The Twins

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Topic review

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The Twins

by shrinker_s » Sun Aug 02, 2020 11:59 pm

Note that these are works of fiction\fantasy.
Contains – SW, NC, Violence, minors, Bestiality

The Twins

“Are you two done yet?” came the nagging voice they had become accustomed too over the years. It was the voice of their stepmother Theresa, or Terry, for short. She was standing at the door of the garage looking in on Nancey and Jen. The two were twin sisters identical in every way, and even though Terry had been their mother for a little over three years she couldn’t tell the two apart. Not that she tried.

The girls were in the garage, boxing up a bunch of stuff of their fathers. He had died only a week ago and even with the loss fresh to them, Terry was already clearing out of her life anything that had to do with him, or their mother.

Their mom had died four years ago when they were ten years old. It had been a lab accident where both their parents worked at. Their dad couldn’t make himself go through her things, let alone throw it away. As a result, there were nearly fourteen plastic sealed boxes of her personal items lined up against the back of the garage.

Right now, the girls were taking each of the boxes and going through the contents to see if there was anything, they wanted to remind them of their mother. Even that was something they only had a limited time to do, Terry had planned to have the boxes picked up and taken to the dump that day.

Jen looked over at Terry “we are going as quickly as we can, but there is a lot of stuff in these boxes, can’t you put off the pickup till next week?”

“Oh no,” said Terry shaking her head speaking with a tone of derision. “I put up with that shit in here the whole time I was married to your father. I barely had room to get my car in here. I’m not going to risk my new car getting dinged just ‘cause of some dead woman’s crap.”

“Besides.” She smiled “William is coming over to have me sign the final insurance papers and I want you two and Joleen out of here so I can have time alone to discuss the details.”

William or “slick will” was Terry’s lawyer, he was a scum bag, but he was helping Terry finalize the details of the estate, and he was over a lot drooling over Terry the whole time. He also did look at Nancey, Jen, and their older stepsister Joleen with eyes that were absolutely creepy.

“There are a lot of boxes here.” Said Nancey.

“I don’t care.” Snapped back Terry. “Find something you want to keep and the rest goes to the dump.” She turned around a walked back into the house.

“wish we could take her to the dump.” Whispered Jen. Nancey smiled at the joke as she opened up another container. Looking at the content she paused.

“Hey, look at this” she said reaching into the container. She pulled out a device that looked very similar to a small pistol.
“Whoa, what do you think that is?” asked Jen.

Nance looked into the container and brought up a binder and opened the front cover. “Says here “Size Modification Device”

“Get out.” Said Jen looking over her sisters’ shoulder.

There was a simple schematic at the front of the binder showing operation of the SMD. There were a few notes regarding operation and recharging and then it got very technical.

“Try it out.” Said Jen.

Nancey looked at a small box of garden equipment. She aimed and fired. A barely perceptible beam reached out and almost instantly the box shrunk to around ten percent size. The twins looked at each other and didn’t say a word. Nancey flipped a switch on the SMD and fired, the box returned to normal.

The did it again to another box of stuff and started to laugh in disbelief.

“Are you brats done looking through out dead mom’s shit?” came the voice of Joleen. “I’m ready to go, so let’s go.”

The twins looked at each other and with a slight nod walked into the house, SMD in hand.

As they walked into the living room both Terry and Joleen were standing side by side talking. They were obvious mother daughter. Both blond and curvy in all the right places. While Terry did have augmented breasts, it was obvious that they were naturally large. Looking at Joleen you could see that they sixteen-year-old was on her way of matching her mothers’ dimensions. Terry wore a form fitting sundress, while Joleen had on a pair of daisy dukes and halter top. This seemed to be the topic of discussion when the twins walked in, but the conversation stopped when the appearance of the two girls was noticed.

Joleen sneered “Well its about time you little brats, let get going sooner we leave the sooner….”

Joleen was cut off as Nancey lifted the SMD and fired at both her and Terry. They immediately shrunk down to the size of barbie dolls clothes and all.

Both minis were laying on the floor, they were conscious, but they seemed disoriented from the process. Nancey and Jen picked up the min females and placed them on the coffee table in front of the couch. The two girls giggled as the two minis became aware of what had happened and were obviously angry about the change of status.

The two minis stood up and started to yell and demand that they be returned to their original size. However, as they stood on the table the twins found more fun in poking the various parts of the bodies most of the time knocking the mini woman down.

