plane looming in his hands. To him, it was a mere gliding toy, but to Victoria, it was an imposing vessel that would serve as her holyday transport.

"Ah, Victoria," he taunted, a malevolent gleam in his eyes, "no holiday is complete without a grand adventure. And what better way to commence your holiday than with a proper flight?"

Victoria's heart sank as she comprehended Mark's intentions. The mere sight of the glider, giant in comparison to her shrunken form, amplified her feeling of helplessness. She knew there would be no escape from the impending ordeal.

With a swift motion, Mark captured Victoria in his hand once again. The touch of his fingers felt like an icy shackle, and she instinctively struggled against his grasp. But her efforts were futile as he skillfully used a simple office tape, colossal to her, to bind her securely to the outside of the glider's cockpit.

As he maneuvered her into place, it felt as though she was being mounted like a rider on her steed, trapped and utterly vulnerable. The tape held her legs to the curved plastic cockpit in an unyielding grip, restricting her movements and leaving her exposed to the elements of her torment.

Victoria's heart pounded with a mixture of dread and fury. The tape rubbed oppressive and uncomfortably against her miniature body, a constant reminder of her captivity. She strained against the bindings, desperate to break free, but the tape held her firmly in place, as if mocking her attempts at resistance.

Mark slowly but ominously raised the glider as high as his arms allowed. Trapped outside the glider, with her beautiful stocking tiny legs spread mounted over the hard cold plastic, she felt every gust of wind and heard every creak of the miniature aircraft, amplifying her sense of precariousness. The realization that she was at the mercy of Mark's sadistic whims, completely powerless to control her fate, overwhelmed her.

As the glider plane sat raised for flight, Victoria's mind raced with a tumultuous blend of anger, fear, and an unyielding determination to reclaim her freedom. She vowed to seize any opportunity that presented itself, to turn the tables on her tormentor and ensure that her wicked captor would face the consequences of his actions.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:05 pm

Chapter 4

As the glider soared through the air, Victoria's senses were overwhelmed with a whirlwind of physical and mental sensations. The rush of wind against her miniature body sent chills down her spine, her hair billowing in the gusts.

Every jolt and dip of the flight evoked a mix of unwanted exhilaration and animalistic fear, as she held on tightly to the bindings that secured her to the glider.

Victoria felt the strain of the wind against her diminutive form, tugging at her clothing and tousling her hair. Her stomach imposed a long and acute bad thrill that lasted the whole flight. The intensity of the flight made her acutely aware of her vulnerability, each gust threatening to tear her away from the cockpit and send her tumbling into the vast lethal void.

Victoria's mind was a battleground of emotions. A combination of adrenaline, anger, and helplessness. She clung fiercely to her sanity, refusing to succumb to the despair that threatened to engulf her.

The glider's trajectory, carefully planned by Mark, took Victoria on a wild adventure just above a long meeting table that complemented her private office layout. As she soared over the expansive surface, her surroundings took on a surreal quality. The towering objects on the table, once familiar symbols of her authority, now appeared as formidable obstacles in her path.

Victoria's heart raced as she was inhumanely dragged along the perilous flight, her eyes darting from one object to another, anticipating any potential dangers. The sheer scale of the table and its contents emphasized her minuscule size, reinforcing her sense of powerlessness.

As the short flight drew to a close, with the glider gently touching down on the table's surface, yet forcing a sudden jolt on all her figure, Victoria's emotions were a tumultuous blend of relief and frustration. While she had survived this leg of her captive journey, she knew that her ordeal was far from over.  

Mark now faced the challenging task of safely releasing Victoria from the bindings that held her to the aircraft. The tape, fortunately, had only secured her over her stockings and high heels, allowing Mark to carefully peel it away without causing any damage to her attire.

With meticulous precision, Mark worked to free Victoria from her constrained position. His large fingers delicately removed the tape, ensuring that her outfit remained intact and fitted properly upon her shrunken frame. Despite the difficulty of handling such small objects, he managed to preserve her enticing business woman wears, as if it had never been disturbed, as it so much excited the giant to watch, and now to own, in all it's little sexy and enticing glory. She was nothing but a living toy, but she was the sexiest living toy one giant could ever wish for.

With Victoria now free from her binding, Mark's hands closed around her once again. He powerfully lifted all her being and slowly brought her incredibly close to his face, allowing her to see the raw anticipation in his eyes. The trembling of the glider's flight gradually subsided, leaving Victoria suspended in a moment of eerie stillness.

In this precarious closeness, Victoria could feel the warmth of Mark's breath on her miniature body, his presence both suffocating and unsettling. The proximity emphasized the vast difference in size between them, reminding her of her vulnerable state and the dark power he held over her.

Her heart pounded within her chest as she contemplated her next move. The brief respite from the flight gave her a moment to gather her thoughts and maybe plan her escape. Despite the overwhelming nightmare that had settled upon her with an impossible yet very immediate reality, Victoria was still completely unaware of how her beauty, elegance and fully controlled existence, were imposing a very exciting and sexual charge on Mark´s enjoyment and future intentions. It all seamed more of a revenge from a frustrated janitor, a punishment or lesson of some sort.

Barely she knew Mark was having an intense inner battle right there and than, not to loose control and spoil all his well planed playouts, as he really wanted to develop. Instead of prolonging these authentic holydays, his manhood and incontrollable lust were urging him simply go for it, hold her firm steady right in front of his mouth, to stick his powerful tongue out and lick Victoria´s erotic figure without care, thirstily travel his wet monster along her intricate clothed forms, savoring everything he could hint beneath the soaking fabrics, until her attires became so ravished and pulled, that would start ripping apart revealing more and more of her, more skin, more forms, more secret places, more to see, more to lick and more to utterly taste in a lascivious rush of possession and abuse. What was the point of having all that power and control, if he could not just let go and do what his most primal instincts were really urging him to do ???

But his rationality finally surfaced and took over, reminding him how much time he owned ahead, to spend with his little perfect Victoria, how much more exciting it would really become to be able to long-play her, little by little, savoring all his abundant time and creative plans, ravishing on her physical and mental enslavement for a whole lasting holyday weekend. Opportunities like this come only once in one's life time, so he surely was going to squeeze the most he could from this new position of control and domination. He would not deny himself the many plans he excitingly traced many days ago and kept him awake at night, no no no, he was going to have it all, just as he dreamt and now fucking COULD !!!
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:02 pm

Chapter 5

Mark, reveling in his sadistic game, decided it was late and about time to indulge in an original holiday dinner. With a malevolent grin, he declared that Victoria would be joining him for the feast, still adorned in her perfectly tailored attires, laying her slowly on the meeting table. He laid her slowly on the vast meeting table and fully released his grasp from her.

As Mark laid out his usual fast-food lunch on the vast meeting table, the tantalizing aroma of greasy delicacies filled the air. Mark positioned the array of oversized burgers, fries, sauces and decadent desserts, creating an enticing spread that dwarfed Victoria presence in comparison.

Despite Victoria's total preference for completely different and sophisticated healthy meals, Mark intentionally created a vast and imposing landscape of temptation. He knew it was past 11PM and Victoria's hunger would grow, and in fact her desperation for sustenance was deeply fueling her desire to escape and find her proper and carefully chosen nourishment.

As Victoria observed nonetheless the giant mouthwatering display, her mind spun with a mix of conflicting emotions. The aroma of the food teased her senses, causing her stomach to grumble. She yearned for sustenance but remained also acutely aware of the insurmountable height of the cheap plastic and foam containers, that prevented her from reaching the food, even if she surrendered to it. And how would normal food look and feel for her new diminished reality ? Would she be capable of eating at all, even if she got to choose her meal ?

She could now wander free across the vast expanse of her, so familiar, meeting table, but jumping out if it was undoubtedly a jump to a certain death, so she just stood straight, standing in resignation, not very far from Mark's giant feast. Her ego and will to live a long life and to rule above many unfortunate employees, was now the only big thing she still had within her, all else was cruelly diminished: body, clothes and power.

Victoria's frustration mingled with a growing sense of despair. She knew that Mark's sadistic plan was designed to taunt her, to remind her of her helplessness and dependence on his whims, even to eat sooner or later, to be able to survive for a whole long weekend. The contrast between her diminished stature and the vastness of the table and its contents only amplified her sense of isolation from the whole world outside. Her phone was unreachable, stuck on top of her personal desk, by her computer, and even is she could get there, it would be ridiculously impossible to hold it and much less operate it in any way.

Mark now declared that he would not be dining alone. With a determined look in his eyes, he reached out to grab Victoria, intending to bring her closer to him, forcing her to witness his indulgence in the feast he had laid out, maybe even wanting to force her somehow to take an active role in the dining. Victoria, fueled by desperation, sprang into action, her tiny legs propelling her forward in a frantic escape attempt. Not helped by her high heels, she nevertheless darted across the vast expanse of the table, narrowly evading Mark's attempts to seize her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced, the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Mark was simply enjoying a completely planed and controlled game of cat and mouse, he faintly got two fingers griping at one of her sexy shoes, allowing her to pull instinctively and regain her powerless escape. Than he grabbed with tiny precision the tips of her hairs, enough to frustrate her and reminding her of his unquestionable giant abilities, but allowing her again a slippery pulling towards freedom and salvation, at least for 5 seconds. With each near miss, a flicker of hope ignited within Victoria. The tantalizing prospect of freedom urged her onward, propelling her to push her own imposed and diminished limits. She wove between towering objects on the table, a flower base, an ashtray, a can with pens, navigating the treacherous terrain with agility and determination.

But as Victoria reached the edge of the table, her hopes were dashed, a mere smashing confirmation of what she already knew from before. The immense height separating her from the ground below loomed insurmountable. Not even a carpet instead of wood, a glimpse of possibility to survive somehow. She was trapped in the biggest she space she could get, caught between the precipice of death and the clutches of her sadistic captor.

Mark, sensing victory within his grasp, closed his giant hands around Victoria, enclosing her within his tight grip. She felt the pressure of his rugged warm fingers, powerfully squeezed like she hadn´t felt before, against her fragile body, leaving her with a sense of renewed vulnerability and resignation to Mark´s utter control. Helpless and unable to resist, Victoria was transported dangling by the waist by Mark's colossal hands, her captor purposefully bringing her closer to the fast food feast laid out on the table below. The mouthwatering scents engulfed her again, taunting her hunger and serving as a constant reminder of her subservience.

In that moment, Victoria's emotions swirled in a maelstrom of fear, anger, and a deep sense of injustice. She longed to break free, to regain control over her own destiny. Mark finally stopped the the journey and held Victoria perilously over and close to a container of pale sauce for fries. His giant hand hovered her little figure just above the dipping condiment, while Victoria´s legs and feet, dangled precariously just above it.

As Victoria looked down, the container of sauce loomed like a vast pool of unhealthy thickness, its greasy aroma permeating the air and invading her senses. The close proximity to the sauce amplified her vulnerability, making her acutely aware of the dangerous game Mark was playing. Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and revulsion as she contemplated the horrifying possibility of becoming a mere instrument for Mark's twisted amusement. She knew that her fate hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of a torment that she could scarcely comprehend.

Mark's callous disregard for her humanity was on full display as he toyed with the idea of using her delicate legs as dipping instruments. An act not spoken or announced but very clear by the way he dangled her up and down, revealing the devious intention. Victoria's body tensed, a surge of helplessness washing over her as she braced for what was to come.

In this moment, time seemed to stand still for Victoria. She found herself trapped but also used, a mere pawn in Mark's twisted game. The anticipation and dread of what was about to unfold gripped her, her entire being consumed by a mixture of terror and disgust. Mark, undeterred by Victoria's trepidation, confirmed the chilling decision to proceed with his perverse plan involving the sauce. With a twisted grin on his face, he carefully positioned Victoria's lower, aiming her tiny sexy legs, one by one, above the ominous substance.

Victoria's heart pounded in her chest as she realized the horrifying fate that awaited her. She struggled against Mark´s finger, anchored on her little waist, desperate to escape the impending humiliation and degradation that Mark had in store for her. As Mark slowly but deviously plunged her legs down the sauce, Victoria felt a mix of revulsion and helplessness consume her. The cold, viscous substance seemed to beckon her fragile limbs, threatening to envelop her whole body in its sticky grasp. She braced herself for the inevitable, her mind racing with a mix of terror and disgust. But Mark stopped her dipping descent just before the creamy thick nightmare reached the level of her skirt.

As her stockings and shoes maintained their contact with the sauce, Victoria felt an overwhelming sense of violation. The thick liquid clung to her limbs and feet, staining her delicate attire and seeping into every fiber of her lower stockings and in the thigh fit crevasses of her expensive heeled shoes. She fought the urge to wince and recoil, trying to maintain her composure despite the torment inflicted upon her. Meanwhile, Mark, reveling in his sadistic game, swiftly elevated the whole of her, brought her dangling closer to him and aimed his mouth right from under her. He actually proceeded and dared to taste the sauce directly from Victoria's legs. An immense mouth enclosed all over her lower body, warm, moist, dark and powerful.

First Mark enclosed his rugged reddish lips tight around her hips, than he mad his mouth thinner and indecently oppressive against her thighs. Finally, as if she was a mere object of for occasional sauce dipping, his fingers carried her waist powerfully upwards, slowly but firmly, yet his mouth and lips kept pressing on her tiny lower forms, as if resisting the upper pull, taking their time as her legs slowly squeezed up, slippery and squeezed both at once. All a purposed gesture, allowing Mark to really indulge in the sexiest and most exciting dipping he ever had the chance to experience near fast food. He wen slowly when reaching her shoes, getting the sauce specs with time and making sure his tongue helped to get it all from her little heeled feet

His grotesque act sent waves of revulsion through her, her entire being recoiling at the violation of her personhood. She felt a profound sense of degradation, a loss of dignity that shook her to the core. Undeterred by Victoria's fear and resistance, clear in her disgusted and frustrated expressions as he indulged, Mark proceeded once more on this twisted act. The sensation of the sauce enveloping her legs once again, when she thought Mark´s semi-cleansing was already a granted release, filled Victoria with utter revulsion and anger. This time she squirmed, but this time the forced dipping was much more powerful and careless, even including some swift shaking up and down after the dip, so not too much sauce would go into Marks mouth. She was being savored like any ordinary fast food fry on a very vulgar sauce.

