Jessica's Stream (F/f)

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Jessica's Stream (F/f)

Post by ChampionStatus » Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:56 pm

Jessica's got her hands on a size changing remote, and she means to have some fun with it, live on the internet!

A commission for raso!

1: Debut

"Hey guys!" Casey drew out the words as she waved cheerfully at the webcam. "Welcome to our, uh, what are we up to, Jess?"


"Right! Our third livestream! Just hanging out, being cute, and chatting!"

Casey flounced over from the computer and hopped on the edge of the bed alongside her shorter friend Jessica, who, by contrast, sat quietly with her hands in her lap.

"Right! So, thank you guys for tuning in, and let's get started! Why don't we catch you up with what we've been up to this last week! I'll go first."

Casey held a finger to her mouth, pursing her lips and tilting her head. "Hmm... I haven't done much of anything. I couldn't even focus on my college classes because I was so excited to see you guys again!"

She squeezed her arms together in front of her, which had the intended effect of magnifying the cleavage shown by her low-cut crop top. While she was smiling at the camera, tilting her upper body from side to side in search of the best angle to present herself, Jessica figured this was her best opportunity to get a word in.

"Actually, Casey, I did something interesting this week." Her hand moved towards her plain purse, next to her on the bed. "The other day, I went online and ordered a -"

"Hey, an ask from the chat!" Casey interrupted without thinking as the notification appeared. "Scott78 says: 'Hey Casey, what's your bra size?' Oh, and he gave twenty dollars! Awesome, thanks!"

Jessica's face paled at the question, but Casey simply giggled and leaned forward, offering a better view to the stream audience. "Don't tell anyone, but I wear a 30C! I've been thinking of getting them made bigger once I've saved up the money. Ooh! You guys could help if you keep donating to the stream like Scott here did! Scott78... is that your birth year? Jess, maybe he's one of those hot dad types! What do you think?"

Jessica didn't answer. The entire time Casey had been speaking, she had been looking back and forth between her own flat chest and Casey's proudly displayed assets. Unconsciously, her hand slid back towards her purse and grabbed something inside.

"Casey, have you ever thought about getting a reduction instead?"

The bubbly blonde frowned at Jessica's serious tone. "What?"

"I mean, is it really fair for a girl to be so curvy, and tall, and hot, when others aren't?"

"Jess," she forced a chuckle, "you don't have to be bitter because the boob fairy stood you up! You still have your, uh... your personality!"

"My personality." Jessica spoke flatly. Her hands tensed, clutching the item from her purse in whitening knuckles. "Let's see you rely on your personality after you've had an... everything reduction!"

Jessica raised her hand and pointed the object she was holding - a small remote-like device - right at Casey. They were still sitting side by side, so the end of the remote was actually pressed into the startled girl's chest. With a slightly manic grin, she pushed a button, and Casey abruptly shrank, dwindling by several inches. The girl yelped and jumped to her feet, landing unsteadily since the floor was further than she expected. Jessica got up slowly, her pent-up frustration replaced by a giddy rush at the thought of what she'd just done. She stepped over to Casey and realized she was eye level with her friend for the first time since middle school.

"Jess, what the hell? You made me tiny!"

Jessica grinned. "No, I made you petite. Four foot ten, like me. 'Tiny' would mean looking up at me the same way I have to look up at everyone else. And these things," she punctuated the two words by forcefully poking Casey's breasts, "are still way too big for your own good."

Casey's eyes flicked from the aggressive finger to the remote in Jessica's other hand, widening in fear. "Wait, you're not gonna -"

"I think," Jessica spoke over her in a smug sing-song voice, "that I'll give you a taste of what my life has been like these last few years."

Jessica began circling around Casey, tapping the button again and again. Each click took away another inch or two of the stunned girl's height. As she went, Jessica spoke in a rude impression of Casey's voice.

"Oh, look at me, I'm so curvy and sexy!"


"Every boy in the room is always ogling at me, and nobody else!"

