Doc's World

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:58 am

Felicity worked for Big Lou as a dancer at one of his high-end speakeasies. He had given her a large loan, but she failed to make her payments on it. Instead of the old school "persuasion", such as breaking her knees, Big Lou had entered into a partnership with Professor Thorton, the microbiolphysiologist inventor. He had her miniaturized and made her dance on the bar for his wealthiest friends and business partners. During her performance, the customers would bid on a private session with her after the club closed for the night. Her popularity paid off her loan within a few weeks, but Big Lou liked the money coming in so poor Felicity will be making her private performances for an indefinite period of time.



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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:35 pm

Susan was the smartest girl in school. Most of the other students didn't like her as her grades always screwed up the grading scales, but she really didn't care. She was happier with her books and computers than making small talk with her classmates. She spent a lot of time in the biology lab, working on experiments with the professor who was working on a procedure to increase or decrease the size of matter. He believed larger food animals and plants could solve world hunger and miniaturizing them would make large herds of cows and flocks of chickens easy to raise and transport. Susan setting up the matter resizer when a power surge caused it to activate. She was instantly shrunk down to around five inches. Somehow, her glasses shrunk with her, though her clothes did not, possibly due to the material her clothes were made of. While the professor tried to repair the damaged resizer, he called for two other girls in the lab to take Susan out and get her something to wear. The two girls he selected happened to be two of Susan competitors and they didn't care much for her so they couldn't resist taking advantage of the situation. First, they took her to a nearby store and found the most ridiculous Bratz doll outfit for her to wear. Then they took her to the campus cafeteria which was crowded at the time. Susan spent the next few hours being laughed at, poked and prodded by gigantic fingers and passed around from student to student like a joint at a rock concert, with pictures taken of her in various poses, clutched in someone's hand like Naomi Watts and King Kong, between the breasts of a few very well-endowed girls, dangled by an ankle over someone's open mouth and other humiliating situations. By the time the professor had repaired the machine and restored her to her former size, nearly every student (and many of the faculty) had fondled her and she was forced to leave the school as she couldn't handle the constant harassing reminders of her day as a doll.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:51 am

Having been miniaturized in a mishap in the Microbiophysiology Lab at the university, Kayla had to return home while the resizer was repaired. Her parents introduced her to her now big little sister, Kirsten, and explain why she is so small.

Kirsten: "I have a new dolly?"
Mom: "No, this is your big sister Kayla."
Kirsten: "Kayla is my new dolly?"
Kayla: "No, I'm your big sister."
Kristen: "I have a new dolly."
Kayla: "Uhhhhhggggggg"


Kristen takes to playing with her new sister-dolly. Their mother could only find a few outfits in Kayla's new size, none of which were much to her liking.


It can sometimes be quite humiliating for Kayla.


As the family was planning on taking a vacation, her dad made her a fold-out case that would serve as her "bedroom" when staying in a hotel.


After six months of playing dollies with her big-little sister, Kayla was happy to find out they were going to visit her aunt and her nephew that she used to babysit. Kayla was a bit of a tomboy and she preferred her nephew toys to her sister's dolls. Unfortunately, she didn't know her nephews' new craze was Jurassic Park. After being "eaten" by the T-Rex, it took her uncle an hour to figure out how to get her out.


While her mom and aunt were in the kitchen during lunch, Kayla was left unattended with the kids. Not a good idea. :lol:


Eddiegiantman, this one's for you. :D

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:06 pm

While attended modeling/acting collage, Bonnie entered a contest to be the new "Little Debbie" model for a new direction in their advertising. However, she didn't read the small print in the application so when she won, she found out the company was taking the name "LITTLE Debbie" very literally. As she could only be miniaturized and restored to normal size once, she would spend the next year the size of a Nutty Buddy bar, making commercials, advertisements and personal appearances, as well as her now big-little sister's doll and the involuntary center of attention when her teenage bother's gigantic friends came over to the house.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:26 pm

(Based on the movie "Indian in the Cupboard")

Having completed six years of military service, John had been discharged and was driving home to his parents' house where he would stay until finding a place of his own. On the side of the road, he saw an old wall cabinet, in a very distressed condition, sitting on a treelawn. He had been into restoring furniture while in high school and though it might be a nice project with which to start again. He pulled over and put the cabinet in the bed of his truck and continued home.

