Doc's World

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Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:51 am

"So let me get this invented a computer program that shrinks people."

"Yes, but as it works off the aura given off by human skin, everything in direct contact with a person's body shrinks, including dental fillings, surgical implants and your clothes."

"And you don't have a reversal program yet."

"Yes. And if you remember, I told you not to F around with my work computer."

"So I'm stuck like this."


"What is my father gonna say?"

"That you'll always be his LITTLE girl?" :lol:

(Kicks his little finger)

"Ouch !!!" :o


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:45 pm

HHunter1 wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:14 pm
DocRick wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:21 pm
"I told you to stay out of the lab. I knew your shrinking fetish would get you in trouble one day.......and by the way, the "Fixer Formula" is not to restore you to normal's a perminizer. I hope you really enjoy being tiny. I don't have an antidote for it."
I think he was fixing for that outcome. He knew her well enough. Likely has a cage already set up in a convenient location just for her.

I'm sure he'll make the best of her......I mean, the situation. :lol:

Re: Doc's World

by HHunter1 » Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:14 pm

DocRick wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:21 pm
"I told you to stay out of the lab. I knew your shrinking fetish would get you in trouble one day.......and by the way, the "Fixer Formula" is not to restore you to normal's a perminizer. I hope you really enjoy being tiny. I don't have an antidote for it."
I think he was fixing for that outcome. He knew her well enough. Likely has a cage already set up in a convenient location just for her.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:24 pm

When Tina was a child, she would chase and catch lightning bugs and put them in a jar. She would stare at them for hours and hours, mesmerized by their flashing. After she was accidentally miniaturized by an exposure to chemicals, she would sit on the porch railing, just watching them, but saddened that they were so far away. One evening, her boyfriend, who surprised her and her parents by still wanting to come around to see her when most of her friends began to forget about her, stopped over with a jar. After catching a bunch of lightning bugs, walked over to Tina, but instead of putting the jar down next to her, he reached down, picked her up and put her in the jar so she could be surrounded by the flashing bugs.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:18 pm

Deanna always had a phobia of any kind of bugs, insects or any kind of creepy crawlies and her little brother would tease her relentlessly by throwing bugs on her. After she was shrunk by a lab accident at college and had to be sent back home, he found new ways to torment her. :lol:


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:21 pm

"I told you to stay out of the lab. I knew your shrinking fetish would get you in trouble one day.......and by the way, the "Fixer Formula" is not to restore you to normal's a perminizer. I hope you really enjoy being tiny. I don't have an antidote for it."


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 1:06 pm

Virginia was on her way to play tennis when she saw a Home and Garden Show exhibition. She was thinking about converting a shed in her backyard to a gardening shed, so she stopped in. She wandered through the venders and displays until she saw a shed that was about the same size as hers. She walked up to it, not noticing the two saleswomen excitedly talking to each other. Walking inside, the door closed behind her, and she suddenly felt dizzy. Her vision began to go dark, so she sat down as not to fall. When it passed, she sat there for a moment. "That never happened before. Maybe I should see my doctor."  She looked around her and everything looked strange. None of the displays were actually tools or furnishings but looked like cheaply made stage props. Hearing a noise coming from above her, she saw the roof abruptly lift off like a tornado ripping off the roof of a house. Then a giant hand appeared and began to descend towards her, and she heard a woman's voice saying, "Mrs. Packard, please step over here. I think I have just what you are looking for to add to your dollhouse."

The next morning, three cars, each belonging to a young woman, were towed from the exhibition hall parking lot.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:53 am

"Borrowing" was easy when the only bean in the house was Grandma Goldstein, but when her daughter moved in with her two children, it became more difficult and dangerous. Aleena had to start only going out late at night or when the family was out of the house. She thought she had figured it out until one night the hallway light suddenly came on and she heard a little boy's excited voice, "GOTCHA" !!!


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:46 am

Jenny was a big video game player. That is until she was accidently shrunk when she drove through an accident scene involving two chemical trucks. She still likes to play the games, but now she needs a hand to work the controls. And a thumb for a little support. ;)


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:42 am

Remi always thought her boyfriend's infatuation with "Star Wars" toys and his collection of them, was a little odd for a grown man, but after she was accidently shrunk in a lab accident, she found that her new size made playing with the toys more fun. But she could never understand why he would only collect the "Dark Side of the Force" toys......