Click click. Even though the room around her appeared to be expanding in small jumps, Casey felt paradoxically claustrophobic. Boxed in and unable to escape. Jessica deliberately stepped closer and bumped into her. Since the smaller girl was now barely above her shoulder height, the impact knocked her to the floor. While she waited for Casey to sit up, Jessica glanced over at the computer.

She had forgotten that the stream was live, that all her actions were being broadcast to the internet. Her first reaction was to blush and step back, but then she noticed what was on the screen.

The stream chat was a flurry of messages; more viewers and comments than Jessica and Casey had ever managed to attract before. More than that, though, the audience loved what they were seeing. The spat between the two girls, the way Jessica had abruptly taken control, even the surreal sight of Casey shrinking before their eyes, they praised all of it. The consensus seemed to be that the girls were staging the whole thing, but that didn't take away from the enthusiastic response. Caught up in the rush of approval, Jessica approached the desk and spoke directly to the camera with a smile.

"I'm going to be taking this stream in a new direction now, guys." She tilted the camera to show Casey still sitting on the floor, like she thought Jessica would forget about her if she didn't move. In an echo of her friend's bubbly attitude at the start of the evening, Jessica giggled as she stepped over to loom above her.

"You look pretty cute down there. Sitting down makes you look even smaller..." Her voice trailed off as she got an idea and raised the remote once more. "Go on, stand up."

From her seated position, Casey's head was level to Jessica's mid-thigh. She glanced up at the girl she thought was her friend. "Jess, I'm sorry if I made you feel bad, but -"

Jessica cut her off with a poke to the forehead. "What are you talking about? We're just having fun for the stream. Get up!"

Casey hesitated, then obeyed. Perhaps if  she played along, kept Jessica happy, then she might get through the broadcast without shrinking any further. Afterward, they could talk this out and restore her to her full height.

As she stood up, she felt a strange vertigo. Something was wrong. She was getting up, pushing herself to her feet, extending her legs... but her perspective never rose higher. Even standing upright, Casey was still looking at Jessica's thighs. The taller girl's face was red from stifled laughter, which burst out as she saw Casey's confused and betrayed expression.

"I said stand up! Why are you still all the way down there?" She turned and gestured to the camera. "Can you believe this, guys?"

"Jess, why are you doing this?"

"I told you, we're having fun! Making a show for our audience!" Jessica felt giddy. The sense of power she felt over her former friend had her legs weak with elation. She dropped down onto the desk chair in front of the computer, hauling Casey behind herself with an irresistible grip on her tiny shoulder. Casey stumbled over to the desk, drawing up short as she realized she could only just see over the top of it. From this perspective, she could see the stream chat full of messages encouraging Jessica to shrink her even more, or excitedly speculating just how small she could become.

Humming to herself, Jessica adjusted the camera to center on her in the chair, then grabbed Casey under the arms to deposit the smaller girl on her lap. Here, her chin just barely cleared the surface of the desk. Casey felt an overlarge hand cover her head, ruffling her hair like she was a child. Feeling numb, she didn't resist or struggle.

"Hope you've been enjoying the show, guys... hm? You say she's in the way there? You'd rather just see me?" Jessica feigned an airheaded manner, drawing out the moment as she reveled in her audience goading her on. The hand on Casey's head stopped playfully stroking and began pushing down. Before the pressure became painful, she shrank away underneath it, vanishing out of sight beneath the desk as if she were being physically compressed by Jessica's hand. Jessica smirked as she presented the remote to the camera, finger remaining firmly on the button several seconds longer.

After waiting a moment for dramatic effect, Jessica lifted Casey back into view, easily encircling the toy-sized girl's torso with one hand. Her thumb probed at Casey's tiny breasts, roughly squishing and pushing them. Casey cried out and twisted in place but was unable to escape Jessica's grip or evade her groping.