A joyous reunion ensued when he got home. He had not been home for over a year and he missed his little sister, much younger than he, a result of an "oops" by his parents one cold winter night. He had always doted on her and tolerated her making him play with her toys. That evening, after dinner and some uncomfortable conversation with his parents (his last tour was in a combat zone and his girlfriend had written him a "Dear John" letter while he was deployed) he and his little sister went upstairs to play with her new toys, based on Disney's Aladdin movies. His little sister wanted to play the game where she would hide her toys and John had to find them within a certain time frame. While he closed his eyes and counted to 100, she hid the toys around the upstairs rooms. She put the Princess Jasmine figurine in the cabinet that John had brought home and put on the floor of his bedroom.


When she said she was ready, John began his search for the toys. He found the tiger behind the toilet in the bathroom, the monkey in a shoe in the hall closet and the Aladdin figure was hidden behind the desk in the spare bedroom. Now, he began to search his bedroom for the other toys. Nothing in his closet, nothing under the bed, nothing under his bedside table and when he opened the doors to the new cabinet...........


Meanwhile, a thousand miles away, the crew was frantically searching for the young actress playing the part of Princess Jasmine on opening night of the live action performance of "Aladdin the Broadway Musical" who had disappeared from her dressing room.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:07 pm

Tiny Tara's mother thought she was with her older sister and her older sister thought she was with her mother. Neither of them knew her younger sister had taken her to school for "show and tell". After being passed around like a new pet hamster before the morning bell rang, the teacher, Mr. Peterson discovered the tiny girl and rescued her from her peril. The school principal was unable to reach their mother or older sister, Tara spent the day hanging out on the principal's desk. Tara's sister got extra points for her "show and tell" contribution that day.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:42 am

Aimee and Vicki were best friends as children, playing with dolls and even pretending to be popstars. In High School, they would sing at parties and even jump on stage at school dances and join the band for a few songs. At one dance, a musical scout happened to be there and discovered Aimee. He contacted her parents and an audition led to a contract. Her career took off and soon she was opening for other popstars at concerts all over the country, making guest appearances on television shows and within a year, she was headlining her own concerts.  However, she learned that with fame comes consequences. She couldn't go out by herself or with friends anymore as she would get mobbed by fans and even a few stalkers that made her life a bit scary. She began drinking and even dabbled in drug use to make her life a little more bearable. She felt her life was getting out of control, but her agent and even her parents wouldn't listen to her and continued to push her harder and harder.

Vicki didn't have the talent Aimee did and entered the local community college, married her High School sweetheart and got a job as a lab assistant in the college microbiophysiology lab. She and Aimee drifted apart, as the demands of a musical career left Aimee with no time for friends. While Vicki just settled into a "normal" life, even though she publicly supported her friend's career, secretly she was envious of her exciting life and a little hurt from being left behind.

One night, after a particularly grueling weekend of performances, Aimee shot out a message to Vicki on Facebook. Within a few minutes Vicki responded, and the two girls chatted through the rest of the night. Aimee confided as to how much she missed Vicki and the simple carefree life they shared as children. Aimee was giving a concert in their hometown the next weekend and Vicki told her to get her a pass to get into her hotel room after the concert.

The next weekend came, and Aimee did her show and afterwards, Vicki showed up at her hotel room door. The two girls gleefully reunited then laid on the bed, eating ice cream and talking about their lives. Aimee went on and on about the excitement of performing on stage, photoshoots and television appearances, but then her mood dropped as she talked about the pressures put on her, as well as not being able to go anywhere without her bodyguards, agent and parents. She also confided about her drinking and drug use and how much it was beginning to scare her. Vicki said she knew a way for Aimee to get away from everyone and the two of them could have some fun for a while. Vicki explained about an invention she was assisting with at her work, the "Matter Resizer". It was still a secret as it was a governmental contract, but they had done all the necessary testing and it worked. She told Aimee that she could shrink her to the size of a doll and sneak her out of the hotel in her purse, then change her back to normal size and with a disguise, the two of them could go out on the town and have fun. Afterwards, she could shrink her again, sneak her back into her room and no one would ever know. Aimee was a little hesitant, but then agreed to the plan. Vicki had brought the device with her, so she shrunk Aimee, put her in her purse and left the hotel, putting the "Do not disturb" sign on the doorknob to Aimee's room.

