Russian Dolls (SW/SM/SC)

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Shrink Apprentice
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Russian Dolls (SW/SM/SC)

Post by Comrade » Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:22 pm

Here's a little story I started writing about three years ago, before pandemics became part of everyday life.

It may still have a few grammar errors etc. sorry if you find any. I hate sub-editing work.

I tried to play with attitudes to relationships, and sex and gender a little, as a very tiny undercurrent. Hopefully it's not too unfair, but it is mostly based on personal experience.

It has SW and SM/SC in it!

Russian Dolls

Travelling to Russia had become extremely difficult over the last few years. Not that it was ever easy. What with the costs of flights, the lack of English and the sheer amount of bureaucracy the country put in a traveller's, it was a wonder anyone made it in at all.

And that was before the virus...

You heard rumours, saw things on TV or printed in the newspaper. You know, that sort of thing. The amount of people who'd actually seen a victim firsthand was slim. Thankfully, with the giant nation's three year quarantine over, Tom was about to get his chance.

He'd met Lena abroad, whilst he was working in East Asia. She was a slim girl, with very long blonde hair, thin features and a cool, almost distant, manner. They'd hit it off quickly and, as one thing led to another, engaged in an indulgent but still slightly standoffish fling. Neither one of them had allowed things to become too serious.

Although, they'd stayed in touch, even though their relationship hadn't lasted more than a couple of months. It was easy to enjoy the online flirting, the occasional video chat or birthday message. It was nice to know that out there somewhere, somebody wanted you.

The invite had come almost the second that the travel ban was lifted. Lena had, with uncharacteristic enthusiasm, almost begged him to visit. In the fortunate position that money and holidays were of no importance, as Tom had just left his company after six years service with a generous severance package, he was on the first cheap flight out to Moscow.

As a man who'd travelled a lot for his age Tom couldn't help feeling that Russia, or the airport at least was functioning perfectly normally. Of course there were the extra baggage checks and a lot of tightening up of quarantine laws but he travelled light and all this didn't affect him one bit. He slipped into the city as if nothing had changed. The street lights, the cars, the Metro all seemed just as they were when he had backpacked here fresh out of college.

The sign that something was different came when he was leaving the Metro station by Lena's suburban house. Looking down at the scrap of paper he'd hastily scrawled her address upon in his hand, he almost missed the amused crowd of people who were gathered by the steps gushing and making long 'Ah!' sounds.

A little cautiously, he slipped through the gaggle of commuters and peered down at what they fawning over. The sight of it confirmed everything he had suspected, feared and hoped. Down by the floor, in a tiny little music box was a minuscule living ballerina. She was about the height of the toy ballerinas you'd normally see in a box like that. About 10cm tall, maybe smaller. Three inches at the smallest. About the size of a perfume bottle. He couldn't help his mouth lolling open as he watched the tiny girl dance. She was exquisite. Lithe and beautiful she danced as if enchanted and for some minutes he was taken in by her spell. When her performance had finished she curtsied theatrically and people started dropping giant coins and notes at her feet. Tom dropped as much as 500 roubles by the giant box, causing her to blow him the tiniest of kisses. It was surreal.

He hurried up the steps of the station grinning, and once out on the street, he pulled out his phone and loaded up the map. Lena's house wasn't too hard to find, once you'd worked out that every tower block in this particular area of central Moscow looked exactly like the next, and houses were hard to come by. Once found, nestled between two square Soviet monsters, it wasn't too difficult for Tom to match the Cyrillic writing on the buildings to that on his map. Soon he was walking up the little path to the old peeling door. The house felt rural, like a relic, but a charming individualistic one, in a sea of collective housing.

He stood outside the door, composed himself and tapped lightly on the woodwork. Another girl answered. Dark haired and curvy she towered over him. At 5'10 and broad he wasn't exactly tiny but she was easily pushing 6ft, if not beyond. Her shiny black hair was tied back into a ponytail and her skin a little tanned. She didn't look typically Russian. Statuesque and powerful almost. Not the willowy types Tom had come to associate with the country after his experience with Lena and her friends in Asia.