Once she had her fill, Jessica nodded to herself as if satisfied that the tiny blonde's bust was no longer more impressive than her own. She adjusted her grip, pinching Casey's hand between her fingertips and dangling her so that the toes of her shoes just touched the desk. With her other hand, she prodded the helpless girl's shoulder, forcing her into a crude pirouette like a music box ballerina.

"Aww, look at her! I bet she could have a good career as a dancer. Too bad she won't." She abruptly released her grip and tapped the remote again.

Casey collapsed to her knees. The sudden reduction in size only magnified her sensation of falling. "Jess, please, stop!"

"God, just shut up and enjoy this!" Jessica stabbed down at the button, biting her lip and gleefully squirming in her seat as Casey inexorably dwindled further, halting at a paltry nine inches. The tiny girl trembled as her tormentor, along with the rest of the world, expanded before her eyes. She didn't dare look at the computer behind her, afraid of what they were calling for Jessica to do to her next.

Jessica, of course, was drinking in all the suggestions, her eyes darting to keep up with the rapidly moving chat. "Squish her... tuck her in my bra... stuff her down my pants, ew..." One hand idly pushed Casey over before resting on top of her, almost completely hiding her from view. "Eat her?!" She giggled. "You guys are sick! Ooh, 'I bet you won't shrink her away to nothing'? Hmm..."

Jessica slid her hand off of Casey, rolling her over several times before leaving her gasping on her back. Casey was still dressed, as her clothing had shrunk along with her, but she felt horribly exposed under the amused regard of the much, much larger girl. It was like Jessica had not only forgotten their friendship but also Casey's humanity.

"Jess, don't listen to them!"

"You're on," Jessica said to the camera, dramatically lifting the remote and pointing it straight down at her. She pressed the button, and Casey lost half her remaining height. She drew breath to protest again, but a second press cut her off. Her head pounded with fear and vertigo as she shrank again and again, feeling strangely disconnected from reality as that reality grew exponentially around her. Jessica's smug, flushed face seemed to expand above her until it was all she could see, twinkling eyes like twin suns.

Jessica sat back upright as Casey became too small to see easily, closing her eyes and smiling as the rush of emotions washed through her.

"That was over with way too quickly." She properly inspected the remote for the first time. There was no "grow" or "undo" button. What had happened to Casey was irreversible. "Oh well, I guess that's it for tonight, guys! Come back next week, and we'll do this again... properly!"

Shrink Master
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Re: Jessica's Stream (F/f)

Post by Raso719 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 6:11 pm

This came out great! Thanks so much!

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Re: Jessica's Stream (F/f)

Post by GodSean69 » Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:44 am

Really enjoyed the story

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Re: Jessica's Stream (F/f)

Post by ChampionStatus » Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:54 pm

Back again with another chapter!

2: Fanservice

Cat was infatuated with Jessica.

It probably wasn't healthy, considering that they'd never met in person. But there was something about her behavior in those streams, the way she toyed with her guests, literally holding them in her hand as they became too small to see. She must have an incredible special effects setup, since no matter how closely Cat watched (and she watched very closely and very often), she could see none of the stray pixels or blurred edges that typically indicated the use of a green screen or similar technology. Cat had watched hundreds of videos or streams catering to her size fetish, but none of them came close to Jessica in quality.

Jessica never spoke about her sexuality on stream, but as every person she acted out the shrinking with was a woman, Cat held out hope. Sure, Jessica spent the whole time teasing them or laughing as they shrank, acting like they were mere toys for her amusement, but surely that was just a cover for her desires. The idea of being at the mercy of the petite girl with the platinum blonde hair, so paradoxically assertive and dominating despite her stature, had featured in Cat's fantasies with increasing regularity. So when, after a particularly spicy stream, Jessica announced that she would select a lucky viewer to co-star in the next session, Cat eagerly put her name first on the list.

