Chris and his girls

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Shrink Adept
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Chris and his girls

Post by MasterBlaster » Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:06 am

Part 1

Linda and Tammy were two female wrestlers who wanted to be minis for the week. They were used to others being intimidated by their size and on stage bad bitch persona. Linda was a 6'0 blonde blue eyed muscle goddess while Tammy was a black 6'1 goddess even wider and more muscled than Linda. Tammy typically played he heel while Linda played the part of a bad girl. They were bisexual and they were in a relationship with each other, but they both desired to be made to submit. Unfortunately potential play partners always got scared off by their size or didn't live up to their expectations, so they decided being minis for a week would be the perfect way to satisfy those desires. They had been talking to an older experienced gentleman who had trained mini slaves before, but unfortunately he got sick just before they would be delivered to him so an alternate had to be chosen, and that alternate was 14 year old Chris.

"Honey this box from the organization is here for you. Looks like more temporary minis. Be sure to send them back on time and like you found them or it will come out of your check again"

"Ugh that wasn't my fault mom. That mini's didn't listen. We at least got a quarter for sending the wife back."

Chris was 14 years old, Hispanic, with short black hair. He signed up to be a backup mini caretaker to earn extra money for video games and typical 14 year old things. It didn't pay much as he wasn't one of the desired caretakers, most didn't want to be at the mercy of a teenage boy, but there was such a shortage of backups that he regularly got minis for a weekend or occasionally a week. He often didn't know who would be in the box beforehand, usually couples who wanted to add some excitement in their lives, so he wasn't prepared for what he saw when he opened the box Saturday morning.

"Oh my god I must be dreaming"

Linda yelped as Chris picked her up to get a better look at her.

"Uh... sir? I think there's been a mistake. We were supposed to go to a Mr. Jack Davis?"

"Hah, no mistake mini. Whoever you were supposed go to couldn't do it or changed their mind. I don't really care why but I guess we can look it up later. Either way you two are mine for the week. Better double check the card here. Yep you go back Friday looks like you were sent here by, hmmm The Organization and they used formula 537. Heh, don't know why that's important, we don't usually get details like that."

"Hey now look here you little pip squeak." The black inch amazon yelled at him from the box. "This isn't what we wanted. Your going to get on the phone righ-hey. NO PUT ME DOWN"

Chris had placed Linda back in the box and picked up Tammy holding her ass up in his left hand. With his right he pulled down her leggings and started flicking her thick ass. To her it was like getting the hardest spanking ever. Her parents had never even spanked her as a child and now this punk 14 year old was humiliating her treating her like a tiny disobedient child.

"Oh man I've actually fantasized about doing this because you seemed like such a bitch on TV. Didn't think you would actually be like that in real life too. Well you're going to learn to have some respect before you get sent back"

He picked up Linda and kept holding Tammy ass up until he set them down on his bed. Tammy's face was now wet with tears and red with rage. She was shaking trying to keep her feelings inside. He sat down on the bed to loom over him.

"Listen up minis. My name is Chris Gomez, but while you're here you will call me Master. My Mom is Mary Gomez but you will call her Mistress or Goddess. Do you understand?"

"I'm not calling you Master. You can't for-" Linda was cut short by Chris pounding his fist on the night stand.

"I don't think you're listening mini. Now what are you supposed to call me" Chris said calmly.

"I'm not calling YOU.. NO STOAHHHH" Tammy yelled as Chris picked her up and squeezed hard.

"Please stop. Please MASTER. We'll listen. PLEASE STOP HURTING HER!!!" Linda's voice was shrill as she pleaded with the giant boy.

These weren't the first minis he'd had to educate. It was always easier for him with couples who loved each other. All he had to do was discipline one then the other, and they would agree to save their partner. Couples with problems he had to treat the same as individuals. So far he'd only lost his temper and killed a mini once, but he was such an asshole his wife didn't seem to mind. That was good for her or he would have had to keep her, or eliminate her to avoid any problems. It felt really good to crush the little asshole under his foot, and they could loose up to three minis a quarter before there were any real concequences. Accidents happen with minis after all, but his Mother was rather upset about the lost money and he didn't need to go through that lecture again. Chris squeezed Tammy hard enough that it would have killed the average mini, and he liked the feeling, but he relaxed his grip at Linda's pleading.

"You hear that mini. Your little girl friend there just saved you."

"I... I'm not gonna give you want you want you little fuck"

"Oh, you hear that Linda? Maybe she doesn't care about you the same way. I guess she won't mind if I do this"

With his other hand he reached out and picked up Linda. The little amazon knew she should have run, or dived, or done something, but she could only stare dumbly as the giant hand came for her and lifted her up. Then the giant hand began to squeeze and her ribs and organs cried out in pain.

"Ahhhh PLEASE MASTER PLEASE IT HURTS IT HURTS" Linda turned red and thrashed in pain in Chris's hand


Chris relaxed his grip on both minis. Seems like Tammy could take a little bit more pain and punishment than Linda. This was good. Maybe they wouldn't break easily and he could have some fun with them.

"I'm glad we're all on the same page now. So let's try again. You will call me Master and you will call my mother Mistress or Goddess. Do you understand minis" Chris put them both down back on the bed and they kneeled in humiliation.

"Yes master" Linda said softly and looked pleadingly at Tammy. This isn't what they signed up for but they just had to survive this week

"Fine, I mean yes, Yes master"

Chris flicked them both in the face and they each fell over. To them it was like a hard punch to the face. He did it harder than he would to other minis because of how strong they were and he didn't want to take it easy on these bitches

"Lets try that again. Say it with some feeling this time. Now do you minis fucking understand?"

"Yes Master" They said in unison

"Ahh that's better. Was that so hard? Now strip I want a good look at those little bodies"

"Yes master we understand" Linda said as she looked pleadingly at Tammy. They both stripped and kneeled.

"Stand minis. Place your hands behind you back and stick out your chests"

For a moment Tammy considered resisting but she didn't want the giant to hurt Linda anymore. The reality of their situation was starting to sink in for her.

As they complied Chris ran his fingers across their bodies, feeling their breasts and their firm muscles. He felt them twitch and try to move away from him, want to resist him, and that just gave him pleasure.

"Ok minis. It's time to show you want you're good for. Stay right there"

He got up, took off his clothes, and sat back on the bed. The girls had a pretty good idea of what he was about to do, but they didn't want to cause their partner more suffering by resisting.

"I'm really going to enjoy this even if nobodies going to believe me when I tell them I did this" Chris said picking up Tammy.

Tammy's hands were behind her back locked by Chris's grip and he pressed her breasts into the side of his shaft, then her whole body. He kept her like that as he slowly rubbed her back and forth pointing his dick right at Linda

"Oh this feels soo good. You better not fucking move Linda or I'll crush your little girlfriend here."

Tammy scowled and said some curses under her breath, but Chris couldn't hear them and really didn't care what she thought. He jacked off with her and aimed his cock at Linda.

"Open your mouth slave" he ordered Linda.

Just as she opened her mouth his dick fired hot cum at her face. She choked on his cum even as she guessed his intent and tried to swallow as much as she could.

"Oh yeah, that's good, keep eating my cum Lida. You too Tammy eat my cum like a good little mini."

Both girls were eating his cum now and Chris didn't care that they both seemed to hate it.

"You little sluts better learn to like this. I'm going to be using you like this all week whether you like it or not."

Even as Chris spoke the girls felt a tingling on the skin his cum and sweat touch, as well as their internal organs as the cum they ate made it's way down their guts. It turn's out Chris had a rare combination of genetic markers that made any minis affected with formula 537 to become bonded to him and absolutely obedient when they came into contact with his bodily fluids. This effect continued if they reverted back to normal though at a slightly lesser effect. Chris picked up the minis and took them to the bathroom to clean them off. He turned on the cold water and began rinsing them.

"You're moving too much. Stop struggling and stay still you stupid minis"

To his surprised they suddenly became absolutely still. The bond they were forming with him urging them to obey his commands absolutly. He decided to grab Linda and take her to the shower to clean him off. She was calm and obedient as he used her to clean with them which confused him. This usually took a while especially with how disobedient the were just a few moments ago

"Ok, good girl. You need to be obedient just like that for the rest of the week"

"Yes Master" the wet Linda said still with soap in her hair.

"Um, good. Ok time for lunch"

He dried off and got dressed. He went to the dining room and saw that there was spaghetti made.

"So the new minis understand things around here now?" his mom asked casually

"Uh yeah, it's weird, look. Minis climb into the spaghetti, cover yourself in it and sit calmly. Don't move until I tell you"

The little women did as instructed climbing to the center of his plate and sat in the spaghetti. They tried to make sure the noddles covered up to their breasts.

"Is this acceptable" they said in unison

Chris didn't respond and instead poked them both with a metal fork. He then poked Tammy hard enough to cause her pain and draw a little blood with the fork, she just grunted and sat there.

