
Post your pictures of shrunken or otherwise tiny women in here
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Re: pics

Post by Teenytinyone » Wed Jun 28, 2023 7:09 pm

Hehehehe maybe it's not the best idea of be passive aggressive to the people who can grow you back...


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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:21 am

Maria was happy that her shrunken sister was coping well with her new lot in life. Many who got the shrinking virus had a hard time acclimating to their new perspective, but not her sister Kristy. The kids loved having a doll-sized aunt around to play with and from all appearances, Kristy was enjoying the attention. It wasn’t long though before some issues started to arise. As much as Maria adored her sister, she did have a few flaws, as people do. Hers was having an above average need for attention and when she didn’t get that attention, things could become volatile. Used to it was her boyfriends that were on the receiving end of her wrath, but now it appeared that toys were the new targets of the little lady’s frustrations. More specifically, the favorite toys of her kids. Seemed little Kristy didn’t appreciate her giant nieces and nephews playing with their other toys when they had a perfectly adorable living one at their feet. Kirsty’s denial of her jealously almost came off adorable, ridiculous as it was.

“I don’t know what happened to Mr. Snuggles.”

“…Must have fell off the shelf and landed on a pencil?”


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Re: pics

Post by DocRick » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:05 am

McShrinker wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:21 am
Maria was happy that her shrunken sister was coping well with her new lot in life. Many who got the shrinking virus had a hard time acclimating to their new perspective, but not her sister Kristy. The kids loved having a doll-sized aunt around to play with and from all appearances, Kristy was enjoying the attention. It wasn’t long though before some issues started to arise. As much as Maria adored her sister, she did have a few flaws, as people do. Hers was having an above average need for attention and when she didn’t get that attention, things could become volatile. Used to it was her boyfriends that were on the receiving end of her wrath, but now it appeared that toys were the new targets of the little lady’s frustrations. More specifically, the favorite toys of her kids. Seemed little Kristy didn’t appreciate her giant nieces and nephews playing with their other toys when they had a perfectly adorable living one at their feet. Kirsty’s denial of her jealously almost came off adorable, ridiculous as it was.

“I don’t know what happened to Mr. Snuggles.”

“…Must have fell off the shelf and landed on a pencil?”


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Re: pics

Post by Teenytinyone » Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:50 am

McShrinker wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:21 am
Maria was happy that her shrunken sister was coping well with her new lot in life. Many who got the shrinking virus had a hard time acclimating to their new perspective, but not her sister Kristy. The kids loved having a doll-sized aunt around to play with and from all appearances, Kristy was enjoying the attention. It wasn’t long though before some issues started to arise. As much as Maria adored her sister, she did have a few flaws, as people do. Hers was having an above average need for attention and when she didn’t get that attention, things could become volatile. Used to it was her boyfriends that were on the receiving end of her wrath, but now it appeared that toys were the new targets of the little lady’s frustrations. More specifically, the favorite toys of her kids. Seemed little Kristy didn’t appreciate her giant nieces and nephews playing with their other toys when they had a perfectly adorable living one at their feet. Kirsty’s denial of her jealously almost came off adorable, ridiculous as it was.

“I don’t know what happened to Mr. Snuggles.”

“…Must have fell off the shelf and landed on a pencil?”
Hahaha oh my gosh, a sw horror movie

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Re: pics

Post by DocRick » Thu Jun 29, 2023 1:36 pm

Teenytinyone wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 11:50 am
McShrinker wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:21 am
Maria was happy that her shrunken sister was coping well with her new lot in life. Many who got the shrinking virus had a hard time acclimating to their new perspective, but not her sister Kristy. The kids loved having a doll-sized aunt around to play with and from all appearances, Kristy was enjoying the attention. It wasn’t long though before some issues started to arise. As much as Maria adored her sister, she did have a few flaws, as people do. Hers was having an above average need for attention and when she didn’t get that attention, things could become volatile. Used to it was her boyfriends that were on the receiving end of her wrath, but now it appeared that toys were the new targets of the little lady’s frustrations. More specifically, the favorite toys of her kids. Seemed little Kristy didn’t appreciate her giant nieces and nephews playing with their other toys when they had a perfectly adorable living one at their feet. Kirsty’s denial of her jealously almost came off adorable, ridiculous as it was.

“I don’t know what happened to Mr. Snuggles.”

