Doc's World

Post your pictures of shrunken or otherwise tiny women in here
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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:13 am

Weary of her husband's ex-wife continuous trying to change the divorce agreements, the new Mrs. Thorton used her professor husband's matter miniaturization device to shrink her and keep her as her pet. But she thought the little lady may get lonely in her cage, so she bought her a "roommate".


When Miss Johnson was unexpectedly shrunk in her classroom, one of her students, fearing for her safety after almost stepping on her, decided to put her in the mouse cage to keep her safe. Unfortunately, Miss Johnson was on her period, and this found her very attractive to the male mouse.


Kelly had one job as student aid in Professor Thorton's Microbiophysiology class, to clean the rodent cage on Friday afternoons. Kelly decided that going out drinking with her friends was more important and didn't clean the cage. When she woke up Saturday morning, she found herself ankle-deep in dirty cedar shavings in the cage. Maybe spending the weekend as a rodent will convince her of the importance of performing her designated duties.



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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:21 am

There are some important considerations when caring for a tiny pet woman. First, her security.....a properly constructed and lockable container such as a parakeet cage does nicely. Then as her body temperature is much more difficult to maintain, a pair of fleece onesies to keep her warm. Then a few creature comforts, such as a doll bed, couch and a few changes of clothing. Exercise equipment to keep her firm and fit, a room with some privacy for bodily functions and an old iPhone, after disabling any communication functions such as texting or phone calling, will allow her to watch movies or music videos to keep her entertained while she is not "entertaining" you.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:39 pm

I had followed the researcher out into the woods as she started her search to add new flora and fauna to her collection. When she had gone deep enough into the woods, I set the matter miniaturizer to "body tissue only" which would only shrink her, not her clothing. Being suddenly miniaturized and falling out of her clothes, she was a bit dazed and confused. And since her glasses didn't shrink, she couldn't see anything beyond a few feet (inches now) in front of her. I stood behind a tree as she stumbled around on the leaves, sticks and other forest floor debris, I had to stifle a laugh until I thought she had had enough. Reaching down from behind her, she quickly learned that she was part of my collection today.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by AB23 » Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:05 pm

DocRick wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:21 am
There are some important considerations when caring for a tiny pet woman. First, her security.....a properly constructed and lockable container such as a parakeet cage does nicely. Then as her body temperature is much more difficult to maintain, a pair of fleece onesies to keep her warm. Then a few creature comforts, such as a doll bed, couch and a few changes of clothing. Exercise equipment to keep her firm and fit, a room with some privacy for bodily functions and an old iPhone, after disabling any communication functions such as texting or phone calling, will allow her to watch movies or music videos to keep her entertained while she is not "entertaining" you.

If she's a pet does she really need privacy though...?

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:16 pm

AB23 wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:05 pm

If she's a pet does she really need privacy though...?
Not that she has any choice in the matter, but I really don't have any desire to watch anything poop. :lol:

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:51 pm

The wife of the Yakusa Oyabuns rarely get involved in the business, but one who is respectfully called The Obasen, frequently acts as the voice of reason for her husband, the leader of the largest family. She had occasionally spoke up with the Oyabun wanted to react with violence to a problem and convinced him negotiation is sometimes more profitable. He had taken her advice on several occasions, and not only did it avoid unnecessary bloodshed, but it also formed new allies with other Gokudō conglomerations, so he always took any advice she gave seriously.

When a hakujin fled the country owing the Oyabun a great sum of money, he ordered his only child, a 19-year-old girl named Nyoko, to be abducted and executed. The Obasen, feeling sorry for the girl after she had been taken and locked in the basement, suggested to the Oyabun to let her handle it. The Oyabun agreed, but whatever she chose to do, it must permanently remove her from society.

The Obasen had met and become friends with a hakijin's wife she met at a high society function. The hakijin was none other than Professor Thorton, the microbiophysiologist, The two women had become quite close and when she told her what she wished to do, not wanting harm to come to a young lady, agreed and obtained the portable matter miniaturizer from her husband other lab just outside Tokyo.

Nyoko was shrunk to about 5 inches tall. After a few weeks of training, she cleaned the collection of dollhouses The Obasen had, accepting this in exchange for sparing her life. However, the other duty she occasionally had to perform was as the tiny private Geisha for visiting ninkyō dantai Oyabuns. When The Obasen came to her with a special kimono, she knew she was going to have a terrible night.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:18 am

Just having a little fun with a Japanese tiny.

