She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

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Shrink Adept
Shrink Adept
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She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:46 pm

So I started re-writing an old story of mine some years ago. I got distracted and never re-engaged. However with SizeCon fast approaching I've found myself thinking I should share, so at the very least maybe I have something to talk about beyond common threads and idle chit-chat. I honestly do not recall the original title though I think it was "A Woman's Prerogative". I have not given it much editorial polish since re-working it in 2015, and this version is essentially a pt.1. Hopefully with some encouragement I'll find the muse and motive to finish it off proper. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys what's here.

“She’s Asking For It”
By: Sumguy

Hank enjoyed his midday walk through the relatively small town of Henry, Ohio. It was a wonderful August day, not too hot and not too cold. As he headed down Main Street Hank was considering his lunch options, not particularly paying attention to his surroundings. He passed most of the shops on the town’s main thoroughfare without so much as a first glance until he reached Maxine's Exotic Pets.

Now Henry was indeed a typical small Ohio town, and not really an ideal place for a store like Maxine’s but it still managed to draw a fair amount of foot traffic, even if that traffic was only passing through out of curiosity. Fortunately Maxine did a lot of online business so there wasn’t any danger of her closing down. Not to mention that the mayor’s wife and a few of the other more wealthy members of Henry society were known to bring her business. In general Maxine’s was the city of Henry’s little secret, one that Hank couldn’t help peeking in on almost daily.

Hank stopped and looked in the window to see if any of the exotic pets in question were on display. That was always a crap shoot, since Maxine’s dealt almost exclusively in minis and specialized in female minis “Product” usually went fast.

“Oh well, tomorrow’s another day.” Hank thought to himself as he moved on. He had only gotten a few steps from the storefront when he heard the door’s bell ring signal someone’s entrance or exit. Hank didn’t bother to stop and look, until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Hello Henry.” He heard a woman say.

Her voice was deep, mature, and so sultry that hearing it utter your name was noticeably stimulating. A voice like that could only belong to one of two women in the world, and since Kathleen Turner had not been spotted in the area Hank knew it had to be his neighbor Roxanne. There was a part of Hank that was telling him to run, as though he had been a Peeping Tom caught in the act, but he managed just enough composure to turn around and answer Roxanne’s greeting. He watched with piqued curiosity as she let go of the door to Maxine’s and was a little surprised to see that Roxanne was the person exiting. “Roxanne, always good to see you out and about and please it’s just Hank. You keep saying hello Henry and it sounds like you’re greeting the entire city.”

“Right, right you have told me that before. I promise next time I will remember. Takes a new girl a while to figure these things out you know we don’t all have the luxury of being born and bred in this little chunk of paradise.” The sarcasm in Roxanne’s voice was meant as a friendly tease.

Hank scratched the back of his head and smiled. “I guess I’m just so used to seeing you around next door that I forget you’re still the new girl. How long has it been since you moved in now?”

Roxanne stopped to stand next to her neighbor. “Actually, it’s been three months to the day.”

“Three months, and here I thought it was closer to ninety days. So, you’re out picking up some supplies for a little celebration for the occasion?” Hank guessed.

As Roxanne looked into the bag in her hands she shook her head and smiled up at Hank again. “No not really, I just needed some of this for home. It’s all a part of my research for the university.”

Hank got a little nervous. Roxanne had never really gotten into what she was researching and he had never been one to pry but the fact that she needed supplies from Maxine’s piqued his curiosity substantially and he just had to ask “So, what are you researching over there?”

Roxanne could hear the slight tremble in the man’s voice. Like a kid asking out his secret crush for the first time. For a moment she imagined Hank as a skinny, wide-eyed, teenager rather than the well built, handsome, and sturdy thirty-something that he was. She smiled. “Why Hank, I don’t think you’ve ever asked about my research before. So why the sudden interest?”

Hank needed a moment. He looked down, scratched the back of his head, and blushed ever so slightly “Well, I guess I was just kind of surprised. Y’know cause you’re coming out of Maxine’s and all that…”

“Let me guess, you’re wondering why I would need to shop at a mini-supply store for my research?”

“Well, yeah.” Hank’s face went flush. He embarrassed easily.

“I just needed to pick up a new bottle of mini-block, that’s all.” Roxanne said with a grin that she couldn’t hide. Though Hank had never seen her in the shop before, she had certainly noticed him window shopping on a pretty regular basis and always right around lunch. It wasn’t a coincidence that she had decided to head to the shop around noon today.

Hank’s voice cracked a little and he cleared his throat “Mini-block, isn’t that the sun screen for minis when they go outside?”

“You know something Henry, I think it is.”

“Please Roxanne, it’s just Hank. So, do you have one?”

“One what?” Roxanne played coy.

Hank could be thick headed at times, but he could tell that Roxanne was just teasing him now. “Fine, fine you don’t have to tell me. I shouldn’t be prying anyways.”

Roxanne laughed and walked next to Hank as he continued down Main. “I’m sorry Henry, I know I shouldn’t tease. To answer your question, no I do not have one. The mini-block is for me.”

“Mm-hmm right, I suppose you’ve got a bridge you want to sell me too? Go ahead and have your fun neighbor, I got caught peeking so you can give me your worst. Lots of guys around here spend their fair share of time in front of that window you know.”

“Nope, no bridges to sell, and I am sorry I shouldn’t make fun… too much. I am however serious when I say that the mini-block is for me. It’s part of my research.” Roxanne assured Hank.

“So what, you’re researching how mini-block works on normal sized people? I would have thought someone already tested that stuff out before it hit the shelves.”

“No, I’m actually researching the pollination and refinement processes employed by a recently discovered breed of honey bee. Consumption of the honey this breed produces has had substantial medicinal benefits, and my university would like to find a way to replicate it. The secret seems to lie in how the bees produce the honey but they are a rare breed and extremely non-hostile. So much so, that they flee at the slightest hint of a threat.”

“And the mini-block makes you a non threat to them somehow?”

“Noooo, the mini-block makes the sun’s rays a non threat to me when I’m only six inches tall.”

Roxanne had to laugh a little, because her statement had stopped Hank in his tracks. She just kept on walking. Hank shook off his surprise and caught back up to her. “Wait Roxanne, are you serious? How is that even possible?”

“I wouldn’t joke about something like that Hank. The university provided me with the property and the minimizer that I needed for the research. About one fifteen every day I slather on some mini-block, zap myself with my minimizer and head out into the dandelions to study my bees. Ever notice you never see me between one o’clock and three or four?”

“Six inches tall, for real?” Hank tried to imagine it.

“I used to have to go to three inches, but they’ve kind of grown used to me, so now I’ve been able to slowly work myself up to six.”

Hank couldn’t help but be a little excited by the prospect of it all. “Roxanne, you have to tell me more about all of this! Let me take you too lunch, I mean that is if you don’t mind?”

“Lunch it is.” Roxanne said with a smile.

Once they had their orders in, Hank picked a booth towards the back of Café Spin. He didn’t really want to broadcast some the questions he was considering asking Roxanne. It was funny, his curiosity was kind of like a river that had been held fast behind a dam, and now that dam had cracked and there was no hope of restraining it.

“So Henry, ask me some questions. I’m your open book for the next hour.”

Hank let the name is thing slide this time. “Don’t you worry about them stinging you?”

“Actually these bees don’t have stingers or really anything that can cause harm. Their natural defense is their speed and their ability to blend in with their surroundings. We call them mirror bees because their bodies actually reflect what’s around them. Helps them blend in, and is probably why they’ve remained hidden from the world until recently. Ask about something other than the bees, I know that’s why you’re buying me lunch.” Roxanne made the last point very directly, and brushed her foot against Hank’s under the table.