“…Must have fell off the shelf and landed on a pencil?”
Hahaha oh my gosh, a sw horror movie
If it was Chuckie instead of Mr. Snuggles, the ending would have been a bit different. :twisted:

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Re: pics

Post by LittleNikki » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:17 pm

It's just one of them whachamacallits...coincidences.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:54 pm

LittleNikki wrote:
Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:17 pm
It's just one of them whachamacallits...coincidences.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:55 pm

Sarah was at least happy that the variant of the shrinking virus she contracted only brought her down to a class 2 shrinkee. In her mind, she could continue living life without a whole lot of adjustments in her routine. She believed this so much so that when she got back to her hometown from her junior year at college, she believed she could pick her summer babysitting job again without any issue. All those shrinkee empowerment marches Sarah attended really did alter her idea of what small people could achieve. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the young woman to understand that there was a significant difference between ideas and reality.

“You two are going to be in so much trouble when you mom gets home.”

“Timmy, you give me back my pants right now mister!”

“Katy! You stop dangling my phone above my head and hand it over.”

“That’s it! I’m counting to three!”




“…F..four” (edited)


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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Jul 01, 2023 8:22 pm

Mark and Sarah Towers were the envy of many couples. Recently married with no children they had their whole lives ahead of them. They have a beautiful home on a picturesque street that’s received the counties most beautiful neighborhood three years in a row. Unfortunately the couple found out that all dreams come to an end eventually. With the emergence of the shrinking virus, Mark and Sarah both found out they were receptive to the strange illness by both testing positive after coming back from a winter vacation in the Caribbean.

Sarah revived the SV-3A variant. A slow and constant virus that took inches from the victim every day. Mark had gotten the SV-2C. This caused a person to shrink in spurts to varying degrees for an uncertain amount of time. Due to the particular variants, doctors could not tell when the shrinking would stop or just how small the couple would end up. They left doctors never feeling more uncertain about their future with the only medical advice of “drink plenty of water.”

As time passes, their vows are put to the test in their little neighborhood as the world continues to spin.

As her size dwindles, Sarah wonders if she can hold onto her man. Between their divorcée neighbor who has the hots for Mark and the local teen babysitter that Mark is always giving double takes, it feels like a challenge that is ever growing.

Can Mark regain his self-esteem when even toddler furniture is beginning to dwarf him. How is a man suppose to feel like a man when he has to avoid walking down the sidewalk during certain times of the day so the local gradeschoolers wont bully him.

Can either of them contend with nosy and imposing real estate agent who has her own agenda. What better way to sell a house than to get the previous home owners labeled as shrinkee incompetents and have them assigned to a guardian.

(Excerpt for would-be-story)

“Well, what do you think?”

“…I don’t get it…is this suppose to be for me?”


Mark was hoping for a little more enthusiasm from what he had accomplished. Their neighbor Julia was looking for a place to store some of her kid’s things that they had outgrown and Mark thought it was a good opportunity to get some furniture that they could better use at their current size. “I mean I know its still a bit large for you to use but....”

“A bit large! Honey, look at me. This stuff is gigantic to me. And what about all this other stuff? Why did you turn our guest room into a nursery?
Mark rubbed the back of back of his neck. “Its Julia’s….she was looking to get rid of most of it and I thought it would be a good opportunity acquire furniture our size”

“Your size! It would have been more useful for you to get a dollhouse if you were thinking about me. Don’t get all cocky because you think you have stopped shrinking. You just as likely to get as small as me if not smaller. Then we’ll see how great it is to be dwarfed by all this toddler shit.”
Mark hid the start of a smile. At her tiny size, Sarah looked especially cute when she got angry, but now was not the time.

“I guarantee you the only reason our house is now full of someone else’s clutter is so that giant bitch will have another reason to stop in and check on her “little neighbor.”

“Oh come on, she is just trying to be helpful.” Mark did his best to deescalate. Any time Julia was brought up in a conversation there was potential for a fight. In all honesty the woman had been especially friendly with him ever since his shrinking had begun. The last thing he would have expected was that some women might be attracted to a shrinking man but he wasn’t complaining. It was one of the few things that a was balm to his bruised ego.

“Pshhh, that Amazonian milf is trying to adopt you as her fourth kid. It’s a good thing your such a fan of this stuff because if she has it her way, you’ll be sleeping in a crib.”

Mark rolled his eyes, “Would you like some help down from there?”