"Huh, well that's new" remarked his mother. "Well just don't go too far. I'm not going to send them back if you break them. You know it's better to have them go missing than let them say bad things about us, and I don't want to loose money again"

"Mom that was one time, and he totally deserved it. Fine fine I'll be careful"

She would let it go eventually but Chris wished that would be sooner rather than later. For the rest of the day Chris played with his new minis making them do wrestling moves on each other or his action figures and acting out some of their past matches. He thought it was weird they were suddenly so eager to obey and please him but he wasn't going to complain. When it was time to go to bed he put them in a box on his night stand that had doll sized boxes so they could be close, rather than placing them in the minibox which was too big for the night stand.

"Um, excuse me Master" Linda asked from their little box

"Ugh, what is it mini?" Chris asked annoyed laying in his bed

"Well we were hoping to please Master before bed, I mean if you want us to"

Chris sat up and looked at her confused. This wasn't how these things went, but he decided it would be stupid to think to hard about it when ultimately he wanted them on his dick at the moment. He reached in and picked up the little amazons.

"You know what? I do. Now do your job minis and show me why I shouldn't just step on you."

"Yes sir. Thank you for the opportunity" Tammy said, then her and Linda got under the covers on his chest and crawled their way to his shorts which they entered so they could get to his cock.

The two six inch amazons used their whole bodies to please and stimulate him. He came all over them and fell asleep. He was awoken the next morning to Linda massaging his cock, or at least he assumed it was her from the feeling. He reached over and petted the bulge in his shorts

"Good job slave." Chris praised. As soon as he did the mini's efforts redoubled and he could feel the second mini massage his balls. This was going to be a really good week. Chris made sure to take multiple pictures of their activities that week as he doubted he would ever see them in person again after sending them back. It would also be good black mail if they wanted to come after him later. His mother would also have her fair share of fun using the two amazon's as sex toys


Two weeks after being sent back Linda and Tammy tracked down the Gomez family and cornered Mary. She was not afraid but simply looked at them with contempt.

"Look I hope you're not here looking for some kind of revenge or retribution. Try anything and you'll spend the rest of your lives in jail if you're lucky, or unfortunate minis if you're not."

"Oh no Goddess please don't misunderstand" Said Tammy

"We just wanted a chance to serve Master again" Said Linda

"Um... WHAT? Excuse me he's a 14 year old boy. You can't... I mean... NO"

"We can't stop thinking about him. Please just let us be his minis again, I mean you enjoyed us too didn't you? We'll do whatever kind of arrangement. Anything! PLEASE!!! We just want to spend more time with him. He doesn't need any other minis. Just tell us what we can do." begged Tammy

"What the Fuck? I mean seriously What THE FUCK? You're two grown women, he's a 14 year old boy. If you ask him of course he'd say yes, you're like a walking teenage boy's wet dream, but why should I let you see him?"

"We don't understand it ourselves. Look ever since that week we spent with him we can't stop talking or thinking about him. We have money. I mean we're wrestling stars. We can give you 5000 a month if you just let us be his minis and not anyone else. That should make up for whatever money they give you. If this movie deal pays off we can give you more, I mean fuck it I'll give you everything, just, just please let us see Master" Linda begged with tears running down her face.

Tammy was beginning to form tears of desperation as well. Mary just shook her head. Seriously what the fuck was going on here. This is not what's supposed to happen when you watch minis as a backup. They aren't supposed to track ou down and beg for you to abuse them again. Mary sighed

"Ok look he really liked having you two that week. If it was anyone else I'd just tell you to go to hell, but you two bimbo's really did make my boy happy. Ok tell you what, if he can prove to me he's responsible I'll let you be his mini's once a month. You two are still gonna pay us regardless understand?"

"Yes Goddess" they both said.

Mary sighed. This was nuts but she really could use the money. She wondered if this had anything to do with the cheek swabs the organization had them sent in. She really regretted doing that now, but that ship had sailed. At least Chris would be happy, but he was going to have to earn it.

"Ok you two, but you're going to have to do it by my rules"

"Yes Goddess"
Last edited by MasterBlaster on Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Chris and his girls

Post by MasterBlaster » Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:49 am

Part 2

Chris was tired. He was on the 2nd mile of his 3 mile jog. He stopped, panting, trying to catch is breath. He held a pair of leashes that went to the necks of Tammy and Linda. The tall amazons were not breathing hard at all and barely started to sweat.

"Are you ok Master" Linda asked concerned.

"I'm..... fine.... this..... is nothing" Chris panted out between breaths.

"Oh Master if it's too hard for you I'll carry you the rest of the way." teased Tammy.

Chris glared at her. Last time he took her up on her offer she carried him in her arms like a baby. Before he realized what was going on he just buried his face in her chest hoping nobody would see him and was too embarrassed to even punish her afterwards. Tammy knew he was probably going to punish her later for teasing him about it, but she just couldn't help herself.

His mother Mary required that Chris participate in their workouts if he wanted to get time with them as minis. It was just one of her many conditions including making him supervise their nutrition, their appearance, their wrestling performances, and even their work ethic on set when they did a movie or TV show. Stupidly Chris was excited about it all in the beginning, but now he realized it was part of his mom's plan to keep him busy, exhausted, and out of trouble. After all Chris could have sex with the women whenever he wanted and they would happily do whatever he asked. Mary wasn't stupid enough to think abstinence was an option, so she made sure both women had birth control implants until he was 18. If he was too tired to have sex with them at full size all the better.

Mary had agreed to let the two amazons spend time with her son since they were absolutely dedicated to him and he really seemed to enjoy it. If she tried to say no they might have tried to kidnap him or he could have tried to run away with them being a horny 14 year old boy who had two beautiful members of the opposite sex so interested in him. Mary herself had run away a few times for less when she was younger so it was a concern. Besides those two amazons were starting to get roles in movies and TV shows while most of that money went to her retirement fund, as well as a trust for Chris.

"You... You know what smart ass? Get over here and get on your knees right now!" Chris panted out

"With pleasure Master"

The 6'1 black amazon came to him and kneeled, undoing his zipper and taking his cock into her mouth. He suddenly realized he was rewarding bad behavior, but before he could change course the pleasure of her mouth took away his ability to think. It was a good thing they were in a wooded area away from prying eyes. He glanced at Linda who was looking a little sad that her concern for him wasn't being rewarded.

"Blondie come here. My lips are dry"

"Yes Master" she said with a smile.

She stood behind Tammy, leaning over her to place her hands on Chris's shoulders and kiss him. He let go of Tammy's fro and reached up to put his hands on Linda's head. He came in Tammy's mouth and she dutifully swallowed while he continued to make out with Linda. He paused feeling a little drained.

"Linda you're a good girl. Get up Tammy"

"Yes Master." She giggled playfully as he lightly kicked her. She annoyed him that way.

"Linda you deserve to kiss my cock too."

"Yes sir. Thank you Master for the honor"

While Tammy had gone to take his cock like a hungry lioness claiming it's prey. Linda approached it more like a holy relic she needed to cherish. Chris wasn't sure which approach he preferred sometimes, but it's not like he had to choose when he could always have them both. She carefully cleaned his cock getting off the last of his cum and Tammy's slobber. When she was done he had her stand up as he zipped up his pants. He went up to her then placing his hands on her ass he pressed his body against hers with his head between her breasts while she tried to pull him closer. He soon felt Tammy come behind him and pulling herself close grabbing Linda and sandwiching his head with their breasts.

"I think I'm falling in love with you big dummies" He said muffled by their flesh

"I'm honored Master. We are yours and we love you with all our hearts and souls" said Linda gently.

"You little dumbass, we've been in love with you since that first week. That's why we tracked you down. Once I found you I was ready to kidnap you right there and go into hiding if that's what it took to keep you with us. I would never have let you go even if you ordered me to. I feel even more strongly about you now" said Tammy.

"Really Tammy? Sure could have fooled me. You're always messing with me instead of being good and obedient like Linda"

"That's just how she is Master. She really likes to mess with those she loves. If you didn't order her to behave she'd be a lot worse. I mean some of the things she did to me while we were dating were just crazy"

"Yeah. Any chance you wanna ease up on that little guy. I'll always call you Master willingly even"

Chris wasn't about to do that trade. He was pretty sure it wasn't worth it.

"I'm just going to order you to call me Master and I'm going to punish you when you don't"

"Ugh, you're not fun. Mast-er." Tammy said dismissively.

Nope, not going to take the bait.

"Ok girls lets go home. I need to measure out your meals and do my homework. Mom's going to measure your muscles tomorrow and weigh you to make sure you don't loose any weight. Otherwise I'm going to have to do weight training with you all day again for a week"

Chris got home and had the girls take their short term mini pills with their protein shakes after setting the stay at home alarm. His mom had gone out and wasn't really worried about him especially when he was out with his two body guard amazons. They would be back to normal in the morning which gave Mary control over exactly how much time he could play with the girls as minis. He couldn't get the pills on his own after all. While the girls shrank Chris worked separating the chicken, rice, and vegetables into meal prep containers, measuring each portion with a scale to be as exact as possible. That was harder to do for mini meals but the girls hard earned money was used to buy expensive mini protein shakes and protein bars for two of their meals. They had to eat 5 times a day to keep the bulk up after all.