As Mark repeated the tasting, sucking slow and powerful rubbing all the way down her beautiful soaked legs, stockings and shoes, Victoria had to stop squirming, cause it made Mark´s torment much more twisted and exciting, just as she could notice on his endless grim, so close to her whole body. But this time Mark did not pull her out completely, instead he held her resolutely dangling and kept playing with Victoria´s shoes, that were still buried in his mouth, his enormous rugged tongue joining the torment, pressing and rubbing and shifting constantly between her ankles and heeled feet. A complete degradation of her posture, her elegance and her grace.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:05 pm

Chapter 6

Friday was gone and Mark now decided it was time for some rest. Like an excited teen, he couldn´t wait for Saturday morning, but as a young adult and a devious shrinker and planner, he knew each play would come at it´s right moment. But before sleep, a wash was needed for his little CEO and he would make also sure she ate something.

- Now clean your self, little boss, my very fine tasting CEO, you can take off your shoes and stockings to get a good clean where it's needed - said Mark in a harsh commanding tone - And I know you have more sexy stockings on your luggage, but those shoes, I want them very neat and shiny, cause tomorrow you are going to need them again, you know I completely hate dirtiness - He added vey much ironically. Mark, seemingly showing a modicum of humanity, or a desire to toy with Victoria further, placed a clean container filled with fresh water on the table. This container had a low edge, making it easier for Victoria to approach and use for washing her legs.

As Victoria's eyes fell upon the container, a glimmer of hope ignited within her. The prospect of cleansing the remnants of the sauce from her stockings and shoes offered a small reprieve from the degrading ordeal she had endured. Cautiously, she made her way towards the water, her tiny footsteps carrying a mixture of weariness and anticipation. Reaching the edge of the container, Victoria carefully removed her stockings and shoes, gently placing them aside. She dipped her legs into the clear, cool water, relishing the soothing sensation as it washed away the residue of the sauce. The purity of the water felt like a momentary respite from the darkness that had consumed her existence.

Though her surroundings were still filled with menace and her captivity remained unrelenting, the act of cleansing her legs provided a fleeting semblance of control and dignity, with each stroke of the water against her skin. Barely she knew her gestures had a completely different connotation to Mark, excited with every gesture of her intimacy. Although it was a simple leg washing, before this day Mark could only dream with the prospect of being so close to even this simple moments of a fine woman´s privacy. He delighted on the vision of her skin, the perfectly shaped legs, the delicate tiny toes, all with their perfect miniscule specs of dark-red nail paint.

Emboldened by a flicker of defiance, mustered the courage to protest against Mark's cruel game. With a hint of anger and desperation in her voice, she voiced her concern about her luggage, which remained in its normal size, rendering everything within it as gargantuan obstacles in her shrunken world.

Mark, savoring his dominance over her, smirked and revealed a ray gun in his possession. He callously declared that with a simple press of the trigger, he could shrink any object from her luggage to a size befitting her current stature. However, he asserted that not everything would be subject to shrinking, as some items would serve a purpose in their giant form.

Upon hearing this, Victoria's worry intensified. The notion that Mark had control over which belongings of hers would be shrunk and which would remain colossal sent a shiver down her spine. The uncertainty of what he deemed useful in her giant-sized world filled her with a sense of dread. In her luggage lay personal belongings, cherished mementos, and essential items for survival. The idea of having only a portion of her possessions reduced to a manageable size meant that she would have to navigate a labyrinth of oversized items, forever at the mercy of her captor's whims.

Victoria's mind raced, contemplating the implications of this revelation. How would she navigate a giant office world where much needed everyday objects towered over her? The imbalance of power became all the more evident, as Mark held the ability to manipulate her environment, dictating which objects would assist her and which would hinder her progress.

With every passing moment, Victoria's worry transformed into a fierce determination to escape this twisted captivity. She understood that her survival relied on outsmarting Mark and reclaiming control over her own destiny. In her mind, the ray gun became a symbol of her captor's oppressive rule, and she resolved to find a way to turn the tables and free herself from his sadistic grasp.

Now my little CEO, since you already started getting ready to bed, you may very well go on and change into your sleeping underwear, but you will have to do it right here, very close to me and I want you to it very very slowly, I want a good strip show from a sexy businesswoman before you can finally eat and go to bed.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:13 pm

Chapter 7

Mark, driven by his twisted desires, rummaged carelessly through Victoria's luggage and retrieved a set of delicate sleepwear that landed and loomed endless in the table. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he aimed his ray gun at the garments, shrinking them down to the same reduction size level he used on Victoria, so they would perfectly fit her diminutive form. Satisfied with his devious handiwork, he commanded her to change into the tiny sleepwear.

Victoria, fueled by a fierce determination and a refusal to comply with Mark's every command, initially resisted. She protested, refusing to be subjected to further degradation and control. However, Mark's dominance over her, combined with the looming threat of his power, were leaving her with few options for resistance.

Reluctantly, Victoria succumbed to the grim reality of her situation. She hesitantly accepted the shrunken sleepwear, her hands trembling as she held the minuscule fabric. With a heavy heart and a sense of violation, she reluctantly started undressing her formal jacket, slowly unbuttoning it and than carefully shedding it at the table. But than she stopped, she couldn´t take it, she couldn´t do it, it was too much to ask, specially after all she endured in the past hours.

Mark quickly realized she was not going to follow up so he had no other option than doing it himself.

With a powerful gesture he he flattened almost all of one giant hand across the table and before Victoria could offer a glimpse of recoil, the hand traveled ominous and menacing towards her little frame, thumb and index sliding on the table so they could get her only at her lower body. Two giant fingers grappled her powerfully, shaking all her body and soul, squeegeeing her skirt and hips, quite more than they needed to keep her still and constrained. Despite her protests and screams, Mark did not care now for a teasing play or slow torment, she was going to learn how an order must be followed or is immediately imposed anyway.

She could barely hint her desperate legs and thighs squirms while anchored by the oppressive fingers and only her arms were able to paddle helplessly, as Mark violently pulled her blouse cleavage again and again, sending jolts of raw shakings all over her shoulders, while he was getting the tiny buttons burst, one by one, in an progression of openness of her precious attire. When the blouse quickly revealed her beautiful lacy bra, Mark noticed how enticing it was, but did not slow down his unsophisticated and invasive stripping act. Victoria´s arms were suddenly pulled upwards in a jolt, as Mark was making the blouse sleeves to slide out of her little arms, what ended up happening very quickly.

As the colder air of the office bathed her new imposed exposure, Victoria started fearing the worse, she forgot the giant janitor only wanted her to change and braced for some immediate type of violation or rape, since now everything had a clear sexual charge and not only revenge or mere control. Incredibly fast and precise, Mark´s enormous fingers completely released their intense grasp around her lower body and moved away, causing the little business woman to loose her balance and fall to the side, but even before she hit the table surface, already some incredibly ominous pair of giant fingers were enclosing on her. This time the Mark´s whole palm engulfed her tiny figure from head to waits, leaving only her lower body free but somehow managing to hold her standing straight on her bare feet.

Enclosed, held and oppressed in darkness and pressure, she could only feel Mark´s gestures in the moment he skillfully got a grip at her skirt with the tips of two fingers, pulling it violently, with the clear intention to rip it apart, but since her pencil skirt was quite tight around her forms and built sturdy, Mark pivoted and opted to inflict powerful and successive pulls downwards, again imposing several jolts on all her little body, this time at her delicate and elegant waist. The skirt´s buttons gave way and burst in several directions, the skirt kept sliding down at cost, uncovering each time more after every powerful pull. Finally it passed her curvy hips and easily slid in one unhuman go, all down along her thighs, calves and ankles.

Only a bra, a panty and a garter belt, a very exquisite and expensive set of three lingerie pieces were granting Victoria the last specs of dignity she could hold on to. Victoria's daily choice of lingerie was a reflection of her innate sense of elegance and sophistication. The color scheme of the lingerie reflected Victoria's penchant for sophistication. She opted for a deep shade of burgundy, fine taste and determination. Her lingerie consisted of a lacy bralette with intricate floral patterns that accentuated her natural curves. The delicate straps adorned her shoulders, adding a touch of femininity to the ensemble. Paired with it were matching panties, crafted with the same attention to detail, hugging her form and highlighting her beauty.

The garter belt, although not serving anymore it's purpose, after she removed her stockings when washing, was nevertheless and exciting matching component to the fine set, reflecting her elaborate taste and will to impress all the way. It was too bad she was now managing to impress only her devious captor, not by her choice and not in the way it was usually meant to be.

Mark thundered at her with a mix of command and impatience - Will you now finish what I started, so you can finally dress your little sexy sleep wear, or do I rip away those sexy pieces right now and spoil such beautiful pieces of underwear ? DO IT SLOWLY, AS I SAID !!!
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:19 pm

Chapter 8

Victoria became overwhelmed with fear as she endured Mark's violent treatment, realizing the extent of his cruelty and the potential danger she faced. In a moment of desperation and self-preservation, she reluctantly chose to blindly obey his next demands, recognizing that resistance could lead to very dire and unpredictable consequences.

Even unwantedly, Mark's overpowered strength could, in a moment of higher anger, easily hurt her in a way from where she could not recover, or even much worse. In the particular moment his giant fingers were pulling off her shirt upwards, her arms felt a hint of pain and her muscles were flexed and pulled with careless power. This was not a giant to contradict or irritate even the slightest.

The helpless CEO, once proud and evil, consumed by a mix of fear and resignation, slowly turned to Mark, offering him the whole frontal sight of her slow undressing obedience. She could not imagine how this time she would be much closer than before, from being suddenly snatched without mercy and completely ravished by Mark's giant mouth, tongue and lips, in a primal earthquake of lust and thirst, used and abused like a living rag doll in utter loss of control and any spec of human decency.

Gently unclutching her bra from behind, but always keeping a submissive stair on Mark's expression, now transformed by an indecent perversion he just could not hide, she slowly allowed the delicate released piece of lingerie to lean forward, than slide slowly along the roundness of her breasts and finally fall helplessly from her body. Her complete exposed tits offered a sight to be seen, since her posture was straight and they could shine in all their glory.

They were a cup-B but more on the small side, yet very perfectly round, without any hint of suntan, quite pointier than normal, very slightly giving bare weight, clearly with a slight angle upwards, a combination that made them pointy and teasing as hell. A medium sized perfect areola and proud nipples, wider and bigger than expected, compared with the overall shape of her two upper monuments to what can really be a teasing womanhood.

She was not giving him a strip show, but was threading carefully and within his lascivious demands, not to upset the monster, showing maybe even a hint of pride as the only weapon she could muster right now. Flexing slightly downwards but always staring at Mark, she reached for the thin and elegantly pronounced side-strings of her panty, that angled over her sexy little hip bones, starting to slowly slide both at once, making her exposure to be first shown at the sides, as the central part of her tight piece of lingerie resisted more in sliding and finally expose her little secret pussy.

Finally, although still going slowly, but in one single gesture, she pulled the whole piece downwards, offering her most sacred temple to the silent screaming giant's expression of delighted voyeurism. She stopped only when the piece was slid so low around her thighs, that all of her sex could be clearly seen, revealing the perfect shape of her secret elongated pubic diamond, very well shaved and not thick at all. The color of her beautiful and elegantly trimmed pubis was a bit darker than her hair, but it all still managed to match naturally.

Than the most beautiful and enticing pussy could be clearly seen below, with her pubic shape narrowing thin and fast as it stretched down, to converge tightly at her very sacred temple, that was an incredibly thin display of perfectly ensembled pussy lips, totally symmetric, mostly discreet and not salient, revealing all her health and relative youth. Mark could only imagine how tight, hot and narrow her pussy could be, if he would fuck her in normal size.

Amidst all this involuntary but very obedient and enticing show, Mark managed to win once again against his primal urges, but if before his rationality won by 60 against 40, this time his grip to some sanity had only came victorious by 51 against 49, he even started the first movement off standing his body and stretching his arms, but recoiled in the very last second. He was sure Victoria could not imagine how close it all came to become very ugly, raw and animalistic.

Breaking the long tense silence, Mark thundered - Go on and quickly dress now those sleeping attires, no need to play slow for me now, just get it done.

Victoria hurriedly dressed herself in the shrunken sleepwear that Mark had provided from her luggage after shrinking it. The delicate minimalistic lingerie fit snugly against her diminished form, accentuating her teasing curves in a way that now felt both uncomfortable and intrusive.

The smooth bralette gently cupped her pointy breasts, providing minimal support. Its simple floral patterns adorned her chest, contrasting starkly against her vulnerable state. The thin straps rested delicately on her shoulders, a stark reminder of the fragile balance she now found herself in. Matching panties clung to her petite frame. The discrete but thin design accentuated her hips and buttocks, a stark juxtaposition to her current state of powerlessness. The elastic waistband hugged her waist, creating a bittersweet reminder of the freedom she once possessed.

With a heavy sigh, Victoria accepted her transformed appearance. The sleepwear, once a symbol of comfort and intimacy, now represented a bitter reminder of her vulnerability and subjugation, as she braced herself in fear to face the unknown demands that still awaited her. And it was not even Saturday morning yet.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Thu Jun 01, 2023 8:47 pm

Chapter 9

In a constant state of fear and still shaken by Mark's recent fury and treatment, Victoria did not hesitate to oblige when he told her it was now time to eat before going to sleep. Mark, perhaps fueled by a twisted sense of sadistic amusement, provided Victoria with sustenance in the form of water and food. Though giant in proportion to her tiny size, he presented them in a manner that allowed her to partake, albeit in a diminished capacity.

A small thimble-like cup filled with water was placed before Victoria. To her, it appeared as a big reservoir, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of insignificance in comparison. Despite the overwhelming scale, she managed to take small sips, carefully navigating the edge of the cup to quench her thirst. Each sip was a reminder of her vulnerability, as she struggled to find stability amidst the vastness that surrounded her.