Like a dream come true, she had been chosen. Cat found she lived only a day's travel away from Jessica, and she promptly booked a hotel and requested a week's vacation from work. Definitely longer than needed to perform on the stream, but you never know what will happen once the two of you are alone, Cat told herself. On the appointed day, she arrived early to the coffee shop Jessica had designated as their meeting point and waited.

Jessica stepped in as though the place belonged to her. Once more, all over again, Cat was struck by the inherent contrast. Jessica had no real curves to her body and was shorter even than the common range for what was considered cute. In defiance of all that, she carried herself with a confidence bordering on arrogance that made her sexy in Cat's eyes regardless. She behaved like she could shrink every person in the room in real life the same way she did in her videos, so no one could ever challenge her. The assumed mastery in Jessica's eyes as she approached had Cat shifting in her seat.

"You're Caterin, right? You look like your picture."

Cat was confused at the hint of disappointment in those words. She had uploaded one of her most flattering selfies and had spent over an hour that morning perfecting her appearance. She wasn't certain what she had done to earn disapproval, but she was determined to make it up to her.

"Caterin, yes, but you can call me Cat. All my friends do. I'm so excited to meet you in person, I think I'm your biggest fan!"

Jessica's subtle disapproval sharpened as Cat stood up. Cat was startled by just how short she was. From this angle, she could look down at the top of Jessica's head and see the dark roots at the base of her blonde-dyed hair. She held her breath, fearing that Jessica would reject her almost before they began, but then the streamer smiled. A playful smile, bordering on predatory. The same smile she showed to every girl on stream before the action began. Cat made an effort not to sag with her relief.

"Alright, Caterin... Cat. My house is only a few minutes' walk away. My dad is out for the day, so we'll have the place to ourselves."

Cat told herself not to read too much into that statement. Rationally, she knew not to expect anything special from today. But maybe, a voice inside her said, this can all play out like she dreamed. Maybe she could be the one that Jessica decided to keep.

Jessica allowed Cat to ruminate in silence while they walked. As promised, the house was empty, and the two women went upstairs to Jessica's bedroom. She closed the door behind them with a finality that made Cat shiver with anticipation. Not wanting to appear too eager, she attempted casual conversation.

"So, what do you use in your set-up here? I've always wondered how you make the shrinking look so real."

"Oh, you'll see. I think it's funny to surprise my guests with exactly how I do it." Jessica rummaged through a desk drawer as she spoke, leaving Cat standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"But... is there a green screen I should be in front of? Or a mo-cap suit I should wear? I mean, the stream is supposed to start soon. Is everything ready?"

"Everything's ready now," Jessica proclaimed as she straightened, with her remote prop in hand. She stepped closer to Cat, reaching a hand up to trace one shoulder blade. "Just relax, dear. You won't need to do much of anything besides follow my lead once we start."

Cat felt herself go rigid at Jessica's touch. This was exactly how she imagined this would play out. Once the performance began, Jessica would assume her playful, demeaning attitude, but secretly, there would be this affection between them. Cat believed that Jessica would mean her no true harm.

"Let's get this started, then!" Jessica's words brought Cat out of her reverie, and she turned to see the shorter girl leaning over her desk to begin the live broadcast. "Say hi to the chat, Cat, and tell us how tall you are!"

Blushing nervously, Cat gave a little wave to the camera. Her thoughts had been so fixed on Jessica that she had almost forgotten that they would be performing for an audience. "Uh, hey guys, I'm 5 foot 6, and, um, I'm happy to be here!"

A lame response, but Jessica easily stepped in to save her. "Tonight's gonna be special because Cat here is one of you! She's the lucky winner of the audience contest I had last month! But that's enough talking. Cat, I want you to close your eyes as we begin."

Cat obeyed. She listened closely, trying to detect any signs of Jessica preparing her special effects setup. All she heard, however, was the familiar click of the prop remote, followed by a low chuckle. Cat felt a twist of vertigo in her gut, like the floor was dropping out from under her, but she assumed it was simply nerves.

"You can look now, Cat."

