A Hentai Experience

Pictures with shrunken women that include violence, blood, gore or just implied pain
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A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:27 am

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The longer you stay in this line of work, the more probable your luck will run out. I was hit with a 7.62 x 39mm 123 grain bullet traveling at 2,350 feet per second in upper arm which shattered the brachial plexus leaving me with less than half the use of my left hand. You see, when I was discharged from the military, I was recruited by "The Company", a governmental organization that did the stuff that never makes the news. The stuff that lets you sleep at night while keeping us up all night. I had been doing these things "For God and Country" for thirtysome years and now it was over. I declined a desk job and took an early retirement.

I had already seen everything in the world that I had wanted to see and a lot of places I would have rather not seen but had seen very little of my own country. So with a nice nest egg from the spoils of my work that I never reported and a decent pension, I traveled around the country for three years, from warm seashores to harsh mountain wilderness. Finally, I settled down and bought a house in a rural area and thought about writing a book or something to fill my time.

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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:59 am

I had plenty of money and lots of memories, but in my previous occupation, you don't make a lot of friends, unless you enjoy going to funerals. So after a few months, I was bored. I thought maybe taking some college classes would help me reassimilate into "The World". My first day of class was a shock to my psyche. Everyone in my class was a kid, a child. Or at least to me, they seemed to be. I could have been the father of everyone in the class, even the professor.

Then she sat down at the desk next to me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. A pixie haircut, blond on top, black on the sides. Enough visible piercings to make me wonder what was pierced that were not visible. A black leather vest, shredded blue jeans that were missing more material than was left behind. Funky black framed glasses and a pair of Doc Martin boots. But beneath all this, I thought she had quite an attractive face and body. And at least, she was around 35, give or take a year or two, the second oldest student in the class.

Definitely a contrast to my sportscoat and tie, we exchanged the usual pleasantries and didn't speak during the class. Afterwards, with an hour before my next class, I went outside and sat under a tree to have a smoke and clear my head and decide if this was really what I wanted to do. I heard a voice say, "Hi, Gramps". I looked up and it was her. I replied, "Hello, Weirdo". She laughed and sat down next to me and leaned back against the tree. "I couldn't help noticing your hand. How did that happen?" Pretty blunt, this strange, but somehow enticing lady. "It was a poker game accident". She looked quizzical and I added "They discovered I had three Aces up my sleeve." We chatted for the rest of the hour, then I went to my class and she to hers.

The next day, during class, she would nudge my ankle with her Doc Martins occasionally. After class, I went back to the tree and found her already there. She asked why I had lied about the injury to my hand. I realized that as today was much warmer than yesterday, I had taken off my coat and rolled up my sleeves. The nasty scar was quite visible. "Just a bad memory that I really don't want to talk about." I pointed to a tattoo of a guy's name with a line tattooed through it and asked, "What's up with that?" She said, "Just a bad memory that I really don't want to talk about." "Fair enough. So, what shall we converse about? Politics, foreign policy, the economy, religion?" She laughed again. I liked her laugh. I haven't had much to laugh about in the last few decades. Then I noticed she had a comic book among her textbooks. A Hentai comic book. I had heard the word before during some operations with my Japanese counterparts, but never had a desire to look into it. We talked about it for the remainder of the hour. Weird stuff, even for someone who had experienced a lot of strange customs all over the world. Yeah, I know there is a segment of society that is into sex with animals like horses, dogs, sheep and stuff, but bugs? After the first two foot long millipede I encountered in a S.E. Asian jungle, I really had no interest in being around bugs anymore. She said she fantasies about being ravished by bugs, like in the comics. Then, looking at my watch, I said, "I need to get to class."
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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:15 pm

In my previous line of work, you meet a lot of "interesting" people. One of these was Professor Jake Thorton, a microbiolphysiologist. He had invented, for lack of a better name, a "Shrink Ray". He had been busted using it illegally, shrinking and selling women on the Dark Web, but in lieu of prison, he came to work for us. I had even been shrunk once to sneak into the Chinese embassy where I recovered valuable information that prevented the start of WWIII. I knew where he was, having helped him establish a new identity and a lab where he could continue his work. And it was only a day's drive from here.

