Trevor's minis

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Trevor's minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:07 am

Part 1

Judy was a beautiful 30 year old VP of finance at a fortune 500 company. She was an imposing figure with a 5'7 athletic frame, brown hair, and piercing blue eyes. She had risen quickly in her career, but as she sat in her office she wondered if it was worth it. A year ago today the love of her life divorced her, saying she spent too much time at work and didn't have time for their family. It was a bitter divorce and even though she won custody of her son Trevor she sometimes wondered if she only fought so hard out of spite. She couldn't escape the thought that he would have been better off with his father, but then her ex was a teacher and could barely afford to take care of himself in her opinion. Even so there were weeks where she worked so late she sometimes didn't even see her son before he went to sleep.

Ten year old Trevor was unlike the other boys his age. He liked to play with dolls rather than action figures and his favorite color was pastel pink. He had more friends among the girls at school that the boys, though he never expressed that he identified as a girl or wanted to be a girl instead. Add to that the divorced had made him more withdrawn and shy which made him an easy target for bullying at school. It was bad enough that Judy had hired a private teacher to home school him, but it was off to a bit of a rough start.

Trevor had been wanting a mini for some time and there were minis who could function as private tutors which Judy thought would be a way to kill two birds with one stone. You could buy a mini who'd been trained as a teacher, but being born minis they didn't have much authority. Some teachers voluntarily became a mini to teach a child, but they were very expensive and their contracts typically full of countless clauses and protections for the mini. Then Judy, stumbled upon a third option, she could be a mini and home school Trevor herself.

Judy was realizing that she was a workaholic at this point. She was so exhausted from working all the time that she didn't really enjoy many luxuries and never spent money on anything other than Trevor. At this point she had managed to save enough money that she would never have to work again if they lived a modest life. When she came across a group of parents who had voluntarily become minis to home school and spend more time with their children she started thinking maybe this was the best course of action. She had always been curious about being a mini and actually started fantasizing about it once she came across that group. She would just need to find a responsible adult to be Trevor's legal guardian and her owner. She decided to check with her first choice, her little sister Carol. Carol was a beautiful 25 year old 6ft tall brown eyed real estate agent with long brown hair.

"Judy, I don't know about this. You want me to be the legal guardian for you and Trevor?"

"Well you'd be my owner, but yes. If I become his mini I can't act as his parent. Plus you've been thinking of adopting kids. Why not Trevor?"

"You know I can't have kids and really want them. I mean that is tempting, but I'm not in a position to take care of a kid right now. I'm barely taking care of myself. Business has been a little slow and those student loans are weighing me down. Never would have spent all that money trying to get a law degree if I knew I was going to hate it."

"You wouldn't need to worry about money. I've already got a managed trust setup for Trevor and whoever the legal guardian would be, hopefully you. With all my savings in it the interest should be more than enough for the two of you to live off of so you wouldn't need to work anymore if you didn't want to."

"I mean, that does sound like a good idea, but you know, you don't have to be a mini to spend time with your son."

"Yes I do Carol. Otherwise I'll just go back to being a workaholic. I know I will, and I don't want to be that person anymore. Trevor is my everything and I'm pushing him away when he needs me the most."

"You know I've heard of over protective mothers, but this is just, well I don't know what to think. Can he even take care of a mini? I don't want you getting hurt. What about your love life?"

Judy laughed at that

"What love life? I'm only 30 and I'm sick of dating. I can't seem to make good choices on my own, and the one person who fell in love with me, well I ruined it. I don't want any more kids and I've already had my tubes tied. I'd probably do better as his mini and you can just get me a nice husband from the store or something."

"Is that why you're not talking to Trevor's father about this"

Judy just winced

"Things ended pretty bad between us. I'm not sure he wouldn't just use this as an opportunity to get rid of me. No I can't go to him. He doesn't even come by to see Trevor because of what I did and how I've kept sole custody."

"Yeah that's true. Shame through. Trent was a nice guy. Hard to imagine he wouldn't treat you right"

"Maybe before the divorce. Anyway, please think it over"

"I mean. I don't know. Trevor is my favorite nephew"

"He's your only nephew"

"Oh I know, and he's so adorable. I absolutely love him. Still does he even know how to take care of a mini?"

