Out of their Element

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Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Sun Jan 14, 2024 10:36 pm

littlest-lily wrote: ā†‘
Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:03 pm
[ Even if it takes a while, there will be more~
Patiently waiting.......


Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:03 pm

applepippin wrote: ā†‘
Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:34 pm
I actually made an account just to comment!
Just wanted to say how much I love this story and relate to Evie struggles in terms of being a girl who was abused in the past and coming to terms with letting someone else not take control of you again, but also finding it very hot at the same time when it comes to being tiny haha.
I also love the way you have written Aiden so much.

Reading this story was comforting and cathartic and I hope I'm not too forward with this comment!

Can't wait for more :)
Oh wow, I'm so flattered and SO thankful for you making this comment!! It's not being too forward at all, it warmed my heart so much šŸ˜­ Even if it takes a while, there will be more~

Re: Out of their Element

by applepippin » Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:34 pm

I actually made an account just to comment!
Just wanted to say how much I love this story and relate to Evie struggles in terms of being a girl who was abused in the past and coming to terms with letting someone else not take control of you again, but also finding it very hot at the same time when it comes to being tiny haha.
I also love the way you have written Aiden so much.

Reading this story was comforting and cathartic and I hope I'm not too forward with this comment!

Can't wait for more :)

Re: Out of their Element

by Raso719 » Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:17 pm

littlest-lily wrote: ā†‘
Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:45 pm
Thank you guys!!
Raso719 wrote: ā†‘
Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:38 pm
Do you have plans for more micro stories? You're one of the few authors I know who are into microscopic SW stories.
I actually did plan out/start writing another story where she's solely micro a while back. I finished a few chapters of it, but it'll be involved enough that I don't plan on really diving into it until after I finish Oote, so it'll probably be a while. I never know what'll inspire me though - Hypnotizing came out of nowhere and I got it done relatively quickly when I needed a quick change of pace.

Ooo micro from the start? You gotta give me a hint about it! Is it a woke up after a sexy, shrinking orgy gone overboard kinda story?

Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:45 pm

Thank you guys!!
Raso719 wrote: ā†‘
Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:38 pm
Do you have plans for more micro stories? You're one of the few authors I know who are into microscopic SW stories.
I actually did plan out/start writing another story where she's solely micro a while back. I finished a few chapters of it, but it'll be involved enough that I don't plan on really diving into it until after I finish Oote, so it'll probably be a while. I never know what'll inspire me though - Hypnotizing came out of nowhere and I got it done relatively quickly when I needed a quick change of pace.

waffs wrote: ā†‘
Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:37 am
I'm going to put my thoughts in a spoiler.
Oooo I'm not going to give it away quite yet, but these are some really good guesses, very well thought out!

Re: Out of their Element

by waffs » Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:37 am

littlest-lily wrote: ā†‘
Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:45 pm
By the way, Iā€™m curious if anyoneā€™s able to guess if anyoneā€™s able to guess the title of part 4. Iā€™ll give you a major hint and point out the titles of the first three partsā€¦
Part 1: Trial by Fire
Part 2: Down to Earth
Part 3: Something in the Air
I'm going to put my thoughts in a spoiler.
My first guess would be "something in the water", but I suspect you wouldn't make it so similar to 3. Possibly some variation on "blood and water"/"blood is thicker than water", although that would imply that someone's relatives are likely to be a bigger part of the picture than I think is likely at this point. "Blood in the water" or "in hot water" would imply a darker destination than I hope you've got in mind. "Fish out of water" could have been appropriate for part 1, but unless someone else somehow shrinks I don't see it. Likewise "oil and water" could have been the Camila arc (so far?), but starting it here doesn't seem suitable. I'm gonna go with... Part 4: Walking on Water

Re: Out of their Element

by Raso719 » Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:38 pm

Simply fantastic, thank you!

I'm guessing 3, "Something in the air." I think the end sort of alluded to... well Something. In the air, even. Tonight. Oh lord. With Phil Collins in the background.

Do you have plans for more micro stories? You're one of the few authors I know who are into microscopic SW stories.

Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:02 am


Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:45 pm

DocRick wrote: ā†‘
Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:26 pm
waffs wrote: ā†‘
Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:29 pm
Oh no oh no oh no... Aiden, please happen to notice, before you go back inside, the pinecone wedged where it might not get on its own.
I thought Aiden was gonna walk under the tree and Evie dropped it on his head!!!
That's a good idea! Too bad she just flew that far away D:

It's too bad the squirrel family wasn't there to cuddle with her haha

Chapter 77

Itā€™s morning.

Iā€™m aching from head to toe, exhausted, hungry, dehydrated. I hardly got a wink of sleep during this long, grueling night. But after hours and hours of misery, it sounds like the wind has finally died down. And when I force my head up and out of my pile of leaves and fur, I see some dim rays of sunlight poking in from around the pinecone door.

I let out a deep, long sigh. Part of it comes from the relief of having survived the night. But the other part is me bracing myself. Because I am quite literally not out of the woods yet. I now have the dreaded climb ahead of me, and Iā€™m not in my best state to do it.

I drag myself out of a bed thatā€™s better suited for rodents, stretching my sore muscles. I rip out some of the leaves that Iā€™d wedged into the doorway, and then I push against the pinecone so that it starts to tip over. Iā€™m not worried about being careful with it, and sure enough it ends up rolling away and plummeting to the ground. Whatever. Itā€™s not like Iā€™ll be spending any more nights here.

Itā€™s strangely silent in the woods, the air is so still now. And holy shit is it freezing. I felt cold to the bone for the entire night, but now that I step out into the open air I realize the hollow was downright warm in comparison. Small bits of frost sit in patches along the surrounding branches, tiny ice crystals on the orange leaves glinting in the pre-dawn light. Meanwhile Iā€™m in a crop top and have no shoes on. Lovely.

My friends are nowhere to be seen. I heard their voices from time to time in the night, always in the distance. For a moment I wonder if they decided to eventually go to bed. But no, of course not - I donā€™t see them from here but I can catch Star and Diegoā€™s faint voices coming from around the corner of the cabin. I canā€™t quite make out the words, but their tones sound weary. Iā€™m not the only one who had a rough night, thatā€™s for sure.

Well, no time like the present. I need to start climbing while I still have any of my strength left. I feel a wave of vertigo as I look down the length of the tree trunk. At least Iā€™m now able to see that itā€™s a fairly straightforward path since the branches are no longer swaying. While I was laying in the dark this morning I blindly manipulated the rope I still have, tying it to myself and knotting off some loops so that I can hopefully use it as climbing gear. I pretend that Iā€™m just about to head down my packing station back home as I find a protruding ridge in the tree bark and hook the end of my rope onto it. Down I go.

Iā€™m at it for hours. Iā€™m being so careful, so meticulous about making sure my safety rope is attached to something as often as possible. The persistent pain in my ribs is thankfully not as sharp as last night, but it still makes the process grueling and slow. At least itā€™s a lot easier now that the air is still, so I do think it was for the best that I didnā€™t attempt this climb last night. I pause and rest every time I reach another branch, and as the readily available frost begins to melt in the morning light, I drink some of the dew. The water is hard to get down, itā€™s so cold, but the hydration is too necessary to pass up.

Eventually I reach the part that I was most dreading. Past a certain height there are no more branches, just solid trunk all the way down. There are still plenty of handholds, but it becomes increasingly difficult to find anchors for my climbing rope, and there are zero opportunities to sit and rest. My arms and legs shake from the exertion as I slowly inch my way down. I have several moments where I almost start crying from the fear that Iā€™ll surely fall off before I make it. But somehow I manage to keep it together with the knowledge that if I lose my composure, Iā€™m dead.

And little by little, Iā€™m getting closer to the ground. My arms are growing weak, but even though I started a couple hundred feet up the tree, Iā€™m now at the point where Iā€™m only a hundred feet up instead. My hands and feet are scratched up and raw, my sore ribs feel like theyā€™re getting electrocuted every time I twist in just the wrong way. But now Iā€™m just fifty feet up. And I finally start to regain hope.

ā€œAlmost there,ā€ I whisper fervently to myself. ā€œAlmost there!ā€

Despite the frigid state of my body, my limbs are burning when I glance down and realize the ground is close enough that Iā€™d survive the fall. I keep going, maintaining a steady pace, until I finally lose patience when Iā€™m my own body length up from the forest floor. I let myself slide down the rope, toppling the last short distance until my feet hit the ground at long last.

I could kiss the earth if it didnā€™t feel like the inside of a freezer. I donā€™t care that Iā€™m wasting water, I cry happy tears, collapsing to hands and knees as my shoulders shake with relieved sobs. Iā€™m not dead. I made it to the ground again and Iā€™m alive.

But Iā€™m not done yet. Come on. Just a little further. I have to walk now.

This last stretch shouldnā€™t be the hardest part of my journey, and yet itā€™s what almost does me in. At this point Iā€™m just too worn, too cold, too weak. I trudge towards the looming cabin thatā€™s half a mile ahead of me, the terrain below my feet changing from the dirt of the forest floor to patches of grass. I ended up abandoning my climbing rope that was originally part of my shirt, my skin having long since grown numb from how exposed it is to the cold. I have my eyes set on the cabinā€™s front door - I havenā€™t even spared a thought about how Iā€™m going to get up the couple of porch steps at its base - until I notice two figures in the distance, visible once I exit the tree line.

I alter course, briefly hurrying once I see him. I absently realize that Iā€™m failing to pace myself, but I donā€™t care.

Aidenā€™s sitting on a grassy slope near the cabin, his back unfortunately facing me. He has his arm around Moira whoā€™s sitting next to him, holding her tightly. Their heads are downcast, their shoulders drooping. The grass is getting tall enough that even if they were looking my way they probably couldnā€™t see me, but the relatively short distance is still so agonizing. Just a couple hundred more feet.

I trip and fall to my knees seconds before I see Moira stand up. Her hand trails on Aidenā€™s shoulder, and they mutter something to each other before she turns to leave. She still isnā€™t quite facing me as she goes, though, and I feel like I might burst inside with frustration. I fixate the lone giant whoā€™s still sitting as I start to see spots dancing in my vision. Just stay right there, babe. Wait for me.

The exhaustion is painful. I'm unable to get back to standing. But the adrenaline of seeing him pushes me on, and I crawl on hands and knees to drag myself forward, shivering violently from touching even more of the frozen ground. Thankfully I bide my time on using my voice. I think I might pass out if I start yelling, I have to get closer and make it count.