Hank looked down thinking the contact might have been an accident, but when his eyes met Roxanne’s again he could tell that intent was there. He swallowed audibly “So, the mini-block works pretty well?”

Roxanne brushed her hair back behind her ear. “So far, so good, which I’m very thankful for seeing as it’s the only thing I wear when I do my research.”

Hank hooked his finger in his shirt collar and tried to stifle a giddy chuckle. “Really?”

To prove the point, Roxanne undid the top button of her blouse and pulled the neck open to expose her shoulder. “Really. See Henry, no tan lines.”

Roxanne’s open flirtation came as a huge surprise and even Hank couldn’t miss them. For a moment the smile that spread across his face was broad and bright and he let out a single chuckle as he took a good look at her newly exposed skin, so toned and evenly tanned.

“Focus Henry, you said you wanted to ask me some questions?” Roxanne chided him.

“Of course questions, right. So what do you do when… you’re outside tanning?” Hank held his hands roughly six inches apart. His hesitance in even mentioning Roxanne as a mini or shrinking was showing his obvious nervousness.

Roxanne his found the man’s awkwardness incredibly charming, and she smiled big as she straightened her blouse. “Well, mostly I study the mirror bees. Sometimes I go for little hikes on the property. The invisible fence keeps big birds and animals out of the yard which is good for the bees and good for me. About once a week I lay out too. Something about being able to tan in the nude, in the actual sun is very relaxing.”

“Wow that sounds hot. That probably didn’t come out right. What I meant is, you would have to be careful because you’re so hot. I mean it’s so hot... not getting burned is what I’m trying to say.” Hank fumbled through his words as if he had been scripted to do so.

Roxanne leaned back and took a moment to enjoy Hank’s bumbling charm. She bit her lower lip and looked him over with appraising eyes. The action held no subtlety, and Hank would have had to have been blind to have missed it. Once again her foot brushed up against his calf, this time a bit higher than it had before. “Well that’s what the mini-block is for Henry. Do you remember that five-day vacation I took?”

“Of course, that was couple weeks back as I recall. Couldn’t forget that, you brought over that plate of cookies and asked me to keep an eye on the house. They were good too.”

“Just between you and me, I was home the entire time. Just spent a few days enjoying it, being shrunk I mean. It’s actually something I’ve grown into loving. You know once or twice I’ve spent some time people watching from my front porch. In fact I’ve seen you doing some interesting things. You’re quite a dancer you know that?”

“You spy on me?” Hank furrowed his brow a little as he asked, shocked by Roxanne’s confession.

“Maybe a little bit? What do you expect our homes are less than thirty feet apart.”

“And you people watch? Isn’t that kind of, I don’t know… dangerous?”

“Very dangerous actually. But that rush is half the reason I do it.” Roxanne leaned forward making certain that only Hank could hear. She motioned for him to do the same and he did. “Do you know when you dropped off my plate and I didn’t come to the door when you knocked, I was actually on my porch no more than three feet from where you were standing. That’s the closest I have ever been to a normal sized person while shrunk. Henry you were a tower, an absolute colossus and I just froze. All I could do was stare up at you. If you had just turned right instead of left when you set that plate down you would have spotted me for certain.”

“Oh wow Roxanne, really? I mean I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Don’t be sorry Henry, I wasn’t. In fact I haven’t stopped thinking about that day since. Do you realize what could happen to me? When I’m tiny I mean. I’m an unregistered mini after all. Legally that makes me free game. Anyone could just come along, snatch me up, and take me. What could I do stop them? Only six inches tall, completely naked, and out in the open; I wouldn’t have much chance against… oh let’s say you for example. All you would have to do is catch me, and somehow hold onto me as I struggle against those big, overpowering, manly, hands of yours.”

The mental image Roxanne’s words conjured for Hank was an undeniably sexy reverie. He could see her there, caught in his grip, her arms pinned to her sides, her chest thrusting out as she squirmed, causing her exquisitely ample breasts to spill out over the shelf made by the fist holding her. He imagined her looking up at him awestruck, her blue eyes wide and full, her jaw dropped in complete shock as she shook her head wildly causing her long and wavy mane to splay out behind her. “Not going to lie Roxanne, you paint a pretty picture even if you are talking about a kidnapping.”

“Henry, you and I both know that it wouldn’t be kidnapping because minis don’t have status until someone registers them do they? My goodness, now that I think about it if that were to happen you could take me right to Maxine’s couldn’t you? Just get me registered right here in town if you really wanted too.”

Hank was imagining standing in Maxine’s and signing the paperwork as Roxanne was placed in a golden mini-cage and set on the counter. The thought caused more than a little bit of a rush for him, and Hank could feel his anatomy beginning to react to the notion. At the same time, he also felt Roxanne’s foot rubbing a little higher on his leg. Once again, he swallowed loudly.

“Really Henry, if that were to happen it’s not as though I could stop you physically or legally, it would be your right having found me in the wild. Once you’ve had me registered I would be your property. You could do whatever you wanted with me, and I would just have to find a way to become accustomed to your mastery.” She bit her lip and looked down as that last word hung in the air between them.

“The things that I imagine you might do with me and to me, well they kind of make me shiver all over in all the right ways,” Roxanne looked up again, this time very flush and gave Hank unmistakable bedroom eyes from across the table.

Her comments and the surrealism of the moment hit Hank like a hard right cross and left him momentarily slack jawed. He hadn’t realized how far forward he had been leaning until he nearly fell back into his seat, knocking his head against the wooden finish of the booth they had been seated in. As he rubbed his head their server arrived with the food.

“I’m no mind reader Roxanne but it sounds like you’ve thought about this a little bit haven’t you?” Hank managed to stammer out after chugging down half his glass of iced tea.

“You telling me that you haven’t Henry? That you’re not thinking about it right now? I’ve seen you standing outside Maxine’s more than once good sir.” Roxanne said as she sipped on her strawberry lemonade.

“Well, I…” Hank could barely process everything. Could Roxanne, an extremely well educated, attractive, and successful woman actually be a closet-doll? And interested in him to boot? Something was telling Hank that it was time to start looking for the hidden cameras.

Before Hank could express his unfounded reservations about the conversation, Roxanne cut in “It’s all hypothetical of course. I would never just volunteer to become someone’s mini. Something like that just wouldn’t be proper for a woman of my standing you know. To give in to such a base and selfish fantasy as becoming someone’s... what would I be, a pet or a toy?”

The iced tea was gone, and Hank was chewing on one of the cubes that had been cooling his drink. He crunched on it as Roxanne posed her last question.

Putting a contemplative finger to her face, Roxanne tapped her chin as if considering the scenario in a purely scientific way. “Regardless, if someone were to somehow find out about the nature of my research and knew the right place and time? Well, I’m just saying if all that were to happen, if I slipped up and told someone about my little secret, then I could easily end up as that someone’s own private toy. I’m sure the university would try and contest things but how much of a fight will they put up once they see that my research has been completed? Like I said, the law would definitely side with whoever captured and registered me because I voluntarily minimized myself.”

Hank could barely eat, and he all but crushed his sandwich in his hands as he listened to Roxanne go on. If it was possible to listen with intensity, Hank was certainly doing it. “Roxanne, would you really want that?”

Roxanne rolled her eyes a little and shook her head as she reached her hand across the table and took Hank’s. She guided his sandwich down to his plate and just held his hand firmly. “Haven’t you been listening Henry? I’m just saying it could happen. Do I want to be reduced in stature and status to a mere plaything whose only purpose in life would be to keep her master happy, entertained, and sexually gratified? Would I enjoy being kept in a cage as the ultimate status symbol? Do I fantasize about my master showing me off to anyone he wished too, flaunting me in front of his friends, and making me join in when he brings women home? I would have to be some sort of secret sexual deviant to think like that, wouldn’t I? A woman with a long hidden fantasy about being a man’s plaything, one that she’s had to repress since puberty. No, of course I wouldn’t want that more than anything in the world Henry that would just be silly.”