"Oh yes. Since he's been wanting a mini for a while I signed us up to be mini care takers on the weekend. I was a little worried after the first few times, but now I can trust him not to hurt the minis. Some of them have even come back just for him."

"What happened the first few times?"

"Well, he did break a few arms and one of their legs, but now he understands how fragile minis are and is as gentle as can be. He's very attentive to make sure they have fresh water and food and always cleans the mini box. He really likes taking care of minis now. There's a couple arriving this weekend if you want to stop buy and see how he is with minis. You can think about it, but this is the end of my lunch break. I gotta get back to work."

"Ok Judy, I'll let you know about this weekend"


"Hey aunt Carol."

"Hey my favorite nephew"

"Hey! I'm you're only nephew"

"Ha very true squirt. So are those your minis"

Carol gestured to a mini man and a woman in their mid 40s on the kitchen table. They were in bright colored doll clothes and it looked like Kevin was playing house as there were several plastic appliances on table. The couple seemed very calm as they kneeled looking at Carol who to them was a giantess. Unconsciously she reached out to pick one up but Trevor gently put a hand on herself

"Don't pick them up suddenly. They aren't use to you and I'm not supposed to let other people handle them really."

"Oh, ok. Um so are you two enjoying your time as minis"

"Oh yes Mistress" they both answered at the same time.

"Your nephew is kind. We weren't able to have children of our own so playing with him like this fills the hole in our heart" The little woman called up to her.

Carol wondered if maybe the small woman had a screw loose, but she seemed in good enough condition. She watched as Trevor picked her up and changed her into a white dress. He held her carefully and she didn't resist as he manipulated her. Once he got the dress on her he picked up the man and carefully changed him into a suit. It looked like he was going to play out a wedding scene

"So you're pretty good at changing their clothes."

"Yeah. If they are calm and obedient like this it's easy. I can't do it to new minis though or they might get hurt if they struggle. They need to get use to me holding them first. Mr and Ms Brown have been here a couple of times though and they are good minis."

The two minis were absolutely comfortable with Trevor and seemed to be in an almost trance like state when he handled them. She noticed that Trevor spent a little more time changing Ms. Brown than he did Mr. Brown, his fingers lingering on her ass and breasts for just a moment. Carol smiled, he was a young boy after all. She decided not to call him out on it and embarrass him even though she really wanted to.

"So you just play living dolls with your minis?" Carol asked?

"Well that's what the Browns like so that's what we do." Trevor shrugged. "Some minis I play games, like hide and seek or obstacle course. Some of the guys like to play action hero or other cool things but those are rare. I hope I can have my own minis so I can train them to do tricks and play all sorts of fun games"

Trevor noticed the Browns frowning as he positioned them

"Don't worry, you two can be my minis whenever you want. Even if I get my own minis. You guys are great to play with"

"Thank you sir" the couple both said smiling.

"Ok now, you two are getting married. I know you're married but we're pretending this is the first time. I'll be the priest and those dolls are the guests"

Carol went outside to the back porch, leaving Kevin to give instructions to the little couple.

"Ok, he does seem good with them. I mean I don't want to base a decision like this off of five minutes with a ten year old, but I also trust your judgement" Carol said to Judy

"He's been good with all the minis lately. We signed up as an emergency caretaker so we got minis who were supposed to go somewhere else, but the person got sick or had something come up and they needed an alternative. It pays, I did it so he could get use to minis not to make money."

"Oh they pay you? How much"

"Oh, it's like $100 a mini per full day, so we'll be getting $400 for the Browns there. It's not much to me so I just put that money in his college fund. They've been coming to see Trevor as mini's once or twice a month for the last four months. There are a few others we've seen multiple times."

"I guess you have a different sense of money than I do Ms. big shot VP. I could use an extra $400 a week."

"That's why you should take me up on my offer. I'm sure the trust would provide at least 50% more than what you're making right now. Also the organization will give you the same rate for watching other minis if you want."

"About that. What if I wanted to join you and be his mini too?"

