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Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:13 pm
by gladewalker
Jitensha, are you secretly posting on another GT artist profile on DA?
Could just be me but DAMN does this not look like a very familiar art style!
Ok maybe it's just me.
I do think though that if this (very) gay artist swapped out the "normal sized" ladies for the giant companions you'd basically have what you were looking for.
paul bunyan 2.jpg
paul bunyan 2.jpg (314.06 KiB) Viewed 12598 times
paul bunyan singing.jpg
paul bunyan singing.jpg (356.25 KiB) Viewed 12598 times
Can you not just see "Sergio Bunyan" singing loud and badly?

Is it just me?

(Pictures by Leomon32)

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:19 pm
by gladewalker
Ok I found one picture with a woman in it.
giant in love.jpg
giant in love.jpg (268.48 KiB) Viewed 12597 times

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:33 am
by jitensha
Hahaha, no I wish I could make that much art, but I know the artist, he goes by Leomon, super great stuff if you're into Giants :) But yeah, unfortunately for us, his work is almost all M/m artwork.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:08 am
by Kara Dollgirl
I have really enjoyed reading the recent back and forth between Gladewalker and Jitensha regarding the role of women as producers and consumers of SW work, be it artwork or stories, especially as it relates to work of a more sexual nature. Very interesting discussion.I agree with much of what Jitensha said, although I'm not sure that I know what the solution might be.

One thing I wanted to weigh in on is the idea of being a normal-sized woman being picked up or played with by a giant (be it an ape or a man or even a woman). While this scenario might be exciting in one sense, and I am fine with anyone who prefers this way of getting the size differential, for me it's just not the same as being reduced in size.

If you are normal-sized, whenever the giant is done with you, you then can just go back to your usual life. However,when the entire world is 12X larger then you, you can never go back unless you can get back to your normal size. What if you can't..? There is an extra measure of humiliation and helplessness (and arousal!) being doll-sized that just isn't the same when you are 5'6" and the giant is 60-70 feet tall. (Again, just my opinion)

I also wanted to say that I feel Jitensha is a very fortunate woman, having a man in your life who understands your wants and needs (even the ones that are a bit...different) and pampers them.


Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 7:33 am
by gladewalker
Very good point, Kara!
There is a key difference between GT and SW.
The differential is the same but yes one or the other is the "weird" one (for lack of a better term)The giant is "weird" for being in the "normal" world... or the SW is "weird" for being out of place in the "normal" sized world.
There's an appeal to both that goes a bit beyond just the proportions involved =-)

Do any of the ladies here have a preference?
Or are both good at different times?

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:32 pm
by jitensha
Thanks Kara :mrgreen: My husband doesn't understand me 100% of the time, it's a lot of awkward conversations, trying new things (sometimes a hit and sometimes a miss!), preserverience, but most importantly just being vulnerable and raw with him. I tell him everything I like about my kink, even the ones I struggle and stutter to even say aloud, the ones I thought I'd take to the grave because they were very embarrassing to me, and I couldn't bare his rejection. And I will get into deep detail of what I like about Giants, their gestures, sounds, smells :shock: I got to know my partner for many years as a friend first, and eventually felt confident enough to open up about this part of me....and I'm glad I followed my instinct on it, because that's where I feel fortunate. I know not everyone's partner is so open-minded, and it's definitely harder for the older folks.

I decided to be as open and honest before our relationship began getting really serious, and many years before we even got married because I realized when I started dabbling in sex as a teen that "normal" sex was not going to make me feel satisfied. I've been in a relationship with my husband for 16 years now, and I felt lost, confused and ostracized when I came out back then. I know many here have had it harder before my time, and I couldn't imagine what it was like having those conversations with your partners when you had little to no community to cling to for support. Back in 2005 when I decided to come out to him, I at least had online communities I could point to, whether I was embraced or not by the community at the time doesn't matter, because I finally felt confident and validated enough that I wasn't crazy. I felt like my sexual feelings were legitimate, and I didn't have to think of them as a burden. I don't think this community is anywhere near fixing our communication gap, heck I still struggle even if I force myself to speak. I still meet women, younger than me even who struggle to communicate with their partners too! But I think the more we talk about the importance of being vulnerable and communicating, we can find partners who are better suited for us all :D

@Gladewalker I enjoy both being the SW as well as enjoy GT scenarios. I'd say if I had an IRL choice, I'd choose SW because I prefer the intimacy, and feeling 'owned'. I think even as a kid I thought SW would make more why would the guy grow and reveal his sinister plot when he could shrink his potential toys, enemies, etc, and stay undetected? Personally I'm not a fan of Giga Giants that could destroy planets, just typical 50-500 feet Giants from stories/media. So in my mind, I think, the Giant's rampage will eventually come to an end because there's like 1 Giant guy to billions of people with really destructive weapons. It just never seemed like the logical answer. :?