Nancey pinched the hem of Terry’s sun dress and lifted it up over her head showing a black string bikini beneath.

“Why would you be wearing that thing to talk to your lawyer?” asked Jen.

“I think this slut had some other things on her mind.” Replied Nancey. She was about to grab the bikini top when the doorbell rang.

Terry looked up at the girls and smiled. “That’s William you little brats, when he see’s what you have done to us, you’re going to jail.”

“Oh, we’ll see.” Said Nancey as she picked both of the mini’s up and shoved them without much care into Terry’s pocketbook that had been sitting on the couch. “Jen, open the door, let’s have a talk to slick willy”

Jen seemed to be reading her sisters thoughts and walked to let the man in.

Nancey heard Jen invite the man into the house and led him to the living room to take a seat on the chair opposite of where both girls now sat.

“Well young ladies how are you doing?” asked William, with actual concern in his voice.

“We’re doing well relative to the situation.” Replied Nancey trying to look a little sad.

“So where is your mom?” asked William. He tapped the briefcase he had carried in, “I’ve got the final forms for her to sign.”

“She’s not our mom.” Said Jen.
“She’s just a bitch that fucked our dad into being stupid.” Finished Nancey

The cursing didn’t stun William as much as the vitriol in their voices.

“Now girls,” William held up one of his hands in placation, “No need to swear. I’m sure she cares for you both quite a bit.”

“Well,” replied Nancey “we don’t care about her at all.”

Jen followed “In fact we want you to modify the papers you have there to have everything signed over to us.”

William just gave a little chuckle, “O.k. girls, jokes over. Let me see your get your mom for me.”

“O.k.” said Nancey. She reached into the pocketbook and pulled out the bikini clad woman and placed her on the coffee table between them. William had seen a lot of things in his life and this was the first time he was speechless. The Barbie Doll sized woman saw her lawyer and started running in his direction yelling in a string of words pleading for aid.

When the mini woman almost reached the edge of the table William reached and picked the woman up in his hands. “What the hell.” He whispered. “What happened to you Terry.”

“We happened to her.” Said Nancey.

William looked up the twin that spoke and noticed that she held in her hand something that looked surprisingly like a gun.

“We used this little toy to turn that giant bitch into a doll sized bitch.” Nancey pointed the SMD directly at the man. “And we will do the same to you, or we can make a deal.”

“Deal?” asked William.

“You stay the size you are, you modify the paperwork to have everything go to us, you keep your commission,” Nancey then smiled, “and to sweeten the deal you can keep her.” Nancey waved the tip of the gun towards the woman in Williams hands. William looked down at the woman in his hands, his fingers had already been moving along the sexy woman’s body to placed currently covered by the bathing suit.

He looked up at the girls, there must have been a minor look of hesitation, so Jen added. “Why don’t you give her a test drive, you can use the bathroom.”

William looked down again at Terry who was realizing what was about to happen. She waved her hand “William, you can’t do this. I was going to give you that hand job I promised. Make them turn me back and I’ll take care of you even better than that.”

William took his index finger and pushed the top of the bikini up over her boobs allowing them to drop down fully exposed. He looked up at the girls and with a nod from Nancey we stood up and walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Nancey and Jen could still hear Terry’s pleads and screams until the door was closed.

The girls looked at the closed door for a moment and then at each other. Jen shrugged and reached down and pulled Joleen out of her small prison, and up in front of them. “What should we do with this one?”

The mini teen was pushing against the fingers surrounding her, tears running from her eyes. She looked up at Jen’s face “Let me go you little bitch, I’m going to kill the both of you.”

Jen flicked the girls head with her fingers, the impact was comparable to a full-on punch. It stunned Joleen into silence. “Shut up bitch.” Hissed Jen, “we’re having a conversation here.”

“What do you think?” asked Jen again.

Nancey thought for a moment and a thought came to her face. “I know, lets give her to the “Cheese boys”.” The Cheese boys was a nick name the girls gave four boys their age, the boys played Chess and one time one of them misspelled the word and it stuck.

Jen laughed, “Great idea, they all had a hard on for her since they stared hanging out with us.” Jen looked down at Joleen who was just starting to regain her wits from the hit Jen had given her. “What do you think ‘big sister’ want to spend time as a toy for a group of horny teen boys?”

Nancey grabbed her phone and started the click on the keys. “I’ll text them and see if they’re interested.”