"WHAT!? What are you saying?"

"Well, ok, I mean it's a bit out of left field, but look I'm not doing so great with my life sis. I can't have kids, I don't really have any friends, I hate any male that isn't Trevor at this point, so it's like what am I doing with myself. The more I thought about your crazy plan, the more I thought maybe you have the right idea."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. I always wanted to feel closer to you and Trevor, and wouldn't Trevor like two pretty mini's instead of one?"

"Well he would, but I just didn't expect you to say that is all. Who would be his legal guardian then?"

"We could always ask mom. She has been wanting us to spend more time with her big sis."

"I don't think that's what she had in mind though Carol".


Three months later Carol and Judy had convinced their mother Megan to accept their proposal. Megan was a fair woman at 5'6 who could be as imposing as if she was 7 ft tall when needed. Judy and Carol would be Trevor's minis and home school him. Judy made sure Carol's debts were paid off and there was still more than enough money in the trust to comfortably support the family. Megan was only 48 years old but would retire early to watch Trevor. It was really the idea that she could retire so early and travel the world with Trevor that sold her. She even agreed to continue to let Trevor be a mini caretaker and accept minis stays as long as he did his chores and completed his school work. Trevor was more than happy to agree as this seemed to be the best of everything he could ever want.

"Ok dear, are you ready to get your minis. The box should be at the door soon."

"Oh yes grandma. I think that's them now."

Trevor rushed to the door the moment the delivery man knocked.

"Ok got a delivery here, um, I think your parents gotta sign for this kid"

"Oh I got it dear" Megan said as she signed.

Trevor carefully took the box from the delivery man and brought it to the living room. The plain white with the simple organization umbrella logo didn't reflect the excitement in his eyes. Slowly he opened the box to see Judy and Carol waiving up at them. They were only wearing simple blue dresses and slippers, though Trevor already had an assortment of mini clothes he wanted them to try on. He slowly picked up the girls, one in each hand. He admired how pretty they were and felt the weight of their warm bodies in his hands.

"Hello my minis" he grinned

"Hello Master." They both said.

They had already agreed they would call him Master beforehand. Megan didn't like it, but she accepted it. They left the option open to return to full sized one day, so they got the more expensive reversible pill and didn't get the government credit, but Megan thought the possibility was rather unlikely. She was happy to have Trevor though as she had started feeling depressed about being an empty nester and a widower. Now she had her grandson and her girls as well as the freedom to not work anymore.

"Get the girls to your room and get them setup. It's time to start your lessons and I don't want you slacking"

"Yes Grandma"

Trevor put the little women back in the box. He would play with them later but for now Judy was going to be his little teacher and Carol the assistant. Their new lives had now begun. What they didn't know was how the formula used to shrink them would make things a little more interesting.
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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by Sumguy14 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:13 pm

a solid and interesting setup. Looking forward to more.

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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by frollo » Wed Jan 24, 2024 12:07 am

Love the premise and setup. This only is going to get better !πŸ˜…β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯

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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Wed Jan 24, 2024 4:00 am

Sumguy14 wrote: ↑
Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:13 pm
a solid and interesting setup. Looking forward to more.
Thanks. I was originally going to only make this two parts, but after writing the first part I feel like there's more. We'll see how far it goes.
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Trevor's minis Part 2

Post by MasterBlaster » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:12 am

Part 2

Judy and Carol were drinking tea with the Browns and they were all wearing Victoria era inspired doll clothes. It was a fine sun shiny Saturday afternoon for the four minis to sit at a plastic table on Trevor's desk with a fine mini tea set.

"You know, I can see why the British have tea time. It's rather relaxing" said Carol

"I know. We never seem to take the time to just pause from work and clear our thoughts. It would be better for all our mental health if we had mandatory tea time." said Mrs Brown

"Well my job as a public defender doesn't leave time for it, but when Trevor says sit down and have tea nothing else matters. That's why we keep coming back" said Mr Brown

"I guess your job as counselor is rather stressful. I've never felt so relaxed as I have this past month. It's easy for us to forget the stress of working life. If I had known I'd feel this good as my son's mini I would have done it sooner" said Judy as she sipped her tea.