Image of lady (from the waist up) graciously provided by aedfollollag1990.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:00 pm

As her new owner pulled on the sleeve and the Velcro popped on the back of her doll sweatshirt, Suzie realized that complaining about your choice of clothing is not a wise move. Sometimes anything is better than nothing.......


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:53 pm

Camille had been hiking in the woods looking for mushrooms for her homeopathic remedy store. She found some that looked like the kind she wanted but wasn't sure, so she tasted one. It tasted wrong, so she spit it out and continued on her way. As she walked, she noticed her shoes felt loose, then she tripped over her too long pants. She realized she was shrinking and managed to struggle out of her rapidly becoming oversized clothing. When she stopped shrinking, she estimated her height at around 5 inches. She dragged her cellphone out of her jeans pocket and tried to turn it on. The facial and fingerprint recognition features didn't work at her new size, and she had forgot her passcode. While she tried to figure out what to do, she heard someone approaching. She was relieved, hoping they would be able to help her, then she recognized the person as Haydin, the exgirlfriend of her new boyfriend......and she hated Camille for stealing her boyfriend. As Haydin stopped to examine the pile of clothing and shoes, then picking up Camille's iPhone, Camille had to debate whether she should get Haydin's attention and hope she would not take advantage of her dilemma......or keep hidden and hope someone else comes along before the denizens of the forest find her.


Another version of the same picture with a different background. I couldn't decide which one I liked best. :D


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:57 pm

Two years after being shrunk and living in a doll house, Marianne still has moments of overwhelming frustration, usually in the mornings when she wakes up after dreaming she was normal size.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:04 pm

One GHB pill $50. Several doll outfits $25. Payment to SHRINK 'EM Inc. $10,000. Having your cheating exgirlfriend right in the palm of your hand as she struggles to resist your peeling off her clothes....PRICELESS.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by eddiegiantman » Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:41 pm

Shrinking Ransoms are kinda low key piquing my interest

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:09 pm

eddiegiantman wrote:
Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:41 pm
Shrinking Ransoms are kinda low key piquing my interest
You referring to the "PRICELESS" collage? There used to be credit card commercials with that theme.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:25 am

Annalyse had signed up as a test subject for her professor's matter miniaturization experiments, not really knowing what it entailed, just that it paid well. During the first test, the machine overheated and numerous circuits and microchips were fried. Unable to return her to normal size, the professor handed her over to his wife and daughter, who did their best to keep her comfortable and entertained while the professor worked on the machine. Not too happy over having to live in a makeshift cardboard dollhouse and eat and drink from bottle caps, Annalyse refrained from complaining too much, as an alternative lifestyle, a little more permanent one, had been suggested by the wife to protect the secrecy of her husband's work.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:29 pm

While showing some of my paintings at local art show, an attractive young woman approached me and began a conversation. She was asking me about my paint media, brush styles and different techniques, saying she was an art student and looking for a mentor to help her better her art. Then, she coyly asked if she could see my studio and watch me do a little painting. Her smile said something different and having grown tired of the bar scene, I haven't had much romance lately. So, I invited her to my home after the show.

I showed her around my home studio, explaining the reasonings for the paints and brushes I choose and the sources for some of my inspiration. While I was facing away, from the corner of my eye, I saw her reaching for my wallet which I had put down on the table.'s not my artwork, or my charming personality and "Dad-Bod" she was after. I turned towards her and saw her hand jerk back from my wallet, but I pretended not to notice. I told her I wanted to show her some of my prize work in another room. She followed me in and I picked up the "shrink ray" I had borrowed from my friend, Professor Thorton, the microbiophysiologist at the university where I teach art. I turned and pointed it at her, and she asked, "You make toys, too?" "Not the kind you're thinking of, Baby" and pulled the trigger, shrinking her to about 5 inches tall. She shrieked as she looked straight up at me, towering over her. Reaching down, I grabbed her as she turned and tried to run away. She struggled and squirmed in my hand as I took ahold of the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and off of her. I hooked my fingernail in the waistband of her jeans and easily popped the button and zipper. She curled her legs and began thrashing about. I didn't want to harm her, of course, just teach her a lesson. I carried her over to one of my worktables where I had a small corkboard that I sometimes used to hold photographs that I am making a painting of. I tied a piece of string to each of her wrists and used a thumbtack to pin her arms to the corkboard. She was still struggling and screaming, but now I could more easily slip her sneakers and jeans off before tying string to her ankles and pinning her down spread-eagle like a butterfly on display.

