Wrestling minis

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

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Shrink Adept
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Wrestling minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:03 am

100 years ago the shrinking virus had permanently affected 2% of the population. Research into a cure had led to the creation of mini pills that had the same effects, but were revers able. Unfortunately those affected by the shrinking virus were stuck that way and while vaccines had been developed, there was no known way to counteract the effects. That meant eventually such poor souls lost their status as people and just became pets. Like any pet they were being bred, often for specific purposes. One company had taken to breeding excessively muscular minis and had created a wrestling mini fad to increase demand. They even partnered with professional wrestlers to have minis trained in moves and repeating classic matches.

Nick was 12 and had been wanting wrestling mini's for Christmas. His father thought it was cool as he always watched wrestling with his son and wanted to get him strong flashy minis, but his mother was a little concerned that he would be spending too much time with little sweaty men, so she made a compromise where Nick would get both male and female wrestling minis. She knew if she left it to her husband he would have gotten the strongest biggest female minis no matter what they looked like, so she was going to handle that herself. She hopped that giving him some pretty female minis would stimulate his interest in girls.

"Mom, can't I open one?" Nick complained

"Yeah let's open a present early. Come on come on" his sister Chelsea encouraged.

"No honey not yet. Christmas is tomorrow." his mom chided.

"But, they need to eat and stuff."

"Honey they'll be fine till tomorrow morning. They'll live"

"Uh babe, maybe we should let him open the one his sister wrapped. I don't think it has air holes" his father said pointing at a poorly wrapped box in the corner.

"Oh sh-, uh, I mean I think you can open that one dear"

Nick ran over and started tearing off the paper. The sudden movement brought frightened cries from some of the nearby boxes but nobody seemed to notice or care. Nick unwrapped an older mini. Brett had been born a mini and was now 52 years old. He was a used mini, which was just cheap enough for a 10 year old girl to afford with her allowance. Still he had been trained in classic wrestling moves and at 6.8 inches he was bigger than the normal wrestling mini which hovered around 6 inches. His size and work ethic to keep up his muscles is why he hadn't been disposed of, but if he had gone another month without being sold that may not have been the case.

"Oh cool. He seems a little older but he has an outfit like that old wrestler Hollywood. Seems a little sick though"

"He's getting oxygen again son. I'm sure he'll be better tomorrow when you let him have some food. Otherwise you can just elbow drop him"

"O.k dad"

Brett was starting to wonder if maybe being unsold would have been better.

"If you get tired of him you can lend him to me. I got some dresses that would fit. Now how about me? He opened my present so let me open what he got me"

"O.k honey, fair is fair" her father said.

"Fine, fine" said her mother.

Chelsea unwrapped Nicks poorly wrapped present and it was a series of dresses she wanted for her dolls that he managed to get on sale

"Oh, I've been wanting these. I wonder if this one would fit on him" she said pointing at a woman's swim suit and looking at Brett.

"Ok now children off to bed. You can open the rest in the morning. Don't stay up too late playing with that, thing."

"Yes mom" the children said in unison.

Chris picked up his mini and ran to his room. Brett was used to being handled, but that didn't mean he liked it. This would be his 5th owner. He was grateful that his last owner put him up for adoption rather than just disposing of him, but Brett knew he would likely never die of old age. For better or worse this young boy would likely be his last owner.

"All right mini, what moves do you know?"

"I know a lot of moves sir. My primary move set is the Leg Drop, Clothesline, the Axe Bomber, Back Body Drop, the Cross Armbar, the Big Boot, and the Scoop slam. I know a lot of other moves though and you can adjust my move set if you want. I also know a lot of classic matches and can re-enact them for you whenever you want."

"Ok, cool. Show me how you do them"

Nick used his hand or an action figure to see how well Brett executed his moves. After about an hour Nick was satisfied, though Brett was pretty winded. He wasn't as young as he use to be.

"You're pretty good. I guess I don't have to step on you yet"

"Uh, thank you sir" Brett said nervously.

"I don't know if you can beat any of my friend's minis though. Well you do your best and I'll keep you around"

"Thank you sir"

"Ok time to go to sleep"

Nick picked up the mini and held him to his chest like a small stuffed animal. Brett really didn't like this, but he'd put up with worse before. He tried to sleep in his owners hands but it took a while. Brett was woken up by Nick rolling over on him. Suddenly his life depended on being able to get his master up, but fortunately this was also something he had dealt with before.