"All right you two come here." Chris said as he gently picked up the minis.

He wiped the sweat from his face and neck with their bodies. They were sweaty as well so it did little to make him clean, but the girls loved his sweat mixing with theirs and overpower their senses, even trying to lick and drink it to feel closer to him. Satisfied they were covered with his scent he went to the sink and cruelly rinsed the naked amazons with cold water.

"Ahh no. Master please it's too cold" They both complained. He just laughed.

Chris sat down to eat the meal his mother had left him. He put the naked girls on the plate and poured the beef fried rice on top of them. It was warm but not hot. He had accidentally burned them with hot food a few times, but he tried not to as it was detrimental to their careers. Chris enjoyed the way the girls flavored his food. Even though he just washed them they were still sweating lightly from earlier which added a bit more flavor to his food. When Chris finished he picked up Linda and held her under his nose breathing in her scent mixed with the fried rice.

"Delicious. I think you'll be my desert"

"No Master" she squealed as he licked and sucked on his think 6 inch doll.

"Now let me try the chocolate one"

"Oh please do" said Tammy as he lifted her up and did the same.

Chris took a moment and admired their heavily muscled bodies. He'd done a good job of keeping their body fat down he thought as he admired the definition of their muscles, especially those abs and legs.

"You two are so hot. I want to take you to bed right now, but I have to finish up here and do my homework so we can keep geting mini pills. Put on your night gowns"

"Yes Master" they said in unison.

The wouldn't sleep in those gowns, but he liked taking them off. Chris got up to put away the dishes and pick up the girls clothes from the floor. The girls were putting on the night gowns he set on the table before he started eating. He made sure the next days clothes were in their gym bags and started a wash for the dirty ones. Once the girls got at least another half mill from a movie or something he was going to ask that they hire a maid. Making sure there were 8 meals for tomorrow and a set of mini meal replacements for the morning he grabbed the girls and went to his room.

"All right girls. I gotta do some math, and a history report on the ottoman empire"

"I can help you with the Math Master and Tammy can help you with the report" Offered Linda

"Yeah, but I'm a bit rusty on the Ottoman empire. I'll do my best for you Master"

Chris wasn't the best student, but he took it a lot more seriously now that his mini time depended on it. He already had to go a whole week without his girls as minis when he got a D in English. His mother threatened to bar the girls from seeing him at all if he didn't get it back up, or worse if it became an F. He didn't mind when he girls walked on to his paper to help him or point out a mistake. He initially thought it might get annoying but it was hard not to like seeing and touching them when they did that. The girls always loved it when he petted them for helping. As he was finishing up his mother came home and went to his room

Both girls were smarter than their on screen personalities initially lead him to believe. Linda was good at Science and Math while Tammy was better at English and History. Despite both being rather intelligent their large size and desire to be professional body builders made it hard be taken seriously professionally. Body building is too expensive to be without a good job, so when Wrestling came along it seemed like the perfect fit for both of them. If being big mean bimbo's would help them achieve their dreams then it seemed like an acceptable sacrifice to make. None of that mattered to them now though as Chris's affection and approval was the most important thing in their lives. They would be the best body builders, wrestlers, and actors for him they could be, but if he ordered it they would stop it all without hesitation

"Chris honey are you all done?"

"Just about mom"

"Thank you girls for helping him with his homework"

"It's our pleasure Mistress"

"All right I'm tired. Don't stay up too late fooling around son. I don't want to have to fight with you in the morning"

"We'll get him to school on time Mistress" offered Tammy

"See that you do"

She left and closed the door. Chris put everything away and took the girls to bed. He slowly took off Linda's night gown fondling her while he did so, then did the same to Tammy. He placed the girls on his chest. If it was earlier he would have gotten himself off with them, but it was rather late and he was tired. The girls understood this and contently laid on his chest while staring at his face and smiling.

"Good night Master"

"Good night girls"

Chris rested his hand on the girls like a blanket and went to sleep.


Chris woke up to a pleasant feeling on his cock. He opened his eyes and saw Linda kneeling on his chest and smiling at him.

"Good morning Master"

"Oh good morning little one" He petted her and was happy to see her close her eyes in pleasure and lean into it

"I see little Tammy is already getting to work" Chris motioned at the activity beneath is comforter as the little amazon got his cock up.

"Yes Master. She said she was going to help your morning wood rise. I wanted to great you when you woke up first"

"You're a sweet little thing. Now go join her. You two are better together"

Tammy was a bit mechanical on her own, which could actually hurt him if she was too riled up, but when Linda joined her they started to move in sync. It was like going from ridding a mechanical bull to being trapped in an elaborate dance. Chris gasped as Tammy rubbed the precum on herself and then Linda, using it to help slide across his cock with their hard bodies. Kissing each other and kissing his cock, using their entire bodies to stimulate him. It wasn't long before Chris exploded, his two mini's trapped under the covers as cum covered them. Chris usually tried to move the cover out of the way, but now he would have to wash it.

"Chris honey it's time to get up. Remember today... oh you're busy"

It took Chris a second to notice his mom had glanced at the activity under his covers as the two girls were playing with each other in his cum. Chris turned red as he moved his hands over his comforter trying to cover his pelvic area.

"Moooom. C'mon"

"Oh it's nothing I didn't expect of haven't seen before. Make sure to wash your sheets. Don't forget Tammy has a call time this afternoon at 3 so you need to get her leg workout in later and Linda should pick you up from school. This evening I'm going to weigh and measure them so everyone be ready."

"Yes Mistress" the girls said from under he covers

"Uhg, Yuck. Go shower and clean those two off. Get moving Mr"

Chris filled the sink with warm water to let the girls bathe while he took a shower. He had enjoyed each of them in the shower at full size when his mom wasn't home, but she did of course know and it was when she wasn't around to be annoyed by it. They weren't going to grow back for almost an hour anyway and if they waited for that he'd really be late. After he showered and dried himself he went over to the sink to rub soap over Tammy and Linda. They were already clean, but he enjoyed cleaning them with his hands if there was time. Both girls loved the attention of course.

Chris sat down on the table with cereal and coffee. He thought about putting Tammy in his Coffee and Linda in his cereal, but they were already a little short on time. Instead they positioned themselves between him and his bowl eating their mini protein bars and drinks. It was inconvenient for him as he had to make sure not to spill anything on them, but they always seemed to want to be closer to him if they could. He finished, put the minis on the Sofa next to their clothes, and rushed to get his blankets to put in the wash

"Shouldn't they be getting big now so one of them could be doing that? You didn't get back too late did you?"

"Ugh, no mom, I was just tired so I had to take a break. Three miles is a lot!"

"Young man you have to get things done even when they are hard. I have to go to work and I'm not leaving you with them while they can't defend you or drive you to school. You being tired yesterday is going to make me late today"

"Mom they're already growing back. Look" Chris said as he stuffed his comforter and sheet into the washer

"It won't happen again Mistress" Linda said currently at 5ft and still growing

"We go soon Mistress. We will text you as soon as we leave him off at school and when we pick him up"

"Yes. Well I'll see you later then son. Don't forget to set the alarm"

"Ugh I won't. Love you mom. Bye"

"Bye son"

Mary hurried out the door. She didn't really need to work anymore, but she didn't want to just depend on the income of the two wrestlers/actors. There was enough money for them to move to a better neighborhood, but she wanted just a bit more of a cushion. Besides Chris may as well finish the school year at his current high school. If the girls acting careers kept improving at their current rate then soon Mary wouldn't ever have to work again, but Chris would still have to go to college if he didn't want to see his portion donated to charity.

"So annoying"

"Master if I may" Linda said gently

"What" said Chris exasperated

"Your mom can seem like an annoying bitch, but she just wants what's best for you. Master. I agree with her most of the time. Master." Tammy said as she walked over to him and bent over grabbing her ankles

"I, er, what are you doing?"

"I called her a bitch. Master. You should punish me for it" Tammy said as she wiggled her butt.

"Damn right, but are you going to keep saying 'Master' like that?" He suddenly remembered that part of yesterday's walk

"You said I had to call you Master, but you didn't tell me how to do it. Master."

Chris sighed. He then tried to spank Tammy but he was pretty sure the palm of his hand hurt more than her muscular ass. He was pretty sure she wouldn't keep this up all week, or at least he hopped not, but he kinda expected behavior like this from Tammy.

"Ouch, I'll behave. Master"

Chris sighed and kissed both women. They all got in Tammy's Jeep and they dropped him off at school. It was so hard to keep quiet as his friends talked about the new edition of Tammy and Linda's action figures when he held the real things in his hands just an hour ago.
Last edited by MasterBlaster on Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:17 am

Chris and his girls Part 3

Post by MasterBlaster » Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:20 am

Part 3

Linda was happy, she was finally finished filming 'Amazon Queen 3' and could get back to what really mattered to her, her Master and her girlfriend Tammy. Even though it was a B movie it came out better was expected and the hope was it would earn a lot more and help launch Linda's career. Tammy was about to start filming a super hero movie where she had the part of one of the main villains and that came with a big pay day. More important than the money though was time with Master and the two amazons turned down any roles that would leave their master without at least one them by his side. Tammy almost killed the producer of a reality show, like no joke planning to bury him in the woods and get away with it, who tried to push the schedule of a show to overlap with Linda's time filming her latest movie. She was a 6ft tall 28yr old muscular blonde woman going to meet a 15 year old boy 5'5 boy and she was more nervous than she had over been. She went to his door and rang the door bell

"Who is it, oh" Chris said as he opened the door.