“Hold on.” Said Jen. “We should send them some pictures to let them know we are serious.” Jen began to undress the mini teen. Joleen tried to stop the removal of he clothes, but her attempts were useless. At each piece Nancey would take a picture and when the girl was completely naked the batch of photo’s was sent to the Cheese boys.

Joleen had been screaming the whole time at the shame of what was being done to her. While the pictures were being take, the look on her face was cute. Now that the pics were on their way Jen was thinking the the noise was getting annoying.

“Hey bitch,” she said looking down at the tear laden face of the girl in her hands. “Either stop crying, or I’ll give you something to cry about.”

Most likely Joleen hadn’t really registered the level of threat spoken to her. To late she saw Jen put her pinky into her mouth wetting it and then forcing Joleen’s legs apart and insert her pinky into the mini girl’s pussy up to the first knuckle.

The scream the came from Joleen’s throat at the pain from the finger rape brought her voice past its limits and it stopped with a croak. She was still screaming, but her voice was gone and was minimized to nothing more than croaks.

Nancey laughed while looking at her phone for a reply from the Cheese boys. “That shut her up.”

Only a few seconds passed, and a reply pinged on Nancey’s phone. She smiled “Looks like they want to know if this is real.”

Jen smiled “Send a video of my finger puppet.”

Nancey turned her phone towards the sixteen-year-old being finger violated. She pushed the record as Jen twisted her finger to get a little more depth and bring up another croaking scream of pain from Joleen’s throat.

The video was sent and as they waited for a reply Nancey asked a question. “Jen, you think we can trust this lawyer?”

Jen seemed to give the question some thought as she looked at her stepsister being abused by her finger. She pulled her pinky out of the girls’ pussy as she started speaking “Well, if he tries to screw us over, we will do this to him.” Without a thought Jen inserted her pinky into Joleen mini asshole. The girls brain shut down due to the pain, and she became limp as she passed out.

“Looks like we broke her.” Laughed Jen.
“At least for now.” Followed Nancey with a giggle.

Jen placed the girl on the coffee table as the door to the bathroom opened. William walked out looking relieved. He sat back down in the chair across from the girls. In his hand was Terry clearly in shock, her hair was matted indicating that she had been rinsed off. The front of her body was red from what could only have been from Williams cock rubbing up and down against her body until he came. What else the man had done to the woman wasn’t obvious, and to be honest the twins didn’t care.

William saw the limp body of Joleen on the coffee table and leaned in to get a better look.

“Back away ‘slick willy’ she’s spoken for.” Said Jen.
Nancey had the SMD in her hand.

The lawyer lifted up both hands, ignoring the mini in his left hand. “O.k., o.k. ease up ladies, you got a deal. Your mo…. Terry gave me power of attorney to make the arrangements regarding your dads accounts so to sign the paperwork over won’t be an issue.”

“What about two minors living alone in a house? What about that?” asked Jen.

“I’m thinking that we may have an opportunity here. Mini’s have no rights, it’s the getting them shrunk that is the challenge, shrinking devices are so rare that there aren’t any laws regarding ownership of a devise. Shrinking a person against their will is illegal, but what is interesting is that ounce a sale is completed to a third party the law can’t touch the owner of the mini.”

“Meaning what?” asked Jen.

“Meaning that all you need to do is whomever does the shrinking only has to ‘sell’ the mini to the other. You don’t even use names only a short description on the bill of sale.”

He sniffed again, “to be honest girls in the real world they don’t care about minis at all. You have a gold mine here, I have contacts that would be willing to pay several thousand dollars for a mini. I have the contacts if can provide the inventory we could make a killing.”

The girls looked at each other and then back to the lawyer in front of them.

“Take it easy on your girlfriend there William.” Said Jen.

William noticed that he had gotten so excited about the opportunity that was before him that he was actually squeezing Terry a little to hard. He eased his grips and looked back at the girls.

The two nodded to each other “O.k.” said Jen.
“We’ll split the take three ways.” Followed Nancey.

“Three ways?” said William “But I’m the one with…..”

“William,” said Jen “We may be young, but not stupid. Our parents were Doctors in physics, chemistry, and bio engineering. Your providing us a quicker path to the customers, but I am sure we could get to them eventually.”

“Yeah, I see your point.” William whispered. Not wanting to push his luck he agreed to the arrangement and with only a few extra comments left to make the necessary calls and arrangements.

As Nancey and Jen sat on the couch looking with disinterest upon their shrunken stepsister they began to think. They needed to collect inventory so how would that happen.