Hank was stunned, and silence had completely overtaken him. He watched as Roxanne got up and looked at her watch, his jaw fallen in slackened amazement. Roxanne took his hand again, and turned his wrist so that the face of his watch stared back at him. “Oh goodness, look at the time. I’m afraid I’ll need to get home. I have to attend to my research you know.”

“R… right,” Hank barely managed as he saw that it was three minutes to one.

“Oh, and Hank I hear this is a lovely time of year to catch butterflies.” she smiled as she caressed his hand with her pointer finger.

“What?” Hank said, legitimately confused by her statement.

“You know Henry, catching butterflies gives a man a good excuse to be out in the middle of the afternoon, with a net. You never know what a man like you might come across while out catching butterflies.” Roxanne said as she pointed at herself and winked at Hank.

Hank was somewhat known for being a bit thick. His nickname in high school had actually been ‘Brick’ because of that. However, even old ‘Brick’ was able to read between these lines. “Yeah Roxanne, you never know what a guy like me will come across. Catching butterflies is a good idea today, I think. I should probably go and see if I can find a net before I lose the daylight.”

“Alright Henry, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow some time. Thanks again for lunch.” Roxanne said as she headed out the door before Hank. She had a nice swing in her hips, and Hank couldn’t help but take a nice long look at her curvaceous and tone ass as it moved beneath her jeans.

“Gonna catch me a butterfly!” he thought gleefully.

Not long after lunch Roxanne Farmer was a little late getting home, and rushed a bit as she applied her mini-block. She looked out her window and saw Hank’s truck pull in to the driveway of his house. He spotted her through the window, reached into his truck and pulled out a newly purchased hand net with an adjustable handle. Taking a quick look to his left and then his right to ensure no one would see him, Hank held the net up high, waiving it back on forth, making sure Roxanne could see it. From her vantage he looked a bit silly and she smiled at that. It wasn’t the first time Hank’s antics had entertained and amused Roxanne. For a moment she got lost thinking about the numerous times she had spied on her neighbor while in a reduced state. How many times had she watched him fresh from a hot shower, dancing in nothing but to towel, singing off key to Journey or Queen as he held his toothbrush or razor like a microphone? It had been so many, she had lost count. Very soon she wouldn’t need to spy anymore.

Moving to the rear of the spacious ranch style home the university had set her up in; Roxanne took a good long look at her surroundings. The summer months in the house had been some of the most peaceful, productive, and enjoyable ones of her life. For a moment she wondered if she shouldn’t consider what she was about to do a little longer, but her doubts where crushed by a surge of arousal as her thoughts shifted to her memory of the day that Hank had been so close to her on the front porch.

That day’s research had been over and done with for more than an hour, but the weather was perfect and Roxanne still had plenty of daylight, so she was taking in her monumental surroundings. Feeling a bit adventurous she wandered to edge of the property the University had purchased. Outside of spying on Hank, it was the only time she dared to venture off her land. She had spied an old tool shed a few yards past where she had marked the property line. It wasn’t anything special, but Roxanne couldn’t pass up the opportunity to explore the giant structure. To her it represented an exhilarating unknown and she just could not pass up checking it out. Making her way through the yards of overgrown grass and weeds didn’t take long at all, and in short order Roxanne came to the side of the modest shed. To her it was a monolith of wood and iron that held as much mystery and intrigue as the ruins of some ancient civilization. Roxanne ran her hand along the side of the towering structure, feeling the weathered wood, noting the astonishing detail of the varnished grain. Such a simple and functional thing as a shed transformed into a wonder by the scrutiny of minute detail. It was just another facet about being tiny that Roxanne luxuriated in, another to add to a long list.

The grass around the shed was flattened in places, and it was clear someone had been walking around it recently. Realizing that she was tiptoeing through a footprint almost twice as long as she was tall sent a rush of excitement through the woman, and even though she was quite certain whoever had left that print was nowhere near now, she had to wonder if she would be spotted. She imagined what might happen if she were spotted. The thought of it made her smile and she let out a scream of joy as she took off running and made for the front of the shed rollicking and playing as though she were being chased. Deep down there was a part of her that hoped the giant that belonged to that footprint would hear her, come looking, and in finding her claim Roxanne as a cherished prize. As she rounded the corner of the shed, she stopped running and threw herself back against it. “Can’t let you have me without a chase now can I?” she said between slightly winded breaths as she peered back round the shed at her imagined pursuer.

In the back of her mind, Roxanne was aware of the inherent danger her behavior was putting her in and that only exacerbated and enhanced the euphoric joy she felt being tiny and naked in a gigantic world full of perils that could swallow her up at any moment. It was a thrill unmatched by anything she had ever experienced in life, one that she was keenly aware of having grown addicted to.

Looking back at the shed, she saw that there was enough room between the door and the jam that she could certainly squeeze through at her size. She ran to the space, turning back for a split second to ensure the towering figment that she had conjured was still in hot pursuit. “You’ll never find me in here!” she called out before disappearing into the void between. The fit was more than a little bit snug, as the wood had warped over the years and was narrower on the inside. Roxanne pressed inward despite reservations about being wedged in. She could feel the grain of the hard wood sliding against her backside, pressing against her cheeks and thighs. Her breasts were pushed firmly against her chest and she couldn’t ignore the sensation of her nipples sliding across the cool surface of the door. “Thank god they put weather varnish on this thing; otherwise I don’t think I could take it.”

Roxanne, grunted as the space tightened, but was determined to get inside. With a moan of exertion she squeezed her impressive curves through the comparatively small space and managed to stumble out of the door jam and into a veritable cathedral of a room.
The interior held even more wonder than the exterior for the tiny trespasser. Here and there, shafts of sunlight shown down from between the spaces in between the roof’s boards and the slapdash craftsmanship resulted in an awesome view for Roxanne. She watched as particles of dust and pollen fell through the air, highlighted by the intruding shafts of light, looking like the lightest of snowfalls. The room held a distinct aroma, one that was strong but not completely unpleasant. “So, this is where the potheads like to hang out?”

Tiptoeing for no other reason than her own enjoyment, Roxanne moved towards the rear of the shed. In one corner of the massive space was a faced, camouflage patterned, folding, camper’s chair. In the other was a well-worn, beanbag chair that had an unmistakable bunny in a tie logo plastered all over it. A sleeping bag with a broken zipper was folded over and laid out as a floor for the chairs and Roxanne was amazed by how downy soft it felt as she stepped up onto the slippery surface. For a moment she shuffled her feet and giggled as the spongy cloth carpet beneath tickled her soles. The feeling seemed to creep up Roxanne’s legs, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that her movements were inadvertently causing that tickling sensation to spread to other, more sensitive portions of her anatomy. Biting her lip, she stopped shuffling her feet, sighed deeply, and mused “Roxanne, you are going to have to remember that little trick.”

Her notes would refer to it as “Inversely proportionate tactile sensory input.” It was a theory that was gaining steam in the scientific community, one that Roxanne was unconventionally proving as fact first hand. “The smaller I am, the more powerful and acute my sense of touch. Oh that is just too perfect!”

Ahead of her was a haphazard pile of magazines and one paperback novel. Based on the cover, the novel was a trashy romance. It had a rough spine and had clearly been read more than once but despite its ware still managed to grab Roxanne’s attention. The cover was of a ruggedly handsome man with an exquisite physique, lying naked in bed, fully exposed save for a strategically placed fold of the bedspread coving just enough of him to ensure the book could be sold in Wal-Mart without someone crying scandal. He held his hands behind his head and was looking to his right at a partner unseen. The image of the man had obviously been touched up, but that made him no less impressive and seeing as she and he happened to be on the exact same scale at the moment, left Roxanne ruminating on possibilities. “Maybe having someone around to be small with me wouldn’t be such a bad thing?”

