Mad science fair, anyone?

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Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Dontexpect » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:50 am


Does anyone have any of the chapters of The Mad Science Fair? It was a very long story about a scientist shrinking his wife and her friends. As far as I know, the writer removed all chapters, and i dont think he got to finish it

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:03 pm

The Mad Science Fair
By: Sumguy

Pt. 1

Holden swung the front door of his apartment open and strode in with apparent frustration weighing heavily on his shoulders. The double long briefcase that he carried he still managed to set down gingerly on the living room sofa, but every motion besides that gentle gesture seemed to be an effort in tantrum restraint. He went to the fridge and pulled out a newly opened ½ gallon of skim mild and began drinking straight from the carton.

Jennifer had heard her husband come in (and judging by how hard he had slammed the door so had their neighbors for two or three floors!) She walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but her very short silk robe. Her plan had been to celebrate her husband bringing home the cash reward and research grant money that she knew he was a shoe in to win at a rather secretive but still prestigious science fair.

“You’re drinking from the carton, that’s never a good sign,” she said as she walked behind her husband and placed her hands on his shoulders. Slowly she guided him to one of the chairs at the small table just outside their tiny kitchen where they usually ate.

Holden stopped drinking and put the carton down as he sat dejectedly in his chair, his face mirroring the frustration that his entrance had conveyed. “No one even bothered to look at it, they were all too busy ogling the women at the other booths!”

“Women, what women?” Jennifer asked as she started rubbing Holden’s shoulders in an effort to alleviate some of the tension in them.

“You wouldn’t have believed it Jen! The guy with the telepathic amplification and manipulation helmet… his assistants ending up being his demo subjects right. He has one of them strip down to just her panties and give the judges lap dances while the other one finds a volunteer from the audience. Just so happens to be a rather attractive woman. Well, he gets the two of them making out with each other and that was the entire demo! The really irritating part is that the science behind it all isn’t even that impressive,”

“Wow, sounds like this science fair is a little bit different than the others you’ve been a part of. It was just one booth though Holden, I’m sure they’ll get around to looking at your shrink ray tomorrow, and when they do they’ll be blown away,”

“It wasn’t just one booth Jen. The matter teleportation team was all young women, though the patent is clearly in the name Robert Manly. Doubt he was there. Anyway, every time one of them would transport themselves, they would accidentally lose an article of clothing. Needless to say that got them some spectators for a good long while. The Afford-a-Clone team had a spokes model refereeing a Jell-O wrestling match between her clones, all of them in bikinis of course. Then there was the RealCompanion booth. They had three lifelike woman robots doing yoga and gymnastics in the nude with a real woman in there for comparison. Also naked, and don’t even get me started on the Libidomizer demonstration. That should have had an X rating on it,”

“So when you got the invitation to attend this Mad Science Fair, you didn’t know anything about this?” Jen asked with genuine surprise. Her husband could be very one track minded, but he was no brilliant simpleton.

“Of course I didn’t know that EVERYONE was going to have hot babes to show off their inventions with. The judges were eating it up too. My demo is a plant being shrunk and then restored. I doubt that I can compete with the T & A-fest going on at the other booths,” Holden said as he picked up the carton of milk and chugged the rest of it.

Jen bit her lip as several ideas came to mind. “Holden, what if we did something to spice up your demo some?”

Holden cocked an eyebrow, and stopped drinking the milk. Jen had to hold back laughter as her husband put the carton down on the table again revealing a very obvious milk mustache. Jen ran her thumb above Holden’s lip wiping the milk onto it. She brought her thumb to her mouth and sucked the excess milk off in a very tantalizing fashion then took her husband by the hand and began leading him down the hall to the bedroom. Half way down the hall Jen skipped two paces ahead of Holden and as she turned to head into the bedroom she let he robe fall to the floor.

Holden’s jaw followed suit.

“So, how about we work off some of that pent up energy and stress, and then if you’ve earned it I’ll tell you what I have in mind for spicing things up with that demo of yours,”

Holden moved to follow his wife into the bedroom, his feelings of stress all but forgotten as his arousal took precedence. As he was about to cross the threshold of the bedroom Jennifer placed a hand gently on his chest, effectively stopping him “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Genuine confusion gripped Holden for a moment, then inspiration hit him and in seconds flat he stripped himself bare in a less than graceful display of masculine prowess. Again his wife stifled her laughter but also smiled at her husband’s willingness to please her.

“Actually baby, I meant that,” she said as she raised a finger and pointed towards the living room. Holden’s eyes followed the invisible line that her finger made all the way to the sofa, and the extra long brief case that had been so gently place there upon his return.

“Really?” Holden asked with a hint of surprise and barely contained excitement in his voice.

“Really, but you’re going first Mister! I want to see what you can do with all that pent up energy you brought home with you. Something tells me after watching all those semi-erotic science demonstrations; you are probably more than just professionally frustrated,"

Holden blushed and looked down for a moment before his eyes came back up to meet with Jennifer’s “What can I say, you know me better than anyone,”

“I’m your wife, that’s my job. Now stop stalling, I want to play a game of hide the hubby,”

“Hey, I’ve got a lot of energy… but hide the hubby? It’s been a long day baby, and you know I get claustrophobic sometimes,”

“If you do this, and do it well I’ll let you re-enact your favorite scene from King Kong,”

“Oh yeah, I’m still not convinced,”

“I’ll let you go all the way with it too,”

“That sounds nice, but you’re gonna let me go all the way with you anyway. I’m still not sold,”

“I’ll act like the damsel in distress,” Jen said, stretching out the final syllable of her sentence.

“Oh, so tempting but I’m still on the fence. Hide the hubby is a bigger test of endurance than soccer!”

Jen rolled her eyes but was still smiling. She thought about it for a moment then raised an eyebrow as a final negotiating point came to mind “I’ll let you film it, camcorder battery is all charged and we don’t really need the footage from my brother’s graduation anyway. I promise to make it an Oscar worthy performance too,”

Jen punctuated the point as she rubbed her leg against her husbands “So, do we have a deal baby?”

