Toyworld Christmas

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Shrink Adept
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Toyworld Christmas

Post by anaio10 » Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:54 pm

This is a story based on the Toyworld universe, which can be found on my profile website or at this other address. ... 70&index=1

There may be translation errors, as English is not my language.

Please note if you visit the story, Toyworld is still in its prologue and is based on a more adult world.
It only matters what power it inspires in you to have it over the little people.

And of course, the story is dedicated to one of our lovely mini-girls, she will recognize it when she reads the first lines.

Chapter 1:

Today is a normal late December day in the city of Preston, in England. It's Friday, it's almost Christmas, it's almost dusk, most people are back from work, many are getting dressed up and getting ready to go out, there will be bustle in the nightclubs and on the streets. Preston is a university town full of young people eager to party on the Friday before Christmas Eve.

Suddenly, in an area west of the city, near the river, the sky seems to flicker over the streets, none of its inhabitants, busy in their chores have noticed, a kind of dome has formed over them, but they do not see it, the dome reflects exactly what was at the time of forming what was inside it to those who are outside, it also cancels the sound and inhibits communications. "Mirror field" is the name by which they refer to it, the people who use it.

Seconds pass and suddenly, coming out of nowhere, in an area between two rows of trees on a railroad track where there is nothing built, five very professional looking people appear walking. They are wearing black full body overalls full of pockets, and behind them follows a wheelbarrow full of metal briefcases and other kinds of material.

This would be a seemingly normal afternoon for the neighbors along Navigation way in Preston were it not for the fact that for the people who have just appeared out of nowhere, the neighbors are an average of 9 inches tall and call their world Toyworld, and that the area under the dome, which has already been observed by portals such as the one that has brought the giants only almost microscopic, has been chosen because it meets specific population type characteristics.

Karen observes the houses and buildings forming curves in front of the barrier of trees. They have appeared on a railroad track, behind them are more trees and a river behind the buildings there is what appears to be a lake and it is already dusk, many windows are already lit and inside them are the precious toys not knowing what awaits them, she thinks, as a surge of excitement runs through her body. She is almost certain that the rest of the team is the same, including the newcomer, Jenny, transferred from the Beta team.

In front of her are what appear to be a few streets of a miniature village, with buildings and houses attached to each other, within the streets several attached buildings form two letters J. There are several cars parked in front of them and no traffic, the most suitable time for a collection raid according to the people in charge of doing the observation work.

While she is gloating with anticipation, Carl, the specialist, has already gone ahead to place the terror mines around the perimeter, which emit an electromagnetic field that causes insurmountable terror to any little person who approaches them and makes them turn around, it is designed for people who approach the mirror field, both inside and outside.

"So this is England" comments Daisy, a young black girl, "I hope their toys are up to par with ours" she says as she lets out a giggle and slowly pulls her thumb between the fingers of her clenched fist. Karen who already knows what the superhorny girl is referring to also giggles, all the members of the group smile as they unload the equipment from the wheelbarrow, mainly metal briefcases, and Carl as he has been placing the toys on the wheelbarrow.

Carl, meanwhile, has been placing the terror mines around the perimeter, trying not to be seen, which, despite his size, he is succeeding in doing. Just as he is approaching the entrance to the street on the side of one of the houses, a car appears out of nowhere entering through the mirror field, right next to him, the car suddenly hits the brakes, surely the driver has been surprised by the change of vision to enter and see a giant crouched down placing something on the ground.

It is not the first time it happens and this usually causes problems such as causing panic in the area before being able to observe and capture some specimens calmly, maybe even play with them a little, and choose the ones that will stay in the recreation room for the enjoyment of the workers of the facilities while the rest will be transferred to the headquarters where they will be used for various purposes, none pleasant for the little people. The luckiest ones will be used as a bribe for the politicians who must keep the laws as the toyworlds inhabitants are not people, and are property of the company and if they are really lucky they may get an owner who does not break them soon after use, which he knows is difficult, from experience in his own facilities where seeing and manipulating these beings so similar to people but the size of dolls brings out the basest instincts of the people.

