
A place where you can introduce yourself to the rest of the community
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Post by earthquakeglue » Sat May 25, 2024 4:51 pm

Hey, gents, ladies. My name is Julian. I've lurked for a good while, and I've never really been that social on/offline, but I figured with the long free weekend, I should probably get off my butt and get into talking more.

I've had an interest in SW since I was around 10/11 and when I discovered the Minimizer's website, all floodgates were open. I'm 30, and it's kind of just casual for me, but I still enjoy engaging with it frequently. I identify as gray/ace. So...I'm more interested in the emotional/narrative/wholesome aspects, but I'm open and weird enough, I can get behind some of the sexual stuff and to a lesser degree, violent content (empath, but I've found certain scenarios fascinating).

Some other intro blah blah blah: I'm a software engineer, but I've been told I'm a good artist - I might get into drawing more SW content :wink:.
Big into music, somewhat big into gaming, and casually into numerous other interests. I'm shy at meeting and talking to new people, but I enjoy hearing from and learning about others, and discovering more about myself, so feel free to shoot a message. Discord is _ctrc if that's your thing.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day. Cheers :v)

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Re: Hello

Post by DocRick » Sat May 25, 2024 5:11 pm

Welcome. There's such a variety of stuff here, you're bound to find something that suits your interests.

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