My hearing begins to sound muffled. I feel like I might throw up, and for a moment my vision fades to blackness despite my limbs still moving. Iā€™m suddenly jolted back to consciousness when my face hits the dirt. I gasp in fear of how dizzy I am, and itā€™s so much harder to move now that Iā€™ve stopped. I try to push myself back up, at least to sitting, but my arms are firmly protesting. I'm the equivalent of a block or two away. I risk it.


The sound comes out scratchy, dry, weak. I curse inwardly as I know I was too quiet. But from some instinct, the giant ahead of me twitches. I see him lift his head.


I was more successful in yelling this time. My voice is clear and ringing. And immediately he reacts, straightening up and turning his head - to the left, right, and finally whipping around to look behind him, wildly searching the ground, until our eyes meet.

As soon as his gaze locks on to my fallen figure, Aidenā€™s launching himself forward, crawling over to me so fast that I barely have time to blink before heā€™s right on top of me. His arm is already reaching out as he whispers, ā€œOh god, Evieā€“ā€

He scoops me into his hands, slightly more clumsily than usual from the fact that heā€™s wearing gloves. I roll onto the nylon surface, whimpering from the sheer relief of being reunited, hot tears running down my face. Iā€™m shot upwards as my giant partner lifts me to his mouth, and for a moment my dizzied mind thinks that itā€™s to kiss me. But instead he starts exhaling heavily onto my body, desperately trying to warm me up with his breath. It makes my numb skin prickle to an almost painful degree. But I can tell it's so, so needed.

After a few more exhales, he silently pulls me away again, and if I had the strength Iā€™d be complaining about him stopping. He holds me with one hand and uses his teeth to rip his glove off the other before tipping me onto his bare skin. Oh wow, the heat is overwhelming, but at the same time it's fantastic. I curl up into his palm as he gets the other glove off, and he cups both hands around me now and continues to breathe warm air onto me. My stomach lurches as I vaguely realize heā€™s getting to his feet, but I donā€™t worry about that, I let my eyes close as I bask in his presence, enjoying each wave of heat that envelops me. I catch the scent of chocolate and sugar... Itā€™s hard to believe that the time we were relaxing and enjoying a sweet treat together was just last night.

Things get a little fuzzy at this point. My eyes are still closed but I can tell that weā€™re moving, I think we go back insideā€¦ I hear a couple of different voices, though everything sounds so far awayā€¦ Iā€™m starting to tremble a little less, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s because Iā€™m getting warmer or if my muscles are just completely giving outā€¦. Iā€™m hardly conscious of my damp, meager clothing getting removed or my body getting poked and proddedā€¦

When I come to again, thereā€™s something heavy pushing against my front. My eyelids don't want to move and I frown as I stir under the warm weight, unable to budge the massiveā€¦ umā€¦ finger?

Someoneā€™s voice is coming into clarity. ā€œ...bruised ribs for sure but I donā€™t think anything majorā€™s broken... Lungs are working fineā€¦ā€

Finally I force my eyes to open to a squint. The looming face of a sleep-deprived Diego is hovering above me. Iā€™m unable to show it right now, but I'm incredibly relieved to see him too.

ā€œEyyy, there she is,ā€ he says softly with a smile as he notices me waking up. ā€œGood morning.ā€

I glance around from my pinned position. I recognize Aidenā€™s hand below me, I havenā€™t moved from his palm. But I seem to be getting examined by our resident nurse. His fingertip is covering my upper chest and pressing up against my jugularā€¦ I guess heā€™s trying to find my pulse.

ā€œYou know, you really freaked us out there, Shrimp,ā€ Diego adds, shifting his finger slightly to the side. ā€œNo more crazy benders in the woods, okay?"

I may not have the strength to speak at the moment, but apparently I have enough to lift my hand up and extend one tiny middle finger his way.

He releases an amused breath before looking up to address Aiden. ā€œHeart rateā€™s still a bit lowā€¦ I think sheā€™ll be alright, all we can do right now is warm her back up. At least thereā€™s no frostbite, as far as I can tell.ā€

ā€œShould I heat up some water for a bath?ā€ Moiraā€™s voice asks shakily from somewhere I canā€™t see.

ā€œThat might be good for her to sip on if she can stomach it - but no, donā€™t put her in it, the shock of that can fuck up her heart. Youā€™re doing the right thing, Aiden, keep using your body heat. Skin to skin. Go rest, Iā€™ll check in again once I get a hold of Star, she should take a look at her too.ā€

I squeeze my eyes shut as everything starts moving again. A minute later Iā€™m transferred to a new, even warmer surfaceā€¦ I gather my giant has just put me on his bare chest as he laid down, his palm now at my back. There are a couple more sounds - Moira says to let her know if we need anything, Aiden thanks her, a door creaks to be mostly shut. And then finally things grow still and quiet.

I sigh as I let myself relax. Iā€™m starting to be convinced that the shivering has abated for the right reasons, and I'm able to feel slightly more comfortable overall. A smile finds its way onto my face. I actually made it. Iā€™m safe.

After a few minutes of silence, I rub my cheek affectionately against Aidenā€™s chest. His thumb lightly brushes against the side of my head and his exhale is tight.

ā€œI was sure you were dead,ā€ he whispers.

My heart hurts at the heaviness in his voice, and my joke is weak as I force out a response. "Can't get rid of me that easily."

He continues gently stroking my head as I let it rest against his skin. "I can't imagine what you've just been throughā€¦ā€ he says, ā€œThe temperatures dropped to near freezing last night. And you fell out of that window, right? How are you alive right now?"

It takes me a little while to get through the story of my solo night in the trees. As I slowly regain strength, I explain everything from the moment Camila accidentally locked me out, all the way through the frigid morning. I canā€™t quite decide if recounting such fresh horrors is unloading the trauma or only making it worse by reliving it, so instead Iā€™m just mentally distancing myself from my own words for now. Aiden listens intently, completely silent aside from the occasional sympathetic winces at the more intense bits.

He continues to lay quietly once Iā€™m done, as if deep in thought. So quiet, in fact, that I tilt my head back to try and catch sight of his expression. But his face is out of sight from my current angle, and his muscles are tense below me, so I finally ask him, ā€œWhat is it?ā€

He inhales deeply before answering. ā€œIt's truly hitting me right nowā€¦ I haven't been giving you enough credit. You're so much more capable than I realized.ā€

I didnā€™t expect that response and almost laugh. ā€œTrust me,ā€ I say, ā€œI did not exactly feel like a badass.ā€

ā€œStill,ā€ he murmurs, completely sincere. ā€œI meanā€¦ Just look at how much youā€™ve accomplished in the time I've known you. All the things youā€™ve built, all the challenges you've faced. Like when we went back to the lab and you got that flashdrive, all on your own. Or persevering through that leg injury. And now surviving a night alone in the woods during a storm, and then getting yourself back home. Youā€™re amazing, Evie.ā€

Emotion wells up inside of me, more intensely than I would have expected. Iā€™m glad one of us has found any kind of silver lining to what I just went through. Because I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever felt less capable in my life than I do right now.

Aiden readjusts his grip so that he can gently press his fingers into a hug around me, sliding me up just a little bit over his heart. ā€œIā€™m both in awe of how incredibly strong you areā€¦ and at the same time I never want to let you out of my sight again.ā€

Iā€™m unable to answer him right now. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I feel like I might be on the brink of a full meltdown as I spare a thought for what the future might hold. What other trials might be waiting for me past today. My constantly overwhelming reality, and the dangers lurking behind each innocuous moment.

I hear a slight sound that makes me flinch, though itā€™s too subtle for my giant partner to notice. I glance towards the door to our room, still open by a crack, and I notice a sliver of a face. A dark eyed beauty, peering in towards us. She lingers for a beat, too obscured for me to make out her expression, before her eye narrows and she quietly moves on.

My breathing is coming in short now. I suddenly face myself, as if glaring at my own reflection in a mirror.

Seriously. What is wrong with me? Why am I so insistent on running away from my issues and stubbornly clinging to my current status quo? I donā€™t care what Aiden just said - itā€™s beyond obvious that I am so incredibly fragile. How many close calls have we had now? How many times do I need to come close to fucking dying before I finally just face my past and go to the authorities who might actually be able to help me get my old size back? What am I fucking waiting for?

But even as I think this, even as I start crying hard enough for my boyfriend to lift his head and stroke my back with worried whispers, itā€™s all pointless. All it takes right now is a single sound. A distant police siren, completely unrelated to us, miles away in the mountains. A simple reminder from the universe that brings me right back into my own fear. As if trying to convince a potential interloper that no oneā€™s home by fervently shutting off all the light switches in the house, my brain desperately chases away any thoughts of seeking help.

I bury myself into Aidenā€™s protective warmth. Determined to never leave it again.

~ End of Part 3: Something in the Air ~


OKOKOK deep breaths

Sorry, what a whirlwind of an event to leave things on! Boy do I have my work cut out for me in Part 4 :) Which is looking like it might be even longer than part 3 ahhhhhh why do I do this to myself. Please bear with me as I work on this final installment, it may take me quite a bit of time (especially because thereā€™s a non-zero chance that Iā€™ll be moving across the country at some point in the next year). I also might bounce between a few different projects, since I want to make sure I donā€™t get burnt out on Out of their Element, and Iā€™d like to be able to continue posting things from time to time during the wait. But Iā€™m so dedicated to completing Aiden and Evieā€™s story, rest assured. The entire rest of the story is mapped outā€¦ I just need to write it!

By the way, Iā€™m curious if anyoneā€™s able to guess if anyoneā€™s able to guess the title of part 4. Iā€™ll give you a major hint and point out the titles of the first three partsā€¦
Part 1: Trial by Fire
Part 2: Down to Earth
Part 3: Something in the Air

Thank you as always for making my lil creative projects so much fun to share. I get excited at every single comment that comes in and love hearing your thoughts so much. Your support means the world! Iā€™ll keep you updated on what Iā€™m working on my DeviantArt, I have so many ideas that I canā€™t wait to bring to life~ Take care and happy holidays!

Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:26 pm

waffs wrote: ā†‘
Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:29 pm
Oh no oh no oh no... Aiden, please happen to notice, before you go back inside, the pinecone wedged where it might not get on its own.
I thought Aiden was gonna walk under the tree and Evie dropped it on his head!!!

Re: Out of their Element

by waffs » Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:29 pm

Oh no oh no oh no... Aiden, please happen to notice, before you go back inside, the pinecone wedged where it might not get on its own.

Re: Out of their Element

by ROGU3_20 » Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:18 am

Evie.. noooo.. :(

Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Mon Dec 18, 2023 2:52 am

I made this one a long time ago, but it feels kinda appropriate here. :lol:


Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:25 pm

Chapter 75


The wind is knocked out of me as something punches me hard in the abdomen. I cough and gasp for air. Iā€™m sure that rib is damaged, possibly even broken. But by some miracle Iā€™m alive.

