Small Honorarium (Superheroine in peril!)

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Re: Small Honorarium (Superheroine in peril!)

by LittleNikki » Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:32 am

After having Power Gitl destroy his X-Ray goggles, I always expected Hiro "Toyman" Okamura to shrink her!

Re: Small Honorarium (Superheroine in peril!)

by jeffrey-dallas » Wed Oct 21, 2020 2:19 am

"a small honorarium" :D

Small Honorarium (Superheroine in peril!)

by Tina Tempest » Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:36 am

tumblr_m0fnz7rwlu1r4h1duo1_500.jpg (88.51 KiB) Viewed 4470 times
Artwork by Bruce Timm

Here is a story I wrote that I cannot use in my own collections because it involves copyrighted characters. I hope that you enjoy...

Small Honorarium

“We want to all thank you for your time and for your exhilarating speech Power Girl. We cannot express enough what this means to the students of Arron Burr University.”
The assembled college students applauded and gave the caped superheroine a standing ovation. The pneumatic blonde smiled wanly. She tried to not let reactions at events like this go to her head. They went some ways to ameliorate the sense of loss from the destruction of her homeworld, but, of course, could never quite fill it. For the next two hours, the statuesque blonde signed autographs and engaged in chit chat. She paid particular attention to the young college girls for whom her speech “Striking Against the Patriarchy” had special import. As always, however, there were males present who simply could not focus on her face. The oval opening in the front of her costume drew their eyes instead. It was so hard for her to not be contemptuous of every earth male. Her costume was part of her fight against male domination. She was a woman and unabashedly proud of it. “Women could be sexy and strong at the same time!” she thought in frustration.
At last the final student filed from the room, leaving her alone with Jack Meadows, the president of the organization that had invited to speak on campus. He had been a perfect and perfectly delightful gentleman, never once did Power Girl catch him checking out her prodigious rack. “Maybe not all men are hopeless,” she allowed herself to think.
“Power Girl,” he said, “There is a small honorarium our organization would like to present you with.”
“You know that I can’t and won’t accept money for appearances such as this, Jack.” She replied evenly.
“I am well aware of the Ma’am. This is more in the line of a small loving cup and a scrapbook that some of us have put together for you to take back to your place of residence, wherever that is. Certainly, there is a place for those among your presidential citations and international tributes.”
“When you put it that way…”
“It is in an adjoining office. We didn’t want to see it damaged or stolen during your one on one with the students.”
“That sounds reasonable,” agreed Power Girl as she rose revealing her height to be nearly that of six-foot-one-inch Jack.
“If you will follow me, Ma’am.”
The two walked a short distance in the now deserted lecture hall. Power Girl thought nothing of it when Jack closed the door behind them. There on a table was an attractive loving cup type trophy and a large scrapbook adorned with her picture. Naturally curious, Power Girl strode to the desk and opened the scrapbook. To her surprise and utter shock every page was blank!
“Jack,” she began as she turned to face the tall college senior.
Any other words she was about to utter were cut short by the sight of Jack pointing some sort of gun at her.
“This is a joke, right?”
“See for yourself!” returned a grinning Jack as he pressed the trigger of the device. A lavender and pink ray emanated from the gun and encircled Power Girl. Try as she might the superheroine could not step out of the ray. It seemed as though her feet were welded to the floor, then Power Girl had the sensation of falling from a great height as in one of her breathtaking dives off a skyscraper. The next thing the blonde wonder knew was that Jack was looming over her, a giant in every sense. The now tiny superheroine made a dash away from the approaching giant, but the handsome youth was prepared. He tossed a very heavy steel mesh net over Power Girl, ending her escape attempt before it had even begun.
Jack looked from the tiny trapped woman to the device in his hand, “What do you know! It worked, just like he said it would!”
The dark-haired lad opened a drawer in the desk and extracted a small cage, similar to ones used to transport lab animals but much more strongly constructed. Power Girl knew full well the purpose of that cage. She struggled mightily against the steel webbing holding her to the floor. It quickly became apparent that Power Girl’s reduction in size was accompanied by an equal reduction of her powers. Jack knelt on the floor, raised a corner of the steel net, and, in a moment, transferred the beautiful blonde to the cage.
“Why?” cried Power Girl.
“The gun was provided to me by one of your enemies, who shall remain nameless. When he learned of your speaking engagement, he contacted me, and we came to an agreement. His terms were most generous. I’ve been set up for life. He cares not what happens to you, only that you be eliminated as an irritant to his operation. It was fine and dandy in his eyes that I keep you for myself. “The ultimate action figure” in his words.”
“Jack don’t be ridiculous! Restore me and I won’t go to the police.”
“Why do you, superheroes always parrot the same lines? Even if I wanted to restore you, babe, and I don’t. This gun only shrinks objects. As far as I know, there is no “enlargement” or “reverse” setting on this thing.”
“Your intentions, asshole?”