Mark also provided her with a minuscule portion of food, laid out on a tiny plate. The serving, once a regular meal for an ordinary person, now towered over Victoria as a feast beyond her reach. It was a cruel reminder of her diminished existence and her complete reliance on Mark's whims.

With trembling hands, Victoria attempted to consume the morsels, taking painstakingly small bites. The taste of the food was familiar, yet the act of eating it was fraught with difficulty and frustration. The arduous task of cutting a single piece and the constant fear of being overwhelmed by the sheer size of the portion weighed heavily on her.

As she ate and drank, Victoria couldn't shake the feeling of powerlessness. Each morsel and sip served as a stark reminder of her reduced stature and the ever-present threat that loomed over her. Despite her physical hunger being momentarily satisfied, a gnawing sense of desperation lingered within her, propelling her to dream with any means of escape from this torment.

As the decision was made for sleep, a flicker of hope ignited within Victoria's heart. The prospect of Mark being temporarily incapacitated offered her a sliver of opportunity to plan an escape or seek help. The thought of regaining control over her life filled her with a renewed sense of determination.

However, her hopes were abruptly shattered as Mark's large hands enclosed around her tiny figure. The familiar feeling of being trapped and powerless washed over her, extinguishing the glimmer of hope that had briefly emerged. He held her firmly, his grip a reminder of the overwhelming strength and dominance he possessed.

With a twisted smile on his face, Mark informed Victoria that he had devised a unique way to ensure her safety from any escape attempts. Dread seeped through every fiber of her being as she realized that her captor had devised a method to further restrict her movements and isolate her from any potential help.

The realization that her world had crumbled down around her hit Victoria with a wave of despair. Her fleeting hope for freedom was replaced with a deepening sense of entrapment. The walls of her captivity closed in on her, leaving her feeling small, insignificant, and utterly at the mercy of Mark's sadistic whims.

In that moment, Victoria understood the magnitude of her situation. Escape seemed impossible, and the outside world felt like a distant memory. She was left to confront the harsh reality that she was a captive, bound to endure the torment inflicted upon her by the very person who held her life in his hands.

Mark than stood towering over her but carelessly distanced himself from Victoria, he cleared the vast meeting table, leaving behind only a minuscule cup that for her was big, destined to her biological needs, a shrunken pack of wet tissues along with shrunken toilet paper, and a big piece of smooth cloth as a blanket. These items now represented Victoria's sole provisions for the night.

As Victoria surveyed her surroundings, a sinking realization settled within her. The table, once a symbol of her power and authority, now transformed into a sprawling island of entrapment. Its once familiar expanse became an overwhelming reminder of her captivity, the vastness accentuating her diminutive size.

The tiny cup, now her sole source of relief, seemed minuscule in comparison to the vastness of the table. Its presence reinforced the stark contrast between her previous life of influence and her current state of helplessness.

The shrunken toile paper and the pack of wet tissues provided a small semblance of practicality, allowing her to maintain a modicum of cleanliness in her confined condition. Yet, it also served as a reminder of the limited resources she now had at her disposal. The once simple act of cleaning herself became a delicate endeavor, each tissue representing a precious commodity in her restricted world.

Lastly, the piece of smooth cloth stood as her only comfort in this desolate setting. Though it offered a meager respite, Victoria clung to its softness, seeking solace in its familiar texture amidst the harshness of her reality. It served as a meager reminder of a life once filled with luxuries, now reduced to a single piece of fabric. In this cruel twist of fate, Victoria accepted with a heavy heart, that table as her isolated prison, resigned to endure the long and lonely night that lay ahead.
But before sleeping, Mark wanted just a bit more of lust, just because he could and so he would, nothing more. With a sadistic gleam in his eyes, demanded that Victoria lay down very well stretched upon the smooth cloth, facing upwards and remaining perfectly still. It was as if she were an object for his erotic amusement, a spectacle to be displayed, observed and enjoyed at will. With a mix of trepidation and resignation, Victoria complied, her body tensely exposed, resting upon the smooth surface of the cloth.

Mark, wielding a giant magnifying glass, brought it close to his face and took his time to examine her with meticulous detail. His eyes roamed over every inch of her shrunken form, reveling in the power he held over her. As he scrutinized her, his expression twisted into a wicked grin, finding perverse pleasure in his dominance. With the magnifying glass in hand, he visually traced the contours of her delicate features, his gaze fixated on the intricacies that really defined her beauty. He marveled at the tiny strands of her hair, the little shapes of her beautiful face, the delicate bones between her neck and shoulders, the wrinkles on her fruity lips, the eyelashes, everything with time, detail and no shame. He took his time in the many different curvatures of her diminutive body, belly, knees, hips and specially at the subtle most secret curves that still remained visible under her thin and tight sleeping wear, even in her reduced state. Her tits and nipples were clearly very perky under the tight and stretched bralette, her elongated and elegant pubic mount was as sexy as before, barely shaped on the fitting panties, even her crotch, thin and subtitle, could be hinted where her panties where more narrow and entailed on the narrow valley right between her thighs, all there, as only a magnifying glass could reveal.

Victoria, forced to endure this dehumanizing scrutiny, felt a deep sense of violation and helplessness. She could sense the coldness of the glass, the intensity of Mark's gaze, as if he were studying a fascinating specimen. It was a haunting reminder of her diminished existence, reduced to an object of his twisted fascination.

As Mark reveled in his examination, Victoria's sense of self-worth dwindled further. She became acutely aware of her vulnerability, her powerlessness laid bare before him. The only way now to avoid any animalistic urge during the night was to masturbate away from the vision of her little sexiness, alone in the massive and comfortable leather sofa, where he would finally rest for a few hours, after appeasing the very devil inside him.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:36 am

Chapter 10

The night passed uneventfully, with Victoria curled up on the cloth, her sleep fraught with uneasy dreams. As the first rays of the morning sun began to filter into the room, she stirred from her slumber. Groggily, she opened her eyes, her mind still adjusting to the awakening world around her.

However, her peaceful awakening quickly turned to shock as she turned her head upward. There, looming over her, was the sudden and imposing vision of towering Mark. An impudent shock to her senses and self-privacy. He had been silently observing her delicate form while she slept, his gaze fixed upon her sexy helpless figure as she rested, unaware of his presence.

A mixture of fear, anger, and vulnerability surged through Victoria as she realized she had been subjected to his invasive scrutiny, looming so closely, even in her most vulnerable state. She felt violated, stripped of any sense of privacy or personal space. The morning light, instead of offering a sense of renewal, only highlighted the power imbalance that existed between them.

But the worst realization was yet to come into Victoria's little captive world. Mark was indeed very silent, but the tense expression on his face revealed a constant effort to keep him from moaning like a pervert troll. Below the level of the table, previously away from her sight, stretched his stiff and veiny penis, endless in it'd plaint monster size, held indecently aimed forward and enthusiastically masturbated with only two clamping fingers, that constantly pushed the flesh around the very ominous tip. A degrading spectacle of giant womanhood unfolded before the little CEO's shocked eyes. Shoving his giant fleshy tip in and out of the foreskin, in a focused steady frenzy, was the way he found to keep it all in control and stealthy, not because Mark respected her rest but precisely because what was really exciting the devious janitor, was the vision of her figure, in an innocently unsuspecting the cold hard true developing so close and so openly.

Mark's disrespectful silent presence served as another chilling reminder of his control over her, his ability to intrude upon her most intimate moments. The realization that she was under constant surveillance, even in her supposed moments of respite, sent shivers down her spine.

With a deep breath, Victoria pretended not to be shocked and disgusted, steadied herself and resolved to gather her strength. The overnight respite had given her a fleeting sense of hope, and she refused to let Mark's oppressive presence extinguish it. As she met his gaze, she silently conveyed her defiance, vowing to fight back against the torment he had subjected her to.

Finally bursting under all the pressure of so many oppressive feelings and fears, Victoria stood and ran across the table, without looking back, just to get the furthest away possible from the Giant's grotesque show, created and enjoyed at her sole helpless expense. As she headed nowhere, but still had a vast expanse to go on, the grip from the janitor's hands was inevitable. She should know better not to provoke him like that, or so she was convinced.

But this time she was wrong, because the giant Janitor was so much entailed in his debauched enjoyment of lust, that did not reach for her, he merely kept following her little sex toy sprinting figure, maintaining his degrading pose, that solo focused pose of someone in the very last curve of an over-excited masturbation, already in the path of no return. Who knows if the vision of his little captive CEO, running so lively and desperately in her sleepwear, did not even helped on his last dive into an overwhelming release of deep accumulated sexual tension.

Fortunately, the 6 inch Victoria did not have to watch how a giant lusty penis ejaculates, not from afar and specially not up close. Despite being a women, to whom usually an orgasm does not mean she can't be ready for a another one right afterwards, she knew males were quite different. At least for an hour or do, the giant janitor would have no special sexual interest on her.

Ironically, despite usually being a very proud and self-reliant woman, this time she was clearly under estimating how appealing and enticing she was, specially when available to be touched, commanded and completely abused in a man's bare hands, literally.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:00 pm

I completed the above chapter 10, only typos revision missing in it
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:13 pm

Chapter 11

Mark, with a calculated sense of control, presented Victoria with water and food in the best way possible, considering her diminutive size. He placed a giant cup filled with water beside her, careful not to overwhelm her with its vastness. Similarly, he arranged a small portion of food on a plate, scaled down to her proportions, ensuring she had sustenance for the morning.

As Victoria reached for the cup, her hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, she couldn't help but feel the weight of Mark's gaze upon her. The tension in the air was palpable as he watched her every move, his eyes filled with an unsettling mixture of fascination and dominance.

Sipping the water and taking small bites of the food, Victoria attempted to nourish herself within the limited time frame Mark had given her. Each gulp and morsel felt amplified, as if she were consuming a feast rather than modest rations. The contrast between her minuscule portions and the overwhelming scale of the table highlighted her vulnerability and dependency on Mark's whims.

To punctuate the time limit, Mark placed a giant alarm clock on the table, its loud ticking serving as a constant reminder of the impending deadline. With a warning in his tone, he informed Victoria that she had only twenty minutes to finish her meal, clean herself, and prepare for the day ahead. The weight of this demand settled heavily upon her shoulders, further amplifying her fear and trepidation.

The alarm clock's steady ticking reverberated in the room, serving as a constant reminder of the fleeting minutes slipping away. The pressure to meet Mark's expectations weighed heavily on Victoria, leaving her feeling rushed and overwhelmed. The prospect of facing the unknown challenges that awaited her on this supposed Saturday holiday intensified her anxiety, conjuring visions of further torment and captivity.

As the alarm clock's shrill ring filled the room, Victoria's heart sank. The time allotted to her meager routine had come to an end, and the realization that she was at the mercy of Mark's sadistic plans loomed large. The weight of an impending long day, that was yet the first if the weekend, pressed upon her, and she braced herself for whatever trials awaited her, steeling her resolve to find a way to break free from this relentless cycle of captivity.

Mark, savoring his position of power, appeared before Victoria once the alarm rang. A sinister smile played on his lips as he taunted her with a twisted request. He declared that it was time for his morning cereal, but he desired a special flavor for his blend. To achieve this, he explained, the milk bowl needed to be seasoned before adding the cereals. And to Victoria's horror, this meant she would have to immerse herself in the milk, treating it like Cleopatra with her legendary milk baths, adding the no holyday is a holyday without a fine moment if SPA for skin care.

The suggestion hung in the air, filled with the weight of humiliation and degradation. Victoria's heart sank further as she realized the depth of Mark's sadistic intentions. The idea of swimming in a bowl of milk, most probably stripped of her clothes and dignity, was an assault on her very essence. She recoiled, desperately searching for an escape route that had long evaded her.

With a triumphant glimmer in his eyes, Mark reveled in Victoria's distress. He knew he had pushed her to the brink, exploiting her fear and vulnerability. He relished the perverse pleasure of watching her obey, trapped in a situation where resistance seemed futile.

The spa-like connotation he tried to impose upon the scenario did little to mask the true nature of his intentions. It was a thinly veiled guise, designed to strip away her agency, her sleepwear along and subject her to further sexual exposure and humiliation. The prospect of being submerged in the bowl of milk, her body drenched and vulnerable, left Victoria trembling with a mixture of fear, anger, and disgust.

As Mark's anticipation grew, he awaited Victoria's compliance, confident in his ability to break her spirit. The room fell into an eerie silence as Victoria weighed her options, feeling the weight of Mark's gaze bearing down on her. The battle between defiance and survival raged within her, her mind racing for a quick solution that could somehow spare her from this degrading act. But the janitor seamed to have it all planed and spoiling his script could be practically impossible, since apparently she did not have anything for a bargain or exchange.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Fri Jun 02, 2023 6:52 pm

Chapter 12

As Victoria's gaze fell upon the white ceramic bowl of milk, already in plaint view at the table, a mixture of revulsion and despair washed over her. The once innocent and comforting substance she used to drink mundanely, now appeared as a vessel of her further degradation. The milky pale liquid shimmered under the light, its surface seemingly taunting her with its deceptive allure. With each step towards the bowl, her heart pounded in her chest, and her sexy tiny body tensed with apprehension.

- Wait a second my little CEO, just waaaaaaaaait a second - Mark laughed - Where the fuck do you think you go, when using a SPA, with your sleepwear dressed on ? Are you fucking lunatic, besides bossy and evil ??? She froze completely in mid walk, shoulders tensing in fearful submission. - Take your fucking clothe off when you get to your holyday skin care SPA, Mark thundered with disdain.

She slowly started repeating all the undressing steps as in the night before, yet this time not facing mark, but already fearful of his next demand about her facing him. Yet, nothing happened, total silence, Victoria was not going to offer that pervert janitor anything extra that he did not forcibly impose on her. Mark seamed to enjoy the show, this time watching it from behind. Her slow movements clearly revealed she already knew what he wanted and how he wanted, a fact that clearly excited him, since a voluntary submission was much more appealing to his lust and desire, than pure invasive imposition. The point of shrinking this sexy little bitch of a bossy CEO was precisely that, to clearly establish who is in total control, without the need to demonstrated every single time control was exerted.