"So you two do this to get rid of stress?" asked Carol as she sipped her tea.

"Oh yes. I mean honestly we've discussed becoming mini's full time. It's like ever since that first time with Trevor holding us, even with those nervous sweaty hands, we've felt a desire to be close to him. Like everything was going to be o.k. if Master told us it would be. Lately everything we use to stress about seems less important these days." said Mrs Brown.

"Yeah I was wondering about that. I'm not sure that's normal. I mean I've had, well, feelings I think are inappropriate" said Judy.

"To me it doesn't matter what our feelings our. He's are Master and can do whatever he wants with us" Carol said matter of fact.

"My wife and I have had similar concerns, but the more we visit Trevor the less it seemed to matter. Now that you two have been his minis for a week what do you think about us joining you?" asked Mr. Brown.

"We don't want to make this awkward, it's just, well, we wanted to talk to you about it before we asked him." said Mrs. Brown.

"I. Wow. Well I wasn't ready for that but I guess I should have been". Judy said flustered

"I say yes sis. No offense but it's nice to have someone else to talk to, and they are good with Trevor. I just want Master to be happy and I think this would make him happy"

While Carol initially tried to stop herself from calling Trevor master all the time, she found that she was thinking of him more and more as her owner and Master. She noticed Judy was starting to feel the same. She didn't say anything when her sister got wet, or absently played with herself looking at Trevor when he was unaware. Carol had found herself doing the same after all.

"I. Well. I mean. It's just. I don't think it's normal. You're a nice couple, really, and good friends. It's just, I've been feeling, well, it's been hard for me to not do anything inappropriate and well....."

"Hah, I understand. My wife and I felt the same earlier to be honest, but we are in control of our desires now. You will be too in time. I did some research and it has to do with the formula used to make us minis that first time. Under certain conditions it can make you want to be obedient and dependent to your owner, even after you return to normal size. I can't find that information online anymore, but I'm guessing this has started happening to you two."

"Why didn't you tell me this before" asked Judy

"Honestly because I wasn't sure. It's so freeing to be with Trevor, to let go of all the stress in our daily lives. I thought about it, but I was afraid you would stop us from seeing him and honestly that thought made us fall into despair. Can you honestly say you wouldn't have stopped us from seeing him if we told you?" Mrs. Brown asked Judy

"You're right. I probably would have stopped you from being Trevor's minis on the weekend. Now feeling what you feel I honestly can't blame you, even though I want to. Have the others felt the same way?"

"We wouldn't know. We don't know who else has been his mini, and honestly we don't want to know. Sharing Trevor with you like this is enough for us. Still, I'm guessing since you two are affected, any others that took the same pills would feel the same" said Mr. Brown.

"Well, you two joining us is a bit step. I need to think about it. I'll talk to Trevor and my Mom/Mistress, but I really need to give this some thought. Just give me some time please?" Judy asked

"Yes we understand. We were prepared for an outright no, so to us this is a win. Thank you for giving us hope, even if the answer is no later. We've always trusted your judgement to do what is best for Master. " Mrs. Brown said.

The minis continued with some small talk until Trevor returned from helping Megan, his grandma, with dinner.

"O.k. minis, time for dinner"

"Yes Master." the four of them said in unison.

One by one Trevor put them in the front pocket of his overalls and went to the kitchen.

"I'll set the kitchen table grandma."

"Thank you dearie".

Trevor set a plate for himself and his grandma. Then he set out a mini rectangular plastic table with four mini plastic plates, chairs, and flatware with the chairs facing him. He then put the minis on the table and they obediently sat at the table to wait patiently for him to serve the food. Megan served him a plate with some meatloaf, grits, and corn bread. Trevor then carefully cut off small parts of each and placed a portion on each of the four mini plates in front of him.

"Here you go minis"

"Thank you Master" they said in unison when he was done.

After they were done eating Judy got up to address her mother.

"Uh, Mistress, could I talk to you about something after dinner?"

"Oh what is it? Don't tell me you're finally going to let me buy a man for you. You're too young to go without..."