Nancey came with the idea first. She reached into Terry’s pocketbook and pulled out their cell phone. They had already broken the unlock codes for both phones so looking at the contents was easily done. Nancey looked at the day planner app on the phone and smiled. “Looks like there is a book club meeting planned for tomorrow afternoon.”

This brought a smile to Jen’s face. The book club was really just a collection of the other gold diggers that Terry had become friends with. Shrinking them would be doing the world a favor.

Jen turned and picked up Joleen’s phone from the table next to the couch. Looking at a few other apps an opportunity showed in the text string. Some of Joleen’s friends where planning a skip day and heading to the lake. The text string regarded where they should meet up.

Jen sent a text ‘as Joleen’ stating that her mom was taking ‘those two brats’ to boarding school and she had the house to herself so they could meet there the night before and take off for the lake from there the following morning.

The collection of their stock was already starting.

5 weeks later:

If someone was to drive by the home of Jen and Nancey someone would think there was a small party going on. There was and inside the home Jen and Nancey tended to their clients.

All were men, all were rich, and all were interested in either buying a mini (or two), or at least having a little fun with one.

In the living room were just over a dozen men. Some were leaning up against the walls sipping on drinks and talking business. The home was beginning to become quite a place for the major players in the city.

The girls had replaced the coffee table in the living room with a much larger one. It was where the merchandise for use\purchase where on display. While the men were not allowed to touch the ladies without the twin’s permission, the men were able to yell out suggestions for what they would want to see happen.

Most of the minis were compliant, especially when either Nancey or Jen stood by with small little wands that administered harsh shocks.

In the past weeks the twins had made a name for themselves. The women in Terry’s book club and the girls skipping school with Joleen had been sold off within the first two weeks. However, finding more minis had gotten easier than harder. Political connections through bribes, and minis, had allowed for collections to be done.

For example, a bus carrying a squad of cheerleaders was easily detoured to a secluded area. The girls on that bus were now on the table. Of the twenty-two girls, twenty-three counting their coach, fourteen remained. The busty, curvy ones had been purchased up fairly quickly along with the coach. Right now, the naked girls were performing a very x-rated version of one of their cheers. Basically, ending with the girls performing splits on their follow cheerleaders face, or sixty-nining one another.

Along the line of Sixty-Nining there was another couple of mini women enjoying, or pretending to enjoy, the taste of each other pussy. It was a mother and daughter combo. Surprisingly, the husband\father had brought the two women to the house to be shrunk and sold off. Jen and Nancey were surprised and the number of inquiries they had gotten regarding just his topic.

The twins worked with William to strictly maintain the business in a small way. Appointment only and no mass shrinking’s that would cause problems.

Speaking of appointments, Nancey looked at her watch and almost at the same time the doorbell rang.

All the guests stopped what they were doing. Jen flipped a switch on a controller she had in her hand and displayed on the big screen t.v. what was at the front door. There was a man, middle age balding and stooped shouldered standing at the door. Next to him was an obvious trophy wife. She was stunningly beautiful, red hair and clear skin. Her yoga pants showed a well-toned body from the waist down. The blouse she wore showed the existence of large breasts. Most important was that she currently was berating the man next to her. While the guests weren’t able to hear what was being said, the man was definitely getting an ears worth.

‘Well that would end soon.’ Thought everyone in the house.

The sixty second counter started on the t.v. and the bids started in earnest. Some liked to play games at the bidding, but the time for bidding was strict and those interested tended to not want to risk losing their opportunity.

At the end of the bidding the winner was given several taps on his back as he walked up to the door with Jen. Nancey gave Jen a nod confirming the cash transfer, so Jen opened the door.

The redhead stopped yelling at the sound of the door opening so she wasn’t speaking when the door opened and she saw a middle-aged man in an expensive suite, and next to him a teen girl with something in her hand.

“Who the fuck are…” she started to say, but the beam of the SMD reduced the woman down to her new size. The man next to Jen walked forward and picked up the woman laying on the ground and started walking back into the house. Jen looked at the man, he looked relieved, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “You will be receiving a bill from us in a few days. Prompt payment is appreciated, or we will collect by shrinking your daughters.”

The man said nothing, he nodded his head and walked away. Jen watched the man hop in his car and drive away. She closed the door to enjoy the party.