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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:03 am


Richard’s Journal

Monday, October 3rd

Miss Rose has everyone in our class starting a journal to practice penmanship. I don’t think I would know what to write but a lot has happened in the last few days so here goes.

Last Friday something strange happened. I don’t really know what it was, but Dad and I got back early from a baseball game he took me to on Friday and was mad when he came back downstairs. He just said that Mom and Alice, that’s my babysitter, were being naughty. I don’t know what they could have been doing. I’m not sure why Alice was at our house anyways. She only ever comes over when my mom and dad have to go somewhere and need to have a babysitter at the house.

The next day things got weird but really cool. I didn’t see mom anywhere the next morning and dad was gone as well. I just ate cereal and watched Saturday cartoons. When dad did come through the door, he seemed a lot happier and had a gift for me. It wasn’t my birthday, but I was super excited. He gave me a white box and told me to be careful with it. When I opened it up it mom and Alice! But they were minis! They couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 inches in size at a 1/12th scale.

I didn’t know much about minis other than what a few kids at school told me about them. Apparently, Eric’s aunt had become a mini and lived at a mini resort. She would visit every now and then and he would play with her. Many of the kids were jealous of Eric for having a mini aunt.

I was super excited and a bit confused. I had never overheard anything about mom or Alice wanting to become a mini and by the way they were huddled together scared in the box, they hadn’t planned on it either.

Dad said that both women had agreed to become mini’s as to make up for them being naughty. He said that they were now my property and my responsibility. Dad always scratches the right side of his beard when he is telling fib so I knew that they didn’t want to become minis, but I didn’t care. This was the best day ever! All the kids at school were going to be jealous that I had not just one but two minis.

Monday, October 10th

Training has been slow but good. I don’t think Mom or Alice was ever expecting to have to take orders from me. They have new pet names, but I can tell they haven’t gotten used to them yet. Mom is now Tootsie, short for tootsie pop. And Alice is Pixy like the pixistick. I’ve been watching a lot of videos on training minis and I think its helped allot. I think they are finally starting to get used to not having clothes. They at least aren’t trying to cover themselves all the time. I didn’t mind though. It was kind of cute watching them get all embarrassed when I looked at them.

They are quicker to respond to commands since I introduced Mr. Paddle. Its really just a popsicle stick that I kept instead of throwing away. Im having to use it less which is a good sign. Though they will test my patients when they can just to try and show that they are “adults” But know when I’m being serious when I pull Mr. Paddle out of my pocket and order them to grab their ankle. Its pretty cute to watch.

Dad says we’re taking them to the vet tomorrow to get their trackers installed. I’m super happy about this. I wouldn’t want anything to happen where I couldn’t find them.

Monday, October 17th

I’m really excited for this Friday. Show&Tell is this week and of course I’m going to bring Tootsie and Pixie. Tommy is going to be so jealous when he sees! They have gotten better about their obedience. I’ll let them get away with most thing as long as they know that I am in charge. I am worried about them being around people though. Since they have shrunk, I think I’m the only one they have gotten used to being around. Dad leaves their care to me and only checks up on them maybe once a week. I did invite Greg over last weekend to get them used to other people. I could tell they were not fans of that but its something they will just need to get used to. Mom use to be a school administrator at our school and pixie was Greg’s babysitter as well before she got minned. Greg was pretty stoked to see the two tiny women now that they were all tiny and naked and stuff. He had fun giving them orders and making them do tricks I had taught them. He wanted to borrow one of them but I’m not ready for something like that. I think both of my mins were happy that I said no. Tootsie is really nervous about Show&Tell. She says she doesn’t want the people she used to work with to see her all naked and small. I’ve told her not to worry and that everyone was going to love her. She keeps asking me to at least give her clothing. She’s so silly, she is a mini now, she doesn’t have to worry about things like clothing. Those are for big people. I don’t think that helped her nervousness but oh well. She is going to have to get used to being out in public as my mini and it might as well be now. Pixie is pretty quite about the whole thing. Unlike mom I think she has gotten used to the idea of being a mini or at least she seems a bit calmer about the whole thing. She did babysit a lot of the kids in my class and I think she is nervous about seeing them all giant and stuff. It’s going to be a fun Friday, I can’t wait.