The impact has knocked me silly, and itā€™s only when I realize that Iā€™m slipping off of whatever Iā€™ve landed on that I scramble to grab hold. I hoist myself up onto a sturdier platform than the leaf I was just clinging to - this one is made of rough wood. Itā€™s so dark that I canā€™t make sense of where I am, but I use my hands to feel my way. One side of the horizontal pillar I'm on is getting narrower, and the other side is getting wider. I make my way to the wider side, hurrying on my hands and knees as Iā€™m desperate to find a stable spot.

Before I realize it, I crash into a wall head first. I curse with the pain, seeing stars for a second. But the wind doesnā€™t feel quite as vicious in this particular spot, the wall is protecting me for now. I take a dizzied look around myself, trying to make sense of where I ended up as my eyes adjust to the darkness.

Thereā€™s the cabin. Itā€™s lit up on the inside so the sight of it is clear as day. Itā€™s so far awayā€¦ Almost half a mile to me. I must have gone for a ride on that leaf as if it was a runaway paraglider. Which means Iā€™m in the forest? Yes, Iā€¦ Iā€™m on a tree branchā€¦ Iā€™mā€¦ Iā€™m hundreds of feet upā€¦ in a fucking tree.

ā€œOhmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod,ā€ I whisper to myself. Iā€™m so close to hyperventilating. I cling to the branch Iā€™m perched on, pressing myself against the tree trunk. One wrong move and I really might plummet to my doom this time. ā€œIā€™m dead, Iā€™m dead, Iā€™m so deadā€¦ā€

The horrid gales change direction, reaching me now. I hunker down, holding tightly to the branch. It's swaying, as are so many other branches around me. Itā€™s a nightmare of movement all around as the trees are buffeted by the wind storm.

I squeeze my eyes shut, burying my face in my arms as I wait this out. God, itā€™s so cold. I donā€™t have my coat, Iā€™m not even wearing shoes. And itā€™s loud. Thereā€™s the creaking of wood, the occasional snap of a branch that echoes like thunder, making me feel like I might get crushed at any second. Not to mention the terrifying knowledge that the ground is impossibly far away, waiting for me to meet it the second I slip.

This is hell. Iā€™m in hell.

Think, I tell myself in the darkness behind my eyelids. How do I survive this? What can I possibly do?

I should count myself lucky that I was carried somewhere instead of falling straight down. Iā€™m not where I want to be, but at least Iā€™m not a mangled corpse on the ground. At least, not yet. I justā€¦ have toā€¦ make my way back. I have to climb down this tree. And walk back to the cabin. Thatā€™s the only choice, right? I canā€™t expect that my friends are going to find me here. Iā€™m too small and too far away. I have to go back to them.

The wind dies down again and I peek over the edge of my arm, trying to get a sense of just how high up I am. Itā€™s too dark and crowded with foliage to make out the ground. Not a good sign. But if I look out to the cabin, try to figure out how high I am in comparison to itā€¦ Iā€™m level with a spot thatā€™s somewhere between a first story and second story window. Thatā€™s over ten feet. Which to me is closer to 250 feet, straight down. I might as well be trying to climb down a clock tower without a harness. It feels impossible.

Carefully I try to form any kind of path down this cliff in my mind. Can I use the gnarled texture of the tree trunk for handholds? Thereā€™s another branch below me, just six or seven feet away at my scale. Letā€™s justā€¦ start there.

I shift over, pressing myself against the wall of the tree trunk, and tentatively stretch one leg out. My toes curl into the rough bark of the tree and, after several seconds of having to convince myself to move, I slide off the branch to begin the descent. My arms are already shaking from the cold and from the adrenaline. I cry out the second all of my weight is off the branch - the pain in my ribs from my crash landing is sharp and insistent. Especially when Iā€™m halfway down to the next branch and I almost fall from another errant gust. I have to stop and hang on desperately and I very nearly lose my grip.

Iā€™m whimpering by the time I make it. Iā€™ve only traversed a few inches and Iā€™m in agony. Itā€™s so hard to see in the darkness or to move in the wind. Thereā€™s just no way. Iā€™m not going to make it.

I spend several minutes looking down, trying to solve this impossible conundrum. Could I construct some kind of climbing gear fromā€¦ something? Or at least make myself a parachute out of leaves? Or find a way to connect individual branches and form a path that way? It all feels so ridiculous. Iā€™m completely losing hope.

Finally I decide to look upwards instead. It doesnā€™t seem like a productive thing to do, but I just have to look at something else for a second. And thatā€™s when I see it. Off to the side, about thirty feet above me, I notice a small cave in the wood. A tree hollow.

Maybe there is another choice. Reach shelter. Wait out the storm. If I can get through the night, survive until morning when things are forecasted to be much calmerā€¦ Maybe in the light of day Iā€™ll be able to find my way down and have a better chance of not getting knocked off.

Of course, that means I would have to climb even higher first. But as difficult as that seems, climbing up the shorter distance seems like the smarter thing to do. The only thing to do. I just have to keep moving. I canā€™t overthink things right now, my aching muscles have a time limit.

The journey takes me over half an hour. I almost lose my grip over a dozen times. My abdomen is screaming at me every time I hoist myself up and up along the tree trunk. My arms and legs are getting all scratched up, my hands and feet are going numb from the cold. Iā€™m about two thirds of the way up when I break down into panicked cries, exhausted and completely convinced that thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to reach my destination. But after an uncontrollable yet completely useless pity party, I eventually press on. And somehow, despite everything working against meā€¦ I make it. I reach the hollow and collapse into it. Iā€™m a complete mess, trembling and weeping, but Iā€™m still alive.

Oh thank god - whatever squirrel last used this spot as a nest has left behind clumps of fur. Itā€™s old and thereā€™s not much left, but I immediately burrow into it, covering myself in leaves and pine needles and fuzz. It helps, a little bit. Butā€¦ itā€™s only a very little bit. The wind is still thrashing outside, and the temperature slowly continues to drop.

Several minutes later, Iā€™m shivering more than ever. And I realize something dire. This isnā€™t sustainable. Iā€™m losing more heat than Iā€™m producing. Even if I donā€™t fall to my death tonight, I may instead get claimed by hypothermia. I have to do something about it.

I try to think about my long-ago college classes, racking my brain for any useful knowledge about heat transfer. I was supposed to take an entire heat transfer class at some point, too bad I never got thereā€¦ The only thing that comes to mind is insulation. I need to think like a squirrel. And I need to make myself a better nest.

Well, if thereā€™s one thing I can find close by itā€™s leaves. I hate the idea of venturing back out onto the tree branches, but I simply donā€™t have a choice. I'm convinced that I won't be lasting the night otherwise.

I peer out of the hollow, and I can actually see a bit better now that Iā€™ve gotten so used to the dark. Itā€™s slightly brighter out here due to the lights coming from inside the cabin. I wait for a moment where the winds arenā€™t so tempestuous, and then I dart out. I try to move quickly but not recklessly. There are enough leaves and fallen pine needles in my immediate vicinity that I make swift progress, as tiring as it is to hoist what feels like oversized pool toys. At least it's easier to move along the horizontal perch than it was to climb up the tree trunk. Over time I need to start venturing slightly further along the branch, each trip providing less and less success.

Out of nowhere Iā€™m startled by a sudden light. I freeze in place like a rabbit, staring towards the cabin. The front porch light just turned on. And someoneā€™s rushing out. First heā€™s peering his head out, and I canā€™t make out what heā€™s saying but his mouth is moving. Then heā€™s stepping outside, head whipping around as he scans the ground. Aidenā€™s looking for me. He must have realized that Iā€™m out here!

Logic flies out the window. I start yelling at the top of my lungs, waving my hands, grabbing a nearby branch and shaking it - anything to get his attention. At first Iā€™m just calling Aidenā€™s name, but as he ventures further onto the porch and more people start trickling out, Iā€™m shouting the rest of their names for good measure.

ā€œBehind you!ā€ I cry, ā€œLook up! Please, just look HERE!ā€

Itā€™s useless. Itā€™s so completely useless.

ā€œFUUUUUCK!ā€ I scream into the night, falling to my knees as despair rolls over me. The universe is just mocking me now. Fuck you, world. Fuck. You.

My throat is searing with pain at this point, but despite using everything in my power to make them notice me, all Iā€™m doing is wearing myself out. I can barely make out the sound of their voices over the wind, theyā€™re just too far away. Maybe Iā€™d have a chance if they get closer, butā€¦ why on earth would they do that? Why would they assume that Iā€™m as far as the tree line? In fact - yeah, Aidenā€™s making his way along the exterior wall of the cabin, still scanning the ground but hurrying directly towards the space under the loft. Of course he is. If they figured out that I fell out of the window, the assumption would be that Iā€™m near said window. If only Iā€™d gotten a better grip on that vine instead of soaring off into the woodsā€¦

I watch them for much longer than I should as I crouch down in the entrance of my meager shelter. Theyā€™re right there. Theyā€™re searching so desperately, it feels like they have to find me eventually. Starā€™s on her hands and knees, sifting through the grass and bushes on the ground. Diegoā€™s giving Aiden a boost, hoisting him up to stand on his shoulders and get a closer look at the wall thatā€™s near the window. I notice Moiraā€™s silhouette is in the window itself - Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s where they all started looking before some of them branched off to go outdoors. I feel nervous for her, seeing how far sheā€™s leaning out to be able to reach some of the vines. Camila shows up to join the rest on the ground, wearing warmer clothes and carrying several other coats and hats for the others to bundle up.

But theyā€™re still too far. Even if they search all night, the odds that they'll find me are so slim. Itā€™s agonizing, butā€¦ I eventually realize that I have to stick to my original plan. With a clear view of my panicked friends to keep me company, I force myself to continue harvesting leaves.

Soon enough Iā€™m starting to run out of material thatā€™s in the vicinity. I could risk climbing to a different branch to get more, but it feels so dangerous - Iā€™ve already come close to toppling off of this one several times. And at this point the hollow is mostly full anyway. Honestly, itā€™s this damn wind thatā€™s the problem. Already a few leaves have escaped my little den, snatched right out of my hands by a vicious gust of air. Iā€™m starting to worry that this shelter isnā€™t quite as dependable as Iā€™d hoped.

