Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

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Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Gigantron » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:14 pm

Raso719 wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:26 pm
It's more funny that the show runners were convinced that the scene was meant to be horrifying, per some of their comments. Like I don't know if that them trying to be PC and fall in line with what they expect Hollywood groupthink would mandate or if they really can only think in terms of shock value but it definitely seems during the whole ordeal they've convinced themselves small Emma is bad and big Emma is good.
IDK maybe they think the audience is too fucking stupid to comprehend anything more complex than that. :/
There's no reason to believe that these writers have "convinced" themselves of anything or that the showrunners think that SW is an inherently bad trope. There was a significant subplot dedicated to Emma's budding romance with someone who fetishizes her for her superpower without manipulating her. They introduced her power as something that she doesn't like about herself, and it ties into family dynamics and plenty of things that aren't size-specific. If society on the show would rather look at a naked giantess in a pool than a shrunken woman boxing with a mouse, maybe it's meant as a statement about society and not a statement about sizeplay. After all, one is real and one is fictional, and this franchise is almost nothing but satire.

I don't think they're making a statement about giant cocks always being "horrific," and I don't think they're trying to be PC. This is a franchise that features plenty of giant cocks and plenty of un-PC stuff. They're going in a specific direction with this character, and her arc started off with someone manipulating her into having sex. As a straight man, I wouldn't want to be tricked into riding a giant dick, either. It would be a traumatic and humiliating experience. Not everyone gets off on the idea of being in that position and this isn't pornography: we're not going to get characters who exist only to satisfy the audience's fetishistic craving for kinky sexuality.

I don't believe a single word that a writer or creator says about their intentions when they're giving press junkets because every word they say is studio-approved marketing material. Going off script and bashing the show or being too detailed about creative decisions opens you up to controversy or getting fired. It isn't "Hollywood groupthink" mandating their thoughts, it's marketing writing their comments for them.

I'm not a fan of this attitude in fandom broadly and it's distressing to see it play out here. Hopefully people won't harass her about this role. Clearly she's just a working actor, nobody should be putting her or the writers down for not being a size content creator who aspired to make big-budget content for this community.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Raso719 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:02 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:00 pm
foreverlurk wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:06 pm
Is that for real?! Wow.
Raso719 wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:26 pm
It's more funny that the show runners were convinced that the scene was meant to be horrifying, per some of their comments. Like I don't know if that them trying to be PC and fall in line with what they expect Hollywood groupthink would mandate or if they really can only think in terms of shock value but it definitely seems during the whole ordeal they've convinced themselves small Emma is bad and big Emma is good.
IDK maybe they think the audience is too fucking stupid to comprehend anything more complex than that. :/
Man, you keep saying this, it's still a long ways off before we see what happens but just remember, it's cheaper to make her small over making her big and the best scenes people have said were when she was small.

Come back here in a year when S2 trailer comes.
I just believe people when they tell me who they are.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Wed Jan 17, 2024 6:00 pm

foreverlurk wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:06 pm
Is that for real?! Wow.
Raso719 wrote:
Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:26 pm
It's more funny that the show runners were convinced that the scene was meant to be horrifying, per some of their comments. Like I don't know if that them trying to be PC and fall in line with what they expect Hollywood groupthink would mandate or if they really can only think in terms of shock value but it definitely seems during the whole ordeal they've convinced themselves small Emma is bad and big Emma is good.
IDK maybe they think the audience is too fucking stupid to comprehend anything more complex than that. :/
Man, you keep saying this, it's still a long ways off before we see what happens but just remember, it's cheaper to make her small over making her big and the best scenes people have said were when she was small.

Come back here in a year when S2 trailer comes.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Raso719 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:26 pm

It's more funny that the show runners were convinced that the scene was meant to be horrifying, per some of their comments. Like I don't know if that them trying to be PC and fall in line with what they expect Hollywood groupthink would mandate or if they really can only think in terms of shock value but it definitely seems during the whole ordeal they've convinced themselves small Emma is bad and big Emma is good.
IDK maybe they think the audience is too fucking stupid to comprehend anything more complex than that. :/

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by foreverlurk » Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:06 pm

Is that for real?! Wow.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Raso719 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:25 pm

My God she's a treasure.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:09 pm


Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:23 pm

Raso719 wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:09 pm
eddiegiantman wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:47 pm
Raso719 wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:07 pm
I'm not thrilled the actors aren't let in on future story and plot beats. Even taking the implications for employment out of the equation, it just seems like a shitty idea to prevent your actors from engaging with the world you're building. I guess it's a credit the the caliber of actors they've signed on they can work in the dark. I mean Lizzie had to write her own backstop likely because the writers either didn't care enough to consider that or because they didn't want her to know. It shows how much ego and how little trust and respect modern show runners have for their cast.
I mean, keeping the scripts secret isn't new, look at the MCU films. It does sound like the writers might use Lizzes idea but WGA rules might be weird about that unless it's considered improv.
No, it's not new. But many shows in the past have had the actors take a great deal more ownership over their characters when it came to developing and portraying them. Of course these were also shows where the idea of how to entertain the audience wasn't rooted in raw shock value.
Time will tell, after all, we have a year or 2 before Season 2.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Raso719 » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:09 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:47 pm
Raso719 wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:07 pm
I'm not thrilled the actors aren't let in on future story and plot beats. Even taking the implications for employment out of the equation, it just seems like a shitty idea to prevent your actors from engaging with the world you're building. I guess it's a credit the the caliber of actors they've signed on they can work in the dark. I mean Lizzie had to write her own backstop likely because the writers either didn't care enough to consider that or because they didn't want her to know. It shows how much ego and how little trust and respect modern show runners have for their cast.
I mean, keeping the scripts secret isn't new, look at the MCU films. It does sound like the writers might use Lizzes idea but WGA rules might be weird about that unless it's considered improv.
No, it's not new. But many shows in the past have had the actors take a great deal more ownership over their characters when it came to developing and portraying them. Of course these were also shows where the idea of how to entertain the audience wasn't rooted in raw shock value.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:47 pm

Raso719 wrote:
Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:07 pm
I'm not thrilled the actors aren't let in on future story and plot beats. Even taking the implications for employment out of the equation, it just seems like a shitty idea to prevent your actors from engaging with the world you're building. I guess it's a credit the the caliber of actors they've signed on they can work in the dark. I mean Lizzie had to write her own backstop likely because the writers either didn't care enough to consider that or because they didn't want her to know. It shows how much ego and how little trust and respect modern show runners have for their cast.
I mean, keeping the scripts secret isn't new, look at the MCU films. It does sound like the writers might use Lizzes idea but WGA rules might be weird about that unless it's considered improv.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Raso719 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:07 pm

I'm not thrilled the actors aren't let in on future story and plot beats. Even taking the implications for employment out of the equation, it just seems like a shitty idea to prevent your actors from engaging with the world you're building. I guess it's a credit the the caliber of actors they've signed on they can work in the dark. I mean Lizzie had to write her own backstop likely because the writers either didn't care enough to consider that or because they didn't want her to know. It shows how much ego and how little trust and respect modern show runners have for their cast.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by rscholar » Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:23 pm

Lizze Broadway did a post-season interview with Collider, mainly about her career and the acting process so not actually anything specific about Emma's powers. I did get some interesting takeaways though:

-Always take a grain of salt with press tour personas vs the actual everyday person, sure, but overall: Lizze is legitimately adorable. Humble, grateful, smart, committed, seemingly just delightful all the way around.

-The part came to her from a rep and was vague so she had no real idea what her character was until she got called in - she didn't even know she was a Supe at the time.

-The showrunners are keeping plot points close to the hip so Lizze doesn't know a lot outside of what she's given.

-That said, she wrote a 40 page biography for Emma to help get into character, including her relationship with her parents and what she imagined was Emma's first time shrinking - unfortunately, no actual details, but maybe that could surface somewhere later on. She collaborates with the writers and gets to pitch ideas so it may be possible that what she wrote could eventually become canon.

-Lizze jokes a few times about being short: "I'm 5'2" on a really good day, on a really bad day I'm like 5'0"."

It's a pretty fun listen one way or the other so I highly recommend it, if only to end up like me and marvel how she could be more lovable than she already was.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Sun Nov 19, 2023 11:17 pm

Jeebus wrote:
Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:50 pm
While we're talking about horrifying scenarios for Emma, it's interesting to consider her being kept intentionally tiny by a captor. Her mother has clearly manipulated and exploited her, and I could definitely see her "grounding" Emma by keeping her small and in the hamster cage.

There's a whole other fucked up element to that, since it involves her being starved, at least to a degree. Of course, that might be more difficult now if she learns new ways to control her powers.
Maybe? S2 we could see flashbacks. I feel her, Jordan and Andre will have more layers peeled.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Jeebus » Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:50 pm

While we're talking about horrifying scenarios for Emma, it's interesting to consider her being kept intentionally tiny by a captor. Her mother has clearly manipulated and exploited her, and I could definitely see her "grounding" Emma by keeping her small and in the hamster cage.

There's a whole other fucked up element to that, since it involves her being starved, at least to a degree. Of course, that might be more difficult now if she learns new ways to control her powers.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by foreverlurk » Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:38 pm

rscholar wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:31 am
I get the notion that a Jumbo-Johnson is going to be off-putting for anyone, especially if it's bigger than you....still hurts to hear them say it like that.
Yeah I wanted to comment on that quote too. From a normie's point of view I guess it can be "horrific", but maybe it's also the entire context of the scene that makes it so (not just the size difference, I mean).

