Fun With Portals!

SW stories that include violence or extreme injuries etc.

DISCLAIMER: Many of the stories within are at the border of what is legal to post. Venture forth at your own Peril
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Fun With Portals!

Post by randomguywhosthere » Thu May 25, 2023 8:00 am

This is the first story of this nature that I ever completed (well, technically it's the second, but the other one sucks and doesn't have any SW in it).
I wrote it about a year ago and it seemed like a good fit for my first major post on this site.

Disclaimer: Story contains lots of m/f vore, and that's pretty much the main thing the whole way through.

(Also I swear I'm not ripping off HentaiHunter's story with the name of this story, this is what I originally called it when I wrote it.)


Alex Preston was a boy in his late teens with frazzled brown hair and a face with a light shotgun burst of acne on his right cheek. He had a number of high school friends whom he rarely interacted with outside of school or the internet. Today, he was partaking in his usual home activity: putting off homework by playing way too many computer games while his parents were watching television downstairs.

Alex was wrapped up in his gaming when his stomach started roaring to be filled. Fortunately, the round had just ended. While queuing up for the next match, he focused a bit of energy to his fingertips and reached through the air. An opaque blue portal suddenly appeared, and he reached through it quickly. The portal closed after he withdrew his hand, now carrying something tiny and squirming. He tossed his catch on his desk in front of him: 3 peasant girls, a couple of inches tall. They were all wearing beige dresses cut off above their knees and brown shoes made from some kind of wrappings. The brief fall left them sprawling on the desk’s surface.

“Oh, nice! 3 at once!” Normally, Alex only managed to get one at a time.

“W-what’s going on!?” One of the tiny women facing him stammered out as she struggled to stand back up. Though, they way she chose to rise made Alex feel a certain way. She was on all fours, the shape of her round butt clearly defined as well as her breasts which hung below her. Her cute, worried face was framed by golden blonde hair coated in a thin layer of dirt, likely from a day of hard work on the farm. “Who are you?”

“I’m hungry” Alex replied, snatching up the woman by the waist, producing a startled yelp. “And you’re food.” He opened his mouth, tossed her in, and sealed his lips shut behind her. He sloshed her around his mouth, enjoying her flavour. When he first discovered his mysterious, portal-opening powers, he was hesitant to put dirty prey in his mouth and would go to the trouble of washing them off and stripping them before even giving them a lick. However, he soon found through experimentation that not only was their clothing perfectly digestible, but the dirt also tasted like cinnamon! After his tongue had lathered enough of her soft, shapely form he worked her to the back of his mouth and squeezed her down.


Alex felt his esophagus deposit the squirming lump into his stomach and patted his belly playfully.

“Ahhhh, that really hit the spot!” he sighed.

“” Alex looked down and saw the other two girls were sat up, staring at his middle. One of them had tears in her eyes.

“Oh, were you two her daughters?” he said, licking his upper lip. He could see a resemblance: they both looked much younger than the first woman, and both also had blonde hair. One had her hair in a ponytail, while the other sported a double. The single had a chest comparable to her mother’s but the other, likely the younger of the two, was flat.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re reunited,” Alex said as he reached out to grab them. They both snapped out of their saddened daze simultaneously and turned to run, but Alex easily snatched them up by the ankles and dangled them in front of him. Their upside-down positions caused their skirts to fall, providing him an eye-catching view of their matching white panties.

“Alright, which one first...?” His eyes flicked between each of the cute snacks before settling on his right hand, which held the more shapely of the two. He could definitely have some fun with this one, fun he was too hungry to do with her fun-sized mom. But first...

“You.” He crammed the younger sister into his mouth legs first. Her ponytails briefly stuck out between his lips before he slurped them up. He bounced her up and down, his tongue providing one hell of a bull ride before he tilted his head back and held the other girl above his maw. He parted his lips wide, giving her a view of her younger sister struggling to get a grip on the slimy muscle. The two girls shouted at each other in distress, making vain attempts to reach out to each other. Mouth still open, Alex arched his tongue down, causing the young girl to fall into his throat, then arched his tongue upward, sealing her fate.


The last remaining member of the family was weeping, no longer struggling, and covering her mouth with both hands. Alex looked at her suggestively and bit his lower lip, knowing things were about to get much worse for her.

“Well, now that we’re alone...”