“You shall be my pet, Power Girl. I’ll take excellent care of you for the next thirty or forty years,” then the handsome youth allowed himself a hearty laugh. Before stating, “I think it is time we blow this joint, doll.”
He took a heavy noise-muffling blanket from the same drawer which had concealed the cage and tossed it over Power Girl’s container, leaving the stunning blonde in utter blackness and utter silence. The erstwhile Karen Starr tugged at the bars with all her might, but they seemed to be made of a very strong titanium and steel alloy. Even at her old size, with her strength intact, bars like this would give her trouble. She quickly realized that there was little for her to do in the muffled darkness than to plot avenues of escape. And to think, she had actually thought Jack Meadows likeable!
From the vibrations under her feet or her entire posterior when she sat down, Power Girl deduced that she was in a moving car or other vehicle. By now, she could be miles away from the campus of Aaron Burr University, possibly even in another state!
Finally, all motion ceased, and Power Girl’s cage came to rest. The black blanket was removed, and Power Girl was blinded for a few moments while her eyes adjusted to rapid restoration of light. When her eyes cleared, the muscular blonde found herself on a small table in what was obviously an impressive house. Not far away, on a raised platform was the most elaborate dollhouse, Power Girl had ever seen. “Oh, shit!” she stated.
“I thought you’d be more impressed, doll. Everything works, running water, electricity, gas fireplaces, even a little kitchen with all the latest appliances.”
“You are insane!” bellowed Power Girl.
“No, babe. I’m living the dream! Hold that thought.”
Jack disappeared from view. Power Girl gave the bars one more futile try, then looked to see if anything she could use as a weapon was within her reach beyond the cage. The narrow table was empty aside from her cage. Not even a scrap of paper shared her wooden island in this outsized world.
“Tink, girl! Think!” she stated aloud.
Jack chose that moment to return to the room. Whereas before, he was clad in a neat tie and sport jacket and khakis, now the lad wore only a silken bathrobe.
“Oh, FUCK!” gasped Power Girl.
Jack approached her cage with a positively devilish look upon his face. “I think it time that we were intimately introduced, superheroine.”
He reached into the tiny cage. Power Girl tried to elude his grasp but there was, of course, no place for her to flee. She ended up in Jack’s left hand, his palm neatly encircling her middle.
“I think you are a bit, shall we say, overdressed for this occasion.”
His right hand began tugging off Power Girl's tall blue boot from her right leg.
“No!” screamed the shrunken crimefighter. Her left boot quickly joined its mate. Jack was delighted to discover that Power Girl had beautiful tiny feet with delicate sensual toes and dainty high arches.
“Stop NOW, Jack before you do something really stupid!”
“But it’s just getting interesting, wee one.”
He began tugging the blue opera glove off the shrunken woman’s right arm. Power Girl tried to resist, but she was no match for the giant. She knew exactly how this situation was going to end and she was powerless to stop it! Off came her left glove, leaving the now tiny heroine in just her white singlet.
“Now, Jack Meadows gets to answer the question that every red-blooded American male has asked himself. Namely, “What’s under Power Girl’s “power suit”?”
“Don’t you dare, you, miserable bastard!”
“Insulting my mother? Well then, that settles it.”
Jack’s giant fingers went to the tiny zipper under Power Girl’s cape. Despite her squirming, he succeeded in getting it open. He took delight in baring the tiny woman’s luscious back one millimeter at a time. The enthralled lad discovered that wonder of wonders, Superman’s cousin went into battle commando! The crack of her succulent ass came into view as the zipper’s downward journey ended.
“Oh, my God!” he said softly.
“Pervert!” fired back Power Girl.
“Duh! If I wasn’t one, your unnamed nemesis never would have selected me in the first place! It’s time for show and tell Power Girl.”
The shrunken superheroine stared intently up at Jack. She’d be damned before she acknowledged that he was striking at her integrity and pride. The red cape fluttered to the floor and Jack began to prize away the last power Girl’s modest. She was naked in his grasp. Not even in Jack’s most fervent imaging did he even come close to visualizing just how perfect she was sans attire. The trim and muscular physique, the beautiful face, the sapphire blue eyes, her amazing tits with the light brown areolas, and chance pink nipples! Her neatly trimmed blonde pussy! For a moment, Jack wondered if he had entered into heaven without the inconvenience of dying. This blonde vision was mouthwatering! He raised the tiny woman to his lips.
“Gross!” cried Power Girl as Jack proceeded to lick, kiss, and suckle every part of her anatomy. To be abused in just this way was Power Girl’s greatest fear. She stood firmly against patriarchal and possessive men and now, to be reduced to a mere toy! It was beyond maddening!
“Let’s continue this in my room, doll,” said Jack in a husky voice as his robe fell open revealing a muscular physique and a titanic penis. “After we make love, it will be time for your bath and then I’ll get you situated in your dollhouse. I think you will love the fashions I’ve selected for you.
Despite herself, Power Girl moaned in frustration and fear. She knew that this horrible night could only get worse and that the nightmares had only just begun!

If you enjoyed this story, please visit my Amazon Page and check out my many works on shrunken women. Reviews are always appreciated as they spur sales.

Thanks, lots! Tina Tempest