I do what I think is my last run, scrounging up whatever remaining pine needles have gotten caught towards the end of the branch. But on my way back, something well above my head catches my eye. Even though Iā€™m currently in what I think is an oak tree based on the shape of the leaves, thereā€™s also a pine tree looming nearby like a cliff overhang, which is where all the pine needles must have come from. At some point it must have dropped a sizeable pinecone too, which is now perched precariously on a thin branch about fifteen feet up. When I scramble back into the hollow, my mind is very preoccupied. Because you know what might provide extra insulation while also protecting my tree cave from raging winds? A door.

I sit there for a while, trying to think about how I might possibly acquire the pinecone. I just wish I had better tools up here. If I at least had some kind of ropeā€¦

I look over the random assortment of junk that Iā€™ve gathered into my cave. I briefly consider tying pine needles together, but when I try Iā€™m unable to get the knots tight enough. Itā€™s even worse with leaf stems. Maybe I could take some of these bits of broken twigs and acorns and try to just throw them at the pinecone to knock it down?

But then Iā€™m looking at myself. Even in the dim light I can tell that the tips of my fingers and toes are bright pink from how cold I am. I donā€™t have a hat or gloves or a scarf, just some loose pants and a lightweight sweater that Iā€™d crocheted. But thatā€™s when I get a thought. I hate this idea, Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s worth it butā€¦ I do have a form of rope at my disposal. I could start unraveling my sweater.

As Iā€™m debating whether it's worth making myself colder to get access to the thread, the universe taunts me again by sending a particularly nasty gust my way. It makes a branch snap somewhere nearby, and it sucks out a few leaves that are too close to the entrance. Things aren't going to get any better - I need to act. I can bundle squirrel fur back around my torso later. It's time to reveal some midriff.

I find the knotted end of the fine yarn at the hem of my top, and for a moment I fumble at it with numb fingers, until I give up and use my teeth. Eventually I rip into it, and from there I'm tugging at the thread, and it comes away easily, erasing hours of crochet work in seconds. I wind my arms around and around my abdomen, the garment becoming shorter and shorter. As soon as a sliver of skin is revealed I'm starting to regret this as I feel more precious heat escaping my body. But I push through, gauging how long my rope is and continuing to lengthen it until my sweater only reaches my ribs. I use my teeth again to saw off the string and try to retain whatever garment is left by tying off the end.

I loop my rope up into my hands as I think through the next step. I could try to form a lasso? Not sure how good I'd be at attempting fancy ropework in this windstorm, though. So ultimately I decide to tie the end of the thread to a broken piece of twig, figuring it would be easier to throw.

Shivering more than ever, I crawl back out into the open, face aimed high as I scuttle along the branch. Pinecone's still there. I try to calculate in my head the best angle to approach this from and position myself accordingly. I have to hunker down for a while, grabbing onto a shoot thatā€™s coming off of the main branch, while I hold out for the right moment to strike.

As I wait, laying almost flat against my swaying platform, I look over to my friends. All of them are searching low to the ground now, meticulously parsing through grass and foliage with the flashlights from their phones. They're dramatically expanding the radius of their investigation, as I'm sure they're figuring I could have been knocked farther by the wind, but it's still nowhere remotely close to where I am, and none of them are looking upwards. Still, they're putting so much effort into finding me. I have to do the same.

Between flurries of wind I make my attempts. Like a shot putter, I pull back my arm near my head and then launch my projectile as hard as I can. The first dozen attempts miss completely. And then finally the broken twig Iā€™m throwing bounces off the top of the pinecone and tumbles to the other side. I yank on it and let out a victorious shout as the thread gets tangled in the pineconeā€™s scales.

And then I almost die.

Iā€™m such an idiot, I should have just tied down the other end of the rope, to make sure I didnā€™t drop it if nothing else. But instead what happens is that the second I try to pull the pinecone towards me, I lose my balance on the unstable branch. My stomach lurches as I fall forward, my rope slipping between my fingers for a second before I cling to it in a panic. And I'm dangling in the open air now, below the branch I was just standing on, only being held by a pinecone thatā€™s teetering on its perch, dangerously high above me.

ā€œFuckā€¦ thisā€¦ shitā€¦ā€ I gasp, and Iā€™m already looking around myself for any kind of solution. At first I try to scramble back up the rope, but Iā€™m slipping, my fingers aren't strong enough. I'm going to fall off before I get up. The only reason I haven't fallen quite yet despite the potential injury in my abdomen is sheer adrenaline and many months of practice at being this size. I pause and try to thinkā€¦. Thinkā€¦ Come onā€¦

The unrelenting winds attack me with a vengeance. Iā€™m whipped so hard to the side that it feels like my arms will get ripped out of their sockets, and I almost crash into the trunk of the tree.

Wait, I think as I swing back the other way, curled up in a ball like a pill bug. Actuallyā€¦ that can work. There's no way I can scale the length of this rope right now. But maybe if I used momentumā€¦

Moving quickly, I first carefully use my legs to thread the leftover rope thatā€™s dangling between them, and I hook it around one of my thighs. I take a chance by sitting back on the rope a little bit as I raise my ankle to lift the slackened thread up. Moving as quickly as possible, I hold on tight with one hand while I use the other one to snatch at the loose end of the rope, and then I'm immediately gripping the main line with both hands again, gasping with fear. I clumsily use my teeth and my fingertips to make a simple knot, and I now have a loop to sit on instead of just depending on my arms as I dangle. This is still incredibly precarious - Iā€™m gripping both ropes together for dear life, not daring to rely on my shoddy knot alone.

I begin to swing. I don't even think about how this might knock the pinecone off, itā€™s a risk I have to take. Itā€™s actually not that difficult to gain momentum, the goddamn wind is seeing to that. The tricky part is aiming. I lurch towards the trunk without quite reaching, onceā€¦ twiceā€¦ And then Iā€™m pushed towards it with so much speed that I'm certain the impact will ruin me ā€“ at the last second I twist and loosen my grip instinctively and I sail upwards, past the home branchā€“

And straight through the entrance of the tree hollow. I crash and roll, the impact mollified by the nest that Iā€™ve built. Iā€™m in so much pain. But I'm incredibly lucky to have made it.

Iā€™m still holding the end of my thread, and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m giving up on that pinecone after all that. I do what I should have done from the start and stay safely inside my tree cave, bracing my feet against the edge of the entrance and pulling with all my might - which isnā€™t saying much at this point. The pinecone is eventually dislodged from its perch and drops down in front of me, onto the branch, and thankfully itā€™s light enough that I can drag it the rest of the way without too much issue.

I glance one last time at my friend group, completely ignorant of what I just went through. I stare at Aidenā€™s profile as he gets to his feet to look up ahead of him, looking crestfallen and desperate. Tears well up in my eyes, and then I yank onto the pinecone to wedge it inside the entryway as much as possible.

I use leaves to stuff the empty spaces around my new door, and with this added layer of insulation it's quieter now. Itā€™s darker, too. I feel around blindly as I push myself under the remaining layers of leaves, bundling up my rope against my stomach in a meager attempt to patch up my sweater, and burrowing into the squirrel fur as much as I can.

My muscles give out. Everything hurts. I can feel my scar on the back of my calf throbbing from the bitter chill. Iā€™m still so cold. Am I going to survive the night?

I squeeze my eyes shut and reach for my old mantra. Donā€™t give up. Fight back. Work harder.

I wince at the sharp pain in my ribs. They feel worse than ever after my most recent fall. Will I even be able to climb down come morning if theyā€™re broken?

Donā€™t give up... Fight back... Work harderā€¦

I start wrapping my extra thread around my hands and feet to protect the extremities that have gone completely numb. It feels pointless.

Donā€™t give upā€¦ Don'tā€¦

I just want to see him. I just want him to hold me again. Please.


Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:13 pm

This part is so stressful even for me aahhhh

Chapter 75

"Has anyone seen Evie?"

Iā€™m breathless from hurrying down the stairs and into the living room. Four pairs of eyes turn to me as everyone goes silent.

Star is the first to speak. ā€œI hate that you just asked that question.ā€

Moiraā€™s already on her feet and rushing over to me. She puts a hand on my elbow as she looks at me intently, keeping her voice calm and even to counter the panic thatā€™s clearly rising in my chest.

ā€œWhereā€™s the last place you saw her?ā€ she asks.

ā€œI was just with her up in the loft, like, less than ten minutes ago,ā€ I pant, ā€œShe wasnā€™t on the couch where I left her, butā€¦ I thought I just heard people on the stairs soā€¦ā€

Everyone else is also standing and approaching at this point and Star says, ā€œYeah, Camila and I were up there just now. We didnā€™t see her. Figured she was with you, though, so we werenā€™t looking particularly close.ā€

ā€œMaybe sheā€™s still up there then?ā€ Diego adds with a furrowed brow.

It feels like thereā€™s a vice squeezing around my heart. Itā€™s true that I didnā€™t search for very long when I went up and saw the couch was empty. I figured she must have left with someone, for whatever reason. But if thatā€™s not the case, then my mind is jumping to worst case scenarios. If she was still in the loft, why didnā€™t she call out for me?

ā€œO-okay, Iā€™ll go back up,ā€ I stutter, fighting a wave of dizziness.

Camila frowns and says, ā€œShe has to be up there. Can she even get down the stairs?ā€

I shake my head. ā€œI donā€™t think so. At least, not that quickly.ā€

Diego starts glancing around the room. ā€œWeā€™ll take a look down here just in case she somehow hitched a ride.ā€

ā€œWhat, hopped onto one of our shoes? Without us noticing?ā€ Star asks incredulously.

ā€œI dunno, maybe!ā€

ā€œWhy would she do that thoughā€¦ā€ I mutter, but I donā€™t linger here to chat about it - Iā€™ve already turned to leave.

Moiraā€™s on my tail. ā€œIā€™m coming with you.ā€

ā€œAlright. Umā€¦ā€ I take a pause right as Iā€™m about to head out of sight, looking towards the rest of the group. ā€œEveryone, justā€¦ watch your step.ā€

We hasten back up to the loft, scanning the stairs as we take them two or three at a time. And we begin the search.

Option one. Evie fell and hurt herself.

I look everywhere around the couch first - under it, behind it, circling the perimeter and eventually pulling back cushions. Thereā€™s a windowsill right next to the couch, a table alongside that, another window on the other side, and I search the floor diligently under any of these platforms that she could have reached. I even look a little further, around another chair that she miiiight have been able to get to if she jumped far enough. I donā€™t know why she would even risk that, but I look anyway. Nothing.

I do feel a modicum of relief at this. I was so terrified to find her tiny crumpled form on the floor, unconscious or worse. But her sheer absence is still wildly disconcerting.

Option two. Evie climbed down, possibly to get something.