The giant janitor's hands were looming close above it all, so she knew either she went on her own timing or she would be picked up and dropped in. She was so not wanting to be picked up by those giant hands once again, hands that she also saw masturbating the giant's grotesque erect chaff, that climbing into the tall bowl edges and just let herself slide all in, really looked like something she was used to do everyday.

The liquid's coolness brushed against her exposed skin, causing an involuntary shiver to run down her spine. It was a stark reminder of her vulnerability, stripped just like the night´s wears, down to her bare essence.

As she slowly immersed herself in the milk, a cascade of sensations overwhelmed her. The creamy fluid enveloped her body, clinging to her skin like a second layer. It was disorienting and claustrophobic, the milk creating a barrier between her and the outside world. The liquid's viscosity made every movement a slight struggle, impeding her usual fluid freedom of motion.

The milk's temperature contrasted sharply with her body's warmth, sending a chill through her entire being. It was a constant reminder of her diminutive form submerged in a sea of white. The scent of milk permeated the air, assaulting her senses and serving as a haunting reminder of her captivity. The weight of the milk pressed against her, its buoyancy somewhat easing her physical burden, but its psychological weight remained heavy. The sensory overload of the experience left her feeling disoriented and violated, her skin tingling with an uncomfortable mixture of sensations.

The moments stretched on, each passing second feeling like an eternity as she endured the degrading act. In that curved, slippery and confined space, Victoria battled conflicting emotions of anger, shame, and resignation.

Suddenly a jolt of powerful pulling elevated the whole bowl, which lifted so high in such a short gesture, that causes her to almost fall outside and start squirming and screaming. Her new round pool, ceramic cold, milky-slippery and very confined, is quite wide and deep for her size, so even with 6 inches she couldn´t manage to easily find sideways to escape, not when an impossible and imposing Giant mouth is already in the way from above, going incredibly closer and closer, covering all her views, than indecently shoving forwards against her whole helpless little nakedness.

This way Mark did not need to pin her with his fingers, he simply held the bowl firmly with both hands, right on his face and she was all let loose, to roll, stumble and squirm inside, continuously slippering her naked figure against the bottom and never going out over the edges. Leaving her totally free to fight back anyway she could, Victoria´s delicate body was nevertheless bumped and poked all around the milk by Mark's pervert open mouth, than a waving ominous tongue and even his nose pushed her continuously against the milked pool bottom.

She retracted repeatedly, kicked the janitor´s lively invasive face, even paddled against the bowl sides, splashing milk all over her and on Marks´s face, but the giant tongue came sticking and plunging deep into the milk, wavily licking avidly, right between her legs, inside her sexy warm thighs, all rugged and powerful, managing to carelessly rub sometimes against her tiny spicy cunt. She screamed, than desperately went for some deep breaths above the wavy milk, than squirmed again. Victoria turned upside-down, for a better balance, but slip inevitably to the bottom again, trying to escape everyway she could from the torments that kept coming as successive monstrous surprises, from under the opaque milk and always pushing upwards into her tiny helpless sex. She turned back again, facing up, to somehow manage to stand up while grasping for the bowl´s edges, but slip downwards again, the thick but fluid white bath waved violent all around her, as she was constantly being shoved down and licked with upwards with powerful lust under the heavy cold milk.

Is was not easy for Mark to focus on a particular body part, but that was not the goal anyway. And since the slippery bowl constantly made her slide back to the bottom, the giant janitor just enjoyed licking and sucking his morning milk, either on her beautiful little exposed front, either on her sexy backs, legs or perfect buttocks, but always shoving the tongue from under on Victoria´s most interesting and intimate parts, specially right between her curvy and warm mini thighs. It excites him not to be able to get her steady, but still keeping her completely under control with the bowl manipulation and definitely at his excited mercy, making it all much more unpredictable and diverse, much more of an aiming-hunting licking rush, an indecent tongue shoving at her most sacred parts.

As the milk kept splashing wild and becoming lower, Mark needed now to lean the whole bowl, pushing it against his thirsty face and clutching his powerful lips it´s lower rim. The milk waved as a whole in a violent tide and than flowed generously down Karl´s throat and, also inevitably and very suddenly, brought her hold tiny figure along, sliding down and outwards. She ended up seating just at it´s edge with her little sexy buttocks, as with the steep and continues leaning by Mark, most of her body was actually seating on Mark´s upper lip and nose base. Than she was completely leaned outwards, only saved by Mark´s mouth, with a final invasive bump of her pornographic sex against his upper lip, with her beautiful tiny legs wide open to the sides, already dangling out around his chin, thin milky rivers flow minuscule but well defined along Victoria´s legs and drip down to the void.

Mark finally distinguishes her sacred tiny slit, deeply buried between her inner thighs, offering him now the aimed chance to stay right on it with his pointy tongue tip, he could not get away from that unbalanced seating at mark´s mouth, without falling in the void, so she braced to endure an authentic giant cunnilingus, rushed, opportunistic and clumsy, due to the creative act Mark pulled with the bowl, but technically the pervert janitor was tasting her very soul, by sucking, shoving and sticking his hideous eager tongue at her helpless exposed little womanhood.

Salt, vanilla and sweat, a weird yet very exciting feminine mix of flavors, each without dominating the exciting natural mix of Victoria´s tiny and tasty abused pussy. Barely any milk was left on the bowl, but Mark liked his cereals just like that, with a tiny portion of mil and many cereals. As he grabbed the CEO and carelessly laid her down on the table, he simply proceeded to arrange for the rest of his morning meal, as if nothing had just happen, certain that Victoria, licked, tasted, savored and overwhelmed, wouldn´t go any where, not even to the edges to confirm again it was still as deadly as before, since she got to this exciting usable size.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 1:40 am

Chapter 13

Mark clearly understood how Victoria's obedience was, down to a certain degree, headed into being just another cunning way she was finding to make her office holydays a little less punishing. His last gesture with the milk bowl, although not planned, came to his thought in very good time.

Now there was only one thing the shrunken CEO could expect along her well deserved oversized holyday office, the unexpected.

As Victoria braced herself for further torment, Mark unexpectedly brought forth another bowl, but this time it contained shallow water. A glimmer of hope flickered within her, a ray of relief that perhaps this ordeal would be less degrading than the previous ones. She cautiously observed as Mark shrunk a small bar of soap, providing her with the means to cleanse herself within the confines of the miniature basin.

Tentatively, Victoria immersed herself in the shallow water, the soothing sensation offering a temporary respite from the distress of her situation. With careful movements, she lathered the soap between her hands and gently caressed her body, taking solace in the act of cleansing. The warm water cascaded over her diminutive form, washing away the residue of milk and leaving her skin feeling refreshed, albeit within the confines of her captive reality.

Unbeknownst to Victoria, Mark reveled in the scene before him, his eyes drinking in the sight of her vulnerability. His sadistic desires found satisfaction in witnessing her perform the most mundane of tasks, her diminutive figure at his mercy. The power imbalance between them only seemed to heighten his perverse pleasure, feeding his insatiable appetite for control.

With a sinister smile playing on his lips, Mark took a step further. He declared that no holiday was complete without swimming, and he demanded that Victoria put on a bikini. Her heart sank at the prospect of being exposed even more, but she knew that defiance would only invite more suffering. She reluctantly complied, retrieving the minuscule two-piece garment from her reduced belongings.

With trembling hands, Victoria delicately dressed herself in the tiny bikini. The fabric clung to her petite frame, emphasizing her vulnerability and the contrast between her minuscule form and the vastness of her surroundings. Despite the dire circumstances, she couldn't help but acknowledge the fitting nature of the garment, accentuating her curves even in her diminished state.

As she adjusted the bikini, Mark's gaze lingered upon her, his eyes filled with a disturbing mix of satisfaction and possessiveness. He took pleasure in witnessing her vulnerability, reveling in the control he held over her every move. In his twisted mind, he found a perverted beauty in her reduced size and the power he wielded over her existence.

Without warning, Mark seized Victoria in his giant hands, lifting her towards the colossal aquarium that stood in her office. Dread flooded her being as she saw the reflection of her tiny figure in the glass, magnified and distorted by the water-filled enclosure. The sight of the expansive underwater world within the aquarium, with its mysterious depths and potential dangers, sent a wave of terror coursing through her veins.

Victoria's mind raced, contemplating the possibilities of what lay ahead. Would Mark subject her to the perils of the aquarium, using it as yet another tool to torment her? The uncertainty of her fate, coupled with the sheer magnitude of the aquatic environment, heightened her fear to new heights. She braced herself for the unknown, her heart pounding with trepidation, as Mark positioned her closer to the glass barrier, a macabre anticipation gleaming in his eyes.

Mark knew the many Guppies swimming around would not pose any danger to the miniature swimmer, but nevertheless they looked like sharks to her, colorful and crested but huge and fluid in their movements and natural curiosity. It would be as if she was moving in slow motion compared to them.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:05 am

Chapter 14

As Mark lowered Victoria into the now gigantic, elaborately decorated Guppies aquarium, a sense of dread washed over her. She found herself completely immersed in the clear crystal water, her tiny body suspended in its depths. With no solid footing, she had no choice but to rely on her swimming abilities to stay afloat and navigate the vast expanse.

From her diminutive perspective, the aquarium took on a surreal and awe-inspiring quality. The water enveloped her, distorting her surroundings and blurring the lines between reality and her confined existence. The vibrant colors of the fish with their graceful movements, and the intricately designed aquatic decorations and plants created a mesmerizing scene, magnified by her reduced scale.

Victoria's senses were overwhelmed by the sensation of the water against her skin. Generously tepid and with the bubbling oxygenators constantly stirring it, It caressed her tiny form, creating ripples and currents that gently tugged at her fragile body, allowing her to maintain her delicate equilibrium amidst the vastness of her surroundings.

As she gazed upwards towards the surface of the water, distorted by the refraction of light, the world outside the aquarium seemed like a distant memory. The weight of her captivity pressed down upon her, a constant reminder of her helplessness and the control exerted by her captor. Her heart ached for freedom, for the ability to swim to the surface and break free from the suffocating confines of her existence.

From her confined position within the giant aquarium, Victoria strained her eyes to catch a glimpse of Mark beyond the transparent glass. His imposing figure remained a constant presence, his amusement evident in the way he observed her struggles and movements, either to stay afloat, either to avoid the approaches from the casual harmless and curious Guppy, fluid lively giants that fluidly managed to stay nowhere and everywhere. She felt like part of a spectacle, just another tiny creature on display, swimming in the vastness of her watery prison.

As she swam, her slender figure adorned in the elegant black bikini, she couldn't help but notice Mark's intense scrutiny. His gaze lingered on every detail, appreciating the fine craftsmanship and delicate design of her swimwear. The bikini hugged her diminutive form, accentuating her curves and highlighting her beauty even in her diminished state.

She could sense his satisfaction, his approval of her appearance. It both unsettled and frustrated her, as if he took pleasure in reducing her to a mere object of his amusement. The gentle sway of the water caused her bikini to shift and glide against her delicate frame. The fabric caressed her skin, a stark contrast to the cold, vast expanse of the aquarium.

She felt exposed, her vulnerability heightened by the intimate nature of her attire. It was as if Mark reveled in the control he exerted over her, savoring the sight of her trapped within the confines of her swimwear.
The contrast between her own vulnerability and the meticulous attention he paid to her appearance was a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play.

Victoria's heart sank as Mark revealed, thundering from outside of her water world, his new sadistic twist to her shrunken twisted adventure. An underwater treasure hunt. He informed her that he had hidden four jewels he took from her luggage and shrank to her scale, spread within the decorations of her aquatic world, each serving as a key to unlocking a precious hour of respite.

If she could successfully retrieve and present each jewel to him in the end, she would be granted an hour of solitude for each jewel, enjoyed on her meeting table, her sole oasis of peace where she could rest, clean herself, eat, and recompose inside her spare shrunken clothes.

The challenge seemed both enticing and daunting to Victoria. On one hand, the prospect of having a momentary escape of almost half the daylight of that imposed weekend, safe from the constant surveillance and torment was tantalizing. The allure of a decent reprieve, where she could regain some semblance of control and tend to her needs, tugged at her weary soul. On the other hand, the task presented its own set of challenges.

The aquarium decorations, once mere adornments to enhance the aesthetics of the underwater world, now held the key to her temporary freedom. She first submerged her whole head and, within the slight blur of her bare underwater vision, scanned the surroundings, her eyes tracing the intricate details of the plants, rocks, and structures that had become her prison. Each item held the potential to conceal one of her now really precious jewels.

With a mix of trepidation and determination, Victoria took a deep breath and plunged beneath the surface. The water and sole sound of giant bubbles enveloped her, its weight pressing against her petite form. She navigated through the aquatic landscape, her eyes scanning every nook and cranny for the telltale glimmer of a jewel.

Diving deeper, she swam through the twisting branches of seaweed, her hands grazing against the slimy surfaces of rocks. Her movements were calculated, her senses heightened as she searched for any sign of the hidden treasures.

Time seemed to stretch, but she had to quickly surface to get some precious air, so it would take ages until she identified the empty spots and was able to check on new ones, the minutes blending into one another as she repeatedly explored the depths of her holyday watery prison.

Victoria's black bikini was a sight to behold, despite its scaled-down size. The top was a delicate creation, unicolor but featuring a pattern of beach engravings. The straps, thin and dainty, crisscrossed over her slender shoulders and intricate features of her little sexy backs, providing a hint of support to her minuscule frame. The bottom, adorned with matching patterns engraved, hugged her hips snugly, accentuating her petite hip curves.

The fabric itself was a smooth blend of nylon and spandex, allowing for a comfortable fit even at her reduced scale. Tiny beads of water clung to the bikini's surface, glistening under the artificial light, adding an ethereal sparkle to her intricate attire. The meticulous craftsmanship was evident in every stitch and detail, enhancing the allure of the bikini and drawing attention to her diminished yet exquisite form.