HOWEVER, while I much prefer being shrunk for practicalities sake, if I had to compare being shrunk or being around a Giant, being around a Giant is definitely sexier. I could see a scenario where a man grows and be scared about the scenario he's in, and that's kinda nice to be the one that makes him feel loved despite his lack of confidence in his new body. But that's not the sexy scenario I have in mind though. The sexy scenario would be a man who's confident in his growth, or maybe was always Giant, but he embraces his power and uses it for his own personal gain. Seeing familiar things I know being destroyed ( i.e. my car, my house, maybe a person I know ) feels way more personal, more a loss of power than being put in a jar and stripped of my clothes. Also seeing a man grow pushes a few more buttons for me than having me shrunk. While I'm being shrunk is a loss of power, if I'm already the object of this man's eyes, him growing is also a loss a power for me, with the added bonus of him cockily showing off. Plus, knowing that I might be causing his rampage and hurt (or do worse) to others, would be way more pull for me to submit. I also think the reason growth is so hot is because he's thrown logic aside, no fucks are given. Like he's super fucking alpha right now, dick out, doing as he pleases, causing millions of dollars in destruction with every massive step, an endless bounty of tinies instantly at his mercy. He lays his evil plan out for everyone to see (and experience!), but he doesn't care about the consequences. Talk about a reckless bad boy šŸ˜

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 4:20 pm
by actionfigure00
I love size change in, to borrow a term from hollywood, a 4 quadrant way. I like being tiny, or being normal with a giant women. I love shrinking women, but also love the idea of growing. (I'm bisizual!) I don't have a preference whether I shrink a tiny woman, or grow so every woman is tiny. But, I can really respect those with a preference. I guess, instead of having a preference, I love different things about each scenario. If she were tiny, It could be a little intimate secret. And whipped cream and honey, and baths could be involved. If I grew, well, I guess the one preference I have there is I want to growwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Like miles tall. And if that's too much. I can have a tiny woman a few inches tall to me...but who is thousands of feet tall to the other little people.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 5:12 pm
by gladewalker
Holding loved ones hostage... that's actually a very old trope from when the dragon/ogre/god/giant/king kong would need to be placated through "sacrifices." Always did think that it was such a waste just simply eating a cute little thing. However, what if the giant had never thought of it as anything else? I mean from his perspective playing with your food is much different than considering it anything like a "relationship." Might take a lot of convincing! (Beauty and the Beast is a variation of those theme, if only Beast were much taller....)

The "stacking doll" effect, or "relativity" as I think of it. You're only big or small compared to someone else!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:16 am
by Kisupure
Hey guys, it's been a looong time since I've posted here. Been kind of reading a bit and thought I'd contribute my own coupla paragraphs of vulnerability.

Where I'm coming from and where I am now is kind of strange. Trans dude who's egg only cracked (to use the jargon) a couple of years ago thanks to a roleplay. Most of my life, I always chafed against being female because dysphoria, but always have been, always will be, into size difference. I'm still trying to piece together what happened because my head is still spinning, but I hesitate to say that I never liked being the SW/tiny. Because a lot of times, I did? And as someone who was always very rough and masculine outwardly, the idea of having that forcibly stripped away from me was really appealing. For my whole life I felt like I had something delicate to keep hidden away from the world, and the image of a giant coming along to rip all my pretense away and still find my sexually appealing was nothing short of exhilarating.