It is not the first time it happens and this usually causes problems such as causing panic in the area before being able to observe and capture some specimens calmly, maybe even play with them a little, and choose the ones that will stay in the recreation room for the enjoyment of the workers of the facilities while the rest will be transferred to the headquarters where they will be used for various purposes, none pleasant for the little people. The luckiest ones will be used as a bribe for the politicians who must keep the laws as the toyworlds inhabitants are not people, and are property of the company and if they are really lucky they may get an owner who does not break them soon after use, which he knows is difficult, from experience in his own facilities where seeing and manipulating these beings so similar to people but the size of dolls brings out the basest instincts of the people.

Jill is happy today, the day has been exhausting but it's finally over, it's Friday, she has dressed up for a night out, she has picked up the girls and as soon as they get to Sally's house they will have a drink to tone up and then the four of them will go out together and start having fun, maybe at the end of the night she will even take home one of those college boy toys, for that she has put on that outfit with the bright blouse and leather skirt with the fishnet stockings and the high heeled boots. When her Peugeot 308 turned the corner towards Sally's street, something strange happened, where before there was a clear street, suddenly a huge mass appeared right next to her. From the shock Jill hits the brakes, Maggie and Sarah protest, staring at their mobiles they have not seen anything. When Jill looks through the windshield to see what they had almost hit, her face contorts into a grimace of horror and she opens her mouth to scream.

Carl reacts quickly, after the first similar incident he established a protocol for all specimen collector groups. The first thing is to grab the car and lift it up so it doesn't run away or crash trying to escape and alarm the other neighbors prematurely, then take it to the place of entry, open it and finally extract and silence the passengers in the car.

When Carl lifts it up and looks inside he is pleasantly surprised to first see a bunch of flailing female legs attached to bodies dressed in sexy clothes and terrified faces letting out screams that are muffled by the car windows. A great first capture. Placing the two-foot car under his arm and turned 90 degrees, he heads toward the entry point where the others have already unloaded the equipment from the cart and distributed it. Everyone looks expectantly at what he is carrying under his arm. they have seen what has happened and have seen him act fast, no panic has broken out on the street, the specimens are still watching TV , getting ready to go out for the night, or whatever they are doing that causes them to not care about the outside of the street.

Carl puts the car back upright and lifts it up for the others to see inside, they all come around the toy vehicle. the first thing they all see is legs flailing as the car is turned around and all the women have fallen through the downward facing window. then they see how the dolls are getting up and still emitting muffled moans and groans through the windows of the car.

The little women look around, watching as their car is in the air and surrounded by five giant faces gazing with delight at the interior, the screams of terror begin again.

Patrick the first thing he notices after Carl puts the stroller in front of their faces for them to observe the contents at their leisure is that all three of them are very well groomed and he doesn't think they've come to party on this street, so they've probably come for someone, another friend, probably. He is also pretty sure, despite the reflection of the car windows, that they are all older than he is and makes a note to look for another little mature woman dressed to party, maybe this time he will change his habits of teaching young girls how the real world works for them now and do the four friends a favor together when he takes them to one of the toy buildings in the rec room.

Finally, when everyone has a good look at the pretty contents, Carl puts the car on the ground again and turns it 90 degrees with the driver's side up, inside he sees again a swirl of legs flailing as her wrists are bunched up against the ground between moans. Carl sees a hand trying to cover the crotch of her short skirt, which makes him chuckle under his breath.

Taking one of the tools from the jumpsuit's numerous pockets, he slips the end of it through the hole in the door and, after prying it open, the door jumps out. Immediately the high-pitched squeaks become much louder, but no one seems to pay attention to them.
Now the more pleasant task begins: he puts his fingers through the gap in the door groping, touching flesh that moves and tries to move away from his fingers, he plays around for a few moments with the pleasure he gets from the fear of those little creatures until he grabs something soft between his thumb and forefinger and pulls it upwards slowly rejoicing in the sensation. Little by little a leg with a leather heeled boot comes out, his fingers grab it just where the calf begins, he turns it a little so as not to jam the other leg that keeps kicking like crazy while the doll cries for help and screams madly, which are answered by more screams from inside the car, among the incoherent screams and shrieks of terror he deduces that the little woman who is hanging from his fingers is called Jill.