Forcing herself to move past the rippling abs and chiseled jaw of the two-dimensional Adonis before her, Roxanne finally got a look at the book’s title. Woman Handled (Book VII of the Jack Bravado Series).

The laughter that erupted from Roxanne was louder than expected and she threw her hands over her mouth as she hopped up and down. “Jack Bravado? Seriously?”

Without hesitation Roxanne draped herself over the book, and laid next to the image of the titular protagonist and pantomimed smoking. Looking over at the flat man next to her, she ran her hands over his chest and abs and rubbed her leg over his lower body. “So Jack Bravado, is it true that you like to be.... Woman Handled?”

Roxanne’s laughter picked up where it had left off moments ago as she rolled off the book’s cover and dropped to the softness below with a chirp of surprise. Now chuckling at her own clumsiness Roxanne sat up, kneeling next to the paperback and looked around at impossibly high walls and the vastness of the space around her once again. This giant world was an absolute marvel to her, and the rush she was getting simply by being in it was indescribable. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Roxanne got to her feet. She wiped a bit of dust from her ass and the back of her legs before taking one last look back at Jack Bravado in all his glory. With an arched brown she waved at the paper man then held her hand to her face in a familiar gesture “Call me.”

Had she been paying attention to where she was stepping, Roxanne probably would have noticed the sizeable lump directly in her path, but Jack Bravado was distraction enough that she walked right into it. Just as quickly as she had gotten to her feet, she went ass-over-teakettle and back to the ground. Fortunately for her, as small as she was the cushiony surface of the sleeping bag was no more damaging than doing a swan dive onto a firm mattress. Raising a hand she pushed against the thick, log like lump behind her. It was firm, heavy, and it didn’t budge in the slightest even as Roxanne pushed against it with all her strength. Getting back to her feet again, she noticed that the log wasn’t really a log, but a loop, one that she had landed in the middle of. “Who leaves rope in a sleeping bag?” Was the last thought she had on the matter as she climbed onto and then over the lump opposite of where she had tripped.

As she made her way over to the beanbag chair Roxanne made sure to mind her step, and imagined what would have happened if her non-existent pursuer had seen her misstep. “Oh how vulnerable a position that was,” she mused. “I would have been captured for certain.”

At the edge of the beanbag chair Roxanne stopped for a moment. A twinge of genuine concern had inexplicably worked its way into her reverie, and though she was certain no one had spotted her entering the shed, she couldn’t help but feel as though she were being watched. Rather than heed her intuition, she used it as further fuel in her pursuit fantasy. Like a child switching off the lights in the basement and then bounding up the stairs to escape the unknown of the darkness, Roxanne climbed and scurried her way to the top of the beanbag chair. When she reached the summit, she was winded and energized all at the same time. Whatever it was that had raised her concern had been all but forgotten as she took in the view from her conquered mountain.


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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by DollShrnkr » Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:22 am

I'd very much like to see a continuation. This story is so playful and fun and it's not often you see an SW hinting (VERY obvious hints, by the way) to the guy (or woman) she's interested in how much she wants to be his at doll-size. I love stories with a romantic theme to them and your's is very enjoyable to read. I don't think she's asking for it so much as BEGGING for it.

Great job!


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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:58 pm

Oh yes, I remember this one.....just barely. Please do continue!!!! :).

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:45 pm

One thing I am curious about is-in your fictional world, is there more than one way to become a Mini?

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by frobknob » Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:48 pm

“A Woman’s Prerogative” is one of my favorite stories, it's great to see you're re-doing it, and I'm very much looking forward to the next installment!

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:50 am

Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:45 pm
One thing I am curious about is-in your fictional world, is there more than one way to become a Mini?
Yes there is. There is spontaneous shrinking in addition to shrinking tech. Spontaneous shrinking is an as yet incurable instance of random shrinking that a % of the population succumbs to. Think of it like spontaneous combustion but more common and much less lethal. Science was able to reverse engineer shrinking tech from studying those who had spontaneously shrunk.

This applies to "She's Asking for It" only (ATM).

Thanks for your interest!

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:51 am

DollShrnkr wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:22 am
I'd very much like to see a continuation. This story is so playful and fun and it's not often you see an SW hinting (VERY obvious hints, by the way) to the guy (or woman) she's interested in how much she wants to be his at doll-size. I love stories with a romantic theme to them and your's is very enjoyable to read. I don't think she's asking for it so much as BEGGING for it.

Great job!

That's true, "Begging" might have been a more apt description... something to consider if I ever do a follow up. I'll focus on finishing "Asking" first thought. ;P

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:52 am

frobknob wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:48 pm
“A Woman’s Prerogative” is one of my favorite stories, it's great to see you're re-doing it, and I'm very much looking forward to the next installment!
Here I thought my work had been pretty well forgotten. Nice to hear something I wrote had a lasting impact.

Thanks for commenting!

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:30 am

Sumguy13 wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:50 am
Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:45 pm
One thing I am curious about is-in your fictional world, is there more than one way to become a Mini?
Yes there is. There is spontaneous shrinking in addition to shrinking tech. Spontaneous shrinking is an as yet incurable instance of random shrinking that a % of the population succumbs to. Think of it like spontaneous combustion but more common and much less lethal. Science was able to reverse engineer shrinking tech from studying those who had spontaneously shrunk.

This applies to "She's Asking for It" only (ATM).

Thanks for your interest!
Cool to know.....similar to the background for my "Lara the Shrunken Babysitter" collages. Any shrinkee found, unregistered & less than 2'6" tall, can be claimed by the finder under the "Finders Keepers" law ;).

BTW, any ETA on the next chapter? Don't want to rush you, but I am mad keen for a continuation :).

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:04 pm

Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:30 am
Sumguy13 wrote:
Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:50 am
Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:45 pm
One thing I am curious about is-in your fictional world, is there more than one way to become a Mini?
Yes there is. There is spontaneous shrinking in addition to shrinking tech. Spontaneous shrinking is an as yet incurable instance of random shrinking that a % of the population succumbs to. Think of it like spontaneous combustion but more common and much less lethal. Science was able to reverse engineer shrinking tech from studying those who had spontaneously shrunk.

This applies to "She's Asking for It" only (ATM).

Thanks for your interest!
Cool to know.....similar to the background for my "Lara the Shrunken Babysitter" collages. Any shrinkee found, unregistered & less than 2'6" tall, can be claimed by the finder under the "Finders Keepers" law ;).

BTW, any ETA on the next chapter? Don't want to rush you, but I am mad keen for a continuation :).
No ETA at the moment. Lots of plates spinning currently.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by travis365 » Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:45 am

Ohhh I loved this story will there be a download for the old version?

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:56 am

travis365 wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:45 am
Ohhh I loved this story will there be a download for the old version?
I have no plans to re-post the old version... kind of defeats the purpose of a re-write in my mind. Not to mention i don't think I have it in it's original form anymore.

If anyone else has it and wants to re-post, feel free. (just don't do it in this thread. This is for the current yarn, not the old one.)

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by frobknob » Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:28 pm

>If anyone else has it and wants to re-post, feel free.


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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:37 am

Sumguy13 wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:46 pm
So I started re-writing an old story of mine some years ago. I got distracted and never re-engaged. However with SizeCon fast approaching I've found myself thinking I should share, so at the very least maybe I have something to talk about beyond common threads and idle chit-chat. I honestly do not recall the original title though I think it was "A Woman's Prerogative". I have not given it much editorial polish since re-working it in 2015, and this version is essentially a pt.1. Hopefully with some encouragement I'll find the muse and motive to finish it off proper. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys what's here.