Another part of the appeal for a deeply closeted trans guy stuck in a woman's body was the idea that, at a certain size disparity, boobs and vaginas just might not matter very much. Just the fact that I exist, that I'm a warm little body with some quick wit, might be all that's needed for a fun sexual encounter. This was in direct opposition to my experience in the real world, where it was both more complicated and more superficial than that. Not only did the tits and pussy matter, but I was expected to act a certain way. I couldn't just exist as AFAB, I had to act AFAB. I had to play hard to get, and wink-wink-nudge-nudge you can look but don't touch big boy, I had to raise the pitch of my voice and bite my lip and not sit with my legs too far apart or have too much body hair or baggy pants or be too independent or any of that shit. The giants I always fantasized about never gave a fuck about any of that. In my imagination, these things, these unspoken rules, were too small and insignificant to matter. Window dressing.

So in a big way, SW helped me mask my dysphoria for many years. It was a coping mechanism, and so was the relationship I had with BDSM. But it got to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore. A valve tripped, switch flipped, and one night I just sort of lay in bed and thought to myself holy fuck I want to be the giant, don't I? I want to be the doer instead of the done-to. Cue a tidal wave of 20 years of repressed dysphoria and phantom limb. I'd finally permitted myself to actually feel what I needed to be feeling the whole time.

And that was fun, but turns out, 2 years after that, it's not the whole picture either. I miss being the tiny sometimes. I miss being some kind of feminine. Not a woman, but vulnerable and receptive and passive and bent over to take it. That's not really relevant here at all, and I'm probably boring a lot of you to tears already, but a part of me still remembers what it was like to feel like a woman because the world told me that's what I was and try to make the best of it. And it was a lot of fun sometimes. I think what it comes down to, really, is just the fantasy of the burdens of mundane life being stripped away from you, and for women those burdens are pretty specific and pretty ubiquitous. They are also pretty heavy to bear. I have a whole set of burdens now that are separate, but I'm still haunted by the way I'm treated when people think I'm a woman, and I know what it feels like to imagine escaping to a different kind of adventure.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:18 pm
by Olo
Kisupure wrote: ā†‘
Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:16 am
I'm probably boring a lot of you to tears already
Not at all, Kisu. This is fascinating and oh so helpful.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:46 pm
by Tina Tempest
I agree with the domination aspect. I was deeply affected by "King Kong" at an impressionable age. Ever since the idea of being a gian't plaything has had appeal to me. To life entirely at someone else's whim. If he is your lover? Paradise! If he is your enemy or only concerned about himself? Hell! Still I think it would be fabulous to be tiny at least for a few days. I can just imagine what the ridges of giant fingertips feel against my skin. And an outsized tongue roving all over my body before focusing on my clit? OH MY!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:27 pm
by actionfigure00
Tina Tempest wrote: ā†‘
Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:46 pm
I agree with the domination aspect. I was deeply affected by "King Kong" at an impressionable age. Ever since the idea of being a gian't plaything has had appeal to me. To life entirely at someone else's whim. If he is your lover? Paradise! If he is your enemy or only concerned about himself? Hell! Still I think it would be fabulous to be tiny at least for a few days. I can just imagine what the ridges of giant fingertips feel against my skin. And an outsized tongue roving all over my body before focusing on my clit? OH MY!
That all sounds pretty lovely.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 10:55 pm
by TheReducer
Kara, love the thoughts. :)

Tina, great ldeas and I'll have to remember that when I shrink you. ;)

I rather shrink the lady down because it is easier to take a doll size woman in public that to be a giant trying to do that. All those tiny police shooting, others trying to take my prize away..... no fun.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:54 pm
by InfinitesimaLee
There are definitely many layers on the appeal of being a tiny woman, many of which have been touched upon here. I still wanted to try my best and to lay out my personal connection to it though.

First and foremost: The core of who I am is just inherently predisposed to like things that are bigger than I am. I can't explain it and it's been there since my earliest memories. Simple size difference makes my brain go into overtime with creating endorphins and I genuinely feel happy when things tower over me. It feels right.

With the aspect of me being tiny: For me, a huge appeal is the physical insignificance paired with the potential emotional significance. While reading @Kisupure's experience, I related a lot to the aspect of identity while being tiny- it has fed a lot into my personal feelings of asexuality. The fact that gender and sex matter less at such a tiny scale brings me a huge sense of comfort and belonging. The thought that my sexual distance or sexual disconnect could still potential satisfy someone; that my orgasm was something tiny and mildly amusing or easily obtained with no effort, allowed me to have the bliss of indulging in the idea of those physical sensations while erasing my relationship to actual sex and sexual attraction.