I take a closer look at the couch to see if there are any loose threads or something that she might have used to get herself to the ground without falling. I donā€™t notice anything right away, all I find are her little jacket and minuscule socks. I try to remember what else she was wearing - could she have dropped something that bounced away, and then managed to climb down to fetch it? In my agitation my memories of the state of things right before I left her are a bit fuzzy.

This line of thinking widens my search to nearby structures that sheā€™d be able to reach by walking. I call her name a few times as I look, but the futility of that is readily apparent.

Sheā€™d asked me to get her lip balm. That's what had taken me so long, I wasn't able to find it. Maybe she got tired of waiting for me? Could she have tried to borrow some from Moira, whose bed and belongings are up here? There are several bags close by, itā€™s not impossible that Evie got trapped in one of them. I let Mo search that while I head into Camilaā€™s room to start searching the bags in there, eventually making it to the bathroom and sifting through some of the toiletries that are accessible from the floor. Nothing.

Option three. Something scared Evie and sheā€™s hiding.

Could an animal have gotten into the house? I quickly decide that the odds of that are fairly slim. Itā€™s dark out and all of the lights are on in the cabin, surely a deterrent for most critters. All the windows are closed downstairs. The only open window is the one that's stuck open in Camilaā€™s room, since it's still as busted up as when I was wrenching at it yesterday. There arenā€™t any trees near that side of the cabin for some oddly behaving squirrel to jump from. I suppose a bird could have tried, but even if something was really determined to get in, the window is barely open at all, I donā€™t think even a sparrow would be able to squeeze through the gap.

A bug perhaps? While I'm not sure how likely it would be for a spider or roach to crawl in through the second-story window, and the house otherwise seems well sealed as we havenā€™t seen any insects in the cabin during our stay, I doubt that itā€™s foolproof. Itā€™s certainly possible that some kind of large bug is lurking in one of these rooms and might have freaked little Evie out.

This gets me to start opening up cabinets and drawers. I get down low and try to imagine the world from her perspective, try to ask myself where I would hide if I was frightened at three inches tall. Within the folds of the shower curtain, inside a cupboard, behind lamp stands, under the beds, on top of luggage. Nothing.

Option four. Evieā€™s playing a prank on me.

This seems like the least likely of options, but after twenty minutes of nerve-wracking investigation, it briefly passes through my brain nevertheless. If sheā€™s fully conscious, itā€™s just so weird that she hasnā€™t said anything. Unless sheā€™s keeping quiet on purpose?

Moiraā€™s downstairs now and Iā€™m doing one last sweep up here before I stop and stand still in the center of the loft.

ā€œEve, please let this be a joke,ā€ I say to the room desperately. ā€œWe always said that you'd be good at hide and seek. You win, okay?ā€

I wouldnā€™t even be mad at her if thatā€™s all it took for her to show herself. I try to will her into existence, imagining her popping out from her hiding spot and calling to me with a giggle. But of courseā€¦ no such luck.

Even though I can't think of a plausible way she could have made it downstairs, Iā€™m running out of ideas, so I join everyone else and start searching each room in turn. I look under every couch and chair. I search the pantry and kitchen floor for any recently dropped crumb trails. Iā€™m sifting through baskets and bags and boxes. I closely examine her camp on the nightstand, trying to remember how Iā€™d left it, though as far as I can tell itā€™s untouched.

Everyone else is diligently searching as well, moving cautiously from room to room, tiptoeing as their eyes scan the floor. Itā€™s so bewildering that not only have none of us found her, we havenā€™t even found any sign of her. Itā€™s like she vanished into thin air.

After over an hour of fruitless searching, Iā€™m alone back up in the loft, feeling beside myself with worry. I take a second to sit down, on a couch opposite to the one that I had left her on. I sit and stare at the armrest where I last saw my precious little girlfriend.

Option five. Evieā€™s upset with me.

After tearing the place apart, it just makes no sense that none of us have found a single clue. Unless she was actively avoiding us by moving from one hiding place to another?

"Did I do something wrong, babe?ā€ I ask softly into the air. Silence is my only answer.

Has she been suffering over something I wasnā€™t aware of? Did the Camila-related stresses get to her even more than I realized? Did I not do enough to make sure she felt secure and safe and loved and heard? Should I have insisted that we go straight home this afternoon? Or is it the opposite, did I overreact and it ended up frustrating her? Sometimes she still closes in on herself, sometimes she can still be hard to read, especially with how tiny her expressions are, how weak her voice is - maybe I missed something, maybe it was me. At this point I would rather it be that sheā€™s avoiding me than any of the far worse alternatives.

ā€œPlease, Evie. Come back,ā€ I say, my voice breaking. Tears blur up my vision and I drop my head to bury my face in my hands as I quietly sob, "Please, please be okayā€¦ā€

I cry uncontrollably for the next minute or so, dangerously close to coming completely undone. I just donā€™t know what to do anymore. All my brain is giving me are new and horrific ideas on what could have happened to her. I'm getting eaten alive by despair.

Itā€™s the sound of the staircase creaking that gets me to go silent. I rub at my eyes and take a deep breath before looking up at whoeverā€™s come up to join me.

Itā€™s Camila. Her posture is meek and tense, her expression hesitant. Her dark eyes meet mine, and she sighs as she walks over.

ā€œOh, Aidenā€¦ā€ she says quietly, ā€œIā€™m so sorry. You must be so stressed outā€¦ā€

I stiffen as she approaches, but I let her hug me. She sits down on top of the armrest right next to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I take in the little comfort I can get from this, silently letting it happen. I donā€™t feel motivated enough to fight it.

That is, until she slips down onto the couch proper after a minute, so that sheā€™s sitting right at my side. She extends the supportive embrace by taking my arm in hers and leaning her head onto my shoulder. Something about it makes me naturally recoil - it feels too much like last night when she got drunk. And when I glance at her face and notice her expression looking far too serene, a spark of anger flashes inside me. Her advances suddenly donā€™t feel like they come from someone whoā€™s just trying to comfort a friendā€¦ but rather someone who's trying to take advantage of the situation.

I pull my arm away from her and give her a dark look. ā€œSeriously, Camila? Seriously?ā€

Her jaw clenches and she stutters, ā€œI-I'm just trying toā€“ā€

ā€œSave it,ā€ I snap, getting to my feet. ā€œI can't deal with you right now. In factā€¦ā€

I pause and go still as I glare at her. My exhausted mind starts working. Iā€™ve been desperate and confused ever since my partnerā€™s disappearance. But maybe this should have been obvious from the start. Maybe all of the answers are staring me in the face.

Option six. Someone else is responsible for Evie's absence.

Thereā€™s hardly any emotion in my voice at all as I lock eyes with Camila and confront her. ā€œYou were up here, right? Just before she disappeared.ā€

She holds my gaze for several long seconds and extrapolates from my accusatory look. ā€œYou're implying I have something to do with this?ā€ she asks, eyes narrowing. ā€œYou seriously think I would do that?ā€

I speak quietly, tensely. ā€œYou've had it out for her from day one. You've said things I didn't know you were capable of saying. I don't know what you're capable of anymore.ā€

Sheā€™s the one who ups the volume as she abruptly gets to her feet. ā€œAiden, thatā€™s ridiculous! I would never do anything to hurt someone.ā€

ā€œYou already have. Canā€™t you see that?ā€ I say with growing agitation. ā€œHow can you not realize how shitty youā€™ve been to Evie? You can't blame me for getting suspicious at this point!"

Her shoulders move up and down with her breath as she gets more and more riled up. Sheā€™s glaring at me with intensity as a thousand thoughts seem to pass through her mind. Finally she snarls, ā€œI don't know what she told you, but I didn't lay a hand on her in the kitchen. I didnā€™t do anything!ā€

I fall into stunned silence for a second. ā€œThe kitchen?ā€ I ask, ā€œWhat are you talking about?ā€

Camila stiffens and doesnā€™t respond, looking down at her boots. My heart is racing. Did something happen that Evie didnā€™t tell me about? What the hell is going on?

ā€œWhat happened, Camila?ā€ I insist, taking a step towards her. ā€œWhen was this? What did you do?!ā€

ā€œNothing!ā€ she protests, ā€œWe justā€¦ we just had an argument. I didnā€™t say anything I hadnā€™t already said.ā€

I throw my arm out, my voice edging towards unhinged. ā€œOh, you mean about how you think sheā€™s a freak? A charity case? That Iā€™m better off without her? All of that is ā€˜nothingā€™?!ā€

ā€œSee, this is exactly whatā€“ā€ she stops herself, shutting her mouth forcefully. I can see it in her eyes, I know what she was about to get at. The fact that Evie is missing is proving Camilaā€™s point from earlier about my relationship causing me stress. But she has enough wisdom not to say it out loud right now.

ā€œAiden, I donā€™t think it was her,ā€ a soft voice interjects. I whip around to see Moira reaching the top of the stairs, looking weary. ā€œShe was with us all evening, aside from grabbing something from her room. Star had eyes on Camila the whole time they were up here.ā€

Starā€™s coming up behind her, nodding forlornly in confirmation. Diegoā€™s there too, and he doesnā€™t say anything, looking conflicted about the way I was just accusing his cousin. Moira herself seems uncomfortable in coming to Camilaā€™s defense, but sheā€™s looking at me with pleading eyes.

ā€œThen where is she?!ā€ I exclaim desperately. ā€œFor fuckā€™s sake, she could be dead right now!ā€

Moira flinches at that, tears springing up from the suggestion. Subconsciously I know Iā€™m just making things worse. Iā€™m too distraught to think properly. Suddenly Diego steps around the two girls, marching right up to me. I reflexively recoil, but he grabs my shoulders.

ā€œBro. Look at me.ā€ He leans down to make firm eye contact as he turns me to face him, fingers digging into my arms. ā€œWeā€™re gonna find her. Okay?ā€

I waver on the spot, and he pulls me into a tight hug. At first I'm still incredibly tense. But as I try to catch my breath and the despair seeps back in to replace the anger, I end up letting my head hang, leaning it against his chest. For a moment itā€™s like Iā€™m seven years old again, crying and being held by my best friend on the school playground after Iā€™d just found out my family dog died. No matter how many years have passed, Diegoā€™s still the same supportive guy.

And the embrace is helping me come back to my senses. Because unlike when I was seven, Iā€™m not surrounded by the other kids from the military base, sniggering and pointing as they tossed out homophobic slurs. Instead Iā€™m with people who care about me. And they care about Evie too. Iā€™m still not completely convinced of Camilaā€™s innocence, but I definitely shouldnā€™t be lashing out at my friends. I need to pull myself together.

I look up at Diego and give him a grateful nod when he lets go of me. I take one long, shuddering breath in as Moira steps forward too.