“Can I… can I tear your clothes off?”

“I already picked out a dress before you got home,”

“I love you,” Holden said as he kissed his wife and strutted down the hall to retrieve his invention.

“I know,” she said in a hushed voice.

To Be Continued…

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:04 pm

The Mad Science Fair
Pt. 2

Holden lay in bed, with his hands behind his head. He had two pillows propping him up as he watched the tape he had made of his wife doing a rather racy take on Fay Wray’s performance in King Kong. “Wow babe, you weren’t kidding about the Oscar worthy performance,”

Jennifer reclined in a bowl of steaming water that sat on the nightstand next to the bed. She rested her head on a soft piece of sponge cut to the size of a pillow and let her feet rest on the rim of the bowl opposite her head. “Well, I did major in theater you know,” she said without opening her eyes.

Holden smiled as he stopped the tape just as his wife was trying to cover her naked body while calling him a monster. “That was hot,”

“So was what you did to me right after I said that, too bad you didn’t get that on tape,”

“Well, I did kind of need both hands to pull that off,”

“Holden, you can pull that off any time you want. Now, I think we should talk about what we can do to get this amazing invention of yours noticed at this odd little science fair,”

“Maybe I could show them this tape,” Holden said with a laugh.

“I don’t think so mister, that is for you and you only… but I like your line of thought hon.”

Holden turned towards his wife and leaned on his elbow. She still hadn’t moved, enjoying the soaking hot water and bath salts Holden had added for her. She took a deep breath and sat up, turning to face the monumentally large site of her husband as he gazed over at her. She moved to the rim of the bowl and put her arms down followed by her chin. Holden watched the small splashes behind her as she kicked her feet playfully.

“So what are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking you fight fire with fire. The other inventors are using flesh and flare to peddle their wares, I say you do the same,”

“You’re want me to shrink people and put them on display?”

“No, I want you to shrink attractive women and put them on display. Don’t get me wrong, having a tiny man exploring me like one of the lost pyramids of Egypt is phenomenal especially the way my baby does it… but men are just not fun to look at,”


“Don’t get all huffy, your bodies are utilitarian. Women on the other hand, we are very aesthetically pleasing,” she punctuated the statement by standing up and striking a seductive pose.

“Holden, I’m just saying even the prettiest man is never going to compare to looking at an attractive woman,”

“OK, I’m not going to argue with that logic… besides that, I’m not really keen on the notion of some other guy thinking he can go exploring the great temple of Jennifer,”

“And no man will,”

“So what exactly is the plan then. Do I go out to Hooters and wait for the waitresses to leave?”

“Nooooo, that would be illegal and I already know some ladies who would volunteer to be your victims. Plus I know that one of your ex-girlfriends works at Hooters and there’s no way I’m letting you get hold of a toy version of her unless I’m the one giving her to you,”

Holden smiled as he picked his wife up and set her down gently on her pillow. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, the thought never occurred to me,”

“Damn right it hasn’t, because no woman is ever going to be able to do what your incredible shrinking wife does for you,”

“That’s right, now what were you saying about volunteers for this?”

Jennifer smiled and sat cross-legged on her pillow, stretching her arms over her head and pushing out her chest. Holden admired the view and blew a breezy breath towards her, causing Jennifer to shiver and pull her arms down around herself hugging her body and pushing her breasts together in a most attractive fashion.

“Are you going to keep teasing me, or do you want to hear about my idea?”

“Sorry love, you were going to say?”

“I was going to say, we need to stage a scene. It’s not just going to be enough to have a group of tiny naked women on display in specimen jars, we need to do something that will really get everyone there to notice what’s going on,”

“I’m still stuck on where we’re going to get a group of tiny naked woman to put on display in specimen jars honey,”

Jen adopted a look of innocence and her eyes looked everywhere Holden wasn’t. “Well, I may have mentioned some of the things we’ve done with your invention to a few of the girls at the salon and some of them may have expressed some interest in getting to see said invention work first hand,”

Holden’s eyes went wide, at first because the existence of his shrink ray was not nearly as secret as he had previously thought it had been and then the words sunk in. She had told them about some of the things they had done with the invention. Holden’s face blushed a shade of red that Jennifer had never seen before and she couldn’t help but laugh.

“Exactly what did you tell them about?”

“Nothing much, just some of the role playing that we’ve done with the shrink ray and maybe I might have shown them a picture or two that we’ve taken to prove it,”

“You showed them pictures! Which ones?”

“Calm down, I only showed them the one of me in the martini glass and maybe also the shot you got of me at Bobbi’s wedding when no one was looking,” this time Jennifer blushed.

“Which one from the wedding?”

“You know, the one of me with the cake…”

“Jen, you were completely naked in that picture,”

“True, but whose fault was that?”

“Hey, in all fairness you had been teasing me the whole day. When you told me that you didn’t have anything on underneath your dress I had to make sure you were telling the truth…”

“And the best way to do that was to shrink me, slip my dress off against me wishes, then set me on top of the wedding cake, and snap a picture?”

“Admittedly, I think the consumption of alcohol may have contributed to my thinking that was a sound idea… I’m still sorry about that you know,”

“You shouldn’t be, I looked really good that day. I have to admit that it made for a pretty hot photo… not to mention that manhandling might have made me hotter than ever for you,” Jen teased Holden with her usual devious smile.

“Really, you never told me that,”

“Well, I didn’t want that type of behavior becoming a regular occurrence,”

Jen pointed to her discarded robe in the doorway and Holden got out of bed as gently as possible and picked it up. “Small robe or normal sized wife?”

“Normal sized wife, unless of course you want to prepare the after nookie omelets and make some calls to some of my friends instead?”

Holden thought about it for a second or two before setting Jen’s robe on the bed and then picking up the shrink ray. Reversing the polarity on the device was a simple matter of turning a dial after which Holden pulled the trigger and restored Jen to her god given stature. As he set the invention down, his wife promptly threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately for a few moments.