As this girl introduced herself as 'Kasia' and ushered him in, Tom saw a tinier girl, small, short-haired and delicately dressed, peeping out from behind the kitchen door. She had a sense of fragility about her, as if loud noises or a heavy touch on her pale skin may cause her to break. She smiled sweetly and flashed her deep blue eyes at him.

“Anna” Kasia said, pointing to the pale girl, who smiled again. It was clear that neither of Lena's housemates had much English.

“Sit, sit” Kasia said forcefully, steering Tom onto the sofa before sauntering off to make him a cup of unasked for, and very sweet, tea.

Tom drank his tea slowly, very aware of how intently the two girl's were watching him.

“Where is Lena?”

He hoped they would understand this, especially at the mention of her name.

Kasia just turned to Anna and gestured the little girl over. “Come.”

Anna flitted on tiny feet up to Tom and then stopped right in front of where he was sitting. Carefully she started to undo the little buttons of her blouse. One then two, exposing her cleavage.

“Listen, hold on, what's all this about?”

Tom was quite confused now and felt as if he was in the lair of a couple of particularly stoic Russian sirens.

“Wait. One second.” Kasia smiled but also rolled her eyes a little at Tom's impatience.

A third button and then a fourth opened in front of his eyes, revealing a soft and smooth looking little cleavage. He was about to turn away saving his modesty when a tiny, tousled blonde head popped up from in between Anna’s little breasts. His eye's grew wide. Then the little apparition blew the hair out of her eyes and waved.

“Hallo Thomas. I am here. But I am very small.”

He could see that for himself. Lena had a very direct way of talking and it always served to make him feel off guard. Anna gestured for him to come closer. Soon his face was just a couple of inches from her chest.

“You're shrunk, why didn't you tell me?”

“It was a surprise” She said very matter of fact.

He couldn't help but smile at her.

“I mean, how long for, how did it happen, are you okay?”

Lena flicked her hair and ran her hands through it before letting it fall loosely over her left shoulder and down across her own full but miniaturised little breasts.

“I am fine. My friends help me every day. I have no troubles. I got small about six months ago. One of the last people in all of Russia. That is what the doctor said.”

“But why are in here?”

He pointed at her with a finger longer than the tiny Russia. He was clearly gesturing at Anna's bosom.

Lena looked around coolly as if only just realising her particularly saucy predicament.

“We have been shopping. Anna doesn't have many pockets and her bag is very dangerous. I am the perfect size in here. It is very soft.”

She stretched out her arms and squeezed a very tiny portion of each of Anna's boobs at once. The bigger girl smiled and shook her breasts a little.

“You can take me out if you want.”

Eyes growing ever wider, Tom nodded and held his hand up to Anna's chest for Lena to climb onto. Her little fingers tickled and she felt almost weightless in his palm.

“You're gorgeous!”

She nodded back and twirled in his hand. Her tiny doll dress fluttered up, flashing a tiny patch of her naked bottom at him.

“And you are very strong.”

As Tom blushed at her fairy-sized flirting. Kasia walked over and sat next to him on the sofa. It creaked under her weight, causing him to slide a little towards the centre of the two large cushions. Lena had to hold on tight to his fingers to avoid falling off. When the mini earthquake had subsided she turned to her giant housemate and scolded her in Russian.

“I told her she needs to shrink too. She is huge.”

Anna had clearly enjoyed the concept and was giggling from the armchair to Tom's left.

Kasia replied to the tiny girl in her native language and then folded her arms over her own huge chest and sulked a little. Lena looked up at Tom and then slid her legs either side of his middle finger, straddling it, facing him. Her tiny legs dangled an inch or so either side. He had a distinct desire to pinch them. She was amazing.

“Despite what Kasia thinks, I think it is time we had a catch up chat. Take me to my bedroom. We can be away from these giants.”

Tom was not about to disobey an order like that! He stood and smiled at the two girls, almost winking, before carrying her out of the room. Once he had left, Anna flitted over to Kasia and began whispering something very naughty into her ear. Both girls smiled and sank into the sofa, turning on the TV.

