GT looking for SW to RP with (New Prompts Added!)

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Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:38 pm

GT looking for SW to RP with (New Prompts Added!)

Post by Kooplan » Tue Jun 13, 2023 5:26 pm

Hey all, I've been playing size-related RPs online for a while now. I've got a bit of experience, but I thought it would be fun to try and wrangle up some potential RP partners and see who would like to play out some SW scenarios. I'm also pretty open to just about anything, as long it involves me shrinking a girl/a girl shrinking around me. Usually, I like to play more dominate/playful giants, but like I said, I'm flexible on most aspects. Not sure how long I should make this message, but I figured I'd just try and hit all the major points. So, at the risk of just listing off bullet points, here goes!

What I'm looking for in an RP partner/What you can expect from me:

- Patience. Probably the #1 thing above all. If we start to play out a scene, I understand you won't be online all the time, and so I like to say feel free to take as long as you need to respond. Whether that be a day, a week, or even longer, just let me know and I'll be happy to return when you're ready to pick it up again. Just allow me the same courtesy, because I tend to take a while to formulate a response.

- Detail. Usually I like to write my replies anywhere from a couple of sentences all the way up to several paragraphs, depending on what's happening in the RP. Short replies are fine. I just expect anyone I RP with to be able and willing to at least try and go into some level of detail about the scene and how your character feels about it, because otherwise I'll feel like I'm putting in all the work, and that's not really fun for me. Also, typically like to write all of my RPs in 3rd Person, preferably.

- Someone who enjoys building a story as much as going into the more sexual stuff. I'm not going to say we'd need to recreate "Lord of the Rings" or anything like that, but for me, having a good set-up and consistent story really goes a long way in the enjoyment of RPing. It probably goes without saying, but good characters that we can get attached to are also a BIG plus! Basically, I like RPs with about a 60/40 plot-to-smut ratio

- Communication. Along with everything above, I do like to talk about the RP outside of it. Give me your feedback, suggest things during it, etc. I'm sure to do this as well, so don't be afraid to say what you'd like to happen or if you didn't really like a scene! I can't promise to always oblige, but I'll listen, and at the very least offer a compromise in such cases.

- Shrinking. Lots of shrinking! I love pretty much all sizes! From as big as 4 feet tall, all the way down to as small as Microscopic! Slow shrinking is always fun, too. I like to include multiple shrinking "stages" in most RPs, but it's also fun to just get right down to the usual tiny sizes of a few inches tall and such. Micro is my sweet spot, which I consider anything an inch or smaller. So, if you want to include anything Micro SW in the RP, that's a BIG PLUS in my book! :lol:

General Kinks and Likes:
- Cruel
- Submission
- Humiliation
- Bondage
- Incest
- Non-Con
- Dub-Con
- Role Reversal (I.E. shrinking a female boss or authority figure)

---(also into less domination-focused RPs, too)---

- Gentle
- Romantic
- Consensual
- Hand-Holding (😂)
- Slice of Life
- Modern or Fantasy Settings

What I Don't Like:
- Snuff
- Gore
- Scat
- Futa
- Furries
- Cuckolding/NTR

If all of that doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world, feel free to hit me up! I'm always down to chat and meet new friends, or just jump into a scene after getting to know a bit about what we both like/dislike. I'm open to all kinds of scenarios, of which I have a few that I like to play out that we can discuss in PMs, and others that we can just create on our own.

Last edited by Kooplan on Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Shrink Aprentice
Shrink Aprentice
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:38 pm

Re: GT looking for SW to RP with

Post by Kooplan » Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:16 pm

Still looking for RP partners!

Here's some prompts that I've liked to use in the past for some inspiration(I've got plenty more in mind, too):

Shrinking Scientists:
A scientist and their assistant invent the world's first shrink ray. A monumental breakthrough that redefines the laws of physics. However, tests still need to be run, namely on human subjects. You volunteer to go under the shrink ray's beams, either playing as the brilliant professor who created the device and wants to test it on herself, or as assistant to my scientist that is all too eager to please. Either way, once you start shrinking, my character decides that he likes you better small. So, instead of ending the test where we agreed on, I shrink you even tinier and keep you for myself.

Sibling Scuffle:
We're twins that have moved into an apartment together. I'll play the brother, you play the sister. It's our first time away from our parents, and we're both very glad to be on our own. Our shared bond as twins has kept us inseparable for our entire lives, so of course we had to move in together while attending college. However, just because we love each other as siblings, doesn't mean we don't get into fights. We both like to prank each other, but one day either you or I go too far, resulting in a big argument. You storm into your room, while I get upset and head for mine. What you don't know is that I have my biggest prank yet planned, involving my brand new shrink ray that I intend to use on you. It was meant as a little joke, but now that I'm mad, things might escalate beyond expectations.

Valentine's Day:
We're a young, possibly married, couple madly in love with each other. One day, I confide in you about my fetish for shrinking women, very nervous to revel my deepest fantasy. You assured me that there was nothing weird about that, and even try to include some role-playing in bed where you pretended to be shrinking for real after that day. Well, soon comes Valentine's Day and you have the perfect gift in mind, a real-life shrink ray! I come home after work, holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates as your gifts, and call out for you. You beckon me to our bedroom, laying on the bed and wearing your sexiest lingerie, while also holding something I've never seen before. It's a shrink ray, you explain. I don't believe you at first. Shrink ray's don't really exist, but you insist you found it online somehow. I smirk, playing along and taking the device from you. Not expecting anything, I playfully aim it at you and press the button. Immediately, you shrink down! Who would have guessed shrink ray's were actually real, and who knows how different our relationship will be from now on..?

I'm the Boss/You're the Boss:
We work together. Our professional relationship could be nice and friendly, or hectic and stressful. In this scenario, I could play as your boss, or you could play as mine. Either way, it turns out that our company is working on developing experimental shrink rays. Something comes up that causes some trouble, and then the RP can start in two ways. Either I storm in as the boss demanding to know what's keeping production behind schedule from my assistant(you), and then I get more upset with your weak excuses and shrink you down to size; or you storm in as the boss threatening to fire me, the lead engineer on the shrink ray technology, but I snap and decide to shrink you out of anger and revenge. Both end up with you shrunken down to tiny size and being taken home by me to do whatever I please with your now tiny body, and in both cases I'm not happy, and I don't intend on growing you back to normal any time soon...

Unrequited Love:
We go to the same college. Everybody knows you. You're the hottest chick on campus! Meanwhile, I'm just a regular nerd who gets pushed around and ignored. Naturally, I have a crush on you, but what can I do about it? My inadequacies prevent me from even looking you in your eyes whenever our paths happen to cross. However, I do have one thing going for me. My gifted skills with technology. Somehow, I've managed to build my very own shrink ray. I rush through testing it out, and decide immediately who my first human test subject is going to be. You. Maybe I feel a little more courageous after completing my masterpiece, so I decide to ask you out for real, get rejected, and decide to shrink you out of "revenge". Or maybe I just sneak up on you and zap you down to size. Whatever the case, you end up as the most beautiful tiny woman I've ever seen, and in the hands of a guy who you didn't even know existed until a moment ago. Still feel like rejecting me?

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