Little Cuck (M/m/f)

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Re: Little Cuck (M/m/f)

by MantikoreD » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:28 pm

I can do that for sure, the way I started it as of now is like the instant he gets swallowed, I kind of envisioned her as a pragmatic person, like she's having a freak out but she knows she needs to listen to survive. Plus she's not sure but she might be into it, she's not sure

Re: Little Cuck (M/m/f)

by SciFiCrazy » Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:45 pm

Good start. Like how she was used and abused prior to the surprise shrinking. I was expecting him to crush him into a blood stain with his cock in front of his girlfriend but the swallowing worked too. I’m hoping part 2 is from her perspective prior to the boyfriend being eaten so we can see her reaction.

Little Cuck (M/m/f)

by MantikoreD » Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:31 pm

Hey guys, first post here. The following story involves cuckoldry and mostly a giant man interacting with a shrunken man but it's mostly as a setup for part 2. It's very explicit and crude especially the degradation spit forth because thats what I think is hot. Feedback is appreciated, I'll start work on part 2 right away so we can get to more shrunken women stuff. So without further ado, here is The Little Cuck


I suppose my mistake was trying to combine fetishes. I had been into Macrophilia for a long time, giant people using me and degrading me was a very sexy concept. But as I got older, I also got into being a cuckold. Being degraded as 2 people fuck, or use me to enhance their own pleasure was hot beyond measure. My girlfriend was into it too, she loved getting fucked by some huge meat head with a thick long cock in front of me, then leaving with me and me buying her anything she wanted.

We had been dating for a few years, when I started trying to find ways to mix the two. But with shrinking me down not being possible I settled for POV stuff. Laying myself below them or at their feet. The few occasions I was made to film the encounters I made sure to make them appear huge. Then I was contacted by someone on a forum I frequented. I had posted some G/t cuckold stories and linked my videos before and this guy was interested in plowing my girl and treating me like a tiny. I was interested to say the least. I made arrangements to meet up with him, lucky enough he only lived 20 or so minutes away. I told my girlfriend that I found a hook up for her and she smiled all giddy. That weekend arrived, she was dressed in her sluttiest dress, I was already half hard thinking about what was going to happen. We arrived at his home in the suburbs, it looked nice. He had his HOA sticker in the window, shrubs well maintained, nothing indicating he liked to fuck women while their partners watched. Ringing the doorbell my heart fluttered in anticipation. He must have been standing by the door as it swung open before the chime of the doorbell faded. I was instantly awestruck, he was huge. 6'10" and muscular, not like a body builder but he looked like he could tear me in half. He wore only a silk robe that clung to his massive frame, the open cheat area revealed his massive pecs and a hairless chest. My girlfriend pushed me aside and greeted him as my jaw hung slack.