“That’s one part of being small I don’t like, because I do love kissing my man,”

Holden held Jen tight, and let his hands wander down the small of her back before grabbing her left cheek fully in his grip. “How about I make the omelets, and you tell me a little bit more about these friends of yours and this crazy plan you’ve come up with?”

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:06 pm

The Mad Science Fair
By: Sumguy


For all his male ego, intelligence, and strength Holden knew that when it came to their relationship that Jen pretty much wore the pants… or at least a denim skirt. Holden always liked knowing that he had such a competent and intelligent partner in life, which was why even her most outlandish or crazy notions, were usually taken seriously.

“So what do you think about my idea for staging a scene?”

“I think I’m the just FX guy, but if you think you and your friends can pull it off…”

Jen put her hands on her hips and shot Holden a non-plus look. “No, you’re not the FX guy, you’re Brad, you’re Leo, you’re Nathan,”


“Fillian, you know from Firefly,”

“Is that the captain?”

“Yeah, that’s the captain. He makes me all kinds of tingly,”

“Oh yeah, I like him… go with him. So, what is my role again?”

“Well, you’re most important role is to make sure you don’t tip anyone off to the fact that this is staged, at least not until you’ve really gotten a chance to show off your invention. The key to this whole thing working is that everyone there has to see you as the man that saves the day,” She said as she sat down and had some more of the omelet her husband had prepared. She flicked a couple pieces of ham out of the mess of egg, cheese, and veggies before she took her second mouthful.

“Hey mister, try and keep your meat away from my side of the skillet next time!”

“Sorry babe,” Holden said as he walked up behind his wife, knelt down and kissed the top of her head.

“Why don’t you go grab a shower, while I give the girls a call?”

Holden winked at Jen and she slapped his backside hard as he headed down the hallway to take his shower. When the bathroom door shut and the water was on Jen grabbed her cell phone from her purse and called the number for her friend’s tanning salon.

The phone rang three times before someone picked up on the other end “A Stroke of Sun, this is Madelyne speaking,”

“Hey Maddie, it’s Jen. Are Lorna and Bri on with you tonight?”

“Well we’re all here, but just between us I’m the only one working,” Maddie answered with a laugh and a slight snort.

From the background another woman could be heard “hey!”

“So what’s up Jen? Getting late to schedule an appointment isn’t it?”

“Actually Maddie, I was wondering if you remember those pictures I showed you?”

“Which ones, you’re photo crazy you know… you show us lots of pictures,”

“These might stand out in your mind a bit,”

“Ohhhhh, those pictures. I definitely remember those. Your man gonna get that neat little invention of his out on the market soon? Some of us are still dying to try it first hand you know,”

“Well Maddie, tonight is your lucky night. That’s exactly why I called,”

There was silence for a bit, then the sound of the phone being muffled against somone’s chest. When Jen finally heard her friend’s voice again, two others joined it and all three were squealing in excitement.

“Please tell me that you’re serious!” Lorna said as she grabbed the phone from Maddie.

Jen couldn’t help laughing, as her friends’ excitement seemed to overtake her as well. “Totally serious. You three come over when the salon closes up and I’ll explain everything,”

“We’ll be there in 45 minutes! Girls, we’re closing up early tonight!” Lorna called out to cheers and whistles.

“Luv ya babe, see you soon!” Lorna said, barely able to contain her excitement as she hung up with Jen.

Jen hopped out of her chair and did a little dance down the hall. She opened the bathroom door, undid her robe and let it drop to the tile then abruptly pulled back the shower curtain. Holden was slightly startled and only half opened one eye for fear of getting soap in them.

“Did you call your friends?”

Jen simply nodded and bit her lip as she set one foot into the shower. She ran her hands through Holden’s hair and helped wash out the shampoo then stepped into the stream of running water herself, joining her husband.

“They’re going to be here in about an hour,”

Holden raised and eyebrow and put his hands on his wife’s hips. She stepped forward, brushing her body against her husbands and arousal began to well up inside of them both. “What do you say we have a little pre-success celebration, just me and you here in the shower?”

“I think I can deal with that,” Holden said as he kissed his wife and the running water cascaded down their faces and over their lips as the two held each other tightly and hands began exploring familiar bodies as if they were foreign.

Jen pulled out of the kiss and for a moment the pre-success celebration went on hold “You better not get any funny ideas about some crazy orgy with your smoking hot wife and her sexy friends, just because we’re going to let you shrink us…”

Holden had as earnest a look as any honest man could muster as he replied. “Jen, the thought never actually crossed my mind,”

“Really? That’s too bad,” She said playfully as her hand wandered down Holden’s body followed by her lips.

“Of course, now that you mention it…”

At her husband’s words, Jennifer just looked up and smiled a very devious smile. “Naughty boy,”

To Be Continued (?)

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:07 pm

The Mad Science Fair
By: Sumguy


“So girls, that’s the plan. Do you think you can help me and my man out?” Jen said to her three friends as they sat on the living room couch and took in the idea that she had just detailed to them.

Maddie was quiet for a second, then started laughing again. Her telltale little snort told Jen that she definitely thought this was a hoax or some sort of joke being played on her. “You guys are good. You two are just trying to get us to agree to some crazy photo shoot in our underwear or something isn’t it?”

Jen rolled her eyes. “For the umpteenth time Maddie, those pictures were not made using photo shop or anything else like that. They were made using a camera, and that,”

Jen pointed to the device that Holden had sitting on the kitchen table. He held it up as if on cue.

Lorna chugged down the last of her Corona and sucked the lime wedge Holden had cut for her; she made a bit of a sour face as she set the husk of the fruit down. “Maddie weren’t you listening? Jen didn’t say she wanted us in our underwear; she said she wanted us completely naked,”

Getting to her feet, Lorna walked over to Holden seated at the kitchen table and looked over the shrink ray that he invented. She nodded in approval and winked at him as she brushed a stray strand of chestnut brown hair away from her face and slid her glasses off.