“She’s Asking For It”
By: Sumguy

Hank enjoyed his midday walk through the relatively small town of Henry, Ohio. It was a wonderful August day, not too hot and not too cold. As he headed down Main Street Hank was considering his lunch options, not particularly paying attention to his surroundings. He passed most of the shops on the town’s main thoroughfare without so much as a first glance until he reached Maxine's Exotic Pets.

Now Henry was indeed a typical small Ohio town, and not really an ideal place for a store like Maxine’s but it still managed to draw a fair amount of foot traffic, even if that traffic was only passing through out of curiosity. Fortunately Maxine did a lot of online business so there wasn’t any danger of her closing down. Not to mention that the mayor’s wife and a few of the other more wealthy members of Henry society were known to bring her business. In general Maxine’s was the city of Henry’s little secret, one that Hank couldn’t help peeking in on almost daily.

Hank stopped and looked in the window to see if any of the exotic pets in question were on display. That was always a crap shoot, since Maxine’s dealt almost exclusively in minis and specialized in female minis “Product” usually went fast.

“Oh well, tomorrow’s another day.” Hank thought to himself as he moved on. He had only gotten a few steps from the storefront when he heard the door’s bell ring signal someone’s entrance or exit. Hank didn’t bother to stop and look, until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Hello Henry.” He heard a woman say.

Her voice was deep, mature, and so sultry that hearing it utter your name was noticeably stimulating. A voice like that could only belong to one of two women in the world, and since Kathleen Turner had not been spotted in the area Hank knew it had to be his neighbor Roxanne. There was a part of Hank that was telling him to run, as though he had been a Peeping Tom caught in the act, but he managed just enough composure to turn around and answer Roxanne’s greeting. He watched with piqued curiosity as she let go of the door to Maxine’s and was a little surprised to see that Roxanne was the person exiting. “Roxanne, always good to see you out and about and please it’s just Hank. You keep saying hello Henry and it sounds like you’re greeting the entire city.”

“Right, right you have told me that before. I promise next time I will remember. Takes a new girl a while to figure these things out you know we don’t all have the luxury of being born and bred in this little chunk of paradise.” The sarcasm in Roxanne’s voice was meant as a friendly tease.

Hank scratched the back of his head and smiled. “I guess I’m just so used to seeing you around next door that I forget you’re still the new girl. How long has it been since you moved in now?”

Roxanne stopped to stand next to her neighbor. “Actually, it’s been three months to the day.”

“Three months, and here I thought it was closer to ninety days. So, you’re out picking up some supplies for a little celebration for the occasion?” Hank guessed.

As Roxanne looked into the bag in her hands she shook her head and smiled up at Hank again. “No not really, I just needed some of this for home. It’s all a part of my research for the university.”

Hank got a little nervous. Roxanne had never really gotten into what she was researching and he had never been one to pry but the fact that she needed supplies from Maxine’s piqued his curiosity substantially and he just had to ask “So, what are you researching over there?”

Roxanne could hear the slight tremble in the man’s voice. Like a kid asking out his secret crush for the first time. For a moment she imagined Hank as a skinny, wide-eyed, teenager rather than the well built, handsome, and sturdy thirty-something that he was. She smiled. “Why Hank, I don’t think you’ve ever asked about my research before. So why the sudden interest?”

Hank needed a moment. He looked down, scratched the back of his head, and blushed ever so slightly “Well, I guess I was just kind of surprised. Y’know cause you’re coming out of Maxine’s and all that…”

“Let me guess, you’re wondering why I would need to shop at a mini-supply store for my research?”

“Well, yeah.” Hank’s face went flush. He embarrassed easily.

“I just needed to pick up a new bottle of mini-block, that’s all.” Roxanne said with a grin that she couldn’t hide. Though Hank had never seen her in the shop before, she had certainly noticed him window shopping on a pretty regular basis and always right around lunch. It wasn’t a coincidence that she had decided to head to the shop around noon today.

Hank’s voice cracked a little and he cleared his throat “Mini-block, isn’t that the sun screen for minis when they go outside?”

“You know something Henry, I think it is.”

“Please Roxanne, it’s just Hank. So, do you have one?”

“One what?” Roxanne played coy.

Hank could be thick headed at times, but he could tell that Roxanne was just teasing him now. “Fine, fine you don’t have to tell me. I shouldn’t be prying anyways.”

Roxanne laughed and walked next to Hank as he continued down Main. “I’m sorry Henry, I know I shouldn’t tease. To answer your question, no I do not have one. The mini-block is for me.”

“Mm-hmm right, I suppose you’ve got a bridge you want to sell me too? Go ahead and have your fun neighbor, I got caught peeking so you can give me your worst. Lots of guys around here spend their fair share of time in front of that window you know.”

“Nope, no bridges to sell, and I am sorry I shouldn’t make fun… too much. I am however serious when I say that the mini-block is for me. It’s part of my research.” Roxanne assured Hank.

“So what, you’re researching how mini-block works on normal sized people? I would have thought someone already tested that stuff out before it hit the shelves.”

“No, I’m actually researching the pollination and refinement processes employed by a recently discovered breed of honey bee. Consumption of the honey this breed produces has had substantial medicinal benefits, and my university would like to find a way to replicate it. The secret seems to lie in how the bees produce the honey but they are a rare breed and extremely non-hostile. So much so, that they flee at the slightest hint of a threat.”

“And the mini-block makes you a non threat to them somehow?”

“Noooo, the mini-block makes the sun’s rays a non threat to me when I’m only six inches tall.”

Roxanne had to laugh a little, because her statement had stopped Hank in his tracks. She just kept on walking. Hank shook off his surprise and caught back up to her. “Wait Roxanne, are you serious? How is that even possible?”

“I wouldn’t joke about something like that Hank. The university provided me with the property and the minimizer that I needed for the research. About one fifteen every day I slather on some mini-block, zap myself with my minimizer and head out into the dandelions to study my bees. Ever notice you never see me between one o’clock and three or four?”

“Six inches tall, for real?” Hank tried to imagine it.

“I used to have to go to three inches, but they’ve kind of grown used to me, so now I’ve been able to slowly work myself up to six.”

Hank couldn’t help but be a little excited by the prospect of it all. “Roxanne, you have to tell me more about all of this! Let me take you too lunch, I mean that is if you don’t mind?”

“Lunch it is.” Roxanne said with a smile.

Once they had their orders in, Hank picked a booth towards the back of Café Spin. He didn’t really want to broadcast some the questions he was considering asking Roxanne. It was funny, his curiosity was kind of like a river that had been held fast behind a dam, and now that dam had cracked and there was no hope of restraining it.

“So Henry, ask me some questions. I’m your open book for the next hour.”

Hank let the name is thing slide this time. “Don’t you worry about them stinging you?”

“Actually these bees don’t have stingers or really anything that can cause harm. Their natural defense is their speed and their ability to blend in with their surroundings. We call them mirror bees because their bodies actually reflect what’s around them. Helps them blend in, and is probably why they’ve remained hidden from the world until recently. Ask about something other than the bees, I know that’s why you’re buying me lunch.” Roxanne made the last point very directly, and brushed her foot against Hank’s under the table.

Hank looked down thinking the contact might have been an accident, but when his eyes met Roxanne’s again he could tell that intent was there. He swallowed audibly “So, the mini-block works pretty well?”

Roxanne brushed her hair back behind her ear. “So far, so good, which I’m very thankful for seeing as it’s the only thing I wear when I do my research.”

Hank hooked his finger in his shirt collar and tried to stifle a giddy chuckle. “Really?”

To prove the point, Roxanne undid the top button of her blouse and pulled the neck open to expose her shoulder. “Really. See Henry, no tan lines.”