"Hello Master I'm back" Linda said as the boy slammed into her hugging her as hard as he could. She returned his embrace as she looked behind him seeing Tammy standing like a guard dog waiting to attack in case trouble was at the door.

"Took you long enough beautiful" Tammy said

Linda smiled as she rubbed the back of Chris's head, feeling the prickle of his short hair under her hand.

"Yes. I'm glad to be back guys. That shit was grueling but hopefully it will lead to bigger things for us. I came here straight from the airport"

"I missed you but more importantly he missed you. It's hurtful when I would have to listen to him go on and on about how he missed your smell and your touch and.."

"Hey hey, I didn't tell you those things to share!" complained Chris

"Oh Tammy, you should hear what he said about missing you when..."

"No, no I order you to stop. She's a pain already without knowing that. Ugh, you two can talk about that shit when you're with each other, like when I'm at school. God, stop ruining the moment. I missed you big dummy"

"I missed you too Master. I love you" Linda said as she bent down to kiss him.

Chris smiled with a big idiot grin and looked back at Tammy

"I know. I love you both too."


Chris was in trouble. His friends had teased him about being a mamma's boy lately always running home to get his mamma's milk after school. He couldn't very well tell them about Linda and Tammy, so he looked for opportunities to prove them wrong and was about to regret this particular endeavor. His friend John wanted him to see something cool, but Chis didn't know that meant trying to buy some drugs. That alone would have been fine, but John had pissed off one of the gang members at school and his drug dealing buddies didn't take too kindly to it. Now John was bleeding out on the floor in an alley. The phone rang in Chris's hands

"Don't answer that. Hand over the phone little dude. Stop trying to text for help and give it here" A gang banger who was holding a knife said to him. There were five total with two other gang members holding knives and the other two having guns in their font waist bands. Chris turned the phone over

"Oh, looks like a 'Chocolate' is calling you? Well we can see about later but I'm definitely gonna sell this. Nice. Now a 'Vanilla' is calling you? You name your honeys after ice cream flavors or something?"

"Ye- Yeah... something like that" Chris said. It wasn't technically a lie. He kept them in his phone by their skin color as using their full names would be too telling. Those nicknames just also happened to be ice cream flavors. The thug turned off his phone as Chris stood there with his hands up. This wasn't looking good.


Linda was getting nervous. She was in her land rover in front of Chris's school and didn't see him anywhere. He didn't respond to any of her texts, then a simple message, one she never hoped to see from Chris. 911. She tried texting him back and calling him but he didn't answer. Quickly she speed dialed Tammy.

"Hey bea-"

"Tammy shut up. CHRIS TEXTED 911!!! He's not answering his phone. I'm outside of his school and don't see him. I don't know where he is. What do I do?"

"Fuck. Shit. Ok call Mary. She has a tracking app on his phone. I know because I tried to install it and saw it was already there, but I put in another spyware, just call Mary. I'm going to try to find him to" Tammy said as she hung up

Linda started panicking. She didn't know what was going on and tried to keep calm while she called Mary. The first two times it went to voicemail but she answered on the third call

"Bimbo what the fuck do you want. I'm here at wor-"


"What? Slow down boobs, what the fuck are you saying?"

Linda took a break trying not to hyperventilate

"Chris texted me 911. I'm out here in front of his school and he's not. He's not picking up his phone OR ANSWERING HIS TEXTS. I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS. IFICAN'TFINDHIMIDON'TKNOWWHATI'MGOINGTO-" Her voice was getting higher and more frantic as she tried to explain his location.


"On my life Goddess!" Linda said. She got the location and slammed on the gas nearly killing another student diving out of the way.


"Hey look man. I just want to go home. I won't tell anybody what you did. How about it"

"Hand over your wallet, and get your friends wallet"

Chris got the wallet out of Johns pocket as he bled on the floor.

"Sorry man." Chris gave the wallets to the gang banger. He hoped somehow that his girls would come for him

"All right. Now let's,... what is this shit. 47 bucks? You know this isn't worth my time, and when things aren't worth my time I get mad."

"Hey man my friend and I are customers. Is this how you treat customers?"

"Nah, see you WERE customers, but your friend there has a smart mouth and pissed off my boy by being smart with him. We can't tolerate that kinda disrespect around here. Sets a bad example." he said pointing his knife at Chris.

Clearly this was ridiculous. This guy was acting in a totally unrealistic way, like a bad caricature of a drug dealer. This didn't make any sense right? Nobody would buy drugs from such a crazy asshole right? Well sometimes people really are just that crazy and customers, like drug addicts, will put up with all kinds of shit if it means they get their fix. Chris really didn't want to find out, and a familiar engine sound gave him a glitter of hope that he wouldn't have to. He dove behind a trash can as a familiar land rover hit the two gang members holding guns and Linda jumped out.

"Master are you ok?" Linda asked scanning the area

"Watch out they have knives" Chris said from behind the trashcan.

"The fuck? I'm not gonna be scared of some big dumb bitch"

The gang member who had stabbed John lunged at Linda with his knife. She held out her left hand and grunted as it stabbed her hand up to the hilt and she closed her hand around the gang members. He just looked at her dumbly as she grabbed his neck with her right hand, lifted him up, and then slammed him on the ground hard enough to paralyze him. The other two gang members turned to run towards the other end of the alley when Tammy's jeep skidded to a halt blocking their path. She got out and after surveying the situation, ran to punch the nearest gang member as hard as she could liquefying his jaw. That last one still standing started to walk backwards and bumped into Lisa with the knife still stuck in her hand. She picked him up and did a back breaker, looking to Chris just like Bane doing the move on Batman. There was a wet crack as his back broke.

"Uh, I..."

Linda picked him up in a bear hug but Tammy resisted doing the same worried they would break him. Then she put him down and slapped him on the left cheek so hard he spun to meet Tammy who slapped him on the right cheek and knocked him to the ground.


The big muscular woman fell to her knees crying. Tammy was quiet but she was shaking with the fury of emotions that she tried to keep in check. He walked over to Linda to hug her and then motioned for Tammy to come as well. The three of them held each other for a long moment before Tammy spoke.

"Master, if something happened to you I would have killed myself. We both would. We can't live without you anymore. Please don't do anything like this again. I can't go through this again." Tammy said in a voice that was almost a whisper

Chris was confused. Sure it was a dangerous situation, but he thought they were over reacting right. Could he have actually died? Their tears told him that yes they believed he could have died, and maybe he was stupid for not thinking the same. If he died they would have killed themselves, and that realization became a weight around his neck. He thought his mother was just being bitchy, but she was trying to teach him that he was responsible for more than just himself now. He was responsible for someone in a way that a 15 year old boy wasn't ready for, but that didn't make it go away.

"I'm sorry guys. I did something stupid. I didn't believe this was a dangerous area no matter what my mom said. I promise I'll trust you guys to keep me safe"

"Ok, let's clean up this mess Master"

Josh and the gang bangers were dying, but luckily they were alive enough to swallow. Tammy took out a pill container that contained black pills. She made each of the dying boys swallow one and they quickly shrank to 1/32 of their height. Tammy never thought she would use these illegal permanent pills, but a situation like this was exactly the just in case reason she had gotten them for. She took the boys clothes and put them in a black trash bag that she would place in a dumpster 100 miles away. Then she ground each dying boy into paste under her boots. Nobody would identify their remains even if they knew where to look and the dead bodies would not grow back. As Tammy did the dirty work Linda put Chris in her Land rover and drove him home.


Linda sat on the couch in the living room as Mary yelled at Chris in the kitchen for putting himself in danger and for causing the loss of life around him. All because he wanted to look cool in front of people who didn't matter, one of which was now dead and who's family would have no peace. Tammy came by shortly after and sat on the sofa next to Linda.

"Oh man it sounds like Master is really getting it over there."

"Yeah. She pretty much feels like we do but says it in a much angrier voice than even you can"

"Fuck. Yeah. Guess we can't see him for a while other than taking him to and from school. Shit. I want to hold him and punish him at the same time too, so yeah. Fuck this is going to be hard"

"I know lover, but I'm still here for you" Linda said as she kissed Tammy. "It's going to be hard but she can't keep him from us forever. He needs to be punished for his own good even if it hurts us too"

"Yeah. Fuck. I feel the same. But fuck."