Monday, October 24th

This month has been awesome! Last Friday was awesome! Everyone in class including Ms. Rose loved that I bought Tootsie and Pixie. I think some of the other kids thought I was just making the whole thing up. I guess I can’t really blame them. Shrunken parents are something talked about but who would have ever thought that I would get a mini mom out of the blue? Anyways, when it was my turn, I had my minis stand on the teachers desk while I talked about how its been having them as pets. Some of them had never even seen a mini so there was a lot of chatter and giggles at their size and nakedness. When I got done talking, I showed them how much progress I had made in their training by having them do some simple tricks like roll over and sit.

After Ms. Rose informed the class that they had to be extra gentle, I was allowed to let them be passed around and held by the other students. I could tell the Tootsie and Pixie did not like that idea but it went pretty well. All the students got their turn to handle my minis. Most of the boys just poked and prodded, fascinated at having a woman in their hands. The girls cooed them like little kittens, petting and snuggling them against their cheeks. Only Tommy got a bit too rough with his inspections and Ms. Rose made him pass Tootsie on to the other students before he could do any real harm.

Everyone like being able to hold an adult in their hands. My mom had worked at the school before as an administrator, so we all knew her as someone who was in charge. I think everyone enjoyed being able to hold control over someone like that. Even Ms. Rose looked like she enjoyed handling the minis, especially Tootsie. I guess since my mom used to be her boss, they were happy to see each other again, at least I know Ms. Rose was. She had a smile on her face the second I removed Tootsie from her carrying case. Mom didn’t seem too happy, but then again she was pretty nervous the whole day. Though she had no reason to be, I told her she was going to do great.

My teacher had fun giving the minis orders and seeing how well they obeyed. Mom had that frown on her face that said she really didn’t want to be doing what she was doing, but she was a good girl and followed orders anyways. I am really proud of her.

Someone suggested that we let them say hi to the class pet Sgt. Scruffy. Everyone thought that was a great idea, so I dropped the pair in his cage and we all gathered around to see how well the pets got along. It took a moment for Scruffy to walk over and sniff at his new house mates. Mom and Pixie kept backing away because Scruffy was trying to sniff their butts but I told them to be still and allow it. Everyone thought that was super funny. Scruffy was easily won over when I told my minis to go ahead and give his head a scratch. Kimberly said that they should try and ride it and so they did. Everyone was laughing down at them as they rode Scruffy around the cage like a horse. Mom was clinging to Pixie as they bounced from one end of the cage to the other. It was a funny sight with their boobies bouncing up and down like they were.

The day couldn’t have gone any better. Eric suggested that when his aunt came back to visit that we could hang out and introduce our minis to one another. Though his aunt was a 1/3 and mine were much smaller at 1/12 it would still be cool. His aunt would be a giantess to mine and would be an interaction I’d want to see.

Amy Johnson invited me to her birthday party next weekend. Amy Johnson! She like the prettiest, coolest girl in my grade. She really liked Tootsie and Pixy. She repeatedly told me how cute they were and how she wished she could shrink her mom into a mini.

Ms. Rose complimented me on how well behaved my pets were given how short of time that I had owned them. I told her about Mr. Paddle, and she laughed quite a bit at that. She said that if I bring a pic of Tootsie getting her spanking next time that I would get extra credit, score! She said that it must be nice that my mom doesn’t have to work anymore and I’m not sure if I said the wrong thing, but offered to be her owner if she ever wanted to stop working and become a mini. Her cheeks got all red and she stuttered a few times before saying I was a silly boy.

And I know that you read these journals to grade Ms. Rose. Just know that I didn’t mean anything by it, just that I think you would make a good mini and I wouldn’t use Mr. Paddle on you unless necessary.

But yeah, I’m really proud of Tootsie and Pixie. They didn’t back talk anyone and were perfect little pets. Though they were a bit worn out at the end of the day. I could tell all that being handled so much had really taken it out of them. To reward them, I heated up a bowl of milk so they could take a milk bath on my desk while I did homework that evening.

I’m looking forward to this weekend. Amy’s party is this Friday and my two pets are going to have another outing. Just hope it goes as well as last time.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:00 am


It’s a common tale of caution for those going on vacation to certain countries. Watch your drinks and make sure no might have slipped you something. In days past it was Rohypnol that was the culprit. But with the mini pill becoming more common, one might say that the stakes have been raised.

Mark and Wendy had thought they had met an interesting friend while on vacation in Cancun. A young lady who had seemed up to the idea of a threesome with the couple. But after a night of wild fun at their hotel room, the couple woke up to see that their size had been reduced to half. With the young and now giant culprit taking a shower, the couple hop out of the window to avoid capture. Now they must traverse the resort, seeking a way back to the states and more importantly a way back to normal, for everyone knows there is a deadline for the mini antidote/

Getting help won’t be that easy as minis are a hot commodity, especially unregistered ones. It doesn’t help that each shrinking spurt is followed by an almost convulsive arousal that can’t be ignored.