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:07 am

When Rebecca Thorton found text messages from Holly on her boyfriend's phone, she knew there was only one thing to do.......throw a party. She would invite Silvia, Holly's best friend, who would of course, bring Holly. Alcohol flowed freely and many of the partygoers passed out. Dragging Holly into her father's home laboratory, she miniaturized her, then locked her in a dollhouse. In the morning, as everyone was waking up, Sylvia asked where Holly was, and Rebecca said she left around 3 with some guy from another college. When the last person left, Rebecca peered into the dollhouse to see the cute and diminutive Holly waking up, looking around the dollhouse, very confused and bewildered. Rebecca could only smile and think to herself, "Sure glad no one is gonna be home until Monday. This is gonna be fun."


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:50 am

"Honey, I shrunk YOU" A sequel they should have made........


I thought the tiny looked a bit like Mrs. Szalinski.

Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Thu May 30, 2024 11:45 am

The most upscale club in Carrie's college town was throwing its first Rave and Carrie had scored a ticket to it in a raffle. Excited, she went to a clothing store that specialized in "clubbing clothes" for women. As she browsed the dresses, she didn't notice a couple very elegantly dressed middle-aged women standing next to the store manager. As Carrie selected a cute pink skirt and halter-top, one of the women took hold of the manager's elbow and whispered something in her ear. The manager smiled and walked over to Carrie and asked her if she would like to try it on, then quietly said, "It's on half priced sale today only". She led Carrie to a dressing room, bypassing two rooms, and opening the door to the last one. Carrie went inside and put on the outfit. She looked at herself in the mirror, but the mirror gave her a distorted reflection. Carrie wanted to step out of the room to see herself in one of the better mirrors on the sales floor, but the door wouldn't open. She knocked on it several times, shouting for someone to open the door, but she received no response. Turning around, she saw another door.....funny, she hadn't noticed that door when she came in. She stepped to the door and it opened outwards. As she stepped through the doorway, she felt a momentary "buzzing" sensation. She took a couple steps out of the dressing room and saw some strange looking manikins and that the room had gotten huge. She turned around and the door had closed and wouldn't open. Now, totally confused, she heard a child's voice saying "Dolly" as a giant chubby hand reached for her and wrapped its fingers around her, lifting her, screaming and struggling into the air..........


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Thu May 30, 2024 11:14 am

Mrs. Glenowski found her computer programmer/inventor husband's iPhone on the kitchen counter. (Mr. Glenowski, while brilliant, was a bit absentminded) As she was walking towards the playroom, she began messing with it, wanting to check his phone calls and messages to see if he had been unfaithful to her. At least, she thought it was his iPhone. It was actually an invention he had developed for the government that would miniaturize the holder. She hit the activation icon which had been preset to reduce the holder to 5 inches tall, the device shrinking with them so they could restore their size later. She suddenly found herself shrunken and among their 6-year-old daughter's toys, in her shock she dropped the device to the floor. Their daughter walked into the room and saw her standing on the floor and shouting "New dolly", grabbed Mrs. Glenowski and picked her up. Mrs. Glenowski tried to convince her that she was not a dolly but her mother, but the child couldn't understand it and started carrying her towards the dollhouse. As her daughter took her first step, Mrs. Glenowski heard a "crunch" and a sickening feeling hit her as she realized her daughter had just stepped on the device.......


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Wed May 29, 2024 11:52 am

The last thing Jennifer remembered was sitting in Psychology Class discussing the affects of solitary confinement on prisoners, captives and hostages. The next thing she found herself in a pink room not much larger than a jail cell, but with a twenty-foot-high ceiling. No door and only one window, covered with a heavy steel screen with what appeared to be huge metal thumbtacks in the corner, holding it securely to the wall. Looking out the window, she seemed to be in a room the size of a gymnasium and impossibly large furniture a hundred yards away. Her rational mind refused to accept that she had been somehow shrunk to the size of a doll, several objects in her "cell" indicated that she in fact was. A dollar bill big enough to be a beach blanket was taped to one wall. A plastic child's letter block, a pencil nearly twice her height, a coin that to her weighed twenty pounds, a foot long safety pin, all reinforcing this fact. She hadn't seen anyone in days, but each morning, she awoke to find food wrapped in a napkin the size of a bed sheet on the floor. Sometimes a piece of cheese and crumbs of cracker. Other days, a slice of salami the size of an extralarge pizza. Occasionally a piece of apple or orange bigger than a watermelon. A Dixie cup that she used as a toilet was changed each day. Every couple days she would find a larger cup filled with hot soapy water that she used to take a bath. Completely isolated, she found herself more and more trapped within her mind as well as her cell, as she began to accept that she had somehow been shrunken. As the days of isolation progressed, she felt herself slowly slipping away from reality, hoping that someone would rescue her from this Hell.

