Isekai game anyone?

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Isekai game anyone?

Post by gtquik702 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:57 am

Why have I not thought of this up until now?


I've realised that my story Iseakaied into another world as a microphilliac is quite literally set into a game. And, structured RP is for structured games.

So the plot is this:
In an alternate timeline, instead of just one hero being summoned, multiple are summoned to fight off this mysterious threat to the world, each given a skill that alters other skills...


STR: Strength. Increases damage, and helps you do strength related things
END: Endurance. Increases HP and regeneration rate
INT: Intelligence. Increases mana pool and you may qualify for some "inspiration"
WIS: Wisdom. Increases mana regeneration and also helps qualify characters for "inspiration"
AGL: Agility. Increases move speed and improves agility related tasks
CHA: Charisma. Basically irrelevant in my story, but it helps you talk to others better.

HP: Equal to 10X END
MP (Mana): Equal to 10X INT
MP regen: Equal to 0.1X WIS
Damage: Equal to STR

Every character will start with a weak 10 points per stat. All stats can be increased through relevant training. e.g. strength can be upgraded through lifting weights.


A skill is like a superpower. It can either be active (activated on will) or passive (EDITED: always on OR activates automatically when conditions are met).

Every hero summoned has this skill to begin with:

Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires.

(However, I'm removing passive SP generation, and changing it to be obtained through training, or fulfilling one's fetish...)

And one other skill that the user creates that is somewhat balanced. I'll veto it if it's a bit overpowered.

Generally, skills take up MP to use, but it's not necessary.


Just send a skill with a name and description, and I'll add you to the RP! And if you want to, name your character and describe their appearance.


All dice rolls will be d20, with a rough success level of whatever I see fit at the moment, though the average roll would be >= 10 is a success.

At all times in combat, one character is attacking while the other is defending.

When two characters engage in combat without skills, they will each roll two dice. If the attacking character's AGL stat is higher than the opponents AGL stat, they gain an advantage (The dice with a higher number rolled is chosen), while the other gets a disadvantage (The dice with a lower number rolled is chosen.) If the attacker's number is strictly greater than the opponents number, the defender will receive damage equal to the attacker's STR stat. This goes on until one character's HP reaches 0, in which they will be considered subdued. A subdued character can be killed (removed from the game), and is vulnerable to any skills that require a subdued target.

If skills are involved, I will make the calls as the skills can vary.

The world is the typical medieval style you would find in most Isekai animes. There will be NPCs you can interact with...

And of course, I encourage shrinking
Last edited by gtquik702 on Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by chocolatejr9 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:06 pm

I think I'll try. Here's an idea for my skill:

Befriender: Has a higher chance of befriending NPCs and/or enemies (note that the latter depends on the type of enemy). This can lead to certain benefits like additional party members and store discounts.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by gtquik702 » Mon Feb 27, 2023 11:15 pm

Ooh, interesting. You said you suck at avatars, so I'm just going to assume a regular guy in some regular clothing

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by gtquik702 » Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:07 am

Ight, here's your stat sheet

I altered the wording of your ability a bit, but it'll still have the same effect


HP: 100/100
MP: 100/100 (1/m)

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 0

Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires. SP is gathered through SP training (meditation)

Befriender: The user has a higher chance of befriending others (including enemies). To others it feels like he’s emitting good vibes.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by Underscore » Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:10 pm

Oooooh I like the idea. If possible, I'd like to join and maybe to try a kind of pokemon esque summoner type where my skill is to tame creatures.
Tamed cretaures can be physically altered by the tamer (for size purposes mostly) which would allow the tamer to carry cretaures on their person by shrinking them and then 'summoning' them when needed or for combat by returning them to normal size? The caveat is the skill works on any willing creature but only certain types of unwilling creatures can be 'tamed' the variety expands based on the skill level so early I couldn't just tame a dragon off the bat but maybe stuff like goblins, horses or cows, rabbits or birds?

As for the fetish element, when taming, my character alters the creature to be a humanoid version of the creature (not like furry levels but they would maintain some aspects like the ears or a tail of the creature they were before) and as their master, we share some kind of way to communicate, I don't know whether it would be best that the creature learns to speak the same language of the master, if the master talks like the creature or if its like a telepathic link that gets automatically translated.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by gtquik702 » Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:48 am

Your skill sounds amazing!

I'll give you a basic avatar, but if you want to change it, I'll alter it.

Based on your description, I created two skills, since it'll simplify things. Again, if you want to change it, I'll alter it.


Hp: 100/100
MP: 100/100 (1/m)

STR: 10
END: 10
AGL: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

SP: 0

Skillset alteration - The user can spend SP (skill points) to create, remove, or edit skills of either themselves or others. The more powerful the skill, the more SP it requires. SP is gathered through SP training (meditation)

Ultimate tamer - Allows the user to form contracts with any living being using MP. The stronger the being, the more MP this requires. When a being has a contract formed, they will morph into a humanoid form, maintaining some animalistic features.

Size manipulation: Contract - Allows the user to alter the size of any being they have formed a contract with, up to a limit of 10 times larger or smaller.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by Underscore » Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:21 am

It seems to be the theme with recent Isekai where the protagonist is either a beast tamer or a super powerful summoner so I'm just embracing the cliché hahahaha

Looks great to me, thanks for letting me join!

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Prof Sai
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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by Prof Sai » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:20 am

I don't understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by chocolatejr9 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:56 am

Prof Sai wrote:
Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:20 am
I don't understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!
The rules, or that one comment that was here?

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by Prof Sai » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:20 pm

There's numbers everywhere!

Also, I think I ruined Quick's other game somehow so I shouldn't play this one.

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Re: Isekai game anyone?

Post by gtquik702 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 1:37 pm

Nah Sai, you're welcome to join!

If you don't mind being miniaturised by your party members that is...

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