Just how small with they shrink? Can they trust anyone to help them in their predicament? Are they destined to be pets for the rest of their lives?

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:23 am


Sweetie, that was a naughty little prank. but mommy will forgive you if you give me the reversal pill. Honey, there is only so long I can stay this long before it becomes permanent. You wouldn't want at mini-mom right? Tell you what, you give me the reversal pill and Ill get you a mini of your own. Honey?

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:11 pm


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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:31 am


When the shrinking virus eventually brings your size down to where its the kids handling the household discipline instead of you...

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:57 am


“Seeee! I told you it was real!” Jacob stepped back smugly folding his arms and allowing his friend to see what he had been up to the past few days. Tommy had the nerve to call him a lair twice after he had told his friend what he had found and what the thing he had found did.

“Holy cow! This is… I mean holy cow!” Jacob smiled at his friends shocked expression that was painted on his face.

“I know right? I couldn’t believe it at first either.”

“So like, you were able to do this because of that thing you found at the construction site?”

“Yeah, it was buried in some gravel next to one of those big dozers. I think it’s been there for a long time. I didn’t realize what it was until it went off in my hands and it turned that dozer into a toy. Jacob pointed at a very realistic toydozer sitting on a dresser.

“I can’t believe you used it on people!” Tommy gingerly reached out and poked the bottom of the largest one, giggling it caused her to loose her balance and stumble. “Why are they so still, can they not speak anymore?”

“Oh, they can talk. Each of them had quite a bit to say when I first shrank them. But I have been training them since then. Just simple tricks and how to behave.”

“Cooool, you’re like their master now!”

“Yeah pretty much, a few of them still need some lessons in manners but they are getting there. I haven’t had to use this as much.” Jacob held up popsicle stick that would have been a very large paddle to the tiny women standing at attention.

“Hehe, what are they all naked and stuff?”

“They were pretty mouthy even though they were small. I guess they thought they were still in charge. But I noticed that after I removed their clothes they got allot more quite and shy. I prefer it like this, I think they are embarrassed about being all naked. I think it’s pretty cute.”

“So who are they? I can’t tell with them facing away like that. And why are they different sizes?”

“Yeah, I was testing out the settings on the device, still don’t have it down just yet but I’m getting the hang of it. But the one on the right is Ms. Brown…”

“No way! That’s our teacher? I was wondering why we had a sub today!”

“Yeah, she was my first, I had just finished testing the gun on the neighbor’s dog when I saw her driving by in that white car of hers. I wanted to see if I could shrink a car with a person inside and it turns out I can. I kept her but tossed the car in the garbage. She hasn’t been too bad, mostly quite. I’ve only had to use Mr. Spanky on her a few times.

“To her left is Kimberly, she has been my favorite so far.” Jacob patted her on the top of the head affectionately.”

“Ha ha, you shrunk your babysitter?”

“Yeah I thought why not. I like her a lot but never liked it when she would leave. This way I can keep her around as much as I want. She is the only one I haven’t had to use Mr. Spanky on. She has been pretty chatty but I think its because she likes the whole shrinking thing. I feel like she is the only one who realizes how cool this all is.”

“Ha, that’s Awesome. Way to be a good girl, Kimberly!”

The little babysitter turned her head and gave a half smile up at the two giant boys

“So, what about the one in the middle, she looks like a toddler next to Kimberly.”

“That there is Principal Miller”, Jacobs chest puffed up with an air of superiority.

Tommy was in awe, “No way, how did you manage to bag her!”

She is actually the newest member of my little ladies club. I shrunk her before leaving school today. It was pretty awesome. I just walked into her office and pointed the device at her. She had already starting to yell about how boy’s shouldn’t barge into her office and so on. I didn’t hear the rest of it because I cut her short…Ha, get it?” But yeah, I used her to play with the settings on the device. I wanted her smaller than Kimberly but still don’t really know what these symbols mean. I got a better idea after shrinking her. She is about the size I was going for. It was easy to pick her up and drop her in my pocket after that. You should have heard the way she was squeaking. I told the other girls to make her feel welcome and to explain the rules when I got home. I think she is still trying to understand what is going on. As mean as she was at school, she got pretty shy once she settled down. She didn’t even complain when I told her to strip. Just started to take her clothes off while looking around.”