Jennifer should be careful what she wishes for.....the second part of the experiment would make solitude a blessing.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Wed May 29, 2024 12:19 am

Since Chrissy was a child, she was always "rescuing" something......stray cats, lost dogs, injured birds and squirrels came home with her and her parents had to deal with finding their owners or taking them to the shelters, patching up and rehabbing small wildlife, then releasing them. All the way up to when she graduated from high school and went to college. Although she had less time for it now, she found the occasional animal in distress and just had to help it.

Then came the day while walking past the Microbiophysiology lab, she saw a small something scurry across ground and under a trashcan. Chrissy had to check it out and make sure it was okay, when to the shock, it wasn't an animal, but a tiny human. Chrissy had heard some rumors of a "shrinking machine" being developed at the lab, but she thought it was just a bunch of bullshit. She caught it before it could run off and found that it was a young woman......then she realized it was a shrunken Caprice, not even 6 inches tall......Caprice who beat her out for the head of the university cheerleading team.....Caprice was selected over her as editor of the university newspaper......Caprice, who wrote the note to Chrissy's boyfriend that she found in his jacket pocket......

Chrissy's rescuing instincts kicked in and she knew she had to do something. She just couldn't leave this helpless little creature to cruelty of nature....hungry birds and animals, as well as feral cats and stray dogs, not to mention getting squished under some clueless student's she took the tiny Caprice home to her off campus apartment and she became Chrissy's cute little pet. :lol:


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Tue May 28, 2024 10:14 am

HHunter1 wrote:
Tue May 28, 2024 3:14 am
That looks like a homerun souvenir he picked up there.

You know how obnoxious Yankee's fans are.......she just had to be cut down to size. :lol:

Re: Doc's World

by HHunter1 » Tue May 28, 2024 3:14 am

That looks like a homerun souvenir he picked up there.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Tue May 28, 2024 1:50 am

Micheal Thorton, the son of the famed microbiophysiologist Professor Thorton, decided to finally go see a game of his favorite baseball team. He called the box office and got the last seat available in a VIP box. Then while entering the stadium, he got the last of the Slider bobbleheads they were giving away. Then his team won the game when the pitcher threw a no hitter. He decided to celebrate his good fortune by shrinking one of the other team's fans with the matter miniaturizer his father invented and taking her home to add to his collection of baseball memorabilia.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Mon May 27, 2024 12:41 pm

Stacey had always been an Anime fan and when Comicon came to her college town, she couldn't contain herself. She ordered a new costume, dyed her hair bluish green, and since none of her friends were into Anime, she went by herself. While exploring the convention grounds, she found herself talking to an older woman, also dressed in Anime. They began to walk together, checking out the booths and kiosks, Stacey sipping on the fruit drink the woman bought her. The woman only seemed interested in purchasing Anime figurines while Stacey purchased some Anime costume accessories and comic books. They found themselves outside what appeared to be small movie theaters. The woman went inside and a few minutes later, came back out and told Stacey she bought tickets to watch one of the new Anime movies.

The two women entered the theater. Stacey was surprised to see the showing rooms were small, maybe for 10 or so people. Instead of regular theater seating, the room had several couches or love seats for the viewers. She and the woman sat on one of the love seats and started watching the movie. The movie was different than other Anime movies Stacey had seen. The plot consisted of tiny Anime people being hunted and captured, then abused by giant people. She began to feel a little strange, but she just thought the flashes of light and changes in focus on the screen were playing with her eyes. The movie seemed to metamorphose into a 3D format. She could actually see giant hands and fingers coming off the screen and reaching for her, then she felt as if she was actually being touched by those giant fingers. Initially, it was a little frightening, but she started feeling a bit aroused by the idea of being touched and handled by a "giant". Engrossed in the movie, she felt her legs being spread apart. She thought it was the woman also getting horny, and while normally she wasn't into lesbianism, her mind and body was so totally into the movie and her own randiness, she didn't resist. She felt her thighs, then her vagina being rubbed and massaged, and she felt an orgasm coming on.........