Her voice sounded very close, and Cat was startled to find she was looking Jessica directly in the eyes. Their heads were on the same level! Cat blushed and looked down to see that both of them were standing on the floor. There was no special equipment around; the bedroom looked the same as it did before. Confused, Cat looked back to Jessica, who wore an enormous smug grin at her guest's bewilderment.

"How did you do it?" Cat asked. "Where's the trick?"

"Come on, Cat, such a big fan as you ought to know exactly how I do it!" Jessica waved the remote in front of her face before pushing the button again.

Even with her eyes open, Cat couldn't believe what she was seeing. The sense of dizziness redoubled as her perspective gradually lowered until the top of her head was below Jessica's chin. She looked around wildly to see any evidence that this wasn't really happening but found none. Her feet were firmly planted on the smooth floor. Jessica was an arm's length away, not even touching her. There were no mirrors or screens to trick the eye.

"You... you really -"

"This is one of my favorite parts." Jessica spoke without acknowledging her, addressing the online audience as well. "Right now, you're 4 feet, 3 inches tall. This height compares to mine the same way mine compares to your original size of 5 foot 6! In other words, right now, you get to look up at me the same way I had to look at you before."

Smirking to the camera, Jessica stepped forward to loom over the startled Cat. "Enjoy it while you can, because it's not going to last."

Before Cat could process those words enough to feel any fear, Jessica swept her around with a firm hand on the shoulder, ensuring they were both facing the camera before pulling her in for a side hug. Cat would not have described Jessica's fingers as particularly long before, but now that their relative heights were inverted, the blonde streamer's hand thoroughly covered her shoulder. So much so that Jessica's fingertips could actually stretch past Cat's collarbone and deliberately brush against her chest. The shock of the intimate touch brought her out of her state of confusion, and she relaxed as best she could and smiled for the audience.

In response to Cat's acceptance, Jessica's grip tightened, pulling the smaller girl firmly against her body. "You've been a good girl so far, but just in case you start changing your mind, I think you ought to be a little smaller so you can't get away from me."

Cat's smile faltered at the words, though Jessica's playful giggle took some edge from the threat. With another click of the remote, Jessica's body became even bigger compared to her own. Still held against Jessica's body, she could feel herself sliding down against the larger girl's shirt. The arm around her shoulders seemed to lengthen and increase in weight. Jessica's hand now extended far enough to cup Cat's breast completely and  squeeze it possesively.

"There we go, 3 foot 6." Jessica was fighting giggles as she looked down at Cat. "You look like a five-year-old down there! Although, maybe that isn't quite enough to ensure that you stay mine..."

Cat wasn't exactly paying attention as Jessica spoke. She had noticed that at her current she could barely see over the edge of the computer desk. Only the upper half of her head was visible on the stream display, staring wide-eyed from her place at Jessica's side. As disquieting as that view was, another click of the remote stole it away from her in a flash. Unlike the gradual pace of the previous shrinking, this one was abrupt, and Cat felt her stomach lurch as if she were falling.

"2 foot 6! That's way better." Cat had slipped out of Jessica's grip as she shrunk, but the giddy streamer wasn't going to let her off that easily. Jessica scooped her up like a child, setting her on one hip and supporting her with a hand on her butt. Lifted up like this, Cat's head was level with Jessica's, though she certainly didn't feel like an equal. She blushed as Jessica bobbed her up and down and presented her to the audience.

"Jessica, this is going too far. Put me back to normal, please!"

"Hush, children shouldn't talk back to adults." Jessica sat Cat down on the desk, leaving her undersized legs dangling in the air. She leaned over the shrunken girl, her hands planted on either side. Cat felt surrounded, with two large arms hemming her in and an intimidatingly large face hanging directly overhead with a smirk.

"None of my playthings should talk back to me." Jessica whispered softly before raising her voice and addressing the stream. "Isn't she so cute like this, guys? I bet I could do whatever I wanted with her, like putty in my hands!"