Though shrunken to a mere fraction of her former size, Victoria's beauty remained undiminished, and the bikini served as a captivating adornment to her delicate figure. It showcased her femininity and accentuated her allure, even as it highlighted her vulnerability in the whims of her sadistic janitor captor.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:47 am

Chapter 15

She swam with cautious strokes, her petite limbs propelling her through the watery abyss. The muffled sounds of her own movements and the gentle swishing of the water filled her ears, she felt as though she were a mere speck in this expansive aquatic world, at the mercy of the whims of the colossal beings that inhabited it. She was but a tiny creature, trapped in a world that was not her own, left to navigate the treacherous waters of her existence with nothing but her own willpower to sustain her.

As Mark delighted on her attempts, Victoria's strokes became more deliberate, her movements a blend of grace and determination. She sought solace in the familiarity of swimming, in the rhythm of her own actions. Yet, with each stroke, she couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized, her every movement analyzed and judged.

In a long lasting succession of countless journeys to each object and spot, one by one, Victoria located the hidden jewels. She delicately held them in her tiny hands, her fingers trembling with a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. Each of her retrieved personal jewels, ring, 2 earrings and a neckless, represented a step closer to her coveted four full hours of respite, a brief interlude of solace within the confines of her meeting table.

With the jewels clasped tightly, she ascended towards the surface, her lungs burning with the need for air. Breaking through the water's surface, she presented the precious gems to Mark near the glass, a mixture of weariness and hope etched across her face.

Mark, ever the puppet master, examined the jewels on his giant fingertips with a scrutinizing gaze. A twisted smile played upon his lips as he confirmed their authenticity. He reveled in her triumph, knowing full well that the promise of four hour's respite was both a tantalizing reward and a fleeting glimpse of freedom.

The jewels, once symbols of her cunning corporate triumphs, now held a bittersweet taste. Yet, she clung to the temporary solace they offered, desperately holding onto the glimmers of hope that flickered within the darkness of her existence.

With a mix of disbelief and trepidation, Victoria watched as Mark slowly submerged his giant hands into the water, reaching towards her vulnerable form within the aquarium. The water ripples around her as he scooped her up, lifting her out of the aquatic world that had been her confined reality. As her diminutive figure emerged from the water, she was overcome with a brief rush of relief, knowing that she would finally have a respite from the torment.

However, Mark's sadistic nature couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt her further. He held her in his immense hands, his fingers gently curling around her tiny body. The sheer contrast in size between them was undeniable, emphasizing her helplessness and his dominance.

He began by slowly turning her around, observing her from different angles as if examining a prized possession. His fingers trailed along her fragile form, tracing the curves of her body, eliciting a mix of discomfort and apprehension within Victoria. She felt like a captured insect, scrutinized under a magnifying glass, her every flaw and vulnerability exposed.

Mark's touch, though not overtly aggressive, carried a certain weight—a reminder of his power and control. He would gently squeeze her, applying just enough pressure to remind her of her minuscule stature, the fragility of her existence. The sensation of being held so tightly within his grip overwhelmed her, evoking a sense of helplessness and fear that coursed through her veins.

As he explored her tiny form, Mark's fingers would dance across her body, teasingly brushing against her skin or gently tugging at her clothing. His touch was calculated, designed to evoke a range of emotions within her discomfort, vulnerability, and a deep-seated fear of what he might do next.

With a sadistic gleam in his eyes, he would occasionally shift his grip, forcing her to readjust within his hands, amplifying her unease and reminding her that her fate was entirely at his mercy. The sheer physicality of his touch and the way he controlled her movements reinforced the power dynamic between them, leaving her feeling trapped and utterly defenseless.

Finally, after thoroughly savoring his hold over her, Mark placed Victoria on the meeting table, providing her with the meager comforts that had become her solace, a small cushion, a soft cloth, and a tiny cup for water. But the memory of his invasive examination lingered, leaving Victoria with a lingering sense of unease and the haunting knowledge that her freedom was merely temporary.

With a mix of disbelief and trepidation, Victoria watched as Mark slowly submerged his giant hands into the water, reaching towards her vulnerable form within the aquarium. The water ripples around her as he scooped her up, lifting her out of the aquatic world that had been her confined reality. As her diminutive figure emerged from the water, she was overcome with a brief rush of relief, knowing that she would finally have a respite from the torment.

However, Mark's sadistic nature and his clear sexual lust for the little CEO couldn't resist the opportunity to taunt her further. He held her in his immense hands, his fingers gently curling around her tiny wet body, emphasizing her helplessness and his dominance.

He began by slowly turning her around, observing her from different angles as if examining a prized possession. His fingers trailed along her fragile form, tracing the curves of her body, eliciting a mix of discomfort and apprehension within Victoria. She felt like a captured little fish, scrutinized under a magnifying glass, her every flaw and vulnerability exposed.

Mark's touch, though not overtly aggressive, carried a certain weight, a reminder of his power and control. He would gently squeeze her, applying just enough pressure to remind her of her minuscule stature, the fragility of her existence. The sensation of being held so tightly within his grip overwhelmed her, reaffirming her total helplessness.

As he explored her tiny wet forms, Mark's fingers would dance across her body, teasingly brushing against her skin or gently tugging at her thin bikini pieces. His touch was calculated, designed to evoke a range of emotions within her, discomfort, vulnerability, and a deep-seated fear of what he might do next.

With a sadistic gleam in his eyes, he would occasionally shift his grip, forcing her to readjust within his hands, amplifying her unease and reminding her that her fate was entirely at his mercy. The sheer physicality of his touch along her soaked slippery skin and the way he controlled her movements reinforced the power shift since late Friday.

Finally, after thoroughly savoring his hold over her, Mark placed Victoria on the meeting table, providing her with the meager reliefs and comforts that had become her solace, mini toilet and paper, water bathing ball, shrunken soap and wet hygienic tissues. But the memory of his invasive examination lingered, leaving Victoria with a lingering sense of unease, as her freedom was always merely temporary.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 2:10 pm

Chapter 16

As the giant alarm was set, its loud chime resonated through the office, marking the beginning of Victoria's four-hour respite. Mark assured her that she would have complete privacy during this time, and with a wicked grin, he left her to her own devices.


Victoria wasted no time in taking advantage of the opportunity. She swiftly attended to her bodily needs, using the oversized improvided potty where she could relieve herself discreetly.

Next, after getting read of her bikini, gazing desperately around to be sure the janitor was away, she embarked on a long and luxurious washing bath, relishing in the feel of the water against her tiny body. She meticulously cleaned every inch of her delicate form, taking her time to enjoy the simple pleasure of being able to refresh herself without the fear of interference.

Her long hair, once a symbol of power and elegance, received special attention. She carefully untangled the soaked knots, allowing her fingers to glide through the strands, restoring a sense of order and normalcy to her appearance. She arranged her hair in a way that she found comfortable, using her petite mirror to ensure that it was styled to her liking.

Between these tasks, she took short rests, reclining on the soft cloth that provided a semblance of comfort in the vast expanse of the meeting table. She reveled in the quiet solitude, allowing her mind to momentarily drift away from the distressing circumstances that had befallen her.

As the four hours drew to a close, Victoria slipped into her new shrunken bikini and delicately fastened the straps around her diminutive frame. The bikini, designed with intricate patterns and flattering cuts, accentuated her tiny curves in a way that made her feel surprisingly confident, despite her captivity.

Completing the ensemble, she slipped her feet into the high-heeled sandals, adjusting the straps to ensure a secure fit. The height of the heels added a touch of elegance to her miniature stature, though the discomfort of walking in them was an ever-present reminder of her diminished existence.

With a deep breath, Victoria settled into a comfortable position on the soft cloth, her body adorned in the bikini and sandals. She closed her eyes and tried to find solace in the darkness, attempting to let sleep carry her away from the harsh reality that surrounded her.

Yet, even in this temporary escape, her mind was haunted by the looming presence of Mark and the uncertainty of what he had in store for her next. Sleep, very short and elusive as it was, provided her with a momentary reprieve, almost forgetting where she was and who was nearby, in full control.


Victoria possessed an exquisite beauty even at her shrunken size. Her delicate features remained captivating, with porcelain-like skin that glowed under the soft light. Her eyes, still sparkling with intelligence and defiance, were framed by long lashes that fluttered with every blink.

Her hair, once a flowing mane of power, now cascaded in miniature waves around her face. Its rich color and silky texture showcased the care she had taken to maintain her appearance despite her circumstances. Her slender neck, adorned with a necklace she had chosen to keep intact, added a touch of elegance to her petite frame.

Her figure, though diminished in size, retained its allure. Curves were accentuated in her shrunken bikini, drawing attention to her petite waist and gentle curves. Her limbs, graceful and slender, held a subtle strength that belied her diminished stature.

Victoria's hands, once the symbol of authority and command, were now delicate and dainty. Her fingers, adorned with a shrunken ring that she still wore, moved with a refined grace as she attended to her self-care.

Her legs, elongated by the high-heeled sandals she wore, showcased the slender lines that ran from her sculpted thighs down to her feet. The sandals themselves, despite their size, accentuated the graceful arch of her tiny feet, highlighting their delicate beauty.

Last edited by Hand-Holder on Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:35 pm

Chapter 17


Time was up, Mark was there, looming with a silent laugh of disdain, the little holyday CEO sprung to life, her heart pounding as the alarm hammered her with the raw reality, but the worst was yet to come.

Victoria's heart sank as Mark revealed the truth about the camera embedded in the alarm clock. A wave of dread washed over her, knowing that every moment of her supposed privacy had been recorded without her knowledge or consent. She felt violated and exposed, her vulnerability laid bare for Mark's amusement.

Barely she knew yet it would be not only for Mark's amusement, that was actually not even the main goal of the 4 hour video.

The weight of her actions as an unscrupulous businesswoman bore down on her. The realization that she was now experiencing a taste of the treatment she had inflicted upon others sent a chill down her spine. The tables had turned, and she found herself at the mercy of a man who reveled in her complete discomfort.

Mark's words cut through the air like a knife, punctuating the gravity of the situation. He taunted her with the revelation that her employees had endured similar manipulations and abuses of trust, just to have her pulling the rug from under their feet countless times. It was a harsh reminder of the consequences of her actions, a mirror reflecting the darkness of her own character.

The power dynamic had shifted 180°, and she now found herself on the receiving end of the manipulation and deceit she had so casually employed upon others on a daily basis. The realization of the depths to which she had sunk left her feeling a newfound understanding of the pain she had inflicted on others. But if that acknowledgement was going to change her even an inch, that would be another completely different issue.

In that moment, Victoria really felt the weight of being 100% trapped, ensnared by her own actions. She was at the mercy of Mark's twisted sense of justice, with a zero point zero glimpse of power, forced to confront the consequences of her choices head-on.

Victoria's world seemed to crumble around her, now spilling stressfully outside the supposed limited holyday, as Mark revealed his final twist of torment. A wave of panic surged through her veins, the realization hitting her like a tidal wave. The thought of her most private moments, her vulnerability and humiliation, being broadcasted for all to see was nothing short of a nightmare.

She felt a deep sense of shame and humiliation at the prospect of her employees, colleagues, and acquaintances witnessing her reduced state, caught in moments of vulnerability and distress. The thought of being exposed to her entire professional network, from the highest executives to the lowest interns, was a devastating blow to her reputation and her sense of self.

The weight of the consequences crashed down upon her as she realized the extent of the damage that would be inflicted. Her credibility as a leader, her authority, and her standing within the company would be irreparably tarnished. The trust she had carefully built over the years would be shattered in an instant, leaving her with a sense of isolation and despair.

After the janitor would be gone on Monday, from her office and from the big company, the whole 4 hour video would be on all social media, also he had used her open laptop at her desk to prepare an email with a link that would be sent to all her contacts, without exception.

Victoria was left feeling exposed and utterly powerless. The looming threat of the video circulating on social media and the email spreading to her entire contact list left her with a profound sense of dread. The repercussions of her actions would reverberate throughout her personal and professional life, forever staining her legacy.

In that moment, she recognized the magnitude of her fall from grace. The consequences of her ruthless and manipulative behavior had finally caught up with her, and the price she had to pay was her dignity, her reputation, and her sense of self-worth. The weight of her actions bore down upon her, and she couldn't even imagine the impending storm that would forever change the course of her life.

The only comfort that was left was the confirmation that the Janitor would surely spare her life at all cost and unshrink her on Monday, to be able to enjoy her endless fall from grace. Not enough to compensate for the coming storm, but nevertheless it were 2 powerful looming fears she could at least put aside in her meager condition. And the Saturday was still far from over.

Victoria, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and desperation, accused Mark of betraying her trust and reneging on their supposed agreement. She argued that she would no longer place any faith in his words or entertain any deals he proposed. She saw his actions as a deliberate manipulation, a way to exert power and control over her without ever having to commit to their initial arrangement.

But Mark, with a cold, amused smile, merely laughed at her accusation. He taunted her, claiming she had assumed promises he never made. He reveled in the power he held over her, relishing in her disbelief and vulnerability. Anything he assured her was granted, but only what he literally assured. To him, it was all part of the game, a game he had been playing from the very beginning.

He mocked her for her naivety and for falling into his trap. He reveled in the fact that he had managed to strip away her power and leave her utterly exposed. He reminded her that she had once used similar tactics on her own employees, exploiting their trust and discarding them when it suited her needs. In his twisted logic, he saw himself as merely returning the favor, giving her a taste of her own medicine. He took pleasure in watching her suffer the consequences of her own actions, reveling in the destruction of her reputation and the crumbling of her empire.

In that moment, Victoria felt a sense of defeat unlike anything she had ever experienced. The realization that she had fallen victim to her own tactics was a bitter pill to swallow. She was left with a painful understanding that, in this ruthless game of power and manipulation, Mark had always emerged as the ultimate conqueror.

Her beautiful and light holyday attires reflected exactly the opposite of what her soul now carried.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:02 pm

Chapter 18

It was mid afternoon and without much time allowed for her to settle down in resignation, Mark was already announcing she had a photoshoot as another holyday fun before evening.

Enraged by Mark's announcement of a photoshoot, Victoria's eyes blazed with anger as she vehemently protested. She refused to comply with his demands, declaring that she would no longer be his pawn. The weight of the impending humiliation and the looming threat of her downfall on Monday only fueled her defiance.