She woke up in an unfamiliar room on a faux furry rug. "What a dream", she thought as she rubbed the blurriness out of her eyes. Struggling to stand up, her head still fuzzy, she began to walk around the room. There were no windows, even though there were some mesh drapes on the wall. A chair, covered with a very thick velour type material and a fake fireplace mantal which felt like plastic were the only furnishings in the room. On the floor was a cardboard poster of the entry ticket to Comicon with a nearly life-size Anime statue kneeling on it and a prop safety pin, about a foot and a half long. Then she noticed she wasn't wearing her costume anymore, but some kind of Anime negligee, complete with rabbit ears and a chain attached to a plastic ring around her neck. She tugged on the ring and chain, but it wouldn't' come off. She walked to the door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. In fact, the knob wouldn't turn, and the door and frame looked like it was fake and just attached to the wall. Still trying to figure out where she was and what was going on, one of the walls of the room abruptly fell away from the room. She turned to see the woman she had been hanging out with at Comicon, but now she was bigger than a house....bigger than a five story apartment building. The woman was smiling at her as she stood there, frozen in shock and disbelief, watching a hand the size of a king-sized bed slowly coming towards her..........

"You look really hot in that little outfit. I hope you slept well. You're gonna need all your energy for what I have planned for you today."


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun May 26, 2024 2:50 pm

Every HOA has one, the nosey busybody self-appointed enforcer of the HOA rules. Mrs. Santiago was the one in the Thorton's development and Mrs. Thorton had had just about enough of her. At 10 a.m., the doorbell rang and Mrs. Santiago was there to complain about the Thorton's not edging the sidewalk to HOA regulations. Mrs. Thorton invited her in to discuss it and excused herself to the kitchen to get some coffee. When she returned to the sitting room, she aimed the matter miniaturizer, the shrinking device invented by her husband, Professor Thorton, the famed microbiophysiologist, and reduced her to the size of a doll. As Mrs. Santiago stood there, frozen with shock and terror, Mrs. Thorton grabbed her by the arm and carried her into the playroom where her granddaughter was playing......

"Here you go, Sweetie. G' Ma has a new doll for you to play with."

"Thanks G' Ma. Look......this dolly is ticklish !!!!!!!"

Mrs. Thorton knew Mr. Santiago wouldn't be home for three days, so she let her granddaughter play with her until then. Mrs. Santiago won't remember anything as the restoration erases all the recent memories of the subject, though she'll be confused as to having lost those three days and finding her still shrunken bra and panties in her jeans pocket.

You see, Mr. Thorton won't be home for three days either and Mrs. Thorton likes to "play" with dolls too. :shock:


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sun May 26, 2024 12:14 pm

Home for the first time since she was shrunk in an accident at the college lab, Charly is "introduced" to her seven year sister, Chloe. Mom's phone rings......

Mom: "You girls play nice, I have to take this call."

Mom walks out of the room.

Chloe: "You are such a cute dolly. Just wait until my friends come over and see you. They are gonna be so jealous. Let's play dress up !!!"

Charly: "MoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!"


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Sat May 25, 2024 11:05 am

Zoey never understood why her boyfriend, a genius working at the MIT Microbiophysiology lab, liked playing war games with his toy soldiers. So after she was accidently shrunk when she wandered into the lab during a test of the matter miniaturizer, instead of getting mad, she placed an order with Amazon for a tiny uniform and a battery-operated miniature airsoft machine gun. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Fri May 24, 2024 12:13 pm

Jennifer matured early, was very attractive and always dressed nicely, making her the object of desire of the boys in high school. But her dates would frequently result in unwanted wrestling matches, the boys pawing at her and trying to cop a feel. She couldn't wait to go to college where she could meet some real men, instead of these hormone ladened boys.

In her freshman year at the university, an accidental exposure to radiation in the lab, caused her to be shrunk to the size of a doll. She stayed at the university, being placed in the guardianship of her dormmate, Suzy. Suzy didn't mind, she liked having the tiny girl around, carrying her around to their classes (they had the same schedules) and since she was given control of Jennifer's finances and doll clothes were far less expensive than normal clothes, she spent the extra money on herself. She also became popular with the guys in their classes and she would often attract a guy who had initially been interested in the diminutive Jennifer.

Jennifer eventually convinced Suzy to take her out to one of the local bars. However, she soon discovered that college guys were no different than high school boys.....once they had a few drinks, they became all...........hands. :o


Re: Doc's World

by DocRick » Thu May 23, 2024 1:43 pm

"I don't know how you shrunk me but if you know what's good for you, you'll change me back right now. AND STOP UNDRESSING ME WITH YOUR EYES !!!!!"