Roxanne’s open flirtation came as a huge surprise and even Hank couldn’t miss them. For a moment the smile that spread across his face was broad and bright and he let out a single chuckle as he took a good look at her newly exposed skin, so toned and evenly tanned.

“Focus Henry, you said you wanted to ask me some questions?” Roxanne chided him.

“Of course questions, right. So what do you do when… you’re outside tanning?” Hank held his hands roughly six inches apart. His hesitance in even mentioning Roxanne as a mini or shrinking was showing his obvious nervousness.

Roxanne his found the man’s awkwardness incredibly charming, and she smiled big as she straightened her blouse. “Well, mostly I study the mirror bees. Sometimes I go for little hikes on the property. The invisible fence keeps big birds and animals out of the yard which is good for the bees and good for me. About once a week I lay out too. Something about being able to tan in the nude, in the actual sun is very relaxing.”

“Wow that sounds hot. That probably didn’t come out right. What I meant is, you would have to be careful because you’re so hot. I mean it’s so hot... not getting burned is what I’m trying to say.” Hank fumbled through his words as if he had been scripted to do so.

Roxanne leaned back and took a moment to enjoy Hank’s bumbling charm. She bit her lower lip and looked him over with appraising eyes. The action held no subtlety, and Hank would have had to have been blind to have missed it. Once again her foot brushed up against his calf, this time a bit higher than it had before. “Well that’s what the mini-block is for Henry. Do you remember that five-day vacation I took?”

“Of course, that was couple weeks back as I recall. Couldn’t forget that, you brought over that plate of cookies and asked me to keep an eye on the house. They were good too.”

“Just between you and me, I was home the entire time. Just spent a few days enjoying it, being shrunk I mean. It’s actually something I’ve grown into loving. You know once or twice I’ve spent some time people watching from my front porch. In fact I’ve seen you doing some interesting things. You’re quite a dancer you know that?”

“You spy on me?” Hank furrowed his brow a little as he asked, shocked by Roxanne’s confession.

“Maybe a little bit? What do you expect our homes are less than thirty feet apart.”

“And you people watch? Isn’t that kind of, I don’t know… dangerous?”

“Very dangerous actually. But that rush is half the reason I do it.” Roxanne leaned forward making certain that only Hank could hear. She motioned for him to do the same and he did. “Do you know when you dropped off my plate and I didn’t come to the door when you knocked, I was actually on my porch no more than three feet from where you were standing. That’s the closest I have ever been to a normal sized person while shrunk. Henry you were a tower, an absolute colossus and I just froze. All I could do was stare up at you. If you had just turned right instead of left when you set that plate down you would have spotted me for certain.”

“Oh wow Roxanne, really? I mean I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“Don’t be sorry Henry, I wasn’t. In fact I haven’t stopped thinking about that day since. Do you realize what could happen to me? When I’m tiny I mean. I’m an unregistered mini after all. Legally that makes me free game. Anyone could just come along, snatch me up, and take me. What could I do stop them? Only six inches tall, completely naked, and out in the open; I wouldn’t have much chance against… oh let’s say you for example. All you would have to do is catch me, and somehow hold onto me as I struggle against those big, overpowering, manly, hands of yours.”

The mental image Roxanne’s words conjured for Hank was an undeniably sexy reverie. He could see her there, caught in his grip, her arms pinned to her sides, her chest thrusting out as she squirmed, causing her exquisitely ample breasts to spill out over the shelf made by the fist holding her. He imagined her looking up at him awestruck, her blue eyes wide and full, her jaw dropped in complete shock as she shook her head wildly causing her long and wavy mane to splay out behind her. “Not going to lie Roxanne, you paint a pretty picture even if you are talking about a kidnapping.”

“Henry, you and I both know that it wouldn’t be kidnapping because minis don’t have status until someone registers them do they? My goodness, now that I think about it if that were to happen you could take me right to Maxine’s couldn’t you? Just get me registered right here in town if you really wanted too.”

Hank was imagining standing in Maxine’s and signing the paperwork as Roxanne was placed in a golden mini-cage and set on the counter. The thought caused more than a little bit of a rush for him, and Hank could feel his anatomy beginning to react to the notion. At the same time, he also felt Roxanne’s foot rubbing a little higher on his leg. Once again, he swallowed loudly.

“Really Henry, if that were to happen it’s not as though I could stop you physically or legally, it would be your right having found me in the wild. Once you’ve had me registered I would be your property. You could do whatever you wanted with me, and I would just have to find a way to become accustomed to your mastery.” She bit her lip and looked down as that last word hung in the air between them.

“The things that I imagine you might do with me and to me, well they kind of make me shiver all over in all the right ways,” Roxanne looked up again, this time very flush and gave Hank unmistakable bedroom eyes from across the table.

Her comments and the surrealism of the moment hit Hank like a hard right cross and left him momentarily slack jawed. He hadn’t realized how far forward he had been leaning until he nearly fell back into his seat, knocking his head against the wooden finish of the booth they had been seated in. As he rubbed his head their server arrived with the food.

“I’m no mind reader Roxanne but it sounds like you’ve thought about this a little bit haven’t you?” Hank managed to stammer out after chugging down half his glass of iced tea.

“You telling me that you haven’t Henry? That you’re not thinking about it right now? I’ve seen you standing outside Maxine’s more than once good sir.” Roxanne said as she sipped on her strawberry lemonade.

“Well, I…” Hank could barely process everything. Could Roxanne, an extremely well educated, attractive, and successful woman actually be a closet-doll? And interested in him to boot? Something was telling Hank that it was time to start looking for the hidden cameras.

Before Hank could express his unfounded reservations about the conversation, Roxanne cut in “It’s all hypothetical of course. I would never just volunteer to become someone’s mini. Something like that just wouldn’t be proper for a woman of my standing you know. To give in to such a base and selfish fantasy as becoming someone’s... what would I be, a pet or a toy?”

The iced tea was gone, and Hank was chewing on one of the cubes that had been cooling his drink. He crunched on it as Roxanne posed her last question.

Putting a contemplative finger to her face, Roxanne tapped her chin as if considering the scenario in a purely scientific way. “Regardless, if someone were to somehow find out about the nature of my research and knew the right place and time? Well, I’m just saying if all that were to happen, if I slipped up and told someone about my little secret, then I could easily end up as that someone’s own private toy. I’m sure the university would try and contest things but how much of a fight will they put up once they see that my research has been completed? Like I said, the law would definitely side with whoever captured and registered me because I voluntarily minimized myself.”

Hank could barely eat, and he all but crushed his sandwich in his hands as he listened to Roxanne go on. If it was possible to listen with intensity, Hank was certainly doing it. “Roxanne, would you really want that?”

Roxanne rolled her eyes a little and shook her head as she reached her hand across the table and took Hank’s. She guided his sandwich down to his plate and just held his hand firmly. “Haven’t you been listening Henry? I’m just saying it could happen. Do I want to be reduced in stature and status to a mere plaything whose only purpose in life would be to keep her master happy, entertained, and sexually gratified? Would I enjoy being kept in a cage as the ultimate status symbol? Do I fantasize about my master showing me off to anyone he wished too, flaunting me in front of his friends, and making me join in when he brings women home? I would have to be some sort of secret sexual deviant to think like that, wouldn’t I? A woman with a long hidden fantasy about being a man’s plaything, one that she’s had to repress since puberty. No, of course I wouldn’t want that more than anything in the world Henry that would just be silly.”

Hank was stunned, and silence had completely overtaken him. He watched as Roxanne got up and looked at her watch, his jaw fallen in slackened amazement. Roxanne took his hand again, and turned his wrist so that the face of his watch stared back at him. “Oh goodness, look at the time. I’m afraid I’ll need to get home. I have to attend to my research you know.”

“R… right,” Hank barely managed as he saw that it was three minutes to one.