Vicki drove home, the tiny popstar still in her purse. Aimee kept yelling to let her out and make her big, but Vicki kept telling her to be quiet. Arriving home, the house was empty as her husband was out of town for the weekend. She carried Aimee into the house and upstairs to the spare room. She reached into the purse and wrapping her fingers around the little singer's body, lifted her out and held her out to see the old dollhouse the two of them used to play with as children. She reached into the bedroom and set her friend down on the floor.

"Remember how you always loved this dollhouse and said you wished you could live in it? Well, now you can. No more pressure from your agent and parents, just a carefree life as you used to dream about. And the only concerts you will have to give anymore will be private ones.....for me."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:35 pm


Kelly's foot came down hard on the doll her tiny stepsister was dragging across the floor, knocking Suzie to the floor, quivering in terror.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you skittering around on the floor like a little mouse. My mind was preoccupied......thinking about how Mom found out I got home so late from my date last night. You should be more careful. It would be a shame if an.....accident.....happened."


The feet had a reflection on the floor so I had to add in the reflection of the doll and the tiny. I think it came out pretty well.
Last edited by DocRick on Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:39 am

Jennifer was a party girl and proud of it. She would brag about crashing parties, making a fool of herself and waking up in the strangest places. Until the night she crashed the Microbiophysiology Lab Staff and Alumni party. The next morning, she woke in a really strange place......a place she would be staying for quite a long time.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:48 am

Haley got way too drunk last night at the Microbiophysiology Lab party. I think she's gonna need something a little stronger than coffee when she wakes up. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:25 pm

Two hundred and ninety-eight years after Gulliver made his journey to Lilliput, his great-great-great (etc) grandson, while cleaning out the family home, found Gulliver's journal. While reading it, he finds the location of Lilliput, something that Gulliver had never told anyone. He purchases a boat, sails to the location and finds the island. When he makes contact with the Lilliputians, who had not seen any of his people since Gulliver left, he learns that Gulliver was actually regarded as a hero in their history books for defeating the Blefuscudians in the "War of the Eggs" and the rest of his faux pas had been forgotten. He lived there for a year, falling in love with the great-great-great (etc) granddaughter of Flirtica, the Lilliputian woman who had helped Gulliver escape the island. Despite their size difference, they decide to marry.

Returning to England for the wedding, his bride insists her two best friends come with them as her bridesmaids.

The wedding is the social event of the year with hundreds of guests, including the Royal Family, attending. The two tiny bridesmaids steal the show, or at least the attention of the young single men in attendance. Near the end of the festivities, the drunken Lilliputian bridesmaids decide to pose for pictures on the wedding cake table. When the bride and groom looked for them at the end of the night, they are nowhere to be found......every take-home box for the pieces of wedding cake were gone from the table and only a single piece of wedding cake on the floor, provided any clues as to their disappearance.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:58 am

How it happened, she didn't know. One minute she was walking home through the park from her parttime job as Professor Thorton's Microbiophysiology Lab Assistant, the next she was 6 inches tall and naked. Spotted by some kids, she ran off into the grass to hide from them. The next three weeks were spent hiding from the "giants" and surviving by eating the scraps they dropped on the ground, sometimes having to fight off pigeons for the crumbs. She found a scrap of burlap and fashioned a dress and slept inside the empty cans or boxes that littered the park. One fateful day, while waiting under a park bench for a "giant" young man to finish eating and leave, she saw a cat stalking her. The man's backpack was unzipped so she ran to it and climbed inside. The cat tried to get at her, but the man picked up the pack, zipping it closed and chasing off the cat.

Trapped inside the pack, she had no idea where she was going. The man finally set the backpack down, unzipped it and pulled out a few items. She was barely able to dodge his tree trunk sized fingers as he groped around inside the pack. She waited for a while, until he turned off the lights and went to bed. She climbed out of the pack and looked around. It would appear she was in his apartment. Carefully walking around the apartment, she was relieved to find no pet food dishes on the floor. Exhausted and cold, she dragged a T shirt that was on the floor under the couch, curled up and went to sleep.

