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Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 3:34 pm
by blueman
Reduced to the size of an ant by a vile curse, Yennefer has had to adapt to her life in a colossal new world. Her own books and scrolls now towering over her, she has been entirely dependent on her adoptive daughter, Ciri, to even survive. Tough though it may be, her spirit is not yet lost. She is determined to find a way to reverse the curse and grow back to her normal size. But what will happen along the way?

"I am growing tired of this!"

"Hi mum! You're looking awfully cute today!"

Yen doesn't like crossing the finger everytime she wants to go somewhere, but what other choice does she have?

"Come on, step across! You'll be in my palm in no time!"

"Don't look down..."