He continues to pull the crazed little woman while hips appear covered by a beautiful leather skirt so high that it no longer hides the fantasy lingerie inside fishnet stockings, at the end appears a beautiful torso with a bright blouse between pink and violet and a head with light brown hair, which is now tousled. As a final detail her arms hang down and, to one of her hands, there is another one clutched, apparently trying to hold her down with rather ridiculous results. Carl continues to slowly lift her up to see if he can get the friend trying to hold her off, he lifts them both up until the second friend's full arm is visible, at which point another hand grabs the second doll's arm and begins to pull on it. It's Jenny, the new transfer from the beta team who with a sadistic smile slowly lifts her prey by the arm, and a woman in her 40's with long brunette hair, a leather jacket, a blue tank top and liquid leggings with high heels comes into view. "What a cute doll," says Jenny, who is well known in the facility for her preference for relaxing with female toys, as she grabs her tightly between her two hands and begins to play with her kicking, barbie-doll-sized body.

He continues to pull the crazed little woman while hips appear covered by a beautiful leather skirt so high that it no longer hides the fantasy lingerie inside fishnet stockings, at the end appears a beautiful torso with a bright blouse between pink and violet and a head with light brown hair, which is now tousled. As a final detail her arms hang down and, to one of her hands, there is another one clutched, apparently trying to hold her down with rather ridiculous results. Carl continues to slowly lift her up to see if he can get the friend trying to hold her off, he lifts them both up until the second friend's full arm is visible, at which point another hand grabs the second doll's arm and begins to pull on it. It is Jenny, the new transfer from the beta team who with a sadistic smile slowly lifts her prey by the arm, and out comes a kicking and screaming woman, about 40 years old, brunette with long hair, a leather jacket, a blue tank top and liquid leggings with high heels. "What a cute doll," says Jenny, who is well known in the facility for her preference for relaxing with female toys, as she grabs her tightly between her two hands and begins to play with her kicking, barbie-doll-sized body.

Carl reaches out to Patrick, to grab the crazed little woman in the leather skirt, Patrick grabs her by the waist, but without turning her around, he holds her in his fist upside down in front of his eyes, her little arms sometimes hanging outstretched and sometimes not knowing whether to hold on to Patrick's hand to keep from falling into the void or to hit him to get him to let go, while above her hand her legs flail wildly as Patrick's thumb rests on her crotch watching her extreme panic reaction and below her breasts try to escape from her blouse while her face of desperation and the precious little cries she continuously lets out enchants him, Patrick is reminded of one of those teachers he had as a child at school and liked, in fact, many of the older women he has collected in past missions brought that memory back to him.

Carl, meanwhile, has yanked open the back door and reaches in to grab the latest prey, who tries to fend off his fingers with kicks of her shoes, which amuses him even more. Reaching his fingers all the way in he grabs what appears to be a thigh and without further ceremony pulls out another kicking middle-aged woman in a sequined dress with long sleeves and a very generous cleavage, he doesn't know the length of the dress because now it doesn't even cover her red lace thong tight against her vaginal lips but it sure doesn't go past her knees. He places the toy face up between his palms. His fingers spread the cleavage to the side to observe the grape-like breasts of the crazed little woman, he caresses them between his fingertips, pulling them out from inside the matching bra and thong, then grabs her thigh and caresses it between his fingers, she thinks that they have been quite lucky that these specimens came in just before activating the terror mines, they are in very good shape and very pretty, while the object of her games kicks and beats with her little fists the fingers that squeeze and massage her flesh without any effect.

After taking a good look at her he decides that they have wasted enough time and that they will have fun with them later, if they feel like it.

He asks Daisy for one of the briefcases, the girl opens it and uncovers three cylinders, Carl moves his hand and puts his toy inside one of them, dropping it inside. The cylinder doesn't have room for them to squat and the fall is steep, the woman starts screaming "no, no, no" continuously while looking up as Daisy, with her usual amused smile, puts the lid back on, which will connect the cylinder's oxygen supply for the specimen, Carl takes one last look at the terrified doll who tries to pull down her dress and put her breasts back into the bra although the tightness of the tube makes it difficult for her to move.