"Master, it's time to get up. Please. Please get up" Brett said as he tried to elbow Nicks chest and nerve bundles in his hands.

Nick woke up with a start.

"Wha, what's going on"

"Please Master I need to breathe"

"Oh, yeah, ok". Nick rolled onto his back and yawned, still holding his mini

Brett had survived another day. He was hopping that Nick would get more minis today and that he would like some of them more than himself. It's not like Brett wanted other minis to die, suffocated by their owners carelessness, but better them than him.

"Master don't you want to get up and open presents?"

"Ah, yeah. Yeah that would be good."

Nick got up holding Brett. Looks like he wasn't going to get a break like he hoped. Nick got to the kitchen table and got some eggs and bacon.

"Good morning son. Wow I didn't even have to go and wake you up today"

"I could barely sleep mom, I want to open all my presents."

Nick noticed Brett staring at his food so he gave the mini some eggs and bacon. It had been almost a day since he'd eaten and the gift seemed like mana from heaven. Normally you would wrap a mini with a box containing some water, food pellets, and receptacle for waste especially if they would stay confined overnight, but his sister hadn't bothered with any of that. She didn't even provide air holes for him and if she had actually done a good job wrapping he would have suffocated.

"Thank you Master"

Brett shoved the food in his mouth so fast he almost choked.

"Son, don't give him to much human food too often. They need to eat the wrestler pellets we got if you want them to stay healthy and strong. Your food doesn't have the added vitamins and steroids they need"

"I know dad I know"

Nick gave the little man a little more food along with a small cup of water and patted his head like a puppy. Brett wasn't bothered being treated like a pet as that's just what he was. Occasionally some of the bigger minis got a big head and thought they were more than a pet, especially if their owners spoiled them. Those minis typically didn't last long. Brett didn't live this long without being obedient and humble.

When Nick was done he grabbed the mini and went to the living room excited to open presents. Brett was hoping the kid would get a mini he liked to handle more than him. Nick unwrapped to of his father's presents, a 6.5 inch 20 yr old black haired mini that was so bulky he was practically square shaped and seemed to have an arrogant attitude. Brett had seen the type before and they were usually bullies as they were trained to be heels, so Brett was going to try and stay away from him. Next was another heel, a large 7 inch 22 year old mini with red hair and black and red pants. Next was a hero mini, a good looking 6.5 inch 19 year old mini with long blonde hair and a movie star smile. Brett thought the young guy might be a bit too cocky and hoped for his sake he can take a punch. Dad's fourth mini was a 6.3 inch anti hero from the American nightmare series.

"Oh thanks dad! These are so cool! What are their names?"

"Unlike Brett there these little guys have never been owned so they don't have names. You get to name them son. Only previously used minis have names and you can change them if you want."

"I gotta thing of a good name for the red guy. Gary's gonna be so mad when this guy beats the crap out of his minis" Nick said with glee

"Well size isn't everything son. You have to make sure you keep up with their training and proper feeding. Now you're mom has some for you and it looks like some of your relatives got you some too." His father gestured at he presents with air holes in them

"Ok son now open some of mine" his mother said expectantly

Nick opened the first preset and frowned as it was a female. She was a blonde 5.9 inich 18 year old mini that was perfectly muscular and proportioned. She beamed at him happy to be out of her box, but her smile weakened as she saw his disappointed face. He grabbed the doll sized girl and inspected her.

"Aww mom it's a girl."

"Hey now son some of those girls wrestlers are cool."

"But they aren't as exciting as the men most of the time."

"Yes, but you really liked that match last week right. You were really cheering for Alexa when she did that jump for the top ropes"

"I promise I'll be as flashy and exciting as you want Master" the little girl said a little pleadingly

"Yeah I guess your right." Nick said thinking it over

"Besides, at least she's pretty. I didn't know wrestler minis came that good looking these days." Nicks dad drifted off for a second

"Hey, don't finish that thought Mr. I better not catch you doing anything inappropriate to your sons minis" his mom said a little flustered

"Woah hey, I wouldn't" his father said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Do things like what?" Nick asked curious. To which his father just chuckled

"You'll find out when your older kid. You're too young to think like that. Anyway put her down and open the rest."

"At least she's pretty" Nicks said as he put her down next to Brett.

The new girl saw the other men looking at her and suddenly grabbed Bretts arm as if trying to hide behind him.