Holden was surprised that her shirt and sandals, and then her jeans followed her glasses. As she scooted out of the tight blue denim, turned towards Holden with a mischievous smile and he couldn’t help but stare as her chest bounced as she shimmied her hips with some exaggeration and slid her pants down her legs before kicking them off.

Bri, who was on her third beer already hollered and cheered Lorna on. “Yeah Lorna, girls gone wild! Wooooo!”

Maddie was laughing hysterically now, more at the look on Holden’s face then at Lorna’s brazen striptease. The snorting, like her laughter was much louder this time as well.

Jen did not look happy at all and walked over to her friend. Lorna was about to undo her bra’s clasp but Jen held her hands and pulled them away before they undid the fastener. “Hey Hon, I know we’re asking for your help here; but I want to put down one ground rule,”

Jen’s words were like hitting pause on a DVD player. Suddenly everything stopped. Holden looked at his wife and Lorna turned to face her friend. Maddie stifled her snort filled laughter and Bri literally held her beer in place mid-swig. Lorna turned, giving Holden a great view of her thong clad backside and sat down in his lap. Jen took it in relative stride and Holden half-heartedly tried pushing her off. Lorna just wiggled herself backwards and put an arm around him before looking back at Jen with a “What are you going to do about it?” expression.

Jen played it off like it was nothing to her, at first. “Comfortable? Right. Now as I was about to say. I know what the big draw to being shrunk is, and I remember what we talked about the last couple of times we talked about this; but I’m telling all three of you LORNA… no one is to come on to my husband but me unless you’ve been shrunk. Does everyone understand that?”

Bri raised her bottle and covered her mouth as she hiccuped and Maddie made a good show of crossing her heart.

Lorna snuggled up on Holden, and nuzzled her nose against his face “Gee Jen, I don’t know if I can make that kind of promise. Holden is just so damned handsome and intelligent I’m thinking I need to steel him away from you, he’s a catch!”

Jen pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. Holden looked an awful lot like a deer caught in headlights, completely aware of the wreck that was about to happen but unable to move for fear of being caught up in it.

“Lorna, have you ever heard of Ebay?”

“Of course I have, why?”

Jen was very calm and to the point as she spoke. “Because, if you don’t stop rubbing yourself up against parts of my husband that you have no business touching while you’re full sized; then very shortly we’ll be finding out exactly how much someone would be willing to bid for a one of kind, anatomically correct, custom Lorna doll. Capiche?”

Lorna took the hint, if it could be called a hint at all and got to her feet with a slight pout on her face. “Why exactly is it OK for me to get cozy with your man when I’m a tiny but not have some fun at normal size?”

“That would be because normal sized nookie is reserved for me only,” She answered with a smile.

Holden sat forward and couldn’t help staring at the two women, so casually talking about him. “Wow, I’ve never actually been treated like a piece of meat before. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be really,” Holden said with no small amount of sarcasm.

Jen laughed as Lorna turned around and looked at Holden “Welcome to our daily lives,”

“Hey now, I’m a sensitive guy,”

“Oh yeah, real sensitive of you to ask the three of us to become your all nude science project,” Lorna teased in a good natured and flirtatious manner.

“Hey now, she’s the mastermind of this operation. I just work here,” Holden said as he sat back in his chair again.

Jen walked up behind Lorna and hugged her around the shoulders from behind. She had to get on her tiptoes to pull off the maneuver with her almost six foot tall friend. “So, does this mean you’ll do it?”

“Well, I’ll make you both a deal. I’ll do this for sure, and if I like it you two have to let me hang around here for the next month. And I want to join in some of the crazy little reindeer games that you used to brag to us about Jenny darling,” Lorna said as she turned to face Jen again.

Jen looked over at Holden, seeking his approval of the agreement. Wide eyed and slack jawed he simply nodded his head, giving his OK. Jen threw her arms around her friend and Lorna returned the gesture. The two of them just jumped up and down like giddy schoolgirls, laughing and squealing.

Holden got the distinct feeling that he had just played right into their plan. Jen had always mentioned how much fun it could be if a third party came into the equation. Holden was always hesitant to share the invention though, and Jen wasn’t at all interested in the conventional type of unconventional experience one talks about when mentioning a bed and three or more people in it.

“What about you two?” Holden said as he looked over at the couch.

Maddie thought for just a couple of seconds on the matter and then shrugged. “Well, as long as it’s just for tomorrow during the day then I’m in. I’ve got a big date at 8 o’clock that I don’t want to miss,”

“You’ll be done and back to normal by 5,” Jen told her.

“OK, I’m in!” she said with a giggle and a snort.

Bri finally piped up for the second time that night “Tell you what, if you get me another Corona and lime then you can do whatever you want with me,”

“Well, I think this calls for some celebration anyway,” Holden said as he got up and walked to the refrigerator. He was just about to open the door to grab them each a beer when he heard Jen giggling behind him.

The deer in headlights feeling came over him again as he turned around and Jen used the device to reduce him to a mere five inches tall. He was not at all surprised to see that his clothes did not make the shrinking journey with him.

The floor shook and Holden felt the familiar grip of his wife’s giant hand encircles him and he was gently lifted up and carried over to the kitchen table. Once he had his footing, Holden looked back at his wife who smiled down at him and bit her lower lip then looked across the table.

“Wow,” Holden mumbled as he stared at a titanic pair of breasts that seemed like they were spilling out of the bra that held them.

Lorna gently brought a polished and manicured nail under Holden’s chin and guided his eyes upward. “My eyes are up here Holden,”

Behind Lorna, Bri was holding a fresh bottle of beer and Maddie was shaking up a can of ReadyWhip. Lorna licked her lips.

Holden turned around and looked at his wife. Jen picked him up and brought him to eye level. “Remember our rule?”