"My name is Jessica, this little loser is Paul, you must be Mike" she extended her hand only to have it pushed aside as he came in for a tight hug that pressed his crotch to her stomach "Big Mike, for now." His voice seemed to strike my soul "You can call me Big Daddy if you want. Come on in, I was just making some drinks, this one is going to need to loosen up" as he released her she was bright red "yeah, I sure will" Jess said as she held her hands up to illustrate where his dick pressed against her. It was as long as her stomach and half as wide. She leaned in and whispered to me "I didn't feel the tip, and his balls are huge. You said he's gonna play with both of us? You aren't ready" Jess smiled and licked her lips as she followed him in pulling me behind. Mike turned and handed Jessica a drink from the bar he had in his living room "So, you 2 think you can handle Big Mike in bed? It takes a lot to get me horny. So, lets get to it, Paul, you are now my little cuck bitch. On your knees" his voice seemed to command my body to move on its own, I mean it wasn't but, I acted without moving. Once on my knees he pulled Jess over to watch as he disrobed. His massive cock just an inch from my face, I could feel the heat radiating off of it. "Kiss it, right on the head, I want your girl to see I already own you" he spoke as I stared at the floor. It was all so intense, my head tilted up yo see his dick, thicker and longer than my forearm. I felt my lips press against the tip, precum oozing out onto my face with a chuckle emitting from them both. Jess straight up laughed as she saw the precum string from his cock to my mouth. Mike grabbed her by the throat and she moaned sensually "Don't you laugh, you'll be covered in cum before the end of the night. Little Cuck, lick my toes while your girl get me hard" Mike commanded and we obeyed willingly. Jess fondled and licked the cock that made her look slightly shrunken, my dick was so hard as his big toe filled my mouth, it was bigger than my dick, and he seemed to know that as he shoved it down my throat. He grabbed at Jessica's shirt and tore it straight off, she yelped for a second as he lifted her up into his arms. His foot jammed into my throat and forced me back, no longer able to stay on my knees, I stumble back onto my ass. His foot steps on my stomach, he's crushing the life out of me as I see his other foot come up, all his weight on my stomach. His other foot comes to a rest on my face "Lick" is all he said. I began to lick and through his toes I saw him start to finger Jessica. I was so horny I didn't know what to do, I kept licking his foot like a good tiny being crushed underfoot as he started to work on my girlfriend. I felt a huge glob of precum fall from his cock onto my chest, and I blew my load. "Wow, he really gets off on being treated like a speck of dust on the ground. He shifted his weight some, the crushing pressure threatened to crack my skull just before he relented. He moved he other foot from my stomach to my cock, stepping his whole weight to crush my dick. "You don't need it anyway, before the night is over she'll be cock drunk and never want to leave, and you....well, let's hope you're tough or you won't survive." They both laugh and I try to cum again, but his weight is closing the exit. He knows what he's doing and lifts his foot to allow my cum to dribble out while stepping on my head again. He gets off of me and I cough to life "eat all that cum loser, there's no room for beta jizz in my house" he dropped Jessica onto the couch with a smile, she knew what was coming. I started to follow my order when I saw him lay his cock on her stomach. It wasn't fully hard but it went from her pussy up to between her big round ties. Her fire red hair made her look like she was some insane clown with hoe big her smile was "Rearrange my insides Big Daddy" she said as he slid back to allow positioning. It took some work but his head made it in, and she came instantly, she seemed to cum with every inch that slid in, it was impossibly thick and long. I saw the look on her face about 8 orgasms in, I stood up and said "I don't think I can do this" Mike stopped and turned around to face me, dick still in my girlfriend "Oh, too much? Let's talk it out" he seemed to understand, wow he was just playing the part. Maybe I misjudged him and the situation. He removes his huge dick from my girlfriend, to her disappointment, through removal spawned several more orgasms.

Mike and I went into his bedroom, he was still nude and imposing but he seemed to be understanding "I get it, when I'm in the zone some people can't handle it. We can stop, but let's still hang out. Here, take this Tylenol, after me standing on your head you'll be sore if you don't. He handed me a small pill and I took it without question. He smiled wide as he watched me swallow it "But then again, I know your type Paul. You'll think about this encounter over and over. You'll see that she doesn't act the same, even with other guys, and you'll be back. So I'll just save her the wait" he said as I started to feel dizzy "You wanted to be used by a giant while she got fucked. Now its going to happen" I saw my vision spiral and suddenly I was tiny, really tiny "Don't worry Paul, you're not going to be involved, you only took the shrinking dose, not the durability dose. Later I'll give her both pills, right before I show her how my cock can crush you" he put me in his fist and walked to the bar, placing me down with a glass over me, I couldn't be heard but I could hear everything.