"Whoah hey. Uhhh what is this"

"I don't like hey way their looking at me"

"How do you know I'm not any different?"

"Because then you'd be looking at me the same way. Besides you're old, and you don't get old by doing stupid things"

"Old? Ouch. Well I'm sure it will be ok. Master seems like a good enough kid."

Nick unwrapped the three other minis his mom got him. All were beautiful 18 or 19, and around six inches. One black haired, brown haired, and red haired. Brett wondered if she was trying to get him one of every kind of girl to discover his preferences. Well none of his business. Brett saw all the girls were attractive, but he held no illusions of spending time with them. Most owners kept the men and women separate, and even if they got put together he didn't see why they would want him over the younger more handsome minis. No those days were behind him, or so he thought.

"Hey can I borrow those girls later. I bet some of them would make good princesses" Chelsea whined

"Get your own" complained Nick

"But you have to feed them every day, and they poop. I just want to borrow them"

"Son, you can share with your sister. Chelsea you need to show you can take care of things before you borrow them. Minis are living things, you can't just glue them back together if they accidentally break" their mom chided.

Nick unwrapped the other presents his family had sent him which included multiple, mostly used, wrestling minis between 5.5 and 6.5 inches of various ages along with mini wrestling and body building equipment. Smaller and older mini's tended to be cheaper, but all were under the age of 40 except for Brett. Female wrestling minis were also cheaper than male minis which explained why he ended up with about 25 male minis and 20 female minis.

"Wow son, you sure got a lot there. You can do your own royal rumble"

"I know dad. It's soo cool. Well at least for the guy"

Nick looked over some of the women. All were muscular but none were as pretty as the four his mom gave him. Olga for example was a 40 year old 6.4 inch blonde with muscles that made her look more square shaped than feminine and a rather square flat face. Cathy was also large for a female at 6.2 inches with big muscles but the 38 year old looked more feminine and was pretty compared to the older minis.

"You can just do it like the shows son, where the women wrestle after the men. You'll have a leg up on those boys that only have one or two female wrestlers. There's also just enough of them to do a royal rumble on your own"

"Ok dad. I'll give em a chance"

"All right sport. Now lets go put together those habitats. Good think I was planning on getting you more later or we wouldn't have enough space for them all. Well as it is we'll need a small addition for the men"

"You boys better keep the girl mini's separate. I'll not have any mini babies running around. They'll be given away or I'll step on them"

"Yes mom" Nick laughed.

Of course Nick's mom wasn't joking and all the younger minis that could have children were horrified at the thought. For the rest of the day the minis would demonstrate their skills and try to impress their new owner. For the moment they proved themselves and Nick decided that he would be watching them and would decide in a month if any of them wouldn't make the cut.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
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Wrestling minis part 2

Post by MasterBlaster » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:55 am

Part 2

"That's enough Red. You win. He can't continue."

Brett stood between the big 7 inch red haired mini, Nick had creatively named Red, and a much smaller 5.8 inch Luchador trained mini called the Scorpion who was currently unconscious. Nick told them to practice their flashy moves for a match against his friends while he went to eat dinner. Brett was giving his workout partner a break when he saw Red knock the smaller mini unconscious.

"I say when I'm done. What are you gonna do about it old man"

"Punch your face in, Brother. Besides do you think Master is going to like you breaking his extra minis. Think about it with that big empty head of yours. The more team mates we have tomorrow the more points we can get. Do you think he's going to like us having less potential points?"

Nick's friends all together only had as many male mini's as he did, and half as many female minis. The scorpion was supposed to be part of a tag team so if he couldn't compete tomorrow it would hurt twice as much. Usually for matches like that more dangerous moves like the suplex were restricted and it became more like an MMA match. Even though the focus was on wrestling moves Red could seriously injure a smaller mini with just a slap that was more of a palm strike.

"I'm ready. Just stay out of my way or I'll break you"

Red went off to a corner to relax. Brett was worried he might take the opportunity to try and assult one of the women again, but it seems he was too flustered to even think about it.

"Get up useless."

Brick kicked scorpion lightly causing the smaller man to stir. Nick had named the 6.5 inch mini after his broad square shaped appearance. He was just as strong as red if not a little stronger, but Red's reach gave him a bit of an advantage. 4 out of 6 times, Brick would win over Red and the two fought often, not just for sparing. Brett secretly hopped they would off each other but knew he wasn't that lucky.