It wasn't hard to find Lena's room. The house was very small and she gave very good directions from inside his palm. As per her orders he placed her gently down on what clearly used to be her dresser. It still contained all her make-up, perfumes and beauty products, all of which towered above her. Her giant earrings hung from a set of hooks like giant sparkly shop signs, amongst the streets of her oversized feminine products. In another corner sat a sort of wardrobe, maybe built for a doll. It seemed to house lots of tiny little outfits. From the clothes on show, it seemed as if many were designed for a woman her size. There were no shoes to speak of, only a few pairs of incredibly tiny fluffy slippers, clearly made just for her dainty feet. Tom watched her saunter about the dresser top, interacting playfully with her old giant possessions. Carefully rustling her earrings like wind chimes, sniffing at the atomisers of her perfume bottles, or caressing the smooth surface of her mascara brush.

If she was trying to enchant him it'd worked. Tom couldn't take his eyes off of her. He longed to reach out a finger and caress her hips, maybe the length of her skinny legs, up and around her cherry-sized bottom.

“You're so beautiful. I mean it, really.”

Lena lounged back on a sofa she'd made from stuffing an old bra cup with her softest pairs of socks. Her body made only the slightest indentation into it. She stretched like a cat, jutting out her bosom and making Tom's cock twitch.

“Are you sure? You are big now. I am small. Why not take one of my friends? They are more your size.”

It had always been hard to get compliments past Lena. She seemed to crave them but never trust their intentions. Tom was surprised he'd pulled off a couple back in the lounge.

“No. Lena, love, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with right now.”

Lena didn't respond to this with words but Tom thought he saw her give the faintest smile.

“It won't be like before. I am small now. You know that.”

“Look. Of course I know that! Look at you!” She stretched again, jutting out her breasts and flashing her hair. “Just look at you...”

“So, big Mr Englishman. You are a giant. Do what you want to me. I cannot stop you.”

She rolled around on the huge bra cup and kicked her legs impishly. Tom didn't wait for her to change her mind. Gently he extended a finger and started to stroke up and down her flank, rubbing her from hips to neck. She shuddered at this and squirmed a little. He extended another finger, with one catching her other flank. Now she was being stroked up and down alternately, each finger running up and down their set route only pausing to feel her muscles shudder or flex.

Very gently he pinched her skirt and tried to lift it, in order to expose her tiny shrunken pussy. She wiggled and used both of her little arms, palms flat and spread to prevent him. This squished her bosom together into a delightfully deep cleavage.

She whispered. “No. You cannot have that.”

Tom could see the dark sexual expression on her tiny face and played along.

“Who says I can't? You? You're just a toy from a toy box.”

Lena groaned and wiggled free of his grip. He watched her stand and turn away from him, looking back into his eyes over her shoulder. Slowly she removed her tiny silk dress. Hitching it first back up and over her small smooth bottom and then up her long torso and over her tight breasts and slender neck. Tom felt his own penis strain his jeans at the sight. She walked up to the edge of the dresser and posed for him.

“You like it. Giant?”

Tom lent in close and blew a jet of hot air right into her pussy. She squeaked loudly, almost unable to regain her composure and keep up her act. Tom's fingers were now stroking her breasts and marvelling at the feel of her tiny hard nipples. They were like hard grains of sand on silken soft little lentil-sized bosoms. She groaned and thrust her chest at him, now with a set of teeny fingers in her little pussy.

Gently he wrapped his hand around his masturbating little doll and carried her over to the bed. He slid her onto a silk pillow and undressed as she played with herself.

Outside Lena's bedroom hushed voices were conversing in Russian.

“But we should tell him. It is mean.” Came Anna's little voice, quite obviously she had had a change of heart on something.

“No, no, no. Just relax. Everything will be good. This was not my idea, so don't talk like I'm the one doing all this.”

“But, but, but...”

“He will have watched TV and read the newspapers. He is not stupid, although he does look it. He should know the risks.”