“MATCH FOUND” his computer announced. Crap. Without warning, he shoved the last peasant girl in his maw and motioned his tongue to open his throat. Still dry, she took a bit of effort and a few gulps to get down and hurt him a little as she squeezed into his esophagus.


“Hey LonlyHunter998, you there?” The game had already started and someone on his team had noticed his character not making any moves yet. He activated the microphone on his headset and placed his hands on his keyboard.

“Yea I’m here, lets win this.”

As the family of tinies desperately struggled inside him, fighting for their lives, Alex was desperately struggling to stay alive in-game. He just couldn’t get in the right groove. Enemies kept sneaking up behind him, and he often found himself unable to land his shots even when he had the drop on the opposing players. By the time the first half was wrapping up, he wasn’t on the bottom of the leaderboard, but he was in the bottom half in terms of kills on his team, and they were losing.

“Damnit! If I was doing better, we’d be winning.” He just needed something to help him focus. “Maybe...” Just as the short cutscene for halftime started playing, he reached out his arm and created another portal. He closed his thumb and index finger around whatever was on the other side and plucked her out: A naked elf girl! She had long green hair, golden eyes and distinctive long ears. Her body was both slender and fit. Alex’s fingers had grabbed her just below the collarbone, his pointer finger on her back and his thumb pressed squarely between her cute little breasts. He held her up to his lips and took a big sniff of her hair, she smelled like she had just gotten out of the bath, and like she had been bathing in vanilla cream!

“What just-” Before she could utter another word, Alex opened his lips just a crack and shoved the elf’s face between them, slurping her body up to her buttocks just as the second half of the match began. Leaning closer to the screen, he tried to focus all of his body on the game at once. His left hand controlled the movement commands on his keyboard, occasionally pressing a button down to sprint, crouch or throw a grenade. His right hand controlled the mouse, aiming his weapon and eliminating targets with just a few clicks. His eyes surveyed the screen, watching the scenery for enemies and the movement of his teammates. His ears listened through his microphone for the telltale sounds of gunfire or out of place footsteps. His lips suckled on the treat in his mouth while the tip of his tongue danced around the body of creamy elf-flesh squirming in panic.

Outside Alex’s mouth, the elf’s legs kicked wildly while her arms wrestled with his tongue. Her taste and the sensation of her fighting both filled Alex with pleasure and allowed all his other senses to focus on winning. The problem was that occasionally, she almost managed to escape! Her body was already quite slick, and his pooling saliva didn’t help the matter. She occasionally pushed against his intruding tongue in such a way that she pushed herself out of his mouth. He would always need to take his attention away from the game to quickly slurp her back in before she made it out all the way, and this led to many an unfair death.

While waiting to respawn after another death by distraction, Alex got a better idea. He used both hands to grab each of her legs, amused by her reaction to a sudden lack of control, and stuffed them both in, leaving just her feet exposed which he pushed the rest of the way with a single finger. Now he was able to keep her contained on the inside of his cheek, occasionally swishing her to the opposite cheek. This strategy proved fruitful, as now he was able to enjoy tasting his treat without being distracted by a wet elf pushing herself between his lips. With his newfound focus, Alex quickly climbed the leaderboard, reaching a score not just near the top of his team, but among all the players in the match. Just as he landed the game winning kill, he quickly tilted his head back and swallowed the elf girl down. Her slick body slid down effortlessly despite her desperate hands struggling to find a handhold to slow her rapid decent.


Even in the tightest confines of his digestive tract the tiny, delicious elf managed to slip down quickly and comfortably.

“Alright, GG everyone that was great.” As the lobby closed and Alex’s game returned to the menu, he raised his arms up and exclaimed, “YES!” It was just then that a familiar blue glow appeared above him, and two more tiny girls dropped right onto his desk. Briefly confused by the accidental portal creation, Alex regained his senses and examined what was basically his victory snack.

The girl on the left had pitch black hair which flowed down her back and ended just above her ankles as she stood up. Her feet were bare, a tiara rested on her head and her thin, attractive body was lightly wrapped in a pink nightgown which clung to her form, leaving her modest bust, hips and thighs clearly defined through the silky material. Next to her was a tiny maid, plain and simple. She had blonde hair and a pair of glasses which she worriedly placed upon her freckled face. She was wearing a black and white maid outfit with black shoes, white stockings and a top that appeared to be desperately trying to contain a massive pair of badonkers which managed to briefly hypnotize Alex as they bounced about with every movement of her body. His attention was drawn by the other girl, who was shouting up at him.