When she awoke, she saw a pair of giant feet in front of the couch. Remaining quiet, she waited for him to leave. It seemed like an eternity, but he set a cereal bowl on the floor, got up, showered, dressed and picking up his backpack, left the apartment. She walked out from under the couch and looked into the cereal bowl.....he hadn't eaten all the cereal. It wasn't much to him, but it was the first real decent food she had had in a week. She ate heartily, fishing the pieces of cereal out of the bowl with her hands. Now exploring the apartment more, she discovered the man lived alone and rather spartanly, not much but clothes and a computer.

For the next two weeks, she hid while he was in the apartment, an hour or so in the morning, then a couple hours after he returned from work. She managed to find enough food from the plates he tended to leave on the floor after he ate. She could watch him from a concealed location and learned that he was quite the loner. He rarely talked on his phone, only occasionally texted anyone, and had no guests ever coming to the apartment. Most of the time during the evenings, he would work on his computer, watch a movie on television or play a video game. She finally decided that she would have to make herself known to him. Maybe he could help her get back to her normal size. Near the end of the evening, he went into the bathroom and she heard the shower being turned on. She thought this was her chance, so she ran across the carpeted floor, not an easy task for one as small as her, and hid under his bed. She waited until he finished his shower and laid down on the bed to read. She came out from under the bed and her mind was racing, trying to formulate a plan for the introduction. Suddenly, she heard him move on the bed and a few items fell off the bed nearly striking her, causing her to jump further from the bed. The man got up and rolled off the bed to his hands and knees and the two were now face to face....well, sort of. His eyes went wide as he said, "What the fuck?" All her plans went out of her head and the only thing she could think of was to say "Hi".

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. His eyes still wide with astonishment, staring at the tiny but beautiful young woman standing in front of him. Fighting the overwhelming urge to turn and run, she just stood there, slightly swaying side to side, brushing her long hair with her hand and letting her eyes wander from his face to the car sized hand right in front of her. His hand turned sideways and started towards her. She tensed up, instinctively covering her face with her arm, as the warm log-like fingers began to curl around her tiny body, she just stood motionless, hoping she made the right decision, waiting for what comes next...........


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:55 am

Jenny had always been a party girl. In fact, she spent so much time partying at college, her grades were so bad, she was going to be suspended. To get some extra credit points, she volunteered for one of Professor Thorton's experiments in microbiophysiology. Unfortunately for her, after she was miniaturized, the matter minimizer malfunctioned, and she was stuck tiny until it could be repaired.

Jenny still wanted to party while waiting for restoration. However, no matter what she and her boyfriend did was effective. She was too small to suck on a joint or pipe and shotgunning didn't do the trick either. Her boyfriend went out and bought a water bong convinced her to try it......

"Hurry up, this water is cold."

"Just hang on, it's almost ready."

"You sure this is gonna work?"

"Trust me."

How many bad ideas started with those two little words? :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 01, 2024 12:22 pm

Kelly liked the guy she met at college, and after some intensive flirting, they started dating. However, she soon learned he was "romantically challenged" and was way into his computers, scifi and video gaming. Trying to get a spark lit under him, she confided in a girlfriend, Rebecca Thorton, the daughter of the famed microbiophysilogist, Professor Thorton. Rebecca suggested since he was into fantasy, she let her shrink her and maybe that would make him come out of his imaginary fantasy world with a real-life fantasy. To her dismay, he STILL was too focused on his gaming. Sitting atop the video controller as he played yet another stupid game, she pondered on what she could do to get his her hand reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse..............

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed May 01, 2024 1:43 pm

Twila stood at the porthole of the starship that had been her home for her entire life, gazing at the planet below. She had been born a year after the ship began its interstellar exploratory journey and she had been raised as a climatologist, studying the atmospheric and environmental conditions of the various planets they explored.  Using laser technology, she had examined the atmosphere of the planet they were orbiting and found it to be very similar to Earth, a planet she had never stepped foot upon, and the first planet with such conditions they had encountered is several years.