I spent most of the next few hours fondling her and even though she tried to resist, she couldn't help but succumb to my touch with a couple involuntary orgasms. After releasing her from her bonds, I put her in a birdcage while I worked on a few of my paintings. I'll let her sit for a while, her imagination running wild as to her fate, then maybe tomorrow restore her to normal size. She won't remember anything about this incident, but the unexplainable photographs she finds in her jeans pocket of her pinned to the corkboard and in the birdcage, will stir some subconscious memories to resurface in her nightmares. Maybe she'll take them as a sign to find a new line of "work".


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:56 pm

Rebecca Thorton, the daughter of the famed microbiophysiologist, couldn't believe her brother's girlfriend broke up with him two days before Valentine's Day. "Borrowing" her father's matter miniaturization device, she found her alone in the locker room at the university gymnasium. Tying and gagging her, then placing her in a nice gift box, Rebecca will be sure her brother will be having a nice Valentine's Day after all.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:01 am

"So, this explains everything. First my apartment gets broken into two weeks ago, everything tossed around but only the matter miniaturization device prototype I stole from the lab is missing. I thought it was the goon squad from the lab, but they couldn't report it as Professor Thorton falsified his grant proposal and basically stole the governments money to build the thing. Then, you, the nosey blonde from personnel at the lab who just happened to move into the apartment down the hall, goes missing. Then, little things go missing around here. Like my cookies. I guess you didn't read in my file that I'm Type 2 NIDDM, and I have to keep a close watch on my sugar intake, so I always knew exactly how many cookies were in there. You didn't check to see that I had set the MMD prototype to "self-shrink", which causes the operator and the device to shrink, designed to help one escape capture or prevent the device being taken and used on oneself. So, I guess I must have vacuumed it up when I was cleaning up the mess you made searching for it. Too bad I already dumped the vacuum cleaner canister in the dumpster. And you forgot that I only work half days on Wednesdays, so I caught you still pilfering my cookies on the kitchen counter. Ironically, the lab must think you found the device and stole it for yourself and took off with it to sell it. Ah, just as well. What would I do with the millions of dollars I would have made selling the MMD on the Dark Web. At least, Little Girl, I get to keep you as a consolation prize for all my efforts. As my dear mother used to say when things didn't go as planned.....'That's the way the cookie crumbles'."

Last edited by DocRick on Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:44 pm

"Come on.....WAKE UP !!!! He's coming back....if he shrinks you too, we're both screwed !!!!!"

Picked up by who they thought was a nice middle-aged gentleman when their car broke down on the way back to the university, Stephanie and Ryanna found themselves in a real-life nightmare at his laboratory.

Background stock provided by Bloody-Kisses-STOCK DA page.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by Kooplan » Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:24 pm

Ooh, what a devious set-up! Poor girl doesn't stand much of a chance. Here's hoping her friend gets shrunk down to her size!

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:38 pm

Kooplan wrote:
Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:24 pm
Ooh, what a devious set-up! Poor girl doesn't stand much of a chance. Here's hoping her friend gets shrunk down to her size!
Kind of your typical teenage horror B-movie but with a different twist. :twisted:

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:06 am

Thinking she could escape her captor when he left her on the desk and get help, Allison suddenly found herself between a "rock and a hard place".....and a timeout in the jar will help convince her that resistance is futile.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:35 am

Charlize used to brag how her obscenely rich husband used to allow her to indulge in a glass of the finest wines after dinner..........her attitude changed a bit after he discovered the divorce papers she had hidden in her underwear drawer. Now, after having his good friend and recipient of substantial monetary donations, Professor Thorton, miniaturize her, she is not so happy when he indulges her IN a glass of fine wine.

Last edited by DocRick on Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:00 am

Professor Thorton, the famed microbiophysiologist, knew his wife was bisexual and an exhibitionist when he married her. He didn't mind at all when she would bring home one of her students from her Gender Studies class at the university. After plying them with some wine, he would shrink both of them with his matter miniaturizer and just sit back and enjoy the show.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:50 am

Thanks so much for the weekly stories and images, Doc!
You continue to come up with excellent examples of both on an ongoing basis!
I especially love the one about Mrs. Thornton and her student and the wine.
(tiny applause, cheers and whistles from the "peanut gallery"!)
Kara :kiss:

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:28 am

Kara Dollgirl wrote:
Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:50 am
Thanks so much for the weekly stories and images, Doc!
You continue to come up with excellent examples of both on an ongoing basis!
I especially love the one about Mrs. Thornton and her student and the wine.
(tiny applause, cheers and whistles from the "peanut gallery"!)
Kara :kiss:

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