Doc's World

Post your pictures of shrunken or otherwise tiny women in here
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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:32 pm

Cleaning out a very old photography studio, I found some negatives in some boxes in the basement, so I had them developed.




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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 11, 2025 6:49 pm

Candy thought her career as a model was over when she was exposed to some hazardous chemicals while on a photoshoot in Argentina and shrunk to five inches tall. Then she found there was a niche for tiny models and she soon found herself in high demand again, like this photoshoot for Coppertone in Bolivia.

Brought on set by her "handler" she pauses for a moment to get her mood while the photographer adjusts his camera.


When the photographer says he's ready, she snaps out of her trance and gets ready.


Tossing off her jacket, she starts her dance routine.


Then she strikes some poses for the cameraman.


Lost in the feeling, she steps too close to the edge of the hat that serves as her stage and looses her balance.


Fortunately, the cameraman has quick reflex's and catches her.


It takes Candy a moment to stop laughing.


Then, back into her routine, this time on the blanket.



These shoots always get Candy aroused so she climbs back on top of the hat and waits for her boyfriend to pick her up for some playtime while the roadies pack up all the gear.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Jan 12, 2025 4:28 am

I like to face them towards a mirror before they wake up from their miniaturization so the first thing they see is their reflection as my hand comes up behind them. The look on their face when they realize how tiny they are is priceless.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:59 am

When you're only five inches tall, it's not a good idea to piss off the bartender, as little Jennifer found out the hard way. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:52 am

Some years ago, I met a young lady playing in one of my honkytonks. At the time, I don't think she was even old enough to drink there !!! Well, now she's living in Nashville and has played on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry and has opened for some major performers. We still keep in touch and I made this for her to remind her of when she wasn't such a big star. :lol: She loved it.



She loved my dog. I used to take him to bars, breweries, wineries and outdoor concerts. He would lie in front of the stage, then jump up and bark at the end of each song. All the bands loved him. The establishment owners loved him too. Some people would come out more to see him than the band or singers. He's gone now, damn cancer. But his memory lives on.
Last edited by DocRick on Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:58 am

Jolene used to get so mad at her roommate Hiedi, for drinking milk out of the jug, so she stole some of the shrinking formula and poured it into the milk jug to teach her a lesson. She wasn't home when Hiedi got home and sure enough, she took the jug out of the refrigerator and drank down a big swallow. She immediately began to shrink, and she dropped the jug, the splash coating her clothing, shrinking them too. As she sat on the floor wondering what the hell happened, the cat walked in and began to lick the milk off of the floor. She tried to sit perfectly still, hoping the milk had the same effect on the cat before it noticed her. :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:16 am

Good evening Dr. Schmekenton and Mrs. Schmekenton. I hope this box is comfortable enough for you. You know, you really shouldn't have laughed at me and had me fired when I told you about my theory for miniaturizing matter. As you can see, I developed the process on my own, at great expense. But I'll recoup my money tomorrow when your new owners arrive. I have to go out for a while, so just sit tight."

Two hours later.....

"Sorry I was gone so long but I had a hard time locating your daughter on the college campus. But just to show you I'm not totally heartless, I'll let you spend some time with her before her new owner gets here in about an hour or so...... Catch."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:25 am

Arrietty's father told her when she was old enough to "borrow" on her own, the two most important things for borrowers to remember is to never be seen by a bean and to wear clothing that blends in with your surroundings. She usually tried to follow his instructions, but on this day, she saw some strawberries had ripened and she wanted to get one for desert for the family dinner. She was making her way through the grass to the garden when a bean woman who had been visiting the beans that owned the house Arrietty and her family lived in, walked into the yard and spotted her white smock moving in the grass. Before Arrietty could hide, the bean woman reached down and grabbed her.

"Why, just look at you." the woman said to the frightened borrower. "Aren't you just adorable. I think I'll just have to take you home and keep you as my pet. I have just the perfect cage already to keep you in."