Bobby, her best friend and cadet in training as a pilot joined her. While the planet could support human life, the biologists reported a lifeform on the planet would be too dangerous for a landing party and they were planning on leaving orbit to travel to the next possible "Goldilocks Planet" on their list. He tried to comfort her but knowing it would be a long time before they reached the next world, Twila had sunk into a depression.

The starship suddenly rocked violently. Alarms began sounding and a voice over the ship's intercom exclaimed the ship had been struck by a meteor and all crew was to head to the escape pods and prepare to abandon ship. Bobby grabbed Twila by the arm and rushed her to an escape pod and strapped her in. He told her he had to stay as part of the emergency response team and pressed the autolaunch button on the console. If the ship was in imminent peril of destruction, the pod would launch automatically. She waited nervously for him to return. She felt the ship shudder again and again, then without warning, the pod launched into space. Within a few seconds, she saw the starship explode.

The escape pod followed its own programming and sensor readings and headed to the planet they had been circling. It entered the atmosphere, the exterior heating up so Twila could no longer see out the windows and after what seemed an eternity, landed roughly on the planet. The canopy opened and Twila steeled herself for what she was about to encounter.

She found herself in what appeared to be a tropical jungle. Huge grasses, taller than she, were all around her. To her relief, her testing turned out to be accurate. The air was breathable, and the temperature was a balmy 80 degrees C. Climbing out of the ship, she jumped down to the ground, which was covered in small pebbles. She realized that she was barefoot, having taken off her shoes while she was still on the starship gazing out the porthole. Fortunately, the rocks were smooth and round, and she could walk on them with hurting her feet, though she did have to step carefully as to not step on a loose one and possibly twist an ankle. She scanned the skies and couldn't see any other escape pods. Climbing back into the cockpit of the pod, she called out on the radio to reach any other survivors, if anyone else had indeed escaped before the starship exploded. She received no response, even though the radio was capable of transmitting and receiving signals for a thousand or more miles. She began to fear that she may have been the only survivor from the starship.

Twila began to wander through the jungle of grasses. She heard a loud buzzing sound and looked up to see what she recognized as a bumble bee, which the ship had thousands in the vegetable growing compartment, but this one was huge. She estimated it to be about three feet from mandibles to stinger. It showed no interest in her, so she continued on. She came upon a mound of rocks that came up to her waist. There was a hole about 3 inches in diameter in the top. She thought it looked like something she had learned about in entomology class, but an anthill this size was preposterous. Then an ant, a foot long, came out of the mound. Twila jumped back from the mound, but when the ant just climbed down the mound and went on its way, she continued her walk. A shadow flashed on the ground, and she looked up to see a bird the size of a small airplane (which Bobby had shown her pictures of from his pilot's training classes) and the dove into a clump of grass. She watched the feathered monster circle a few times, as if it had seen her and was looking for her again, then flew off. As she ventured further, she saw a furry animal which looked like a mouse scamper by, not even giving her a look. The mouse was the size of one of the hogs in the "ark" compartment of the starship. A chill ran down her spine as she recalled a video she and Bobby had watched, involving the food chain back on Earth, showing a cat eating a mouse.......if the mouse was this big, she shuddered at the thought of encountering a cat.

Still struggling through the thick grass, which she couldn't see more than 20 feet around her she stepped out of the vegetation and onto a flat bare area of dirt, much smoother than that the pebbles she had been walking on. Off to her left, she saw a strange object. It looked like it was made of some type of metal, obviously "man-made", but about four feet long. For some reason, she thought it resembled a chess piece, a game she had grown to love playing during the long off duty hours on the starship. While she was examining it, she felt the ground vibrate, softly at first, then getting stronger and stronger. She stood up and turned around and to her shock and horror, she saw a giant being standing in front of her. She craned her neck to look up and estimated the giant, which looked exactly like a human except for the size, was about 60 to 70 feet tall, looking down at her. Frozen by fear and expecting to be killed, Twila closed her eyes and waited for inevitable......which didn't come. She heard a gentle voice, softly saying something in a language she didn't recognize. She slowly opened her eyes. The giant, Twila now saw appeared to be female, was kneeling down and had one of its hands stretched out towards her, palm up and flat on the ground. She looked up towards the giant's face. It had a reassuring and gentle expression and reminded her of her mother's face when she was a child and had been scared by something. The giant repeated what it had previously said and one of the fingers on the hand curled back towards her than lay flat again, appearing to be beckoning Twila to her. Hesitantly, she was able to force her right foot to step forward, fighting the instinct to turn and run in blind flight which Twila knew would be futile as the giant could reach out and grab her before she made it back to the grass. Taking a few more steps forward, the giant's hand never moved, and its calming voice began to lessen the fear in Twila's heart. Reaching the hand, which was near as big as the escape pod, she couldn't step up on it and had to climb on and crawl to the center of the palm on her hands and knees. Once there, she sat down and settled herself. The giant then very slowly and gently lifted her off the ground, cupping its other hand around her like a protective shield, and stood up. As the giant began to walk, Twila's mind raced with thoughts of her future. She already grasped the concept that she could never survive on this planet on her own and most likely, she would never find any other human from the starship if any of them had escaped and made it to the planet. The giant didn't squish her like a bug or simply grab her but allowed Twila to "voluntarily" come to her. Twila hoped that she was benevolent and would at least keep her safe from all the other threats she already knew existed on this planet as well as those she could only imagine.