“Hehe, yeah she has a skinny butt! Can’t believe Meany Miller is a scaredy cat now.”

Jacob shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t mind, I only had to pop her with the stick once for not listening, but she is super obedient now.” Jacon was happy that despite the boys talking about them, not of the tiny women turned around to protest. He would have to give them a treat later.

“Okay now what about Ms. Fatbutt there?” Tommy reached out and gently flicked up on the woman’s right cheek causing it to bounce. This bought a fit of giggles from the boy.

“I’ll give you a hint, who did you not see when you walked through the door?”
Tommy’s face was blank for a good moment before it finally clicked. “You shrank you mom!” His face dropped as he leaned closer to get a better look at the woman who used to rule the roost.

“Don’t act so surprised, it makes perfect sense. If I want to continue shrinking people, I didn’t want to have to sneak around her. Dad spends most of his time away on business trips so at least for now I can do what I please. Plus my sister loves dolls and mom is the perfect size for that. It should keep Katie from annoying me when she has her own doll to play with.”

“That’s so cool! …Sorry for calling her Ms. Fatbutt. I didn’t know that was your mom.” Tommy looked sheepish but Jacob only laughed.

“Don’t worry, she does have a fat butt.” Jacob reached down flicked the left cheek causing the other side to bounce.” Both boys broke out into a fit of giggles at this.

“Uh oh, looks like someone doesn’t like that.” Tommy noticed that Jacob’s mom was now looking up at the boys with a frown of irritation.
Jacob rolled his eyes, “Yeah she has been the most stubborn one so far. I don’t think she like the ideas of taking orders from me. That why her cheeks are so red. I swear you would think she wants to be spanked. Is that what you would like mom? Another round with Mr. Spanky?” All the women who had begun to turn to witness the exchange snapped the heads forward at the sight of the “giant” paddle.

This amused Tommy to no end. “Ha! This is so cool. Ok so who is the last one? She looks like the baby of the group.”

It was Jacob’s turn to look sheepish. Yeah I didn’t exactly plan on that. That one is our neighbor, Mrs. White. She had always been mean to me. Yelling at us every time a ball lands in her yard while she is tanning. She got me in trouble too many times for me not to shrink her. But I kind of messed it up. She was laying our in her backyard when I took aim and fired from our side of the fence. The problem was I only winged her and she shrunk down to half size. She was still looking around confused when I walked up and shot her a second time. That’s why she is all teeny now. I told the other women that she can be their pet if they like. I know Kimberly likes her that size. She is always picking her up and playing with her.

“So is there like a grow setting on that thing.” Tommy pointed to the odd looking device sitting atop the dresser.

“Not that I have found, the thing only seems to make things smaller. But that’s ok, its not like I’d want to make them big again or anything.”

Tommy nodded his head, “Yeah for sure, smaller is better. So, what are you planning to do now?”

Jacob shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not sure, I’m kind sorta winging it. I was thinking about maybe shrinking some other people and selling them to some of the other kids in out class. Maybe make a few bucks out of this.”

“Niiiice, that’s what I’m talking about!. Hey do you think maybe I could borrow it?”

“What for, did you want to shrink your mom too?”

Tommy’s shoulders sagged, “No, it’s my stepdad. He always mean to me. Mom doesn’t seem to notice but he is always out to get me like me being around is a problem.”

Jacob looked over at the device. “I don’t know if I want anyone using it other than me. But hey!” Jacob put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Just point him out and we’ll shrink him together.

“Really! Do you think you can shrink him to around 2 feet, I want him just below the size of my little brother so he can be the baby of the family and cant boss me around anymore.”

Jacob smiled, “I think I can do that.”

Tommy’s face brightened, I know just how we can do it. He comes home in about an hour from work. We can wait in the bushes and shrink him in that stupid loud truck of his, just like you did with Ms. Brown! That way we can run away and no one will suspect a thing.”

Jacob ran over and picked up the wonderful device that had made so much happen for him in the last few days. His blood was pumping at that prospect of getting to shrink someone else. “Let’s do it! I’ll put the girls away and then we can go and find a good spot to set up.

After putting the shrunken women in their spacious living quarters (cardboard box), Jacob and Tommy went out into the neighborhood, having fun and playing with the Jacob’s new toy, allowing their imaginations to become reality.