There is also comfort in the idea that my vulnerability, my weakness, could be found appealing to someone. The thought of someone getting pleasure just from me being tiny, just from the inherit fact that they're so much more powerful than me, puts my brain in a really good place. It has definitely informed a lot of my Sub tendencies and feelings and has helped me get more in touch with not only the fact that I am a sub, but helped me realize what exactly fulfills that feeling when I think about being dominated. The inevitability of everything that comes with being tiny, the constant overlapping act of surrender that comes by just existing around someone huge; falling subject to their subtle movement and voice. That thought process and way I fantasize mixes the comfort I feel from getting my choices taken away from me along with my relationship with the idea of masculinity.

Masculinity on paper and in fantasy can be wholly different from reality, but as someone who isn't necessarily sexually attracted to anyone, the idea of masculinity magnified in sized and effortless is the one thing that actual sexually excites me. I'm still a very touch-starved adult and do crave physical attention; so thinking about a man that can give that to me effortlessly without greatly relying on my performative "sexiness"...a giant man who inherently didn't need input or buy in- someone who chooses too be interested or attracted to me because I'm so small- also plays into fulfilling the weird inner workings of my Self.

To get less esoteric and more concrete: As a sub, I love the idea of having to fight back against a force of nature and not having it budge. The idea of a force of nature caring about you so much that it would destroy you just so, in a way that could potential leave you hurt but never completely gone. Being overpowered and overwhelmed in a way that you desperately need it is a huge form of care- in my subby mind, and being teeny tiny plays into that scenario in a huge way. The physical aspect of all the sensations that come with being tiny- feeling giant footsteps, having someone's voice completely render you defenseless, being pinched between giant fingers- all of that play into my fantasy about being tiny with a partner.

I like having that huge effect on my life without me being burdensome in return. I like thinking about the fact that anything I will ever deal with in my real life would pale in comparison to someone huge; a person literally bigger than me and all of my problems. The aspect of being effortlessly taken away by a giant also pairs with that feeling as well.

But alas, I think I've rambled enough at this point. Being tiny is something very near and dear to me and a background program that is always running in my head.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:44 pm
by gladewalker
That's a fascinating response, Lee.
I get that abstractly not every "fetish" is about sexual gratification/consummation. (leather, feet, etc)
However, this brings it home that so MUCH of a fetish is mental. It's not the real physical. If you can IMAGINE being tiny and find someone to play along so that you both enjoy it, the actual act and "reality" is sorta secondary. What is that they say about pleasure being 10% sensory and 90% mental?
That's a great place to be and I hope you've found someone who can indulge those fantasies.
I know I've met a select few who have been able to be fun even over long distance because there was a mental connection that stimulated a lot of those pleasure centers.
Thanks for sharing!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:48 pm
by gladewalker
Kisu, thank you for sharing. I haven't had the "Eureka" experiences you've had personally. It's all been pretty evolutionary I guess. (Don't really wanna say "normal" because that sounds dismissive and bland for a place as unique as this)

Tina, love your stories. You're not alone with the King Kong adoration. I wonder what came first, the enjoyment of sizeplay or King Kong? Did the director have any idea what he was getting into?

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:02 pm
by jitensha
@Glade, precisely why I find vore so very sexy! I think you Giants think about it too critically. It's fantasy after all, so if you accidently (or purposely!) ended a tiny, what's stopping you from shrinking a new pet? Is a tiny woman a waste if she becomes more of a burden than a pleasure? Pets still have needs, and if you have too many, a sacrifice is a great way to get rid of evidence and an efficient way to instill fear among your remaining stock.

Generally speaking, any sort of situation that ended up in the demise of a fellow SW would cement the severity of the situation for me. Now I know the Giant person means business!! I feel a close to death situation would also help solidify this, like being smothered or eaten and regurgitated. And while I'd still have some doubts about if he'd actually go through with it, verbal life-threatening intimidation is hot as hell, even if it doesn't actually happen. I mean, I don't know what y'all are capable of, and that alone can be super exciting!