Bleakly, Twila realized that whatever happened to her from now on, her fate was no longer in her hands............


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 03, 2024 3:16 am

"I told you not to mess with this stuff. This isn't the "weight reduction" formula, it's the experimental "SIZE reduction" formula.........Shit. Hmmmmmmm. I wonder if they have any spare cages in the rodent lab. My daughter has been asking for a new pet."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 03, 2024 3:24 am

Being such a nice day, Regina decided to take her tiny girlfriend to the beach. But it looks like the water is still a little cold for her. Well, Regina will think of some way to warm her up....... :D


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 03, 2024 1:13 pm

Katlyn had been partying so much at college her grades had dropped so much, she was at risk of being kicked out of school. To get some extra credit points, she signed up for a program that would give her the most points in the least amount of time, Professor Thorton's experiment in matter resizing. The experiment was to temporarily reduce her height six inches and since she was nearly 6 feet tall, she thought she wouldn't mind being more average height for a while. The experiment was begun, and she stood naked in the chamber waiting for the process to begin. She felt a tingling sensation then a feeling of slowly falling.....and falling and falling. When the process ended, she wasn't six inches shorter, but only six inches tall. It would be later discovered that someone had hacked into the computer program and changed the algorithms, resulting in the unexpected excessive miniaturization and blocking any attempts to reversal the resizing. While Professor Thorton and his technician tried to get back into the program and fix the algorithms, he yelled out for one of his student lab assistants to take Katlyn to his office. She felt a hand wrap around her from behind, picked her up and placed her in a specimen holding container. As she was carried out of the lab, she looked up at the student lab assistant and to her surprise, it was a geeky guy who she had pretended to like so he would tutor her to get through her geometry class. She had unceremoniously dumped him after passing the course. The half-smile on his face began to really concern her when as he left the lab, instead of turning left towards Professor Thorton's office, he turned right........towards the building's exit doors.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri May 03, 2024 1:43 pm

Russell had a major crush on his lab partner in their Microbiophysiology class, but she only had interests in dating jocks, which was the polar opposite of Russell, and rather coldly rejected him when he had asked out to dinner. His infatuation with her finally pushed him over the edge and tricking her to come to the lab after hours, he used the matter resizer to shrink her to five inches tall. He took his frightened captive to his apartment and put her in a hamster cage, dressed only in the bikini she had been wearing under her skirt and blouse. He would decide what to do with her next after his evening classes. When he got back home, with his hormones influencing his thoughts of how he was going to enjoy his tiny girl, he found she had somehow managed to escape from the cage. In a panic, he searched and searched but couldn't find her. It didn't help that he was a slob, and his apartment was a mess. He knew there was no way she could have gotten out of the apartment as the gaps around the doors and the size of the air vents were too small even for her now tiny body to slip through. He left the apartment and went to the hardware store and bought a bunch of "no-kill" mousetraps and set them up in each room of the apartment, each one with a small piece of pizza, while he cleaned up the clutter.