Another of these "interesting" people was an entomologist that experimented on insects and bugs for a reason you don't want to know and a reason I wished I could forget. He gave me a bottle of his Female Insect Hormone solution, a concoction that he invented that drove male insects crazy with lust.

The next day, between classes, while sitting under "our" tree, I told her that I might be able to help her with her fantasy. Her eyes lit up for a second, then she said, "Giant bugs the size I want don't exist." I looked down, then with a slight grin, I said in a very poor imitation of Yoda, "The truth, you speak. But other ways, the same thing, happen it can."

A week later, I gave her my address. "When you're ready to fulfill your fantasy, come over." We were off school for a week due to a storm that damaged the college's infrastructure. A few days later, she showed up at my door. I invited her in and I explained my plans. First, she thought I was full of shit and was just trying to get into her pants. I convinced her to go along with it and she agreed, knowing that this would be the only possible way this could happen.

I had her stand on a titanium metal plate that I got from Thorton. It's the only material not affected by the shrink ray. She did have to take off all her jewelry since titanium is often used in jewelry and if she shrunk and it didn't, it could be messy. I gave her one last chance to back out and she said "Come on, come on. Get this ride started !!!" I aimed the shrink ray at her and shrunk her to about 5 inches tall.

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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:25 pm

I picked her up and said, "You ready, Weirdo?" Hesitantly, she replied "Yeah, Gramps". (Our nicknames for each other seemed to have stuck) I carried her out the back door and started down a path into the woods behind my house. I knew a spot where there were some fallen and rotten logs, usually a good place to find bugs. Once on a operation gone bad, I spent three weeks wandering around the Amazon being pursued by cartel soldiers. I ate enough bugs to lose my appetite for them forever. The female insect hormone would attract only male bugs. Since it's the females that eat the males after sex, there shouldn't be much danger to my little friend. Besides, I'll only be ten or fifteen feet away in case something goes amiss. Soon we got to the spot. She changed into a white top and a pair of yoga pants. I set her down on the ground and used a Q-tip to spread the hormone over her body, then splashed a little around the area. She knelt down on the ground, closed her eyes and waited.............with a slight breeze blowing towards the rotting wood, it didn't take long.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:13 am

First to appear was a preying mantis, from behind and grabbed Weirdo over the shoulders and pinning her to his abdomen, biting off her glasses as he began his copulation. A frog (I don't know if he was planning on eating the preying mantis then got distracted) approached from her front and used his bulk to press her harder into the mantis and humping against her pelvis and belly, while pulling her yoga pants down to her knees with his forelegs. A caterpillar inched up and began sucking on her breasts, soon using those six tiny things he calls legs to rip her shirt off. A lady bug, a male lady bug?....maybe he was having an identity crisis, joined the other forest denizens as they ravished the tiny human female, her tiny body writhing in ecstasy over and over. After an hour, the creatures wandered off, leaving Weirdo unharmed, but exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 14, 2024 10:33 am

I picked up the tiny girl and carried her back to my home. Still semiconscious from the experience, I bathed her in the sink then wrapped her in a soft piece of fleece blanket I cut down to the scale size of a king size blanket. She eventually woke up and sat there on my desk, dazed. Finally, she looked up at me and said, "Did that really just happen?"

I gave her a little rub on the head, mussing her already mussed pixie cut hair and said, "You bet it did. You're probably the only human to ever experience what thousands of Hentai fans only fantasize about."