Anna had fallen silent now, knowing she was never going to win. Kasia grabbed her hand and ushered her back into the living, where, fortunately, the TV was still blaring loud enough to drown out their little conversation.

Back in the bedroom Lena was studying her prey. Tom had laid on his back and dropped Lena onto his stomach. She had stood and walked sexily down to his exposed member, all the while teasing him with the swaying of her pale little bottom. Now facing his penis, the tiny girl clearly wasn't exactly sure what to do.

Currently, it was so hard that it rose up off his belly, high enough for her to walk under without ducking. The giant rigid thing, maybe about 14ft high, or a good solid 8 inches, cast a shadow over her that was so massive that it made her pussy achingly wet but also minute, and therefore comically inadequate.

Comically, she tried to jump up and grab it, straddling it from underneath. Unfortunately it was far too thick and she had no hope of getting her arms fully around. After her fifth attempt she gave up. It was clear that she’d come up with a new, more novel, way of approaching it. This alternative was just as sexy.

Sliding between his legs little Lena spied Tom’s tight balls at the base of his engorged member. Gently she started to run her fingers over them. She adored balls during sex, there was something about them that she loved to fondle and play with. At this size they were huge. Like a massive soft double-barrelled beanbag. Daintily she walked across them, enjoying the spring it gave her step, and the scent of his monolithic penis. Then, she reached up and grabbed his cock, straddled the base. Her hard little arse cheeks sinking into the giving surface of his balls.

“You are a very big man. Can you feel me? Can you feel what I do?”

A giant hand appeared from nowhere and started to pump the massive cock she was straddling. She almost yelped at the scale of it. But, she was far too composed for that and refrained.

“Your tiny tits felt incredible, mouse! Let me feel them again.” He said, with a slight grunt in his voice and a rumble that vibrated his whole groin.

Lena was hugging his penis for dear life now, trying to stay on the bronco as it was bucked by digits longer than her whole body! When it abated he looked down at her tiny tits, still a lovely firm fingerfull at their current scale, and smiled. Gently she held her hands underneath them and pushed them together. Each nipple was about the size of a single 'hundreds and thousands' cake decoration, and they were just as hard. She traced them up and down the veins of his shaft, causing him to convulse violently at the incredible subtlety of her touch.

She played with him like this for what must have been minutes on end. Teasing him to the brink and then relaxing, letting him regain control. Only to drive him back up to near climax again. As incredibly erotic as this was she wanted, nay needed, to be there when he finished. She couldn't allow him to go now. But to do that would involve a climb. A big climb.

Standing on his hardened balls she started to scramble back up onto his pelvis. Seeing that she was struggling, Tom reached down with his giant right hand and scooped her up and dropped her by his belly button.

“I need to finish Lena, please. I'll play with you right after, I promise.”

Lena smiled darkly.

“I will remember your promise.”

He held his penis down for her to climb. A tiny foot made contact with his it and he shuddered. Then another stepped up. Now Lena was standing at the bottom of his dick. Lightly she started to walk it, hungrily eyeing the great mushroom shaped top that strained itself at the end.

Tom really wanted to touch her but sat on his hands to prevent it. He had to let her finish with him. That would be incredible. He knew she wanted that too.

When she reached the top of his cock she slid her body down slightly, svelte and cat-like, until she straddled the head of his dick. Her breasts were pushed up underneath the ridge of his bellend, her arms wrapped around every inch she could reach. Slowly she started to rub, not just with her hands, but with her whole body. The exquisite feeling of her tiny tits bashing against the underside of his bell was rivalled only by the sensation of her tiny tongue and nibbling little teeth as they roamed around the head of his cock.

He bit his lip to try and control himself and knew that it would be best to bear it just a little longer. It was getting very hard to do so though.

“Oh god, Lena, I really need to finish. Please.”

She relaxed a little, taking her time. Minutes dripped past. She was in control. In control of such a huge instrument and she loved it so much it almost made her dizzy. He was hers. Whatever he wanted now, she was in control of it.

“No. We go together.” She whined.