After removing her straight pin from her belt and dropping it in the grass, the bean woman put Arrietty in her purse and took her home.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:33 am

Julie's mom was always critical of the way she dressed. Her favorite phrase was "I'm putting my foot down." and Julie knew she had lost the argument. After she was accidentally miniaturized by her father's cockamamie invention, the Matter Manipulator, her mother was even more strict about what she wore when she went out with her friends. The phrase "I'm putting my foot down" had another whole new meaning for Julie now..... :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:39 am

It's been a year since Suzie was inexplicably miniaturized and the doctors have not given her any hope of being restored to her previous size. So, she decided she needed to become a little more independent, so she and her father began construction of her own house. Of course, the house will be kept inside her parents' house, in the screened in patio in warm weather, and in the family room when cold weather comes, but at least she will have some semblance of normality while she spends her life as a five-inch-tall girl.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:07 am

Gwen didn't believe in witches and wizards so when the rumors that the strange new girl Helga, on the college campus was a witch, she went out of her way to harass her. She would say things like, "Oops. I almost spilled water on you. I'd hate to see you melt away." or "Hey Helga, are the Good Witch of the West or the Bad Witch of the East? I was thinking about wearing my ruby slippers tomorrow." or "Hey, did the college give you a parking permit for your broom?" The Helga never responded to Gwen's taunts. She would just walk away as Gwen laughed. Then, one day, Gwen walked into the student lounge and found the Helga was the only other student in there. Helga just stood up and faced her then began to recite something in a strange language. Gwen began to feel strange. She felt an odd tingling of her skin, then the ceiling began to get higher and higher.........

Maybe Gwen should have paid more attention to the wording on Helga's coffee cup. She believes in witches and wizards now, but now it's too late........ :lol:


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:33 am

Anjali, after being mysteriously shrunk, decided to write a book about her experiences as a tiny person. Unfortunately, during a book signing at Books-4-Less, she disappeared during one of her breaks. Local police are still investigating after taking an x-ray of the resident cat and finding no....evidence....that the cat was involved.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 18, 2025 12:42 am

Gloria was walking along the beach when she saw a strange looking bottle washed up on the sand. She picked it up and began to wipe the sand off of it and a genie magically appeared.

"For freeing me from the bottle, Mistress, I will grant you three wishes. What is your heart's desire?"

Gloria thought for a moment, then said, "I would like $1,000,000 in my bank account."

The Genie waved his hand and said, "By your command."

Her cellphone pinged and a message appeared from her bank. "A Saudi prince just deposited a million dollars into your account. Please stop in at you earliest convenience to meet with the bank manager to advise you how to best safeguard and invest your money."

"WOW !!!" Gloria exclaimed. ''

"Your next wish, Mistress""

"I would like a Ferrari F40, bright red, paid off, registered to me with personalized plates "1 HOT MAMA".

The Genie waved his hand and said, "By your command."

A red Ferrari appeared on the street, with a title in Gloria's name and the personalized plates she requested.

"Your final wish, Mistress. Choose wisely."

Gloria thought for a few moments, then said, "I would like a tall, dark Hot Chocolate standing next to me, with big hands that he can't keep off of me."

The Genie waved his hand and said, "By your command."

Gloria found herself 6 inches tall, standing on a bar table next to a glass of hot chocolate and a saw a giant hand coming towards her. It would appear, the Genie didn't quite understand her last wish..........


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:37 pm

Joe and Charlene were getting married and Charlene's bridal shower was planned by her sister, Crystal for Friday. Joe was a jealous man and told Crystal if there were any male strippers or entertainers at the shower, the wedding was off. They argued for a bit, then Joe said that he would provide the entertainment and she should just trust him. Crystal agreed but told him if he blows it, she'll never forgive him.

Friday night came and there was a knock on the hotel room door where the party was already in progress. Joe, having found four adventurous prostitutes and had his friend, Micheal Thorton, the son of Professor Thorton, the inventor of the Matter Manipulator, miniaturize the four hookers, walked in carrying a bowl of M&M's and the four tiny street walkers. He handed the bowl to Crystal and said, "I'll be back in the morning to pick the girls up. Enjoy your entertainment."


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:42 pm

Kourtney had found the tiny girl months ago and they had become friends. She didn't want anyone else to know about her, but they still wanted to go out and about to enjoy the world. Kourtney found various ways for them to conceal her from others and since Kourtney didn't drink, she would carry her around in the Red Solo cup at parties. This way people thought she could pretend she had a drink, and no one would bother her about needing something and her tiny friend could poke her head out to look around when no one was looking.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:50 pm

One of the girls at the sorority picnic, slipped the shrinking formula from the Microbiophysiology Lab into Virginia's drink and she abruptly found herself tiny and naked, exposed on top of a picnic table. No one noticed it when it happened, and she tried to hide among the cups on the table until the formula wore off in two hours. It was working until a stray ping pong ball from the Beer Pong game landed in the cup she was hiding in, knocking it over and spilling her out onto the table, right in front of a bunch of the "mean girls" on campus. As she looked at the grinning faces of the girls peering down at her, she knew the next hour or so was going to be absolute hell for her.......