“I am addressing you! Respond at once!” she shouted, although Alex had no idea what she had been saying earlier. He pushed his chair back a bit and leaned in closer, lowering his head to be relatively level with the loud girl, who stared at him with confident fury even as the maid nervously backed up a few steps.

“Well, you look important,” Alex stated, his casual tone seeming to infuriate the nightgown-wearing girl even more.

“I am Nicolette Granjen, daughter of the noble lord Adolphe Granjen, and I demand to know what is happening at once!” Lord... that word brought a conundrum into Alex’s mind. Whatever world his portals reached into, clearly men existed there and yet, he only ever seemed to catch cute girls, not that he was complaining. This girl was clearly used to being in charge, above everyone around her in status. He grinned mischievously.

“Well, I just won an exciting battle, and it seems you’ve been sent to me as a reward!” He reached a finger out and poked her in the belly. Gasping, she tried to slap his finger away but only managed to push herself backwards, nearly losing her balance.

“Y-You fiend! Do not lay your hands on me! I am not some prize to be won for a man’s violent accomplishments!” Nicolette crossed her arms over her chest defensively, clearly expecting Alex to desire her body, but in a different way than he was intending. His grin deepened.

“Apologies my lady, I shall abide by your demands,” he said in a mock-formal voice. Nicolette lowered her arms, confused, before tensing up again as Alex’s sat up and leaned further forward until his face was hovering right above her. “No hands, right?”

“What-” Before she could say anything more, Nicolette’s body was engulfed from the top down to her knees as Alex’s open mouth descended upon her and scooped her right off the desk. As her legs twitched between his lips, Alex suckled on her squirming form. For some reason, tinies of a high standing from the other world tasted exceptionally good. The taste was indescribable, better than any food Alex had ever eaten. However, what little clothing she was wearing was getting in the way of the full, truly blissful experience. Grabbing her ankles together with one hand, he pulled the tiny treat back out, dangling her upside down. Her soaked nightgown clung to her body even tighter than before. The girl groaned in discomfort as her body dripped with saliva.

“P-please. My father is v-very wealthy!” Nicolette had completely lost her composure. Her face was scrunched up and her body hung limp. Alex used his other hand to start peeling away her gown, which she barely seemed to notice. “If you return me to my home, I’m sure he’ll give you whatever you want!” After a little work, the rest of her nightgown fell away, leaving her luscious body wearing nothing but a pair of white silk panties. “...I want to go home.”

The tiny noblewoman let out one last shriek before she was once again muffled by his hungry maw closing around her waist, and the rest of her body was quickly sucked inside with a powerful slurp. Alex’s eyes lidded as he delightfully played with the tiny treat in his mouth. He tossed her around his cheeks, scrubbed her against the roof of his mouth, and explored her harder to reach areas with the tip of his tongue.

With the squirming treat still in his mouth, Alex eyed the other girl. Her gaze matched his own and her nervous expression turned to terror. She turned to flee but tripped over herself and fell flat on her chest. Alex used his thumb and middle finger to grip her thighs, causing her to produce several small squeaks as he dragged her back towards him. He managed to slip his index finger under her skirt and found that her butt was just as plump as her breasts, squishing and bouncing from his light prodding. The servant girl didn’t say anything as his fingers made their way around her waist and lifted her up towards his face. She was in shock, with her eyes wide, and her breaths shallow and rapid.

Suddenly, Nicolette managed to reach her arm out of his mouth and reached around, trying to pull out the rest of her body but only freeing her head. Framed by Alex’s lips, she reached her hand out to her servant. “H-help me!” she cried, but the tiny maid only returned a look of horror, to shocked by what was happening to properly respond. With barely any effort, Alex slurped her back inside, where she slid right to the back of his mouth as his throat opened up to receive her. Leaning back, he placed the busty servant girl upon his neck and held her there with a single finger against her back. With both tiny girls in position, he arched his tongue.


The tiny maid struggled weakly as the bulge containing her former mistress rolled down Alex’s neck. The lump pressed against her body as it passed, squishing against her soft breasts, and producing a small gasp from her as it passed between her legs. As the delicious little noble concluded her descent into his body, Alex lifted the maid off his throat and stared her down. She seemed to have partially broken free of her shock, as her breaths were now deep and heavy.

“I-I-I...” she stammered. Alex responded by licking the last of Nicolette’s wonderful taste off his lips, the sight of which gave her a jolt.