ā€œCould she have gotten outside?ā€ she suggests quietly.

I manage to make my tone calmer this time. ā€œIā€™ve thought about thatā€¦ God, I hope not, but I guess anythingā€™s possible at this point. But why? And how? All of the doors are locked shut. The only open window is the broken one in Camilaā€™s room. And even if she wanted to, Evie would have had no way to get up to that windowsill.ā€

Diegoā€™s eyes sweep the room. ā€œShow us exactly where she was when you left.ā€

With a sigh I walk over to the couch by the wall and point. ā€œHere. Right here. She was sitting on the armrest.ā€

From my new vantage point, I notice Camila reacting subtly. She had stepped off to the side in brooding silence when the other three showed up, hugging her arms around herself as she stared at the floor. But she looks up towards me now, suddenly frowning and growing a shade paler.

ā€œWait,ā€ she says softly. ā€œThatā€™s the couch you guys were at? Byā€¦ by that window?ā€

ā€œYeah,ā€ I respond, keeping my eyes fixed now as I try to get a read on her. ā€œBut again, these windows are shutā€¦ā€

ā€œActuallyā€¦ um.ā€ Camila stutters. Sheā€™s now locking eyes with Star, who has also gone wide-eyed in sudden realization. ā€œAbout thatā€¦ā€

Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Thu Dec 14, 2023 8:05 am

"I reach one arm out, up the long stem that attaches this leaf to its trunk. The tumultuous weather is making it exceedingly difficult, it takes several seconds for my fingertips to even touch the stem. But even when I reach it the wind is unrelenting, and Iā€™m pummeled by another gust with the power of a hurricane. I watch in horror as the stem that Iā€™m holding onto detaches from its anchor. The vertigo hits me with so much force that Iā€™m unable to scream as I careen into the night."

Re: Out of their Element

by ROGU3_20 » Thu Dec 14, 2023 3:55 am



Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:41 pm

That b*tch !!! :evil:

Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:14 pm

Oooo I am into the Camila theories! One of you is eventually going to make me feel like "dangit, I should've done this instead!" lol.

Chapter 74

I hum with pleasure as I burrow myself into the crook of Aidenā€™s neck. Iā€™ve dragged the loose collar of his sweater to drape over myself like a blanket, soft and weighted. We might as well be outside by the campfire again, itā€™s so cozy.

I feel his chuckle in response to me making myself at home, and itā€™s like heā€™s moving in slow motion as he carefully leans forward from his seated position on the couch. Heā€™s got a small portable propane burner set up on the coffee table just ahead of us, and heā€™s holding a large skewered marshmallow out for roasting. Earlier we realized we hadnā€™t had any sā€™mores yet on this trip, and that felt like a travesty. So even though weā€™ve relegated ourselves to the loft upstairs for the evening, away from the rest of the group, weā€™ve figured out a way to enjoy the sweet treat regardless.

ā€œYou all packed up?ā€ I ask him lazily, gazing down the long length of my giantā€™s arm leading towards the little flame on the table.

ā€œYeah, pretty much,ā€ he responds. ā€œIā€™ll be ready to leave first thing in the morning.ā€

ā€œSounds good. I think Iā€™m mostly there. Oh, Iā€™m just remembering - we left some of my things out to dry in the living room from the hot tub. Like my swimsuit and stuff.ā€

ā€œOh, right, we did. Iā€™ll make a mental noteā€¦ Whoops.ā€

The marshmallow has just caught fire in a small burst of orange. Aiden quickly brings it to his mouth, and I tense up at the heat coming so close. But with a quick puff of air he blows out the flame.

ā€œI think it's ready," he muses, twirling the skewer between his fingers to assess the damage. Thereā€™s a small patch of black but the rest of it looks perfectly toasted. My mouth is already watering.

ā€œThat smells so good,ā€ I groan, and as much as I hate to abandon my warm little nook, the scent of the sugar is calling to me. I crawl forward and turn around to climb down the front of the titanā€™s chest, easily finding handholds in the chunky sweater.

ā€œCareful,ā€ Aiden murmurs, his tone tinged with amusement as I make my way down his body. His free hand approaches to hover nearby in case I lose my grip, but to his credit he lets me make the quick journey to his lap on my own.

I walk along his thigh to get closer to where the rest of the set up is on the coffee table, the graham crackers and chocolate ready to go. I sit on his knee to watch him assemble the massive gooey sandwich, and then he breaks off a corner so that he can hand it to me. My portion is the size of an entire pizza, but itā€™s enticing nonetheless, the chocolate already melting against the hot marshmallow. The nibble I take is simply divine, in that cheap artificial kind of way.

ā€œI canā€™t even remember the last time Iā€™ve had sā€™mores,ā€ I ponder.

Aiden finishes chewing his own bite and then beams down at me. ā€œYouā€™ve now officially experienced camping. Congratulations.ā€

I tilt my head back to respond with my own grin between bites. We eat in silence for a couple of minutes as we hear the sudden raised voices coming from excited conversation downstairs. Thereā€™s some laughter as I catch that Diego is poking fun at Star for something. And then it sounds like theyā€™re all relocating from the dining area to the living room, and Camila is avidly telling the other girls that she wants to take some pictures for her Instagram. Itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m not there, actually. The last thing I want is to end up on social media, even if itā€™s by accident.

But I really do wish we could be down there and hang out with the rest of them. Part of why I was so excited for this trip was to spend more time with Moira, Diego and Star. And yet for all of our last day together we spent it separated. Itā€™s such a bummer.

ā€œI do hope we can do more stuff like this with the others,ā€ I say, brushing off some of the graham cracker crumbs Iā€™ve been leaving on my boyfriendā€™s leg. I donā€™t have to specify what I mean when I say that. He obviously knows Iā€™m excluding someone with that statement.

Admittedly, I havenā€™t told Aiden at all about what happened in the kitchen earlier today, so he doesnā€™t know just how much Iā€™m wanting to avoid Camila at this point. I really do plan on telling him eventually. I just donā€™t want to stir the pot right now. All it might do is make him angry enough to confront her without thinking things through. Moira said theyā€™d be keeping an eye on Camila tonight to make sure no more altercations happen, so it just feels pointless to cause a fuss... I can vent my heart out on the car ride back tomorrow morning.

My towering partner gives me a sympathetic smile in response to my current lamenting, and he softly strokes my spine with the back of a finger joint. ā€œIā€™m sure we'll get more chances to do fun things with them. Remember the other day during the hike, when Diego was suggesting that you, me and Moira come spend the night at their place? Does that sound like fun?ā€

I lean into his touch and nod. ā€œYeah, it does. And maybe we can actually travel somewhere else with them. I doubt the logistics would work out, but that Disney trip sounded pretty great.ā€

ā€œTotally. This weekend isnā€™t the end all be all, there will be other opportunities.ā€

I let myself slowly collapse all the way back now, so that Iā€™m fully laying over his hand as I look straight up at him. I sigh, ā€œYou always know how to make me feel better.ā€

Aidenā€™s smile softens as he murmurs, ā€œIā€™m glad.ā€

ā€œOkay, Iā€™m going to stop before I get a stomachache,ā€ I add, lifting my still-huge portion of the treat up towards him. He laughs and pinches whatā€™s more like a crumb to him out of my hands so that he can pop it into his own mouth.

He starts cleaning things up at that point, but Iā€™m still splayed onto his fingers. They twitch below me, gently requesting I get off of them, but I refuse, simply flipping over so that I can cling to them even more. This doesnā€™t escape the giantā€™s notice, and he pauses in his one-handed tidying to address me.

ā€œHey, I need that arm,ā€ he finally says with a raised eyebrow.

ā€œNo you donā€™t,ā€ I insist, and at this point Iā€™m trying to crawl inside his grasp and pull his fingertips to close around me. This captures his attention all the more. Aiden drops the box of graham crackers and pivots in my direction, causing my heart to flutter as he suddenly takes up more of my vision. He lifts me off of his knee and relocates me to the armrest of the couch that heā€™s on, so that he can encircle one arm around me. And he leans in close, so close that his breath tickles my skin and I could reach out and touch his lips.

ā€œYou are so goddamn cute,ā€ he whispers, his eyes scanning the length of me. I revel in being the center of his attention.

ā€œMm-hmm,ā€ I hum, ā€œThat's my secret weapon. It seems that I've tamed the fearsome giant.ā€

ā€œYou keep telling yourself that, short stack," Aiden teases and he kisses me, his mouth pressing heavily against my chest. I flop back, buckling under his weight and struggling not to laugh at his playful showing of dominance.

ā€œI got you to stop what you were doing, didn't I?ā€ I insist, shivering with pleasure as his lips move on to caress my neck and shoulder.

He maintains contact and so his voice rumbles through me. ā€œMmmm, true. Alright. I surrender.ā€

I canā€™t stop giggling as we snuggle into each other. This is one of those moments thatā€™s overwhelming for all the right reasons. Sometimes I really adore the fact that thereā€™s so much of him.

ā€œI love you, babe,ā€ I tell him wistfully.

He stops kissing me so that his face can descend, my view of his mouth quickly replaced by the stunning hazel of his eyes instead. Heā€™s so close that I can practically see my reflection in them. ā€œI love you too, Evie.ā€

He lays his head down and appears to settle in beside me, sighing contentedly and relaxing his posture. But soon his smile shifts into a look of consternation instead. And then he sheepishly shifts gears.

"Actuallyā€¦ I suck for interrupting this, butā€¦ mind if I go downstairs real quick? Just need to go pee."

I smile. "Yeah, go ahead. I'm fine here," I say, scooting back. Then as he sits up I suddenly think of something that has been subtly bothering me with how dry the air has gotten. "Actually, would you mind finding my lip balm while youā€™re at it?"

"Sure, do you remember where it is?"

"Check the shelf just in case, but otherwise itā€™s either in my black pouch or somewhere in your duffle bagā€¦ Sorry, that's not very helpful."

ā€œNo worries, Iā€™ll find it. Be right back.ā€

I watch him leave and sigh as I lean back against a couch cushion. At least I can catch my breath. I'm feeling so warm from pleasure and from my boyfriend's proximity. It's a little dizzying after such a long day. A long three days, if weā€™re being frank.

Actually, what would be really nice is a quick breath of fresh air. I glance upwards and off to the side. Right next to this couch is a window, unfortunately closed. But Iā€™m starting to be good at noticing invisible paths. If I were to walk along that windowsill, I could hop onto a nearby tableā€¦ and on the other end of that table is a second window, opened by a crack. Itā€™s not all that far. What the heck.