Russell then sat down at his computer and started working on some homework. After a few hours, he checked all the traps and found them still untouched. He went to bed, being careful not to step on anything she could be hiding under and the next morning, the traps were still empty, the pieces of the pizza still inside. He warmed up another slice of pizza, and after rebaiting all the traps, he ate the rest of the pizza slice, made some coffee and went to class. At the end of the day, all the traps were still untouched. Again, he warmed up a slice of pizza, rebaited all the traps and did some homework on his desktop PC. After about two hours, he heard a faint "snap" coming from the kitchen. Smiling to himself, he knew that she couldn't resist her favorite food after nearly twenty-four hours of not eating. Looking under the sink, he found that his plan had worked. He took her, still in the trap, from the kitchen and placed her on his desk. He decided to leave her in the cramped trap for a few hours while he finished his homework. Maybe this, along with implementing the plans he had daydreamed about since shrinking her, would teach her that attempting to escape again was futile and she should learn to accept her new place in the world.....that is, her new place in his world, now.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat May 04, 2024 1:32 am

Walking from the campus to her sorority house, Zoey took a shortcut across the parking lot of an abandoned strip mall.  First, she noticed a slight buzzing sound in her ears, then a tingling sensation on her skin. The next thing she knew, she tripped on her oversized shoes, falling to the ground, then darkness. She felt as if she was trapped under a collapsed circus tent made of denim. She crawled forward, finally seeing some light then crawled out into the daylight. Standing up, she realized she was naked. As she looked around on the ground, she saw her cellphone, now with a cracked face from when it fell from her hand. She stared at a shoe bigger than the canoe she and her exboyfriend paddled around the lake last summer. What she compared to a denim circus tent was in actuality her blue jeans. What was going on? Was she dreaming? As she stared in shock and disbelief at her clothing and belongings, now big enough to fit the Jolly Green Giant's wife, she didn't hear the faint crunching on the gravel from the feet of her exboyfriend, Micheal Thorton, the son of the famed microbiophysiologist, Professor Thorton or notice him placing a strange looking device in his backpack as he stepped closer to her and began to reach down towards her.....until she felt log sized fingers wrap around her now miniscule body.


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Kara Dollgirl
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Re: Doc's World

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat May 04, 2024 2:08 am

Dear Doc,

I just wanted to say "thank you" for the constant stream of SW stories and images you create on a regular basis. I always look forward at the end of my week to curling up in my cozy little doll house bed and enjoying your work as I imagine myself as the tiny heroine of each tale. I know it's a labor of love for you, but it must be much labor nonetheless, so please know that this tiny lady appreciates your efforts!

Kara the Dollgirl :kiss:

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat May 04, 2024 3:07 am

Kara Dollgirl wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 2:08 am
Dear Doc,

I just wanted to say "thank you" for the constant stream of SW stories and images you create on a regular basis. I always look forward at the end of my week to curling up in my cozy little doll house bed and enjoying your work as I imagine myself as the tiny heroine of each tale. I know it's a labor of love for you, but it must be much labor nonetheless, so please know that this tiny lady appreciates your efforts!

Kara the Dollgirl :kiss:
I'm happy that I can make you happy. ;)


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Re: Doc's World

Post by Kara Dollgirl » Sat May 04, 2024 5:30 am

DocRick wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 3:07 am
Kara Dollgirl wrote:
Sat May 04, 2024 2:08 am
Dear Doc,

I just wanted to say "thank you" for the constant stream of SW stories and images you create on a regular basis. I always look forward at the end of my week to curling up in my cozy little doll house bed and enjoying your work as I imagine myself as the tiny heroine of each tale. I know it's a labor of love for you, but it must be much labor nonetheless, so please know that this tiny lady appreciates your efforts!

Kara the Dollgirl :kiss:
I'm happy that I can make you happy. ;)

Oh you do! Ecstatically! (a little lower please, Big Guy...)

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun May 05, 2024 1:56 pm

Naomi had been taking botany classes at the university, working as an assistant to a professor developing different plant hormones to affect the size and growth rate of plants. During the summer, she took a job caring for the plants at a high-end greenhouse. She had taken a few bottles of the experimental hormones from the lab and had tried them on some of the plants at the greenhouse and had got some amazing results. She thought if one of the hormones worked that well, mixing two hormones together would have an even better result. When no one was around, she took two of the bottles and poured them into a jar. The solution began to fizz, then bubble, then boil, then a great explosion of mist erupted from the jar and enveloped Naomi. She passed out from the fumes and fell to the floor.