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Re: pics

Post by Bloodthirstybutcher » Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:27 pm

Ooooooooo! Always happy to see more multisize!
"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people, Jeremy."

-Super Hans, Peep Show

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:39 pm


Please remember that SV has changed so much in our society that it is important to be aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. With the increase of SV victims misguidedly refusing assistants at government shrinkee shelters, many are creating communities in the wild. Understand that a simple camping trip for you might be quite the imposition to the smaller people underfoot.

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Re: pics

Post by DocRick » Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:46 pm

McShrinker wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:39 pm

Please remember that SV has changed so much in our society that it is important to be aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. With the increase of SV victims misguidedly refusing assistants at government shrinkee shelters, many are creating communities in the wild. Understand that a simple camping trip for you might be quite the imposition to the smaller people underfoot.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:34 am


Gloria was one of many victims of the sizedroxy cut medication pushed out a few years ago. It was a pill that promised fast result for anyone looking to loose weight. Though it did end up having a 100 percent efficacy when it came to weight loss, there were some who lost more than just fat. Half a year after taking her first sizedroxy pill, the young mother could walk under her toddlers play table without having to duck her head. Even her youngest kid’s old clothes were laughable large on her. Though it was quite the change in perspective, Gloria couldn’t help but be happy that her midsection was noticeably slimmer and that the any extra padding she had been carrying had been burned away. Sure her own kids could put her over their knee and send her to timeout but at least she would look fit standing in her naughty corner.

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Re: pics

Post by starslayer » Thu Oct 12, 2023 5:50 pm

these are always a treat

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:39 pm


Ah boys will be boys. Tommy and Jason were certainly guilty of that. Always playing pranks and spending their fair share in timeout. But when playing at the local quarry, the pair find a random box of very expensive and highly regulated mini reduction pills produced by MinCorp.

What are a pair of young whipper snappers to do with such a unlikely yet amazing find.

Susan yelled at the boys to quite down while they played in her son’s room. The pair had been overly energetic today, even for them. Jason’s mom Tammy had come over to pick up her son and the two women were enjoying a much needed glass of wine while they shared in the latest neighborhood gossip.

Normally it took a few glasses for either woman to feel anything yet for some reason both had a pleasant flush to their cheeks within the first few sips.
After seeing each other struggle to keep their shoes on while their clothing continued to become increasingly baggier, they both understood that something was amiss and knew exactly who to blame.

By the time they had made it up the stairs both women were eye level with the discarded toys with only their panties wrapped around them like colorful togas.

The women were astonished and horrified that Tommy’s younger sister Heather hadn’t even seen the women as she stepped of her room sporting her ballet leotard and tiara before skipping down the hallway to play in some imaginative game of princess make believe. Both women were indignant after picking themselves back up from nearly being stepped on by the towering young giantess.

The now tiny mothers had been pounding on the giant door for 10 minutes straight before it swung inward causing them to fall flat on their faces.

Tommy looked down and saw what looked to be two doll sized bottoms wiggling in silky fabrics. Reaching down the boy collected his best friend’s toy sized mom as well as his own.

“Jason! You’re not going to believe this, it totally worked!”

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:33 pm


Cassidy Miller was a high-power executive at in one of America’s fortune 500 companies. The only thing she put before work was her kids, who she loved dearly. Too many times work had got in the way of spending time with her family, but that was all about to change.

The young mother contracted the shrinking virus while attending a business conference in Honk Kong. Her rated immunity had been so high that doctors had told her that if and when she contracted the virus, there would be nothing to worry about. A mild cold would be the worst symptoms to expect.

She did catch a fever on the second day of the conference but never considered it might be SV. When she woke up the following morning, it took her a full 5 minutes to climb out her of giant pajamas bottoms and come to the realization that she had shrunk.

By the time Cassidy had been found and arrangements made for her trip back home, she was already behind schedule in attending her daughter’s birthday. She had promised her little girl that her mom would be there. Tiny or not she didn’t plan on breaking that promise

Cassidy did not know how her kids would take finding out their mom had been shrunk. The last thing she wanted to do was scare them. Thinking there was a way to make it a memorable birthday for her daughter, she called ahead to her maid Rosa to make arrangements as the toy sized woman was rushed back home.

The young mother had no doubt it had been a memorable birthday for her daughter. When the young girl opened up her first present, she found a doll size woman dressed as one of her favorite princess characters on the Nickelodeon show “The Tiara Squad.”