Spreading her legs as wide as they would go, she opened her pussy and rubbed it against his phallus. Her mini fingers also entered her tiny box, diddling at her pin-prick-sized clit. The tiny Russian began to holler and shout, inching her pussy up the shaft, fucking it with all her might. In seconds she was actually on his slit itself, pushing her own mini one over it. His pre-cum and her sopping wet pussy slid off each other and he extended his own fingers to play with the base of his cock.

“Are you ready, little thing?” he whispered.

The tiny girl squeaked her approval. Her hard little arse bounced off his throbbing bellend, now the size of fat sofa cushion and still swelling. Lena flicked her pussy harder, taking the time to drop her hand into the slit of his shaft and rub his own juices up and over her breasts. The clenching of her slippery little thighs was getting harder and harder, it was clear she was about to finish.

It can’t have been more than a minute before the attention paid to both the lower of the upper ends of the giant shaft, by the miniature Russian Doll and by his fingers, had its effect. A rumbling began from the base of his body. Giant toes pointed. Fingers curled. Then, suddenly an exquisite tingling started to emerge from the top of his shaft and sprinkle its way down his slit. It was as if little Lena had just ejaculated Pixie Dust. He shuddered and felt contractions all over his body, stronger than the usual stiffening caused by the male orgasm.

Lena was forced from the head of his penis with a little spurt as Tom’s cum pushed her near-weightless body slightly into the air and then down onto his stomach. She writhed there silently, enjoying the shudders and shakes of her own orgasm as giant bombs of cum rained down around her. Some hitting her square in the face or smack on her buttocks as she rolled. He continued to buck for a few more moments before the torrent subsided and he looked down at his little toy.

She seemed to be heading in and out of focus. It was hard to keep his eyes open after that. She stood proudly by his belly button and then walked up the harder skin of his chest and stood there. Confident.

“Lena, you were perfect. I could stay forever with this sort of hospitality.”

She smirked, before walking up and kissing him on the bottom of his chin, a task for which she needed tiptoes.

“That is correct, my little nutcracker. You were an excellent giant. I hope you enjoyed being such a thing.”

He was struggling to focus on her now. He often felt sleepy post-orgasm, but now the tingling wouldn’t subside in his cock and his eyes could barely stay open.

Daintily she walked around to his shoulder and mounted it, able now to whisper directly into his ear.

“I am sorry. But I missed you dearly. I wanted you. You were always my favourite. Now you are mine. We can live together. We can love each other. We can have our little children. You’ll see…” As she whispered it seemed to get quieter and quieter, calmer, softer and more dreamlike. Eventually he simply drifted off with the sound of her little voice reverberating in her ears.


Tom awoke groggily, unable to gauge how long he’d been asleep. His eyes felt heavy and so did his groin, as if it had been drained and then swiftly kicked. Still, he had all the horniness of an awakened drunk. He rubbed his face and then sat up, just a little.

“Good evening. You have been sleeping for a whole hour.” It was Lena’s voice, but louder, stronger. With more power and confidence. He felt her long thin finger run along his torso.

“Lena, are, you, why are you so noisy?” He looked at her though, and answered his own question. She was big. Tom-sized. Lena-normal. It was crazy somehow she’d grown big in the time it had taken him to wake from sex, wow! “Lena, you’ve got big. That’s amazing. Perfect.”

“Oh Thomas.” She said stroking his hair and kissing him on the cheek. “Of course I have not. You are not big Thomas Cat anymore, you are little Jerry Mouse.”

He looked up, and back, and out...and out… The room was now huge! Viewed from above you would have struggled to notice that the two little people were in fact there on the bed at all. So little contrast did they create with their white mousie bodies on the big crisp sheets.

Lena stood and circled him like a cat around its prey. She had blown up in size, from tiny blonde toy to a full-sized playdate! Incredible. She was wearing the shortest of silky pyjama shorts and her tits could be clearly seen under the silk of her nightie. Each nipple was now begging for some appropriately-sized attention.

He tried to put these thoughts straight out of his mind.

“How am I...what…?”

Lena smiled. “You are the size of the average Russian finger. And, I made you this way. Sex makes us small, it’s such a wrong thing to do, don’t you think? To shrink a person. But I did it.”