Mary decided Chris was going to finish his last month of school from home. Linda and Tammy would watch him as they had a break between acting projects, but he wasn't allowed to do anything more than hug. After a month she would re-evaluate what he could do. She placed web cams around the house to make sure she could check on him at any time. She was a bit surprised the girls were so supportive of her plan, but she was realizing they just wanted what was best for Chris and wanted to protect him, rather than just being stupid horny bimbo's like she originally thought. Mary was reluctant to use the girls money to buy their new house in a much safer area and pay for moving expenses, but her son's safety was more important than her pride right now. She was even considering letting the girls live with them so they could keep a closer eye on Chris. The stress had made her take up smoking again. She was so lost in thought she didn't notice the stranger approaching her on the front porch until he spoke.

"Ms Gomez, I'd like to talk to you"

"Uh... ok and you are?" She was cautious in case this man had any idea of what happened today.

"Ah, I'm Mr Davis with 'The Organization'" He said handing her a black card with a simple umbrella logo on it and his contact info.

"Ok, and how can I help you Mr. Davis?" She asked staring at the card and not taking it.

"Well you and your son have certain genetic markers that can affect people in a certain way. Take for instance the four permanent minis who are voluntarily in the cage in your bedroom, or the two female wrestlers who's company your son enjoys and who were willing to do anything for him. Perhaps even kill for him."

Mary froze, not moving a single muscle. She became like a wax figurine as she stared at the strange man who was smiling at her.

"Oh my there's no reason to be like that. I'm not with the authorities and I'm not going to turn you in"

"Then what do you want Mr Davis"

"I'm with a group that's interested in people like you and your son. We understand discretion and can help with all kinds of matters such as with the police, the government, doctors, hospitals, all within reason and our sphere of influence. We can make sure no one every gets the details of an incident in an alley near the local high school, just to give an example"

Mary was paying attention now.

"I just want you to know if you're threatening me, or my son, I have two friends who will go to extremes to see that you don't"

"Yes I'm aware. I'm just offering you two a job with unique benefits that can help you deal with such unexpected events as today, or if you don't want to join us, a service for these kinds of things to those who can afford it. I'm sure we can find a mutually beneficial agreement and even find you more mini's if you want"

Mary finally took the card of the smiling man. He had a feeling like wasn't entirely human, but it could have just been the super creepy vibe he gave off.

"I'll look into it. Maybe we could use your services but I'm not going to be in anyone's debt and we aren't going to put ourselves at anyone's mercy."

"Ah, I understand. Not everyone's fit to be employed with us after all, but I do want to warn you. We have a few, shall we say competitors, and some of them don't play very nice. We can protect you from them, but if you ever side with them at any time, well, our meetings will be much less friendly than this"

"Uhh.... I see"

With that the strange man bowed his head, got up, and left.
Last edited by MasterBlaster on Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
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Chris and his girls part 4

Post by MasterBlaster » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:07 am

Part 4

Chris was laying down by the pool with his head and back on Tammy's thighs and his lower half on Linda. After the incident his mother decided it was time to move. They found a nice neighborhood in Southern California outside of San Diego. There were some questions about Josh, but Mary made a deal with a mysterious organization to make it go away. In return she had to pay some fees and temporarily watch select minis, which were somehow always important people like politicians, judges, and lawyers. They were always dosed with a variation of formula 537 so they were obedient to Mary, and Chris if he used them the first time, but the effects weren't as strong as with Tammy and Linda, which was good.

The organization just required Chris and Mary to make the brainwashed minis sign some paperwork and report to the organization, then they didn't have to see them again if they didn't want to. Mary enjoyed having some of the more handsome men at her beck and call. Being able to order a famous actor to come to her bed, then send him away, was something of a thrill for her. For Chris though he already had the sexiest amazons and he didn't need anyone else. Tammy and Linda were rather flattered when a beautiful woman would pledge themselves to him and he just had them sign the paperwork and go away. It had nothing to do with his concern that Linda or Tammy (especially Tammy) might just kill someone out of jealousy, or so he told himself.

"So are you two ready to move in?"

"Yes Master. Our stuff should be arriving tomorrow, but I would happily live naked in your closet if that's what it took" Linda said with enthusiasm.

"I'm just glad your mom agreed to it" said Tammy thoughtfully

"Oh it's just so you two can keep an eye on me. She trusts you now so it's like she's watching me, it's annoying. She's probably trying to figure out how to get you two in school so I never have any freedom" Chris complained

"Oh I wish Master. I would love that, to be with you every second of every day, but I don't think it would be good for you. I was thinking though that we do need someone we trust to watch you at school. What about that politicians daughter you had over two weeks ago. That family will do whatever you want since you came on them" suggested Tammy.

"It would probably be weird for her to suddenly go to my school, and she seemed kinda boring anyway."

"You could go to her private school"

"That would be too much of a change, and compared to the school I came from it would be suspicious"

They made a few other suggestions but it was like trying to make someone accept an arranged marriage when they didn't want to be married. He wasn't really interested in other girls when he had two amazing and dedicated ones already. For now they would just have to be content having access to the same app as his mom. They could find him any time and that would have to be enough for now.

"So what did you want to do today Master" Tammy asked as she ran her strong black fingers through his short hair

"Oh we're going to see a movie at 1 then go to Dave and Busters. You need to eat the meals I put in the fridge before we leave and there's a smoothie place near by that makes protein shakes for after the movie. We'll do your cardio at 4 and then dinner. We are going to be pushing your endurance today. If nothing else comes up we'll get some mini time tonight. I don't think there's anything else. Thanks for getting all the school supplies and taking care of everything girls."

"Of course Master. If we take care of those things for you then you have more time to spend with us. I'm going to miss being with you like this when you to go school next week." Linda said as she rubbed his legs.

"Yeah, this summer break has been nice. I wish my mom would just let me not go to school. It's not like I need to. We already have enough money thanks to you guys. I seriously have no problem being supported by my two sexy amazons"

"Hah believe me Master I've thought the same thing, especially in the beginning when I was thinking of just kidnapping you and running away" Tammy said it jokingly, but he knew she was actually serious. He loved that about her.

"Me too Master, but part of us does agree with your mom. It's good for you as a person even if high school sucks sometimes"

"Yeah, yeah I know. Lets not think about that for now. Massage my feet pretty girl."

"Yes Master"

Linda gave the best foot massage. That night Chris took a bowl of chocolate pudding and used his two mini's to help him eat it. He grabbed them by the waist and one at a time he rubbed their breasts in the pudding and sucked on them. It took a long time to eat the small bowl of pudding that way but they all enjoyed it. Linda and Tammy especially loved the way the giant tongue felt on their nipples. When he was done with the pudding he started licking between their legs, alternating the girls to torture them and make it last longer. He made them cum and cum until they could barely move and placed them on the night stand.

"How are my two little toys feeling"

"Amazing Master" said Linda

"Absolutely" agreed Tammy

"Well little girls now it's my turn. Now you're going to pump my dick" Chris said as he took off his pants and sat back down on the bed.

"Yes Master" they said in unison

He took them from the night stand and put them on his chest rather than near his cock. He did this so he could watch them wobble as they walked. They struggled to please him in their tired state.

"Let me help you poor little minis" He said as he wrapped his hand around his living toys and used them to rub his cock.

They always got bruises when he did it roughly like that but it's not like they had to be filmed any time soon. Chris enjoyed the rough play as he came all over his two favorite girls. When he was done he gently laid them on his stomach as they desperately tried to make their exhausted bodies eat as much cum as possible. Chris intentionally pushed their work out just to seem them in that state at that moment.

Chris watched the two minis pass out on his stomach. He couldn't imagine life any other way and fell asleep smiling. He just wanted these moments to last forever.


Chris had been going to his new school for about a month now. He didn't want to put more effort into school than he had to, but his mom and his girls encouraged him to make friends and to try and be social, as long as they ALWAYS knew where he was. Chris had really gotten in shape over the last year being involved with his girls training, but he was rather off putting so most girls thought he was a weirdo or gay. He had at least made some acquaintances he hung around with at lunch

"I'm telling you man wrestling is fake Chris"

"Of course it's fake Jack. You can't suplex someone for real and not kill them. It's like the movies man. You know Tom Cruise isn't a real secret agent but you still like to watch it"

Jackson Brown, or Jack as he was called, was a wiry dark skinned kid who had an opinion on everything. Right now he had an opinion on wrestling and how it was for children.

"No dude, like people believe wrestling is for real and they make it like it's for real"

"And people think Christian Bale is Batman for real"

"Hey, he's the best batman. What you'd rather have Ben Affleck?"

"Heck no. Michael Keaton man"

"Are you idiots going to talk about anything useful?" asked Claudia

Claudia Ramirez was a pretty but off putting black haired beauty. Her parents were from Columbia but she was born and raised in California with bright white skin and straight black hair. She had the makings of a popular girl, but her combative attitude, odd interests, and lack of respect for authority meant she pushed away the popular kids and ended up hanging with eccentric kids like Jack, which now also meant Chris.

"Mirar chica, not everyone wants to expose government cover ups. Us men need to think about the real shit." Said Jack

"You're complaining about distractions when there are forces pulling all the strings that you're ignoring." Claudia said.

"Oh, like what the men in black? They working with the little green men and using the brain washing formula to control the politicians?"