As tradition, the man put his new purchase on the table for all to see. Nancey had loaned him her stunner, and he was applying it to the woman with clear instructions to begin the process of taking off her clothes. She hadn’t started disrobing but was defiantly screaming and yelling at the faces around her. A few shocks hadn’t convinced her to start.

“looks like you’re going to have to do it yourself.” Said one of the men in the room.

The man smiled and handed the stunner back to Nancey and grabbed the mini red head and started pulling the clothes off of the woman. The first was the blouse, followed by the underlying bra. He held the woman upside down and pealed the yoga pants off of the women’s bottom half leaving only her white panties. As each piece was removed, there was a cheer from the group. The new owner gave the panties a quick tug, and they ripped right off of the women’s body. The whole room erupted in cheers as the new owner had completed the task of stripping his new mini.

He must have gotten caught up in the moment because he then turned the screaming redhead upside down and shoved her down the front of his pants. Face first into his crotch.

The crowd erupted in cheers as he showed the struggling bulge in his pants.

Jen and Nancey looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

Jen’s phone buzzed. It was a message from the Cheese club. She was hoping it wasn’t another ‘Joleen with Dick’ pic. The first few days of them having their stepsister in their hands there had been a bunch of them sent. It was obvious that the four boys were having a lot of fun with their mini.

It was a video file.

She started to watch but hit pause and held up her hand. “Gentlemen,” she said in a voice that quickly stopped the action, “If I could bring your attention to the screen yet again.”

She hit a button on her phone to cast the video to be displayed for all to watch.

It was Steve, one of the Cheese club. He looked into the screen and smiled. “hey Jen and Nancey, thanks again for letting us have Joleen.” He scanned the camera to the other three boys who all waved.

He brought it back to him. “I thought you might like to see this.”

He then held up in his hand Joleen. She looked worse for wear. Her hair was mated and unkempt. She had bruises on the body. She was also looking a little soft, most likely from basically only being fed semen thought Jen.

Most notably was that the fore arms of the mini girl had been taped to the outside of her shins. It looked like scotch tape had been wrapped around a few times pining the arms to the women’s calves.

Steve smiled into the camera. “We have decided that this little one needs a break from us, but we didn’t want to deny her the dick she so dearly loves. So, we made some arrangements for her.”

Steve paned the phone down to the table that had been out of the view of the camera. On the table was a cage containing a rat.

“Russell is going to show our girl Joleen a whole good time.” His voice sounding with a little humor.

Steve lifted the top opening of the cage and began to lower the bound mini into the cage. Through the fog of her shock over the past weeks Joleen started to realize where she was going. She started to scream and jerk at her binds, but to no avail.

Steve placed the woman on the bottom the cage in the wood chips. Her two legs and her head forming a tripod that supported her body and lifted he ass to the air. Making a tempting target for anyone, or thing, that would have an interest.

Russell was one of those things that was taking an interest. The furry creature stepped up to the pink ass lifted to the sky. Joleen tried to break free even harder as the rodent pressed its nose into her pussy. The movement, and noise, of her struggles only encouraged the actions of the rat. After a few more second the penis of the rat began to emerge from the under belly and glisten with rat pre-cum. With a smooth movement the rat mounted and inserted its cock into the Joleen’s pussy.

Joleen screamed as the animal breeding organ reached into her womb. The rhythmic impact of the rat’s hips bounded against the young women’s ass. The screams form Joleen rose and lowered with the thrusts and became more guttural and she realized she wasn’t able to stop what was occurring. In a few seconds it was over. The rats’ body spasmed and shuddered as it shot its rat baby goo into the girl’s body.

The rat walked away from the weeping girl going to the far corner to clean itself.

The camera turned back to Steve’s face. He was smiling from the show.

“That was great wasn’t it? It looks like the little slut really enjoyed it.” he said with the smile getting bigger, “but it went sort of fast didn’t it?”

“Weeeelllllll” he stretched out the word as he spun the camera around, we brought a bunch of friends to help out with Joleen’s rat cock addiction.

On another table was four more additional cages. “We got four more rats that will take care of the little girls ‘need for rat seed’”

Steve’s face came back to view, “But I bet you are entertaining folks now, so I’ll keep you from getting bored and I’ll end this video have a good day.”

The video ended to the cheers of the men in the room. There was an immediate request to replay the video. Jen restarted the video and then whispered into Nancey’s ear “I guess we should buy a few rats for some of our clients.”

Nancey smiled back at her sister and nodded.

Yes, things for the two girls were going swell.