“You could have asked...I suppose.” He said, still confused.

“No” She replied sternly. “Everyone thinks you should be small. I asked.”

He furrowed his brow in confusion but snapped out of it the second he felt something heavy and powerful wash over the back of his neck. He spun to see two giant faces, Anna and Kasia, looking at him quizzically. Their breath had been like a gust of wind. All he could see were their faces and the tops of their busts as they floated there, as if the visages of gods.

The girls said something in Russian and Lena lent down to help stand Tiny Tom up. As he did this, his aching cock sprang to attention. This was a side effect of the shrinking, he told himself. Kasia and Anna, both now utterly giant, produced huge magnifying glasses from out of Tom’s sight and then proceeded to check him over while talking in Russia. Lena, almost annoyingly, was translating the elements she felt like.

“They both think you can lose a little weight.” He looked down annoyed. “But, they also agree that this size has improved you. They say it is more suitable, and that you will be more desired by Doll people like me.” She walked forward and held into his arm possessively, standing by his side. “In this they are correct.” He felt her stand on tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “They think your penis is very acceptable too.”

The two giants turned to each other and discussed in Russian for a minute. Then a giant finger pointed down to Tom, and mimed for him to walk forward to the edge of the bed. As if he were a little stupid, or maybe a very obedient pet. Lena raised her eyebrow and gave Kasia a stern look, but she ignored it. Both tiny people walked forward to the spot the giant had gestured to and then Anna undid her blouse again. Four buttons later and they were looking at a pale erotic balcony of cleavage far taller then either of them! She placed her finger out in front of them horizontal to the bed, as a step, and both used it to climb into her bosom. They jostled for a second as Anna’s once-small hands adjusted her giant tits. Lena clung to Tom as if to never let him go, while he clung to the frilly front of Anna’s giant bra. His tiny hands barely covered the lace. She patted them both on the head with a giant finger and then stood up to follow, on orders, Kasia out the door.

“Where are they taking us?” Tom asked weakly, feeling drained by the whirlwind of the last ten minutes. “They are taking us to your new home. For me and for you.” He looked puzzled for a second. “But, can’t we just stay here?” He’d grown attached to her bedroom, despite not being in it more than a few hours. It felt secure somehow. “No, don’t be silly. It is far too big. I only lived in it while I waited for my little house to be ready. And when I was ready, I didn’t want to move in until I had a little man to put in it.” She kissed him again and gave him a squeeze.

A few minutes, and a very bouncy trip down the stairs later, they entered the small urban garden. Lena lent up and whispered in Tom’s ear. “I bet a man as big as you loves ladies like Anna putting you in their bosoms. All the little men on the internet love it. I watch them.” She lent down and rubbed his penis gently. It was still ragingly erect, despite himself. “Little men need little women. Or their little things get lost.” She squeezed his penis again, lovingly. He gulped.

Gently, Anna, on more of Kasia’s orders, knelt over the ground, making her bosom horizontal to it. This meant that her little passengers ended up dangling out of her bosom before dropping to the floor. Lena landed happily in her fluffy slippers. However, Tom, despite it being a warm summer's night, shivered as he stood next to a giant pebble. He was still naked. Lena shouted up and Kasia fished around in her pocket before producing a tiny little robe for him. “We’ll get you a full wardrobe of clothes soon baby. Just wait for the postman, okay?” He nodded meekly and the two tiny people began to walk along the giant past towards what appeared to be a whole shrunken town!

Tom was gawking at the huge grass, flowers and weeds that grew either side of the path, true, but the sight of the little village blew him away. The first thing he noticed was how traditional it was. The houses looked like the little Siberian cottages you would see in picture books. Most had an upstairs, but it appeared to be more of a loft. Little lights were on regardless and, as they approached, out scurried a happy little gaggle of women, all Lena’s size!

“Wer-come to Igrushkagrad” One enthusiastic little redhead said, shaking his hand. Her English was evidently quite weak. The other just smiled. Lena stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “It means ‘Toy-Town’ but don’t worry. Kasia’s niece only comes to play once a week, on Tuesdays.”