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:05 pm

rscholar wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:31 am
Always love BTS stuff, always appreciate it....but:

"In the end, it’s just so horrific even as a sex scene, but it’s just treated so normally, in The Boys kind of way."

I get the notion that a Jumbo-Johnson is going to be off-putting for anyone, especially if it's bigger than you....still hurts to hear them say it like that.
I would have said outlandish because Horrific would have been the penis blowing up.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by rscholar » Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:31 am

Always love BTS stuff, always appreciate it....but:

"In the end, it’s just so horrific even as a sex scene, but it’s just treated so normally, in The Boys kind of way."

I get the notion that a Jumbo-Johnson is going to be off-putting for anyone, especially if it's bigger than you....still hurts to hear them say it like that.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:54 am

b&a: How was the sex scene with Emma filmed? In the end, it’s just so horrific even as a sex scene, but it’s just treated so normally, in The Boys kind of way.

Karen Heston: Lizze Broadway did such a crazy take on that–instead of being horrified herself, she kind of goes the opposite way. A lot of her acting and what she chose to do in that scene really helped sell it for us because you’re focusing on that. That was really cool to see her take on it, of her normalizing it and being like, ‘Oh, this is another day and what I’ve decided to do for my choices in life’. That leans into The Boys VCU take on it as well where it is just another odd day in the life of the VCU.

From a VFX standpoint, we really leaned in and worked with the special effects team. They did an amazing job creating various bucks, including a giant penis that Lizzie could interact with. We were able to get all of those real shadows, the size and relationship of what that would look like, some of the indentation and kind of deformation that would happen with an actual penis. VFX-wise, that interaction was key. Having that giant of a penis and doing that live for her as well is amazing and way better than just having some blue form or green form that you interact with. We could get a lot of that actor interaction from the get-go that we could put into our eventual CG penis.

Pixomondo was our vendor that worked on that scene and they really took it home and did an amazing job. We worked closely with Pixomondo to get that realistic penis look. It was definitely a lot of fun phone calls with that as far as critiquing the look.
Just one more post unless we hear about Emma deleted scenes or outtakes.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Little Sally » Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:06 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:13 pm
Little Sally wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:00 pm
eddiegiantman wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:27 pm

Thanks Sally, I rather just grab her lol. This will do lol.
Lol! Well what's stopping you.

Or have you forgotten how to do handhelds? :lol:
Hmmmmmm...maybe I test that out lol. Also need a good setting.
I could do a handheld for you with a setting of your choice, but I think you'd have fun if you do one yourself.
And if you ask nicely, I might let you have her png! ;)

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:13 pm

Little Sally wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:00 pm
eddiegiantman wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:27 pm
Little Sally wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:12 pm

Hey Eddie, I thought you might like to help her in that big scene you mention!
And there's nothing AI going on here! :D

(let me know if you want the uncensored version)

Thanks Sally, I rather just grab her lol. This will do lol.
Lol! Well what's stopping you.

Or have you forgotten how to do handhelds? :lol:
Hmmmmmm...maybe I test that out lol. Also need a good setting.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Little Sally » Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:00 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:27 pm
Little Sally wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:12 pm
eddiegiantman wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:52 pm
Lizze is uploading all the BTS stuff including a test with her big scene.
Hey Eddie, I thought you might like to help her in that big scene you mention!
And there's nothing AI going on here! :D

(let me know if you want the uncensored version)

Thanks Sally, I rather just grab her lol. This will do lol.
Lol! Well what's stopping you.

Or have you forgotten how to do handhelds? :lol:

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:27 pm

Little Sally wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:12 pm
eddiegiantman wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:52 pm
Lizze is uploading all the BTS stuff including a test with her big scene.
Hey Eddie, I thought you might like to help her in that big scene you mention!
And there's nothing AI going on here! :D

(let me know if you want the uncensored version)

Thanks Sally, I rather just grab her lol. This will do lol.

Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by Little Sally » Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:12 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:52 pm
Lizze is uploading all the BTS stuff including a test with her big scene.
Hey Eddie, I thought you might like to help her in that big scene you mention!
And there's nothing AI going on here! :D

(let me know if you want the uncensored version)


Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:46 pm

Another sizey BTS


Re: Gen V - The Boys Spinoff

by eddiegiantman » Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:51 am

Bobascher wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:34 am
I just binged the whole series today. There were several fun sizey moments. I think my favorite scene was probably Sam pouring Emma out of the plastic cup onto his blanket.
I love that effect. Wonder how they pulled it off.