It caused a commotion to say the least. Her daughter cried, but at least by presenting herself as a toy rather than an unfortunate shrinking victim, they had been tears of happiness
It certainly was a learning experience for the doll woman. Turns out people don’t listen to you like they would normal sized, and despite protest Cassidy found herself passed around from child to child as her daughter’s friends all wanted to hold the once tall, imposing woman.

Luckily Rosa was there to keep things from getting too out of hand, and even though she had been endlessly poked and prodded by cake covered finger, Cassidy was glad she had been the cause of so much joy and excitement.

Cassidy was happy to have the joyous day with her kids, despite it being quite humiliating at moments. She wasn’t sure what the future held for her. Would she be able to continue working at her job? Would she still be considered a competent adult? The virus had brought up many legal questions across the country regarding care and responsibility.. There were even some cases in states where it was the kids of shrunken parents that became the legal guardians. She hoped that presenting herself as a gift to her daughter was in no way a foreshadowing of her future. Then again, perhaps it would be better than the government coming in and deciding who should care for her. Maybe her maid could take on more responsibility in raising the kids and she would be what? A toy mom?

These were questions for tomorrow. Today was a day of carefree fun and doll sized shenanigans for Cassidy Miller.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:44 pm


“Good morning babe, are the kids up yet?”

Heavy thuds of feet hitting the floor and echoing yawns answered Rob for her.

Samantah smiled as she felt her husband. “Happy to see me love?”

Rob grinned as he continued to hold her tightly, “Always.’

Samantha playfully slapped his arm, “Stop it you little horn dog, the kids are getting up, the roof might be lifted at any moment.’

“Aww we have time, worst come to worse well just say we were play wrestling, that seemed to work well enough last time.’

Samantha rolled her eye, “Oh you’re the worst.”

Yet even as she insulted his single minded male brain, Samantha led him back to the bedroom of their re-furbished dollhouse they called home.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:47 pm

Penny Thompson sighed, leaning on the milk jug and enjoying the cold sensation spreading across her bottom. She watched her children run out the door to catch the bus. Such a chaotic trio who made more messes than she knew what to do with. There had always been a bit of chaos when it came to her family, but what was one to expect when she had become pregnant so young. Starting a family at 16 usually means there is going to be a little turbulence. And sure, a few months ago when she was normal sized the single mother could stay ahead of it, but what was she supposed to do now?

It wasn’t like they didn’t know how to pick things up. They were picking her up all the time. Even her youngest Samantha could carry her around like a baby and she did often. It was still hard to believe how much a 5-year-old could tower over her now. The tiny mother would also find herself on the hip of her 9-year-old middle child Cassie. While Samantha treated her mom like of her many babydolls, Cassie treated her more like a little sister. Often admonishing her for climbing up on things things, claiming that it was dangerous. Penny thought the girl was just enjoying feeling of authority over her smaller mom. More than once, Cassie had placed her Penny in timeout, confining her to Samantha's old mesh playpen. A formidable prison of towering soft walls to the diminished woman. At least she hadn’t been put over the knee…though both of her daughters had joked about it a time or two. The thought always sent a shiver down Penny’s spine.

Her oldest was Jake was at least helping keep his younger siblings from getting too rowdy. Cleaning aside the 11-year-old boy had done a good job of taking some of the parental responsibility…perhaps too good. The boy was not immune to treating his mother differently now that she was so changed. Before he would have to reach up on tip toes to kiss her cheek goodbye. Now he would pick her up and give the top of her head a peck, occasionally even a pinch on her bottom. Every time she tried to admonish him for it he would just say, “Then quit being so adorable.” Penny couldn’t help but blush at that. If anything good had come from the shrinking virus, it was that she had obtained a few adorable points to add to the stats.

After a few more musings she decided it was probably high time to get some help around the house. Perhaps the kid’s babysitter could step in and help with chores for extra pay. Hells she would give a dollar just for someone to pick her up off this dirty table.

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Re: pics

Post by McShrinker » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:49 pm

A mysterious beam shoots through the window and strikes a teacher as she is finishing up for the day. The once 5'8 Ms. Henderson has become the next victim of the "Deviant Diminisher" that has been shrinking people at random across the state, leaving them vulnerable and at the mercy of whoever might find them. Of course what this criminal might not know is that Ms. Henderson has been dreaming of this as long as she can remember.


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