
SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Post by Zenra_Yade » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:01 am

My law firm sent me to meet an ambassador in Phau-Lan, a small country in Central Asia. Layovers made me wait everywhere I landed. It took almost forty-eight hours to arrive. I could have paid extra to get there in a little over twelve, but I decided against it. My father said frivolous overspending was the bane of modern man, and who am I to disagree?

Ten hours into my journey, my home security system alerted me with a text message. I tried to call my wife, but it rang out. My wife, Elizabeth, never turned off her phone. How else could she update her social media? I called my son, Timmy, and he picked up straight away. "Hi, Dad. You'll never believe what happened."

I couldn't get a word in edgewise. "That new security system you put in the other day. The one that shrinks people who try to break in? Well, it just shrunk mom."

"What? Is she all right?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Don't worry. I, uh, checked her over already."

Timmy's tone worried me. "That's good, but shouldn't you unshrink her?"

"I tried, but I can't."

"Hang on. I'll see if I can do it from here. Don't hang up."

The app said someone shrunk, though I was out of range. Damn my cheapness. I bought The Shrinkernational Security System on clearance. The company went out of business, so technical support wasn't an option. "Are you there, Timmy?"

"Yeah, dad. How did you go?"

"Not good. It says I’m out of range."

"So what do we do?"

"Why can't you unshrink her?"

"Mom's phone smashed to pieces when she shrunk and the app isn't compatible with my phone, remember?"

"Shit! All right. Let's see." My flight rang over the intercom. "You'll have to look after her until I get back."

"But, aren't you gone for a week?"

"I’m counting on you, Timmy. Keep me updated."

After eighteen hours, I sat in St. Petersburg Airport and ate some Kung Pow Chicken. Timmy private messaged me one picture and two videos. I almost choked when I saw the picture. My wife of fifteen years stood inside my old glass hamster cage. I hadn't used that since my gerbil, Perry, died when I was in college. My wife wore her workout gear. The silver yoga pants she wore gave her a massive cameltoe. Her black sports bra and hot pink sneakers complemented her ensemble well; an accompanying caption read, her new home. Timmy titled the videos, Hi Daddy and A Little Exercise. I started with Hi Daddy, which he posted two hours earlier.

Elizabeth stood on our kitchen table and stared at the camera. "Okay. It's on, mom."

"Hi, Norbert. I thought we better record something so you don't spend your trip worrying. As you can see, I'm fine. Put the ruler up, Timmy."

A giant hand stood a huge ruler up beside her. "What does it say?"

"A touch over fourteen-point-five centimeters."

"So, I'm less than six-inches tall. It could be worse, I guess. Anyway, I told Timmy to clean out your old gerbil tank so I could sleep without worrying about spiders. I guess that's it. I love you, baby. We'll see you next Monday."

Elizabeth raised her arms. Timmy wrapped his hand around her legs and lifted her out of frame. He turned the camera around and held her beside his smiling face. "We love you, dad. Have a good trip."

When the video ended, I clicked the second video, A Little Exercise. Elizabeth stood in the tank. She looked over her shoulder. "Hi, Norby. Timmy cleaned out the tank and look, I can still get my exercise."

Elizabeth climbed inside the aluminum hamster wheel and started a light jog. "See, mom. You don't need to unshrink. You have everything you need."

She stopped and glared at Timmy. I knew that look. She wasn't happy. Elizabeth pointed at the camera. "You get that out of your head right now. I am still your mother and you’ll unshrink me the second you can, got it?"

"Sure, whatever. Get back to running."

At the top of the frame, giant fingers rolled the exercise wheel. Elizabeth jogged again. She almost tripped as she tried to keep up with its increasing speed. "Come on, mom. Faster. Faster!"

His hand pulled away, and Elizabeth slowed to a more comfortable jog. "What did I say? Did I tell you to slow down?"

When Timmy flicked her ass, she yelped and sped up. He zoomed in on her ample bosom as it rose and fell before the video ended.