He thought on it for a moment, they did have one rule that was pretty consistent even in intimate instances not involving size change. “Girls get to have fun before boys?”

“That’s the one. So just try and relax, I have a feeling the next few hours are going to be pretty fun for everyone,”

To Be Continued…. (!)

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:08 pm

The Mad Science Fair
By: Sumguy


“Honey, she didn’t mean it!” Jen said as she leaned against the frame of the bathroom door. Holden was in the shower, vigorously rinsing bits of lime out of his hair and looking not terribly happy at the moment.

“Honey, she tried to deep throat me, which might not have been so bad if I had been bigger than five inches tall at the time!”

“Holden, quiet please. Bri feels bad enough already, Maddie is still trying to get her to stop crying,”

“This is why drinking and shrinking may not be such a great idea you know?”

“But everything up to that was fun for you right?”

Begrudgingly Holden nodded and lathered himself up in an effort to get the little bit of vomit that remained on him cleaned off.

“By the way, I’m going to assume I have you to thank for the rescue out their hon… how did you manage that anyway?”

“Well, I saw you slip out from between her fingers and it looked like she was about to swallow out of reflex… so I punched her in the stomach to stop her and Lorna gave her the Heinlich maneuver when we realized she was choking on….


“Yes, and I’m still so sorry baby. I really don’t think she was trying to do that on purpose, all that chocolate syrup you were covered in made you pretty slippery you know? And yes she was a little drunk and just having fun and it got out of control. She wasn’t trying to eat you, you’re totally not her type,”

Jen and Holden were silent for a couple of moments, then Jen snickered and Holden couldn’t help but laugh despite still being very irritated. The total absurdity of the heated conversation was absolutely comical to them both, despite the very real peril Holden had been in only minutes before.

“All right, you’re right. I know it wasn’t intentional… but I’m telling you right now I don’t want to hear any cracks about Bri’s taste in men, understand”

Jen nodded and gestured as if she were zipping her mouth shut, then smiled despite herself.

“Anyway, just to switch subjects; I think you’re right about having the girls in specimen jars. I’m not real keen on the general audience of that science fair handling them, too much can happen,”

“Well, I’m glad you’ve finally come around. I can’t believe you just wanted to have them out on display. Lorna would get snatched up the second you took your eyes off of her; Maddie and Bri too for that matter,”

“That’s why I think we should re-think the whole scene you’ve cooked up. I’ll have the girls in the jars and I’ll affix them to my table, so they’ll be relatively safe. You’re a different story though Jen, and that worries me,” Holden said as he turned off the water of the shower and stepped out. Jen held a towel for him and started drying her husband off.

She stood up and put her arms around Holden. “I love that you’re so worried, it’s very hot you know?”

“Jen, what if someone else grabs you before I do?”

“Then I am holding you personally responsible for my rescue,”

“That’s not funny Jen, or do you want to be the one that ends up the most unique auction ever on Ebay?”

“Holden, we both know its way more likely that I would end up as some rich old perverts private sex toy before finally escaping after months of manhandling. Once I’ve castrated him for daring to touch yours truly I would of course have to contact the authorities and have them return me to my basket case of a husband. A week later I would be guest hosting the view and wind up on a very special Oprah. Next thing you know there’s an episode of Law & Order SVU based on my story and Lifetime would be calling us day and night asking me to talk about my ordeal and how horrible my husband was for getting me into it. After that it would be the late night circuit, then I’d go on Howard Stern, followed by an offer from Playboy that we just could not refuse. Once the life size centerfolds of me become the most sought after images on the net, I would end up doing guest spots on most of the Fox sitcoms, Host some crazy game show for MTV’s spring break, followed by frequent spots on the sixth version of VH1’s I love the 90’s. Then the public would start to get tired of me and my only alternatives would be an infomercial for an escape proof bird cage that doubles as wind chimes and a security alarm or a lucrative career in porno wherein I finally get to find out why you’re always so out of breath after our games of hide the hubby. Now I ask you honey, would you ever let that happen to me?”

“Wow,” was all Holden could manage after the amazing rant as he shook his head.

“I know. So just make sure you get hold of me before anyone else does and we won’t have to worry about it. If you’re still nervous about it once you’ve got me, then just drop me in with Lorna after you do the deed. Couldn’t hurt to have two hot babes holding onto each other now could it?” Jen leaned in and gave Holden a kiss on the cheek, followed by one on the lips.

Holden smiled but also raised an eyebrow. “Why does it have to be Lorna?”

Jen took hold of Holden’s face gently with one hand and made him look her in the eyes. “Well, if we live up to our end of the bargain then she’s going to be around for a bit. I thought she and I should get used to being that close. What’s wrong, think that we’ll be too distracting for you?” Jen said in a very seductive voice as she led her husband by his face to the bedroom.

Holden cast a look down the hall with just his eyes, and he could see that the other girls had left for the night. “Jen, where are the other girls?”

“Oh don’t worry, Maddie and Bri will be back tomorrow morning. Bri definitely needs some sober up time and she needs to get over her embarrassment about the accidental swallowing. Maddie drove her home,”

“What about Lorna?”

Jen put her hand on the door to the bedroom and started to undo her robe. “Well, we both felt really bad about what happened with Bri; so Lorna thought it would be a good idea if she stuck around and helped me make it up to you,”

As she pushed the bedroom door open Jen let her robe drop to the floor and stepped inside. She stood next to Lorna and put one arm around her back. Both gorgeous women were completely naked, and Holden’s body couldn’t help but react at the site of them smiling back at him.

“But I thought… you said no normal sized nookie,” he managed to stammer out as the women reached out and began to draw him in closer to them.

“That’s right, I did say that and I stick by it to. That’s why I shrank Lorna a ½ an inch,” Jen smiled and looked Lorna over as if there were some drastic change in her stature then adopted a shocked look before pretending to faint and fell back onto the bed.