"God those are all separate things. That's like saying the movies, baseball, and wrestling are all connected"

"Woman you talking crazy. Ok so what conspiracy are you chasing this week if it's not aliens, or the skulls, or men in black"

"Go ahead and laugh with your small brain, but there's a new society out there brainwashing politicians, judges, police, you just don't know who's involved"

"Oh, and how are they doing that eh? Drugging their Starbucks every day?"

"I don't know, but it looks like it has something to do with the mini formula in special pills."

Chris looked up and stared at Claudia. He was paying attention now. What did she know?

"You know there's tons of different mini pills, but they are all regulated. They all need FDA approval. How would anyone even keep a secret like that" Chris offered

"I don't know yet, but I've been digging. There's one in particular that's real interesting called formula 537. It has something to do with all this, but all the studies around it have been deleted. A shell company owns all the rights and because it was approved once they can make all kinds of derivatives, shit maybe they have one that makes you grow 30 ft tall or one that makes you a gorilla, or both, and they don't need to have the derivative retested. There's some super secret condition to make the brainwashing happen though and nobody knows what it is. Everyone who should know is dead or missing. All I know is, anyone who looks too closely either gives up or vanish, and if you look for the vanished people you could vanish too"

"Oh god, she's going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Q'anon got nothing on this crazy girl"

"Well look, if people who go digging also go missing, maybe you shouldn't go digging. Otherwise it's like saying people who stick their heads in crocodile mouths seem to end up dead so you're gonna look in like a dumb ass to find out why" said Chris

"That's...... hey!"

Jack just laughed

"I think you broke her bro."

"Anyway I don't have anything against mini companies. My mom and I are mini caretakers so we get to have different mini's from time to time"

"Shit really dude? Hey if get some hot little chicks could you call me over to like.."

"Hell no." Chris didn't let Jack finish. "First off we aren't that close bro so I don't want you whipping it out at my house, ever, like go piss at the neighbors. Second only those authorized to handle the minis can do it. Otherwise shit can happen. Third I'm not good at sharing"

"I thought mini's didn't have rights" asked Claudia

"They don't, but they technically belong to the company sending them to me, not me and my mom. I can do whatever I want because I'm authorized, but if I let someone else so much as poke that mini well that's outside the contract and they can sue you emotional trauma and all that shit. Anyway Jack if you want to play with minis like that ask your family to sign up for being temporary mini caretakers"

"I wish. My family thinks that's only for poor people and my parents don't like minis in general. They are disgusted by the whole thing and would never let me get a mini myself. I sure do want one though"

"Jack, you can barely take care of yourself. Clearly Chris here is more responsible and even takes care of himself." Claudia said as she looked at the definition of his muscles

Suddenly Chris felt like a naked mini being examined. Did this girl have x-ray vision or something?

"Fuck that. Ugh time to go to class"


"Hey do you guys really do the caretaker thing" Claudia asked Chris conspiratorially.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, my family wants to do a mini vacation kinda thing. My parents got a fetish for being small or something and I think my sisters do to."

"What you don't want to? I know I don't want to be a mini"

"Well it's not that, not exactly..." Claudia bit her lip

"Well then what is it? By the way we're supposed to be doing this lab you know. I can't be failing classes for talking now" Chris was wrote down an estimate for the first pass of titration. "Hand me that beaker"

"It's just, well they've been talking to this old couple they feel safe with to have thanksgiving as their minis and my sisters are into it. I don't want to be alone for Thanksgiving, but I don't want the first hand to wrap around me to be some old dude. You know what I mean?" she asked putting her hand on Chris's.

Chris stopped pouring and looked at her. For a long moment he looked at her, really looked at her and the way she was looking at him. She was beautiful. Chris hadn't noticed because he just about ignored everyone woman other than his two amazons. It was a combination of his infatuation with them and the fear they could become jealous. He blinked and went back to pouring trying to finish the experiment.

"So what if I told you I might be able to have you guys get dropped off at my house instead. I need to talk to... some people. I'd have to clear it with my mom too of course"

"I would really like that. I mean if you could. I think all your muscles would look bigger at that size and I'd love to know what laying in mashed potatoes feels like."

Chris almost dropped the flask he was holding. He looked at her again. He could see this girl was serious and was looking at him in a way he hadn't noticed before.

"No promises, but I'll see what I could do"

Chris was going to have a conversation with the three most important women in his life tonight and he didn't know how it would go.
Last edited by MasterBlaster on Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:17 am

Chris and his girls Part 5

Post by MasterBlaster » Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:47 am

Part 5

Chris was sitting at the kitchen table with Tammy, Linda, and his mom Mary. He told them what his classmate Claudia had asked him earlier that day.

"Well son, it might be a good to have a girl at school who's under your control like these two. We can get the organization to use formula 537 on them, not just bring them here. We're in a safer area but it's still dangerous out there"

"Moooom" Chris whined "You're being paranoid. I wasn't even thinking about using that stuff, just having them brought here. That thing that happened last year was a one time thing. Nothing like that will happen again. You won't need someone to watch me all the time"

"Damn right it won't mister. We'll make sure of that" she said firmly. Linda and Tammy were nodding in agreement

"Uggg, look I don't want to talk about that again. Do you really think we can get the organization to use formula 537 on them?"

"Yes. I've had it done before when I wanted certain gentlemen"


"Son, a mother can have her secrets"

"So you're only ok with me seeing this girl if she's brainwashed. This is why I don't want to date. Also how about you two, this doesn't make you jealous or anything"

"Well, if you just had her come here with a normal mini formula there might be an accident" Linda said while cracking her knuckles "like she might get stepped on, but if she's like me and Tammy it's different. We'll also know we can trust her parents and sisters."

"Your mom does like her high heels. Things happen, but if she's with us she's with us" Tammy said casually.

His mom was nodding with the girls in agreement and he didn't think they were joking.

"Well I think we should investigate her first to see if we want to do this. Not just anyone is good enough for you Chris, and I really don't like sharing you Master" Tammy said

"You know, I wasn't sure about your girls in the beginning but it turns out I like the way you think. Can you find her on social media or something, like MySpace" His mom asked

"Well looking at her Facebook she seems pretty enough, but she's got some weird interests on there" Linda was on her phone and had found now scrolling through Claudia's

"She sure likes posing for causes on her Instagram. Her sisters are pretty too"

Of all the ways this might have gone Chris didn't expect this. He was mortified as the girls passed their phones around commenting on Claudia and her family and wondering what his children with her would look like. Is this what it's like for people with sisters who are too involved in their lives? He just put his head in his hands. He was getting a headache.


The Ramirez family consists of
39 year old Franco. 5'8 Doctor with medical drama looks
37 year old Avita. 5'9 Dance instructor with an amazing figure
20 year old Rosa. 5'10 Pre med student
19 year old Eva. 5'6 Art student
15 year old Claudia. 5'7 goes to Chris's school

The girls aranged for Chris to go on a movie date with Claudia, which was completely normal except that at the end of the date they met up with his mom, Tammy, and Linda for dinner. Mom wanted to meet her before making a decision and she introduced Tammy and Linda as her friends who would also be mini's for Thanksgiving. Claudia didn't think anything of it, though she would have felt different if she had recognized the two from sitting in the back of the theater earlier, watching Chris. It made Chris a bit uncomfortable but it did stop him from making any moves on Claudia.

Thanksgiving break came and so did a large mini box to Chris's home. Chris waited for his mom and the girls to come before opening it. When they were all together Chris nudged the box.

"Wake up minis. You're staying with us for a few days."

He undid the top of the box and opened it. Inside was Claudia who waved up at him, and her family.

"Young man, now look here" Started Avita, but luckily for her Franco put a hand on her shoulder

"Don't forget your place. They can just step on you if they want" Franco hissed into her ear. "My wife is just. Ummm surprised sir, and ladies" He looked at each of the giants as he spoke. "We were expecting, something, someone different"

Chris was about to punish Avita, but he liked Franco's attitude so he let him speak and smiled. His mother stood there with a blank expression while Linda and Tammy were imposing with their muscled arms folded across their ample chests.

"Oh I just wanted to see what came. I have my own mini's to deal with. Chris explain things to them, though, I may come back for the little man later" Mary said as she licked her lips, then turned back to her bedroom. She had splurged and redirected a group of Chip n Dale dancers that were supposed to go to a dominatrix. The little man may not have gotten who they asked for, but they wouldn't be disappointed

"Ok minis, my name is Chris and I'll be taking care of you this long weekend. You've been diverted to my care because whoever you were supposed to go with was unable, or unwilling, to take you, so I'm the backup. I don't really care why and it doesn't matter. That was my mother and you will call her Mistress or Goddess. These two beautiful ladies beside me will be joining you as Minis in a minute, but you should obey all their commands as if they were my commands. You will call them Mistress Tammy and Mistress Linda even as minis" Chris said as he gestured to each woman.

"So we have to be yours? Can we talk about this?" Complained Rosa

"I don't think we get a choice sis. At least he's cute right" Admired Eva

"Yeah" said Claudia as she blushed.