With her voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation, Victoria shouted that she no longer cared about the consequences. She defiantly stated that she would rather face death than subject herself to further degradation at Mark's hands. In her mind, there was nothing left for her to lose.

But Mark, ever the manipulative puppeteer, remained unfazed by her outburst. He smirked, relishing in her defiance, and calmly reminded her that her defiance would only lead to more suffering. He toyed with her emotions, knowing that her pride and her fear of public humiliation were her weak points.

As Victoria realized the futility of her protests, a sense of resignation washed over her. She understood that defying Mark would only lead to more pain and that she was trapped in a twisted game of his making. The realization that she had become a pawn in his sadistic game fueled her anger further, but it also highlighted the extent of her powerlessness.

In that moment, Victoria's defiance shifted into a silent determination and as the weight of it settled within her, Victoria's gaze locked with Mark's, a silent message passing between them.

Unexpectedly and completely out of context, Mark pulled a giant chair and sat at the immense table's edge, closer to the Little beach wear CEO and, before she could react, his expression quickly took the shape she saw in him when the giant janitor masturbated before on her awakening.

Indeed, Mark's giant hands monstrously shifted below the table's edge, with enough obvious ways for any good observer to hint how he was surely taking care of his trousers and grasping for his cock.

Still inflated by her cholera and enraged enough not to care in the consequences, the little CEO braced to do the best she could on her heeled elegant sandals, to run the hell away from the giant's ominous self preparations.

But the most weird object came swiftly crumbling from the ski and, with a thundering harsh blast, instantly manifested around and transported her to a new unstoppable reality. Victoria was enclosed by a tall but narrow glass jar, even before she could turn her back on Mark.

Fortunately the janitor used an incredible precision, otherwise if such a narrow blasting prison would have landed one inch to side, she would simply not be alive right now to endure what came next.

The jar was not curve and it offered an almost perfect transparency, either to the inside where Mark could appreciate his sexy beach doll, either to the outside, where Victoria could face the janitor's degrading obscenity. She couldn't ever lay, sit or turn her back away, so confined was the space she had as a crystal prison, keeping her forcibly standing and facing the careless display of obscene manhood show.

As Mark obviously expected, given her actual anger and feisty explosion, the little sexy beach girl, in her perfect bikini and sensual heeled sandals, instinctively tried to escape, both her sudden encasement and forced vision of raw pleasuring at her expense. She squirmed the little she could, pressing her tiny hands in the glass as if she could push it away, flexing her whole tiny figure inside the thin crystal display and leaning desperately her sexy little knees against the revealing glass.

It was exactly the mental and physical reaction the giant janitor wanted to inspire his lust and visually entice his most animalistic pleasure. A thundering chair was massively shoved away, a towering Mark emerged way above the tables edge and a monster cock manifested just above the narrow crystal bondage, too close for comfort, if it would be somehow possible to thing of comfort in such a degrading rawness.

Victoria desperation did not fade, on the contrary, she was now trying to cause her prison to fall, but despite bottomless it was too heavy for her attempts to smash on its sides and make it tumble to one side. This time it were her tits and buttocks that dangled firmly but enticingly for the monster delight, on her new helpless attempts.

As the giant veiny chaff angled upwards, with a massive collection of ominous fingers clamped together right under it, Victoria once again head to endure the vision of Mark´s obscene penis head blowing outwards and momentarily hiding inwards, in a fast animalistic pace. But this time she was not allowed to avoid it, constantly imposed and much up-close.

The janitor was lost in excitement, barely showing any purposed attitude with his facial expressions, instead focused on a delivered rush to his instinctive waves of wild punishments at his whole chaff skin and veins. She tried to lean her face backwards the best her confinement allowed but even than it was impossible to ignore such a close-up spectacle by the corner of her eyes, since the giant´s act of self-pleasuring occupied all the view in front of her crystal case.

Mark reached for the little CEO´s prison with his free hand, enclosing it with all his gross monster fingers, all squashed widely on the glass, deeply scaring her from head to toe and causing the sexy beach woman to paddle randomly against the glass, contorting all her frame like a desperate dancer inside a magic display. She was involuntarily again enhancing his excitement, but that was it, he was not lifting the jar and reaching for her.

The giant was using the crystal case almost as a steady walking stick, an imaginary tiny but firm holding grip, maybe imagining he had his grip on her very tiny body, but without squeezing her to death in his total misgoverned excitement. She would be squashed immediately with no mercy, even before the janitor could reach his climax, if it wasn't for the hard crystal jar, such was the monster careless intensity, while lively looming his powerful shoving hand up-close, violently enticing his stiff and massive iron cock to quickly explode.

Never the little CEO imagined one day she would be so impossible close and first row with a a man masturbating across all her field of view, showing such a fierce and powerful obscenity all over and so all in on her helpless desperate presence.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 6:49 pm

Chapter 19

It did not took long for tiny Victoria to thank God for the fact that Mark was firmly holding to her crystal prison with his free hand, this time not because of his powerful squashing grasp, but because of what would have hit her if the glass wasn´t there.

An unexpected sentence thundered, in shivering relief, from the grotesque Janitor mouth - Now I will fucking come all over your tiny vision but wont stain your precious skin and clothes, fucking little bitch, take my hot lava as if if was pounding o you, but stay clean and neat and fresh for what I´m going to do next with you, right after I cum, my fucking bad bad bad little CEO !!!

If Victoria had already experienced several levels of fearful adrenaline this charge, this time it was an authentic overdose, because she saw it before and she clearly knew, her giant pervert captor not always could keep his head clear and was sometimes able to really go out of control, a painful acute death sentence for her in that miniscule state.

The persistent splashes of giant successive ejaculations, aimed straight at herm but fortunately manifested only al over the glass, was a spectacle she never dreamed to be possible, forcing her to instinctively recoil in fear, even after the second and third smashing waves, cause they were so grotesque and inhumanly fast and powerful, that no rationality could leave her there, relying on the certainty of the glass barrier. Being so small and staying so close to all the thick burning lava, Victoria never watched in such a detail how it really looked, almost like a giant blob of pale shampoo, but much less fluid and much more deformed, as it was all now slowly flowing down along the thin transparent layer that preserved her from utter madness and degradation.

But all the overwhelming spectacle quickly subsided on her, as she remembered the giant´s last uncontrolledly menacing confession - "stay clean and neat and fresh for what I´m going to do next with you, right after I cum" that was about to happen right now, with all its might and way before Mark could subside and get back some grip over his lust.

The jar suddenly was lifted upwards and thrown away into the void, fortunately only leaving the obscene remains of Mark´s explosive ejaculation, right in front of her, at her very personal meeting table, but not in contact with his body or sandals. She tan clutches down instinctively, with her little heads over her hair, waiting for something heinous or violent to follow suit.

But when Mark said next, he obviously did not neglect his ironical obsession for cleanliness, so he swiftly went to Victoria´s private office bathroom to wash his hands very thoroughly. This allowed the tiny CEO some time to try to run or hide, an already learned useless act across that table, but she was still so fearful of what was to come that the janitor found her surrendered on all fours, by the time he returned to her little sex toy.

Although not exactly violent per se, what followed was something Victoria would have never imagined, even in her worst nightmares. It all started with a giant smartphone that Mark brought to the table, already mounted vertically in an improvised stand, than the smartphone sprung to live and started taking pictures with flash with precise 3 seconds intervals and non-stop. Than the real deal come into play as the janitor´s words thundered harsh, long and clear.

- I could not answer for my actions for what comes now if I had not satisfied myself before, so you are very lucky on how you can play for the camera without me ravishing you without mercy is 5 seconds or less - than he quickly added - I know you prefer the consequences of disobeying me and would not pose decently for the photoshoot I prepared, but as it happened before, when you don´t do was I say, I will make you do it anyway, so now you will pose as the decent sexual toy you are for more enticing material to send to your whole list of contacts and to the rest of the world.

Victoria´s doubts on how the giant would make her pose just as he liked, on his twisted pervert manner, for the automatic camera photoshoot, quickly dissipated when he proceeded without ceremony or any further explanations. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, the giant produced a set of shimmering strings from his pocket. With careful precision, he secured the strings to his giant fingers on one of his massive hands, one by one, as if orchestrating a magician performance.

Victoria, unaware of the impending manipulation, stood scared and submissive right in front of him at the table, her heart heavy with a mix of apprehension and utter confusion. Mark, with an air of authority, raised his hands, the strings hanging loose, extending like tendrils. Than she finally understood what that was all about, but too late since Mark´s free hand grasped around her from behind, squeezing more that needed, to have have her really firm and steady at his mercy, than elevating her frail figure in a swift vertigo and closer to his stringed hand.

Despite her awareness and wild squirming, the strings had already been cut to the precise measurements of the tiny beach girl ankles, wrists and waist, each including tiny open sliding lasso knots, that would easily run and tighten around her body parts, as soon as the giant pushed on them, after aimed at the right spots. It was a fight, yes it was, but this time Mark was expecting her squirming and paddling, so his face did not change, maintaining a focused patient expression, like a mechanic dealing with delicate moving parts to be properly dealt with.

Faster and easier than he expected and specially than the sexy beach girl had hoped for, all was ready in less than a minute, the smartphone continuing its successive 3 second grabs, Mark´s hand properly laid high above and away from the camera´s framing, just like any expert puppeteer, since he had even taken online lessons for this particular play.

Little helpless Victoria was held in full control. The very tense strings all did their individual job, pushing against her tiny but natural weight, not allowing any slack for her own will. Regardless of her own attempts to counter each body pose, she was coldly taken into prompt completely unwanted poses, even despite renew attempts to more locally counter the puppeteer's skilled plays. The strings simply coordinated in a devilish manner to pull on the right way and at the right angle every time, leaving zero deviating options to the little sexy living puppet. She could simply not move as she wanted, not with such a massive disparity of size and strength, along with the janitors incredibly trained abilities.

If the janitor full control over her destiny could previously be described as partially figurative, not it was utterly and very physically, literal control down to a high detailed degree. Victoria's body swayed and twirled, until she was made to wait, in a given calculated pose, for the next cold picture. Her feet gracefully gliding across the floor until her whole figure was driven into a new purposed pose. The strings tugged and pulled, dictating her every motion, her body a vessel for Mark's control. Though her mind rebelled against each intrusion of her cliché posed displays that waited for the shots, there was an undeniable grace for the lens in the way her body moved and stood, a captivating display of grace and poise.

Mark, his eyes fixed upon Victoria, reveled in his newfound literal full power. With a flick of his fingers, commanded her to pose faster and harder, more enticing and provocative by the minute, sometimes more on the vulgar side, on purpose, other times more stylish and sophisticated. The strings, ever obedient to his trained and skilled will, ensured every movement was executed flawlessly. Victoria's emotions surged within her. Anger and frustration intertwined with a lingering sense of use and abuse, down the the faked attitudes her displayed poses were impregnating in the digital sensor.

Only her face would give out a complete statement of disapproval, disgust and utter anger, contrasting with the grace of her many convincing and well finished poses, but the puppeteer´s intention had never been to fool the future fans of that photoshoot unique and exciting results. The strings were supposed to be seen and the living sexy doll posing was clearly meant to be shown as unwanted and imposed. Could that ever be a more exciting photoshoot for any good appreciator of visual power plays, than a perfect blend of Shrunken Women Handling and Bondage to the level of posing ???
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:08 pm

Chapter 20

After a long and tiring session, Mark finally decided he had enough for a great public display, but more important, he had the most exciting experience of utter control over such a beautiful sexy living mini. Despite unloading his previous overexcited arousal at the crystal jar, this power play was so suggestive and the intricate details of Victoria´s little body were so enticing on that fine bikini and high heel sandals, that an urging erection had been pulsing and engorging once again, vividly more oppressed and feisty by the second, inside his tight pants.

After grasping and holding the little CEO, firmly again with one hand and removing each and every string that bind her with the other, with Victoria clearly facilitating it with tired and resigned relief, Mark cradled her in one of his giant hands. He never tired of marveling at her diminished size displayed like that, only for him, on his bare giant hands. He studied her miniature form with a mix of curiosity and fascination, admiring the intricate details of her bikini and high-heeled sandals that still clung to her petite figure.

With his index finger, Mark gently traced once again along the contours of Victoria's whole body with no hurry, aiming and slowly rubbing and exploring every delicate curve and feature he most enjoyed. His touch was both firm and gentle, as if he were examining a precious work of art, but in reality he wanted to allow his sensible fingertip to soak all the details of his little sexy prize. Trying not to succumb to his unbearable empoisoned erection, he ran his finger along the smooth fabric of her bikini, feeling the detailed texture beneath his touch, and barely pressing to get the feel of the whole forms that could barely hide beneath, first on each cup tightly curved on her very sexual pointy tits and second right where her lower piece offered a that tiny slightly curved bump, tightly designing her pubic area, smooth but but very shapely distinguishable.

Tired, resigned and helpless, she was barely responding, reacting only with slight recoils of her shoulders and an exciting arching of her torso, when the giant finger was sensing the details of her most secret parts over the fabrics. The arching of her whole body made her tits, clearly shaped under the thin bikini, even more pointy and daringly defiant to any lusty human sanity. He dat to lick and taste and bite those perky jewels before leaving her early Monday and for that decent appropriation of her upper sexual treasures, he would unshrink her to half size, more than enough to maintain full control, but being able to have a proper full sexual experience with this very enticing CEO. Of course her lower sexual biggest treasure would also have a good taste of the janitor´s cock, that not being specially big when with normal sized women, it would be generously doubled in that way.

She would give her such a proper fuck, for so long, with such an intensity and uniterable repeats, just before he would go away for good, that he could now maintain a minimum control on his own sanity while she still had those 6 precious perfect inches.

So with a possessive hint from his finger, Victoria clearly understood it was time to role her little figure and allow him to keep his examination on her backs. The index started right across her precious smooth hair, with no hurries, that took its time sliding into the sexy lilted shapes of her elegant shoulder blades. Tracing down along the curvature of her torso and lower back was a torture for his self-control, as she arched her body again, now pushing her tiny distinct nipples against the cradle fingers and enticingly raised buttocks, driving him to immediately poke at them, right in the middle of both, sensing how their perfect roundness met in the center and narrowed down, hiding the narrow valley between them under the tight bikini fabrics, until they surely met with her surely impossibly little tiny ass hole.