“Oh, and Hank I hear this is a lovely time of year to catch butterflies.” she smiled as she caressed his hand with her pointer finger.

“What?” Hank said, legitimately confused by her statement.

“You know Henry, catching butterflies gives a man a good excuse to be out in the middle of the afternoon, with a net. You never know what a man like you might come across while out catching butterflies.” Roxanne said as she pointed at herself and winked at Hank.

Hank was somewhat known for being a bit thick. His nickname in high school had actually been ‘Brick’ because of that. However, even old ‘Brick’ was able to read between these lines. “Yeah Roxanne, you never know what a guy like me will come across. Catching butterflies is a good idea today, I think. I should probably go and see if I can find a net before I lose the daylight.”

“Alright Henry, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow some time. Thanks again for lunch.” Roxanne said as she headed out the door before Hank. She had a nice swing in her hips, and Hank couldn’t help but take a nice long look at her curvaceous and tone ass as it moved beneath her jeans.

“Gonna catch me a butterfly!” he thought gleefully.

Not long after lunch Roxanne Farmer was a little late getting home, and rushed a bit as she applied her mini-block. She looked out her window and saw Hank’s truck pull in to the driveway of his house. He spotted her through the window, reached into his truck and pulled out a newly purchased hand net with an adjustable handle. Taking a quick look to his left and then his right to ensure no one would see him, Hank held the net up high, waiving it back on forth, making sure Roxanne could see it. From her vantage he looked a bit silly and she smiled at that. It wasn’t the first time Hank’s antics had entertained and amused Roxanne. For a moment she got lost thinking about the numerous times she had spied on her neighbor while in a reduced state. How many times had she watched him fresh from a hot shower, dancing in nothing but to towel, singing off key to Journey or Queen as he held his toothbrush or razor like a microphone? It had been so many, she had lost count. Very soon she wouldn’t need to spy anymore.

Moving to the rear of the spacious ranch style home the university had set her up in; Roxanne took a good long look at her surroundings. The summer months in the house had been some of the most peaceful, productive, and enjoyable ones of her life. For a moment she wondered if she shouldn’t consider what she was about to do a little longer, but her doubts where crushed by a surge of arousal as her thoughts shifted to her memory of the day that Hank had been so close to her on the front porch.

That day’s research had been over and done with for more than an hour, but the weather was perfect and Roxanne still had plenty of daylight, so she was taking in her monumental surroundings. Feeling a bit adventurous she wandered to edge of the property the University had purchased. Outside of spying on Hank, it was the only time she dared to venture off her land. She had spied an old tool shed a few yards past where she had marked the property line. It wasn’t anything special, but Roxanne couldn’t pass up the opportunity to explore the giant structure. To her it represented an exhilarating unknown and she just could not pass up checking it out. Making her way through the yards of overgrown grass and weeds didn’t take long at all, and in short order Roxanne came to the side of the modest shed. To her it was a monolith of wood and iron that held as much mystery and intrigue as the ruins of some ancient civilization. Roxanne ran her hand along the side of the towering structure, feeling the weathered wood, noting the astonishing detail of the varnished grain. Such a simple and functional thing as a shed transformed into a wonder by the scrutiny of minute detail. It was just another facet about being tiny that Roxanne luxuriated in, another to add to a long list.

The grass around the shed was flattened in places, and it was clear someone had been walking around it recently. Realizing that she was tiptoeing through a footprint almost twice as long as she was tall sent a rush of excitement through the woman, and even though she was quite certain whoever had left that print was nowhere near now, she had to wonder if she would be spotted. She imagined what might happen if she were spotted. The thought of it made her smile and she let out a scream of joy as she took off running and made for the front of the shed rollicking and playing as though she were being chased. Deep down there was a part of her that hoped the giant that belonged to that footprint would hear her, come looking, and in finding her claim Roxanne as a cherished prize. As she rounded the corner of the shed, she stopped running and threw herself back against it. “Can’t let you have me without a chase now can I?” she said between slightly winded breaths as she peered back round the shed at her imagined pursuer.

In the back of her mind, Roxanne was aware of the inherent danger her behavior was putting her in and that only exacerbated and enhanced the euphoric joy she felt being tiny and naked in a gigantic world full of perils that could swallow her up at any moment. It was a thrill unmatched by anything she had ever experienced in life, one that she was keenly aware of having grown addicted to.

Looking back at the shed, she saw that there was enough room between the door and the jam that she could certainly squeeze through at her size. She ran to the space, turning back for a split second to ensure the towering figment that she had conjured was still in hot pursuit. “You’ll never find me in here!” she called out before disappearing into the void between. The fit was more than a little bit snug, as the wood had warped over the years and was narrower on the inside. Roxanne pressed inward despite reservations about being wedged in. She could feel the grain of the hard wood sliding against her backside, pressing against her cheeks and thighs. Her breasts were pushed firmly against her chest and she couldn’t ignore the sensation of her nipples sliding across the cool surface of the door. “Thank god they put weather varnish on this thing; otherwise I don’t think I could take it.”

Roxanne, grunted as the space tightened, but was determined to get inside. With a moan of exertion she squeezed her impressive curves through the comparatively small space and managed to stumble out of the door jam and into a veritable cathedral of a room.
The interior held even more wonder than the exterior for the tiny trespasser. Here and there, shafts of sunlight shown down from between the spaces in between the roof’s boards and the slapdash craftsmanship resulted in an awesome view for Roxanne. She watched as particles of dust and pollen fell through the air, highlighted by the intruding shafts of light, looking like the lightest of snowfalls. The room held a distinct aroma, one that was strong but not completely unpleasant. “So, this is where the potheads like to hang out?”

Tiptoeing for no other reason than her own enjoyment, Roxanne moved towards the rear of the shed. In one corner of the massive space was a faced, camouflage patterned, folding, camper’s chair. In the other was a well-worn, beanbag chair that had an unmistakable bunny in a tie logo plastered all over it. A sleeping bag with a broken zipper was folded over and laid out as a floor for the chairs and Roxanne was amazed by how downy soft it felt as she stepped up onto the slippery surface. For a moment she shuffled her feet and giggled as the spongy cloth carpet beneath tickled her soles. The feeling seemed to creep up Roxanne’s legs, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that her movements were inadvertently causing that tickling sensation to spread to other, more sensitive portions of her anatomy. Biting her lip, she stopped shuffling her feet, sighed deeply, and mused “Roxanne, you are going to have to remember that little trick.”

Her notes would refer to it as “Inversely proportionate tactile sensory input.” It was a theory that was gaining steam in the scientific community, one that Roxanne was unconventionally proving as fact first hand. “The smaller I am, the more powerful and acute my sense of touch. Oh that is just too perfect!”

Ahead of her was a haphazard pile of magazines and one paperback novel. Based on the cover, the novel was a trashy romance. It had a rough spine and had clearly been read more than once but despite its ware still managed to grab Roxanne’s attention. The cover was of a ruggedly handsome man with an exquisite physique, lying naked in bed, fully exposed save for a strategically placed fold of the bedspread coving just enough of him to ensure the book could be sold in Wal-Mart without someone crying scandal. He held his hands behind his head and was looking to his right at a partner unseen. The image of the man had obviously been touched up, but that made him no less impressive and seeing as she and he happened to be on the exact same scale at the moment, left Roxanne ruminating on possibilities. “Maybe having someone around to be small with me wouldn’t be such a bad thing?”

Forcing herself to move past the rippling abs and chiseled jaw of the two-dimensional Adonis before her, Roxanne finally got a look at the book’s title. Woman Handled (Book VII of the Jack Bravado Series).

The laughter that erupted from Roxanne was louder than expected and she threw her hands over her mouth as she hopped up and down. “Jack Bravado? Seriously?”