Carl comments that they have to start the collection now and put the other specimens away. Jenny, who has her cutie crying, with her breasts squeezed by the thumb of her closed hand, while underneath the liquid leggings have been left at knee level preventing her from kicking widely, forcing her to give little kicks, and the index finger of the other hand is playing with her crotch, winks at her and also drops her into a cylinder.

Finally Patrick, who holds his whimpering prey dangling backwards over the palm of his hand, her leather skirt so lifted and stretched upward it almost looks like a bodice, her blouse open revealing a pretty bra and her fishnet stockings torn at the crotch as his playful fingers explored her, He grabs her mature doll by the arms and slides her into the cylinder where she stands with her hands pressed against the walls looking terrified and letting out a howl of pure terror as Daisy closes the briefcase enveloping her, along with her two friends, in darkness.

Patrick comments his observations: those three dolls did not come here for a party, he is sure they are part of a pack of four or five and proposes that if the one the others came to pick up is under the dome of the mirror field and someone finds it, they can choose which toys they keep for the recreation room during all the week's missions, Everyone nods in good humor, although their job is the best in the world a fun competition makes them excited.

Immediately after they start to disperse as stealthily as possible towards the edges of the mirror field to start the acquisitions of specimens from there and finish in the center, then they start heading to the windows with lights, Patrick goes carefully to one of the two townhouse complexes that look like a letter J and enters inside, by the part that can be considered interior. While it is almost completely dark and begins to look through the illuminated windows looking for something interesting, in one of the windows, he perceives something moving inside. Suddenly he hears a woman's scream behind him, as he turns he hears another shorter scream from the same position, this time it seems male. As he looks he sees, in the weak light of the street lamps of the buildings overlooking the lake, Karen's red-haired head and two small figures moving furiously, one in each hand. Karen is always the quickest to start capturing specimens, he thinks as he smiles and turns back to his window, which apparently overlooks a bedroom.

When he looks to the edges of the room he finds his prize. A young girl, probably a student at Preston University is pulling clothes out of a closet and laying them on the bed, Patrick rubs his hands together silently but eagerly at his first catch. The girl is only wearing a bath towel around her body and her hair is wet, how she has her back to him he can't see her features, although she looks like she has a decent body under that towel, Patrick sets out to find out immediately.

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Little Sally
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Re: Toyworld Christmas

Post by Little Sally » Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:25 pm

anaio10 wrote:
Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:54 pm
This is a story based on the Toyworld universe, which can be found on my profile website or at this other address. ... 70&index=1

There may be translation errors, as English is not my language.

Please note if you visit the story, Toyworld is still in its prologue and is based on a more adult world.
It only matters what power it inspires in you to have it over the little people.

And of course, the story is dedicated to one of our lovely mini-girls, she will recognize it when she reads the first lines.
Haha! I wonder who that could be? :)

Anyway well done on doing some "virtual" homework on the location anaio10, it's certainly an area I'm familiar with. And what a very bizarre scenario! (but in a good way). You have an inventive mind and a great imagination going on there.

I don't find reading too easy nowadays but I did make the effort, so I hope you feel inspired to carry on. However I did note you've got the story posted on your DA page, so maybe a nice idea to post a link to it when you reply.

We must have chatted in the past, and it's flattering to think you'd regard me as an inspiration to write something. Well done! :)
sally g, reincarnated.

Shrink Adept
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Re: Toyworld Christmas

Post by anaio10 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:25 pm

Hello again Sally.
We did chat once on Deviantart, but between me logging in infrequently and you parking your great site we haven't done it again. Then I opened a new DA to post what I had of the "Toyworld" story and this Christmas I decided to write a piece of a small spinoff which is what I have posted here.

I did do a little research on Google Earth, and you know it's easier to kidnap the little people from housing developments than from the city center, so that site caught my eye. I'm glad you're familiar with that neighborhood.

Seeing the time that has passed and that I haven't yet posted a continuation indicates that I'm a bit stuck, it's easier to make up a completely invented story than one based on real little people and places :) . So any input you can give me would be welcome.

Right now I'll take your advice and post a link to the DA page here. Although I seem to remember it's in my profile.

Keep inspiring people!!!!

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