If on Monday morning, a half shrunken Victoria would have an ass hole still so minuscule and impossible tight he could not finish his fucking in that final secret temple, at least she would know how a double sized finger could fuck her in the ass instead of a proper male cock. He would try several fingers until she could take it no more and she would do it very very slowly, from early 5 AM until before 8AM, when the office would spring alive and he had to be evaporated from the face of the Earth, at least for whom ever went to search for him.

Mark's hands couldn´t get tired, along with his lust for her, his finger continued his slow exploration, sliding down Victoria's most exposed skin, shoulders, arms, hands, hips, calves, ankles, to have a deep sensitive feel of any and all details, each wrinkle offered on each of her tiniest shape. He took note of every sensation, from the natural slight warmth radiating from her tiny form to the softness, smoothness and vulnerability of her flesh. He marveled at last at the intricate details of her face, her eyes, and her delicate features, also promising to avidly lick them all, taste them all and ravish them all with his mouth, lips and tongue, half sized, more than real and genuine for his palpitating desire to have all of her before leaving.

With careful precision, Mark lifted Victoria closer to his face, his eyes studying her mouth and lips intently. He observed the way her now intimidated expression danced across her diminutive face. Each movement and gesture her expression created, each wrinkle and twist it made, right there, for his eyes only, in his bare powerful hands, it fascinated him, as if he were examining a strange tiny living doll.

Victoria felt another one of those mixes of vulnerability and exposure, constantly aware of the contrast in scale between them and the power he completely held. The new slower timing and deeper intensity of his sensitive scrutiny sent shivers down her spine, secretly contracting everything on her tiny displayed body, feet inside the heeled sandals, armpits against her torso, groin under her bikini, hands, fingers and even her mouth and teeth.

It was a surreal experience, a mixture of fear and an odd sort of captivation that kept her both anxious and intrigued, surely because of that very known phenomenon called - Stockholm Syndrome. As Mark concluded his examination, he set Victoria down gently on the table, her form still adorned in her elegant beach wears. She felt a mix of relief and trepidation, unsure of what Mark had in store for her next. All the sexuality of his detailed gaze and specially so clear in his finger travels, kept intensifying the already natural senses of fear and helplessness. The ordeal had left her feeling more exposed, more vulnerable, than ever before since Friday night, it had a specially worrying and ominous charge this time for her captive little being and soul.

One thing she should have learned before, but was yet difficult to grasp, is that Mark was always unpredictable and not always in full control of himself, despite his full control on her. As she quickly started to learn now, since as she was getting ready to stand and walk, the giant janitor´s hand swiftly and powerfully found itself enclosing around her tiny figure, once again, right after he had released her, immediately lifting her high in wait less vertigo and opening later curved, in a way that forced her to stumble inwards, becoming cradled again on the curve rugged warm palm.

Fully aware of his unpredictably and now specially fearful due to this non-logical over spontaneous repeat, she stood even more submissive than before, not the awake an even weirder reaction from the over excited and deviously pervert monster, tirelessly fascinated in examining her, even more, and more.

Moving his gaze lower, Mark focused on her high-heeled sandals. He examined the slender straps that wrapped around her feet, noting the intricate stitching and elegant design. He marveled at the craftsmanship of the tiny heels, marveling at how they perfectly balanced on her petite feet.

Mark gently rotated his hand, allowing him to view Victoria from different angles. He observed the way she always obliged and stood submissively in his palm, her posture poised and fully surrendered. Than he approached his hand incredibly close to his face and proceeded to deeply and slowly explore the natural fragrance of Victoria´s body parts, taking time along the way, his nose almost rubbing on her sexy little forms.

Finally he pinned the the tips of her hair, breaking all the smoothness, pulled them upwards to force her whole tiny face to look straight up at him, extended his monstrous muscled wet tongue, shaped it the pointiest he could, than ominously liked her whole delicate little face as if it was a tiny tasty ice-cream, with an eager pressure and ravished delight, overwhelming all her posture into a tense and recoiled defensive despair.

Now yes, now he had all the details of her most intimate features forever engraved on his memory. Now she could rest just for a bit.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:01 pm

Chapter 21

Mark, with a complacent grin, decided it was time for Victoria to enjoy another small moment of relaxation and informed her it was time to enjoy a beautiful holyday sunset. He retrieved a large beach towel from Victoria's luggage and carefully shrank it down to her scale. The once oversized looming towel now a miniature in his hands, laid down perfect for Victoria's diminutive form.

Setting up a miniature beach scene on the table, including an endless YouTube video with sounds of ocean and seagulls, Mark positioned a giant desk lamp nearby. He covered the bulb with an orange plastic, creating a warm and vibrant glow reminiscent of a setting sun. The opening light was intense and immense in comparison to Victoria's small size, bathing her surroundings in a mesmerizing radiance.

Encouraging little battered Victoria to take a moment to unwind, Mark placed the shrunken towel on the table. He directed her to lie down on the soft fabric, ensuring she was comfortable. Victoria obediently followed his instructions, resting her petite figure on the towel while still donning her bikini and heeled sandals. If it wasn't for the giant presence of the table and lamp, it seamed like she really was posing elegantly, with the proud and power her attires granted, at a real holyday resort beach.

Anything weird could happen at any given moment, but if she could prolong the janitor's requests, the ones that did not include sexual attitudes or other torments, so be it, the more those ones filled the weekend the easier it would be to bare it all and get to Monday.

As Victoria settled into her miniature beach retreat, the intense light from the lamp engulfed her surroundings. The vibrant orange glow washed over her, casting a warm and comforting hue. The soothing beach sounds and intense lighting created an imposing illusion of a real sunset.

The giant stood seated at the table, blatantly using her own laptop, probably to develop even more unthinkable distorted deeds, but at least the janitor was far enough for her to momentarily lower her guard and put herself together, in body and mind.

The combination of the shrunken beach towel, her elegant bikini, and the giant, glowing light created a surreal atmosphere that for close to half an hour, transported her somehow to a refuge, a miniature paradise, without giant hands probing her most intimate and sacred body parts.

With a sense of calm washing over her, Victoria gazed up at the captivating light and allowed herself to drift away, momentarily forgetting the cruel faith of her reduced size.

But suddenly adrenaline surged within all her small being, breaking her almost sensual beach pose and causing her to retract her whole miniature beach figure, panicking within the confines of her colorful towel. The future publication of the video surged and loomed heavy over her, reminding next Monday, that before was a certain promise of freedom and maybe later revenge, turned now into a cruel and certain doomsday.

She would be very quickly thrown in an unstoppable hurricane of shame and degradation, from where there was simply no turning back. If Monday before, inspired the single vision of spreading her wings again, now it inspired the cruel image of an executioner's axe. No one on Earth had the right to do that to any person, it was just not right, much less to her, such a hard working, competent and successful CEO.

The flame of her determination burned brighter than ever, fueling a sudden resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead, total revolt, no matter the consequences, because besides death, nothing could be worse than next Monday.

As Victoria's relaxation turned into pure panic and than anger, her mind boiled over. Filled with a surge of adrenaline, she stood up fiercely, defiantly under the huge lamp, her tiny figure bathed in its intense orange light. In a fit of fury, she unleashed a torrent of powerful words against Mark, berating him for his actions and belittling him with every insult in the book. Each word carried the weight of her frustration and the force of her determination to stand up for herself.

With his little voice, equal to reality but much lower, she called Mark a deeply failed and envious man, a mere janitor, a nothing in her eyes. She ridiculed his misguided attempts at control and dominance, exposing his insecurities and shortcomings. If the Police could not catch him after Monday, she would endure her total fall from grace, but would put a huge bounty on his head, using all her savings to get criminals chasing him, after loosing it all, her top career leverage and all her earned social reach.

The words poured out like a fiery storm, fueled by her anger and her desire to break free from his grasp for once. Though her voice trembled with a mix of fear and rage, Victoria's defiance remained unwavering. She refused to be silenced or subdued, using the power of her tiny words to lash out at the man who had brought her so much anguish. Each insult served as a testament to her strength and resilience, a declaration that she would not allow herself to be controlled any longer.

In that moment, under the harsh orange glare of the lamp, Victoria found a voice she never knew she had since Friday night. She stood tall, feeling a liberating relief, her tiny figure radiating with a newfound sense of empowerment. Even if it was a suicide, she did not care anymore, no Monday is gona come ever to be lived and relived in shame and disgrace from then and onwards.

Victoria's fiery words filled the air, Mark's anger flared in a calculated and almost robotic response. With a sinister smile, he grabbed a massive bottle of water, the size of a space rocket for her, and without any warning, he continuously unleashed its contents upon her. The cold water cascaded down in a torrential downpour, drenching Victoria from head to toe.

The force of the water was staggering, knocking her off balance and drenching her tiny figure within seconds. It soaked through her clothes, saturating her bikini and weighing it down, smashing against her body like successive waves of punishment. The water splashed carelessly against her face, impeaching her shouting, blurring her vision and causing her hair to stick to her skin in heavy wet strands.

The punishing deluge seemed never-ending, the bottle of water seemingly bottomless as it continued to pour down upon her. Each wave felt like a relentless assault, leaving her gasping for breath and struggling to stay upright. The sheer force of the water threatened to sweep her away, but she somehow stood her ground, refusing to be washed away like dirt by the janitor's cruel intentions.

As the water subsided, leaving her dripping wet and shivering, Victoria's defiance remained unyielding. Though her over-soaked bikini clung uncomfortably to her body and her hair hung heavily with water, she refused to be silenced. The impact of the water had not extinguished the fire within her, but rather fueled her determination to stand strong against Mark's attempts to break her spirit.

Mark promptly acts, powerful, precise and with a cold indifference, wasting no time on even bothering with her momentary little show of rage. He grabbs her by her tiny waist, but right from the front, with anchored rugged fingers in the middle of her little figure, than coldly elevates her just enough to lay her standing by the desk lamp base, forcibly leaning her delicate backs against the giant vertical support. Despite her growing squirming and protests, that only served to expose her bikini in a more enticing fitting around her tiny breasts and pussy, while he kept firmly pinning her against the round post, swiftly started wrapping her torso with his free giant hand, drawing countless fast circles with a simple thin sewing line, a smooth but unbreakable rope for her, not even bothering to tie down a knot in the end.

The many rounds the line went around the metal column, encompassing along her arms and little figure, were more than enough of an undoable binding for her useless tiny squirms. Only her head and sexy heeled legs were paddling and fighting against no hope from to unleash her restrain.

Instead of using brute physical force, Mark employs a softer but very direct and clear approach, to prevent her from speaking out any longer. The janitor gently places his index finger against her lips and mouth, with his oppressive rugged warm tip, signaling and causing her to remain silent, an action both symbolic and physical. Victoria feels a constant powerful pressure from the massive digit, shutting her down from properly articulating mouth and lips, muffling all desperate attempts to impose any sounds and self-attitude, understanding that resistance would only lead to further pressure and even pain.

In this moment, her fiery spirit remained contained, while Mark recoiled his digit oppression and fetches her hairdrier, not shrunken, looming now giant and mechanical, right in front of her tied, little and sexy beach girl figure. Now Victory understood what he meant earlier when he told her not everything in her luggage would be useful in shrunken mode. Mark had tested it previously against his fingertips and knew the number one level setting would be enough to blow a lasting storm upon her, but without heating too much her minuscule body, so close he decided to open the gates of hell at her helpless and little captive exposure.

As the giant hairdryer roared to life, Victoria felt a rush of warm air enveloping her tiny figure. Mentally, she was filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, unsure of what was about to happen to her whole body. The gusts of air buffeted against her little figure, causing her bikini parts and sandals to flutter and sway. The intensity of the heat and force of the airflow made her feel smaller and more vulnerable than ever, like a mere leaf caught in a gusty wind.

Physically, Victoria could feel the overwhelming heat from the hairdryer against her skin, still soaked form the water punishment, the warm currents teasing her delicate frame. Her bikini clung to her body, still damp with a thousand droplets. The strands of her hair danced and twirled in the strong currents, as if caught in a miniature tornado.

Although the hairdryer's power was overwhelming compared to her miniature size, Victoria endured the experience as best as she could. Squirming and paddling her sexy heeled legs, so perfectly designed and lively, what started to over-excite the dangerous and unpredictable giant janitor, It was a real harsh test of her resilience and adaptability to Mark´s growing torturing ideas, but also a test to his most indulging urges and self control.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:58 pm

Chapter 22

If something could yet, at this point, be capable of making little sexy Victoria's world come crumbling down, it surely were the janitor's next dictated words. He thundered them, ominous and rude, while carelessly unwinding the many rounds of sewing line around the CEO's little torso, releasing her tiny body into the table, her legs shaking and failing her, as she surrenders into a tired and helpless pose on all fours.

- In half an hour from now you will get yourself completely naked, because we are going to eat a very long and fine meal, very soon, very close together, no fast food today.

And before she even reacts, the previous jar comes to constrain her, once again, in standing position, right at the table.

Victoria found herself confined within the thin, tall transparent jar, unable to sit or lay down comfortably. It was a confining space that restricted her movement and made her feel trapped. She peered out of the crystal clear walls, her gaze fixed on Mark as he meticulously arranged a lavish dinner on the table before her. Mark´s ray gun granted him the freedom to shrink whatever he wanted, easily transport it in tiny convenient size, than later return stuff to it´s normal size, when needed. Nothing was out of his reach, to calmly setup now, at the little CEO´s reclaimed office.

With meticulous precision, Mark placed exquisite china plates, gleaming silverware, and crystal glasses on the table. He adorned the space with delicate flowers, ensuring every detail was perfect. Candles were carefully positioned, their flickering flames casting a warm and inviting glow across the room. The tantalizing aroma of the prepared dishes filled the air, teasing Victoria's senses.

As Victoria observed Mark's careful preparations, she felt a mixture of frustration and bare curiosity. The elegance and effort put into the dinner probably meant they would take their time eating and not many torments would be imposed. She watched as Mark moved with purpose, his every action emphasizing the stark contrast between their sizes and their roles in this peculiar scenario.