"Hey, you don't need to do that."

"You know I hate that big moron, but he's right. It's better to get rid of the weak early. I'm gonna stay useful as long as I can and that means not letting weaklings get in the way. I don't know how a soft one like you lived so long old man, but I'm not soft"

Brick walked over to do a 2 on 1 spar with Ted and Cody who were named after some classic wrestlers. Even though Brick would over power them he respected skill and wouldn't hurt them needlessly, as long as he thought they were useful. He was smarter than Red, but still an asshole. Amy, a tall 5.9 inch blond, and Sarah a tall 6 inch brunet came jogging over to check on the smaller mini as he woke back up. Nicks mom had paid a little extra for Sarah as she had medical training which should be useful in making the minis last longer. After making sure he didn't have any serious injury Amy helped him back to a bed while Sarah went up to Brett.

"He gonna be ok?" asked Brett

"I think so, nothing broken. He should be ok for tomorrow. I know I'm the only one with any medical training but they only gave me the basics. He could have a concussion but there's not much I can do but make him lie down and give him some pain pills for the headache."

Brett was relieved. He had seen minis get stepped on just for getting a broken arm. He didn't think Nick was like that, but he didn't want to find out.

"Will he be ok to do some weight training?"

"No, but he can't really skip out on it. Just, make sure he's as stationary as possible and don't push him too hard. No running or anything like that"

With the exception of Brick and Red most of the minis looked to him for advice as it was rare for wrestling minis to live as long as he did and still be useful. They mostly took his advice for workout routines and how to avoid injury.

"Ok, ok." Brett sighed

"You really are a nice guy. I thought nice guys get smushed yet here you are. I can see why Amy Li- er...."

"Huh?" Brett looked at her in confusion. Surely she wasn't about to say what he thought. Right?

"Nothing. Um anyway we all appreciate what you do. Hope we're all still around after tomorrow" Sarah said as she jogged off.


Nick was really exited when his three friends came with their best minis to do battle. 12 year old Noah came with 10 males and 4 females, 11 year old Jack had 6 males and 2 females, and 11 year old Justin had 9 males and 4 females. Nick had Sarah nearby not to wrestle, but because she was the only medical mini. Nick decided he was going to have to get some used medical minis from the mini shelter or something, even if they were old and wrinkly, to let her wrestle later. Wrestling minis with medical training were not common after all.

"So do you want to do tag team matches with the girls?" Asked Noah.

"How about we just have them do a royal rumble. Girl matches are a little boring but they are vicious when you throw them all together and they start pulling hair and shit." Jack said

"Are you sure you're not talking about your sister" Justin jabbed

"Eww gross. Shut up creeper" Jack said as he punched Justin in the shoulder

"Ow! You punk"

Noah stepped between them before it got serious.

"C'mon guys we're hear to see the minis fight, not you two morons. Lets see if Nick has anyone good or just got a bunch of crappy ones from his relatives"

"Hey my minis are great, especially the ones my Dad got me" defended Nick

"We'll see. Some of us have to actually work hard and train our minis" said Jack.

"Dude you just started training your minis 1 year ago. You say it like it's been years or something" said Nick

"Hey, a year is a long time. Anyway lets get this rumble started. Then do the tag teams and finally have the guys all go at it. It's gonna be rad"

"Nobody says rad anymore Jack" the others said in unison.

The boys had the women line up and pull out little pieces of paper from a box with a number on it. This determined their order to enter the ring. They started off with whoever drew 1 and 2 with a new girl entering the ring every 60 seconds to speed it up. They timed how long each girl lasted and took the average. While the other girls were not exactly pretty they out performed the pretty minis his mom and cousins gave him, with Cathy being thrown out the fastest due to a mistake. Surprisingly though Olga lasted the longest and actually won the rumble. Even though she was one of the largest women there were younger minis just as big or close to it. Her hard life and years of experience allowing her to best the younger, stronger minis. The bonus for the win helped the average, but that only put Nick in second place behind Noah.

"Guess numbers aren't everything" Jack said at Nick.

"Shut up! You came in last place"

"Yeah, it's this little bitches fault"

Jack picked up the older of his two female minis. She was large, but the smaller of his two female minis and nobody would consider her particularly pretty.

"I'm Sorry Master. Please give me another chance I" her words stopped as Jack squeezed

"Dude you don't need to do that hear"

"Shut up. This is my mini and I'll do what I want with it" Jack shouted as he used both hands to squeeze her.