Lorna looked down at Holden, now standing at attention. “My my, you were right Jen everything does look absolutely huge to me now,”

She fell back onto the bed as well and both women laughed and moved far enough apart that Holden could lie down between them. Jen looked at her husband and got serious for brief moment “Now you better enjoy this, because I’m doing it for you. This is a one-time deal, from here on out one or more of the parties involved in any nookie that includes more than just you and I had better be tiny. Capiche’?”

Holden nodded as he closed the bedroom door. Jen looked over at Lorna who was staring at Holden with enthusiastic eyes. Jen pinched her friend’s elbow “Capiche’?”

“Wait, does that mean that WE can be normal sized and YOU can be small?” Lorna asked as she leaned her head on her hand.

“You’d have better luck going with both of you being tiny, and me watching at full size… now that I think I could get into,” Jen said as she absent mindedly rubbed her thighs together in what she always found to be a most pleasurable gesture.

Holden lay down between Jen and Lorna with his hands behind his head. “So, what are the odds of it being you two tiny and me getting to watch?”

Jen looked across the bed at Lorna who had an approving smile on her face as she winked at her friend and nodded. She leaned over her husband as Lorna began to run her fingers down his shoulder and arm. “Play your cards right sailor, you might get to see some of that tonight,”

To be continued…!

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:10 pm

The Mad Science Fair
By: Sumguy


Despite the fact that he went to bed relatively late and was fairly exhausted after his “alone time” with his wife Jen and her sexy friend Lorna, Holden made certain to wake up early. He was a little groggy as he kissed his wife on the cheek.

“Careful lover boy, Jen might get jealous,” Lorna said as she turned and returned Holden’s kiss.

“Oh wow, Lorna. Sorry about that, Jen usually sleeps on that side of me,”

“I wasn’t complaining. So, do you think we’ve got enough time for another round before Jenny the Red wakes up?” Lorna said with a smile as Holden got out of bed. She slid the covers off herself, and Holden couldn’t help but get another eyeful of her incredible naked body. Jen continued to sleep soundly as she hogged the now freed up covers to herself.

Holden walked out of the room, and Lorna called after him quietly “Oh come on Holden, I’m a woman with needs,”

He walked back into the bedroom wearing his bathrobe and carrying his shrink ray. Lorna smiled big and closed her eyes as she made ready to be zapped by the gun again, very much hoping that this time she would be shrunk more than just a half an inch.

Holden cleared his throat, and Lorna opened her eyes to see… that everything was still normal sized to her. She gave Holden a pouting look and was about to ask him what the hold up was but he leaned in on her and hushed her by putting a finger over her lips, which judging by her reaction she rather enjoyed.

“What are you up to?” Lorna whispered to Holden.

He didn’t say anything, instead gently pushing Lorna’s face to turn and look behind her. Lorna was greeted by a wholly unexpected but very titillating site. Holden had indeed shrunk someone, his gorgeous wife Jen. She remained asleep and still, and Lorna moved closer to her careful not to wake her perfect little plaything. “Can I?”

Holden nodded.

“You’re sure?”

“What I’m sure of is the fact that you’re a woman with needs, and my wife needs to be reminded that it’s not nice to shrink her husband without getting his permission first. Breakfast will be ready in about half an hour. I’ll see you both at the table,” Holden said as he left the room and jostled the bed just enough to rouse his wife.

Jen woke up and stretched, she moved to kiss her husband but found he was nowhere near by. She rolled onto her stomach, and got to her feet very much realizing that she was surrounded by a gigantic world. From behind her, she felt someone blowing on her backside. Jen turned around and was surprised to see Lorna looking down at her with a slightly unnerving and mischievous grin.

“And why exactly do we look like the cat that got the canary this morning Lorna?” Jen said as she tried to adopt an air of confidence despite the somewhat precarious predicament her husband had left her in.

Lorna got up from the bed, walked over to the bedroom door and quietly pushed the locking mechanism in on the doorknob. Jen found the gesture to be just as unnerving if not more so than the look her friend had just been giving her.

“Well, that would be because this cat has herself a sexy little red-headed canary all to herself,” Lorna said as she got back on the bed and stalked over to Jen like a cat.

Jen looked around, but didn’t see Holden in site. “Cute Lorna but where exactly is my husband?”

Lorna shrugged her shoulders as if she had no idea, but Jen gave her a less than thrilled look so Lorna decided she would let her off the hook, but only a little. “Holden had an errand to run. Said something about having some divorce papers to file. After last night, he’s decided to run away with moi,”

“Really,” Jen said in a humorless tone, completely unimpressed with Lorna’s joke at her expense.

Lorna brought her hand in behind Jen and then brought her face towards her. She pushed her diminutive friend backward with her nose and Jen couldn’t help losing her balance and landing in Lorna’s open palm. “Yup, I mean you can’t blame the man; I am incredible in bed and I haven’t met a man yet who can resist the power of the girls,”

Lorna illustrated her point by giggling her chest. Jen looked down at the massive mammary mounds as they bounced below her. “So, this was all a sinister plot to steal my husband?”

“Totally, our entire friendship was just a lie so I could get close enough to Holden to make him see that he wants me," Lorna spoke in a very exaggerated, almost soap-operatic fashion as she held Jen at eye level.

Jen was less amused than Lorna seemed to be, but still played along with the game. “You know I’ll never let that happen… you hussy!”

Lorna had to stifle laughter at the hussy comment but Jen managed to stay completely in character as the irate wife. “I’m sorry to hear you say that Jen, because that means I’m going to have to make sure you’re not around to get in my way,”

Clutching her hands to her face, Jen put on the classic damsel in distress. The act was incredibly convincing since she had honed it over the last couple years as a stand in for Fay Wray to Holden’s King Kong. “What will you do, you villainous Jezebel?”

“Villainous Jezebel?” Lorna said with a raised eyebrow.

“Go with it, this is kind fun,” Jen urged her.