“There’s so many of you. All girls…” He said in a small voice. “Yes, we are having to order our men in from messages, then shrink to size. Most men don’t fit for us.” She looked very stoic, practical even. “Many tiny men like to play with giants like Anna and Kasia. They don’t want to settle down in a toy-town. But you will, with me.” It was said as a statement of fact, and, even as bewildered as he was, it was hard to argue with.

The little women gathered round him and started to prod and poke, until Lena put her tiny foot down and they backed off. “They haven't had men our size since they turned into Dolls. I will confirm with them again tomorrow that you are mine.” As humbling as it was, Tom was finding the idea of being socially dominated by a three inch lady quite appealing. Currently, he didn’t even speak the language. He really was reliant on this little woman (And her giant friends). He grasped her by the waist and gave her a kiss in full-view of all the other Dolls. They all squirmed a little. As a result of this public display of affection, he only got four or five glancing looks on his way into Lena’s cottage, rather than the full ten he might have had!

Gently Lena opened the door and stepped across the threshold. “This is our new home.” She said, giving his hand a loving squeeze. The cottage was really quite beautiful, and seemed to have been expertly-made. There were circular lights on either wall that allowed thin streams of light into the main kitchen and sleeping area. The stove in the centre, normally a Siberian wood stove, was simply an alcove for a giant tealight. Above it rested the bed, which guaranteed a high level of warmth, even in the coldest of winters. Lena scampered over and lit a match the size of her forearm and then lit the giant tealight, before pushing it under the stone mantel of the bed. In the dying light of the evening Tom could see that the bed itself was made primarily of furs atop the huge stone mantel. “Mouse, and ferret” Lena said proudly, noticing him looking.

Above the mantle were some words in Cyrillic. ‘Мистер и миссис Томас Mышь & Елена Mышь’. “What does it say, he said, pointing.” Lena gushed a little. “It is very cute. They have given us a name to have together. Mr and Mrs Thomas Mouse and Elena Mouse.” She beamed. This appeared to be some sort of honour. She grabbed his collar, stood on tiptoes and looked him in the eyes. “Tom Mouse” She said. Then she nuzzled his nose and said it again. “Tom Mouse. A perfect name now you're my perfect size.” He couldn’t help but crack a very small smile at her cool enthusiasm.

The rest of the room, now dimly lit enough to see, was a treasure trove of giant objects. On the wall hung a huge pocket mirror. It had a giant lipstick and a bottle cap full of moisturiser next to it, alongside some other lotions and potions Tom couldn’t identify. The stools for sitting by the fire were in fact huge champagne corks. They even still smelled a little of it too, Tom discovered, bending down and getting close. The wash basin was a beer bottle top, of some unknown Russian brand. While the art on the wall was in fact cards from cigarette packets depicting landscapes and nature scenes and a very pretty picture of Lena, before she shrank. On closer inspection this headshot was just a passport photo, now blown up to mega-size. There was even a ladder made of pencils and lollipop sticks leading up to a small triangular loft.

“There is a kitchen too, and a larder and bathroom towards the back.” Lena said proudly. “Now that we are this small…” She held her fingers millimetres apart to simulate their current pocket-size predicament. “...we can eat for free and live a very big exciting life.” She smiled. and scurried off into the kitchen before returning with a cherry in her arms the size of a beachball. She popped it down and then came back rolling a lime the size of a small boulder. “See. Everything is giant. Not just Kasia and Anna.”

He lifted her up under the arms and popped her on the giant lime. Her legs hung either side and her pussy sparkled at him. “Lena, you could have just asked!” “Asked to shrink you? Would you have said yes?” He looked around at everything, at her, and genuinely said. “...maybe”. Lena gave him a strong look. “See, so I shrunk you without asking. Now there is no choice.” He looked at her, unable to be angry, unable to resist. He quickly rolled her over on the giant lime, exposing her bottom. She rolled forward and grasped the giant cherry, as purchase for any forward momentum, before he circled his engorged penis around her pussy and massaged her reduced bottom.