The boys cringed as they heard the crack of her ribs and spine. Then Jack dropped her on the floor and stomped on her. He looked at his male minis. The message was clear. Do better or else.

"Can I have some paper towels to clean that up with." Jack asked

"Dude, this is why you don't get invited places." Noah said

"What? It's just a mini." Jack pouted

"Dude you take care of that shit at home. Someone needs to teach you boundaries or something" Justin complained


"Here, and don't leave a stain man. My mom better not find any mini bits" Nick said as he handed Jack the paper towels.

"Yeah yeah"

Nick's minis won their tag team matches. Even the Scorpion and his partner the Mystery, though Scorpion was still suffering from a slight concussion so his partner had to do most of the work. It helped that they were owned together before and Nick's uncle bought them used together. The Royal Rumble was dominated by the four minis his dad bought him, which made up for some of the lackluster performances from some of Nicks older minis. For his part Brett managed to last well above average, but in the end it came down to Brick and Red with Red managing to force his rival out of the ring with a cheap shot. Still it was actually amazing to see Brick and Red work together to dominate the ring for almost a quarter of the match.

"Hey Justin, I got a medical mini. She can set that guys broken arm and give him some pain pills" Nick offered

"Oh cool. Thanks man. I didn't want to listen to him moan all the way home. I didn't bring my mini trainer. He deals with stuff like that"

"How about you Jack"

"Nah, this little guy is too old anyway. I need some new ones"

"Master plea-"

The minis watched in horror as Jack grabbed his mini with a broken leg and broke his neck, then tossed him in the trash. He was in his mid 40s, but that was as far as he would get.

"Dude" Nick said

"What? I didn't make a mess this time"

"This is why Noah said you don't get invited places" Justin said


Noah just stayed silent and shook his head. It had gotten late as with all the minis it had taken a few hours even with the faster pace of the royal rumbles. They all ate some pizza, with Nick giving some to Brick, Red, and Olga who were his winners. After a bit of thought he also gave some to Brett for doing a better job than he thought he would. The other boys took their minis and went home.

That night Nick awoke to a small weight crawling on his chest. He work with a start not knowing what was going on and almost backhanded the small figure kneeling on him. Cathy had gone through the effort of forcing open her mini box and jumping to his bed, risking serious injury to do so.

"Wha-, What? Cathy? Why?"

"Hello Master. I'm sorry I failed you today, but I want to show you that I can be useful. Please don't get rid of me like your friend Jack got rid of his minis"

Cathy put her hands in front of her, then bent over till her head was resting on her hands. Nick could see the bruises on her muscular back.

"Hey I'm not getting rid of anybody like that. I mean that guys was just kinda, well that's him. I'm me"

Nick petted her back and head gently with one finger, unsure of what else to do. None of his minis had done anything like this before. She leaned into his touch as he patted her and sat up when he withdrew his hand. He thought that even with her big black eye she looked prettier than he remembered.

"Girl minis aren't just good for wrestling. Please let he show you what I can do. Please?" she said with a trembling voice.

Nick didn't know what to do so he just nodded.

"Thank you Master"

Cathy crawled down to his waist and lifted up the elastic band of his pajama pants before crawling inside. Nick was shocked, but the feeling she gave him down there was so good, so wonderful, so amazing. Nick hadn't thought minis could be used like this before, but Cathy changed his life forever and would remain one of his favorite minis for the rest of her days.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Aprentice
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Re: Wrestling minis

Post by sushi1 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:03 am

I love wrestling minis and had some ideas about them in the past.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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Re: Wrestling minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Mon Jan 08, 2024 3:50 pm

sushi1 wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2024 2:03 am
I love wrestling minis and had some ideas about them in the past.
Well I imagine the wrestling minis are for entertainment, just mimicking the wrestling you would see on TVs. Of course being minis they are just toys, or pets at best, and some kids don't take care of their toys while others do. When it comes to more serious fighting then they'd be treated more like fighting cocks and all that entails.
The world is a dark place.

Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
Posts: 65
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2023 2:17 am

Wrestling minis Part 3

Post by MasterBlaster » Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:06 am

Part 3

Now that Cathy had shown Nick what female minis could be good for the females all felt a little safer. He used all of them but favored the four minis his mother gave him, Sarah the brunet, the black haired Lilly, the red haired Misty, and particularly the blond Amy. He also spent a good bit of time with Cathy and while she was older, she made up for it with experience and enthusiasm. She knew just how to touch his tender parts to stimulate her Master the most and had demonstrated that these past 6 months.