"Paul said we can continue, I just did a number on him" he said as he walked over to her, his cock swaying with each step "Good, little bitch cuck boy stopped some mind shattering orgasms" she said as she lay redy to receive him. I watch as he returns and pounds her for over an hour. Flipping her over onto her stomach he lifted her in a full nelson. He walked over to my glass, that she was unaware I was in, and he finally blew his load. So much cum filled her pussy that it started to leak out, down his balls onto the table in front of me. He kept pumping making the cum fly off his balls and coat the glass I was under. He walked over and dropped her on the couch. Without a second though, he turned and sat on her back. She began working wince and whine "what the fuck are you doing?" She said as he laughed and remained on top of her, her frail thin body unable to move him even one iota. "Using you, its what you're here for. My amusement, I enjoy filling bitches with cum and squeezing it out of them under my ass. Deal with it for a minute and you get some more of this dick" she sighed at his words and sat there under him, barely able to breathe. He looked back at me under my glass as the cum dripped down. A smile across his face as he stood up moved his ass to her face and let a fart fly. As she tried to fight him off he managed to hold her hands and plant his cheeks on her face, her nose against his hole and started to let more loose. "Sniff it whore, I was going to do this to your little cuck, but since he's gone, you gotta do his job" he laughed and sat there until her struggles slowed to a stop, she was unconscious. He stood slowly and walked over to my glass, lifting it as I yelled at him to leave her alone. He of course ignored me turned and blasted another fart, knocking me over with velocity and smell. Laughing some more Mike turned and flopped his still wet cock on the bar "lick it" again, his voice commanded me, something primal inside made me want to follow his command. I snapped out of it and yelled "No" he looked down with a chuckle "No? Then you must want her to suffer my wrath. See, nothing upsets me more than when a cuck can't handle me destroying his girlfriend. I thrive on watching beta little bitches jerk it to me tearing their girlfriend in two with this" he flopped his cock again, closer to me, splashing me with their combined cum. I had to guess I was around 4 inches tall, and I couldn't see over it, it was truly imposing "Now I say again, lick it." I was shaking with fear, he had already demonstrated that he could kill me with just his feet when I was full sized, and now his dick was bigger than me. I slowly walked up to the head, and pressed my open mouth to it. He smiled down at me before grabbing the base of his cock and with a firm grip, slid his hand foreward squeezing cum out and onto me. Even this small amount nearly drown me. He placed the cup back over me and grabbed 2 pills from behind the bar. Jessica stirred on the couch and gasped for air, her mind remembering she was suffocating "what the fuck you psycho" she yelled as he turned and handed her the pills "Sorry, we really need a safe word. I get a little out of hand now and then, here, for the headache" she took the pills without a thought and sat up "God damn, I can smell you asshole still" she says wiping her face as he laughs "You know you liked it, besides, you'll get to know my ass a lot better before the night is over" she rolls her eyes "I dunno about that, youre so big you almost broke my nose sitting on my-" she stopped mid sentence as the pills took effect. She shrunk faster than I remember shrinking and she completely blacked out. He picked her up and layer her on the bar top in front of my glass in a puddle of their cum. I could see her pussy still pouring his seed out. If I wasn't so sure I was about to die and she was about to enter a life of servitude, it would have been the hottest thing I had ever seen.

Several minutes passed and she started to rouse from her sleep. Mike sat at the bar, still nude, watching as she slowly opened her eyes. A look of horror came over her face as she realized he was huge and I had never left. Before she could say anything he stood up, the new height terrified her even more, then he dropped his balls down on top of her. I stood in shock, I thought he had just crushed my girlfriend under his nutsack. He slowly lifted up to reveal her stuck to his taint, no blood though, I though she would have popped like a grape. She then moved and pulled her hands and face free only to fall to the bar top. As she hit he flicked his cock to slam it down on her and then lifted my glass "Jessica, my toy for the next few months, this is your ex boyfriend. And this is what happens when you disobey orders" then I saw it, his hand lowered and snatched me up, in an instant I was free falling into his mouth and swallowed. Now I sit here, waiting for my ultimate fate, to die in this absolute alphas stomach while he uses my girlfriend as a toy to please himself until he grows bored and kills her too. I can feel a lot of movement, I'm sure he has jerked off several times, and she might have been shoved up his ass a few times. But I guess I'll never know.....