Cat looked over her shoulder at the computer. All the viewers in the stream chat were reveling in her diminished size and encouraging Jessica to keep going. She remembered being in that audience. Cheering as the victims shrunk before her eyes, relishing the way Jessica toyed with them. It was far less enjoyable on this side of the screen. Whatever romance or intimacy Cat had imagined in Jessica seemed to have evaporated, replaced by a self-indulgent possessiveness. She could only hope that Jessica at least treated her playthings well.

Jessica, for her part, appeared willing to give Cat a moment to process. But before long, two fingers descended onto her shoulders, and the streamer effortlessly pushed her down onto her back. Shifting one hand to pin down Cat's midsection, Jessica used the other to tilt the camera downwards, providing the internet a better view of the helpless reduced girl.

"Get a good look at her while you can, chat! You may not be able to make out the fine details soon. In fact, I think I need her a little smaller for the next step."

In a burst of fear, Cat tried to sit up, but Jessica only pressed down harder, forcing her back down to the wooden surface of the desk with a wheeze. The pressure kept up as she shrank yet again, not giving her a fraction of an inch to scramble away. This round of shrinking was more intense than the previous ones. Cat's head was spinning as her surroundings multiplied in size. Panic fueled her efforts to lift Jessica's hand as it expanded to cover her entire torso and her upper legs. It was no use, as all her focused strength was no longer a match for even a single part of the petite blonde's body.

Still holding her down, Jessica drew out a roll of tape and spoke to the stream audience. "There. Just ten inches tall now. Did you guys know that Cat here has a bit of a thing for me? I bet it was pretty obvious to everyone watching.  But just in case you missed it, I'll show you how I can make her quiver with just a touch."

The mischievous tone in which Jessica spoke promised no romance. Unable to escape or hide, Cat could only whimper as Jessica fixed her arms and legs to the desk with the tape, leaving her splayed out and immobile. A giant finger, wider than her arm, ran up and down her body, the nail scraping gently at her skin. Cat twisted and writhed in futile efforts to escape Jessica's probing touch. Being in the hands of her crush ought to be Cat's fantasy scenario, but she only felt humiliated by Jessica's casual handling.

"Look at her squirm! She can't get enough of me!"

After tracing the outline of Cat's bust with her fingertip, Jessica finally relented. "Any more of that, and my stream might get reported for indecency! Now, what's the best way to get you out of that tape..."

Jessica tapped the end of her remote to her pursed lips, pretending to be deep in thought. With each tap, she pressed the button, and Cat felt herself shrinking again. Her body contracted in small spurts, her arms and legs tugging against their bonds until she became small enough to slip out of them. At that moment, Jessica was looking away, ignoring Cat to interact with her audience. Perhaps this could be Cat's opportunity to escape?

In a flash, she was on her feet and running, desperation giving her strength. She risked a single glance back and up to see Jessica checking the chat on the screen. A surge of relief flooded through her, and she allowed herself to believe that she might actually make it off the desk. Those hopes were immediately crushed by the massive hand that descended to block her path. A loud giggling filled her ears as she was swept backward, tumbling end over end until she slammed into Jessica's other palm. She slumped back, looking up at the massive girl's leering face.

"Thanks for letting me know what she was up to, chat." Jessica didn't break eye contact with Cat as she spoke. "I can always count on you guys to be watching the camera. It's amazing that she still has that much spunk left in her at six inches tall! This may call for some drastic measures."

Jessica extended her thumb and index finger, placing them at Cat's head and feet as if measuring her exact size. With a wink, she slightly flexed her fingers, pressing down on Cat's spine and causing her knees to buckle. When Cat raised her hands to the fingertip on her head in feeble defense, Jessica suddenly swept her up in the air. Cat was left standing precariously on Jessica's thumb, clutching tightly to her finger overhead for balance.