I picked her up off of the desk and placed her and the clothing she had removed in the forest on the titanium plate, set the restoration ray to slow restoration (which allowed the person to retain their memory of the incident, the fast restoration erasing the memories due to the rapid growth of the nerve cells synaptic gaps) and returned her to her normal size. We sat outside on the patio while I grilled some steaks and we drank imported English beers, at room temperature of course. I may have done a lot of bad things in my life to a lot of bad people who deserved it, but I'm not a barbarian. She opened up a little about her past life. Bad relationships and becoming a bit introverted, not wanting to repeat the past, she found herself drawn into the fantasy world of Hentai, then changing her appearance with the pixie hairstyle and quasi-steampunk wardrobe. After a few years, she also had started back to college to try to open up her social life with other humans, but as I did, found she was older than most of the other students, who she found to be quite juvenile in their hormone driven and clumsy social skills. When she saw this old guy in her new class, even in his ultraconservative suit and tie, she deliberately took the seat next to me, not that she was wanting a romantic relationship, but simple a more mature human to talk to.

 After dinner, I told her I was leaving town for a few days to visit the widow and children of a......former coworker who had passed away a couple weeks ago and I would be back on Friday. She gave me a big hug and drove home.

Saturday morning, a knock on the door. My Weirdo wanted to do it again. This time, she had come prepared, wearing nothing but a sweat suit and flipflops and left off all her piercings. I had her stand on the titanium plate, set the shrink ray to 1/12th size and minaturized her. Picking her up, I carried back to the same place in the woods. She stripped off her sweatsuit and flipflops and I set her down on the ground. I swabbed her again with the female insect hormone and stepped back about fifteen feet away.

First to arrive were a pair of honeybees. Giggling at first while their body hairs tickled her skin, she began to moan as the bees "got busy". Two large staghorn beetles joined the party as well as an ant and a caterpillar. One of the bees perched on her head and inserted its sex organ into her mouth while the ant worked on her other end. The beetles and caterpillar joined in the orgy, pawing at her miniscule body while competing with each other to engage their own sex organs. This went on for an hour, then the bugs "bugged out", leaving the human girl spent and satiated amongst the forest litter.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:53 am

The next week goes by. Weirdo has been in a different mood in class since our last venture in the woods. A little goofy, she's smiling more and playfully kicks me with her Doc Martins in class. We haven't really talked about it, but I can tell it's still on her mind.

Saturday morning, it's a beautiful sunny day and a knock on my door pulls me from my attempts at writing my book. All I've done so far is "Chapter One" at the top of the page. :( She's wearing her sweatsuit again, not her normal steampunk garb, snug fitting which shows off her well-toned tits and ass . And it's a pink sweatsuit at that. :lol:

"Morning, Gramps". I invite her in and she, bounces in is the way I can best describe it. I fix her a cup of coffee, black. So she's not so weird after all. We make some small talk about school and other things and finally I say, "Well, are you ready?" Her eyes light up and she nods her head feverishly. We go into the spare room where I've left the titanium plate on the floor, under a throw rug. The shrink ray is already set up. Weirdo kicks off her flipflops and hops on the plate. I double check all the sets and power level on the shrink ray. She closes her eyes and I aim the ray at her chest and press the activation button. A beam of light emits from the end and a glow envelopes her and I watch her rapidly change from a full size women to a pocketsize little girl. I set the device down on a table and bend down to ensure she's alright. I reach down and pick her up with my thumb and index finger and place her in my pocket. I grab the bag I've already packed up and we head out into the woods.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:07 am

Arriving at the same location again, she strips off her clothes and I lower her to the ground. She hops off my hand and sits down. I move away and quietly watch for what shows up. This time, in addition to the female insect hormone, I put out a little animal lure that I bought at a hunting shop.

The first to arrive is a frog. It hops up from behind her and mounts her from the rear. As the frog begins to hump her, a louder rustle in the grass draws my attention. A squirrel has walked up on us, attracted by the scent I had put out. Smelling Weirdo's sexual hormones being released by her arousal from the frog's activity, plus she's currently menstruating, is too much for the squirrel. He scampers right up in front of her.....

