New SHORT short story

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Tina Tempest
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New SHORT short story

Post by Tina Tempest » Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:34 pm

Hey gang, Tina Tempest here with a short short (750 words) story. I like to think I can tell a lot without a surplus verbage. Let me know what you think. If you like this story, there are plenty more at my Amazon page.
XXoox -- Tina ... abled=true

A Lovely Summer Stroll
Tina Tempest

Gulliver was finally alone with the Lilliputian maiden. Though she was still a bit terrified of him, it was her job as an imperial hostess to make all visitors of the island feel welcome, no matter their size. She stared up at him, so impossibly tall. He stared down at her all flaxen hair, dimples, and stunning figure and asked, "May I pick you up, Tabitha?"

She nodded and even though Gulliver was gentle in picking her up, her stomach still felt like it was journeying to her toes. He set her down on his broad right shoulder. This close, Tabitha thought him quite handsome. As far as the giant was concerned, he had never seen a lovelier countenance, no matter the scale of the female.

As instructed by royal edict, Gulliver carefully made his way through the national park on the western end of the island. Even though there were no tiny houses or barns, not to mention citizens, for Gulliver to inadvertently step upon, he still had to tread carefully. There were bridges and fences he had to look out for among other things. After a short time, however, Gulliver found a path that was open all the way to the Great Bay. It was hot going, however. Since he was taller than the trees the sun beat down upon him mercilessly. In no time, Gulliver was perspiring profusely. On his shoulder, Tabitha's dress absorbed moisture from his clothing. He could tell that the heat was bothering her as well, but she gamely soldiered on.

"So, Tabitha, how long have you worked for the emperor?"

"I've been training for this job since I was a wee one. My mother was a hostess, as was her mother, and so forth as far back as my family can trace; but I sense your meaning. I moved into the palace two years ago, during my eighteenth year. I shall have to serve the emperor for ten years before I am allowed to wed."

"Don't you get lonely, Tabitha?"

"Not particularly I'm always meeting new people."

"And how many giants have you met?"

"You are the first, Gulliver."

At that moment the Great Bay came into view it was as ripple-less as a bathtub and supremely inviting.

"Care to join me for a swim, Tabitha?" he asked as he set the girl down and began removing his shirt, revealing vast, powerful muscles.

"Good sir!" said Tabitha.

"You mean you are not curious, little one? I'm quite curious about you!"


"I KNOW what your duties entail Tabitha and I intend to make use of them."

Her tiny mouth fell open in a wide "O" "But you are so big, sir..."

"Nothing is impossible if one is open-minded, Tabitha."

And then Gulliver was naked, a carved mountain come to life. The Lilliputian took him all in. Surely, he was the handsomest, most virile man she had ever spied and his prodigious manhood! Gulliver watched enthralled as the tiny woman rapidly stripped down to her petticoat and then to her bare skin. Truly she was a work of art. Fine, long seeming legs, flared waist, adorned with almost imperceptible tiny golden curls and breasts that any woman would be proud to own. He picked her up and carried her into the water before he sat down, causing a massive wave to wash over the quiet beach. After kissing her from head to toe, Gulliver's giant tongue forced its way into her tight cunny. For the tiny maiden, it was a revelation, never had she felt as full, never had her desire been so high. Gulliver bore down. Tabitha squealed with delight and satisfaction. She was completely spent and unresisting when the giant forced her against his giant cock and began to beat himself off. Tabitha wrapped herself around the column of flesh and marveled at its texture. She could feel it pulse beneath her legs like some enchanted erotic snake. And then he came, his seed hot and sticky as fresh tapioca. It slid sweetly down Tabitha's throat. Some days, she was sure she had the best job in the world.

Four more times he got her tiny body to go limp with satiation and joy. Tabitha rode his cock two more times before the wondrous rod stayed limp. "Some things," reflected Tabitha "never change, no matter the man or his scale." She chuckled to herself. She would happily report to the emperor that their tiny kingdom could accommodate more such giant visitors!

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Prof Sai
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Re: New SHORT short story

Post by Prof Sai » Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:09 am

Tina Tempest wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:34 pm
"I KNOW what your duties entail Tabitha and I intend to make use of them."

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