"There has to be someone we can talk to about this" complained Avita

"Honey, it's not what we wanted exactly, but we wanted to be minis and that means we are at their mercy. He seems like a nice boy. They have to at least return us alive to get fully paid, so lets just enjoy this weekend everyone"

"The little man is completely right. You're stuck with me, and I'm not going to hurt any of you unless I have to punish you. Do what you're told and you won't get punished. Simple no? Tammy, Linda, lets go to my room"

"Yes Master" the women said in unison. Each picked up one side of the mini box while Chris held the lid. They went to his room and set down the minibox next to a large plastic tub.

"Mini's undress and move to the center. Hurry up and no questions"

They all stared at him for a moment. Rosa stared backing up to go down the stairwell and hide below, not that it' was much cover since the top floor of the box was easy to lift to access the area below. Tammy put her massive hand over the stair well blocking her. Rosa looked up at the giant amazon pleadingly but she just shook her head and gently tapped the girl to move towards the center where the rest of the family was taking off their clothes.

"Please, I don't know what your planning, oh" Avita's stomach churned as Chris grabbed her and yanked her up with his left hand. He pointed her ass towards her right ass and started flicking her ass. It was like being hit with a giant paddle to her.

"No, stop, I'm sorry, please, oh god" Avita was crying now.

"I said no questions. Now stand at attention minis"

Chris placed the red assed Avita into the plastic tub in the center and then started moving the others. He left Claudia for last. He picked up his class mate and brought her to his face. She was shaking a little clearly wanting to ask questions but worried about his previous order.

"You can talk Claudia"

"Oh Chris, is it going to be like this the whole time? It's not what I thought. I'm turned on to all hell, but at the same time you're actually a little scary."

"Hah, we just started. Look I'm not going to hurt you Claudia. Now you wanted to be a mini right"

She thought for a moment and nodded

"And you know what any straight man would want to do with a pretty little girl like you right"

She again nodded but lowered her eyes looking at the skin of his hand.

"And you didn't want some old man to rub you on his dick. If that had to happen you'd rather it be me right?"

Again she nodded.

"But, I want to be eased, or I mean, I don't know"

"Look Claudia, right now you're a mini, and I'm going to use you. Once I do all of you are going to calm down and enjoy your weekend. That's what you want right?"

"Yes Master"

"Good then just relax pretty little thing" Chris soothed. Then he looked at Tammy and Linda

"Girls make sure no mini's escape"

Both women nodded as they got on their knees. Chris took off his pants and sat on the bed holding Claudia. They scooted the plastic bin closer to him as he took Claudia and started rubbing her on his cock aiming her at her family. Tammy and Linda handled the mini's panicking by gently knocking them down or taking them from he edge of the box and putting them in the center. Claudia didn't feel as good as Tammy and Linda, but he couldn't complain as it was her first time. He was going to have her bulk up later as he liked the feel of muscles against his dick. Chris came and made sure to spread it on the whole family.

"That should do it. You two take your mini pills and then you can join in the cleanup. For the rest of ou eat as much cum as you can."

"Yes Master"


"Refer to him as Master or I'll personally crush you" said Tammy.

"Uh yes. Master. I feeling tingly on my skin. Is it supposed to be that way?"

"Yes. Eat my cum to get over it slave"

"Yes Master" she did as she was told, all the mini's did. Linda and Tammy climbed in the box to help themselves to some cum as well.

"All right minis, that tingling you feel is a side effect of the mini formula you took and me having special genes. You now belong to me forever just like Tammy and Linda do. Do you understand"

"Yes Master" they all said in unison, even Tammy and Linda.

Chris smiled, this was going to be a good thanksgiving break.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
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Re: Chris and his girls

Post by MasterBlaster » Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:19 am

Part 6

Mary had invited, well more like ordered, several handsome men in skimpy outfits to be servers for their thanksgiving dinner. They were all bonded to her and were more than happy to do it. As long as she did nothing to interfere with the organizations goals, like using a politician when he was supposed to be at an important vote, they didn't care what she did with them.

The minis ate first so they could have a bit of everything. This was especially good for Tammy and Linda since they had to eat a lot and if they had done it at full size it would have been all the food that was prepared. Chris sometimes kept them as minis for weeks at a time to bulk up as it was cheaper to pay for the mini pills and feed them the tiny portions of protein and carbs they needed compared to what it would cost if they were full sized.

Mary had taken Rosa to put in her mashed potatoes, and Franco was flavoring her wine, getting a little drunk as she playfully dunked him in her glass. With the Chip n Dale dancers she had a blonde one laying in corn, a brunet in her turkey, and a black haired man was laying in her mashed potatoes. She also had a red haired man in encased in cranberry sauce. Chris was trying not to think about what she had caused the men's various red marks on their little bodies, but at least they all seemed happy.

Chris had Claudia encased in mashed potatoes which had been one of her fantasies. Linda and Avita were in his Turkey while Eva lay in his corn. Tammy was in his soda as she really liked the way the carbonated bubbles felt against her skin. Chris always worried when he put Tammy in dark colored drinks as he thought with her personality she might just pee in it if she was mad at him. Truth was Tammy had peed in his drinks a few time when she was really pissed at him, but he didn't need to know that.

"So Claudia, how do you like being part of my mashed potatoes" Chris said as he carefully touched her body with his fork getting a scoop of Claudia flavored mashed potatoes.

"Ohh... It's so amazing master. Please forgive me if I cum in your mashed potatoes I'm trying to control myself. It's better than I ever could have imagined. I'm so grateful my family is here with me to serve you."

Chris smiled at that. Everything tasted better when flavored by his little captive minis. He looked at Eva as he scooped up a bit of corn

"I agree with my sister Master. This is so amazing. I'm glad we ended up here." Eva said while nibbling on the corn she was under.

Chris rubbed the top of Eva's head with one finger. True they weren't as hot as his Tammy and Lisa, but this hot little Colombian family was in his food and here to please him. It did make him excited having that power over them. He picked up Avita out of his turkey and brought her to eye level.

"You and your daughters belong to me little mini. Do you understand?"

"Yes master. I was wrong before. We have no right to resist you. Please use us however you want."

"Chris don't play with your food"

"Really mom? Don't you keep dunking little Franco in your wine? He's looking a little drunk there."

"Haha, fair point. I'll be gentle though. Wouldn't want to sour things with your new girlfriend, third girlfriend rather, by breaking her father"

"Moooom she's not my girlfriend. I mean not yet..." Chris said looking down at his mashed potatoes suddenly nervous.

"I mean we haven't talked about it or anything. I didn't go over it with the girls. I mean.." Chris fumbled through the words as his mom and the girls laughed at him.

"Master, I'll be your girlfriend if you want. I'll be whatever you want me to be. Truth is I always liked you, I just didn't want to seem desperate or anything so I tried not to look interested. It's up to you though" Claudia said beneath his mashed potatoes.

"Hey master, you're cute. You can make all of us your girlfriends. Even my mom. I'll do whatever you want too if you'll have me, but I think Mistress Tammy and Linda might have some say in that" Eva yelled up from her bed of corn. Avita, Rosa, and Claudia all nodded in agreement

"Damn right bitch. You have to prove to Linda and me that you're worthy of Master" Tammy said from the soda.

For her part Linda just laughed enjoying the whole thing. She decided Claudia deserved a chance and her mom and sisters were pretty enough to be side pieces. As long as she was devoted to Chris and had his best interests in mind she would allow her to be in his presence.

Chris ate his meal making sure to lick clean every inch of the minis on his plate. He did of course spend more time licking and sucking Tammy and Linda. His mom did the same though she didn't seem to have any favorites.

"Here Chris, you can have this cute little tart back, but I'm taking the little man for the evening" Mary said as she handed Chris Rosa. He took her and gently put her in a biscuit as he was not done eating. He put a bit more mashed potatoes on Claudia as she flavored them wonderfully and a bit more turkey on Linda.

"Ok mom. I know I know I'll pick up"

"Good. Have fun with your minis. I'm going to be busy" Mary said as she put her men in a plastic bin and went back to her room.

The men Mary was using as waiters had been dismissed so Chris would have to pick up the plates and clean up anything that wasn't already put away.

"Hey was that George...."

"Don't ask Claudia. It's better if you forget you ever saw him. In fact this goes for all of you, don't mention it to anyone, ever. Understand"

"Yes Master" all the women said in unison.

Most of the food had been put away so Chris just needed to load everything into the dish washer and start it. Then he got a plastic bin and put the mini's in it to take them back to his bedroom. He put the bin down on the floor and picked up Tammy and Linda, lovingly taking their breasts into his mouth and sucking on each of them before holding them both at eye level.

"I'm gonna have some fun with those girls. I just wanna make sure you girls are ok, you're not going to get jealous now right? I don't want you hurting them afterwards."

"Master, I just got carried away that one time." Whined Tammy.

"You broke that poor girl's arm my love"

"She was being disrespectful Master. These girls enjoy being minis and seem submissive even without the formula. I think it will be ok" Linda offered.

"Yeah, I mean we won't make trouble for you. It's just I love you so much, we love you much, that we won't accept anyone who isn't devoted to you. I mean if you ever got hurt or they took you away from me .... I just........ I couldn't........" Tammy shook in his hand not being able to get words out. She calmed down when he kissed the top of her head.