Lorna shrugged and stood up. The floor below the hand Jen sat on seemed to be impossibly far below her, and somewhere inside she began to feel legitimate pangs of fear. She knew Lorna was just playing around, but Jen had never had anyone hold her beside her loving husband. Now as she sat literally in the palm of her friend and sometimes rivals hand she was getting a rush that rivaled the first time she let Holden use his invention on her.

Jen gathered herself and tried to concentrate on Lorna’s face rather than the floor. Lorna just looked at her with a wholly convincing expression of joy and malicious intent. “Well, I could try out that whole Ebay suggestion you made earlier. Bet I could make a pretty decent profit off of that sweet ass of yours. I mean, you don’t have the boobs that I do but yours aren’t bad… but that would just take too long and I’m looking for a more instant and permanent solution to my pest problems. Oh, I know! I could have you bronzed and then give you to Holden on our honeymoon… of course that would leave him with a reminder of you and I bet that might sour the mood… I guess I could just drop you, and then squash you where you land… but then I would have to spend the rest of the week trying to clean you out of the carpet and I don’t like to clean very much,”

Jen was aghast. She couldn’t believe that Lorna had the capacity to come up with such evil fates for her, but more so she was amazed at how much of a turn on the rush of being told these things was having on her. “Lorna, you’re just evil,”

“Well actually, I’m not JUST evil… I’m also hungry which is unfortunate for a certain delicious looking little redhead whose husband I’m trying to steal,” Lorna said rather matter of factually.

Jen laughed, but stopped when she saw that Lorna wasn’t joining her. Lorna began to stroke her friends red locks and looked at her with sincerity. Jen looked back at her and the smile melted away from her face when she saw that Lorna’s demeanor seemed like anything but playful. “Lorna, are we still playing?”

Lorna looked up at the ceiling and sat down on the bed. She took in a deep breath, the kind someone takes when they’re about to confess something they’re not terribly proud of. Jen looked down. The bed was much closer than the floor had been, but was still a long way. Lorna finally looked back at her tiny hostess. “Look Jen, I love you hon. You’re a great friend… but this is a once in a lifetime chance. I can finally stop working at that stupid tanning salon. Holden is really on to something with this shrink ray. He’s going to end up being famous like Einstein. Just know that I’m going to be there for him. I promise you I’ll be good to Holden,”

Fear gripped Jen as Lorna gripped her tiny hands between the thumb and pointer finger of her free hand and then raised her up by her arms to dangle in front of her enormous face. Jen didn’t look her in the eyes. She could only stare at a mouth that was easily big enough to swallow her whole. “Ok Lorna, the jokes over,”

“Jen, honey I’m not joking about this. Now please just don’t fight it. I want to make this as quick as possible for you, I won’t even chew,” Lorna sniffled and wiped her eyes with her free hand.

The sniffle and the wiping of her eyes terrified Jen to no end. She began to kick for everything she was worth and closed her eyes and screamed for Holden to come and save her. When she opened her eyes, Lorna’s mouth was gaping wide in front of her and froze with fear of her impending death. Jen’s life flashed before her eyes and had she been a weaker person she would have passed out from the fear. She could feel Lorna’s hot breath on her and see her huge white teeth ready to close on her… and that’s when it happened.

Lorna dropped Jen into her hand, kissed her on the head and waited for her to look up. Jen finally did and Lorna was doing her best to keep from exploding with laughter. “Got ya!”

“Oh my God, you friggin bitch! I thought you were really going to do it!” Jen yelled up at Lorna and proceeded to beat mercilessly on her hand.

“Well, I WAS going to do it but then I got to thinking you might need more salt,”

“Trust me Lorna, after that performance I am feeling VERY salty!”

“Well, you’re probably really high in calories any way… but maybe if I had Holden make you smaller…”

“Lorna once we’re the same size you are a dead woman,”

“Promises, promises…”

Holden called to them from the kitchen. “Breakfast is on ladies, get your pancakes while they’re hot,”

Lorna got up from the bed as Jen sulked a little in her hand. She opened the door and walked out to the kitchen still naked as the day she was born.

“Oh, wow…. Good morning,” Holden said, pleasantly surprised at Lorna’s state of undress.

Lorna handed Jen off to her husband and he gave her a big kiss on the head. She gave him the silent treatment.

“Hey Holden, can you make Jen a couple of inches smaller? Like maybe just three inches tall?” Lorna asked.

“Sure, I can make anyone or anything as small as you like. Why?”

“Well, I sort of had this plan to steal you away from her and I decided that the best way to get Jen out of the way was to eat her for breakfast,” Lorna said smiling as she slathered an absurd amount of butter and syrup on her stack of pancakes.

Jen finally looked up at Holden, having decided that she was angrier with Lorna than she was with him. “She’s a real comedian,”

Holden looked over at Lorna and sat Jen down on the counter opposite the stove. “Lorna, I went to all this trouble to make pancakes for breakfast… is there any way you could wait to swallow my wife whole until lunch? I just worry that she’ll make you full,”

Suddenly Jen was just as angry with Holden. “Great, two comedians,”

Lorna just laughed and winked at Holden. From his periphery he could see that his wife was waving him over. He gently scooped her up and brought her to eye level, and then to ear level. Jen whispered something to her hubby and walked out of the kitchen with her as Lorna dug in to her food.

A short moment later, just as she was about to take her second bite of syrupy pancake Lorna felt like she was in a freight elevator going straight down. She realized very quickly as she stood up on the seat of a now gigantic chair that she and Jen would be seeing eye to eye sooner rather than later.

She watched as a now titanic Holden walked back to the bedroom and then returned to the kitchen with Jen in one hand and something else behind his back. Holden set Jen down next to Lorna’s plate and then picked Lorna up. He produced his hand held camcorder from behind his back and started taping the miniature minx in his hand. “Lorna, say hello to the camera,”

For once in her life, Lorna was speechless. Holden blew on her and she tried to cover up as her body reacted to the sudden chill. It got her attention.

“Wow, this is amazing… what are you going to do with me now?” She stammered.