@InfinitesimaLee Yooooooo you hit on so many feels I got about being small, so very well put! One of the points you made that really struck a chord was that you said you feel like a touch-starved adult and crave physical attention. One thing that crossed over from fantasy to reality is that touch sensation, which I've always found it really peculiar how much I really enjoyed. It's one of the easiest things for my husband to let me indulge in, mainly because he's always been very fond of providing said touch. And's all the same to me. He could be petting my head on his lap, or have me sit between his legs as he gropes me or grabs my ass. He even often asks me to sit with him so he can pet me, which is awesome because I lowkey have a lot of guilt asking for pets lol.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:56 pm
by Olo
InfinitesimaLee wrote: ā†‘
Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:54 pm
There are definitely many layers on the appeal of being a tiny woman, many of which have been touched upon here. I still wanted to try my best and to lay out my personal connection to it though.
Just an awesomely intimate perspective, Lee. Thank you! :D

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:43 am
by InfinitesimaLee
@gladewalker: thank you for reading! Yes so far this fetish has been 100% a mental journey for me; finding out what turns me on and taking those thoughts and feelings and sharing them online. It has been a pretty isolated thing, but one day I hope to find a partner in life that I can work with to understand me and how I tick.

@Jitensha: Ah yes! I understand that touch-starved life well! I believe when I get a partner Iā€™m going to have to negotiate pets as well. The thought of having no string attached physical contact, or just someone idly /sitting/ on you seems ideal to me. I always love reading about your relationship <3

@Olo: Iā€™m so glad you found it insightful! Thank you for reading!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:26 am
by jitensha
@InfinitesimaLee You're too kind, thank you so much!! ā¤ļø *blush*
This is honestly one of the few areas I really feel lucky about because I hadn't needed to negotiate at all. He genuinely likes petting me, hugging me, cuddling with me, etc, and will even seek me out to touch when he's stressed. I've just always found it so bizzare how much I enjoyed touch. I've been around people who really, really despise touch, and I think people generally prefer having personal space. I enjoy being touched by him so much, I will go limp in his I dunno, I always thought it was a little weird maybe? šŸ˜‚ I'm glad to hear I'm not alone!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:10 pm
by actionfigure00
I can go from a gentle, giant genie that grants orgasms to tiny women as wishes...all the way to a cruel, or at least uncaring giant only in it for his own good time. When I am the latter, I often like "sacrificial tiny women" who get eaten or crushed well in advance of the main woman I'm roll playing with. Like picking up a bus of cheerleaders, barely bigger than my cock, and ripping the back off, and thrusting my cock into it. Or picking tiny women out of a boel like candy and eating them by the handful.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:54 pm
by foreverlurk
InfinitesimaLee wrote: ā†‘
Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:54 pm
There is also comfort in the idea that my vulnerability, my weakness, could be found appealing to someone. The thought of someone getting pleasure just from me being tiny, just from the inherit fact that they're so much more powerful than me, puts my brain in a really good place
I've lived with this fetish all my life but always thought of it from my male/giant point of view. Yes, there are clearly aspects of domination implied, but it can be so much more. It's SO interesting to read how that relation is perceived from the SW-side, even better when it's written in such an eloquent way.

Thanks for sharing.

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 3:23 pm
by Arc
Hi all, first time poster (for like ever on this site), but just wanted to say thank you all for you wonderful and honest responses. I'm relatively new to talking to anyone about this thing we all share, but it's been great for the short time I've been here to see such a lovely community!

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:32 pm
by Hand-Holder
Fascinating and very important to be aware subject, great idea and great contribs... More variety than I thought regarding the Shrinkees...

Re: Being tiny, femine perspective

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:59 pm
by Kisupure
gladewalker wrote: ā†‘
Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:48 pm
Kisu, thank you for sharing. I haven't had the "Eureka" experiences you've had personally. It's all been pretty evolutionary I guess. (Don't really wanna say "normal" because that sounds dismissive and bland for a place as unique as this)
Been a long time in this thread, but thank you. I get it though, a lot of other aspects of my life are a slow, steady movement from A to B, where B is a place that I never fully arrive at. Just along for the ride!

It wasn't a eureka per se, but realizing things about your gender winds up having a domino effect for realizing things about every other aspect of your life, since the pieces necessarily shaken up and put back together in a different way. It has a way of cutting through bullshit, even the bullshit you liked and held quite dear.