Thirty-three hours into my journey, I sat in Kuala Lumpur. My son sent me another video and left me a message which read:-

‘Hi, dad. How’s your trip? We're doing good, but mom's acting up this morning. I'm going to read up on shrinking and see if I can figure it out. I love you.’

I played the video. Timmy bent his mother over his middle finger. His thumb held the back of her thighs; his forefinger pushed against her lower back. Elizabeth wriggled and writhed. "I'm sorry, Timmy. You don't have to do this. Please! We can work this out."

Timmy slid down her pants with his fingertip and revealed her bare ass. "Sorry, Liz. The time for working this out has passed."

"I'll drink from the bottle in the tank. Please! Be reasonable-Aagh!"

He flicked her exposed backside three times. By the end, Elizabeth’s ass shone beet-red, and she wept. "I hope you learned your lesson, my little pet-mommy."

When the video ended, I sat in shock and messaged my son. I told him to treat his mother with more care and that we love and trust him. They called my flight before he answered.

I arrived in Phau Lan, met with the ambassador, and got myself settled. Somehow, I almost forgot about my wife and my son. I reclined on my hotel bed and scrolled through social media. The first message from Timmy read:-

‘Hey, dad. I looked up the security system. Turns out the affected have twenty-four hours to unshrink, or they stay shrunk forever. Don't worry, I'm treating her well. I'm training her to be a good little pet.’

The first video had no sound. My shrunken topless wife ran on the hamster wheel in slow motion. As terrified as she must have felt, I had to admit she looked fucking hot. The first photo showed a naked Elizabeth in a metal collar. Her defiant expression turned me on.

Timmy didn't title the next video. Elizabeth danced naked around a pencil. "What are you now?"

She didn't stop dancing. "I'm your pet."

"Good. Stop. Lie down." Elizabeth laid back.

"Spread your legs."

She shook her head. Her mouth clenched shut. Timmy pressed a button on a small remote that made the little woman seize up. "Want some more? Spread 'em."

To my surprise, Elizabeth spread her legs. What followed was the hottest scene ever recorded. My son grabbed the pencil again and probed his tiny mother's hairy gash. Elizabeth guided the eraser into her womanhood. "Look at this little slut. She loves it. Don't you, pet-mommy?"

Elizabeth nodded as tears cascaded from her eyes. "Tell dad you love him."

"I love you, Norbe-" The video ended mid-sentence, and I went to bed.

Over the coming days, I received a few more videos. None shocked me as much as that last one. The mere thought of Elizabeth disgusted me. On my first day home, I didn't address her until after Timmy went to bed. "Look at you, Liz."

"I know, Norby. I am so grateful you're home. Our son really did a number on me." I couldn't believe how fast she forgot her training.

"A number on you? What? You brought this on yourself. If you didn’t have to check your Faceburps, Tweetys, and Instagroans all the time, you might not have shrunk."

I carried her to my son's room. Timmy sat on his bed with a pillow over his lap. "Hey, dad."

"Hey, Timbo. Why don't you keep your pet in here from now on." I tossed my former wife onto the pillow. "Maybe she can help with what you were doing before I walked in. Good night." Timmy blushed before I closed the door. I listened from the other side for a moment. Flesh slapped, and squeals echoed. I held in laughter as I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a nightcap. For the first time in almost fifteen years, I was single again.

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Re: Frugal

Post by slepytyme » Wed Nov 17, 2021 12:18 pm

Love this story keep up the amazing work 👏💜 💕 💖 🙌

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Re: Frugal

Post by ShrinkMaster » Wed Nov 17, 2021 10:38 pm

Wow, it's been a long time since I saved a story so it won't get lost someday. But this one is really worth it! Thank you!
I especially like the gradual increase in humiliation. Just too beautiful. :-P
I don't like playing with dolls,
I like to play with little woman!!

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Re: Frugal

Post by Zenra_Yade » Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:24 pm

Thanks, slepytime and Shrinkmaster.
I'm flattered.

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