“Me, I’m just going to be catching this all on tape… for scientific reasons of course. My wife is the one planning on doing something with you,” Holden said as he set Lorna down on the opposite side of the plate from Jen.

The women were proportionately the same size they would have been normally and Jen looked ready for a rumble. Lorna put her hands up defensively “So… I love you Hon!”

“I love you two, now lets see if we can’t give those Miller Lite catfight girls from a few years ago a run for their money,” Jen said as she climbed up onto the plate.

Lorna smiled and climbed up as well. Both tiny women had to take a second to get used to the slippery syrup coated surface of the porcelain plate. Once they had their balance Lorna looked over at Jen and yelled “Tastes great!”

Jen yelled back “Less filling,” and the two miniature maidens charged at one another and began playfully wrestling on top of the pile of pancakes, butter, and syrup.

To be continued… (!)

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:14 pm

Dontexpect wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:50 am

Does anyone have any of the chapters of The Mad Science Fair? It was a very long story about a scientist shrinking his wife and her friends. As far as I know, the writer removed all chapters, and i dont think he got to finish it
I've had a chance to do a cursory editorial pass on the first 6 installments and you'll find them above this post. On my original run I got as far as pt. 16 and do plan to post subsequent chapters once I've given them a little polish. That won't be until the New Year most likely.

I hope you are able to enjoy what I have posted here.

A Joyous Yule and Happy Holidays all!

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Dontexpect » Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:09 pm

Cool! Thank you very much for this! And you posted also the pancake scene (one of my favorites).
Happy holidays

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by goodshrnker » Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:50 am

Sumguy14 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:14 pm
Dontexpect wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:50 am

Does anyone have any of the chapters of The Mad Science Fair? It was a very long story about a scientist shrinking his wife and her friends. As far as I know, the writer removed all chapters, and i dont think he got to finish it
I've had a chance to do a cursory editorial pass on the first 6 installments and you'll find them above this post. On my original run I got as far as pt. 16 and do plan to post subsequent chapters once I've given them a little polish. That won't be until the New Year most likely.

I hope you are able to enjoy what I have posted here.

A Joyous Yule and Happy Holidays all!
Oh, you're finally continuing the story Sumguy? I've been waiting for so long, lol. That was quite the cliffhanger you left us off on way back when. I can't wait now. Happy Holidays to you as well.

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:02 pm

goodshrnker wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:50 am
Sumguy14 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:14 pm
Dontexpect wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:50 am

Does anyone have any of the chapters of The Mad Science Fair? It was a very long story about a scientist shrinking his wife and her friends. As far as I know, the writer removed all chapters, and i dont think he got to finish it
I've had a chance to do a cursory editorial pass on the first 6 installments and you'll find them above this post. On my original run I got as far as pt. 16 and do plan to post subsequent chapters once I've given them a little polish. That won't be until the New Year most likely.

I hope you are able to enjoy what I have posted here.

A Joyous Yule and Happy Holidays all!
Oh, you're finally continuing the story Sumguy? I've been waiting for so long, lol. That was quite the cliffhanger you left us off on way back when. I can't wait now. Happy Holidays to you as well.
LOL. To be clear, I plan to edit and re-post the other ten chapters I originally wrote. Did not say I was going to add to the story....

But now that you mention it. Who knows?

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by goodshrnker » Sat Dec 23, 2023 8:30 am

Sumguy14 wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:02 pm
goodshrnker wrote:
Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:50 am
Sumguy14 wrote:
Thu Dec 21, 2023 12:14 pm

I've had a chance to do a cursory editorial pass on the first 6 installments and you'll find them above this post. On my original run I got as far as pt. 16 and do plan to post subsequent chapters once I've given them a little polish. That won't be until the New Year most likely.

I hope you are able to enjoy what I have posted here.

A Joyous Yule and Happy Holidays all!
Oh, you're finally continuing the story Sumguy? I've been waiting for so long, lol. That was quite the cliffhanger you left us off on way back when. I can't wait now. Happy Holidays to you as well.
LOL. To be clear, I plan to edit and re-post the other ten chapters I originally wrote. Did not say I was going to add to the story....

But now that you mention it. Who knows?
Well, I certainly hope you continue it. I've been dying to know what is going to happen for a long time now, haha.

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by scrambledcrap » Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:09 am

It's been a few months, any chance you could post any more of this? I have chapters 1-10 saved from back in the day but I haven't been able to read chapters 11-16 in over a decade. If sumguy14 isn't gonna repost any more, would anyone like me to repost chapters 7-10?

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by Sumguy14 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:28 am

scrambledcrap wrote:
Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:09 am
It's been a few months, any chance you could post any more of this? I have chapters 1-10 saved from back in the day but I haven't been able to read chapters 11-16 in over a decade. If sumguy14 isn't gonna repost any more, would anyone like me to repost chapters 7-10?
Hey scrambledcrap,

I would say you're good to share anything you've personally saved in a correspondence with any other members of the forum but would prefer you refrain from posting in a public arena. It is dated, in desperate need of a fresh edit, and frankly some of the story needs to be retooled or dropped altogether because it was all over the place.

I do appreciate the interest in my old work however I have an observation, your post lacks some tact. Artists and authors like to have their egos stroked a little before you ask for more. Do you like my work? I have no idea because you have never offered a single compliment or criticism of it (to my knowledge this was your first post.)

I would like to touch on the notion that if a consensus of board members chime in asking you to do so, that you will post my work without ever asking me directly... it's a bad look. I could understand if I was a missing author that no one had heard from in years, but I have posted to this forum as recently as last week. If it was me, I might have phrased it more like this : "Sumguy, if you aren't going to repost any more, would it be cool if I put up chapters 7-10 as I have them saved?"

Maybe next time shoot me a PM. I'm good about responding.

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Re: Mad science fair, anyone?

Post by scrambledcrap » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:19 pm

Sorry. Just got a little excited because I really do love your work and I never thought I'd see this story again. Take all the time you need.

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