"I love you both with all my heart Tammy. Nobody is taking me away from you. I'm never letting go of you two. Now I'm ordering you to give those girls a chance and we'll see how it goes. Ok?"

Both girls nodded, not saying anything. Chris smiled and placed the pair on the night stand. He undressed as all the girls watched him. He was looking at the Ramirez family in the bin, minus the missing Franco, and judging their reactions. The daughters smiled though Avita was expressionless and still in a bit of shock. Chris put the mini's on the bed before he got on it himself and then put the Ramirez family on his stomach and Tammy and Linda on his chest.

"Ok Ramirez minis, Tammy and Linda are going to be evaluating your performance for me. Rosa you're going to eat out and pleasure Tammy while Eva does the same to Linda. Claudia and Avita you're going to massage my cock together. When I cum you will all eat my cum, all of it. Follow any commands Tammy and Linda give you. They will let me know if you're slacking off and need punishment, or if you need any special training. Everyone understand?"

"Yes Master" They all said in unison.

Chris was in heaven as the girls carried out his commands. True Linda and Tammy did a better job than Claudia and Avita, but hearing the moans of pleasure from his girls and feeling their shifting weight on his chest made up for it. Six beautiful women on him, acting as he commanded, was too much for his brain to process. Despite his best efforts he quickly came. The women quickly surrounded his cock and started eating all the cum they could which suddenly made him hard again, and that's when Tammy and Linda took charge.

The two amazons started massaging his cock as they directed the other girls to massage his balls and other areas in various ways. They kept everyone moving alternating who was on his cock, his balls, and his nipples. As soon as he would cum Chris would get horny again from the varying sensations which always seemed to be a little different. Chris wanted to order them to stop but the constant stimulation kept his brain from forming words. They kept assaulting him until he couldn't get hard anymore. Chris eventually just fell asleep from exhaustion.

The next morning Chris woke up with Tammy and Linda leaning on his chin, Avita and Rosa eating them out. When he tried to open his eyes and look at them Tammy made a motion that told Eva and Claudia to start masturbating him.

"Oh god, uhg, you two. I uhhh..."

"Good morning Master. We hope you're not too sore. We were just enjoying watching you sleep" Tammy said as she leaned over to kiss him with her tiny lips, rubbing her breasts on his lips intentionally as she did so.

"What are you two doing to me. I... I can't think...Uh"

"Just relax master. I know you might punish us later for taking advantage, but you enjoyed it at least didn't you?" Linda said, trying to sound like she was pleading but she was smirking at him

"Uh, yeah. I'm in charge here though. I...." Chris came again.

Thankfully they didn't assault him again or he might have passed out if they did a repeat of yesterday. These girls were starting to know him a bit too well. Chris got up to clean everyone off. At least the girls had eaten most of the cum and avoided getting stuck to him. He put the Ramirez girls in the sink with warm water and soap while he took Linda and Tammy to the shower.

"Linda wasn't I supposed to have you in the shower at full size today?"

"Yes Master, but we both want to stay minis all break to evaluate these girls for you, if that's ok with you of course" Linda said meekly

"Hah, yes it is my beautiful amazons. Now it's time for you to clean your Master"

"Yes Master" They both said as he used them to clean his body.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
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Chris and his girls part 7

Post by MasterBlaster » Fri Dec 29, 2023 10:01 am

This will be the end of this story for now. Perhaps Chris and company will show up elsewhere down the road. I could do a better job of Chris playing with the Ramirez women and developing each of their relationships, but that's not what I'm interested in right now. Perhaps another time.

Part 7

The long Thanksgiving weekend was heaven for Chris. The Ramirez family and his girls made him feel pleasure he never even dreamed of. Franco's medical knowledge proved to be very useful in that regard while Tammy and Linda taught the family his preferences. Franco even learned how to be useful to Chris, but he spent most of the time with his mom Mary, who fancied the handsome doctor. She even took pleasure in making Avita watch as her tiny husband was used a few times. Now it was time to return to school and normal life, though things were a little different now.

"So you guys hooked up during Thanksgiving and now you're an item? What the actual fuck?" Jack really couldn't believe it.

"We went on a date before that, it's not that crazy"

"Dude, Claudia may scare off most guys, and she is brutal to the ones brave enough to ask her out, but she is out of your league. Way to hot for you. I mean look at her, then look at you."

"Asshole that's my boyfriend you're insulting"

"Shit already calling him your boyfriend. How did I not even know you guys dated"

"Bro you don't need to be all up our love life. Maybe you're just jealous because you were too scared to ask her out before me"

"Bitch please. She ain't my type and I ain't hers. I'm fine as hell, but she would shut me down before I got two words out"

"Yep that's true. All true, not the fine part though, and definitely not my type" Claudia said as she pulled on Chris's arm.

"Yeah whatever. Hey it's Monday, no cheese fries today bro?"

"I, well uh" he glanced at Claudia

"Oh shit you got whipped already? Damn gonna be married by the end of the week at this rate"

"Linda said he's not eating healthy at school so he needs to do better. She um" Claudia said still clinging to his arm.

Claudia turned a little red as she bit her lip realizing her mistake.

"Who's Linda?"

"A friend of my mom. She's big into fitness, like professionally."

"No offense bro, but I didn't think your mom had friends. She scary. Thought she was looking at me like she was gonna eat me, and I don't mean in a Stacy's mom kinda way, but in a T-Rex kinda way"

Mary didn't like Jack which is why Chris really didn't invite him over anymore. He also didn't put it past his mom to do just that. The organization helped her get a new job, one she didn't really need, and she had them send her old boss as a mini. He had tried to harass her for years and threatened her job, but he paid the price for it. She tortured him before swallowing him whole. She didn't even pay extra for formula 537, just the normal accidental redirect.

"Stacy's mom? What Stacy?"

"Dude it's a song. You are so uncultured."

"Dude, nobody listens to old as music like you do."

"You two use Dude and bro way too much. There are other words. Anyway come one lets get going. It's about time for class"

"Yes mom" Jack added sarcastically.


"Hey, you can't talk about Linda and Tammy"

"I'm sorry Ma-ah-Chris. It's just that this is all new to me. I almost called you Master several times today. Can I call you that now? I mean we're alone?"

"I like it when you do, but not at school, even if we're alone."

"God this is harder than I thought it would be. How do you do it? I mean I had no idea you were with not one, but two famous wrestlers. Everyone just thinks you're boring and normal"

"Yep and I want to keep it that way. I can't have people finding out about us, or it could get bad for them. We also can't draw attention to, well, those we work with. I like you Claudia, but those two are the most important things in my life and I need you to understand that."

"Yeah. Yeah I know. I just hope you'll think of me like that one day"

"I can't promise you that." Chris replied honestly.

Claudia stared at her feet for a moment.

"Yeah, I know. I mean you've been with them for like a year and you just started to get to know me. I really liked you before which is why I was so eager to have thanksgiving with you as a mini, even if I had no idea it would be like, well, like it was. I'm going to try really hard for you, and my family feels the same. In time we want to be just as important to you as they are"

"Well the girls are already influencing you. Ugh, can't even eat junk food at school when I want. I'm really going to only get one cheat day for real now."

"We just want what's best for you and they really are on top of your nutrition"

"God who refers to food as nutrition. You're going to be just like them, but I guess that's not so bad" Chris said as he kissed her.

"You know, I can come over whenever you want. Same for my sisters and my mom. You can do anything you want to us you know. A-ny-thing" She drew out the last word as she rubbed his crotch.

"Damn, I think you spent too much time with Tammy. She's teaching you how to break my brain"

"Maybe" Claudia said giggling.

"I'll work it out with the girls. You're my girlfriend after all and I have to make sure they don't use you against me too much"

Claudia smiled as she kissed him. Chris would eventually care about Claudia and her sisters just as much as Tammy and Linda. Tammy and Linda made sure the entire Ramirez family was strong and fit so they could all help keep Chris safe and healthy whether he wanted it or not. Claudia would eventually become a professional body builder which Chris would greatly appreciate, but it did make it hard to get a wedding dress. Chris would eventually get a degree in communications to satisfy his mother's requirement that he go to college, but he was content to have his girls support him. At least he gave her many grand children in the end and lived a very happy life.
The world is a dark place.

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Re: Chris and his girls

Post by MasterBlaster » Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:37 pm

I had this story in my brain since trying to make an AI image that describes a scene in part 2. It really was a relief to get it all out. Reading it again it really did come out smoother than the others. Where as Kevin's story is getting complicated, Chris's was always simple if only because Tammy and Linda wouldn't be who they were if they let it develop any other way. I could have spent more time on Chris building a relationship with the Ramirez family, especially with Claudia's long struggle to get Chris to lover her just as much as Tammy and Linda, but it was going to get tedious with the other ideas that were trying to get out of my head. That's why the last part is the way it is. Perhaps someday I'll revisit this, but I'm sure Chris and company will show up elsewhere down the line.
The world is a dark place.

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