“No, wait, I need to confirm. Will this, erm…” She looked back over her shoulder at him as he gestured another reduction by holding his fingers a few millimetres apart and then reducing the gap slowly to the size of a speck. She flashed him her beautiful green eyes. “No. But, if it does we’ll teach you to ski down Kasia’s back. So it will not all be bad.” He raised an eyebrow at the idea of being micro-small being so funny to her. However, at that moment, looking down at her micro pussy spread and glistening over the monstrous lime, his size was well and truly forgotten.


Not all good stories of love and size end with an act of miniaturised passions or indeed shrunken horror. Sometimes they unfold slowly, over years. Something which even the best of authors often don’t have the energies or volition to properly represent on the page.

For Tom and Lena, their story is one of those particular occasions. So, it still deserves somewhat of an explanation to you, the reader about what came next for ‘Mr and Mrs Mouse’. ‘Happily-ever-afters’ take on a special significance when the couple in question will eventually be married atop of their own wedding cake.

Going forward, life in Kasia and Anna’s Toy-town was quite blissful for the little couple. Food, as promised, was in constant supply and delivered at incredible sizes. Once more men were added to the village both giants, especially Kasia, would take great pleasure in setting down giant pastries, breads or even full dinners just to see the tiny men pick them apart to take home to their tiny wives.

Tom did finally get his skiing lessons, come the next winter, but these were atop a frozen mound of earth at the back of the garden. The giants made it especially for the little Dolls to get practice.

Come summer the little pond was a perfect lake for the dolls to use for swimming and sunbathing, even sailing, once appropriate toys were bought for them.

When their wedding did come, a whole year later, almost to the day of Tom’s shrinking, it did indeed take place atop a massive wedding cake. The happy couple stood on top and found that the lower layers were perfect for staging gorgeous little tiny bridesmaids. It was the cheapest wedding most had ever been too, especially when the reception took place on a coffee table!

Lena and Tom still made visits to the big house and enjoyed exploring it from their new mouse-sized perspective. Sometimes they’d allow themselves to be used as entertainment or little servants for other giants, if they came round to spend time with Kasia or Anna. Lena was quite an accomplished entertainer and, despite the shrinking moving her up a few octaves, she was excellent at singing when atop the dining room table or from inside a giant’s palm. Tom preferred when they’d make a tiny stage from matchboxes and Lego in the garden and he could watch her perform while being dwarfed by the local wildflowers.

Visits out of the security of the village, with it’s nets, and traps for giant animals and bugs, usually involved riding atop one of their giants. Anna was best for smaller groups. However, Kasia, being a very gifted woman even before everyone was reduced, could fit half the village in her cleavage! They saved this for if they had to head out on official business.

As the years rolled on the little villagers picked up on ‘little’ developments afoot, everywhere from Asia to Africa to the little English village Tom had been born in. They had a giant smartphone in the village hall, after all. Like all diseases, the Russian Mouse-Flu didn’t confine itself to international borders. Soon, people all over the world were winding up shorter than their own skirting boards. Including, much to Lena’s annoyance, three of Tom’s ex-girlfriends. He pointed out, however, that it was the giant ones he’d said she’d be better worrying about!

But, with balmy summer weather in the air. With Lena’s hair tied into a long blonde plait that fell into the crack of her arse. With her naked, atop a giant lily pad. With him diving in and out of the water in the lake-sized pond. And, with a giant picnic of one blueberry, a peanut, a bathtub of fruit cider and a sandwich that doubled as a Queen-sized bed, on hand, it was hard to worry about anyone else at all.


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Re: Russian Dolls (SW/SM/SC)

Post by AB23 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:44 pm

This was really good!

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Re: Russian Dolls (SW/SM/SC)

Post by ensmallen » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:50 pm


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Re: Russian Dolls (SW/SM/SC)

Post by Comrade » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:40 am

Thanks for the feedback little buddy, even if I did have to translate it ;)

I enjoy writing, but well, would really like a few more responses sometimes.

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