Jessie's Girl Part III

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Tina Tempest
Shrink Master
Shrink Master
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Jessie's Girl Part III

Post by Tina Tempest » Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:35 am

The morning light brought me to some realizations. Technically, I was guilty of kidnapping, assault, and a host of other crimes. But only if Ed was discovered. I rose from my bed and gazed at the slumbering bride of my best friend. I made this tiny person I thought as I contemplated her astonishing physique. Those tiny feet with the perfect toes and delicate high arches; those remarkable buttocks, the cascade of blonde hair, that model-gorgeous face, all of it came from my hands. It was hard not to feel part of the universal divine. Unlike Jehovah, my first creation had been Eve. This was paradise. I was both Adam and God. her do her things
My tiny wonder stirred. Her brilliant blue eyes flew open and her mouth formed an O as she screamed.
“Shush Edwina, you are fine. Remember?”
“I had hoped that it was all a nightmare, James. It all happened though didn’t it?”
“Am I not a giant?”
“James. I know you did this out of a misplaced sense of “love.” or at least how you define it.”
“No man has ever loved a woman more.”
“Jack the Ripper probably thought he loved women as well.
“Oh, Ed. Don’t be like that! Give me a chance. Give us a chance.”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
She looked at me harshly.
“OK, Gulliver. I have to go to the bathroom. I also need breakfast and clothing would be a bonus.”
“I’m working on your last item. Something should be delivered by this afternoon. I have to pee too, so I’ll take you to the bathroom with me. As for breakfast. You know I’m an outstanding cook.”
I carefully picked Ed up. Grasping a tiny woman means falling in love with her anew every time. I set her down in my bathroom sink to let her do her thing while I took a whizz. I turned the tap to a trickle so that Ed could wash her hands before I set her on the lip of the sink and turned the taps wider so that I could wash my own hands. The towel was for both of us before I slid on my robe and passed to the kitchen. I set Ed down where she had a good view and set to making a first-class breakfast. Once I had cooked everything, I took a small saucer and placed tiny amounts of food on it. Ed settled her pert little bum on my wooden cutting board and I set the food next to her. There were no utensils for her. Not now at any rate, so she had to use her hands. There was so much I would have to order.
Before I allowed myself to sleep last night, I spent hours on the internet. I discovered an entire world of miniature hobbyists dedicated to making tiny versions of well, everything, really. Already I’d ordered tiny rolls of toilet paper, toothbrushes, makeup, and safety razors. There was supposed to be a nice outfit delivered this afternoon. I found some things that really got my imagination flowing. Some guy was making miniature versions of Fredrick’s of Hollywood lingerie and another guy specialized in miniature superheroine costumes for doll enthusiasts! It was all quite heady. And expensive. I’d have to go back to work in a couple of days and I needed a secure, safe place for Ed by then.
I fed her breakfast. The fact that I did not have any tiny utensils as yet meant that she became a sticky mess everywhere. I took her to my bathroom and filled my tub just a bit. I knew that Ed loved baths. I set her up with some soap and tore a corner off the washcloth and stepped out of the bathroom. She was in a contemplative mood I didn’t want to intrude upon.
I shut the door behind me and stepped into my bedroom. I'd turned my phone off just before I’d nabbed Edwina. I turned it on to reveal dozens of texts and voicemails from Jessie. A few seconds later came the inevitable phone. His voice was panic-filled.
“James, have you seen Ed?”
“No, pal, what’s up/’
“She’s missing! She left her rings behind and she seems to have vanished like the wind. Her purse is still here. Her cell phone is still on the charger. The cops just left. They are trying to convince me that she ran away. That she’s in some love nest with some other guy. They even told me to check with my best friends as a woman often cheats off her own beach. Oh, James! I’m scared and devastated.”
“Oh man, I’m sorry Jes. I’ve been caught up in a project. My phone drained and I hadn’t set it on my charger properly. Is there anything I can do?”
“I’m not sure. I just really need to hear a friendly voice. The cops don’t want me to leave home in case Ed turns up. Nor do they want me to have any visitors. This is so unlike her. I mean the only time she’s ever taken her rings off was for a few hours at the mall while the jewelry store cleaned and polished them.”
“That doesn’t sound good, Jes. I’m sorry I can’t talk right now. I woke up to a broken pipe. You would not believe the scene in my bathroom right now.”
“Sorry to hear that James.”
“Yeah, I have to work on that right now. Keep me posted, pal.”
I hung up the phone and strode back into the bathroom. Edwina was floating on her back looking like a miniature water nymph. I felt myself stiffen.
“Are you finished, Ed?”
“Yes, James, I’m starting to prune”
I pulled the plug. Scooped her up and wrapped her in a towel.
“Jessie must be frantic. I can’t imagine what he’s going through. You are a rotten friend, James”
“Give me a chance, Ed.”
“As if I have a choice.”
“Edwina, I love you more than anyone else ever has,” I said as I swept her up. My lips were on her incredible form. One thing led to another and, before long, Ed was squirming in my hands from pleasure.
“Jessie!” she gasped as she climaxed.
“I gave you that, Ed. Not Jessie and you know that. Jessie never gave you anything like that. Much as I love him too, I know, even if he had a thousand years of effort, Jessie could never hope to approach what I can give you every day.”
“But I love my husband!”
“We both love him, Ed, but I’m your future. He’s your past.”
Ed gasped a second time and then burst into tears. I did the best I could to comfort her, but she cried for a long time. I was at a loss as to what to do. My doorbell rang. Sitting on my porch was the expected package.
“Ed, I have a present for you!”
She stopped sobbing long enough to put on the fresh tiny undies, white skirt, pink blouse, white silk stockings, and tiny white heels.
She stood before the mirror.
“It’s lovely, James, although the skirt is shorter than I like.”
“You have fantastic legs, Ed. Before, you went to great lengths to conceal your charms. Those days are at an end.”
Ed gazed in the mirror before turning her face towards mine. “None of this will be easy, James. You’ve amputated my old life permanently. Even if you returned me to Jessie, which I know you won’t, things won’t go back to the way they were I may never forgive you, James, but I cannot survive without you. Promise me that you will be gentle with me always, that you will keep me safe and love me as much as you claim.”
“Certainly, sweetheart.”
“One more thing. One day you are going to have to call my husband and tell him what you have done to his wife. That won’t be pretty and I won’t insist on it right now, but if you expect to keep me happy and with a semblance of being content, you ARE going to have to face the music.
“Yes, Ed. I’ll do anything for you.”
Edwina continued to gaze at me. Then, for the first time since I had shrunk her, Edwina smiled at me.


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