Shrink Heist

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by chocolatejr9 » Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:07 pm

"Okay, um... is there a cafeteria here? Or some other place where guys eat?"


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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Tanja1000 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:53 pm

"Too bad there is no toy store in the area. Let's buy them doll clothes. But their human-sized clothes can either be shrunk or we can make other clothes out of them. Or, we could make some clothes out of the napkins. If you find my purse. I think I left it in the place where I shrunk. I don't know about the canteen, even I would be interested because I'm hungry "

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:44 pm

Quick: = instigated w/shrink ray
Sai: Professor at lab,
Chocolate: Random stranger
Tanja: Foreign secretary, intern.

Cheryl: Another lab assistant, second to be shrunk by Quick
Sarah: Middle aged woman: Hit Quick with ink cartridge. Six put her in Lunchbox.
Skye: Quick’s partner. Helicopter pilot.

Security chief Six:
Minx: Shrunk without clothes
Tina: Also without clothes

I think this is everyone? There was an unnamed character earlier that I merged with Sarah, if that is okay with you Six. There might be one more lab assistant running around. I'm going to hazard a suggestion that the beam not shrinking clothes is due to it hitting someone in the arm or head and not contacting any clothes directly.

Cheryl was getting concerned. Chocolate had just called attention to to the fact that he didn't really work here. Meanwhile Six was radiating creepy control freak vibes, and might be defensive over taking so long to get here. Should Cheryl try to act like Sai and take control? That would be hard and potentially dangerous! Time to stretch the truth a bit.
"Six, this is Chocolate, Sai hired him to work with us. We need you to... call the air force and stop that helicopter! Hurry!"

Meanwhile in the helicopter, Sai radios a mayday, and talks to Australian air traffic control. She gives them her name, location, and the Lab's phone number but omits the stuff about the shrink ray.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by chocolatejr9 » Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:09 pm

I look around until I find Tanja's purse. Just like she said, there were some napkins inside, which I began handing out to the shrinkees. "It's not much, but we don't know if those guys are gonna come back soon or what, so I doubt time is on our side here..."

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prisoner #6 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:06 am

(I mentioned the clothes pile because our resident villain suggested the shrink way doesn't work on inorganic material. I think he was setting up something like that)

I see the little ladies on the floor, looking up at me. They're so petite, so tiny. It's surreal, and I have no clue how to react.
It reminds me of the sensation I got when I first held Sarah in the palm of my hand. But I've got to concentrate. I look down at Cheryl and Tanja, but for some reason I say nothing. I raise my radio to my face and speak slowly.

"This is Sixer. The situation just got worse. The terrorists in the stealth chopper appear to have taken a hostage. It's Doctor Sai. I think we're going to have to call in the big guns on this one."

The dispatcher quickly replies. "Understood. We know who to call."

"LIsten, I've got no time to chat here. I'm going silent for a while. Over."

I look at the only full-size adult in the room. I don't know his credentials, but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. "I think you're right. Let's go buy the ladies a coffee while we figure out our next move. I think there's a coffee shop a block or so from here that serves pastries and sandwiches. It's hardly ever crowded. You know the place I'm talking about?"
Be seeing you.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:25 am

Cheryl whispers to Tanja. "Who hired this guy?"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by chocolatejr9 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 5:31 pm

"Um... yeah, I think I saw the place on my way here. Hopefully it's still open this late..."

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Tanja1000 » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:22 pm

"I think this guy is send by government"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:20 am

"Nah, governments are never that bad at subterfuge."
Then Cheryl spoke up so the men could hear her.
"If you guys want to get coffee, can you get us some scissors and tape first? We have work to do here."

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:11 am

Meanwhile, in Australia, Skye finally manages to find the thing she was looking for.

"Ah finally! The stub. Quik, can you get the warp device and energy rod? Also, deconstruct the helicopter. We can just make a new one."

"Sure" I reply, I make my way over to the helicopter and step inside, and I find a tiny Sai switching the radio off. "Hey!" I reach out and grab her.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:09 pm

Sai dives back under the seat, but finds herself cornered in the footwell and unable to resist Quik. She can only curl up in a ball and let herself be picked up.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by chocolatejr9 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 4:44 pm

"Oh, right! Sorry, this isn't exactly something I've had to deal with before..." I look around the area, hoping to find the requested supplies.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 11:53 pm

"Wait," I say, getting a good look at Sai. "You're the assistant from the lab! Why are you..." I look over at where she was at the radio. "Wait... Skye?"

"Yeah?" I hear in response.

"Our location might be compromised." I hear a shuffling of footsteps while I turn back to Sai.

"How did you get here?"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Thu Mar 16, 2023 5:37 pm

"ASSISTANT!" Yells Sai, thankful for an opportunity to distract. "That is MY LAB that I designed that works MY way. YOU are the assistant that screwed up your assignment that SHE gave you!"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:17 pm

I heard Skye burst into laughter as she walked into the helicopter. "Well, she is kind of right..."

"Well, you didn't answer my question," I said, glaring at Skye. "How did you get here?"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:06 am

"I asked first! How did you shrink me?!"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:12 am

I opened my mouth to answer, but Skye replied instead.

"Well, you see, we aren't from this planet..."

"Skye! Why did you reveal that about us?!"

"If she was on the plane the whole time, she would have heard us anyway! So, we're a species called Aenhartians, or as you humans would know us, Atlanteans."

Sai looked a bit dumbfounded as Skye continued.

"You see, our species controls this energy called Aen, which we can use to manipulate matter freely. Usually, we use this to move objects or break or build things, but in high enough concentrations we can duplicate or destroy matter itself." She pat her personal ray on her pocket, "We've designed defence shrink rays that destroy enough matter around the target to make them harmless that the user charges over a period of time."

"That's how I shrank you." I finished.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Fri Mar 17, 2023 12:25 pm

"What YOU did at MY lab was not defense!"

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:52 pm

"I... I'm sorry about that. I panicked and just shot. We can fix you."

I held out my hand towards her, a strange blue energy crackling between my fingertips.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Tanja1000 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:27 pm

When I heard aliens I was surprised.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:30 pm

Sai gulped, and hoped for the best.
"D- Don't forget the others at the lab." She stammered.

Back at the lab, Cheryl helped minx and Tina improvise some clothes. Six receives a call from... Flight control in Australia?

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:27 pm

Against all known narrative concepts, Sai's restoration goes smoothly, and she is restored to within an inch of her proper height. Skye and Quik tell Sai about their struggles, and Sai agrees to let them borrow some power from her crystal. In exchange the aliens would restore everyone back to normal, provide science about how the shrink ray worked, and kick Six in the head.

Just then the Australian air force arrived. They were friendly, but quite efficient in taking control. So they were the ones who piloted Skye's copter back to Sai's lab. From there everything went smoothly. Chocolate got a nice high paying job, everyone was restored, and the lab got a powerful and fun new tool to use.

The End.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Sat Mar 25, 2023 10:18 pm

I hope everyone doesn't mind my finishing it off like that, it did seem to be winding down. I can just delete that post if people want to continue.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:08 am

If others want to continue, I still have my plans, but if no one is interested anymore, then I think it's a wrap up.

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Re: Shrink Heist

Post by Prof Sai » Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:06 pm

NO! Don't wrap me up!

(Secretly wants to be wrapped up)

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