Without hesitation Roxanne draped herself over the book, and laid next to the image of the titular protagonist and pantomimed smoking. Looking over at the flat man next to her, she ran her hands over his chest and abs and rubbed her leg over his lower body. “So Jack Bravado, is it true that you like to be.... Woman Handled?”

Roxanne’s laughter picked up where it had left off moments ago as she rolled off the book’s cover and dropped to the softness below with a chirp of surprise. Now chuckling at her own clumsiness Roxanne sat up, kneeling next to the paperback and looked around at impossibly high walls and the vastness of the space around her once again. This giant world was an absolute marvel to her, and the rush she was getting simply by being in it was indescribable. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Roxanne got to her feet. She wiped a bit of dust from her ass and the back of her legs before taking one last look back at Jack Bravado in all his glory. With an arched brown she waved at the paper man then held her hand to her face in a familiar gesture “Call me.”

Had she been paying attention to where she was stepping, Roxanne probably would have noticed the sizeable lump directly in her path, but Jack Bravado was distraction enough that she walked right into it. Just as quickly as she had gotten to her feet, she went ass-over-teakettle and back to the ground. Fortunately for her, as small as she was the cushiony surface of the sleeping bag was no more damaging than doing a swan dive onto a firm mattress. Raising a hand she pushed against the thick, log like lump behind her. It was firm, heavy, and it didn’t budge in the slightest even as Roxanne pushed against it with all her strength. Getting back to her feet again, she noticed that the log wasn’t really a log, but a loop, one that she had landed in the middle of. “Who leaves rope in a sleeping bag?” Was the last thought she had on the matter as she climbed onto and then over the lump opposite of where she had tripped.

As she made her way over to the beanbag chair Roxanne made sure to mind her step, and imagined what would have happened if her non-existent pursuer had seen her misstep. “Oh how vulnerable a position that was,” she mused. “I would have been captured for certain.”

At the edge of the beanbag chair Roxanne stopped for a moment. A twinge of genuine concern had inexplicably worked its way into her reverie, and though she was certain no one had spotted her entering the shed, she couldn’t help but feel as though she were being watched. Rather than heed her intuition, she used it as further fuel in her pursuit fantasy. Like a child switching off the lights in the basement and then bounding up the stairs to escape the unknown of the darkness, Roxanne climbed and scurried her way to the top of the beanbag chair. When she reached the summit, she was winded and energized all at the same time. Whatever it was that had raised her concern had been all but forgotten as she took in the view from her conquered mountain.

Hiya Sumguy. One minor change to the story that I would liike you to consider making might be a more detailed description of Roxanne shrinking-both during & just after-just before she heads out with the intention of getting caught. Stuff like a description of her house from her shrunken perspective.....stuff like that. Just a thought :).

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:39 am

Remember me saying drinking and posted three times? Yup, replacing one of the extra posts with an old render I made before I gave up DAZ studio. It's called "Run Roxy Run" and was intended to accompany this yarn-o-mine. Enjoy!

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Last edited by Sumguy13 on Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:40 am

deleted - because I've been drinking and accidentally posted the same thing three times
Last edited by Sumguy13 on Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:40 am

Hey Aussie, just to put all my cards on the table... this re-write is not super recent. I actually wrote it in 2015 and just never posted it bc/ I hadn't finished it. So I am re-familiarizing myself with it just as much as my audience is getting to know it. That said, I will take your feedback into consideration... though I do think my focus should be on finishing the story/portion of the over-arching story before going back to retool specifics. So it's something I will consider doing once I've gotten "She's Asking for It" to a more finished version... consider it the first coat of wax I will put on her (the story, not Roxy... she gets baby oil if anything.)

Also, just a little teaser I have another tale (this one completely original) from around 2015 that I'm putting the finish on now. Good chance you'll see it posted this week. Keep an eye out for "Never a Bride".

Also thank you for taking the time to leave me such detailed feedback. Very much makes it worth posting again.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by azureeyes » Sun Feb 09, 2020 1:37 pm

I remember this story as well!!! So glad to see it getting some extra care and love! :)

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by FreakyDude » Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:08 pm

I like the start of this story. The world is interesting and their conversation was intriguing. I hope you continue. :)

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Axtwyt » Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:10 am

Oh man, I can't wait to see more of this story! It's really dynamic and hits a ton of boxes for me personally!

I hope you don't mind my asking, but do you mind if I use what you've done so far as a starting point? I'd love to do my take on what happens next.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:34 pm

Axtwyt wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:10 am
Oh man, I can't wait to see more of this story! It's really dynamic and hits a ton of boxes for me personally!

I hope you don't mind my asking, but do you mind if I use what you've done so far as a starting point? I'd love to do my take on what happens next.
Thank you for the comment and your interest in my story.

I'm totally down if you want to use this setting (Henry, OH) and any of the locations I have established. That's cool. You could even use the exotic pet store and the owner if you like. In fact I would love to see another tale told in this universe and in this town.

I am not keen on you wanting to write what happens next with my main characters however. If this were a finished story and you wanted to write an alternate take that would be one thing, but this is my work in progress. So respectfully, no please don't.

PM me if you want to talk plots or if you want to throw some ideas back and forth. Again, I would love to see what another writer is inspired to create in this setting so would welcome that conversation.

Thanks again!

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Axtwyt » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:09 pm

Sumguy13 wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:34 pm
Axtwyt wrote:
Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:10 am
Oh man, I can't wait to see more of this story! It's really dynamic and hits a ton of boxes for me personally!

I hope you don't mind my asking, but do you mind if I use what you've done so far as a starting point? I'd love to do my take on what happens next.
Thank you for the comment and your interest in my story.

I'm totally down if you want to use this setting (Henry, OH) and any of the locations I have established. That's cool. You could even use the exotic pet store and the owner if you like. In fact I would love to see another tale told in this universe and in this town.

I am not keen on you wanting to write what happens next with my main characters however. If this were a finished story and you wanted to write an alternate take that would be one thing, but this is my work in progress. So respectfully, no please don't.

PM me if you want to talk plots or if you want to throw some ideas back and forth. Again, I would love to see what another writer is inspired to create in this setting so would welcome that conversation.

Thanks again!
That’s totally fair! And yeah, I’d be okay with that!

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:58 pm

You know something? I don't think I have been hanging out for a new chapter of a story-this much-in the entire 25 years that I have been following the SW community online :). No pressure, Sumguy ;).

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Sumguy13 » Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:35 pm

Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:58 pm
You know something? I don't think I have been hanging out for a new chapter of a story-this much-in the entire 25 years that I have been following the SW community online :). No pressure, Sumguy ;).
I know what I'm doing for the remainder of the flashback sequence, and I've got a solid concept to pursue that will pad out the original by quite a bit. That's all before we get back to the "original plot". No idea how long it will take me to get written, but I promise you this Aussie:

1. I will try and get you something sooner rather than later.
2. The added content will be worth the wait.

Thanks again for your comments. They make me want to keep writing.

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Re: She's Asking for It - (a rewrite of an old story)

Post by Aussie_Lurker » Tue Feb 25, 2020 2:43 am

Sumguy13 wrote:
Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:35 pm
Aussie_Lurker wrote:
Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:58 pm
You know something? I don't think I have been hanging out for a new chapter of a story-this much-in the entire 25 years that I have been following the SW community online :). No pressure, Sumguy ;).
I know what I'm doing for the remainder of the flashback sequence, and I've got a solid concept to pursue that will pad out the original by quite a bit. That's all before we get back to the "original plot". No idea how long it will take me to get written, but I promise you this Aussie:

1. I will try and get you something sooner rather than later.
2. The added content will be worth the wait.

Thanks again for your comments. They make me want to keep writing.
The wonderful thing I have found is that Chapter 1 of your re-write is about the same length as the entire original story......yet none of the new material felt like just adds more depth & nuance to an already great story :).

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