Now if someone told you were "hung like a squirrel" you might be offended. But to a five-inch-tall girl, he's quite impressive. She stretches forward and takes the squirrels penis in her mouth and starts working it. The look on the squirrel's face was hysterical and at the end, the glaze over his eyes and his faint smile made me want to offer him a cigarette. Then a large caterpillar comes up and takes over for the frog and the squirrel, his little mandibles cleaning all the frog and squirrel semen from her body. Afterwards, no other forest denizens show up and I take Weirdo back to my house and clean her up. Once she's recovered, she dresses and I restore her to her normal size. She stretches out on the couch and falls asleep.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:51 pm

I watched her sleep for a few hours before going to bed myself. She seemed to be peaceful most of the time, but would occasionally start writhing around, moaning, sometimes yelling. But dreams are important, so I didn't have the urge to wake her up. Dreams teach you things about reality. YOUR reality. Dreams give you advice, sometimes warnings. I rarely dream however. I rarely sleep for that matter. Two hour naps are usually what I get. Not enough time for my mind to enter REM. My dreams are usually about my past, reliving the things I used to do, often reminding me of the bad decisions and resultant bad outcomes from my bad decisions. Staying awake, I keep the wolves outside the door.

When I woke up, she was still asleep. I took a shower then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Pancakes, homefries and ham slices......breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and I take the time to make it right.

"Hey.......Oh my god, that's no fair. How can I sleep with that aroma floating around the house?" My Weirdo is up.

She walked into the kitchen wrapped in a blanket. She looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. Her eyes were bright and alive, while her hair was a rat's nest. No makeup as she rarely wore it and didn't need it anyway.

"You have plans for today?" I asked.

"Nope. What do you have in mind?"

"Eat. We'll talk later about it."

An hour later......"That was incredible. I don't think I've ever had a breakfast like that. Is this how you start every day?"

I never considered morning the "start" of a day. It's just a continuation of the night before, leading to the night ahead. Most of my work was done at night. I've always preferred the dark to daylight. I can see very good at night; my retinal rods having become overdeveloped from decades of operating under the cover of night.

"I like to eat. It's the one luxury I afford myself. Besides, food is important. Good nutrition to keep the body healthy. What's your concept of breakfast?"

"Rarely have it. As a kid, we were lucky if Mom remembered to buy milk for our Lucky Charms. Now, maybe a PopTart if I have any in the apartment. "

Lucky Charms......I should have guessed.

She continued on...."Mom was busy all the time. Us kids were pretty much on our own after he left."


Her boyfriend, my biological father."

Biological father......not "Dad"?

"You have plans for today?" I asked, changing the subject. Didn't want to get into the parental remanences. My "Dad" broke my jaw in one of his drunken rages. Too bad he was killed in that car accident when his brakes failed. Afterwards, Mom seemed to be in better moods. The insurance money took care of the bills, so she had plenty of time to cook for us.

"Nope. What do you have in mind?"

"Something I think you'll like."

Weirdo cleared the table and did the dishes while I gathered up what I needed. The sun was coming up and it promised to be a hot day." Perfect.

Breakfast cleaned up, I took her by the hand and lead her to the spare room. I pointed to the titanium plate, and she happily jumped on it, making sure she was only wearing her sweatsuit. I set the controls and activated it, shrinking her small enough to comfortably sit in the palm of my hand. I scooped her up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing my knapsack and we headed out the door into the woods. She was rather giddy this morning. I loved the feeling of her tiny little feet tickling my palm as she scooted around in my hand looking at the massive world around her. We didn't go to the same place. I took her to a grassy area, with moss and rocks. I checked the wind. Perfect. It's blowing right towards something I found the other day.

"Strip", I commanded her. She squirmed out of her pants and yanked off her sweatshirt, her bare skin feeling soft and alluring against the calloused skin on my palm. I allowed myself a moment to enjoy it, then set her down on the ground. She gleefully looked up at me and said, "And.....?" I took out a small ziplock baggy containing a dark reddish-brown fluid. I opened it and poured it on her.

"Yuck. What the fuck was that?"

"Decaying cow blood. Just wait for it."