"MOM! TREVOR IS HERE! I mean, uh, Mistress, no that's not what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Huh? She's too young for what?" Trevor asked

Megan just laughed as Judy reddened.

"Well maybe your sister is interested, but we'll talk later"

"About what? What's going on?" Trevor asked

"Oh nothing dearie, just teasing your mini a bit. After dinner why don't you leave Judy with me and I'll trade you for the Browns when I'm done"

"Ok grandma"


Judy tried to have a frank talk with her mom about the Browns and her own feelings. It was clear that Meghan was a bit apprehensive about Judy's feelings, but she was starting to accept that her daughters were now pets instead of people. As far as she was concerned, however Trevor used was the same as with any other mini. As long as he wasn't cruel or mean he could do what he wanted with them. As for the Browns she had enjoyed using them at night and was open to them being her permanent property. After all the Browns were both mixed race and reasonably attractive. She had needs and they were happy to satisfy those needs. In fact when she returned Judy to Trevor that evening she took the Browns both to satisfy those needs and to explain their place as pets moving forward.

"So you talked to mom?" Carol asked

"Yeah. I think she's going to accept the Browns being Trevor's pets too. As for us, well, I mean I tried to talk to her about what we're feeling"


"I mean. Ugh, she didn't really help me not feel that way. She just said that it's up to Trevor. However he wants to use us, well that's up to him. We don't really have a say unless we want to go back to being normal."

"Like you could go back to being normal now."

"No, I guess I can't. We can't. It feels like this is just how we're supposed to be."

"Yeah. Well you know what? I'm not going to just sit here suppressing my feelings. Pets let their owners know when they want something, so that's what I'm going to do"

"Carol what are you..."

Before Judy could finish her sister was already climbing out of their shared mini box. While Judy couldn't escape on her own Carol was taller and more athletic than her sister. She just managed to jump and grad the edge of the mini box. She climbed out and over to Trevor's bed, then kneeled on his chest naked while he slept. As she expected the unfamiliar weight disturbed his sleep and he slowly woke up

"Wha... Carol? How did you get here? What's going on?"

"Master. I, we, have been holding back some feelings."

He started to pet her and yawned sleepily

"Oh, what do you mean my pet"

"I think it's better if I just show you. That is, if you'll let me."

"Uh, ok. Go ahead I guess"

Trevor said that, but he wasn't prepared for Carol to climb under his blankents. His body stiffened as she crawled down to his pajama pants. She started lifting the elastic band on his waist before stopping and calling back to him

"If you want me to stop at any time I will Master."

Trevor knew he should tell her to stop and go to sleep, but he felt feelings he hadn't before and he couldn't think clearly. Without understanding why he replied to her.

"Keep going my pet."

Carol smiled and climbed in, feeling her Master's cock stiffen as she wrapped herself around it and got to work. Judy watched in silence. She wanted it to stop, but she also wanted to participate. She suddenly wished she was half as bold as her sister and she got more jealous as Trevor started to buck and moan. Trevor came and something changed in Judy. She knew there was no going back now and she would be his mini forever. Tomorrow it would be her under those covers. For Trevor his very world had changed and he now knew pleasure he had never even imaged. He petted his pajamas rubbing the exhausted mini trapped within. He looked over to the mini box and decided that tomorrow he would find out what it was like to have two mini's at night instead of just one.
The world is a dark place.

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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:23 pm

I am curious. How big are the minis in this story? Thanks in advance πŸ™‚

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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:15 am

Aussie_Lurker wrote: ↑
Sat Feb 17, 2024 2:23 pm
I am curious. How big are the minis in this story? Thanks in advance πŸ™‚
1/12 size. So Carole is about six inches and Judy is about five and half. I realize now it's not in this story. I meant to write it in, but I guess I didn't. 1/12 size will be the general scale for most of these stories.
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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Mon Mar 18, 2024 1:18 pm

Sorry to be a pain, but do you have any plans to continue this amazing story?

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Re: Trevor's minis

Post by MasterBlaster » Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:25 am

I will eventually. Getting over being sick and got caught up with life things, but the writing will resume.
The world is a dark place.

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