"Good Morning Master"

Cathy was kneeling on Nicks chest. Nick yawned as he reached over to pet his little mini. Not all of his minis liked to be petted, but the females took it better than the males. Cathy was one of the few that really enjoyed the attention and she leaned into his strokes with a warm smile. Nick absently wondered what her life was like before that she was like this.

"Good morning little one."

Nick smiled at her, then gently lifted her up and lowered her between his legs. She knew what to do and without a word got to work pleasing her Master. Nick resisted reaching down to grab her and pump her against his cock. While he did that to his girl minis once in a while they usually got injured and Cathy could generally make him feel better if he just let her do her job than he could masturbating with her. When he was about to cum she started licking the tip of his penis causing his whole body to shake. She braced herself as he exploded on her, the hot cum knocking her head back as it slammed into her face, but she was ready for it. She used her body to pump him and help the white goo come out. When he was done she started eating as much of it as she could.

"Phew. Good job little one. Time for a shower. Genie pose"

"Yes Master"

She stood up straight, arms folded across her chest. His hand wrapped around her middle and she felt secure with his fingers wrapping around her. While he couldn't hold her as securely with her arms at her side like the smaller minis the fact that he could wrap his hand around her without having to squeeze like most of the men made her feel a bit more feminine. Nick took her to the bathroom and turned on the shower. First he rinsed most of his cum off her, then he lathered her with body wash and used her to clean himself. He knew she enjoyed being used like this especially when she cleaned his cock and balls. Once he cleared off the soap he took the time to let her completely lick his cock and balls. Nick was happy that it was summer break and he got to take his time with her rather than having to rush to be at school. He was going to let her lick his chest too, but this was already taking too long. He brought her up to his face and put her breasts in his mouth tasting her freshly cleaned body.

"Oh Master! I'm not worthy!"

Nick smiled and then brought her pelvis to his lips, forcing her legs apart as his tong penetrated her. Her body resisted, but only for a second as it always did, before melting in his grip and surrendering completely. Nick did prefer the taste of Amy and Lilly, but he loved the way Cathy responded to him. He held her tight, but not too tight, as her little body bucked and spasmed. Once he felt he had gotten all he would out of her he gave her a final rinse and finished their shower.

"Thank you Master. I love you Master"

"I know my little pet"

Cathy smiled as Nick brought her to his lips and kissed her entire face. She held no illusions that Nick could see her as anything other than a pet. Other minis in her past, and she herself, had made that mistake and had their hearts broken. She didn't expect him to ever love her like a woman or an equal, but to lover her the way a boy loves his dog or other pet. She loved him as her owner, and she was happy with that. The first time she blurted out she loved him had been very awkward, but she made sure to clarify how she felt and what she expected, or rather didn't dare to expect. Nick wasn't perfect, but he was a good boy and it was hard for a mini, especially a wrestling mini like her, to hope for a better owner.

"Can I join you for breakfast Master"

"No, you need to eat your mini pellets. I spoil you too much"

"I know Master, but a girl can hope" she giggled.

Nick smiled as he put her back into the female mini box and went off to the kitchen.

"Welcome back. Someone had a good time with Master." Amy commented as she went over to her.

"Yes, he's definitely more comfortable with us and he's the best owner I've every had. He spends a lot more time with you than me. I'm happy just to get the attention I do get."

Cathy knew that beneath trying to be friendly, Amy was jealous of the attention Cathy got, and really of anyone Master liked. She always watched Master more than any of the other girls and tried to hide her sour mood when he enjoyed any female mini other than her, but she was slowly getting better about it. Cathy certainly thought she was an odd one even before she also noticed Amy stared at Brett among all the male minis. Cathy was worried she would get her heart broken one day when she realized that all of them would only ever be pets to their Master, or if Brett ever got disposed of.

"Hey I like watching you do your thing so I can learn. Got any tips for your juniors" Asked Misty the 6.1 inch Redhead

"Ugh, I don't know why you like him using you that way. You're all disgusting" complained Olga

"You do the same things when he bothers to use your ugly ass. I just figured you didn't know how to smile" Jabbed the 6 inch dark haired Lilly.