The stench of death wafted on the soft summer morning breeze. Within a few minutes, we heard a noise.....a hum.....no, a buzz. A dark cloud rose from the ground about fifty feet from us. I had found a rotting deer carcass there and from some experiences in my past, I knew what would be there. They came in the hundreds. Flies. Flies love dead stuff and the cow blood was a feast they couldn't resist. They began landing on little Weirdo and the ground around her, lapping up the blood from her body with the proboscises. The blood had seeped into every orifice of her body. Her mouth, her ears, her nostrils, her anus and her vagina, along with every surface of her skin. The flies probed every one of these orifices at once and even though I couldn't see her behind the black writhing mass or hear her over the buzzing, I had an idea of what was happening, and I believed she was enjoying it.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by Erin111 » Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:11 pm

This is very good so far~ :mrgreen:

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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:30 pm

Erin111 wrote:
Thu Feb 15, 2024 4:11 pm
This is very good so far~ :mrgreen:
Thank you. ;)

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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:37 pm

The flies finally left. After letting my little Wierdo recover, I picked her up and carried her over to the deer carcass. I laid her down next to it and poured the remainder of the decaying cow blood over her. Within minutes, a trail of fly larvae began to vacate the deer carcass and swarm over her, eating the dead blood from her body. The squirming mass of maggots swirled around her, between her legs, beneath her butt, on over and around her breasts and onto her head, some even pushing their heads into her mouth to get at the blood that she nearly swallowed.

About a half hour later, the last of the fly larvae, having devoured all the dead blood, left Weirdo in a state of exhausted ecstasy. I carried her home, washed her thoroughly, then laid her in a box of Kleenex tissues on the coffee table. I covered her with a piece of fleece blanket and let her sleep.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 16, 2024 12:30 pm

Later that night, while I'm out smoking a cigarette, still little Weirdo gets up and wanders around a bit. She finds some of the frivolous luxuries I do allow myself, revealing some of the fantasies that I have myself.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:26 pm


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by Erin111 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:23 pm

Nice. :mrgreen:

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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:51 pm

She was awake when I got up this morning. "Breakfast?" I asked.

"No. I need to go. Please make me big again."

Now, I've spent most of my life reading people. In fact, my very survival depended on it at times, so I got really good at it.....except for when you're dealing with women. When they are mad at you and you don't know why, it's always something you said or did or something you didn't say or do. Regardless, trying to negotiate with them at these times is a losing endeavor. So, I simply said "Sure" and extended my hand towards her. She hesitated for what seemed like an eternity, then turned and stepped onto my palm and sat down. I carried her to the titanium plate and set her down, set the shrink ray and restored her to her normal size.

"See you later" was all she said as she walked out the door, got into her car and drove away.

She didn't show up for class the next week and never joined me at "our" tree. Funny thing, we never exchanged phone numbers and I didn't know where she lived. I guess the next step is up to her.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:28 am

Saturday morning, a knock on the door. I answered and it was Weirdo. "We need to talk".

Shit. The four scariest words a woman can say to a man. I noticed she wasn't wearing her sweats that she wore when she came over for our Hentai sessions, but her "normal clothes" that she was wearing the first day of class. Black leather vest and ripped blue jeans. "Okay. Come on in."

She came in and I made us some coffee. She walked out onto the porch and looked out towards the mountains. She took a couple sips of her coffee without saying anything. Then, "Were you ever married?"

What? What brings this on? "No. I was engaged once, but never married."

"What happened?"

"We wanted to get married, but The Company frowned on its operatives being married. They thought it would interfere with us keeping our minds on our work. We planned to run off to Vegas to get married, then I was going to resign from The Company. I didn't tell anyone but my best friend in our unit. Well, we kept getting assignments that delayed our plans. Then, after one particularly successful operation, as we debarked from the plane, our commander and a Navy chaplain were waiting on the tarmac. They told me my fiancée and my unborn son were killed. I didn't even know she was pregnant. The crash investigation said she was entering an intersection and a car in front of her stopped abruptly and she hit the back of the car. Then a cement truck couldn't stop and T-boned her car, killing her. I didn't buy it that it was an accident, but I kept my mouth shut. A couple operations later, my "best friend" was killed. I saw it happen. I just watched him die. I felt nothing about it. No grief, no vindication, nothing. After that, I never allowed myself the luxury of getting into a relationship with another woman. Or had another best friend."