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Re: Doc's World

Post by vicky567 » Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:24 am

Great work, as always, Doc!

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Jan 19, 2025 8:26 am

vicky567 wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 3:24 am
Great work, as always, Doc!
Thank you very much.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by Josh the Cyborg » Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:55 am

DocRick wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:37 pm
Joe and Charlene were getting married and Charlene's bridal shower was planned by her sister, Crystal for Friday. Joe was a jealous man and told Crystal if there were any male strippers or entertainers at the shower, the wedding was off. They argued for a bit, then Joe said that he would provide the entertainment and she should just trust him. Crystal agreed but told him if he blows it, she'll never forgive him.

Friday night came and there was a knock on the hotel room door where the party was already in progress. Joe, having found four adventurous prostitutes and had his friend, Micheal Thorton, the son of Professor Thorton, the inventor of the Matter Manipulator, miniaturize the four hookers, walked in carrying a bowl of M&M's and the four tiny street walkers. He handed the bowl to Crystal and said, "I'll be back in the morning to pick the girls up. Enjoy your entertainment."

Thats probably also a warning that if he does find evidence of male Strippers. He can have her Shrunk.
A Madman with a Shrink ray that only Works on Girls.

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:27 pm

Josh the Cyborg wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2025 9:55 am
DocRick wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:37 pm
Joe and Charlene were getting married and Charlene's bridal shower was planned by her sister, Crystal for Friday. Joe was a jealous man and told Crystal if there were any male strippers or entertainers at the shower, the wedding was off. They argued for a bit, then Joe said that he would provide the entertainment and she should just trust him. Crystal agreed but told him if he blows it, she'll never forgive him.

Friday night came and there was a knock on the hotel room door where the party was already in progress. Joe, having found four adventurous prostitutes and had his friend, Micheal Thorton, the son of Professor Thorton, the inventor of the Matter Manipulator, miniaturize the four hookers, walked in carrying a bowl of M&M's and the four tiny street walkers. He handed the bowl to Crystal and said, "I'll be back in the morning to pick the girls up. Enjoy your entertainment."

Thats probably also a warning that if he does find evidence of male Strippers. He can have her Shrunk.

Or if she nags him too much. :lol:

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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Sun Jan 19, 2025 1:56 pm

While walking back to his dorm, Karl saw a pile of clothing in the grass next to the sidewalk. He stopped to exam them and found one complete girl's outfit: a blouse, a skirt, a pair of shoes, socks, panties, bra and a purse. As he wondered what happened to the girl and if he should report this to campus security, a movement in the grass caught his eye. He moved a little closer and saw a tiny naked girl trying to crawl through the grass. He parted the grass blades with his hands and saw the poor creature looking at him, her face a mask of fear.

Karl said softly, "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." as his fingers started to wrap around her squirming little body.


Karl had a major crush on Cassidy, a girl in his English Comp 102 class but he was too shy to approach her. Then one day, he found the storage room in the Microbiophysiology Lab unlocked. He knew the professor was working on a devise to change the size of matter and a few tests had been successful in miniaturizing animals. So he decided that the only way to get close to Cassidy was to shrink her. He stalked her until he saw her walking home from classes, through the park. He didn't see anyone around, so he armed, then fired the device at her from behind a tree. To his amazement, he saw her shrink and disappear in the grass. He put the device in his backpack, then walked over to her like he was just strolling through the park, then stopped where he had last seen her. Looking down, he saw her trying to hide in the grass, so he knelt down and parted the blades of grass with his fingers.

Cassidy was looking at him, fear and confusion in her eyes. He smiled sweetly and said, "Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." as he reached down and picked her up and put her in his pocket and took her home.


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:28 am

I went to Jared. She said "Yes".


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:05 am

Even though she was only five inches tall now, Clarice insisted on during her share of the household chores. Obviously, she couldn't take out the trash, cook or run the vacuum cleaner, so she said she wanted to wash the dishes. There were only a few dishes, and when she put on her bikini, how could I refuse? To be honest, it wasn't a very efficient way to wash the dishes, but it was fun to watch......


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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:23 am

It's photodump time. Stuff I've made but have no story to go along with them and my memory is getting full. So enjoy.........

















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Re: Doc's World

Post by DocRick » Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:18 pm

For those of you having problems with your tiny lady, help is here.......For a mere $250.00 plus shipping and handling, you receive the controller which can run on standard or rechargeable batteries and the collar. Get yours today !!!!!


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