The most strenuous part is going from the armrest to the top of the couch backing, since the cushion that Iā€™m climbing is so pliant. But from there I quickly make my way from platform to platform, and Iā€™ve reached the open window in under two minutes. I notice nervously that there isnā€™t any kind of mosquito screen, just a gap that gives out to a cliff from the second story. I give the opening a very wide berth, moving as far away from it as I safely can on the table.

I take a seat and gaze out at the night. A big, almost-full moon shines like a melting snowball in the sky. The rustling of distant trees fills the air, devoid of their rich colors in the dark. I do get some of that fresh air I was craving. Yikes, the temperature has severely dropped since we last went outside, I guess that cold front must have hit. I shouldā€™ve asked Aiden to get my coat too, maybe even a scarf. Meanwhile I was feeling so warm from his body heat that Iā€™d taken my socks and jacket off, and theyā€™re still on the couch.

A breeze brushes me from behind and I shiver. Alright, I canā€™t handle this, I need to go back to the couch right now for the warmer clothes. I get to my feet and frown as I realize something. The breeze was coming from behind?...

Iā€™m abruptly knocked down to my hands and knees. Wind whips at my hair and I curl up reflexively, gasping at how suddenly and violently it just pushed me. I realize that there must be another open window nearby, maybe in Camilaā€™s room, and itā€™s causing a draft. But this split-second thought is useless to me as I donā€™t have any time to react to what happens next.

The following gust is so powerful that I find myself airborne for a moment. I cry out in fear as I tumble forward, bouncing against the table as I roll out of control. Desperately I try to get back up, grab onto something, drag myself out of the way of the air current, but itā€™s too strong, too fast, and itā€™s like I'm getting inhaled towards a dark, gaping maw. All of it happens within just a couple of seconds so Iā€™m in complete shock as I fall right out the window.

Thankfully my arms grab reflexively the second I hit any surface. I grip tightly to some kind of flimsy platform, and I hold on for dear life. I canā€™t see anything, canā€™t make sense of it, but Iā€™m not falling - Iā€™m being whipped around and am too terrified to make a sound, but I manage to hang on until the wind finally relents.

Iā€™m gasping for air as I look up, towards the light of the room I was just in. Itā€™s a good twenty feet above me now. I shiver in the dark, wondering what Iā€™ve even landed on. Itā€™s relatively stiff but quite thin even to meā€¦ oh, god. Iā€™m hanging onto a leaf. There are vines that have scaled up the side of the cabin walls with large, bedsheet-sized leaves having grown firm with the season. That's all that's keeping me from plummeting to my death.

I have to climb up this vine, back up to the window. But Iā€™m scared to budge, to do anything that will cause me to lose my grip. Fuck, fuck, what do I do?!

And then I hear voices. I didnā€™t notice them coming up the stairs while the wind was blowing at full force, but I can hear them now that theyā€™re in the loft proper. One is Star, and sheā€™s talking to someone, surely to Aiden. Heā€™ll be looking for me, heā€™ll figure it out, heā€™ll find me out here, I just need to hang onā€“

ā€œOh jeez, itā€™s freezing!ā€ Star complains, ā€œCrap, weā€™ll need one of the guys to help close the window in your room.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll at least close this one, hold on.ā€

My heart sinks. No, not Aiden. And the two girls might not know that I was still upstairs. They donā€™t know to look for me. But Camila said she was going to the window, sheā€™s coming this way. I have to get her attention.

I see her silhouette looming behind the glass pane over my head. To these giants, Iā€™m only a few inches away. Iā€™m so close. Camila puts her hands on the edge of the window, but before she pushes down she takes a quick glance outside, up at the moon and then downā€¦ at me. Our eyes meet. I break into a relieved smile right as I shout, ā€œCamilā€“ā€

The window slams shut. Her name dies in my throat. I stare wide-eyed, still cast in her shadow, as she locks the latch. Sheā€™s no longer looking at me. I could have sworn she saw me, butā€¦ Oh my god. What the fuck do I do now.

At this point Iā€™m trembling from the effort of hanging on to this leaf. I have no choice anymore, I have to move before I lose my grip. Maybe I can still climb up the vine and start hitting the window. Aiden will be back eventually, heā€™ll find me. He has to.

I reach one arm out, up the long stem that attaches this leaf to its trunk. The tumultuous weather is making it exceedingly difficult, it takes several seconds for my fingertips to even touch the stem. But even when I reach it the wind is unrelenting, and Iā€™m pummeled by another gust with the power of a hurricane. I watch in horror as the stem that Iā€™m holding onto detaches from its anchor. The vertigo hits me with so much force that Iā€™m unable to scream as I careen into the night.

Re: Out of their Element

by DocRick » Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:24 am

littlest-lily wrote: ā†‘
Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:05 pm

She sets her jaw, glaring daggers down at me. ā€œYou're a shackle to him. You know that?ā€ she hisses, ā€œOh sure he might be allā€¦ weirdlyā€¦ infatuated with his new little puppy right now. But he's going to be miserable in the long run. And he's probably too nice to break up with you, he's just going to keep dating you out of pity. Don't you see that? You're not good for him.ā€

That "little puppy" comment had to sting. Evie had questioned herself many chapters ago if Aiden saw her as a pet or toy, not a real woman.

Re: Out of their Element

by ROGU3_20 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:00 am


Re: Out of their Element

by Flippity-Floosy » Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:28 am

Ā”Esa pinche puta! Camilla can step on legos. Kinda wish that shrink ray made a comeback just for her.

But yeah, she's not even hiding her disdain for Evie, and envy is an ugly emotion indeed. She'll definitely be the linchpin in sending Evie into a dangerous situation in the future, but even if she isn't, she's really a petty bully who's mad that Aiden didn't even have her on her radar. And I know Evie's boyfriend is not going to take that disrespect lying down. Once again, Moira is being the MVP.

I know I haven't been responding as much but I LOVE just how organic the relationship between the two of these is! It's all so tender, and sweet and each baby step becomes a big step! <3

Re: Out of their Element

by Nropyub » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:40 pm

That woman is going to be serious trouble.

My money is between:

Camilla shuffles off back to whatever dwelling she corrupts, resuming what I can only assume is her typical activity of seducing and devouring the innocent until she gets asked by someone about Evie and gives too much information.


Camilla gets footage of Evie and makes her internet famous, attracting some much unwanted attention.

I donā€™t think she has it in her to break in and directly harm Evie. Sheā€™s a bully, and cruel, but not a murderer.

Re: Out of their Element

by littlest-lily » Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:05 pm

Nropyub wrote: ā†‘
Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:53 am
Camilla really sucks.

Iā€™m be getting Evie to safe hands then continuing this conversation immediately. Someone needs to put that selfish, spoiled brat in her place.
Yeah, about that...

Chapter 73

ā€œAlright, so itā€™s almost 5pmā€¦ If we were to leave now, we could get home before nine. Just saying.ā€

Iā€™m pacing back and forth on the nightstand, deep in thought. ā€œWe should at least wait for Moira to come back, though,ā€ I respond, ā€œThere wonā€™t be enough room for her in Diegoā€™s car with all the bags.ā€

ā€œOkay, then, weā€™d get home by ten or eleven. Still not that bad."

ā€œBut we had such a rough night and youā€™re exhausted, Aiden. I donā€™t think that optionā€™s safe. We were already planning to leave tomorrow, maybe we just go a few hours early, first thing in the morning. For tonight, if we donā€™t want to see her we can just, likeā€¦ conveniently decide to have dinner up in the loft or something.ā€

Iā€™m restless and jittery. Iā€™m feeling so self conscious about the fact that we're considering changing our vacation plans just because Camilaā€™s said a few nasty things about me. Ugh, what a mess of a trip this is turning out to be.

ā€œWell, you do have a point about driving safe,ā€ Aiden sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leans back on the bedā€™s headboard and runs a hand through his hair, pushing his bangs up on top of his head as he stares into space. ā€œHow about thisā€¦ I was meaning to take my own nap now. Iā€™ll try to get some shuteye. And then maybe we can make a decision about a late-night return later.ā€

I turn to face him, feeling honestly rather thankful about ending this conversation. ā€œAlright, sounds good. Think youā€™ll actually be able to sleep?ā€

ā€œIā€™m pretty beat, so Iā€™ll at least try.ā€ He kicks off his shoes and lays down onto the mattress, not even bothering to get under the covers. He turns his head to smile my way and asks, ā€œYou going to be okay over there?ā€

ā€œYeah, Iā€™m good, Iā€™ve got my phone. Iā€™ll wake you up if I need you.ā€ I give him a smile and try to lighten the mood by blowing him a kiss. ā€œSweet dreams, babe.ā€

He shifts his head onto the pillow with a heavy sigh. And then within a couple of minutes after his eyes close, I notice his breathing becomes slower and deeper as he drifts off to dreamland. Good. Iā€™m sure the lack of sleep wasnā€™t helping with the stress levels. Iā€™m glad heā€™s able to get some rest.

Thereā€™s just one issue. After about twenty minutes of distracting myself on my phone, I realize that Iā€™m both thirsty and apparently out of water up here on my nightstand setup. I could honestly go for a snack tooā€¦ I should have thought this through before he started his nap. I briefly wonder if the discomfort is enough for me to ā€œneedā€ Aiden, though. It doesnā€™t seem worth it.

But my stomach complains loudly, and I look over towards the ladder that leads to the floor. Come to think of it, I bet I could scavenge something up for myselfā€¦ It doesnā€™t hurt to try, right? The house is empty, and we havenā€™t encountered a single bug inside the cabin for the entire stay. Iā€™ll take a quick trip to the kitchen, and if I canā€™t reach anything then Iā€™ll just come back and either wait it out or maybe consider waking my boyfriend.

Itā€™s an easy journey to the floor, and itā€™s very quiet as I walk down the cavernous hallway. I canā€™t quite decide if it feels peaceful or eerie. But I reach the kitchen soon enough and look up and around me as I get a lay of the land. The pantry door is cracked open, and between some cargo-like containers on the ground and the snacks stored on the lowest shelf, I can already tell Iā€™ll have no problem climbing up for something to eat.

Getting a drink might be a challenge, though. At first I consider the sink, but not only would it be impossible for me to get up there, I doubt Iā€™d be able to turn on the faucet. And even then thereā€™s no way Iā€™d be able to reach the stream of water without getting trapped inside the sink itself. But I remember thereā€™s another water dispenser, a smaller standalone one. Itā€™s meant for bringing outdoors, but itā€™s currently stored on a low side table by the kitchen counter. Thereā€™s a handle on the spigot that I think Iā€™d have a better chance of budging. Maybe I could loosen it just enough for some water to slowly drip out. But can I get up there?