"Wow". Followed by a long period of silence while she drank her coffee. Then "I saw your "Land of the Giants" and "King Kong" stuff. You have a thing for small women, don't you?"

She's direct. "Yes, I guess. Never really thought about it that much before. Come to think of it, I was six-three and my fiancée was four-eleven. "

"Have you ever shrunk any other woman? For pleasure?"

"No. We did use the shrink ray to shink and smuggle people, both to rescue them or abduct them, but never for pleasure."

"You could have taken advantage of me when I was tiny. I would have been powerless to stop you and if I reported it the police, that you shrunk me and raped me, they would lock me up in a rubber room. But you didn't. I know I'm no Jessica Lange or Deanna Lund. I guess I'm not attractive enough to you to make a move?"

Wow. So that's it? "You're beautiful. I was totally turned on just by holding you in the palm of my hand. Why do you think I never wore tight blue jeans when you were around and tiny? (I notice a very faint smile form on her face) It's just I've taken advantage, used and abused so many people for my God and Country shit. At the time, and for the most part still, it was necessary. But there were some that bother me. Ones that I didn't feel good at the time doing it and now feel worse about having done it. I swore that I would never take advantage of anyone again."

There was a long uncomfortable silence. Then she looked at me and said, "You got plans for today? I could really use another Hentai session."


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:31 am

She stripped and put on pair of gym shorts and a hoodie. She walked to the extra room and stepped up onto the titanium plate. I set the controls and activated the matter miniaturizer....


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:32 am


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:46 pm

I carried Wierdo to an area of the forest I had found during the week. A mossy, swampy area not far from an abandoned section of road. I set her down and she stripped and gave me her clothes. "Now what happens?" she asked.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a can of warm beer. I poured it over top of her and splashed some of it towards the edge of the road. It didn't take long before a Limax maximus appeared. It schlepped towards Weirdo, raised up and grabbed by the head. Its weight forced her to the ground as it began to glide over her, lapping up the beer, which I found out slugs really love.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:16 pm

Soon numerous other giant slugs followed the beer trail and joined in the frenzy, becoming sexually aroused and began mating with each other and Weirdo.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:50 pm

Two of the slugs break off and begin to reproduce.....Weirdo crawls over and joins them.

(For those inquiring minds who want to know, those are slug sex organs. Don't ask me which is which !!!!)


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:40 pm

Exhausted from her activities, she was unable to even stand up so I picked her up and took her back to my house for a bath, then put her to sleep in her Kleenex box bed. The next morning, she was still exhilarated from her experience. After restoring her to normal size, and a hearty breakfast of steak, eggs and grits (which I developed a fondness for during training at Fort McCullen) she went home.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:48 pm

We spent the rest of that day relaxing and watching movies. The next morning, Weirdo said she wanted to go again. As it was a bit warmer and sunny today, I knew the slugs wouldn't be out. I said I had an idea for something. She walked into the spare room, and I shrunk her. Before heading out, I went to the junk drawer in the kitchen and grabbed a few items and the female insect hormone bottle.

I carried her to a dry area of sandy soil. Before setting her down, I pulled some string out of my pocket and began tying the string to her wrists and ankles. She said, "Whoa, what's this for?" I just smiled and continued. I set her down on the ground and holding her down with a finger, I took out four long nails and stuck them through loops in the string tied to her extremities, then deep into the ground. I stretched her enough to keep her totally immobile, but not enough to be uncomfortable. Once she was secured to the ground, I doused her with the hormone. It didn't take but a few minutes for the first few denizens of the forest to appear.


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Re: A Hentai Experience

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:09 pm

Springtime has come to our town and the next weekend, Weirdo came over for another dose of her fantasy. After shrinking her, I carried her to a area we thought would be full of the desired flora and fauna. I set her down under a trillium, stepped back and waited.


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