"It's not like we have a choice. I do what I'm told and serve Master the best way I can, but I don't have to like it. I'm going back to work out, which is what you puny slackers should be doing if you want to survive"

The big woman stomped off.

"Well we should go to work out. You saw what his friend did to minis who weren't useful. Master isn't like that now but you don't know that he will stay that way." The 5.8 inch Sarah said as she trailed after Olga.

Cathy looked at Amy who seemed a little depressed when she considered that possibility. She tried to console her without getting her hopes up.

"Don't worry. Master isn't like that. Yes we're just pets to him, and that's all we'll ever be, but he's a good boy and he's going to take care of us"

Amy looked as if she wanted to argue, to say she was going to be more than just a pet, but she just huffed and walked off to the weightlifting compartment.


Nick had taken Brett and some of his other minis to his friend Zach's house to re-enact some classic Mega Powers Matches. Brett played his part perfectly and was glad that Zach's mini played the part of Savage perfectly, but Nicks heel mini playing the part of the Million Dollar Man took more than a few liberties, all for the worse. Brett was going to have some words with him back home, some very rough words. Thankfully he was allowed to sit out on the free for all which of course Red came out on top of.

"Dude how is your mini so big? You feed him special food or something?" Zach asked looking at Red.

"He just came that way. Got him for Christmas."

"Shit dude, that guys a mutant"

"Hey! He's my mutant."

Red scowled at being called a mutant. Nick picked him up and started petting him to reassure him, but that just made his scowl a little worse. The other minis dared not laugh at Red, but it took all of Brett's self control not to laugh out loud. He still really didn't like Red, but more often than naught they were on the same side, Nick's side, so he tried his best not to cause friction even if Red really did make it hard.

"I bet you reward him by giving him time with all those female minis you got"

"What? No! Gross. Also I can't afford to be having baby minis. My mom would freak"

"Dude that's why you go to give them the no baby pills"

"You mean that birth control pellet stuff?"

"Yeah man. I just give my girls that every day so I don't worry about it. No baby minis so far, but one day I want to breed them"

"Breed them? What you gonna take care of baby minis? Also they cry and shit"

"That's why you have the minis switch off take care of each others babies. I got multiple female minis like you do so you don't tire any of them out, and there's calming scents and formula. I can make some money since the parents of some of my minis have won a few tournament matches. I've been doing my research" Zach said sagely.

"I don't know. I mean will those pills really stop them from having babies"

"Yep. I've been rewarding my minis who do good with time with the female minis. That's why I even got some regular female minis just to use as a reward. It makes the males work harder. Also it's like free porn and you can make them do whatever you want! I was gonna video them, but if my mom found that shit I'd be grounded for life."

"Uh, I'll think about it dude."

"Man up dude. I'm telling you."

"Do the girl minis like it"

"Yeah, I mean some do, but who cares? They do what I tell em to do"

Nick never considered that that his girl minis might want that. Cathy had opened his eyes to the fact that they were sexy girls that had sexual wants and desires, but he really didn't give it any thought beyond using them himself. Now he was being forced to consider it.


"Ok minis, come here where I can see you" Nick said over the girls box.

It was actually built of several smaller mini boxes with the top box being an open area where he could reach in and grab them when he wanted. He waited till all 22 women came to the top. He had gotten two males and two females to server as trainers and doctors.

"Ok, so these are birth control pellets. You all need to take one every morning. If you want to spend time with a guy mini you let me know which one. I might let them spend time with you as a reward, but only if you want. They aren't allowed to force themselves on you"

Amy raised her hand trying to get his attention. She patiently waited until he acknowledged her.

"Um... so could I spend time with one of the boys, like right now?"

"Hah, wow. Well no my pet. It's going to be a month before these pills start working, but after that I'll let you pick a guy"

"Oh, ok"

Amy frowned until Nick gently petted the top of her head.

"Anyway take some time to think about who you'd like to spend time with. If you're both good then I'll allow it."

Nick then went over to the male mini box and told him the same thing. He'd even gotten the new male mini contraceptive made by "The Organization".

"You're thinking about Brett aren't you" asked Misty teasingly.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh girl don't lie to us, we all see it. It's fine. Means the rest of us get a chance with the younger sexier ones. You can have the old man" Lilly said

Amy just turned red and stormed off to hit the weights, the other girls laughing and talking about who they would like to spend time with. They noticed that the men were also doing the same.
The world is a dark place.

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