I take a closer look at the duffel bag thatā€™s right next to the side table - Starā€™s, I think. The thick fabric exterior is loose enough that I could probably find handholds to climb up on top of itā€¦ Thatā€™ll get me most of the way to my goal. Thereā€™s another ten feet or so on top of that, but what the heck. Maybe Iā€™ll get a better idea when Iā€™m up there.

I drag over some napkins from the pantry to put on the floor at the base of the bag - if I happen to slip and fall, Iā€™d rather land on a padded surface than the tile. And then I begin my climb, using fabric folds and zipper pulls to hoist myself up. Itā€™s pretty hard work, especially since Iā€™m dehydrated, but thereā€™s something kind of fun about this. I feel like a little explorer, an adventurer, setting out on my own.

Several minutes later I successfully make it to the summit. I wander around the top of the bag for a while, gazing out towards the rest of the kitchen, and then focusing up towards the ledge thatā€™s still a decent distance above my head. Iā€™m going to need some kind of tool if I want to get up on the table. I start to wonder whatā€™s inside the bag that Iā€™m standing on. Feeling a bit guilty about infringing on my friendā€™s privacy, I head over to one end of the main zipper so that I can pry it open, just a tad. I take a brief peek inside. Okay, good, no sex toys. Looks like some extra toiletries, maybe. Actuallyā€¦

ā€œJackpot,ā€ I whisper with a grin as I tug the zipper a little further. ā€œSorry, Star, I hope you donā€™t mind.ā€

I reach down past a rolled-up towel and grab hold of what looks like the top of a ladder rung. With considerable effort I pull, pull, pullā€¦ and manage to yank the wide-toothed comb out of the depths. I drag my makeshift ladder to one of the nearby table legs that the duffel bag is leaned up against, and then I push the comb up until it reaches the tabletopā€™s surface. I use a thread that had been fraying off one of the bagā€™s straps to tie the comb to the table leg, so that itā€™s nice and stable. A lot of effort to create a path, but now the climb becomes an absolute breeze.

I stick my arms up in the air once Iā€™ve reached the top, feeling quite proud of myself. Iā€™m starting to feel dizzy from the thirst, though. Almost there. The water dispenser is looming ahead of me, I just need to get up to the spigot. There are small paper cups nearby that I can drag over and climb on, shouldnā€™t be an issueā€“

I startle at an unexpected sound. A very distant boom. It takes me a second to piece it togetherā€¦ was that a car door closing? But the others were estimating theyā€™d be gone for at least two hours, and itā€™s only been one. Are they back early?

The back entrance of the living room is within my sights. The door swings open and in strolls a single figure. Of course itā€™s Camila. I hear the other three discussing something outside briefly while the doorā€™s open, but then it slams shut behind her as she walks insideā€¦ and heads straight towards the kitchen. Fuck me.

Sheā€™s on her phone, so sheā€™s distracted, maybe I can just hold still and sheā€™d pass me by. But because sheā€™s texting, that means sheā€™s looking down, and I guess she noticed me out of the corner of her eye. She stops in the middle of the room, a towering beauty with a stone-cold gaze. She stares at me blankly, and I stare back. God, I feel so stupid for having left the nightstand. Iā€™m so tired of having to deal with this girl. And Iā€™m insanely tense from the fact that everythingā€™s out in the open now. I know exactly how she feels about me, and she knows that I know.

Camila lowers her phone and smirks as she finally says, ā€œUh oh. Someone better call pest control.ā€

Alright. You know what? Thatā€™s it.

My hands clench into fists as something snaps inside me. While I tend to react towards stressful situations with fear, Iā€™m somehow beyond that at this point.

At this point Iā€™m pissed.

ā€œWhat is your problem?ā€ I call out towards her. I take a few steps towards the edge of the table Iā€™m on, glaring at the giantess. ā€œI've only ever been nice to you. Why do you hate me so much?ā€

She crosses her arms and takes a couple of steps towards me. Iā€™m not much higher than her knee level but she doesnā€™t crouch or anything, just looks down her nose at me with disdain.

ā€œI guess I'm just tired of being the only one who has any sense around here,ā€ she sneers. I refuse to take any steps back, holding my ground defiantly.

ā€œYou think I asked to be this way? Seriously, how do you think I feel, Camila?ā€ She lets out a breath of mirthless laughter as she rolls her eyes, but I plow on. ā€œLook, I know youā€™re hurting. I know youā€™ve had feelings for Aiden for a long time. I'm sorry. Rejection is hard. Especially since he's with someone you see as below you. But that doesnā€™t give you the right to treat me like shit.ā€

She sets her jaw, glaring daggers down at me. ā€œYou're a shackle to him. You know that?ā€ she hisses, ā€œOh sure he might be allā€¦ weirdlyā€¦ infatuated with his new little puppy right now. But he's going to be miserable in the long run. And he's probably too nice to break up with you, he's just going to keep dating you out of pity. Don't you see that? You're not good for him.ā€

ā€œOh and you are?ā€ I say incredulously. ā€œI've never once seen you take an interest in what he likes or do anything nice for him.ā€

Camila looks like she wasnā€™t expecting that response and falls into silence, eyes glazing over. Still overcome with anger, I donā€™t relent.

ā€œYou have no idea what our relationship is like. Aiden's an adult. It's not up to you, or to me for that matter, to decide what's best for him.ā€

I take another step forward, craning my neck to continue looking her in the eye.

ā€œAnd he chose me. So back. Off.ā€

To my shock and indignation, Camila breaks into cruel laughter. ā€œI can't even take you seriously right now. So much talk for such a pathetic littleā€“ā€

ā€œFuck you!ā€

As soon as I shout, she lunges. I tense up at the sight of her suddenly bending down, maintaining a half-amused smile on her face as her head swoops in like a fighter jet, coming so close that I catch the scent of florals from her perfume. She purses her lips and Iā€™m abruptly knocked backward by an intense gust of air. I collapse onto my back, hitting the table hard and wincing at the impact, before quickly propping myself up on my arms as I look up at her in sudden terror.

Camila slowly rises back up, looking perfectly smug. ā€œDidn't even need to lift a finger,ā€ she hums, and she thunders away from me, continuing through the room to turn a corner and head up the stairs.

Iā€™m shaking with panic. Breathless from the yelling I was doing, and from the mind-numbing fear that grips me now. For a moment there I thought she was going to actually hurt me. Iā€™m reminded of a time from many years ago, from something Brock did once, when I was trying to stand up to him and he suddenly got in my face before he grabbed me by the hair and ripped me to the floor.

I hear the sound of the door opening again and I jump violently, whimpering uncontrollably. But itā€™s just Moira. She comes in through that same back door, and she has a frown on her face as she hurries into the kitchen, her eyes aimed towards the staircase. She probably would have walked right by if she didnā€™t purposefully take a quick glance around the room. She notices me and rushes over, taking in my crumpled state with sudden distress.

ā€œEvie? What are youā€¦ I thought I heardā€¦ Oh my god, did Camila justā€¦?ā€

Iā€™m still not quite in control of myself. Camila crossed a line just now, I know that. But I feel trapped. I donā€™t want more fights, I donā€™t want more attention on this. Iā€™m just too scared. I shouldnā€™t have antagonized her like that, what was I thinking? Besides, it was my own stupid fault for wandering around the house on my own, Iā€™m sure Aiden would have wished that I had just woken him up instead. I donā€™t want to upset him, nor anyone else. I just want to get through to the end of the trip, and then maybe I can put all of this behind me. For a moment I fall back into my old habits. I plaster a smile on my face.

ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ I say shakily, trying to reassure my worried friend. ā€œShe didnā€™t touch me.ā€

Moira frowns, confused and unconvinced. She doesnā€™t insist quite yet, first offering me a finger to help me back to my feet. I take it gratefully as I try to think of what to say. Fuck, what am I doing, I think, Stop it, donā€™t start again with the lyingā€¦

ā€œWe, uh.. We had an argument,ā€ I finally admit with tense anxiety. ā€œIt got a little uglyā€¦ā€

And I finally push myself to tell herā€¦ most of the truth, at least. I detail what happened between Camila and Aiden last night, what happened with the three of us by the pond, what happened here in the kitchenā€¦ and I just leave out the part where she blew on me to knock me down.

ā€œI am so done with her,ā€ Moira growls with frustration once Iā€™m finished. ā€œFor someone whoā€™s apparently so interested in learning about other cultures, she sure lacks in empathy. I donā€™t care if she thinks you stole her love interest. How can anyone be mean to you?ā€

I blink up at her, a little taken aback. ā€œI, um... Thanks, Moira.ā€

I hear distant laughter from the remaining Ignacio couple, causing me to startle but with less panic now that my friend is here with me.

ā€œDid everything go alright?ā€ I ask, remembering the fact that they should be in the middle of visiting waterfalls. ā€œWhy are you guys back so early?ā€

ā€œDiegoā€™s car battery was having issues halfway through. Thankfully there was someone there who kindly helped him jump the car, but we decided to head straight back. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re working on right now, trying to figure out whatā€™s wrong with it.ā€

Yikes. Hereā€™s hoping itā€™s fixed before we have to leave tomorrow. Damn, this trip is cursed.

Moira hesitantly adds, ā€œSo, Evieā€¦ Even before you said anything just now, Star and I were texting in the car. Weā€™ll keep Camila entertained, alright? I'll be honest, sheā€™s made some passive aggressive comments about you, she and Diego have gotten into a couple of spats about it. But she still seems fine with us overall. We wonā€™t let her get near you.ā€

I fidget restlessly and lower my gaze. ā€œThanks. You shouldnā€™t have to do that. Butā€¦ Aiden and I will probably just stay up in the loft for the evening, away from everyone. Iā€™m so sorry, Mo. I hate all this drama, and I hate for any of you guys to get sucked up in it.ā€

She smiles sympathetically. ā€œListen. Just for the record, weā€™re all trying to keep the peace and not openly show preferences or whatever since weā€™re all stuck in one house together. But know that all of us are on your side.ā€

I take a deep breath. Iā€™m glad I just confided in her, it feels so much better to have Moira be there for me. Gosh, I almost feel bad for Camila. Even her own family is in my corner.

Moira is looking at the water dispenser now, then she glances down at the comb thatā€™s on top of the duffel bag.

ā€œCan I get you some water?ā€ she offers.

I sigh and lower my head. ā€œYes please.ā€

Re: Out of their Element

by Nropyub » Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:53 am

Camilla really sucks.

Iā€™m be getting Evie to safe hands then continuing this conversation immediately. Someone needs to put that selfish, spoiled brat in her place.