“G-g-great warrior I beg of you, please spare my life! I probably don’t t-taste as g-good as a noble lady such as Nicolette and will simply ruin your p-p-pallet! I’ll do whatever you want, I don’t want to die! Please don’t eat me!”

“Ok.” Alex responded plainly. He gently relaxed his grip and allowed the girl to sit in his palm.

“W-what?” She was bewildered.

“You’re right,” he explained. “Little Nicolette had a taste that’s hard to match among you miniature people. As for whatever I want... I have some ideas. What’s your name?” It took the maid a moment to gather her wits.

“A-Audrey. My name is Audrey...” the last part was said in a whisper, as if Alex’s intimidating presence was stealing her breath away.

“Well, miss Audrey, my first request is help with a little problem.” Alex’s tone changed to be somewhat polite as he opened his mouth and stuck a finger in his cheek. “I’ve got something stuck between my teeth that I can’t get out on my own. Could you crawl inside my mouth and pull it out please?”

“You want me to... c-crawl inside your mouth?” Audrey’s body was shaking as she stared at Alex’s mouth.

“Yea, it’s stuck between my back teeth on the right, or your left, I guess. It’s probably a shoe or something from one of my previous meals.” Alex winked. “If it’s any consolation, I promise not to swallow you.” This did nothing to quell the girl’s fear as Alex held her up to his mouth, rolling out his tongue like a wet red carpet.

“I-I... ok.” On unsteady legs, Audrey stepped forward and placed her tiny hands upon Alex’s tongue. He was immediately stimulated by the taste and texture, and the feeling of bliss was only elevated as she crawled in further on her hands and knees, every movement tickling his pallet. She was right about her taste not being as good as that tiny noblewoman, but it was still mouth watering. As she reached the back of his jaw, Alex could feel the shift in movement as Audrey reached over to the side and began tugging on something. A moment later, a pressure was released that Alex had barely even realized was there.

“I got it!” Audrey shouted in relief, just as Alex closed his lips. She was so far back, already on the precipice of his throat. He could swallow that luscious body right now like all the other snacks before her. Instead, he tilted his head forward and opened his mouth once more, allowing gravity and a little push from his tongue to push his little helper back into his palm. Audrey’s body and dress were a little wet from his saliva but weren’t nearly as soaked as the object in her hands. It was the silver tiara that haughty woman was wearing. Audrey was sitting with her knees pressed against her chest, staring at the tiara in her hands. “Lady Granjen...”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about her anymore,” Alex said, taking the saliva-coated tiara from Audrey’s hands and wiping it off on his shirt before delicately placing it on her head. “You are no longer her servant.” He traced his finger along her check and down through her sizable cleavage, her breasts squishing aside to accommodate his touch. “You are now my favourite toy! And I’ve got plenty of games I’d like to play with you!”

Inside Alex’s stomach was a veritable tangle of female bodies. The five otherworldly occupants struggled to climb over each other in the hot, damp darkness, desperate to climb as high as possible especially as their fleshy prison began to slowly fill with caustic fluid. Despite the cramped confines the stomach was not quite full, and perhaps the tiny people-turned-food would eventually encounter more denizens of their world snatched from their former lives and made into a snack for a hungry gamer.

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Re: Fun With Portals!

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 26, 2023 3:12 pm

Well that was interesting. I enjoyed that. If it helps I didn't think you were trying to copy my story. Hope you share more.


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Re: Fun With Portals!

Post by randomguywhosthere » Fri May 26, 2023 7:37 pm

Thanks, I love receiving feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed!
I noticed the amount of vore content on this site was a bit sparse so I was a little worried about how it may be recieved.

Also yea, the only thing I was worried about "ripping off" your story was the name lol.

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Re: Fun With Portals!

Post by HHunter1 » Fri May 26, 2023 9:01 pm

That's what I had thought you were talking about, the name. Sorry I wasn't more clear on that. 😓


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Re: Fun With Portals!

Post by randomguywhosthere » Fri May 26, 2023 9:11 pm

Ah ok lol.

Since you've been here longer than me, do you know of any other stories posted her with vore in them?
I found 2 from you (plus one that had some near the beginning), but I'm curious to see if anyone else had written some.

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Re: Fun With Portals!

Post by HHunter1 » Sun May 28, 2023 2:31 pm

Sorry I don't. But I don't usually read other's stories for fear of stealing their concepts. And I have issues reading online.


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