While Victoria remained confined within the jar, still dressed in her bikini and sandals, Mark seemed unaffected by her presence. His focus was solely on creating the perfect ambiance for the evening ahead. It was a reminder of the power imbalance between them, where he held control over her destiny. Being naked during a whole long dinner, in front of the giant janitor, was always a bad prospect at all, since sometimes he could loose control over himself, but a dinner is a dinner and one of the best ways for people to put aside other urges.

As the minutes ticked by, Victoria's anticipation grew, unsure of what awaited her once the dinner was ready. She wondered if this elaborate setup was another part of Mark's calculated plan or if there was a glimmer of slight humanity beneath his façade, now the weekend was at mid-way. In her temporary captivity, she could only watch and wait, her emotions a whirlwind of apprehension and curiosity. Could she somehow manage to reach an agreement before Monday brought Hiroshima in ???

She was a harsh tactic negotiator, so surely the would always be a way, no matter how strange or twisted, to settle an agreement, she could give him 100.000$ or even quite more, if he just left her alone, unshrunk her and left for good, with no videos exposed, hell, she could manage to get him a Million Dollars if the deal really was worth it. But simply trying to buy her way out was obviously a no good tactic, because Mark was moved by convictions and not greed at all. He had still time to annoy her to her core, but that also meant she head still time also, to figure him out and turn things around.

A bright light at the end of the tunnel suddenly grew down on her, she was not a relative young CEO of that multinational, by being only a good negotiator and manipulator, she was a genius at both !!!

Mark meticulously set the table, ensuring every detail was in its rightful place. The ambiance was perfect, with soft candlelight casting dancing shadows across the room and a mouthwatering aroma lingering in the air. The dinner was ready, and Mark stood back, surveying his work with satisfaction.

Turning his attention to Victoria, who remained confined within the jar, he fixed her with a menacing gaze. With a hint of a smirk on his face, he asked her in a low, threatening tone if she was ready to take care of her own clothes or if he would have to do it himself once again.

His words hung in the air, filled with a mix of control and dominance. Victoria's heart raced as she contemplated her response. The memory of previous encounters flashed through her mind, reminding her of the consequences of defying his demands. She knew that resistance would only lead to further rages and consequent dangers.

Victoria swallowed hard. With a tinge of fear in her voice, she reluctantly replied that she would take care of her own clothes. It was a feeble attempt to assert some semblance of control over her own fate, even if it was a mere illusion.

Mark's eyes glinted with a combination of amusement and superiority as he observed her response. He held the ultimate authority over her, and his satisfaction was evident. As the dinner awaited them, Victoria couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation. She knew that her every move would be scrutinized, her compliance expected. Once again the more she could help to prolong the event, the less her time would be spent on active abuses and degradations.

Suddenly the giant stirred Victoria´s thoughts with the following words - I will take that jar away now and you have three simple choices, run across the table and jump to your death, run across the table to be grabbed and stripped by force to finally be thrown to the inside of my giant soup plate, or walk really close to me, slowly undress piece by piece and get ready to eat the soup.

As the cold hard glass is flown upwards by the janitor´s giant hand, the little CEO slowly walks towards him, getting boldly close, his half seated body towering over her with a giant spoon on his hand, merely gazing at her whole body and waiting, than with her head down in resignation and sadness, maybe in a twisted way to cause him some empathy, proceeds as he demanded, with the front of her perfect little body facing him.

Reaching for the upper bikini, she slowly and skillfully flexed her arms to reach for the thin strings and gently untied their little bow. Just like before, without rushing to pull it downwards, she leaned slightly to the front to allow the elegant piece to lean down loose, only than she carefully slid it down in a pace that managed to create an enticing show of her perky round tits to be revealed little by little, until it fell dow, leaving her precious nipples to tilt free and get enveloped by the fresh air of their exposure.

Before anything else, she paused, gazing slowly at the janitor and then down in her play of resigned submission. She than turned her backs to Mark, who allowed it patiently, sliding down her lower bikini in slow motion, allowing for the timely successive revelation of her perfectly round buttocks, turning her front slowly back to him, mid way of sliding the strings down along her delicate thighs, since she knew how important it was to let her tiny perfect pubic mount and little tight pussy, to be finally revealed facing his mesmerized obscene gaze.

The act of flexing over her own legs, to reach for the sandal´s little clutches, enhanced her whole figure and opened up, just a little bit, the narrow tight labia around her pussy, sending a hint of her inner slit, so tight and secretly hidden. She took her time with each sandal, feeling some relieve on the sensation of bare feet on the table´s smooth wood. All her well shaped womanhood was again exposed for the janitor, leaving no secrets to be kept, no sacred temples out of his obscene, devious and pervert reach.

Suddenly Mark erupts in a giant careless laugh, vast and loud and profane, all over her previous sacred office, such as spontaneous disdain for her, that his words had some difficulty to be articulated, yet Victoria just heard enough to be instantly hit by a whole running train of adrenaline and degradation. One of the giant´s hand was already over her little figure, enclosing fast and precise as usual, as the words started to turn all her reality upside down.

HA HA HA HA HAAA, You should have chosen the "run, be grabbed and be stripped" option, because it would spare you from putting up all that show, since you are going straight and right into my soup anyway, HA HA HA HA HAAA !!!

In an instant, her small figure was already enveloped by the warm and firm grip of his giant rugged fingers. The contrast between his colossal hand and her size always managed to send renewed shivers down her spine. It was never familiar, but always too much of a primal situation, too much unequal, too much overwhelming. The voluntary and purposed pressure of his grip, the irreducible strength of his hold, how she was effortlessly lifted from her space in forced vertigos. This time bare naked, It was a raw primal mixture of bare skin sensations, her whole body pressed from all sides against his palm, the sensation of the giant´s oversized rugged skin against her smooth own, and the pulsating awareness of her total vulnerability, as if she were a mere object shuffled under his whims.

Fear and anticipation mingled within her as she realized the extent of her physical vulnerability, just before being dropped without mercy into a giant plate of warm liquid soup, it simply left her breathless. The firmness of his grip conveyed his control, but the sudden opening of his grip, for her to fall, equally conveyed his control, she was nothing but a toy.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Mon Jun 05, 2023 11:21 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Sun Jun 04, 2023 9:07 pm

Chapter 23

Victoria plummeted through the air, until her descent was harshly slowed by the resistance of the soup below. As she splashed naked on the plate, the creamy liquid enveloped her whole little figure, submerging her entirely.

The sensations that coursed through Victoria's senses were overwhelming. The thick soup caressed her diminutive body from all sides at once, its warmth cocooning her like a silky embrace. The velvety texture clung to her skin, both comforting and confining, as if she had become a mere ingredient in this colossal culinary creation.

The aroma of the creamy soup engulfed her, its scent mingling with the dampness that surrounded her. It invaded her nostrils, filling her senses with a rich and savory fragrance that evoked both hunger and revulsion. If she could properly stand, the soup would only reach bellow her breasts, but she couldn´t stand at all.

As Victoria struggled to regain her composure and stand to get her chest above the cream, a giant spoon loomed close, shoved in and slowly stirred her whole pool around the edges. She felt the gentle undulations of the soup, the slight movements causing ripples that rocked her tiny naked form. The sensation was akin to being adrift on a miniature sea, at the mercy of the currents that threatened to swallow her whole.

The janitor than shouted - Flavor my soup you little corporate bitch, I wanna feel you all over when I taste it. And just as you do with your slaves, I kept my part of the bargain on the 3 options I gave you, just think on what I literally said and not what you assumed I was promising, ha ha ha ha haaa !!!

She kept trying to show dome self control, but as the soup rubbed like velvet against every form and secret part of her, each movement to get some balance and stand was a struggle, her once proud fluid strides were now reduced to clumsy, floundering motions within the viscous waving liquid.

Mark was enjoying every moment, stirring around the edges even faster, creating a thick creamy whirl that dragged the little naked CEO into a forced circular dance, barely surfacing her head and tiny hands. The wavy movements allowed him moments of brief disclosures into her sexy naked figure, shoulders, hips, breasts, backs, buttocks, calves and feet. There was no time to gaze at them, but they were all there, popping out amidst the stormy thick liquid.

When the giant finally decided to stop, she painfully crawled and emerged from the soup, dripping and clinging to her delicate frame. Exhausted and disheveled, she laid at the plate's shallow edge, almost completely dressed in a thin cream film, that enclosed around her every shapes.

Once again, Mark spoke - Now slurp what you can from that edge and don't you dare to fake it, cause I will make you go around the soup again until you eat some !!!

She kept laying totally dizi at the edge but, just like an animal, at the brink of fainting, convincingly slurped some of the giant cream. Her previously empty stomach thanking for the warm relief.

Mark powerfully scooped Victoria out of the soup plate's edge, ensuring a firm vertical grip on her tiny form. He placed her in a large jar filled with clean water, making sure to slowly stir her delicate frame.

Victoria felt the water enveloping her, chilling her from head to toe, in contrast with a soup, but providing a sense of relief and cleansing. As Mark swirled the water around with her own body, she could feel the dizzying movement again, but this time bringing a deep washing sensation against her skin.

He plunged her down a few times, but bringing her up to allow for breathing, ensuring every inch of her was rinsed clean, taking extra care not to let her slip from his precise grasp.

Despite her initial apprehension, Victoria found solace in the water, grateful for the thorough wash that left her feeling somehow refreshed. But when she expected him to lower her somewhere on the dinner scene, his words hit her like hammers once again.

- Now my little businesswoman, let's taste the meal together, I cut it all in small pieces that you can grab with those sexy little hands.

The giant janitor laid the CEO seating in one curved palm and immediately pinned only her ankles together with the free hand, bringing her upwards to dangle upside down.

Victoria found herself trapped in the clutches of the giant janitor. As she dangled helplessly, upside down in his hand, a sense of terror washed over her. The cold grip around her ankles sent shivers down her spine, and her heart raced with fear. Shy tried to make sense if his last words, but couldn't, yet he quickly made her understand.

The giant janitor's sinister laugh echoed through the dimly lit room, chilling her to the bone. With every swing of his massive hand, Victoria felt a sickening rush of adrenaline, her hair brushing against the air in the void as her little arms and hands hung suspended.

The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, intensifying the nightmarish scene unfolding before her. The giant hand held her tiny hands right above some tiny pieces of tasty cooked meat, than waited for her to put together the giant's words and grab a piece, the size of a heavy basketball to her scale.

Victoria's imagination ran wild as she contemplated the horrors that awaited her in this macabre new act. She would be dangled down and up, as a living human fork that the janitor would expect to pick his food from the plate and drop it in his monstrous mouth.

The giant janitor's malevolent gaze bore into her, his eyes gleaming with a sadistic pleasure derived from her frustration.
Last edited by Hand-Holder on Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Holydays at the Office

Post by Hand-Holder » Mon Jun 05, 2023 4:17 pm

Chapter 24

As Victoria's eyes darted around, she couldn't help but notice the intricacies of the janitor's massive hand. The lines and creases on his palm, the rough texture of his skin, and the strength behind his grip were all magnified to an extraordinary degree.

As she finally touched a rugged and warm piece of cooked meet, sensing it weird and heavy, Mark launched a final disquieting instruction - Don't you drop that food until it is right at my throat. As Victoria dangled upside down in the giant janitor's hand, her heart raced again. She could feel the blood rushing to her head, and the sensation of being completely at the mercy of the giant was overwhelming as it had never been.

Effectively, nothing would run exactly as expected in this already very unequal wicked games, the janitor always managed to surprise her for the worst. Barely loosing her tiny hands grasp on the food she held, she promptly squeezed her little grip on it, because her ankles were being already powerfully lifted, bringing her naked dangling task upwards to the giant's mouth, that loomed right below the food.

Victoria's heart raced as she beheld the vast expanse of the giant´s open mouth, its cavernous depths awaiting her offering. Determined not to be overwhelmed by fear, she stretched downwards the big piece of food, like an offering, as her ankles were starting to be lowered, to the point she was already half way inside the dark, wet and very lively cavern. Her tiny hand trembled as she dropped the morsel into the giant's waiting throat, barely visible now since only her waist and legs remained dangled outside.

The food pieces, giant to her, were small enough not to choke the janitor, allowing him space and time for what he really wanted with all this ritualistic dangled human feeder. After the food disappeared in the darkness of the giant´s throat, the dangling grasp did not raise Victoria back into the light, instead the janitor´s giant lips enclosed powerfully around her waist, wet and extremely tight.

Victoria´s whole naked body was only than pulled upwards, slowly and tight, to force her nakedness to slide, slippery but squeezed, all over the giant´s oppressive lips. Mark was savoring every tiny and delicate curve of his little CEO as her naked wet body was obscenely tasted between two oppressive and somehow opposite forces, the ankles grip pulling her out, but the lips grasp delaying her journey.

Adjusting the pressure of his lips according to each passing curve and shape, he took his time savoring each and every naked details of the helpless little CEO, waist, belly, torso, tits, neck, face, arms and little hands

Mark knew she couldn´t handle many of these journeys, since being upside-down would quickly take a toll on her physical condition and spatial awareness, but that did not prevented him to repeat the process at least 3 more times, enjoying much more the taste of her body squeezing outwards, than any nice piece of food she was bringing.

Finally, as she was laid on an empty and cold porcelain plate, Victoria couldn´t react in any way or form, so tired and dizzy she was, overwhelmed by the endlessly repeated ordeals. She was used in two very different and objectifying ways, as a slave feeding her master and as a sexual treat for him to taste, invade and abuse.

Mark paused and tried to adjust the over-powering hard on he had inside his tight trousers, never tired to admire Victoria´s perfect nude shapes, even laid still, surrendered in the empty plate. With that beautiful lively figure laying with her face down, offering him the tempting sight of her delicate arched backs and perky round buttocks, he felt a sudden urge to grab the ray-gun, unshrink her to half size and fuck her right there, from above and from behind, against the cold ceramic plate, the ultimate arousing treat, a one time offering from the Gods to his lust.

But the dinner was far from over and Victoria would have to deal with a bit more of challenges, before being allowed to go to bed.
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