When she awoke, she found herself covered in heavy fabric. She crawled around beneath the fabric, finally coming to an edge and crawling out. As she stood up, she found herself naked and looking up at the bottom of the workbench, she realized the hormones had somehow formed a chemical reaction that shrunk her to about 5 inches tall. Trying to decide what to do, she was spotted by two unruly children who had been running around the greenhouse. She ran towards some plants to hide from these brats, climbing into a small potted violet. The children looked for her until their mother yelled for them. Staying concealed within the foliage of the plant, she thought if she could get to her cellphone in the pocket of her jeans, now lying in a pile on the floor, she could call the professor he could help her. But before she could climb out of the plant, an adult woman shopper began walking towards her. She began to pick up different plants, reading the labels and the price tags as she browsed the stock. The woman reached towards the plant Naomi was hiding in and picked it up. As she was looking at the plant, she moved one of the leaves, revealing Naomi. Shocked, she nearly dropped the plant. Naomi looked at the woman and said "Please, help me." The woman looked at the tiny, frightened girl for a few moments. Then she stood up, used her foot to shove Naomi's clothing under the workbench. Any sense of relief Naomi had from having been found by an adult instead of the children, faded quickly as the woman began carrying the plant to the self-checkout lane of the nursery.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon May 06, 2024 1:13 am

Gwen was so looking forward to tonight. She had a date with the quarterback of the football team after practice and she had just bought a really hot little black dress. She just had to get through English Comp 302 and "Shit". She had forgotten she had signed up to participate in an experiment in Professor Thorton's Microbiophysiology lab. Oh, well. Hopefully it won't take too long and she really needed the extra credit points to get her GPA back up.

Gwen hadn't read over the procedure papers and went to the lab. "Hell's Bells". The lab assistant is that geeky Natalie that tutored Gwen through Biology 101. She would always hanging around Gwen at campus parties and pep rallies. She wasn't that bad, just a bit annoying and sometimes Gwen got the feeling that Natalie was attracted to her in more than just as a friend. So not to hurt her feelings, (or lose a tutor if she needed her again) Gwen would let her hang her around for a while, then would ditch her in a crowd. "Hi, Gwen !!!" Natalie cheerfully greeted her as she entered the waiting room to get her. "I didn't know YOU were participating today. Come on inside." She led Gwen to the changing room and instructed her to get undressed and remove every piece of jewelry, and verified she didn't have any dental fillings, crowns or was wearing contacts. Once Gwen was changed and wearing nothing but a hospital type gown, Natalie weighed her, measured her height, bust, waist and hip measurements, then led her to a large cylindrical chamber. "Now just step inside and relax. We'll get started in a minute."

Machinery started humming and a faint green light enveloped Gwen in the chamber. The light gradually intensified, then grew so bright, Gwen had to shut her eyes. She felt a strange tingling sensation, then a feeling like she was in a descending elevator. When the light faded and the tingling sensation diminished, Gwen realized she was beneath the gown she had been wearing, but now it was like being under a collapsed circus tent. She felt the fabric moving, then a giant green gloved hand appeared and before she could react, the hand wrapped its huge fingers around her body and picked her up. As she was pulled clear of the gown, she saw it was Natalie that was holding her. "What happened to me?"

Natalie just smiled and said "Don't worry. It's only temporary. Dr. Thorton's Matter Resizer miniaturized you just as we planned. Didn't you read the papers we sent over to you when you signed up? No? Just as well. Now just hold still while I get these measurements." Natalie quickly and efferently measured her new height, weight and all her other measurements.

Gwen looked around the cavernous room, down at the football field sized lab table and at Natalie's king-sized bed size hands. Natalie continued to poke, prod and measure her, not seeming the least bit embarrassed holding her naked body in her hand. Natalie looked at the end of the table and asked, "What is that cage for?"

Smiling, Natalie replied, "Well, it's Friday and it's too late to recharge the Matter Resizer so Dr. Thorton told me to take you home for the weekend and I needed something to ensure your safety. Oh, stop fretting. I'm gonna have............I mean, WE'RE gonna have so much fun."


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