Chuckling, Jessica held Cat directly before her face and flexed her fingers again. This time, she activated the remote as she did it, creating the illusion that she was compressing Cat smaller and smaller just by the strength of her hand. All Cat could do was hang on for dear life as her size reduced again and again. Cat began to feel the ridges of Jessica's fingerprint distinctly under her own hands as she became too small to grasp the finger easily. Jessica's giant face, the only thing Cat's eyes could focus on, seemed to expand, her earlier teasing smirk now replaced by an undiluted childlike enthusiasm that would have been cute in any other context.

Cat found herself in the same position she had gleefully watched so many others go through. A little toy in Jessica's hands, barely worth any consideration beyond what entertainment she could provide before she became too small to even see. She felt numb, a part of her still unwilling to accept what she had gone through. She observed herself slipping from Jessica's fingers, falling a distance that felt like dozens of feet before landing on a palm the size of a room. An impact behind her, along with a puff of displaced air, brought her back to herself. Jessica's finger, easily three times her size, had descended to land right next to her, touching down with enough force to seriously injure Cat if she had been caught beneath it. With a rumbling giggle from above, the finger began to prod at Cat, forcing her off of the palm and back down to the cold surface of the desk.

"C'mon, let's play some tag. Each time I catch you, you'll get smaller, so keep away as best you can!"

Too shaken to move, Cat could only turn and stare up at the enormous grinning face above her. Jessica's eyes sparkled as she swiftly brought her finger down. She wasn't going to wait for Cat to be ready before she started playing.

"Gotcha!" The sheer mass of the fingertip ground Cat to the desk, pressing her flat. Jessica's soft skin molded slightly around her, creating a sensation of complete envelopment, which only intensified as she became yet smaller.

"Down to just half an inch now. You don't have much left to lose, so you'd better step up your game!"

The weight retreated, allowing a gasping Cat to recover her feet. Everything around her had enlarged once again, making her feel lost on the expanse of the desk. Her world had contracted to just the wooden surface beneath her feet and the capricious whimsy of Jessica above. She saw the finger moving again out of the corner of her eye and took off running on instinct.

"There we go..." Jessica muttered to herself as she slowly tracked the bug-sized girl with her index finger. She clearly could overtake her in a second but was choosing to draw out the chase to see what Cat would do. The terrified girl simply ran in a straight line, which was apparently not entertaining enough as she was quickly caught once more.

"Boop! Down to a quarter inch now!"

This time, the fingertip only landed on Cat's lower body, so she could clearly see everything double in size around her. Her diminishing body was gradually covered by the encroaching finger atop her, and once again, she was swallowed up by warm darkness and pressure. When Jessica lifted her finger from the desk, the miniscule Cat remained stuck to her skin. The world spun and air rushed by as Jessica held her up to her eye for a closer look.

"You're not very much fun at that game. I think our time here is coming to an end. Don't worry, lover girl, I'll give you a kiss for the road."

Stunned by the volume of Jessica's voice, Cat didn't react as she was pressed against her lips. Entirely covered and sealed between Jessica's fingertip and lower lip, she couldn't sense anything beyond a moist warmth and the low rumble of giggling. She wasn't surprised when she found herself shrinking again. Smaller and smaller, the flesh surrounding her expanding and dwarfing her many times over. The pressure holding her in place gradually increased, but she found herself settling into the miniscule grooves of Jessica's skin instead of being crushed.

The moment seemed to last forever and be over in seconds. Sudden light blinded Cat as Jessica withdrew her finger, leaving her stuck to her lower lip. That didn't last long since Jessica then pursed her lips and gently blew, flinging the near-microscopic girl off careening through the air. She landed on the desk once more, too small to seriously hurt herself on impact. The webcam was fixed directly on her location, but there was no way something as tiny as her could be visible. For Jessica and her audience, the game was over. Cat was no longer worth paying attention to, abandoned to survive as best she could in her new world.

"Goodbye, Cat. Thanks for playing."

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Re: Jessica's Stream (F/f)

Post by Raso719 » Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:00 pm

Absolutely thrilled by how this came out! Great work!

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